07-17-2016 - St. Martin de Porres Parish
07-17-2016 - St. Martin de Porres Parish
St. Martin de Porres Parish 118 Cedar Valley Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 845.473.4222 845.473.4223 FAX www.stmartindeporres.org/facebook/tweeter email: smdppok@optonline.net PARISH STAFF Msgr. James P. Sullivan Rev. Abraham K. George, M.C.B.S. Rev. Hartley Bancroft Deacons: Victor Salamone, Franklin Hung, David Nash, James Fiorio, Michael Correale William Kennedy, Parish Finance Director Kathleen Davis, Administrative Assistant Patti Norman, Administrative Assistant Jackie Hourani, Music Coordinator Karen Hansen Simon, Trustee PJ Darcy, Trustee MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 PM SUNDAY: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM WEEKDAYS: 6:45 AM & 12:15 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM HOLY DAYS: Consult Parish Bulletin SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:45-4:45 PM and other times, please call the rectory. SCHOOL 845.452.4428 Mrs. Kathleen Leahy, Principal www.stmartindeporresschool.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 845.471.8728 Mrs. Cynthia Fratto, Director Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM PARISH CEMETERY Call 473-4222 BAPTISM: Celebrated on Sundays at 2:00 PM. Please contact the rectory well in advance of the Sacrament. Baptismal preparation class is on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Church. MARRIAGES: Couples should contact one of the priests or deacons at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. A marriage preparation program is required. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please call the rectory if you wish to receive the Sacraments at home. Notify us of any hospitalization so that we may be of assistance. NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome you and would like to meet you. Please introduce yourself to one of our priests, deacons or call the rectory. Please consult the bulletin for registration information. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:30 AM-3:30 PM July 17, 2016 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Christ in you, the hope for glory. (Colossians 1:27) There are three ways to look at these words: the heart of the message is “Christ.” The sweetness of the message is “Christ in you.” And the vision for the message is “the hope for glory.” When we dwell on Jesus, we can’t help but be led to the cross. Every time we celebrate Mass, we recall the sacrifice he has made for us and the redemption he has won for us. Every title we give to Jesus—Friend, Lord, Brother, Bridegroom, Priest, Prophet, and King—focuses on the self-giving love that he showed us on the cross. “Christ in you” is a wonderful promise of the gospel. Christ in you is Christ leading us, possessing us, reigning over us, and filling us. Paul speaks about this when he tells us to “be transformed” (Romans 12:2). The aim of Christ in us is to change the way we think and act. The more we tell Jesus, “I give you the freedom to work in me” the more we will find his power and his grace at work in us, making us more like him. At some point, we will all face death. While for most of us, this will be a difficult, even scary transition, we must have faith. Jesus promised us glorified bodies with glorified friends living together in a glorified world. At the Last Supper, he even prayed, “I have given them the glory you gave me” (John 17:22). This is why he came to us: to fill us with his grace and to transform us with his glory. So when you go to Mass today, focus your heart on these seven words. Christ, who poured out his life for you on the cross, lives in you. He is in your heart, offering to fill you with his love and transform you by his grace. And this Christ, who is at work in you, has one central goal for everything he is doing: to bring you into his heavenly glory. “Jesus, show me your glory, and help me put all of my hope in you.” With permission of the Word Among Us, Copyright 2014 page1 Saturday, July 16 5:00 Nicholas Siciliano Sunday, July 17 7:30 Lorraine Lyons 9:30 Margaret Danza 11:30 Jag Das 5:00 Harry Cochrane, Sr. Monday, July 18 6:45 Al Frahm 12:15 Hermina Kabarec Tuesday, July 19 6:45 The People of St. Martin de Porres 12:15 Jose M. Orozcol Wednesday, July 20 6:45 Jackson Wilder Marra 12:15 Richard LaPietra Thursday, July 21 6:45 Mark L. Auriana 12:15 Maryla Birdsell Friday, July 22 6:45 Carol Mesuda 12:15 C. Peter Barone Saturday, July 23 8:00 Steven Amarillo 5:00 Theresa Radzivila Sunday, July 24 7:30 Rocco Furfaro 9:30 George Jackson 11:30 Sebastian Raciti 5:00 Edward Gill The Bread & Wine Used during the Masses This week are In Loving memory of Modesta & Joseph Kozlowski The Sanctuary Candle Is lit this week In Loving Memory of Deceased Members of the Rabenda Family PARISH INFORMATION Calvary Cemetery 62 Lagrange Avenue, Poughkeepsie Caring Committee 473-4222 Parish Office at 473-4222 Community of Praise Prayer Group Meetings Praising God and Prayers for Healing Monday-7:30 PM Bill Haag 462-3669 C. Y. O. Knights of Columbus Chris Fields 462-8790 Peter Stafford 462-2110 Parish Council William Kennedy 462-4717 Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in The Nativity Center Health Care Ministry Doris Kennedy 462-4717 Senior Program Val Brown 471-7567 Youth Ministry Grace McNamara 636-0514 Music Ministry Jackie Hourani 223-3439 452-1400 Catholic Charities ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday from 7:30 AM-12:00 noon. ROSARY – (Mon.-Sat.) after the First Mass of the day. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Monday after the 12:15 PM Mass REMEMBER OUR SICK Christopher LaFalce, Robert Stoutenburgh, Peter Cavaliere, Pat Drain, Anthony Coviello, Josephine Bohac, Mary Marquardt, Nenesio Serrano, Joseph Boback, Joe McKeown, Karen Iovane, David Tracey, Ann Fields, Joan Callagy, Patrick Fraleigh, Andrew Tallon, Eileen Donovan Ballantine, Erika Clayton, Anthony Tomasselli, Cathie Geerlings, Stephanie & Kevin Gieseler, Ralph Fiorio, Laura Ardito, John Carpenter, Mae Stringer, Catherine Yurkovic, Gerry Jacobs, Kathryn Barber, Dawn Hammond, Fr. Robert Norton, OFM, Laura Reilly, Enza Cassata, Betty Vassari, Jim Sassaman, Sharon Mateo, Lourdes Mateo, Alice Wannick, Josephine Milton, Frank Franco, Patrick Craig & Ann Place. MILITARY SERVICE We would like to remember all of our parishioners serving in the Armed Forces, at home, but especially those serving overseas. Please remember especially: Pvt. 1st Class Evan Simeon; LT. Ryan Henebery; Sgt. Christopher Wilks; Arm. Robert Wilks; Pvt. Donald Schneider; Staff Sgt. Philip D. Percesepe, USMC; Sr. Airman Anthony DiMase; Corey R. Tag; E-4 James LeRoy, US Army; Ens. Kathryn Munson; Sgt. Vincent A. Fiorillo; Airman Frank Lauria; LT. Eric Hung, USN; Petty Officer 3rd Class Robert J. LaBarbera, III U.S.N.; Sgt. Marc Coviello; Army; Pvt. Nathan Wentworth; Petty Officer 3 rd Class Brian Brandon USN; Sgt. Levi Santagate, USMC; AM2 (AW) Bridgit Stratton; Capt. Eddie Preisser, US Army; Airman 1st Class Preston David Wtulich, USAF; Richard Milliot, 2nd Mate; Major Benjamin Hung, US Army; LCPL Aidan Steckley USMC, Sgt. 1st Class Harold Petershagen. Mission Appeal for the Diocese of Kayanga, Tanzania ST. MARTIN de PORRES NOVENA Wednesday after the 12:15 PM MassArchCare Navigation- Need help caring for yourself or someone else? Totally Free! Call855-951-CARE CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER 845-471-9284 Sisters of Life Hope & Healing After Abortion Women -866-575-0075/ hopeandhealing@sistersoflife.org Men-877-586-4621/lumina@postabortonhelp.org FLOCKNOTE’S-Stay connected to the Parish and the Archdiocese. Text Martin to 84576 or go to Flocknote.com/smdppough to sign up. PASTORAL INFORMATION If you are new to the parish and would like to register you may do so by filling out the registration form in the vestibule of the church or printing a form off the parish web site and returning it to the parish office via collection basket or mailing it to 118 Cedar Valley Rd. Poughkeepsie NY, 12603, or stop by the parish office. If you are a parishioner & need to update your information, please e-mail updates to smdpnorman@gmail.com. Please let us know if you have an address, phone # or e-mail address change; are moving out of the parish; or if a family member is sick and would like to be visited by a priest or a deacon. page2 Next weekend there will be a second collection for the Catholic diocese of Kayanga, Tanzania. Fr. Robert Kimbaleba will be speaking about the Kayanga Catholic Diocese which was created by the Holy Father in August of 2008. It is located in the extreme northwestern corner of Tanzania in East Africa where electricity and running water are, for the most part, unknown. There are no paved roads and a number of them are impassable during the rainy season. The Gospel was brought to this area about 100 years ago and rapidly the Church is taking roots. About 66 percent of the total population is Catholic. With such phenomenal growth in the faith goes the need for priests to minister to the faithful. The new diocese has been blessed with many young people who want to train for the priesthood. The challenge they have is lack of funds to meet the needs for the training. They are fundraising in order to establish a fund for the training of these young people who will be important agents of evangelization in the near future. Although seminary training is cheap in Tanzania, the new diocese is not able to meet all the needs for the big number of seminarians. It cost the Diocese about $30 to pay for school supplies for a seminarian in a month. Tuition is $1,500 a year. Please be as generous as possible. Senior Center Corner July 19th - River Cruise out of Kingston, Lunch at Savona, bus to & from Kingston $57.00. Camp Veritas 2016 is a one-week play & pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be held at three USA locations in 2016; July 24th-30th at Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, July 31st -August 6th at Summit Lake Camp in Emmitsburg, MD, & August 14th-20th at Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro, NY. Enrollment is open and the enrollment price for each week is $400 per camper. More details and enrollment forms for campers & volunteers (18 & older) can be found at www.campveritas.com.. Volleyball Camp Volleyball Camp at Our Lady of Lourdes High School is scheduled for August 8th 12th. Girls in 6th through 8th grades are invited for a week of instructional volleyball in the Lourdes Arts and Athletic Center. The emphasis of the camp will be fundamental skill development in the areas of passing, serving, hitting and defense. The camp will operate Monday through Friday from 9:00 am -3:00 pm and will be limited to 50 campers. The fee is $150. For more information visit ollchs.org or contact Emily Krieger (914) 475-3028. Catholic Widows & Widowers The Catholic Widow & Widowers of Dutchess & T Putnam will meet on the Third Tuesday of the month P aat 7pm in the parish meeting room at St. Kateri, Lagrangeville. 845-223-3097. L The Religious Education Program needs teachers and aides for the 2016-2017 school year. Classes are held on Tuesday nights from 5:30PM-7:00PM and on Wednesday nights from 6:15PM-7:45PM. Please contact the office at (845) 471-8725 for more information. Thank you! 2016 Columbus Day Mass & Parade St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Monday, October 10th at 9:30am. Main Celebrant: Cardinal Dolan; Homilist: Msgr. Peter Vaghi. For tickets email columbusday@archny.org. Natural Family Planning Awareness Week 2016 Will be celebrated nationally from Sunday, July 24-Saturday, July 30th. The 2016 theme is: Love, Mercy, Life! Opening the Heart of Marriage. For more information go to nyfamilylife.org/natural-family-planning. ENCOURAGE A Catholic Apostolate for those who have family members with same sex attraction. A new website has been created to help the faithful who are searching for information about Encourage, the Church’s teachings on same sex attraction and spiritual support: www.encourageny.com. Ways to Support St. Martin de Porres School Target- Take Charge of Education: Register your card designating SMDPS School code 10910). The school will Receive 1% of your total bill. Tools for School: Register your Price Chopper AdvantEdge card designating SMDPS (code 16284). Box Top for Education & Campbell Soup Labels: Send in box tops and labels for the school to receive credit for supplies. A+ Bonus Bucks: Register your S&S card designating SMDPS (school code 07838) and the school will earn money. All you have to do is: Log on to www.stopandshop.com/aplus to register online OR Dial 1-877-275-2758 to register your card Please visit the PSA website for all information regarding our committee and events. www.teacherweb.com/NY/StMartindePorres/PSA/. 10 DAY PILGRIMAGE TO SPAIN & PORTUGAL Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions at Fatima: APRIL 24 – MAY 3, 2017 Visiting: Fatima ▪ Salamanca Santiago de Compostela Ávila ▪ Madrid Hosted By: St. Martin de Porres Parish Spiritual Director: Fr. Abraham George $2799 PER PERSON FROM NEW YORK (Air/land tour price is $2169 plus $630 government taxes/airline surcharges) TOUR PRICE INCLUDES: Roundtrip airfare from New York, $630 govt. taxes/airline surcharges, first class/select hotels, most meals, services of a professional tour director and comprehensive sightseeing, all hotel service charges, porterage and entrance fees FOR A BROCHURE WITH COMPLETE DETAILS, Contact Mrs. Kathleen Davis (845) 473-4222 Email: smdppok@optonline.net Space is limited! Book early to avoid disappointment! 426deporrespage3 Vincent J. Miller Miller,, Funeral Director Pre-Need, Traditional & Cremation Services • At Home Counseling Not Affiliated With Any Other Area Funeral Homes 3rd Generation Family Owned & Operated Parishioners 485-0241 371 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie www.wmgmillerfuneralhome.com Hunt Travel Agency Matt Swanson, Certified Arborist Office (845) 635-8858 For All Your Travel Needs! 132 Spackenkill Road Tree Removal Skidsteer Work Land Clearing Stump Grinding 845-462-1447 BARB’S DESIGNS New & Nearly New Fashions, Accessories & Formal Dress & Gown Rentals for Women Size 14 & Up! Celebrate Your Curves with Style & Passion! Custom Rosary Beads Parishioner Owned Anniversary • Christmas • Birthday 10% OFF 845-454-0899 1177 Route 9, Suite #1, Wappingers Falls, NY 845-218-9300 • www.curvyconplus.com One Item For First Time Customers McNiff Real Estate, Ltd. Matt Doherty Parishioner Licensed Sales Person 823 Main St. • Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (914) 204-0412 Cell • (845) 473-4240 Office mattdoherty.mcniff@yahoo.com barbsdesigns.net Pete’s Paint Work Inc. Quality Job-Fair Price Peter Dahowski 914-456-5915 petespaintwork@gmail.com Richard G. Rosenbloom D.M.D. Specialists for Children, Teens & Adults 1145 Route 55, Lexington Park LaGrangeville, NY 12540 (845) 471-1186 1491 Route 52, Suite 45 Fishkill, NY 12524 (845) 897-5500 www.RandRorthodonics.com Calvary Cemetery St. Martin’s Rectory 118 Cedar Valley Road 845-473-4222 Tub Grinding Natural & Colored Mulch Snow Plowing Cemetery: 62 LaGrange Avenue St. Martin’s Parish Cemetery Quality Clothing, Toys, & Baby Equipment, and more! Poughkeepsie Francis J. Pomarico Executive Manager Poughkeepsie Nissan 1445 Route 9 Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 poknissan@aol.com Bus: (845) 297-4314 Fax: (845) 297-6557 845.297.3994 Red Oaks Mill Shopping Plaza Open Mon. - Sat. 10am - 5pm 43 Vassar Road MENTION THIS AD Infant Thru Teen & for 20% OFF Maternity Too! Regular Priced Items CHILDRENS RESALE BOUTIQUE Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqfunding.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 426 St. Martin de Porres, Poughkeepsie, NY (i) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net Mid Hudson Podiatry Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Andrew S. Wilantewicz, DPM Board Certified in Podiatric Medicine & Orthopedics 282 New Hackensack Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-462-8637 • www.midhudsonpodiatry.com Evening & Saturday Appointments Available Michael J. Sontheimer, Lic. Manager www.hudsonvalleyfuneralhomes.com 845-452-0790 armele Fulton Avenue uneral Home 110 Poughkeepsie, NY HOPEWELL SEPTIC PUMPING 277 Myers Corners Rd., Wappingers Falls 845-227-8773 Owner/Operator • 30 Yrs. Experience Free Estimates • Septic Repair/Installations Quality Work @ Honest Prices ROSE BURNS NEED HELP? SHORT ON TIME? REALTOR® Parishioner ALLIANCE REALTY GROUP Cellular 845.518.9147 Business 845.297.4700 ext. 308 Rose.Burns@century21.com Dr. Mary Rita Sheehy Optometrist Comprehensive Pediatric & Adult Vision Care 297-4444 187 New Hackensack Rd., Wappingers Falls Let Us Help! Light House Cleaning • Shopping Errands • Dog Walking Responsible, Dependable,Reasonable Rates Matt Diggins, Parish Member 845-380-3853 Peter C. McGinnis, Esq. Attorney at Law Elder Law, Medicaid, Wills & Estates 515 Haight Ave. 845-471-5721 Melville H. Hughes, MD, PC Tania Cohen, PA-C, MPAS Medical, Surgical & Cosmetic DERMATOLOGY The Avalon Assisted Living & Wellness Center (845) 463-0500 1629 Rte 376 Wappingers Falls, NY (845) 471-5095 7 Pine Woods Rd, Ste. 5 • Hyde Park, NY 12538 (845) 229-3376 ROSE AND KIERNAN, INC. INSURANCE, SURETY & BENEFIT SERVICES 60 Merritt Blvd., Ste. 202, Fishkill, NY 12524 ROBERT J. RANIERI, JR. SeniorVice President Phone: (845) 350-3816 e-mail: rranieri@rkinsurance.com Martin Law, P.C. 2644 East Main Street Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 Estate Planning 845-440-8594 Accidents FREE CONSULTATION Real Estate Transactions iver Pregnant? Need someone to talk to? BIRTHRIGHT can help! 473-1300 1-800-550-4900 National 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline We Del 845-485-4200 www.ericplese.com Millennium Hair Design Upscale Style ~ Sensible Prices A Unisex Salon Cut, Color/Fashion Color • Wedding Parties & Proms 204 Hooker Ave., Poughkeepsie • 471-7766 (PROM) LOS ANDES General Construction Fully Insured • Free Estimates (845) 462-2009 All Home Improvements Installation Service Demolition • Sheetrock • Painting Roofing • Kitchens • Taping • Siding Decks • Flooring/Tiling 845-452-8116 TO SELL VINTAGE ITEMS? We Buy... Classic Cars Auto Parts Memorabilia Furniture & Antiques 0 Over 30lections Home of the 6 Cent B t Se ottle Differenraft Beer of C Return Conveniently located in Wappingers Falls, NY Frank or Sandra Nicodemus 845-462-8000 FRIENDS BOOK STORE 20,000+ Quality Used Books Tues . Thurs . Sat 10am-4pm 141 Boardman Road facebook.com/PoughkeepsieLibraryBookstore Stop Beverage Shop Residential Your One 1890 South Road Commercial Poughkeepsie NY 12601 between Ski House & Burger King Open 7 days a week 6:00 am - 9:00 pm -- FastE FRE ERY DELIV (845) 297-1183 www.Route9DiscountBeverages.com HEATING AND COOLING Boilers • Furnaces • Water Heaters • Hydroair • Piping Central Air • Duct Work • Oil Burners • Radiant Heat 845-298-1000 845-298-1001 1839 South Road (Rt 9) Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-463-2071 Stephen Shanley, Parish Member Hyde Park Hopewell Junction Poughkeepsie 229-2304 223-3830 471-4414 (845) 677-5298 SHANLEY NYS Pesticide Licensed & Insured w/this ad bottomlessbellydeli.com MONUMENTS • MARKERS • MAUSOLEUMS Bernard Potrzeba, Owner Family Dentistry 182 Spackenkill Road Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 Lawn & Tree Maintenance, Overseed Fertilize & Repair Damaged Lawns & Trees (845) 471-4755 10% OFF any order BARRE MEMORIALS Philip Maiorana, D.D.S. 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