Robert L.Toner - Abington Jefferson Health
Robert L.Toner - Abington Jefferson Health
F O U N D A T I O N vol. 2, issue eight summer 2009 DONOR PROFILE What’s Inside Support for safety and quality– Edward and Gwen Asplundh Like Abington Memorial Hospital Board and serves on numerous leadership itself, Edward K. Asplundh is an awardcommittees. He was chairman of the winning patient-safety champion. hospital’s ambitious and highly successful For several years Ed and his wife, Gwen, have made significant annual gifts in support of the hospital’s commitment to patient safety. Their gifts enable the hospital to bring some 30 to 35 representatives to the National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care. The event is the annual conference of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the nation’s leading organization dedicated to patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare. “Ed is visionary in his understanding of the fundamental requisite of safety and quality to everything we do here,” says John J. Kelly, M.D., Abington Memorial Edward and Gwen Asplundh Hospital’s chief of staff and chief safety officer. “He has been able to see Building on the Best campaign, which the transformational nature of his gifts for made possible the new Lenfest Pavilion the people and the work of this hospital.” and other hospital facilities, and he was vice chairman of the hospital’s Blue Long-time leadership Ribbon Panel on Nursing, which led to the Ed is well known for his leadership influential Nursing Initiative to address the at the hospital. Long-time member and threat of a national nursing shortage. former chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Asplundhs have made numerous he is currently a member of the AMH personal gifts to the hospital, including Donor Profile Edward and Gwen Asplundh . .1 major gifts to support nursing scholarships and to help build the Lenfest Pavilion. Their own gifts have been augmented by gifts from other family members and from the Asplundh Foundation, for which Ed serves as president. In 2008, the Asplundh Foundation was named Outstanding Foundation of the Year by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Greater Philadelphia Chapter (see Awards and Achievements, page 16). The Asplundh name is justly prominent throughout the hospital – and, indeed, throughout the region. Ed’s father, Carl Asplundh, served as president of Abington Memorial Hospital when it was a volunteer job; and was a board member for many years. In 1928, with two brothers, Carl founded the Asplundh Tree Expert Company. Today, the family tree-trimming business has grown into an international utilities-maintenance corporation. Ed worked with the company for 36 years, including serving as president for 10 years. Today he continues to work as chairman of the Asplundh advisory board, president of the Asplundh Foundation and president of ABG Partners. Robert L. Toner . . . . . . . . . . .1 From the President . . . . . . . .2 Focus on Health Breast Center services . . . . . . .3 Developments . . . . . . . . . . .4/5 Women’s Board Update . . . . . .4 Honor & Memorial Gifts . .6-13 Lansdale Hospital Update . .14 Awards and Achievements . . . . . . . . .15/16 Grantmakers . . . . . . . . . . . .17 The Charitable Advantage Events and Activities . .17 . . .18/19 Continued on page 2 DONOR PROFILE Growth and excellence, close to home– Robert L. Toner Robert L. Toner, a cable-television-equipment pioneer, says he’s impressed by Abington Memorial Hospital’s growth over the years, and that he hopes his charitable support will help AMH continue to grow. Bob grew up in Erdenheim and graduated from Springfield High School. He received his electronics education in the Navy at the Naval Electronics School on Treasure Island, California, and at Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico. Bob went to work for the Bell Telephone Company and became a sales engineer. He progressed in sales and marketing management with General Electric, then with Fisher and Porter, where he became a division manager. He joined Jerrold Electronics, a company that was the developer of electronics for the cable television industry, as sales manager. When General Instrument, a large corporation, bought Jerrold, Bob left. He started a modest cable electronics supply company in the basement of his Maple Glen home. Today his company, Toner Cable Equipment, Inc., a family-owned business, sells worldwide, with a major facility in Horsham, another office and warehouse in England plus sales staff in Florida to serve clients throughout South America. Bob is still active in the family business, and after all these years he finds it difficult not to spend time at the office. Bob has served on the boards at Gwynedd Mercy College and the Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation. Bob married Shawn Schiller of Glenolden in 1955. They first had a house in Willow Grove, then they built a home in Maple Glen and lived there until their three children all had grown and left. In 1982 they moved to Whitpain Farm. Over the years Bob and his wife traveled widely, including annual trips to Barbados for the month of February – where they rented the same oceanfront cottage every year for some 25 years – and frequent excursions throughout Europe and Asia. “We loved to travel all around the world,” he recalls, noting an especially memorable trip they took in the 1980s to China, which he coordinated with a customer who “I’m very enthusiastic about this hospital. I’ve watched how it has grown. I’ve admired how it has remained such a personal place. And I’ve been especially impressed with the quality of the care I get from my doctors.” – Robert L. Toner lived there. “This was before China was opened to the world,” says Bob, “and we saw things few Americans had ever seen at the time.” Shawn, his wife of 49 years, passed away in 2004. Today, Bob prefers to stay closer to home – and he likes having his children near at hand as well. “We’re a close family,” he says of his three children, two of whom were born at Abington Memorial Hospital. All three live within 20 minutes of his current residence in Lafayette Hill, and all three, plus a grandchild, Continued on page 3 John J. Kelly, M.D. and Robert L. Toner June 2009 From the President very issue of Profiles of Giving is a special opportunity for me to thank the many friends who make our E important work possible. You are one of those great friends. Healthcare is a fundamental need. A strong community requires a strong hospital, and Abington Memorial Hospital is that hospital for many thousands of people every year. We all know that these are challenging times. But despite the economic challenges, this hospital remains a very healthy institution that is making a significant difference in people’s lives. Abington Memorial Hospital continues to grow and expand as we serve the diverse health needs of our community. In these pages of Profiles you’ll read about some of our exciting new developments. These include welcoming Lansdale Hospital into our Abington Health Network of service providers, opening a major new residential hospice facility on our Warminster Campus and developing plans to improve and expand our important Mary T. Sachs Breast Center. In this issue you will also see profiles of some exceptional friends of the hospital: Edward and Gwen Asplundh and Robert L. Toner. You, too, are an essential friend of the hospital. Your support of our important work is greatly appreciated, and you can be confident that we are ever mindful of our role as careful stewards of the support you entrust in us. Thank you for all that you do to help us help others. Richard L. Jones, Jr. 2 F O U N D A T I O N DONOR PROFILE Continued from front page Edward and Gwen Asplundh VOL. 2 ISSUE EIGHT SUMMER 2009 Profiles of Giving is an Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation publication for our donors and friends. For more information call Across the decades, Ed, his family and the Asplundh Foundation have continued their generous support for Abington Memorial Hospital, and the hospital has recognized their generosity in numerous ways, including establishing an endowed nursing scholarship in their name, and naming the beautiful, soaring lobby of the new medical pavilion the Asplundh Atrium. 215-481-4438. Annual support for patient safety At the same time that the Asplundhs have been making exceptional major gifts to the hospital, they have continued to make steady, significant annual gifts. And year after year, they have focused on one critical area of the hospital’s care: patient safety. “Thanks to Ed’s annual support,” says Dr. Kelly, “each year we’re able to take members of our Board of Trustees, senior management, middle level management and frontline healthcare staff to the National Abington Memorial Hospital’s patients consistently rate their doctors and nurses at the highest levels. The hospital has been awarded one of the nation’s most prestigious prizes for patient safety, quality and service: the American Hospital Association’s Quest for Quality Prize. The hospital is also the recipient of the John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety Award for system innovation from the National Quality Forum and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. “Ed has been able to see the transformational nature of his gifts for the people and the work of this hospital.” – John J. Kelly, M.D. Sponsored in part by Ed Asplundh, left, joins John J. Kelly, M.D., chief of staff, for a January reception at the hospital to highlight poster presentations submitted to the National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care. All 18 AMH presentations were accepted for the annual conference of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, more than any other hospital in the country. Forum on Quality Improvement. They not only immerse themselves in safety and quality issues for three days, they bring the principles and skills they learn back to our hospital and apply them here. “Plus, Abington Hospital now makes more presentations on safety and quality than any other hospital in the country. That would not be possible without Ed’s visionary support.” Abington Memorial Hospital works constantly to enhance the care of its patients by reviewing clinical processes with a rigorous eye toward safety, investing in new technologies and building a culture of patient safety throughout the hospital. According to surveys by Press Ganey, a leading firm specializing in patient satisfaction measures, The numerous accolades reflect a top-to-bottom, institution-wide commitment to safety. “When I became chair of the Abington board in 2004,” says Ed, “I felt that patient quality and safety deserved even greater attention at the board level. As just one example, I changed Dr. Kelly’s report to the board from the end of our meeting to the very first presentation on the agenda. Even though I’m no longer chair, that priority continues today.” Adds Dr. Kelly, “Patient safety is even more than a priority at Abington Memorial Hospital. It is our core value here. And that’s the message that Ed brings to us.” F O U N D A T I O N DONOR PROFILE Continued from front page Robert L. Toner work for Toner Cable Equipment. He enjoys spending time with his children and grandchildren at the family’s summer home on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. A gift to support physicians Bob says that working to grow his own company has given him a special appreciation for the hospital’s growth. Serving on the hospital’s Foundation Board also provided him with an insider’s admiration for the hospital’s success. But what he most appreciates about AMH, he says, is that he and his family have received such excellent care over the years. Which is why, he stresses, he wanted his gift to further strengthen the hospital’s ability to hire and retain the best physicians. “I’m very enthusiastic about this hospital,” says Bob. “I’ve watched how it has grown. I’ve admired how it has remained such a personal place. And I’ve been especially impressed with the quality of the care I get from my doctors.” Among them, he notes, are his primary physician, Margot Boigon, M.D., his cardiologist, Asoka Balaratna, M.D., and his dermatologist, William A. Horn, M.D. But Bob reserves special praise for John J. Kelly, M.D., Abington Memorial Hospital’s chief of staff, chief safety officer and specialist in infectious diseases and internal medicine. “I like Dr. Kelly’s commitment to physician excellence,” says Bob, “and I like his efforts to keep attracting great doctors to become part of the hospital.” Dr. Kelly, in turn, expresses appreciation for Bob Toner’s support for physician excellence. His gift, says Dr. Kelly, will support critical recruitment and retention efforts at a time when fewer young physicians are choosing to remain in Pennsylvania after receiving their training here. “Bob Toner’s gift is really remarkable,” stresses Dr. Kelly. “He understands that our physicians are a major driver of our clinical excellence and sustain the hospital over the long term. Bob has shown great generosity in looking to the future and helping to ensure that we’ll have the physicians we need, when we need them.” The reason for that, Bob Toner says, is simple: “Abington will always need more great doctors. Always.” “Bob Toner’s gift is really remarkable. He understands that our physicians are a major driver of our clinical excellence and sustain the hospital over the long term.” – John J. Kelly, M.D. focus 3 on H e a l t h Breast Center services What is the Mary T. Sachs Breast Center, and what services does it provide? The Breast Center, which is accredited by the American College of Radiology, conducts advanced breast-imaging studies with the help of imaging specialists and advanced technologies. These studies are performed by board-certified registered technologists, and are interpreted by board-certified radiologists with special expertise in breast-imaging and breastinterventional procedures. Our services are very important, since early detection of a breast abnormality increases the chance of successful treatment and outcomes. By “breast imaging” do you mean mammograms? Mammograms are the mainstay of breast imaging, as they can often reveal changes in the breast even before a woman or her doctor can detect them. The Center currently has five mammogram units, four of them digital units, and they provide detailed images using low-dose radiation. Our mammography technology is further enhanced by computer-aided detection, or CAD. This is sophisticated, interpretive software that helps identify specific features on medical images and provides a kind of “second pair of eyes” for radiologists and physicians. What other services do you provide? If a mammogram shows an area of suspicion, the Breast Center can provide further tests, such as ultrasound, MRI [magnetic resonance imaging] or biopsy. Many women who need a biopsy are candidates for an outpatient image-guided procedure such as a stereotactic breast biopsy, ultrasound-guided core biopsy or MRI biopsy, all of which we provide at the Mary T. Sachs Breast Center. For patients who require surgical biopsy, Breast Center radiologists perform pre-operative needle localizations for the surgeons. The Center is planning several improvements – what do these include? The Breast Center is an extremely busy place, serving more than 2,500 patients per month. Presently we operate at near capacity levels, and the demand for our services continues to grow. We recently acquired our fifth digital mammography unit, which has the latest advances in technology. Now our pressing need is for dual-coil MRI technology, which can image both breasts at once. We will add 2,000 to 3,000 square feet of much-needed new space by expanding into an adjacent property. We’ll renovate our interior space to improve patient flow, expand our space for waiting rooms and dressing rooms and expand our conference and consultation facilities. We’ll also provide both staff and patients with computer work stations for easy access to digital imaging and library resources. At the same time, we’ll enhance the facility’s exterior – including a new entrance and signage – so that visiting will be a more convenient experience for our patients. For more information about the Mary T. Sachs Breast Center, please contact Pam Leach at 215-481-5715 or visit the hospital’s website at Abington Memorial Hospital’s Mary T. Sachs Breast Center will soon begin a $2.5 million campaign for new equipment and improved facilities (see page 5). We talked recently with Linda B. Griska, M.D., director of Breast Health Services, about the Center and its important work. Developments JAIL and BAIL Abington Memorial Hospital 2009 Employee Appeal Employees make “jail time” a philanthropic affair Sabrina Harris and Chris Tierney This just in: Flocks of jail birds from throughout the hospital have been brought to justice. And all for a good cause. As part of “Jail and Bail,” the 2009 AMH Employee Appeal, hospital employees were thrown in the slammer in the cafeteria. AMH bail bondsmen had a particularly busy time of it, handling waves of bail payments in the guise of charitable gift pledge forms. Some 30 “prisoners” were taken into custody. They all had to cool their heels in a mock jail cell until their friends could collect enough pledges to make bail. In a particularly delicious twist, employees could pledge not only to get their fellow workers out of jail, but also to lengthen a prison sentence! It all made for a memorable appeal that not only was lots of fun, but also raised dollars to support the important work of the hospital. Lori Ferro collects a pledge the to the Annual Employee Appeal from Rick Szatkowski that will help to “bail out” Gretchen Graham and Jill Kyle. 4 Left: Barbara Wadsworth and Dr. Jack Kelly Right: Judith Kratka and Beth Ann Neill Women’s Board Update Houses Beautiful On May 7, the Women’s Board’s annual “Houses Beautiful” tour opened the doors to an array of special homes in the Huntingdon Valley area. The spring tour also took in several lovely gardens, and included a luncheon at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club, all to raise funds to benefit Abington Memorial Hospital. Sue Snyder and Judy Sweigard served as co-chairs of the event, and Connie Berg served as honorary chair. June Fete Gala Pennsylvania State Senator LeAnna M. Washington (third from left) and her guest, Judge Jimmie Moore, are joined by gala co-chairs Harriet Lamberg (left) and MaryAnn Watson (right). Is there any place finer to be than under the Tuscan sun? Not if you’re at the 2009 Women’s Board June Fete Gala. Celebrated on April 25 in the Regency Ballroom of the Loews Philadelphia Hotel, the black-tie event, with the theme, “Under the Tuscan Sun,” raised funds to support the services of Abington Memorial Hospital. Harriet Lamberg and MaryAnn Watson chaired the gala committee, with Diane Breckenridge and Jean Fitzpatrick serving as vice chairs. Grimley Financial Corporation was the Platinum Sponsor for the gala. Bernadette Fecher, Rosalie Gallo and Barbara Junkin Art in the Atrium Always an artistic treat, the June Fete’s annual “Art in the Atrium” show and sale opened this spring with a reception on Sunday, April 19. Organized by the AMHF Women’s Board for the benefit of Abington Memorial Hospital, the show is held each year in the hospital’s Shorday Atrium. This year’s show featured the work of artist Rosalie Gallo and was sponsored by Abington Bank. Bernadette Fecher and Barbara Junkin served as co-chairs, Priscilla Royall served as reception chair and Britt Saitta was invitation chair. For more information about the AMHF Women’s Board, please contact Kris Rey at or 215-481-2500, or visit the hospital’s website at F O U N D A T I O N Developments Community responds to hospice need Abington Memorial Hospital’s philanthropic community has stepped forward in response to a pressing need for residential hospice services. With the help of generous charitable gifts, the hospital has created a beautiful new residential hospice facility, which celebrated its completion at an open house in March. The new facility fills an entire floor of the hospital’s Warminster Campus and provides a soothing environment for patients facing the end of life. Each resident is provided a spacious private room that can accommodate family members for shared meals and an overnight stay. The new facility also includes two family lounges, two family sitting rooms and a fully equipped kitchen – all of which make it easy and comfortable for family members to gather and share special meals and time with their loved one. “The need for this facility is great, and there is nothing else like it in our service area,” said Elissa Della Monica, director of Home Care for the hospital. “With our community’s help, we’ve been able to open our doors and hearts to hospice patients with this homelike facility right here on our Warminster Campus.” The new facility was the focus of the hospital’s recent community appeal. For more information about the new residential hospice facility, please call 215-441-6831or visit the “Ways to Give” section on the hospital’s website at Breast Center campaign begins The Mary T. Sachs Breast Center at AMH will soon begin a $2.5 million campaign to purchase new equipment, improve facilities and expand services. Located in the Abington Memorial Health Center on the hospital’s Schilling Campus, the Breast Center is addressing important capital needs to help it expand its ability to provide leading-edge breast imaging and diagnosis. The campaign will help make possible the purchase of new dual-coil MRI technology, which can image both breasts at once, and will also enable the Center to expand by some 2,000 to 3,000 square feet and make numerous improvements to its interior facilities and entrance. (See Focus on Health, page 3.) For more information about supporting the Breast Center, please contact Jane Wexler, major gifts officer, at or 215-481-2304, or visit the “Ways to Give” section on the hospital’s website at MLK Committee supports hospice and chapel The hospital’s Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Fund Committee provided generous support for Abington Memorial Hospital’s new residential hospice facility. Since 1991, the MLK Committee at Abington Memorial Hospital has worked to keep the spirit of Dr. King alive through its support of the hospital’s efforts to nurture the health and well-being of our community. In gratitude for the Committee’s support of the new facility, Abington Memorial Hospital named its Warminster Campus chapel in memory of Dr. King at a ceremony on March 18. For more information about supporting the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Fund Committee, please contact Ruth S. Weiss, donor and community relations officer, at or 215-481-2792. Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Fund Committee celebrate naming of Warminster Campus chapel. Shown, from left to right, are Rev. John L. Payne, McKinley Lennox, Oscar P. Vance, Jr., Rev. Bruce W. Petty and Pastor John Douglas. A community honors its doctors In March, community members honored their AMH physicians during a Doctors’ Day appeal that raised more than $80,000 in recognition of National Doctors’ Day. Posters were mounted around the hospital to recognize each physician honored by a Doctors’ Day gift, and all honored physicians received personal notification as well. Physicians from throughout the hospital expressed gratitude for the generous outpouring of support. For more information about honoring your doctor, please contact Lori Ferro, annual giving officer, at or 215-481-2529, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Ways to Give You can support a wide variety of programs at Abington Memorial Hospital with a tax-deductible gift by visiting our website at, and click on Ways to Give. 5 F O U N D A T I O N Honor & Memorial Gifts $25 OR MORE FROM OCTOBER 1, 2008 – MARCH 31, 2009 Abington Memorial Hospital’s tradition of recognizing honor and memorial gifts goes all the way back to our founding in 1912. The hospital, originally planned as Abington General Hospital, added “Memorial” to our name to honor Stella McIntyre Elkins, whose husband, George W. Elkins, gave the land for our original building and donated charitable funds in his wife’s memory. Every year we receive numerous gifts that remember loved ones, honor friends and family members, mark special occasions and express personal appreciation. The listing below recognizes donors who recently made honor or memorial gifts to the hospital. Each donor is thanked for his or her thoughtfulness, and each honoree is informed of the special tribute. Many of these gifts were made to thank specific nurses, employees and caregivers who touched the lives of patients, their families and their friends. If you would like to know more about making an honor or memorial gift to Abington Memorial Hospital, please call 215-481-4438 and we will be happy to send you an information packet. In Honor of Abington Emergency Physician Associates Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns In Honor of Abington Medical Specialists William B. Finlan In Honor of Dr. V. Paul Addonizio AMH Cardiothoracic OR Team The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Caraher Nathaniel Finnel Heidi Keegan Martin & Sandra McLoughlin Ivor Simmonds Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson In Memory of Mr. Howard Adler Elsa L. Adler In Honor of Dr. Lisa P. Affatato Nancy A. Ostroff 6 In Memory of Mrs. Lillian J. Aiello Mary Ann Allgood Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amwake Katherine Amwake Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Aromatorio Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Carr Constance Del Savio Ruth K. Eanes Robert H. Gump Mrs. Wesley Huss Mr. & Mrs. Bert Leclere The Prosser Family Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Smith In Memory of Dr. Manuel M. Album AMH Medical Staff Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lloyd In Memory of Mr. Robert C. Alderfer Jean B. Alderfer-Troster In Memory of Mr. Otto Altschuler Robert Bonstein, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Shean-lin Liu Fredda L. Segal In Memory of Mr. Joe Amento, Jr. Anonymous In Honor of AMH 5 Lenfest Doctors, Nurses, and Staff Martin & Sandra McLoughlin Pauline L. Stitzinger In Honor of AMH Cardiac Care Unit Steven Lewis In Honor of AMH Cardiac Care Unit’s Nurses and Staff The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Caraher R. Douglas Warburton In Honor of AMH Critical Care Unit Staff Martin & Sandra McLoughlin In Honor of AMH Emergency Room Staff Tom & Karen Deiley Barbara J. Kalin Mr. & Mrs. William Wemple In Honor of AMH Emergency Trauma Center Staff Steve DePaul Stan Travis, Jr. D.O. & Louise Travis In Honor of AMH ICU Doctors, Nurses and Staff Mrs. Anna Mae Pisarz In Honor of AMH Lenfest MICU Staff Robin & Bob Michaelson In Honor of AMH Radiology Department File Room David W. Malone In Honor of AMH Rosenfeld Cancer Center Staff Linda M. Flowers Robert M. Lyerly & Linda E. Both Jeannette C. Williams In Honor of Dr. Herbert E. Auerbach Claire E. Cherney In Honor of AMH Special Care Nursery Staff Carol & Michael Nunno Rossman-Faberman Family Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Snyder In Honor of AMH Staff Spencer & Sandra Zaslow In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Baisch, Sr. Friday Night Mixed Bowling League Brown Jug Bowling League at Pike Lanes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Ridenour Dr. Chester E. Smith In Honor of AMHF Women’s Board Millicent W. Allen In Memory of Ms. Ruth Baker Rachel Ann Martin In Honor of Dr. Willard G. Andrews III Faith Anne Hutta Marcus Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Ted Skowronski Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Dr. Asoka Balaratna Florence & Marvin Arkans Norman & Shirley Held Mr. & Mrs. G. Donnon McGinley Gloria Taub Edith Yudes Anonymous In Memory of Mrs. Deborah Angler John & Adele Altimari Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Asson Fern & Allen Bailis Eileen & Bernard Brown Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cohen Fred & Ina Cramer Debbie’s Girls Nina Gotowchikov Irma Klein Steve & Margie Klein Marlene & Walter Korn Malcolm & Selma Krauss Marvin & Phyllis Levin G. Philip Malvase & Barbara Purdy Mr. & Mrs. Mel Miller Sue & Allen Myers Warren & Phyllis Rosen Deborah Rosenberg Robert & Harriet Scherlis Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz Jack Schweon Mr. & Mrs. Alan Smith William & Louise Steerman William & Nancy Van Ness Vincent Giordano Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Yeager Anonymous In Honor of Dr. John E. Bair Tom & Karen Deiley Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Woll II In Honor of Dr. Steven Balint Florence & Marvin Arkans Mrs. Ruth K. Colten Janet W. Oberhaus Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Schwartz Naomi Swint Sidney S. Waxman In Honor of Dr. Larry I. Barmat Robin & Ira Adelman Irene Angeles Michelle Richardson Mr. & Mrs. John M. Schaefer In Memory of Mr. William J. Barr Gwen, Tom & Joey Bodnar Richard & Carol Crawford McKeown Zane Post #1711 Valmont-Pennsummit In Honor of Dr. Steven J. Barrer Dr. Marlene Kenion Cliff & Lois Raymond Leonard J. Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Mrs. Ellen B. Barrett James J. Fraatz, Jr. In Honor of Dr. Paul Angotti Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman Sandy Muller Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Memory of Ms. Margaret Barrett James J. Fraatz, Jr. In Memory of Mr. Lawrence Antonucci, Sr. Christine D’Ettorre & Kevin Leslie Sandy Muller In Honor of Dr. Anthony C. Anzalone Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Dr. Avidon Appel Mr. & Mrs. Albert N. Ciment In Honor of Dr. Patrick M. Aquilina William & Dorothy Rose In Honor of Dr. Thomas A. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Walter Elmer Barbara & David Loeb In Memory of Ms. Sharon Ash Robert Angler Joy Anyanwu (left) is this year’s winner of the Shirley M. Dennis Scholarship for outstanding African-American students in the hospital’s Dixon School of Nursing. Shown with Anyanwu is Shirley Dennis (center), who established the scholarship program with a charitable gift annuity, and last year’s Dennis Scholarship recipient, Walettra Enoch (right). Anyanwu is vice president of the Dixon School’s class of 2010 and is a member of the Advisement, Counseling and Collaboration Committee. She served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserve, was awarded the Global Medal Against Terrorism for service in Operation Iraqi Freedom and holds a licensed practical nursing degree from Bucks County Community College. Dennis is trustee emeritus of the AMH Foundation Board, a founding member of the hospital’s Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Fund Committee, a founding member of the AMHF Women’s Board Dickens Auxiliary and a member of the AMH Elkins Legacy Society. In Memory of Mr. Louis Bank Ruth Mina Bank In Honor of Dr. Donna Angotti Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pippel In Honor of Dr. Elizabeth J. Anoia The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Joanne & Harry Yutzler NURSING STUDENT RECEIVES DENNIS SCHOLARSHIP In Memory of Mr. William Barrett Ellen B. Barrett In Memory of Mrs. Sonia Weinstein Barry Sterling Commerce, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Frederick H. Bartlett III Bruce & Tina Entwisle In Memory of Mr. Alphonsus Beckett, Sr. Diane Mastrull & David Zisa Peter Rossetti In Memory of Mrs. Virginia T. Beemer Computer Sciences Corporation Indian Crest Junior High School World Language Department Inova Health System IT Security Department Lufkin High School Special Education Department Overlook Hills Women’s Club In Memory of Barbara Wei Bell, M.D. Kim Winick & Sue Wei In Honor of Ms. Esther Berg Susie and Mickey Snellenburg In Honor of Dr. Bruce Berger Marilyn K. Carter, R.N. The DePaul Family Alex J. Korsch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Lies Mr. & Mrs. G. Donnon McGinley Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nagel Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Weibel In Honor of Dr. Jeffrey Berman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Gold Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Honor of Dr. Jessica A. Berman Dave Jaskiewicz Robin & Bob Michaelson In Memory of Mrs. Catherine R. Bernhardt Mr. Robert Bernhardt Ms. Charlotte Ewer Ms. Janet Fisher Mr. Robert H. Hutchison Ms. Christine Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mellon & Family Patricia Monreal Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pagano In Memory of Ms. Lucile F. Bernstein James J. Fraatz, Jr. In Honor of Mr. Kenneth M. Bieber Lisa, Noa & Ben David, Brian Bieber, Jodi Rau, and Lauren Bieber In Memory of Mrs. Lilo Bieber Matthew G. Bieber & Julia R. Sivitz Lisa, Noa & Ben David, Brian Bieber, Jodi Rau, and Lauren Bieber In Honor of Ms. Susan Bieber Lisa David In Memory of Ms. Virginia A. Biscardi Elfriede & Guenter Buntru Becca & Terry Clark Irene Curry Carmine & Susan DeCrescente Walter Gagne Mr. & Mrs. Fausto Marino In Honor of Mrs. Carol Blank Barsh Kathy Donahue In Memory of Mrs. Ruth Saler Blank Kathy Donahue In Honor of Dr. Christopher K. Blazes Eileen & Michael Greenberg In Memory of Mr. Alfred Block Medical & Dental Staff Holy Cross Hospital In Honor of Dr. Andrew Blumenthal Michelle Y. Thompson In Honor of Dr. Sherry L. Blumenthal Anonymous In Memory of Mr. Dennis R. Blyler Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Blyler, Sr. Edward Fulforth & Family In Honor of Dr. Margot Boigon Shirley G. Pennes Robert L. Toner In Honor of Dr. Paula A. Bononi Mr. & Mrs. David E. Cusson Col. & Mrs. Frank E. Herrelko Mr. & Mrs. David R. Kahn Marie R. Kalberer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. McCloskey Justine L. Olive Isabelle Ripkin In Memory of Mrs. Maggie Bookman Bobbie Rabinowitz In Honor of Dr. Richard P. Borge, Jr. The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Caraher Henry B. Coxe Mario L. DiStanislao Mr. & Mrs. William E. Macht Leonard J. Rosenfeld In Honor of Shelby Borislow Ruth & Marshall Abramson HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS In Honor of Dr. Christopher G. Bosse Mr. & Mrs. H. Wayne Hillborn Anne Taicher & Joan Goldfarb Carole H. Saltzman Dr. Marion Shapiro Annoymous In Honor of Dr. Myhanh Bosse Beth Ann Gilbert In Memory of Frederick and Margaret B. Burns Margaret L. Burns In Honor of Mr. Leonard Boxer William & Sue Spiegel In Memory of Mr. Abe Braman Sylvia Kellem & Family In Honor of Dr. Todd I. Braun Dr. & Mrs. I. Edward Block Adrienne & Peter Feuer Dr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Goren Robin & Bob Michaelson Rev. Stanley Webb Mr. & Mrs. William Wemple Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Ms. Barbara L. Braverman, M.S.N., C.R.N.P. Patricia J. Zuckschwerdt In Honor of Dr. Jeffrey A. Brecher Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Sund In Honor of Dr. John W. Breckenridge Sandy Muller In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Albert Brest Tibby & Stan Nagel In Memory of Dr. George Brown AMH Medical Staff In Memory of Mr. Paul E. Brown, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George Berryann Ms. I. June Malinowski In Honor of Dr. Elliott Brownstein Mary Aurora Chiavaroli Paul & Patricia Patterson In Honor of Ms. Donna M. Brumberg Gloria Taub In Memory of Sterling & Shelley Buckley Dr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Fecher, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Mary Elizabeth Buehler Margaret M. L. Baughman Judge and Mrs. Louis G. Bechtle Phyllis H. Blum Diane E. Buehler Barbara T. Butler John Cannon Emilie H. Carr Isabelle Coates Tom Conville Mr. & Mrs. Cassin W. Craig Frances M. Dewees Margery B. H. English Genie Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Ferguson Barbara N. Fisher Jim & Debbie Genuardi Christine H. Goodner Jean F. Hardwick Nancy & Dick Hassold Bob & Mary Ann Johnson Barbara Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mackin Ed Mahler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martignetti Carol W. Morgan Doris Peck Florence B. Pfeifer Mary Helen Pfeifer-Taylor Jody Ryan Barbara & John Sheble Carmen Waite Betty M. Walters Albert J. Westrum In Honor of Dr. Brian R. Buinewicz Arlene M. Lutz Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Dr. James M. Burke, Jr. Joseph A. Masakowski In Memory of Mr. John C. Calahan E. A. Blazich The Calahan Family Maggie & Richard Groff Berverly Krizay Peggy O’Neill Charles Ott The Weisser Family Mr. & Mrs. Brian Yarsevich In Memory of Sofia Rosa and Vincent Dominic Calvanese The Sofia Rosa and Vincent Dominic Calvanese Memorial Foundation In Honor of Mrs. Eileen Campbell Cathy & Kevin Cawley In Memory of Margaret Campion Mary E. Fasano In Honor of AMH Pulmonary and Critical Care Associates, Ltd. Physicians Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns In Memory of Mr. Russell J. Carson Michelle Fornier Mr. & Mrs. James T. Gunn Tony & Anne Marie Massaro & Family Helen F. McCoy Prudential Claims Department The Prudential Foundation In Honor of Dr. Sam L. Carson Suzie Carroll Mr. & Mrs. David R. Kahn Robin & Bob Michaelson In Memory of Mr. John T. Carter, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. John Bidwell The Blackwell Family Ms. Jacqueline Carter Robert Fredricks Ms. Marie Jeffries Ms. Eugenia McGill Mr. David Smith Constance Unruh Mr. & Mrs. George Vilsmeier In Honor of Dr. Maureen Cassin Anonymous In Memory of Mr. Jim Castle Anonymous In Honor of Mrs. Dorothy Cavanaugh Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Snyder In Honor of Dr. Robert J. Chalfin K. Patricia Adamow Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Donaghy Beth Ann Gilbert Frank & Judy Murphy Gail L. Wishner In Honor of Dr. Steven A. Channick Kathryn E. Balme Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Barnett Beth Anne Beggs Patricia A. Dubrasky Robert H. Gump Richard R. Rotelle, Sr. Robert Salanik In Honor of Dr. Robert S. Charles Susan & Richard Alexander Florence & Marvin Arkans Mr. & Mrs. John R. Barr, Sr. Alan H. Bernstein Carol D. & Paul H. Cohen Dr. B. Franklin Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Walter Elmer William Greenhouse Dr. & Mrs. Harry M. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman Henry Litvin, M.D. Barbara & David Loeb Sylvia Masters Sandy Muller Sandie & Joe Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nagel Mr. & Mrs. Morton A. Rothschild Pam & David Starfield Edward Straub Carol & Jack A. Thalheimer Richard Trifield The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Bob & MaryAnn Watson Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Wenitsky Beverly & Norman Willett Lillian E. Witter Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Honor of Dr. Martin Chatzinoff Charles F. Hoeger Rich & Debbie Maha In Honor of Dr. Paul J. Cherney Claire E. Cherney Barbara J. Scheelje In Honor of Dr. Marc Chernoff Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Tepper Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Honor of Dr. Robert M. Cherrey Ethel B. Warner In Honor of Dr. David J. Chesner Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Ambler Mr. & Mrs. Shulem Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. Francis Landy In Memory of Ms. Irene Cody-Curley Muller, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Adam M. Cohen Arden & John E. Chester Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Gold Theresa Hannon Dick & Melva Hill Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Rothman R. Bruce Wall In Honor of Dr. Marc C. Cohen Susan & Richard Alexander Linda & Bruce Baron Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Paul G. Doering Wanda Fedorowicz Mr. & Mrs. William Frizlen III Sylvia Masters Lorraine E. Mitchell Robert F. Oettel Elizabeth K. O’Shea Louise Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Morton A. Rothschild C. Glenn Schueler David & Gail Shlifer Bruce & Rebecca Singer Beverly & Norman Willett Mary N. Zimmers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Zipley In Memory of Mrs. Rhoda Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Eric Lubinski In Honor of Dr. Gregory B. Chess Suzie Carroll In Memory of Mr. Charles S. Cole, Jr. Kenneth & Glynn Schauder In Honor of The Children of Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Barrer Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Barrer In Honor of Dr. Deirdre M. Collins Robin & Bob Michaelson In Memory of Mr. Neal Chipin Jeanne Hecker Dick Trifield & Irene Birnbach In Honor of Dr. Cathy A. Colt William Greenhouse Jonathan Mallamud & Barbara Leiland In Honor of Dr. Joanna K. Chon Elaine & Edwin V. Harrington Stacie Ruehling In Honor of Dr. James H. Cook W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Thomas L. Harrison In Honor of Dr. G. Chris Christensen III Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Thomas L. Harrison Gail L. Wishner Marilyn B. Zigerman Lester R. Zipris In Honor of Dr. Barry R. Cooper Sylvia R. Adamo Rubin Bernstein Dr. & Mrs. I. Edward Block Suzie Carroll Martha & Stephen Lebram Theodore & Jean Lesko Pamela Lintner-Scarlett Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Meyers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Notafrancesco Vincent & Cynthia Pasceri Elva Romanow Estelle Royfe Pam & David Starfield Edward Straub Dr. & Mrs. Jamshid B. Tehrani Anonymous In Memory of Ms. Maria Cilio Joanne & Nobuyuki Stellato In Memory of Dr. John L. Cionci Germaine Pearlberg & Joanne Hardesty James Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum & Associates Cathryn & Vince Sangricco In Honor of Dr. Francis J. Clark Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Mathew M. Clark Helen L. Andresen Michael Rothstein & Michael McCue In Memory of Ms. Suzanne Clark Dr. Bucky Clark In Honor of Dr. Gerard M. Cleary Ava Bracken Downey In Memory of Ms. Carmela Clerico Central Bucks School District Sunshine Fund Sandi & Albert Davis Mr. & Mrs. Louis Galasso Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Mirigliani Michael & Stacy Tennyson Upper Merion Area School District Elementary Principals Upper Merion High School Administration In Honor of Dr. Amy L. Clouse Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Howald Rita’s Water Ice sweetens employee appeal Rita's Water Ice of 1700 Old York Road generously provided free water ice coupons to all AMH employees who made a contribution to the 2009 Annual Employee Appeal. Rita’s also hosted water ice parties for the two most generous hospital departments. In Honor of Dr. Jeffrey P. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. James J. Thompson, Sr. In Memory of Dr. Murray S. Cooper Joanna H. McClintock Dr. & Mrs. David E. Rosenthal In Memory of Mr. Vincent Cooper Louis & Geraldine Cooper Mr. & Mrs. David Darville Forest Park Water Dorothy Marquard Heidi Palmer Andrew & Georgianne Pogas Kathy, Dennis & Brian Pokropski Fernando C. Sariego Mary & Joe Smith, Brian & Lyn Sharon & Jay, Patty Denise & Warren, Michael & Tammy Dorothy Shields In Memory of Roger E. Copland Carol M. Copland In Memory of Mrs. Donna Cotter David F. Cotter In Honor of Dr. Steven I. Cowan Robert C. Wilson, Jr. In Memory of Mr. James F. Cox, Jr. Washington High School Faculty & Staff In Honor of Dr. Bennett H. Cozen William H. Bertolet, 3rd Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Biegel Frances M. Cosenza Mr. & Mrs. Saul T. Dishler Adrienne & Peter Feuer Mr. & Mrs. G. Donnon McGinley Mrs. Vernon Morris Mr. & Mrs. John W. Schmus Dr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Thompson Beverly & Norman Willett In Honor of Dr. David V. Craft Joan M. Burak Mary E. Clifford George C. Corson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Saul T. Dishler Mr. & Mrs. Francis Landy Robert M. Lyerly & Linda E. Both Joan Spiegle Carol & Jack A. Thalheimer In Honor of Dr. Arnold Cramer Mary E. Clifford Mr. & Mrs. Morris W. Feldstein Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Freudberg Emily & David Lowe Joan Spiegle Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Starrantino In Honor of Dr. Michelle Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Freudberg Emily & David Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Starrantino In Honor of Dr. Joseph G. Crocetti, Jr. Robin & Bob Michaelson In Honor of Dr. Brian Cronin Robin & Bob Michaelson In Memory of Mrs. Anne Cunnane Joel Richards & Fellow Associates of Prudential Insurance Company Mr. & Mrs. Michael DiMito The Prudential Foundation Susan Bird and Autumn Littlejohn Linda Weber Ed Wlazlowski In Memory of Ms. Nancy Curran Gloria Fine Hugh Maher The Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania Laurel Simkovich Alfred & Frances Smedley Mary Jane Willts In Honor of Dr. Bruce Cutilli Bruce & Tina Entwisle In Honor of Dr. Larry A. Cutler Barney Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burns Jane C. Creitz Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Gold Mr. & Mrs. David R. Kahn Mr. & Mrs. G. Donnon McGinley Francis Remmey Leonard J. Rosenfeld Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Rothman The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Memory of Mr. Frank J. Daddona, Jr. Muller, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Jason A. Damsker Anna Decheljan Elizabeth Josuweit Tiffany Duncan Kidd Richard Trifield Uniglobe Travel gives AMH the world Once again, Uniglobe Banner Travel of Rockledge, provided a grand raffle prize to the Annual AMH Employee Appeal. One lucky participating employee received a travel certificate toward a trip of their choice. 7 F O U N D A In Honor of Dr. Joseph W. Danial Sandie & Joe Murdock In Memory of Ms. Wendy Daniel Tim Daniel In Honor of Dr. Phillippe de Kerillis The Chernow Family In Honor of Dr. Robert R. Dee The DePaul Family In Honor of Dr. Colleen A. Devinney Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Lutz Jack, Ruth & Yonah Ringlestein In Memory of Mr. Francis J. Devlin, Jr. Anonymous In Honor of Dr. B. Franklin Diamond Horace B. Drever Margaret S. & John R. McGann Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Jorge Diduszyn Leonard J. Rosenfeld In Memory of Mrs. Nellie Diehl Mr. & Mrs. L. Steuart Brown, Sr. In Honor of Dr. Diane L. Dietzen Henrietta D. Roberts Stephen Solotist In Memory of Mrs. Mary E. Donato Raymond A. Donato Alfred Lizzio & Fred Lizzio Candice L. Roberts In Memory of Mr. Michael J. Doyle Muller, Inc. In Honor of Mr. Jonathan Dryer Donna Levy In Honor of Dr. Theresa A. Dugan Helen Manley 8 In Memory of Mr. Richard F. Dwyer Theresa Donohue Andrew & Sandy Dwyer Edward & Patricia Dwyer Kristen Jurowicz James & Catherine McDonald The Profile Shop Red Cedar Academy Holly & Charles Selzle Myrtle Solinger SPS Technologies William M. Timm Joseph Toland Truman High Room C-5 I O N In Memory of Ms. Rhonda Ehrlich Charles Anastasi Mrs. Lynn D. Bloom Sylvia Chernow Mel & Lynne Cherry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Demusis Karl & Caren Dorfman Sherri, Jay, Zach & Jared Epstein Norman & Phyllis Goldberg The Gorenstein Family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greenberg & Family Katharine Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Hoffman Patricia Hrabyk Ervin & Beverly Kanefsky Kathy Kanefsky Dr. & Mrs. Howard Kessler Gary & Cindy Loewenstern Yvonne & Herman Lutzner Bob & Bonnie Miller & Family Modern Fasteners, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Nelson Sue, Rick, Stefanie & Scott Palman Barry & Anita Porten Karen Poulos Kenneth Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rose Leon & Natalie Rosenberg Brian & Stacey Rothaus Mrs. Merle Santerian & Family Burt Satzberg Lisa, Steven, Jessica & Samantha Schiff Aunt Pfissy & Uncle Gordon Schwartz Michelle & Doug Smithman Lawrence Sobel The Thomas Family Michael, Michele, Matthew & Ariele Tucker Sonya Weidman Alan & Rita Weinberg William Tennent Ice Hockey Club Wm. J. Donovan Co. Jerry & Elaine Wolk In Honor of Dr. Kenneth H. Einhorn Mary C. Brownell Sandy Muller In Honor of Dr. Richard S. Eisenstaedt Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zaslow In Honor of Dr. Elana R. Eisner Claire Coleman In Honor of Dr. Ronald P. Emmi Osna Zilbershteyn In Memory of Mrs. Isabel Burchuk Echikson Dr. Edward Echikson In Memory of Mr. Del Ennis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wolff In Honor of Dr. Michelle Ecker Paul G. Doering In Memory of Ms. Mildred Eckhardt Theodore Kantner, Jr. In Honor of Dr. Mitchell I. Edelson Henrietta B. Gehshan Jane Matynka Doris F. Ward In Memory of Ms. Elizabeth Edwards Carol & Frank Zinicola In Honor of Dr. Dion R. Ehrlich Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Dr. Samuel R. Moore, Jr. Sandy Muller Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth Anonymous T In Memory of Ms. Jane L. Ervin Abington Dermatology Associates, P.C. Dona Marie Bergner Carroll Engineering Corporation GeographIT The Honeywell Family Paul & Maureen Otto Daniel J. Ritting Susan and David Spratt Streets Department IS&T & Friends Thomas & Lynne Taylor In Honor of Dr. David J. Eskin Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Sandy Muller Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zaslow Spencer Zaslow In Honor of Ms. Susan Faden Jay Rosen In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Fahy Connie & Jack Morris Rick Morris Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morris In Honor of Dr. Mary Rachel Faris Dorothy Barber Harry E. Butson, M.D. Rae G. Cohan Jane C. Creitz Joanne L. Diamond Isabelle Ferguson Nancy Florin Joan M. Marcolina Carolyn McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Leslie S. Schaffer Carol R. Wesser In Honor of Dr. Steven A. Fassler Alex J. Korsch Patricia A. White Spencer Zaslow Patricia J. Zuckschwerdt In Honor of Mrs. Beverly P. Feierman Sally Wexler In Honor of Dr. Robert A. Feldman Nancy A. Ostroff In Honor of Dr. Lorrie G. Finelli Sandy Muller In Memory of Dorothy Finneburgh Cheltenham Township Adult School Dorothy Green Darilyn Moyer In Memory of Mrs. Evelyn Finzimer Selma Bellet Bruce & Sara Berger Eileen Cooper Dr. B. Franklin Diamond Aimee & Stephen Doctoroff Bob Eskin & Joan Shea Corinne Eskin David & Eileen Eskin Fyllis & Mark Etter Denise Fleming Elizabeth L. Kozart Robert & Stephanie Levin Stacy & Mark Bricker, and Pauline & Myron Mostovoy Robin & Bruce Phillips Felix & Sally Pilla Drs. Linda & Melvyn Richter Barbara & Ron Rosenthal Margaret & Gordon Shindle Dr. & Mrs. Barry A. Silver Butch & Liz Smith Jill & Chris Smith Sally & Jay Steele Sheila & Bob Tritel Emily & Charles Wagner Bob & MaryAnn Watson Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Andrew S. Fireman Richard F. Drinkwater Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth In Memory of Mrs. Norma Firestone Samuel E. Firestone In Memory of Dr. Norman J. Fisher Doris Fisher In Honor of Dr. Elizabeth Fitzgerald Horace B. Drever Dr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Goren Isabelle Ripkin In Memory of Mr. Richard Fitzgerald Maryellen Noreika In Honor of Dr. Nancy M. Galella Isabelle Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Kelley Beverly & Norman Willett In Memory of Mr. Martin Fives Robert Angler In Honor of Dr. Steven L. Galetta W. Stanley Delp, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Anne M. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Aniello In Honor of Dr. Gregory G. Gallant Carolyn I. Dimmig In Memory of Mr. Robert A. Fluke Christopher J. Blazic Bill & Kathy Buss Cecelia Snyder Middle School Faculty & Staff Families of Centenial Station, Building 2 Carmella D. Fanelli Geraldean & Gordon Fluke, Doug Fluke & Roberta Evans Mr. & Mrs. William A. Fluke Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Franklin Giant Food Store of Southampton Hargis & Helen Knoechel John & Judy Taylor, Marjorie Svenson & John Grundy Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Martin Robert & Coleen Minglin Helen & Carlton Moe Helen Pellegrino Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pellegrino Robert N. Quickel, Jr. Marie & David Roberts Jeffrey & Margarita Russell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Silinskie Nancy J. Thomas Janet H. Wolf In Memory of Mr. Sam Garofalo John N. Garofalo In Memory of Ms. Ethel Flynn Colleen P. Mooney John & Kathleen Mooney In Memory of Mrs. Grace A. Gaschen Lower Providence Presbyterian Church Bell Choirs Elizabeth DeLawrence Karen & David Holloway Mr. & Mrs. Cecil C. Lewis Carolyn & Paul Murphy Mr. & Mrs. David E. Murphy The Wallace Family Susan Wich In Memory of Mr. Richard A. Gaughan Ms. Michelle Fresa Mary Gannon Nooter Construction Company Mr. William Woolley Mr. Gary Zimmaro In Memory of Mr. Marshall David Gealt Jeannette & Leo Gealt In Memory of Mr. Stanley Forgione The Beck Family In Honor of Dr. William L. Frangipane Rich & Debbie Maha In Memory of Mrs. Donna Geist Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Giovannangelo In Honor of Dr. Arthur Frankel Michael Reifsnyder Leonard J. Rosenfeld Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Sund Marian H. Wood In Honor of Dr. Eric G. George Jonathan Mallamud & Barbara Leiland In Honor of Dr. Leslie Berman Frankel Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Dr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Goren Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman Isabelle Ripkin Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Sund Matilda S. Whitman Marian H. Wood In Honor of Dr. Victor E. Ghantous Robin & Bob Michaelson Carol & Jack A. Thalheimer In Honor of Dr. Charles Michael Franklin Bill & Janet Drake Mr. & Mrs. Walter Elmer Lillian S. Halpern Sylvia Masters Mary Louise Treese In Honor of Dr. Peter B. Frechie Osna Zilbershteyn In Honor of Dr. Ala Stanford Frey Mr. & Mrs. George E. Page In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Fries Joe & Jane Cero Patrick Cero The Cero Family Patrick McGlone & Family Katie McGuigan The Penta Family Anonymous In Honor of Mr. Richard K. Fullan Silver Lining Home Health Care, Inc. In Memory of Ms. Esther B. Furman Harriet F. Cohn Jacobs Music of Willow Grove generously provided the use of a Clavinova Digital Piano for Abington Memorial Hospital’s annual Martin Luther King Celebration. The February commemorative program is hosted by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Fund Committee at Abington Memorial Hospital In Honor of Dr. Mauricio J. Garrido Adrienne & Peter Feuer E. Howard Hill & Mary B. Hill Oksana Horajeckyj Heidi Keegan Paula S. Rosner In Memory of Mrs. Susan Gebert John M. Gebert, Jr. Gary Veloric In Memory of Mr. John L. Frost David Kaufman JACOBS MUSIC HELPS HONOR MARTIN LUTHER KING In Honor of Ms. Theresa Galanti Barbara Ann Caruso In Honor of Dr. Sundee L. Gable Dorothy Buchanan Barbara Ann Caruso Adam & Robyn Cohen Jane C. Creitz Jack & Dor DeLong The DePaul Family Marjorie & Sidney Gable Regina K. Gordon & Carol Grey Lillian S. Halpern Addie M. Johnson, Ed.D. Ed McGilloway Julius Mindlin Robin Mitchell Mrs. Ida A. Woytko Anonymous In Memory of Mr. Jerry Gerber Robert Angler In Memory of Mr. William L. Gill Friends & Neighbors Centennial Station – Building 9 In Memory of Mr. Robert F. Gilman Mary Lou & Frank Denitz In Memory of Mrs. Kathleen Giradi Doris Adomsky Maria & Dean Ammann & Maureen Stockette Barbara Bucknum Phyllis M. Carroll John Casey Joey Dudenbostel Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Giradi Denise & Andrew Gurwood & Family Eric Handel The Haug Family Joanne Johnson Alice Caruso McDaniel Agnes McGowan Mr. & Mrs. James McKiernan Northampton Township Administration Edward Schlamb Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sims Martin Szelc Jr. & Edith Szelc Township of Northampton Township of Northampton – Board of Supervisors & Staff Tri-Hampton Rescue Squad Virginia Volkman In Memory of Ms. Morgan E. Gisondi AMH Physician Billing Office In Memory of Eileen Glanzberg’s Beloved Mother Bobbie Rabinowitz In Honor of Dr. Barry L. Glaser Leonard J. Rosenfeld In Memory of Ms. Naomi Goldberg Jamie Shore In Honor of Dr. Richard A. Goldberg Shirley R. Bernstein & Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bogner Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Bill & Janet Drake Beth Ann Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS In Honor of Dr. Richard A. Goldstein Sylvia R. Adamo Robin & Ira Adelman Horace B. Drever E. Jean Stifnell In Honor of Dr. David A. Goodman Julius Mindlin In Memory of Mr. Edward J. Goodman Mrs. Edward J. Goodman & Hilary Beth Goodman In Honor of Dr. Matthew A. Goodman Rhoda & Mert Goodman Thomas R. Peters In Honor of Dr. Eric B. Goosenberg Robin & Ira Adelman Mr. & Mrs. Irving A. Faye In Honor of Dr. Jonas Gopez Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hassold In Honor of Dr. Michelle S. Gorbos-Spina Kenneth D. Farragut Anne Tierney In Memory of Mr. Arthur J. Gordon, Sr. Joan A. Gordon In Honor of Dr. Denise Gotsdiner Mr. & Mrs. Leon Gotsdiner In Honor of Dr. Charles D. Gottlieb Nathaniel Finnel Mr. & Mrs. Dennis S. Gazer Robert Kyle Ross J. Smith Anne Taicher & Joan Goldfarb Howard A. Youngfleisch Patricia J. Zuckschwerdt In Memory of Craig David Gould Anna & Glenn Preiss Ethel, Harry & Gregg Preiss In Memory of Ms. Louise Grasso Blanche Ammons Barbara Aughtmon Janet Beckmann & Ralph Lloyd The Brownholtz Family Ralph Crescitelli Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ford Connie & David Gillis John & Isabella May Mr. & Mrs. John Messina Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Messina Michael & Claire Palembas Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Penecale Saint David’s Choir Mr. & Mrs. Bud Sweeney Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Michael J. Gratch Terry & Diane Clemons Bill & Janet Drake Kristen S. O’Neill Mary Jane Witmer Howard A. Youngfleisch In Memory of Mr. John Gray Mrs. Joan K. Gray Stan & Lois Singer In Honor of Dr. Parmatma S. Greeley Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Strelzik In Memory of Mrs. Esther Green Frank & Nancy Parmet In Honor of Dr. George R. Green Janice S. Bers Polly H. (Mary) Dunn Nathaniel Finnel Lorraine C. Pruitt Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson In Honor of Mr. Michael Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Michael Basch Mr. & Mrs. Howard Siegal In Honor of Dr. Richard E. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kinzinger The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Honor of Dr. Vivian N. Greenberg Bruce & Tina Entwisle Jane E. George Karen A. Korman Anna H. Mario Glenn & Shirley Masakowski Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Weintraub In Memory of Mr. Paul L. Gregg Lester & Deborah Weir In Honor of Dr. Joseph H. Gronich Norman & Shirley Held Robin & Bob Michaelson Spencer Zaslow In Memory of “Sassy” Grookett Dr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Fecher, Jr. Old York Road Dog Training Club In Memory of Mr. Edward A. Grosik Cynthia Grosik In Memory of Mrs. Clara Gabel Gross Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Cahill Dr. B. Franklin Diamond Mr. & Mrs. George J. Gross, Jr. Residents of Springhouse Estates, A Wing United States Coast Guard Auxilary Flotilla 24 Norma Whitcraft In Honor of Dr. Maurice D. Gross Dr. & Mrs. J. Barry Drossner Mr. & Mrs. Edmund C. Helveston, Jr. In Memory of Dr. Alan R. Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Schrader In Honor of Dr. Jay S. Grossman Joan S. Kline In Honor of Dr. Sheila S. Grossman Joan S. Kline Milton London Doris W. Maust In Memory of Ms. Lisa Guida-Wydock Muller, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Harvey Guttmann Milton & Joyce Cross W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Donaghy Bruce & Tina Entwisle Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Gold Mr. & Mrs. Shulem Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lear Emily & David Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. McCloskey Robin & Bob Michaelson Sandy Muller Helene & Les Rosenfeld Bruce & Rebecca Singer In Memory of Marcy Haaz’s Father Connie & Don Berg In Memory of Mr. George R. Haines Mr. & Mrs. G. Rodney Haines, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Hammer In Honor of Mr. William J. Ham Lorraine J. Mancuso In Memory of Dr. Forwood E. Hanby AMH Medical Staff Gene & Ann Bucci Ruth E. Buck, M.D. The Carmine Family Mary Ann & John Chernesky Rose & Bill Cochran Co-Workers of Mary Hanby Drs. Leslie & Arthur Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Edward Grady Betsy Kaplan Bruce Kaplan, M.D. Joan Kaplan Diane C. Kingsley Susan & Matthew Koger Maryanne P. McGowan Paula J. Pavelchak Radiology Group of Abington, PC Janet J. Wilson Dick & Viola Young In Honor of Dr. Parviz Hanjani Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Bostick Rae A. Hill Joan E. Sikora Ms. Andrea Tambourino In Memory of Ms. Mary B. Hardy Sharon Thomas In Honor of Dr. Joseph A Hassey Rae G. Cohan The Hassey Family In Memory of Ms. Louise A. Hazlett Gretz Beer Company In Memory of Mrs. Eileen M. Hearne K. Patricia Adamow In Memory of Ms. Frances Heaton Donald R. Heaton In Memory of Mrs. Stephane Hebert-Carapellotti Dr. & Mrs. William F. Ballay Bob & Phyllis Briggs Caryn S. Gubin & Dr. Harold S. Baumgarten The Knoll Family Mary Patricia Moynihan Women’s Health Care Group In Memory of Mr. Norbert R. Hein Lynn Flaherty Suzanne Leiby & George Foresman Rosemarie Hoffman Inge L. Kindness Roe & Scott Laserow In Memory of Mr. Marshall W. Heinbaugh Kazmira Heinbaugh In Memory of Mr. Donald F. Hemler Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Berger Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Bostick Mary Anne Darrah L. John & Sandra DeLaurentis John & Laurie Grande Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Keefer Richard N. Kellerman & Patricia A. Kellerman Jan & Jeannette Noorman Drew & Joanne Revak Phil & Joanne Waldron Mr. & Mrs. Morris D. Weiss Agnes & John Welsh Barbara A. Wilensky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Woll In Memory of Mr. Wayne Henhoeffer Dorothy & William Rose In Honor of Dr. Scott H. Herbert Frank & Judy Murphy Selma Neubauer Vivian DiCristofaro Isabelle Ferguson Helene & Les Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Schneider Carol R. Wesser In Memory of Mr. John H. Hilburt, Jr. Kevin Gregory In Memory of Mr. Frederick R. Hildebrand Barbara J. Scheelje In Memory of Mrs. Rosemarie Hildebrand Charles H. MacDonald Electric, Inc. In Memory of Aaron Scott Hinz Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hinz In Honor of Dr. Steven J. Hirshberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hazen The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Honor of Dr. Denise L. Hartman Suzie Carroll Constance Ruth Ebert Mr. & Mrs. Shulem Kleiman Arlene McDonald-Egitto Pam & David Starfield In Honor of Dr. Hal S. Hockfield Dr. & Mrs. David J. Abrams Doris Baranoff Jo-Anne G. Brown Mrs. Frederic S. Claghorn Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Cohen Denise V. Duffy Elizabeth S. Eisenberg Sondra Hockfield Dr. & Mrs. Harry M. Hoffman Marie Louise Jackson Morris N. Katz Dr. Marlene Kenion Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lear Dorothy A. Levin Rose Lichtenstein Doris A. Martin Ruth G. Miller Sandy Muller Marian T. Oister Carole H. Saltzman Morton & Joan Sklaroff Mary Louise Treese Sharon Wexler Ron & Carole Witty Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Woll II Marilyn B. Zigerman Anonymous In Memory of Mr. James Hartzell Steve & Kristina Moriconi In Memory of Dr. Joseph Hoeffel, Jr. Lynn & Chris Gadsden In Memory of Ms. Elizabeth R. Harm Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Brown The Galloway Family Mr. & Mrs. Francis Milles The Emend & Zolinza Marketing Teams The Executive & Reimbursement Team In Honor of Ms. Jean H. Harpel The DePaul Family In Honor of Dr. Steven G. Harper W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Arlene M. Lutz Genevieve Verdecchio In Honor of Dr. Lee J. Harris Jonathan Mallamud & Barbara Leiland Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Dr. Mary T. Hofmann Helen R. Breslow Muller Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson In Honor of Mr. Jeff Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jennings In Memory of Capt. John D. Holgate Kathryn L. Holgate In Honor of Dr. Dennis A. Jerdan Mr. & Mrs. David P. Jerdan In Memory of Dr. George Hollander Leah Hollander In Memory of Ms. Jean Horigan Pitcairn Lachlan Pitcairn In Honor of Dr. William A. Horn Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Asplundh Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth In Memory of Dr. Daniel W. Horner, Jr. Abington Medical Specialists In Memory of Ms. Rose Horrocks George Horrocks & Family Andrew Levitzky Lester & Eleanor Willis In Honor of Dr. David A. Horvath W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Adrienne & Peter Feuer Col. & Mrs. Frank E. Herrelko In Honor of Dr. David Horvick Horace B. Drever Mr. & Mrs. Shulem Kleiman In Memory of Mr. Downey D. Hoster Norma M. Hoster In Honor of Dr. Victor Hsu Dr. & Mrs. Lincoln T. Griswold In Memory of Mrs. Lillian Hubbard Anne & Dick Boenning Adriana Della Porta Gerry & Judy Elkins Kay Frizzell Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Sheffield Robert T. Waddington Barbie & Elley Wetherill Thomas R. White In Memory of Mr. Donald Hutt Ms. Jeanette Dudek Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fowler Mr. & Mrs. David Hajduk Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Zucker In Honor of Dr. Glenn A. Hyatt Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Arden & John E. Chester Nancy L. Fitch Alex J. Korsch Cliff & Lois Raymond Anne Taicher & Joan Goldfarb Milton & Anne Whitehead In Memory of Mr. Charles Hylands Jill Benham Phyllis Husted Herb & Yvonne Koeger Kathryn E. Lightcap Elizabeth M. Schott In Honor of Internal Medicine Associates of Abington Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Traub Stan Travis, Jr. D.O. & Louise Travis In Memory of Ann Irwin Lester R. Zipris In Honor of Dr. Joseph Izes Paul A. Berry Horace B. Drever Doris Izes Mr. & Mrs. Francis Landy Dr. Samuel R. Moore, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Rose Jacobs Ruth Mina Bank In Honor of Dr. Kenneth L. Jacobson Kathryn E. Balme In Honor of Dr. Jeremy R. Jaffe Susan Seeley Mr. & Mrs. James J. Thompson, Sr. In Honor of Dr. Lilian Jalil Mr. & Mrs. John R. Booth, Jr. Nancy B. Crosson Jack & Dor DeLong Wanda Fedorowicz June Foley Dave Jaskiewicz Sylvia Kellem Jonathan Mallamud & Barbara Leiland Mr. & Mrs. James A. Menditto Margarita Orticochea Michael A. Palembas Barbara J. Scheelje Paul L. Stone Anonymous In Honor of Mrs. Linda Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jennings In Memory of Mr. Henry L. Johnson Florence L. Johnson In Memory of Edward Joseph Jones Margaret M. Jones In Memory of Mr. John Paul Jones Margaret M. Jones In Honor of Dr. Robert K. Josloff Suzie Carroll Bruce & Tina Entwisle Monroe & Rynda Klein Talbot B. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Robert A. Jubelirer K. Patricia Adamow Rita Bianco George Boynton Suzie Carroll Amy, Matt & Rebecca Jubelirer Laurette Lehrer Mr. & Mrs. William E. Macht Carolyn McDermott Sandy Muller Ivor Simmonds Naomi, Susan, Ariel & Chalo Smukler Howard A. Youngfleisch Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Honor of Dr. Andrew Junkin Edward Straub In Honor of Dr. David M. Junkin Glenn & Barbara Becker Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson In Honor of Dr. Deborah Junkin Barbara Straub In Memory of Mr. James Kaldes Robert Angler In Memory of Ms. Elizabeth J. Karasch Henry & D. C. Dodszuweit In Honor of Mr. David J. Kaufman Thomas F. Garlin In Honor of Dr. Stephen E. Kaufman Jane C. Creitz In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ary Kaufmann Peggy & Art Kaplan In Memory of Mr. Robert P. Kearney Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Allison J. Keen Theresa Mary White In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kehan Barbara Carr Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fetterman Scott & Victoria Holland Joseph & Mary Ellen Long Ron & Jamie Maerz Mr. & Mrs. John Pede QVC, Inc. Vereinigun Erzegirge, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Larry S. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Shulem Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nagel Barbara L. Pullin Matilda S. Whitman In Honor of Dr. John J. Kelly K. Patricia Adamow Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Asplundh Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Claire E. Cherney Bruce & Tina Entwisle Barbara T. Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman Don & Cindy Koeneman Robin & Bob Michaelson Sandy Muller Mr. & Mrs. James Schmincke Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zaslow Spencer Zaslow Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Dr. Harry J. Kenworthy Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Arnold L. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. William E. Macht Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Moore Anonymous 9 F O U N D A In Memory of Mrs. Eileen F. Kienzle Bucks County Department of Health Stanley & Anna Mae Fretz Mr. & Mrs. Merle E. Hladky Lorraine A. Jones Bill & Claire Roschetz In Memory of Mr. Robert Kienzle Stanley & Anna Mae Fretz In Memory of Mr. James J. Kittredge Goshen Intermediate School Sunshine Fund Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman In Honor of Ms. Bonnie L. Klenk Harris S. Greenberg In Honor of Dr. Bruce Klugherz K. Patricia Adamow Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Castro Catherine C. Dean Polly H. (Mary) Dunn Kenneth D. Farragut Charles Gershwin Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hassold Mr. & Mrs. William E. Macht Bill & Ellen McKee Sandy Muller Sandie & Joe Murdock Mike & Paula Nyzio Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pippel Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Roman Anne Tierney Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Weibel In Honor of Dr. William P. Koehler Gay F. Hearn Norman & Shirley Held Charles F. Hoeger Marguerite E. Kroekel Mr. & Mrs. Marshall A. Mackler Carolyn & Clyde Rankin Karolina Redmond In Honor of Dr. Jeffrey W. Kolff Mr. & Mrs. Burton Friesen In Memory of Mr. William Koller Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli In Honor of Dr. Linda G. Kollmar Maria Danciu 10 In Memory of Mr. George Kontodemos Robert Angler In Honor of Dr. Emmanuel J. Kostacos Dr. Bruce & Caroline Carlson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cataldo Dr. & Mrs. Ted Skowronski Beverly & Norman Willett Anonymous In Memory of Mr. Theodore Kradzinski AMH Homecare Intake Department In Memory of Mrs. Lesley Kramaroff Kelly Blackmon Michael & Hedy Cohen In Memory of Mr. Max Kramer Sandie & Joe Murdock In Honor of Ms. Judith L. Kratka J.P. Rainey & Company, Inc. In Honor of Robert Kravis, Psy.D Jan G. Uram In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Joel Kravitz Roy & Adrianne Pass In Honor of Mr. Michael Kravitz Crum & Forster ENS Department The Schwartz Family In Memory of Mr. Steve Krell Robert Angler In Honor of Dr. Marc M. Kress Rich & Debbie Maha Dr. Harry Pellegrini In Honor of Ms. Cheryl Kripke-Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Garvin, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Dawn Kroeger Sally & Bob Greer Patricia E. McDermott In Memory of Mr. Donald C. Krueger Mr. & Mrs. John W. Brand III Polly H. (Mary) Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Herbster Bernice B. Krueger Mr. Philip White & Dr. Philip Huang In Honor of Dr. Louise H. Kuklinski Mary C. Brownell Isabelle Ferguson Mrs. Joseph Hessenthaler Vivian Noble Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Strelzik Irene F. Turzer In Honor of Dr. John S. Kukora Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Saricks T I O N In Memory of Mary Kathryn Kurilla Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Weckerly, Sr. In Honor of Dr. Moody Kwok Steven & Sherra Chadwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson In Honor of Dr. Randy E. Lamberg Barbara & Joseph Lamberg In Memory of Mr. Sanford Laveson Ann & Josh Lipschutz Veronica Sarama HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS In Honor of Dr. James W. Mahoney Martin J. Lennon David Myers Elizabeth Ann Neri Gloria Taub Marilyn B. Zigerman Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Maria M. Mahoney David Myers Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle In Honor of Dr. Guy Lee Sandy Muller Mr. & Mrs. John L. Oppenlander Anonymous In Memory of Dr. William H. Mahood Karen Fisher Tyszka In Honor of Dr. Melissa Lee Constance Ruth Ebert Ellen B. Fonda Theresa Hannon Sandie & Joe Murdock Beverly & Norman Willett In Memory of Mrs. Mildred N. Maltby Laura L. Maltby In Memory of Mrs. Helene Lefco Lorraine & Ben Alexander In Memory of Mr. David LeMunyon Carla & Wayne Bates In Honor of Dr. Steven Leskowitz Edward & Jan D. Tannebaum In Memory of Mrs. Joyce Levin Susan & Stephen Rade In Memory of Ms. Roselyn Levin Barbara & Izzy Barkon In Honor of Dr. Steven P. Levin Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zaslow In Honor of Dr. Stephen F. Lewis Mrs. Howard W. Leadbeater Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weiss In Honor of Dr. Cary J. Limberakis Morton & Joan Sklaroff In Memory of Ms. Louise C. Lindenmann Mr. & Mrs. Francis Geiser Ms. Shirley Geiser Mr. & Mrs. Tom Luczkowski Mr. & Mrs. Derek Mason In Honor of Dr. Arthur B. Lintgen The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Caraher Mary M. Dessureau Jane L. Heck Mr. & Mrs. David R. Kahn Mrs. Karl R. Kurtz Elizabeth M. Miller Mary A. Scatarige Richard Trifield R. Bruce Wall Patricia J. Zuckschwerdt In Memory of Mrs. Lenora Lit Mr. & Mrs. Herman Axelrod Ms. Belinda Diamond Charlotte & Charles Schmidt In Honor of Dr. Stephen E. Litman Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Beer Alan H. Bernstein Alfred Dann Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Miller Dolores C. Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Henry N. Rothenheber Barbara Straub In Honor of Dr. Bruce E. Lockman Karen A. Korman In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Long Ivyland Presbyterian Church In Honor of Dr. Mark A. Lopatin Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman In Memory of Mr. Percy Love I. Mark of Pennsylvania, LLC In Memory of Mrs. Catherine Lowe Dorothy J. Lowe In Memory of Mr. Frank Lowe Dorothy J. Lowe In Honor of Dr. Andrew H. Lubell Karen A. Korman In Memory of Mrs. Edna B. Maloney Mahlon & Peter Dewey In Honor of Dr. Joseph F. Mambu Dorothy Barber Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Blum Mr. & Mrs. D. Mumm Steelman Carol & Jack A. Thalheimer Marilyn B. Zigerman In Memory of Mr. Donald B. Mangin, Sr. Patricia L. Beaver & Donald Harpel Theresa G. Franks William & Barbara Gebhardt Mr. & Mrs. John L. Harris Roslyn Supply Company In Honor of Dr. Bradley Manin Barney Bernstein Katherine & Stanley Greene Flora M. Roberts Edith Yudes In Memory of Dr. Kimberly F. McClure Esther M. Colon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Noce In Honor of Dr. James B. McClurken Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Strelzik In Honor of Dr. Mary E. McComb Isabelle Ferguson In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Marren Ann B. Mackey In Honor of Dr. Dominic J. McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Reiner In Memory of Ms. Margaret M. Marthers Lisa Ann Marthers In Memory of Mr. Merion McGinley Muller, Inc. In Memory of Mrs. Alice E. Markgraf City of Tukwila Public Works Claire Costello Bernice & Ralph Hawthorne Mildred Smith Reuben & Virginia Tyson In Memory of Mr. Kykikie Martin Kenneth & Patricia Martin In Honor of Dr. Maritza Martinez Talbot B. Kramer In Honor of Ms. Patricia Martino Silver Lining Home Health Care, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Sam C. Masarachia Ginger L. Ely Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Strelzik In Memory of Ms. Lena Mascione Mr. & Mrs. Silvio Reale In Memory of Mr. Ira Mason Robert Angler In Honor of Dr. Lawrence D. Mass Bruce & Tina Entwisle Nancy H. Lange In Honor of Mr. Ed Matchner & 3rd Floor Staff Anna Wendelin In Honor of Dr. Stuart M. Lubinski Barbara & John Rosenau In Honor of Dr. Steven J. Mattleman Shirley R. Bernstein & Family In Memory of Dr. R. Bruce Lutz, Jr. Helen S. Lutz In Honor of Dr. Robert A. Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pippel Mr. & Mrs. James Schmincke In Memory of Mr. Samuel W. MacNutt Dr. B. Franklin Diamond In Memory of Ms. Faye M. McBurney The Family of Faye M. McBurney In Memory of Ms. Geraldine Marquardt Carol Gabel Anonymous In Memory of Mr. William B. Marczely Frank, Thelma & Carol Brier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Carroll Ruth Marczely & James Munro Mr. & Mrs. Harold Marczely Mr. & Mrs. John C. Marczely Alma M. Markart Lynn J. Prudente Mary Ann Reynolds In Memory of Mr. Don Lubin Marijane & Erwin Blackstone In Honor of Dr. Amy M. Mackey Don & Cindy Koeneman In Memory of Mr. Charles J. McAninley, Sr. ARAMARK Corporation Dr. & Mrs. William Fenerty Brian & Kim Kirwan Walter & Mary Kay Kirwan Marie Klaiber Ron & Mary Matraszek Charles McAninley, Jr. Young Adjustment Company, Inc. In Memory of Mrs. Fay McCune Delaware County Memorial Hospital Case Management & Social Work Department Delaware Valley I.D. Associates, P.C. Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. D’Orazio Kevin J. Farrell & Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flood, Jr. John and Mary Grimes Mrs. Beth Helwig Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Larocco Ralph & Jean McDevitt Jeanne & Nelson Moury Linda R. Palma Suzanne F. Pearce & Family Christine F. Pompizzi & Family Philip Steinberg Wilma M. Thomas Milton and Joan Wohl Arthur E. & Patricia M. Wolters Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wolters Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Women’s Board In Honor of Dr. Warren B. Matthews Eloise W. Adderley Ginger Hamilton & Russ Bishop Richard & Dorothy Stevens In Honor of Dr. Michael Lyons Don & Cindy Koeneman The Norris Family Helen & Tom Tynan Betty Frick Erdman William J. Grundy Sophia Kallelis Mr. & Mrs. J. Clifford Komins Mrs. Howard W. Leadbeater Mrs. Pamela W. Leighton Robert M. Lyerly & Linda E. Both Michael G. Meall Dr. & Mrs. John L. Reese Robert B. Mackie Alice Sayles Elizabeth M. Strohlein Mary N. Zimmers In Honor of Dr. Joseph C. McAllister Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bogner Mr. & Mrs. John R. Booth, Jr. Dr. Morton Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Cohen Lillian C. Crew W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Elizabeth S. Eisenberg In Honor of Dr. Glenn A. McGrath Claire Coleman Mr. & Mrs. David E. Cusson Mr. & Mrs. Marshall A. Mackler Carolyn & Clyde Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Zipley In Memory of Mrs. Darlene McLendon The Butterly Family Graham & Eleanor Cairns Patty A. Dailey The DeMarco Family Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hollowell Mr. & Mrs. W. Vincent McLendon Megger Donna M. Murrary-Riopelle Cindy & Gary Reedy Marilyn Scarpa Benjamin & Elisabeth West In Memory of Mr. James McNeill Dolores McNeill & Dolores M. Sokolowski In Honor of Dr. Richard J. Meagher John W. Hallman Jane L. Heck In Honor of Dr. Amory H. Meigs Dr. & Mrs. Ted Skowronski In Memory of Mrs. Gertrude Meninger Andrea & Marshall Brooks John A. Cane Terry Cook Lee & Dennis Cooper David G. Dewsnap Richard & Catherine DiPasquale Lucille Lenzi Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lonsdale III Susan W. MacDonald James Anderson & Marcia Billhartz Mr. & Mrs. Ronald McQueen Agents Association of the Mass Mutual Financial Group Karen & Rob Peterman Alice & Herbert Sachs Kathleen Schneider & Mary Jane Schneider Donald R. Schreiber Donna Stedeford Jack & Ruth Weiss Whipple & Associates Renee & Jim Wynn In Memory of Mr. Charles R. Merrill Linda, Jerry, Andrew & Daniel Famer In Memory of Ms. Helen E. Merschen George H. Sawchuck In Honor of Dr. Robert I. Michaelson Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Beer Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bogner Dorothy A. Bogusz Denise V. Duffy Denise Murray Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Hutton Linda Jaffe Dr. Marlene Kenion Rich & Debbie Maha Jonathan Mallamud & Barbara Leiland Pam & David Starfield Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Weibel In Memory of Mr. Thomas E. Michaud Bob & Ginny Benner Randy & Judie Gehman Karen Inzinna Irene Melson Margaret Michel Goline Vanderhoof In Honor of Ms. Linda Milanesi Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Fiore In Memory of Mrs. Patricia Miller Joan & John Rarick In Honor of Dr. Thomas J. Miller Wilson H. Matthias In Honor of Dr. Robert D. Mino Robert M. Cox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hall Morris N. Katz Dr. Harry Pellegrini Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pippel Carolyn & Clyde Rankin Marcus Schwartz William H. Woehr In Honor of Ms. Mary Teresa Mintz Silver Lining Home Health Care, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Henry S. Mishel Jane & Manny Kohn In Memory of Ms. Diane S. Miskar Thomas Pleban In Memory of Mr. Lawrence Molinaro Mrs. Sandy Molinaro In Honor of Dr. Ara S. Moomjian Ava Bracken Downey Anonymous In Memory of Mrs. Rhonda J. Moomjian Cynthia Grosik Ara S. Moomjian, M.D. In Honor of Dr. James T. Moore Suzie Carroll Horace B. Drever Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hazen Elizabeth Josuweit Dominique & Richard Krizner Sachiko Sammons In Honor of Dr. E. Steven Moriconi Suzie Carroll In Memory of Mr. Brian J. Moyer Bill & Karen Black In Memory of Mr. C. John Muller Sandy Muller In Memory of Mr. Michael J. Mulligan Victoria Corapi In Memory of Mr. Joseph T. Mulqueeney The Abstract Company Helen & Walt Baker Bernie & Carol Dressler The Healey Family The Kaminski Family Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kirkman Mr. & Mrs. James F. Klekotka Steve & Sue Lannetti Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Little Darlene & Joe Stimmler Upper ProvidenceTownship Supervisors & Employees In Honor of Dr. John M. Murphy Arlene M. Lutz HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS In Honor of Dr. Joseph J. Murphy III Robin & Ira Adelman Denise Murray Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Murphy, Jr. Janet A. Wassum In Honor of Dr. Miles Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Donaghy Margorie P. Miller Sally Nguyen In Memory of Mr. Benjamin David Muscatello The Joyce Family In Honor of Dr. Michael A. Musho Mary Lou Frain Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Gold Barbara & Rodney Lamb Susan Scott Leiper Ann Newberry Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Price Marvin D. Suer Elizabeth D. Urbanski Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Wenitsky William H. Woehr Marian H. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Zipley In Honor of Dr. Manoj R. Muttreja Adrienne & Peter Feuer Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hazen Donald O. Kistner Elinor Silverman Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Strelzik In Memory of Ms. Ruth K. Necker Charlotte & Bob Necker In Memory of Mr. Louis Neibauer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coles Lynne R. Ferman & Family Sheila & Hank Gladstone Jackie & Larry Glazer David Halpern Family Michael & Elizabeth Hanzelik Bruce H. Iglauer Paul Levitz Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Malkin Alvah B. Maurer Cookie & Jerry Riesenbach Lorraine & Marvin Riesenbach Maggie & Hector Rivera Sam Ades & Sam Register The Glenmede Trust Company Stephanie & Harvey Wahrman Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. Ziehl In Honor of Dr. Joseph H. Nejman Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Kelley Alex J. Korsch Helene & Les Rosenfeld Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Memory of Mrs. Kathy Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Allan Josloff Kathy L. Lozinak Carol & Nikita Moravsky Susan & Warren Nelson John & Lorie Posobiec Staley Electric Supply Joan Nelson Swan Gwen Wyttenbach In Honor of Dr. Seth L. Newman Suzie Carroll In Honor of Dr. U. Marcus Niemoller Mr. & Mrs. G. Donnon McGinley Dr. Samuel R. Moore, Jr. Michael E. Panciotti Charles J. Sawyer In Honor of Dr. Melanie Nordlinger Mauro & Jenny de Padua James A. Pietrowski Dr. & Mrs. Harold Tanenbaum Rev. Stanley Webb In Memory of Mr. Jack D. Novess Dr. & Mrs. I. Edward Block Mrs. Edward J. Goodman & Hilary Beth Goodman Mr. & Mrs. William Rose Nancy & Bob Traub In Honor of Dr. Timothy J. O’Grady Mr. & Mrs. David Steinberg Walter C. Weber, Jr. In Honor of Dr. Paul V. O’Moore Robin & Bob Michaelson In Honor of Operation Reassurance Staff Carleton Schwager In Memory of Ms. Margaret E. Ott Dorothea H. Burns The Estate of Margaret E. Ott Elizabeth Owens In Memory of Our Parents Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Woll II In Memory of Mr. William G. Pacropis Gary William Pacropis In Memory of Ms. Irene Paerciak Kenneth & Marilyn Koblan In Honor of Dr. Ho Pak Robin & Ira Adelman Mauro & Jenny de Padua Vivian DiCristofaro Nancy Florin Michael & Michele Huk Arlene M. Lutz In Memory of Mr. Frank J. Palermo, Jr. Sandy Muller Joyce Gallagher Mount Saint Joseph Academy Sue C. O’Connor The Perkins Family Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pinkham Marian F. Pupkiewicz Josephine S. Rosiecki Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Shatouhy Dr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Szebenyi Gail & Josh Tallant William M. Timm Whitemarsh Lioness Club In Memory of Hugh and Dryfus Parmet Frank & Nancy Parmet In Honor of Dr. Wayne H. Pinover Florence & Marvin Arkans John Hinton Carolyn McDermott Melanie L. Mulgrew Francis Remmey Edward Straub Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Honor of Dr. Curt I. Parnes Paula S. Rosner In Memory of Mr. Edward J. Pisarz Mrs. Anna Mae Pisarz In Honor of Dr. Richard E. Parsons Walter C. Weber, Jr. Ron & Carole Witty In Honor of Dr. Joel I. Polin Lynda Barness Marilyn Cardis Dr. Daniel T. Dempsey & Ms. Barbara A. Seneca Emily & David Lowe Sandy Muller Helene & Les Rosenfeld In Memory of Ms. Josephine Parisi Robert Angler In Honor of Dr. Inessa Parkansky Robin & Bob Michaelson In Memory of Ms. Rosemary Paulsworth TCU District 1218 In Memory of Mr. Michael O’Hara Peale, Sr. Ambler Savings Bank Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ashford Eileen M. Cardamone Carol A. Crisci Patricia M. Fox John & Barbara Hasson James & Margaret Miller Terry & Joe Miller Sarah A. Minio Beryl E. Norris Patricia Porter Walter & Joan Pouch Daniel G. Ritter Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Margaret E. Slater Timoney Knox, LLP Mark & Barbara Weand Amy & Scott Wolpert Steven Wouch-Wouch, Maloney & Co., LLP In Memory of Mr. Robert Peddigree Sunshine Club – Walton Farm Elementary School In Honor of Dr. Thomas Peff Ed McGilloway In Honor of Dr. Jeffrey H. Perlson Harry H. M. Trate In Honor of Mrs. Alice N. Pero Dorothy L. Boeshore In Honor of Dr. William G. Petrucci Anna Decheljan Paraskewa Knihnicky Nancy H. Lange Margaret S. & John R. McGann Lorraine B. Roe In Honor of Dr. Victoria M. Petty Ava Bracken Downey Denise Murray Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hazen Jan Marie Ledwith Joan E. Sikora In Honor of Dr. Christopher M. Pezzi Ralph L. Abbott Arlene McDonald-Egitto Lorraine C. Pruitt Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Strelzik Marilyn B. Zigerman In Honor of Dr. Peter V. Pickens Arnold & Julia Bradburd The DePaul Family Col. & Mrs. Frank E. Herrelko Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Hutton Linda Jaffe Arlene M. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth Mr. & Mrs. James J. Thompson, Sr. In Memory of Mr. William E. Pilgermayer Dyer Hunting & Fishing Club, Inc. John Shaeffer In Memory of Ms. Wanda R. Pinkham Paul & Mary-Ellen Antal Leigh B. Bardsley Dorothy Breida Virginia A. Coldwell Ted & Betty DeMatto Susan & Frank Farish Gloria Dei Farms Resident Association In Memory of Ms. Vera Pomerantz Connie & Don Berg In Honor of Dr. Joseph L. Potz Robin & Ira Adelman Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. Gramp Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hodgins Ann Newberry Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Starrantino Edith Yudes In Memory of Ms. Delores Price Muller, Inc. In Memory of Mr. Joseph T. Price Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm D. Anderson Richard F. Betts Jim & Nancy Burns & Morison Cogen, LLP John Cannon John V. DiGirolamo, D.D.S, P.C. James & Barbara Frutchey Bill & Ellen McKee Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Robinson Peg Selheimer Wayfair Club In Honor of Dr. Charles H. Pritchard Barbara Ann Caruso In Memory of Ms. Leah Propper Corinne Eskin Drs. Linda & Melvyn Richter Shirlee S. Schachtel Jill & Chris Smith In Memory of Dr. Manley Prussel Fredda L. Segal In Memory of Mrs. Mary Jane Pulli Susan M. Leoni, D.M.D Jeanne & Ellwood Nice Diane M. Prusinowski Fannie C. Rhoads In Memory of Ms. Agnes Barrett Purvis Vijay & Susan Aggarwal In Memory of Mr. Nicholas Puschak Adrianne & Roy Pass In Memory of Mr. Fred R. Raach Sally R. Adams In Honor of Radiology Group of Abington, PC Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns In Memory of Mr. Francis J. Ragg Archfriends Ms. Pamela Bogdanoff Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bristow Mr. & Mrs. Tom Garrison Ms. Cecilia Ann Graf Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hackenberg Jr. Ms. Mary Hinds Ms. Barbara M. Kroberger Robert Mahon Ms. M. J. Paschall Ms. Kathleen M. Ragg In Memory of Mrs. Genevieve Ragg Ms. M. J. Paschall Ms. Kathleen M. Ragg In Memory of Mr. Gerald Rapko Marilyn Becker Lois Bennett Loretta Finch-Ellis Roy & Eileen Laird Louis Scarcia & Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sloan LeAnna M. Washington, Pennsylvania state senator, has helped facilitate a $10,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to benefit Abington Memorial Hospital. The grant will help fund the AMH Dixon School of Nursing Remediation Program. The remediation program helps identify and address risk factors that contribute to attrition for diverse students at the Dixon School. These factors include speaking English as a second language, needing to carry a heavy work schedule while enrolled as a student and facing demanding family responsibilities while a student. In Honor of Dr. Sandra M. Rappe Christy & Cassidy Starkey In Memory of Ms. Mildred Recchiuti Betty Hennessy Charles & Billie Hoff Shirley & Joe Iannece Kingswick Apartments Mr. & Mrs. James F. Owens Potomac Rugby Union Ed & Kristin Recchiuti J. R. Sabatini Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Scanlon In Memory of Ms. Samantha Sadie Recchiuti Victoria M. McCue Ed & Kristin Recchiuti Dave & Mary Jane Wachtel In Honor of Dr. John Redmond III George Boynton Joseph A. Galeone Frank & Judy Murphy Helene & Les Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson Jeannette C. Williams In Memory of Mr. Charles Reed, Sr. Rev. Marjorie Duncan Reed & Family In Honor of Mr. B. Franklin Reinauer II Barbara J. Scheelje In Memory of Mr. George Reinoehl Arline & Joe Daubert In Memory of Mr. George C. Reinoehl Arline & Joe Daubert Mr. & Mrs. Tom Feilmeier William & Gail Greenway Ray & Marge Magill William Magill Larry & Cheri O’Reilly Ken & Alyson Traub In Honor of Dr. James T. Reinprecht Shirley R. Bernstein & Family Mr. & Mrs. Irving A. Faye Nancy A. Ostroff In Honor of Dr. Roberto Rendon Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns In Honor of Dr. Brian M. Resnick Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Anne Taicher & Joan Goldfarb In Memory of Mr. Joseph J. Ricci Lorrie G. Finelli, D.O. In Memory of Ms. Elizabeth E. Rice All American Baseball Academy Carol & Craig Chamberlin Grace & Larry Creter Mr. Gregory A. Eife Mikeal A. Fix Paul & Gina Fratrik Carol Edwards & Glenn Schreiber Elizabeth D. Hallstrom Friends & Colleagues at Incredible Franchise Corporation Andrew & Nancy Kolea Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Maloney III Mayfair Community Development Corporation Edith Miller & Family Kevin & Joyce Oliver Eastern Regional Office of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Andrea, Mischa, Nate & Rae-Rae Mirin Dee & Jim Stott Judith & Michael Young In Honor of Dr. Sharon M. Rice Michelle Y. Thompson In Honor of Dr. Melvyn P. Richter Nancy Florin Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Honor of Dr. Joseph A. Rigotti Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Ambler Mr. & Mrs. William F. Anderson Bruce & Tina Entwisle Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Howald Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Pizer Louise Pollock Helene & Les Rosenfeld Ethel M. Saltiel Elinor Silverman Stan Travis, Jr. D.O. & Louise Travis Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Memory of Mr. Joseph F. Rigotti Dorothy & William Rose In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Boggs Riter Linda C. Boggs Barbara & Edward Straub In Honor of Dr. Alice K. Roberts Gregory & Maureen Lare In Memory of Mr. Harry Roberts Flora M. Roberts In Memory of Mr. J. Hamilton Robertson Edna C. Robertson In Memory of Mr. Robert W. Rodder Elizabeth and Laszlo Bagi Pauline Balabon Bob & Maria Bross Danfoss Incorporated Betty A. Doernbach 11 F O U N D A Gilmore and DelPidio Families Patricia B. Kaiser The Kirby Family Helene & Nelson Porter Barbara & Cletus Quinn George & Nancy Renner Allen M. Rodder, Jr. Penny & Bill Stainsby Margaret Weller I O N In Memory of Mrs. Ann Schindler John & Carol Whiteman In Memory of Mrs. Nina Rubinsohn Lorraine & Ben Alexander Connie & Don Berg Carol & Ed Jacobson Dick Trifield & Irene Birnbach In Honor of Dr. Jay S. Schinfeld Robin & Ira Adelman Mr. & Mrs. John M. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Schrader In Honor of Dr. Jimmy Ruiz Adam & Robyn Cohen Jennifer & Joseph Yackanicz In Honor of Dr. Paul M. Roediger Joan M. Roediger & Scott J. Finkelstein Elizabeth M. Strohlein In Memory of Mr. Jack Saltzman Robert Angler In Memory of Mr. Alfred Roettenbacher Louis Borghi Mr. & Mrs. George S. Burrows, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cooley The Dick Roettenbacher Family Ms. Joan Roettenbacher In Honor of Dr. Charles L. Rojer Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns In Memory of Mr. Donald Rookstool Shadwick & Joan Barry Roger, Kyle & Jimmy Midkiff Bill & Pat Mitchell Dorothy M. Mitchell In Memory of Mr. Arthur Rosen Betty K. Halberstadt In Memory of Ms. Claire P. Rosen Helen Friel The TASA Group, Inc. Anne Hall Elliot Kane Barbara & David Loeb Patricia Piro Jay Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Saltzman Schwartz Lasson Harris Limited Joan & Carson Stiles Clara & Alex Torban In Honor of Dr. Steven M. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Blank In Honor of Dr. Philip A. Rosenfeld Lillian C. Crew Carolyn & Clyde Rankin In Memory of Dr. Mark E. Rosenthal Linda E. Rosenthal Bruce & Rebecca Singer In Honor of Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Elkins In Honor of Dr. Jerry M. Roth Anna Decheljan Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hazen Rae A. Hill Maryann Nace Albert F. & Ellen D. Zimmermann In Honor of Dr. A. Michael Samaha, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David J. Abrams Sylvia R. Adamo Robin & Ira Adelman Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cataldo Lee Chayes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Conroy Nathaniel Finnel Mr. & Mrs. Dennis S. Gazer John Hinton Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kinzinger Donald O. Kistner Mr. & Mrs. Shulem Kleiman Ernest Krensel Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Margulis Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nagel Cliff & Lois Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Morton & Joan Sklaroff Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Theodore Valinote Joanne & Harry Yutzler Anonymous In Memory of Dr. Corinne R. Santerian Mrs. Merle Santerian & Family In Honor of Dr. Anne L. Saris Mary Lou Frain Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson In Memory of Mr. John J. Sawchuck George H. Sawchuck In Honor of Dr. Lee R. Schachter W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Dr. B. Franklin Diamond Katherine & Stanley Greene Sylvia Masters Bernard C. Seinberg The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Memory of Ms. Kathryn G. Schaffer Zions United Methodist Church – Sunday School Fund In Memory of Ms. Lorraine Roth Doris L. Rafaeli In Memory of Mr. Henry C. Rouse Theresa & Robert Johnston HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS In Honor of Dr. Leonard A. Rubin David & Gail Shlifer In Honor of Dr. Eydie Rudman Adam & Robyn Cohen In Memory of Ms. Gertrude Rodenbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Mark Benner 12 T In Memory of Ms. Bertha A. Schaffer-Johnson Hugh D. & Eunice C. Womack In Honor of Dr. Doron Schneider Lee Chayes In Honor of Dr. Ralph M. Schrager Ava Bracken Downey In Honor of Dr. Joel Schwartz Barbara Straub In Honor of Dr. Laurence M. Schwartz The Beil Family Bill & Beth Piszek Mr. & Mrs. George K. Porter, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Mae Schwartz Russell & Susan Schwartz In Memory of Mr. Harold Segal Sylvia Kellem In Honor of Ms. Nancy M. Seitz Linda Lee Montz In Memory of Mrs. Mary Settle Lady Birds Bowling League In Memory of Ms. Aleene Shaffer Henry & Kathy Bogarde & Aunt Elsie In Honor of Dr. Qaisar Shah Dr. Bruce & Caroline Carlson Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Mark S. Shahin Robin & Ira Adelman Marianne Boss Doris M. Brown Marcella Chiarlanza Carol D. & Paul H. Cohen Anne Flink Linda M. Flowers Golden Cuts Hair Salon, Inc. Margaret M. Goldstein Barbara J. Kalin Talbot B. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. James E. Krueger Barbara A. Martin Glenn & Shirley Masakowski Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nagel Mr. & Mrs. Gerard B. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Scharnikow Debra A. Scott Melanie A. Scott Darlynn Smith Mary Ann Summers In Honor of Dr. Scott Shapiro Thomas R. Peters David & Gail Shlifer In Honor of Dr. Steven A. Shapiro Bruce & Tina Entwisle Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Schrader In Memory of Mr. Lewis Sharp The Family of Lewis Sharp Mr. & Mrs. James Stillman In Memory ofMr. Edward J. Shaw Kate Agasar Fran Brigandi Janet Calderwood The Cullen Family Catherine & Charles Deissler Karl & Colleen Doll Max & Pauline Doll Gloria C. Kampf Lima Company Kathleen & John Lima Joseph & Rita McCartney Mary McCartney Anneliese & Tim McMenamin Linda & Bob Powers Mr. & Mrs. John Rowen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shaw The Labov Plumbing & Heating Supply, Inc. In Honor of Dr. Ellen W. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. David M. Taffet Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Walsh, Jr. Marilyn B. Zigerman John Story, of Meadowbrook Farm, holds beautiful geraniums that the farm donated to the hospital’s annual Elkins Legacy Society Luncheon held in May. In Memory of Dr. John L. Shaw Dr. & Mrs. H. G. Aaronson AMH Medical Staff Janis C. Cook Betty Dougherty Richard & Kathryn Freed Jan & Dave Kenyon & Kenyon, LLP Nathan Kuppermann & Nicole Glaser Jean & Ted Lesko Mr. & Mrs. John O’Neil Joe & Eileen Perignat Marian F. Schilling Mary Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Sigel, Jr. Antonette Silvestri The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Memory of Mrs. Marian A. Sheppleman Louis & Mary Arata City of Chester Police Department – Underwater Search & Recovery Unit Elizabeth & Milton Lee Janice T. Lessman Osvaldo A. Flores and Nancy E. Stone The Swartz Family In Honor of Dr. Yan Shibutani Raymond L. Christy Eileen & Michael Greenberg Dr. & Mrs. Lincoln T. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Lutz Michael A. Palembas Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Sund The Physicians & Staff of Urology Health Specialists, L.L.C. Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Memory of Mrs. Judy Shields AMH Department of Pediatrics In Memory of Mrs. Doris F. Shinn Neal D. Shinn, Ph.D. In Honor of Dr. Mahshid Shirazi Anna Decheljan Vivian DiCristofaro Beth Ann Gilbert Frank & Judy Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Roman In Honor of Dr. Suzanne M. Shorten Ginger Hamilton & Russ Bishop In Honor of Dr. Carlton Silver Julia R. Krenzel & Clifford E. Levine Mr. & Mrs. S. Robert Winstanley In Honor of Dr. Stanley P. Silverman Marianne Boss In Honor of Dr. Daniel Silverstein Mrs. Dorothy W. Canty Bernadette V. Giuliani William Greenhouse Mr. & Mrs. David R. Kahn Betty J. Robinson In Memory of Mr. Steven W. Simelson Barbara Evans Dr. Marion Shapiro In Memory of Ms. Carolyn E. Simmons Columbia Lighting Donna & Ed Kulp Kelly Scheib, Gail, Martha & Stephanie In Memory of Ms. Bertha Sims Mr. & Mrs. David E. Cusson In Memory of Mr. Andrew Slachta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Callahan John & Adele Carr Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Slachta Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Slachta In Memory of Mr. Charles Slavin Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DeHart & Family In Honor of Dr. Ronald J. Small Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Strelzik In Honor of Dr. David Gary Smith Margaret (Peggy) L. Burns Tom & Eileen Campbell Dr. Bucky Clark Martha & Frank Diamond Bruce & Tina Entwisle Gail Faulkner Dr. Mauricio J. Garrido Dr. Lee J. Harris Marie Louise Jackson Mabel & Oliver Johnson II Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kaufman Christine & James T. Lenehan Mr. & Mrs. Franklin H. Mazen Sandie & Joe Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Pizer M. Ann Ricksecker A. Leon Sickles Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Thompson Bob & MaryAnn Watson Leon & Lillian Winitsky Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zaslow Spencer Zaslow Joe & May Zipley In Memory of Mr. Davis P. Smith, Jr. Millicent W. Allen Joseph Anello Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Fish Gilbert & Dorothy Heebner Frank & Helen Houpt Ruth G. Miller Jane K. Morgan Claudia & Wayne Shmidheiser Margaret B. Slack Mr. Thomas B. Smith II In Honor of Dr. Linda M. Smyser Ruth R. Mansfield In Honor of Dr. Edward R. Snipes Robin & Bob Michaelson Ken & Alice Pero Vincent A. Pironti In Memory of Mr. William E. Snow Dorothy M. Snow In Honor of Dr. Richard W. Snyder Florence & Marvin Arkans Robert H. Gump Justine L. Olive Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf Spencer Zaslow In Honor of Dr. Fred J. Singer Nancy A. Ostroff Bruce & Rebecca Singer Janice Zumerling In Honor of Dr. Steven M. Snyder Ava Bracken Downey In Memory of Mr. Howard I. Sinnamon Peter J. Clelland Kristine McLaren, Nicole Green & Laura Ducceschi Dr. Francis Rubin and Staff In Honor of Dr. Gregory T. Soltner Jack, Ruth & Yonah Ringlestein In Honor of Dr. Frances Sirico-Kelly Margaret S. & John R. McGann In Honor of Dr. Robert A. Sirota Lucia Deaville W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Gold Robin & Bob Michaelson Juliet Pecsi Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Memory of Hugh Skiffington Mr. & Mrs. Mark Betterly Edward J. Ginley, M.D. Theodore & Susan Majewski Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Lin Werkheiser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolf & Family Irene Wolf Don & Ann Wright In Honor of Dr. Neil S. Skolnik Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gogoj Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Margulis In Honor of Dr. Theodore J. Skowronski Mr. & Mrs. John T. Braun Mr. & Mrs. William Frizlen III Thomas L. Harrison Donald O. Kistner Helen Manley Barbara G. Rush In Memory of Ms. Helen Solomon Roy & Adrianne Pass In Honor of Dr. Stephen G. Somkuti Robin & Ira Adelman Mr. & Mrs. John M. Schaefer In Memory of Mr. Edward Albert Speiser Bobbie Bayuk Cecilie & Eugene Block Palley Simon Life & Benefits Corporation In Honor of Dr. Steven Spencer Mr. & Mrs. William D. Dennis In Memory of Ms. Beatrice Spier Bryner Chevrolet, Inc. Theresa C. Hinterberger Randee & Jeff Hurvitz Melanie Munden Mr. & Mrs. John Pavie Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Toner, Jr. In Honor of Dr. Michael D. Spiritos Nancy Florin In Honor of Dr. Andrew M. Star Lorraine & Ben Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Asplundh Dorothy Buchanan Barbara Ann Caruso Terry & Diane Clemons Ellen B. Fonda Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hall Charles S. Ireland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kosek Mr. & Mrs. William E. Macht Barbara A. Martin HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS Mr. & Mrs. John L. Oppenlander Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth Mr. & Mrs. James J. Thompson, Sr. Janet A. Wassum Beverly & Norman Willett In Memory of Ms. Kathryn Stauch-Dunning Mr. & Mrs. Edward Barbano Donna Barbano & Bob Leggat Terri Dinney & Family Anne Miller Florence Outten Suzanne & Stephen Rumpf Upper Moreland Township Police Benevolent Association In Honor of Dr. Harold D. Stein Barney Bernstein Robin & Bob Michaelson William & Dorothy Rose Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Honor of Dr. Robert B. Stein Linda Jaffe Saundra M. Laub Rose Novak Mr. & Mrs. David M. Taffet In Honor of Dr. Jonathan M. Sternlieb Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Ambler Jonathan Mallamud & Barbara Leiland In Memory of Mrs. Norma Rose Stiglich Helen, Herbert, Thomas and Doris Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. William Domenick In Memory of Ms. Eleanor Stork Jane Wexler & Billy Shapiro In Memory of Ms. Esther Strauss L. Strieb & B. Strieb Joan & Harry Cooperman Dorothy Egber & Sandra Meisner The Pearlstein Family Jean Davis & Selma Lit Myles & Sylvia Kaye George & Diane Minor Iris Rappaport Barbara Schwartz Maryl Soifer Joanne & Harry Yutzler In Memory of Mr. George E. Strohecker Clair & Betty Herb Ella Mae Schwalm In Honor of Suburban Urological, P.C. Robert M. Cox, Jr. In Memory of Mr. Jeremiah Sullivan Stephen J. DeAngelis Bob & Joan Helman Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Miller Frank & Geraldine Nero Richard & Victoria Penn Employees of the Montgomery County Public Safety Department Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Ross Jennifer Schuff Jeremiah J. Sullivan, Jr. Patricia R. Sullivan Andi Vernick Bruce Williams, George Allen, Ken O’Brien, Jim Selsor, Steve Rosa, Rich Acierno & Gary Henderson In Honor of Dr. Patricia Sullivan Jack & Dor DeLong Rae A. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Lutz In Honor of Dr. Theodore R. Sullivan, Jr. Alan W. Ashmore W. Stanley Delp, Jr. Richard J. Dresher Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hassold Joseph A. Masakowski Margaret S. & John R. McGann Robin & Bob Michaelson William & Dorothy Rose Timothy P. Walsh Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Mark L. Sundermeyer Florence & Marvin Arkans Vivian DiCristofaro Eileen & Michael Greenberg Glenn & Shirley Masakowski Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Schneider Rev. Stanley Webb In Honor of Dr. Keith W. Sweigard Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Asplundh Bruce & Tina Entwisle Gretchen & George Graham Barbara T. Hartnett Henry Litvin, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Brendan L. McQuillan Justine L. Olive William & Dorothy Rose Mr. & Mrs. Morton A. Rothschild Carleton Schwager Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weiss In Honor of Dr. T. Robert Takei Shirley R. Bernstein & Family Mrs. Frederic S. Claghorn Mr. & Mrs. Shulem Kleiman In Honor of Dr. David S. Tannenbaum Gregory & Maureen Lare In Honor of Dr. Stephen M. Teich Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burns Raymond L. Christy Mr. & Mrs. Saul T. Dishler Alfred T. Ely William J. Grundy Shirley G. Pennes Marcus Schwartz Marvin D. Suer Theodore Valinote Elizabeth H. Weiss In Memory of Ms. Elisabeth C. Thomas Jeremy Lauder Todd & Barbara Long In Memory of Mr. Sidney Thomas Laura & Joel Angler In Memory of Ms. Lisa G. Thompson Margaret C. Thompson In Honor of Dr. Mara S. Thur Denise Murray Hayden Michael & Michele Huk In Honor of Ms. Gillian M. Tibble The Tibble Family In Memory of Dr. Melvyn E. Tiger Bette S. Tiger, Psy.D In Honor of Dr. Mary A. Tobkin Eileen E. Shea In Honor of Dr. Robert M. Tokarek Alan H. Bernstein Bruce & Tina Entwisle Dave Jaskiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lear Carolyn & Clyde Rankin Patricia J. Zuckschwerdt In Honor of Dr. Robert L. Topkis Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cataldo In Honor of Dr. Stuart M. Topkis Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cataldo In Memory of Mr. Angelo Treglia Colleagues of Mrs. Debbie Abbott from Mattison Avenue School Sunshine Committee Knit Wits of Sanctuary United Methodist Church of North Wales Marjorie S. Niece In Honor of Dr. Martin D. Trichtinger Marie Vincent Gough Mr. & Mrs. David P. Jerdan Sylvia Masters Mary Ann Miller Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Pizer Albert W. Spitz Mr. & Mrs. David Steinberg Dale Ruth & Eric M. Yusuf In Memory of Mr. John Trinkl American Refining Group, Inc. Harry Baum, Josephine Deutoch & Jo Schuler Joan Boland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fink Kimberly Floyd Susan & George Fosdick Mike & Carolyn Kramer & Family Mary Louise Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Maher Pat & Ed Porter Mr. & Mrs. Brett Schoenecker In Memory of Mr. Houston Tucker Carolyn Tucker In Honor of Dr. Adam T. Turk Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Lutz Jack, Ruth & Yonah Ringlestein In Honor of Dr. Heather M. Urban Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Foell Anna H. Mario In Honor of Dr. Linda Urbanski Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cantlin Glenn & Shirley Masakowski In Memory of Ms. Cynthia Veingrad Marijane & Erwin Blackstone In Honor of Ms. Lorie Verderame Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Alles In Honor of Lucas and Logan Victor Larry V. Smoose In Memory of Mrs. Jeannette Vittorio Lawrence & Linda Gulite Family & Friends of Jeannette Vittorio In Honor of Dr. Eric W. Vogel Audrey & Jay Appel In Honor of Dr. Thomas Voye Richard & Phyllis Biddle In Honor of Ms. Barbara Wadsworth Kirby Bates Associates, LLC In Honor of Dr. Albert D. Wagman Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Sudduth In Honor of Dr. David J. Waldstein Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Hassman In Honor of Dr. William L. Ward Ron & Carole Witty Spencer Zaslow In Honor of MaryAnn and Bob Watson Marjorie & Jeffrey Honickman In Honor of Dr. Robert A. Watson III Robin & Ira Adelman Mr. & Mrs. John R. Barr, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Elmer Bruce & Tina Entwisle Barbara German Earl & Marcia Goldberg Gretchen & George Graham Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Knox Barbara & David Loeb Sandie & Joe Murdock Marianne Patnovic Helene & Les Rosenfeld Charles J. Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Swotes Carol & Jack A. Thalheimer Richard Trifield In Memory of Mrs. Jaqueline S. Webster Sandie & Joe Murdock In Memory of Ms. Lillian M. Weise William A. Lucas Ludin Eckert & Fullam, PC In Honor of Dr. David C. Weisman Melody K. Weisman In Honor of Dr. Kenneth S. Weiss Eloise W. Adderley Julia R. Krenzel & Clifford E. Levine In Honor of Dr. Ned M. Weiss The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Caraher Barbara & Rodney Lamb In Honor of Dr. Carl Wenzel Harry H. M. Trate In Honor of Dr. John H. Wertheimer Alan H. Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Morris W. Feldstein Barbara German Mr. & Mrs. David R. Kahn R. Jane Schwam In Memory of Mrs. Doris E. West Frederick C. Achenbach Katherine F. Seely In Memory of Mr. William L. West Helene & Millard Mack In Memory of Mrs. Mary Louise Westermann Martin J. Westermann In Memory of Mrs. Alice Wheaton Elena J. Lawrence In Honor of Mrs. Mary E. Whelan The DePaul Family In Memory of Mr. Milton Wilderman Carol & Jack A. Thalheimer In Memory of Ms. Jacquelyn M. Williams Elaine Shull In Honor of Dr. Jason G. Wilmoth Ann Newberry Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle Anonymous In Memory of Ms. Elizabeth M. Wisner Dr. Milton Fuchs Joyce Smith Kendra Florie Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith In Memory of Mr. William F. Witmer Mary Jane Witmer In Honor of Fred D. Wittmer and Susan Wittmer Charles & Elaine Huntoon In Honor of Dr. John H. Wolf, Jr. Steven & Sherra Chadwin Mary E. Emig Dr. & Mrs. Lincoln T. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Hosgood The Most Family Sara S. Wolf In Honor of Womencare Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.C. Christy & Cassidy Starkey Mr. & Mrs. John McKinney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naselsky Pamela Sue Noble Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Toole Mr. & Mrs. William L. Putney Kathleen M. Wilhelm In Honor of Dr. Melvin Yudis Robin & Bob Michaelson In Honor of Dr. James V. Yuschak Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle In Honor of Dr. John J. Worthington Mr. & Mrs. James H. McGowan Anonymous In Memory of Ms. Olga M. Yuschak AMH Surgical Trauma Unit Dr. Alan Woronoff In Honor of Dr. Allan E. Wulc Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Elias Bruce & Tina Entwisle Mary Ann Glisson Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Rotelle In Honor of Mrs. Joanne Yutzler Abington Urological Specialists, P.C. In Memory of Mr. John Wurst Ascensus- Linda, Dave, Danielle, Pam, Maurice & George Crump Group Incorporated Anna Mae Markovich & Ann Beers & Bill Richard & Debra Weischedel In Memory of Mrs. Phyllis Wurtzel Narberth Fire Company Active Members Club Janis Bader Board of the Breyer Court Homeowners Association Andrea & Bill Bryan Judith & Salah Elshakhs Alice & Solomon Fisher Neil, Elaine, Scott & Melissa Freemer Linda & Ronald Friedman Gary and Mollie Garberg Sharon Healey Vitaly Kolesnikoff Pamela J. Laudadio Ted & Rhoda Lempert Principals at Margolis & Company P.C. Matt & Shauna Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Minnick Debbie & Steve Morris Steven & Judy Muchnick Jeff & Terry Muldawer Lee Rogers Pinsky Dr. & Mrs. Abram Plon Management Office Staff at Regency Towers Ruth B. Rothseid Marsha & Steve Rubin Amy, Jake, Mat & Hannah Schrader Steve & Lindye Shechtman Jerry & Marcy Sobelman The Creative Print Group, Inc. The Jewish Week, Inc. Jonathan & Melissa Twersky Steve & Phyllis Twersky The Abington Memorial Hospital Valet Family Mr. & Mrs. Frank Weisz Harriet & Bob Wolk Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Zivitz In Honor of Dr. Anthony Wydan Stephen Kalatucka In Memory of Mr. Julian Yaun Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Bostick Bill & Janet Drake Susan V. Hess Carolyn & Christopher Rooney In Honor of Dr. Dina R. Yazmajian Richard L. Coren Robert G. Ganister Bernadette V. Giuliani Maryann Haley Estelle F. Konieczny Martin & Sandra McLoughlin Susan Seeley Gloria Taub In Honor of Dr. Michael S. Yoon Helen Manley Morton & Joan Sklaroff Mary Jane Witmer In Honor of Dr. Kevin M. Zakrzewski Dorothy A. Bogusz Arnold & Julia Bradburd Albert & Frances Comly Milton & Joyce Cross Wanda Fedorowicz Estelle M. Gold-Kossman Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hodgins Dr. & Mrs. Harry M. Hoffman Barbara & David Loeb Arlene M. Lutz Jonathan Mallamud & Barbara Leiland Selma Neubauer Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pippel Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. Barbara & John Rosenau Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Rothman Hugh J. Scott Jeffrey R. Sternfeld Timothy P. Walsh Theresa Mary White Ron & Carole Witty Anonymous In Memory of Mrs. Sandra Zaslow Richard Lieberman & Marsha Glickman Clifford & Gloria Baumbach Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Bleiman Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Brenman Tom & Eileen Campbell David & Eileen Eskin Lato Supply Corportation Mr. & Mrs. James P. McIntyre, Sr. Jack Rose Alice & Herbert Sachs Mr. & Mrs. Adam Simmens & Family Semanoff Ormsby Greenberg & Torchia, LLC In Honor of Dr. D. Mark Zebley Horace B. Drever Joseph A. Galeone Ann Newberry In Memory of Mr. John F. Zimmaro Austin Friends of Dawn Zimmaro Sondra & Bill Bispels Jacqualine Blaswick Cynthia Danielson & Andrea LaGrone Joan & Daniel Krankel Linda Dickens, Joel Heikes, Tomoko Traphaga, Meghan McGlohen, Avani Trivedi, and Amy Miller Mellanie Patterson M. Ann Ricksecker The Bucks County Metaphysical Association Mr. & Mrs. Louis Turner Alma Zillier In Honor of Dr. David J. Zweiback Mr. & Mrs. Francis Landy T r i b u t e G i f t ■ You Can Honor or Remember a Loved One by Making a In Memory of Mrs. Peggyann Young Michael & Abby Becker Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Buseman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tim Criniti Mr. & Mrs. William G. Daymon Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Duntzee Joanne L. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacobson Joan M. Jowett Emily B. Lambert Richard C. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarry Joseph & Helen McDonald Tribute Gift to Abington Memorial Hospital Abington Memorial Hospital F Yo u c a n r e q u e s t h o n o r / m e m o r i a l g i f t p a c k e t s b y c a l l i n g 2 1 5 - 4 8 1 - 4 4 3 8 . O U N D A T I O N 13 Lansdale Hospital Update Lansdale Hospital community shows its support L ansdale Hospital’s charitable community has been active since last fall, when the hospital joined with Abington Memorial Hospital as part of the Abington Health network of service providers. At the end of last year, Lansdale Hospital received nearly a hundred gifts in response to an initial appeal to support expanded, state-of-the-art emergency care. Members of the Lansdale Hospital community also stepped up recently with charitable gifts to recognize their physicians in honor of National Doctor’s Day, celebrated on March 30. The names of Lansdale Hospital physicians were featured on honorary posters displayed throughout the hospital. “We’re very pleased that the Lansdale community is supporting its hospital,” says Jill Kyle, AMH vice president for fund development. “Not only through fundraising efforts like the community appeal, but also by way of the hospital’s gift shop and through special events.” In addition, the AMHF Women’s Board recently changed its bylaws to add to its mission the charitable support of Lansdale Hospital. A new Lansdale Auxiliary is currently forming to help raise funds to meet the needs of the hospital. A special event now in the planning stages is a festive Dinner Dance, which will be held in the near future. “Abington Memorial Hospital is working hard to strengthen services at Lansdale Hospital,” says Kyle, “and we’re happy to have the community as our partner in doing so.” For more information about supporting the services of Lansdale Hospital, please contact Lori Ferro, annual giving officer, at or 215-481-2529. – On October 31, 2008, Abington Memorial Hospital announced the purchase of Central Montgomery Medical Center as part of Abington Health, and unveiled the center’s new name: Lansdale Hospital. Shown is a new sign reflecting the name change, which was the result of input from physicians, employees, key stakeholders in the North Penn area and leadership from Abington Memorial Hospital. A new name, a new sign Thank You 14 This lists represents contributions made to Lansdale Hospital between December 2008 and April 2009. to the many community members who have supported the hospital, including our Emergency Department, and those who have chosen to honor their physicians on National Doctors’ Day 2009. Cindy F. Andress Mildred A. Barr Jonathan & Judy Beck in honor of Bill Krewson Thelma L. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bollard Patricia L. Boram Jan J. Bozik Margo B. Brabson Norman & Maureen Braeunle Nancy & Ken Brenninger Susanne Calkins James & Klara Campbell in honor of Dr. Robert O'Sullivan Mabel S. Carlin Christine Charnosky in honor of Dr. Richard Minehart Robert H. Christoffers Samuel G. Cohen Christine Coleman & Milton Levin in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Deborah A. Conklin James P. Conwell S. Barbara Crowle in honor of Dr. Morris Kliger in honor of Dr. Joseph Kraynak Sam & Margot Cubit in honor of Dr. William Bothwell in honor of Dr. James Goodyear in honor of Dr. Stuart Kremer in honor of Dr. Peter Wang Margaret E. Dawson Frederick L. Deutsch in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta John J. Dickerson Michael DiNunzio, Sr. Natalie J. Driscoll in honor of Dr. Joseph Kraynak Robert P. Edgar Knarig K. Ensanian Tammy Erdman in honor of Dr. Thomas Greene in honor of Dr. Jay Mergaman in honor of Dr. Richard Minehart Robert K. Fetterman Regina F. Fister Nicholas S. Fitti, Jr. Joseph C. Fitzgerald, Sr. Kathryn B. Foden in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Fornari Elaine L. Forst in honor of Dr. Thomas C. Del Giorno Angela Fox Vincent Furtkevic Mark & Teresa Gabel Donald M. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Gaydos III in honor of Dr. Michael Zakrzewski Elizabeth G. Gendall Raymond & Karen Gilbert Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Given Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Gogno Diane & Henry W. Goldberg Barbara Gorman William & Lucille Gray in honor of Dr. Joseph Kraynak Stefanie M. Gregg Donald E. Groff Wendell M. Gulick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanlon in honor of Dr. Thomas Detweiler in honor of Dr. Stuart Kremer Howard L. Hannum Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hawkins Edward Heller in honor of Dr. Michael Zakrzewski Edna R. Henry Linda M. Henry Rose Herb Katherine B. Herman Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Hertel Rosemarie Hilpert Mr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Hochman Joyce & Jerry Hodge in honor of Dr. Thomas Greene Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Holody, Jr. Howard M. Hugo Edith Hunsberger Augusta N. Huttlin John F. Imperato Joseph D. Isabella Shirley Jacketti Mr. & Mrs. John W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William L. Kane Sally Kauffman Donald H. Kazen Yung C. Kim Juanita Kosow-Lawless Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Kriebel Christa I. Krohnemann Theodore J. Kuzyk Richard A. & Marcy H. Landis Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lawlis, Jr. Emil A. Lazar Nu Thi Le & Lap Pham in honor of Dr. Lawrence I. Miller Richard Levan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Long in honor of Dr. Michael Zakrzewski Marina M. Lozada Mary Maines in honor of Dr. Michael Zakrzewski Victor & Sara Malatesta in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Mark S. Mandia John R. McClay, Jr. Edward J. McNulty in honor of Dr. Denzel Pollock in honor of Dr. Maureen Sestito Richard M. Meighan Mr. & Mrs. Jack N. Moss Jane N. Nase in honor of Dr. Jonathan Beck Robert & Ellen Neuschatz Richard C. Nordberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Oberholtzer in honor of Dr. Joseph Kraynak Robert J. Opdyke Mr. & Mrs. John Oppenlander Mr. & Mrs. Albert V. Pauzano in honor of Dr. Joseph Kraynak in honor of Dr. Stephen Matarazzo in honor of Dr. Anita Sinese Alverna Pierce John & Mary Alice Plebani in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Edna C. Pomeroy Florence M. Predergarst Clarence E. Renner Mr. & Mrs. John T. Richards Charlotte L. Rogenmuser Michael C. Romito Carolyn K. Rosewarne in honor of Dr. Clifford Ehrlich in honor of Dr. Peter Wang Linda M. Roth in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Salkin Nancy W. Schmidt Kenneth F. Schrepfer in honor of Dr. George Seavy in honor of Dr. Michael Zakrzewski Ralph Schurr Mr. & Mrs. David Sensenig Mr. & Mrs. William Seniuk Frederick H. Shisler Mr. & Mrs. Gautam C. Shroff in honor of Dr. Nirav G. Sheth Mary A. Signore Frederick G. Simons A. Ruth Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Slane Lynne Smiley in honor of Dr. Michael Zakrzewski James L. Smith Joseph T. Smith, Jr. Jennie R. Sperling Lynn L. Stickler James R. Sullivan in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta James K. Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Roy G. Taylor M. Josephine Teller Lois C. Thomas Raymond A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. James J. Thompson, Sr. in honor of Dr. Gerald Cocchiaro in honor of Dr. Joseph Kraynak in honor of Dr. Stuart Kremer in honor of Dr. Richard Minehart in honor of Dr. Olukemi Abimbola Osinusi in honor of Dr. Robert O’Sullivan in honor of Dr. Cindy Wang Melanie C. Trilling Dorotha Tucker in honor of Dr. Robert O'Sullivan Mary & Henry Virgilio Mark W. & Mary A. Voigt Carol A. Waldspurger Millie & Bill Walker in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Walton Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Wardlow Charles M. Weiger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David T. Wells William S. Wenner Ralph F. Wetzel in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Marie J. Wilson Verna J. Wismer Mr. & Mrs. Burton B. Wolf Philip D. Woodruff Samuel Worthington in memory of Mr. Dominic W. Malatesta Bernard D. Yanacek Barbara & David Yocom Dennis A. Yonosh John C. Zampetti Cecelia M. Zbyszinski Anonymous – 5 in honor of Mr. Anthony Caracausa in honor of Dr. Gregory Caringi F O U N D A T I O N Aw a r d s ■ Achievements AMH welcomes trustees A bington Memorial Hospital recently welcomed several new members to the boards of trustees for both the hospital and hospital foundation. Joining the Abington Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees are Marvin Mashner, Reeves C. Miller, Richard W. Snyder, M.D., Susan Tressider, Terrence L. Walton, P. Terrence “Terry” Quinn, Keith W. Sweigard, M.D., and John J. Russell, M.D., president-elect of the Medical Staff. Named as new members of the Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation Board are Arleen T. Gilbert and Linda Manfredonia. Named as AMH Trustee Emeritus is Harold N. Grier. Marvin Mashner is the president and chief executive officer of ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, Inc., which is the largest not-for-profit owner, operator and developer of continuing care retirement communities in the United States. He joined the company in 1990 as vice president and treasurer, was appointed president and chief operating officer in 1991 and was named chief executive officer in 2005. Prior to joining ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, Inc., Mr. Mashner served as president and CEO, executive vice president and vice president for finance at Roxborough Hospital. He has been active in organizations such as CARF (International Accrediting Organization), Life Science Career Alliance and the Continuing Care Accreditation Commission, and he served as a delegate to the 2005 White House Conference on Aging. Mr. Mashner holds an M.B.A. (Accounting) and a B.S. (Accounting) from Pennsylvania State University and is a Certified Public Accountant in Pennsylvania. Reeves C. Miller is the broker/owner of Prudential Keystone Properties and broker/owner of North Penn Real Estate, Property Management. He has been involved in community activities for more than 20 years with organizations that include the Hatfield Township Building Code Committee, Central Montgomery Medical Center Board (president, 2006), Hatfield Township Traffic Impact Committee (president) and the boards of directors for TreND, Hatfield Township Zoning Hearing Board and North Penn Board of REALTORS. Mr. Miller is a graduate of West Chester State College. Richard W. Snyder, M.D., a physician with Abington Pulmonary and Critical Care Associates, is a new term trustee to the AMH Foundation Board, but he served previously ex officio in his roles as the former president of the medical staff (2005-2006) and president-elect of the medical staff (2004-2005). Dr. Snyder has served as a member of the Abington Memorial Hospital medical staff since 1982, and he is board-certified in pulmonary medicine, critical care medicine, internal medicine and geriatric medicine. Dr. Snyder is a graduate of Temple University School of Medicine. Susan Tressider is the executive director and managing trustee of the Fourjay Foundation in Willow Grove. The Fourjay Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization that gives grants in the area of health, education and human services. Among the organizations in which Ms. Tressider has been active are: Gilda’s Club, Montgomery County Foundation, Catholic Social Services and Turning Point, Inc. Ms. Tressider earned her B.A. (English) and M.A. (Counseling Psychology) at Arcadia University. Terrence L. Walton is a co-owner of Clyde S. Walton, Inc., of Lansdale, PA, which sells, installs and repairs heating and cooling equipment, and which also operates two fleetfueling facilities. Mr. Walton is active in community organizations that include North Penn Community Health Foundation (founding chairman 2002-2006) and the AAA-East Penn Regional Board of Directors. Mr. Walton has a B.S. (Accounting) from Lehigh University. He is a Certified Public Accountant. P. Terrence “Terry” Quinn, president of Quinn and Wilson, Inc., of Abington, PA, and new term trustee member of the AMH Board, has served on the AMH Foundation Board since 2000 and has been a member of the fund development, performance assessment, property and executive committees. Mr. Quinn, a graduate of Abington High School, is co-owner of Quinn and Wilson, Inc., the residential and commercial brokerage he established in 1995. Before that he owned Armstrong-Quinn Real Estate for 25 years. Among the many community organizations to which he has contributed his time are the Montgomery County Board of Realtors (member of the ethics and arbitration committee), the AMH planned giving committee, the Manor College President's Advisory Committee and the Business Referral Network of Greater Philadelphia Area (membership chairman). Keith W. Sweigard, M.D., a senior physician at Abington Memorial Hospital, chief of the Internal Medicine Division and medical director of the Physician Network, returns to the AMH Board having served a five-year term on the AMHF Board and a term previously on the AMH Board. He also served as a member of the professional affairs and special hearing committees. Board-certified in internal medicine, geriatric medicine and nutrition support, Dr. Sweigard is also a physician at Internal Medicine Associates of Abington. He is a graduate of Hahnemann University School of Medicine and was an assistant professor of Clinical Medicine at Temple University Hospital. John J. Russell, M.D., a physician with Abington Family Medicine in Jenkintown, PA, is the new president-elect of the medical staff. He has been a member of Abington Memorial Hospital’s medical staff since 1993, and is associate director of Abington Memorial Hospital’s Family Practice Residency Program. Dr. Russell is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, and he completed his family medicine residency at Abington Memorial Hospital. Arleen T. Gilbert is the chief operations officer and chief financial officer at Al Million and Son Body Shop, Inc. She joined the company in 1972. Ms. Gilbert is very active in the Warminster community, serving with numerous organizations, including Rotary International, PA Chapter (president of the board of directors), Warminster Hospital Board of Directors (president, 2003-2006) and the YWCA board of directors. Linda Manfredonia is an executive vice president and chief fiduciary officer for PNC Wealth Management and Institutional Services. In addition, she is the regional managing director of the Wealth Management Group for the Delaware, Central PA, Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey markets. Ms. Manfredonia is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and has been a lecturer in Trust and Estate Administration at Widener University Law School. Among the many organizations with which Ms. Manfredonia has been active are the Mural Arts Program Advocates Board, the Temple University Planned Giving Advisory Board and the Forum of Executive Women. Ms. Manfredonia earned a B.A. from LaSalle University, and she has received a J.D. and L.L.M. in taxation from Temple University. 15 Harold N. Grier, with Quinn and Wilson, Inc., in Abington, PA, has asked to move to the position of emeritus member of the Board. He has served for a total of 15 years in the leadership of Abington Memorial Hospital, including as a member of the Abington Memorial Health Care Corporation, Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation Board and most recently the AMH Board of Trustees. Mr. Grier has served as vice chair of both the fund development and property committees. Aw a r d s ■ Achievements Dr. David Gary Smith honored at Innovators’ Circle event On December 2, the AMH Innovators' Circle program named David Gary Smith, M.D., F.A.C.P., the hospital’s 2008 Innovators’ Circle Physician Honoree. The award was presented at a special event held at the home of Laura and Gene Schriver. Dr. David Gary Smith is a nationally recognized clinician in internal medicine, a skilled clinical epidemiologist and a noted educator and ethicist. He serves as the director of Graduate Medical Education at Abington Memorial Hospital, where he is also the program director for Internal Medicine Residency and the chairman of both the Residency Advisory Committee and the hospital’s Ethics Committee. Each year, the Innovators’ Circle program honors a physician who has built an inspiring reputation as a pioneer in his or her field and who has established a legacy of developing and implementing innovative solutions to healthcare challenges. Not only was Dr. Smith named the program’s Physician Honoree, he is also a past recipient of an Innovators’ Circle grant, which helped support his project to improve the communication and empathy skills of residents using videotaped interviews with patients and families. For more information about Innovators’ Circle, please contact Lori Ferro, annual giving officer, at or 215-481-2529, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Dr. David Gary Smith receives award from Dr. G. Chris Christensen III, chair of the Clinical Advisory Committee. Fred Shaffer receives Alfred S. Frobese, M.D. Award A devoted and effective hospital leader since joining the AMH Health Care Corporation in 1991, Fred Shaffer was honored on November 12 with receipt of the hospital’s 2008 Alfred S. Frobese, M.D. Award for distinguished service. Since 1995 Fred Shaffer has served as a member of the Abington Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, including five years as vice chair and a term as treasurer. His financial skills have proved invaluable to Abington Memorial Hospital, including his handling of the financing for major projects such as the Lenfest Pavilion and Toll Pavilion. The prestigious Frobese Award is given annually by the hospital’s medical staff to recognize an individual who has devoted exceptional time and expertise to advance the hospital and strengthen its ability to care for patients. 16 Fred Shaffer (left) is presented his award by Dr. Robert K. Josloff. Asplundh Foundation named Outstanding Foundation of the Year The Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals has named the Asplundh Foundation, a long-time supporter of Abington Memorial Hospital, its 2008 Outstanding Foundation of the Year. For more than half a century the foundation has provided significant support to organizations engaged in the arts, education and human services, including Abington Memorial Hospital. The Asplundh Foundation was established by Carl and Lester Asplundh, two of three brothers who in 1928 started the Asplundh Tree Expert Company. Carl’s son, Edward Asplundh, who is now president of the Asplundh Foundation, has for many years been a philanthropic leader at Abington Memorial Hospital (see his profile on page one). Edward Asplundh accepts award on behalf of the Asplundh Foundation from Theresa Haenn, CFRE, 2008 President, AFP-GPC. Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation Loyalty Society Recognition Event Ed Sickles honored with Haines Loyalty Award Ed Sickles, a longtime and devoted leader and supporter of the hospital, was awarded the 2008 Abington Memorial Hospital Haines Loyalty Award at an April 23 Loyalty Society Recognition Event (see Events and Activities). Ed’s service as a board member at the hospital has spanned a full quarter century, including serving as both vice chair of the Hospital Board and chair of the Foundation Board. He has had a great influence on the success and growth of the hospital’s planned-giving program, and with his family he has made numerous gifts of his own, including a major gift during the Building on the Best campaign to create a cath lab in the Lenfest Pavilion. Loyalty Award winner, Ed Sickles, seated with his wife, Ann, and Meg McGoldrick, AMH executive vice president and COO. F O U N D A T I Genesis HealthCare Genesis HealthCare, a leader in nursing and rehabilitation care, recently awarded the hospital a $10,000 grant for Operation Reassurance, the hospital’s seven-days-aweek telephone contact program for seniors and disabled individuals living alone in eastern Montgomery County. Participants in Operation Reassurance initiate daily contact with the hospital each morning, and if hospital staff members do not receive the phone call during a specified period, they will call the participant to check in. If there is no response, a prearranged contact person, such as a family member or friend, is called, and if that contact is also unsuccessful, the local police department is asked to make a home visit. Operation Reassurance, based at the hospital’s Muller Center for Senior Health, has helped save lives, reduce injuries, foster independence and enhance overall safety and security for the area’s growing population of elderly and disabled. Wachovia Charitable Giving Program N from Wachovia will help provide new facilities for the well-baby clinic. For a quarter century, the OB/GYN Center has provided low- or no-cost gynecological and obstetrical services to mostly uninsured women. Today the OB/GYN Center serves some 1,400 new patients each year, 65 percent of whom have no health insurance, and delivers approximately 20 percent of the nearly 5,000 babies born at Abington Memorial Hospital each year. Since 2003, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has been an essential source of support for the hospital’s “Closing the Gap” outreach program, which provides low- or no-cost health services for underserved populations in the hospital’s surrounding communities. Programs target Asian and AfricanAmerican women. For more information about grants to Abington Memorial Hospital, please contact Monica Simon, R.N., M.S.N., grants officer, at or 215-481-2021. The Grundy Foundation Named for the late U.S. Senator Joseph R. Grundy, the Grundy Foundation has made a $5,000 grant in support of Abington Memorial Hospital’s new residential hospice facility. Located on the Warminster Campus, the new hospice facility provides a beautiful, soothing environment for hospice patients, each of whom will have a spacious private room that can accommodate family members for meals, relaxed visits and even an overnight stay. The Philadelphia affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure continues to provide important support for the hospital’s community outreach services. The foundation has awarded the hospital another $100,000 grant to support breast cancer screening and education services, including mammograms, in underserved communities. Charitable Advantage 17 The Rewards of Planned Gifts Do you have a will? A recent study revealed that 57 percent of adult Americans do not have a will. Are you among them? will is extremely important in enabling you to provide for your heirs according to your wishes, name an executor for your estate, establish trusts, make charitable gifts and reduce estate taxes. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, if you do NOT have a will the state will dispose of your assets among your kin with no consideration to your expressed desires. If you have no kin, or if they cannot be located, the state itself will assume your estate. And, without a will, your estate will be open to full federal and state taxation. If you DO have a will, be sure to review it annually for any change in personal status for you or your beneficiaries, and have your attorney review your will every two or three years to see if any changes in the tax laws may call for an update to your will. It is very easy to include in your will a charitable bequest to the Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation (the full legal name to use). Language for an unrestricted bequest can be as simple as the following: A “I give and bequeath to Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation, Abington, Pennsylvania, the sum of $[amount] or [percent]% of the residue and remainder of my estate to be used for general purposes as determined by the Board of Trustees.” For more information about naming Abington Memorial Hospital in your estate plans, please contact Amanda Rice, director of planned giving, at or 215-481-4019, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Ronald J. Harper, Esq. (left), vice president of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, presents the grantee recognition award to Cynthia Echewa, R.N., community health outreach nurse (center), and Kathleen Hartman, R.N., women’s outreach program manager. Susan G. Komen for the Cure Abington Memorial Hospital’s Corinne Santerian Newborn Center has received a $10,000 grant from the Wachovia Charitable Giving Program to help the Center expand its facilities. The Santerian Center provides wellbaby care for newborns, up to the age of three months, who are delivered at the hospital’s OB/GYN Center. The support The O It is also easy to make a restricted bequest for a specific purpose, make an endowment bequest to provide perpetual support, create a testamentary trust to provide income to a survivor followed by a gift to AMH Foundation, or establish some other form of bequest. We can provide helpful language and information for you and your attorney on these and many other forms of planned giving. If you wish to restrict your bequest, we ask that you discuss your plans with us to be sure we can accommodate your request. When considering your bequest plans, keep in mind that all gifts to Abington Memorial Hospital are meaningful, and that no gift is too big or too small. In addition, a planned gift can offer you a wide range of benefits, including membership in the hospital’s Elkins Legacy Society. Of course, the biggest benefit of all is that your gift will help ensure that the excellent healthcare we provide today will continue to be available for our community tomorrow. Events & A ct iv it ie s Innovators’ Circle hosts honoree event n December 2, the AMH Innovators' Circle program held its annual Physician Honoree event. Guests gathered at the beautiful home of Laura and Gene Schriver for the presentation of the 2008 Innovators’ Circle Physician Honoree Award to David Gary Smith, M.D., F.A.C.P. (see Awards and Achievements, page 16). The event also featured comments from Richard L. Jones, Jr., president of Abington Memorial Hospital; MaryAnn Watson, chair of the Innovators’ Circle Executive Leadership and Allocation Committee; G. Chris Christensen III, D.O., chair of the Innovators’ Circle Clinical Advisory Committee; and two recipients of 2008 Innovators’ Circle grants – Philip S. Lim, M.D., and Peachy Viviano, R.N., C.C.R.N. O For more information about Innovators’ Circle, please contact Lori Ferro, annual giving officer, at or 215-481-2529, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Dr. David Gary Smith celebrates with his two daughters, Julie Smith and Margy Wilcox, Ann Ricksecker, and his sister, Bobbi Zimmaro. Robert Rubin, Mark and Melisa Eskin Above: (l to r) Sandy and Joe Murdock with Pat Scott. Left: (l to r) Lew Klein with Drs. Richard Eisenstaedt and G. Chris Christensen III, chair of the Clinical Advisory Committee. 18 Left to right: Alison Ferren, Peachy Viviano, Barbara Wadsworth, Mabel and Oliver Johnson, and Arnold Zaslow. Recognition for our loyal friends bington Memorial Hospital held its annual Loyalty Society Recognition Event on April 23 at the Frobese Conference Center in the Lenfest Pavilion. The event honored those benefactors who have provided consistent philanthropic support to the hospital over the past 10 years or more. The open house offered loyal donors an opportunity to hear from several of the hospital’s leading physicians and nurses and participate in demonstrations of some of the innovative new technologies being used at the hospital. The event also featured the presentation of the hospital’s annual Haines Loyalty Award to Ed Sickles. (See Awards and Achievements, page 16). A President’s Council members honored Abington Memorial Hospital’s top philanthropic leaders were honored on May 20 at the annual President’s Council recognition dinner. This year’s dinner was held in Huntingdon Valley at the beautiful home of Ellen and Chris Asplundh. For more information about the Loyalty Society, please contact Amanda Rice, director of planned giving, at or 215-481-4019, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Dr. Candy Anim demonstrates surgical simulation technology to Esther Grier. President’s Council members each support the AMH Foundation with annual leadership gifts of $10,000 or more. Their generous philanthropy is essential to the continuing distinction of the hospital, and the impact of their support can be seen in the excellence of programs, facilities and personnel throughout the hospital. For more information about the President’s Council, please contact Jane Wexler, major gifts officer, at or 215-481-2304, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Below: (l to r) Lynn Burbank, R.N., explains simulation technology to Newby Strong and Kay Claghorn. Leanne Marada, P.A., with Romaine and William Macht. June Weiss, R.N., points out innovative materials for orthopaedic care to Tom Bergen. F O U N D A T I O N Technology open house spotlights medical advances MH trustees, business advisory council members, planned giving advisory committee members and other guests interested in supporting the hospital gathered on April 24 for a special technology open house. The breakfast event offered participants an opportunity to hear from several of the hospital’s leading physicians and nurses, and to join in demonstrations of some of the most innovative new technologies being used at the hospital. Guests were able to participate in hands-on experiences of advanced technologies such as the da Vinci S robotic-assisted surgical system, three-dimensional mammography MRI and surgical and medical simulation technology, including “Sim Man” and “Sim Baby.” A For more information about the Business Advisory Council, please contact Ruth S. Weiss, donor and community relations officer, at or 215-481-2792, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Participants experience the medical simulation technology of “Sim Baby.” Jay Bown (left) is instructed by Dr. Lee Schacter on how to maneuver the da Vinci S roboticassisted surgical system. (l to r) Jack Weiss, Charlie Whipple and Dr. Andrew M. Star discuss innovations in orthopaedic care. Elkins Legacy Society luncheon t this year’s annual AMH Elkins Legacy Society luncheon, one of the region’s leading interventional neurologists gave a special presentation on recent advances in stroke treatment. Qaisar A. Shah, M.D., director of the Neurocritical and Neurointerventional Services Division at Abington Memorial Hospital, spoke at the luncheon, which was held on May 5 at Sunnybrook Golf Club in Plymouth Meeting. The Elkins Legacy Society recognizes friends and benefactors who support Abington Memorial Hospital through planned giving, a tradition established by George W. and Stella McIntyre Elkins, who made the first planned gift to the hospital. Elkins Legacy Society members provide for the future of Abington Memorial Hospital through bequests, endowments, charitable trusts, gift annuities and pooled income fund gifts. This year the Elkins Legacy Society welcomed the following friends as new members: A 19 Seated (l to r): Anne Elder, Walter Luce, Christine Luce and David Whitten George & Rosemary Berman Phyllis & Frederick Giller E L the Estate of Edward J. Grelis lkins Thomas Bayes Hollis societ y Estate of Barbara A. Kingsbury Lewis & Janet S. Klein bington Memorial Hospital welcomes into its prestigious Elkins Legacy Society those friends who have created a legacy here through a charitable bequest in their wills. Benefits of membership in the Elkins Legacy Society include invitations to an annual luncheon, periodic insider updates on the hospital and a range of donor recognition opportunities. A E. Janet Smith Joe and Barbara McKinney Bob Necker, Charlotte Konopka and Bill Kurz egacy Seated (l to r): William Macht, Romaine Macht, Marvin Miller, Joan Miller, Rosemary Berman and George Berman For more information about the Elkins Legacy Society, please contact Amanda Rice, director of planned giving, at or 215-481-4019, or visit the “Ways to Give” section of our website at Louise Hecker and Betty Strohlein Leon and Mary Jane Clemmer John H. Durham Chair, Board of Trustees Donald A. Pizer Chair, Foundation Board of Trustees Gretchen Graham President, The Women’s Board F O U N D A T I O Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Abington Memorial Hospital N 1200 Old York Road • Abington, PA 19001 215-481-4438 Fund Development Staff Jill Kyle, CFRE, Vice President, Fund Development Cathy Cawley, Development Officer Lori Ferro, Annual Giving Officer Monica Simon, R.N., M.S.N., Grants Officer President, Medical Staff Amanda Rice, Director of Planned Giving Joseph A. Rigotti, D.O. Ruth S. Weiss, Donor and Community Relations Officer John J. Kelly, M.D., FACP Jane Wexler, Major Gifts Officer Chief of Staff Chief Patient Safety Officer Richard L. Jones, Jr. President/CEO LEAVE A LEGACY® Create your own legacy. A bequest, large or small, is a meaningful way to provide future support to Abington Memorial Hospital. GAIN F SECURITY – Support AMH O U N D A T I O N opportunity. They provide: ■ fixed income for life ■ charitable tax deduction ■ potential capital gains tax savings ■ the opportunity to lock in the value of appreciated assets ■ membership in The Elkins Legacy Society ■ satisfaction knowing your gift is supporting excellent healthcare in your community. the value of appreciated stock and convert it into Charitable gift annuities offer a win-win A charitable gift annuity is a great way to lock in a steady, fixed and guaranteed life-income stream. When you transfer cash, stock or other appreciated assets to establish a charitable gift annuity, you enter a simple contract in which Abington Memorial Hospital Foundation (AMHF) agrees to pay a fixed income for life. A guaranteed fixed income from a charitable gift annuity The income is typically paid four times a year; may be the answer to a volatile stock market. in most cases, it is partially tax-free; and, when Charitable Gift Annuity Rate Chart gifting appreciated assets, it can minimize your One Beneficiary – Based on a gift of $10,000 capital gain and spread any recognized gain over a period of years. The stock must be gifted Age directly to AMHF. The fund development staff Annuity Rate* 70 can provide instructions on how to do so. The ups and downs of the stock market are cause to review your stock portfolio. 6.3% 75 85 If you are reallocating your investments, consider Annual Income 5.7% 7.1% 80 90 gifting stock directly to AMHF. You’ll enjoy the $570 $630 $710 8.1% $810 9.5% $950 income and, more important, the satisfaction of knowing you’ve provided future support of Rates recommended by the American Council on Gift Annuities *Rates will be lower for two beneficiaries excellent healthcare in your community. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N C O N TA C T Amanda Rice, director of planned giving at or 215-481-4019