The Swift Flash
The Swift Flash
THE SWIFT FLASH 36 YEARS SERVING VILLAGE COMMUNITIES Griffindale Ltd. (Printers), Bank Street, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 4AG 01455 557486 Issue 1818 • 19th October 2016 AJM Plumbing & Bathrooms • New Installationss • Refurbishments • Tiling • General Plumbing ng g • Drainage • Maintenance FREE Quotations. ns Please call 01455 284634 | 07734 255837 JOSEPH MORRIS BUTCHERS LTD South Kilworth, Leics. LE17 6EG We require a DELIVERY DRIVER Please call for more details on 01858 575210 Please mention The Swift Flash when replying to adverts COMING EVENTS £10.00 per advertisement, 2 lines of text, for charitable/fundraising purposes only, and should include either details of the charity or the purpose of the fundraising event (e.g. in aid of...). ‘Race Nights’ and ‘Auctions of Promises’ may not be advertised here. All trade advertisers (pubs, non charitable organisations, etc) should book a Display Advertisment. THU 20th OCT: LUTTERWORTH Club charity MEAT BINGO: 8 lines, 2 cash flyers, big meat raffle. This year’s charity is Dementia Research. Bingo tickets on sale 7.30pm, eyes down 8.00pm SAT 22nd OCT: 11 - 6 Come & listen to VIVALDI’S GLORIA at LUTTERWORTH High School. Tea & cakes 4pm, performance at 5pm. Just come along (Donations to Rainbows Children’s Hospice) Or to sing call The Rotary Club of Lutterworth Wycliffe 07748 701923 SAT 22nd OCT: 2-4pm INDOOR CAR BOOT, CLAYBROOKE MAGNA Village Hall. Entrance 50p. Tables £6, may be booked in advance with Trudi 01455 208048 SAT 22nd OCT: APPLE DAY at The Stable Yard, COTESBACH. Orchard tours 11.15am & 2.15pm. Apple pressing and other activities. Bring apples and a bottle SAT/SUN 22/23rd OCT: The Creative Art Group ART EXHIBITION at the ASHBY PARVA Village Hall LE17 5HS. 10am-4pm. Free entry (donations). Artwork for sale, refreshments, raffle of Christmas hamper, sale of Christmas cards for local charity SUN 23rd OCT/6/13/20/27th NOV/11th DEC: TABLE TOP SALE Wycliffe Rooms, George St, LUTTERWORTH Organisers profits supporting local charities. Sundays from 2pm-4pm. Table £6 each, to book 01455 289869 WED 26th OCT/2/9th NOV: LUTTERWORTH Methodist Church invites you to our inaugural series of informal lunch time CONCERTS from 12.30-1.15. They will feature local musicians including St. Mary’s School, Bitteswell; Colin Millington, music scholar & Bill Tomkins, organist. Homemade soup & rolls served. Free entry but donations for charity of musician’s choice invited. Everyone welcome. THU 27th OCT: ALPHA COURSE: EXPLORING THE MEANING OF LIFE, starts at 7pm. For more details Email, phone Graham Thomas or contact Lutterworth Church 07801 439879 or 01455 558797 FRI 28th OCT: QUIZ in ULLESTHORPE Village Hall 7pm for 7.30 start. Cost £6 per person (including supper). Up to 6 people per team. Tickets from Alan Pankhurst 07733 002430 FRI 28th OCT: ROLLING BACK THE YEARS tribute 7.30pm in the Wycliffe Rooms, LUTTERWORTH. The Fantoms, Elvis Presley tribute act, Scott Dee as Engelbert Humperdinck. For Motor Neurone Disease & Prostaid. Tickets £15 inc hot supper from Max Electrical or Ruth 01162 478279 SAT 29th OCT: Sharnford Evergreen Hall 9.30am onwards come along and enjoy some good company and a BACON BUTTIE, SAUSAGE BAP, BREAKFAST BAP or TOASTIE. Cake stall, jams, nearly new clothes etc. SUN 30th OCT: 3pm St Peters Church, CLAYBROOKE, MEMORIAL SERVICE to remember loved ones who have died recently or long ago. The service includes prayers, hymns and lighting of candles. Light refreshemnts will be served afterwards SAT 26th NOV: OOMPAH NIGHT at NASEBY Village Hall. The best Oompah musicians in the Midlands are coming to Naseby for a night of beer and toe tapping, thigh slapping oompah entertainment. Special diets can be catered for with advance notice. Tickets, including food, cost £12.50 and are available from Naseby HQ or by e-mailing FRI 2nd DEC: GILMORTON Chandler Primary School CHRISTMAS FAIR 5.30-8.00pm. Various stalls, giant hamper raffle, children’s activities, hot food and licensed bar. We welcome new craft stalls, if interested please call Louise on 01455 699308 or 07769 940660 Wednesdays: 10.00-11.30am COFFEE MORNING at COSBY Community Church, Croft Road, Cosby. You will be made very welcome. Sundays: Cosby Community Church invites you to Prayer & Praise from 9.30am and to Evening Worship, 6.00pm at Croft Road, COSBY (next to the Co-op). You will be made very welcome. Roof Maintenance ALL-IN All works professionally undertaken. No job too big or small. FREE Before & after photos. Friendly and Reliable. Conservatorie s Cleaned from £99 Office: 01455 643352 Mob: 07545 633187 UPVC SOFFITS FASCIA & GUTTER CLEANING FULL REPLACEMENTS • RIDGES AND TILES MOSS REMOVAL • CHIMNEYS • DRY VERGES REPOINTING • LEAD WORK & MUCH MORE FULLY INSURED SHIRES I THE PEATLING PARVA NN Disco ts Party Nigh Boxing Day Christmas D ay day Festive Sun Lunches New Years Eve New Years Day Christmas Menu 2016 PJ CHIMNEY SWEEP PJ Chimney Sweep offers a clean and friendly service, tested and certified by “The Chimney Sweep Academy”. A premier association approved by AXA insurance company. Based in Lutterworth we cover the whole of The Swift Flash area. We are able to carry out all chimney sweep associated tasks: INSPECTIONS SWEEP AND CLEAN BIRD NEST REMOVAL REPAIRS FREE SERVICE CERT (For your Home ins) And much more Please see website: If you are looking for a chimney sweep or just advice then please call: Office: 01455 643352 or Mobile: 07545 633187 First for the CHEAPEST TYRES Exhausts and Brakes in LUTTERWORTH 1 st CLASS TYRES & Autocare Ltd Menus now available online or phone for a copy 01455 559007 0116 247 8271 The Old Sorting Office, Misterton Way, Lutterworth LE17 4AB Main Street, Peatling Parva, Lutterworth, Leics, LE17 5PU FREE EASY PARKING BURBAGE LOGS SUPPLIES Established 20 Years Seasoned Hardwood cut to your requirments 1 ton bag 3 ton bags Pick up load FREE £50 DELIVE RY £130 £140 Please call for your individual requirments DISCOUNTS FOR OAPS Mobile: 07552 054842 Office: 01455 273981 FOR SALE £10.00 per private advertisement of up to 6 items, 2 lines of text, but not including Vehicles, Boats, Caravans, Trailers or the products, by-products, surpluses (including Fixtures & Fittings) or waste of any Trade or Business. Any business or trade advertiser should book a Display Advertisment. Trade/Business is defined as providing goods or services for remuneration or reward. Bosch FRIDGE 600mm wide, under counter, vgc £50; Dyson Animal VACUUM CLEANER £40; Lloyd loom BEDROOM CHAIR, painted blue/ green, vgc £30; Ikea OCCASIONAL TABLE 55cm sq x 44cmh, light wood £10 Swinford 07973 315339 Pine farmhouse 5’ TABLE & 4 pine CHAIRS £120; pine 5’ SIDEBOARD with 3 doors & 3 drawers £100; Panasonic MINI CD SYSTEM £15; Tomtom XL SATNAV £15; pair Mission SPEAKERS & stands, 1 speaker in need of repair £20 01455 556977 Magna Wave child’s BIKE 12” wheels, dual suspension, 5 speed gears, bell, 2 reflectors, for 6-10 year old girl, pink colour, excellent condition, rarely used, HELEMT & TOOLKIT are available if required £40 01455 557437 PIANO: Edwardian John Broadwood, outstanding piece of furniture, lovely tone, light mahogany with inlay, very pretty and excellent condition £300 01604 740392 THREE PIECE SUITE: 2 two seaters and single chair, colour biscuit, vgc £375 ono 07774 011306 Attr. white painted wood DRESSING TABLE/tri MIRROR/STOOL £75; corner BASIN & TAPS £20; COMPUTER TABLE £15; Homedics vibrating Shiatsu MASSAGE CUSHION with heat £30; CHIMNEY COWL £15; PET CARRIER £10; large MIRROR 137x134cm £20 01455 557494 Please mention The Swift Flash when replying to adverts Country Kitchen Design Ltd A new concept in designing your dream kitchen. e We us f the state o ter pu art com re softwa We offer a full kitchen design and planning service placing you the customer at the heart of the experience. E Telephone: 01455 558017 ...Heart of the Home... v App ening oint m als ents avail o able Open Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8.30am-4.30pm • Wed - Closed • Sat 10am-1.30pm Elizabethan House, Leicester Rd, Lutterworth, LE17 4NJ. $ZDUG:LQQLQJ5HVWDXUDQW DQG7DNH$ZD\ St Peter’s Road, Arnesby, LE8 5WJ Tel: 0116 247 8251Tel/Fax: 0116 279 9033 2XUWK$QQLYHUVDU\6SHFLDO 2UGHU6WDUWHUVDQGJHWWKHFKHDSHVWRQHIUHH 2UGHU0DLQ&RXUVHVDQGJHWWKHFKHDSHVWRQHIUHH 7KHVPDOOSULQWƒ &KRRVHIURPRXUDODFDUWHPHQX ZKHQ\RXFRPHWRWKHUHVWDXUDQWDQGXVHLWDVRIWHQDV\RX OLNHƒ6RUU\QRVXEVWLWXWLRQVDUHDOORZHGƒ7KLVYRXFKHU RQO\ƒ'RHVQRWDSSO\WRWDNHDZD\PHDOVƒ2IIHUDYDLO KDVQRPRQHWDU\YDOXH2IIHUHQGVRQ1RYHPEHU DEOHHYHU\GD\RIWKHZHHNƒ%ULQJWKLVYRXFKHUZLWK\RX 7KH)HVWLYH6HDVRQDW/LWWOH,QGLD&KULVWPDV(YHFRXUVHVSHFLDOPHDO SHUFRXSOH&KULVWPDV'D\FRXUVHVjODFDUWH SS%R[LQJ'D\)HDVW%XIIHW SS 1HZ<HDUV(YHFRXUVHVDODFDUWHIROORZHGE\GDQFLQJWLOOODWHILUHZRUNV SS%RRN(DUO\ 2SHQLQJWLPHV0RQGD\WR7KXUVGD\SPWRSP)ULGD\DQG6DWXUGD\SPWRSP 6XQGD\SPWRSP%XIIHWWRSP2XUIXOOPHQXLVDOVRDYDLODEOHDOOGD\ 7DNH$ZD\6HUYLFH 6XQGD\%XIIHW )UHHGHOLYHU\RIRUGHUVRYHU SPSP ZLWKLQPLOHV GLVFRXQWLI\RXFROOHFW\RXUPHDOV (DWDVPXFKDV\RXOLNHIURPDFKRLFHRIGLVKHV $GXOWV &KLOGUHQXQGHU mega Kitchens Leicestershire LTD. DESIGN - SUPPLY - INSTALLATION SKIP HIRE BASH ★ ★ ★ Mini, Midi, Maxi & Jumbo Skips Available ‘NEW to BASH......Grab Hire now available’ Special rates for Soil, Hardcore and Greenery only skips Call Kate, Toni or Louise now on 01455 209149 Please mention The Swift Flash when calling for your quote Like our page CARPET-VINYL-WOOD Supplied & Fitted by Stewart Groom Carpets Stylish, quality kitchens, bedrooms & dining furniture to complement your home. Visit our stunning showroom and talk to the experts. Alexandra House | Bilton Way Leicester Road | Lutterworth Leicestershire | LE17 4JA Accessories supplied by 01455 203 333 ALL MADE UP MADE TO MEASURE BLINDS & SHUTTERS Fresh inspiration and expert, friendly advice. Roman, Roller & Vertical Metal & Wooden Venetian Wooden Shutters Pleated & Panel Conservatory Blinds & Roof Sails FREE home measuring and expert fitting service. Made to measure blinds in 3 days. All Made Up, Your Local Family Run Business - We Care! 01455 556922 / 07712 569719 Cotesbach, Lutterworth Choose new carpets / floors at home at a time to suit, day, eve, Sat. All types, styles, colours & prices. We measure, give expert advice and a price for a complete job. Expert fitting by our reliable team. FREE no obligation quote CALL 07860 869169 or 01788 860002 Est Lutterworth Area 1991 PC and Laptop Laptop PC and Repairs& & Support Support Repairs For Homes and Businesses Repairs and Upgrades • Virus Removal Recover deleted files • Computer Tune-up Remote Online Support • Networking Broadband, Wireless and much more... We also sell new PC’s and Laptops Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 01455 209505 WE COME TO YOU No call-out charge - Qualified Technician Debit / Credit cards accepted LUTTERWORTH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE Hall Lane, Hall Park, Lutterworth, Leics. LE17 4LN Starting Monday 31st October 2 X CLEANERS 2½ hours per day term time (3.30-6pm) 12½ per week term time only, with 50 additional holiday cleaning/training hours FRESH PILATES & STRETCHING GOOD MORNING!!! !!! W NE Mondays: 9.00-9.45am SALARY: Grade 2, point 3 (Pro Rata at 30.99% FTE = £4497.88pa) We are seeking to appoint two cleaners to join our experienced Premises Team. The successful candidate will be highly motivated and will be expected to work with minimum supervision; have good communication skills; be flexible in supporting others; and be able to work cleaning machinery (training would be given). W NE FEEL GOOD!!! DANCE CLASS FUSION MOVES Dance, Fitness & Fun for Ladies (Trainers required) Tuesdays: 10.30-11.15am Wednesdays: 7.30-8.15pm A commitment to health and safety matters and attendance at various training will be required. If you are interested in this post then please visit the College Website to view full details and download the application form 5 LESSONS For info call: 07894 555353 Email: laurathereza@hotmail The School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and to equality of opportunity. Enhanced DBS disclosure and satisfactory medical clearance will be required. Closing date: Wednesday 26th October 2016 CRAFT CORNER & WOOL SHOP FORTHCOMING WORKSHOPS at 27 Market St, Lutterworth Station Road, Broughton Astley, Leics, LE9 6PT. WATERCOLOUR WORKSHOP Tel: 01455 283263 Every Thursday 10.30am-12.30pm CARD MAKING WORKSHOP Leaflet Distribution Service from £35 per 1000* *A5 leaflet prepaid, excluding VAT THE SWIFT FLASH P • R • I • N • T • E • R • S Griffindale Ltd 01455 557486 Every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm starting 27th October Tea & Cake ENCAUSTIC CLASS Starts Monday 1st November 10.30am-12.30pm FRIDAY’S AFTER SCHOOL ART WORKSHOP For 12 years to 15 years Extra support and learning skills in Art & Design Beginning 28/10/16 4pm-5.30pm Enquiries on: 07702 705 624 Email: NOTICES £10.00 per advertisement, 2 lines of text, (including Wanted, Personal Announcements, Results, Registered Childminding etc.). Any business or trade advertiser should book a Display Advertisment. Trade/Business is defined as providing goods or services for remuneration or reward. WELLER: Congratulations to Joel and Rachel on the birth of Freya Sian on October 10th 2016, in Germany. A little sister for Ariadne and Tristan. Love from Mum, Dad and Lauren Monday 21 November 2016: PUBLIC NOTICE - The Annual General Meeting of the Lutterworth Town Estate Charity will be held at 6.30pm in the Town Council Office, Coventry Road, Lutterworth, to receive a report of the business and accounts of the Trustees. All inhabitants of the town of Lutterworth 18 years of age and upwards are entitled to attend. SPENCER&SONS " Stock Controller / Warehouse Administrator Lutterworth Ecolighting (originally Lutterworth Electrical) is seeking a full time Stock Controller/Warehouse Administrator to work in our busy Hinckley office/warehouse. Daily activities include, receipt of goods-in and despatch of our sales orders. This includes use of our computer systems, arranging transport and parcel deliveries. Ideally you should be confident with the basic use of Word and Excel and enjoy working in a small team with frequent communication with both our customers and suppliers. The successful candidate must be self-motivated and capable of working under pressure. Electrical knowledge and a MHE Truck Licence would be an advantage. For a full job description please email: Ecolighting Ltd Forum House, 3 Jacknell Close, Dodwells Bridge Ind Estate, Hinckley, LE10 3BN Applications to be received by: Friday 4th November 2016 -/,1 /" Extensions / Alterations Conservatories Kitchens & Bathrooms Fencing & Gates Property Maintenance Hassle Free Planning Applications All work fully insured Mobile: 07460 807789 Office: 01455 697614 30 Years Experience CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE Although every effort will be made to meet advertisers wishes, the publishers do not accept responsibility for innaccuracies in advertisements or in consequences arising. Furthermore, the publishers do not accept any responsibility for one or more of a series of advertisements being omitted for any cause whatsoever nor do they guarantee the insertion of any advertisement on a specified date, or in a specified section of the paper. They reserve the right to amend or omit or reclassify or suspend any advertisement previously ordered without giving a reason or prior notice to the advertiser. No responsibility is accepted for the loss or damage to copy, or error in the printing. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure conformity with current legislation. All advertisements are accepted in good faith. Placing an order with THE SWIFT FLASH will signify acceptance of the above conditions. Full of information about Griffindale Printers and ‘The Swift Flash’ View our PDF editions of ‘The Swift Flash’ and four previous issues We are happy to check your tyres, pressure & alignment FREE of charge! TYRE MAINTENANCE Lutterworth 4 WHEEL LASER ALIGNMENT CALL & COLLECT EXTENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE OR ON-SITE RANGE OF RANGE OF MOBILE TYRE TYRES TO SUIT AUTO CARE SERVICES FITTING SERVICE ALL BUDGETS Your Local Tyre, Exhaust & Brake Fitting Centre Bilton Way, Lutterworth, LE17 4JA - 01455 559 675 Now Serving Lunch me Food Tuesday-Saturday 12pm-2pm Sunday Lunch 12pm-6pm WEEKEND Saturday 29th October Live Band ‘The Heartlands Root Band’ Fancy dress op onal, prize for best costume Sunday 30th October Halloween Sunday Lunch with some spooky surprises Monday 31st October Celebrate Halloween with Special Monday Night Halloween Menu Day Trips 2016 Saturday 22nd October k Local pic up points Blackpool & Illuminations adults £40 • child £25 Friday 18th November Waddesdon Manor adults £39 (with house entrance) £32 (without) child £30 (with house entrance) £27 (without) National Trust Discounts Apply Sunday 27th November Worcester Victorian Fayre £25 pp all classes Sunday 11th December Christmas Shopping in Milton Keynes £20 pp all classes To book a trip or for a private hire coach call: 01455 552414 OPENING TIMES tal Night” en MONDAY “ Co-11ntpminEve ning Menu 6pm-9pm 4pm ht Nig l Continenta DNESDAY TUESDAY & WE Evening 4pm-11pm Lunch 12pm-2pm Menu 6pm-9pm Lunchtime Menu & Evening Steak Night” THURSDAY “Eve ning 4pm-11pm 2pm Lunch 12pmNight 6pm-9pm ak Ste Lunchtime Menu & pm-11pm FRIDAY 12ning Menu 6pm-9pm Eve & nu Me ime cht Lun am-11.30pms SATURDAYfee11 , pastries & newspaper Open at 11 for cof Evening Menu 6pm-9pm Lunchtime Menu & SUNDAY tries & newspapers Open at 11 for coffee, chpasMenu 12pm-6pm Lun Special Sunday 07732 641328 Hornsby WESTON Margaret L Properties Property Letting & Management Services LUTTERWORTH ........................................£670pcm 2 bed semi, ent hall, kitchen, lounge/diner, main bed with robes, elec shower, DG, gas CH, gardens, ORP. LUTTERWORTH ........................................£695pcm Semi det 2 bed bungalow. Storm porch, sit room & open fire, re-fit kit, bath/shower, cons, gardens, garage, sheds. SWINFORD .................................................£735pcm 3 bed det bungalow, large gardens, porch, fit kit, driveway, lounge/open fire, utilty, bath/shower, oil fired CH. KIMCOTE ....................................................£750pcm Spacious period cottage in rural location. 2 double beds, lounge/log burner, kitchen/diner, sit room, rear garden. WALCOTE ......................................................£950pcm Large det bungalow. 4 good sized bedrooms, bath, sep shower cubicle, lounge, fit kit, garage, ORP, oil CH. LEICESTER .................................................£1,000pcm 3 bed bungalow close to city centre, lounge, fireplace, en-suite, fit robes, cons, garden with fruit trees, ORP. LEIRE ........................................................£1,000pcm 6 month let only. 5 bed det home. Dinging room, snug, fit kit, laundry room, study, en-suite, ample ORP, garage. 01455 202050 Passed away on Saturday October 1st 2016 after fighting cancer for several months. Loving wife of Derek, sister to Kath, mother of Anthony and John and wives Jackie and Denise. Grandparent to Marie, Lesley and Joe, Great-grandparent to Shannon, Demi, Vaughn and Caitlyn. Funeral to be held at St Mary’s Church, Lutterworth on Thursday 27th October at 11am. SITUATIONS VACANT £10.00 per advertisement, 2 lines of text, for each position for individuals and organisations seeking Staff for themselves. Advertisement should be a short description, including phone number or email address. If applications are required in writing or if you are an agency recruiting or advertising for third parties or individuals or if you are an organisation seeking to employ individuals on a self-employed basis, please book a Display Advertisment. Due to the retirement of one of our lovely care assistants, I now find our family requiring a care assistant. We are a family who need a care assistant for the personal and domestic needs of a disabled mother. Thursday and Friday 7.45am to 11.45am and 1 in 4 Saturdays 9am to 11.30am. No experience necessary as training will be given. Ability to fill in for sickness and holidays would be helpful. Good rates of pay £9.27 weekday - £11.33 weekend 01455 556946 Kitchen porters and housekeeping assistants required at Hothorpe Hall LE17 6QX. Call Linda for housekeeping vacancy or Fraser for kitchen vacancy or email CV to 01858 881500 Wanted: Volunteer person to join our delivery van, to aid deliveries and collections of furniture. Heavy lifting involved. Delivery times are Mon pm, Fri pm. Please contact Lesley, Bloodwise Charity Shop (formerly Leukaemia & Lymphoma) 01455 556649 We are looking for a construction road sweeper driver. This is for 3 days a week, may go to 5 days, hourly paid, weekly. Contact Laura or Anita 01858 288009 Evening office cleaner required, Magna Park, Monday to Friday 5-8pm. 15 hours a week, good rate of pay. Call Amanda Full time position on a dairy farm in Ashby Magna. Call 07800 665559 After 6pm 01455 209273 Dog lovers wanted: are you at home during the day? Not sure about another ‘full time’ dog? No children under 7? Why not join PetStay as a paid carer (you can own a dog already). Call Jane 07825 325583 Part time cook/chef required to work in North Kilworth cafe 16 hours weekly. Cooking and kitchen experience required. Hours to include weekend on a rota basis. Food hygiene certificate preferred but training given 01858 882186 Admin assistant, data entry 2-3 days per week, flexible hours running up to Christmas. Fosse Meadows Poultry, North Kilworth. Excellent attention to detail, be methodical & ideally proficient in Excel. Contact 01858 881000 Export office co-ordinator required at busy synthetic surfacing supplier based at Magna Park. We are seeking an organised, pro-active, hardworking self-starter for a full time permanent position in our export department. You will be the initial point of contact for all of our overseas customers, providing project quotations, advice & information and supporting the sales director. The succesful candidate must be PC literate, self-motivated & able to work on their own initiative without supervision. Please apply in writing with your CV to zect@nottssport. com or call Zec Tomlinson on 07877 119041 Catthorpe Manor has vacancies for housekeeping, bar/waitress, chef (all levels). For details please contact David or Karen 01788 860599 Joseph Morris Butchers Ltd, South Kilworth require a delivery driver. Please call for more details 01858 575210 Tel. 01455 557001 CLASS I & II Motorcycles, including those with sidecars CLASS III Three wheeled vehicles - up to 450 kg (unladen weight) CLASS IV Cars, vans/goods vehicles icles (under 3.0 tonnes DGW), W), motorhomes, 4x4s, taxis, axis, 3-wheeled vehicles over 450 kg, some quads. ds. CLASS VII Goods vehicles between en 3.0 and 3.5 tonnes DGW GW NO REPAIRS just fast, fair MOT tests ... ... Free retests Waiting room with free hot drinks 10% this adver (inc. VAT) or £7 per week Includes fitting, up to 10 years warranty, plus a price match guarantee. &DOOWRGD\IRUD)5((VXUYH\À[HGSULFHTXRWH 0116 287 8000 | off with A NEW ERLOHUfrom * just £1,620 *See website for terms & conditions. t Unit 5 Turnpike Close (off Bilton Way)) Lutterworth, LE17 4YB 5663 Lutterworth MOT Centre Leicestershire’s local installer of boilers & central heating for over 20 years. @LutterworthMOT YOUR TRUSTED HOME SERVICE PARTNER ALL WEATHER WINDOWS AND CONSERVATORIES s er yal ory ild o at bu ter R serv e Th ices Con Le ’s of ary m r fi In FENSA Registered Company Conservatory Showroom ULLESTHORPE GARDEN CENTRE LLOYD’S OF LONDON* 10 Year Insurance Backed Guarantee *Available VICTORIAN CONSERVATORIES £3999 0800 783 4110 anytime 3m X 3m inc. Base, Fitting & VAT Credit Cards & CO Barker Chartered Accountants NEED HELP WITH iXBRL? We now offer a stand alone iXBRL conversion and filing service for Accountants and Bookkeepers. Call: 01788 833760 Street Ashton Farmhouse Stretton Under Fosse, Rugby, CV23 0PH. E: Est of Fu n ssoci Private chapels of rest Arrangements in your home Mercedes and horse drawn vehicles Pre-arranged Bonds Monumental Masonry at i 1905 rs ® Na ti al A on on eral Direct o 24 hr Mill Rd, Ullesthorpe, Lutterworth service 01455 819831 Caring and compassionate Funeral Director WILF SMITH Established 1920 & SON TUDOR PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES Full Gas Central Heating And Boiler Upgrades Full Bathroom Refurbs Power Flushing Industrial & Domestic Landlord Certificates TEL: 01455 617300 Mobile: 079 4444 7173 COSBY TREECARE Foxlands Farm, Croft Road Cosby, Leicestershire Stump Grinding Tree Felling & Pruning All work fully insured Sales of Hardwood Logs & Bark Mulch Grass Cutting All aspects of Landscaping & Garden Design For comprehensive free quotes ring 0116 286 4227 • 07711 430472 Broughton Astley M.O.T Centre Ltd Car & Commercial Repairs From concept to design through to installation. Simply Kitchens... Bringing your kitchen to life Swannington Rd, Cottage Lane Ind Est. Broughton Astley, LE9 6TU 01455 289 777 Any Make WE M.O.T: Petrol & Diesel, Class IV, VII Any Model WE REPAIR: Ca Cars • Vans • Light Commercial ial al Horse Boxes • Motorhomess 24 HR Race Transporters BREAKD OW OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Mon - Fri 8am to 6pm N & RECO VERY SERVIC E Sat 8am to 4pm INSURANCE APPROVED Vehicle Bodywork Commercial Fleet Fl Specialists p TYRES TY YR RES Supplied Supplie ed d & Fitted d Visitour Visit ourshowroom showroom 12 Road, Blaby, 12 Lutterworth Lutterworth Road, Blaby, Leicester. LE8 4DN Leicester. LE8 4DN 0116 278 0116 2784800 4800 The Limes Cosmetic Clinic Room 7 First Floor 65 Leicester Road Narborough Leicester LE19 2HF Did you know The Limes Medical Centre have a Cosmetic Clinic offering MUSCLE RELAXANT INJECTIONS AND DERMAL FILLERS? We are holding an OPEN EVENING on Tuesday 15th November from 7pm onwards Come along and see what our Cosmetic Clinic has to offer! We will be showing demonstrations of Muscle Relaxant Injections and Dermal Fillers while you sit back and enjoy a glass of prosecco and nibbles! We have limited spaces only, so to book your place please call 0116 2847999 If you can’t attend you can still make the most of our CHRISTMAS PARTY SEASON OFFER OF 10% OFF ALL TREATMENTS starting from 18th November 2016 @limescosmetic ACCOMMODATION/LAND £10.00 for each property, 2 lines of text, including phone number or email address. Anyone offering full or part livery or agencies acting for third parties should book a Display Advertisment. FOR SALE: Ashby Parva: Stunning Grade 2 listed 3 bed detached Victorian cottage, fully renovated to high standard, 2 reception rooms, large quality kitchen, utility & cloakroom. Full of character inc x2 wood burners. Large garage/rear garden £425k 07944 523185 TO LET: Unfurnished ground floor flat in Broughton Astley village centre. Lounge, dining kitchen, double bedroom, shower room, FGCH, ex. condition. Rent £425pcm. To view tel 07909 644800 ANDREW RANDLE PLUMBING & HEATING ● ● ● ● ● Central Heating installation & update Boiler changes and Repairs Bathroom Design and Installation Wall & Floor Tiling 24-Hour Service 01455 233934 07976 526827 Respectful and confidential counselling when you need it most. From quiet, comfortable rooms in Market Harborough. Evening appointments available. Reduced rate first session. Contact Harriet now: Telephone 07766 850295 Email: VEHICLES £10.00 for each Vehicle, Boat, Caravan or Trailer, 2 lines of text, (Private Sales only) including phone number (not website) pre-paid. Anyone connected with the motor trade or selling a vehicle previously used for business should book a Display Advertisment. Trade/Business is defined as providing goods or services for remuneration or reward. 58 reg VAUXHALL ASTRA Elite 5 door hatchback, petrol: Dark blue; 11 months MoT; 74,500 miles; £2,600 07813 510052 VW POLO 1.4 TDi 5 door: Silver; fsh; 74,000 miles; MoT April 2017; 4 new tyres; excellent mpg; genuine reason for sale £2,600 ono 07783 367981 54 reg MINI COOPER: 103k miles; Black Eye Blue; 17” alloys and privacy glass; excellent condition; recent service & MoT £2150 07818 083834 MOT’s £35 H O T E L & T H E A T R E WE ARE LOOKING FOR… Casual Food and Beverage Assistants to work within our Hotel Restaurants and Bars. You will need to be energetic, able to work to a high standard and be flexible as hours will vary. Turndown Assistant (25 hours per week, 5 days out of 7) required to provide an evening turndown service in guest bedrooms and for general Housekeeping duties. Applicants must be able to work on their own initiative, without supervision. AUTOMOTIVE LTD “Honest, Reliable & Friendly” 01455 558 360 Leicester Rd, Lutterworth, LE17 4NJ If you are interested in the above vacancies please email your CV stating your availability to or download an application form from our careers page at KILWORTH HOUSE HOTEL & THEATRE LUTTERWORTH ROAD NORTH KILWORTH LEICESTERSHIRE LE17 6JE TEL: 01858 880058 Chef and Bar Staff Required The Shoulder of Mu on, Great Bowden is looking for an experienced Chef to join our team. Candidates should have previous experience of working in a similar environment, with the emphasis on home made food. Creative Curtains by Alexandra Lea For Made to Measure- Bar/Wai ng staff also required, hours to suit, but will involve weekend working. Swags & Tails Blinds & Pelmets All Soft Furnishings Valances Conservatories Full Fitting Service Interior Design Service Experience preferred but not essen al. Home Visits with Fabric Samples & Photographs For any posi ons please email CV to: Shop & Showroom: 31B Windsor St. Burbage Call: Alexandra on 01455 616742 Mobile: 07764 233120 Full responsibility for maintaining food hygiene standards,ordering and menu planning are also key features of this role. Salary neg depending on experience. 300 JOBS AVAILABLE Industria Personnel Services are currently recruiting for the following Warehouse Positions at Magna Park, Lutterworth WHAT WE OFFER! LATEST JOBS Warehouse Operatives Between 6am & 10pm Rotating shifts 5 out of 7 (2 weekends in 4) £7.50 - £8.25 per hour Night Shifts required any 5 out of 7 (Set Shifts) 10pm - 6am £9.00 per hour Must have some warehouse experience. X Shift premium VNA or Reach Truck Drivers X Excellent pay rates increasing after 12 weeks Between 6am & 10pm Rotating shifts 5 out of 7 (2 weekends in 4) £8.00 - £8.80 per hour X Excellent working conditions Night Shifts required any 5 out of 7 (Set Shifts) 10pm - 6am £9.60 per hour X Full induction and training provided Must have relevant license/experience and be willing to do other duties within the warehouse X 6WDGLVFRXQWIRUORFDOVWRUH X On-site managing team X Local interviews – weekend and evening times available &RQȴGHQWWRXVHWKHZD\UDGLRV\VWHPIXOOWUDLQLQJZLOOEHSURYLGHG Personalisation Operatives Between 6am & 10pm Rotating shifts 5 out of 7 (2 weekends in 4) £7.50 - £8.25 per hour Must have previous hosiery experience. Come and talk to our experts We’re experts at assisting you find the perfect job. For more information simply pick up the phone and get in touch with our team today! Contact our recruitment hotline now on (01455) 247755 (10 Lines) Further information on this vacancy can be found on
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