Dated February 17, 2006 ALLIANZ FINANCE II B.V. (a private company with limited liability incorporated under the law of the Netherlands) EUR [up to 1.0 billion] [5.00 - 5.875]% Undated Subordinated Fixed Rate Callable Bonds guaranteed on a subordinated basis by ALLIANZ AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (incorporated as a stock corporation in Munich, Germany) Issue Price of the Bonds: [98-101]% The EUR [up to 1.0 billion] [5.00 – 5.875]% Undated Subordinated Fixed Rate Callable Bonds (the “Bonds”) will be issued by Allianz Finance II B.V. (the “Issuer”) on [March 3,] 2006 (the “Issue Date”) in a denomination of EUR 1,000 each. The Bonds have no final maturity date. They are redeemable in whole but not in part at the option of the Issuer at their principal amount on [March 3,] 2011 and on each Interest Payment Date (as defined in Condition 3.1(a) of the terms and conditions of the Bonds (the “Conditions”)) thereafter. The Issuer may also redeem the Bonds in whole but not in part at their principal amount together with any accrued interest at any time following a Gross-up Event and at the Make-whole Amount following a Tax Event or a Regulatory Event (all terms as defined in Condition 4 of the Conditions). In any case the Issuer may call and redeem the Bonds only if the Solvency Condition (as defined in Condition 3.2(c) of the Conditions) is met and the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed has been replaced by other at least equivalent regulatory capital or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) in Germany (the “BaFin”) or any successor authority has given its consent to the redemption, all as more fully described in the Conditions. The Bonds will bear interest from and including [March 3,] 2006 at the rate of [5.00 – 5.875]% per annum payable annually in arrear on [March 3] of each year commencing on [March 3,] 2007 to but excluding the date of the redemption, if any. Under certain circumstances described in Condition 3.2 of the Conditions, the Issuer may elect or even be required to defer interest payments on the Bonds. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (“Allianz AG” or the “Guarantor” and, together with its consolidated subsidiaries taken as a whole, the “Group” or “Allianz Group”) will unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee on a subordinated basis (the “Guarantee”) the due and punctual payment of all amounts at any time becoming due and payable in respect of the Bonds. See “Risk Factors” for a discussion of certain factors that should be considered by prospective investors. The final aggregate principal amount, the issue price and the rate of interest of the Bonds will be determined at the latest on March 1, 2006 on the basis of a bookbuilding procedure involving qualified investors (see “Subscription and Sale” for details). The BaFin, as competent authority under the Prospectus Directive (as defined herein), has approved this securities prospectus for the Bonds (the “Prospectus”) on February 17, 2006 pursuant to § 13 (1) sentence 2 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz, the “WpPG”), which requires the scrutiny of the Prospectus in relation to its completeness, coherence and comprehensibility. The Issuer has requested BaFin to provide competent authorities in other host Member States within the European Economic Area including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom with a certificate of approval attesting that this Prospectus has been drawn up in accordance with the German Securities Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz) which implements Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of November 4, 2003 (the “Prospectus Directive”) into German law. Application has been made to list the Bonds on the official market (Amtlicher Markt) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Lead Managers Deutsche Bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein UBS Investment Bank Co-Lead Managers BayernLB HVB Corporates & Markets Helaba WestLB AG The Bonds will initially be represented by a temporary global bond in bearer form without interest coupons (the “Temporary Global Bond”) which will be deposited with Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main (the “Clearing System”) and which will be replaced by a permanent global Bond in bearer form without interest coupons (the “Permanent Global Bond”) which will be deposited with the Clearing System not earlier than 40 days after the Issue Date upon presentation of a certificate of non-U.S. beneficial ownership. Responsibility Statement Each of the Issuer with its registered office in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the Guarantor with its registered office in Munich, Germany, and Dresdner Bank AG with its registered office in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Prospectus. Each of the Issuer, the Guarantor and Dresdner Bank AG hereby declares pursuant to § 5(4) WpPG, Annex IV, 1.2 and Annex V, 1.2 of the Commission regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 of April 29, 2004 that, having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, the information contained in this Prospectus is to the best of its knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import. Each of the Issuer, the Guarantor and Dresdner Bank AG further declare in accordance with § 5(4) WpPG that to the best of their knowledge the information conformed in this Prospectus is correct and that no material circumstances have been omitted. Notice Each investor contemplating purchasing any Bonds should make its own independent investigation of the financial condition and affairs, and its own appraisal of the creditworthiness, of the Issuer and the Guarantor. This Prospectus does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation by or on behalf of the Issuer, the Guarantor, or Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch, Dresdner Bank AG London Branch and UBS Limited (also “UBS Investment Bank”) (the “Lead Managers”) and Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, Bayerische Landesbank, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen – Girozentrale and WestLB AG (the “Co-Lead Managers” and, together with the Lead Managers, the “Managers”) with their registered offices in London, United Kingdom, to subscribe for, or purchase, any Bonds. No person has been authorised to give any information or to make any representation other than those contained in this Prospectus in connection with the issue or sale of the Bonds and, if given or made, such information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Issuer or the Guarantor. The offer, sale and delivery of the Bonds and the Guarantee and the distribution of this Prospectus in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this Prospectus comes are required by the Issuer and the Guarantor to inform themselves about and to observe any such restriction. In particular, the Bonds and the Guarantee have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and Bonds in bearer form are subject to U.S. tax law requirements. Subject to certain limited exceptions, the Bonds and the Guarantee may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United Stated or to U.S. persons. For a description of certain restrictions on offers and sales of Bonds and on distribution of this Prospectus, see “Subscription and Sale”. The legally binding language of this Prospectus is the English language, except for the Conditions and the terms and conditions of the subordinated Guarantee where the legally binding language is the German language. The Bonds will form part of the regulatory capital of the Guarantor and the Allianz Group, and, as such, it is the intention of the Issuer to redeem the Bonds only to the extent that the Guarantor or any of its financing subsidiaries has, in the period of six months preceding such redemption, raised funds in an amount at least equal to the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds by the issuance and sale of any ordinary shares or any securities that have equal or greater equity characteristics than the Bonds. IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUE OF THE BONDS, DRESDNER BANK AG AS STABILISING MANAGER (OR PERSONS ACTING ON ITS BEHALF) MAY OVER-ALLOT BONDS (PROVIDED THAT THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF THE BONDS ALLOTTED DOES NOT EXCEED 105% OF THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF THE BONDS (OR SUCH OTHER PERCENTAGE AS MAY BE APPLICABLE TO ANY SUCH ACTIONS) IN THE JURISDICTION WHERE SUCH ACTIONS ARE TO BE EFFECTED) OR EFFECT TRANSACTIONS WITH A VIEW TO SUPPORTING THE MARKET PRICE OF THE BONDS AT A LEVEL HIGHER THAN THAT WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE PREVAIL. 2 HOWEVER, THERE IS NO ASSURANCE THAT DRESDNER BANK AG AS STABILISING MANAGER (OR PERSONS ACTING ON ITS BEHALF) WILL UNDERTAKE STABILISATION ACTION. ANY STABILISATION ACTION MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME AFTER THE ADEQUATE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF THE FINAL TERMS OF THE OFFER OF THE BONDS AND, IF BEGUN, MAY BE ENDED AT ANY TIME, BUT IT MUST END NO LATER THAN THE EARLIER OF 30 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF THE RECEIPT OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE ISSUE BY THE ISSUER OR 60 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF THE ALLOTMENT OF THE BONDS OR, AS THE CASE MAY BE, SUCH OTHER DATE(S) AS MAY BE APPLICABLE TO ANY SUCH ACTION IN THE JURISDICTION WHERE SUCH ACTIONS ARE TO BE EFFECTED. SUCH STABILISING SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS, REGULATIONS AND RULES OF ANY RELEVANT JURISDICTION. In this Prospectus, unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise requires, references to “EUR”, “euro” and “€” are to the single currency introduced at the third stage of European economic and monetary union pursuant to the Treaty establishing the European Community as amended by the Treaty on European Union. All references to “USD” and “$” are to the lawful currency of the United States of America. 3 DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The following documents that are available in the case of the Guarantor at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Neue Börsenstr. 1, 60487 Frankfurt am Main) and in the case of the Issuer at the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (11, av de la Porte-Neuve L-2227 Luxembourg) shall be deemed to be incorporated in, and to form part of, this Prospectus: • the audited consolidated annual reports of Allianz Group, including the auditors’ reports, for the year ended December 31, 2003; • the audited unconsolidated annual reports of Allianz AG, including the auditors’ reports, for the year ended December 31, 2004; • the audited annual reports of Allianz Finance II B.V., including the auditors’ reports, for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003; • the Articles of Association of Allianz Finance II B.V.; and • the Articles of Association (Satzung) of Allianz AG. Copies of the documents which are incorporated herein by reference will be available free of charge from the specified offices of the Principal Paying Agent set out at the end of this Prospectus. The Issuer does not prepare and publish interim reports. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Documents Incorporated by Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary in respect of the Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary in respect of Risk Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary in respect of the Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary in respect of the Guarantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . German Translation of the Summary/Zusammenfassung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf die Schuldverschreibungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf Risikofaktoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf die Emittentin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf die Garantin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dutch Translation of the Summary/Samenvatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samenvatting met betrekking tot de Obligaties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samenvatting met betrekking tot de risicofactoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samenvatting met betrekking tot de Emittent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samenvatting met betrekking tot de Garant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danish Translation of the Summary/Resumé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumé vedrørende Obligationerne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumé vedrørende Risikofaktorerne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumé vedrørende Udsteder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumé vedrørende Garanten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . French Translation of the Summary/Résumé en Francais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Résumé relatif aux Obligations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Résumé concernant les Facteurs de Risque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Résumé concernant l’Émetteur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Résumé concernant le Garant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Portuguese Translation of the Summary/Sumário . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sumário relativo às Obrigações . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sumário relativo aos Factores de Risco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sumário relativo ao Emitente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sumário relativamente ao Garante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spanish Translation of the Summary/Resumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumen de los Bonos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumen de los factores de riesgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumen del Emisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resumen del Garante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Información adicional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swedish Translation of the Summary/Sammanfattning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammanfattning avseende Obligationerna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammanfattning avseende Riskfaktorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammanfattning avseende Emittenten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammanfattning avseende Borgensmannen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Risk Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Risk Factors in relation to the Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Risk Factors in relation to the Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Risk Factors in relation to the Guarantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 5 7 7 17 18 19 22 22 33 34 35 38 38 49 50 51 54 54 64 65 66 69 69 79 81 82 85 85 95 96 97 100 100 111 112 113 115 116 116 126 137 128 132 132 133 134 Page Terms and Conditions of the Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subordinated Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information on the Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corporate Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recent Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected Financial Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capitalisation of Allianz Finance II B.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Statements of the Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information on the Guarantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name, Registered Seat, Business Objective and Purposes of the Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiscal Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Term and Dissolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presentation of financial and other information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statutory auditors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . History and Development of Allianz AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capitalisation and financial indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of Allianz Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected Consolidated Financial Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New and amended Accounting and Valuation Principles in the Financial Year 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recent Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trend Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legal Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organisational Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Management and Supervisory Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . German Corporate Governance Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Board of Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervisory Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Major Shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Share Capital of Allianz AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Share Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Form and Certification of the Shares / Consent to Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use of Proceeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subscription and Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certain Financial Information relating to Allianz Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Group – Consolidated Financial Statements 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Group – Interim Report – First Three Quarters of 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 142 173 176 176 177 177 178 178 179 181 181 181 181 181 181 182 183 184 185 185 186 191 193 197 198 198 199 199 199 201 204 204 204 205 206 209 209 209 211 211 211 212 213 227 227 227 231 235 235 235 235 SUMMARY The following constitutes the summary (the “Summary”) of the essential characteristics and risks associated with the Issuer, the Guarantor and the Bonds. This Summary should be read as an introduction to this Prospectus. Any decision by an investor to invest in the Bonds should be based on consideration of this Prospectus as a whole, including the documents incorporated by reference and any supplements thereto. Where a claim relating to the information contained in this Prospectus, the documents incorporated by reference and any supplements thereto is brought before a court, the plaintiff investor might, under the national legislation of a member state of the European Economic Area, have to bear the costs of translating this Prospectus, the documents incorporated by reference and any supplements thereto before the legal proceedings are initiated. Civil liability attaches to the Issuer, the Guarantor and Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft who have taken responsibility for this Summary including any translation thereof and applied for its notification, but only if the Summary is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent when read together with the other parts of this Prospectus. This summary includes forward-looking statements. These include statements relating to, among other things, the future financial performance of the Issuer, Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (hereinafter “Allianz AG”) and its consolidated subsidiaries (together with Allianz AG hereinafter referred to as “Allianz Group”), plans and expectations regarding developments in the business, growth and profitability of Allianz Group, and general industry and business conditions applicable to Allianz Group. Allianz Group has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about future events. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Allianz Group or those of its industry to be materially different from or worse than these forward-looking statements. The Issuer, Allianz AG and Dresdner Bank AG do not assume any obligation to update such forward-looking statements and to adapt them to future events or developments, except to the extent required by law. Summary in respect of the Bonds The final aggregate principal amount, the issue price and the rate of interest of the Bonds will be determined on or around [March 1,] 2006 on the basis of a bookbuilding procedure involving qualified investors. Issuer ................................... Guarantor ............................... Principal Amount ....................... Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft EUR [up to 1.0 billion] Lead Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch Dresdner Bank AG London Branch (appearing on the cover page with its marketing name “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein”) UBS Limited (together the “Lead Managers”) Co-Lead Managers ...................... Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen-Girozentrale WestLB AG (together with the Lead Managers, the “Managers”) Fiscal Agent, Principal Paying Agent and Calculation Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 7 Issue Price .............................. [98-101]% Issue Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [March 3,] 2006 Denomination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bonds will be issued in a denomination of EUR 1,000 each. Form of the Bonds ...................... The Bonds are in bearer form and will initially be represented by a Temporary Global Bond without interest coupons which will be deposited with or on behalf of Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main (the “Clearing System”). The Temporary Global Bond will be exchangeable for a Permanent Global Bond without interest coupons not earlier than 40 days after the Issue Date upon certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership in accordance with the rules and operating procedures of the Clearing System. Payment on the Temporary Global Bond will only be made against presentation of such certification. No definitive Bonds or interest coupons will be issued. Status of the Bonds ..................... The obligations under the Bonds constitute unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer ranking pari passu among themselves and at least pari passu with all other unsecured and undated subordinated obligations of the Issuer outstanding on the Issue Date save for any subordinated obligations required to be preferred by law. In the event of the liquidation, dissolution, insolvency, composition or other proceedings for the avoidance of insolvency of, or against, the Issuer, the obligations of the Issuer under the Bonds will be subordinated to the claims of all unsubordinated and dated subordinated creditors of the Issuer, so that in any such event no amounts shall be payable in respect of the Bonds until the claims of all unsubordinated and dated subordinated creditors of the Issuer shall have first been satisfied in full. No security (except for the subordinated Guarantee) of whatever kind is, or shall at any time be, provided by the Issuer or any other person securing rights of the Bondholders under the Bonds. No subsequent agreement may limit the subordination or shorten any applicable notice period (Kündigungsfrist) in respect of the Bonds. If the Bonds are redeemed prematurely, the amounts redeemed must be returned to the Issuer irrespective of any agreement to the contrary unless the Issuer has been dissolved or such amounts have been replaced by other at least equivalent capital (Eigenmittel) of at least equal status or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any successor authority has given its consent to the redemption. No Bondholder may set off any claims arising under the Bonds against any claims that the Issuer may have against the Bondholder. The Issuer may not set off any claims it may have against any Bondholder against any of its obligations under the Bonds. Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Guarantor will give an unconditional and irrevocable Guarantee on a subordinated basis for the due payment of principal of, and interest on, and any other amounts expressed to be payable under the Bonds. The Guarantee constitutes a contract for the benefit of the Bondholders from time to time as third party beneficiaries in accordance with § 328 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), giving rise to the right of each Bondholder to require performance under the Guarantee directly from the Guarantor and to enforce the Guarantee directly against the Guarantor. 8 In the event of the dissolution, liquidation, insolvency or of other proceedings for the avoidance of insolvency of the Guarantor, the claims of the Bondholders under the Guarantee will be satisfied after (but only after) the claims of all unsubordinated and dated subordinated creditors of the Guarantor have first been paid in full. The Bondholders explicitly accept that, in the circumstances described above, payments in respect of the Bonds will be made by the Guarantor pursuant to the Guarantee only in accordance with the subordination described above. No Bondholder may set off any claims arising under the Guarantee against claims that the Guarantor may have against it. The Guarantor may set off against any claims of any Bondholder under the Guarantee only if such amounts have been replaced by other at least equivalent capital (Eigenmittel) of at least equal status or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) or any successor authority thereto has given its consent to the set off, and subject to the Solvency Condition (as defined below) being met. Redemption ............................. The Bonds have no final maturity date. They are redeemable in whole but not in part at the option of the Issuer at their principal amount on [March 3,] 2011 and on each Interest Payment Date (as defined below) thereafter. The Issuer may also redeem the Bonds in whole but not in part at their principal amount together with any accrued interest at any time following a Gross-up Event (as defined below) and at the Make-whole Amount following a Tax Event or a Regulatory Event (all terms as defined below). In any case the Issuer may call and redeem the Bonds only if the Solvency Condition (as defined below) is met and the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed has been replaced by other at least equivalent regulatory capital or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any Successor Authority has given its consent to the redemption. A “Gross up Event” shall occur, if the Issuer has or will become obliged by a legislative body, a court or any authority to pay Additional Amounts or the Guarantor has or will become obliged to pay Additional Amounts in respect of payments due under the Guarantee as a result of any change in or amendment to the laws (or any rules or regulations thereunder) of the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or any authority of or in the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany, or any change in or amendment to any official interpretation or application of those laws or rules or regulations, and that obligation cannot be avoided by the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, taking such reasonable measures it (acting in good faith) deems appropriate. A “Tax Event” shall occur, if as a result of any amendment to, or change in, the laws (or any rules or regulations thereunder) of the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or any taxing authority thereof or therein, or as a result of any amendment to, or change in, an official interpretation or application of any such laws, rules or regulations by any legislative body, court, governmental agency or regulatory authority (including the enactment of any legislation and the publication of any judicial 9 decision or regulatory determination), interest payable by the Issuer in respect of the Bonds or any amount payable by the Guarantor under the Guarantee is no longer, or within 90 days of the date of the opinion described below will no longer be, fully deductible by the Issuer and/or the Guarantor for Dutch and/or German income tax purposes, and that risk cannot be avoided by the Issuer and/or the Guarantor taking reasonable measures it (acting in good faith) deems appropriate. A “Regulatory Event” shall occur if (a) the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) or any Successor Authority states in writing to the Guarantor that the Bonds (in whole or in part) no longer fulfil the requirements for regulatory capital or own funds for group solvency or single solvency purposes of the Guarantor or the solvency pursuant to the regulations for financial conglomerates. This applies only if at any time prior to such statement the Bonds did fulfil such requirements; or (b) at any time, the Guarantor or the Guarantor’s group is required for any regulatory capital purposes to have Tier I regulatory capital (howsoever described), and the Bonds would not be eligible to qualify for inclusion in the Tier I regulatory capital for group solvency purposes of the Guarantor or the solvency pursuant to the regulations for financial conglomerates at the time. Interest ................................. The Bonds shall bear interest on their aggregate principal amount from and including [March 3,] 2006 at the rate of [5.00 – 5.875] per cent. per annum to but excluding the date of redemption, if any. Interest shall be payable in arrear on [March 3] in each year (each such date, an “Interest Payment Date”). The first payment of interest shall be made on [March 3,] 2007. If interest is required to be calculated for a period of less than a full year, such interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days in such period divided by the actual number of days (365 or 366) in the respective year. Optional deferral of Interest Payments . . . Subject to the Solvency Condition being met and no Mandatory Deferral Event (as defined below) having occurred, the Issuer may, on each Interest Payment Date, elect in its discretion to defer the payment of interest by giving not less than 3 Business Days prior notice, if up to the end of the 10th Business Day preceding such Interest Payment Date (the “Calculation Date”) no dividend, other distribution or payment was declared in respect of any class of shares of the Guarantor at the ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor immediately preceding that Interest Payment Date, and no payment on account of the balance sheet profit has been made since that ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor. In this case any such deferred interest will constitute an “Optionally Deferred Interest Payment”. The Issuer may elect in its discretion to satisfy any interest payment it does not defer on the Interest Payment Date with funds raised prior to the Interest Payment Date by way of the Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“ACSM”) (as described below). 10 Mandatory deferral or cancellation of Interest Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If on an Interest Payment Date the Solvency Condition is not met, then the Issuer will be required to defer interest which accrues during the interest year to but excluding such Interest Payment Date, unless the Issuer elects in its discretion to satisfy on the Interest Payment Date such interest with funds raised prior to the Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM. The “Solvency Condition” shall be met if (A) the Guarantor and the Guarantor’s Group have appropriate funds to cover the required minimum solvency margin (or a comparable term in case of a change in applicable rules) in accordance with the provisions of German insurance regulatory law (for group solvency or single solvency purposes or the solvency pursuant to the regulation for financial conglomerates) and a generally recognised administrative practice, if any, of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any successor authority applicable at that time, and such funds would not, as a result of a full or partial interest payment or redemption payment, respectively, that would otherwise be due on such Interest Payment Date or date of redemption, respectively, become less than the required minimum solvency margin, and (B) no order by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any successor authority is in effect prohibiting the Guarantor from making interest payments, other distributions or redemptions (including to the holders of any Parity Security or Junior Security, and (C) the Guarantor is able to pay its debts owed to its Senior Creditors (as defined below) as they fall due, and (D) the Assets of the Guarantor (as defined below) exceed its Liabilities (as defined below) (other than liabilities to persons who are not Senior Creditors). “Assets” means the unconsolidated total assets of the Guarantor, as shown in the latest published annual audited balance sheet of the Guarantor, but adjusted for subsequent events, all as determined by the Guarantor, or if the Guarantor is being liquidated, its liquidator. “Liabilities” means the unconsolidated total liabilities of the Guarantor, as shown in the latest published annual audited balance sheet of the Guarantor, but adjusted for subsequent events, all as determined by the Guarantor, or if the Guarantor is being liquidated, its liquidator. “Senior Creditors” means creditors of the Guarantor (a) who are unsubordinated creditors of the Guarantor; or (b) whose claims are subordinated to the claims of other creditors of the Guarantor (other than those whose claims rank pari passu with, or junior to the claims of the Bondholders). If on an Interest Payment Date a Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred, then the Issuer will be required to defer any Excess Amount. 11 “Excess Amount” means in relation to the amount of interest which would be payable on the aggregate principal amount of Bonds outstanding on the relevant Interest Payment Date that would otherwise have been due (the “Interest Amount”) the amount by which the Interest Amount exceeds the New Capital Amount (as defined below). “New Capital Amount” means the net proceeds received by the Guarantor from new issuances and/or sale of ordinary shares, preference shares and instruments that provide equity credit from the rating agencies akin to the Bonds during the period of 180 days prior to such date and designated by the Guarantor at or before the time of issuance as available to pay distributions on the Bonds. A “Mandatory Deferral Event” shall have occurred on an Interest Payment Date, if up to the end of the Calculation Date (x) the Accumulated Quarters’ Net Income (as defined below) for the four-quarter period of the Guarantor ending on the quarter that is two quarters prior to the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor is less than or equal to zero; and (y) the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount (as defined below) as at the end of the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor and as at the end of the quarter that is two quarters before the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor has declined by 10% or more as compared to the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount as at the end of the quarter of the Guarantor that is ten quarters prior to the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor (the “Benchmark Quarter”). Where: “Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount” means, as at the end of any quarter of the Guarantor, the shareholders’ equity before minority interests as reflected in the consolidated balance sheet of the Guarantor of such quarter end, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Accounting Standards (as defined below), minus foreign currency translation adjustments and unrealised gains and losses (net) as reflected on such consolidated balance sheet. “Applicable Accounting Standards” means the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as applicable at the relevant dates and for the relevant periods, or other accounting principles generally accepted in Germany and applied by the Guarantor which subsequently supersede them. “Accumulated Quarters’ Net Income” means, as at the end of any quarter of the Guarantor, the sum of the consolidated net income of the Guarantor, as determined in accordance with Applicable Accounting Standards, for the four quarters ending as of the last day of such quarter. If the Issuer is required to defer a payment of interest following the occurrence of a Mandatory Deferral Event on an Interest Payment Date, then the Issuer will also be required to defer on one or more 12 subsequent Interest Payment Dates the interest that would otherwise be due on such Interest Payment Dates until the Mandatory Deferral Event has been cured on any subsequent Calculation Date. After one or more Mandatory Deferral Events have occurred, the Issuer may only begin to pay interest on the Bonds on any Interest Payment Date if on the Calculation Date for that Interest Payment Date (x) no new Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred and (y) any previous Mandatory Deferral Events have been cured. A Mandatory Deferral Event that has occurred on a previous Calculation Date has been cured on any Calculation Date if the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount as at the Guarantor’s most recently completed and published quarter before that Calculation Date has increased to more than 90% of the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount at the end of the Benchmark Quarter for that previous Calculation Date on which the Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred. The Issuer may elect in its discretion to satisfy on the relevant Interest Payment Date the interest that would otherwise have been due with funds raised prior to the Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM. In these cases any such deferred interest will constitute a “Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment” (together with any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment, the “Deferred Interest Payments”). Payment of Deferred Interest Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Issuer may at any time upon giving prior notice satisfy in whole or in part any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment with funds raised prior to the date on which the Deferred Interest Payment becomes due (the “Deferred Settlement Date” by way of the ACSM. The Issuer will satisfy (x) any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment with funds raised prior to the Deferred Settlement Date by way of the ACSM and (y) any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment by way of the ACSM or by way of the APSM in the following situations: (i) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment on the date on which the Bonds fall due for redemption. (ii) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment on the next subsequent Interest Payment Date (x) following the date on which the Issuer or the Guarantor makes any full payment of interest or of a deferred payment on any Parity Security, or (y) following the date on which the Issuer or the Guarantor makes any full payment of interest or any deferred payment on any Junior Security, or (z) if up to the end of the Calculation Date preceding such Interest Payment Date any dividend, other distribution or payment was declared in respect of any class of shares of the Guarantor at the ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor immediately preceding that Interest Payment Date, or any payment on account of the balance sheet profit has been made since that ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor was made. 13 (iii) If the Issuer or the Guarantor makes any partial payment of interest or of a deferred payment on any Parity Security or Junior Security, the Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment at the same proportion on the next subsequent Interest Payment Date following the date on which such payment was made. In this case the proportion shall be equal to the result from the division of the amount of the deferred payment actually paid by the outstanding amount of the deferred payment. (iv) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment no later than on the tenth anniversary post the relevant Interest Payment Date. (v) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment on the date on which a reason for the dissolution pursuant to § 262 para. 1 Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) with respect to the Issuer or Guarantor exists (other than for the purposes of or pursuant to an amalgamation, reorganisation or restructuring whilst solvent, where the continuing entity assumes substantially all of the assets and obligations of the Issuer or the Guarantor as the case may be). Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“ACSM”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Issuer may satisfy any interest payment it does not defer by way of the ACSM only if and to the extent that the Guarantor has raised the funds required for the satisfaction of the interest payment by issuing or selling shares of the Guarantor (the “Payment Shares”) within 6 months prior to the relevant Interest Payment Date. If the Issuer elects or is required to satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment by way of the ACSM, the Issuer will request the Guarantor to raise the funds required for the satisfaction of the relevant payment by issuing or selling Payment Shares of the Guarantor during the period from and including the date falling 6 months prior to the relevant Deferred Settlement Date to but excluding the date which falls five years following the relevant Deferred Settlement Date. Under no circumstances there shall be an obligation on the part of the Guarantor to issue new shares or sell treasury shares; Bondholders are notified that the Guarantor may be prevented by compulsory provisions of German stock corporation law or otherwise from issuing new shares or selling treasury shares. The Guarantor may for purposes of satisfying any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment in accordance with the ACSM place such number of Payment Shares in each calendar year not exceeding 2.00 per cent of the issued share capital (Grundkapital) of the Guarantor at the relevant date. If in respect of any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment any of the requirements for the execution of the ACSM are not met, or to the extent the aforementioned threshold would be exceeded or the amount that would be payable exceeds the proceeds from the placement of the Payment Shares, the Issuer will satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment to such extent by way of the APSM, unless the Issuer had previously elected to operate the APSM in respect of the relevant Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment and was required to 14 apply the ACSM in addition to the APSM; in this case the obligation of the Issuer to satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment shall be cancelled to such extent. If in respect of any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment any of the requirements for the execution of the ACSM are not met, or to the extent the amount that would be payable exceeds the proceeds from the placement of the Payment Shares, the obligation of the Issuer to satisfy the Optionally Deferred Interest Payment shall be cancelled to such extent. If the Issuer is required to satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment on the date on which a reason for the dissolution pursuant to § 262 para. 1 Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) with respect to the Issuer or Guarantor exists, but the Issuer or the Guarantor is unable to apply ACSM, the obligations of the Issuer in respect of such unsettled amount shall rank pari passu with the obligations of the Issuer in respect of the principal amount of the Bonds in an amount up to the threshold for the APSM. Alternative Parity Securities Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“APSM”) ... If the Issuer has given notice that it will satisfy any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment for the relevant interest year in accordance with the APSM, the Issuer or the Guarantor will raise the funds required for the satisfaction of the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment by issuing and selling, directly or indirectly, hybrid securities with terms and conditions (in particular in relation to the provisions on the deferral of remuneration, payments of deferred remuneration and on replacement) similar to the Conditions and which constitute regulatory capital (Eigenmittel) of at least equal status (the “Payment Securities”) during the period from and including the date falling 6 months prior to the relevant Deferred Settlement Date to but excluding the date which falls five years following the relevant Deferred Settlement Date. The aggregate principal amount of all Payment Securities issued under the APSM must not exceed 25% of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds as at the Issue Date. If the requirement for the execution of the APSM is not met, or to the extent the aforementioned threshold would be exceeded or the amount of interest payable exceeds the proceeds from the placement of the Payment Securities, the Issuer will satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment to such extent by way of the ACSM, unless the Issuer had previously elected to operate the ACSM and in respect of the relevant Deferred Interest Payment and was required to apply the APSM in addition to the ACSM; in this case the obligation of the Issuer to satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment shall be cancelled to such extent. Taxation ................................ All payments of principal and interest in respect of the Bonds (including payments by the Guarantor under the Guarantee) will be made free and clear of, and without withholding or deduction for, any taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed by the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany (as the case may be) or any political subdivision or any authority of or in the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany (as the case may be) that has 15 power to tax, unless the Issuer or the Guarantor is compelled by law to make such withholding or deduction. In the event of such withholding or deduction as a result of any amendment to, or change in, the laws, the Issuer or the Guarantor (as the case may be) will pay such additional amounts as the Bondholders would have received if no such withholding or deduction had been required, subject to customary exceptions as set out in the Conditions. Negative Pledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Terms and Conditions of the Bonds do not contain a negative pledge provision. Cross Default Listing ........................... The Terms and Conditions of the Bonds do not contain a cross default provision with respect to other obligations of the Issuer or the Guarantor. .................................. Application has been made to list the Bonds on the official market (Amtlicher Markt) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Governing Law ......................... Selling Restrictions ..................... The Bonds and the Guarantee will be governed by German law. There will be specific restrictions on the offer and sale of Bonds and the distribution of offering materials in the European Economic Area, the United States of America, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Place of Jurisdiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-exclusive place of jurisdiction for any legal proceedings arising under the Bonds is Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany. Clearance and Settlement ISIN ............... .................................... Common Code .......................... German Securities Code (WKN) ......... The Bonds will be accepted for clearing through Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main. DE000A0GNPZ3 024513742 A0GNPZ 16 Summary in respect of Risk Factors Risk Factors in respect of the Bonds An investment in the Bonds involves certain risks associated with the characteristics of the Bonds. Such risks could result in principal or interest not being paid by the Issuer, the Guarantor not making payment under the Guarantee and/or a material impairment of the market price of the Bonds. Risks result especially from the fact that • the Issuer has no obligation to redeem the Bonds and the Bondholders have no right to call for their redemption; • the Bonds may be subject to early redemption at their principal amount following a Gross-up Event and at the Make-whole Amount following a Tax Event or a Regulatory Event; if the Issuer calls and redeems the Bonds in such case, the Bondholders may only be able to reinvest the redemption proceeds in securities with a lower yield; • there is no restriction on the amount of debt which the Issuer or the Guarantor may incur in the future; • the payment obligations of the Issuer under the Bonds and the Guarantor under the Guarantee constitute subordinated obligations of the Issuer and the Guarantor, respectively; and • the Issuer may elect or even be required to defer interest payments if certain requirements are satisfied. Risk Factors in respect of the Issuer The Issuer is a funding vehicle for the Allianz Group. As such, it, inter alia, raises funds and on-lends monies to group companies within the Allianz Group by way of intra-group loans. In the event that a group company fails to make a payment under an intra-group loan, the Issuer may not be able to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds. Risk Factors in respect of the Guarantor Allianz Group’s business, and as a result, the value of the Bonds, are exposed to a number of risks. The following contains a description of certain risks, which may materially adversely affect its financial position and results of operations: • Interest rate volatility may adversely affect Allianz Group’s results of operations. • Market risks could impair the value of Allianz Group’s portfolio and adversely impact its financial position and results of operations. • Market and other factors could adversely affect goodwill, deferred policy acquisition costs and deferred tax assets; Allianz Group’s deferred tax assets are also potentially impacted by changes in tax legislation. • Allianz AG operates both as a reinsurance company and as a holding company for Allianz Group, and is exposed to various liquidity risks. • Loss reserves for Allianz Group’s property-casualty insurance and reinsurance policies are based on estimates as to future claims liabilities. Adverse developments relating to claims could lead to further reserve additions and materially adversely affect Allianz Group’s results of operations. • Actuarial experience and other factors could differ from that assumed in the calculation of life/health actuarial reserves and pension liabilities. • Allianz Group’s financial results may be materially adversely affected by the occurrence of catastrophes. • Allianz Group has significant counterparty risk exposure. • Negative developments at Dresdner Bank, including the development of operating performance, loan loss levels or writedowns and impairments, could adversely affect Allianz Group’s results and may result in capital requirements that could constrain its operations. 17 • Many of Allianz Group’s businesses are dependent on the financial strength and credit ratings assigned to Allianz AG by various rating agencies. Therefore, a downgrade in Allianz AG’s ratings may materially adversely affect relationships with customers and intermediaries, negatively impact sales of Allianz Group’s products and increase its cost of borrowing. • If Allianz Group’s asset management business underperforms, it may experience a decline in assets under management and related fee income. • Increased geopolitical risks following the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 and any future terrorist attacks, could have a continuing negative impact on Allianz Group’s businesses. • Changes in existing or new government regulations in the countries in which Allianz Group operates may materially impact itself. • Changes in tax legislation could adversely affect Allianz Group’s businesses. • Changes in value relative to the Euro of non-Euro zone currencies in which Allianz Group generates revenues and incurs expenses could adversely affect its reported earnings and cash flows. • The benefits that Allianz AG realises from the merger with Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”) could be materially different from its current expectations. • The actual results, performance or achievements of Allianz Group or those of its industry could be materially different from or worse than its respective forward-looking statements because of unpredictable political, macro-economic and demographic influences. The realisation of any of the risks described above may affect the Guarantor’s ability to fulfil its payment obligations under the Guarantee and/or lead to a decline in the market price of the Bonds. Summary in respect of the Issuer The Issuer was founded as a private limited liability company in the Netherlands on May 8, 2000 for an unlimited duration under the laws of the Netherlands. The Issuer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz AG and acts as a financing entity within the Allianz Group. The corporate seat of the Issuer is at Amsterdam and its office address is Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, The Netherlands, telephone number (+31)(20) 5569710. The Issuer is entered in the Commercial Register of Amsterdam under no. 34134406. The corporate objects of the Issuer, as contained in Article 2 of its Articles of Association, are to carry out financial business of all types, in particular the lending and borrowing of funds, including the issue of bonds, and participation in companies and enterprises. The board of managing directors of the Issuer currently consists of the following members: Dirk Schoon, Hero Wentzel and Dr. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. The supervisory board of the Issuer currently consists of Michael Diekmann, Dr. Paul Achleitner and Stephan Theissing. The auditors of Allianz Finance II B.V. are KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, The Netherlands. The following table sets out the key financial data of the Issuer: Allianz Finance II B.V. 9 months ended September 30 2005 2004 (unaudited) € € Year ended December 31 2004 2003 € € 9,329,056,504 364,490,526 6,654,019,238 316,092,403 6,602,060,884 258,734,477 6,641,659,010 904,824,759 9,693,547,030 6,970,111,641 6,860,795,361 7,546,483,769 ....................... 2,400,749 2,097,756 932,595 987,413 Long-term Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,329,056,504 362,089,777 6,654,019,235 313,994,650 6,602,060,881 257,801,885 6,641,659,010 903,837,346 9,693,547,030 6,970,111,641 6,860,795,361 7,546,483,769 Fixed Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shareholders’ Equity 18 Summary in respect of the Guarantor Allianz AG is a stock corporation subject to German law and registered as “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” in the commercial register at the local court (Amtsgericht) in Munich under the entry number HRB 7158. The registered seat and business address of Allianz AG are at Königinstrasse 28, 80802 Munich, Germany, telephone number (+49)(89) 3800-00. Overview of business activities Allianz Group is among the world’s largest financial services providers, offering insurance, banking and asset management products and services through property-casualty, life/health, banking and asset management business segments. Allianz Group is one of the largest insurance groups in the world based on gross premiums written in 2004 and is the largest German property-casualty and life/health insurance company based on gross premiums written in 2004. Allianz Group is also among the largest insurance companies in other countries, including France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Spain and is one of the largest German financial institution based on market capitalisation at September 30, 2005. Since early August 2005, Allianz AG has had financial strength ratings of A+ from A.M. Best and AA– from Standard & Poor’s, both with a stable outlook and an Aa3 senior unsecured debt rating with a stable outlook from Moody’s. Allianz AG was incorporated in Berlin on February 5, 1890 as “Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft”. In 1949, Allianz AG relocated its main administration from Berlin to Munich. Based on a corresponding resolution of the general meeting dated June 27, 1985, Allianz AG was restructured into a holding company and its name was changed to “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding”. In accordance with a corresponding resolution of the general meeting dated October 7, 1996, the name of Allianz AG was again changed to “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft”. In addition to its property-casualty and life/health insurance businesses, Allianz Group established in 1998 financial services as its third core business segment. In 2001, following its acquisition of Dresdner Bank AG (hereinafter referred to “Dresdner Bank” and together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the “Dresdner Bank Group”), Allianz Group reorganised its financial services segment into separate asset management and banking segments. Based on assets under management as of December 31, 2004, Allianz Group was one of the five largest asset managers in the world. In its banking segment, which is now its fourth core business segment, its acquisition of Dresdner Bank made Allianz Group one of the major banks in Germany and provided it with significantly expanded bank distribution channels for its property-casualty, life/health and asset management products and services. Allianz Group’s business is managed at the local level where as its speciality lines and asset management segment are managed and operated at the global level. Allianz Group’s German property-casualty and life/health insurance businesses are managed by subsidiaries located primarily in Munich and Stuttgart. Its non-German insurance businesses are locally managed. Among Allianz Group’s largest non-German markets are France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain and the United States. Each of Allianz Group’s specialty lines of credit insurance, marine and aviation insurance, international industrial risks reinsurance through Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs–AG and travel insurance and assistance services are managed and operated on a global basis. Allianz Group’s asset management segment also operates on a worldwide basis, with key management centers in Munich, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong, Milan, Westport, Connecticut, and San Francisco, San Diego and Newport Beach, California. Allianz Group’s banking segment operates through its approximately 960 German and non-German branch offices of Dresdner Bank (as of September 30, 2005) and various subsidiaries, with significant operations in Germany, the United Kingdom, other European countries and the United States. Trend Information Allianz Group expects an overall increase in total revenues in line with 2004 and the first nine months in 2005 and continues to focus its efforts in sustaining and selectively improving its operating profit. However, natural catastrophes and adverse developments in the capital markets, as well as the risk factors noted above, may severely impact Allianz Group’s profitability. 19 Board of Management, Supervisory Board and Employees Allianz AG’s Board of Management consists of eleven members who are Michael Diekmann (Chairman), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philippe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter and Dr. Werner Zedelius. Allianz AG’s supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat) (the “Supervisory Board”) consists of twenty members who are Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Chairman), Norbert Blix (Deputy Chairman), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B. Humer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer and Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower. On September 30, 2005, Allianz Group employed a total of 178,462 persons worldwide, of whom 105,284 were based outside Germany. Major Shareholders As of December 31, 2004, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (or “Munich Re”) was the only major shareholder of Allianz AG and held approximately 9.0% of the share capital of Allianz AG or approximately 9.4% of the outstanding shares of Allianz AG as of this date. On July 14, 2005, Allianz AG was informed by Munich Re pursuant to the rules of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, or “WpHG”) that Munich Re reduced its ownership interest in Allianz AG to below 5% and held 4.9% of the share capital of Allianz AG as of this date. In light of material changes in the relationship between Allianz Group and Munich Re – in particular the significant reduction of the mutual cross-shareholdings, the cancellation of the “Principles of Cooperation” agreement and the termination of mutual board interlocks – Allianz AG no longer considers Munich Re as a related party. Selected Financial Information Allianz Group Operating Profit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash Flow* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shareholders’ Equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 30, 2005 (unaudited) million € December 31, 2004 December 31, 2003 million € million € 5,917 3,508 18,675 989,198 48,588 940,610 6,839 2,266 4,616 990,318 37,691 952,627 3,982 2,691 (1,397) 933,213 35,259 897,954 * Cash Flow from Operating Activities Additional Information Registered share capital The share capital of Allianz AG currently amounts to €1,039,462,400 and is divided into 406,040,000 no-par value shares. Statutory Auditor Allianz AG has appointed KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 Munich, Germany, as auditor for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. 20 Documents on Display For so long as any Bond is outstanding, copies of the following documents may be inspected in physical form during normal business hours at the registered office of the Issuer and the Guarantor and the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent: (a) the Guarantee; (b) the Articles of Association of the Issuer; (c) the Articles of Association (Satzung) of the Guarantor; (d) the Prospectus; and (e) all reports, letters and other documents, historical financial information, valuations and statements, prepared by any expert at the Issuer’s and/or Guarantor’s request, any part of which is included or referred to in the Issuer’s and the Guarantor’s description. 21 GERMAN TRANSLATION OF THE SUMMARY/ ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die nachfolgenden Ausführungen stellen eine Zusammenfassung (die “Zusammenfassung”) der wesentlichen Merkmale und Risiken, die auf die Emittentin, die Garantin und die Schuldverschreibungen zutreffen, dar. Diese Zusammenfassung sollte als Einleitung zu diesem Prospekt verstanden werden. Jede Entscheidung eines Anlegers zu einer Investition in die Schuldverschreibungen sollte sich auf die Prüfung des gesamten Prospektes, einschließlich der durch Verweis einbezogenen Dokumente und etwaiger Nachträge stützen. Für den Fall, dass vor einem Gericht Ansprüche auf Grund der in diesem Prospekt enthaltenen Informationen geltend gemacht werden, könnte ein als Kläger auftretender Anleger in Anwendung der einzelstaatlichen Rechtsvorschriften der Staaten des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums die Kosten für die Übersetzung dieses Prospektes, der durch Verweis einbezogenen Dokumente und etwaiger Nachträge vor Prozessbeginn zu tragen haben. Die Emittentin, die Garantin und die Dresdner Bank AG, die als Verantwortliche diese Zusammenfassung einschließlich einer Übersetzung vorgelegt und deren Notifizierung beantragt haben, können haftbar gemacht werden, jedoch nur für den Fall, dass die Zusammenfassung irreführend, unrichtig oder widersprüchlich ist, wenn sie mit anderen Teilen dieses Prospekts gelesen wird. Diese Zusammenfassung enthält zukunftsbezogene Aussagen. Dazu gehören auch Aussagen unter anderem über den künftigen finanziellen Erfolg der Allianz AG und der Allianz-Gruppe, Pläne und Erwartungen hinsichtlich von Entwicklungen des Geschäfts, des Wachstums und der Ertragslage der Allianz-Gruppe sowie über das allgemeine Branchen- und Geschäftsumfeld der Allianz-Gruppe. Diese zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen beruhen auf den derzeitigen Erwartungen, Annahmen, Schätzungen und Prognosen der Allianz-Gruppe über künftige Ereignisse. Diese zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen unterliegen einer Vielzahl von Risiken, Unwägbarkeiten und Annahmen, die dazu führen können, dass das Ergebnis der Allianz-Gruppe, ihr Erfolg und ihre Leistungen oder die ihrer Branche letztlich wesentlich von diesen zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen abweichen oder ungünstiger sind. Die Emittentin, die Allianz AG und die Dresdner Bank AG übernehmen keinerlei Verpflichtung, die entsprechenden zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen zu aktualisieren oder sie an künftige Ereignisse oder Entwicklungen anzupassen, außer soweit gesetzlich erforderlich. Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf die Schuldverschreibungen Der endgültige Gesamtnennbetrag, der Ausgabepreis und der Zinssatz der Schuldverschreibungen werden am oder um den [1. März] 2006 auf der Grundlage eines Bookbuilding-Verfahrens, an dem unter anderem institutionelle Anleger teilnehmen, festgelegt. Emittentin Garantin .............................. ................................ Gesamtnennbetrag Lead Manager ...................... .......................... Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft EUR [bis zu 1 Milliarde] Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch Dresdner Bank AG London Branch (tritt auf dem Deckblatt mit ihrem Marketingnamen “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein” auf) UBS Limited (gemeinsam die “Lead Manager”) Co-Lead Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen - Girozentrale WestLB AG (gemeinsam mit den Lead Managern, die “Manager”) 22 Emissionsstelle, Hauptzahlstelle und Berechnungsstelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Ausgabepreis ........................... [98-101]% Begebungstag ........................... [3. März] 2006 Nennbetrag ............................. Die Schuldverschreibungen haben einen Nennbetrag von jeweils EUR 1.000. Form der Schuldverschreibungen . . . . . . . . Die Schuldverschreibungen werden als Inhaberpapiere begeben und sind zunächst in einer vorläufigen Globalurkunde ohne Zinsscheine verbrieft, die bei der Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main hinterlegt ist. Die vorläufige Globalurkunde wird an dem Tag, der nicht weniger als 40 Tage nach dem Begebungstag liegt, gegen Nachweis über das Nichtbestehen wirtschaftlichen Eigentums im Sinne des US-Rechts (beneficial ownership), für den Inhaber von Schuldverschreibungen unentgeltlich ganz oder teilweise gegen eine dauerhafte Globalurkunde ohne Zinsscheine ausgetauscht werden. Die Zahlung von Zinsen auf Schuldverschreibungen, die durch eine vorläufige Globalurkunde verbrieft sind, erfolgt nur nach Vorlage einer solchen ordnungsgemäßen Bescheinigung. Ein Recht der Anleihegläubiger auf Ausgabe und Lieferung von Einzelurkunden oder Zinsscheinen besteht nicht. Status der Schuldverschreibungen ....... Die Schuldverschreibungen begründen nicht besicherte und nachrangige Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin, die untereinander und mit allen anderen, am Begebungstag ausstehenden nicht besicherten und nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten mit unbegrenzter Laufzeit der Emittentin zumindest gleichrangig sind soweit zwingende gesetzliche Bestimmungen solche anderen nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten nicht im Rang besser stellen. Im Fall der Liquidation, der Auflösung oder der Insolvenz der Emittentin oder eines Vergleichs oder eines anderen der Abwendung der Insolvenz dienenden Verfahrens gegen die Emittentin stehen die Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin aus den Schuldverschreibungen im Rang nach den Ansprüchen aller anderen nicht nachrangigen Gläubiger sowie aller Gläubiger nachrangiger Ansprüche mit begrenzter Laufzeit, so dass Zahlungen auf die Schuldverschreibungen solange nicht geleistet werden, bis die Ansprüche von Gläubigern gegen die Emittentin aus nicht nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten sowie nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten mit begrenzter Laufzeit nicht zuerst vollständig befriedigt sind. Für die Rechte der Anleihegläubiger ist diesen (abgesehen von der nachrangigen Garantie) keine Sicherheit durch die Emittentin oder durch Dritte gestellt; eine solche Sicherheit wird auch zu keinem Zeitpunkt gestellt werden. Nachträglich können weder der Nachrang gemäß § 2 der Bedingungen beschränkt, noch die Laufzeit der Schuldverschreibungen oder die jeweiligen Kündigungsfristen verkürzt werden. Eine vorzeitige Rückerstattung ist der Emittentin ohne Rücksicht auf entgegenstehende Vereinbarungen zurückzugewähren, sofern die Emittentin nicht aufgelöst wurde oder sofern nicht der Betrag durch die Einzahlung anderer, zumindest gleichwertiger Eigenmittel ersetzt worden ist oder die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. die Nachfolgebehörde der Rückerstattung zustimmt. 23 Die Anleihegläubiger sind nicht berechtigt, Forderungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen gegen etwaige Forderungen der Emittentin aufzurechnen. Die Emittentin ist nicht berechtigt, Forderungen gegenüber Anleihegläubigern mit den Verpflichtungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen aufzurechnen. Garantie ................................ Die Garantin wird die unbedingte und unwiderrufliche Garantie auf nachrangiger Basis für die fristgerechte Zahlung von Kapital, Zinsen und sonstigen aus den Schuldverschreibungen zu zahlenden Beträgen übernehmen. Die Garantie ist ein Vertrag zugunsten jedes Anleihegläubigers als begünstigtem Dritten gem. § 328 Absatz 1 BGB, der das Recht begründet, die Garantin unmittelbar aus der Garantie auf Erfüllung in Anspruch zu nehmen und Ansprüche aus der Garantie gegen die Garantin unmittelbar durchzusetzen. Im Fall der Auflösung, der Liquidation oder der Insolvenz der Garantin oder eines anderen der Abwendung der Insolvenz dienenden Verfahrens gegen die Garantin werden die Ansprüche der Anleihegläubiger aus der Garantie erst befriedigt, nachdem die Ansprüche sämtlicher nicht nachrangiger Gläubiger sowie aller Gläubiger nachrangiger Ansprüche mit begrenzter Laufzeit der Garantin zuerst vollumfänglich befriedigt worden sind. Die Anleihegläubiger erkennen ausdrücklich an, dass unter den oben genannten Umständen Zahlungen der Garantin aus der Garantie auf die Schuldverschreibungen nur unter Wahrung obenstehender Nachrangigkeit erfolgen werden. Die Anleihegläubiger sind nicht berechtigt, Forderungen aus der Garantie gegen etwaige Forderungen der Garantin aufzurechnen. Die Garantin kann ihr Recht zur Aufrechnung gegen Forderungen der Anleihegläubiger aus der Garantie nur ausüben, sofern der Betrag durch die Einzahlung anderer, zumindest gleichwertiger Eigenmittel ersetzt worden ist oder die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. eine Nachfolgebehörde der Aufrechnung zustimmt, und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung (wie nachstehend definiert) erfüllt ist. Rückzahlung ............................ Die Schuldverschreibungen haben keinen Endfälligkeitstag. Die Emittentin ist berechtigt, die Schuldverschreibungen insgesamt jedoch nicht nur teilweise erstmals am [3. März] 2011 und danach an jedem Zinszahlungstag (wie nachstehend definiert) zum Nennbetrag zuzüglich aufgelaufener Zinsen zurückzahlen. Die Emittentin ist ferner berechtigt, die Schuldverschreibungen insgesamt jedoch nicht nur teilweise zurückzuzahlen, und zwar bei Eintritt eines Gross-up-Ereignisses (wie nachstehend definiert) zum Nennbetrag zuzüglich aufgelaufener Zinsen, und bei Eintritt eines Steuerereignisses oder eines Aufsichtsrechtlichen Ereignisses zum Abgezinsten Marktpreis (wie jeweils nachstehend definiert). In jedem Fall steht der Emittentin das Recht zur Kündigung und Rückzahlung der Schuldverschreibungen nur dann zu, sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung (wie nachstehend definiert) erfüllt ist und wenn der zurückzuzahlende Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen durch die Einzahlung anderer, zumindest gleichwertiger aufsichtsrechtlicher Eigenmittel ersetzt worden ist oder die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. die Nachfolgebehörde der Rückzahlung zugestimmt hat. 24 Ein “Gross-up-Ereignis” liegt vor, wenn die Emittentin aufgrund einer Gesetzesänderung (oder einer Änderung von darunter erlassenen Bestimmungen und Vorschriften) der Niederlande oder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder einer ihrer Gebietskörperschaften oder Behörden oder als Folge einer Änderung der offiziellen Auslegung oder Anwendung dieser Gesetze, Bestimmungen oder Vorschriften durch eine gesetzgebende Körperschaft, ein Gericht oder eine Behörde der Niederlande oder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verpflichtet ist oder verpflichtet sein wird, Zusätzliche Beträge zu zahlen, oder die Garantin verpflichtet ist oder verpflichtet sein wird, Zusätzliche Beträge auf fällige Beträge aus der Garantie zu zahlen, und die Emittentin bzw. die Garantin diese Verpflichtung nicht abwenden kann, indem sie zumutbare Maßnahmen ergreift, die sie nach Treu und Glauben für angemessen hält. Ein “Steuerereignis” liegt vor, wenn aufgrund einer Gesetzesänderung (oder einer Änderung von darunter erlassenen Bestimmungen und Vorschriften) der Niederlande oder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder einer ihrer Gebietskörperschaften oder einer ihrer Steuerbehörden, oder als Folge einer Änderung der offiziellen Auslegung oder Anwendung solcher Gesetze, Bestimmungen oder Vorschriften durch eine gesetzgebende Körperschaft, ein Gericht, eine Regierungsstelle oder eine Aufsichtsbehörde (einschließlich des Erlasses von Gesetzen sowie der Bekanntmachung gerichtlicher oder aufsichtsrechtlicher Entscheidungen), Zinsen, die von der Emittentin auf die Schuldverschreibungen zu zahlen sind oder Beträge, die von der Garantin aus der Garantie zu zahlen sind, von der Emittentin und/oder der Garantin nicht mehr für die Zwecke der niederländischen und/ oder deutschen Ertragsteuer voll abzugsfähig sind, bzw. innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach dem Datum des nachstehend beschriebenen Gutachtens nicht mehr voll abzugsfähig sein werden, und die Emittentin und/oder die Garantin dieses Risiko nicht abwenden kann, indem sie zumutbare Maßnahmen ergreift, die sie nach Treu und Glauben für angemessen hält. Ein “Aufsichtsrechtliches Ereignis” liegt vor, wenn (a) die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht oder eine Nachfolgebehörde schriftlich gegenüber der Garantin feststellt, dass die Schuldverschreibungen ganz oder teilweise nicht länger die Anforderungen an Eigenmittel für Zwecke der Ermittlung der Gruppensolvabilität oder der Einzelsolvabilität der Garantin oder der Solvabilität nach den Vorschriften für Finanzkonglomerate erfüllen. Dies gilt nur, wenn die Schuldverschreibungen diese Anforderungen zu einem Zeitpunkt vor dieser Feststellung erfüllt haben, oder (b) die Garantin oder die Gruppe der Garantin zu irgendeinem späteren Zeitpunkt verpflichtet ist, für Eigenmittelzwecke aufsichtsrechtliches Tier I Kapital (unabhängig von der konkreten Bezeichnung) vorzuhalten, und die Schuldverschreibungen zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht die Anforderungen für aufsichtsrechtliches Tier I Kapital für Zwecke der Ermittlung der Gruppensolvabilität der Garantin oder der Solvabilität nach den Vorschriften für Finanzkonglomerate erfüllen. 25 Zinsen .................................. Die Schuldverschreibungen werden bezogen auf ihren Nennbetrag ab dem [3. März] 2006 (einschließlich) bis zu einem etwaigen Rückzahlungstag (ausschließlich) mit jährlich [5,00 – 5,875]% verzinst. Die Zinsen sind nachträglich am [3. März] eines jeden Jahres (jeweils ein “Zinszahlungstag”) fällig. Die erste Zinszahlung erfolgt am [3. März] 2007. Sofern Zinsen für einen Zeitraum von weniger als einem Jahr zu berechnen sind, erfolgt die Berechnung auf der Grundlage der tatsächlichen Anzahl von Tagen in diesem Zeitraum dividiert durch die tatsächliche Anzahl von Tagen (365 oder 366) im jeweiligen Jahr. Wahlweise Aussetzung von Zinszahlungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist und kein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis (wie nachstehend definiert) eingetreten ist, ist die Emittentin an jedem Zinszahlungstag berechtigt, im eigenen Ermessen zu wählen, die Zahlung von Zinsen durch eine spätestens 3 Geschäftstage vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag zu veröffentlichende Bekanntmachung auszusetzen, wenn bis Ablauf des 10. Geschäftstages vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag (der “Berechnungstag”) auf der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin unmittelbar vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag für keine Aktiengattung der Garantin eine Dividende, andere Ausschüttung oder Zahlung beschlossen wurde, und seit dieser ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin keine Abschlagszahlung auf den Bilanzgewinn geleistet worden ist. In diesem Fall stellen die ausgesetzten Zinsen eine “Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung” dar. Die Emittentin ist berechtigt, im eigenen Ermessen zu wählen, eine Zinszahlung, die sie nicht aussetzt, an dem Zinszahlungstag aus Mitteln zu leisten, die aus der Durchführung des Alternativer AktienCouponzahlungsmechanismus (“ACZM”) (wie nachstehend beschrieben) vor dem Zinszahlungstag stammen. Zwingende Aussetzung von Zinszahlungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falls an einem Zinszahlungstag die Solvabilitätsbedingung nicht erfüllt ist, hat die Emittentin die Zahlung der Zinsen, die während des Zinsjahrs auflaufen, das an dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag (ausschließlich) endet, auszusetzen, es sei denn, die Emittentin wählt im eigenen Ermessen, diese Zinsen an dem Zinszahlungstag aus Mitteln zu leisten, die im Wege des ACZM erlöst wurden. Die “Solvabilitätsbedingung” ist erfüllt, wenn (A) die Garantin und die Gruppe der Garantin über entsprechende Mittel zur Deckung der geforderten Mindest-Solvabilitätsspanne (oder einem entsprechenden Begriff nach einer Änderung anzuwendender Vorschriften), wie sie nach den jeweils geltenden Vorschriften des deutschen Versicherungsaufsichtsrechts (für Gruppenoder Einzelsolvabilität oder Solvabilität nach den Vorschriften für Finanzkonglomerate) und einer etwaigen allgemein anerkannten Verwaltungspraxis der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. deren Nachfolgebehörde vorgeschrieben ist, verfügen und diese geforderte Solvabilitätsspanne auch nicht durch die betreffende vollständige oder teilweise Zinszahlung bzw. die betreffende Rückzahlung, die an einem solchen Zinszahlungstag bzw. Tag der Rückzahlung fällig werden würde, unterschritten würde, und 26 (B) es der Garantin nicht aufgrund einer Anweisung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. deren Nachfolgebehörde untersagt ist, Zinszahlungen, sonstige Ausschüttungen oder Rückzahlungen (einschließlich an die Inhaber eines Gleichrangigen Wertpapiers oder Nachrangigen Wertpapiers ) vorzunehmen, und (C) die Garantin in der Lage ist, ihre Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber ihren Vorrangigen Gläubigern bei Fälligkeit zu zahlen, und (D) die Aktiva der Garantin (wie nachstehend definiert) ihre Verbindlichkeiten (wie nachstehend definiert) (ausgenommen Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Gläubigern, die keine Vorrangigen Gläubiger sind) übersteigt. “Aktiva” bezeichnet die Summe der nichtkonsolidierten Aktiva der Garantin, wie es aus dem zuletzt geprüften und veröffentlichten Jahresabschluss der Garantin hervorgeht, angepasst in Bezug auf nachfolgende Ereignisse, wobei sämtliche Feststellungen von der Garantin bzw., sofern die Garantin liquidiert wird, von dem Liquidator getroffen werden. “Verbindlichkeiten” bezeichnet die nichtkonsolidierte Summe der Verbindlichkeiten der Garantin, wie sie aus dem zuletzt geprüften und veröffentlichten Jahresabschluss der Garantin hervorgehen, angepasst in Bezug und nachfolgende Ereignisse, wobei sämtliche Feststellungen von der Garantin bzw., sofern die Garantin liquidiert wird, von dem Liquidator getroffen werden. “Vorrangige Gläubiger” bezeichnet Gläubiger der Garantin, (a) die nicht nachrangige Gläubiger der Garantin sind; oder (b) deren Ansprüche nachrangig gegenüber denen anderer Gläubiger der Garantin sind (mit Ausnahme solcher Ansprüche, die gleich- oder nachrangig gegenüber den Ansprüchen der Anleihegläubiger sind). Falls an einem Zinszahlungstag ein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist, hat die Emittentin die Zahlung des Überschussbetrags auszusetzen. “Überschussbetrag” bezeichnet, in Bezug auf einen Betrag von Zinsen, der auf den ausstehenden Gesamtnennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen an dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag fällig werden würde (der “Zinsbetrag”), den Betrag, um den der Zinsbetrag den Kapitalerhöhungsbetrag (wie nachstehend definiert) übersteigt. “Kapitalerhöhungsbetrag” bezeichnet den von der Garantin vereinnahmten Nettoerlös aus der Begebung und/oder dem Verkauf von Stammaktien, Vorzugsaktien und Wertpapiere, die eine Eigenkapitalanrechnung durch die Ratingagenturen erfahren, welche der Eigenkapitalanrechnung der Schuldverschreibungen vergleichbar ist innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 180 Tagen vor dem betreffenden Tag, soweit die Garantin am oder vor dem Tag der Begebung als Verwendungszweck die Zahlung von Ausschüttungen auf die Schuldverschreibungen festgelegt hat. 27 Ein “Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis” liegt an einem Zinszahlungstag vor, wenn bis Ablauf des Berechnungstages (x) der Kumulierte Quartalsüberschuss (wie nachstehend definiert) der Garantin für die vier Quartale, die mit dem Quartal enden, welches zwei Quartale vor dem zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartal der Garantin liegt, kleiner oder gleich Null ist; und (y) der Angepasste Eigenkapitalbetrag (wie nachstehend definiert) zum Ende des zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartals der Garantin und zum Ende des Quartals, welches zwei Quartale vor dem zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartal der Garantin liegt, um 10% oder mehr gegenüber dem Angepassten Eigenkapitalbetrag zum Ende des Quartals zurückgegangen ist, welches zehn Quartale vor dem zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartal der Garantin (das “Vergleichsquartal”) liegt. Dabei gilt folgendes: “Angepasster Eigenkapitalbetrag” bezeichnet, in Bezug auf das Ende eines jeden Quartals der Garantin, das Eigenkapital vor Anteilen anderer Gesellschafter wie es sich aus der zum Ende des betreffenden Quartals gemäß den Anwendbaren Rechnungslegungsvorschriften (wie nachstehend definiert) aufgestellten Konzernbilanz der Garantin ergibt, abzüglich Währungsänderungen und abzüglich nicht realisierter Gewinne und Verluste (netto), wie sie sich aus der betreffenden Konzernbilanz ergeben. “Anwendbare Rechnungslegungsvorschriften” bezeichnet die International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) wie sie zu den jeweiligen Stichtagen und für die jeweiligen Rechnungslegungsperioden anwendbar sind, oder andere, von der Garantin anzuwendende, in Deutschland allgemein anerkannte Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze, die diese in Zukunft ersetzen. “Kumulierter Quartalsüberschuss” bezeichnet, zum Ende eines jeden Quartals der Garantin, die Summe des gemäß den Anwendbaren Rechnungslegungsvorschriften festgestellten Konzernüberschusses der Garantin für die vier Quartale, welche am letzten Tag des betreffenden Quartals enden. Wenn die Emittentin verpflichtet ist, eine Zinszahlung an einem Zinszahlungstag aufgrund des Eintritts eines ZwangsaussetzungsEreignisses auszusetzen, dann hat die Emittentin auch an einem oder mehreren nachfolgenden Zinszahlungstagen die Zahlung der Zinsen, die an diesen Zinszahlungstagen fällig werden würde, auszusetzen, bis das Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis an einem nachfolgenden Berechnungstag geheilt worden ist. Wenn ein ZwangsaussetzungsEreignis oder mehrere Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignisse eingetreten sind, dann darf die Emittentin die Zahlung von Zinsen auf die Schuldverschreibungen an einem Zinszahlungstag erst wieder aufnehmen, wenn an dem Berechnungstag für diesen Zinszahlungstag (x) kein neues Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist und (y) sämtliche zuvor eingetretenen Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignisse geheilt worden sind. 28 Ein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis, das an einen vorangegangenen Berechnungstag eingetreten ist, ist an dem Berechnungstag geheilt, an dem der Angepasste Eigenkapitalbetrag zum Ende des zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartals der Garantin vor dem Berechnungstag auf mehr als 90% des Angepassten Eigenkapitalbetrags zum Ende des Vergleichsquartals, an dem das Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist, gestiegen ist. Die Emittentin ist berechtigt, im eigenen Ermessen zu wählen, eine Zahlung der Zinsen, die an dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag fällig werden würde, an dem Zinszahlungstag aus Mitteln zu leisten, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM vor dem Zinszahlungstag stammen. In diesen Fällen stellen die ausgesetzten Zinsen eine “Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung” (gemeinsam mit etwaigen Wahlweise Ausgesetzten Zinszahlungen “Ausgesetzte Zinszahlungen”) dar. Nachzahlung von Ausgesetzten Zinszahlungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Die Emittentin ist berechtigt, jede Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung jederzeit nach entsprechender Bekanntmachung ganz oder teilweise aus Mitteln nachzuzahlen, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM vor dem Tag, an dem die Nachzahlung fällig wird (der “Nachzahlungstag”), stammen. Die Emittentin hat (x) Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlungen aus Mitteln zu leisten, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM vor dem Nachzahlungstag stammen, und (y) Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlungen im Wege des ACZM oder im Wege des APZM bei Eintritt der folgenden Umstände nachzuzahlen: (i) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung an dem Tag nachzuzahlen, an dem die Schuldverschreibungen zur Rückzahlung fällig werden. (ii) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung an dem nächsten Zinszahlungstag nachzuzahlen, (x) der auf den Tag folgt, an dem die Emittentin oder die Garantin eine Zinszahlung oder eine Zahlung einer ausgesetzten Zahlung auf ein Gleichrangiges Wertpapier vollständig leistet, oder (y) der auf den Tag folgt, an dem die Emittentin oder die Garantin eine Zinszahlung oder eine Zahlung einer ausgesetzten Zahlung auf ein Nachrangiges Wertpapier vollständig leistet, oder (z) wenn bis Ablauf des Berechnungstages auf der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin unmittelbar vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag für eine Aktiengattung der Garantin eine Dividende, andere Ausschüttung oder Zahlung beschlossen wurde, oder seit dieser ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin eine Abschlagszahlung auf den Bilanzgewinn geleistet worden ist. 29 (iii) Wenn die Emittentin oder die Garantin eine Zinszahlung oder ausgesetzte Zahlung auf ein Gleichrangiges Wertpapier oder Nachrangiges Wertpapier teilweise nachzahlt, ist die Emittentin verpflichtet, an dem nächsten Zinszahlungstag, der auf den Tag folgt, an dem eine solche Zahlung geleistet wurde, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung anteilig nachzuzahlen. In diesem Fall hat die Emittentin den Anteil der Ausgesetzten Zinszahlung nachzuzahlen, der dem Quotienten des gezahlten Teilbetrags der ausgesetzten Zahlung und dem ausstehenden Betrag der ausgesetzten Zahlung entspricht. (iv) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung spätestens an dem zehnten Jahrestag nach dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag nachzuzahlen. (v) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung an dem Tag nachzuzahlen, an dem einer der Auflösungsgründe des § 262 Abs. 1 AktG hinsichtlich der Emittentin oder der Garantin vorliegt (sofern dies nicht für die Zwecke oder als Folge eines Zusammenschlusses, einer Umstrukturierung oder Sanierung geschieht, bei dem bzw. der die Garantin bzw. die Emittentin noch zahlungsfähig ist und bei dem bzw. der die fortführende Gesellschaft im Wesentlichen alle Vermögenswerte und Verpflichtungen der Emittentin oder der Garantin übernimmt). Alternativer AktienCouponzahlungsmechanismus (“ACZM”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Die Emittentin ist nur dann berechtigt, eine Zinszahlung, die sie nicht aussetzt, im Wege des ACZM zu leisten, wenn und soweit die Garantin die zur Begleichung der Zinszahlung erforderlichen Barmittel durch die Begebung oder den Verkauf von Aktien der Garantin (die “Zahlungsaktien”) innerhalb von 6 Monaten vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag erlöst hat. Wenn die Emittentin verpflichtet ist bzw. wählt, eine Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung im Wege des ACZM zu leisten, wird die Emittentin die Garantin bitten, die zur Begleichung der betreffenden Zahlung erforderlichen Barmittel durch die Begebung oder den Verkauf von Zahlungsaktien der Garantin in dem Zeitraum ab dem Tag, der 6 Monate vor dem betreffenden Nachzahlungtag liegt (einschließlich) bis zu dem Tag, der fünf Jahre nach dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag (ausschließlich) zu beschaffen. Eine Verpflichtung der Garantin zur Ausgabe von neuen Aktien oder zum Verkauf von eigenen Aktien besteht in keinem Fall; die Anleihegläubiger werden darauf hingewiesen, dass die Garantin durch zwingende Bestimmungen des deutschen Aktienrechts oder aus sonstigen Gründen an der Ausgabe von neuen Aktien oder dem Verkauf von eigenen Aktien gehindert sein kann. Die Garantin darf für Zwecke der Nachzahlung einer Zwangsweise Ausgesetzten Zinszahlung im Wege des ACZM in jedem Kalenderjahr höchstens Zahlungsaktien mit einem Anteil von 2,00% am Grundkapital der Garantin zum maßgeblichen Zeitpunkt platzieren. 30 Wenn in Bezug auf eine Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung die Bedingungen für die Durchführung des ACZM nicht erfüllt sind, oder soweit der vorgenannte Schwellenwert überschritten würde oder der Betrag, der zu zahlen wäre, den Erlös aus der Platzierung der Zahlungsaktien übersteigt, wird die Emittentin die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung in diesem Umfang nach Maßgabe des APZM leisten, es sei denn, die Emittentin hatte zuvor in Bezug auf die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung den APZM angewendet und war verpflichtet, den ACZM zusätzlich zu dem APZM anzuwenden; in diesem Fall entfällt die Verpflichtung der Emittentin, die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr zu leisten in dem betreffenden Umfang. Wenn in Bezug auf eine Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung die Bedingungen für die Durchführung des ACZM nicht erfüllt sind, oder soweit der Betrag, der zu zahlen wäre, den Erlös aus der Platzierung der Zahlungsaktien übersteigt, entfällt die Verpflichtung der Emittentin, die betreffende Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr zu leisten, in dem betreffenden Umfang. Sofern die Emittentin verpflichtet ist, eine Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung nachzuzahlen, weil einer der Auflösungsgründe des § 262 Abs. 1 AktG hinsichtlich der Emittentin oder der Garantin vorliegt, die Emittentin oder die Garantin jedoch nicht zur Anwendung des ACZM in der Lage ist, sind die Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin in Bezug auf einen solchen nicht erfüllten Betrag bis zu einem Betrag, der dem Schwellenwert für den APZM entspricht, gleichrangig zu den Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin in Bezug auf den Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen. Alternativer gleichrangige WertpapiereCouponzahlungsmechanismus (“APZM”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wenn die Emittentin bekannt gemacht hat, dass eine Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr nach Maßgabe des APZM geleistet wird, wird die Emittentin oder die Garantin die zur Begleichung der Ausgesetzten Zinszahlung erforderlichen Barmittel beschaffen, indem sie in dem Zeitraum ab dem Tag, der 6 Monate vor dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag liegt (einschließlich) bis zu dem Tag, der fünf Jahre nach dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag (ausschließlich) direkt oder indirekt hybride Wertpapiere begibt und verkauft, deren Emissionsbedingungen den Bedingungen vergleichbar sind (z.B. betreffend die Bedingungen über die Aussetzung von Vergütungen, die Nachzahlung ausgesetzter Vergütungen und Ersetzung) und die zumindest gleichwertige Eigenmittel darstellen (die “Zahlungswertpapiere”). Der Gesamtnennbetrag aller im Rahmen von APZM begebenen Zahlungswertpapiere darf 25% des Gesamtnennbetrages der Schuldverschreibungen am Begebungstag nicht überschreiten. Wenn die Bedingung für die Durchführung des APZM nicht erfüllt ist, oder soweit der vorgenannte Schwellenwert überschritten würde oder der zu zahlende Zinsbetrag den Erlös aus der Platzierung der Zahlungswertpapiere übersteigt, wird die Emittentin die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung in diesem Umfang nach 31 Maßgabe des ACZM leisten, es sei denn, die Emittentin hatte zuvor in Bezug auf die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung den ACZM angewendet und war verpflichtet, den APZM zusätzlich zu dem ACZM anzuwenden; in diesem Fall entfällt die Verpflichtung der Emittentin, die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr zu leisten, in dem betreffenden Umfang. Steuern ................................. Negativerklärung Cross Default ....................... ........................... Börsenzulassung ........................ Anwendbares Recht ..................... Sämtliche Zahlungen von Kapital und Zinsen in Bezug auf die Schuldverschreibungen (einschließlich Zahlungen der Garantin unter der Garantie) werden ohne Einbehalt oder Abzug von Steuern, Abgaben, Festsetzungen oder behördlicher Gebühren jedweder Art geleistet, die von den Niederlanden bzw. der Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder einer ihrer Gebietskörperschaften oder Behörden mit der Befugnis zur Erhebung von Steuern auferlegt, erhoben, eingezogen, einbehalten oder festgesetzt werden, sofern nicht die Emittentin oder die Garantin kraft Gesetzes oder einer sonstigen Rechtsvorschrift zu einem solchen Einbehalt oder Abzug verpflichtet ist. Erfolgt ein solcher Einbehalt oder Abzug aufgrund einer Gesetzesänderung, wird die Emittentin bzw. die Garantin zusätzliche Beträge zahlen, so dass die Anleihegläubiger die Beträge erhalten, die sie ohne den betreffenden Einbehalt oder Abzug erhalten hätten, vorbehaltlich der üblichen Einschränkungen, die in den Bedingungen geregelt sind. Die Anleihebedingungen enthalten keine Negativerklärung. Die Anleihebedingungen enthalten keine Cross DefaultBestimmungen in Bezug auf die Emittentin oder die Garantin. Die Zulassung der Schuldverschreibungen zum Handel im Amtlichen Markt an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse wurde beantragt. Die Schuldverschreibungen und die Garantie unterliegen deutschem Recht. Verkaufsbeschränkungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Es wird Beschränkungen für das Angebot und den Verkauf der Schuldverschreibungen und die Verteilung der Angebotsunterlagen im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum, in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Österreich, Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Irland, Portugal, Schweden und Großbritannien geben. Gerichtsstand ........................... Clearing und Abwicklung ISIN .................................... Common Code WKN ............... .......................... ................................... Nicht-ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand für sämtliche Rechtsstreitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit den Schuldverschreibungen ist Frankfurt am Main, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Schuldverschreibungen werden zum Clearing durch Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main zugelassen. DE000A0GNPZ3 024513742 A0GNPZ 32 Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf Risikofaktoren Risikofaktoren in Bezug auf die Schuldverschreibungen Eine Anlage in die Schuldverschreibungen ist mit bestimmten Risiken im Zusammenhang mit den Merkmalen der Schuldverschreibungen verbunden. Diese Risiken könnten dazu führen, dass die Emittentin Kapital- oder Zinszahlungen nicht leistet, die Garantin keine Zahlungen aus der Garantie leistet und/oder eine wesentliche Verschlechterung des Marktkurses der Schuldverschreibungen eintritt. Risiken resultieren insbesondere aus den folgenden Sachverhalten: • die Emittentin ist nicht zur Rückzahlung der Schuldverschreibungen verpflichtet und die Anleihegläubiger haben kein Kündigungsrecht; • die Schuldverschreibungen können bei Eintritt eines Gross-up-Ereignisses gegebenenfalls vorzeitig zum Nennbetrag und bei Eintritt eines Steuerereignisses oder eines Aufsichtsrechtlichen Ereignisses zum Abgezinsten Marktpreis zurückgezahlt werden; falls die Emittentin in einem solchen Fall die Schuldverschreibungen kündigt und zurückzahlt, kann es sein, dass die Anleihegläubiger den aus der Rückzahlung vereinnahmten Betrag lediglich in Wertpapiere mit niedrigerer Rendite investieren können; • die Höhe der Schulden, die die Emittentin oder die Garantin in Zukunft eingehen kann, ist unbegrenzt; • die Zahlungsverpflichtungen der Emittentin aus den Schuldverschreibungen und die der Garantin aus der Garantie begründen nachrangige Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin bzw. der Garantin; und • die Emittentin wird sich möglicherweise dafür entscheiden, Zinszahlungen auszusetzen, falls bestimmte Voraussetzungen vorliegen, bzw. muss dies möglicherweise sogar tun. Risikofaktoren in Bezug auf die Emittentin Die Emittentin ist eine Finanzierungsgesellschaft für die Allianz-Gruppe. Als solche beschafft sie u.a. Gelder und reicht aufgenommene Mittel im Rahmen von konzerninternen Darlehen an Konzerngesellschaften der Allianz-Gruppe weiter. Sollte eine Konzerngesellschaft eine Zahlung aus einem konzerninternen Darlehen nicht leisten, ist die Emittentin möglicherweise nicht in der Lage, ihre Zahlungsverpflichtungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen zu erfüllen. Risikofaktoren in Bezug auf die Garantin Das Geschäft der Allianz-Gruppe, und damit auch der Wert der Schuldverschreibungen, ist einer Reihe von Risiken ausgesetzt. Der folgende Abschnitt enthält eine Beschreibung bestimmter Risiken, die die Finanz- und Ertragslage der Allianz-Gruppe wesentlich nachteilig beeinflussen können: • Zinsschwankungen können die Ertragslage des Konzerns negativ beeinflussen. • Marktrisiken können den Wert des Portfolios der Allianz-Gruppe beeinträchtigen und die Finanz- und Ertragslage der Allianz-Gruppe nachteilig beeinflussen. • Markt- und andere Faktoren können Geschäfts- und Firmenwerte, aktivierte Abschlusskosten sowie aktive Steuerabgrenzungsposten negativ beeinflussen; die Steuerabgrenzungsposten der Allianz-Gruppe sind auch durch mögliche Änderungen in der Steuergesetzgebung beeinflusst. • Die Allianz AG ist sowohl als Rückversicherer als auch als Holding-Gesellschaft für die Allianz-Gruppe tätig und ist verschiedenen Liquiditätsrisiken ausgesetzt. • Schadenrückstellungen für das Schaden- und Unfall- sowie für das Rückversicherungsgeschäft der Allianz-Gruppe beruhen auf Annahmen hinsichtlich zukünftiger Versicherungsansprüche. Ungünstige Entwicklungen dieser Ansprüche können zu zusätzlichem Rückstellungsbedarf führen und die Ertragslage negativ beeinflussen. 33 • Die bei der Berechnung der versicherungstechnischen Rückstellungen im Lebens- und Krankenversicherungsgeschäft und für Pensionsverbindlichkeiten getroffenen Annahmen können von den zukünftig realisierten versicherungsmathematischen Werten und anderen Faktoren abweichen. • Katastrophen können erhebliche nachteilige Auswirkungen auf das Ergebnis der Allianz-Gruppe haben. • Die Allianz-Gruppe ist erheblichen Adressenausfallrisiken ausgesetzt. • Entwicklungen bei der Dresdner Bank, einschließlich der Entwicklung der Geschäftslage, die Höhe der Kreditausfälle oder Abschreibungen und Wertberichtigungen, können das Ergebnis der Allianz-Gruppe nachteilig beeinflussen und zu Kapitalanforderungen führen, die Einschränkungen des Geschäfts der Allianz-Gruppe zur Folge haben können. • Viele Geschäftszweige der Allianz-Gruppe sind von den Ratings der Finanzkraft und Kreditwürdigkeit der Allianz AG durch verschiedene Ratingagenturen abhängig. Aus diesem Grund könnte eine Herabstufung des Ratings der Allianz AG wesentliche nachteilige Folgen für die Beziehungen mit Kunden und Vermittlern sowie für den Verkauf der Produkte der Allianz-Gruppe haben und zu einem Anstieg der Finanzierungskosten der Allianz-Gruppe führen. • Wenn das Asset Management-Geschäft der Allianz-Gruppe schlechtere Anlageerfolge erzielt als der Markt oder die Wettbewerber, können die “Assets Under Management” und die damit verbundenen Provisionserträge zurückgehen. • Erhöhte geopolitische Risiken infolge des Terroranschlags vom 11. September 2001 und alle zukünftigen Terroranschläge können einen anhaltenden nachteiligen Einfluss auf das Geschäft der Allianz-Gruppe haben. • Änderungen von bestehenden oder Einführung neuer Rechtsvorschriften in den Ländern, in denen die Allianz-Gruppe tätig ist, könnten das Geschäft der Allianz-Gruppe nachteilig beeinflussen. • Änderungen der Steuergesetzgebung können das Geschäft der Allianz-Gruppe nachteilig beeinflussen. • Währungsschwankungen zwischen dem Euro und den Währungen außerhalb der Euro-Zone, in denen die Allianz-Gruppe Erträge erzielt, können die Ergebnisse und den Cash Flow der Allianz-Gruppe nachteilig beeinflussen. • Die Vorteile für die Allianz AG aus der Verschmelzung mit der Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”) könnten von den Erwartungen wesentlich abweichen. • Das Ergebnis der Allianz-Gruppe, ihr Erfolg und ihre Leistungen oder die ihrer Branche könnten aufgrund unvorhersehbarer politischer, makroökonomischer und demographischer Einflüsse wesentlich von ihren entsprechenden zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen abweichen oder ungünstiger sein. Die Realisierung irgendeines der vorgannnten Risiken kann die Fähigkeit der Garantin beeinträchtigen, ihren aus der Garantie resultierenden Zahlungsverpflichtungen nachzukommen, und/oder zu einem Wertverlust der Schuldverschreibungen führen. Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf die Emittentin Die Emittentin wurde am 8. Mai 2000 in den Niederlanden als Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung für eine unbestimmte Dauer nach dem Recht der Niederlande gegründet. Die Emittentin ist eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft der Allianz AG und fungiert als Finanzierungsgesellschaft innerhalb der Allianz-Gruppe. Der Gesellschaftssitz der Emittentin ist Amsterdam, ihre Geschäftsadresse ist Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, Niederlande, Telefonnummer (+31)(20) 5569710. Die Emittentin ist im Handelsregister von Amsterdam unter Nr. 34134406 eingetragen. 34 Der Gesellschaftszweck der Emittentin umfasst gemäß Artikel 2 ihrer Satzung das Betreiben von Finanzgeschäften aller Art, insbesondere die Darlehensvergabe und -aufnahme sowie die Begebung von Anleihen, und die Beteiligung an Gesellschaften und Unternehmen. Das Geschäftsführungsorgan der Emittentin besteht derzeit aus den folgenden Mitgliedern: Dirk Schoon, Hero Wentzel und Dr. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. Der Aufsichtsrat der Emittentin besteht derzeit aus Michael Diekmann, Dr. Paul Achleitner und Stephan Theissing. Abschlussprüfer der Allianz Finance II B.V. ist KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, Niederlande. Der folgenden Tabelle sind die wesentlichen Finanzdaten der Emittentin zu entnehmen: Allianz Finance II B.V. 9 Monate bis 30. September Anlagevermögen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Umlaufvermögen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eigenkapital ................................ Langfristige Verbindlichkeiten Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten ............. ............. Geschäftsjahr bis 31. Dezember 2004 2003 2005 (ungeprüft) € 2004 (ungeprüft) € € € 9.329.056.504 364.490.526 6.654.019.238 316.092.403 6.602.060.884 258.734.477 6.641.659.010 904.824.759 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 2.400.749 2.097.756 932.595 987.413 9.329.056.504 362.089.777 6.654.019.235 313.994.650 6.602.060.881 257.801.885 6.641.659.010 903.837.346 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf die Garantin Die Allianz AG ist eine Aktiengesellschaft deutschen Rechts und als “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” im Handelsregister des Amtsgericht München unter HRB 7158 eingetragen. Der Gesellschaftssitz und die Geschäftsadresse der Allianz AG sind Königinstrasse 28, 80802 München, Deutschland, Telefonnummer (+49)(89) 3800-00. Überblick über die Geschäftstätigkeit Die Allianz-Gruppe gehört zu den weltweit größten Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen und bietet Versicherungs-, Bank- und Asset Management-Produkte und Dienstleistungen durch seine Geschäftssegmente Schadens- und Unfallversicherung, Lebens- und Krankenversicherung, Bankgeschäft und Asset Management an. Gemessen an den Bruttobeiträgen im Geschäftsjahr 2004 gehört die Allianz-Gruppe zu den weltweit größten Versicherungsgruppen. Gemessen an den Bruttobeiträgen ist die Allianz-Gruppe im Geschäftsjahr 2004 im Schaden- und Unfall- bzw. Lebens- und Krankenversicherungsgeschäft das größte Unternehmen in Deutschland. Darüber hinaus gehört die Allianz-Gruppe zu den größten Versicherungsunternehmen in anderen Ländern, einschließlich Frankreich, Italien, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Schweiz und Spanien. Gemessen an der Marktkapitalisierung zum 31. Dezember 2005 war die Allianz-Gruppe einer der größten deutschen Finanzdienstleister. Seit Anfang August hat die Allianz AG ein “Financial Strength Rating” A+ von A.M. Best und AA- von Standard & Poor’s, beide mit einem “stable outlook” sowie einem Aa3 Senior Unsecured DebtRating von Moody’s, gleichfalls mit einem “stable outlook”. Die Allianz AG wurde am 5. Februar 1890 in Berlin als “Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft” gegründet. Im Jahre 1949 verlegte die Allianz AG ihren Hauptverwaltungssitz von Berlin nach München. Auf 35 der Grundlage eines entsprechenden Hauptversammlungsbeschlusses vom 27. Juni 1985 wurde die Allianz AG in eine Holding-Gesellschaft umstrukturiert. Ihre Firma wurde in “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding” geändert. Aufgrund eines entsprechenden Hauptversammlungsbeschlusses vom 7. Oktober 1996 wurde die Firma der Allianz AG erneut in “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” geändert. Im Jahre 1998 hat die Allianz-Gruppe das Finanzdienstleistungsgeschäft als dritten Kerngeschäftsbereich zusätzlich zum Schaden- und Unfall- sowie Lebens- und Krankenversicherungsbereich aufgebaut. 2001 haben wir nach dem Erwerb der Dresdner Bank AG (im Folgenden als “Dresdner Bank” und zusammen mit ihren konsolidierten Tochtergesellschaften als “Dresdner Bank Konzern” bezeichnet) das Geschäftssegment Finanzdienstleistungen in die eigenständigen Segmente Bankgeschäft (Banking) und Asset Management aufgeteilt. Gemessen an den “Assets under Management” zum 31. Dezember 2004 ist die Allianz-Gruppe einer der fünf größten Vermögensverwalter in der Welt. Im Geschäftsbereich Banking, der mittlerweile das viertes Kernsegment ist, machte die Akquisition der Dresdner Bank die Allianz-Gruppe zu einer der führenden Banken Deutschlands. Gleichzeitig hat die Allianz-Gruppe durch diese Akquisition erheblich erweiterte Bankenvertriebswege für seine Schaden- und Unfall-, Lebens- und Krankenversicherungs- sowie Asset Management-Produkte und -Dienstleistungen erhalten. Das Geschäft der Allianz-Gruppe wird auf lokaler Ebene betrieben, wogegen das Spezialversicherungsgeschäft und das Segment Asset Management auf globaler Ebene verwaltet und betrieben werden. Das deutsche Schaden- und Unfall-, Lebens- und Krankenversicherungsgeschäft der Allianz-Gruppe wird von Tochtergesellschaften überwiegend aus München und Stuttgart heraus betrieben. Das ausländische Versicherungsgeschäft wird auf lokaler Ebene betrieben. Zu den größten ausländischen Märkten der AllianzGruppe zählen Frankreich, Italien, das Vereinigte Königreich, Schweiz, Spanien und die Vereinigten Staaten. Die Spezialversicherungsgeschäfte Kreditversicherung, Marine & Aviationsowie internationale Industrieversicherung über die Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs-AG sowie die Reiseversicherung und Assistance werden auf globaler Ebene verwaltet und betrieben. Das Asset Management-Segment operiert ebenfalls auf einer weltweiten Basis mit Managementzentren in München, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Singapur, Hongkong, Mailand, Westport, Connecticut, und San Francisco, San Diego und Newport Beach, Kalifornien. Das Segment Banking der Allianz-Gruppe operiert über die rund 960 in- und ausländischen Geschäftsstellen der Dresdner Bank (zum 30. September 2005) und verschiedener Tochtergesellschaften mit Schwerpunkten in Deutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich und anderen europäischen Ländern sowie den Vereinigten Staaten. Ausblick Die Allianz-Gruppe erwartet für das Geschäftsjahr 2005 Umsatzsteigerungen in der Größenordnung von 2004 und der ersten Monate von 2005 und konzentriert sich dabei weiterhin auf eine nachhaltige Verbesserung des operativen Ergebnisses. Allerdings kann es immer sein, dass Naturkatastrophen, widrige Entwicklungen an den Kapitalmärkten sowie die oben angeführten Risikofaktoren das Ergebnis deutlich negativ beeinflussen. Vorstand, Aufsichtsrat und Mitarbeiter Der Vorstand der Allianz AG besteht aus elf Mitgliedern: Michael Diekmann (Vorsitzender), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philippe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter und Dr. Werner Zedelius. Der Aufsichtsrat der Allianz-AG besteht aus zwanzig Mitgliedern: Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Vorsitzender), Norbert Blix (stellvertretender Vorsitzender), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B. Hummer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyran, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer und Prof. Dr. Dennis Snower. Zum 30. September 2005 beschäftigte der Allianz Konzern weltweit 178.462 Mitarbeiter, davon 105.284 außerhalb Deutschlands. 36 Hauptaktionäre Zum 31. Dezember 2004 war die Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (Münchener Rück) der einzige Hauptaktionär der Allianz AG und hielt ca. 9% des Grundkapitals der Allianz AG. Unter Berücksichtigung der zu diesem Zeitpunkt im Allianz Konzern gehaltenen eigenen Aktien entsprach dies einer Beteiligungsquote von ca. 9,4%. Gemäß den Vorschriften des deutschen Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (WpHG) informierte die Münchener Rück die Allianz AG am 14. Juli 2005 darüber, dass sie ihre Beteiligung an der Allianz AG auf unter 5% reduziert hat und 4,9% des Grundkapitals der Allianz AG hält. Aufgrund der wesentlichen Veränderungen in den Beziehungen zwischen der Allianz-Gruppe und der Münchener Rück, insbesondere der erheblichen Reduzierung wechselseitiger Beteiligungen, der Außerkraftsetzung der “Grundsätze der Zusammenarbeit” und der Beendigung der Vertretung von Vorstandsmitgliedern im Aufsichtsrat der jeweils anderen Gesellschaft, betrachtet die Allianz AG die Münchener Rück nicht mehr als ein nahe stehendes Unternehmen. Ausgewählte Finanzinformationen Allianz Gruppe Operatives Ergebnis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jahresüberschuss/ Dreivierteljahresüberschuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash Flow* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aktiva insgesamt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eigenkapital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gesamtverbindlichkeiten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. September 2005 (ungeprüft) Millionen € 31. December 2004 31. December 2003 Millionen € Millionen € 5.917 3.508 18.675 989.198 48.588 940.610 6.839 2.266 4.616 990.318 37.691 952.627 3.982 2.691 (1.397) 933.213 35.259 897.954 * Cash Flow aus der laufenden Geschäftstätigkeit Zusätzliche Angaben Grundkapital Das Grundkapital der Allianz AG beträgt derzeit 1.039.462.400 Euro, unterteilt in 406.040.000 nennwertlose Aktien (Stückaktien). Abschlussprüfer Die Allianz AG hat die KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 München als Abschlussprüfer für das am 31. Dezember 2005 endende Geschäftsjahr bestellt. Dokumente zur Einsicht Solange Schuldverschreibungen ausstehen, können Kopien der folgenden Dokumente während der üblichen Geschäftszeiten in den Geschäftsräumen am Sitz der Emittentin und am Sitz der Garantin sowie in den bezeichneten Geschäftsräumen der Hauptzahlstelle eingesehen werden: (a) die Garantie, (b) die Satzung der Emittentin, (c) die Satzung der Garantin, (d) der Prospekt und (e) alle Berichte, Schreiben und sonstige Dokumente, historische Finanzinformationen, Bewertungen und Erklärungen, die von einem Sachverständigen auf Ersuchen der Emittentin und/oder der Garantin ausgestellt wurden, sofern Teile davon in die Beschreibung der Emittentin und der Garantin eingeflossen sind oder in ihnen darauf verwiesen wird. 37 SAMENVATTING Het volgende vormt de samenvatting (de “Samenvatting”) van de essentiële kenmerken en risico’s in verband met de Emittent, de Garant en de Obligaties. Deze samenvatting dient als een inleiding op dit Prospectus gelezen te worden. Elke beslissing van een investeerder om te investeren in de Obligaties dient gebaseerd te worden op de bestudering van dit Prospectus in zijn geheel, met inbegrip van de documenten opgenomen door middel van verwijzing en enige aanvullingen ervan. Wanneer een vordering betreffende de informatie in dit Prospectus, de documenten opgenomen door middel van verwijzing en enige aanvullingen ervan wordt ingeleid voor een rechtbank, kan de eiser-investeerder, overeenkomstig de nationale wetgeving van een lidstaat van de Europese Economische Ruimte, verplicht worden om de kosten te dragen voor de vertaling van dit Prospectus, de documenten opgenomen door middel van verwijzing en enige aanvullingen ervan, alvorens de gerechtelijke procedure wordt aangevat. De Emittent, de Garant en Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft, die verantwoordeljjk zijn voor deze Samenvatting met inbegrip van enige vertaling ervan en die om zijn kennisgeving hebben gevraagd, kunnen burgerlijk aansprakelijk worden gesteld, maar alleen indien de Samenvatting misleidend, onjuist of inconsistent is wanneer zij wordt samengelezen met de andere delen van dit Prospectus. Deze samenvatting bevat toekomstgerichte verklaringen. Deze omvatten, onder andere, informatie met betrekking tot de toekomstige financiële prestaties van de Emittent, Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (hierna “Allianz AG”) en zijn geconsolideerde dochtervennootschappen (samen met Allianz AG hierna “Allianz Groep”), plannen en verwachtingen in verband met de ontwikkelingen in de activiteiten, groei en rentabiliteit van de Allianz Groep, en algemene industriële en handelsomstandigheden van toepassing op de Allianz Groep. De Allianz Groep zich voor deze toekomstgerichte verklaringen gebaseerd op haar huidige verwachtingen, veronderstellingen, schattingen en ramingen met betrekking tot toekomstige gebeurtenissen. Deze toekomstgerichte verklaringen maken het voorwerp uit van een aantal risico’s, onzekerheden en veronderstellingen die ervoor kunnen zorgen dat de eigenlijke resultaten, prestaties of verwezenlijkingen van de Allianz Groep of deze van haar industrie substantieel kunnen afwijken van, of slechter zijn dan, deze toekomstgerichte verklaringen. De Emittent, Allianz AG en Dresdner Bank AG nemen geen enkele verplichting op zich om zulke toekomstgerichte verklaringen bij te werken en hen aan te passen aan toekomstige gebeurtenissen of ontwikkelingen, tenzij voorzover dit wettelijk vereist is. Samenvatting met betrekking tot de Obligaties De finale totale hoofdsom, de uitgifteprijs en de interestvoet van de Obligaties zullen bepaald worden op of rond [1 maart] 2006 op basis van een bookbuilding procedure waarin gekwalificeerde investeerders betrokken zijn. Emittent Garant ................................ .................................. Hoofdsom .............................. Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft EUR [tot maximaal 1,0 miljard] Lead Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch Dresdner Bank AG London Branch (die op het voorblad vermeld wordt onder haar marketing naam “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein”) UBS Limited (samen de “Lead Managers”) Co-Lead Managers ...................... Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG 38 Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen - Girozentrale WestLB AG (samen met de Lead Managers, de “Managers”) Fiscaal Agent, Hoofdbetalingsagent en Berekeningsagent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Uitgifteprijs ............................. Uitgiftedatum ........................... Nominale waarde ....................... Vorm van de Obligaties ................. Statuut van de Obligaties ................ [98-101]% [3 maart] 2006 De Obligaties zullen worden uitgegeven met een nominale waarde van EUR 1.000 per stuk. De Obligaties zijn aan toonder en zullen initieel vertegenwoordigd worden door een Tijdelijke Globale Obligatie zonder interest coupons die zal worden neergelegd bij of in naam van Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main (de “Vereffeningsinstelling”). De Tijdelijke Globale Obligatie zal, niet eerder dan 40 dagen na de Uitgiftedatum na certificatie in verband met economische eigendom door niet-US personen (non-U.S. beneficial ownership) overeenkomstig de regels en de werkingsprocedures van de Vereffeningsinstelling, inwisselbaar zijn voor een Permanente Globale Obligatie zonder interest coupons. Betaling op de Tijdelijke Globale Obligatie zal alleen gebeuren na voorlegging van zulke certificatie. Er zullen geen definitieve Obligaties of interest coupons worden uitgegeven. De verplichtingen onder de Obligaties zijn ongedekte en achtergestelde verplichtingen van de Emittent die pari passu rangschikken onder elkaar en minstens pari passu rangschikken met alle andere ongedekte ongedateerde achtergestelde verplichtingen van de Emittent die uitstaan op de Uitgiftedatum behalve wat betreft enige achtergestelde verplichtingen die bij wet preferent moeten zijn. In geval van liquidatie, ontbinding, insolventie, gerechtelijk akkoord of andere procedures ter vermijding van insolventie van of tegen de Emittent, zullen de verplichtingen van de Issuer onder de Obligaties achtergesteld zijn ten opzichte van de vorderingen van alle nietachtergestelde en gedateerde achtergestelde schuldeisers van de Emittent zodat in elk van deze gevallen geen bedragen betaalbaar zullen zijn in verband met de Obligaties totdat aan de vorderingen van alle niet-achtergestelde schuldeisers van de Emittent eerst volledig voldaan is. De Emittent of enig ander persoon die de rechten van de Obligatiehouders onder de Obligaties verzekert heeft geen zekerheden van eender welke aard toegestaan of zal dit niet doen op enig later tijdstip. Geen enkele latere overeenkomst mag de achterstelling beperken of de periode van enige toepasselijke notificatietermijn in verband met de Obligaties (Kündigungsfrist) verkorten. Indien de Obligaties vervroegd terugbetaald worden, moeten de terugbetaalde bedragen teruggegeven worden aan de Emittent ongeacht enige overeenkomst in tegengestelde zin, tenzij de Emittent is ontbonden of zulke bedragen vervangen zijn door ander, minstens gelijkwaardig kapitaal (Eigenmittel) met minstens dezelfde status, of indien de Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of enige Successor Authority zijn toestemming heeft gegeven tot de terugbetaling. 39 Geen Obligatiehouder mag schuldvergelijking toepassen tussen enige vorderingen voortvloeiend uit de Obligaties en enige vorderingen die de Emittent kan hebben tegen de Obligatiehouder. De Emittent mag geen schuldvergelijking toepassen tussen enige vorderingen die hij zou hebben tegen enige Obligatiehouder en enige van zijn verplichtingen onder de Obligaties. Garantie ................................ Op 3 maart zal de Garant een onvoorwaardelijke en onherroepelijke Garantie op achterstelde basis geven voor de verschuldigde betaling van de hoofdsom van, en de interest op, en enige andere bedragen die als betaalbaar uitgedrukt zijn onder de Obligaties. De Garantie maakt een overeenkomst uit ten voordele van de Obligatiehouders van tijd tot tijd als derdebegunstigden overeenkomstig § 328 paragraaf 1 van het Duits Burgerlijk Wetboek (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), waarbij aan elke Obligatiehouder het recht wordt gegeven om uitvoering onder de Garantie rechtstreeks van de Garant te eisen en de Garantie rechtstreeks tegen de Garant uit te voeren. In geval van vereffening, liquidatie, insolventie of andere procedures ter vermijding van insolventie van de Garant, zullen de vorderingen van de Obligatiehouders van de Garantie worden nagekomen nadat (maar alleen nadat) de vorderingen van alle niet-achtergestelde en gedateerde achtergestelde schuldeisers van de Garant eerst volledig betaald zijn. De Obligatiehouders aanvaarden uitdrukkelijk dat, in de omstandigheden hierboven beschreven, betalingen in verband met de Obligaties door de Garant ingevolge de Garantie slechts gedaan zullen worden in overeenstemming met de achterstelling hierboven beschreven. Geen Obligatiehouder mag schuldvergelijking toepassen tussen enige vorderingen voortvloeiend uit de Garantie en vorderingen die de Garant tegen hem zou hebben. De Garant mag slechts schuldvergelijking toepassen op enige vorderingen van enige Obligatiehouder onder de Garantie indien zulke bedragen vervangen zijn door een ander minstens gelijkwaardig kapitaal (Eigenmittel) met minstens gelijke status of indien de Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) of enige successor authority daarvan zijn toestemming heeft gegeven tot schuldvergelijking, en indien aan de Solvabiliteitsvoorwaarde (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) is voldaan. Terugbetaling ........................... De Obligaties hebben geen finale vervaldatum. Ze zijn in hun geheel maar niet gedeeltelijk terugbetaalbaar naar keuze van de Emittent aan hun hoofdsom op [3 maart] 2011 en op elke Interestbetaaldag (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) daarna. De Emittent mag de Obligaties ook terugbetalen in hun geheel maar niet gedeeltelijk aan hun hoofdsom samen met enige aangegroeide interest na een Gross-up Event (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) en aan de Make-whole Amount volgend op een Tax Event of een Regulatory Event (alle termen zoals hieronder gedefinieerd). In ieder geval kan de Emittent de Obligaties slechts terugroepen en terugbetalen indien aan de Solvabiliteitsvoorwaarde (zoals hieronder is gedefinieerd) voldaan is en de hoofdsom van de terug te betalen Obligaties vervangen is door ander, minstens 40 gelijkwaardig, reglementair kapitaal of indien de Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of enige Successor Authority zijn toestemming tot de terugbetaling heeft gegeven. Een “Gross up Event” zal zich voordoen indien de Emittent verplicht is of zal zijn door een wetgevend orgaan, een rechtbank of enige autoriteit om Bijkomende Bedragen te betalen of de Garant verplicht is of zal zijn om Bijkomende Bedragen te betalen in verband met betalingen verschuldigd onder de Garantie als gevolg van enige verandering in of amendement bij de wetten (of enige regels of reguleringen daaronder) van Nederland of de Federale Republiek Duitsland of enig politieke onderverdeling of enige autoriteit van of in Nederland of de Federale Republiek Duitsland, of enige verandering in of amendement bij enige officiële interpretatie of toepassing van deze wetten of regels of reglementeringen, en deze verplichting kan niet vermeden worden door de Emittent of de Garant, naar gelang het geval, zulke redelijke maatregelen nemend die hem (te goeder trouw handelend) geschikt lijken. Een “Tax Event” zal zich voordoen wanneer, ten gevolge van enig amendement bij of verandering in de wetten (of enige andere regels of reglementeringen daaronder) van Nederland en de Federale Republiek Duitsland of enig politieke onderverdeling of enige belastingsautoriteit daarvan of daarin, of ten gevolge van enig amendement bij van of verandering in enige officiële interpretatie of toepassing van enige van deze wetten, regels of reglementeringen door enig wetgevend orgaan, rechtbank, regeringsinstelling of regulerende autoriteit (met inbegrip van de bekrachtiging van enige wetgeving en de publicatie van enige juridische beslissing of reglementair besluit) interest te betalen door de Emittent in verband met de Obligaties of enig ander bedrag betaalbaar door de Garant onder de Garantie niet langer volledig aftrekbaar is, of binnen 90 dagen van de datum van de opinie hieronder beschreven niet langer volledig aftrekbaar zal zijn door de Emittent en/of de Garant onder de Nederlandse en/of Duitse inkomstenbelastingen en dat risico niet vermeden kan worden door de Emittent en/of de Garant, naar gelang het geval, zulke redelijke maatregelen nemend die hem (te goeder trouw handelend) geschikt lijken . Een “Regulatory Event” zal zich voordoen indien (a) de Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdiensleistungaufsicht) of enige Successor Authority schriftelijk bericht aan de Garant dat de Obligaties (geheel of gedeeltelijk) niet langer aan de vereisten van reglementair kapitaal of eigen fondsen voldoen voor groepsolvabiliteit of individuele solvabiliteitsdoeleinden van de Garant of de solvabiliteit overeenkomstig de reglementeringen voor financiële conglomeraten. Dit is alleen van toepassing indien op enig ogenblik vóór zulk bericht de Obligaties voldeden aan zulke vereisten; of (b) op enig ogenblik, de Garant of de groep van de Garant omwille van reglementaire kapitaalsdoeleinden genoodzaakt is om Tier I reglementair kapitaal (hoe dan ook beschreven) te hebben, en de Obligaties niet in aanmerking komen om te kwalificeren voor opname in het Tier I reglementair kapitaal voor 41 groepssolvabiliteitsdoeleinden van de Garant of de solvabiliteit overeenkomstig de reglementeringen met betrekking tot financiële conglomeraten op dat ogenblik. Interest ................................. De Obligaties zullen interest opbrengen aan hun totale hoofdsom vanaf en met inbegrip van [3 maart] 2006 aan een interestvoet van [5,00 - 5,875] procent per jaar tot de terugbetalingsdatum indien er één is (niet inbegrepen). Interest zal verschuldigd zijn op [3 maart] van elk jaar (elk zulke datum een “Interestbetaaldatum”). De eerste betaling van interest zal plaatsvinden op [3 maart] 2007. Indien het vereist is om interest te berekenen voor een periode van minder dan een volledig jaar, zal zulke interest berekend worden op de basis van het eigenlijke aantal dagen in zulke periode gedeeld door het eigenlijke aantal dagen (365 or 366) in het desbetreffende jaar. Optioneel uitstel van Interestbetalingen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Afhankelijk van het feit of er aan de Solvabiliteitsvoorwaarde is voldaan en of er zich geen Geval van Verplicht Uitstel (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) heeft voorgedaan, kan de Emittent op elke Interestbetaaldag er op discretionaire wijze voor kiezen om de betaling van interest uit te stellen mits hiervan minstens 3 Werkdagen op voorhand kennis te geven, indien tot op het einde van de 10de Werkdag die voorafgaat aan zulke Interestbetaaldag (de “Berekeningsdatum”) tot geen dividend, andere uitkering of betaling was beslist met betrekking tot enige klasse van aandelen van de Garant op de gewone Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) van de Garant onmiddellijk voorafgaand aan die Interestbetaaldag, en geen betaling voor rekening van de winst op de balans werd gemaakt sinds die gewone Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) van de Garant. In dit geval zal enige zulke uitgestelde interest een “Optioneel Uitgestelde Interestbetaling” vormen. De Emittent kan er op discretionaire wijze voor kiezen om enige interestbetaling die hij niet uitstelt op de Interestbetaaldag te voldoen met fondsen die hij heeft opgehaald vóór de Interestbetaaldag door middel van de Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“ACSM”) (zoals hieronder beschreven). Verplicht uitstel of annulatie van Interestbetalingen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indien op een Interestbetaaldag aan de Solvabiliteitsvoorwaarde niet is voldaan, zal de Emittent verplicht zijn om interest die aangroeit tijdens het interestjaar tot aan zulke Interestbetaaldag (deze dag niet meegerekend) uit te stellen, tenzij de Emittent op discretionaire wijze beslist om op de Interestbetaaldag zulke interest te betalen met fondsen die hij heeft opgehaald vóór de Interestbetaaldag door middel van de ACSM. Aan de “Solvabiliteitsvoorwaarde” zal voldaan zijn indien: (A) de Garant en de Groep van de Garant gepaste fondsen hebben om de vereiste minimum solvabiliteitsmarge (of een vergelijkbare term in geval van verandering van de toepasselijke regels) in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van Duits reglementair verzekeringsrecht (voor groepssolvabiliteits- en individuele solvabiliteitsdoeleinden of solvabiliteit overeenkomstig de reglementering met betrekking tot financiële 42 conglomeraten) en een algemeen erkende administratieve praktijk, indien er één is, van de Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of enige successor authority van toepassing op dat ogenblik, en zulke fondsen als gevolg van respectievelijk een volledige of gedeeltelijke interestbetaling of terugbetaling, die anders verschuldigd zou zijn op respectievelijk zulke Interestbetaaldag of terugbetalingsdatum, lager zouden zijn dan de vereiste minimum solvabiliteitsmarge, en (B) geen bevel van de Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of enige Successor Authority van toepassing is dat de Garant verbiedt interestbetalingen, andere uitkeringen of terugbetalingen te verrichten (met inbegrip aan de houders van enige Parity Security of Junior Security) en (C) de Garant in staat is zijn schulden te betalen die het aan zijn Senior Creditors verschuldigd is (zoals gedefinieerd hieronder) wanneer ze betaalbaar worden, en (D) de Activa van de Garant (zoals gedefinieerd hieronder zijn Passiva (zoals gedefinieerd hieronder) overstijgen (andere dan de passiva ten opzichte van personen die geen Senior Creditors zijn). “Activa” betekent de ongeconsolideerde totale activa van de Garant zoals weergegeven in de laatste gepubliceerde gecontroleerde balans van de Garant, maar aangepast voor latere gebeurtenissen, alles zoals vastgesteld door de Garant, of indien de Garant wordt vereffend, zijn vereffenaar. “Passiva” betekent de ongeconsolideerde totale passiva van de Garant zoals weergegeven in de laatste gepubliceerde gecontroleerde balans van de Garant, maar aangepast voor latere gebeurtenissen, alles vastgesteld door de Garant, of indien de Garant wordt vereffend, zijn vereffenaar. “Senior Creditors” betekent de schuldeisers van de Garant (a) die niet-achtergestelde schuldeisers van de Garant zijn; of (b) wiens vorderingen achtergesteld zijn ten opzichte van de vorderingen van andere schuldeisers van de Garant (behalve deze wiens vorderingen pari passu of lager rangschikken ten opzichte van de vorderingen van de Obligatiehouders). Indien er zich op een Interestbetaaldag een Geval van Verplicht Uitstel heeft voorgedaan, zal de Emittent verplicht worden enig Restbedrag uit te stellen. “Restbedrag” betekent met betrekking tot het interestbedrag dat betaalbaar zou zijn op totale hoofdsom van de Obligaties uitstaand op de relevante Interestbetaaldag die anders verschuldigd zou zijn (het “Interestbedrag”), het bedrag waarmee het Interestbedrag het Nieuw Kapitaalbedrag (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) overschrijdt. “Nieuw Kapitaalbedrag” betekent de netto opbrengsten ontvangen door de Garant van nieuwe uitgiftes en/of de verkoop van gewone aandelen, preferente aandelen en instrumenten die in kapitaalskrediet voorzien van de ratingagentschappen verwant met de Obligaties 43 gedurende de periode van 180 dagen voorafgaand aan zulke datum en aangewezen door de Garant op of vóór het tijdstip van uitgifte als beschikbaar om uitkeringen op de Obligaties te betalen. Een “Geval van Verplicht Uitstel” zal zich hebben voorgedaan op een Interestbetaaldag, indien tot op het einde van de Berekeningsdatum (x) het Samengeteld Netto Kwartaalinkomen (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) voor de periode van vier kwartalen van de Garant eindigend op het kwartaal dat twee kwartalen voorafgaat aan het meest recente afgesloten en gepubliceerd kwartaal van de Garant minder is dan of gelijk is aan nul; en (y) het Aangepast Aandeelhouders Kapitaalsbedrag (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) op het einde van het meest recente vervolledigd en gepubliceerd kwartaal van de Garant op het einde van het kwartaal dat twee kwartalen voorafgaat aan het meest recente afgesloten en gepubliceerd kwartaal van de Garant is gedaald met 10% of meer vergeleken met het Aangepaste Aandeelhouders Kapitaalsbedrag op het einde van het kwartaal van de Garant dat tien kwartalen voorafgaat aan het meest recente afgesloten en gepubliceerd kwartaal van de Garant (het “Referentiekwartaal”). Waarbij: “Aangepast Aandeelhouders Kapitaalsbedrag” betekent, aan het einde van enig kwartaal van de Garant, het aandelenkapitaal vóór minderheidsbelangen zoals weergegeven in de geconsolideerde balans van de Garant van zulk kwartaaleinde, zoals vastgesteld in overeenstemming met de Toepasselijke Boekhoudnormen (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) mits aftrek van wisselkoers-aanpassingen en niet-gerealiseerde winsten en verliezen (netto) zoals opgenomen in zulke geconsolideerde balans. “Toepasselijke Boekhoudnormen” betekent de International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) zoals van toepassing op de relevante data en voor de relevante periodes, of andere boekhoudnormen die algemeen aanvaard zijn in Duitsland en worden toegepast door de Garant die vervolgens voorrang hebben op deze. “Samengeteld Netto Kwartaalinkomen” betekent aan het eind van elk kwartaal van de Garant, de som van het geconsolideerde netto inkomen van de Garant zoals bepaald overeenkomstig de Toepasselijke Boekhoudnormen, voor de vier kwartalen eindigend op de laatste dag van zulk kwartaal. Indien de Emittent verplicht is om een betaling van interest uit te stellen ingevolge het voorval van een Geval van Verplicht Uitstel op een Interestbetaaldag, zal de Emittent ook verplicht zijn op één of meerdere volgende Interestbetaaldagen de interest uit te stellen die anders verschuldigd zou zijn op zulke Interestbetaaldagen totdat aan het Geval van Verplicht Uitstel verholpen is op enige volgende Berekeningsdatum. Nadat één of meer Gevallen van Verplicht Uitstel hebben plaatsgevonden, mag de Emittent alleen interest beginnen te 44 betalen op de Obligaties op enige Interestbetaaldag indien op de Berekeningsdatum met betrekking tot die Interestbetaaldag (x) zich geen nieuw Geval van Verplicht Uitstel heeft voorgedaan en (y) enig voorgaand Geval van Verplicht uitstel is verholpen. Een Geval van Verplicht Uitstel dat zich heeft voorgedaan op een voorafgaandelijke Berekeningsdatum is verholpen op enige Berekeningsdatum indien het Aangepast Aandeelhouders Kapitaalsbedrag op het ogenblik van het meest recent afgesloten en gepubliceerd kwartaal vóór die Berekeningsdatum verhoogd is tot meer dan 90% van het Aangepast Aandeelhouders Kapitaalsbedrag op het einde van het Referentiekwartaal met betrekking tot die voorafgaande Berekeningsdatum tijdens dewelke het Geval van Verplicht Uitstel zich heeft voorgedaan. De Emittent kan er op discretionaire wijze voor kiezen om op de relevante Interestbetaaldag de interest te voldoen die anders verschuldigd zou zijn met fondsen opgehaald voorafgaand aan de Interestbetaaldag door middel van de ACSM. In deze gevallen zal elk zulke uitgestelde interest een “Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling” zijn (tezamen met enige Optioneel Uitgestelde Interestbetaling, de “Uitgestelde Interestbetalingen”). Betaling van Uitgestelde Interestbetalingen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De Emittent kan op elk ogenblik na voorafgaande kennisgeving geheel of gedeeltelijk enige Optioneel Uitgestelde Interestbetaling voldoen met fondsen opgehaald voorafgaand aan de datum waarop de Uitgestelde Interestbetaling verschuldigd wordt (de “Uitgestelde Regelingsdatum”) door middel van de ACSM. De Emittent zal voldoen aan (x) enige Optioneel Uitgestelde Interestbetaling met fondsen opgehaald voorafgaand aan de Uitgestelde Regelingsdatum door middel van de ACSM en (y) enige Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling door middel van de ACSM of door middel van de APSM in de volgende omstandigheden: (i) De Emittent zal enige Uitgestelde Interestbetaling voldoen op de datum waarop de Obligaties verschuldigd zijn voor terugbetaling. (ii) De Emittent zal enige Uitgestelde Interestbetaling voldoen op de volgende Interestbetaaldag (x) volgend op de datum waarop de Emittent of de Garant een volledige betaling van interest of van een uitgestelde betaling in verband met enige Parity Security verricht, of (y) volgend op de datum waarop de Emittent of de Garant een volledige interestbetaling of enige uitgestelde betaling in verband met enige Junior Security verricht, of (z) indien tot op het einde van de Berekeningsdatum voorafgaand aan zulke Interestbetaaldag tot enig dividend, 45 andere uitkering of betaling was beslist met betrekking tot enige klasse van aandelen van de Garant op de gewone Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) van de Garant onmiddellijk voorafgaand aan deze Interestbetaaldag, of enige betaling voor rekening van de winst uit de balans werd gemaakt sinds die gewone Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) van de Garant. (iii) Indien de Emittent of de Garant enige gedeeltelijke interestbetaling of een uitgestelde betaling op enige Parity Security of Junior Security verricht, zal de Emittent enige Uitgestelde Interestbetaling proportioneel voldoen op de volgende Interestbetaaldag volgend op de datum waarop zulke betaling was gemaakt. In dit geval zal de proportie gelijk zijn aan het resultaat van de deling van het bedrag van de uitgestelde betaling dat eigenlijk betaald werd door het uitstaande bedrag van de uitgestelde betaling. (iv) De Emittent zal enige Uitgestelde Interestbetaling niet later voldoen dan op de tiende verjaardag na de relevante Interestbetaaldag. (v) De Emittent zal enige Uitgestelde Interestbetaling voldoen op de datum waarop een reden voor de ontbinding overeenkomstig § 262 para. 1 Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) met betrekking tot de Emittent of de Garant bestaat (anders dan omwille van of overeenkomstig een fusie, reorganisatie of herstructurering in een solvabele toestand, waarbij de voortgezette entiteit in wezen alle activa en passiva van de Emittent of de Garant, naar gelang het geval, overneemt). Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“ACSM”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De Emittent kan enige interestbetaling die hij niet uitstelt voldoen door middel van de ACSM indien en voor zover de Garant de fondsen heeft opgehaald die vereist zijn voor de voldoening van de interestbetaling, door middel van de uitgifte of de verkoop van aandelen van de Garant (de “Betalingsaandelen”) binnen de zes maanden voorafgaand aan de relevante Interestbetaaldag. Indien de Emittent ervoor kiest of verplicht is om enige Uitgestelde Interestbetaling te voldoen door middel van de ACSM, zal de Emittent de Garant verzoeken om de fondsen vereist voor de voldoening van de desbetreffende betaling op te halen door uitgifte of verkoop van Betalingsaandelen van de Garant tijdens de periode vanaf en met inbegrip van de datum die 6 maanden vóór de relevante Deferred Settlement Date valt tot en met de datum die vijf jaar na de relevante Deferred Settlement Date valt. In geen geval zal er een verplichting bestaan voor de Garant om nieuwe aandelen uit te geven of om eigen aandelen te verkopen; de Obligatiehouders zijn verwittigd dat de Garant verhinderd kan zijn om nieuwe aandelen uit te geven of eigen aandelen te verkopen overeenkomst dwingende regels van Duits vennootschapsrecht of anderszins. De Garant kan, met het oog op enige Verplichte Uitgestelde Interestbetaling te voldoen in overeenstemming met de ACSM, in elk 46 kalenderjaar zulk aantal Betalingsaandelen verkopen zonder dat meer dan 2% van het uitgegeven aandelenkapitaal (Grundkapital) van de Garant op de relevante datum wordt overschreden. Indien met betrekking tot enige Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling aan enige van de vereisten voor de uitvoering van de ACSM niet voldaan is, of voorzover de voormelde limiet overschreden zou worden of het bedrag dat te betalen zou zijn de inkomsten uit de plaatsing van de Betalingsaandelen overstijgt, zal de Emittent de Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling voldoen in die mate door middel van de APSM, tenzij de Emittent er voordien voor gekozen had om de APSM te gebruiken met betrekking tot de relevante Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling en verplicht was de ACSM bovenop de APSM te gebruiken; in dit geval zal de verplichting van de Emittent om aan de Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling te voldoen in die mate geannuleerd zijn. Indien met betrekking tot enige Optioneel Uitgestelde Interestbetaling aan enige van de vereisten voor de uitvoering van de ACSM niet voldaan is, of voorzover het bedrag dat te betalen zou zijn de inkomsten uit de verkoop van de Betalingsaandelen overschrijdt, zal de verplichting van de Emittent om de Optioneel Uitgestelde Interestbetaling te voldoen in die mate geannuleerd zijn. Indien de Emittent verplicht is om enige Uitgestelde Interestbetaling te voldoen op de datum waarop een reden voor ontbinding bestaat overeenkomstig § 262 para. 1 van de Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) met betrekking tot de Emittent en de Garant, terwijl de Emittent of de Garant evenwel niet in staat is om de ACSM toe te passen, zullen de verplichtingen van de Emittent in verband met zulk onbetaald bedrag pari passu rangschikken met de verplichtingen van de Emittent met betrekking tot de hoofdsom van de Obligaties voor een bedrag tot de limiet voor de APSM. Alternative Parity Securities Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“APSM”) ... Indien de Emittent kennis heeft gegeven dat hij enige Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling zal voldoen voor het relevante interestjaar in overeenstemming met de APSM, zal de Emittent of de Garant fondsen ophalen vereist voor de voldoening van de Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling door de uitgifte en verkoop, direct of indirect, van hybride effecten met termen en voorwaarden (in het bijzonder in verband met de bepalingen over het uitstel van betaling, betalingen van uitgestelde vergoeding en over vervanging) gelijkaardig aan de Voorwaarden en die reglementair kapitaal (Eigenmittel) vormen met minstens gelijkwaardige status (de “Betalingseffecten”) tijdens de periode vanaf en met inbegrip van de datum die 6 maanden voorafgaand aan de relevante Deferred Settlement Date valt tot de datum die vijf jaar na de relevante Deferred Settlement Date (maar deze datum niet inbegrepen) valt. De totale hoofdsom van alle Betalingseffecten uitgebracht onder de APSM mag niet hoger zijn dan 25% van de totale hoofdsom van de Obligaties op de Uitgiftedatum. Indien aan de vereiste voor de uitvoering van de APSM niet is voldaan, of inzoverre de hiervoor genoemde limiet overschreden zou zijn of het bedrag van de te betalen interest de inkomsten van de 47 verkoop van de Betalingseffecten overschrijdt, zal de Emittent de Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetaling voldoen in zulke mate door middel van de ACSM, tenzij de Emittent voorafgaandelijk ervoor gekozen had de ACSM toe te passen en in verband met de relevante Uitgestelde Interestbetaling en vereist werd om de APSM toe te passen bovenop de ACSM; in dit geval zal de verplichting van de Emittent om aan de Verplicht Uitgestelde Interestbetalingen te voldoen in die mate geannuleerd zijn. Belastingen ............................. Alle betalingen van hoofdsom en interest in verband met de Obligaties (met inbegrip van betalingen door de Garant onder de Garantie) zullen gebeuren vrij en ontdaan van, en zonder inhouding of aftrek voor, enige belastingen, accijnzen, aanslagen of overheidsretributies van welke aard opgelegd, geheven, verzameld, ingehouden of belast door Nederland of de Federale Republiek Duitsland (naar gelang het geval) of enig politieke onderverdeling of enige autoriteit van of in Nederland of de Federale Republiek Duitsland die bevoegd is om belastingen te heffen, tenzij de Emittent of de Garant wettelijk verplicht is om zulke inhouding of aftrek te verrichten. In geval van zulke inhouding of aftrek ten gevolge van enig amendement bij of verandering van de wetten, zullen de Emittent of de Garant (naargelang het geval) zulke bijkomende bedragen betalen als de Obligatiehouders zouden ontvangen hebben indien zulke inhouding of aftrek niet vereist was geweest, onder voorbehoud van gebruikelijke uitzonderingen zoals uiteengezet in de Voorwaarden. Negative Pledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De Termen en Voorwaarden van de Obligaties bevatten geen negative pledge bepaling. Cross Default ........................... De Termen en Voorwaarden van de Obligaties bevatten geen cross default bepaling met betrekking tot andere verplichtingen van de Emittent of de Garant. Opname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Een aanvraag werd ingediend om de Obligaties op te nemen op de gereglementeerde markt (Amtlicher Markt) van de Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Toepasselijk recht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De Obligaties en de Garantie zullen beheerst worden door Duits recht. Verkoopsbeperkingen ................... Er zullen specifieke restricties op het aanbod en verkoop van de Obligaties en op de verspreiding van aanbiedingsmaterialen bestaan in de Europese Economische Ruimte, de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, Oostenrijk, België, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Ierland, Portugal, Zweden en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Bevoegde rechtbank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De niet-exclusieve bevoegde rechtbank voor enige juridische procedures die voortkomen uit de Obligaties is Frankfurt am Main, Federale Republiek Duitsland. Vereffening ISIN ............................. .................................... De Obligaties zullen worden aanvaard voor clearing door Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main. DE000A0GNPZ3 48 Common Code .......................... German Securities Code (WKN) ......... 024513742 A0GNPZ Samenvatting met betrekking tot de risicofactoren Risicofactoren met betrekking tot de Obligaties Een investering in de Obligaties houdt bepaalde risico’s in die verbonden zijn met de eigenschappen van de Obligaties. Deze risico’s kunnen tot gevolg hebben dat de hoofdsom of de interest niet worden betaald door de Emittent, dat de Garant niet betaalt onder de Garantie en/of dat de marktprijs van de Obligaties wezenlijk verslechtert. Risico’s spruiten voort uit het feit dat • de Emittent geen verplichting heeft om de Obligaties terug te betalen en de Obligatiehouders geen recht hebben om hun terugbetaling te eisen; • de Obligaties het voorwerp kunnen vormen van een vervroegde terugbetaling aan hun hoofdsom ingevolgde een Gross-up Event en aan hun Make-whole Amount ingevolge een Tax Event of een Regulatory Event; indien de Emittent de Obligaties in zulk geval terugroept en terugbetaalt, kunnen de Obligatiehouders mogelijk alleen de opbrengsten uit de terugbetaling herinvesteren in effecten met een lager rendement; • er bestaat geen beperking op het bedrag van de schuld dat de Emittent of de Garant kunnen aangaan in de toekomst; • de betalingsverplichtingen van de Emittent onder de Obligaties en de Garant onder de Garantie vormen achtergestelde verplichtingen van respectievelijk de Emittent en de Garant; • de Emittent kan kiezen of zelfs gedwongen worden om interestbetalingen uit te stellen indien aan bepaalde vereisten is voldaan. Risicofactoren in verband met de Emittent De Emittent is een financieringsvehikel voor de Allianz Groep. De Emittent haalt dus fondsen op en leent op zijn beurt gelden aan groepsvennootschappen binnen de Allianz Groep door middel van intragroepsleningen. Indien een groepsvennootschap in gebreke blijft om een betaling te verrichten onder een intragroepslening, is het mogelijk dat de Emittent niet in staat zou kunnen zijn om aan zijn betalingsverplichtingen onder de Obligaties te voldoen. Risicofactoren in verband met de Garant De business van de Allianz Groep, en bijgevolg de waarde van de Obligaties, zijn blootgesteld aan een aantal risico’s. De volgende sectie bevat een beschrijving van bepaalde risico’s die haar financiële positie en operationele resultaten negatief kunnen beïnvloeden: • De volatiliteit van de interestvoeten kan de operationele resultaten van de Allianz Groep negatief beïnvloeden. • Marktrisico’s kunnen de waarde van de portfolio van de Allianz Groep doen verslechteren en de financiële positie en operationele resultaten negatief beïnvloeden. • De markt en andere factoren zouden de goodwill, de aankoopkosten verbonden met het uitstelbeleid en de uitgestelde tax assets negatief kunnen beïnvloeden; De uitgestelde tax assets van de Allianz Groep kunnen eveneens mogelijkerwijze worden beïnvloed door veranderingen in de belastingswetgeving. • Allianz AG treedt op zowel als een herverzekeringsmaatschappij als een holdingvennootschap voor de Allianz Groep, en is blootgesteld aan verschillende liquiditeitsrisico’s. • Verliesreservers voor de eigendom-ongevalsverzekering en herverzekeringspolissen van de Allianz Groep zijn gebaseerd op schattingen van de verplichtingen onder toekomstige claims. Ongunstige ontwikkelingen met betrekking tot claims kunnen leiden tot bijkomende verhogingen van de reserves en kunnen de operationele resultaten van de Allianz Groep op substantiële wijze beïnvloeden. 49 • De actuariële ervaring en andere factoren kunnen verschillen van diegene die werden verondersteld voor de berekening van de actuariële reserves in verband met leven/gezondheid en de pensioensverplichtingen. • De financiële resultaten van de Allianz Groep kunnen door het voorkomen van rampen op substantiële wijze ongunstig kunnen worden beïnvloed. • De Allianz Groep is blootgesteld aan een belangrijk tegenpartij-risico. • Negatieve ontwikkelingen bij Dresdner Bank, met inbegrip van de ontwikkeling van de operationele resultaten, de bedragen van de verliezen op de leningen of afschrijvingen en verzwakkingen, kunnen de resultaten van de Allianz Groep ongunstig beïnvloeden en kunnen leiden tot kapitaalsbehoeften die haar operaties kunnen beperken. • Vele van de activiteiten van de Allianz Groep zijn afhankelijk van de financiële strekte en krediet ratings toegekend aan Allianz AG door de verschillende ratingagentschappen. Een verlaging van de ratings van Allianz AG kan bijgevolg de relaties met klanten en tussenpersonen op substantiële wijze ongunstig beïnvloeden, kan een negatieve invloed hebben op de verkoop van de producten van de Allianz Groep en kan de kost om te lenen verhogen. • Indien de vermogensbeheer afdeling van de Allianz Groep onderpresteert, kan zij een daling gevoelen van de activa in beheer en van de gerelateerde inkomsten. • De gestegen geopolitieke risico’s voortvloeiend uit de terroristische aanslag van 11 september 2001 en enige toekomstige aanslag kunnen een voortdurende negatieve weerslag hebben op de activiteiten van de Allianz Groep. • Wijzigingen in bestaande of nieuwe overheidsreglementeringen in de landen waarin de Allianz Groep actief is, kan op deze laatste een substantiële weerslag hebben. • Wijzigingen in de fiscale wetgeving kunnen de activiteiten van de Allianz Groep ongunstig beïnvloeden. • Waardeveranderingen met betrekking tot de Euro of niet-Eurozone munteenheden waarin de Allianz Groep inkomsten genereert en kosten oploopt kunnen haar gerapporteerde inkomsten en cash flows substantieel beïnvloeden. • De winsten die Allianz AG haalt uit haar fusie met Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”) kunnen substantieel verschillend zijn van de huidige verwachtingen. • De eigenlijke resultaten, prestatie of verwezenlijking van Allianz Groep of deze van zijn industrie wezenlijk kunnen verschillen van of slechter zijn dan zijn/haar respectievelijke toekomstgerichte verklaringen omwille van onvoorspelbare politieke, macro-economische en demografische invloeden. De verwezenlijking van enige van de risico’s hierboven beschreven kan het vermogen van de Garant aantasten om aan zijn betalingsverplichtingen onder de Garantie te voldoen en/of leiden tot een daling van de marktprijs van de Obligaties. Samenvatting met betrekking tot de Emittent De Emittent werd opgericht op 8 mei 2000 als een besloten vennootschap in Nederland voor onbepaalde duur onder Nederlands recht. De Emittent is een 100% dochter van Allianz AG en treedt op als financieringsentiteit binnen de Allianz Groep. De maatschappelijke zetel van de Emittent is in Amsterdam en het bureau adres is Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, Nederland, telefoon nummer (+31)(20) 5569710. De Emittent is ingeschreven in het Handelsregister van Amsterdam onder nummer 34134406. Het doel van de Emittent, zoals bepaald in Artikel 2 van haar Statuten, bestaat uit het uitvoeren van alle soorten van financiële activiteiten, in het bijzonder het lenen en ontlenen van fondsen, met inbegrip van obligaties, en de deelname in vennootschappen en bedrijven. De raad van bestuur van de Emittent bestaan momenteel uit de volgende leden: Dirk Schoon, Hero Wentzel en Dr. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. De raad van commissarissen bestaat momenteel uit Michael Diekmann, Dr. Paul Achleiter en Stephan Theissing. 50 De commissaris-revisoren van Allianz Finance II B.V. zijn KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, Nederland. De volgende tabel geeft de essentiële financiële gegevens van de Emittent weer: Allianz Finance II B.V. 9 maanden geëindigd op 30 September 2005 2004 (niet gecontroleerd) € € Jaar geëindigd op 31 December 2004 2003 € € 9.329.056.504 364.490.526 6.654.019.238 316.092.403 6.602.060.884 258.734.477 6.641.659.010 904.824.759 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 Kapitaal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.400.749 2.097.756 932.595 987.413 Lange termijn Passiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huidige Passiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.329.056.504 362.089.777 6.654.019.235 313.994.650 6.602.060.881 257.801.885 6.641.659.010 903.837.346 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 Vaste Activa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huidige Activa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samenvatting met betrekking tot de Garant Allianz AG is een aandelenvennootschap onderworpen aan Duits recht en ingeschreven als “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” in het handelsregister van het lokale gerecht (Amtsgericht) in München onder nummer HRB 7158. De maatschappelijke zetel en adres van Allianz AG is te Königinstrasse 28, 80802 München, Duitsland, telefoonnummer (+49)(89) 3800-00. Overzicht van handelsactiviteiten De Allianz Groep is één van de grootste verschaffers van financiële diensten ter wereld, en biedt verzekerings-, bank- en vermogensbeheerdiensten en producten aan door middel van eigendom-ongeval, leven/ gezondheid, bank en vermogensbeheer business segmenten. De Allianz Groep is één van de grootste verzekeringsgroepen ter wereld op basis van bruto geboekte premies in 2004. De Allianz Groep is ook bij de grootste verzekeringsmaatschappijen in andere landen zoals Frankrijk, Italië, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Zwitserland en Spanje en is één van Duitsland’s grootste financiële instellingen op basis van marktkapitalisatie op 30 september 2005. Sinds begin augustus 2005 geniet Allianz AG van financiële sterkte ratings van A+ van A.M. Best en AA– van Standard & Poor, beiden met stabiele vooruitzichten, en een Aa3 senior ongedekte schuldrating met stabiele vooruitzichten van Moody’s. Allianz AG werd opgericht in Berlijn op 5 februari 1890 als “Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft”. In 1949 verplaatste Allianz AG haar hoofdkantoor van Berlijn naar München. Op basis van een overeenkomstig besluit van de algemene vergadering van 27 juni 1985, werd Allianz AG geherstructureerd in een holdingvennootschap en haar naam werd veranderd in “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding”. Op basis van een overeenkomstig besluit van de algemene vergadering van 7 oktober 1996 werd de naam van Allianz AG opnieuw veranderd in “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft”. Bovenop haar eigendom-ongeval en leven/gezondheid verzekeringsactiviteiten heeft de Allianz Groep in 1998 financiële diensten als derde kern business-segment opgericht. In 2001, volgend op haar aankoop van Dresdner Bank AG (hierna verwezen als “Dresdner Bank” en samen met haar geconsolideerde filialen, de “Dresdner Bank Groep”), heeft Allianz Groep zijn financiële diensten segment gereorganiseerd in afzonderlijke vermogensbeheer- en banksegmenten. Op basis van activa in beheer op 31 december 2004 was de Allianz Groep één van de vijf grootste vermogensbeheerders ter wereld. In haar banksegment, dat nu haar vierde kernsegment vormt, door de aankoop van Dresdener bank is de Allianz Groep één van de grote banken geworden in Duitsland en heeft zij een substantieel vergroot bankdistributie kanalen verworven voor haar eigendom-ongeval en leven/ gezondheid en vermogensbeheer producten en diensten. 51 De business van de Allianz Groep wordt beheerd vanop lokaal niveau en haar specialiteitslijnen en vermogensbeheersegment worden beheerd en geleid vanop globaal niveau. De Duitse eigendom-ongeval en leven/gezondheid verzekeringsactiviteiten van de Allianz Groep German worden beheerd door filialen hoofdzakelijk gelegen in München en Stuttgart. Haar niet-Duitse verzekeringsactiviteiten worden lokaal beheerd. Frankrijk, Italië, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Zwitserland, Spanje en de Verenigde Staten horen bij de grootste nietDuitse markten van de Allianz Groep. Alle specialiteitslijnen van de Allianz Groep, kredietverzekering, scheepsen vliegtuigenverzekering, internationale herverzekering van industriële risico’s via Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs–AG en reisverzekering en bijstandsdiensten worden beheerd en geleid op globaal niveau. Het vermogensbeheersegment van de Allianz Groep is ook werkzaam op een wereldwijde basis, met strategische management centra in München, Frankfurt, London, Parijs, Singapore, Hong Kong, Milaan, Westport, Connecticut, en San Francisco, San Diego en Newport Beach, California. Het banksegment van de Allianz Groep is werkzaam door middel van haar ongeveer 960 Duitse en niet-Duitse bijkantoren van de Dresdner Bank (op 30 september 2005) en verschillende filialen, met omvangrijke werkzaamheden in Duitsland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, andere Europese landen en de Verenigde Staten. Tendens informatie De Allianz Groep verwacht een algemene stijging van de totale inkomsten in lijn met 2004 en de eerste negen maanden van 2005 en blijft haar inspanningen richten op het aanhouden en verbeteren van haar operationele winst. Natuurrampen en ongunstige ontwikkelingen in de kapitaalmarkten evenals de risicofactoren opgenomen hierboven, kunnen evenwel de winstgevendheid van de Allianz Groep op substantiële wijze beïnvloeden. Management Board, Toezichtsraad en Werknemers De Management Board van Allianz AG bestaat uit elf leden: Michael Diekmann (Voorzitter), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philippe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter en Dr. Werner Zedelius. De Toezichtsraad (Aufsichtsrat) van Allianz AG (de “Toezichtsraad”) bestaat uit twintig leden: Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Voorzitter), Norbert Blix (Deputy Chairman), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B. Humer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer en Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower. Op 30 september 2005 stelde de Allianz Groep 178.462 personen wereldwijd te werk, waarvan 105.284 buiten Duitsland. Belangrijkste aandeelhouders Op 31 december 2004 was Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (of “Munich Re”) de enige grote aandeelhouder van Allianz AG met ongeveer 9,0% van het maatschappelijk kapitaal van Allianz AG of ongeveer 9,4% van de uitstaande aandelen van Allianz AG op deze datum. Op 14 juli 2005 heeft Munich Re Allianz AG bericht overeenkomstig de regels van de Duitse Wet betreffende de Verhandelingen van Effecten (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, of “WpHG”) dat Munich Re haar belang in Allianz AG verminderd had tot minder dan 5% en dat het 4,9% van het maatschappelijk kapitaal van Allianz AG aanhield op deze datum. In het licht van de belangrijke veranderingen in de relatie tussen Allianz Groep en Munich Re – in het bijzonder de omvangrijke verlaging van de wederzijdse kruisparticipaties, de afschaffing van de “Principles of Cooperation” overeenkomst en de beëindiging van de wederzijdse bestuursblokkeringen – beschouwt Allianz AG Munch Re niet langer als een verbonden partij. 52 Geselecteerde Financiële Informatie Allianz Groep Bedrijfswinst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Netto inkomsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash Flow* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totale Activa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kapitaal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totale Schulden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 30 september 2005 (nietgecontroleerd) miljoen € 31 december 2004 31 december 2003 miljoen € miljoen € 5.917 3.508 18.675 989.198 48.588 940.610 6.839 2.266 4.616 990.318 37.691 952.627 3.982 2.691 (1.397) 933.213 35.259 897.954 Cash Flow uit operationele activiteiten Bijkomende informatie Geregistreerd maatschappelijk kapitaal Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van Allianz AG bedraagt momenteel €1.039.462.400 en is verdeeld over 406.040.000 aandelen zonder pari-waarde. Commissaris Allianz AG heeft KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 München, Duitsland, aangesteld als commissaris voor het fiscaal jaar eindigend op 31 december 2005. Ter beschikking gestelde documenten Zo lang als enige Obligatie uitstaande is, kunnen kopien van de volgende documenten worden geraadpleegd op fysieke wijze tijdens normale werkuren in de maatschappelijke zetel van de Emittent en de Garant en de aangeduide zetel van de Hoofdbetalingsagent: (a) De Garantie; (b) De Statuten van de Emittent; (c) De Statuten (Satzung) van de Garant; (d) het Prospectus; en (e) alle rapporten, brieven en andere documenten, historische financiële informatie, waarderingen en afschriften, opgesteld door enige expert op vraag van de Emittent en/of de Garant, waarvan enig deel is opgenomen of waarnaar verwezen wordt in de beschrijving van de Emittent en de Garant. 53 RESUMÉ Det følgende er et resumé (“Resuméet”) af de vigtigste forhold og risici i forbindelse med Udsteder, Garanten og Obligationerne. Dette Resumé bør læses som en indledning til dette Prospekt. Enhver beslutning om at investere i Obligationerne bør træffes på baggrund af dette Prospekt som helhed, herunder de dokumenter, som er inkorporeret i dette Prospekt ved henvisning, og ethvert tillæg dertil. Hvis en sag vedrørende oplysningerne i dette Prospekt, de dokumenter, der er inkorporeret ved reference, og ethvert tillæg dertil indbringes for en domstol et kan den sagsøgende investor i henhold til national lovgivning i EØS-land være forpligtet til at afholde omkostningerne til oversættelse af dette Prospekt, de dokumenter, som er inkorporeret ved reference, og ethvert tillæg dertil, før retssagen kan anlægges. Der påhviler et civilretligt erstatningsansvar Udsteder, Garanten eller Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft, som er ansvarlig for dette Resume, herunder oversættelsen heraf, og ansøgningen om dets anmeldelse, men kun såfremt Resuméet er misvisende, ukorrekt eller uoverensstemmende, når det læses i sammenhæng med de øvrige dele af dette Prospektet. Dette Resumé indeholder udsagn om fremtiden (forward-looking statements). Sådanne udsagn omhandler bl.a. fremtidige økonomiske resultater for Udsteder, Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (i det følgende benævnt “Allianz AG”) og for dets konsoliderede datterselskaber (sammen med Allianz AG i det følgende benævnt “Allianzkoncernen”), Allianz-koncernens planer og forventninger til udviklingen i branchen, vækst og rentabilitet samt generelle branche- og forretningsvilkår for Allianz-koncernen. Allianz-koncernen har baseret disse udsagn om fremtiden på sine aktuelle forventninger, forudsætninger, skøn og prognoser for fremtidige begivenheder. Disse udsagn om fremtiden er underlagt en række risici, usikkerheder og antagelser, som kan føre til, at Allianzkoncernens eller branchens faktiske resultat, indtjening eller ydelse afviger væsentligt fra eller udvikler sig dårligere end disse udsagn om fremtiden. Udsteder, Allianz AG og Dresdner Bank AG påtager sig ikke noget ansvar for at ajourføre sådanne udsagn om fremtiden eller for at tilpasse sådanne udsagn til fremtidige begivenheder, bortset fra hvor dette måtte være påkrævet ved lov. Resumé vedrørende Obligationerne Den endelige samlede hovedstol, udstedelseskursen og renten på Obligationerne fastsættes endeligt senest den [1. Marts] 2006 gennem en bookbuilding-proces, som involverer kvalificerede investorer. Udsteder Garant ................................ .................................. Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Pålydende Værdi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EUR [op til 1,0 mia.] Lead Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank AG, London filial Dresdner Bank AG London filial (fremgår på forsiden med sit markedsføringsnavn “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein”) UBS Limited (samlet benævnt “Lead Managers”) Co-Lead Managers ...................... Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen - Girozentrale WestLB AG (sammen med Lead Managers benævnt “Managers”) 54 Fiscal Agent, Primær Betalingsagent og Beregningsagent: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Udstedelseskurs ......................... Udstedelsestidspunkt Stykstørrelse .................... ............................ [98-101]% [3. marts] 2006 Obligationerne vil blive udstedt i stykstørrelser af EUR 1.000. Obligationernes form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obligationerne er ihændehaverpapirer og vil indledningsvist være repræsenteret ved en Midlertidig Kollektiv Obligation uden rentekuponer, som vil blive deponeret hos eller på vegne Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main (“Clearingsystemet”). Den Midlertidige Kollektive Obligation vil tidligst 40 dage efter Udstedelsestidspunktet og ved bekræftelse af ikke-amerikansk ejendomsret, således som krævet i henhold til Clearingsystemets regler og driftsprocedurer, kunne ombyttes til en Permanent Kollektiv Obligation uden rentekuponer. Der vil alene ske betaling på den Midlertidige Kollektive Obligation mod forevisning af sådan erklæring. Der vil ikke blive udstedt endeligt udstedte Obligationer eller rentekuponer. Obligationernes status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De til Obligationerne knyttede forpligtelser udgør usikrede og efterstillede fordringer på Udsteder og rangerer pari passu indbyrdes og mindst pari passu med alle øvrige usikrede og udaterede efterstillede fordringer på Udsteder, som udestår på Udstedelsesdagen bortset fra enhver efterstillet fordring, der har fortrinsret ifølge loven. I tilfælde af Udsteders konkursbehandling, opløsning, insolvensbehandling, eller såfremt Udsteder indgår akkord med sine kreditorer eller der træffes andre foranstaltninger med henblik på at forhindre, at Udsteder bliver eller erklæres insolvent, vil alle Udsteders forpligtelser i henhold til Obligationerne udgøre efterstillede gældsforpligtelser i forhold til alle Udsteders ikkeefterstillede og daterede efterstillede kreditorer, således at der først vil blive udbetalt beløb på Obligationerne, når samtlige Udsteders ikkeefterstillede og daterede efterstillede gældsforpligtelser er fuldt indfriet. Hverken Udsteder eller nogen anden person har eller skal på noget tidspunkt stille nogen garanti (bortset fra den efterstillede Garanti) til sikring af Obligationsejernes rettigheder i henhold til Obligationerne. Ingen efterfølgende aftale kan begrænse efterstillelsen eller forkorte noget gældende opsigelsesvarsel (Kündigungsfrist) vedrørende Obligationerne. Såfremt Obligationerne indfries førtidigt, skal de indfriede beløb tilbagebetales til Udsteder, uanset aftale om det modsatte, medmindre Udsteder er blevet opløst, eller sådanne beløb er blevet erstattet af anden mindst tilsvarende kapital (Eigenmittel) med mindst tilsvarende status, eller såfremt det tyske finanstilsyn eller nogen succederende myndighed har givet sit samtykke til indfrielsen. En Obligationsindehaver kan ikke modregne noget krav, som måtte opstå under Obligationerne i sådanne krav, som Udsteder måtte have mod Obligationsindehaveren. Udsteder kan ikke modregne noget krav, som Udsteder måtte have mod en Obligationsindehaver, i sine forpligtelser under Obligationerne. 55 Garanti ................................. Den [3. Marts 2006] vil Garanten give sin ubetingede, uigenkaldelige og efterstillede Garanti for rettidig betaling af hovedstolen og renter på Obligationerne samt for ethvert andet beløb, som skal betales i henhold til Obligationerne. Garantien udgør en aftale til fordel for de til enhver tid eksisterende Obligationsindehavere i henhold til hvilken disse tillægges tredjemandsrettigheder i medfør af § 328, stk. 1, i den tyske civilretlige lovbog (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), hvorved Obligationsindehaverne kan kræve opfyldelse af samt håndhæve Garantien direkte over for Garanten. I tilfælde af Garantens konkursbehandling, opløsning, insolvensbehandling, eller såfremt Garanten indgår akkord med sine kreditorer eller der træffes andre foranstaltninger med henblik på at forhindre, at Garanten bliver eller erklæres insolvent, vil Obligationsindehavernes krav i henhold til Garantien blive indfriet efter (og kun efter), at samtlige Garantens ikke-efterstillede og daterede efterstillede gældsforpligtelser er fuldt indfriet. Obligationsindehaverne accepterer udtrykkeligt, at betalinger vedrørende Obligationerne i de ovenfor beskrevne tilfælde alene vil blive foretaget af Garanten i henhold til Garantien i overensstemmelse med den ovenfor beskrevne efterstillelse. En Obligationsindehaver kan ikke modregne noget krav, som måtte opstå under Garantien, i sådanne krav, som Garanten måtte have mod Obligationsindehaveren. Garanten kan alene modregne krav i Obligationsejernes krav i henhold til Garantien, hvis sådanne beløb er erstattet af anden mindst tilsvarende kapital (Eigenmittel) med mindst tilsvarende status, eller hvis det tyske finanstilsyn (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) eller nogen succederende myndighed har givet samtykke til modregningen, og forudsat at Solvensbetingelsen (som defineret nedenfor) er opfyldt. Indfrielse ............................... Obligationerne har ikke noget endeligt udløbstidspunkt. Obligationerne kan indløses helt men ikke delvist efter Udsteders beslutning til pålydende værdi den [3. marts 2011] og på enhver efterfølgende Rentebetalingsdag (som defineret nedenfor). Udsteder kan ligeledes indløse Obligationerne helt men ikke delvist til pålydende værdi plus påløbne renter til enhver tid efter en Bruttoficeringsbegivenhed (Gross-up Event) (som defineret nedenfor) og til Førtidsindfrielsesbeløbet (Make-whole Amount) efter en Skattebegivenhed (Tax Event) eller en Regulatorisk Begivenhed (Regulatory Event) (alle udtryk som defineret nedenfor). Udsteder er under alle omstændigheder alene berettiget til at indfri Obligationerne, såfremt Solvensbetingelsen (som defineret nedenfor) er opfyldt, og det hovedstolsbeløb, som skal indfries, er blevet erstattet af en anden mindst tilsvarende lovpligtig kapital, eller såfremt det tyske finanstilsyn eller nogen Succederende Myndighed har givet sit samtykke til indfrielsen. En “Bruttoficeringsbegivenhed” (Gross-up Event) skal anses for at være indtrådt, såfremt Udsteder af et lovgivende organ, en retsinstans eller nogen myndighed er eller bliver forpligtet til at betale Yderligere Beløb (Additional Amounts), eller Garanten er eller bliver forpligtet til at betale Yderligere Beløb i relation til forfaldne beløb under 56 Garantien som følge af nogen ændring i eller tillæg til lovgivningen (eller nogen regler eller forordninger derunder) i henholdsvis Holland eller Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland eller nogen politisk underinddeling deraf eller nogen myndighed i henholdsvis Holland eller Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland, eller som følge af nogen ændring i eller tillæg til nogen officiel fortolkning eller anvendelse af sådan lovgivning, sådanne regler eller forordninger, og denne forpligtelse ikke kan afværges af henholdsvis Udsteder eller Garanten ved (i god tro) at foretage sådanne rimelige foranstaltninger, som disse måtte finde hensigtsmæssige. En “Skattebegivenhed” (Tax Event) skal anses for at være indtrådt, såfremt der som følge af noget tillæg til eller nogen ændring i lovgivningen (eller nogen regler eller forordninger derunder) i henholdsvis Holland eller Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland eller nogen politisk underinddeling deraf eller nogen skattemyndighed deri, eller såfremt der som følge af noget tillæg til eller nogen ændring i en officiel fortolkning eller anvendelse af sådan lovgivning, sådanne regler eller forordninger fra noget lovgivende organ, nogen retsinstans, offentlig styrelse eller tilsynsmyndighed (herunder vedtagelse af nogen lovgivning eller offentliggørelse af nogen judiciel afgørelse eller regulatorisk bestemmelse), ikke længere er opnået, eller inden for 90 dage fra datoen for den nedenfor beskrevne erklæring ikke kan opnås, fuld indkomstskattefradrag for Udsteder og/eller Garanten i Holland eller Tyskland for renter, der skal betales af Udsteder i relation til Obligationerne, eller noget beløb, der skal betales af Garanten under Garantien, og denne risiko ikke kan afværges af Udsteder og/eller Garanten ved (i god tro) at foretage sådanne rimelige foranstaltninger, som disse måtte finde hensigtsmæssige. En “Regulatorisk Begivenhed” (Regulatory Event) skal anses for at være indtrådt, såfremt: Forrentning ............................. a) det tyske finanstilsyn (Bundestanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) eller nogen Succederende Myndighed skriftligt meddeler Garanten, at Obligationerne (helt eller delvist) ikke længere opfylder kravene til lovpligtig kapital eller egne midler med hensyn til Garantens koncernsolvens eller enkelt solvensformål eller solvens i henhold til reglerne for finansielle konglomerater. Dette gælder alene, såfremt Obligationerne på noget tidspunkt inden sådan meddelelse opfyldte sådanne krav, eller b) Garanten eller Garantens koncern på noget tidspunkt bliver pålagt til noget lovpligtigt kapitalformål at have lovmæssig kernekapital (Tier 1 regulatory capital) (uanset beskrivelse), og Obligationerne ikke ville være kvalificerede til at indgå i sådan lovpligtig kernekapital med hensyn til Garantens koncernsolvens eller enkelt solvensformål eller solvens i henhold til reglerne for finansielle konglomerater på det tidspunkt. Obligationerne forrentes med [5,00 - 5,875]% p.a. af den samlede hovedstol fra og med [3. marts] 2006 og frem til, men ikke inklusiv, en eventuel indfrielsesdato. Renten betales årligt bagud hver den [3. marts] (idet hver sådan dag benævnes en (“Rentebetalingsdag”). Første rentebetaling forfalder til betaling den [3. marts] 2007. Såfremt 57 det er nødvendigt at beregne rente for en periode på mindre end et fuldt år, skal sådan rente beregnes på baggrund af det faktiske antal dage i sådan periode divideret med det faktiske antal dage i det pågældende år (365 eller 366 dage). Frivillig udskydelse af Rentebetalinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Med forbehold for opfyldelse af Solvensbetingelsen og for, at der ikke er indtruffet nogen Obligatorisk Udskydelsesbegivenhed (Mandatory Deferral Event) (som defineret nedenfor), kan Udsteder på enhver Rentebetalingsdag med mindst 3 Bankdages varsel frit udskyde betalingen af renten, såfremt der frem til udgangen af den 10. Bankdag forud for sådan Rentebetalingsdag (“Beregningsdagen”) på Garantens ordinære generalforsamling (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) umiddelbart forud for sådan Rentebetalingsdag ikke er truffet nogen beslutning om udlodning af udbytte eller anden udlodning eller betaling i relation til nogen af Garantens aktieklasser, og forudsat at der ikke siden sådan ordinær generalforsamling (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) er foretaget nogen udbetaling som følge af overskud på balancen. I dette tilfælde vil enhver sådan udskudt rente udgøre en “Frivilligt Udskudt Rentebetaling”. Udsteder kan frit vælge at opfylde enhver rentebetaling, som ikke udskydes på Rentebetalingsdagen, med kapital, som er fremskaffet før Rentebetalingsdagen ved hjælp af den Alternative Aktiekuponbetalingsmekanisme (ACSM-mekanismen) (som beskrevet nedenfor). Obligatorisk udskydelse eller annullering af Rentebetalinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I tilfælde af manglende opfyldelse af Solvensbetingelsen på en Rentebetalingsdag er Udsteder forpligtet til at udskyde enhver rente, som påløber i renteåret, til men ikke inklusiv sådan Rentebetalingsdag, medmindre Udsteder på Rentebetalingsdagen efter eget skøn vælger at dække sådan rente med kapital, som er fremskaffet forud for Rentebetalingsdagen via ACSM-mekanismen. “Solvensbetingelsen” skal opfyldes, såfremt (A) Garanten eller Garantens koncern har tilstrækkelige midler til at opfylde den påkrævede minimumssolvensmargin (eller et sammenligneligt begreb såfremt der sker ændringer i de gældende regler) i overensstemmelse med reglerne i den tyske forsikringslovgivning (for koncernsolvens eller enkelt solvensformål eller solvens i henhold til reglerne for finansielle konglomerater) og en eventuel af det tyske finanstilsyn eller nogen succederende myndighed almindeligt anerkendt administrativ praksis, som måtte være gældende på sådant tidspunkt, når sådanne midler ikke, som konsekvens af henholdsvis hel eller delvis rentebetaling eller indløsning, bliver mindre end den påkrævede minimumssolvensmargin og (B) der ikke foreligger nogen afgørelse fra det tyske finanstilsyn eller nogen succederende myndighed, som i realiteten forhindrer Garanten i at foretage nogen rentebetaling, anden udlodning eller indfrielse (herunder til indehaverne af noget Sidestillet Værdipapir (Parity Security) eller Efterstillet Værdipapir (Junior Security), og 58 (C) Garanten er i stand til at betale sin gæld til sine Foranstående Kreditorer (Senior Creditors) (som defineret nedenfor) ved forfald, og (D) Garantens Aktiver (som defineret nedenfor) overstiger Garantens Passiver (som defineret nedenfor) (bortset fra passiver til personer, som ikke er Foranstående Kreditorer). “Aktiver” betyder Garantens ikke-konsoliderede samlede aktiver, således som disse fremgår af Garantens seneste offentliggjorte reviderede balance, men justeret for efterfølgende begivenheder, som fastlagt af Garanten, eller såfremt Garanten er under konkursbehandling, af Garantens kurator. “Passiver” betyder Garantens ikke-konsoliderede samlede forpligtelser, således som disse fremgår af Garantens seneste offentliggjorte reviderede balance, men justeret for efterfølgende begivenheder, som fastlagt af Garanten, eller såfremt Garanten er under konkursbehandling, af Garantens kurator. “Foranstillede Kreditorer” betyder Garantens kreditorer (a) som er Garantens ikke-efterstillede kreditorer, eller (b) hvis krav er efterstillet andre af Garantens kreditorers krav (bortset fra kreditorer hvis krav rangerer pari passu med eller er efterstillet Obligationsejernes krav). Såfremt der på en Rentebetalingsdag er indtrådt en Obligatorisk Udskydelsesbegivenhed, vil Udsteder være forpligtet til at udskyde ethvert Overskydende Beløb. “Overskydende Beløb” betyder i relation til det rentebeløb, som ville skulle betales af den samlede hovedstol for de på den relevante Rentebetalingsdag udestående Obligationer, og som ellers ville have været forfaldent (“Rentebeløbet”), det beløb, hvormed Rentebeløbet overstiger Det Nye Kapitalbeløb (New Capital Amount) (som defineret nedenfor). “Det Nye Kapitalbeløb” betyder det nettoprovenu, som Garanten har opnået på nyudstedelser og/eller salg af ordinære aktier, præferenceaktier og instrumenter, som tilvejebringer egenkapitallignende kapital, som kan kreditvurderes på samme vis som Obligationerne i en periode på 180 dage forud for sådant tidspunkt, og som Garanten på eller før udstedelsestidspunktet har udpeget som værende til rådighed til udbetaling af udbytte på Obligationerne. En “Obligatorisk Udskydelsesbegivenhed” anses for at være indtrådt på en Rentebetalingsdag, såfremt en af følgende forhold gør sig gældende frem til udgangen af Beregningsdagen (x) det Akkumulerede Nettoresultat for Kvartalet (Accumulated Quarters’ Net Income) (som defineret nedenfor) for Garantens kvartalsperiode bestående af 4 kvartaler, som slutter ved det kvartal, som ligger to kvartaler forud for det senest afsluttede og offentliggjorte kvartal, er under eller lig med nul, og (y) Korrigerede Egenkapitalbeløb (Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount) (som defineret nedenfor) ved udgangen af det senest 59 afsluttede og offentliggjorte kvartal for Garanten og ved udgangen af det kvartal, som ligger to kvartaler forud for det senest afsluttede og offentliggjorte kvartal for Garanten, er faldet med 10% eller mere sammenlignet med det Korrigerede Egenkapitalbeløb ved udgangen af det kvartal, som ligger ti kvartaler forud for det senest afsluttede og offentliggjorte kvartal (“Benchmark-kvartalet”). Hvor: “Korrigeret Egenkapitalbeløb” betyder, ved udgangen af ethvert af Garantens kvartaler, egenkapitalen før minoritetsinteresser som gengivet i Garantens konsoliderede balance for sådan kvartalsudgang og som opgjort i overensstemmelse med de Gældende Regnskabsstandarder (Applicable Accounting Standards) (som defineret nedenfor) minus valutaomregningsjusteringer og urealiserede gevinster og tab (netto) som gengivet i sådan konsolideret balance. “Gældende Regnskabsstandarder” betyder de Internationale Regnskabsstandarder (International Financial Reporting Standarnds) (IFRS), som måtte være gældende på de relevante tidspunkter og i de relevante perioder eller sådan anden almindeligt anerkendt regnskabspraksis i Tyskland og anvendt af Garanten, som efterfølgende måtte erstatte dem. “Akkumuleret Nettoresultat for Kvartalet” betyder, ved udgangen af et kvartal, summen af Garantens konsoliderede nettoresultat, som opgjort i overensstemmelse med de Gældende Regnskabsstandarder, for de fire kvartaler, som slutter på den sidste dag i sådant kvartal. Såfremt Udsteder er forpligtet til at udskyde en rentebetaling efter indtrædelsen af en Obligatorisk Udskydelsesbegivenhed på en Rentebetalingsdag, vil Udsteder ligeledes være forpligtet til på en eller flere efterfølgende Rentebetalingsdage at udskyde den rente, der ellers ville forfalde til betaling på Rentebetalingsdagene, indtil den Obligatoriske Udskydelsesbegivenhed er blevet afhjulpet på en efterfølgende Beregningsdag. Efter indtrædelsen af en eller flere Obligatoriske Udskydelsesbegivenheder må Udsteder først begynde at betale rente på Obligationerne på en Rentebetalingsdag, såfremt der på Beregningsdagen for den pågældende Renteberegningsdag (x) ikke er indtrådt nogen ny Obligatorisk Udskydelsesbegivenhed og (y) alle tidligere Obligatoriske Udskydelsesbegivenheder er afhjulpet. En Obligatorisk Udskydelsesbegivenhed, som er indtruffet på en tidligere Beregningsdag, skal anses for afhjulpet på en Beregningsdag, hvis det Korrigerede Egenkapitalbeløb per Garantens senest afsluttede og offentliggjorte kvartal før Beregningsdagen er forøget med mere end 90% af det Korrigerede Egenkapitalbeløb ved udgangen af Benchmark-kvartalet for den tidligere Beregningsdag, hvor den Obligatoriske Udskydelsesbegivenhed indtraf. Udstederen kan efter eget skøn vælge på den relevante Rentebetalingsdag at opfylde den rente, der ellers ville være forfaldent, med midler fremskaffet før Rentebetalingsdagen ved anvendelse af ACSM-mekanismen. 60 Betaling af Udskudte Rentebetalinger ... I disse tilfælde vil enhver sådan udskudt rente udgøre en “Obligatorisk Udskudt Rentebetaling” (sammen med nogen Frivillig Udstedt Rentebetaling benævnt “Udskudte Rentebetalinger”.) Udsteder kan til enhver tid med forudgående varsel helt eller delvist opfylde en Frivilligt Udskudt Rentebetaling, med midler, som er fremskaffet forud for datoen, hvor en Udskudt Rentebetaling forfalder til betaling (“Udskudt Afregningsdag”) via ACSM-mekanismen i overensstemmelse med Betingelse 3.4(a) i Betingelserne Udsteder vil opfylde (x) enhver Frivilligt Udskudt Rentebetaling med midler, som er fremskaffet forud for den Udskudte Afregningsdag via ACSMmekanismen, og (y) enhver Obligatorisk Udskudt Rentebetaling via ACSMmekanismen eller via APSM-mekanismen i følgende tilfælde: (i) Udsteder vil opfylde enhver Udskudt Rentebetaling på Obligationernes indfrielsesdato. (ii) Udsteder vil opfylde enhver Udskudt Rentebetaling på den næstfølgende Rentebetalingsdag (x) efter den dato, hvor Udsteder eller Garanten foretager fuld betaling af rente eller af en udskudt betaling på noget Sidestillet Værdipapir, eller (y) efter den dato, hvor Udsteder eller Garanten foretager fuld betaling af rente eller af en udskudt betaling på noget Efterstillet Værdipapir, eller (z) såfremt der frem til udgangen af Beregningsdagen efter sådan Rentebetalingsdag på Garantens årlige generalforsamling (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) umiddelbart forud for sådan Rentebetalingsdag er truffet beslutning om udlodning af udbytte eller anden udlodning eller betaling i relation til nogen af Garantens aktieklasser, eller såfremt der siden sådan ordinær generalforsamling (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) i Garanten er foretaget nogen udbetaling som følge af overskud på balancen. (iii) Såfremt Udsteder eller Garanten foretager nogen delvis rentebetaling eller delvis betaling af en udskudt betaling på noget Sidestillet Værdipapir eller noget Efterstillet Værdipapir, vil Udsteder betale enhver Udskudt Rentebetaling i samme forhold på den første Rentebetalingsdag efter, at sådan betaling blev foretaget. I så fald skal andelen svare til det resultat, der fremkommer ved at dividere det faktiske udligningsbeløb til dækning af den udskudte betaling med det udestående beløb på den udskudte betaling. (iv) Udsteder vil opfylde enhver Udskudt Rentebetaling senest 10 år efter den relevante Rentebetalingsdag. (v) Udsteder vil opfylde enhver Udskudt Rentebetaling på den dato, hvor en opløsningsgrund for Udsteder eller Garanten indtræder som anført i § 262, stk. 1, i den tyske lov om aktieselskaber (Aktiengesetz) (bortset fra med henblik på eller ifølge en sammenlægning, rekonstruktion eller omstrukturering, mens selskabet er solvent, hvor det fortsættende selskab overtager stort set samtlige henholdsvis Udsteders eller Garantens aktiver og forpligtelser). 61 Alternativ Aktiekuponbetalingsmekanisme (Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism) (“ACSM-mekanismen”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Udsteder må kun foretage rentebetaling, som Udsteder ikke udskyder via ACSM-mekanismen, såfremt og i den udstrækning Garanten har fremskaffet den kapital, der er nødvendige for at opfylde rentebetalingen ved at udstede eller sælge aktier i Garanten (“Betalingsaktierne”) senest 6 måneder før den relevante Rentebetalingsdag. Såfremt Udsteder vælger eller er forpligtet til at indfri nogen Udskudt Rentebetaling via ACSM-mekanismen, vil Udsteder anmode Garanten om at fremskaffe den kapital, der er nødvendige for at opfylde den relevante betaling ved udstedelse eller salg af Garantens Betalingsaktier i perioden fra og med den dag, der kommer 6 måneder før den relevante Udskudte Afregningsdag indtil (men ikke inklusiv) den dag, der kommer 5 år efter den relevante Udskudte Afregningsdag. Garanten skal under ingen omstændigheder være forpligtet til at udstede nye aktier eller sælge egne aktier. Obligationsindehaverne er underrettet om, at Garanten i henhold til bestemmelser i tysk aktieselskabslovgivning eller i øvrigt kan være afskåret fra at udstede nye aktier eller sælge egne aktier. Garanten kan i forbindelse med indfrielsen af en Obligatorisk Udskudt Rentebetaling i overensstemmelse med ACSM-mekanismen placere et antal Betalingsaktier i hvert kalenderår, hvilket antal ikke må overstige 2,00% af Garantens udstedte aktiekapital (Grundkapital) på det pågældende tidspunkt. I tilfælde af manglende opfyldelse i relation til nogen Obligatorisk Udskudt Rentebetaling af noget krav for udnyttelsen af ACSMmekanismen, eller i det omfang førnævnte maksimumgrænse overskrides, eller det beløb, som forfalder til betaling, overstiger provenuet, vil Udsteder opfylde den Obligatorisk Udskudte Rentebetaling i sådan udstrækning via APSM-mekanismen, medmindre Udsteder forud herfor har valgt at anvende APSMmekanismen i forbindelse med den relevante Obligatorisk Udskudte Rentebetaling og var forpligtet til at anvende ACSM-mekanismen i tillæg til APSM-mekanismen, i hvilket tilfælde Udsteders forpligtelse til at indfri den Obligatorisk Udskudte Rentebetaling ophører i sådan udstrækning. I tilfælde af manglende opfyldelse i relation til nogen Frivilligt Udskudt Rentebetaling af noget krav for udnyttelsen af ACSM-mekanismen, eller i det omfang det beløb, som ville være forfaldent overstiger provenuet for udbuddet af Betalingsværdipapirerne, skal Udsteders forpligtelse til at opfylde den Frivilligt Udskudte Rentebetaling ophøre i en sådan udstrækning. Såfremt Udsteder er forpligtet til at opfylde en Udskudt Rentebetaling på en dag, hvor der for Udsteder eller Garanten er en opløsningsgrund i henhold til § 262, stk. 1, i den tyske aktieselskabslov (Aktiengesetz), kan Udsteder eller Garanten dog ikke anvende ACSM, ligesom Udsteders forpligtelser vedrørende sådanne ikke-betalte beløb skal rangere pari passu med Udsteders forpligtelser vedrørende Obligationernes hovedstol med et beløb op til grænsen for APSMmekanismen. 62 Alternativ Sidestillet Værdipapirkuponbetalingsmekanisme (Alternative Parity Securities Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism) (“APSM-mekanismen”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Såfremt Udsteder har givet meddelelse om betaling af nogen Udskudt Rentebetaling for det relevante renteår i overensstemmelse med APSM-mekanismen, vil Udsteder eller Garanten fremskaffe den nødvendige kapital til opfyldelse af den Obligatorisk Udskudte Rentebetaling ved, direkte eller indirekte, udstedelse og salg af hybride finansielle instrumenter på vilkår og betingelser (især i relation til bestemmelserne om udskydelse af honorarer, betaling af udskudte honorarer og om ændringer), der svarer til Betingelserne og som repræsenterer lovpligtig kapital (Eigenmittel) med mindst tilsvarende status (“Betalingsværdipapirerne”) i en periode fra og med den dag, der kommer 6 måneder før den relevante Udskudte Afregningsdag indtil (men ikke inklusiv) den dag, der kommer 5 år efter den pågældende Udskudte Afregningsdag. Den samlede hovedstol for samtlige Betalingsværdipapirer udstedt i henhold til APSM-mekanismen må ikke overstiger 25% af Obligationernes samlede hovedstol på Udstedelsestidspunktet. I tilfælde af manglende opfyldelse af kravet for udnyttelse af APSMmekanismen, eller i det omfang førnævnte maksimumgrænse overskrides, eller det rentebeløb, som forfalder til betaling, overstiger provenuet fra udbuddet af Betalingsværdipapirerne, vil Udsteder indfri den Obligatorisk Udskudte Rentebetaling i sådan udstrækning via ACSM-mekanismen, medmindre Udsteder forud herfor har valgt at anvende ACSM-mekanismen i forbindelse med den relevante Obligatorisk Udskudte Rentebetaling og var forpligtet til at anvende APSM-mekanismen i tillæg til ACSM-mekanismen, i hvilket tilfælde Udsteders forpligtelse til at indfri den Obligatorisk Udskudte Rentebetaling ophører i sådan udstrækning. Beskatning .............................. Negative Pledge-bestemmelse ........... Alle hovedstols- og renteudbetalinger i forbindelse med Obligationerne (herunder betalinger foretaget af Garanten i henhold til Garantien) vil være uden indeholdelse af eller fradrag for skatter, afgifter, ligninger eller offentlige gebyrer af enhver art, der pålægges, opkræves, inddrives, indeholdes eller lignes af henholdsvis Holland eller Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland eller nogen politisk underinddeling deraf eller enhver myndighed i henholdsvis Holland eller Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland, som har bemyndigelse til at påligne skat, medmindre Udsteder eller Garanten er forpligtet til ved lov at foretage sådan indeholdelse eller fradrag. Såfremt der foretages sådan indeholdelse eller fradrag som følge af nogen lovændring, vil henholdsvis Udsteder eller Garanten betale sådanne yderligere beløb, som Obligationsindehaverne ville have modtaget, såfremt sådan indeholdelse eller fradrag ikke havde været påkrævet, med respekt af sædvanlige undtagelser som anført i Betingelserne. Der er ikke til Obligationsvilkårene knyttet nogen negative pledgebestemmelse. Kombineret misligholdelse (Cross Default) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Der er ikke til Obligationsvilkårene knyttet nogen bestemmelse om kombineret misligholdelse for så vidt angår Udsteders eller Garantens øvrige forpligtelser. 63 Børsnotering ............................ Der er indgivet en ansøgning om notering af Obligationerne på det officielle marked (Amtlicher Markt) på børsen i Frankfurt. Lovvalg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obligationerne og Garantien vil være undergivet tysk ret. Salgsbegrænsninger Værneting ..................... Der vil være visse begrænsninger i forbindelse med udbud og salg af Obligationerne og offentliggørelsen af udbudsmateriale i EØSlandene, USA, Østrig, Belgien, Danmark, Frankrig, Irland, Portugal, Sverige og Storbritanien. .............................. Frankfurt am Main, Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland, vil være ikkeeksklusivt værneting for enhver retssag, som måtte opstå i henhold til Obligationerne. Clearing og Afvikling ISIN-fondskode ................... ......................... Obligationerne vil blive clearet gennem Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main. DE000A0GNPZ3 Fælleskode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024513742 Tysk Værdipapirkode (WKN) ........... A0GNPZ Resumé vedrørende Risikofaktorerne Risikofaktorer forbundet med Obligationerne Enhver investering i Obligationerne indebærer visse risici, som kan henføres til Obligationernes Karakteristik. Sådanne risici kan resultere i Udsteders manglende betaling af hovedstol og renter, i Garantens manglende betaling under Garantien og/eller i en væsentlig forringelse af markedskursen for Obligationerne. De med Obligationerne forbundne risici er især et resultat af, at • Udsteder ikke er forpligtet til at indløse Obligationerne, og at Obligationsindehaverne ikke er berettiget til at forlange indfrielse, • der til Obligationerne kan være knyttet et krav om førtidig indfrielse til pålydende værdi efter en Bruttoficeringsbegivenhed (Gross-up Event), og til et Førtidsindfrielsesbeløb (Make-whole Amount) efter en Skattebegivenhed (Tax Event) eller en Regulatorisk Begivenhed (Regulatory Event). Såfremt Udsteder indfrier Obligationerne i et sådant tilfælde, er det muligt, at Obligationsejerne kun kan geninvestere indfrielsesbeløbet i værdipapirer med et lavere afkast. • der ikke er nogen begrænsninger med hensyn til de gældsforpligtelser, som Udsteder eller Garanten kan påtage sig i fremtiden, • Udsteders betalingsforpligtelser i henhold til Obligationerne og Garantens betalingsforpligtelser i henhold til Garantien udgør efterstillede forpligtelser på henholdsvis Udsteder og Garanten, og • Udsteder kan vælge at, eller ligefrem være forpligtet til at, udskyde rentebetalinger, såfremt visse krav er opfyldt. Risikofaktorer forbundet med Udsteder Udsteder er et finansieringsselskab for Allianz-koncernen. Udsteder fremskaffer i denne egenskab bl.a. kapital og kapital til videreudlån til koncernselskaber i Allianz-koncernen via koncerninterne lån. I tilfælde af et koncernselskabs manglende opfyldelse af sine betalingsforpligtelser i relation til et koncerninternt lån, kan dette føre til, at Udsteder ikke vil være i stand til at opfylde sine betalingsforpligtelser under Obligationerne. Risikofaktorer forbundet med Garanten Allianz-koncernens aktiviteter, og følgelig også Obligationernes værdi, er udsat for en række risici. Afsnittet indeholder en beskrivelse af visse risici, som kan have en væsentlig negativ indvirkning på Garantens finansielle stilling og driftsresultat: 64 • Rentevolatilitet kan have en væsentlig negativ indvirkning på Allianz-koncernens driftsresultat. • Markedsrisici kan forringe værdien af Allianz-koncernens portefølje og indvirke negativt på Garantens finansielle stilling og driftsresultat. • Markeds- og øvrige faktorer kan have en negativ indvirkning på goodwill, udskudte erhvervelsesomkostninger og udskudte skatteaktiver. Ændringer i skattelovgivningen kan ligeledes potentielt set indvirke på Allianz-koncernens udskudte skatteaktiver. • Allianz AG virker både som genforsikringsselskab og som holdingselskab for Allianz-koncernen, og er således udsat for forskellige likviditetsrisici. • Tabsreserver for Allianz-koncernens ejendoms-, ulykkes- og skadesforsikringer samt genforsikringspolicer er baseret på estimater for fremtidige erstatningsudgifter. En negativ udvikling i skader kan føre til yderligere hensættelser til reserven og have en væsentlig negativ indvirkning på Allianz-koncernens driftsresultat. • Aktuarmæssige erfaringer og andre faktorer kan afvige fra forudsætningerne i beregningen af livs-/ sundhedsforsikringsreserver og pensionsforpligtelser. • Katastrofer kan have en væsentlig negativ indvirkning på Allianz-koncernens økonomiske resultat. • Allianz-koncernen er udsat for en væsentlig modpartsrisiko. • En negativ udvikling for Dresdner Bank, herunder i udviklingen af driftsresultatet, i niveauet for tab på lån eller nedskrivninger og værdiforringelser, kan have en negativ indvirkning på Allianz-koncernens resultat og kan føre til kapitalkrav, der kunne indskrænke Garantens aktiviteter. • Mange af virksomhederne i Allianz-koncernen er afhængige af den finansielle styrke og den kreditvurdering, som Allianz AG har opnået hos forskellige kreditvurderingsinstitutter. Enhver nedklassificering i Allianz AG’s kreditvurdering kan have en væsentlig negativ indvirkning på kundeforhold og forholdet til handelsleddene, ligesom det kan have en negativ indvirkning på Allianzkoncernens salg af produkter og forøge koncernens låneomkostninger. • Såfremt Allianz-koncernens porteføljeforvaltningsaktiviteter ikke yder som forventet, kan det føre til en nedgang i aktiver under forvaltning og relaterede honorarindtægter. • Den forøgede verdenspolitiske risiko efter terrorangrebet den 11. september 2001 og et eventuelt fremtidigt terrorangreb kan have en permanent negativ indvirkning på Allianz-koncernens aktiviteter. • Ændringer i eksisterende eller ny lovgivning eller regler i lande, hvor Allianz-koncernen driver virksomhed, kan have en væsentlig negativ indvirkning på koncernen. • Ændringer i skattelovgivningen kan have en negativ indvirkning på Allianz-koncernens aktiviteter. • Ændringer i værdien af valutaer uden for Euro-zonen i forhold til Euroen, i hvilke Allianz-koncernen har indtægter og pådrager sig udgifter, kan have en negativ indvirkning på koncernens regnskabsmæssige indtjening og pengestrøm. • De fordele, som Allianz AG realiserer ved fusionen med Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”), kan afvige væsentligt fra selskabets aktuelle forventninger. • Allianz-koncernens eller branchens faktiske resultater, udvikling eller præstationer kan afvige væsentligt fra eller udvikle sig dårligere end de kommunikerede udsagn om fremtiden på grund af uforudsigelige politiske, makro-økonomiske eller demografiske påvirkninger. Såfremt nogle af ovennævnte risici manifesterer sig, kan dette have betydning for Garantens mulighed for at opfylde sine betalingsforpligtelser i henhold til Garantien og/eller medføre en reduktion i markedskursen på Obligationerne. Resumé vedrørende Udsteder Udsteder blev stiftet som et hollandsk selskab med begrænset hæftelse (private limited liability company) i Holland den 8. maj 2000 for en ubegrænset periode i henhold til hollandsk lovgivning. Udsteder er et 100%-ejet datterselskab af Allianz AG og fungerer som en finansieringsenhed inden for Allianz-koncernen. Udsteder har sit hovedsæde i Amsterdam på følgende forretningsadresse: Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, Holland, tlf. (+31)(20) 5569710. Udsteder er registreret hos selskabsregistret i Amsterdam under registreringsnummer 34134406. 65 Udsteders formål er, som anført i vedtægternes pkt. 2, at drive alle former for finansiel virksomhed, herunder især udlån og lånoptagning, inklusiv udstedelse af obligationer og investeringer i selskaber og virksomheder. Udsteders direktion består på nuværende tidspunkt af Dirk Schoon, Hero Wentzel og Dr. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. Udsteders bestyrelse består på nuværende tidspunkt af Michael Diekmann, Dr. Paul Achleitner og Stephan Theissing. KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, Holland, er revisor for Allianz Finance II B.V. Nedenstående tabel viser hoved- og nøgletal for Udsteder: Allianz Finance II B.V. Pr. 30. september (for de første 9 måneder) 2005 2004 (urevideret) € € Pr. 31. december (årsafslutning) 2004 2003 € € 9.329.056.504 364.490.526 6.654.019.238 316.092.403 6.602.060.884 258.734.477 6.641.659.010 904.824.759 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 ................................. 2.400.749 2.097.756 932.595 987.413 Langfristet gæld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kortfristet gæld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.329.056.504 362.089.777 6.654.019.235 313.994.650 6.602.060.881 257.801.885 6.641.659.010 903.837.346 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 Anlægsaktiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omsætningsaktiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egenkapital Resumé vedrørende Garanten Allianz AG er et tysk aktieselskab stiftet i henhold til tysk ret og registreret som “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” i handelsregistret ved den lokale domstol (Amtsgericht) i München under nummer HRB 7158. Allianz AG’s registrerede hovedsæde og forretningsadresse er Königinstrasse 28, 80802 München, Tyskland, tlf. (+49)(89) 3800-00. Oversigt over forretningsaktiviteter Allianz-koncernen er blandt verdens største udbydere af finansielle ydelser og udbyder forsikrings-, bankog porteføljeforvaltningsydelser inden for forretningssegmenterne ejendoms-, ulykkes- og skadesforsikringer, livs- og sygeforsikringer, bankvirksomhed og porteføljeforvaltningsaktiviteter. Allianz-koncernen er en af verdens største forsikringskoncerner målt på bruttopræmier tegnet i 2004 og er det største tyske forsikringsselskab inden for ejendoms-, ulykkes- og skadesforsikringer og livs- og sygeforsikringer målt på bruttopræmier tegnet i 2004. Allianz-koncernen er ligeledes blandt de største forsikringsselskaber i andre lande, herunder Frankrig, Italien, Storbritanien, Schweiz og Spanien og er et af de største tyske finansielle institutioner målt på markedsværdi pr. 30. september 2005. Siden begyndelsen af august 2005 har Allianz AG haft en kreditvurdering på A+ hos A.M. Best og AA– hos Standard & Poor’s, begge med en stabil udsigt, samt en kreditvurdering på Aa3 hos Moody’s på foranstillet usikret gæld med en stabil udsigt. Allianz AG blev stiftet i Berlin den 5. februar 1890 under navnet “Allianz VersicherungsAktiengesellschaft”. I 1949 flyttede Allianz AG sin hovedadministration fra Berlin til München. På baggrund af en tilsvarende generalforsamlingsbeslutning dateret 27. juni 1985 blev Allianz AG omdannet til et holdingselskab, og det ændrede navn til “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding”. I overensstemmelse med en tilsvarende generalforsamlingsbeslutning dateret 7. oktober 1996 ændrede Allianz AG igen navn til “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft”. 66 Udover sine aktiviteter inden for ejendoms-, ulykkes- og skadesforsikringer og livs- og sygeforsikringer oprettede Allianz-koncernen i 1998 finansielle ydelser som sit tredje kernevirksomhedssegment. I 2001, efter overtagelsen af Dresdner Bank AG (i det følgende benævnt “Dresdner Bank” og sammen med dets konsoliderede datterselskaber benævnt “Dresdner Bank-koncernen”), reorganiserede Allianz-koncernen sit segment for finansielle ydelser til separate bank- og porteføljeforvaltningssegmenter. Målt på aktiver under forvaltning pr. 31. december 2004 var Allianz-koncernen en af verdens fem største porteføljeforvaltere. Inden for sit banksegment, som nu er koncernens fjerde kerneforretningssegment, gjorde overtagelsen af Dresdner Bank Allianz-koncernen til en af Tysklands største banker og gav koncernen en væsentlig udvidet bankdistributionskanal til sine ejendoms-, ulykkes- og skadesforsikringer, livs- og sygeforsikringer samt porteføljeforvaltningsprodukter og -ydelser. Allianz-koncernens forretning drives på lokalt niveau, hvorimod koncernens specialprodukter og porteføljeforvaltningssegment forvaltes og drives på globalt niveau. Allianz-koncernens tyske aktiviteter inden for ejendoms-, ulykkes- og skadesforsikringer og livs- og sygeforsikringer drives af datterselskaber, som primært er beliggende i München og Stuttgart. Koncernens ikke-tyske aktiviteter drives lokalt. Frankrig, Italien, Storbritanien, Schweiz, Spanien og USA er blandt Allianz-koncernens største ikke-tyske markeder. Hver af Allianz-koncernens specialprodukter inden for debitorforsikring, søforsikring og luftfartsforsikring, international industririsikogenforsikring gennem Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs–AG og rejseforsikring og assistanceydelser forvaltes og drives på globalt niveau. Allianz-koncernens porteføljeforvaltningssegment drives ligeledes på globalt niveau med primære hovedsæder i München, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong, Milano, Westport, Connecticut og San Francisco, San Diego og Newport Beach, Californien. Allianzkoncernens banksegment drives gennem koncernens ca. 960 tyske og Dresdner Banks ikke-tyske filialkontorer (pr. 30. september 2005) og flere datterselskaber med væsentlige aktiviteter i Tyskland, Storbritanien, andre europæiske lande og USA. Oplysninger vedrørende tendenser i markedet Allianz-koncernen forventer en samlet stigning i den samlede omsætning på niveau med 2004 og de første ni måneder af 2005 og fortsætter med at fokusere på at fastholde og forbedre sit driftsresultat. Naturkatastrofer og en negativ udvikling i kapitalmarkederne samt de ovenfor nævnte risikofaktorer kan dog have en alvorlig indvirkning på Allianz-koncernens rentabilitet. Direktion, tilsynsråd og medarbejdere Allianz AG’s direktion består af følgende 11 medlemmer: Michael Diekmann (formand), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philippe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter og Dr. Werner Zedelius. Allianz AG’s tilsynsråd (Aufsichtsrat) (“Tilsynsråd”) består af følgende 20 medlemmer: Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (formand), Norbert Blix (vice-formand), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B. Humer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer og Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower. Den 30. september 2005 havde Allianz-koncernen i alt 178.462 ansatte på verdensplan, hvoraf 105.284 var ansat uden for Tyskland. Storaktionærer Pr. 31. december 2004 var Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (eller “Munich Re”) den eneste storaktionær i Allianz AG og ejede pr. samme dato ca. 9,0% af aktiekapitalen i Allianz AG eller ca. 9,4% af de udestående aktier i Allianz AG. Den 14. juli 2005 modtog Allianz AG meddelelse fra Munich Re i henhold til den tyske værdipapirhandelslov (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz eller “WpHG”) om, at Munich Re reducerede sin ejerandel i Allianz AG til under 5%, og at Munich Re pr. samme dato ejede 4,9% af aktiekapitalen i Allianz AG. 67 I lyset af væsentlige ændringer i forholdet mellem Allianz-koncernen og Munich Re – især den væsentlige nedgang i de gensidige aktiebesiddelser, opsigelsen af aftalen vedrørende “Samarbejdsprincipper” og ophør af tilsynsråd med personsammenfald (board interlocks) – betragter Allianz AG ikke længere Munich Re som en nærtstående part. Udvalgte finansielle oplysninger Allianz-koncernen Driftsresultat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nettoindtægt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pengestrøm* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samlede aktiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egenkapital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samlede passiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. september 2005 (urevideret) millioner € 31. december 2004 31. december 2003 millioner € millioner € 5.917 3.508 18.675 989.198 48.588 940.610 6.839 2.266 4.616 990.318 37.691 952.627 3.982 2.691 (1.397) 933.213 35.259 897.954 * Pengestrøm fra Primær Drift Yderligere oplysninger Registreret aktiekapital Allianz AG’s aktiekapital er på nuværende tidspunkt €1.039.462.400 og er fordelt på 406.040.000 aktier uden pålydende værdi. Lovpligtig revisor Allianz AG har udpeget KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 München, Tyskland, til revisor for regnskabsåret, som slutter 31. december 2005. Dokumenter til eftersyn Så længe en Obligation er udestående, foreligger kopi af følgende dokumenter til eftersyn i fysisk form inden for Udsteders og Garantens normale åbningstider på Udstederens og Garantens hjemsted og på den for prim ær Betalingsagenten angivne adresse: (a) Garantien, (b) Udsteders vedtægter, (c) Garantens vedtægter (Satzung), (d) Prospektet, og (e) samtlige sådanne rapporter, breve og øvrige dokumenter, historiske regnskabsoplysninger, værdifastsættelser og erklæringer udarbejdet af nogen sagkyndig person på Udsteders og/eller Garantens anmodning, som er inkluderet eller refereret til i Udsteders og Garantens beskrivelse. 68 RESUME EN FRANCAIS le Résumé Le résumé (le “Résumé”) ci-après est une description des caractéristiques essentielles et des risques principaux liés à l’Emetteur, au Garant et aux Obligations. Il doit être lu comme une introduction du présent Prospectus. Toute décision d’investir dans les Obligations doit être fondée sur un examen exhaustif du Prospectus, des documents incorporés par référence et de leurs suppléments. Lorsqu’une action concernant l’information contenue dans le Prospectus, les documents incorporés par référence et leurs suppléments est intentée devant un tribunal, l’investisseur plaignant peut, selon la législation nationale d’un Etat membre de l’Espace Economique Européen, avoir à supporter les frais de traduction du Prospectus, des documents incorporés par référence et de leurs suppléments avant le début de la procédure judiciaire. Une action en responsabilité civile à l’encontre de l’Emetteur, du Garant et de Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft ne peut être intentée dans cet Etat membre sur le fondement du seul Résumé ou de sa traduction dont ils ont demandé la notification que si le contenu du Résumé est trompeur, inexact ou contradictoire par rapport aux informations contenues dans les autres parties du Prospectus. Ce Résumé contient des prévisions relatives entre autres à la performance financière future de l’Emetteur, d’Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (désigné ci-après, « Allianz AG ») et de ses filiales consolidées (désignées ci-après, ensemble avec Allianz AG, le « Groupe Allianz ») et relatives aux projets et attentes sur l’évolution de l’activité, de la croissance et de la profitabilité du Groupe Allianz et relatives aux conditions générales de l’industrie et de l’activité du Groupe Allianz. Allianz Group a établi ces prévisions d’après ses attentes, présomptions, estimations et projections actuelles d’événements futurs. Ces prévisions dépendent d’un certain nombre de risques, incertitudes et présomptions qui peuvent rendre significativement différents ou moins favorables les résultats et la performance réels du Groupe Allianz ainsi que ceux de son industrie par rapport à ces prévisions. L’ Emetteur, Allianz AG et Dresdner Bank AG n’ont à leur charge aucune obligation de mettre à jour ces prévisions et de les adapter par rapport aux événements et développements futurs, sous réserve de ce qui est exigé par la loi. Résumé relatif aux Obligations Le montant principal final, le prix d’émission et le taux d’intérêt des Obligations seront déterminés aux alentours du [1 mars] 2006 à l’issue de la procédure de constitution d’ordres (bookbuilding) auprès d’ investisseurs qualifiés. Emetteur Garant ................................ .................................. Montant Principal ....................... Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft [jusqu’à 1 milliard] EURO Chefs de File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch Dresdner Bank AG London Branch (qui apparaît sur la page de couverture sous son nom commercial « Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein ») UBS Limited (désignés « Chefs de File ») Co-Chefs de File ........................ Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen – Girozentrale WestLB AG 69 (désignés avec les « Chefs de File », les « Membres du Syndicat de Placement ») Agent Financier, Agent Payeur Principal et Agent de Calcul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Prix d’Emission ......................... Date d’Emission ........................ [98-101] % [3 mars] 2006 Valeur Nominale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Les Obligations seront émises à une valeur nominale de 1000 EURO par Obligation. Forme .................................. Rang de créance des Obligations ........ Les Obligations sont au porteur et seront initialement représentées par un Titre Global Temporaire (sans coupons d’intérêts attachés) qui sera déposé auprès de (ou pour le compte de) Clearstream Banking AG, Francfort sur le Main (la « Centrale de Compensation »). Le Titre Global Temporaire ne sera échangeable contre un Titre Global Permanent (sans coupons d’intérêts attachés) que 40 jours après la Date d’Emission, sous réserve de l’obtention d’un certificat établissant que le bénéficiaire n’est pas un ressortissant des Etats-Unis conformément aux règles et procédures de la Centrale de Compensation. Tout paiement au titre de ce Titre Global Temporaire ne se fera que sur présentation de ce certificat. Aucun titre physique représentatif des Obligations ni aucun coupon d’intérêts ne sera émis. Les engagements relatifs aux Obligations constituent des engagements de l’Emetteur non assortis de sûretés et subordonnés. Ces engagements viennent au même rang entre eux et au moins au même rang que tout autre engagement de l’Emetteur non assorti de sûretés et subordonné à durée indéterminée existant à la Date d’Emission (sous réserve des dispositions impératives de la loi). En cas de liquidation, de dissolution, d’insolvabilité, d’accord ou de procédure tendant à éviter l’insolvabilité de l’Emetteur, les engagements de l’Emetteur au titre de ses Obligations seront subordonnés par rapport aux créances chirographaires ou subordonnés à durée déterminée de l’Emetteur. Ainsi aucun paiement dû au titre des Obligations n’interviendra avant le désintéressement complet de tous ces créanciers. Aucune sûreté (sous réserve de la Garantie subordonnée) de quelque nature que ce soit n’est, ou ne sera, à aucun moment, accordée par l’Emetteur ou par une personne au profit des Porteurs d’Obligations. Aucun accord ultérieur ne pourra limiter la subordination ni réduire le délai de préavis (Kündigungsfrist) relatif aux Obligations. Si les Obligations sont remboursées par anticipation, les montants remboursés doivent être restitués à l’Emetteur, nonobstant l’existence de tout contrat contraire, à moins que l’Emetteur n’ait été dissous ou que les montants remboursés n’aient été remplacés par un capital de montant au moins égal (Eigenmittel) et de rang équivalent ou à moins que l’Autorité Fédérale de Surveillance Financière ou toute autorité qui pourrait la remplacer n’ait donné son accord au remboursement. Un Porteur d’Obligations ne peut compenser une créance au titre de ces Obligations avec une créance qu’aurait l’Emetteur à son encontre. 70 L’Emetteur ne peut compenser une créance à l’encontre d’un Porteur d’Obligations avec l’un de ses engagements au titre de ces Obligations. Garantie ................................ Le Garant va consentir une Garantie inconditionnelle et irrévocable de rang subordonné pour le paiement du principal, des intérêts et de tout autre montant dû au titre des Obligations. La Garantie constitue un contrat au profit des Porteurs d’Obligations successifs qui en bénéficient en tant que tiers bénéficiaires conformément aux dispositions de l’article 328 alinéa 1 du Code civil allemand (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). Ce contrat donne le droit à chaque Porteur d’Obligations de réclamer directement au Garant la mise en oeuvre de la Garantie et de lui opposer directement. En cas de liquidation, dissolution, insolvabilité ou de procédure tendant à éviter l’insolvabilité du Garant, les créances des Porteurs d’Obligations au titre de la Garantie ne seront éteintes qu’après, et seulement après, le désintéressement complet de tous les créanciers chirographaires et bénéficiaires de créances subordonnées à durée déterminée du Garant. Les Porteurs d’Obligations acceptent expressément que conformément aux circonstances décrites ci-dessus les paiements dus au titre des Obligations ne seront effectués par le Garant au titre de la Garantie qu’en application de la subordination décrite ci-après. Aucun Porteur d’Obligations ne peut compenser une créance au titre de la Garantie contre une créance que le Garant peut avoir à son encontre. Le Garant peut compenser une créance d’un Porteur d’Obligations au titre de la Garantie seulement si le montant de cette créance a été remplacé par une autre créance d’un montant au moins équivalent (Eigenmittel) d’un rang de créance au moins égal ou si l’Autorité Fédérale de Surveillance Financière (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) ou toute autre autorité qui pourrait la remplacer a donné son accord pour procéder à une telle compensation et sous réserve que la Condition de Solvabilité (définie ci-après) soit remplie. Remboursement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Les Obligations n’ont pas de date d’échéance finale. Elles sont remboursables en totalité, mais non en partie, au gré de l’Emetteur pour leur montant principal le [3 mars] 2011 et à chaque Date de Paiement d’Intérêts suivante (telle que définie ci-après). L’Emetteur peut également rembourser les Obligations en totalité, mais non en partie, pour leur montant principal ainsi que les intérêts, courus à tout moment suivant la survenance d’un Evénement de Brutage (défini ci-après) et, pour le Montant Complet, suivant la survenance d’un Evénement Fiscal ou d’un Evénement Réglementaire (tous les termes étant définis ci-après). Dans toutes ces circonstances, l’Emetteur peut appeler et procéder au remboursement des Obligations seulement si la Condition de Solvabilité (telle que définie ci-après) est remplie et si le montant principal des Obligations qui doit être remboursé a été remplacé par un capital réglementaire au moins équivalent ou si l’Autorité Fédérale de Surveillance Financière ou toute autorité qui pourrait la remplacer a donné son accord pour un tel remboursement. 71 Un « Evénement de Brutage » est reputé avoir lieu lorsque l’Emetteur a été ou sera contraint par une autorité législative, un tribunal ou toute autre autorité de payer des Montants Additionnels ou lorsque le Garant a été ou sera contraint de payer des Montants Additionnels au titre de paiements exigibles dans le cadre de la Garantie, ceci en conséquence d’une modification ou d’un changement des lois néerlandaises ou allemandes (ou toute règle ou tout règlement qui s’y rapporte) ou de toute subdivision politique ou toute autorité des Pays-Bas ou située aux Pays Bas ou de la République Fédérale d’Allemagne ou située dans la République Fédérale d’Allemagne, ou en conséquence d’un changement ou d’une modification de toute interprétation officielle ou application de ces lois, règles ou règlements et que cette obligation ne puisse pas être évitée par l’Emetteur ou le Garant, le cas échéant, en prenant les mesures raisonnables qu’il considère appropriées (en agissant de bonne foi). Un « Evénement Fiscal » est réputé avoir lieu si en conséquence d’une modification ou d’un changement des lois néerlandaises ou allemandes (ou de toute règle ou tout règlement qui s’y rapporte) ou de toute subdivision politique ou toute autorité fiscale de ces pays ou en conséquence d’une modification ou d’un changement de toute interprétation officielle ou application de ces lois, règles ou règlements par une autorité législative, un tribunal, une agence gouvernementale ou une autorité de régulation (y compris l’adoption d’une législation ou la publication d’une décision judiciaire ou d’un avis d’une autorité de régulation), tout paiement d’intérêts par l’Emetteur au titre des Obligations ou tout paiement dû par le Garant au titre de la Garantie n’est plus (ou dans les 90 jours qui suivent la date de l’avis décrit ci-après ne sera plus) déductible intégralement par l’Emetteur et/ou le Garant au titre de l’impôt sur les revenus néerlandais et/ou allemand et que le risque ne peut pas être évité par l’Emetteur et/ou le Garant en prenant les mesures raisonnables qu’il considère appropriées (en agissant de bonne foi). Un « Evénement Réglementaire » est réputé avoir lieu si : (a) l’Autorité Fédérale de Surveillance Financière (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) ou toute autorité qui pourrait la remplacer déclare par écrit au Garant que les Obligations (en tout ou en partie) ne remplissent plus les exigences en matière de capital réglementaire ou de fonds propres pour la solvabilité du groupe ou pour la solvabilité seule du Garant ou pour la solvabilité visée dans la réglementation applicable aux conglomérats financiers. Ceci s’applique seulement si à tout moment avant cette déclaration les Obligations remplissaient ces exigences ; ou (b) à tout moment, le Garant ou le groupe du Garant est contraint pour des exigences en matière de capital réglementaire de disposer d’un certain niveau de capital réglementaire de base (Catégorie 1) (quelle que soit la manière dont il est décrit) et que les Obligations ne sont pas éligibles en tant que capital réglementaire de base pour la solvabilité du groupe ou pour la solvabilité visée dans la réglementation applicable aux conglomérats financiers. 72 Intérêts ................................. Les Obligations porteront intérêt sur le montant total principal à compter du [3 mars] 2006 (inclus) et jusqu’à la date de remboursement éventuelle (exclue) au taux de [5,00 – 5,875] % l’an payable annuellement à terme échu le [3 mars] de chaque année (chacune de ces dates constituant une « Date de Paiement d’Intérêts »). Le premier paiement d´intérêts devra être effectué le [3 mars] 2007. Si les intérêts doivent être calculés sur une période inférieure à une année entière, les intérêts devront être calculés sur la base du rapport entre le nombre de jours exacts de cette période et le nombre de jours (365 ou 366) de l’année considérée. Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Optionnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si à la fin du 10ème Jour Ouvré précédant la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts (la « Date de Détermination »), aucun dividende, paiement ou aucune distribution n’a été déclaré(e) au titre de toute catégorie d’actions du Garant lors de l’assemblée générale des actionnaires (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) du Garant qui précède immédiatement la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts et qu’aucun versement n’a été réalisé depuis cette assemblée générale au titre des bénéfices qui apparaissent au bilan, l’Emetteur peut, à son gré, à chaque Date de Paiement d’Intérêts différer le paiement des intérêts en respectant un délai de notification de [3] Jours Ouvrés. Dans ce cas précis, tout Paiement d’Intérêts ainsi différé constitue un Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Optionnel. Cette option de l’Emetteur ne peut être exercée que si la Condition de Solvabilité est remplie et qu’aucun Evénement de Différé Obligatoire (tel que défini ci-après) n’a eu lieu. L’Emetteur peut, à son gré, décider à toute Date de Paiement d’Intérêts de ne pas différer le paiement d’intérêts au moyen du Mécanisme Alternatif de Paiement d’Intérêts sous forme d’Actions (« Mécanisme APIA ») (décrit ci-après). Différé Obligatoire ou annulation du Paiement d’Intérêts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts, la Condition de Solvabilité n’est pas remplie, l’Emetteur devra différer le paiement des intérêts accrus pendant l’année d’intérêts jusqu’à cette Date de Paiement d’Intérêts (exclue), à moins que l’Emetteur choisisse à son gré de payer les intérêts à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts avec des fonds levés antérieurement à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts au moyen du Mécanisme APIA. La « Condition de Solvabilité » doit être considérée comme remplie lorsque : (A) le Garant et le Groupe du Garant disposent des fonds adéquats pour couvrir la marge de solvabilité minimum requise (ou tout terme équivalent en cas de changement des règles applicables) conformément aux dispositions de la loi allemande sur la surveillance des activités d’assurances (en ce qui concerne la solvabilité d’un groupe ou d’une simple entité ou la solvabilité visée par la réglementation applicable aux conglomérats financiers) et à la pratique administrative généralement reconnue (s’il en existe une) de l’Autorité Fédérale de Surveillance Financière et de toute autorité qui pourrait la remplacer et si ces fonds ne deviennent pas inférieurs à la marge de solvabilité minimum requise, ceci en conséquence d’un paiement d’intérêts 73 partiel ou intégral ou d’un remboursement qui serait exigible à un autre titre à cette Date de Paiement d’Intérêts ou à une date de remboursement et (B) aucun ordre de l’Autorité Fédérale de Surveillance Financière ou de toute autorité qui pourrait la remplacer n’interdit au Garant d’effectuer des paiements d’intérêts ou toute distribution ou tout remboursement (y compris au profit de Porteurs de Titres de Capital ou Assimilés ou de Titres de Rang de Créance Junior et (C) le Garant a la capacité de payer ses dettes à l’égard de ses Créanciers de Rang de Créance Senior (tels que définis ci-après) à leur date d’exigibilité et (D) l’Actif du Garant (tel que défini ci-après) est supérieur à son Passif (tel que défini ci-après) (les dettes de créanciers qui ne sont pas des Créanciers de Rang de Créance Senior étant exclues). « Actif » signie l’actif total non consolidé du Garant tel qu’il apparaît au bilan des derniers comptes annuels audités publiés du Garant ajusté en prenant compte des événements futurs, le tout déterminé par le Garant ou en cas de liquidation, par le liquidateur. « Passif » signifie le total du passif non consolidé du Garant tel qu’il apparaît au bilan des derniers comptes annuels audités publiés du Garant ajusté en prenant compte des événements futurs, le tout déterminé par le Garant ou en cas de liquidation, par le liquidateur. « Créanciers de Rang de Créance Senior » signifient les créanciers du Garant (a) qui sont des créanciers chirographaires du Garant, ou (b) dont les créances sont subordonnées aux créances des autres créanciers du Garant (autres que ceux dont la créance vient au même rang que la créance des Porteurs d’Obligations ou dont la créance est subordonnée à la créance des Porteurs d’Obligations). Si à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts un Evénement de Différé Obligatoire est survenu, l’Emetteur sera tenu de différer le paiement de tout Montant Excédentaire. « Montant Excédentaire » signifie en ce qui concerne le montant d’intérêt calculé sur le montant principal total des Obligations payable à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts et qui aurait été exigible (le « Montant d’Intérêts »), le montant par lequel le Montant d’Intérêts excède le Montant du Nouveau Capital (tel que défini ci-après). « Montant du Nouveau Capital » vise le produit net reçu par le Garant grâce à l’émission et/ou la vente d’actions ordinaires, d’actions de préférence et de tout instrument de même nature que les Obligations que les agences de notation assimilent à du capital ceci pendant une période de 180 jours avant cette Date de Paiement d’Intérêts et que le Garant a désigné comme disponible au moment ou avant l’émission pour le paiement de toute somme due au titre des Obligations. Un « Evénement de Différé Obligatoire » est réputé être survenu à une Date de Paiement d’Intérêts si, jusqu’à la fin de la Date de Détermination, (x) le Résultat Net des Quatre Trimestres Cumulés (tel que défini ci-après), de la période des quatre trimestres du Garant qui s’achève lors du trimestre qui se situe deux trimestres avant le 74 plus récent trimestre achevé et publié du Garant, est égal ou inférieur à zéro ; et (y) le Montant de Capital Ajusté (tel que défini ci-après), constaté à la fin du plus récent trimestre achevé et publié du Garant et à la fin du trimestre qui se situe deux trimestres avant le plus récent trimestre achevé et publié du Garant, a diminué d’au moins 10% comparé au Montant de Capital Ajusté constaté à la fin du trimestre du Garant qui se situe dix trimestres avant le plus récent trimestre achevé et publié du Garant (le « Trimestre de Référence »). Pour les besoins de ce paragraphe : « Montant de Capital Ajusté » constaté à la fin de tout trimestre du Garant signifie le montant des capitaux propres avant prise en compte des intérêts minoritaires tel qu’ils apparaissent dans le bilan consolidé du Garant en cette fin de ce trimestre, tel que déterminé en conformité avec les Normes Comptables Applicables (telles que définies ci-après) soustraction faite des ajustements de conversion de devises et des pertes et profits (nets) latents tels qu’ils apparaissent dans ce bilan consolidé. « Normes Comptables Applicables » signifie les normes comptables internationales IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) applicables aux dates et périodes concernées ou toutes autres normes comptables généralement reconnues en Allemagne et appliquées par le Garant qui les remplaceraient ultérieurement. « Résultat Net des Quatre Trimestres » constaté à la fin de tout trimestre du Garant signifie la somme du résultat net consolidé du Garant déterminé conformément aux Normes Comptables Applicables pour les quatre trimestres qui s’achèvent à la date du dernier jour de ce trimestre. Si l’Emetteur est contraint de différer le paiement d’intérêts à la suite de la survenance d’un Evénement de Différé Obligatoire à une Date de Paiement d’Intérêts, l’Emetteur devra aussi différer à l’occasion d’une ou de plusieurs Dates de Paiement d’Intérêts ultérieures le paiement de l’intérêt qui serait exigible à un autre titre à de telles Dates de Paiement d’Intérêts jusqu’à ce qu’il soit remédié à l’Evénement de Différé Obligatoire à toute Date de Détermination ultérieure. A la suite de la survenance d’un ou de plusieurs Evénements de Différé Obligatoires, l’Emetteur ne pourra commencer à payer l’intérêt exigible au titre des Obligations à une Date de Paiement d’Intérêts que si à la Date de Détermination relative à cette Date de Paiement d’Intérêts (x) aucun nouvel Evénement de Différé Obligatoire ne survient et (y) s’il a été remédié à tous les Evénements de Différés Obligatoires préalables. Un Evénement de Différé Obligatoire qui est survenu à une Date de Détermination antérieure est réputé avoir disparu si le Montant de Capital Ajusté tel qu’il figure dans le dernier trimestre achevé et publié du Garant avant la Date de Détermination a augmenté de plus 75 de 90% par rapport au Montant de Capital Ajusté calculé à la fin du Trimestre de Référence relatif à la Date de Détermination préalable à laquelle l’Evénement de Différé Obligatoire s’est produit. L’Emetteur peut, à son gré, choisir de payer à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts considérée les intérêts exigibles à un autre titre au moyen de fonds levés préalablement à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts au moyen du Mécanisme APIA. Dans ces hypothèses tout intérêt ainsi différé constitue un « Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire ». (désigné ci-après, ensemble avec tout Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Optionnel, les “Paiements d´Intérêts Différés” Paiement des Intérêts Différés . . . . . . . . . . . Sous réserve d’une notification préalable, l’Emetteur peut à tout moment satisfaire en tout ou partie tout Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Optionnel avec des fonds levés antérieurement à la date à laquelle le Paiement d’Intérêts Différés devient exigible (la « Date de Règlement Différé ») au moyen du Mécanisme APIA. L’Emetteur devra satisfaire (x) tout Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Optionnel au moyen de fonds levés antérieurement à la Date de Règlement Différé au moyen du Mécanisme APIA ; et (y) tout Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire au moyen du Mécanisme APIA ou au moyen du Mécanisme Alternatif de Paiements d’Intérêts sous forme de Capital (« Mécanisme APIC ») dans les situations suivantes : (i) L’Emetteur satisfera tout Paiement d’Intérêts Différés à la date où le remboursement des Obligations devient exigible. (ii) L’Emetteur s´acquittera des Paiements d’Intérêts Différés à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts suivante (x) qui suit la date à laquelle l’Emetteur ou le Garant effectue un paiement intégral des intérêts ou un paiement différé au profit de Titres de Capital ou Assimilés ou (y) qui suit la date à laquelle l’Emetteur ou le Garant effectue un paiement intégral des intérêts ou un paiement différé au profit de Titres de Rang de Créance Junior ou (z) si jusqu’à la fin de la Date de Détermination qui précède cette Date de Paiement d’Intérêts, un dividende, une autre distribution ou un paiement ont été declarés au titre de toute catégorie d’actions du Garant lors de l’assemblée générale des actionnaires (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) du Garant qui précède immédiatement cette Date de Paiement d’Intérêts ou un versement a été effectué au titre des bénéfices qui apparaissent au bilan depuis la date de cette assemblée générale des actionnaires (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) du Garant. (iii) Si l’Emetteur ou le Garant effectue un paiement partiel d’intérêts ou un paiement différé au profit de Titres de Capital ou Assimilés ou de Titres de Rang de Créance Junior, l’Emetteur 76 s’acquittera de tout Paiement d’Intérêts Différés dans les mêmes proportions à la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts suivante qui suit la date à laquelle ce paiement a été effectué. Dans ce cas, la proportion doit être égale au rapport entre le montant des paiements différés effectués et le montant de l’encours des paiements différés. (iv) L’Emetteur réalisera le Paiement des Intérêts Différés au plus tard lors du dixième anniversaire à compter de la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts en question. (v) L’Emetteur réalisera le Paiement des Intérêts Différés à la date où une cause de dissolution survient en application de l’article 262 §1 de la loi sur les actions des sociétés (Aktiengesetz) à l’encontre de l’Emetteur ou du Garant (dans un but autre ou pour une conséquence autre qu’une concentration, une restructuration ou une réorganisation où l’Emetteur ou le Garant reste solvable et que l’entité survivante prend à sa charge l’Actif et le Passif de l’Emetteur ou du Garant). Mécanisme Alternatif de Paiement d’Intérêts sous forme d’Actions . . . . . . . L’Emetteur peut s’acquitter de tout paiement d’intérêts non différé au moyen du Mécanisme APIA seulement si, et dans la mesure où, le Garant a levé les fonds nécessaires pour le paiement des intérêts en émettant ou en vendant des actions du Garant (“Actions en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts”) dans les 6 mois précédant la Date de Paiement d’Intérêts. Si l’Emetteur choisit ou est contraint d’effectuer un Paiement d’Intérêts Différé au moyen du Mécanisme APIA, l’Emetteur exigera du Garant qu’il lève les fonds nécessaires à ce paiement en émettant ou en vendant des Actions en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts du Garant pendant la période commençant à la date (incluse) tombant 6 mois avant la Date de Règlement Différé concernée et s’achevant à la date (exclue) tombant cinq ans après la Date de Règlement Différé concernée. En aucun cas, le Garant n’a l’obligation d’émettre de nouvelles actions ou de vendre des actions auto-détenues; les Porteurs d’Obligations sont informés que le Garant peut être empêché, par des dispositions impératives de la loi allemande sur les actions des sociétés ou pour toute autre mesure, d’émettre des nouvelles actions ou de vendre des actions auto-détenues. Dans l’optique de procéder au Paiement d´Intérêts Différé Obligatoire et conformément au Mécanisme APIA, le Garant peut placer chaque année calendaire un nombre d’Actions en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts n’excédant pas 2% du capital émis (Grundkapital) du Garant à cette date. Si, en ce qui concerne le Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire, les exigences liées à la mise en oeuvre du Mécanisme APIA ne sont pas remplies ou dans la mesure où le seuil mentionné juste ci-avant serait dépassé ou si le montant qui serait à payer excédait le produit issu du placement des Actions en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts, l’Emetteur effectuera le Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire au moyen du Mécanisme APIC, à moins que l’Emetteur ait 77 préalablement choisi de mettre en œuvre le Mécanisme APIC pour ce Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire et ait été contraint d’appliquer le Mécanisme APIA en plus du Mecanisme APIC ; dans ces conditions, l’obligation de l’Emetteur de procéder au Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire doit être annulée en proportion. Si, en ce qui concerne le Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Optionnel, les exigences liées à la mise en œuvre du Mécanisme APIA ne sont pas remplies ou dans la mesure où le montant qui serait dû excède le produit issu du placement des Actions en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts, l’obligation de l’Emetteur de procéder au Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Optionnel doit être annulée en proportion. Si l’Emetteur est contraint de réaliser tout Paiement d’Intérêts Différés à la date à laquelle il existe une raison tendant à la liquidation de l’Emetteur ou du Garant en application de l’article 262 §1 de la loi sur les actions de société (Aktiengesetz) mais que l’Emetteur ou le Garant est incapable d’appliquer le Mécanisme APIA ou le Mécanisme APIC, les engagements de l’Emetteur au titre de ce montant non réglé viendront au même rang que les engagements de l’Emetteur relatifs au montant principal des Obligations, jusqu’à un montant maximum égal au seuil applicable dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Mécanisme APIC. Mécanisme Alternatif de Paiements d’Intérêts sous forme de Capital . . . . . . Si l’Emetteur a notifié qu’il procèdera au Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire pour l’année d’intérêts conformément au Mécanisme APIC, l’Emetteur ou le Garant lèvera les fonds nécessaires à ce paiement en émettant et en vendant directement ou indirectement des titres hybrides dont les modalités (particulièrement en ce qui concerne les dispositions relatives au différé de la rémunération, au paiement de la rémunération différée et à leur remplacement) seront similaires aux Modalités des Obligations (« Instruments en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts ») et qui constituent du capital réglementaire (Eigenmittel) d’un rang de créance au moins égal, ceci pendant la période qui commence à la date (incluse) tombant 6 mois avant la Date de Règlement Différé et qui s’achève à la date (exclue) tombant 5 ans après la Date de Règlement Différé concernée. Le montant principal total des Instruments en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts émis dans le cadre du Mécanisme APIC ne doit pas excéder 25% du montant principal total des Obligations à la Date d’Emission. Si l’exigence prévue pour la mise en œuvre du Mécanisme APIC n’est pas remplie, si le seuil mentionné ci-après devait être dépassé, ou si le montant des intérêts à payer dépasse le produit issu du placement des Instruments en remplacement du Paiement d’Intérêts, l’Emetteur s’oblige pour y satisfaire à procéder au Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire au moyen du Mécanisme APIA, à moins que l’Emetteur n’ait préalablement choisi de mettre en œuvre le Mécanisme APIA pour ce Paiement d’Intérêts Différés et ait été contraint d’appliquer le Mécanisme APIC en plus du Mécanisme APIA : dans cette hypothèse, l’obligation de l’Emetteur de procéder au Paiement d’Intérêts Différés Obligatoire doit être annulée en proportion. 78 Fiscalité . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tous les paiements du principal et des intérêts relatifs aux Obligations (y compris les paiements effectués par le Garant au titre de la Garantie) seront libres et exonérés de tout(e)(s) retenue, taxe, droit, charge de nature gouvernementale, prélèvement, impôt de quelque nature qu’elle soit, imposée, levée, collectée, retenue ou appliquée aux Pays Bas ou en République Fédérale d’Allemagne ou par toute subdivision politique ou toute autorité en émanant ayant le pouvoir de les imposer, à moins que l’Emetteur ou le Garant ne soit contraint par la loi de procéder à une telle retenue ou déduction. Si une telle retenue ou déduction était induite par un changement de la loi ou une modification de la loi, l’Emetteur ou le Garant, le cas échéant, devra payer les montants additionnels que les Porteurs des Obligations auraient reçus si une telle retenue ou déduction n’avait été imposée, sous réserve des conditions décrites dans les Modalités des Obligations. Maintien de l’emprunt à son rang . . . . . . . . Les Modalités des Obligations ne prévoient pas de clause relative au maintien de l’emprunt à son rang. Défaut Croisé Cotation ........................... Les Modalités des Obligations ne prévoient pas de clause relative au défaut croisé liée aux autres engagements de l’Emetteur ou du Garant. ................................ Les Obligations ont fait l’objet d’une demande d’admission sur la liste officielle (Amtlicher Market) de la bourse de Francfort. Loi applicable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Les Obligations et la Garantie seront soumises au droit allemand. Restrictions de Placement ............... Il existe des restrictions de placement concernant l’offre et la vente des Obligations ainsi que pour la distribution de documents d’offre au sein de l’Espace Economique Européen, des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, de l’Autriche, de la Belgique, du Danemark, de la France, de l’Irlande, du Portugal, de la Suède et du Royaume-Uni. Tribunaux compétents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compétence non exclusive des tribunaux de Francfort sur le Main, République Fédérale d’Allemagne, pour tout litige relatif aux Obligations. Compensation et Règlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . Les Obligations seront acceptées aux opérations de compensation de Clearstream Banking AG, Francfort sur le Main. Code ISIN .............................. Code commun .......................... Code Titre Allemand (WKN) ........... DE000A0GNPZ3 024513742 A0GNPZ Résumé concernant les Facteurs de Risque Facteurs de Risque concernant les Obligations Investir dans les Obligations implique certains risques liés aux caractéristiques des Obligations. De tels risques peuvent avoir pour effet que le principal et les intérêts ne soient pas payés par l’Emetteur, que le Garant n’effectue pas les paiements dus au titre de la Garantie et/ou que le prix de marché des Obligations fasse l’objet d’une dégradation importante. Les Risques résultent surtout du fait que : • l’Émetteur n’a pas l’obligation de rembourser les Obligations et les Porteurs d’Obligations n’ont pas le droit d’exiger leur remboursement; 79 • les Obligations peuvent faire l’objet d’un remboursement anticipé pour leur montant principal, à la suite d’un Événement de Brutage, et pour le Montant Complet, à la suite d’un Evénement Fiscal ou d’un Événement Règlementaire; si l’Emetteur appelle les Obligations au remboursement et les rembourse à cette occasion, les Porteurs d’Obligations peuvent être contraints de ne pouvoir réinvestir le produit issu du remboursement que dans des titres offrant un rendement inférieur; • il n’existe pas de restriction relative au montant de la dette que l’Émetteur ou le Garant pourrait engager dans le futur; • les obligations de paiement de l’Émetteur au titre des Obligations et celles du Garant au titre de la Garantie constituent des engagements subordonnés de l’Émetteur et du Garant; et • l’Émetteur peut choisir ou être contraint de différer le paiement des intérêts dans certaines conditions. Les Facteurs de Risques concernant l’Émetteur L’Émetteur est un véhicule de financement du Groupe Allianz. Son activité consiste notamment à lever des fonds et à prêter les sommes qui en résultent à des sociétés du Groupe Allianz au moyen de prêts intragroupe. Si jamais une société du groupe est défaillante pour effectuer un paiement au titre d’un prêt intragroupe, l’Émetteur peut ne pas être en mesure d’assurer ses obligations de paiement au titre des Obligations. Les Facteurs de Risque concernant le Garant Les activités du Groupe Allianz, et par là-même, la valeur des Obligations, sont exposées à un certain nombre de risques. La section qui suit contient une description de certains risques qui pourraient affecter de façon très défavorable sa position financière et les résultats de ses opérations : • La volatilité des taux d’intérêt peut affecter de façon défavorable les résultats des opérations du Groupe Allianz. • Les risques de marché peuvent altérer la valeur du portefeuille du Groupe Allianz et avoir un impact défavorable sur sa position financière et les résultats de ses opérations. • Le marché et d’autres facteurs peuvent affecter de façon défavorable le goodwill, les frais différés des politiques d’acquisition et les avoirs fiscaux différés. Les changements de législation fiscale ont également un impact potentiel sur les avoirs fiscaux différés du Groupe Allianz. • Allianz AG intervient aussi bien en qualité de société de réassurance qu’en tant que société holding du Groupe Allianz et est exposée à divers risques de liquidité. • Les provisions pour pertes concernant les assurances dommages corporels et dommages des biens et les contrats de réassurance sont basées sur des estimations de futures actions en responsabilité. Un développement défavorable de ces plaintes pourrait conduire à des provisions supplémentaires et affecter de façon significativement défavorable les résultats des opérations du Groupe Allianz. • L’expérience actuarielle et d’autres facteurs peuvent différer de ceux prévus lors du calcul des provisions actuarielles pour le pôle vie/santé et pour les engagements en matière de retraites. • Les résultats financiers du Groupe Allianz peuvent être affectés de façon très défavorable par la survenance de catastrophes. • Le Groupe Allianz est exposé de façon significative au risque de contrepartie. • Des développements négatifs au sein de la Dresdner Bank, y compris du développement de sa performance d’exploitation, des niveaux de perte ou encore des dévaluations et dégradations liées aux prêts peuvent affecter de façon défavorable les résultats du Groupe Allianz et peuvent conduire à un besoin en capital qui pourraient restreindre ses opérations. • Beaucoup des activités du Groupe Allianz sont dépendantes de la solidité financière et des notations de crédit attribués à Allianz AG par les diverses agences de notation. Ainsi, la dégradation de la notation d’Allianz AG peut affecter de façon très défavorable les relations du Groupe Allianz avec ses clients et ses intermédiaires et avoir un impact négatif sur les ventes des produits du Groupe Allianz et augmenter ses coûts d’emprunt. 80 • Si l’activité de gestion d’actifs du Groupe Allianz est sous-performante, le Groupe Allianz peut subir une baisse des actifs qu’il gère et des revenus s’y rapportant. • Une augmentation des risques géopolitiques qui ont suivi l’attaque terroriste du 11 septembre 2001 ou toutes attaques terroristes futures pourraient avoir un impact continu négatif sur les activités du Groupe Allianz. • Des changements dans les législations étatiques nouvelles ou existantes dans les pays où le Groupe Allianz exerce des activités peuvent avoir des effets significatifs sur le Groupe. • Des changements dans la législation fiscale peut affecter de façon défavorable les activités du Groupe Allianz. • Des changements de la valeur de l’Euro par rapport aux devises hors de la Zone Euro dans lesquels le Groupe Allianz génère des profits et engage des dépenses peuvent affecter de façon significative ses bénéfices et ses flux de trésorerie. • Les avantages que tire Allianz AG de sa fusion avec Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni peuvent différer significativement des prévisions actuelles. • Les résultats et la performance réels du Groupe Allianz ou de ceux de son industrie peuvent être significativement différents ou moins bons que les prévisions qui s’y rapportent en raison d’influences imprévisibles de nature politique, macro-économique ou démographique. La survenance des risques décrits ci-après peut affecter la capacité du Garant à honorer ses obligations de paiement au titre de la Garantie et/ou conduire à une diminution de la valeur de marché des Obligations. Résumé concernant l’Émetteur L’Émetteur a été créé aux Pays Bas le 8 mai 2000 sous la forme d’une société à responsabilité limitée de droit néerlandais pour une durée indéterminée. L’Émetteur est une filiale à 100% d’Allianz AG et agit en tant qu’entité financière au sein du Groupe Allianz. Le siège social de l’Émetteur est à Amsterdam et l’adresse est la suivante: Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, Pays Bas, numéro de téléphone : (+31) (20) 55 69710. L’Émetteur est inscrit au Registre du Commerce d’Amsterdam sous le numéro no. 34134406. L’objet social de l’Émetteur tel que mentionné à l’Article 2 de ses statuts consiste à effectuer toutes sortes d’opérations financières, en particulier des prêts et emprunts de fonds y compris au moyen de l’émission d’obligations et de participations au sein de sociétés et d’entreprises. Le directoire de l’Émetteur est actuellement composé des membres suivants: Dirk Schoon, Hero Wentzel et Dr. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. Le conseil de surveillance de l’Emetteur est actuellement composé des membres suivants: Michael Diekmann, Dr. Paul Achleitner et Stephan Theissing. Les commissaires au comptes d’Allianz Finance II B.V. sont KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, Pays Bas. Le tableau suivant énonce les informations financières clefs de l’Émetteur: Allianz Finance II B.V. 9 mois 9 mois s’achevant le s’achevant le 30 septembre 2005 30 septembre 2004 (non audité) € € année s’achevant le 31 décembre 2004 année s’achevant le 31 décembre 2003 € € 9 329 056 504 364 490 526 6 654 019 238 316 092 043 6 602 060 884 258 734 477 6 641 659 010 904 824 759 9 693 547 030 6 970 111 641 6 860 795 361 7 546 483 769 ...................... 2 400 749 2 097 756 932 595 987 413 Dettes long-terme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dettes court-terme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 329 056 504 362 089 777 6 654 019 235 313 994 650 6 602 060 881 257 801 885 6 641 659 010 903 837 346 9 693 547 030 6 970 111 641 6 860 795 361 7 546 483 769 Actif immobilisé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actif circulant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capitaux propres 81 Résumé concernant le Garant Allianz AG est une société par actions de droit allemand inscrite au nom d’”Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” au Registre du Commerce du tribunal compétent (Amtsgericht) à Munich, sous le numéro HRB 7158. L’adresse administrative et du siège social d’Allianz AG est Königinstrasse 28, 80802 Munich, Allemagne, numéro de téléphone(+49)(89) 3800-00. Vue d’ensemble des activités commerciales Le Groupe Allianz constitue l’un des plus grands fournisseurs de services financiers au monde, offrant des produits d’assurances, bancaires et de gestion d’actifs au moyen d’assurances dommages corporels/de biens, d’assurances vie/décès, des branches d’activités bancaires et de gestion d’actifs. Le Groupe Allianz est l’un des plus grands groupes d’assurance au monde d’après les chiffres enregistrés sur les primes brutes souscrites en 2004 et constitue la plus grande compagnie allemande d’assurance dommages corporels/de biens tiers, d’assurance vie/décès d’après les chiffres enregistrés sur les primes brutes souscrites en 2004. Le Groupe Allianz est également parmi les plus grandes compagnies d’assurance dans d’autres pays dont la France, l’Italie, le Royaume-Uni, la Suisse et l’Espagne et constitue l’une des plus grandes institutions financières allemandes d’après sa capitalisation constatée au 30 septembre 2005. Depuis début août 2005, Allianz AG a obtenu des notations sur sa solidité financière de A+ par A.M. Best et AA- par Standard & Poor’s (les deux avec perspectives stables) et une notation Aa3 au titre de sa dette senior non subordonnée avec des perspectives stables par Moody’s. Allianz AG a été immatriculée à Berlin le 5 février 1890 sous le nom d’”Allianz VersicherungsAktiengesellschaft”. En 1949, Allianz AG a transféré ses services administratifs principaux de Berlin à Munich. A la suite d’une résolution de l’assemblée générale du 27 juin 1985, Allianz AG fut restructurée en société holding et son nom fut changé en “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding”. Selon une résolution de l’assemblée générale du 7 octobre 1996, le nom d’Allianz AG fut à nouveau changé en “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft”. En plus de son activité d’assurance dommages corporels/de biens et d’assurance vie/décès, le Groupe Allianz a mis en place en 1998 des services financiers qui représentent le tiers de son activité principale. En 2001, à la suite de l’acquisition de la Dresdner Bank AG (ci-après dénommée la “Dresdner Bank” ou le “Groupe Dresdner Bank” quand sont également visées les filiales consolidées), le Groupe Allianz a réorganisé sa branche “services financiers” en deux branches différentes “gestion d’actifs” et “services bancaires”. D’après les chiffres enregistrés du nombre d’actifs gérés en date du 31 décembre 2004, le Groupe Allianz était la cinquième plus grande société de gestion d’actifs au monde. Pour sa branche “services bancaires” qui est dorénavant sa quatrième branche principale d’activité, l’acquisition de la Dresdner Bank a fait du Groupe Allianz l’une des plus importantes banques d’Allemagne en accroissant ses canaux de distribution bancaires pour ses produits et services d’assurance dommages corporels/de biens, d’assurance vie/décès et de gestion d’actifs. L’activité commerciale du Groupe Allianz est gérée au niveau local tandis que ses activités spécialisées et sa branche “gestion d’actifs” sont gérées et mises en œuvre au niveau mondial. Les activités allemandes du Groupe Allianz d’assurance dommages corporels/de biens et d’assurance vie/décès sont gérées par les filiales situées principalement à Munich et à Stuttgart. Ses activités d’assurance non allemandes sont gérées localement. Les plus grands marchés non allemands du Groupe Allianz se situent notamment en France, en Italie, au RoyaumeUni, en Suisse, en Espagne et aux Etats-Unis. Chacune des activités du Groupe Allianz spécialisées en assurancecrédit, assurance maritime et aviation, réassurance de risques industriels internationaux (à travers Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs–AG) ainsi qu’en assurance voyage et services d’assistance, sont gérées et mises en œuvre mondialement. La branche “gestion d’actifs” du Groupe Allianz opère également sur une base mondiale , avec des centres de gestion clefs à Munich, Francfort, Londres, Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong, Milan, Westport (Connecticut), et à San Francisco, San Diego et Newport Beach (Californie). La branche “services bancaires” du Groupe Allianz agit à travers les quelque 960 succursales, allemandes ou non, de la Dresdner Bank (au 30 septembre 2005) et diverses filiales, avec des activités significatives en Allemagne, au Royaume-Uni et dans d’autres pays européens et aux États-Unis. Informations sur les Tendances Allianz AG attend une augmentation globale du total des revenus en ligne avec 2004 et les neuf premiers mois de 2005 et continue à concentrer ses efforts en soutenant et en améliorant de façon sélective son bénéfice 82 d’exploitation. Néanmoins, des catastrophes naturelles et des évolutions défavorables dans les marchés de capitaux, autant que les facteurs de risque énoncés ci-avant, pourraient avoir un sérieux impact sur la rentabilité du Groupe Allianz. Directoire, conseil de surveillance et salariés Le directoire d’Allianz AG est composé de onze membres: Michael Diekmann (Directeur Général), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philippe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter et Dr. Werner Zedelius. Le conseil de surveillance (Aufsichtsrat) d’Allianz AG est composé de vingt membres: Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Président), Norbert Blix (Vice-Président), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B. Humer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer et Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower. Au 30 septembre 2005, le Groupe Allianz employait un total de 178 462 personnes dans le monde entier dont 105 284 étaient basées hors d’Allemagne. Actionnaires significatifs Au 31 décembre 2004, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft à Munich (“Munich Re”) était le seul actionnaire significatif d’Allianz AG et détenait environ 9% du capital d’Allianz AG ou environ 9,4% des actions d’Allianz AG en circulation à cette date. Le 14 juillet 2005, Allianz AG fut informé par Munich Re en application des règles de la loi allemande sur la négociation des instruments financiers (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz ou “WpHG”) que Munich Re réduisait sa détention dans le capital d’Allianz AG à un nombre inférieur à 5% et détenait 4,9% du capital d’Allianz AG à cette date. A la lumière des changements importants intervenus dans les relations entre le Groupe Allianz et Munich Re (en particulier, la réduction significative de détentions réciproques d’actions, l’annulation du contrat “Principes de Coopération” et la fin des participations croisées au sein de leurs conseils), Allianz AG ne considère plus Munich Re comme étant une partie liée. Information Financière Sélectionnée Allianz Group Résultat d’exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Résultat net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flux de Trésorerie Net* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Actif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Passif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 30 septembre 2005 (non audité) en millions d’euro 31 décembre 2004 31 décembre 2003 en millions d’euro en millions d’euro 5.917 3.508 18.675 989.198 48.588 940.610 6.839 2.266 4.616 990.318 37.691 952.627 3.982 2.691 (1.397) 933.213 35.259 897.954 Flux de Trésorerie provenant du résultat d’exploitation Informations complémentaires Capital souscrit Le capital d’Allianz AG est actuellement de €1 039 462 400 divisé en 406 040 000 actions. 83 Commissaires aux comptes Allianz AG a nommé KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 Munich, Allemagne, comme commissaires aux comptes pour l’année fiscale se terminant au 31 décembre 2005. Documents accessibles au public Jusqu’au remboursement intégral des Obligations, des copies des documents suivants pourront être consultées sous forme papier pendant les heures de bureau au siège social de l’Emetteur et du Garant et au bureau spécifié de l’Agent Payeur Principal : (a) la Garantie ; (b) les Statuts de l’Emetteur ; (c) les Statuts (Satzung) du Garant ; (d) le Prospectus ; et (e) tous rapports, courriers et autres documents, informations financières historiques, évaluations et déclarations établis par un expert à la demande de l’Emetteur et/ou du Garant, dont une partie est incluse ou visée dans la description de l’Emetteur et du Garant. 84 SUMÁRIO Este é o sumário (o “Sumário”) das características principais e riscos associados ao Emitente, ao Garante e às Obrigações. Este Sumário deverá ser lido como uma introdução a este Prospecto. Qualquer decisão de um investidor de investir nas Obrigações deverá basear-se neste Prospecto no seu conjunto, incluindo os documentos inseridos por remissão e quaisquer adendas ao mesmo. Se for proposta uma acção judicial num tribunal relativamente à informação contida neste Prospecto, nos documentos inseridos por remissão e em quaisquer adendas ao mesmo, o investidor autor poderá ao abrigo do direito nacional de um Estado Membro do Espaço Económico Europeu ter de suportar os custos de tradução deste Prospecto, dos documentos inseridos por remissão e de quaisquer adendas ao mesmo anteriormente ao início do processo judicial. O Emitente, o Garante e o Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft são responsáveis pela preparação deste sumário e pelo pedido de notificação e serão tidos como civilmente responsáveis, se, e apenas, o Sumário for enganador, impreciso ou incoerente quando lido em conjunção com as outras partes deste Prospecto. Este Sumário inclui afirmações relativas ao futuro. Estas afirmações incluem afirmações relativas nomeadamente à performance financeira futura do Emitente, Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (doravante “Allianz AG”) e das suas subsidiárias consolidadas (conjuntamente com a Allianz AG, doravante designado “Grupo Allianz”), planos e expectativas relativamente a desenvolvimentos na actividade, crescimento e rentabilidade do Grupo Allianz, e condições gerais de indústria e actividade aplicáveis ao Grupo Allianz. O Grupo Allianz baseou estas afirmações relativas ao futuro nas suas expectativas, presunções, estimativas e projecções actuais sobre acontecimentos futuros. Estas afirmações relativas ao futuro estão sujeitas a um conjunto de riscos, incertezas e presunções susceptíveis de fazer com que os resultados, a performance ou realizações actuais do Grupo Allianz ou os da sua indústria sejam substancialmente diferentes ou piores do que estas afirmações. O Emitente, a Allianz AG e o Dresdner Bank AG não assumem qualquer obrigação de actualizar tais afirmações relativas ao futuro e de adaptar as mesmas a eventos ou desenvolvimentos futuros, excepto na medida em que tal for legalmente exigido. Sumário relativo às Obrigações O montante final agregado de capital em dívida, o preço de emissão e a taxa de juro das Obrigações serão determinados em ou por volta de [1 de Março] de 2006 com base num processo de recolha prévia de intenções de compra envolvendo investidores qualificados. Emitente Garante ................................ ................................. Valor nominal da emissão ............... Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft EUR [até 1.0 biliões] Lead Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank AG, Agência de Londres Dresdner Bank AG Agência de Londres (referido na capa através da sua designação comercial “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein”) UBS Limited (juntos os “Lead Managers”) Co-Lead Managers ...................... Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen – Girozentrale WestLB AG (em conjunto com os Lead Managers, os “Managers”) 85 Agente Fiscalizador, Agente Pagador Principal e Agente de Cálculo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Preço de Emissão ....................... Data de Emissão ........................ Valor Nominal .......................... Forma das Obrigações .................. Estatuto das Obrigações ................. [98-101]% [3 de Março] de 2006 As Obrigações serão emitidas com o valor nominal de EUR 1.000 cada. As Obrigações serão ao portador e serão inicialmente representadas por um Certificado Global Temporário sem cupões de juros que será depositado em ou em nome de Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main (o “Sistema de Compensação”). O Certificado Global Temporário será permutável por um Certificado Global Permanente sem cupões de juros não antes de 40 dias após a Data de Emissão mediante certificação relativamente à propriedade efectiva por não americanos de acordo com as disposições e procedimentos operacionais do Sistema de Compensação. O pagamento relativo ao Certificado Global Temporário só será efectuado contra a apresentação de tal certificação. Não serão emitidas quaisquer Obrigações ou cupões de juros. As Obrigações constituem obrigações não garantidas e subordinadas do Emitente de graduação pari passu entre si e pelo menos pari passu com todas as outras obrigações subordinadas não garantidas e perpétuas do Emitente em circulação na Data de Emissão com excepção das obrigações subordinadas. Em caso de liquidação, dissolução, insolvência, acordo ou outros procedimentos para evitar a insolvência da ou contra o Emitente, as obrigações do Emitente ao abrigo das Obrigações serão subordinadas aos direitos de todos os credores não subordinados e subordinados a termo do Emitente, de forma que em qualquer dos referidos casos não serão devidos quaisquer montantes relativamente às Obrigações até os direitos de todos os credores não subordinados e subordinados a termo do Emitente terem antes sido integralmente satisfeitos. Nenhuma garantia (excepto a Garantia subordinada), qualquer que seja o tipo, é ou será em momento algum prestada pelo Emitente ou qualquer outra pessoa para garantir direitos dos Obrigacionistas ao abrigo das Obrigações. Nenhum acordo subsequente pode limitar a subordinação ou abreviar qualquer prazo de notificação aplicável (Kündigungsfrist) relativamente às Obrigações. Se as Obrigações forem remidas prematuramente, os montantes remidos devem ser devolvidos ao Emitente independentemente de qualquer acordo em contrário excepto se o Emitente tiver sido dissolvido ou tais montantes tiverem sido substituídos por outro capital no mínimo equivalente (Eigenmittel) de graduação pelo menos igual ou se a Autoridade Federal de Supervisão Financeira ou qualquer autoridade sucessora tiver autorizado a remissão. Nenhum Titular de Obrigações pode compensar quaisquer direitos resultantes das Obrigações com quaisquer direitos que o Emitente tenha contra o Titular de Obrigações. O Emitente não pode compensar quaisquer direitos que possa ter contra qualquer Titular de Obrigações com qualquer das suas obrigações ao abrigo das Obrigações. 86 Garantia ................................ O Garante prestará uma Garantia incondicional e irrevogável, subordinada, para o pagamento devido de capital e juros e quaisquer outros montantes que sejam devidos ao abrigo das Obrigações. A Garantia constitui um contrato a favor dos Titulares de Obrigações periodicamente enquanto terceiros beneficiários nos termos do § 328, parágrafo 1 do Código Civil Alemão (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), gerando para cada Titular de Obrigações o direito de exigir o cumprimento ao abrigo da Garantia directamente ao Garante ou a executar a Garantia directamente contra o Garante. Em caso de dissolução, liquidação, insolvência ou de quaisquer outros procedimentos para evitar a insolvência do Garante, os direitos dos Titulares de Obrigações ao abrigo da Garantia serão satisfeitos depois (mas só depois) de todos os direitos de todos os credores não subordinados e subordinados a termo do Garante terem sido integralmente satisfeitos. Os Titulares de Obrigações aceitam expressamente que, nas circunstâncias acima descritas, só serão efectuados pagamentos relativamente às Obrigações pelo Garante ao abrigo da Garantia nos termos da subordinação descrita acima. Nenhum Titular de Obrigações pode compensar quaisquer direitos resultantes da Garantia com direitos que o Garante possa ter contra si. O Garante apenas poderá compensar quaisquer direitos dos Titulares de Obrigações resultantes da Garantia se os montantes tiverem sido substituídos por capital no mínimo equivalente (Eigenmittel) de estatuto no mínimo equivalente ou se a Autoridade Federal de Supervisão Financeira (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) ou qualquer autoridade sucessora tiver autorizado a compensação, e desde que a Condição de Solvência (como definida abaixo) seja preenchida. Remissão ............................... As Obrigações não têm data final de vencimento. Elas são remíveis na totalidade mas não em parte mediante decisão do Emitente pelo seu valor nominal em [3 de Março] de 2011 e em cada Data de Pagamento de Juros (tal como definida abaixo) seguinte. O Emitente pode também remir as Obrigações na totalidade, mas não em parte, pelo seu montante de capital conjuntamente com qualquer juro acumulado em qualquer altura depois de um Evento de Gross-up (como definido abaixo) e pelo Montante Acumulado depois de um Evento Fiscal ou um Evento Regulatório (todos os termos estão definidos infra). Em qualquer caso, o Emitente só pode resgatar e remir as Obrigações se a Condição de Solvência (como definida abaixo) for preenchida e o montante de capital das Obrigações a serem remidas tiver sido substituído por fundos próprios no mínimo equivalentes ou se a Autoridade Federal de Supervisão Financeira ou qualquer Autoridade Sucessora tiver autorizado a remissão. Um “Evento de Gross-up” ocorrerá se o Emitente foi ou for obrigado por um órgão legislativo, um tribunal ou uma autoridade a pagar Montantes Adicionais ou o Garante foi ou for obrigado a pagar Montantes Adicionais em relação a pagamentos devidos nos termos da Garantia em resultado de qualquer modificação ou alteração efectuada às leis (ou em quaisquer regras ou regulamentos) da 87 Holanda ou da República Federal Alemã ou de qualquer subdivisão política ou qualquer autoridade da ou na Holanda ou na República Federal Alemã, ou de qualquer modificação ou alteração na interpretação ou aplicação oficial das referidas leis, regras ou regulamentos, e a referida obrigação não possa ser evitada por medidas adequadas que o Emitente ou o Garante, consoante o caso, considere razoável tomar (agindo de boa fé). Um “Evento Fiscal” ocorrerá se, em resultado de uma modificação ou alteração efectuada às leis (ou em quaisquer regras ou regulamentos) da Holanda ou da República Federal Alemã ou de qualquer subdivisão política ou qualquer autoridade fiscal aí situadas, ou em resultado de qualquer modificação ou alteração na interpretação ou aplicação oficial das referidas leis, regras ou regulamentos, por qualquer órgão legislativo, tribunal, agência governamental ou autoridade reguladora (incluindo a entrada em vigor de qualquer legislação e a publicação de qualquer decisão judicial ou ordem regulatória), os juros devidos pelo Emitente em relação às Obrigações ou qualquer montante devido pelo Garante nos termos da Garantia deixem de ser, ou no prazo de 90 dias da data da opinião descrita abaixo passem a deixar de ser, dedutíveis na íntegra pelo Emitente e/ou pelo Garante para os efeitos de imposto sobre o rendimento Holandês e/ou Alemão, e que o risco não possa ser evitado por medidas adequadas que o Emitente ou o Garante considere razoável tomar (agindo de boa fé). Um “Evento Regulatório” ocorrerá se (a) a Autoridade Federal de Supervisão Financeira (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) ou qualquer Autoridade Sucessora declarar, por escrito, ao Garante que as Obrigações (total ou parcialmente) deixaram de cumprir os requisitos relativos a fundos próprios para efeitos de solvência, a nível individual e de grupo, do Garante, ou solvência nos termos dos regulamentos para grupos financeiros. Isto será aplicável apenas se em qualquer altura anterior à referida declaração as Obrigações cumpriam os referidos requisitos; ou (b) for exigido ao Garante ou ao grupo do Garante, a qualquer momento, para efeitos de fundos próprios, que tenha fundos próprios de tipo Tier I (como for descrito), e as Obrigações não sejam elegíveis de serem qualificadas para efeitos de inclusão nos fundos próprios de tipo Tier I para efeitos de solvência do grupo do Garante ou de solvência nos termos dos regulamentos para grupos financeiros vigentes naquele momento. Juros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As Obrigações renderão juros sobre o seu valor nominal agregado a partir de [3 de Março] de 2006 inclusive à taxa de [5.00-5.875] % por ano até à data da remissão exclusive, se existente. Os juros serão pagos postecipadamente em [3 de Março] em cada ano (cada uma destas datas, uma “Data de Pagamento de Juros”). O primeiro pagamento de juros será efectuado em [3 de Março] de 2007. Se o juro dever ser calculado relativamente a um período inferior a um ano completo, tal juro será calculado com base no número efectivo de dias desse período dividido pelo número efectivo de dias (365 ou 366) do ano respectivo. 88 Diferimento opcional de Pagamentos de Juros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preenchida a Condição de Solvência e não tendo ocorrido nenhum Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório (tal como definido abaixo), o Emitente pode, em cada Data de Pagamento de Juros, decidir discricionariamente diferir o pagamento os juros mediante um pré-aviso não inferior a 3 Dias Úteis, se até ao final do décimo Dia Útil anterior a tal Data de Pagamento de Juros (a “Data de Cálculo”) nenhum dividendo, outra distribuição ou pagamento tiver sido declarado relativamente a qualquer classe de acções do Garante na Assembleia Geral ordinária de accionistas (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) do Garante imediatamente antes da Data de Pagamento de Juros, e nenhum pagamento respeitante ao lucro contabilístico tiver sido efectuado desde tal Assembleia Geral ordinária de accionistas (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) do Garante. Neste caso, quaisquer destes juros diferidos constituirão um “Pagamento de Juros Opcionalmente Diferido”. O Emitente pode decidir discricionariamente proceder a qualquer pagamento de juros que não difira na Data de Pagamento de Juros com fundos recolhidos antes da Data de Pagamento de Juros através do Mecanismo Alternativo de Satisfação de Cupões de Acções (“MASC”) (como descrito abaixo). Diferimento ou cancelamento obrigatório de Pagamentos de Juros ... Se numa Data de Pagamento de Juros a Condição de Solvência não se encontrar preenchida, o Emitente terá de diferir os juros que acumulem durante o ano de juros até tal Data de Pagamento de Juros exclusive, salvo se o Emitente decidir discricionariamente satisfazer tais juros na Data de Pagamento de Juros com fundos recolhidos antes da Data de Pagamento de Juros através do MASC. A “Condição de Solvência” será preenchida se: (A) o Garante e o Grupo do Garante tiverem fundos adequados para cobrir a margem de solvência mínima exigível (ou um termo comparável caso as regras aplicáveis sejam alteradas) de acordo com as disposições da lei alemã reguladora dos seguros (para efeitos de solvência de grupo ou de solvência individual, ou da solvência nos termos do regulamento para grupos financeiros) e uma prática administrativa geralmente aceite, se existente, da Autoridade Federal de Supervisão Financeira ou qualquer autoridade sucessora aplicável naquele momento, e tais fundos não se tornarem, em resultado de um pagamento de juros ou pagamento de remissão integral ou parcial, respectivamente, que de outra forma se venceria em tal Data de Pagamento de Juros ou data de remissão, inferiores à margem de solvência mínima exigível, e (B) nenhuma decisão da Autoridade Federal de Supervisão Financeira ou de qualquer autoridade sucessora estiver de facto a proibir o Garante de efectuar pagamentos de juros, outras distribuições ou remissões (incluindo aos titulares de qualquer Valor Mobiliário de Estatuto Equivalente ou Valor Mobiliário Subordinado, e (C) o Garante for capaz de pagar as suas dívidas perante os Credores Sénior (tal como definido abaixo) à medida que se vão vencendo, e 89 (D) os Bens do Garante (tal como definidos abaixo) excederem as suas Responsabilidades (tal como definidos abaixo) (que não responsabilidades perante pessoas que não sejam Credores Sénior). “Activos” significa os activos totais não consolidados do Garante, como demonstrados no mais recente balanço anual fiscalizado do Garante, embora ajustados para eventos subsequentes, tal como determinado pelo Garante, ou, caso o Garante entre em liquidação, o seu liquidatário. “Credores Seniores” significa os credores do Garante (a) que são credores não subordinados do Garante; ou (b) cujos direitos estão subordinados aos direitos de outros credores do Garante (para além daqueles cujos direitos são graduados pari passu como, ou subordinados aos, direitos dos Titulares de Obrigações). Se numa Data de Pagamento de Juros tiver ocorrido um Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório, o Emitente deverá diferir qualquer Montante Excedente. “Montante Excedente” significa relativamente ao montante de juros que seria devido sobre o montante agregado de capital de Obrigações em circulação na Data de Pagamento de Juros relevante, que de outro modo seria devido (o “Montante de Juros”), o montante pelo qual o Montante de Juros excede o Novo Montante de Capital (tal como definido abaixo). “Novo Montante de Capital” significa as receitas líquidas recebidas pelo Garante de novas emissões e/ ou venda de acções ordinárias, acções preferenciais e instrumentos das agências de notação de risco que fornecem crédito garantido por capital próprio semelhantes às Obrigações durante 180 dias antes de tal data e designados pelo Garante em ou antes do momento de emissão como disponíveis para pagar distribuições sobre as Obrigações. Um “Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório” deverá ter ocorrido numa Data de Pagamento de Juros se até ao final da Data de Cálculo (x) o Rendimento Líquido Trimestral Acumulado (tal como definido abaixo) relativo ao período de quatro trimestres do Garante que termine no trimestre que seja dois trimestres anterior ao mais recente relatório trimestral elaborado e publicado pelo Garante for inferior ou igual a zero; e (y) o Valor Ajustado de Capital Próprio (tal como definido abaixo) no final do mais recente relatório trimestral elaborado e publicado pelo Garante e no final do trimestre que seja dois trimestres anterior ao mais recente relatório trimestral elaborado e publicado pelo Garante tiver descido 10% ou mais quando comparado com o Valor Ajustado de Capital Próprio no final do trimestre do Garante que seja dez trimestres anterior ao mais recente relatório trimestral elaborado e publicado pelo Garante (o “Trimestre de Referência”). 90 Onde: “Valor Ajustado de Capital Próprio” significa, no final de qualquer trimestre do Garante, o capital próprio antes dos interesses minoritários tal como reflectido no balanço consolidado do Garante do final de tal trimestre, tal como determinado nos termos das Normas Contabilísticas Aplicáveis (tal como definido abaixo), menos variações cambiais e ganhos e perdas (líquidas) não realizadas tal como reflectido no referido balanço consolidado. “Normas Contabilísticas Aplicáveis” significa as Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro (IFRS) aplicáveis nas datas relevantes e relativamente aos períodos relevantes, ou outros princípios contabilísticos geralmente aceites na Alemanha e aplicados pelo Garante que posteriormente os substituam. “Rendimento Líquido Trimestral Acumulado” significa, no final de qualquer trimestre do Garante, o montante do rendimento líquido consolidado do Garante, determinado nos termos das Normas Contabilísticas Aplicáveis, relativamente aos quatro trimestres com fim no último dia desse trimestre. Se for exigido ao Emitente que difira o pagamento de juros na sequência da ocorrência de um Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório numa Data de Pagamento de Juros, será também exigido ao Emitente que difira em uma ou mais Datas de Pagamento de Juros posteriores os juros que de outro modo seriam devidos nas referidas Datas de Pagamento de Juros até que o Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório esteja remediado em qualquer Data de Cálculo subsequente. Após a ocorrência de um ou mais Eventos de Diferimento Obrigatório, o Emitente apenas poderá começar a pagar juros sobre as Obrigações em qualquer Data de Pagamento de Juros se na Data de Cálculo para a referida Data de Pagamento de Juros (x) não tenha ocorrido qualquer Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório e (y) qualquer Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório anterior tenha sido remediado. Um Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório que tenha ocorrido numa Data de Cálculo anterior foi remediado em qualquer Data de Cálculo caso o Valor Ajustado de Capital Próprio no mais recente relatório trimestral elaborado e publicado pelo Garante anteriormente à referida Data de Cálculo tenha aumentado para um valor superior a 90% do Valor Ajustado de Capital Próprio no final do Trimestre de Referência referente à referida Data de Cálculo anterior em que o Evento de Diferimento Obrigatório ocorreu. O Emitente poderá decidir discricionariamente satisfazer, na Data de Pagamento de Juros relevante, os juros que de outro modo seriam devidos com fundos recolhidos anteriormente à Data de Pagamento de Juros através do MASC. Nestes casos, quaisquer destes juros diferidos constituirão um “Pagamento de Juros Obrigatoriamente Diferido”. Pagamento de Pagamentos de Juros Diferidos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Emitente pode em qualquer momento mediante notificação prévia satisfazer integral ou parcialmente qualquer Pagamento de Juros Opcionalmente Diferido com fundos recolhidos antes da data em que o Pagamento de Juros Diferido é devido (a “Data de Liquidação Diferida”) através do MASC. 91 O Emitente satisfará (x) qualquer Pagamento de Juros Opcionalmente Diferido com fundos recolhidos antes da Data de Liquidação Diferida através do MASC e (y) qualquer Pagamento de Juros Obrigatoriamente Diferido (conjuntamente com o Pagamento de Juros Opcionalmente Diferido, os “Pagamentos de Juros Diferidos”) através do MASC ou através do Mecanismo Alternativo de Satisfação do Cupão de Valores Mobiliários De Estatuto Equivalente (“MAEE”) (tal como descrito abaixo) nos seguintes casos: (i) O Emitente satisfará qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido na data em que as Obrigações possam ser remidas. (ii) O Emitente satisfará qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido na Data de Pagamento de Juros subsequente seguinte (x) depois da data em que o Emitente ou o Garante proceder a qualquer pagamento integral de juros ou de um pagamento diferido relativamente a qualquer Valor Mobiliário de Estatuto Equivalente, ou (y) depois da data em que o Emitente ou o Garante proceder a qualquer pagamento integral de juros ou qualquer pagamento diferido relativamente a qualquer Valor Mobiliário Subordinado, ou (z) se tiver sido declarado até ao final da Data de Cálculo que anteceda a referida Data de Pagamento de Juros qualquer dividendo, outra distribuição ou pagamento relativamente a qualquer categoria de acções do Garante na Assembleia Geral ordinária dos accionistas (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) do Garante imediatamente anterior à referida Data de Pagamento de Juros, ou se tiver sido efectuado qualquer pagamento por conta do lucro do balanço posteriormente à realização da referida Assembleia Geral ordinária dos accionistas (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) do Garante. (iii) Se o Emitente ou o Garante fizer qualquer pagamento parcial de juros ou de um pagamento diferido sobre qualquer Valor Mobiliário de Estatuto Equivalente ou Valor Mobiliário Subordinado, o Emitente satisfará qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido na mesma proporção na Data de Pagamento de Juros imediatamente subsequente após a data em que tal pagamento foi efectuado. Neste caso, a proporção será igual ao resultado da divisão do montante do pagamento diferido de facto pago pelo montante em dívida do pagamento diferido. (iv) O Emitente satisfará qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido nunca depois do décimo aniversário posterior à Data de Pagamento de Juros relevante. (v) O Emitente satisfará qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido na data em que exista um motivo de dissolução nos termos do §262, parágrafo 1 da Lei das Sociedades Anónimas (Aktiengesetz) relativamente ao Emitente ou ao Garante (que não para efeitos ou na sequência de uma fusão, reorganização ou reestruturação enquanto for solvente, em que a entidade que continua assume substancialmente todo o activo e obrigações do Emitente ou do Garante consoante o caso). 92 Mecanismo Alternativo de Satisfação de Cupões de Acções (“MASC”) . . . . . . . . O Emitente só pode satisfazer qualquer pagamento de juros que não difira através do MASC se e na medida em que o Garante tenha recolhido os fundos necessários para a satisfação do pagamento de juros através da emissão ou venda de acções do Garante (as “Acções de Pagamento”) no prazo de 6 meses antes da Data de Pagamento de Juros. Se o Emitente decidir ou for obrigado a satisfazer qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido através do MASC, o Emitente requererá do Garante que aumente os fundos necessários à satisfação do pagamento relevante através da emissão ou venda das Acções de Pagamento do Garante no período com início na data que coincida 6 meses antes da Data de Liquidação Diferida relevante, incluindo aquela data, até à data que coincida cinco anos após a Data de Liquidação Diferida relevante, embora excluindo esta data. Em nenhumas circunstâncias existirá qualquer obrigação por parte do Garante de emitir novas acções ou de vender acções próprias; os Titulares de Obrigações são notificados de que o Garante pode ser impedido por disposições imperativas da lei alemã das sociedades anónimas ou por outra forma de emitir novas acções ou vender acções próprias. O Garante pode, para efeitos de satisfazer qualquer Pagamento de Juros Obrigatoriamente Diferido nos termos do MASC, colocar um número de Acções de Pagamento em cada ano civil que não excedam 2,00 por cento do capital social emitido (Grundkapital) do Garante na data relevante. Se, relativamente a qualquer Pagamento de Juros Obrigatoriamente Diferido, qualquer dos requisitos necessários para a execução do MASC não for preenchido, ou na medida em que o patamar acima mencionado seria excedido ou o montante que seria devido exceder os resultados da colocação das Acções de Pagamento, o Emitente satisfará o Pagamento de Juros Diferido nessa medida através do MAEE, salvo se o Emitente tivesse decidido previamente accionar o MAEE relativamente ao Pagamento de Juros Diferido relevante e lhe fosse exigido aplicar o MASC cumulativamente com o MAEE; neste caso, a obrigação do Emitente de satisfazer o Pagamento de Juros Obrigatoriamente Diferido será cancelado nessa medida. Se, relativamente a qualquer Pagamento de Juros Opcionalmente Diferido, qualquer dos requisitos necessários para a execução do MASC não for preenchido, ou na medida em que o montante que seria devido exceder os resultados da colocação das Acções de Pagamento, a obrigação do Emitente de satisfazer o Pagamento de Juros Opcionalmente Diferido será cancelado nessa medida. Se o Emitente for obrigado a satisfazer qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido em data em que exista uma causa de dissolução, nos termos do § 262 para. 1 da Lei das Sociedades Anónimas (Aktiengesetz), relativa ao Emitente ou ao Garante, e, no entanto, o Emitente ou o Garante não for capaz de aplicar o MASC ou o MAEE, as obrigações do Emitente relativas a tal montante não liquidado serão graduadas pari passu com as obrigações do Emitente relativas ao montante de capital das Obrigações num montante até ao patamar referente ao MAEE. 93 Mecanismo Alternativo de Satisfação do Cupão de Valores Mobiliários De Estatuto Equivalente (“MAEE”) . . . . . . Se o Emitente tiver notificado de que satisfará qualquer Pagamento de Juros Diferido relativamente ao ano de juros relevante nos termos do MAEE, o Emitente ou o Garante recolherão os fundos necessários para a satisfação do Pagamento de Juros Diferido através da emissão e da venda, directa ou indirecta, de valores mobiliários híbridos com termos e condições (em particular relativamente às disposições relativas ao diferimento de remuneração, pagamentos de remuneração diferida e a substituição) semelhantes às Condições e que constituam fundos próprios (Eingenmitel) de estatuto no mínimo equivalente (os “Valores Mobiliários de Pagamento”) no período com início na data que coincida 6 meses antes da Data de Liquidação Diferida relevante, incluindo aquela data, até à data que coincida cinco anos após a Data de Liquidação Diferida relevante, embora excluindo esta data. O montante de capital agregado de todos os Valores Mobiliários de Pagamento emitidos ao abrigo do MAEE não deve exceder 25% do montante de capital agregado das Obrigações na Data de Emissão. Se o requisito para a execução do MAEE não for preenchido, ou na medida em que o patamar acima mencionado seria excedido ou o montante de juros devidos exceder os resultados da colocação das Acções de Pagamento, o Emitente satisfará o Pagamento de Juros Diferidos nessa medida através do MASC, salvo se o Emitente tivesse decidido previamente accionar o MASC relativamente ao Pagamento de Juros Diferido relevante e lhe fosse exigido aplicar o MAEE cumulativamente com o MASC; neste caso, a obrigação do Emitente de satisfazer o Pagamento de Juros Diferido será cancelado nessa medida. Tributação .............................. Proibição de Oneração “Cross default” Todos os pagamentos de capital e juros relativamente às Obrigações (incluindo pagamentos pelo Garante ao abrigo da Garantia) serão efectuados livres e sem retenção ou dedução de quaisquer impostos, taxas, tributos ou taxas governamentais de qualquer natureza impostas, lançadas, cobradas, retidas ou estabelecidas pelos Países Baixos ou pela República Federal da Alemanha (conforme o caso) ou qualquer subdivisão política ou qualquer autoridade dos ou nos Países Baixos ou República Federal da Alemanha (conforme o caso) que tenha poder de tributar, salvo se o Emitente ou o Garante for obrigado por lei a proceder a tal retenção ou dedução. No caso de tal retenção ou dedução em resultado de qualquer alteração ou mudança legislativa, o Emitente ou o Garante (conforme o caso) pagarão os montantes adicionais que os Titulares das Obrigações teriam recebido se tal retenção ou dedução não tivesse sido exigida, sem prejuízo das normais excepções, tal como estabelecido nas Condições. .................. Os Termos e Condições das Obrigações não contêm uma disposição de proibição de oneração. ......................... Os Termos e Condições das Obrigações não contêm uma disposição de “cross default” relativamente a outras obrigações do Emitente ou do Garante. Admissão à Cotação .................... Foi feito um pedido para cotar as Obrigações no mercado oficial (Amtlicher Markt) da Bolsa de Valores de Frankfurt. 94 Direito Aplicável . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As Obrigações e a Garantia serão regidas pelo direito alemão. Restrições de Venda Jurisdição .................... Existirão restrições específicas quanto à oferta e venda de Obrigações e à distribuição de materiais da oferta no Espaço Económico Europeu, Estados Unidos da América, Áustria, Bélgica, Dinamarca, França, Irlanda, Portugal, Suécia e Reino Unido. ............................... A jurisdição não-exclusiva competente para quaisquer processos judiciais resultantes das Obrigações é Frankfurt am Main, na República Federal da Alemanha. Compensação e Liquidação ISIN ............. .................................... Código Comum ......................... As Obrigações serão aceites para compensação através do Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main. DE000A0GNPZ3 024513742 Código Alemão de Valores Mobiliários (WKN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0GNPZ Sumário relativo aos Factores de Risco Factores de Risco relativos às Obrigações Um investimento nas Obrigações envolve determinados riscos relacionados com as características das Obrigações. Tais riscos podem resultar no não pagamento pelo Emitente de capital ou juros, no Garante não efectuar o pagamento ao abrigo da Garantia e/ ou numa descida substancial do preço de mercado das Obrigações. Os riscos resultam especialmente do facto de: • o Emitente não ter qualquer obrigação de remir as Obrigações e os Titulares das Obrigações não terem qualquer direito de exigir a sua remissão; • as Obrigações poderem ser sujeitas a remissão antecipada pelo seu montante de capital na sequência de Evento de Gross-up e pelo Montante Acumulado na sequência de um Evento Fiscal ou um Evento Regulatório; neste caso, se o Emitente resgatar e remir as Obrigações, os Titulares das Obrigações apenas poderão reinvestir os resultados da remissão em valores mobiliários com um rendimento mais baixo; • não existir qualquer restrição quanto ao montante de dívida em que o Emitente ou o Garante podem incorrer no futuro; • as obrigações de pagamento do Emitente ao abrigo das Obrigações e do Garante ao abrigo da Garantia constituem obrigações subordinadas do Emitente e do Garante, respectivamente; e • o Emitente pode decidir ou mesmo ser obrigado a diferir pagamentos de juros se determinados requisitos forem preenchidos. Factores de Risco relativos ao Emitente O Emitente é um veículo financiador do Grupo Allianz. Como tal, inter alia, recolhe fundos e reempresta montantes a sociedades do grupo no âmbito do Grupo Allianz através de empréstimos intra-grupo. Caso uma sociedade do grupo não efectue um pagamento ao abrigo de um empréstimo intra-grupo, o Emitente pode não ser capaz de cumprir as suas obrigações de pagamento ao abrigo das Obrigações. Factores de Risco relativos ao Garante A actividade do Grupo Allianz, e como resultado, o valor das Obrigações, estão expostos a um conjunto de riscos. A secção que se segue contém uma descrição de determinados riscos que podem, de forma substancial, afectar negativamente a sua posição financeira e os resultados das operações: 95 • A volatilidade da taxa de juro pode afectar negativamente os resultados das operações do Grupo Allianz. • Os riscos do mercado podem prejudicar o valor da carteira do Grupo Allianz e afectar negativamente a sua posição financeira e os resultados das operações. • Os factores de mercado e outros podem afectar negativamente o goodwill, os custos diferidos de aquisição de apólices e os activos resultantes de tributação diferida; os referidos activos do Grupo Allianz são também potencialmente afectados por alterações na legislação fiscal. • A Allianz AG funciona tanto como uma companhia resseguradora como uma SGPS do Grupo Allianz, e está exposta a vários riscos de liquidez. • As provisões por perdas das apólices de seguro e resseguro multi-risco do Grupo Allianz têm por base estimativas quanto às responsabilidades por reclamações futuras. Desenvolvimentos negativos relativamente às pretensões podem levar a reforços adicionais das reservas e afectar negativamente e de forma substancial os resultados das operações do Grupo Allianz. • A experiência actuarial e outros factores podem divergir dos assumidos no cálculo das reservas actuariais do ramo vida/ saúde e responsabilidades com pensões. • Os resultados financeiros do Grupo Allianz podem ser afectados negativamente de forma substancial pela ocorrência de catástrofes. • O Grupo Allianz tem uma exposição ao risco de contraparte significativa. • Desenvolvimentos negativos no Dresdner Bank, incluindo o desenvolvimento em termos de performance operacional, níveis de perdas em virtude de crédito mal parado ou writedowns e perdas de capital, podem afectar negativamente os resultados do Grupo Allianz e podem resultar em requisitos de capital susceptíveis de restringir as suas operações. • Muitas das actividades do Grupo da Allianz dependem da força financeira e da notação de risco dos créditos atribuída ao Grupo Allianz por várias agências de notação de risco. Assim, a descida das notações de risco da Allianz AG pode afectar negativamente de forma substancial as relações com clientes e intermediários, ter um impacto negativo nas vendas dos produtos do grupo Allianz e aumentar os seus custos de contrair empréstimo. • Se a actividade de gestão de activos do Grupo Allianz tiver uma má rentabilidade, pode sofrer uma diminuição dos activos sob gestão e do rendimento de taxas associado. • Riscos geopolíticos acrescidos na sequência do ataque terrorista de 11 de Setembro de 2001 e quaisquer ataques terroristas futuros podem ter um impacto negativo continuado nas actividades do Grupo Allianz. • Alterações a normas governamentais existentes ou novas normas governamentais nos países onde o Grupo Allianz opera podem ter um impacto neste. • Alterações na legislação fiscal podem afectar negativamente as actividades do Grupo Allianz. • Alterações de valor relativamente ao Euro de moedas fora da zona do Euro em que o Grupo Allianz gere receitas e incorra em despesas pode afectar negativamente os seus ganhos declarados e fluxos de caixa. • Os ganhos que a Allianz AG realize através da fusão com a Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azione (“RAS”) podem ser substancialmente diferentes das suas expectativas presentes. • Os resultados, a performance e as realizações actuais do Grupo Allianz ou os da sua indústria poderão ser substancialmente diferentes ou piores que as respectivas afirmações relativas ao futuro devido a influências políticas, macroeconómicas e demográficas imprevisíveis. A concretização de qualquer dos riscos enunciados supra poderá afectar a capacidade do Garante de cumprir as suas obrigações de pagamento nos termos da Garantia e/ou levar a um declínio no preço de mercado das Obrigações. Sumário relativo ao Emitente O Emitente foi fundado como uma sociedade por quotas nos Países Baixos em 8 de Maio de 2000 por tempo ilimitado ao abrigo do direito dos Países Baixos. O Emitente é uma subsidiária da Allianz AG totalmente detida por esta e actua como uma entidade financiadora dentro do Grupo Allianz. A sede do Emitente é em Amesterdão e a morada é Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amesterdão, Países Baixos, número de telefone (+31)(20)5569710. O Emitente encontra-se registado no Registo Comercial de Amesterdão sob o número 34134406. 96 O objecto social do Emitente, tal como contido no Artigo 2 dos seus Estatutos, é desenvolver actividade financeira de todos os tipos, em particular o empréstimo e tomada de empréstimo de fundos, incluindo a emissão de obrigações, e participação em sociedades e empresas. O conselho de directores executivos do Emitente é constituído actualmente pelos seguintes membros: Dirk Schoon, Hero Wentzel e Dra. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. O conselho fiscal do Emitente é constituído actualmente por Michael Diekmann, Dr. Paul Achleitner e Stephan Theissing. Os auditores da Allianz Finance II B.V. são KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, Países Baixos. A seguinte tabela apresenta a informação financeira chave do Emitente: Allianz Finance II B.V. 9 meses com final em 30 de Setembro (contas não fiscalizadas) 2005 2004 € € Ano terminado em 31 de Dezembro 2004 2003 € € Activo Imobilizado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activo Circulante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.329.056.504 364.490.526 6.654.019.238 316.092.403 6.602.060.884 258.734.477 6.641.659.010 904.824.759 Capital Próprio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passivo de Longo Prazo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passivo Corrente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.693.547.030 2.400.749 362.089.777 6.970.111.641 2.097.756 6.654.019.235 313.994.650 6.860.795.361 932.595 6.602.060.881 257.801.885 7.546.483.769 987.413 6.641.659.010 903.837.346 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 Sumário relativamente ao Garante A Allianz AG é uma sociedade anónima regida pelo direito alemão e registada como “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” no registo comercial do tribunal de primeira instância (Amtsgericht) em Munique sob o número de registo HRB 7158. A sede e morada da Allianz AG são em Königinstrasse 28, 80802 Munique, Alemanha, número de telefone (+49)(89)3800-00. Panorama das actividades comerciais O Grupo Allianz está entre os maiores prestadores de serviços financeiros do mundo, oferecendo produtos e serviços de seguros, de banca e de gestão de activos através de sectores de actividade de seguros multi-risco, ramo vida/ saúde, banca ou gestão de activos. O Grupo Allianz é um dos maiores grupos seguradores do mundo com base nos prémios brutos emitidos em 2004 e é a maior companhia alemão de seguros multi-risco e vida/ saúde com base nos prémios brutos emitidos em 2004. O Grupo Allianz está também entre as maiores companhias de seguros em outros países, incluindo França, Itália, Reino Unido, Suíça e Espanha e é uma das maiores instituições financeiras alemãs com base no valor de mercado em 30 de Setembro de 2005. Desde o início de Agosto de 2005, a Allianz AG tem tido notações de força financeira de A+ da A.M. Best e AA- da Standard & Poor’s, ambas com perspectivas de estabilidade, e uma notação de Aa3 da Moody’s para uma dívida sénior não garantida com perspectivas de estabilidade. A Allianz AG foi constituída em Berlim em 5 de Fevereiro de 1890 com a designação de “Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft”. Em 1949, a Allianz AG alterou a sua administração principal de Berlim para Munique. Com base numa deliberação correspondente da assembleia geral de 27 de Junho de 1985, a Allianz AG foi transformada numa SGPS e a sua firma foi alterada para “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding”. Nos termos de uma deliberação correspondente da assembleia geral de 7 de Outubro de 1996, a designação de Allianz AG foi mais uma vez alterada para “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft”. 97 Para além da sua actividade seguradora dos ramos multi-risco e vida/ saúde, o Grupo Allianz estabeleceu em 1998 os serviços financeiros como o seu terceiro sector de actividade principal. Em 2001, depois da sua adquisição do Dresdner Bank AG (doravante referido como “Dresdner Bank” e conjuntamente com as suas subsidiárias consolidadas, o “Grupo Dresdner Bank”), o Grupo Allianz reorganizou o seu sector de serviços financeiros em sectores separados de gestão de activos e de banca. Com base em activos sob gestão em 31 de Dezembro de 2004, o Grupo Allianz era um dos cinco maiores gestores de activos no mundo. No seu sector bancário, que é hoje o seu quarto sector de actividade principal, a sua aquisição do Dresdner Bank tornou o Grupo Allianz um dos maiores bancos na Alemanha e proveu-a de canais de distribuição significativamente alargados para os seus produtos e serviços dos ramos multi-risco, vida/ saúde e gestão de activos. A actividade do Grupo Allianz é gerida a nível local ao passo que as suas linhas de especialidades e o seu sector de gestão de activos são geridos e operados a nível global. As actividades seguradoras alemãs dos ramos multi-risco e vida/ saúde do Grupo Allianz são geridas por subsidiárias localizadas principalmente em Munique e Estugarda. As suas actividades seguradoras não-alemãs são geridas localmente. Entre os maiores mercados não-alemães do Grupo Allianz estão a França, a Itália, o Reino Unido, a Suiça, a Espanha e os Estados Unidos. Cada uma das linhas de seguro de crédito, seguro marítimo e de aviação, resseguro de riscos industriais internacionais através da Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs-AG e de seguro de viagem e serviços de assistência do Grupo Allianz é gerido e operado numa base global. O sector de gestão de activos do Grupo Allianz também opera numa base mundial, com centros de gestão chave em Munique, Frankfurt, Londres, Paris, Sungapura, Hong Kong, Milão, Westport, Connecticut, e São Francisco, San Diego e Newport Beach, na Califórnia. O sector da banca do Grupo Allianz opera através de aproximadamente 960 agências alemãs e não-alemãs do Dresdner Bank (em 30 de Setembro de 2005) e várias subsidiárias, com operações importantes na Alemanha, Reino Unido, outros países europeus e Estados Unidos. Informação sobre Tendência O Grupo Allianz espera um aumento global nas suas receitas globais semelhante a 2004 e aos primeiros nove meses de 2005 e continua a concentrar os seus esforços na manutenção e na melhoria selectiva do seu lucro operacional. Contudo, catástrofes naturais e desenvolvimentos negativos nos mercados de capitais, bem como os factores de risco referidos acima, podem ter um impacto negativo na rentabilidade do Grupo Allianz. Conselho Administrativo, Conselho Fiscal e Empregados O Conselho de Administração da Allianz AG é constituído por onze membros que são Michael Diekmann (Presidente), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philipe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter e Dr. Werner Zedelius. O Conselho Fiscal (Aufsichtsrat) da Allianz AG (o “Conselho Fiscal”) é constituído por vinte membros que são Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Presidente), Norbert Blix (Presidente Delegado), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B. Humer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer e Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower. Em 30 de Setembro de 2005, o Grupo Allianz empregava um total de 178.462 pessoas no mundo inteiro, 105.284 das quais fora da Alemanha. Grandes Accionistas Em 31 de Dezembro de 2004, a Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft em München (ou “Munique Re”) era o único grande accionista da Allianz AG e detinha aproximadamente 9,0% do capital social da Allianz AG ou aproximadamente 9,4% das acções em circulação da Allianz AG nesta data. Em 14 de Julho de 2005, a Allianz AG foi informada pela Munique Re nos termos das disposições da Lei de Negociação de Valores Mobiliários alemã (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, ou “WpHG”) que a Munique Re tinha reduzido a sua participação na Allianz AG para menos de 5% e detinha 4,9% do capital social da Allianz AG nesta data. 98 Perante as alterações substanciais na relação entre o Grupo Allianz e a Munique Re – em particular a redução significativa das participações mútuas cruzadas, o cancelamento do acordo “Princípios de Cooperação” e o fim da participação dos administradores simultaneamente nos órgãos de administração das duas sociedades – a Allianz AG já não considera a Munique Re como uma parte associada. Informação Financeira Seleccionada Grupo Allianz Lucros Operacionais (EBIT) antes de itens excepcionais . . . . . . . . . . . . Lucros Operacionais (EBIT) após itens excepcionais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash Flow* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activos Totais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capital dos Accionistas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passivo Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 30 Setembro 2005 (não fiscalizadas) Milhões € 31 Dezembro 2004 31 Dezembro 2003 Milhões € Milhões € 5.917 3.508 18.675 989.198 48.588 940.610 6.839 2.266 4.616 990.318 37.691 952.627 3.982 2.691 (1.397) 933.213 35.259 897.954 fluxos de capital resultante de actividades operacionais Informação Adicional Capital social registado O capital social da Allianz AG cifra-se actualmente em €1.039.462.400 e está dividido em 406.040.000 acções sem valor nominal. Fiscal Único A Allianz AG nomeou a KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 Munique, Alemanha, como fiscal para o ano que termina em 31 de Dezembro de 2005. Documentos em Exibição Enquanto qualquer Obrigação estiver em circulação, poderão ser inspeccionadas cópias dos seguintes documentos em suporte físico durante as normais horas de expediente na sede do Emitente e do Garante e no escritório do Agente Pagador Principal que seja especificado: (a) a Garantia; (b) os Estatutos do Emitente; (c) os estatutos (Satzung) do Garante; (d) o Prospecto; e (e) todos os relatórios, cartas e outros documentos, informação, avaliações e balanços financeiros históricos, preparados por um perito a pedido do Emitente e/ ou do Garante, que se encontrem, ainda que parcialmente, incluídos ou referidos na descrição do Emitente e do Garante. 99 RESUMEN El siguiente documento constituye un resumen (en lo sucesivo, “el Resumen”) de las características y riesgos esenciales asociados al Emisor, el Garante y los Bonos. Este Resumen debe considerarse como una introducción al Folleto. Cualquier decisión realizada por un inversor de invertir en los Bonos debe basarse en el análisis de este Folleto en su totalidad, incluidos los documentos incorporados por referencia y sus correspondientes suplementos. En caso de que se interpusiese ante un tribunal una demanda relativa a la información contenida en este Folleto, los documentos incorporados por referencia y los suplementos a los mismos, el inversor que interpusiese la demanda podría estar obligado bajo la legislación nacional de un Estado miembro del Área Económica Europea a soportar los costes derivados de la traducción del presente Folleto, los documentos incorporados por referencia y los suplementos a los mismos antes de iniciar el procedimiento judicial correspondiente. El Emisor, el Garante y Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft, quienes han elaborado este Resumen incluyendo cualquier traducción del mismo y que han solicitado su notificación, tendrán responsabilidad civil sólo si, el Resumen puede inducir a error, o si contiene inexactitudes o incongruencias respecto a las demás partes de este Folleto. Este Resumen incluye previsiones a futuro (forward-looking statements). Entre ellas, se incluyen previsiones relativas a, entre otras cosas, la rentabilidad financiera futura del Emisor, Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (en adelante “Allianz AG”) y sus filiales consolidadas (en adelante, y junto con Allianz AG, “Allianz Group”), planes y expectativas relativas a la evolución de la actividad mercantil, crecimiento y rentabilidad de Allianz Group, y sobre las condiciones generales del sector y del negocio aplicables a Allianz Group. Para la formulación de dichas previsiones a futuro, Allianz Group se ha basado en sus expectativas actuales, asunciones, estimaciones y proyecciones de acontecimientos futuros. Las previsiones a futuro están sujetas a varios riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones que pueden provocar que los resultados efectivos, la rentabilidad o el éxito de Allianz Group, o los de su sector, difieran sustancialmente o sean peores que dichas previsiones a futuro. El Emisor, Allianz AG y Dresdner Bank AG no asumen ninguna obligación de actualizar dichas previsiones a futuro ni de adaptarlas según la evolución o acontecimientos futuros, excepto en la medida en que así lo exija la legislación. Resumen de los Bonos La cantidad principal total definitiva, el precio de emisión y el tipo de interés de los Bonos se determinarán aproximadamente el [1 de marzo] de 2006, en virtud de un proceso de recopilación de las órdenes de compra de los inversores principales. Emisor .................................. Garante ................................. Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Importe principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Hasta 1.000 millones] EUR Entidades Directoras (“Lead Managers”) ................... Deutsche Bank AG, sucursal de Londres, Dresdner Bank AG, sucursal de Londres (que aparece en la portada con su nombre comercial “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein”), UBS Limited (conjuntamente, las “Entidades Directoras”) Entidades Codirectoras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen - Girozentrale WestLB AG (junto con las Entidades Directoras, los “Gestores”) 100 Agente Fiscal, Agente de Pagos Principal y Agente de Cálculo (“Fiscal Agent, Principal Paying Agent and Calculation Agent”) . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Precio de emisión ....................... [98-101]% Fecha de emisión ....................... [3 de marzo] de 2006 Valor nominal .......................... Los Bonos se emitirán con un valor nominal de 1.000 EUR cada uno. Forma de expedición de los Bonos. . . . . . . Los Bonos serán al portador e, inicialmente, estarán representados por un Título Global Provisional sin cupones de interés, que se depositará en o en representación de Clearstream Banking AG Frankfurt am Main (en adelante, el “Sistema de Compensación Bancaria”). El Título Global Provisional podrá canjearse por un Título Global Permanente sin cupones de intereses no antes de que transcurran 40 días desde la Fecha de Emisión, siempre que se certifique fehacientemente la inexistencia de propiedad efectiva estadounidense con arreglo a las normas y procedimientos operativos del Sistema de Compensación Bancaria. El pago del Título Global Provisional únicamente se efectuará mediante la presentación de dicha certificación. No se emitirá ningún Bono o cupón de interés definitivo. Categoría de los Bonos. ................. Las obligaciones bajo los Bonos constituyen obligaciones no garantizadas y subordinadas del Emisor, y tienen el mismo rango (“pari passu”) entre sí, y al menos el mismo rango que todas las demás obligaciones no garantizadas y subordinadas sin fecha del Emisor pendientes de cumplimiento en la Fecha de Emisión salvo las obligaciones subordinadas privilegiadas por la ley. En caso de liquidación, disolución, insolvencia, convenio u otro procedimiento dirigido a subsanar la insolvencia de, o interpuesto en contra, del Emisor, las obligaciones del Emisor derivadas de los Bonos quedarán subordinadas a las reclamaciones de todos los acreedores no subordinados y subordinados con fecha del Emisor, de tal forma que, en tal caso, no se abonará ningún importe en relación con los Bonos hasta que todas las reclamaciones de los citados acreedores no subordinados y subordinados con fecha del Emisor hayan sido completamente satisfechas. Ni el Emisor ni ningún tercero conceden o concederán en ningún momento ninguna garantía (con excepción de la Garantía subordinada) de ningún tipo, que garantice los derechos de los Titulares de Bonos bajo los Bonos. Ningún acuerdo posterior podrá limitar la subordinación ni acortar el periodo de notificación aplicable (Kündigungsfrist) relativo a los Bonos. En caso de que los Bonos se amorticen anticipadamente, los importes amortizados deberán ser devueltos al Emisor, con independencia de cualquier acuerdo en contrario, a no ser que el Emisor se haya disuelto o que dichos importes hayan sido sustituidos por un capital que al menos, deberá ser equivalente (Eigenmittel) y de, al menos, rango equivalente, o si la 101 Autoridad Federal de Supervisión Financiera alemana (“Federal Financial Supervisory Authority”) o cualquier otro órgano que la sustituya autoriza la citada amortización. Ningún Titular de Bonos puede compensar las reclamaciones derivadas de los Bonos con cualesquiera reclamaciones que el Emisor pueda tener frente a dicho Titular. El Emisor no puede compensar las reclamaciones que tenga contra cualquier Titular de Bonos con las obligaciones que le impongan los Bonos. Garantía ................................ El Garante otorgará una Garantía incondicional e irrevocable, con carácter subordinado, para garantizar el pago del principal, intereses y otras cantidades que deban abonarse bajo los Bonos. La Garantía constituye un contrato en beneficio de quienes en cada momento sean Titulares de los Bonos como terceros beneficiarios, de conformidad con el artículo 328 apartado 1 del Código Civil alemán (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), que legitima a cada uno de los Titulares de Bonos a exigir el cumplimiento de la Garantía directamente al Garante, y a ejecutar la Garantía directamente contra el Garante. En caso de disolución, liquidación, insolvencia, o cualquier otro procedimiento dirigido a evitar la situación concursal del Garante, las reclamaciones de los Titulares de Bonos bajo la Garantía serán satisfechas después (y solamente después) de que se hayan satisfecho íntegramente las reclamaciones de todos los acreedores no subordinados y subordinados con fecha del Garante. Los Titulares de Bonos aceptan expresamente que, en las circunstancias descritas anteriormente, los pagos relativos a los Bonos se realizarán por parte del Garante en virtud de la Garantía únicamente de conformidad con el mecanismo de subordinación descrito anteriormente. Ningún Titular de Bonos puede compensar las reclamaciones derivadas de la Garantía con las posibles reclamaciones que el Garante pueda tener frente a dicho Titular. El Garante puede compensar las reclamaciones de cualquier Titular de Bonos derivadas de la Garantía únicamente si dichas cantidades han sido sustituidas por otras con, como mínimo, un capital equivalente (Eigenmittel) o con una categoría al menos equivalente, o si la Autoridad Federal de Supervisión Financiera alemana (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) o cualquier otra autoridad que la suceda da su consentimiento a la compensación, y siempre que se cumpla la Condición de Solvencia (según se define dicho término más adelante). Amortización ........................... Los Bonos no tienen una fecha de vencimiento definitiva. Pueden amortizarse en su totalidad, pero no en parte, a elección del Emisor, en su cuantía principal el [3 de marzo] de 2011 y, a partir de ese momento, en cada Fecha de Pago de Intereses (según dicho término se define más adelante). El Emisor también puede amortizar los Bonos en su totalidad, pero no en parte, en su importe principal junto con cualesquiera intereses devengados en cualquier momento tras un Supuesto de Redondeo al Alza (Gross-up Event) (según se define dicho término más adelante), y al Importe Complementario tras un 102 Supuesto Fiscal o un Supuesto Regulador (todos estos términos según se definen más adelante). En cualquier caso, el Emisor puede adquirir y amortizar los Bonos únicamente si se cumple la Condición de Solvencia (según dicho término se define más adelante), y si el importe principal de los Bonos que van a ser amortizados ha sido sustituido por otro importe obligatorio como mínimo equivalente, o si la Autoridad Federal de Supervisión Financiera alemana o cualquier otro órgano que la sustituya autoriza la citada amortización. Se producirá un “Supuesto de Redondeo al Alza” (Gross up Event) si el Emisor está o pasa a estar obligado por un órgano legislador, un tribunal o cualquier otra autoridad a pagar Importes Adicionales, o si el Garante está o pasa a estar obligado a pagar Importes Adicionales respecto de los pagos adeudados en virtud de la Garantía como resultado de cualquier modificación o enmienda en las leyes (o los reglamentos o normas que los desarrollen) de los Países Bajos o la República Federal de Alemania o cualquier subdivisión política o autoridad de los Países Bajos o la República Federal de Alemania, o como resultado de cualquier cambio o modificación en la interpretación oficial o aplicación de dichas leyes, normas o reglamentos, y en caso de que la obligación en cuestión no pueda ser evitada por el Emisor o el Garante, según proceda, adoptando las medidas razonables que (actuando de buena fe) considere adecuadas. Se producirá un “Supuesto Fiscal” si, como resultado de cualquier cambio o modificación en las leyes (o en las normas y reglamentos que las desarrollen) de los Países Bajos o la República Federal de Alemania, o cualquier subdivisión política u otra autoridad fiscal de uno u otro, o si como resultado de la modificación o enmienda de la interpretación oficial o aplicación de dichas leyes, normas o reglamentos o cualquier órgano legislativo, tribunal, órgano administrativo o autoridad reguladora (incluida la promulgación de nueva legislación y la publicación de cualquier resolución judicial u orden administrativa), los intereses pagaderos por el Emisor respecto de los Bonos, o cualquier cantidad pagadera por el Garante en virtud de la Garantía deja de ser, o vaya a dejar de ser en el plazo de 90 días desde la fecha del dictamen descrito más adelante, totalmente deducibles por el Emisor y/o el Garante a efectos del impuesto sobre la renta holandés o alemán, siempre que dicho riesgo no pueda ser evitado por el Emisor o el Garante mediante la adopción de las medidas razonables que consideren (actuando de buena fe) adecuadas. Se producirá un “Supuesto Regulador” si: (a) la Autoridad Federal de Supervisión Financiera Alemana (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) o cualquier otro órgano que la sustituya indican por escrito al Garante que los Bonos (en su totalidad o en parte) han dejado de cumplir los requisitos para el importe obligatorio o la posesión de fondos a efectos de la solvencia del grupo o la solvencia de la entidad del Garante, o la solvencia definida en la regulación para conglomerados financieros. Esta disposición se aplicará únicamente si en cualquier momento anterior a dicha indicación los Bonos sí cumplían dichos requisitos, o (b) si en algún momento, el Garante o el grupo del Garante se ven obligados, como consecuencia de obligaciones regulatorias de 103 capital, a tener un capital obligatorio de Tier I (con independencia de su descripción), y si los Bonos no cumplieran los requisitos para ser incluidos en el importe obligatorio de Tier I a efectos de la solvencia del grupo del Garante o la solvencia definida en la regulación para conglomerados financieros en vigor en ese momento. Intereses ................................ Se devengará un interés sobre el principal de los Bonos desde el [3 de marzo] de 2006 inclusive a un tipo del [5.00-5.875] por ciento anual hasta, pero excluyéndola, la fecha de amortización, en su caso. Los intereses se abonarán a plazo vencido el [3 de marzo] de cada año (y cada una de tales fechas será denominada una “Fecha de Pago de Intereses”). El primer pago de intereses se llevará a cabo el [3 de marzo] de 2007. Si fuese necesario calcular intereses para un periodo inferior a un año, dichos intereses se calcularán sobre la base del número efectivo de días del periodo dividido por el número efectivo de días (365 ó 366) del año respectivo. Aplazamiento optativo del pago de intereses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sujeto al cumplimiento de la Condición de Solvencia y a que no se haya producido ningún Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio (según dicho término se define más adelante), el Emisor puede, en cada Fecha de Pago de Intereses, optar a su sola discreción por aplazar el pago de los intereses, comunicándolo con una antelación de al menos tres Días Hábiles, si, al final del décimo Día Hábil anterior a dicha Fecha de Pago de Intereses (en adelante, “la Fecha de Cálculo”), no se hubiese declarado ningún dividendo u otro tipo de pago respecto de ninguna clase de acciones del Garante en la Junta General de Accionistas ordinaria (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) del Garante inmediatamente anterior a dicha Fecha de Pago de Intereses, y si no se hubiese hecho ningún pago a cuenta del beneficio del balance desde dicha Junta General de Accionistas ordinaria (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) del Garante. En este caso, los intereses aplazados constituirán un “Pago de Intereses Aplazado Optativo”. El Emisor puede optar, a su sola discreción, por satisfacer cualquier pago de intereses que no aplace en la Fecha de Pago de Intereses con fondos obtenidos antes de la Fecha de Pago de Intereses por medio del Mecanismo Alternativo de Satisfacción de los Cupones de Acciones (“ACSM”), según se describe más adelante. Aplazamiento o cancelación obligatoria de los pagos de intereses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si en una Fecha de Pago de Intereses no se cumple la Condición de Solvencia, el Emisor estará obligado a aplazar el pago de los intereses devengados durante el ejercicio hasta dicha Fecha de Pago de Intereses (no incluida), a no ser que el Emisor opte, a su sola discreción, por satisfacer dichos intereses en la Fecha de Pago de Intereses con fondos obtenidos antes de la Fecha de Pago de Intereses por medio del ACSM. La “Condición de Solvencia” se cumplirá en caso de que: (A) el Garante y el Grupo del Garante cuenten con fondos adecuados para cubrir el margen de solvencia mínimo requerido (u otro término comparable en caso de modificación de las normas aplicables) de conformidad con las disposiciones de la ley alemana reguladora de los seguros (a efectos de la solvencia del 104 grupo o la solvencia de la entidad, o la solvencia según se define en la regulación para conglomerados financieros) y la práctica administrativa generalmente reconocida, en su caso, de la Autoridad Federal de Supervisión Financiera alemana o cualquier otro órgano que la sustituya aplicable en cualquier momento, y dichos fondos no sean inferiores, como resultado de un pago parcial o total de intereses o de un pago de amortización, respectivamente, que en caso contrario vencerían en dicha Fecha de Pago de Intereses o en la fecha de amortización, respectivamente, al margen de solvencia mínimo exigido; y (B) no esté en vigor ninguna orden de la Autoridad Federal de Supervisión Financiera alemana o cualquier órgano que la sustituya en la que se prohíba al Garante hacer pagos de intereses, a excepción de las distribuciones o amortizaciones (incluyendo a los titulares de Valores de Paridad o Valores Junior); y (C) el Garante pueda abonar sus deudas contraídas con sus Acreedores Principales (según se definen más adelante) en el momento de su vencimiento, y (D) el Activo del Garante (según se define más adelante) supere a su Pasivo (según se define más adelante) (con excepción de las obligaciones contraídas con quienes no sean Acreedores Principales). “Activo” se refiere al activo total no consolidado del Garante, según aparece en el último balance de situación anual publicado auditado del Garante, pero ajustado para los supuestos posteriores, todo ello según determine el Garante o, en caso de que esté en proceso de liquidación, su liquidador. “Pasivo” se refiere al pasivo total no consolidado del Garante, según aparece en el último balance de situación anual publicado auditado del Garante, pero ajustado para los supuestos posteriores, todo ello según determine el Garante o, en caso de que esté en proceso de liquidación, su liquidador. “Acreedores Principales” se refiere a los acreedores del Garante (a) que sean acreedores no subordinados del Garante, o (b) cuyas reclamaciones estén subordinadas a las reclamaciones de otros acreedores del Garante (a excepción de aquéllos cuyas reclamaciones tengan el mismo rango o un rango inferior a las de los Titulares de los Bonos). Si en una Fecha de Pago de Intereses se ha producido un Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio, el Emisor estará obligado a aplazar todos los Importes Excedentes. Por “Importe Excedente” se entenderá, respecto del importe de intereses que serían pagaderos sobre el importe principal total de los Bonos en circulación en la correspondiente Fecha de Pago de Intereses, y que se hubiesen devengado (en lo sucesivo, el “Importe de Intereses”), al importe en el que el Importe de Intereses exceda del “Nuevo Importe del Capital” (según este término se define más adelante). 105 Por “Nuevo Importe de Capital” se entenderán los ingresos netos recibidos por el Garante de las nuevas emisiones y/o de la venta de acciones ordinarias, acciones preferentes e instrumentos que generen alta calificación crediticia de las agencias de calificación estrechamente relacionadas con los Bonos durante el periodo de 180 días anterior a dicha fecha y designado por el Garante en o antes de la fecha de emisión, según esté disponible, para abonar cantidades en relación con los Bonos. Se habrá producido un “Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio” en una Fecha de Pago de Intereses en caso de que al final de la Fecha de Cálculo: (x) los Ingresos Netos Trimestrales Acumulados (según dicho término se define más adelante) para el periodo de cuatro trimestres del Garante que hubiese concluido en el trimestre anterior en seis meses al trimestre completo y publicado más reciente del Garante son inferiores o iguales a cero; (y) si el Importe Ajustado de los Recursos Propios (según dicho término se define más adelante) al final del trimestre completo y publicado más reciente del Garante y al final del trimestre que preceda en seis meses al trimestre completo y publicado más reciente del Garante ha disminuido en un 10% o más en comparación con el Importe Ajustado de los Recursos Propios existente al final del trimestre del Garante que sea diez trimestres anterior al trimestre completo y publicado más reciente del Garante (el “Trimestre de Referencia”). Donde: Por “Importe Ajustado de los Recursos Propios” se entenderá, al final de cualquier trimestre del Garante, los recursos propios antes de las participaciones minoritarias, según se refleje en el balance de situación consolidado del Garante relativo a dicho trimestre, elaborado de conformidad con las Normas Contables Aplicables (según dicho término se define más adelante), menos los ajustes de conversión de divisas extranjeras y las pérdidas y ganancias (netas) no materializadas que se reflejen en dicho balance de situación consolidado. Por “Normas Contables Aplicables” se entenderá a las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS) que sean aplicables en las fechas correspondientes y para los plazos correspondientes, o cualesquiera otros principios contables generalmente aceptados en Alemania y aplicados por el Garante que sustituyan a los anteriores. Por “Ingresos Netos Trimestrales Acumulados” se entenderá, al finalizar cualquier trimestre del Garante, la suma de los ingresos netos consolidados del Garante, según se determine de conformidad con las Normas Contables Aplicables, para los cuatro trimestres que concluyan el último día de dicho trimestre. Si el Emisor se ve obligado a aplazar un pago de intereses tras la producción de un Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio en una Fecha de Pago de Intereses, el Emisor también estará obligado a aplazar en una o varias Fechas de Pago de Intereses posteriores los 106 intereses que en caso contrario se habrían devengado en dichas Fechas de Pago de Intereses hasta que se haya subsanado el Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio en cualquier Fecha de Cálculo posterior. Después de que se hayan producido uno o varios Supuestos de Aplazamiento Obligatorios, el Emisor sólo podrá empezar a pagar intereses sobre los Bonos en una Fecha de Pago de Intereses si en la Fecha de Cálculo de dicha Fecha de Pago de Intereses (x) no se ha producido ningún Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio nuevo, y (y) si los Supuestos de Aplazamiento Obligatorios anteriores han sido subsanados. Un Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio que se haya producido en una Fecha de Cálculo anterior se considerará subsanado en cualquier otra Fecha de Cálculo si el Importe Ajustado de los Recursos Propios en el trimestre completado y publicado más reciente del Garante anterior a dicha Fecha de Cálculo ha aumentado en más del 90% sobre el Importe Ajustado de los Recursos Propios al final del Trimestre de Referencia para dicha Fecha de Cálculo anterior en la que se hubiese producido el Supuesto de Aplazamiento Obligatorio. El Emisor puede, a su sola discreción, optar por satisfacer en la correspondiente Fecha de Pago de Intereses los intereses que en otras circunstancias habrían resultado pagaderos con fondos obtenidos antes de la Fecha de Pago de Intereses a través del ACSM. En estos casos, cualquier interés aplazado constituirá un “Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente” (junto con cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado Optativo, “ los Pagos de Intereses Aplazado”). Pago de los Intereses Aplazados ......... El Emisor puede en cualquier momento, siempre que lo comunique previamente, satisfacer en su totalidad o en parte cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado Optativo con fondos obtenidos con anterioridad a la fecha en que venza el Pago de los Intereses Aplazados (en lo sucesivo, “la Fecha de Liquidación Aplazada”) por medio del ACSM. El Emisor satisfará: (x) cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado Optativo con fondos obtenidos antes de la Fecha de Liquidación Aplazada por medio del ACSM; (y) cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente por medio del ACSM o por medio del APSM; en las siguientes situaciones: (i) El Emisor satisfará cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado en la fecha en que los Bonos venzan para ser amortizados. (ii) El Emisor satisfará cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado en la Fecha de Pago de Intereses: (x) siguiente a la fecha en la que el Emisor o el Garante efectúen cualquier pago íntegro de intereses o un pago aplazado sobre Valores de Paridad; (y) siguiente a la fecha en la que el Emisor o el Garante efectúen cualquier pago íntegro de intereses o un pago aplazado sobre Valores Junior; 107 (z) si hasta el final de la Fecha de Cálculo anterior a dicha Fecha de Pago de Intereses se declara cualquier dividendo u otro pago o distribución respecto de cualquier clase de acciones del Garante en la Junta General ordinaria de accionistas (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) del Garante inmediatamente anterior a dicha Fecha de Pago de Intereses, o si se efectúa cualquier pago a cuenta del beneficio del balance de situación desde dicha Junta General ordinaria de accionistas (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) del Garante. (iii) Si el Emisor o el Garante efectúan cualquier pago parcial de intereses o un pago aplazado sobre cualesquiera Valores de Paridad o Valores Junior, el Emisor satisfará en la misma proporción cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado en la siguiente Fecha de Pago de intereses posterior a la fecha en que haya efectuado tal pago. En este caso, la proporción será igual al resultado de dividir el importe del pago aplazado efectivamente abonado entre el importe restante del pago aplazado. (iv) El Emisor satisfará cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado no más tarde del día del décimo aniversario posterior a la Fecha de Pago de Intereses correspondiente. (v) El Emisor satisfará los Pagos de Intereses Aplazados en la fecha en que se produzca una causa de disolución, conforme al artículo 262 apartado 1 de la Ley alemana de Sociedades Anónimas (Aktiengesetz), del Emisor o el Garante (diferente de las disoluciones como consecuencia de una consolidación, reorganización o reestructuración, mientras sigan siendo solventes, cuando la entidad resultante asuma sustancialmente todos los activos y obligaciones del Emisor o del Garante, según sea el caso). Mecanismo Alternativo de Satisfacción de los Cupones de Acciones (Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism, “ACSM”) . . . El Emisor puede satisfacer cualquier pago de intereses que no aplace a través del ACSM únicamente en caso de que y en la medida en que el Garante haya obtenido los fondos necesarios para la satisfacción del pago de intereses emitiendo o vendiendo acciones del Garante (las “Acciones de Pago”) en el plazo de seis meses anterior a la fecha de Pago de Intereses. En caso de que el Emisor decida o esté obligado a satisfacer cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado a través del ACSM, el Emisor solicitará al Garante que obtenga los fondos necesarios para la satisfacción de dicho pago emitiendo o vendiendo Acciones de Pago del Garante durante el periodo comprendido entre la fecha que ocurra seis meses antes de la correspondiente Fecha de Liquidación Aplazada, inclusive, hasta la fecha del quinto aniversario de la correspondiente Fecha de Liquidación Aplazada, no inclusive. En ningún caso estará obligado el Garante a emitir nuevas acciones o a vender acciones de autocartera; se informa a los Titulares de Bonos que el Garante puede tener prohibido, en virtud de disposiciones vinculantes de la ley alemana de Sociedades Anónimas u otra normativa, emitir nuevas acciones o a vender acciones de autocartera. 108 El Garante puede, el objeto de satisfacer cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente de conformidad con el ACSM, colocar cada año natural un número de Acciones de Pago que no exceda del 2,00 por ciento del capital social emitido (Grundkapital) del Garante en la fecha correspondiente. Si con respecto a un Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente cualquiera de los requisitos para la aplicación del ACSM no se cumple, o en la medida en que se sobrepase el límite antes mencionado o que el importe que resulte pagadero sea superior a los ingresos obtenidos por la colocación de las Acciones de Pago, el Emisor satisfará el Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente en dicha medida a través del APSM, a menos que el Emisor haya decidido previamente utilizar el APSM respecto del Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente correspondiente y esté obligado a aplicar el ACSM además del APSM; en este caso la obligación del Emisor de satisfacer el Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente quedará cancelado en esa medida. Si con respecto a cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado Opcional cualquiera de los requisitos para la aplicación del ACSM no se cumple o, en la medida en que el importe que sería pagadero exceda los ingresos de la colocación de las Acciones de Pago, la obligación del Emisor de satisfacer el Pago de Intereses Aplazado Optativo quedará cancelado en esa medida. Si el Emisor está obligado a satisfacer cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado en la fecha en que exista una razón para la disolución en virtud del artículo 262 apartado 1 de la Ley alemana de Sociedades Anónimas (Aktiengesetz) respecto al Emisor o al Garante, pero el Emisor o el Garante no sean capaces en todo caso de aplicar el ACSM, las obligaciones del Emisor respecto de dicha cantidad no liquidada tendrán la misma consideración que las obligaciones del Emisor respecto de la cantidad principal de los Bonos en un importe hasta el umbral para el APSM. Mecanismo Alternativo de Satisfacción de Cupones de Valores de Paridad (Alternative Parity Securities Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism, “APSM”) . . . Si el Emisor ha informado que va a satisfacer cualquier Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente para el correspondiente ejercicio de intereses con arreglo al APSM, el Emisor o el Garante obtendrán los fondos necesarios para la satisfacción del Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente emitiendo y vendiendo, directa o indirectamente, valores híbridos con términos y condiciones similares (particularmente, en lo referente a las disposiciones relativas al aplazamiento de la remuneración, de los pagos de la remuneración aplazada y sobre la sustitución) a las Condiciones y que constituye capital equivalente (Eigenmittel) o de un rango equivalente (los “Valores de Pago”) durante el periodo comprendido desde la fecha que se produzca seis meses antes de la correspondiente Fecha de Liquidación Aplazada, inclusive, hasta la fecha del quinto aniversario de la correspondiente Fecha de Liquidación Aplazada, no inclusive. Las cantidades del importe principal total de todos los Valores de Pago emitidos bajo el APSM no pueden exceder del 25% del importe principal total de los Bonos en la Fecha de Emisión. 109 Si el requisito para la aplicación del APSM no se cumple, o en la medida en que se sobrepase el límite antes mencionado o que el importe de intereses pagaderos exceda de los ingresos obtenidos de la colocación de los Valores de Pago, el Emisor satisfará el Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente en dicha medida a través del ACSM, a no ser que el Emisor haya decidido previmente utilizar el ACSM respecto del Pago de Intereses Aplazado correspondiente y esté obligado a aplicar el APSM además del ACSM; en este caso la obligación del Emisor de satisfacer el Pago de Intereses Aplazado Obligatoriamente quedará cancelado en dicha medida. Fiscalidad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Todos los pagos de principal e intereses relativos a los Bonos (incluidos los pagos efectuados por el Garante bajo la Garantía) se efectuarán netos y libres de cualquier tipo de retención o deducción a cuenta de cualesquiera impuestos, tasas, gravámenes o tributos de cualquier naturaleza impuestos, gravados, cobrados, retenidos o tasados por los Países Bajos o la República Federal de Alemania (según sea el caso) o cualquier subdivisión política o autoridad de los Países Bajos o de la República Federal de Alemania (según sea el caso) con potestades tributarias, salvo en caso de que el Emisor o el Garante estén obligados por la legislación vigente a efectuar dicha retención o deducción. En caso de que se produzca una retención o deducción como resultado de cualquier modificación de las leyes aplicables, el Emisor o el Garante (según sea el caso) pagarán las cantidades adicionales que los Titulares de Bonos habrían recibido si no hubiese sido necesario practicar tal retención o deducción, con sujeción a las excepciones habituales descritas en las Condiciones. Compromiso de no pignorar . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Términos y Condiciones de los Bonos no contienen ningún compromiso de no pignorar. Resolución simultánea .................. Los Términos y Condiciones de los Bonos no contienen ninguna cláusula de resolución simultánea respecto de otras obligaciones del Emisor o del Garante. Admisión a cotización .................. Se ha solicitado la admisión a cotización de los Bonos en el mercado oficial (Amtlicher Markt) de la Bolsa de Valores de Frankfurt. Legislación aplicable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Bonos y la Garantía se regirán por la legislación alemana. Restricciones a la venta Jurisdicción ................. Se impondrán restricciones específicas sobre la oferta y la venta de los Bonos, así como sobre la distribución de los materiales de la oferta, en el Espacio Económico Europeo, Estados Unidos de América, Austria, Bélgica, Dinamarca, Francia, Irlanda, Portugal, Suecia y el Reino Unido. ............................. La jurisdicción no exclusiva para los procedimientos judiciales derivados de los Bonos se establece en Frankfurt am Main, República Federal de Alemania. Compensación y liquidación Código ISIN ............ ............................ Los Bonos serán aceptados para su compensación en Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main. DE000A0GNPZ3 110 Código común .......................... Código de valores alemán (WKN) ....... 024513742 A0GNPZ Resumen de los factores de riesgo Factores de riesgo relativos a los Bonos La inversión en Bonos implica determinados riesgos asociados con las características de los Bonos. Dichos riesgos podrían materializarse en el hecho de que el Emisor no pagara el principal de los Bonos o los intereses, que el Garante no realizase ningún pago bajo la Garantía y/o un deterioro sustancial del precio de mercado de los Bonos. Los Riesgos se derivan especialmente de los siguientes hechos: • el Emisor no tiene obligación de amortizar los Bonos, y los Titulares de Bonos no están facultados para solicitar su amortización; • que los Bonos pueden estar sujetos a una amortización anticipada de su principal tras un Supuesto de Redondeo al Alza y del Importe Complementario tras un Supuesto Fiscal o un Supuesto Regulador; si el Emisor compra y amortiza los Bonos en tal caso, los Titulares de Bonos podrán únicamente reinvertir los beneficios de la amortización en títulos con una rentabilidad menor; • que no existe restricción alguna sobre el importe de la deuda que el Emisor o el Garante pueden contraer en el futuro; • que las obligaciones de pago del Emisor bajo los Bonos y las del Garante bajo la Garantía constituyen obligaciones subordinadas tanto del Emisor como del Garante, respectivamente, y • que el Emisor puede optar o incluso estar obligado a aplazar el pago de intereses si se cumplen determinados requisitos. Factores de riesgo relativos al Emisor El Emisor es un vehículo de financiación de Allianz Group. Como tal, entre otros, obtiene fondos e importes represtados para las sociedades perteneciente al grupo Allianz Group, a través de préstamos intragrupo. En caso de que una sociedad del grupo no satisfaga un pago que debe realizar bajo un préstamo intragrupo, el Emisor no podrá cumplir con sus obligaciones de pago bajo los Bonos. Factores de riesgo relativos al Garante La actividad mercantil de Allianz Group y, consecuentemente, el valor de los Bonos, están expuestos a varios riesgos. En el apartado siguiente se describen algunos riesgos que pueden afectar negativa y sustancialmente a su posición financiera y a los resultados de sus operaciones: • La volatilidad de los tipos de interés puede afectar negativamente a los resultados de las operaciones de Allianz Group. • Los riesgos de mercado pueden disminuir el valor de la cartera de Allianz Group, y afectar negativamente a su posición financiera y resultados de operaciones. • El mercado y otros factores podrían afectar negativamente al fondo de comercio, los costes de adquisición diferidos y los activos de impuestos diferidos; los activos de impuestos diferidos de Allianz Group también pueden verse potencialmente afectados por las modificaciones de la legislación tributaria. • Allianz AG opera tanto como compañía de reaseguros como en calidad de sociedad holding de Allianz Group, y está expuesta a determinados riesgos de liquidez. • Las reservas para pérdidas derivadas de las pólizas de seguro y reaseguro de responsabilidad civil de Allianz Group se basan en estimaciones de las responsabilidades por reclamaciones futuras. Los acontecimientos negativos relacionados con las reclamaciones pueden llevar a incremento de las reservas, y afectar negativa y sustancialmente a los resultados de operaciones de Allianz Group. 111 • La experiencia actuarial y otros factores pueden diferir de los considerados para el cálculo de las reservas actuariales de vida / salud y el pasivo de las pensiones. • Los resultados financieros de Allianz Group pueden verse afectados negativa y sustancialmente en caso de catástrofe. • Allianz Group cuenta con una significativa exposición al riesgo de contraparte. • La evolución negativa de Dresdner Bank, incluida la evolución de sus resultados de explotación, niveles de pérdida de préstamos o reajustes o disminución del valor podrían afectar negativamente los resultados de Allianz Group, lo que puede provocar unas necesidades de capital que podrían afectar negativamente a sus operaciones. • Gran parte de los negocios de Allianz Group dependen de la solidez financiera y las calificaciones crediticias otorgadas a Allianz AG por diversas agencias de calificación. Por lo tanto, una reducción de las calificaciones de Allianz AG podría afectar negativa y sustancialmente a sus relaciones con clientes e intermediarios, afectar negativamente las ventas de los productos de Allianz Group y aumentar su coste de préstamo. • Si el negocio de gestión de activos de Allianz Group tiene un rendimiento inferior a lo esperado, puede experimentar una reducción de los activos que gestiona y los ingresos relacionados de las correspondientes comisiones de gestión. • El aumento de los riesgos geopolíticos tras los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 y cualquier posible atentado terrorista futuro que pudiese ocurrir podría tener un efecto negativo continuado sobre los negocios de Allianz Group. • Los cambios legislativos o las nuevas regulaciones en los países en los que opera Allianz Group podrían afectar su actividad sustancialmente. • Las modificaciones en la legislación tributaria podrían afectar negativamente a los negocios de Allianz Group. • Las fluctuaciones de valor del euro en las zonas con monedas distintas al euro en las que Allianz Group genere ingresos e incurra en gastos podrían afectar negativamente a los beneficios y flujos de caja esperados. • Los beneficios que Allianz AG consiga de la fusión con Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”) podrían ser sustancialmente diferentes a lo que se espera actualmente. • Los resultados, rentabilidad o logros efectivos de Allianz Group o de su sector pueden ser sustancialmente diferentes o peores a sus respectivas previsiones para un futuro inmediato, a causa de influencias políticas, macroeconómicas y demográficas impredecibles. La materialización de cualquiera de los riesgos descritos anteriormente puede afectar a la capacidad del Garante para cumplir sus obligaciones de pago en virtud de la Garantía, y/o producir una disminución del precio de mercado de los Bonos. Resumen del Emisor El Emisor fue constituido como sociedad privada de responsabilidad limitada en los Países Bajos el 8 de mayo de 2000, con duración indefinida y bajo la legislación de los Países Bajos. El Emisor es una filial íntegramente participada por Allianz AG y actúa como entidad financiera dentro de Allianz Group. El domicilio social del Emisor se encuentra en Ámsterdam, y sus oficinas están situadas en Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Ámsterdam, Países Bajos, con número de teléfono (+31)(20) 5569710. El emisor está inscrito en el Registro Mercantil de Ámsterdam, con el número 34134406. El objeto social del Emisor, de acuerdo con lo previsto en el Artículo 2 de sus Estatutos Sociales, consiste en el desarrollo de actividades financieras de todo tipo, en especial los préstamos y empréstitos de fondos, incluida la emisión de bonos, y la participación en empresas y sociedades. 112 El consejo de administración del Emisor está formado en la actualidad por los siguientes miembros: D. Dirk Schoon, D. Hero Wentzel y Dr. Dª Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. El consejo supervisor del Emisor está formado en la actualidad por D. Michael Diekmann, Dr. D. Paul Achtleitner y D. Stephan Theissing. Los auditores de Allianz Finance II B.V. son KMPG Accountants N.V., con domicilio en Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, Países Bajos En la siguiente tabla se exponen los principales datos financieros del Emisor: Allianz Finance II B.V. Periodo de 9 meses terminado el 30 de septiembre 2005 2004 (no auditado) EUR EUR Ejercicio terminado el 31 de diciembre 2004 2003 EUR EUR Activo fijo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activo circulante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.329.056.504 364.490.526 6.654.019.238 316.092.403 6.602.060.884 258.734.477 6.641.659.010 904.824.759 Recursos propios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasivo a largo plazo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasivo circulante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.693.547.030 2.400.749 9.329.056.504 362.089.777 6.970.111.641 2.097.756 6.654.019.235 313.994.650 6.860.795.361 932.595 6.602.060.881 257.801.885 7.546.483.769 987.413 6.641.659.010 903.837.346 9.693.547.030 6.970.111.641 6.860.795.361 7.546.483.769 Resumen del Garante Allianz AG es una sociedad anónima sujeta a la legislación alemana e inscrita como “Allianz Aktiengesellschsft” en el registro mercantil y el tribunal de distrito (Amtsgericht) de Múnich con el número HRB 7158. El domicilio social y dirección comercial de Allianz AG se encuentran situados en Koniginstrasse 28, 80802 Múnich, Alemania, con número de teléfono (+49)(89) 3800-00. Descripción de sus actividades comerciales Allianz Group es uno de los principales proveedores de servicios financieros del mundo, que ofrece productos y servicios de seguros, banca y gestión de activos mediante los segmentos comerciales de responsabilidad civil, vida y salud, banca, y gestión de activos. Allianz Group es uno de los mayores grupos de seguros del mundo, sobre la base de las primas brutas suscritas en 2004, y la mayor compañía aseguradora alemana en seguros de responsabilidad civil y de vida /salud, sobre la base de las primas brutas contratadas en 2004. Allianz Group también es una de las principales compañías aseguradoras en otros países, incluidos Francia, Italia, Reino Unido, Suiza y España, y es una de las mayores entidades financieras de Alemania en términos de capitalización bursátil a 30 de septiembre de 2005. Desde principios de agosto de 2005, Allianz AG ha obtenido calificaciones que reflejan su solidez financiera, como la de A+ concedida por A.M. Best y AA por Standard & Poor’s, ambas con perspectiva estable, y la calificación de Aa3 para la deuda principal no garantizada con perspectiva estable de Moody’s. Allianz AG fue constituida en Berlín el 5 de febrero de 1890, con el nombre de “Allianz VersicherungsAktiengesellschaft”. En 1949, Allianz AG trasladó su administración principal de Berlín a Múnich. Por acuerdo de la junta general celebrada el 27 de junio de 1985, Allianz AG fue reestructurada en una sociedad holding, y su nombre se cambió por el de “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding”. Por acuerdo de la junta general celebrada el 7 de octubre de 1996, el nombre de Allianz AG se cambió de nuevo por el de “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft”. Además de sus negocios de seguros de responsabilidad civil y de vida / salud, Allianz Group creó en 1998 su tercer segmento principal de actividad, el de los servicios financieros. En 2001, tras su adquisición de Dresdner Bank AG (citado en lo sucesivo como “Dresdner Bank”, y junto con sus filiales consolidadas, el “Dresdner Bank Group”), Allianz Group reorganizó su segmento de servicios financieros en dos ramas separadas, gestión de activos y banca. Según el número de activos gestionados a 31 de diciembre de 2004, 113 Allianz Group era en esa fecha uno de los cinco principales gestores de activos del mundo. En su sector de banca, que actualmente es el cuarto segmento de su actividad principal, la adquisición de Dresdner Bank convirtió a Allianz Group en uno de los mayores bancos de Alemania, y le proporcionó unos canales de distribución bancarios significativamente amplios para sus productos y servicios de responsabilidad civil, vida / salud y gestión de activos. Los negocios de Allianz Group se gestionan a nivel nacional, con excepción de las líneas de especialidad y el segmento de gestión de activos, que se gestionan y operan a escala internacional. Los negocios de seguros de responsabilidad civil y de vida / salud de Allianz Group en Alemania se gestionan por parte de filiales ubicadas principalmente en Múnich y Stuttgart. Sus negocios de seguros fuera de Alemania se gestionan en los distintos países. Fuera de Alemania, los principales mercados de Allianz Group son Francia, Italia, Reino Unido, Suiza, España y Estados Unidos. Cada una de las líneas de especialidad de Allianz Group, es decir, seguros crediticios, seguros marinos y de aviación, reaseguramiento de riesgos industriales internacionales a través de Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs-AG y los servicios de seguros y asistencia en viaje se gestionan y operan a escala internacional. El segmento de gestión de activos de Allianz Group también se opera a escala mundial, estando situados sus centros de gestión principales en Múnich, Frankfurt, Londres, París, Singapur, Hong Kong, Milán, Westport, Connecticut, y San Francisco, San Diego y Newport Bech, California. El segmento de banca de Allianz Group opera a través de las aproximadamente 960 oficinas sucursales, tanto dentro de Alemania como fuera de ella, de Dresdner Bank (a fecha 30 de septiembre de 2005), y varias filiales, con importantes operaciones en Alemania, Reino Unido, otros países europeos y Estados Unidos. Previsiones y expectativas Allianz Group prevé un incremento general de sus ingresos totales acorde con el que tuvo lugar en 2004 y los primeros nueve meses de 2005, y continúa centrando sus esfuerzos en mantener y mejorar selectivamente sus beneficios de explotación. Sin embargo, las catástrofes naturales y algunos acontecimientos negativos en los mercados bursátiles, así como los factores de riesgo anteriormente enumerados, pueden afectar gravemente la rentabilidad de Allianz Group. Consejo de Administración, Consejo supervisor y empleados El Consejo de Administración de Allianz AG está formado por once miembros, que son Michael Diekmann (Presidente), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philippe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter y Dr. Werner Zedelius. El consejo supervisor (Aufsichtstrat) de Allianz AG (en adelante, el “Consejo Supervisor”) está formado por 20 miembros, que son: Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Presidente), Norbert Blix (Presidente adjunto), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B Humer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer y Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower. A 30 de septiembre de 2005, Allianz Group empleaba a un total de 178.462 personas en todo el mundo, de los que 105.284 trabajaban fuera de Alemania. Principales accionistas A 31 de diciembre de 2004, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (o “Munich Re”) era el único accionista mayoritario de Allianz AG, y poseía aproximadamente el 9,0% del capital social de Allianz AG o aproximadamente el 9,4% de las acciones en circulación de Allianz AG en esa fecha. El 14 de julio de 2005, Allianz AG fue informada por Munich Re, en cumplimiento de las normas de la Ley alemana del Mercados de Valores (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, o “WpHG”) de que Munich Re reducía sus participación efectiva en Allianz AG a un porcentaje inferior al 5%, y pasó a poseer el 4,9% del capital social de Allianz AG desde esa fecha. 114 A la vista de los cambios significativos de la relación entre Allianz Group y Munich Re – especialmente, la reducción significativa de las participaciones societarias cruzadas, la cancelación del contrato de “Principios de cooperación” y la finalización de participaciones cruzadas en los consejos de administración –, Allianz AG ha dejado de considerar a Munich Re como interlocutor relevante. Información financiera seleccionada Allianz Group Beneficios de explotación . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ingreso neto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flujo de Caja* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activo total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recursos propios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasivo total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 30 de septiembre de 2005 (no auditados) millones de EUR 31 de diciembre de 2004 31 de diciembre de 2003 millones de EUR millones de EUR 5.917 3.508 18.675 989.198 48.588 940.610 6.839 2.266 4.616 990.318 37.691 952.627 3.982 2.691 (1.397) 933.213 35.259 897.954 Flujo de Caja procedente de Actividades Operativas Información adicional Capital social nominal El capital social de Allianz AG asciende en la actualidad a 1.039.462.400 EUR, dividido en 406.040.000 acciones sin valor a la par. Auditor reglamentario Allianz AG ha nombrado a KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), con domicilio en GanghoferstraBe 29, 80339 Múnich, Alemania, como auditor para el ejercicio fiscal terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2005. Documentos que pueden inspeccionarse En tanto haya algún Bono en circulación, podrán inspeccionarse copias físicas de los siguientes documentos durante el horario laboral habitual en el domicilio social del Emisor y del Garante, y en la oficina indicada del Agente de Pagos Principal: (a) la Garantía; (b) Los Estatutos Sociales del Emisor; (c) Los Estatutos Sociales (Satzung) del Garante; (d) el Folleto, y (e) todos los informes, cartas y demás documentos, información financiera histórica, valoraciones y declaraciones, preparadas por los expertos a solicitud del Emisor o del Garante, cuyos fragmentos estén incluidos o citados en la descripción del Emisor o del Garante. 115 ÖVERSÄTTNING AV PROSPEKTSAMMANFATTNING Bifogad översättning utgör en översättning av avsnittet Summary i Prospektet av den 17 februari 2006 avseende odaterade efterställda Obligationer med fast ränta. Översättningen har upprättats mot bakgrund av bestämmelserna i 2 kap. 23 och 36 §§ lagen (1991:980) om handel med finansiella instrument i samband med begäran till United Kingdom Listing Authority i England om att utfärda intyg om godkännande av prospektet till Finansinspektionen enligt bestämmelserna i artikel 18 i prospektdirektivet (2003/71/EG). Enligt 2 kap. 15 § lagen (1991:980) om handel om finansiella instrument är ansvaret för innehållet i sammanfattningen och denna översättning av sammanfattningen begränsat enligt vad som närmare beskrivs i det inledande stycket i översättningen. Om översättningen inte stämmer överens med informationen i den engelska originalversionen har den engelska originalversionen tolkningsföreträde. Investerare bör därför även ta del av grundprospektet i dess helhet på dess originalspråk innan något beslut tas om investering. SAMMANFATTNING Följande avsnitt utgör en översättning av sammanfattningen (“Sammanfattningen”) avseende Emittentens huvudsakliga kännetecken samt riskerna förknippade med Emittenten, Borgensmannen och Obligationerna. Denna sammanfattning skall läsas som en introduktion till detta Prospekt. Varje beslut av en investerare att investera i Obligationerna skall ske med beaktande av detta Prospekt i dess helhet, inklusive de dokument som infogas häri genom hänvisning, samt varje tillägg, om några, därtill. Om krav med bäring på informationen i detta Prospekt, inklusive de dokument som bifogas genom hänvisning och varje tillägg därtill, framställs i domstol, kan käranden tillika investeraren, enligt nationell rätt i någon Medlemsstat i det Europeiska Ekonomiska Samarbetsområdet där kravet framställs, vara skyldig att stå för kostnaden för att översätta detta Prospekt, inklusive de dokument som infogas genom hänvisning och varje tillägg därtill, innan den juridiska processen inleds. Civilrättsligt ansvar kan uppkomma för Emittenten, för Borgensmannen och för Dresdner Bank Aktiengesellschaft som ansvarar för, denna Sammanfattning, inklusive varje översättning härav, och som har ansökt för dess notifiering, men endast om Sammanfattningen är missvisande, felaktig eller oförenlig när den läses tillsammans med övriga delar av detta Prospekt. Denna sammanfattning innefattar uttalanden om framtiden. Dessa inkluderar uttalanden som hänför sig till, bland annat, Emittentens, Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (härefter “Allianz AG”) och dess konsoliderade dotterbolag (tillsammans med Allianz AG härefter benämnd “Allianz-Koncernen”:s) framtida finansiella resultat, planer och förväntningar avseende Allianz-Koncernens rörelseutveckling, tillväxt samt lönsamhet, och av allmänna villkor för näringslivet och affärsverksamheter som är tillämpliga på Allianz-Koncernen. Allianz-Koncernen har baserat dessa uttalanden om framtiden på grundval av nuvarande förväntningar, antaganden, beräkningar och prognoser om framtida händelser. Dessa uttalanden om framtiden är förbehållna ett antal risker, osäkerheter och antaganden som kan komma att väsentligt skilja sig från eller vara sämre än Allianz-Koncernens faktiska resultat, dess utförande eller prestation eller beträffande dess industri, än dessa framtidsutsikter. Varken Emittenten, Allianz AG eller Dresdner Bank AG tar på sig något ansvar för att uppdatera sådana uttalanden om framtiden eller att anpassa dessa till framtida händelser eller utvecklingar, såvida en sådan skyldighet inte förutsätts enlig lag. Sammanfattning avseende Obligationerna Det slutliga totala kapitalbeloppet, emissionskursen och Obligationernas räntekurs kommer att bestämmas på eller omkring den [1 mars] 2006 på basis av en bookbuilding procedur bland kvalificerade investerare. Emittent ................................ Borgensman ............................ Kapitalbelopp ........................... Allianz Finance II B.V. Allianz Aktiengesellschaft EUR [upp till 1,0 miljard] 116 Lead Managers ......................... Co-Lead Managers ..................... Deutsche Bank AG, (London Branch Dresdner Bank AG London Branch (benämns på första sidan som “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein) UBS Limited (tillsammans “Lead Managers”) Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen - Girozentrale WestLB AG (tillsammans med Lead Managers, “Managers”) Fiscal Agent, Principal Paying Agent och Calculation Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Emissionskurs .......................... Emissionsdag ........................... [98-101] % [3 mars] 2006 Denominering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obligationerna kommer att emitteras denominerade i EUR 1,000. Typ av Obligationer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obligationerna är fysiska skuldebrev och kommer initialt att representeras av en temporär global Obligation utan räntekuponger, vilka kommer att deponeras med eller för Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main (“Clearingsystemet”). Den temporära globala Obligationen kommer att vara utbytbar mot en permanent global Obligation utan räntekuponger, tidigast 40 dagar efter Emissionsdagen, vid intygande om icke-amerikanskt ägande enligt reglerna och verksamhetsprocedurerna för Clearing Systemet. Betalning för den temporära globala Obligationen kommer endast att erläggas vid uppvisande av sådant intyg. Inga enskilda Obligationer eller räntekuponger i fysisk form kommer att utfärdas. Obligationernas prioritet ................ Förpliktelserna under Obligationerna utgör icke säkerställda och efterställda förpliktelser för Emittenten och kommer att rangordnas och prioriteras pari passu sinsemellan och alltid pari passu med Emittentens alla andra, på emissionsdagen, utstående icke säkerställda och odaterade efterställda förpliktelser, med undantag för sådana förpliktelser som har företrädesrätt enligt lag. I händelse av Emittentens likvidation, upplösning, insolvens, ackord eller andra rättsliga åtgärder vidtagna för att undvika insolvens av, eller gentemot Emittenten, kommer Emittentens förpliktelser under Obligationerna att vara efterställda alla Emittentens borgenärers anspråk som är icke efterställda och daterade efterställda anspråk, vilket innebär att i varje sådant fall kommer inte några belopp att utbetalas beträffande Obligationerna förrän alla Emittentens borgenärers anspråk, som är icke efterställda och daterade efterställda, först till fullo har blivit tillgodosedda. Ingen som helst säkerhet (med undantag för det efterställda Borgensåtagandet) är, eller kommer vid någon tidpunkt, ställas av Emittenten eller någon annan person som säkerställer Obligationsinnehavarnas rättigheter under Obligationerna. Inget efterföljande avtal får begränsa efterställdheten eller förkorta någon tillämplig anmälningsperiod (Kündigungsfrist) avseende 117 Obligationerna. Om Obligationerna inlöses i förtid måste de inlösta beloppen återlämnas till Emittenten oavsett eventuella avtal om motsatsen, såvida Emittenten inte har upplösts eller om sådana belopp har ersatts med annat kapital som minst motsvarar det inlösta beloppet (Eigenmittel) med minst samma prioritet eller om Federal Financial Supervisory Authority eller annan efterträdande myndighet har medgett samtycke till inlösen. En Obligationsinnehavare får inte kvitta några anspråk som uppstår under Obligationerna mot eventuella anspråk som Emittenten kan komma att ha gentemot Obligationsinnehavaren. Emittenten får inte kvitta några anspråk som den kan komma att ha gentemot någon Obligationsinnehavare, mot några av sina förpliktelser under Obligationerna Borgensåtagande ........................ Den[ mars] kommer Borgensmannen att ikläda sig ett villkorslöst och oåterkalleligt borgensåtagande, som är efterställt, för förfallna betalningar av det investerade beloppet, med ränta, och alla andra belopp som har fastställts att de skall utbetalas under Obligationerna. Borgensåtagandet utgör ett kontraktuellt åtagande till förmån för Obligationsinnehavarna, från tid till annan, såsom tredjemans förmånstagare i enlighet med § 328 paragraf 1 i den tyska civillagen (German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch)), vilken ger varje Obligationsinnehavare rätt att kräva fullgörande av borgensåtagandet direkt av Borgensmannen samt åberopa Borgensåtagandet direkt gentemot Borgensmannen. I händelse av upplösning, likvidation, insolvens eller vid andra rättsliga åtgärder som vidtas för att undvika Borgensmannens insolvens, kommer Obligationsinnehavarnas anspråk under Borgensåtagandet att tillgodoses efter (men endast efter) att Borgensmannens borgenärers icke efterställda anspråk, samt daterade efterställda anspråk, till fullo har betalats. Under de förhållanden som beskrivits ovan accepterar Obligationsinnehavarna uttryckligen att betalningar avseende Obligationerna kommer att erläggas av Borgensmannen enligt Borgensåtagandet, endast i enlighet med den efterställdhet som beskrivits ovan. Ingen Obligationsinnehavare får kvitta eventuella anspråk som uppstår under Borgensåtagandet mot andra anspråk som Borgensmannen kan tänkas ha gentemot Obligationsinnehavaren. Borgensmannen får kvitta varje Obligationsinnehavares anspråk under Borgensåtagandet enbart om sådant belopp har ersatts av annat kapital som minst motsvarar sådant belopp (Eigenmittel) med åtminstone samma prioritet eller om Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) eller någon annan efterträdande myndighet har gett sitt medgivande till kvittningen och under förutsättning att Solvensvillkoret (som definieras nedan) är uppfyllt. Inlösen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obligationerna har ingen slutlig förfallodag. De kan lösas in i sin helhet, men inte delvis, efter Emittentens val, till deras kapitalbelopp 118 den [3 mars] 2011 och på varje Räntebetalningsdag (som definieras nedan) därefter. Emittenten kan även komma att lösa in Obligationerna i deras helhet, men inte delvis, till deras kapitalbelopp tillsammans med eventuell upplupen ränta vid varje tidpunkt till följd av en Bruttobetalningshändelse (som definieras nedan) och till ett Make-whole Amount till följd av en Skattehändelse eller en Tillsynsmyndighetshändelse (samtliga termer definieras nedan). Under alla omständigheter får Emittenten återkalla och lösa in Obligationerna endast om Solvensvillkoret (som definieras nedan) är uppfyllt och Obligationernas kapitalbelopp som skall lösas in har ersatts av annat kapital som minst motsvarar tillsynsreglerat kapital eller om Federal Financial Supervisory Authority eller någon annan efterträdande myndighet har gett sitt medgivande till inlösen. En “Bruttobetalningshändelse” skall anses ha inträffat om Emittenten är eller kommer att bli förpliktigad att, enligt något lagstiftande organ, en domstol eller annan myndighet, betala Ytterligare Belopp eller Borgensmannen är eller kommer att vara förpliktigad att betala Ytterligare Belopp avseende förfallna betalningar under Borgensåtagandet, till följd av ändringar i eller tillägg till lagstiftningen (eller dithörande regler eller förordningar) i Nederländerna eller Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland eller annan politisk enhet eller myndighet till eller i Nederländerna eller Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland, eller vid eventuella ändringar av eller tillägg till någon officiell tolkning eller tillämpning av dessa lagar eller förordningar, och att Emittenten eller Borgensmannen inte kan undvika denna förpliktelse, och alltefter omständigheterna vidtar skäliga åtgärder (agerande på ett redligt sätt) som de anser vara tillbörliga. En “Skattehändelse” skall anses ha inträffat om, som en följd av varje tillägg till, eller ändring i gällande lagstiftning (eller de regler eller förordningar därunder) i Nederländerna eller Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland eller däri annan politisk enhet eller någon skattemyndighet, eller som en följd av eventuella tillägg till, eller ändring av en officiell tolkning eller tillämpning av sådana lagar, regler eller förordningar utfärdade av ett lagstiftande organ, domstol, statskontor eller någon myndighet med befogenhet att utfärda förordningar (inklusive varje antagande av lagbestämmelser och publicering av varje domstolsbeslut eller förordningsbestämmelse), den förfallna ränta som Emittenten skall betala avseende Obligationerna eller annat belopp som skall betalas av Borgensmannen under Borgensåtagandet inte längre, eller inom 90 dagar från den dag som ett sådant uttalande i revisionsberättelsen beskrivet nedan har avgivits, Emittenten och/eller Borgensmannen inte längre kommer att kunna till fullo dra av sådant belopp för nederländska och/eller tyska inkomstskattesyften, och att Emittenten och/eller Borgensmannen inte kan undvika denna risk genom vidtagande av skäliga åtgärder (agerande på ett redligt sätt) som de anser vara tillbörliga. En “Tillsynsmyndighetshändelse” skall anses ha inträffat om (a) Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) eller någon annan efterträdande 119 myndighet skriftligen upplyser Borgensmannen om att Obligationerna (i sin helhet eller delvis) inte längre uppfyller kraven för tillsynsreglerat kapital eller egna medel i syften för koncernsolvens eller solvensen i enlighet med regleringen av finansiella konglomerat. Detta gäller enbart om, vid varje tidpunkt före att en sådan upplysning lämnats, Obligationerna uppfyllde sådana krav; eller (b) vid vilken tidpunkt som helst, Borgensmannen eller Borgensmannens koncern måste, i syfta att täcka eventuella tillsynsreglerade kapitaltäckningskrav, ha Tier I reglerat kapital (såsom det kan vara beskrivet), och Obligationerna inte kommer att kunna kvalificeras för att medräknas i det Tier I reglerade kapitalkravet i syften för Borgensmannens koncernsolvens eller solvensen i enlighet med regleringen av finansiella konglomerat, vid den tidpunkten. Ränta ................................... Frivilligt uppskjutna Räntebetalningar ... Obligationerna skall vara räntebärande på deras totala kapitalbelopp från och med [ 3 mars] 2006 till en kurs om [5,00-5,875] procent per år, fram till Inlösendagen, om någon. Ränta skall betalas i efterskott den [3 mars] varje år (varje sådan dag utgör en “Räntebetalningsdag”). Den första räntebetalningen skall erläggas den [3 mars] 2007. Om räntan måste beräknas för en period om mindre än ett helt år, skall sådan ränta beräknas på grund av det faktiska antalet dagar för en sådan period dividerat med det faktiska antalet dagar (365 eller 366) för respektive år. Under förutsättning att Solvensvillkoret är uppfyllt och att ingen Obligatorisk Uppskjutande Händelse (som definieras nedan) har inträffat, kan Emittenten, på varje Räntebetalningsdag, efter eget val, välja att skjuta upp betalningen av räntan genom en underrättelse senast 3 bankdagar före, om, fram till och med den tionde bankdagen som föregår sådan Räntebetalningsdag (“Calculation Date” (Beräkningsdag)), ingen vinstutdelning, annan värdeöverföring eller betalning har beslutats avseende något av Borgensmannens aktieslag vid Borgensmannens bolagsstämma (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) som omedelbart föregår den Räntebetalningsdagen, och inga betalningar med anledning av balansräkningens vinst har erlagts sedan Borgensmannens ordinarie bolagsstämma (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) har hållits. Ett sådant uppskjutande kommer att utgöra ett “Frivilligt Uppskjuten Räntebetalning” Emittenten kan efter eget val välja att tillgodose alla räntebetalningar som Emittenten inte skjuter upp på Räntebetalningsdagen med medel som införskaffats före Räntebetalningsdagen genom ett Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“ACSM” (ACSMförfarande)) (som beskrivs nedan). Obligatorisk uppskjutning eller inställande av Räntebetalningar ....... Om Solvensvillkoret inte är uppfyllt på Räntebetalningsdagen, kommer Emittenten att behöva skjuta upp upplupen ränta hänförlig till ränteåret fram till sådan Räntebetalningsdag, såvida Emittenten inte väljer att tillgodose sådan ränta på Räntebetalningsdagen med medel införskaffade före Räntebetalningsdagen genom ett ACSMförfarande. 120 “Solvensvillkoret” skall anses vara uppfyllt om (A) Borgensmannen eller Borgensmannens koncern har tillräckliga medel för att täcka det lägsta solvensmarginalskravet (eller ett synonymt begrepp vid ändring av gällande lagar) i enlighet med bestämmelserna i det tyska regelverket för försäkringsrätt (i syften för koncernsolvens eller solvensen i enlighet med regleringen av finansiella konglomerat) och i enlighet med, om någon, Federal Financial Supervisory Authority:s eller av annan vid den tidpunkten relevant myndighets allmänt accepterade förvaltningsrättspraxis, och sådana medel inte skulle, som en följd av att räntebetalning eller betalning för inlösen, till fullo eller delvis har erlagts och som annars skulle ha förfallit till betalning på sådan Räntebetalningsdag eller dag för inlösen, blir mindre än det lägsta solvensmarginalskravet, och (B) ingen föreskrift har utfärdats av Federal Financial Supervisory Authority eller annan efterträdande myndighet som förbjuder Borgensmannen att erlägga räntebetalningar, effektuera annan utdelning eller inlösen (inklusive till innehavare av varje Parity Security eller Junior Security och (C) Borgensmannen kan betala sina skulder som den är skyldig sina Seniora Borgenärer (som definieras nedan, när de förfaller till betalning, och (D) Borgensmannens tillgångar (som definieras nedan) överskrider Borgensmannens skulder (som definieras nedan) (förutom skulder till personer som inte är Seniora Borgenärer) “Tillgångar” betyder Borgensmannens icke konsoliderade totala tillgångar, som tas upp i Borgensmannens senaste offentliggjorda årliga balansräkning, men justerad för efterföljande händelser, vilka alla har fastställts av Borgensmannen, eller om Borgensmannen träder i likvidation, likvidatorn. “Skulder” betyder Borgensmannens icke konsoliderade totala skulder, som tas upp i Borgensmannens senaste offentliggjorda årliga balansräkning, men justerad för efterföljande händelser, vilka alla har fastställts av Borgensmannen, eller om Borgensmannen träder i likvidation, likvidatorn. “Seniora Borgenärer” betyder Borgensmannens borgenärer (a) som är Borgensmannens icke efterställda borgenärer; eller (b) vars anspråk är efterställda Borgensmannens övriga borgenärers anspråk (annat än de anspråk som rankas pari passu med, eller är efterställda Obligationsinnehavarnas anspråk). Om en Obligatorisk Uppskjutande Händelse (definieras nedan) har inträffat på en Räntebetalningsdag, kommer Emittenten att behöva skjuta upp eventuella Överskjutande Belopp. “Överskjutande Belopp” betyder, i relation till det räntebelopp som skulle betalas på det totala kapitalbeloppet för utstående Obligationer på relevant Räntebetalningsdag och som annars skulle ha förfallit (“Räntebeloppet”), det belopp genom vilket Räntebeloppet överstiger Nytt Kapitaltillskottsbelopp (som definieras nedan). “Nytt Kapitaltillskottsbelopp” betyder de nettointäkter som Borgensmannen erhåller genom nyemissioner och/eller genom 121 försäljning av stamaktier, preferensaktier [och instrument som anskaffar kapitalkredit från kreditvärderingsinstitut liknande Obligationerna] under den 180 dagarsperiod som föregår sådan dag och genom vilka Borgensmannen avser, vid tidpunkten för emissionen eller om möjligt, före emissionen, effektuera utdelning för Obligationerna. En “Obligatorisk Uppskjutande Händelse” skall anses ha inträffat på en Räntebetalningsdag om, fram till slutet av Beräkningsdagen: (x) den ackumulerade kvartalsnettoinkomsten (som definieras nedan) för Borgensmannens fyra kvartal, som slutar på det kvartal som är två kvartal före Borgensmannens senaste avslutade och offentliggjorda kvartal, är mindre eller lika med noll; och (y) Justerat Eget Kapitalbelopp (definieras nedan) vid Borgensmannens senaste avslutade och offentliggjorda kvartal och som vid slutet av det kvartal som är två kvartal före Borgensmannens senaste avslutade och offentliggjorda kvartal har minskat med 10% eller mer i jämförelse med Justerat Eget Kapitalbelopp, vid slutet av Borgensmannens kvartal som är de 10 kvartal som föregår Borgensmannens senaste avslutade och offentliggjorda kvartal (“Benchmark Quarter”). Där: “Justerat Eget Kapitalbelopp” betyder, vid slutet av Borgensmannens kvartal, aktieägarens eget kapital, före minoritetsintressen, vilka återfinns i Borgensmannens konsoliderade balansräkning för sådant kvartalsslut och som har fastställts i enlighet med Tillämpliga Redovisningsnormer (som definieras nedan), minus utländska justerade valutaomsättningar och orealiserade vinster och förluster (netto) som reflekteras i denna konsoliderade balansräkning. “Tillämpliga Redovisningsnormer” betyder, för de relevanta dagarna och perioderna, gällande internationellt accepterade redovisningsnormer (International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)), eller andra redovisningsprinciper som är allmänt accepterade i Tyskland och som tillämpas av Borgensmannen, vilka i sådana fall ersätter dessa. “Ackumulerad kvartalsnettoinkomst” betyder, vid Borgensmannens kvartalsslut, summan av Borgensmannens konsoliderade nettoinkomster, som har fastställts i enlighet med de Tillämpliga Redovisningsnormerna, för de fyra kvartalen som slutar på detta kvartals sista dag. Om Emittenten måste skjuta upp räntebetalningar till följd av att en Obligatoriskt Uppskjutande Händelse har inträffat på en Räntebetalningsdag, kommer Emittenten även att behöva skjuta upp, på en eller flera efterföljande Räntebetalningsdagar, den ränta som annars skulle ha förfallit till betalning på sådan Räntebetalningsdag tills den Obligatoriskt Uppskjutande Händelsen har läkts på en efterföljande Beräkningsdag. Efter att en eller flera Obligatoriskt Uppskjutande Händelser har inträffat, får Emittenten börja betala ränta för Obligationerna på någon Räntebetalningsdag endast om, på 122 Beräkningsdagen för den Räntebetalningsdagen, (x) ingen ny Obligatoriskt Uppskjutande Händelse har inträffat och (y) varje föregående Obligatorisk Uppskjutande Händelse har läkts. En Obligatoriskt Uppskjutande Händelse som har inträffat på en föregående Beräkningsdag har läkts på varje Beräkningsdag om det Justerade Egna Kapitalbeloppet, vid Bogensmannens senaste avslutade och offentliggjorda kvartal före den Beräkningsdagen, har ökat med mer än 90% av det Justerade Egna Kapitalbeloppet vid slutet av Benchmark Quarter för den föregående Beräkningsdagen på vilken den Obligatoriskt Uppskjutande Händelsen har inträffat. Emittenten kan komma att, efter eget val på relevant Räntebetalningsdag, tillgodose den ränta som annars skulle ha förfallit till betalning, med medel införskaffade före Räntebetalningsdagen, genom ett ACSM-förfarande. I dessa fall kan varje sådan uppskjuten ränta utgöra en “Obligatorisk Uppskjuten Räntebetalning” (tillsammans med varje Frivilligt Uppskjuten Räntebetalning, “Uppskjutna Räntebetalningar”). Betalning av Uppskjutna Räntebetalningar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emittenten kan komma att, när som helst genom föregående underrättelse, tillgodose hela eller delar av varje Frivillig Uppskjuten Räntebetalning med medel införskaffade före den dag som den Uppskjutna Räntebetalningen förfaller till betalning (“Deferred Settlement Date”) genom ACSM. Emittenten kommer att tillgodose; (x) varje Frivillig Uppskjuten Räntebetalning med medel införskaffade före Deferred Settlement Date genom ett ACSMförfarande och (y) varje Obligatorisk Uppskjuten Räntebetalning genom ett ACSMförfarande eller genom ett APSM-förfarande i följande situationer: (i) Emittenten kommer att tillgodose varje Uppskjuten Räntebetalning den dag som Obligationerna förfaller till inlösen. (ii) Emittenten kommer att tillgodose varje Uppskjuten Räntebetalning på nästa efterföljande Räntebetalningsdag (x) omedelbart efter den dag som Emittenten eller Borgensmannen till fullo erlägger betalning för ränta eller uppskjuten betalning för någon Parity Security, eller (y) omedelbart efter den dag som Emittenten eller Borgensmannen till fullo erlägger betalning för ränta eller uppskjuten betalning för någon “Junior Security”, eller (z) om fram till slutet av den Beräkningsdag som föregår sådan Räntebetalningsdag varje vinstutdelning, annan värdeöverföring eller betalning har beslutats avseende något av Borgensmannens aktieslag vid Borgensmannens bolagsstämma (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) som omedelbart föregår den Räntebetalningsdagen, och inga betalningar med anledning av balansräkningens vinst har erlagts sedan Borgensmannens ordinarie bolagsstämma (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) har hållits. 123 (iii) Om Emittenten eller Borgensmannen erlägger delvis räntebetalning eller en uppskjuten betalning för någon Parity Security eller Junior Security, kommer Emittenten att tillgodose varje Uppskjuten Räntebetalning i samma mån, på nästa efterföljande Räntebetalningsdag omedelbart efter den dag som sådan betalning erlades. Proportionen skall i denna situation vara motsvarande resultatet från fördelningen av beloppet som är hänförlig till den uppskjutna betalningen som faktiskt har erlagts genom den uppskjutna betalningens utstående belopp. (iv) Emittenten kommer att tillgodose varje Uppskjuten Räntebetalning senast på den tionde årsdagen efter relevant Räntebetalningsdag. (v) Emittenten kommer att tillgodose varje Uppskjuten Räntebetalning den dag som skäl för upplösning enligt § 262 para. 1 aktiebolagslagen (Aktiengesetz) föreligger beträffande Emittenten eller Borgensmannen (annat än av den anledningen, eller enligt en fusion, omorganisation eller omstrukturering medan denne är solvent, där den fortsatta enheten, alltefter omständigheterna, åtar sig i huvudsak alla Emittentens eller Borgensmannens tillgångar och skyldigheter.) Alternative Share Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“ACSM”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emittenten kan komma att tillgodose varje räntebetalning som den inte skjuter upp genom ett ACSM-förfarande endast om, och i den utsträckning som Borgensmannen har införskaffat nödvändiga medel för att tillgodose räntebetalningen, genom att emittera eller sälja Borgensmannens (“Betalningsaktier”) inom 6 månader före den relevanta Räntebetalningsdagen. Om Emittenten väljer eller måste välja att tillgodose en Uppskjuten Räntebetalning genom ett ACSM-förfarande kommer Emittenten att begära att Borgensmannen införskaffar erforderliga medel för att kunna tillgodose relevanta betalningar genom att emittera eller sälja Borgensmannens Betalningsaktier under perioden från och med den dag som infaller 6 månader före den relevanta Deferred Settlement Date fram till den dag som infaller fem år efter den relevanta Deferred Settlement Date. Under inga som helst omständigheter skall Borgensmannen vara skyldig att emittera nya aktier eller sälja innehavda egna aktier; Obligationsinnehavare kommer att underrättas om att Borgensmannen kan komma att förhindras att emittera nya aktier eller sälja innehavda egna aktier genom tvingande bestämmelser i den tyska aktiebolagsrätten eller på annat sätt. Borgensmannen kan komma, i syfte att tillgodose en Obligatoriskt Uppskjuten Räntebetalning i enlighet med ett ACSM-förfarande, att placera ett sådant antal Betalningsaktier varje kalenderår, som inte överstiger 2.00 procent av Borgensmannens emitterade aktiekapital (Grundkapital) på relevant dag. Om, beträffande någon av de Obligatoriskt Uppskjutna Räntebetalningarna skulle vara några av de krav som uppställs för att utföra ett ACSM-förfarande inte är uppfyllda, eller i den utsträckning som den nyssnämnda tröskeln skulle överskridas, eller om det belopp 124 som skulle ha betalats överstiger de intäkter som härrör från placeringen av Betalningsaktierna, kommer Emittenten att tillgodose den Obligatoriska Uppskjutna Räntebetalningen i samma utsträckning genom APSM-förfarandet, såvida Emittenten inte tidigare hade valt att tillämpa ett APSM-förfarande beträffande relevant Obligatorisk Uppskjuten Räntebetalning och var tvungen att tillämpa ACSMförfarandet, utöver APSM; i det fallet skall Emittentens förpliktelse att tillgodose den Obligatoriskt Uppskjutna Räntebetalningen upphävas i samma utsträckning. Om några av de krav som uppställs för att genomföra ett ACSM-förfarande, med avseende på varje Frivilligt Uppskjuten Räntebetalning, inte är uppfyllda, eller i den utsträckning som det belopp som skall betalas överstiger intäkterna från placeringen av Betalningsaktierna, skall Emittentens förpliktelse att tillgodose den Frivilligt Uppskjutna Räntebetalningen upphävas i samma utsträckning. Om Emittenten måste tillgodose någon Uppskjuten Räntebetalning på den dag som skäl för upplösning enligt § 262 para. 1 aktiebolagslagen (Aktiengesetz) föreligger beträffande Emittenten eller Borgensmannen, men Emittenten eller Borgensmannen kan inte tillämpa ett ACSM-förfarande, skall Emittentens förpliktelser beträffande sådant obetalt belopp rankas pari passu med Emittentens förpliktelser för Obligationernas kapitalbelopp till ett belopp som uppgår till tröskeln för APSM. Alternative Parity Securities Coupon Satisfaction Mechanism (“APSM”) ... Om Emittenten har gett underrättelse om att Emittenten kommer att tillgodose varje Obligatorisk Uppskjuten Räntebetalning för relevant ränteår i enlighet med APSM, kommer Emittenten eller Borgensmannen att införskaffa de medel som är nödvändiga för att tillgodose den Obligatoriskt Uppskjutna Räntebetalningen genom att emittera och sälja, direkt eller indirekt, hybridvärdepapper med bestämmelser och villkor (i synnerhet i relation till bestämmelserna om uppskjuten ersättning, betalningar av uppskjuten ersättning och om återinsättande) i likhet med Villkoren och som utgör reglerat kapital (Eigenmittel) med åtminstone samma prioritet (“Betalningsvärdepapper”) under sådan period från och med den dag som infaller 6 månader före den relevanta Deferred Settlement Date, fram till den dag som infaller fem år efter den relevanta Deferred Settlement Date. Det totala kapitalbeloppet för alla Betalningsvärdepapper som emitteras under APSM får inte överstiga 25% av Obligationernas totala kapitalbelopp på Emissionsdagen. Om kravet för utförandet av APSM inte är uppfyllt, eller i den utsträckning som den nyssnämnda tröskeln skulle överskridas, eller om det förfallna räntebeloppet överstiger intäkterna från placeringen av Betalningsvärdepapperena, kommer Emittenten att tillgodose den Obligatoriska Uppskjutna Räntebetalningen, i samma utsträckning, genom ACSM, såvida Emittenten inte tidigare hade valt att tillämpa ACSM med avseende på relevant Uppskjuten Räntebetalning och var tvungen att tillämpa APSM-förfarande utöver ACSM; i detta fall skall Emittentens förpliktelse att tillgodose den Obligatoriska Uppskjutna Räntebetalningen upphävas i samma utsträckning. 125 Skatt .................................... Negativåtagande ........................ Inbördes avtalsbrott Notering Obligationernas Villkor negativåtagande. innehåller ingen bestämmelse om ..................... Obligationernas Villkor innehåller ingen bestämmelse om inbördes avtalsbrott avseende andra förpliktelser som Emittenten eller Borgensmannen kan ha. ................................ Ansökan har gjorts om att notera Obligationerna på den öppna marknaden (Amtlicher Markt) vid Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Tillämplig rätt .......................... Försäljningsrestriktioner Jurisdiktion Obligationerna och Borgensåtagandet är underkastade tysk rätt. ................ Erbjudandet och försäljningen av Obligationerna samt distribution av ebjudandematerial kommer att vara föremål för särskilda försäljningsrestriktioner i det Europeiska Ekonomiska Samarbetsområdet, USA, Österrike, Belgien, Danmark, Frankrike, Irland, Portugal, Sverige och Storbritannien ............................. Frankfurt am Main i Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland utgör icke exklusiv domsrätt för varje rättslig åtgärd som uppstår under Obligationerna. Clearance och Settlement ISIN All betalning av kapitalbeloppet och ränta som är hänförlig till Obligationerna (inklusive betalningar effektuerade av Borgensmannen under Borgensåtagandet) kommer att ske utan avdrag för skatt, avgift, eller andra statliga pålagor av endera slag och som uttas, påförs, uppbärs, innehålls eller på annat sätt är föremål för taxering av sådan statlig eller lokal myndighet i Nederländerna eller i Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland, som givits rätt att utta eller påföra sådan skatt, avgift eller annan pålaga, såvida Emittenten eller Borgensmannen inte är skyldig enligt lag att göra sådant avdrag, som en följd av justeringar eller förändringar i gällande lag, skall Emittenten eller Borgensmannen (beroende på rådande omständigheter) och under förutsättning att inte något av de sedvanliga undantag som framgår av Villkoren och Borgensåtagandet föreligger, göra en tilläggsbetalning så att Obligationsinnehavaren erhåller det belopp som utfallit om ett sådant avdrag inte hade gjorts. ............... .................................... Common Code .......................... German Securities Code (WKN) ........ Obligationerna kommer att accepteras för Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main. clearing genom DE000A0GNPZ3 024513742 A0GNPZ Sammanfattning avseende Riskfaktorer Riskfaktorer avseende Obligationerna En investering i Obligationerna innebär vissa risker som är förknippade med Obligationernas egenskaper. Sådana risker kan innebära att Emittenten inte betalar kapitalbeloppet eller ränta, att Borgensmannen inte gör några betalningar under Borgensåtagandet och/eller en väsentlig försämring av Obligationernas marknadspris. Riskerna är framförallt en följd av det faktum att: • Emittenten har ingen skyldighet att lösa in Obligationerna och Obligationsinnehavarna har ingen rätt att begära inlösen av Obligationerna; 126 • Obligationerna kan komma att lösas in i förtid till kapitalbeloppet till följd av en Bruttobetalningshändelse, till ett Make-whole Amount till följd av en Skattehändelse eller en Tillsynsmyndighetshändelse; om Emittenten i sådant fall återkallar eller löser in Obligationerna, kan det hända att Obligationsinnehavarna endast kan återinvestera intäkterna från inlösen av Obligationerna i värdepapper med lägre avkastning; • Det föreligger ingen begränsning av de skuldbelopp som Emittenten eller Borgensmannen kan komma att ådra sig i framtiden; • Emittentens förpliktelse att erlägga betalning under Obligationerna samt Borgensmannens förpliktelse att erlägga betalning under Borgensåtagandet utgör Emittentens och Borgensmannens respektive efterställda förpliktelser; och • Emittenten kan komma att välja att, eller till och med behöva, skjuta upp räntebetalningar om vissa villkor är uppfyllda. Riskfaktorer avseende Emittenten Emittenten är ett finansieringsredskap för Allianz-Koncernen. Som sådant upptar den finansiering och vidarelånar pengar till koncernbolag inom Allianz-Koncernen genom koncerninterna lån. För det fall att ett dotterbolag inom koncernen inte kan fullgöra en betalning för ett koncerninternt lån, kan det medföra att Emittenten inte kommer att kunna fullgöra sina betalningsförpliktelser under Obligationerna. Riskfaktorer avseende Borgensmannen Allianz-Koncernens verksamhet, och som en följd även värdet på Obligationerna, är exponerade gentemot ett antal risker. Följande avsnitt innehåller en beskrivning av vissa risker, som kan komma att väsentligt påverka Borgensmannens finansiella ställning samt rörelseresultat. • Volatiliteten i räntenivåer kan ha negativ effekt på Allianz-Koncernens verksamhetsresultat. • Marknadsrisker kan skada värdet på Allianz-Koncernens portfölj och negativt påverka dess finansiella ställning och verksamhetsresultat. • Marknaden och andra faktorer kan komma att negativt påverka koncernens goodwill, potentiella förvärvskostnader samt latenta skattetillgångar; Allianz-Koncernens latenta skattetillgångar kan även potentiellt komma att påverkas av ändringar i skattelagstiftningen. • Allianz AG bedriver verksamhet både i egenskap av återförsäkringsbolag och som ett holdingbolag till Allianz-Koncernen, och är exponerad för åtskilliga likviditetsrisker. • Förlustreserver för Allianz-Koncernens olycksfallsförsäkringar samt återförsäkringssystemet baseras på uppskattningar av koncernens framtida anspråksförpliktelser. Negativa utvecklingar relaterade till ersättningsanspråk kan leda till att ytterligare förlustreserver måste avsättas och därmed ha en väsentlig och negativ inverkan på Allianz-Koncernens verksamhetsreslutat. • Försäkringserfarenhet och andra faktorer kan skilja sig från vad som har antagits vid beräkningen av försäkringsreserveringar som uppbyggts för liv/hälsa samt för utbetalning av pensioner • Förekomsten av katastrofer kan komma att ha väsentligt negativa effekter på Allianz-Koncernens finansiella resultat. • Allianz-Koncernen har betydande riskexponering gentemot motparter • Negativa utvecklingar för Dresdner Bank, inklusive dess rörelseutveckling, låneförlustnivåer eller nedskrivningar av tillgångar och försämringar, kan skada Allianz-Koncernens resultat och kan resultera i behov av kapital vilket kan komma att begränsa dess rörelse. • Många av Allianz-Koncernens verksamheter är beroende av den finansiella styrka och den kreditvärdering som tillskrivs Allianz AG genom olika kreditvärderingsagenturer. En försämring av Allianz AG:s kreditvärdering kan därför ha betydande och negativa effekter på relationen mellan kunder och förmedlare och negativt inverka på försäljningen av Allianz-Koncernens produkter samt öka deras lånekostnader. 127 • Om Allianz-Koncernens verksamhet inom kapitalförvaltning presterar sämre än väntat, kan koncernen erfara en nedgång av tillgångarna som förvaltas och relaterade inkomstavgifter. • Ökade geopolitiska risker till följd av terroristattackerna den 11 september 2001, och eventuella framtida terroristattacker, kan ha ett fortsatt negativt inflytande på Allianz-Koncernens verksamhet. • Ändringar i existerande eller nya statliga föreskrifter i de länder som Allianz-Koncernen bedriver verksamhet i, kan i sig väsentligt påverka. • Ändringar i skattelagstiftningen kan komma att negativt påverka Allianz-Koncernens verksamhet. • Förändringar i värdet i förhållande till Euro i zoner där Euro inte är valuta, för valutor i vilka AllianzKoncernen genererar intäkter och har kostnader kan försämra dess intäkter och kassaflöde. • Fördelarna som Allianz AG realiserar genom sammanslagningen med Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”) kan skilja sig väsentligt från dess nuvarande förväntningar. • Allianz-Koncernens eller dess industris faktiska resultat, utförande och prestation kan komma att skilja sig väsentligt från eller vara sämre än dess respektive framtidsutsikter på grund av oförutsedda politiska, makroekonomiska och demografiska influenser. Om några av de risker som beskrivits ovan skulle förverkligas kan det komma att påverka Borgensmannens förmåga att uppfylla sina betalningsförpliktelser under Borgensåtagandet och/eller leda till en minskning av Obligationernas marknadspris. Sammanfattning avseende Emittenten Emittenten grundades som ett privat aktiebolag i Nederländerna den 8 maj 2000 för en obegränsad tid i enlighet med Nederländsk rätt. Emittenten är ett helägt dotterbolag till Allianz AG och verkar som en finansieringsenhet inom Allianz-Koncernen. Bolaget har sitt säte i Amsterdam och bolagets registrerade adress är Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, Nederländerna, tel. nr (+31) (20) 5569710. Emittenten är införd i Amsterdams handelsregister Commercial Register of Amsterdam under nr 34134406. Emittentens verksamhetsmål, vilket framgår av punkt 2 i Bolagsordningen, är att bedriva all slags finansiell verksamhet, i synnerhet utlåning och att låna kapital, inklusive att emittera obligationer och andel i bolag och företag. Emittentens bolagsstyrelse består för närvarande av följande medlemmar: Dirk Schoon, Hero Wentzel och Dr. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler. Emittentens övervakande styrelse består för närvarande av Michael Diekmann, Dr. Paul Achleitner och Stephan Theissing. Allianz Finance II B.V.:s revisorer är KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, Nederländerna. Följande tabell återger central finansiell information om Emittenten. Allianz Finance II B.V. 9 månaders bokslutdag den 30 september 2005 2004 (oreviderad) € € Bokslutsdag 31 december 2004 2003 € € 9,329,056,504 364,490,526 6,654,019,238 316,092,403 6,602,060,884 258,734,477 6,641,659,010 904,824,759 9,693,547,030 6,970,111,641 6,860,795,361 7,546,483,769 .................. 2,400,749 2,097,756 932,595 987,413 Långfristiga skulder . . . . . . . . . Kortfristiga skulder . . . . . . . . . . 9,329,056,504 362,089,777 6,654,019,235 313,994,650 6,602,060,881 257,801,885 6,641,659,010 903,837,346 9,693,547,030 6,970,111,641 6,860,795,361 7,546,483,769 Anläggningstillgångar Omsättningstillgångar Eget kapital ....... ....... 128 Sammanfattning avseende Borgensmannen Allianz AG är ett aktiebolag som är underkastad tysk rätt och registrerad som “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” i handelsregistret vid den nationella domstolen (Amtsgericht) i München under införandenummer HRB 7158. Allianz AG:s registrerade säte och verksamhetens adress är Königinstrasse 28, 80802 München, Tyskland, telefonnummer (+49)(89) 3800-00. Översikt över affärsverksamheterna Allianz-Koncernen är en av världens största tillhandahållare av finansiella tjänster, som erbjuder försäkringar, produkter och tjänster inom bank-och kapitalförvaltning genom olycksfallsförsäkringar, liv-och hälsoförsäkringar, samt segment inom bank och kapitalförvaltning. Baserat på de tecknade bruttoförsäkringspremierna 2004, var Allianz-Koncernen en av de största koncernerna inom försäkringar och baserat på de tecknade bruttoförsäkringspremierna 2004, var Allianz-Koncernen det största bolaget inom olycksfallsförsäkringar samt liv-och hälsoförsäkringar i Tyskland. Allianz-koncernen är också ett av de största försäkringsbolagen i andra länder, inklusive Frankrike, Italien, Storbritannien, Schweiz och Spanien och var per den 30 september 2005 ett av Tysklands största finansiella institut baserat på börsvärde. Sedan i början av augusti 2005 har Allianz AG:s finansiella styrka kreditvärderats till A+ från A.M. Best och AA– från Standard & Poor’s, båda med en stabil framtidsutsikt och en Aa3 senior icke säkerställd kreditvärdering med en stabil framtidsutsikt från Moody’s. Allianz AG bildades i Berlin den 5 februari 1890 som “Allianz VersicherungsAktiengesellschaft”. Allianz AG omlokaliserade 1949 sin huvudsakliga förvaltning från Berlin till München. Baserat på ett motsvarande beslut från bolagsstämman som hölls den 27 juni 1985, omstrukturerades Allianz AG så att det blev ett holdingbolag och namnändrades till “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Holding”. I enlighet med ett motsvarande beslut som antogs på bolagsstämman den 7 oktober 1996, namnändrades Allianz AG återigen till “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft”. Utöver sin verksamhet inom olycksfallsförsäkringar samt liv-och hälsoförsäkringar, etablerade AllianzKoncernen 1998, som sin tredje huvudverksamhet, en avdelning för finansiella tjänster. Som en konsekvens av Allianz-Koncernens förvärv 2001 av Dresdner Bank AG (härefter kallad “Dresdner Bank” och tillsammans med sina konsoliderade dotterbolag, “Dresdner Bank-Koncernen”) omorganiserade Allianz-Koncernen sin avdelning för finansiella tjänster till två separata avdelningar för kapitalförvaltning respektive banking. Baserat på sin kapitalförvaltning per den 31 december 2004, var Allianz-Koncernen en av de fem största kapitalförvaltarna i världen. När det gäller avdelningen för banking, vilken nu utgör dess fjärde huvudsakliga affärsverksamhet, blev Allianz Koncernen genom dess förvärv av Dresdner Bank en av de största bankerna i Tyskland vilket medförde en betydande expanderad bankdistributionskanal för sina produkter och tjänster inom olycksfallsförsäkringar samt liv-och hälsoförsäkringar samt kapitalförvaltning. Allianz-Koncernens affärsverksamhet är lokalt styrd medan dess särskilda rörelsegrenar och avdelningarna för kapitalförvaltning styrs och verkar på en global nivå. Allianz-Koncernens tyska rörelse inom olycksfallsförsäkring samt liv-och hälsoförsäkringar förvaltas av dotterbolag som primärt är lokaliserade i München och Stuttgart. Dess försäkringsrörelser som inte är tyska styrs lokalt. Allianz-Koncernens största marknader som inte är i Tyskland är Frankrike, Italien, Storbritannien, Schweiz, Spanien och USA. Var och en av Allianz-koncernens särskilda rörelsegrenar inom kreditförsäkring, sjö och flygförsäkring, internationell industriell riskåterförsäkring genom Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs–AG samt reseförsäkringar och assisterande service, styrs och förvaltas på en global nivå. Allianz-koncernens kapitalförvaltning verkar också globalt, med huvudsakliga styrcenter i München, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong, Milano, Westport, Connecticut, och San Francisco, San Diego och Newport Beach, Kalifornien. Allianz-Koncernens bankavdelning verkar genom sina cirka 960 tyska och internationella filialer genom Dresdner Bank (per den 30 september 2005) och genom åtskilliga dotterbolag med betydande verksamheter i Tyskland, Storbritannien och andra europeiska länder samt i USA. Information om trend Allianz-Koncernen förväntas totalt sett öka sina intäkter i överensstämmelse med 2004 och med de första nio månaderna för 2005 och kommer vidare att fortsätta att fokusera sina ansträngningar på att bibehålla samt selektivt förbättra sin verksamhetsvinst. Emellertid kan naturkatastrofer och negativa utvecklingar på kapitalmarknaden, såväl som de riskfaktorer som nämnts ovan, allvarligt påverka Allianz-Koncernens lönsamhet. 129 Bolagsstyrelse, den övervakande styrelsen och anställda Allianz AG:s Bolagsstyrelse består av elva ledamöter vilka är Michael Diekmann (Ordförande), Dr. Paul Achleitner, Clement B. Booth, Jan R. Carendi, Dott. Enrico Cucchiani, Dr. Joachim Faber, Dr. Helmut Perlet, Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht, Jean-Philippe Thierry, Dr. Herbert Walter och Dr. Werner Zedelius. Allianz AG:s övervakande styrelse (Aufsichtsrat) (“Supervisory Board”) består av 20 ledamöter vilka är Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Ordförande), Norbert Blix (Vice Ordförande), Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat, Dr. Diethart Breipohl, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Hinrich Feddersen, Franz Fehrenbach, Peter Haimerl, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Prof. Dr. Franz B. Humer, Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher, Igor Landau, Dr. Max Link, Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn, Karl Neumeier, Sultan Salam, Dr. Manfred Schneider, Margit Schoffer och Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower. Per den 30 september 2005, hade Allianz-Koncernen sammanlagt 178,462 personer anställda globalt, av vilka 105,284 var stationerade utanför Tyskland. Största Aktieägare Per den 31 december 2004, var Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft i München (eller “Munich Re”) den enskilt största aktieägaren i Allianz AG och innehade cirka 9.0% av Allianz AG:s aktiekapital eller cirka 9.4% av Allianz AG:s resterande aktier från och med detta datum. Den 14 juli 2005, informerades Allianz AG om att Munich Re, i enlighet med bestämmelserna i den tyska lagen om värdepappershandel (Wertpapierhandlesgesetz) eller “WpHG”) skulle reducera sitt ägande i Allianz AG till mindre än 5% och innehar därmed 4.9% av Allianz AG:s aktiekapital från och med detta datum. Mot bakgrund av de väsentliga förändringar som ägt rum avseende relationen mellan Allianz-Koncernen och Munich Re – i synnerhet den betydande minskningen av det ömsesidiga aktieinnehavet, uppsägningen av “Principles of Cooperation”-avtalet och upphörandet av den ömsesidiga styrelse sammankopplingen – betraktar Allianz AG inte längre Munich Re som en närstående part. Utvald finansiell information Allianz-Koncernen Rörelseresultat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nettointäkter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kassaflöde* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eget kapital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totala skulder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 september 2005 (oreviderad) miljon € 31 december 2004 31 december 2003 miljon € miljon € 5,917 3,508 18,675 48,588 940,610 6,839 2,266 4,616 37,691 952,627 3,982 2,691 (1,397) 35,259 897,954 * Kassaflöde från rörelseverksamheter Ytterligare Information Registrerat aktiekapital Allianz AG:s aktiekapital uppgår för närvarande till € 1,039,462,400 och divideras med 406,040,000 aktier utan nominellt värde. Föreskriven revisor Allianz AG har utsett KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 München, Tyskland, till revisor för räkenskapsåret som slutar 31 december 2005. 130 Dokument att förevisa Under den tid som varje Obligation är utstående, skall följande dokument i fysisk form kunna granskas under ordinarie kontorstid vid Emittentens, Borgensmannens och Principal Paying Agentis angivna kontor: (a) Borgensåtagandet; (b) Emittentens bolagsordning; (c) Borgensmannens bolagsordning (Satzung) (d) Prospektet; och alla rapporter, brev, övriga dokument, historisk finansiell information, värderingar och yttranden utfärdade av någon expert på uppdrag av Emittenten och/eller Borgensmannen samt varje avsnitt som innefattas eller som det hänvisas till i Emittentens och Borgensmannens framställningar. 131 RISK FACTORS The following is a description of the risk factors with respect to the Bonds, the Issuer and the Guarantor which prospective investors should consider before deciding to purchase the Bonds. The sequence in which the following risk factors are listed is not an indication of their likelihood to occur or of the extent of their commercial consequences. Prospective investors should consider all of the information provided in this Prospectus and consult with their own professional advisers if they consider it necessary. Risk Factors in relation to the Bonds An investment in the Bonds involves certain risks associated with the characteristics of the Bonds. Such risks could result in principal or interest not being paid by the Issuer, the Guarantor not making payment under the Guarantee and/or a material impairment of the market price of the Bonds. The following is a description of risk factors in relation to the Bonds. Perpetual securities The Issuer is under no obligation to redeem the Bonds at any time and the Bondholders have no right to call for their redemption. Redemption risk The Bonds have no final maturity date. They are redeemable in whole but not in part at the option of the Issuer at their principal amount on [March 3,] 2011 and on each Interest Payment Date thereafter. The Issuer may also redeem the Bonds in whole but not in part at their principal amount together with any accrued interest at any time following a Gross-up Event and at the Make-whole Amount following a Tax Event or a Regulatory Event. In any case the Issuer may call and redeem the Bonds only if the Solvency Condition is met and the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed has been replaced by other at least equivalent regulatory capital or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any successor authority has given its consent to the redemption, all as more fully described in the Conditions. If the Issuer calls and redeems the Bonds in any of the circumstances mentioned above, the Bondholders may only be able to reinvest the redemption proceeds in securities with a lower yield. No limitation on issuing debt There is no restriction on the amount of liabilities which the Issuer or the Guarantor may issue or guarantee which rank senior to the Bonds or on the amount of liabilities which the Issuer or the Guarantor may issue or guarantee which rank pari passu with the Bonds. The occurrence of such may reduce the amount recoverable by Bondholders on a liquidation, dissolution, insolvency, composition or other proceeding for the avoidance of insolvency of, or against, the Issuer or the Guarantor or may increase the likelihood that the Issuer may elect to defer payments of interest under the Bonds. Subordination The Bonds and the Guarantor’s obligations under the Guarantee will be undated subordinated obligations of the Issuer and the Guarantor, respectively. Upon the occurrence of any winding-up proceedings of the Issuer or the Guarantor, payments on the Bonds will be subordinated in right of payment to the prior payment in full of all other liabilities of the Issuer and the Guarantor (including dated subordinated obligations), except those liabilities which rank pari passu with, or junior to, the Bonds or the Guarantor’s obligations under the Guarantee. In a liquidation, dissolution, insolvency, composition or other proceeding for the avoidance of insolvency of, or against, the Issuer or the Guarantor, the Bondholders may recover proportionately less than the holders of unsubordinated and dated subordinated liabilities of the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be. The Bondholders explicitly accept that, in the circumstances described above, payments in respect of the Bonds will be made by the Guarantor pursuant to the Guarantee only in accordance with the subordination described above. 132 Optional Deferral and possible cancellation of Interest Payments Bondholders should be aware that, subject to the Solvency Condition being met and no Mandatory Deferral Event having occurred, the Issuer may, with respect to each Interest Payment Date, elect in its discretion to defer the interest by giving not less than 3 Business Days prior notice, if up to the 10th Business Day preceding such Interest Payment Date no dividend, other distribution or payment was declared in respect of any class of shares of the Guarantor at the ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor immediately preceding that Interest Payment Date, and no payment on account of the balance sheet profit has been made since that ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor. The Issuer may elect in its discretion to satisfy any interest payment it does not defer on the Interest Payment Date with funds raised prior to the Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM. Bondholders will not receive any additional interest or compensation for the optional deferral of payment. Bondholders should be aware that under certain circumstances a payment of interest may be cancelled in total. Mandatory Deferral and possible cancellation of Interest Payments Bondholders should be aware that if on an Interest Payment Date the Solvency Condition is not met, then the Issuer will be required to defer interest which accrued during the interest year to but excluding such Interest Payment Date, unless the Issuer elects in its discretion to satisfy on the Interest Payment Date such interest with funds raised prior to the Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM. If on an Interest Payment Date a Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred, then the Issuer will be required to defer any Excess Amount. If the Issuer is required to defer a payment of interest following the occurrence of a Mandatory Deferral Event on an Interest Payment Date, then the Issuer will also be required to defer on one or more subsequent Interest Payment Dates the interest that would otherwise be due on such Interest Payment Dates until the Mandatory Deferral Event has been cured. Bondholders will not receive any additional interest or compensation for the mandatory deferral of payment. Bondholders should be aware that under certain circumstances a payment of interest may be cancelled in total. No Prior Market for the Bonds There is currently no secondary market for the Bonds. Application has been made to list the Bonds on the official market (Amtlicher Markt) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. However, there can be no assurance that a liquid secondary market for the Bonds will develop or, if it develops, that it will continue. In an illiquid market, a Bondholder might not be able to sell his Bonds at any time at fair market prices. The possibility to sell the Bonds might additionally be restricted by country specific reasons. Fixed Rate Bonds Until their redemption, if any, the Bonds will carry fixed interest. A holder of a security with a fixed interest rate is exposed to the risk that the price of such security falls as a result of changes in the current interest rate on the capital market (the “Market Interest Rate”). While the nominal interest rate of a Bond with a fixed interest rate is fixed during the life of such security or during a certain period of time, the Market Interest Rate typically changes on a daily basis. As the Market Interest Rate changes, the price of such security changes in the opposite direction. If the Market Interest Rate increases, the price of such security typically falls, until the yield of such security is approximately equal to the Market Interest Rate. If the Market Interest Rate falls, the price of a security with a fixed interest rate typically increases, until the yield of such security is approximately equal to the Market Interest Rate. Investors should be aware that movements of the Market Interest Rate can adversely affect the market price of the Bonds and can lead to losses for the Bondholders if they sell Bonds before they fall due for redemption. Risk Factors in relation to the Issuer The Issuer is a funding vehicle for the Allianz Group. As such, it, inter alia, raises funds and on-lends monies to group companies within the Allianz Group by way of intra-group loans. In the event that a group company fails to make a payment under an intra-group loan, the Issuer may not be able to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds. 133 Risk Factors in relation to the Guarantor The following is a description of risk factors in relation to the Guarantor. The realisation of any of the risks described below may affect the Guarantor’s ability to fulfil its payment obligations under the Guarantee and/or may adversely affect the market price of the Bonds and can lead to losses for the Bondholders if they sell Bonds before they fall due for redemption. As a result, investors are exposed to the risk of losing their investment in whole or in part. Interest rate volatility may adversely affect Allianz Group’s results of operations. Changes in prevailing interest rates (including changes in the difference between the levels of prevailing short- and long-term rates) can affect Allianz Group’s insurance, asset management and banking results. Over the past several years, movements in both short- and long-term interest rates have affected the level and timing of recognition of gains and losses on securities held in Allianz Group’s various investment portfolios. Allianz Group’s investment portfolios are heavily weighted toward Euro-denominated fixed-income investments. Accordingly, interest rate movements in the Euro zone will significantly affect the value of Allianz Group’s investment portfolios. Excluding trading portfolios, fixed income securities constituted 78.2% of Allianz Group’s own investments at December 31, 2004. An increase in interest rates could substantially decrease the value of Allianz Group’s fixed income portfolio, and any unexpected change in interest rates could materially adversely affect its bond and interest rate derivative positions. The short-term impact of interest rate fluctuations on Allianz Group’s life/health insurance business may be reduced in part by products designed to partly or entirely transfer Allianz Group’s exposure to interest rate movements to the policyholder. While product design reduces Allianz Group’s exposure to interest rate volatility, changes in interest rates will impact this business to the extent they result in changes to current interest income, impact the value of Allianz Group’s fixed income portfolio and affect the levels of new product sales or surrenders of business in force. In addition, reductions in the investment income below the rates assumed in product pricing, or below the regulatory minimum required rates in countries such as Germany and Switzerland, would reduce or eliminate the profit margins on the life/health insurance business written by Allianz Group’s life/health subsidiaries. Results of Allianz Group’s asset management business may also be affected by movements in interest rates because management fees are generally based on the value of assets under management, which fluctuate with changes in interest rates. In addition, Allianz Group’s management of interest rate risks affects the results of its banking operations. The composition of Allianz Group’s banking assets and liabilities, and any mismatches resulting from that composition, cause the net income of its banking operations to vary with changes in interest rates. Allianz Group is particularly impacted by changes in interest rates as they relate to different maturities of contracts and the different currencies in which it holds interest rate positions. A mismatch with respect to maturity of interestearning assets and interest-bearing liabilities in any given period can have a material adverse effect on the financial position or results of operations of Allianz Group’s banking business. Market risks could impair the value of Allianz Group’s portfolio and adversely impact its financial position and results of operations. Allianz Group holds a significant equity portfolio, which represented approximately 14.9% of Allianz Group’s own investments at December 31, 2004, excluding trading portfolios. Allianz Group’s equity investment portfolio includes (i), in particular, large stakes in a number of major German companies, including Schering AG, Linde AG, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (or “Munich Re”) and Beiersdorf AG, (ii) significant holdings in companies in Spain, Italy and France and (iii) equity investments in companies in virtually all major financial markets of the world. Fluctuations in equity markets affect the market value and liquidity of these holdings. Allianz Group also has real estate holdings in its investment portfolio, the value of which is likewise exposed to changes in real estate market prices and volatility. 134 Most of Allianz Group’s assets and liabilities are recorded at fair value, including trading assets and liabilities, and securities available-for-sale. Changes in the value of securities held for trading purposes are recorded through Allianz Group’s consolidated income statement. Changes in the market value of securities available-for-sale are recorded directly in Allianz Group’s consolidated shareholders’ equity. Securities available-for-sale are reviewed regularly for impairment, with writedowns to fair value charged to income if an other-than-temporary diminution in value occurs. If a decline in the market value below the original cost of an available-for-sale security is considered other-than-temporary, the decline in value will be recorded in the consolidated income statement. Market and other factors could adversely affect goodwill, deferred policy acquisition costs and deferred tax assets; Allianz Group’s deferred tax assets are also potentially impacted by changes in tax legislation. Business and market conditions may impact the amount of goodwill Allianz Group carries in its consolidated accounts. As of December 31, 2004, Allianz Group has recorded goodwill in an aggregate amount of €11,677 million, of which €1,633 million relates to Allianz Group’s banking business, €6,178 million to its asset management business and €3,866 million relates to its insurance business. Allianz Group’s banking operations, of which Dresdner Bank represents by far the most significant component, reported net income of €126 million for the year ended December 31, 2004. As the value of certain other parts of Allianz Group’s businesses, including in particular its asset management business, are also significantly impacted by such factors as the state of financial markets and ongoing operating performance, significant declines in financial markets or operating performance could also result in impairment of other goodwill carried by Allianz Group and result in significant writedowns, which could be material. No impairments were recorded for goodwill in 2004. The assumptions Allianz Group made with respect to recoverability of deferred policy acquisition costs (“DAC”) are also affected by such factors as operating performance and market conditions. DAC is incurred in connection with the production of new and renewal insurance business and is deferred and amortised generally in proportion to profits or premium income expected to be generated over the life of the underlying policies, depending on the classification of the product. If the assumptions on which expected profits are based prove to be incorrect, it may be necessary to accelerate amortisation of DAC, even to the extent of writing down DAC through impairments, which could materially adversely affect results of operations. No impairments were recorded for DAC in 2004. As of December 31, 2004, Allianz Group had a total of €14,139 million in net deferred tax assets and €14,350 million in deferred tax liabilities. The calculation of the respective tax assets and liabilities is based on current tax laws and accounting standards and depends on the performance of Allianz Group as a whole and certain business units in particular. At December 31, 2004, €5,337 million (2003: €5,753 million) of deferred tax assets depended on the ability to use existing tax-loss carry forwards. Changes in German or other tax legislation or an operating performance below currently anticipated levels may lead to a significant impairment of deferred tax assets, in which case Allianz Group could be obligated to write off certain tax assets. Tax assets may also need to be written down if certain assumptions of profitability prove to be incorrect, as losses incurred for longer than expected will make the usability of tax assets more unlikely. Any such development may have a material adverse impact on Allianz Group’s results of operations. Allianz AG operates both as a reinsurance company and as a holding company for Allianz Group and is exposed to various liquidity risks. Allianz AG acts as the principal reinsurer for Allianz Group companies. At the same time, Allianz AG is a holding company, conducting its insurance and financial services operations through direct and indirect subsidiaries. In addition to premiums from Allianz Group’s reinsurance operations, the principal sources of Allianz AG’s funds are dividends received from subsidiaries, associated companies and other equity investments as well as funds that it may raise from time to time through the issuance of debt or equity securities or through banks or other borrowings. Allianz AG’s uses of funds include payment of interest and principal on its outstanding debt, obligations arising in its reinsurance business, which may include large and unpredictable claims including catastrophe claims, as well as the funding of potential capital requirements of its operating subsidiaries or of acquisitions. 135 Allianz AG expects that premiums from its own reinsurance business, together with dividends and other amounts received from subsidiaries, associated companies and other investments, will continue to cover its operating expenses, including interest payments on its outstanding debt, together with its reinsurance and other obligations. As a holding company, Allianz AG can offer no assurance, however, that funds available to it will continue to be sufficient to meet its operating expenses, funding obligations and interest payments in the future, and that it will not need to raise additional funds from time to time through the issuance of debt or equity securities, through banks or other borrowings or through dispositions of assets or other transactions. Moreover, Allianz AG can offer no assurance as to the adequacy or timing of any such measures. Loss reserves for Allianz Group’s property-casualty insurance and reinsurance policies are based on estimates as to future claims liabilities. Adverse developments relating to claims could lead to further reserve additions and materially adversely affect Allianz Group’s results of operations. In accordance with industry practice and accounting and regulatory requirements, Allianz Group establishes reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses related to its property-casualty insurance and reinsurance businesses, including property-casualty business in run-off. Reserves are based on estimates of future payments that will be made in respect of claims, including expenses relating to such claims. Such estimates are made both on a case-by-case basis, based on the facts and circumstances available at the time the reserves are established, as well as in respect of losses that have been incurred but not reported (“IBNR”) to Allianz Group. These reserves represent the estimated ultimate cost necessary to bring all pending reported and IBNR claims to final settlement. Reserves, including IBNR reserves, are subject to change due to a number of variables which affect the ultimate cost of claims, such as changes in the legal environment, results of litigation, changes in medical costs, costs of repairs and other factors such as inflation and exchange rates. Allianz Group’s earnings depend significantly upon the extent to which its actual claims experience is consistent with the assumptions it uses in setting the prices for products and establishing the liabilities for obligations for technical provisions and claims. To the extent that Allianz Group’s actual claims experience is less favourable than the underlying assumptions used in establishing such liabilities, Allianz Group may be required to increase its reserves, which may materially adversely affect earnings. Established loss reserves estimates are periodically adjusted in the ordinary course of settlement, using the most current information available to management, and any adjustments resulting from changes in reserve estimates are reflected in current results of operations. Allianz Group also conducts reviews of various lines of business to consider the adequacy of reserve levels. Based on current information available to it and on the basis of its internal procedures, Allianz AG’s management considers that these reserves are adequate. However, because the establishment of reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses is an inherently uncertain process, there can be no assurance that ultimate losses will not materially exceed the established reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses and have a material adverse effect on Allianz Group’s earnings. Asbestos-related and Environmental Pollution Claims. In relation to asbestos-related and environmental pollution, it has been necessary, and may over time continue to be necessary, to revise estimated potential loss exposure and, therefore, the related loss reserves. Changes in law, novel or changing policy interpretations, evolving judicial theories as well as developments in class action litigation add to the uncertainties inherent in claims of this nature. As a result, Allianz Group continues to monitor developments in asbestos-related and environmental claims and may determine that further adjustments in the reserve amounts are required in the future. In 2002, reserves were increased for asbestos and environmental claims in the United States by €762 million following external and internal actuarial reviews. In the United States, the planned external review of the asbestos and environmental liability reserves at Fireman’s Fund had no net impact at the Allianz Group level as a result of already sufficient reserves, absent a USD 56 million loss caused by the increase in provisions for uncollectible reinsurance recoverables. Run-off Insurance Businesses. Allianz Group maintains loss reserves in its run-off insurance businesses to cover its estimated ultimate liability for losses and loss adjustment expenses for reported and unreported losses incurred as of the end of each fiscal year. In 2002, Allianz Group ceased underwriting certain lines of business formerly pursued by the Fireman’s Fund in the United States, including the surety, national accounts, diversified risk and medical malpractice lines of business. Allianz AG believes that the reserves associated with the lines in run-off are adequate. However, the costs and liabilities associated with these divested and run-off businesses and other contingent liabilities could cause Allianz Group to take additional charges that could be material to its results of operations. 136 Actuarial experience and other factors could differ from that assumed in the calculation of life/health actuarial reserves and pension liabilities. The assumptions Allianz Group makes in assessing its life/health insurance reserves may differ from what it experiences in the future. Allianz Group derives its life/health insurance reserves using “best estimate” actuarial practices and assumptions. These assumptions include the assessment of the long-term development of interest rates, investment returns, the allocation of investments between equity, fixed income and other categories, policyholder bonus rates (some of which are guaranteed), mortality and morbidity rates, policyholder lapses and future expense levels. Allianz Group’s monitors its actual experience of these assumptions, and to the extent that it considers that this experience will continue in the longer term, it refines its long-term assumptions. Similarly, estimates of Allianz Group’s own pension obligations necessarily depend on assumptions concerning future actuarial, demographic, macroeconomic and financial markets developments. Changes in any such assumptions may lead to changes in the estimates of life/health insurance reserves or pension obligations. Allianz Group has a substantial portfolio of contracts with guaranteed investment returns, including endowment and annuity products for the German market as well as certain guaranteed contracts in other markets. The amounts payable by Allianz Group at maturity of an endowment policy in Germany and in certain other markets include a “guaranteed benefit”, an amount that, in practice, is equal to a legally mandated maximum rate of return on actuarial reserves. If interest rates should remain at current historically low levels, Allianz Group could be required to provide additional funds to its life/health subsidiaries to support their obligations in respect of products with higher guaranteed returns or increase reserves in respect of such products, which could in turn have a material adverse effect on its results of operations. In the United States, Allianz Group has a substantial portfolio of contracts with guaranteed investment returns indexed to equity markets. Allianz Group enters into derivative contracts as a means of mitigating the risk of investment returns underperforming guaranteed returns. There can be no assurance that the hedging arrangements will satisfy the returns guaranteed to policyholders. Allianz Group’s financial results may be materially adversely affected by the occurrence of catastrophes. Portions of Allianz Group’s property-casualty insurance may cover losses from unpredictable events such as hurricanes, windstorms, hailstorms, earthquakes, fires, industrial explosions, freezes, riots, floods and other man-made or natural disasters, including acts of terrorism. The incidence and severity of these catastrophes in any given period are inherently unpredictable. Although Allianz Group monitors its overall exposure to catastrophes and other unpredictable events in each geographic region, each of its subsidiaries independently determines its own underwriting limits related to insurance coverage for losses from catastrophic events. Allianz Group generally seeks to reduce its exposure to these events through the purchase of reinsurance, selective underwriting practices and by monitoring risk accumulation. However, such efforts to reduce exposure may not be successful and claims relating to catastrophes may result in unusually high levels of losses and could have a material adverse effect on Allianz Group’s financial position or results of operations. During 2002 and 2001 Allianz Group incurred significant catastrophe losses, in particular net claims costs of approximately €1.5 billion relating to the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Allianz Group also suffered losses from severe flooding in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe, which adversely affected its results by €710 million in 2002. In 2003 and 2004, Allianz Group did not experience losses from catastrophe events at the levels seen in 2002 or 2001. During 2004, Allianz Group experienced the following major natural catastrophe loss events: the four hurricanes “Charley”, “Frances”, “Jeanne” and “Ivan” in the South-Eastern United States, as well as the tsunamis in South Asia. As a result of Allianz Group’s risk management system, Allianz Group recorded only €216 million of net losses in connection with claims arising from the hurricanes which struck the South-Eastern United States in August and September 2004. Net losses in connection with the tsunamis which struck South Asia in late December 2004 amounted to €22 million. In the third quarter of 2005, the development of the operating profit of Allianz Group was markedly affected by damages from natural catastrophes of approximately €753 million net of reinsurance. In that context, hurricane “Katrina” comprised the bulk of claims with losses, net of reinsurance, of €519 million and hurricane “Rita” accounted for an additional €101 million in net losses. If natural or man-made catastrophes affecting properties Allianz Group insures occur with high frequency and/or severity, related claims could have a material adverse effect on its consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash flows. 137 Allianz Group has significant counterparty risk exposure. Allianz Group is subject to a variety of counterparty risks, including: General Credit Risks. Third-parties that owe Allianz Group money, securities or other assets may not pay or perform under their obligations. These parties include the issuers whose securities Allianz Group holds, borrowers under loans made, customers, trading counterparties, counterparties under swaps, credit default and other derivative contracts, clearing agents, exchanges, clearing houses and other financial intermediaries. These parties may default on their obligations to Allianz Group due to bankruptcy, lack of liquidity, downturns in the economy or real estate values, operational failure or other reasons. Changes in trends and the investment climate in financial markets may result in an increase in investment impairments on Allianz Group’s investment assets due to defaults and credit downgrades, and a further downturn in the economy generally could result in increased impairments. In addition, Allianz Group is subject to geographic and industry concentrations with respect to its credit exposures, and as a result, developments in particular geographic regions or industries may adversely impact it. In particular, Allianz Group has extended significant credit to financial institutions in Germany, and as a result, any systemic risk materialising in the German financial industry could have a material adverse effect on Allianz Group’s results of operations. Reinsurers. Allianz Group transfers its exposure to certain risks in its property-casualty and life/health insurance business to others through reinsurance arrangements. Under these arrangements, other insurers assume a portion of Allianz Group’s losses and expenses associated with reported and unreported losses in exchange for a portion of policy premiums. The availability, amount and cost of reinsurance depend on general market conditions and may vary significantly. Any decrease in the amount of its reinsurance will increase Allianz Group’s risk of loss. When Allianz Group obtains reinsurance, it is still liable for those transferred risks if the reinsurer cannot meet its obligations. Therefore, the inability of its reinsurers to meet their financial obligations could materially affect Allianz Group’s results of operations. Although Allianz Group conducts periodic reviews of the financial statements and reputations of its reinsurers, the reinsurers may become financially unsound by the time they are called upon to pay amounts due. Developments at Dresdner Bank, including the development of operating performance, loan loss levels or writedowns and impairments, could adversely affect Allianz Group’s results and may result in capital requirements that could constrain its operations. In July 2001, Allianz AG acquired Dresdner Bank. Allianz Group’s banking operations, of which Dresdner Bank is the most significant component, suffered significant net losses in 2002 and 2003 but returned to profitability in 2004 with a net income of €126 million. In the first nine months of 2005, net profit of the banking segment reached €123 million, thus remaining relatively unchanged compared to the prior year period. If improvements seen in the bank’s operating performance do not continue and stabilise, Allianz Group’s results could be adversely affected. The future success of Allianz Group’s banking business depends in large part on its ability to continue to restore the profitability of Dresdner Bank. In the event that the management is unable to successfully complete the implementation of the restructuring and cost-cutting measures announced and started to date, Allianz Group’s financial performance and results of operations may be materially adversely affected. Dresdner Bank may need to make additional loan loss provisions or recognise further credit losses as a result of weak economic conditions, declines in collateral value, inability to enforce security interests in collateral, an increase in corporate or personal bankruptcies, in particular in Germany, further deterioration of the financial position of borrowers or changes in reserve and risk management requirements. Capital ratios for Dresdner Bank at December 31, 2004 were 6.55% (2003: 6.56%) in the case of consolidated Tier I capital and 13.32% (2003: 13.39%) in the case of consolidated total capital under the risk adjusted capital guidelines (or “Basle Accord”) promulgated by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision (BIS-rules). There can be no assurance that Dresdner Bank will be able to maintain its capital ratios at the above mentioned levels. Failure to do so could require Allianz Group to restrict its banking operations or further support its banking operations through injection of additional capital. Further, the BIS-rules, which have an important impact on the capital adequacy guidelines of the BaFin are being revised and implementation is planned for 2006. At this time, Allianz Group is unable to predict how the revised guidelines will affect its requirements for capital and the impact of these revisions on Allianz Group’s banking or other operations. 138 Many of Allianz Group’s businesses are dependent on the financial strength and credit ratings assigned to Allianz AG and its businesses by various rating agencies. Therefore, a downgrade in Allianz AG’s ratings may materially adversely affect relationships with customers and intermediaries, negatively impact sales of its products and increase its cost of borrowing. Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investor Services (“Moody’s”) and A.M. Best assign ratings to various obligations of certain Allianz Group companies. On September 12, 2005, both Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s affirmed their ratings after Allianz announced its plans to merge its Italian subsidiary Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”) with Allianz AG into Allianz SE. On August 2, 2005, Standard & Poor’s revised the outlook on Allianz AG from “negative” to “stable”. Concurrently Standard & Poor’s affirmed its “AA-”1 long-term insurer financial strength and counterparty credit ratings on Allianz AG and various core operating entities. In addition, Standard & Poor’s affirmed its “A-1+” short-term ratings on Allianz AG. On March 20, 2003, Standard & Poor’s cut Allianz AG’s financial strength ratings from AA to AA—, citing Allianz Group’s negative performance and reduced capital base resulting from significant writedowns and losses in the period to December 31, 2002, and noted that Allianz AG continued to be on “negative outlook.” The outlook on the AA- rating is now “stable.” Likewise, on July 25, 2003, Moody’s lowered its rating for the senior unsecured debt securities issued by Allianz Group’s finance subsidiaries from Aa2 to Aa3.2 This downgrade came after the rating had been placed “under review” on May 22, 2003. The outlook on the Aa3 rating is now “stable.” On March 21, 2003, A.M. Best also cut Allianz Group’s financial strength rating from A++ to A+,3 and noted that Allianz AG continued to be on “negative outlook.” The outlook on the A+ rating is now “stable.” Rating agencies can be expected to continue to monitor Allianz AG’s financial strength, and no assurances can be given that further ratings downgrades will not occur, whether due to changes in Allianz Group’s performance, changes in rating agencies’ industry views or ratings methodologies, or a combination of such factors. Claims paying ability and financial strength ratings are a factor in establishing the competitive position of insurers. Allianz AG’s financial strength rating has a significant impact on the individual ratings of key subsidiaries. If a rating of certain subsidiaries falls below a certain threshold, the respective operating business may be significantly impacted. A ratings downgrade, or the potential for such a downgrade, of Allianz Group or any of its insurance subsidiaries could, among other things, adversely affect relationships with agents, brokers and other distributors of Allianz Group’s products and services, thereby negatively impacting new sales, adversely affect its ability to compete in its markets and increase its cost of borrowing. In particular, in those countries where primary distribution of Allianz Group’s products is done through independent agents, such as the United States, further ratings downgrades could adversely impact sales of its life insurance products. Any further ratings downgrades could also materially adversely affect Allianz Group’s cost of raising capital, and could, in addition, give rise to additional financial obligations or accelerate existing financial obligations which are dependent on maintaining specified rating levels. If Allianz Group’s asset management business underperforms, it may experience a decline in assets under management and related fee income. While the assets under management in Allianz Group’s asset management segment include a significant amount of funds related to Allianz Group’s insurance operations, a growing portion of its assets under management, particularly following the acquisitions of PIMCO in May 2000, Nicholas-Applegate in January 2001 and Dresdner Bank in July 2001, represents third-party funds. Results of Allianz Group’s asset management activities are affected by share prices, share valuation, interest rates and market volatility. In addition, third-party 1 2 3 For Standard & Poor's an insurer rated 'AA' has very strong financial security characteristics, differing only slightly from those rated higher. Obligations rated Aa by Moody's Investor Service are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk. A.M. Best assigns a financial strength rating of A+ to companies that have, in A.M. Best’s opinion, a superior ability to meet their ongoing obligations to policyholders. 139 funds are subject to withdrawal in the event Allianz Group’s investment performance is not competitive with other asset management firms. Accordingly, fee income from the asset management business might decline if the level of Allianz Group’s third-party assets under management were to decline due to investment performance or otherwise. Increased geopolitical risks following the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, and any future terrorist attacks, could have a continuing negative impact on Allianz Group’s businesses. After September 11, 2001, reinsurers generally either put terrorism exclusions into their policies or drastically increased the price for such coverage. Although Allianz Group has attempted to exclude terrorist coverage from the policies it writes, this has not been possible in all cases, including as a result of legislative developments such as the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (or “TRIA”) in the United States. Furthermore, even if terrorism exclusions are permitted in Allianz Group’s primary insurance policies, it may still have liability for fires and other consequential damage claims that follow an act of terrorism itself. As a result Allianz Group may have liability under primary insurance policies for acts of terrorism and may not be able to recover a portion or any from its reinsurers. At this time, Allianz Group cannot assess the future effects of terrorist attacks, potential ensuing military and other responsive actions, and the possibility of further terrorist attacks, on its businesses. Such matters have significantly adversely affected general economic, market and political conditions, increasing many of the risks in Allianz Group’s businesses noted in the previous risk factors. This may have a material negative effect on Allianz Group’s businesses and results of operations over time. Changes in existing or new government regulations in the countries in which Allianz Group operates may materially impact it. Allianz Group’s insurance, banking and asset management businesses are subject to detailed, comprehensive laws and regulation as well as supervision in all the countries in which it does business. Changes in existing laws and regulations may affect the way in which Allianz Group conducts its business and the products it may offer. Changes in laws and regulations relating to pensions and employment, social security, financial services including reinsurance business, taxation, securities products and transactions may materially adversely affect Allianz Group’s insurance, banking and asset management businesses by restructuring its activities, imposing increased costs or otherwise. In 2002, Germany adopted a law, effective January 2005, regarding assets covering technical reserves of reinsurance companies such as Allianz AG. It requires those assets to be appropriately diversified to prevent a reinsurer from relying excessively on any particular asset. This law anticipates the implementation of EU directive 2005/68/EC of 16 November 2005 on reinsurance. Although Allianz AG expects as of the date of this document to meet the respective requirements of the BaFin, there can be no assurances as to the impact on Allianz AG of any amendments to or changes in the interpretation of the laws and regulations regarding assets covering technical reserves of reinsurance companies, which could require Allianz AG to change the composition of its asset portfolio covering its technical reserves or take other appropriate measures. In addition, current discussions on a new solvency regime for insurance companies in the EU (Solvency II) are ongoing. As those discussions are in a preliminary stage, its potential future impact for capital requirements can not currently be assessed. Changes in tax legislation could adversely affect Allianz Group’s business. Changes to tax laws may affect the attractiveness of certain of Allianz Group’s products that currently receive favourable tax treatment. Under German tax regulations applicable through 2004, payments received at the maturity of a life insurance policy with a term of at least 12 years and on which premiums have been paid for at least five years are not taxable, and the life insurance premiums are deductible from the insured’s income in the year paid, subject to certain limitations. In June 2004, the Retirement Income Revenue Act (Alterseinkünftegesetz) was adopted in Germany. Under the new law, taking effect as from 2005, the tax exemption for payments under life insurance has been abolished for new policies written. Instead, half of the interest income from life insurance will be taxed as of 2005, provided the insurance runs for at least 12 years and does not mature before age 60. 140 The new law also provides for the introduction of a so called “basic provision scheme” which will benefit from favourable tax rules. From 2005 onwards, private pensions will be taxed at a lower tax rate. Based on the new “basic provision scheme” and on further improvements relating to private pensions which are additionally provided by the new law, new life insurance and pension products are being developed. However, it is too early yet to reliably assess the impact on new business. From time to time, governments in other jurisdictions in which Allianz Group does business have also considered changes to tax laws which could adversely affect the tax advantages of certain of its products, and if enacted, could result in a significant reduction in the sale of such products. Changes in value relative to the euro of non-Euro zone currencies in which Allianz Group generates revenues and incurs expenses could adversely affect its reported earnings and cash flow. Allianz AG prepares its consolidated financial statements in euro. However, a significant portion of the revenues and expenses from its subsidiaries outside the Euro zone, including in the United States, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, is originated in currencies other than euro. Allianz AG expects this trend to continue as it expands its business into growing non-euro zone markets. For the year ended December 31, 2004, approximately 34.3% of its gross premiums written originated in currencies other than euro. As a result, although its non-euro zone subsidiaries generally record their revenues and expenses in the same currency, changes in the exchange rates used to translate foreign currencies into euro may adversely affect Allianz Group’s reported results. While Allianz Group’s non-euro assets and liabilities, and revenues and related expenses, are generally denominated in the same currencies, it does not generally engage in hedging transactions with respect to dividends or cash flows in respect of its non-euro subsidiaries. The benefits that Allianz AG realises from the merger with RAS could be materially different from its current expectations. The benefits that Allianz AG realises from the merger with RAS could be materially different from its current expectations. If Allianz AG’s and /or RAS’ shareholders contest the approval of the merger plan, Allianz AG could be prevented from registering the merger in the commercial register for Allianz AG in Germany, which would delay the effectiveness of the merger, which could adversely affect Allianz AG’s strategic plan to fully integrate RAS into Allianz Group and the expected benefits from doing so. If Allianz AG’s and/or RAS’ shareholders contest the approval of the merger plan on the basis of an alleged unfair merger exchange ratio and the merger becomes effective despite such lawsuit(s) pending, Allianz AG could be held liable for monetary damages. Unpredictable political, macro-economic and demographic influences may adversely affect Allianz Group’s future financial condition and development. Allianz Group’s future financial condition and results of operation, developments in its business, growth and profitability, and general industry and business conditions applicable to Allianz Group may be adversely affected by unpredictable political, macro-economic and demographic influences. Hence, the forward-looking statements made in this Prospectus are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Allianz Group or those of its industry to be materially different from or worse than those expressed in these forward-looking statements. 141 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE BONDS Anleihebedingungen (“Bedingungen”) Terms and Conditions of the Bonds (the “Conditions”) § 1 Form und Nennbetrag 1. (a) Die Allianz Finance II B.V. (die “Emittentin”) begibt [voraussichtlich am 3. März] 2006 (der “Begebungstag”) Schuldverschreibungen in Euro unter der nachrangigen Garantie der Allianz Aktiengesellschaft, München (die “Garantin”) im Gesamtnennbetrag von EUR [bis zu 1 Milliarde], eingeteilt in auf den Inhaber lautende Schuldverschreibungen (die “Schuldverschreibungen”) im festgelegten Nennbetrag von je EUR 1.000 (der “Nennbetrag”). (a) The Bonds are issued by Allianz Finance II B.V. (the “Issuer”) in euro guaranteed on a subordinated basis by Allianz Aktiengesellschaft, Munich (the “Guarantor”) in the aggregate principal amount of EUR [up to 1 billion] divided into bonds in bearer form (the “Bonds”) in the specified denomination of EUR 1,000 (the “Denomination”) each [on or around March 3,] 2006 (the “Issue Date”). (b) Die Schuldverschreibungen sind zunächst in einer vorläufigen Globalurkunde (die “Vorläufige Globalurkunde”) ohne Zinsscheine verbrieft, die bei der Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt (das “Clearing System”) hinterlegt ist. (b) The Bonds are initially represented by a temporary global Bond (the “Temporary Global Bond”) without coupons which is deposited with Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt (the “Clearing System”). Die Vorläufige Globalurkunde wird an dem Tag, der nicht weniger als 40 Tage nach dem Begebungstag liegt, gegen Nachweis über das Nichtbestehen wirtschaftlichen Eigentums im Sinne des US-Rechts (beneficial ownership), für den Inhaber von Schuldverschreibungen unentgeltlich ganz oder teilweise gegen eine dauerhafte Globalurkunde (die “DauerGlobalurkunde”) (die Vorläufige Globalurkunde und die Dauer-Globalurkunde jeweils auch eine “Globalurkunde”) ohne Zinsscheine nach den Regeln und dem Verfahren des Clearing Systems ausgetauscht werden. Die Vorläufige Globalurkunde und die Dauer-Globalurkunde tragen jeweils die eigenhändigen Unterschriften von zwei Vertretungsberechtigten der Emittentin sowie die eigenhändige Unterschrift eines Kontrollbeauftragten der Emissionsstelle. Ein Recht der Anleihegläubiger auf Ausgabe und Lieferung von Einzelurkunden oder Zinsscheinen besteht nicht. The Temporary Global Bond will be exchangeable, free of charge to the holder of Bonds, on a day falling not earlier than 40 days after the Issue Date, in whole or in part upon certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership in the form set out in the Temporary Global Bond for a permanent global Bond (the “Permanent Global Bond”) (the Temporary Global Bond and the Permanent Global Bond, each a “Global Bond”) without coupons pursuant to the regulations and procedures of the Clearing System. The Temporary Global Bond and the Permanent Global Bond shall each bear the manual signatures of two duly authorised officers of the Issuer as well as the manual signature of an authentication officer of the Fiscal Agent. The right of the Bondholders to require the issue and delivery of definitive bonds or interest coupons is excluded. (c) Die Vorläufige Globalurkunde und die DauerGlobalurkunde werden solange von einem Clearing System oder im Auftrag des Clearing Systems verwahrt, bis sämtliche Verpflichtungen der Emittentin aus den Schuldverschreibungen erfüllt sind. (c) Each of the Temporary Global Bond and the Permanent Global Bond will be held in custody by or on behalf of the Clearing System until all obligations of the Issuer under the Bonds have been satisfied. Den Inhabern von Schuldverschreibungen (“Anleihegläubiger”) stehen Miteigentumsanteile an der Globalurkunde zu, die gemäß anwendbarem Recht und den Bestimmungen und Regeln des Clearing Systems übertragen werden können. The holders of Bonds (“Bondholders”) are entitled to co-ownership participations in the Global Bond, which are transferable in accordance with applicable laws and the rules and regulations of the Clearing System. 142 Form and Denomination § 2 Status, Garantie 2. (a) Status (a) Status Die Schuldverschreibungen begründen nicht besicherte und nachrangige Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin, die untereinander und mit allen anderen, am Begebungstag ausstehenden nicht besicherten und nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten mit unbegrenzter Laufzeit der Emittentin zumindest gleichrangig sind soweit zwingende gesetzliche Bestimmungen solche anderen nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten nicht im Rang besser stellen. Im Fall der Liquidation, der Auflösung oder der Insolvenz der Emittentin oder eines Vergleichs oder eines anderen der Abwendung der Insolvenz dienenden Verfahrens gegen die Emittentin stehen die Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin aus den Schuldverschreibungen im Rang nach den Ansprüchen aller anderen nicht nachrangigen Gläubiger sowie aller Gläubiger nachrangiger Ansprüche mit begrenzter Laufzeit, so dass Zahlungen auf die Schuldverschreibungen solange nicht geleistet werden, bis die Ansprüche von Gläubigern gegen die Emittentin aus nicht nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten sowie nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten mit begrenzter Laufzeit nicht zuerst vollständig befriedigt sind. (b) Hinweis nach § 53c Absatz 3b Satz Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz (VAG) Status, Guarantee The obligations under the Bonds constitute unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer ranking pari passu among themselves and at least pari passu with all other unsecured and undated subordinated obligations of the Issuer outstanding on the Issue Date save for any subordinated obligations required to be preferred by law. In the event of the liquidation, dissolution, insolvency, composition or other proceedings for the avoidance of insolvency of, or against, the Issuer, the obligations of the Issuer under the Bonds will be subordinated to the claims of all unsubordinated and dated subordinated creditors of the Issuer, so that in any such event no amounts shall be payable in respect of the Bonds until the claims of all unsubordinated and dated subordinated creditors of the Issuer shall have first been satisfied in full. 4 (b) Notification pursuant to § 53c paragraph 3b Sentence 4 of the German Insurance Supervisory Act (VAG) Für die Rechte der Anleihegläubiger ist diesen (vorbehaltlich der Garantie) keine Sicherheit durch die Emittentin oder durch Dritte gestellt; eine solche Sicherheit wird auch zu keinem Zeitpunkt gestellt werden. Nachträglich können weder der Nachrang gemäß diesem § 2 beschränkt, noch die Laufzeit der Schuldverschreibungen oder die jeweiligen Kündigungsfristen verkürzt werden. Eine vorzeitige Rückerstattung ist der Emittentin ohne Rücksicht auf entgegenstehende Vereinbarungen zurückzugewähren, sofern die Emittentin nicht aufgelöst wurde oder sofern nicht der Betrag durch die Einzahlung anderer, zumindest gleichwertiger Eigenmittel ersetzt worden ist oder die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. die Nachfolgebehörde der Rückerstattung zustimmt. No security (except for the Guarantee) of whatever kind is, or shall at any time be, provided by the Issuer or any other person securing rights of the Bondholders. No subsequent agreement may limit the subordination pursuant to the provisions set out in this Condition 2 or shorten any applicable notice period (Kündigungsfrist) in respect of the Bonds. If the Bonds are redeemed prematurely the amounts redeemed must be returned to the Issuer irrespective of any agreement to the contrary unless the Issuer has been dissolved or such amounts have been replaced by other at least equivalent capital (Eigenmittel) of at least equal status or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any Successor Authority has given its consent to the redemption. “Nachfolgebehörde” ist jede Behörde, Funktionsnachfolger der Bundesanstalt Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht wird. “Successor Authority” means any authority which becomes a successor in capacity of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht). die für 143 (c) Aufrechungsverbot (c) No right to set-off Die Anleihegläubiger sind nicht berechtigt, Forderungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen gegen etwaige Forderungen der Emittentin aufzurechnen. Die Emittentin ist nicht berechtigt, Forderungen gegenüber Anleihegläubigern mit den Verpflichtungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen aufzurechnen. (d) Garantie No Bondholder may set off any claims arising under the Bonds against any claims that the Issuer may have against the Bondholder. The Issuer may not set off any claims it may have against any Bondholder against any of its obligations under the Bonds. (d) Guarantee Die Garantin hat die unbedingte und unwiderrufliche Garantie auf nachrangiger Basis für die fristgerechte Zahlung von Kapital, Zinsen und sonstigen aus den Schuldverschreibungen zu zahlenden Beträgen übernommen. Die Garantie ist ein Vertrag zugunsten jedes Anleihegläubigers als begünstigtem Dritten gem. § 328 Absatz 1 BGB, der das Recht begründet, die Garantin unmittelbar aus der Garantie auf Erfüllung in Anspruch zu nehmen und Ansprüche aus der Garantie gegen die Garantin unmittelbar durchzusetzen. The Guarantor has given an unconditional and irrevocable Guarantee on a subordinated basis for the due payment of principal of, and interest on, and any other amounts expressed to be payable under the Bonds. The Guarantee constitutes a contract for the benefit of the Bondholders from time to time as third party beneficiaries in accordance with § 328 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), giving rise to the right of each Bondholder to require performance under the Guarantee directly from the Guarantor and to enforce the Guarantee directly against the Guarantor. Im Fall der Auflösung, der Liquidation oder der Insolvenz der Garantin oder eines anderen der Abwendung der Insolvenz dienenden Verfahrens gegen die Garantin werden die Ansprüche der Anleihegläubiger aus der Garantie erst befriedigt, nachdem die Ansprüche sämtlicher nicht nachrangiger Gläubiger sowie aller Gläubiger nachrangiger Ansprüche mit begrenzter Laufzeit der Garantin zuerst vollumfänglich befriedigt worden sind. In the event of the dissolution, liquidation, insolvency or of other proceedings for the avoidance of insolvency of the Guarantor, the claims of the Bondholders under the Guarantee will be satisfied after (but only after) the claims of all unsubordinated and dated subordinated creditors of the Guarantor have first been paid in full. Die Anleihegläubiger erkennen ausdrücklich an, dass unter den oben genannten Umständen Zahlungen der Garantin aus der Garantie auf die Schuldverschreibungen nur unter Wahrung obenstehender Nachrangigkeit erfolgen werden. The Bondholders explicitly accept that, in the circumstances described above, payments in respect of the Bonds will be made by the Guarantor pursuant to the Guarantee only in accordance with the subordination described above. Die Anleihegläubiger sind nicht berechtigt, Forderungen aus der Garantie gegen etwaige Forderungen der Garantin aufzurechnen. Die Garantin kann ihr Recht zur Aufrechnung gegen Forderungen der Anleihegläubiger aus der Garantie nur entsprechend der Maßgabe von § 4(f) und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung (wie nachstehend definiert) erfüllt ist, ausüben. No Bondholder may set off any claims arising under the Guarantee against claims that the Guarantor may have against it. The Guarantor may set off against any claims of any Bondholder under the Guarantee only in accordance with Condition 4(f) and subject to the Solvency Condition (as defined below) being met. § 3 Zinsen 3. 3.1 Festzins 3.1 Fixed Interest (a) Die Schuldverschreibungen werden bezogen auf ihren Nennbetrag ab dem [3. März] 2006 (einschließlich) mit jährlich [5,00 – 5,875]% (a) The Bonds shall bear interest on their aggregate principal amount from and including [March 3], 2006 at the rate of [5.00 – 5.875]% per annum. 144 Interest verzinst. Die Zinsen sind nachträglich am [3. März] eines jeden Jahres fällig (jeweils ein “Zinszahlungstag”). Die erste Zinszahlung erfolgt am [3. März] 2007. Interest shall be payable in arrear on [March 3] in each year (each such date, an “Interest Payment Date”). The first payment of interest shall be made on [March 3], 2007. (b) Sofern Zinsen für einen Zeitraum von weniger als einem Jahr zu berechnen sind, erfolgt die Berechnung auf der Grundlage der tatsächlichen Anzahl von Tagen in diesem Zeitraum dividiert durch die tatsächliche Anzahl von Tagen (365 oder 366) im jeweiligen Jahr. (b) If interest is required to be calculated for a period of less than a full year, such interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days in such period divided by the actual number of days (365 or 366) in the respective year. (c) Der Zinslauf der Schuldverschreibungen endet mit Ende des Tages, der dem Tag unmittelbar vorangeht, an dem sie zur Rückzahlung fällig werden (ausschließlich). Sollte die Emittentin die Schuldverschreibungen bei Fälligkeit nicht einlösen, endet die Verzinsung des ausstehenden Nennbetrags der Schuldverschreibungen nicht am Fälligkeitstag, sondern erst mit Ablauf des Tages, der dem Tag der tatsächlichen Rückzahlung der Schuldverschreibungen vorangeht. Der jeweils geltende Zinssatz wird gemäß diesem § 3 bestimmt. Weitergehende Ansprüche der Anleihegläubiger bleiben unberührt. (c) The Bonds shall cease to bear interest from the end of the day preceding the day on which they become due for redemption. If the Issuer fails to redeem the Bonds when due, interest shall continue to accrue on the outstanding principal amount of the Bonds beyond the due date until the end of the day preceding the day of the actual redemption of the Bonds. The applicable rate of interest will be determined in accordance with this Condition 3. This does not affect any additional rights that might be available to the Bondholders. 3.2 Zahlung und Aussetzung von Zinszahlungen 3.2 Payment and deferral of interest payments (a) Obligatorische Zinszahlungen (a) Compulsory interest payments (i) Sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung (wie nachstehend definiert) erfüllt ist und kein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis (wie nachstehend definiert) eingetreten ist, sind Zinsen, die während eines Zinsjahrs auflaufen, das an einem Obligatorischen Zinszahlungstag (ausschließlich) (wie nachstehend definiert) endet, an diesem Obligatorischen Zinszahlungstag in Geld zu zahlen. Sofern an dem Zinszahlungstag die Solvabilitätsbedingung nicht erfüllt ist oder ein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist, gelten die Bedingungen des § 3.2(c) anstelle dieses § 3.2(a). (i) Subject to the Solvency Condition (as defined below) being met and no Mandatory Deferral Event (as defined below) having occurred, interest which accrues during an interest year to but excluding a Compulsory Interest Payment Date (as defined below) will be payable in cash on that Compulsory Interest Payment Date. If on the Interest Payment Date the Solvency Condition is not met or a Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred, the provisions of Condition 3.2(c) shall apply instead of this Condition 3.2(a). (ii) Die Emittentin ist berechtigt, im eigenen Ermessen zu wählen, eine Zinszahlung an dem Obligatorischen Zinszahlungstag aus Mitteln zu leisten, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(a) vor dem Obligatorischen Zinszahlungstag stammen. (ii) The Issuer may elect in its discretion to satisfy any interest payment on the Compulsory Interest Payment Date with funds raised prior to the Compulsory Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(a). “Geschäftstag” bezeichnet jeden Tag (außer einem Samstag oder Sonntag), an dem Geschäftsbanken in Frankfurt am Main geöffnet sind. “Business Day” means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which commercial banks in Frankfurt am Main are open for business. Ein “Obligatorischer Zinszahlungstag” ist jeder Zinszahlungstag, der kein Wahlweiser Zinszahlungstag (wie nachstehend definiert) ist. “Compulsory Interest Payment Date” means any Interest Payment Date which is not an Optional Interest Payment Date (as defined below). 145 Ein “Wahlweiser Zinszahlungstag” liegt vor, wenn bis Ablauf des Berechnungstages An “Optional Interest Payment Date” occurs if up to the end of the Calculation Date (x) auf der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin unmittelbar vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag für keine Aktiengattung der Garantin eine Dividende, andere Ausschüttung oder Zahlung beschlossen wurde, und (x) no dividend, other distribution or payment was declared in respect of any class of shares of the Guarantor at the ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor immediately preceding that Interest Payment Date, and (y) seit dieser ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin keine Abschlagszahlung auf den Bilanzgewinn geleistet worden ist. (y) no payment on account of the balance sheet profit has been made since that ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor. “Berechnungstag” 10. Geschäftstag Zinszahlungstag. “Calculation Date” means the 10th Business Day preceding the relevant Interest Payment Date. vor bezeichnet den dem betreffenden (b) Wahlweise Aussetzung von Zinszahlungen (i) (b) Optional deferral of interest payments Sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist und kein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist, ist die Emittentin an jedem Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag berechtigt, im eigenen Ermessen zu wählen, (i) Subject to the Solvency Condition being met and no Mandatory Deferral Event having occurred, the Issuer may, on each Optional Interest Payment Date, elect in its discretion (A) entweder die Zinsen, die während des Zinsjahrs auflaufen, das an dem betreffenden Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag (ausschließlich) endet, an diesem Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag in Geld zu zahlen, oder (A) either to pay the interest which accrued during the interest year to but excluding such Optional Interest Payment Date on that Optional Interest Payment Date in cash, or (B) die Zahlung der Zinsen, die während des Zinsjahrs auflaufen, das an dem betreffenden Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag (ausschließlich) endet, durch eine spätestens 3 Geschäftstage vor dem betreffenden Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag zu veröffentlichende unwiderrufliche Bekanntmachung gemäß § 10 auszusetzen; in diesem Fall stellen diese Zinsen eine “Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung” dar. (B) to defer the payment of interest which accrued during the interest year to but excluding such Optional Interest Payment Date by giving notice in accordance with Condition 10 not less than 3 Business Days prior to such Optional Interest Payment Date (which notice will be irrevocable); in this case such interest will constitute an “Optionally Deferred Interest Payment”. Sofern an dem Zinszahlungstag die Solvabilitätsbedingung nicht erfüllt ist oder ein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist, gelten die Bedingungen des § 3.2(c) anstelle dieses § 3.2(b). If on the Interest Payment Date the Solvency Condition is not met or a Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred, the provisions of Condition 3.2(c) shall apply instead of this Condition 3.2(b). (ii) Sofern die Emittentin wählt, eine Zinszahlung gemäß § 3.2(b)(i)(A) zu leisten, ist die Emittentin berechtigt, im eigenen Ermessen zu wählen, die Zinszahlung an dem Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag aus Mitteln zu leisten, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(a) vor dem Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag stammen. (ii) Where the Issuer elects to make any interest payment pursuant to Condition 3.2(b)(i)(A), the Issuer may elect in its discretion to satisfy such interest payment on the Optional Interest Payment Date with funds raised prior to the Optional Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(a). 146 (iii) Wenn die Emittentin die Aussetzung einer Zinszahlung gemäß § 3.2(b)(i)(B) wählt, dann ist sie nicht verpflichtet, die Zinszahlung an dem betreffenden Wahlweisen Zinszahlungstag zu leisten; eine Nichtzahlung aus diesem Grunde begründet keinen Verzug der Emittentin und keine sonstige Verletzung ihrer Verpflichtungen aufgrund dieser Bedingungen oder für sonstige Zwecke. (iii) If the Issuer elects to defer an interest payment pursuant to Condition 3.2(b)(i)(B), it shall not have any obligation to make such interest payment on the relevant Optional Interest Payment Date and the failure to pay such interest shall not constitute a default of the Issuer or any other breach of obligations under the Conditions or for any other purpose. Auf eine Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung werden keine Zinsen geschuldet. No amount will be payable by way of interest on any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment. (c) Zwingende Aussetzung von Zinszahlungen (i) (c) Mandatory deferral of interest payments Falls an einem Zinszahlungstag die Solvabilitätsbedingung (wie nachstehend definiert) nicht erfüllt ist, hat die Emittentin die Zahlung der Zinsen, die während des Zinsjahrs auflaufen, das an dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag (ausschließlich) endet, auszusetzen, es sei denn, die Emittentin wählt im eigenen Ermessen, diese Zinsen an dem Zinszahlungstag aus Mitteln zu leisten, die im Wege des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(a) erlöst wurden. Die “Solvabilitätsbedingung” wenn ist erfüllt, (i) If on an Interest Payment Date the Solvency Condition (as defined below) is not met, then the Issuer will be required to defer interest which accrues during the interest year to but excluding such Interest Payment Date, unless the Issuer elects in its discretion to satisfy on the Interest Payment Date such interest with funds raised prior to the Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(a). The “Solvency Condition” shall be met if (A) die Garantin und die Gruppe der Garantin über entsprechende Mittel zur Deckung der geforderten MindestSolvabilitätsspanne (oder einem entsprechenden Begriff nach einer Änderung anzuwendender Vorschriften), wie sie nach den jeweils geltenden Vorschriften des deutschen Versicherungsaufsichtsrechts (für Gruppen- oder Einzelsolvabilität oder Solvabilität nach den Vorschriften für Finanzkonglomerate) und einer etwaigen allgemein anerkannten Verwaltungspraxis der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. deren Nachfolgebehörde vorgeschrieben ist, verfügen und diese geforderte Solvabilitätsspanne auch nicht durch die betreffende vollständige oder teilweise Zinszahlung bzw. die betreffende Rückzahlung, die an einem solchen Zinszahlungstag bzw. Tag der Rückzahlung fällig werden würde, unterschritten würde, und (A) the Guarantor and the Guarantor’s Group have appropriate funds to cover the required minimum solvency margin (or a comparable term in case of a change in applicable rules) in accordance with the provisions of German insurance regulatory law (for group solvency or single solvency purposes or the solvency pursuant to the regulation for financial conglomerates) and a generally recognised administrative practice, if any, of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any Successor Authority applicable at that time, and such funds would not, as a result of a full or partial interest payment or redemption payment, respectively, that would otherwise be due on such Interest Payment Date or date of redemption, respectively, become less than the required minimum solvency margin, and (B) es der Garantin nicht aufgrund einer Anweisung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. deren Nachfolgebehörde untersagt ist, Zinszahlungen, sonstige Ausschüttungen (B) no order by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any Successor Authority is in effect prohibiting the Guarantor from making interest payments, other 147 oder Rückzahlungen (einschließlich an die Inhaber eines Gleichrangigen Wertpapiers oder Nachrangigen Wertpapiers (wie jeweils in § 3.3(b) definiert)) vorzunehmen, und distributions or redemptions (including to the holders of any Parity Security or Junior Security (each as defined in Condition 3.3(b)), and (C) die Garantin in der Lage ist, ihre Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber ihren Vorrangigen Gläubigern (wie nachstehend definiert) bei Fälligkeit zu zahlen, und (C) the Guarantor is able to pay its debts owed to its Senior Creditors (as defined below) as they fall due, and (D) die Aktiva der Garantin (wie nachstehend definiert) ihre Verbindlichkeiten (wie nachstehend definiert) (ausgenommen Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Gläubigern, die keine Vorrangigen Gläubiger sind) übersteigt. (D) the Assets of the Guarantor (as defined below) exceed its Liabilities (as defined below) (other than liabilities to persons who are not Senior Creditors). Dabei gilt folgendes: Where: “Aktiva” bezeichnet die Summe der nichtkonsolidierten Aktiva der Garantin, wie es aus dem zuletzt geprüften und veröffentlichten Jahresabschluss der Garantin hervorgeht, angepasst in Bezug auf nachfolgende Ereignisse, wobei sämtliche Feststellungen von der Garantin bzw., sofern die Garantin liquidiert wird, von dem Liquidator getroffen werden. “Assets” means the unconsolidated total assets of the Guarantor, as shown in the latest published annual audited balance sheet of the Guarantor, but adjusted for subsequent events, all as determined by the Guarantor, or if the Guarantor is being liquidated, its liquidator. “Verbindlichkeiten” bezeichnet die nichtkonsolidierte Summe der Verbindlichkeiten der Garantin, wie sie aus dem zuletzt geprüften und veröffentlichten Jahresabschluss der Garantin hervorgehen, angepasst in Bezug und nachfolgende Ereignisse, wobei sämtliche Feststellungen von der Garantin bzw., sofern die Garantin liquidiert wird, von dem Liquidator getroffen werden. “Liabilities” means the unconsolidated total liabilities of the Guarantor, as shown in the latest published annual audited balance sheet of the Guarantor, but adjusted for subsequent events, all as determined by the Guarantor, or if the Guarantor is being liquidated, its liquidator. “Vorrangige Gläubiger” bezeichnet Gläubiger der Garantin, (a) die nicht nachrangige Gläubiger der Garantin sind; oder (b) deren Ansprüche nachrangig gegenüber denen anderer Gläubiger der Garantin sind (mit Ausnahme solcher Ansprüche, die gleichoder nachrangig gegenüber den Ansprüchen der Anleihegläubiger sind). “Senior Creditors” means creditors of the Guarantor (a) who are unsubordinated creditors of the Guarantor; or (b) whose claims are subordinated to the claims of other creditors of the Guarantor (other than those whose claims rank pari passu with, or junior to the claims of the Bondholders). (ii) Falls an einem Zinszahlungstag ein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist, hat die Emittentin die Zahlung des Überschussbetrags (wie nachstehend definiert) auszusetzen. (ii) If on an Interest Payment Date a Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred, then the Issuer will be required to defer any Excess Amount (as defined below). “Überschussbetrag” bezeichnet, in Bezug auf einen Betrag von Zinsen, der auf den ausstehenden Gesamtnennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen an dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag ohne Anwendung der “Excess Amount” means in relation to the amount of interest which would be payable on the aggregate principal amount of Bonds outstanding on the relevant Interest Payment Date that would otherwise have 148 Bestimmungen von § 3.2(c)(ii) fällig werden würde (der “Zinsbetrag”), den Betrag, um den der Zinsbetrag den Kapitalerhöhungsbetrag (wie nachstehend definiert) übersteigt. been due without application of Condition 3.2(c)(ii) (the “Interest Amount”) the amount by which the Interest Amount exceeds the New Capital Amount (as defined below). “Kapitalerhöhungsbetrag” bezeichnet den von der Garantin vereinnahmten Nettoerlös aus der Begebung und/oder dem Verkauf von Stammaktien, Vorzugsaktien und Wertpapiere, die eine Eigenkapitalanrechnung durch die Ratingagenturen erfahren, welche der Eigenkapitalanrechnung der Schuldverschreibungen vergleichbar ist innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 180 Tagen vor dem betreffenden Tag, soweit die Garantin am oder vor dem Tag der Begebung als Verwendungszweck die Zahlung von Ausschüttungen auf die Schuldverschreibungen festgelegt hat. “New Capital Amount” means the net proceeds received by the Guarantor from new issuances and/or sale of ordinary shares, preference shares and instruments that provide equity credit from the rating agencies akin to the Bonds during the period of 180 days prior to such date and designated by the Guarantor at or before the time of issuance as available to pay distributions on the Bonds. Ein “Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis” liegt an einem Zinszahlungstag vor, wenn bis Ablauf des Berechnungstages (wie in § 3.2(a) definiert) A “Mandatory Deferral Event” shall have occurred on an Interest Payment Date, if up to the end of the Calculation Date (as defined in Condition 3.2(a)) (x) der Kumulierte Quartalsüberschuss (wie nachstehend definiert) der Garantin für die vier Quartale, die mit dem Quartal enden, welches zwei Quartale vor dem zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartal der Garantin liegt, kleiner oder gleich Null ist; und (x) the Accumulated Quarters’ Net Income (as defined below) for the four-quarter period of the Guarantor ending on the quarter that is two quarters prior to the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor is less than or equal to zero; and (y) der Angepasste Eigenkapitalbetrag (wie nachstehend definiert) zum Ende des zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartals der Garantin und zum Ende des Quartals, welches zwei Quartale vor dem zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartal der Garantin liegt, um 10% oder mehr gegenüber dem Angepassten Eigenkapitalbetrag (wie nachstehend definiert) zum Ende des Quartals zurückgegangen ist, welches zehn Quartale vor dem zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartal der Garantin (das “Vergleichsquartal”) liegt. (y) the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount (as defined below) as at the end of the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor and as at the end of the quarter that is two quarters before the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor has declined by 10% or more as compared to the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount (as defined below) as at the end of the quarter of the Guarantor that is ten quarters prior to the most recently completed and published quarter of the Guarantor (the “Benchmark Quarter”). Dabei gilt folgendes: Where: “Angepasster Eigenkapitalbetrag” bezeichnet, in Bezug auf das Ende eines jeden Quartals der Garantin, das Eigenkapital vor Anteilen anderer Gesellschafter wie es sich aus der zum Ende des betreffenden Quartals gemäß den Anwendbaren “Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount” means, as at the end of any quarter of the Guarantor, the shareholders’ equity before minority interests as reflected in the consolidated balance sheet of the Guarantor of such quarter end, as 149 Rechnungslegungsvorschriften (wie nachstehend definiert) aufgestellten Konzernbilanz der Garantin ergibt, abzüglich Währungsänderungen und abzüglich nicht realisierter Gewinne und Verluste (netto), wie sie sich aus der betreffenden Konzernbilanz ergeben. determined in accordance with the Applicable Accounting Standards (as defined below), minus foreign currency translation adjustments and unrealised gains and losses (net) as reflected on such consolidated balance sheet. “Anwendbare Rechnungslegungsvorschriften” bezeichnet die International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) wie sie zu den jeweiligen Stichtagen und für die jeweiligen Rechnungslegungsperioden anwendbar sind, oder andere, von der Garantin anzuwendende, in Deutschland allgemein anerkannte Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze, die diese in Zukunft ersetzen. “Applicable Accounting Standards” means the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as applicable at the relevant dates and for the relevant periods, or other accounting principles generally accepted in Germany and applied by the Guarantor which subsequently supersede them. “Kumulierter Quartalsüberschuss” bezeichnet, zum Ende eines jeden Quartals der Garantin, die Summe des gemäß den Anwendbaren Rechnungslegungsvorschriften festgestellten Konzernüberschusses der Garantin für die vier Quartale, welche am letzten Tag des betreffenden Quartals enden. “Accumulated Quarters’ Net Income” means, as at the end of any quarter of the Guarantor, the sum of the consolidated net income of the Guarantor, as determined in accordance with Applicable Accounting Standards, for the four quarters ending as of the last day of such quarter. (iii) Wenn die Emittentin verpflichtet ist, gemäß § 3.2(c)(ii) eine Zinszahlung an einem Zinszahlungstag aufgrund des Eintritts eines Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignisses auszusetzen dann hat die Emittentin auch an einem oder mehreren nachfolgenden Zinszahlungstagen die Zahlung der Zinsen, die ohne Anwendung der Bedingungen dieses § 3.2(c)(iii) an diesen Zinszahlungstagen fällig werden würde, auszusetzen, bis das ZwangsaussetzungsEreignis an einem nachfolgenden Berechnungstag geheilt worden ist. Wenn ein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis oder mehrere Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignisse eingetreten sind, dann darf die Emittentin die Zahlung von Zinsen auf die Schuldverschreibungen an einem Zinszahlungstag erst wieder aufnehmen, wenn an dem Berechnungstag für diesen Zinszahlungstag (x) kein neues Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist und (y) sämtliche zuvor eingetretenen Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignisse geheilt worden sind. (iii) If the Issuer is required to defer a payment of interest following the occurrence of a Mandatory Deferral Event in accordance with Condition 3.2(c)(ii) on an Interest Payment Date, then the Issuer will also be required to defer on one or more subsequent Interest Payment Dates the interest that would otherwise be due without application of this Condition 3.2(c)(iii) on such Interest Payment Dates until the Mandatory Deferral Event has been cured on any subsequent Calculation Date. After one or more Mandatory Deferral Events have occurred, the Issuer may only begin to pay interest on the Bonds on any Interest Payment Date if on the Calculation Date for that Interest Payment Date (x) no new Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred and (y) any previous Mandatory Deferral Events have been cured. 150 Ein Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis, das an einen vorangegangenen Berechnungstag eingetreten ist, ist an dem Berechnungstag geheilt, an dem der Angepasste Eigenkapitalbetrag zum Ende des zuletzt beendeten und veröffentlichten Quartals der Garantin vor dem Berechnungstag auf mehr als 90% des Angepassten Eigenkapitalbetrags zum Ende des Vergleichsquartals, an dem das Zwangsaussetzungs-Ereignis eingetreten ist, gestiegen ist. A Mandatory Deferral Event that has occurred on a previous Calculation Date has been cured on any Calculation Date if the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount as at the Guarantor’s most recently completed and published quarter before that Calculation Date has increased to more than 90% of the Adjusted Shareholders’ Equity Amount at the end of the Benchmark Quarter for that previous Calculation Date on which the Mandatory Deferral Event has occurred. Die Emittentin ist berechtigt, im eigenen Ermessen zu wählen, eine Zahlung der Zinsen, die ohne Anwendung der Bedingungen dieses § 3.2(c)(iii) an dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag fällig werden würde, an dem Zinszahlungstag aus Mitteln zu leisten, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(a) vor dem Zinszahlungstag stammen. The Issuer may elect in its discretion to satisfy on the relevant Interest Payment Date the interest that would otherwise have been due without application of this Condition 3.2(c)(iii) with funds raised prior to the Interest Payment Date by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(a). (iv) Die Emittentin hat mindestens 3 Geschäftstage vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag gemäß § 10 bekanntzumachen: (iv) The Issuer shall give notice in accordance with Condition 10 not less than 3 Business Days prior to such Interest Payment Date either: (A) entweder dass (bzw. im Fall von § 3.2(c)(ii) in welchem Umfang) die betreffende Zinszahlung ausgesetzt wird; in diesem Fall stellen diese Zinsen eine “Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung” (und gemeinsam mit etwaigen Wahlweise Ausgesetzten Zinszahlungen, “Ausgesetzte Zinszahlungen”) dar, oder (A) that (or in the case of Condition 3.2(c)(ii) to what extent) the relevant interest payment shall be deferred; in this case such interest will constitute a “Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment” (and together with any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment, “Deferred Interest Payments”), or (B) dass die Emittentin im Fall von § 3.2(c)(i) oder (iii) diese Zinszahlung leisten wird; in diesem Fall hat die Emittentin in der Bekanntmachung zu erklären, dass sie die Zinszahlung im Wege des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(a) gewählt hat. (B) that in the case of Condition 3.2(c)(i) or (iii) the Issuer will satisfy such interest payment; in this case the Issuer will be required to state in such notice that it has elected to satisfy such interest payment by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(a). (v) Wenn eine Zinszahlung gemäß § 3.2(c)(i), (ii) oder (iii) ausgesetzt wird, dann ist die Emittentin nicht verpflichtet, diese Zinszahlung an dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag zu leisten; eine Nichtzahlung aus diesem Grunde begründet keinen Verzug der Emittentin und keine sonstige Verletzung ihrer Verpflichtungen aufgrund dieser Schuldverschreibungen oder für sonstige Zwecke. (v) If an interest payment is deferred pursuant to Condition 3.2(c)(i), (ii) or (iii), the Issuer shall not have any obligation to make such interest payment on the relevant Interest Payment Date and the failure to pay such interest shall not constitute a default of the Issuer or any other breach of obligations under the Bonds or for any other purpose. Auf eine Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung werden keine Zinsen geschuldet. No amount will be payable by way of interest on any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment. 151 3.3 Nachzahlung von Ausgesetzten Zinszahlungen 3.3 Payment of Deferred Interest Payments (a) Die Emittentin ist berechtigt, jede Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung jederzeit nach entsprechender Bekanntmachung gemäß § 10 ganz oder teilweise aus Mitteln nachzuzahlen, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(b) vor dem Tag, an dem die Nachzahlung fällig wird (der “Nachzahlungstag”), stammen. (a) The Issuer may at any time upon giving prior notice in accordance with Condition 10 satisfy in whole or in part any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment with funds raised prior to the date on which the Deferred Interest Payment becomes due (the “Deferred Settlement Date”) by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(b). (b) Die Emittentin hat (b) The Issuer will satisfy (i) Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlungen aus Mitteln zu leisten, die aus der Durchführung des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(b) vor dem Nachzahlungstag stammen, und (i) any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment with funds raised prior to the Deferred Settlement Date by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(b) and (ii) Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlungen im Wege des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(b) oder im Wege des APZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.5 (ii) any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(b) or by way of the APSM in accordance with Condition 3.5 bei Eintritt der folgenden Umstände nachzuzahlen: in the following situations: (A) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung an dem Tag nachzuzahlen, an dem die Schuldverschreibungen zur Rückzahlung fällig werden. (A) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment on the date on which the Bonds fall due for redemption. (B) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung an dem nächsten Zinszahlungstag nachzuzahlen, (B) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment on the next subsequent Interest Payment Date (x) der auf den Tag folgt, an dem die Emittentin oder die Garantin eine Zinszahlung oder eine Zahlung einer ausgesetzten Zahlung auf ein Gleichrangiges Wertpapier vollständig leistet, oder (x) following the date on which the Issuer or the Guarantor makes full payment of interest or of a deferred payment on any Parity Security, or (y) der auf den Tag folgt, an dem die Emittentin oder die Garantin eine Zinszahlung oder eine Zahlung einer ausgesetzten Zahlung auf ein Nachrangiges Wertpapiere vollständig leistet, oder (y) following the date on which the Issuer or the Guarantor makes any full payment of interest or any deferred payment on any Junior Security, or (z) wenn bis Ablauf des Berechnungstages auf der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin unmittelbar vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag für eine Aktiengattung der Garantin eine Dividende, andere Ausschüttung oder Zahlung beschlossen wurde, oder seit dieser ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Garantin eine Abschlagszahlung auf den Bilanzgewinn geleistet worden ist. (z) if up to the end of the Calculation Date preceding such Interest Payment Date any dividend, other distribution or payment was declared in respect of any class of shares of the Guarantor at the ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor immediately preceding that Interest Payment Date, or any payment on account of the balance sheet profit has been made since that ordinary General Meeting of shareholders (ordentliche Hauptversammlung) of the Guarantor was made. 152 (C) Wenn die Emittentin oder die Garantin eine Zinszahlung oder ausgesetzte Zahlung auf ein Gleichrangiges Wertpapier oder Nachrangiges Wertpapier teilweise nachzahlt, ist die Emittentin verpflichtet, an dem nächsten Zinszahlungstag, der auf den Tag folgt, an dem eine solche Zahlung geleistet wurde, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung anteilig nachzuzahlen. In diesem Fall hat die Emittentin den Anteil der Ausgesetzten Zinszahlung nachzuzahlen, der dem Quotienten des gezahlten Teilbetrags der ausgesetzten Zahlung und dem ausstehenden Betrag der ausgesetzten Zahlung entspricht. (C) If the Issuer or the Guarantor makes any partial payment of interest or of a deferred payment on any Parity Security or Junior Security, the Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment at the same proportion on the next subsequent Interest Payment Date following the date on which such payment was made. In this case the proportion shall be equal to the result from the division of the amount of the deferred payment actually paid by the outstanding amount of the deferred payment. (D) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung spätestens an dem zehnten Jahrestag nach dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag nachzuzahlen. (D) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment no later than on the tenth anniversary post the relevant Interest Payment Date. (E) Die Emittentin ist verpflichtet, jede Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung an dem Tag nachzuzahlen, an dem einer der Auflösungsgründe des § 262 Abs. 1 AktG hinsichtlich der Emittentin oder der Garantin vorliegt (sofern dies nicht für die Zwecke oder als Folge eines Zusammenschlusses, einer Umstrukturierung oder Sanierung geschieht, bei dem bzw. der die Garantin bzw. die Emittentin noch zahlungsfähig ist und bei dem bzw. der die fortführende Gesellschaft im Wesentlichen alle Vermögenswerte und Verpflichtungen der Emittentin oder der Garantin übernimmt). (E) The Issuer will satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment on the date on which a reason for the dissolution pursuant to § 262 para. 1 Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) with respect to the Issuer or Guarantor exists (other than for the purposes of or pursuant to an amalgamation, reorganisation or restructuring whilst solvent, where the continuing entity assumes substantially all of the assets and obligations of the Issuer or the Guarantor as the case may be). “Gleichrangiges Wertpapier” bezeichnet “Parity Security” means (x) jedes von der Emittentin begebene verbriefte Instrument, das gleichrangig im Verhältnis zu den Schuldverschreibungen ist, und jedes verbriefte Instrument, das von der Emittentin garantiert ist oder für das die Emittentin anderweitig die Haftung übernommen hat und bei dem die Verpflichtungen der Emittentin aus der maßgeblichen Garantie oder anderweitigen Haftungsübernahme gleichrangig im Verhältnis zu den Verpflichtungen der Emittentin aus den Schuldverschreibungen sind, (x) any security issued by the Issuer which ranks pari passu with the Bonds, and any security guaranteed by the Issuer or for which the Issuer has otherwise assumed liability where the Issuer ‘s obligations under the relevant guarantee or other assumption of liability rank pari passu with the Issuer’s obligations under the Bonds, (y) jedes von der Garantin begebene verbriefte Instrument, das gleichrangig im Verhältnis zu den Verpflichtungen der Garantin aus der Garantie ist, und (y) any security issued by the Guarantor which ranks pari passu with the Guarantor’s obligations under the Guarantee, and 153 (z) jedes verbriefte Instrument, das von der Garantin garantiert ist oder für das die Garantin anderweitig die Haftung übernommen hat und bei dem die Verpflichtungen der Garantin aus der maßgeblichen Garantie oder anderweitigen Haftungsübernahme gleichrangig im Verhältnis zu den Verpflichtungen der Garantin aus der Garantie sind. (z) any security guaranteed by the Guarantor or for which the Guarantor has otherwise assumed liability where the Guarantor’s obligations under the relevant guarantee or other assumption of liability rank pari passu with the Guarantor’s obligations under the Guarantee. “Nachrangiges Wertpapier” bezeichnet “Junior Security” means (x) jedes von der Emittentin begebene verbriefte Instrument, das im Verhältnis zu den Schuldverschreibungen oder einem Gleichrangigen Wertpapier nachrangig ist, und jedes verbriefte Instrument, das von der Emittentin garantiert ist oder für das die Emittentin anderweitig die Haftung übernommen hat und bei dem die Verpflichtungen der Emittentin aus der maßgeblichen Garantie oder anderweitigen Haftungsübernahme nachrangig im Verhältnis zu den Verpflichtungen der Emittentin aus den Schuldverschreibungen oder einem Gleichrangigen Wertpapier sind, (x) any security issued by the Issuer which ranks junior to the Bonds or any Parity Security, and any security guaranteed by the Issuer or for which the Issuer has otherwise assumed liability where the Issuer ‘s obligations under the relevant guarantee or other assumption of liability rank junior to the Issuer’s obligations under the Bonds or any Parity Security, (y) jedes von der Garantin begebene verbriefte Instrument (mit Ausnahme von Stammaktien oder Vorzugsaktien der Garantin mit nachzahlbarem Vorzug), das im Verhältnis zu den Verpflichtungen der Garantin aus der Garantie oder einem Gleichrangigen Wertpapier nachrangig ist, und (y) any security issued by the Guarantor (excluding ordinary shares or cumulative preferred shares of the Guarantor) which ranks junior to the Guarantor’s obligations under the Guarantee or any Parity Security, and (z) jedes verbriefte Instrument, das von der Garantin garantiert oder für das die Garantin anderweitig die Haftung übernommen hat und bei dem die Verpflichtungen der Garantin aus der maßgeblichen Garantie oder anderweitigen Haftungsübernahme nachrangig im Verhältnis zu den Verpflichtungen der Garantin aus der Nachrangigen Garantie oder einem Gleichrangigen Wertpapier sind. (z) any security guaranteed by the Guarantor or for which the Guarantor has otherwise assumed liability where the Guarantor’s obligations under the relevant guarantee or other assumption of liability rank junior to the Guarantor’s obligations under the Guarantee or any Parity Security. (c) Im Fall von § 3.3(b)(ii) hat die Emittentin durch eine spätestens 3 Geschäftstage vor dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag zu veröffentlichende Bekanntmachung gemäß § 10 zu wählen, die Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung entweder im Wege des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(b) oder im Wege des APZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.5 zu leisten. (c) In the case of Condition 3.3(b)(ii), the Issuer shall give notice in accordance with Condition 10 not less than 3 Business Days prior to the Deferred Settlement Date of its election to satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(b) or by way of the APSM in accordance with Condition 3.5. 154 3.4 Alternativer Aktien-Couponzahlungsmechanismus (ASZM) 3.4 Alternative share mechanism (ACSM) (a) Die Emittentin ist nur dann berechtigt, eine Zinszahlung gemäß § 3.2(a), § 3.2(b) oder § 3.2(c)(i) oder (iii) im Wege des alternativen Aktien-Couponzahlungsmechanismus (“ACZM”) zu leisten, wenn und soweit die Garantin die zur Begleichung der Zinszahlung erforderlichen Barmittel durch die Begebung oder den Verkauf von Aktien der Garantin (die “Zahlungsaktien”) innerhalb von 6 Monaten vor dem betreffenden Zinszahlungstag erlöst hat. In diesen Fällen finden die Beschränkungen nach § 3.4(c) keine Anwendung. (a) The Issuer may satisfy any interest payment pursuant to Condition 3.2(a), Condition 3.2(b) or Condition 3.2(c)(i) or (iii) by way of the alternative share coupon satisfaction mechanism (“ACSM”) only if and to the extent that the Guarantor has raised the funds required for the satisfaction of the interest payment by issuing or selling shares of the Guarantor (the “Payment Shares”) within 6 months prior to the relevant Interest Payment Date. The restrictions of Condition 3.4(c) shall not apply in these cases. Eine Verpflichtung der Garantin zur Ausgabe von neuen Aktien oder zum Verkauf von eigenen Aktien besteht in keinem Fall; die Anleihegläubiger werden darauf hingewiesen, dass die Garantin durch zwingende Bestimmungen des deutschen Aktienrechts oder aus sonstigen Gründen an der Ausgabe von neuen Aktien oder dem Verkauf von eigenen Aktien gehindert sein kann. Under no circumstances there shall be an obligation on the part of the Guarantor to issue new shares or sell treasury shares; Bondholders are notified that the Guarantor may be prevented by compulsory provisions of German stock corporation law or otherwise from issuing new shares or selling treasury shares. (b) Wenn die Emittentin verpflichtet ist bzw. wählt, eine Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung im Wege des ACZM zu leisten, wird die Emittentin die Garantin bitten, die zur Begleichung der betreffenden Zahlung erforderlichen Barmittel durch die Begebung oder den Verkauf von Zahlungsaktien der Garantin zu beschaffen. In diesem Fall gelten die Bedingungen gemäß § 3.4(c) bis (h). (b) If the Issuer elects or is required to satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment by way of the ACSM, the Issuer will request the Guarantor to raise the funds required for the satisfaction of the relevant payment by issuing or selling Payment Shares of the Guarantor. In this case, Conditions 3.4(c) to (h) will apply. (c) Eine Verpflichtung der Emittentin gemäß § 3.3(b), eine Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung nach Maßgabe des ACZM zu leisten, besteht jedoch nur, wenn und soweit die folgenden Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind: (c) The obligation of the Issuer pursuant to Condition 3.3(b) to satisfy any Deferred Interest Payment pursuant to the ACSM shall exist only if and to the extent the following requirements are met: (i) Die Garantin entschließt sich im Rahmen der Beschränkungen zwingenden deutschen Rechts dazu, der Bitte der Emittentin gemäß § 3.4(b) zur Durchführung des ACZM nachzukommen, und (i) coupon satisfaction the Guarantor, subject to the limitations of applicable mandatory German law, elects to honour the request made by the Issuer pursuant to Condition 3.4(b) to exercise the ACSM and (A) die Garantin hält eigene Aktien, und der Vorstand der Garantin unterliegt keinerlei Einschränkungen bezüglich der Verwendung dieser eigenen Aktien für Zwecke des ACZM, oder (A) the Guarantor holds treasury shares, and the Board of Management (Vorstand) of the Guarantor is not subject to any restriction with respect to using such treasury shares for purposes of the ACSM, or (B) der Vorstand der Garantin kann aufgrund einer entsprechenden Satzungsermächtigung neue Aktien aus genehmigtem Kapital ausgeben, und er unterliegt keinerlei Einschränkungen bezüglich der Ausgabe der neuen Aktien für Zwecke des ACZM und der (B) the Board of Management (Vorstand) of the Guarantor may issue new shares pursuant to an authorisation by the articles of association (authorised capital — genehmigtes Kapital), and the Board of Management of the Guarantor is not subject to any 155 Aufsichtsrat der Garantin hat der Ausgabe der neuen Aktien zugestimmt. restriction with respect to issuing such new shares for purposes of the ACSM and the Supervisory Board (Aufsichtsrat) of the Guarantor has declared its consent with respect to the issuance of such new shares. Eine Verpflichtung der Garantin zur Ausgabe von neuen Aktien oder zum Verkauf von eigenen Aktien besteht in keinem Fall; die Anleihegläubiger werden darauf hingewiesen, dass die Garantin durch zwingende Bestimmungen des deutschen Aktienrechts oder aus sonstigen Gründen an der Ausgabe von neuen Aktien oder dem Verkauf von eigenen Aktien gehindert sein kann. Under no circumstances shall there be an obligation on the part of the Guarantor to issue new shares or sell treasury shares; Bondholders are notified that the Guarantor may be prevented by compulsory provisions of German stock corporation law or otherwise from issuing new shares or selling treasury shares. (ii) Es besteht kein (rechtlicher oder tatsächlicher) Grund, weshalb die Garantin nicht in der Lage ist, Zahlungsaktien zu begeben oder zu verkaufen. (ii) There is no reason why (for any legal reason or de facto) the Guarantor is unable to issue or sell Payment Shares. (iii) Die Garantin ist nicht berechtigt, eigene Aktien zu verwenden, die sie innerhalb eines Zeitraums von sechs Monaten vor dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag im Markt gegen Bargeld für Zwecke des ACZM erworben hat. (iii) The Guarantor may not use any treasury shares purchased in the market for cash for purposes of fulfilling the ACSM during the six months’ period prior to the relevant Deferred Settlement Date. (iv) Die Garantin darf für Zwecke der Nachzahlung einer Zwangsweise Ausgesetzten Zinszahlung im Wege des ACZM in jedem Kalenderjahr höchstens Zahlungsaktien mit einem Anteil von 2,00% am Grundkapital der Garantin zum maßgeblichen Zeitpunkt platzieren. Diese Beschränkung findet keine Anwendung, auf die Nachzahlung einer Wahlweise Ausgesetzten Zinszahlung. (iv) The Guarantor may for purposes of satisfying any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment in accordance with the ACSM place such number of Payment Shares in each calendar year not exceeding 2.00% of the issued share capital (Grundkapital) of the Guarantor at the relevant date. This restriction shall not apply to the satisfaction of any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment. (d) Wenn in Bezug auf eine Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung die Bedingungen gemäß § 3.4(c)(i) bis (iii) nicht erfüllt sind, oder soweit der Schwellenwert gemäß § 3.4(c)(iv) überschritten würde oder der Betrag, der zu zahlen wäre, den Erlös aus der Platzierung der Zahlungsaktien übersteigt, wird die Emittentin die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung in diesem Umfang nach Maßgabe des APZM gemäß § 3.5 leisten, es sei denn, die Emittentin hatte zuvor in Bezug auf die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung den APZM angewendet und war nach Maßgabe des § 3.5(c) verpflichtet, den ACZM zusätzlich zu dem APZM anzuwenden; in diesem Fall entfällt die Verpflichtung der Emittentin, die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr zu leisten, in dem betreffenden Umfang. (d) If in respect of any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment any of the requirements pursuant to Condition 3.4(c)(i) to (iii) are not met, or to the extent the threshold pursuant to Condition 3.4(c)(iv) would be exceeded or the amount that would be payable exceeds the proceeds from the placement of the Payment Shares, the Issuer will satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment to such extent by way of the APSM in accordance with Condition 3.5, unless the Issuer had previously elected to operate the APSM in respect of the relevant Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment and was required to apply the ACSM in addition to the APSM pursuant to Condition 3.5(c); in this case the obligation of the Issuer to satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment shall be cancelled to such extent. 156 Wenn in Bezug auf eine Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung die Bedingungen gemäß § 3.4(c)(i) bis (iii) nicht erfüllt sind, oder soweit der Betrag, der zu zahlen wäre, den Erlös aus der Platzierung der Zahlungsaktien übersteigt, entfällt die Verpflichtung der Emittentin, die betreffende Wahlweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr zu leisten, in dem betreffenden Umfang. If in respect of any Optionally Deferred Interest Payment any of the requirements pursuant to Condition 3.4(c)(i) to (iii) are not met, or to the extent the amount that would be payable exceeds the proceeds from the placement of the Payment Shares, the obligation of the Issuer to satisfy the Optionally Deferred Interest Payment shall be cancelled to such extent. (e) Die Emittentin hat unverzüglich gemäß § 10 bekanntzumachen: (e) The Issuer shall without undue delay give notice in accordance with Condition 10: (i) dass sie entweder die Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung gemäß § 3.3(b) für das betreffende Zinsjahr im Wege des ACZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.4(b) leistet; oder (i) (ii) whether and to what extent the Issuer will satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment by way of the APSM in accordance with Condition 3.5. (ii) ob und in welchem Umfang die Emittentin eine Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung im Wege des APZM nach Maßgabe des § 3.5 leisten wird. (f) Im Fall von § 3.4(b) wird die Garantin die Zahlungsaktien in dem Zeitraum ab dem Tag, der 6 Monate vor dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag liegt (einschließlich) bis zu dem Tag, der fünf Jahre nach dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag (ausschließlich) liegt, platzieren. Die Garantin wird die Erlöse der Emittentin zur Leistung der betreffenden Zahlung zur Verfügung stellen. Sie werden an die Hauptzahlstelle zur Weitergabe an das Clearing System oder zu dessen Order zur Gutschrift auf den Konten der jeweiligen Kontoinhaber des Clearing Systems an die Anleihegläubiger weitergeleitet und auf die betreffende Zahlung geleistet. either that it will satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment pursuant to Condition 3.3(b) for the relevant interest year pursuant to the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4(b); or (f) In the case of Condition 3.4(b) the Guarantor will place Payment Shares during the period from and including the date falling 6 months prior to the relevant Deferred Settlement Date to but excluding the date which falls five years following the relevant Deferred Settlement Date. The Guarantor will provide the Issuer with the cash proceeds which shall be used to make the relevant payment. The proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the Principal Paying Agent for on-payment to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the respective account holders in respect of the relevant payment. (g) Falls nach Meinung der Emittentin eine Marktstörung vorliegt, verlängert sich die Frist von fünf Jahren gemäß § 3.4(f) um den Zeitraum der Marktstörung zuzüglich 60 Geschäftstage. Die Emittentin wird sowohl den Eintritt einer Marktstörung als auch den Zeitpunkt, an dem nach Meinung der Emittentin keine Marktstörung mehr vorliegt, gemäß § 10 bekannt machen. Das Vorliegen einer Marktstörung führt nicht zu einer zusätzlichen Verzinsung. (g) If there exists, in the opinion of the Issuer, a Market Disruption Event, then the five years’ period pursuant to Condition 3.4(f) shall be extended by a period equal to the time during which the Market Disruption Event exists plus 60 Business Days. The Issuer shall give notice pursuant to Condition 10 of both the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event and the date on which, in the opinion of the Issuer, the Market Disruption Event no longer exists. No amount will be payable by way of interest due to the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event. “Marktstörung” steht für (i) das Eintreten oder Bestehen einer vorübergehenden Aussetzung oder Einschränkung des Handels (aufgrund von Preisschwankungen über die von der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse zugelassenen Grenzen hinaus oder aus sonstigen Gründen) oder von Abwicklungsprozessen für Transaktionen in Stammaktien der Garantin an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, vorausgesetzt dass nach Entscheidung der Berechnungsstelle eine solche “Market Disruption Event” means (i) the occurrence or existence of any temporary suspension of or limitation imposed on trading (by reason of movements in price exceeding limits permitted by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange or otherwise) or on settlement procedures for transactions in the ordinary shares of the Guarantor on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange if, in any such case, that suspension or limitation is, in the determination of the 157 Aussetzung oder Beschränkung im Umfeld des Verkaufs der Stammaktien wesentlich ist, oder (ii) dass nach Ansicht der Garantin eine wesentliche Wertminderung des Kurses und/oder Wertes der Stammaktien eingetreten ist oder Umstände eingetreten sind, welche die Begebung oder Auslieferung der Zahlungsaktien bzw. Zahlungswertpapiere verhindern oder in einem wesentlichen Umfang einschränken würden, oder (iii) falls Beträge im Zusammenhang mit irgendeiner Nachzahlung gemäß diesen Anleihebedingungen von einer Währung in eine andere konvertiert werden müssen, das Auftreten eines jeglichen Ereignisses, das eine solche Konvertierung undurchführbar macht. Calculation Agent, material in the context of the sale of the ordinary shares, or (ii) in the opinion of the Guarantor, there has been a substantial deterioration in the price and/or value of the ordinary shares or circumstances are such as to prevent or to a material extent restrict the issue or delivery of the Payment Shares or Payment Securities, or (iii) where, pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, monies are required to be converted from one currency into another currency in respect of any deferred payment, the occurrence of any event that makes it impracticable to effect such conversion. (h) Sofern im Fall des § 3.3(b)(ii)(E) die Emittentin oder die Garantin nicht zur Anwendung des ACZM in der Lage ist, sind die Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin in Bezug auf einen solchen nicht erfüllten Betrag bis zu einem Betrag, der dem Schwellenwert gemäß § 3.5(b)(ii) entspricht, gleichrangig zu den Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin in Bezug auf den Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen; soweit der Schwellenwert gemäß § 3.5(b)(ii) überschritten würde, entfällt die Verpflichtung der Emittentin, die betreffende Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr zu leisten in dem betreffenden Umfang. (h) If in the case of Condition 3.3(b)(ii)(E) the Issuer or the Guarantor is unable to apply ACSM, the obligations of the Issuer in respect of such unsettled amount shall rank pari passu with the obligations of the Issuer in respect of the principal amount of the Bonds in an amount up to the threshold pursuant to Condition 3.5(b)(ii); to the extent the threshold pursuant to Condition 3.5(b)(ii) would be exceeded the obligation of the Issuer to satisfy the Deferred Interest Payment shall be cancelled to such extent. 3.5 Alternativer gleichrangige Couponzahlungsmechanismus 3.5 Alternative parity securities satisfaction mechanism Wertpapiere- (a) Wenn die Emittentin bekannt gemacht hat, dass eine Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr nach Maßgabe des alternativen gleichrangigen WertpapiereCouponzahlungsmechanismus (“APZM”) geleistet wird, wird die Emittentin oder die Garantin die zur Begleichung der Ausgesetzten Zinszahlung erforderlichen Barmittel beschaffen, indem sie in dem Zeitraum ab dem Tag, der 6 Monate vor dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag liegt (einschließlich) bis zu dem Tag, der fünf Jahre nach dem betreffenden Nachzahlungstag (ausschließlich) direkt oder indirekt hybride Wertpapiere begibt und verkauft, deren Emissionsbedingungen diesen Bedingungen vergleichbar sind (z.B. betreffend die Bedingungen über die Aussetzung von Vergütungen, die Nachzahlung ausgesetzter Vergütungen und Ersetzung) und die zumindest gleichwertige Eigenmittel darstellen (die “Zahlungswertpapiere”). 158 coupon (a) If the Issuer has given notice that it will satisfy any Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment for the relevant interest year in accordance with the alternative parity securities coupon satisfaction mechanism (“APSM”), the Issuer or the Guarantor will raise the funds required for the satisfaction of the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment by issuing and selling, directly or indirectly, hybrid securities with terms and conditions (in particular in relation to the provisions on the deferral of remuneration, payments of deferred remuneration and on replacement) similar to these Conditions and which constitute requlatory capital (Eigenmittel) of at least equal status (the “Payment Securities”) during the period from and including the date falling 6 months prior to the relevant Deferred Settlement Date to but excluding the date which falls five years following the relevant Deferred Payment Date. (b) Eine Verpflichtung der Emittentin, eine Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr gemäß § 3.5 zu leisten, besteht jedoch nur, wenn und soweit die folgenden Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind: (i) Es besteht kein (rechtlicher oder tatsächlicher) Grund, weshalb die Garantin nicht in der Lage ist, Zahlungswertpapiere zu begeben oder zu verkaufen. (b) The Issuer is obliged to satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment for the relevant interest year pursuant to Condition 3.5 only if and to the extent the following requirements are met: (i) There is no reason why (for any legal reason or de facto) the Guarantor is unable to issue or sell Payment Securities. (ii) Der Gesamtnennbetrag aller im Rahmen von APZM begebenen Zahlungswertpapiere darf 25% des Gesamtnennbetrages der Schuldverschreibungen am Begebungstag nicht überschreiten. (ii) The aggregate principal amount of all Payment Securities issued under the APSM must not exceed 25% of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds as at the Issue Date. (c) Wenn die Bedingung gemäß § 3.5(b)(i) nicht erfüllt ist, oder soweit der Schwellenwert gemäß § 3.5(b)(ii) überschritten würde oder der zu zahlende Zinsbetrag den Erlös aus der Platzierung der Zahlungswertpapiere übersteigt, wird die Emittentin die Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung in diesem Umfang nach Maßgabe des ACZM gemäß § 3.4 leisten, es sei denn, die Emittentin hatte zuvor in Bezug auf die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung den ACZM angewendet und war gemäß § 3.4(c) verpflichtet, den APZM zusätzlich zu dem ACZM anzuwenden; in diesem Fall entfällt die Verpflichtung der Emittentin, die betreffende Zwangsweise Ausgesetzte Zinszahlung für das betreffende Zinsjahr zu leisten, in dem betreffenden Umfang. (c) If the requirement pursuant to Condition 3.5(b)(i) is not met, or to the extent the threshold pursuant to Condition 3.5(b)(ii) would be exceeded or the amount of interest payable exceeds the proceeds from the placement of the Payment Securities, the Issuer will satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment to such extent by way of the ACSM in accordance with Condition 3.4, unless the Issuer had previously elected to operate the ACSM and in respect of the relevant Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment and was required to apply the APSM in addition to the ACSM pursuant to Condition 3.4(c); in this case the obligation of the Issuer to satisfy the Mandatorily Deferred Interest Payment shall be cancelled to such extent. (d) Die Garantin wird die Zahlungswertpapiere platzieren und die Erlöse der Emittentin zur Leistung der betreffenden Zahlung zur Verfügung stellen. Sie werden an die Hauptzahlstelle zur Weitergabe an das Clearing System oder zu dessen Order zur Gutschrift auf den Konten der jeweiligen Kontoinhaber des Clearing Systems an die Anleihegläubiger weitergeleitet und auf die betreffende Zahlung geleistet. (d) The Guarantor will place Payment Securities and provide the Issuer with the cash proceeds which shall be used to make the relevant payment. The proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the Principal Paying Agent for on-payment to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the respective account holders in respect of the relevant payment. (e) Falls nach Meinung der Emittentin eine Marktstörung vorliegt, verlängert sich die Frist von fünf Jahren gemäß § 3.5(a) um den Zeitraum der Marktstörung zuzüglich 60 Geschäftstage. Die Emittentin wird sowohl den Eintritt einer Marktstörung als auch den Zeitpunkt, an dem nach Meinung der Emittentin keine Marktstörung mehr vorliegt, gemäß § 10 bekannt machen. Das Vorliegen einer Marktstörung führt nicht zu einer zusätzlichen Verzinsung. (e) If there exists, in the opinion of the Issuer, a Market Disruption Event, then the five years’ period pursuant to Condition 3.5(a) shall be extended by a period equal to the time during which the Market Disruption Event exists plus 60 Business Days. The Issuer shall give notice pursuant to Condition 10 of both the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event and the date on which, in the opinion of the Issuer, the Market Disruption Event no longer exists. No amount will be payable by way of interest due to the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event. 159 § 4 Rückzahlung 4. Redemption (a) Keine Endfälligkeit (a) No scheduled redemption Die Schuldverschreibungen haben keinen Endfälligkeitstag und werden, außer gemäß den Bestimmungen in § 4(b)-(f) nicht zurückgezahlt. The Bonds have no final maturity date and shall not be redeemed except in accordance with the provisions set out in Conditions 4(b)-(f). (b) Rückzahlung nach Eintritt eines Gross-up-Ereignisses, eines Steuerereignisses oder eines Aufsichtsrechtlichen Ereignisses (b) Redemption following a Gross up Event, a Tax Event or a Regulatory Event (i) Sofern nach der Begebung der Schuldverschreibungen ein Gross-up-Ereignis (wie nachstehend definiert) eintritt, ist die Emittentin berechtigt, die Schuldverschreibungen jederzeit (ganz, jedoch nicht nur teilweise) durch eine unwiderrufliche Bekanntmachung an die Anleihegläubiger gemäß § 10 unter Einhaltung einer Frist von nicht weniger als 30 und nicht mehr als 60 Tagen zu kündigen und zu ihrem Nennbetrag zuzüglich aufgelaufener Zinsen zurückzuzahlen. Dabei gilt Folgendes: (i) If at any time after the issue of the Bonds a Gross up Event (as defined below) occurs, the Issuer may call and redeem the Bonds (in whole but not in part) at their principal amount plus accrued interest at any time on giving not less than 30 nor more than 60 days’ irrevocable notice to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 10, provided that: (A) Eine solche Rückzahlungsmitteilung darf nicht früher als 90 Tage vor dem Tag erfolgen, an dem die Emittentin oder die Garantin erstmals verpflichtet wäre, Zusätzliche Beträge (wie in § 6 definiert) zu zahlen bzw. wenn eine ordnungsgemäße Zahlungsaufforderung unter der Garantie erfolgen würde; und (A) no such notice of redemption may be given earlier than 90 days prior to the earliest date on which the Issuer or the Guarantor would be for the first time obliged to pay the Additional Amounts (as defined in Condition 6) or (as the case may be) in respect of a demand for payment duly made under the Guarantee; and (B) vor Abgabe einer solchen Rückzahlungsmitteilung wird die Emittentin der Emissionsstelle folgende Dokumente übergeben oder für deren Übergabe sorgen: (B) prior to the giving of any such notice of redemption, the Issuer will deliver or procure that there is delivered to the Fiscal Agent: (I) eine von der Emittentin unterzeichnete Bescheinigung, die bestätigt, dass die Emittentin berechtigt ist, diese Rückzahlung durchzuführen, und in der die Tatsachen dargelegt sind, aus denen deutlich wird, dass die Bedingungen für das Recht der Emittentin auf Durchführung dieser Rückzahlung eingetreten sind; und (II) ein Gutachten eines angesehenen unabhängigen Rechtsberaters, aus dem hervorgeht, dass die Emittentin bzw. die Garantin verpflichtet ist oder verpflichtet sein wird, die betreffenden Zusätzlichen Beträge als Folge der entsprechenden Änderung zu zahlen. 160 (I) a certificate signed by the Issuer stating that the Issuer is entitled to effect that redemption and setting out a statement of facts showing that the conditions precedent to the right of the Issuer so to redeem have occurred; and (II) an opinion of an independent legal advisor of recognised standing to the effect that the Issuer or the Guarantor (as the case may be) has or will become obliged to pay the Additional Amounts in question as a result of the relevant change or amendment. Ein “Gross-up-Ereignis” liegt vor, wenn die Emittentin aufgrund einer Gesetzesänderung (oder einer Änderung von darunter erlassenen Bestimmungen und Vorschriften) der Niederlande oder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder einer ihrer Gebietskörperschaften oder Behörden oder als Folge einer Änderung der offiziellen Auslegung oder Anwendung dieser Gesetze, Bestimmungen oder Vorschriften durch eine gesetzgebende Körperschaft, ein Gericht oder eine Behörde der Niederlande oder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verpflichtet ist oder verpflichtet sein wird, Zusätzliche Beträge gemäß § 6 zu zahlen, oder die Garantin verpflichtet ist oder verpflichtet sein wird, Zusätzliche Beträge auf fällige Beträge aus der Garantie zu zahlen, und die Emittentin bzw. die Garantin diese Verpflichtung nicht abwenden kann, indem sie zumutbare Maßnahmen ergreift, die sie nach Treu und Glauben für angemessen hält. A “Gross up Event” shall occur, if the Issuer has or will become obliged by a legislative body, a court or any authority to pay Additional Amounts pursuant to Condition 6 or the Guarantor has or will become obliged to pay Additional Amounts in respect of payments due under the Guarantee as a result of any change in or amendment to the laws (or any rules or regulations thereunder) of the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or any authority of or in the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany, or any change in or amendment to any official interpretation or application of those laws or rules or regulations, and that obligation cannot be avoided by the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, taking such reasonable measures it (acting in good faith) deems appropriate. Die Emittentin kann ihr Recht, die Schuldverschreibungen gemäß diesem § 4(b)(i) zurückzuzahlen, nur nach Maßgabe von § 4(f) und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist ausüben. The Issuer may redeem the Bonds pursuant to this Condition 4(b)(i) only in accordance with Condition 4(f) and subject to the Solvency Condition being met. (ii) Sofern nach der Begebung der Schuldverschreibungen ein Steuerereignis (wie nachstehend definiert) eintritt, ist die Emittentin berechtigt, die Schuldverschreibungen jederzeit (ganz, jedoch nicht nur teilweise) durch eine unwiderrufliche Bekanntmachung an die Anleihegläubiger gemäß § 10 unter Einhaltung einer Frist von nicht weniger als 30 und nicht mehr als 60 Tagen zu kündigen und zu ihrem Vorzeitigen Rückzahlungsbetrag (wie nachstehend definiert) zurückzuzahlen. (ii) If at any time after the issue of the Bonds a Tax Event (as defined below) occurs, the Issuer may call and redeem the Bonds (in whole but not in part) at their Early Redemption Amount (as defined below) at any time on giving not less than 30 nor more than 60 days’ irrevocable notice to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 10. Ein “Steuerereignis” liegt vor, wenn aufgrund einer Gesetzesänderung (oder einer Änderung von darunter erlassenen Bestimmungen und Vorschriften) der Niederlande oder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder einer ihrer Gebietskörperschaften oder einer ihrer Steuerbehörden, oder als Folge einer Änderung der offiziellen Auslegung oder Anwendung solcher Gesetze, Bestimmungen oder Vorschriften durch eine gesetzgebende Körperschaft, ein Gericht, eine Regierungsstelle oder eine Aufsichtsbehörde (einschließlich des Erlasses von Gesetzen sowie der Bekanntmachung gerichtlicher oder aufsichtsrechtlicher Entscheidungen), Zinsen, die von der Emittentin auf die Schuldverschreibungen zu zahlen sind oder A “Tax Event” shall occur, if as a result of any amendment to, or change in, the laws (or any rules or regulations thereunder) of the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or any taxing authority thereof or therein, or as a result of any amendment to, or change in, an official interpretation or application of any such laws, rules or regulations by any legislative body, court, governmental agency or regulatory authority (including the enactment of any legislation and the publication of any judicial decision or regulatory determination), interest payable by the Issuer in respect of the Bonds or any amount payable by the Guarantor under the Guarantee is no longer, or within 90 days 161 Beträge, die von der Garantin aus der Garantie zu zahlen sind, von der Emittentin und/oder der Garantin nicht mehr für die Zwecke der niederländischen und/oder deutschen Ertragsteuer voll abzugsfähig sind, bzw. innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach dem Datum des nachstehend beschriebenen Gutachtens nicht mehr voll abzugsfähig sein werden, und die Emittentin und/oder die Garantin dieses Risiko nicht abwenden kann, indem sie zumutbare Maßnahmen ergreift, die sie nach Treu und Glauben für angemessen hält. of the date of the opinion described below will no longer be, fully deductible by the Issuer and/or the Guarantor for Dutch and/ or German income tax purposes, and that risk cannot be avoided by the Issuer and/or the Guarantor taking reasonable measures it (acting in good faith) deems appropriate. Die Emittentin und/oder Garantin hat der Emissionsstelle ein Gutachten eines anerkannten unabhängigen Steuerberaters zu übergeben, das dies bestätigt. The Issuer and/or the Guarantor must deliver to the Fiscal Agent an opinion of a recognised independent tax counsel delivered which confirms that. Die Emittentin kann ihr Recht, die Schuldverschreibungen gemäß diesem § 4(b)(ii) zurückzuzahlen, nur nach Maßgabe von § 4(f) und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist ausüben. The Issuer may redeem the Bonds pursuant to this Condition 4(b)(ii) only in accordance with Condition 4(f) and subject to the Solvency Condition being met. (iii) Sofern nach der Begebung der Schuldverschreibungen ein Aufsichtsrechtliches Ereignis (wie nachstehend definiert) eintritt, ist die Emittentin berechtigt, die Schuldverschreibungen jederzeit (ganz, jedoch nicht nur teilweise) durch eine unwiderrufliche Bekanntmachung an die Anleihegläubiger gemäß § 10 unter Einhaltung einer Frist von nicht weniger als 30 und nicht mehr als 60 Tagen zu kündigen und zu ihrem Vorzeitigen Rückzahlungsbetrag zurückzuzahlen. (iii) If at any time after the issue of the Bonds a Regulatory Event (as defined below) occurs, the Issuer may call and redeem the Bonds (in whole but not in part) at their Early Redemption Amount at any time on giving not less than 30 nor more than 60 days’ irrevocable notice to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 10. Ein “Aufsichtsrechtliches Ereignis” liegt vor, wenn A “Regulatory Event” shall occur if (A) die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht oder eine Nachfolgebehörde (wie in § 2(b) definiert) schriftlich gegenüber der Garantin feststellt, dass die Schuldverschreibungen ganz oder teilweise nicht länger die Anforderungen an Eigenmittel für Zwecke der Ermittlung der Gruppensolvabilität oder der Einzelsolvabilität der Garantin oder der Solvabilität nach den Vorschriften für Finanzkonglomerate erfüllen. Dies gilt nur, wenn die Schuldverschreibungen diese Anforderungen zu einem Zeitpunkt vor dieser Feststellung erfüllt haben, oder (A) the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) or any Successor Authority (as defined in Condition 2(b)) states in writing to the Guarantor that the Bonds (in whole or in part) no longer fulfil the requirements for regulatory capital or own funds for group solvency or single solvency purposes of the Guarantor or the solvency pursuant to the regulations for financial conglomerates. This applies only if at any time prior to such statement the Bonds did fulfil such requirements; or (B) die Garantin oder die Gruppe der Garantin zu irgendeinem späteren Zeitpunkt verpflichtet ist, für Eigenmittelzwecke aufsichtsrechtliches (B) at any time, the Guarantor or the Guarantor’s group is required for any regulatory capital purposes to have Tier I regulatory capital (howsoever 162 Tier I Kapital (unabhängig von der konkreten Bezeichnung) vorzuhalten, und die Schuldverschreibungen zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht die Anforderungen für aufsichtsrechtliches Tier I Kapital für Zwecke der Ermittlung der Gruppensolvabilität der Garantin oder der Solvabilität nach den Vorschriften für Finanzkonglomerate erfüllen. described), and the Bonds would not be eligible to qualify for inclusion in the Tier I regulatory capital for group solvency purposes of the Guarantor or the solvency pursuant to the regulations for financial conglomerates at the time. Die Emittentin kann ihr Recht, die Schuldverschreibungen gemäß diesem § 4(b)(iii) zurückzuzahlen, nur nach Maßgabe von § 4(f) und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist ausüben. The Issuer may redeem the Bonds pursuant to this Condition 4(b)(iii) only in accordance with Condition 4(f) and subject to the Solvency Condition being met. (c) Vorzeitige Emittentin (i) Rückzahlung nach Wahl der Die Emittentin ist, vorbehaltlich § 4(f)(i) und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist, berechtigt, nach ordentlicher Kündigung gemäß § 4(c)(ii) mit einer Frist von nicht weniger als 30 und nicht mehr als 60 Tagen die Schuldverschreibungen insgesamt jedoch nicht nur teilweise an jedem CallRückzahlungstag (wie nachstehend definiert) zum Nennbetrag zuzüglich aufgelaufener Zinsen zurückzahlen. (c) Early redemption at the option of the Issuer (i) Subject to Condition 4(f)(i) and subject to the Solvency Condition being met, the Issuer may, upon giving not less than 30 nor more than 60 days’ notice in accordance with Condition 4(c)(ii), redeem all but not some only of the Bonds at their principal amount plus accrued interest on the Optional Redemption Date (as defined below). “Call-Rückzahlungstag” bezeichnet den [3. März] 2011 (den “Ersten CallRückzahlungstag”) und jeden darauf folgenden Zinszahlungstag. “Optional Redemption Date” means the [March 3,] 2011 (the “First Optional Redemption Date” and each subsequent Interest Payment Date (ii) Die ordentliche Kündigung erfolgt durch Bekanntmachung der Emittentin an die Anleihegläubiger gemäß § 10. Diese Kündigung ist unwiderruflich und in ihr wird bestimmt: (ii) The appropriate redemption notice is a notice given by the Issuer to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 10. The notice shall be irrevocable and shall specify: • die zur Rückzahlung Schuldverschreibungen; anstehenden • the Bonds subject to redemption; • dass die Schuldverschreibungen insgesamt zurückgezahlt werden; • that such Bonds are to be redeemed in whole; • der Tag der Rückzahlung Schuldverschreibungen; und der • the date on which the Bond are to be redeemed; and • der Betrag, zu Schuldverschreibungen werden. dem die zurückgezahlt • the amount at which such Bonds are to be redeemed. (iii) Die Emittentin wird jeder Börse, an der die Schuldverschreibungen dann notiert sind und deren Regeln eine Mitteilung an die Börse verlangen, und der Hauptzahlstelle umgehend Mitteilung über die Kündigung machen. 163 (iii) The Issuer will inform, if required by any stock exchange on which the Bonds are then listed, such stock exchange, and the Principal Paying Agent as soon as possible of such redemption. (d) Keine vorzeitige Rückzahlung nach Wahl der Anleihegläubiger (d) No early redemption at the option of the Bondholders Die Anleihegläubiger sind zu keinem Zeitpunkt berechtigt, von der Emittentin eine vorzeitige Rückzahlung der Schuldverschreibungen zu verlangen. The Bondholders shall not be entitled to put the Bonds for redemption at any time. (e) Erwerb von Schuldverschreibungen (f) (e) Purchase of Bonds Die Emittentin oder jede ihrer Tochtergesellschaften oder jede Tochtergesellschaft der Garantin können vorbehaltlich zwingender gesetzlicher Regelungen jederzeit Schuldverschreibungen auf dem freien Markt oder anderweitig sowie zu jedem beliebigen Preis kaufen. Derartig erworbene Schuldverschreibungen können eingezogen, gehalten oder wieder veräußert werden. The Issuer or any of its subsidiaries or any subsidiary of the Guarantor may at any time and subject to mandatory provisions of law purchase Bonds in the open market or otherwise and at any price. Such acquired Bonds may be cancelled, held or resold. Die vorgenannten Personen können die Schuldverschreibungen gemäß diesem § 4(e) nur nach Maßgabe von § 4(f) und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist zurückkaufen. The aforementioned persons may purchase the Bonds in accordance with this Condition 4(e) only in accordance with Condition 4(f) and subject to the Solvency Condition being met. Einschränkung des Kündigungsrechts und des Rückkaufs (i) Der Emittentin steht das Recht zur Kündigung und Rückzahlung der Schuldverschreibungen gemäß § 4(b) oder § 4(c) nur dann zu, wenn der zurückzuzahlende Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen durch die Einzahlung anderer, zumindest gleichwertiger aufsichtsrechtlicher Eigenmittel ersetzt worden ist oder die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. die Nachfolgebehörde der Rückzahlung zugestimmt hat. (f) Limitation purchase (i) of termination rights and The Issuer may call and redeem the Bonds in accordance with Condition 4(b) or Condition 4(c) only if the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed has been replaced by other at least equivalent regulatory capital or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any Successor Authority has given its consent to the redemption. (ii) Den in § 4(e) genannten Personen steht das Recht zum Erwerb der Schuldverschreibungen gemäß § 4(e) vorbehaltlich zwingender gesetzlicher Regelungen nur dann zu, wenn der zu erwerbende Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen durch die Einzahlung anderer, zumindest gleichwertiger aufsichtsrechtlicher Eigenmittel ersetzt worden ist oder die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht bzw. die Nachfolgebehörde dem Erwerb zugestimmt hat. (ii) The persons mentioned in Condition 4(e) may, subject to mandatory provisions of law, acquire the Bonds in accordance with Condition 4(e) only if the principal amount of the Bonds to be purchased has been replaced by other at least equivalent regulatory capital or if the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or any Successor Authority has given its consent to the acquisition. Die vorgenannten Einschränkungen gelten nicht, soweit Tochterunternehmen der Emittentin oder der Garantin (x) die Schuldverschreibungen für Rechnung eines Dritten, der kein verbundenes Unternehmen der Garantin ist, oder (y) für Sondervermögen im Sinne von § 2 Abs. 2 i.V.m. § 30 InvG erwerben, es sei denn, Anteile an diesen The aforementioned restrictions do not apply if any such purchase is made by subsidiaries of the Issuer or the Guarantor for (x) the account of a third party which is not an affiliate of the Guarantor or (y) funds (as defined for the purposes of § 2 Abs. 2 in connection with § 30 Investment Act (Investmentgesetz), unless the majority. 164 Sondervermögen werden mehrheitlich von der Garantin oder einer ihrer Tochtergesellschaften gehalten. of the shares in the relevant fund are held by the Guarantor or one of its subsidiaries (iii) Sofern die Schuldverschreibungen unter anderen als den in diesem § 4 beschriebenen Umständen zurückgezahlt werden, ist der Betrag der Emittentin oder der Garantin ohne Rücksicht auf entgegenstehende Vereinbarungen zurückzugewähren. (iii) If the Bonds are repaid in circumstances other than as described in this Condition 4, then, irrespective of any agreement to the contrary, the amount so repaid must be repaid to the Issuer or the Guarantor. (g) Vorzeitiger Rückzahlungsbetrag (g) Early Redemption Amount Der “Vorzeitige Rückzahlungsbetrag” der Schuldverschreibungen ist im Falle einer Rückzahlung vor dem Ersten Call-Rückzahlungstag der Abgezinste Marktpreis (wie nachstehend definiert), mindestens jedoch der Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen und im Falle einer Rückzahlung zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, der Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen. Etwaige bis zum Rückzahlungstag (ausschließlich) aufgelaufene Zinsen und sämtliche Ausgesetzten Zinszahlungen werden bei einer solchen Rückzahlung ebenfalls fällig. The “Early Redemption Amount” of the Bonds will in the case of a redemption prior to the First Optional Redemption Date be the greater of the Make-whole Amount (as defined below) and the principal amount of the Bonds, and, in the case of a redemption thereafter, the principal amount of the Bonds. Accrued interest to but excluding the date of redemption and any Deferred Interest Payment shall also be payable on any such redemption. Der “Abgezinste Marktpreis” wird von der Berechnungsstelle errechnet und entspricht der Summe der auf den Rückzahlungstag Abgezinsten Werte (wie nachstehend definiert) (i) des Nennbetrages der Schuldverschreibungen und (ii) der bis zum Ersten Call-Rückzahlungstag (ausschließlich) noch erfolgenden Zinszahlungen. The “Make-whole Amount” will be calculated by the Calculation Agent and will equal the sum of the Present Values (as defined below) on the date of redemption of (i) the principal amount of the Bonds and (ii) the remaining scheduled payments of interest on the Bonds to but excluding the First Optional Redemption Date. Die “Abgezinsten Werte” werden von der Berechnungsstelle errechnet, indem der Nennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen und die bis zum Ersten Call-Rückzahlungstag verbleibenden vorgesehenen Zinszahlungen auf die Schuldverschreibungen auf jährlicher Basis, unter Zugrundelegung eines Jahres mit 365 Tagen bzw. eines Jahres mit 366 Tagen und der Zahl der tatsächlich in dem Jahr verstrichenen Tage und der Angepassten Vergleichbaren Rendite (wie nachstehend definiert) zuzüglich 0,75% abgezinst werden. The “Present Values” will be calculated by the Calculation Agent by discounting the principal amount of the Bonds and the remaining scheduled payments of interest to the First Optional Redemption Date on an annual basis, assuming a 365-day year or a 366-day year, as the case may be, and the actual number of days elapsed in such year and using the Adjusted Comparable Yield (as defined below) plus 0.75%. Die “Angepasste Vergleichbare Rendite” entspricht der am Rückzahlungs-Berechnungstag (wie nachstehend definiert) bestehenden Rendite einer von der Berechnungsstelle, im Einvernehmen mit der Emittentin, ausgewählten Euro-ReferenzAnleihe mit einer mit dem verbleibenden Zeitraum bis zum Ersten Call-Rückzahlungstag vergleichbaren Laufzeit. Dabei handelt es sich um die Rendite einer solchen Euro-Referenz-Anleihe, die im Zeitpunkt der Auswahlentscheidung und entsprechend der üblichen Finanzmarktpraxis zur Preisbestimmung bei Neuemissionen von Unternehmensanleihen mit einer mit dem Zeitraum bis zum Ersten Call-Rückzahlungstag vergleichbaren Laufzeit verwendet würde. The “Adjusted Comparable Yield” will be the yield at the Redemption Calculation Date (as defined below) on the euro benchmark security selected by the Calculation Agent, after consultation with the Issuer, as having a maturity comparable to the remaining term of the Bonds to the First Optional Redemption Date, that would be utilised, at the time of selection and in accordance with customary financial practice, in pricing new issues of corporate debt securities of comparable maturity to the First Optional Redemption Date. 165 “Rückzahlungs-Berechnungstag” ist der dritte Geschäftstag vor dem Tag, an dem die Schuldverschreibungen nach Wahl der Emittentin gemäß § 4(b)(ii) oder (iii) zurückgezahlt werden. §5 Zahlungen “Redemption Calculation Date” means the third Business Day prior to the date on which the Bonds are redeemed at the option of the Issuer pursuant to Condition 4(b)(ii) or (iii), as the case may be. 5. Payments (a) Die Emittentin verpflichtet sich, Kapital und Zinsen auf die Schuldverschreibungen bei Fälligkeit in Euro zu zahlen. Die Zahlung von Kapital und Zinsen auf Schuldverschreibungen erfolgt an das Clearing System oder zu dessen Order zur Gutschrift auf den Konten der jeweiligen Kontoinhaber des Clearing Systems. Die Zahlung von Zinsen auf Schuldverschreibungen, die durch eine vorläufige Globalurkunde verbrieft sind, erfolgt nur nach ordnungsgemäßer Bescheinigung gemäß § 1(b). (a) The Issuer undertakes to pay, as and when due, principal and interest on the Bonds in euro. Payment of principal and interest on the Bonds shall be made to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the relevant account holders of the Clearing System. Payment of interest on Bonds represented by a Temporary Global Bond shall be made only upon due certification as provided in Condition 1(b). (b) Die Emittentin bzw. die Garantin wird durch Leistung der Zahlung an das Clearing System oder zu dessen Order von ihrer Zahlungspflicht befreit. (b) The Issuer or, as the case may be, the Guarantor shall be discharged by payment to, or to the order of, the Clearing System. (c) Fällt der Fälligkeitstag einer Zahlung in Bezug auf eine Schuldverschreibung auf einen Tag, der kein Zahltag ist, dann hat der Anleihegläubiger keinen Anspruch auf Zahlung vor dem nächstfolgenden Zahltag am jeweiligen Geschäftsort. Der Anleihegläubiger ist nicht berechtigt, weitere Zinsen oder sonstige Zahlungen aufgrund dieser Verspätung zu verlangen. (c) If the due date for payment of any amount in respect of any Bond is not a Payment Business Day then the Bondholder shall not be entitled to payment until the next such day in the relevant place and shall not be entitled to further interest or other payment in respect of such delay. Für diese Zwecke bezeichnet “Zahltag” einen Tag (außer einem Samstag oder Sonntag), an dem (i) das Clearing System und (ii) das TransEuropean Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer (TARGET) System Zahlungen abwickeln. For these purposes, “Payment Business Day” means a day which is a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which both (i) the Clearing System, and (ii) the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer (TARGET) System settle payments. (d) Bezugnahmen in diesen Bedingungen auf Kapital der Schuldverschreibungen schließen, soweit anwendbar, den Vorzeitigen Rückzahlungsbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen ein. Eine Bezugnahme in diesen Bedingungen auf Kapital oder Zinsen schließt jegliche Zusätzlichen Beträge im Hinblick auf Kapital bzw. Zinsen ein, die gemäß § 6 fällig sind. (d) Reference in these Conditions to principal in respect of the Bonds shall be deemed to include the Early Redemption Amount of the Bonds. Any reference in these Conditions to principal or interest will be deemed to include any Additional Amounts in respect of principal or interest (as the case may be) which may be payable under Condition 6. (e) Die Emittentin und die Garantin sind berechtigt, beim Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main Zins- oder Kapitalbeträge bzw. fällige Beträge aus der Garantie zu hinterlegen, die von den Anleihegläubigern nicht innerhalb von zwölf Monaten nach dem maßgeblichen Fälligkeitstag beansprucht worden sind, auch wenn die Anleihegläubiger sich nicht in Annahmeverzug befinden. Soweit eine solche Hinterlegung erfolgt, und auf das Recht der Rücknahme verzichtet wird, erlöschen die Ansprüche der Anleihegläubiger gegen die Emittentin. (e) The Issuer and the Guarantor may deposit with the lower court (Amtsgericht) in Frankfurt am Main principal or interest or payments due under the Guarantee not claimed by Bondholders within twelve months after the relevant due date, even though such Bondholders may not be in default of acceptance of payment. If and to the extent that the deposit is effected and the right of withdrawal is waived, the respective claims of such Bondholders against the Issuer shall cease. 166 § 6 Besteuerung 6. Sämtliche Zahlungen von Kapital und Zinsen in Bezug auf die Schuldverschreibungen (einschließlich Zahlungen der Garantin unter der Garantie) werden ohne Einbehalt oder Abzug von Steuern, Abgaben, Festsetzungen oder behördlicher Gebühren jedweder Art (“Steuern”) geleistet, die von den Niederlanden bzw. der Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder einer ihrer Gebietskörperschaften oder Behörden mit der Befugnis zur Erhebung von Steuern auferlegt, erhoben, eingezogen, einbehalten oder festgesetzt werden, sofern nicht die Emittentin oder die Garantin kraft Gesetzes oder einer sonstigen Rechtsvorschrift zu einem solchen Einbehalt oder Abzug verpflichtet ist. Erfolgt ein solcher Einbehalt oder Abzug aufgrund einer Gesetzesänderung, wird die Emittentin bzw. die Garantin zusätzliche Beträge (die “Zusätzlichen Beträge”) zahlen, so dass die Anleihegläubiger die Beträge erhalten, die sie ohne den betreffenden Einbehalt oder Abzug erhalten hätten. Solche Zusätzlichen Beträge sind jedoch nicht zahlbar wegen solcher Steuern in Bezug auf Schuldverschreibungen, All payments of principal and interest in respect of the Bonds (including payments by the Guarantor under the Guarantee) will be made free and clear of, and without withholding or deduction for, any taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature (“Taxes”) imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed by the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany (as the case may be) or any political subdivision or any authority of or in the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany (as the case may be) that has power to tax, unless the Issuer or the Guarantor is compelled by law to make such withholding or deduction. In the event of such withholding or deduction as a result of any amendment to, or change in, the laws, the Issuer or the Guarantor (as the case may be) will pay such additional amounts (the “Additional Amounts”) as the Bondholders would have received if no such withholding or deduction had been required. However, no such Additional Amounts shall be payable with respect to such Taxes in respect of any Bond: (a) die von einem Anleihegläubiger oder in dessen Namen zur Zahlung vorgelegt werden, der solchen Steuern, Abgaben, Festsetzungen oder behördlichen Gebühren in Bezug auf diese Schuldverschreibungen dadurch unterliegt, dass er eine Verbindung zu den Niederlanden bzw. der Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat, die nicht nur aus der bloßen Inhaberschaft der Schuldverschreibungen besteht; oder (a) if it is presented for payment by or on behalf of a Bondholder which is liable to such taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges in respect of that Bond by reason of it having some connection with the Netherlands or the Federal Republic of Germany (as the case may be) other than the mere holding of that Bond; or (b) die von einem Anleihegläubiger oder in dessen Namen zur Zahlung vorgelegt werden, obwohl er solchen Einbehalt oder Abzug durch Vorlage eines Formulars oder einer Urkunde und/oder durch Abgabe einer Nichtansässigkeits-Erklärung oder Inanspruchnahme einer vergleichbaren Ausnahme oder Geltendmachung eines Erstattungsanspruches hätte vermeiden können; oder (b) if it is presented for payment by or on behalf of a Bondholder which would be able to avoid such withholding or deduction by presenting any form or certificate and/or making a declaration of non-residence or similar claim for exemption or refund but fails to do so; or (c) die später als 15 Tage nach dem Stichtag (wie nachstehend definiert) vorgelegt werden; oder (c) if it is presented for payment more than 15 days after the Relevant Date (as defined below); or (d) für den Fall von Einbehalten und Abzügen bei Zahlungen an Einzelpersonen, die gemäß der Richtlinie des Rates 2003/48/EG oder jeder anderen Richtlinie der Europäischen Union zur Besteuerung privater Zinserträge erfolgen, die die Beschlüsse der ECOFIN Versammlung vom 26. bis 27. November 2000 umsetzt oder aufgrund eines Gesetzes, das aufgrund dieser Richtlinie erlassen wurde, ihr entspricht oder eingeführt wurde, um einer solchen Richtlinie nachzukommen; oder (d) where such deduction or withholding is imposed on a payment to an individual and is required to be made pursuant to European Council Directive 2003/48/EC or any other European Union Directive implementing the conclusions of the ECOFIN Council meeting of 26-27 November 2000 on the taxation of savings income or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform to, such Directive; or (e) die von einem Anleihegläubiger oder in dessen Namen zur Zahlung vorgelegt werden, der diesen Einbehalt oder Abzug durch Vorlage der (e) if it is presented for payment by or on behalf of a Bondholder which would have been able to avoid such withholding or deduction by 167 Taxation Schuldverschreibung bei einer Zahlstelle in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union hätte vermeiden können. presenting the Bond to a Paying Agent in another Member State of the European Union. In diesen Bedingungen ist der “Stichtag” entweder der Tag, and dem die betreffende Zahlung erstmals fällig wird, oder, falls nicht der gesamte fällige Betrag an oder vor diesem Fälligkeitstag bei der Hauptzahlstelle eingegangen ist, der Tag, an dem, nach Erhalt des Gesamtbetrages, den Anleihegläubigern eine entsprechende Bekanntmachung in Übereinstimmung mit § 10 bekannt gemacht worden ist, wobei der später eintretende Tag maßgeblich ist. In these Conditions, “Relevant Date” means whichever is the later of the date on which the payment in question first becomes due and, if the full amount payable has not been received by the Principal Paying Agent on or prior to that due date, the date on which notice of receipt of the full amount has been given to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 10. § 7 Vorlegung, Verjährung 7. (a) Die Vorlegungsfrist gemäß § 801 Absatz 1 Satz 1 BGB für fällige Schuldverschreibungen wird auf zehn Jahre verkürzt. (a) The period for presentation of Bonds due, as established in § 801 paragraph 1 sentence 1 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), is reduced to ten years. (b) Die Verjährungsfrist für innerhalb der Vorlegungsfrist zur Zahlung vorgelegte Schuldverschreibungen beträgt zwei Jahre von dem Ende der betreffenden Vorlegungsfrist an. (b) The period for prescription for Bonds presented for payment during the presentation period shall be two years beginning at the end of the relevant presentation period. § 8 Emissionsstelle, Berechnungsstelle 8. Hauptzahlstelle und (a) Die Emissionsstelle, die Hauptzahlstelle und die Berechnungsstelle sind nachstehend mit den benannten anfänglichen Geschäftsstellen aufgeführt: Presentation, Prescription Fiscal Agent, Principal Paying Agent and Calculation Agent (a) The Fiscal Agent, Principal Paying Agent and the Calculation Agent and their respective initial specified offices are as follows: Emissionsstelle: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Trust & Securities Services Grosse Gallusstrasse 10-14 D-60272 Frankfurt am Main Fiscal Agent: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Trust & Securities Services Grosse Gallusstrasse 10-14 D-60272 Frankfurt am Main Germany Hauptzahlstelle: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Trust & Securities Services Grosse Gallusstrasse 10-14 D-60272 Frankfurt am Main Principal Paying Agent: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Trust & Securities Services Grosse Gallusstrasse 10-14 D-60272 Frankfurt am Main Germany Berechnungsstelle: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Trust & Securities Services Grosse Gallusstrasse 10-14 D-60272 Frankfurt am Main Calculation Agent: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Trust & Securities Services Grosse Gallusstrasse 10-14 D-60272 Frankfurt am Main Germany (b) Die Emittentin und die Garantin behalten sich das Recht vor, die Ernennung der Emissionsstelle, der Hauptzahlstelle, etwaiger Zahlstellen und der Berechnungsstelle jederzeit anders zu regeln oder zu beenden und eine andere Emissionsstelle, Hauptzahlstelle oder zusätzliche oder andere Zahlstellen oder Berechnungsstellen zu ernennen. 168 (b) The Issuer and the Guarantor reserve the right at any time to vary or terminate the appointment of the Fiscal Agent, the Principal Paying Agent, any Paying Agent and the Calculation Agent and to appoint another Fiscal Agent, Principal Paying Agent or additional or other Paying Agents or other Calculation Agents provided Sie werden sicherstellen, dass jederzeit (i) eine Emissionsstelle, eine Hauptzahlstelle und eine Berechnungsstelle und (ii) so lange die Schuldverschreibungen an einer Börse notiert werden, eine Zahlstelle (die die Hauptzahlstelle sein kann) mit einer benannten Geschäftsstelle an dem von der betreffenden Börse vorgeschriebenen Ort bestimmt ist und (iii) eine Zahlstelle in einem Mitgliedsstaat der Europäischen Union bestellt ist, sofern dies in irgendeinem Mitgliedsstaat der Europäischen Union möglich ist, die nicht gemäß der Richtlinie 2003/48/EG des Rates oder einer anderen die Ergebnisse des Ministerrattreffens der Finanzminister der Europäischen Union vom 26.–27. November 2000 umsetzenden Richtlinie der Europäischen Union bezüglich der Besteuerung von Kapitaleinkünften oder gemäß eines Gesetzes, das eine solche Umsetzung bezweckt, zur Einbehaltung oder zum Abzug von Quellensteuern oder sonstigen Abzügen verpflichtet ist. Die Emissionsstelle, die Hauptzahlstelle und die Berechnungsstelle behalten sich das Recht vor, jederzeit anstelle ihrer jeweils benannten Geschäftsstelle eine andere Geschäftsstelle in derselben Stadt zu bestimmen. Bekanntmachungen hinsichtlich aller Veränderungen im Hinblick auf die Emissionsstelle, die Hauptzahlstelle, etwaige Zahlstellen und die Berechnungsstelle erfolgen unverzüglich durch die Emittentin gemäß § 10. that they will at all times maintain (i) a Fiscal Agent, a Principal Paying Agent and a Calculation Agent und (ii) so long as the Bonds are listed on a stock exchange, a Paying Agent (which may be the Principal Paying Agent) with a specified office in such city as may be required by the rules of the relevant stock exchange and (iii) a Paying Agent in an EU member state, if any, that will not be obliged to withhold or deduct tax pursuant to European Council Directive 2003/48/EC or any other European Union Directive implementing the conclusions of the ECOFIN Council meeting of 26–27 November 2000 on the taxation of savings income or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced to conform to, such Directive. The Fiscal Agent, the Principal Paying Agent and the Calculation Agent reserve the right at any time to change their respective specified offices to some other specified office in the same city. Notice of all changes in the identities or specified offices of the Fiscal Agent, the Principal Paying Agent, any Paying Agent and the Calculation Agent will be given promptly by the Issuer to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 10. (c) Die Emissionsstelle, die Hauptzahlstelle, die Zahlstellen und die Berechnungsstelle handeln ausschließlich als Beauftragte der Emittentin bzw. der Garantin und übernehmen keinerlei Verpflichtungen gegenüber dem Anleihegläubiger; es wird kein Auftrags- oder Treuhandverhältnis zwischen ihnen und dem Anleihegläubiger begründet. Die Emissionsstelle, die Hauptzahlstelle, die Zahlstellen und die Berechnungsstelle sind von den Beschränkungen des § 181 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs (BGB) befreit. (c) The Fiscal Agent, the Principal Paying Agent, any Paying Agent and the Calculation Agent act solely as agents of the Issuer and the Guarantor, respectively, and do not assume any obligations towards or relationship of agency or trust for the Bondholder. The Fiscal Agent, the Principal Paying Agent, any Paying Agent and the Calculation Agent are exempt from the restrictions of § 181 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). § 9 Schuldnerersetzung 9. (a) Ersetzung (a) Substitution Die Garantin ist jederzeit berechtigt, ohne Zustimmung der Anleihegläubiger, sich selbst oder eine andere Gesellschaft (soweit es sich bei dieser Gesellschaft nicht um ein Versicherungsunternehmen handelt), die direkt oder indirekt von der Garantin kontrolliert wird, als neue Emittentin für alle sich aus oder im Zusammenhang mit den Schuldverschreibungen ergebenden Verpflichtungen mit schuldbefreiender Wirkung für die Emittentin an die Stelle der Emittentin zu setzen (die “Neue Emittentin”), sofern 169 Substitution The Guarantor may at any time, without the consent of the Bondholders, substitute for the Issuer itself or any other company (other than an insurance undertaking) which is directly or indirectly controlled by the Issuer, as new issuer (the “New Issuer”) in respect of all obligations arising under or in connection with the Bonds with the effect of releasing the Issuer of all such obligations, if: (i) die Neue Emittentin sämtliche Verpflichtungen der Emittentin aus oder im Zusammenhang mit den Schuldverschreibungen übernimmt und, sofern eine Zustellung an die Neue Emittentin außerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erfolgen müsste, einen Zustellungsbevollmächtigten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bestellt; (i) the New Issuer assumes any and all obligations of the Issuer arising under or in connection with the Bonds and, if service of process vis-à-vis the New Issuer would have to be effected outside the Federal Republic of Germany, appoints a process agent within the Federal Republic of Germany; (ii) die Emittentin und die Neue Emittentin sämtliche für die Schuldnerersetzung und die Erfüllung der Verpflichtungen aus oder im Zusammenhang mit den Schuldverschreibungen erforderlichen Genehmigungen erhalten hat; (ii) the Issuer and the New Issuer have obtained all authorisations and approvals necessary for the substitution and the fulfilment of the obligations arising under or in connection with the Bonds; (iii) die Neue Emittentin in der Lage ist, sämtliche zur Erfüllung der aufgrund der Schuldverschreibungen bestehenden Zahlungsverpflichtungen erforderlichen Beträge in Euro an das Clearing System zu zahlen, und zwar ohne Abzug oder Einbehalt von Steuern oder sonstigen Abgaben jedweder Art, die von dem Land (oder den Ländern), in dem (in denen) die Neue Emittentin ihren Sitz oder Steuersitz hat, auferlegt, erhoben oder eingezogen werden; und (iii) the New Issuer is in the position to pay to the Clearing System or to the Fiscal Agent in euro and without deducting or withholding any taxes or other duties of whatever nature imposed, levied or deducted by the country (or countries) in which the New Issuer has its domicile or tax residence all amounts required for the performance of the payment obligations arising from or in connection with the Bonds; and (iv) die Garantin (außer in dem Fall, dass sie selbst die Neue Emittentin ist) unbedingt und unwiderruflich die Verpflichtungen der Neuen Emittentin aus den Schuldverschreibungen zu Bedingungen garantiert, die sicherstellen, dass jeder Anleihegläubiger wirtschaftlich mindestens so gestellt wird, wie er ohne die Ersetzung stehen würde. (iv) the Guarantor (except in the case that the Guarantor itself is the New Issuer) irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees such obligations of the New Issuer under the Bonds on terms which ensure that each Bondholder will be put in an economic position that is at least as favourable as that which would have existed if the substitution had not taken place. Wenn die Garantin selbst Neue Emittentin geworden ist, ist eine weitere Schuldnerersetzung ausgeschlossen. (b) Bezugnahmen If the Guarantor has become the New Issuer, any further substitution of the issuer shall be excluded. (b) References Im Fall einer Schuldnerersetzung gemäß Absatz (a) gilt jede Bezugnahme in diesen Bedingungen auf die Emittentin als eine solche auf die Neue Emittentin und jede Bezugnahme auf die Niederlande als eine solche auf den Staat, in welchem die Neue Emittentin steuerlich ansässig ist. In the event of a substitution pursuant to paragraph (a), any reference in these Conditions to the Issuer shall be a reference to the New Issuer and any reference to the Netherlands shall be a reference to the New Issuer’s country of domicile for tax purposes. (c) Bekanntmachung und Wirksamwerden der Ersetzung Die Ersetzung der Emittentin ist gemäß § 10 bekanntzumachen. Mit der Bekanntmachung der Ersetzung wird die Ersetzung wirksam und die Emittentin und im Fall einer wiederholten Anwendung dieses § 9 jede frühere Neue 170 (c) Notice and Effectiveness of Substitution Notice of any substitution of the Issuer shall be given by publication in accordance with Condition 10. Upon such publication, the substitution shall become effective, and the Issuer and in the event of a repeated application Emittentin von ihren sämtlichen Verpflichtungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen frei. Im Fall einer solchen Schuldnerersetzung werden die Wertpapierbörsen informiert, an denen die Schuldverschreibungen notiert sind, und einen Nachtragsprospekt mit einer Beschreibung der Neuen Emittentin erstellt. of this Condition 9, any previous New Issuer shall be discharged from any and all obligations under the Bonds. In the case of such substitution, the stock exchange(s), if any, on which the Bonds are then listed will be notified and a supplemental prospectus describing the New Issuer will be prepared. § 10 Bekanntmachungen 10. Notices (a) Sämtliche Bekanntmachungen an die Anleihegläubiger gelten als ordnungsgemäß bekannt gemacht, wenn sie in einem Pflichtblatt der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (voraussichtlich die “Börsen-Zeitung”), veröffentlicht werden. Jede derartige Bekanntmachung gilt am dritten Tag nach dem Tage der ersten Veröffentlichung als wirksam erfolgt. (a) Notices to the Bondholders will be valid if published in a national newspaper designated for exchange notices by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (which is expected to be the “BörsenZeitung”). Any notice so given will be deemed to have been validly given on the third day after the date of the first such publication. (b) Sofern die Regularien der Börse, an der die Schuldverschreibungen notiert sind, dies zulassen, ist die Emittentin berechtigt, eine Zeitungsveröffentlichung gemäß § 10(a) durch eine Mitteilung über das Clearing System zur Weiterleitung an die Anleihegläubiger zu ersetzen. Jede derartige Bekanntmachung gilt am siebten Tag nach dem Tag der Bekanntmachung an das Clearing System als den Anleihegläubigern mitgeteilt. (b) Provided this complies with the rules of the stock exchange on which the Bonds are listed, the Issuer may replace any newspaper notice pursuant to Condition 10(a) by delivering the notice to the Clearing System for communication by the Clearing System to the Bondholders. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given to the Bondholders on the seventh day after the day on which the said notice was given to the Clearing System. § 11 Begebung weiterer Schuldverschreibungen 11. Further Issues Die Emittentin behält sich das Recht vor, ohne Zustimmung der Anleihegläubiger weitere Schuldverschreibungen mit gleicher Ausstattung (gegebenenfalls mit Ausnahme des Begebungstages, der ersten Zinszahlung und des Emissionspreises) wie die vorliegenden Schuldverschreibungen zu begeben, so dass sie mit diesen eine Einheit bilden. Der Begriff “Schuldverschreibungen” umfasst im Fall einer solchen weiteren Begebung auch solche zusätzlich begebenen Schuldverschreibungen. The Issuer reserves the right from time to time, without the consent of the Bondholders to issue additional bonds with identical terms and conditions as the Bonds in all respects (or in all respects except for the issue date, the first payment of interest, if any, and the issue price on them) so as to be consolidated and form a single series with such Bonds. The term “Bonds” shall, in the event of such further issue, also comprise such further bonds. § 12 Anwendbares Gerichtsstand und 12. Applicable Law, Place of Performance and Jurisdiction (a) Form und Inhalt der Schuldverschreibungen und der Garantie sowie alle sich daraus ergebenden Rechte und Pflichten bestimmen sich ausschließlich nach dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Erfüllungsort ist Frankfurt am Main. (a) The form and content of the Bonds and the Guarantee as well as all the rights and duties arising therefrom are governed exclusively by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Place of performance is Frankfurt am Main. (b) Nicht-ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand für alle sich aus den in diesen Bedingungen geregelten Rechtsverhältnissen ergebenden Rechtsstreitigkeiten mit der Emittentin ist Frankfurt am Main. (b) Non-exclusive court of venue for all litigation with the Issuer arising from the legal relations established in these Conditions is Frankfurt am Main. (c) Die Gerichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sind ausschließlich zuständig für die Kraftloserklärung abhanden gekommener oder vernichteter Schuldverschreibungen. (c) The courts in the Federal Republic of Germany shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the annulment of lost or destroyed Bonds. Recht, Erfüllungsort 171 (d) Die Anleihegläubiger sind auch berechtigt, ihre Ansprüche gegenüber der Emittentin vor Gerichten im Land der jeweiligen Emittentin geltend zu machen. Auch in diesen Fällen ist das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland anzuwenden. Für etwaige Rechtsstreitigkeiten, die zwischen den Anleihegläubigern und der Emittentin vor Gerichten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geführt werden, hat die Emittentin die Allianz Aktiengesellschaft, München, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, zur Zustellungsbevollmächtigten bestellt. (d) The Bondholders are also entitled to assert their claims against the Issuer before courts in the jurisdiction of incorporation of the Issuer. In such cases the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be applied. For litigation, if any, between the Bondholders and the Issuer which is brought before courts in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Issuer has appointed Allianz Aktiengesellschaft, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, as agent for service of process. (e) Jeder Anleihegläubiger kann in Rechtsstreitigkeiten gegen die Emittentin im eigenen Namen seine Rechte aus den ihm zustehenden Schuldverschreibungen geltend machen unter Vorlage der folgenden Dokumente: (a) einer Bescheinigung seiner Depotbank, die (i) den vollen Namen und die volle Anschrift des Anleihegläubigers bezeichnet, (ii) den Gesamtnennbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen angibt, die am Ausstellungstag dieser Bescheinigung dem bei dieser Depotbank bestehenden Depot dieses Anleihegläubigers gutgeschrieben sind, und (iii) bestätigt, dass die Depotbank dem Clearing System und der Zahlstelle eine schriftliche Mitteilung zugeleitet hat, die die Angaben gemäß (i) und (ii) enthält und Bestätigungsvermerke des Clearing Systems sowie des jeweiligen Clearing System-Kontoinhabers trägt, sowie (b) einer von einem Vertretungsberechtigten des Clearing Systems oder der Zahlstelle beglaubigten Ablichtung der Globalurkunde. (e) Any Bondholder may in any proceedings against the Issuer protect and enforce in its own name its rights arising under its Bonds by submitting the following documents: (a) a certificate issued by its depositary bank (i) stating the full name and address of the Holder, (ii) specifying an aggregate principal amount of Bonds credited on the date of such certificate to such Bondholder’s securities account maintained with such depositary bank and (iii) confirming that the depositary bank has given a written notice to the Clearing System as well as to the Paying Agent containing the information pursuant to (i) and (ii) and bearing acknowledgements of the Clearing System and the relevant Clearing System accountholder as well as (b) a copy of the Global Bond certified by a duly authorised officer of the Clearing System or the Paying Agent as being a true copy. § 13 Sprache 13. Language Diese Bedingungen sind in deutscher Sprache abgefasst. Eine Übersetzung in die englische Sprache ist beigefügt. Der deutsche Text ist maßgeblich und rechtsverbindlich. Die Übersetzung in die englische Sprache ist unverbindlich. These Conditions are written in the German language and provided with a English language translation. The German text shall be prevailing and binding. The English language translation is provided for convenience only. 172 SUBORDINATED GUARANTEE The German text of the Guarantee is legally binding. The English translation is for convenience only. Garantie (auf nachrangiger Basis) Guarantee (on a subordinated basis) der Allianz Aktiengesellschaft, München, Bundesrepublik Deutschland zugunsten der Gläubiger der durch die Allianz Finance II B.V., Amsterdam, Niederlande begebenen garantierten nachrangigen Schuldverschreibungen mit unbegrenzter Laufzeit im Gesamtnennbetrag von EUR [bis zu 1,0 Mrd.] (die “Schuldverschreibungen”) of Allianz Aktiengesellschaft, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany in favour of the holders of the Guaranteed Subordinated Perpetual Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of EUR [up to 1.0 billion] issued by Allianz Finance II B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands (the “Bonds”). 1 1 1.1 Die Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (die “Garantin”) übernimmt hiermit auf nachrangiger Basis gegenüber den jeweiligen Inhabern der Schuldverschreibungen (die “Anleihegläubiger”) die unbedingte und unwiderrufliche Garantie (die “Nachrangige Garantie”) für die ordnungsgemäße Zahlung von Kapital und Zinsen auf die Schuldverschreibungen in Euro sowie aller sonstigen auf die Schuldverschreibungen fällig werdenden Beträge nach Maßgabe der Anleihebedingungen (“Bedingungen”). Zahlungen im Zusammenhang mit dieser Nachrangigen Garantie erfolgen ausschließlich gemäß den Bedingungen. Bei Erfüllung von Verpflichtungen der Emittentin oder der Garantin zugunsten eines Anleihegläubigers erlischt das betreffende garantierte Recht dieses Anleihegläubigers aus den Schuldverschreibungen. 1.1 Allianz Aktiengesellschaft (the “Guarantor”) hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees on a subordinated basis (the “Subordinated Guarantee”) to the holders of the Bonds (the “Bondholders”) the due payment in Euro of the amounts corresponding to the principal of and interest on, as well as any other amounts due on, the Bonds in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bonds (the “Conditions”). Payments under this Subordinated Guarantee are subject to (without limitation) the Conditions. Upon discharge of any obligations of the Issuer or the Guarantor subsisting hereunder in favour of any Bondholder, the relevant guaranteed right of such Bondholder under the Bonds shall cease to exist. 1.2 Sinn und Zweck dieser Nachrangigen Garantie ist es, sicherzustellen, dass die Anleihegläubiger unter allen tatsächlichen und rechtlichen Umständen und unabhängig von Wirksamkeit und Durchsetzbarkeit der Verpflichtungen der Emittentin und unabhängig von sonstigen Gründen, aufgrund derer die Emittentin ihre Verpflichtungen nicht erfüllt, alle zahlbaren Beträge fristgerecht in Übereinstimmung mit den Bedingungen erhalten. 1.2 The intent and purpose of this Subordinated Guarantee is to ensure that the Bondholders under any and all circumstances, whether factual or legal, and irrespective of validity or enforceability of the obligations of the Issuer, or any other reasons on the basis of which the Issuer may fail to fulfil its obligations, receive on the respective due date any and all sums payable in accordance with the Conditions. 1.3 Die Garantin kann etwaige von den Anleihegläubigern innerhalb von zwölf Monaten nach Fälligkeit nicht geforderte Beträge an Kapital und Zinsen sowie etwaige sonstige auf die Schuldverschreibungen fällige Beträge bei dem Amtsgericht in Frankfurt am Main hinterlegen. Soweit die Garantin auf das Recht zur Rücknahme der hinterlegten Beträge verzichtet, erlöschen die betreffenden Ansprüche der Anleihegläubiger gegen die Emittentin und die Garantin. 1.3 The Guarantor may deposit with the Lower Court (Amtsgericht) in Frankfurt am Main any principal and interest as well as any other amounts due on the Bonds, if any, not claimed by the Bondholders within twelve months after having become due. If the Guarantor waives all rights to withdraw such deposits the respective claims of Bondholders against the Issuer and the Guarantor shall cease. 1.4 Die Verbindlichkeiten der Garantin aus dieser Garantie sind mit allen anderen, am Begebungstag ausstehenden nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten mit 1.4 The obligations of the Guarantor under this Guarantee rank at least pari passu with all other undated subordinated obligations of the 173 unbegrenzter Laufzeit der Garantin zumindest gleichrangig, soweit zwingende gesetzliche Bestimmungen solche anderen nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten nicht im Rang besser stellen. Im Fall der Auflösung, der Liquidation oder der Insolvenz der Garantin oder eines anderen der Abwendung der Insolvenz dienenden Verfahrens gegen die Garantin, werden die Ansprüche der Anleihegläubiger aus dieser Garantie erst befriedigt, nachdem die Ansprüche sämtlicher nicht nachrangiger Gläubiger sowie Gläubiger nachrangiger Ansprüche mit begrenzter Laufzeit vollumfänglich befriedigt worden sind. Guarantor outstanding on the Issue Date save for any subordinated obligations required to be preferred by laws. In the event of the dissolution, liquidation, insolvency or of other proceedings for the avoidance of insolvency of the Guarantor, claims of the Bondholders under this Guarantee will be satisfied after (but only after) the claims of all unsubordinated and dated subordinated creditors of the Guarantor have first been paid in full. Die Anleihegläubiger erkennen ausdrücklich an, dass unter den oben genannten Umständen Zahlungen der Garantin unter der Garantie auf die Schuldverschreibungen nur unter Wahrung obenstehender Nachrangigkeit erfolgen werden. Bondholders explicitly accept that, in the circumstances described above, payments in respect of the Bonds will be made by the Guarantor pursuant to the Guarantee only in accordance with the subordination described above. Die Anleihegläubiger sind nicht berechtigt, Forderungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen oder aus dieser Garantie gegen etwaige Forderungen der Garantin aufzurechnen. Die Garantin kann ihr Recht zur Aufrechnung gegen Forderungen der Anleihegläubiger aus der Garantie nur nach Maßgabe von § 4(f) der Bedingungen und sofern die Solvabilitätsbedingung (wie in § 3.2(c)(i) der Bedingungen definiert) erfüllt ist ausüben. No Bondholder may set off any claims arising under the Bonds or under this Guarantee against any claims that the Guarantor may have against it. The Guarantor may set off against any claims of any Bondholder under the Guarantee only in accordance with Condition 4(f) of the Conditions and subject to the Solvency Condition (as defined in Condition 3.2c(i) of the Conditions) being met. 1.5 Mit Ausnahme der Rechte unter dieser Garantie ist für die Rechte der Anleihegläubiger keine Sicherheit irgendwelcher Art durch die Garantin oder durch Dritte gestellt worden; eine solche Sicherheit wird auch zu keinem Zeitpunkt gestellt werden. 1.5 Except for the rights created pursuant to this Guarantee, no security of whatever kind is, or shall at any time be, provided by the Guarantor or any other person securing rights of the Bondholders. 1.6 Nachträglich können weder der in dieser Garantie bestimmte Nachrang beschränkt, noch die Laufzeit der Garantie oder die jeweiligen Kündigungsfristen der Schuldverschreibungen verkürzt werden. 1.6 No subsequent agreement may limit the subordination pursuant to the provisions set out in this Guarantee or shorten the term of this Guarantee or any applicable notice period (Kündigungsfrist) of the Bonds. 1.7 Im Falle einer Ersetzung der Emittentin durch eine Tochtergesellschaft der Garantin gemäß § 9 der Bedingungen erstreckt sich diese Nachrangige Garantie auf sämtliche von der Neuen Emittentin gemäß den Bedingungen zahlbaren Beträge. 1.7 In the event of a substitution of the Issuer by a subsidiary of the Guarantor pursuant to Condition 9 of the Conditions, this Subordinated Guarantee shall extend to any and all amounts payable by the New Issuer pursuant to the Conditions. 2 2 Die Nachrangige Garantie stellt einen Vertrag zugunsten der jeweiligen Anleihegläubiger als begünstigte Dritte gemäß § 328 Absatz 1 BGB dar, die jedem Anleihegläubiger das Recht gibt, Erfüllung der hierin übernommenen Verpflichtungen unmittelbar von der Garantin zu verlangen und diese Verpflichtungen unmittelbar gegen die Garantin durchzusetzen. 174 This Subordinated Guarantee constitutes a contract in favour of the respective Bondholders as third party beneficiaries pursuant to § 328 (1) of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) giving rise to the right of each such Bondholder to require performance of the obligations assumed hereby directly from the Guarantor and to enforce such obligations directly against the Guarantor. 3 Ansprüche des Anleihegläubigers nach dieser Nachrangigen Garantie verjähren mit Ablauf von zwei Jahren nach dem jeweiligen Zahlungstag für Zinsen bzw. Rückzahlungstag gemäß den Bedingungen. 3 The period of limitation for any claim by a Bondholder under this Subordinated Guarantee shall be two years calculated from the relevant Interest Payment Date and the relevant redemption date pursuant to the Conditions. 4 4 4.1 Diese Nachrangige Garantie unterliegt ausschließlich dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 4.1 This Subordinated Guarantee shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. 4.2 Ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand für alle sich aus in dieser Nachrangigen Garantie geregelten Rechtsverhältnissen ergebenden Rechtsstreitigkeiten mit der Garantin ist Frankfurt am Main. 4.2 Exclusive court of venue for all litigation with the Guarantor arising from the legal relations established under this Subordinated Guarantee is Frankfurt am Main. 4.3 Die Begriffe, die in dieser Nachrangigen Garantie verwendet werden und in den Bedingungen definiert sind, haben die gleiche Bedeutung in dieser Nachrangigen Garantie wie in den Bedingungen, soweit sie in dieser Nachrangigen Garantie nicht anderweitig definiert sind. 4.3 Terms used in this Subordinated Guarantee and defined in the Conditions shall have the same meaning in this Subordinated Guarantee as in the Conditions unless they are otherwise defined in this Subordinated Guarantee. 5 Die Garantin und die Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft vereinbaren, dass die Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft nicht als Treuhänderin oder in ähnlicher Eigenschaft für die Anleihegläubiger handelt. Die Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft verpflichtet sich, das Original dieser Nachrangigen Garantie bis zur Erfüllung aller Verpflichtungen aus den Schuldverschreibungen und dieser Nachrangigen Garantie in Verwahrung zu halten. 5 The Guarantor and Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft agree that Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft is not acting as trustee or in a similar capacity for the Bondholders. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft undertakes to hold the original copy of this Subordinated Guarantee in custody until all obligations under the Bonds and the Subordinated Guarantee have been fulfilled. 6 Jeder Anleihegläubiger kann in jedem Rechtsstreit gegen die Garantin und in jedem Rechtsstreit, in dem er und die Garantin Partei sind, seine Rechte aus dieser Nachrangigen Garantie auf der Grundlage einer von einer vertretungsberechtigten Person der Emissionsstelle als Kopie dieser Nachrangigen Garantie bescheinigte Kopie der Garantie ohne Vorlage des Originals im eigenen Namen wahrnehmen und durchsetzen. 6 On the basis of a copy of this Subordinated Guarantee certified as being a true copy by a duly authorised officer of the Fiscal Agent, each Bondholder may protect and enforce in his own name his rights arising under this Subordinated Guarantee in any legal proceedings against the Guarantor or to which such Bondholder and the Guarantor are parties, without the need for production of this Subordinated Guarantee in such proceedings. 7 Diese Nachrangige Garantie ist in deutscher Sprache mit englischer Übersetzung abgefasst. Die deutsche Fassung ist die rechtlich verbindliche Fassung. Die englische Übersetzung ist zur Erleichterung des Verständnisses beigefügt. 7 This Subordinated Guarantee is drawn up in the German language and provided with an English language translation. The German version shall be the only legally binding version. The English translation is for convenience only. München, den [3. März] 2006 Munich, [March 3,] 2006 Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Wir nehmen die obenstehenden Erklärungen zugunsten der Anleihegläubiger ohne Obligo, Haftung oder Rückgriffsrechte auf uns an. We hereby accept all of the above declarations in favour of the Bondholders without recourse, warranty or liability on us. Frankfurt am Main, [3. März] 2006 Frankfurt am Main, [March 3,] 2006 Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 175 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER Corporate Information Incorporation, Corporate Seat, Duration and Objects Allianz Finance II B.V. was founded as a private limited liability company in the Netherlands on May 8, 2000 for an unlimited duration. The corporate seat of the Issuer is at Amsterdam and its office address is Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, The Netherlands, telephone number (+31)(20) 5569710. Allianz Finance II B.V. is entered in the Commercial Register of Amsterdam under no. 34134406. The legal name of the Issuer is “Allianz Finance II B.V.” and it is operating under the laws of The Netherlands. The corporate objects of Allianz Finance II B.V., as contained in Article 2 of its Articles of Association, are to carry out financial business of all types, in particular the lending and borrowing of funds, including the issue of bonds, and participation in companies and enterprises. Share Capital The authorised share capital of Allianz Finance II B.V. consists of 100 ordinary shares with a nominal value of EUR 1,000 each. As of December 31, 2005, the issued and fully paid in share capital of Allianz Finance II B.V. amounted to EUR 20,000 consisting of 20 registered shares with a nominal value of EUR 1,000 each. Each share carries one vote. Ownership As of December 31, 2005, Allianz AG directly held 100% of the issued ordinary shares of Allianz Finance II B.V. Organisational Structure Allianz Finance II B.V. is wholly-owned by Allianz AG and acts as a financing entity within the Allianz Group. As such, it is not dependent on any other entity within the Group. Allianz Finance II B.V. does not have any subsidiaries. Management and Supervisory Bodies The Issuer has both a supervisory board and a board of managing directors (the “Board of Managing Directors”). The members of the Board of Managing Directors of Allianz Finance II B.V. are: Name Function in the Issuer Principal activity outside the Issuer ......................... Director Hero Wentzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Sylvia Hoechendorfer-Ziegler . . . . Director Director Director, Allianz Nederland Groep N.V. Director, Allianz Europe Ltd. Employee, Allianz AG, Munich Dirk Schoon The members of the supervisory board of Allianz Finance II B.V. are: Name Function in the Issuer Principal activity outside the Issuer Chairman of the Board of Management of Allianz AG, Munich Member of the Board of Management of Allianz AG, Munich Allianz AG, Munich Michael Diekmann .................. Chairman Dr. Paul Achleitner .................. Member ................... Member Stephan Theissing 176 The business address of the members of the Board of Managing Directors and the Supervisory Board is Keizersgracht 484, NL-1017 EH Amsterdam, the Netherlands. There are no conflicts of interests between the private interests of the members of the Board of Managing Directors and the Supervisory Board and their respective duties vis-à-vis the Issuer. As an unlisted limited liability company under the laws of the Netherlands, Allianz Finance II B.V. is not subject to the Dutch corporate governance regime (the Tabaksblat Code). Business Overview Principal Activities and Principal Markets The principal activities of Allianz Finance II B.V. are to carry out financial business of all types in the international capital markets, in particular lending and borrowing of funds, including the issue of bonds. Material Contracts The Issuer has not entered into any material contracts other than in the ordinary course of its business, which could result in the Issuer being under an obligation or entitlement that is material to the Issuer’s ability to meet its obligations to Bondholders under the Bonds. Litigation There are no governmental, legal or arbitrational proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened of which the Issuer is aware) against or affecting the Issuer or any of its assets during the preceding 12 months, which may have or have had in the recent past significant effects on the Issuer’s and/or the Allianz Group’s financial position or profitability or which might be material in the context of the issue of the Bonds. Financial Year The financial year of Allianz Finance II B.V. is the calendar year. Financial statements have been prepared and audited since the date of incorporation of Allianz Finance II B.V. Auditors Since May 8, 2000, KPMG Accountants N.V., Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 10, NL-1185 MC Amstelveen, the Netherlands (“KPMG Accountants N.V.”) are appointed as auditors of Allianz Finance II B.V. KPMG Accountants N.V. are members of the Royal Dutch Institute of Chartered Accountants (Koninklijke Nederlands Instituut van Registeraccountants) in the Netherlands. Recent Developments There has been no material adverse change in the financial position or the prospects of Allianz Finance II B.V. since December 31, 2004. On February 17, 2005, issuance took place of a 4.375% Guaranteed Undated Subordinated Fixed to Floating Rate Callable Bonds in the nominal amount of EUR 1,400,000,000 with warrants attached. The bonds and the warrants were marketed separately and were immediately separated on the issue date. On February 18, 2005, issuance of EUR 1,261,534,500 Basket Index Tracking Equity-linked Securities (BITES) took place. The redemption value is governed by the performance of the Deutsche Börse’s DAX® index. The notes are – subject to certain conditions and exceptions – mandatory exchangeable into shares of BMW AG, Münchner Rückversicherungsgesellschaft AG and Siemens AG (each a mandatory share), whereby the determination of the mandatory share upon settlement is at the discretion of Allianz Finance II B.V. 177 CAPITALISATION OF ALLIANZ FINANCE II B.V. The following table shows the capitalisation of Allianz Finance II B.V. as of December 31, 2005 based on figures not audited, which have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (or “IFRS”)4: December 31, 2005 (amounts in €) (unaudited) Shareholders’ Equity Issued capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Share premium .......................................................... 30,000 Retained earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,618,123 Total Shareholders’ Equity as of 31 December 2005 ..................... 2,668,123 Liabilities Long-term Liabilities Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,096,467,734 Deferred taxation ........................................................ 8,003,460 9,104,471,194 Short-term Liabilities Current liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221,886,352 Derivatives 649,321,493 .............................................................. Total Liabilities as of 31 December 2005 ................................ Total Shareholders’ Equity and Liabilities as of 31 December 2005 ...... 9,975,679,039 9,978,347,162 Selected Financial Information The following financial information has been extracted from the balance sheet and the profit and loss account of the Issuer. They have been prepared in accordance with Dutch GAAP and should be read in connection with the audited annual financial statements (including the notes thereto) of the Issuer and the report by the Issuer’s auditors incorporated into this Prospectus by reference. 4 As from January 1, 2005 Allianz Finance II B.V. applies IFRS. The main adjustments of applying IFRS instead of Dutch GAAP relates to IAS 32/39 being the recognition, measurement, disclosure and presentation of loans, bonds and derivatives. 178 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE ISSUER The statements as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 have been audited by KPMG Accountants N.V. KPMG Accountants N.V. have issued unqualified audit opinions with respect thereto. For comparison purposes, the interim financial statements as at September 30, 2005 and 2004 are in accordance with Dutch GAAP and have not been audited or reviewed. 9 months ended September 30 2005 2004 (unaudited) € € Fixed Assets Financial fixed assets: Loans to group companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Assets Account receivable: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepayments and accrued income . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash at banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shareholders’ Equity Issued capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Share premium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long-term Liabilities Bearer bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exchangeable bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loans from group companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Liabilities Bearer bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accruals and deferred income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Year ended December 31 2004 2003 € € 9,329,056,504 6,654,019,238 6,602,060,884 6,641,659,010 247,675,843 115,699,113 1,115,570 198,699,019 115,472,525 1,920,859 153,800,240 104,822,001 112,236 756,939,632 147,199,655 685,472 364,490,526 9,693,547,030 316,092,403 6,970,111,641 258,734,477 6,860,795,361 904,824,759 7,546,483,769 20,000 30,000 2,350,749 20,000 30,000 2,047,756 20,000 30,000 882,595 20,000 30,000 937,413 2,400,749 2,097,756 932,595 987,413 6,815,213,423 2,364,366,250 149,476,831 5,405,284,915 1,102,831,750 145,902,570 5,367,080,244 1,102,831,750 132,148,887 5,396,196,515 1,102,831,750 142,630,745 9,329,056,504 6,654,019,235 6,602,060,881 6,641,659,010 — 362,089,777 — 313,994,650 — 257,801,885 594,684,784 309,152,562 362,089,777 313,994,650 257,801,885 903,837,346 9,693,547,030 6,970,111,641 6,860,795,361 7,546,483,769 179 Profit and Loss Account 9 moths ended September 30, 2005 2004 (unaudited) € € Financial Income Income from financial fixed assets: Interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discount on loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Realised valuation result on loan to Allianz AG . . . . . . Revaluation loan to Allianz AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Expenses Interest charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amortisation issue costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amortisation on option premium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Premium and discount on exchangeable bonds . . . . . . . Bank commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loss on exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Revaluation exchangeable DAX MILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . Realised valuation result on exchangeable DAX MILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Year ended December 31, 2004 2003 € € 316,859,447 37,957,178 — — 270,290,875 31,727,915 40,238,373 — 359,112,130 42,377,644 40,238,373 — 371,302,973 42,267,009 354,816,625 342,257,163 441,728,147 453,222,450 298,304,123 256,038,988 10,455,158 4,906,009 21,122,213 21,199,584 6,379,805 5,622,327 16,249,381 12,394,382 (36,726) 8,300 — — 340,206,075 6,549,841 28,317,692 7,510,112 16,384,471 57,125 — 350,270,515 6,537,091 28,240,321 7,489,599 17,977,559 71,185 39,652,468 — 40,238,373 40,238,373 39,652,468 — ................................ 352,473,954 203,169 340,407,963 155,928 439,263,689 268,222 450,238,738 237,342 Result before Taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corporation tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,139,502 671,349 1,693,272 582,931 2,196,236 751,054 2,746,370 946,248 Result for the Year 1,468,153 1,110,341 1,445,182 1,800,122 Operating Expenses ................................. 180 INFORMATION ON THE GUARANTOR Name, Registered Seat, Business Objective and Purposes of the Company Allianz AG is a stock corporation subject to German law and registered under its legal name “Allianz Aktiengesellschaft” in the commercial register at the local court (Amtsgericht) in Munich under the entry number HRB 7158 and conducts its business in Germany, amongst others, under the commercial name “Allianz”. The registered seat and business address of Allianz AG are at Königinstrasse 28, 80802 Munich, Germany, telephone number (+49)(89) 3800-00. Pursuant to Article 1 paragraph 2 of its articles of association, the business objective of Allianz AG is to direct an international group of companies that are active in the areas of insurance, banking, asset management and other financial, consulting and similar services, and to hold ownership interests in insurance companies, banks, industrial companies, investment companies and other enterprises. According to its articles of association, Allianz AG primarily assumes as a reinsurer insurance business from its group companies and other companies in which Allianz holds direct or indirect interests. Allianz AG is authorised to transact any business and to take any measures which seem appropriate to serve Allianz’s corporate purpose. It may form and acquire companies and acquire interests in companies as well as manage companies, or it may confine itself to managing its interests. Finally, Allianz AG is authorised within the scope of its corporate purpose to raise loans and to issue bonds. Fiscal Year The fiscal year of Allianz AG is the calendar year. Term and Dissolution Allianz AG has been established for an indefinite period of time. Allianz AG may be dissolved upon a resolution of the general meeting requiring a majority of at least three quarters of the share capital represented during the resolution. The assets of Allianz AG remaining after servicing all liabilities are distributed among the shareholders pro rata to their shareholding in Allianz AG pursuant to the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act. Presentation of financial and other information Unless otherwise indicated, the term “consolidated financial statements” refers to the consolidated financial statements (including the related notes) of Allianz AG as of December 31, 2004 (“Consolidated Financial Statements 2004”) and as of December 31, 2003 (“Consolidated Financial Statements 2003”) and as of the ninemonth periods ended September 30, 2005. The consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 have been audited by KPMG. The consolidated financial statements for the nine-months periods ended September 30, 2005 and September 30, 2004 have not been audited. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS. The statutory financial statements of Allianz AG as of December 31, 2004 have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles set forth in the HGB, commonly referred to as German GAAP. The amounts set forth in some of the tables in this Prospectus may not add up to the total amounts given in those tables due to rounding. In the financial year 2005, some of the provisions of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been changed, new provisions were added. The data presented in the following paragraphs takes into account these changes and may therefore deviate from data already published by Allianz Group in the past (for further explanation see section “New and amended Accounting and Valuation Principles in the Financial Year 2005”). Statutory auditors Allianz AG has appointed KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (“KPMG”), Ganghoferstraße 29, 80339 Munich, Germany, as auditor for the 181 fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. The statutory financial statements of Allianz AG for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003 and 2004 were prepared in accordance with the provisions of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch or “HGB”) and audited by KPMG pursuant to § 317 HGB in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in Germany as determined by the Institute of Accountants in Germany (Institut der Wirtschafsprüfer in Deutschland or “IDW”). KPMG has issued an unqualified audit opinion in each case. The consolidated financial statements of Allianz AG for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003 and 2004 were prepared in accordance with § 292a HGB in conformity with IFRS. The consolidated financial statements for the fiscal years 2003 and 2004 were audited by KPMG pursuant to the German auditing provisions and in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in Germany as determined by IDW. KPMG has issued an unqualified audit report in each case. KPMG is a member of the German Chamber of Auditors (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer). History and Development of Allianz AG Allianz AG was founded as a property insurer on February 5, 1890 in Berlin under the name Allianz Versicherungs-Aktien-Gesellschaft. The Allianz share was listed for the first time on the Berlin stock exchange in 1895. The property insurance business was expanded by the foundation of Neue Frankfurter Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG in 1929. In the course of the merger of Neue Frankfurter Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG with other insurance companies, the Frankfurter Versicherungs-AG was founded with its registered office in Frankfurt. In 1940, the company name of Allianz Versicherungs-Aktien-Gesellschaft was changed into Allianz Versicherungs-AG. In 1949, a second registered office of Allianz Versicherungs-AG was established in Munich, and the registered office in Berlin was given up in 1998. In 1922, the life-insurance business was established by the formation of Allianz Lebensversicherungsbank AG with its registered office in Berlin. In 1927, the merger of Allianz Lebensversicherungsbank AG with various other life insurance companies led to the formation of Allianz und Stuttgarter Lebensversicherungsbank AG. In 1940, the company name was changed into Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG. In 1949, the registered office of Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG was transferred from Berlin to Stuttgart. Business activities outside Germany were resumed with the opening of an Allianz branch in Paris in 1959 and the opening of a head office in Milan, Italy, followed in 1966. During the early 1970s, there was an increasing expansion abroad, including into, inter alia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain and Brazil. Since 1976, property/casualty business was also underwritten in the United States. In 1984, Allianz AG acquired an interest in Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni (“RAS”) of approximately 14.3%, which it increased to an interest of approx. 51.5% until 1987. After execution of a share buy-back program conducted by RAS in December 2002, this participation increased to approximately 55.4% of the share capital. After completion of the voluntary tender offer in October/November 2005, the interest now amounts to approximately 76.3% of the share capital. In 1985, Allianz AG transferred its operational insurance business to today’s Allianz Versicherungs-AG. Since 1985, Allianz AG operates as a holding company with reinsurance activities. With this holding company structure, the basis for the further internationalisation of the business of Allianz Group was created. Since 1989, Allianz Group has activities in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1991, Allianz AG acquired the U.S. insurer Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company. Four years later, Allianz AG acquired Swiss ELVIA-Group in Zurich, Italian Lloyd Adriatico in Trieste and German Vereinte Group in Munich. Since 1997, Vereinte Krankenversicherung is the health insurance company of Allianz Group. Today, it operates under the company name Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG. In 1998, Allianz AG acquired a majority interest in French insurer Assurances Générales de France S.A. (“AGF”) with its registered office in Paris. Allianz Asset Management in Munich was also established in 1998. Commencing in 1999, Allianz Group has intensified its activities in Asia including establishing a joint venture in China. 182 Since 2000, Allianz Group is active in the private equity business through Allianz Capital Partners and Allianz Private Equity Partners. Also in 2000, Allianz AG acquired the U.S. asset management company PIMCO Advisors. Since November 2000, Allianz AG’s shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The respective stock trade is conducted via so-called American Depositary Receipts (ADR). In 2001, Allianz AG acquired Dresdner Bank AG with its registered office in Frankfurt/Main. In the same year, Allianz AG further acquired U.S. asset management company Nicholas-Applegate. In 2002, Allianz AG consolidated the credit insurance activities of the Group under the roof of EULER & HERMES S.A., Paris. On September 11, 2005, Allianz AG and RAS have announced that RAS is to be merged into Allianz AG in a cross-border merger. This merger is one element of a comprehensive transaction for the full take-over of RAS by Allianz AG. Upon effectiveness of the merger, Allianz AG will adopt the legal form of a European Company (Societas Europaea – SE) and will operate under the corporate name Allianz SE (see “Recent Developments”). Investments Allianz AG’s own investments consist of the investment portfolios of its insurance, banking and asset management operations. The following are the principal investments made since December 31, 2004: In the first half of 2005, the Group increased its interest in PIMCO Advisors L.P., Delaware, by 3.1% to 96.7%. On October 19, 2005, Allianz AG launched a voluntary cash tender offer to the shareholders of RAS. In the course of this voluntary cash tender offer, Allianz AG has acquired 139,719,262 ordinary shares and 328,867 savings shares of RAS with the effect that, including the RAS shares it already held, Allianz AG now holds approximately 76.3% of RAS’s total share capital. On January 27, 2006, Allianz Group signed, together with The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and American Express Company, agreements with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (ICBC) providing for investments totaling USD 3.78 billion in ICBC to be made through the subscription of newly issued ordinary shares in ICBC. Allianz Group’s share in this investment is USD 1 billion. It is further provided that Allianz Group will cooperate with ICBC to provide leading bancassurance products and services to the banks’s clients. ICBC is the largest wholesale and retail bank in China by assets and deposits. The agreements are subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. It is anticipated that the investment in ICBC will be financed with internal funds. 183 Capitalisation and financial indebtedness as of September 30, 2005 € mn (unaudited) Total debt:(1) Participation certificates and subordinated liabilities Allianz AG(2) Subordinated bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participation certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banking subsidiaries Subordinated liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hybrid equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participation certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All other subsidiaries Subordinated liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hybrid equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certificated liabilities Allianz AG(3) Senior bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exchangeable bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Money market securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banking subsidiaries Certificated liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Money market securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All other subsidiaries Certificated liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Money market securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal 931 45 976 14,547 4,776 2,316 1,202 8,294 25,705 23,831 49,536 415 400 815 ................................................................... 58,645 ............................................................................. 73,192 Shareholders’ equity: Issued capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capital reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Revenue reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasury shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foreign currency translation adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unrealised gains and losses (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shareholders’ equity before minority interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minority interests in shareholders’ equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Total 4,179 1,599 1,520 7,298 ................................................................ Total Total 6,188 85 6,273 1,037 20,460 10,063 (63) (1,204) 9,525 39,818 8,770 ........................................................................ 48,588 ............................................................................. 121,780 (1) Total debt excludes current liabilities from banking operations. (2) Includes subordinated bonds issued by Allianz Finance II B.V. and guaranteed by Allianz AG. (3) Includes senior bonds, exchangeable bonds and money market securities issued by Allianz Finance B.V., Allianz Finance II B.V. and Allianz Finance Corporation and guaranteed by Allianz AG. 184 Business Overview of Allianz Group Allianz Group is one of the leading providers of financial services worldwide with 178,462 employees as of September 30, 2005. The total consolidated revenues for the financial year 2004 were €96.875 billion. In the first nine months of the financial year 2005, they amounted to €75.733 billion. Allianz Group is active in the areas of property/casualty and life/health insurance in more than 70 countries as well as in the banking and asset management business. The business activities of Allianz Group are divided by products and kinds of services into three groups: insurance, banking and asset management. In view of the different kinds of products, risks and capital allocation, the insurance activities are further divided into property/casualty and life/health business. Thus, the operational segments of Allianz Group are structured as property/casualty, life/health, banking and asset management. In addition to the revenues and expenditures of the ordinary property and casualty insurance business, the data for the property/casualty segment also includes such revenues and expenditures which are related to the financing, the investments and the management of Allianz Group as a whole. In the future, these revenues and expenditures will be presented separately as holding activities, i.e. they will no longer be included in the property/casualty segment. Because of the different legal, regulatory and other operational requirements for the operational units worldwide, the business segments are further organised into a geographical or regional matrix which is composed of several profit and service centre segments. In the insurance business, among the largest non-German markets are Italy, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Benelux, Spain and the United States. In addition, Allianz Group provides on a global basis certain specialty lines, including credit insurance, marine and aviation insurance, international industrial risks reinsurance as well as travel and assistance (i.e. certain services in connection with insurance cases). The following chart provides an overview of the business structure of Allianz Group. In Germany, until the end of 2005 the property/casualty as well as the life/health lines are essentially being operated through five different stock corporations, each with its own sales organisations. This structure has grown historically and is complex. Consequently, the German insurance activities are now being consolidated under the same roof of a new holding company, Allianz Deutschland AG. This new 185 holding company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz AG. Allianz Versicherungs-AG, Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG and Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG are subsidiaries of Allianz Deutschland AG since November 2005. In the course of this reorganisation of the German insurance business, Frankfurter Versicherungs-AG and Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG will be merged into Allianz Versicherungs-AG. Prior to this reorganisation, Allianz AG had increased its interest in Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG in November 2005 from 90% to 100%. In addition, the sales activities of the German property, life and health insurance companies are to be consolidated in a separate sales company as the fourth subsidiary of Allianz Deutschland AG. Effective January 1, 2006, the previous regional structure of the non-life group in Germany as well as of the branch offices of Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG and Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG will be replaced by the establishment of four sales and service regions, which include the “north-west” (SchleswigHolstein, Hamburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia), the “north-east” (Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania, Brandenburg, Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Thuringia), the “south-west” (Hesse, RhinelandPalatine, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saarland) and the “south-east” (Bavaria). The banking segment consists primarily of the business of Dresdner Bank Group. In addition, interests are being held in foreign credit institutions. As per September 30, 2005, Dresdner Bank Group had a total of approximately 960 branch offices. It has business activities in approximately 50 countries worldwide of which Germany is its most important market. In November 2005, Dresdner Bank announced a reorganisation of its business model in which the business divisions, Corporate Banking and Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, will be combined in the future in the new business unit Corporate & Investment Banking, and the sales and products for private clients and business customers will in the future be combined in the business division Private & Business Clients. These fundamental reorganisations of the insurance business and the banking business in Germany are independent from the merger of Allianz AG and RAS and Allianz AG’s transformation from a stock corporation under German law into a European Company (SE). The asset management business of Allianz operates on a worldwide basis: in Europe, the principal operational centres are located in Frankfurt/Main, Munich, London, Milan and Paris; in Asia, business is managed from Hong Kong and Singapore and in the United States business is managed from San Francisco, San Diego and Newport Beach in California and from Westport in Connecticut. The following table shows the total revenues for each business segment, for the financial year 2004 and for the first nine months of the year 2005. (€ mn) Total revenues* Jan. 1 – Sept. 30, 2005 Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2004 Property/ casualty insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life/health insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asset management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consolidation adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,439 34,942 4,611 1,933 (192) 43,780 45,177 6,446 2,308 (836) Allianz Group 75,733 96,875 ........................................... * The total revenues comprise gross premiums from the property/casualty segment and the life/health segment (including unit-linked life insurance policies and other investment-oriented products), as well as the operating revenues from the banking and asset management business segments. Operations Property/Casualty Insurance Measured by gross premiums written in 2004, Allianz Group is the largest German provider of property and casualty insurance products. The insurance products offered in Germany include mainly the automobile liability and other automobile insurance, fire and property insurance, personal accident insurance as well as liability and legal expenses insurance. In other countries, Allianz Group is also among the important property/casualty insurance providers, for example in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. In France, in the United Kingdom and in 186 Italy, Allianz Group primarily offers to both its individual and corporate customers automobile, property, injury and liability insurance products. In addition, in the United Kingdom Allianz Group also sells a number of specialty products for this market, including, for instance, pet and warranty insurance. In Switzerland, the traditional property/casualty product portfolio is also being supplemented by a number of specialty lines, including travel and assistance, conventional reinsurance as well as a variety of alternative risk transfer products for corporate customers worldwide. In Spain, Allianz Group offers a wide variety of personal and commercial insurance products. Here, too, automobile insurance is one of the most important revenue contributors. In Italy, Allianz Group conducts its property/casualty insurance operations via RAS Group and Lloyd Adriatico. Italy, after Germany and like France, is one of the most important European non-life insurance markets of Allianz Group. With the combined gross premiums written generated from property/casualty insurance in the year 2004 by the Italian subsidiaries, Allianz Group is the third largest property/casualty provider in Italy. Property/Casualty Insurance – Geographic Breakdown The following table sets forth the gross premiums written and the combined ratio (i.e. the ratio of the aggregate of the net expenses for losses and the net expenses for acquisition and net administration costs to the net earned premiums) from the property/casualty insurance business by geographic region for the first nine months of the financial years 2005 and 2004. In addition, the table sets forth for the same periods in time the earnings after taxes before minority interests in earnings and excluding amortisation of goodwill (referred to in the table below as “earnings after taxes before minority interests”). Consistent with the general practice at Allianz Group, gross premiums written, combined ratio and earnings after taxes before minority interests by geographic region are presented before consolidation adjustments, i.e. before elimination of intra-group transactions between group companies and in different geographic regions and different segments. January 1 – September 30, 2005 January 1 – September 30, 2004 Earnings Earnings after taxes after taxes and before and before Gross minority Gross minority premiums Combined interests in premiums Combined interests in 1) written Ratio earnings written Ratio earnings1) (€ mn.) % (€ mn.) (€ mn.) % (€ mn.) Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Versicherungs-AG, Frankfurter Versicherungs-AG, Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG, Vereinte Spezial Versicherung AG and Allianz AG) 10,297 89.4 1,559 10,582 88.2 1,979 France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular AGF Group) 4,063 99.0 766 4,197 99.4 710 Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular RAS Group and Lloyd Adriatico) 3,679 91.9 902 3,605 91.3 540 Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Suisse Versicherungsgesellschaft) 1,646 98.3 99 1,578 94.8 124 Great Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc) 1,859 92.3 195 2,033 94.4 161 Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Compania de Seguros and Fénix Directo) 1,459 90.9 127 1,372 91.4 141 Rest of Europe .................................. 4,039 94.4 750 4,102 96.6 419 NAFTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz of America Inc./ Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company) Asia-Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Australia Group) 4,057 95.5 542 4,317 93.9 305 1,317 90.0 145 1,292 95.2 122 South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular AGF Seguros) 493 94.6 45 440 97.6 38 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — 4 52 — 187 2) 2) 5 January 1 – September 30, 2005 January 1 – September 30, 2004 Earnings Earnings after taxes after taxes and before and before Gross minority Gross minority premiums Combined interests in premiums Combined interests in 1) written Ratio earnings written Ratio earnings1) (€ mn.) % (€ mn.) (€ mn.) % (€ mn.) Speciality Lines Credit insurance (Euler Hermes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,281 70.3 195 1,236 73.1 139 Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs-AG .... 1,047 109.7 51 1,150 98.4 96 ...................... 898 119.5 -29 779 91.5 37 Travel insurances and Assistance services (Mondial Assistance Group) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consolidation3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amortisation of goodwill1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764 36,949 -2,510 34,439 — 90.4 — — — — 41 5,392 -1,919 3,473 — 717 37,452 -2,806 34,646 — 91.4 — — — — 17 4,833 -1,441 3,392 -287 Minority interests in earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 34,439 — 93.0 -724 2,749 — 34,646 — 93.2 -725 2,380 Allianz Marine & Aviation (1) Effective January 1, 2005, and without retroactive effect, Allianz Group ceased goodwill amortisation pursuant to IFRS 3. (2) Presentation not meaningful. (3) Herein, the transactions conducted in the ordinary course of business between group companies in different geographic regions were eliminated. Life/Health Insurance In Germany, measured by total statutory premiums written in 2004, Allianz Group is the largest provider of life insurance and the third largest provider of health insurance. In this segment, Germany is Allianz Group’s most important market. In addition, Allianz Group is an important provider of life insurance in a number of foreign markets, for instance in the United States, Italy and France. Allianz Group’s German insurance companies offer a comprehensive and standardised range of life insurance and life insurance-related products on both an individual and group basis. The main classes of coverage offered include endowment life insurance, annuity policies, term life insurance, unit-linked annuities and other life insurance-related forms of coverage, which are provided as riders to other policies and on a stand-alone basis. Allianz Private Krankenversicherung in Germany provides a wide range of health insurance products, including full private healthcare coverage for the self-employed, salaried employees and civil servants, supplementary insurance for people insured under statutory health insurance plans, daily sickness allowance for the self-employed and salaried employees, hospital daily allowance insurance as well as supplementary care insurance and foreign travel medical expenses insurance. In the United States, Allianz Group sells mostly fixed and variable annuity contracts, including equityindexed annuities to individuals. Besides, Allianz Group also offers long-term care insurance to individual and corporate customers in the United States. In Italy, Allianz Group conducts its life/health insurance operations via RAS Group and Lloyd Adriatico. Based on the combined total statutory premiums written in 2004, Allianz Group is the second-largest life insurer in the Italian market. By the same measure, Italy is Allianz Group’s third-largest market for life/health insurance behind Germany and the United States. AGF Group is the life insurer of Allianz Group in France. It is the eighth-largest life insurance provider in the French market based on total statutory premiums written in 2004. 188 Life/Health Insurance – Geographic Breakdown The following table sets forth the statutory premiums and the gross premiums written, respectively, from the life/health insurance business by geographic region for the first nine months of the financial years 2005 and 2004. In addition, the table sets forth for the same periods in time the earnings after taxes before minority interests in earnings and excluding amortisation of goodwill (referred to in the table below as “earnings after taxes before minority interests”). Consistent with the general practice at Allianz Group, the statutory premiums, the gross premiums written as well as earnings after taxes before minority interests by geographic region are presented before consolidation adjustments, i.e. before elimination of intra-group transactions between group companies and in different geographic regions and different segments. January 1 – September 30, 2005 January 1 – September 30, 2004 Earnings after Earnings after taxes before taxes before Gross minority Gross minority Statutory premiums interests in Statutory premiums interests in premiums1) written earnings2) premiums1) written earnings2) (€ mn.) (€ mn.) (€ mn.) (€ mn.) (€ mn.) (€ mn.) Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG, Deutsche Lebensversicherungs-AG, Allianz Pensionskasse AG and Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG) 10,542 9,566 306 9,553 9,099 206 France 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular AGF Group) 3,821 1,116 389 3,321 1,131 216 Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular RAS Group and Lloyd Adriatico) 6,909 713 312 5,832 737 220 Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Allianz Suisse LebensversicherungsGesellschaft and Phénix Vie) 862 373 31 865 384 13 Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Seguros and Eurovida) 379 327 34 511 469 33 .......................... 1,465 963 118 1,555 1,062 151 USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America) 8,614 550 252 8,286 730 134 Asia- Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in particular Allianz Life Insurance Korea Co. Ltd. and Hana Allianz) 2,210 976 56 1,944 913 10 156 75 4 95 70 8 34,958 14,659 1,502 31,962 14,595 991 .......................... -16 -16 -16 -16 -3 ................................ 34,942 14,643 31,946 14,579 988 Rest of Europe Other .................................... Subtotal ................................ Consolidation4) Subtotal — 1,502 Amortisation of goodwill2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — — — — — -119 Minority interests in earnings — — -394 — — -283 Total 1) ............ .................................... 34,942 14,643 1,108 31,946 14,579 586 Under Allianz Group’s accounting policies for life insurance contracts, for which U.S. GAAP accounting standards were adopted, gross premiums written include only the cost- and risk-related components of premiums generated from unit-linked and other investment-oriented products, but do not include the full amount of statutory premiums written on these products. Statutory premiums are gross premiums written 189 2) 3) 4) from sales of life insurance policies as well as gross receipts from sales of unit-linked and other investmentoriented products, in accordance with the statutory accounting practices applicable in the insurer’s home jurisdiction. Effective January 1, 2005, and without retroactive effect, Allianz Group ceased goodwill amortisation pursuant to IFRS 3. Effective January 1, 2005, the companies Vie et Prévoyance and Martin Maurel Vie were consolidated within the life/health segment in France. Represents elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions. Banking The banking operations of Allianz Group are primarily conducted by Dresdner Bank Group. Dresdner Bank has a considerable domestic branch network as well as an international branch network. In addition, banking services are being offered through the branch network of further domestic and foreign subsidiaries. The principal products and services of Dresdner Bank Group include traditional commercial banking services such as deposit taking, lending, cash management and corporate finance advisory services. In addition, Dresdner Bank offers mergers and acquisitions advisory services, capital and money market services as well as securities underwriting. It also conducts securities trading and derivatives business on its own account and for its customers. Measured by balance sheet total and number of customers, Dresdner Bank Group is among the leading German bank groups. As of September 30, 2005, the Institutional Restructuring Unit (IRU) has essentially completed the reduction of the non-strategic participations and loan portfolios of Dresdner Bank and has finished its task sooner than had been originally planned. The risk assets of IRU existing at that time amounted to €1.4 billion. Of this amount, €1.1 billion were settled mostly in the fourth quarter 2005, and the rest was transferred to other business divisions of Dresdner Bank. In November 2005, Dresdner Bank announced a reorganisation of its business model. In order to better tap market potential in its corporate client and capital markets business, the business divisions Corporate Banking and Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein will be combined in the new business unit Corporate & Investment Banking. A second focus are private clients and business customers. Sales and products for private clients and business customers will in the future be combined in the business division Private & Business Clients. The reorganisation is also aimed at further expanding the cooperation between Dresdner Bank and Allianz. Also in November 2005, the agreements for the transfer of the 28.48% participation of Allianz Group in Eurohypo AG to Commerzbank AG were signed. The sale is conducted in two steps. In the first step, on December 15, 2005 Commerzbank AG acquired 7.35% of the 28.48% participation in Eurohypo AG. Commerzbank AG’s acquisition of the residual 21.13% participation will be consummated after the fulfilment of the conditions precedent customary for such share purchase agreements, in particular, after obtaining approvals from antitrust authorities and the German Federal Agency for the Supervision of Financial Services (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin). Asset Management The asset management segment operates as a global provider of institutional and retail asset management products and services to third-party investors. In addition, this segment offers asset management services to Allianz Group’s insurance companies. The assets under management consist of third-party assets, the Group’s own investments and the so-called separate account assets. Third-party assets under management as of September 30, 2005, amounted to €711 billion (approximately 58% of the total assets under management of Allianz Group as of September 30, 2005). The asset management business is primarily operated by Allianz Global Investors Group. This asset manager has achieved a significant market position in the United States and in Germany. Key centres of this business segment are Frankfurt/Main, Munich, Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Milan, Paris, Newport Beach, San Diego, San Francisco and Westport. As measured by total assets under management at December 31, 2004, Allianz Group is one of the five largest asset managers in the world. 190 Selected Consolidated Financial Information The selected consolidated financial data set forth below are derived from Allianz Group’s consolidated financial statements. Allianz AG prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS. The consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 have been audited by KPMG. KPMG has issued unqualified audit opinions with respect thereto. The consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2005 have not been audited. Investors should read the information below in conjunction with Allianz AG’s consolidated financial statements and the other financial information that is included elsewhere in this Prospectus. Consolidated income statement data Premiums earned (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interest and similar income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Income (net) from investments in associated enterprises and joint ventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other income from investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fee and commission income, and income from service activities . . . . . . . . Other income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total income .......................................................... 9 months ended September 30, 2005* 2004* (unaudited) Year ended December 31, 2004* 2003* 42,292 16,597 41,829 15,773 56,789 20,956 55,978 22,510 962 3,487 707 4,137 777 5,179 3,014 10,490 1,099 5,989 1,679 1,305 4,962 1,791 1,658 6,823 2,533 519 6,060 3,803 72,105 70,504 94,715 102,374 Insurance and contract benefits (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (40,194) (38,860) (52,255) (52,240) Interest and similar expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4,700) (4,234) (5,703) (6,871) Other expenses from investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (925) (2,102) (2,672) (7,452) Loan loss provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 (273) (354) (1,027) Acquisition costs and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17,598) (17,286) (23,380) (22,917) Amortisation of goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — (885) (1,164) (1,413) Other expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2,707) (2,770) (4,091) (6,588) Total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (66,036) (66,410) (89,619) (98,508) Earnings from ordinary activities before taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minority interests in earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,069 (1,541) (1,020) 4,094 (1,240) (884) 5,096 (1,662) (1,168) 3,866 (249) (926) ...................................................... 3,508 1,970 2,266 2,691 Basic earnings per share (in €) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diluted earnings per share (in €) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.11 9.06 5.37 5.35 6.19 6.16 7.96 7.93 Net income (loss) 191 September 30, 2005* (unaudited) € mn December 31, 2004* 2003 * Consolidated balance sheet data Assets Intangible assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investments in associated enterprises and joint ventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loans and advances to banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loans and advances to customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial assets carried at fair value through income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash and cash equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amounts ceded to reinsurers from insurance reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deferred tax assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,465 3,470 276,177 150,048 193,179 235,097 24,093 23,533 15,242 52,894 989,198 15,147 5,757 248,327 181,543 195,680 240,574 15,628 22,310 14,139 51,213 990,318 16,262 6,285 231,397 169,360 208,935 182,242 25,528 25,061 14,739 53,404 933,213 Equity and liabilities Shareholders’ equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participation certificates and subordinated liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserves for insurance and investment contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liabilities to banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liabilities to customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certificated liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial liabilities carried at fair value through income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other accrued liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deferred tax liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deferred income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,588 14,547 356,489 147,998 159,907 58,645 141,085 13,797 29,154 15,544 3,444 37,691 13,230 326,380 191,347 157,137 57,752 145,137 13,984 31,271 14,350 2,039 35,259 12,230 309,460 178,309 154,597 63,320 118,238 14,419 31,321 13,627 2,433 Total equity and liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989,198 990,318 933,213 9 months ended September 30, 2005* 2004* (unaudited) Consolidated cash flow data Net cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities . . . . . . . Net cash flow used in investing activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net cash flow provided by financing activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Year ended December 31, 2004* 2003* 2002* € mn 18,675 8,661 4,616 (1,397) 36,920 (16,729) (13,672) (15,378) 4,591 (48,916) 6,457 267 886 1,446 11,873 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Change in cash and cash equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,465 15,628 (4,730) 25,528 (9,900) 4,520 25,528 21,008 (232) 21,240 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,093 20,798 15,628 21,008 (*) 14 (24) (120) 25,528 (109) Nine months figures and full year figures reflect the adoption of new IFRS accounting rules, according to which various existing accounting standards changed and additional new accounting standards became effective, both of which impacted Allianz Group’s consolidated financial statements prospectively, and to a certain extent, retrospectively, requiring restatement. For further information concerning the impact of these accounting standards, see Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements found in Allianz Group Interim Report Third Quarter and Nine Months of 2005 included in this Prospectus. The following chapter sets forth a presentation of the new and amended accounting principles that took effect January 1, 2005. 192 New and amended Accounting and Valuation Principles in the Financial Year 2005 The consolidated financial statements of Allianz AG are being prepared in accordance with IFRS. Some of the IFRS provisions have been revised and supplemented over the last years, new provisions have been included. Since 2002, the term IFRS means the overall concept of the standards promulgated by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). Standards already promulgated will continue to be cited as International Accounting Standards (“IAS”). In the financial year 2005 Allianz AG has adopted the revised and new reporting standards pursuant to IFRS. Some of these revised and new provisions also have to be applied with retrospective effect. Therefore, data pertaining to periods before January 1, 2005, also have to be adapted to the revised and new accounting standards, in order to include the effects of the changes. Unless indicated otherwise, the consolidated key indicators of Allianz Group for the financial years 2002, 2003 and 2004 presented on the pages above are data which take into consideration the IFRS rules adopted with retrospective effect. Therefore, they may deviate from the data which has already been published for the aforementioned financial years by Allianz Group in the past. First of all, the effects of the revised and new IFRS rules are being explained. IAS 1 Revised As a result of the adoption of IAS 1 revised, as of December 31, 2003 and 2004, Allianz Group has reclassified minority interests in shareholders’ equity into shareholders’ equity. This position will also be shown in the future in the development of shareholders’ equity. IAS 32 Revised As of January 1, 2005, Allianz Group has adopted the accounting provisions of the revised standard IAS 32, Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation (“IAS 32 revised”). In accordance with IAS 32 revised, a financial instrument qualifies as a financial liability of the issuer if it gives the holder the right to put the instrument back to the issuer for cash or another financial asset (a “puttable instrument”). The classification as a financial liability is independent of considerations such as when the right is exercisable, the way in which the repayment amount upon exercise of the right is determined or whether the puttable instrument has a fixed maturity. As a result of the application of IAS 32 revised, Allianz Group is required to reclassify the minority interests in shareholders’ equity of certain consolidated investment funds into liabilities. These liabilities are required to be recorded at redemption amount with changes of the balance sheet value to be recorded in the following accounting periods with effect for net income. IAS 39 Revised As of January 1, 2005, Allianz Group has adopted the accounting provisions of the revised standard IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Valuation (“IAS 39 revised”). Since IAS 39 revised requires retrospective application, Allianz Group has restated already published consolidated financial statements in order to include the effects of this change. IAS 39 revised prohibits reversals of impairment losses (Wertaufholung) on equity securities. According to the accounting and valuation policies previously applied by Allianz Group, if the amount of an impairment previously recorded on an equity security decreased, the impairment was reversed in the following accounting periods. IAS 39 revised created a new category, “designated at fair value through income”, for financial assets and financial liabilities. Financial assets and financial liabilities which are allocated to this category are recognised at fair value as of the reporting date with changes recognised in net income. Allianz Group already implemented this new accounting rule for financial assets as of January 1, 2005. As a consequence of the reclassification of the minority interests in the equity of consolidated investment funds into liabilities and their recording at the redemption amount, Allianz Group has reclassified the respective financial assets from the category “securities available-for-sale” to the category “financial assets designated at fair value through income”. The implementation of this regulation effective January 1, 2005, with regard to financial liabilities was not allowed at 193 first, because the EU had not endorsed it as being in compliance with EU law based on the revised IAS 39. In June 2005, the IASB amended the provision, taking into account the concerns raised by the EU. It had been expected that the EU would approve the new provisions in 2005. In view of the forthcoming EU approval, Allianz Group has applied the recognition of financial liabilities at fair value (“fair value option”) retrospectively in the third quarter 2005. As was expected by Allianz Group, the EU has approved the new provisions also with regard to financial liabilities in the fourth quarter 2005. IAS 39 revised further required a change to Allianz Group’s impairment criteria for available-for-sale equity securities. An equity security is considered to be impaired if there is objective evidence that the carried-on acquisition costs of the equity security may not be recovered. IAS 39 revised requires that a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an equity security below the carried-on acquisition costs is considered to be objective evidence of impairment. Allianz Group established, beside the existing qualitative impairment criteria, new quantitative impairment criteria for equity securities to define significant or prolonged decline of the fair value. With regard to the significance criterion, Allianz Group has established a policy that an equity security is considered impaired if the fair value is below the average carried-on acquisition costs by at least 20%. With regard to the criterion of prolonged decline of the fair value, Allianz Group has established a policy that an equity security is considered impaired if the fair value is below the average carried-on acquisition costs for a period of more than nine months. Each of these two criteria are to be tested independently at company level. IAS 39 revised does not allow an adjusted acquisition cost basis to be established upon impairment of an equity security. Rather, each reporting period, if the fair value is less than the original acquisition cost basis of the equity security, the security is analysed for impairment based upon Allianz Group’s impairment criteria. At each reporting date, for equity securities that are determined to be impaired based upon Allianz Group’s impairment criteria, an impairment is recognised for the difference between the fair value and the original acquisition cost basis, less any previously recognised impairments. According to the previous accounting and valuation policies of Allianz Group, upon the recognition of an impairment of an equity security, an adjusted acquisition cost basis was established in the following accounting periods. Equity shares for which the fair value had fallen below the adjusted acquisition cost basis were written off if, on application of the impairment criteria of Allianz Group, a further permanent decrease of the fair value was determined in the accounting period. IAS 39 revised required a retrospective application of the changes regarding the impairment criteria and the adjustment of the acquisition cost basis for impaired equity securities; therefore, the previously issued consolidated financial statements had to be restated to include the effects of these changes. As per September 30, 2005, Allianz Group has retrospectively introduced these provisions of IAS 39. An introduction effective January 1, 2005, was not possible at first, because before the introduction of the new standard, Allianz Group had to consult with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). In addition, as a result of the adoption of IAS 39 revised, certain securities available-for-sale were reclassified to loans and advances to banks and loans and advances to customers. Further, Allianz Group reclassified assets related to its unit-linked insurance and investment contracts into financial assets designated at fair value through income and the related liabilities to financial liabilities designated at fair value through income, as allowed under the EU insurance directive. IFRS 2, Share Based Compensation Payments Effective January 1, 2005, Allianz Group adopted IFRS 2, Share Based Compensation Payments (“IFRS 2”). In accordance with this standard, share based compensation plans are required to be classified as equity settled or cash settled plans. Equity settled plans are measured at fair value on the grant date and changes of such fair value are recognised in the income statement and in the shareholders’ equity, spread over the vesting period. Cash settled plans are measured at fair value at each reporting date and recognised as liabilities. Changes in the fair value of cash settled plans are recognised in the income statement. A plan is considered to be a cash settled plan if the shares issued are redeemable, either mandatorily or at the beneficiary’s option. In this respect, IFRS 2 has incorporated the “puttable instrument” concept of IAS 32 revised, which requires that such instruments be classified as liabilities rather than equity instruments. As a result of the adoption of IFRS 2, the PIMCO LLC Class B Unit Purchase Plan is considered a cash settled plan, because the equity instruments issued are puttable at the counter-party’s option. According to Allianz Group’s previous accounting policy, the Class B Plan was considered an equity settled plan. 194 Further, IFRS 2 requires that in determining the amount of expense to be recognised of equity settled plans, a best estimate of the number of equity instruments that are expected to vest is used. Allianz Group’s previous accounting policy required that forfeitures of equity instruments be recognised only when incurred. IFRS 3, Business Combinations Effective January 1, 2005, Allianz Group adopted IFRS 3, Business Combinations (“IFRS 3”). In accordance with IFRS 3, a company must cease the regular amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets with an indefinite life and rather test for impairment on an annual basis. In addition, these tests are to be conducted whenever there is an indication that the carrying value is not recoverable. As a result of the adoption of IFRS 3 as of January 1, 2005, Allianz Group will cease regular amortisation of goodwill and brand names. In the third quarter 2005, Allianz Group revised its accounting and valuation policies for the accounting of business combinations for acquisitions of companies already under control of Allianz Group. IFRS 3 does not contain any regulations on the accounting of interests of other shareholders. In order to cover this accounting gap, Allianz Group introduced the “pure equity transaction” approach. According to the “pure equity transaction” approach, the acquisition of interests of other shareholders does not result in a further revaluation of assets and liabilities. Instead, the excess amount of the purchase price over the carrying amount of the minority stakes will directly reduce the equity. Allianz Group has to apply this rule retrospectively as of January 1, 2005, because since then minority stakes have to be presented in the equity according to the revised IAS 1. IFRS 4, Insurance Contracts Effective January 1, 2005, Allianz Group adopted IFRS 4, Insurance Contracts (“IFRS 4”). IFRS 4 represents the completion of phase 1 of the insurance contract project of the IASB and is a transitional standard until the IASB has more fully addressed the recognition and valuation of insurance contracts. IFRS 4 requires that all contracts issued by insurance companies be classified as either insurance contracts or investment contracts. Contracts with significant insurance risk are considered insurance contracts. IFRS 4 permits a company to continue with its previously adopted accounting policies with regard to recognition and valuation of insurance contracts. The accounting policies should only be changed if thereby the transparency of reporting would be increased. As a result, Allianz Group continues to apply the provisions of the accounting policies in force in the United States (U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles — “US GAAP”) for the recognition and valuation of insurance contracts. Contracts issued by insurance companies without significant insurance risk are considered investment contracts. Investment contracts are accounted for in accordance with IAS 39 revised. As a result of the adoption of IFRS 4, certain contracts were reclassified as investment contracts in accordance with IFRS 4. IFRS 4 contains specific provisions for contracts with discretionary participation features. These provisions include contracts with profit participation where the amount and timing of payments are at the discretion of the company. Based on this definition, in the third quarter 2005 Allianz Group recognised retrospectively a deferred premium refund for specific contracts for the Swiss business. Consequences of the Amendments of the Accounting and Valuation Principles in the Financial Year 2005 for Previous Financial Years For information purposes, the consequences of the aforementioned amendments of the accounting and valuation principles in the financial year 2005 for key indicators of Allianz Group for the financial years 2002, 2003 and 2004 are being described below. The figures for these financial years which are based on the new and revised IFRS rules are referred to in the following tables as “IFRS 2005”. 195 Effects on the Consolidated Earnings of Allianz Group in the Financial Years 2002 to 2004 (EUR mn.) 2004 Total revenues (originally published)1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 39 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum of effects from “IFRS 2005” ............................................. Total revenues according to “IFRS 2005” ........................................ Operating profits (originally published) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 39 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum of effects from “IFRS 2005” ............................................. Operating profits according to “IFRS 2005” ..................................... Net income (originally published) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 39 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum of effects from “IFRS 2005” ............................................. Net income according to “IFRS 2005” 1) 2) ............................................ Allianz Group 2003 2002 96,892 93,779 92,747 (17) (39) (59) (17) 96,875 (39) 93,740 (59) 92,688 6,856 (17) 4,066 (84) — — 2) (17) (84) — 2) — 2) 2) 6,839 3,982 2,199 209 (19) (123) 1,890 (1,496) 915 (1,709) 6 — (120) (38) 67 801 (1,747) 2,266 2,691 (3,243) Total revenues comprise property/casualty segment’s gross premiums written, life/health segment’s gross premiums written (including unit-linked life insurance policies and other investment-oriented products), as well as banking segment’s and asset management segment’s operating revenues. Not published originally. The table above shows that the retrospective adoption of the amendments of the accounting and valuation principles had only minor consequences for total revenues and operating profits. In contrast, the effects on the net income were significant. This is due, in particular, to IAS 39 revised and, to a lesser extent, IFRS 2. IAS 39 revised As a consequence of IAS 39 revised, there were various amendments. One of the most relevant amendments pertains to the treatment for accounting purposes of impairments for securities available-for-sale. The changed impairment policy of Allianz Group has, in particular, the following effects: • Income statement: As a consequence of the accelerated inclusion of impairments, amortisations on equity securities in the financial year 2002 increased significantly; in contrast, they were lower in the financial years 2003 and 2004, accordingly. • Balance sheet: Unrealised gains from securities available-for-sale accounted for in shareholders equity (net, i.e. after deduction of the losses not realised) increased in financial years 2003 and 2004; by contrast, profit reserves are now reduced in both years by the same amount. The effects of the amendments resulting from IAS 39 revised were strongest for the business segments property/casualty, life/health and banking. IFRS 2 The adoption of IFRS 2 led to additional acquisition-related expenses and administration expenses within the asset management business segment; for the financial year 2002 the net burden amounts to EUR 38 million, for the financial year 2003 to EUR 120 million and for the financial year 2004 to EUR 123 million. The expenses are related to the share purchase plan for so-called Class-B-Units of the U.S. fund manager PIMCO; this share purchase plan had been agreed on in the course of the acquisition of the business unit in the US specialising in pension investments. 196 Effects on the Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity of Allianz Group in the Financial Years 2003 and 2004 (EUR mn.) Allianz Group 2004 2003 Balance sheet total (originally published) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 39 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum of effects from “IFRS 2005” ..................................................... Balance sheet total according to “IFRS 2005” ............................................ Total liabilities (originally published) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 39 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 1 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum of effects from “IFRS 2005” ..................................................... Total liabilities according to “IFRS 2005” ................................................ 994,698 935,912 (3,984) (2,386) (396) (313) — — (4,380) 990,318 (2,699) 933,213 963,870 907,320 (3,408) (1,927) (147) (164) 8 (9) (7,696) (7,266) (11,243) 952,627 (9,366) 897,954 30,828 (576) (249) (8) 7,696 28,592 (459) (149) 9 7,266 ..................................................... 6,863 6,667 Shareholders’ equity according to “IFRS 2005” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,691 35,259 Shareholders’ equity (originally published) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 39 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFRS 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAS 1 revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum of effects from “IFRS 2005” IAS 39 revised resulted in a small decrease of the balance sheet total in the financial years 2003 and 2004, in particular because of the reclassification of certain securities available-for-sale to loans and advances to banks and to loans and advances to customers. The reason for the reduction in total liabilities is, in particular, that as a consequence of IAS 1 revised minority interests in equity have to be reclassified as shareholders’ equity; this was also the decisive reason for the increase in shareholders’ equity in both financial years. Recent Developments On September 11, 2005, Allianz AG and Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà Società per Azioni, Milan, Italy (“RAS”) have announced that RAS is to be merged into Allianz AG in a cross-border merger. This merger is one element of a comprehensive transaction for the full take-over of RAS by Allianz AG. Upon effectiveness of the merger, Allianz AG will adopt the legal form of a European Company (Societas Europaea – SE) and will operate under the corporate name Allianz SE. The Board of Management of Allianz AG and the board of directors of RAS have set up on December 15, 2005, and on December 16, 2005, respectively, a draft of the merger plan pursuant to Art. 20 of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 2157/2001 of October 8, 2001, on the Statute for a European company (SE) (“SE Regulation”), which was notarised on December 16, 2005. The merger plan was approved by the extraordinary shareholders’ meetings of the holders of RAS ordinary shares and of RAS savings shares which was held on February 3, 2006, and the extraordinary general meeting of Allianz AG shareholders which was held on February 8, 2006. Prior to the merger, Allianz AG submitted to the shareholders of RAS a voluntary tender offer in respect of all RAS ordinary shares and RAS savings shares which were not yet held by Allianz AG. In the course of this voluntary cash tender offer, Allianz AG acquired 139,719,262 RAS Ordinary Shares and 328,867 RAS 197 Savings Shares with the effect that, including the RAS Ordinary Shares already held, Allianz AG now holds approximately 76.3% of RAS’s total share capital. The German insurance activities have been consolidated under the roof of a new holding company, Allianz Deutschland AG. This new holding is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz. Allianz Versicherungs-AG, Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG and Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG are subsidiaries of Allianz Deutschland AG since November 2005. In the course of this reorganisation of the German insurance business, Frankfurter Versicherungs-AG and Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG were merged into Allianz Versicherungs-AG after Allianz had increased, in November 2005, its interest in Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG from 90% to 100%. In addition, the sales activities of the German property, life and health insurance companies are to be consolidated in a separate sales company as the fourth subsidiary company of Allianz Deutschland AG. Effective January 1, 2006, the previous regional structure of the non-life group in Germany as well as of the branch offices of Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG and Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG will be replaced by the establishment of four sales and service regions. As a result of hurricane “Wilma” in October 2005, the Allianz Group incurred a loss, net of reinsurance, of approximately €124 million. In November 2005, the agreements for the transfer to Commerzbank AG of the 28.48% participation of Allianz Group in Eurohypo AG were signed. The sale is conducted in two steps. In the first step, on December 15, 2005 Commerzbank AG acquired 7.35% of the 28.48% participation in Eurohypo AG. Commerzbank AG’s acquisition of the residual 21.13% participation will be consummated after the fulfilment of the conditions precedent customary for such share purchase agreements, in particular, after obtaining approvals from antitrust authorities and the BaFin. In January 2006, the Allianz Alternative Assets Holding (AAA-Holding) was founded to coordinate and expand the alternative investment activities within Allianz Group. The Supervisory Board (Aufsichtsrat) of Allianz AG has appointed the following individuals as new members of the Board of Management with effect from January 1, 2006: Enrico Cucchiani, Jean-Philippe Thierry and Clement Booth, formerly Chief Executive Officer of Aon Re International. Detlev Bremkamp and Dr. Reiner Hagemann resigned, upon their own initiative, from the Board of Management with effect of December 31, 2005. On January 27, 2006, Allianz Group signed, together with The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and American Express Company, agreements with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (“ICBC”) providing for investments totalling US$ 3.78 billion in ICBC to be made through the subscription of newly issued ordinary shares in ICBC. Allianz Group’s share in this investment is US$ 1 billion. It is further provided that Allianz Group will cooperate with ICBC to provide leading bancassurance products and services to the banks’ clients. ICBC is the largest wholesale and retail bank in China by assets and deposits. The agreements are subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. Material Changes Unless described in the Section “Recent Development”, there have been no material adverse changes with regard to the financial position or the trading position of Allianz AG since 30 September 2005. Trend Information There has been no material adverse change in the prospects of Allianz AG since the date of the last published audited financial statements. Allianz Group expects an overall increase in total revenues in line with 2004 and the first nine months of 2005 and continues to focus its efforts in sustaining and selectively improving its operating profit. However, natural catastrophes and adverse developments in the capital markets, as well as the risk factors under “Risk Factors”, may severely impact Allianz Group’s profitability. Outlook Upon effectiveness of the merger with RAS, Allianz AG will adopt the legal form of a European Company (Societas Europaea — SE) and will operate under the corporate name Allianz SE. The merger shall become effective with its registration in the commercial register at the registered office of Allianz AG. The merger and with it the formation of Allianz SE is expected to be registered in the commercial register in autumn of 2006. 198 For accounting purposes, the acquisition of the assets and liabilities of RAS shall occur with effect as of the beginning of January 1 of such year in which the merger becomes effective upon registration in the commercial register at the registered office of Allianz AG. From this time on, all actions and transactions of RAS and Allianz AG shall be deemed for accounting purposes as being those of Allianz SE. In order to consummate the merger, Allianz AG will increase its share capital by up to €64,315,543.04. The capital increase shall be effected by issuance of up to 25,123,259 Allianz AG Shares. Upon effectiveness of the merger with RAS and change of legal form of Allianz AG into a SE, the terms of office of the current employee representatives as well as the shareholder representatives of the Supervisory Board expire. The provisions of the German Co-determination Act of 1976 (MitbestG 1976) on the representation of employees within the Supervisory Board of Allianz AG will be substituted by the regime of the German SE-Employee Participation Act and its binding provisions. In addition, please see the section entitled “Outlook” on page 29 of the “Allianz Group — Interim Report Third Quarter and First Nine Months of 2005” included in this Prospectus. Legal Proceedings General Allianz Group companies are involved in legal, regulatory and arbitration proceedings in Germany and a number of foreign jurisdictions, including the United States, involving claims by and against them, which arise in the ordinary course of their businesses, including in connection with their activities as insurance, banking and asset management companies, employers, investors and taxpayers. It is not feasible to predict or determine the ultimate outcome of the pending or threatened proceedings. The management does not believe that the outcome of these proceedings, including those discussed below, will have significant effects on the financial position or profitability of the Guarantor and/or Allianz Group, after consideration of any applicable reserves. Litigation In July 2002, the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) commenced an investigation against several property-casualty insurance companies in Germany, in connection with alleged coordinated behaviour to achieve premium increases for parts of the commercial and industrial insurance business and imposed administrative fines against these insurance companies, among them Allianz Versicherungs-AG, who received a notice imposing a fine on March 22, 2005. Allianz Versicherungs-AG has appealed this decision. On November 5, 2001, Silverstein v. Swiss Re International Business Insurance Company Ltd. was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against certain insurers and reinsurers, including a subsidiary of Allianz AG which is now named Allianz Global Risks U.S. Insurance Company. The complaint sought a determination that the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center constituted two separate occurrences under the alleged terms of various coverages. In connection with the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, Allianz Group recorded net claims expense of approximately €1.5 billion in 2001 for Allianz Group on the basis of one occurrence. On December 6, 2004, a New York jury rendered a verdict that the World Trade Center attack constituted two occurrences under the relevant insurance slips and policies. As of today, this decision has had no adverse impact on Allianz Group’s operating results. Allianz Global Risks U.S. Insurance Company has appealed this decision. The final implications of this decision for Allianz Group will not be determined until the completion of further proceedings. The insolvency administrator of KirchMedia GmbH & Co. KGaA (or “KirchMedia”) made a formal demand on Dresdner Bank AG to compensate the insolvency assets (Insolvenzmasse) of KirchMedia for the loss of a 25% shareholding in the Spanish television group Telecinco. In June 2005, the insolvency administrator filed an action for a part of the claim. The shareholding had been pledged by subsidiaries of KirchMedia to Dresdner Bank AG as collateral for a loan of €500 million from Dresdner Bank to KirchMedia’s holding company, TaurusHolding GmbH & Co. KG (or “TaurusHolding”). Following TaurusHolding’s default on the loan in April 2002 and its insolvency in June 2002, Dresdner Bank AG acquired through a subsidiary the Telecinco shareholding in a forced auction sale. The insolvency administrator contends that the pledge was created under circumstances that caused it to be invalid or void. The management of Dresdner Bank AG believes that there is no valid basis for the insolvency administrator’s demand. At the end of June 2004, the 25% shareholding was placed within Telecinco’s initial public offering. 199 The insolvency administrator and the major limited partner of Heye KG have filed a complaint claiming damages of approximately €200 million from Dresdner Bank, alleging a failure to execute transfer orders despite a purported line of credit. The management of Dresdner Bank AG believes that such claim is without merit. In January 2006, a putative class action lawsuit was filed against Dresdner Bank AG and some of its subsidiaries by six employees of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein in the United States District Court Southern District of New York. The plaintiffs are claiming an amount of USD 1.4 billion alleging gender based discrimination. Dresdner Bank believes that the claims are without merit. On May 24, 2002, pursuant to a statutory squeeze-out procedure, the general meeting of Dresdner Bank AG resolved to transfer shares from its minority shareholders to Allianz AG as principal shareholder in return for payment of a cash settlement amounting to €51.50 per share. The amount of the cash settlement was established by Allianz AG on the basis of an expert opinion, and its adequacy was confirmed by a court-appointed auditor. Some of the former minority shareholders applied for a court review of the appropriate amount of the cash settlement in a mediation procedure (Spruchverfahren), which is pending with the district court (Landgericht) of Frankfurt am Main. Allianz AG believes, that a claim to increase the cash settlement does not exist. In the event that the court were to determine a higher amount as an appropriate cash settlement, this would affect all approximately 16 million shares that were transferred to Allianz AG. Allianz Global Investors of America L.P. and some of its subsidiaries have been named as defendants in multiple civil U.S. lawsuits commenced as punitive class actions and other proceedings related to matters involving market timing and revenue sharing in the mutual fund industry. The outcome of these proceedings can not be predicted at this stage. Three members of the Fireman’s Fund group of companies in the United States, all subsidiaries of Allianz AG are amongst the roughly 135 defendants named in a class action filed on August 1, 2005 in the United States District Court District of New Jersey, captioned In re Insurance Brokerage Antitrust Litigation, in connection with allegations relating to contingent commissions in the insurance industry. Fireman’s Fund has filed a motion to dismiss, and the proceedings are in the preliminary discovery stage. It is not possible to predict potential outcomes or assess any eventual exposure at this point. 200 Organisational Structure Description of Allianz Group Allianz AG is the holding company of Allianz Group. For a description of Allianz Group’s scope of consolidation see Note 4 to the Consolidated Financial Statements 2004. As of December 31, 2004, Allianz AG directly or indirectly held interests in the major subsidiaries listed in the chart below that provides a general overview and is not complete. First, it does not contain all of the subsidiaries in Allianz Group. Second, it does not show whether Allianz AG holds a direct or an indirect interest in the subsidiaries listed. Germany Allianz Capital Partners GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Dresdner Bauspar AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Global Investors AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs-AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Marine & Aviation Versicherungs-AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Versicherungs-AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bayerische Versicherungsbank AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEGI Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immobilienfonds mbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEUTSCHER INVESTMENT-TRUST Gesellschaft für Wertpapieranlagen mbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dresdner Bank AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dresdnerbank investment management Kapitalanlagengesellschaft mbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frankfurter Versicherungs-AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 91.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 90.0% 94.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Europe (without Germany / without “Emerging Markets”) Austria Allianz Elementar Lebensversicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Elementar Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 99.9% Belgium AGF Belgium Insurance S.A. ......................................................................... 100.0% France AGF Asset Management S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assurances Générales de France IART S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assurances Générales de France Vie S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assurances Générales de France S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banque AGF S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Euler Hermes SFAC S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mondial Assistance S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 62.0% 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% Great Britain Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RCM (UK) Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98.0% 100.0% 100.0% Greece Allianz General Insurance Company S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Life Insurance Company S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 100.0% Ireland Allianz Irish Life Holdings p.l.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Worldwide Care Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66.4% 100.0% 201 Italy Allianz Subalpina Società di Assicurazioni e Riassicurazioni S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lloyd Adriatico S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.9% 99.7% 55.5% Luxembourg Allianz Global Investors Luxembourg S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dresdner Bank Luxembourg S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 100.0% The Netherlands Allianz Nederland Levensverzekering N.V. Allianz Nederland Schadeverzekering N.V. 100.0% 100.0% ........................................................... ........................................................... Portugal Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal S.A. ......................................................... Spain Allianz Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. 64.9% ...................................................... 99.9% Switzerland Allianz Risk Transfer N.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Suisse Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Suisse Versicherungs-Gesellschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELVIA Reiseversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% “Emerging Markets” (Europe) Bulgaria Allianz Bulgaria Insurance & Reinsurance Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Bulgaria Life Insurance Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commercial Bank Allianz Bulgaria Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.9% 99.0% 99.4% Croatia Allianz Zagreb d.d. ................................................................................... 80.1% Czech Republic Allianz pojišt’ovna a.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% Hungaria Allianz Hungária Biztosító Rt. ........................................................................ 100.0% Poland T.U. Allianz Polska S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T.U. Allianz Polska Zycie S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 100.0% Romania Allianz Tiriac Insurance S.A. ......................................................................... 51.6% Russia Insurance Joint Stock Company “Allianz” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russian People’s Insurance Society “Rosno” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 45.7% Slovakia Allianz – Slovenská poist’vna a.s. ..................................................................... 84.6% Brazil AGF Brasil Seguros S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69.4% Colombia Colseguros Generales S.A. ............................................................................ 99.9% Mexico Allianz México S.A. Compañía de Seguros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% America 202 USA Allianz Global Investors of America L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFJ Investment Group L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Applegate Capital Management LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PA Distributors LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (PIMCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RCM Capital Management LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Venezuela Adriática de Seguros C. A. 93.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 91.0% 100.0% ............................................................................ 97.0% Australia Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% China Allianz Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% Indonesia PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia p.l.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.4% 99.7% Australia/Asia Japan Allianz Fire and Marine Insurance Japan Ltd. ......................................................... 100.0% ....................................................................... 100.0% Malaysia Allianz General Insurance Malaysia Berhad p.l.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad p.l.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98.7% 100.0% South Korea Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Pakistan Allianz EFU Health Insurance Ltd. .................................................................... Singapore Allianz Insurance Company of Singapore Pte. Ltd. .................................................... Taiwan Allianz President Life Insurance Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egypt Allianz Egypt Insurance Company S.A.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allianz Egypt Life Company S.A.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 76.0% 100.0% 50.0% 85.0% 96.0% Management and Supervisory Bodies General Allianz AG is a German stock corporation. The corporate bodies of Allianz AG are the Board of Management (Vorstand), the Supervisory Board (Aufsichtsrat) and the general meeting (Hauptversammlung). The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board are separate and no individual may serve simultaneously as a member of both boards. The Board of Management is responsible for managing the day-to-day business of Allianz AG in accordance with the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, or “AktG”) and the articles of association (Satzung) of Allianz AG. The Board of Management is bound by applicable German law, the articles of association of Allianz AG as well as its internal rules of procedure (Geschäftsordnung). The Board of Management represents Allianz AG in its dealings with third parties. The Supervisory Board oversees the management. It is also responsible for appointing and removing the members of the Board of Management and representing Allianz AG in its transactions with members of the Board of Management. The Supervisory Board is not permitted to make management decisions, but the Supervisory Board or the Articles of Association must determine that certain types of transactions require the Supervisory Board’s prior consent. In carrying out their duties, the members of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board must exercise the standard of care of a diligent and prudent business person. In complying with this standard of care, the members of both boards must take into account a broad range of considerations in their decisions, including the interests of Allianz AG, its shareholders, employees and creditors. Additionally, the Board of Management is required to respect the rights of shareholders to equal treatment and equal information. Members of either board who violate their duties may be personally liable for damages to Allianz AG. The company may only waive these damages or settle these claims if at least three years have passed from the date of their origination and if the general meeting approves the waiver or settlement with a simple majority. No approval of a waiver or settlement by the general meeting will be effective if opposing shareholders who hold, in the aggregate, one-tenth or more of the share capital of Allianz AG have their opposition formally noted in the minutes recorded by a German notary. As a general rule under German law, a shareholder has no direct recourse against the members of the Board of Management or the Supervisory Board in the event that they are believed to have breached a duty to Allianz AG. The Supervisory Board has comprehensive monitoring functions. To ensure that these functions are carried out properly, the Board of Management must regularly report to the Supervisory Board with regard to current business operations and future business planning (including financial, investment and personnel planning). The Supervisory Board is also entitled to request at any time special reports regarding the affairs of Allianz AG, the legal or business relations of Allianz AG to its subsidiaries and the affairs of any of its subsidiaries to the extent these may have a significant impact on Allianz AG. The Board of Management is required to ensure that adequate risk management and internal monitoring systems exist within Allianz AG to detect risks relating to Allianz Group’s business activities at the earliest possible stage. German Corporate Governance Rules Principal sources of enacted corporate governance standards for German stock corporations are the German Stock Corporation Act and the German Co-determination Act (Mitbestimmungsgesetz). In addition, the German Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”), published by the German Ministry of Justice (Bundesministerium der Justiz) in 2002, presents essential statutory regulations for the corporate governance of German listed companies. The aim of the Code is to make the German corporate governance rules related to German listed stock corporations transparent for national and international investors. As a German listed stock corporation, Allianz AG is subject to the Code. Although the Code does not have the force of law, it has a legal basis through the declaration of compliance required by Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act, which entered into force in 2002 and requires that the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of a listed company declare annually either: (i) that the company has complied, and does comply, with the recommendations set forth in the German Corporate Governance Code, or, alternatively, 204 (ii) that the company has not or does not comply with certain recommendations (so-called comply or explain system). On December 15, 2005, the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of Allianz AG issued the current declaration of compliance stating the following: “1. Allianz AG will comply with all recommendations made by the Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code (Code version as of June 2, 2005). 2. Since the last Declaration of Compliance as of December 15, 2004, Allianz AG has complied with the recommendations made by the Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code (Code version as of May 21, 2003)” Board of Management The Board of Management of Allianz AG consists of eleven members. Under the articles of association of Allianz AG, the Supervisory Board determines the size of the Board of Management, although it must have at least two members. The Articles of Association furthermore provide that Allianz AG may be legally represented by two members of the Board of Management or by one member of the Board of Management together with one holder of a general commercial power of attorney (Prokura), which entitles its holder to carry out legal acts and transactions on behalf of Allianz AG. In addition, pursuant to a filing with the commercial register in Munich, Allianz AG may also be represented by two holders of a general commercial power of attorney. The Supervisory Board represents Allianz AG in connection with transactions between a member of the Board of Management and Allianz AG. To the extent that a Supervisory Board committee is entitled to decide on a specific matter in lieu of the Supervisory Board, the right of representing Allianz AG vis-à-vis the Board of Management in that matter can be transferred to the relevant Supervisory Board committee. The Supervisory Board appoints the members of the Board of Management. The initial term of the members of the Board of Management is generally between three and five years. Each member may be reappointed or have his term extended by the Supervisory Board for one or more terms of up to five years each. The initial appointment or the reappointment of members of the Board of Management attaining the age of 60 is generally limited to terms of one year. Members of the Board of Management must, according to internal practice, resign from office at the end of the fiscal year in which they attain the age of 65. The Supervisory Board may remove a member of the Board of Management prior to the expiration of his term for good cause, for example in the case of a serious breach of duty or a bona fide vote of no confidence by the general meeting. A member of the Board of Management may not deal with, or vote on, matters relating to proposals, arrangements or contractual agreements between himself and Allianz AG and may be liable to Allianz AG if he has a material interest in any contractual agreement between Allianz AG and a third party which was not disclosed to, and approved by, the Supervisory Board. The Board of Management has adopted its own internal rules of procedure. The Board of Management regularly reports to the Supervisory Board on the business of Allianz AG. According to the internal rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management requires the consent of the Supervisory Board for certain transactions, primarily, share capital measures and acquisitions or divestitures of companies or shareholdings in companies of a significant volume. The current members of the Board of Management, their areas of responsibility and their principal board memberships outside Allianz Group, respectively, are as follows: Name Area of Responsibility Current Outside Board Memberships Michael Diekmann Chairman of the Board of Management Member of the supervisory boards of BASF AG, Linde AG (deputy chairman) and Lufthansa AG Dr. Paul Achleitner Finance Member of the supervisory boards of Bayer AG and RWE AG Clement Booth Insurance Anglo Broker Markets, Global Lines Chairman of Allianz Global Risks Rückversicherungs-AG, member of Allianz Marine & Aviation Versicherungs-AG, Allianz Australia Ltd., Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc, Allianz Irish Life, Euler Hermes 205 Name Area of Responsibility Current Outside Board Memberships Jan R. Carendi Insurance NAFTA Markets None Dott. Enrico Cucchiani Insurance Europe 1 Member of the board of directors of ACEGASAPS S.p.A. and Banca Antonveneta Dr. Joachim Faber Asset Management Worldwide Member of the supervisory boards of Bayerische Börse AG and Infineon Technologies AG Dr. Helmut Perlet Controlling, Reporting, Risk Member of the supervisory board of GEA Group AG (former mg technologies AG) Dr. Gerhard Rupprecht Insurance Germany Member of the supervisory boards of Fresenius AG, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Quelle AG and ThyssenKrupp Automotive AG Jean-Philippe Thierry Insurance Europe 2 Member of the board of directors of Société Financière et Foncière de participation Dr. Herbert Walter Banking Worldwide Member of the supervisory boards of Deutsche Börse AG and TSV München von 1860 GmbH & Co.KG aA Dr. Werner Zedelius Insurance Growth Markets Member of the board of directors of Rosno Allianz AG has not been notified and has otherwise not been informed by any of the members of the Board of Management named above about any potential conflicts of interest between the obligations of the persons towards Allianz AG and their own interests or other obligations. The members of the Board of Management may be contacted at the business address of Allianz AG. Supervisory Board In accordance with the articles of association of Allianz AG and the German Co-determination Act (Mitbestimmungsgesetz), the Supervisory Board of Allianz AG consists of 20 members, 10 of whom are elected by the shareholders as shareholder representatives and 10 of whom are elected by the employees of the German companies of Allianz Group as employee representatives. Three of the employee representatives are trade union representatives in Allianz Group in Germany. The general meeting may remove any Supervisory Board member it has elected by a simple majority of the votes cast. The employee representatives may be removed with a majority of three-quarters of the votes cast by those employees who elected them. In addition, any member of the Supervisory Board may resign by written notice to the Board of Management. The Supervisory Board has a quorum when all members of the Supervisory Board were invited or requested to participate in a decision and either (i) 10 or more members, including the chairman of the Supervisory Board participated or (ii) if the chairman of the Supervisory Board does not participate in the voting, fifteen or more members participate. Except where a different majority is required by law or the articles of association of Allianz AG, the Supervisory Board acts by simple majority of the votes cast. In the case of any deadlock, the chairman has the deciding vote. The Supervisory Board meets at least twice each half-year. Its main functions are: • to monitor the management of Allianz AG; • to appoint the members of the Board of Management; and • to approve matters in areas where such approval is required by German law or which the Supervisory Board has made generally or in the individual case subject to its approval. See “Board of Management”. In addition, Supervisory Boards of German insurance companies are tasked with the appointment of the external auditor. The Supervisory Board has established a Standing Committee, an Audit Committee, a Personnel Committee and a Mediation Committee. Standing Committee. The Standing Committee, which comprises the chairman of the Supervisory Board, his deputy and three additional members elected by the Supervisory Board, may approve or disapprove certain transactions of Allianz AG to the extent that such transactions do not fall under the competency of any other committee or are required to be decided by a plenary meeting of the Supervisory Board. The Standing Committee 206 examines the corporate governance of Allianz AG, drafts the declaration of compliance and examines the efficiency of the work of the Supervisory Board. In addition, it determines the guest status of non-members who wish to attend Supervisory Board meetings as well as changes in form to the articles of association. The members of the Standing Committee are Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle as chairman, Norbert Blix, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Peter Haimerl and Dr. Manfred Schneider. Audit Committee. The Audit Committee, established in September 2002, comprises of five members elected by the Supervisory Board. The Audit Committee prepares the decisions of the Supervisory Board about Allianz Group’s annual financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and the appointment of the auditors and ascertains the independence of the auditors. Furthermore, the Audit Committee assigns the mandate to the auditors, sets priorities for the audit and determines the compensation of the auditors. In addition, it examines the quarterly reports. After the end of the fiscal year, the Audit Committee examines Allianz Group’s annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements, examines the risk monitoring system and discusses the auditor’s report with the auditors. The members of the Audit Committee are Dr. Manfred Schneider as chairman, Dr. Gerhard Cromme, Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel and Dr. Henning SchulteNoelle. Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee consists of the chairman of the Supervisory Board and two other members elected by the Supervisory Board. It prepares the appointment of members of the Board of Management. In addition, it is responsible for the on-going personnel matters of the Board of Management members including their membership on boards of other companies, the payments they receive and the structure of group equity incentives. The members of the Personnel Committee are Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle as chairman, Norbert Blix and Dr. Gerhard Cromme. Mediation Committee. The Mediation Committee consists of the chairman of the Supervisory Board and his representative elected according to the rules of the German Co-determination Act of 1976, one member elected by the employees and one member elected by the shareholders. Under § 27(3) of the German Co-determination Act, the Mediation Committee is charged with the solution of conflicts in the appointment of the Board of Management members. If the Supervisory Board in a vote on the appointment or recall of a Board of Management member fails to obtain the required majority, the Mediation Committee has to present a proposal to the Supervisory Board. There arose no need for the Mediation Committee to meet in 2004. The members of the Mediation Committee are Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle as chairman, Wulf Bernotat, Norbert Blix and Hinrich Feddersen. Each member of the Supervisory Board is generally elected for a fixed term, which expires at the end of the general meeting at which the shareholders discharge the members of the Supervisory Board in respect of the fourth fiscal year after the beginning of the term. The fiscal year in which the members of the Supervisory Board are first elected is not considered. Supervisory board members may be re-elected. The current members of the Supervisory Board of Allianz AG, their principal occupations and their principal board memberships outside Allianz Group, respectively, are as follows: Name Principal Occupation Current Outside Board Memberships Dr. Henning SchulteNoelle, Chairman(1) Former chairman of the Board of Management of Allianz AG Member of the supervisory boards of E.ON AG, Siemens AG and ThyssenKrupp AG Norbert Blix, Deputy Chairman(2) Employee, Allianz Versicherungs-AG None Dr. Wulf H. Bernotat(1) Chairman of the management board of E.ON AG Member of the management boards of E.ON AG (chairman) and member of the supervisory boards of Metro AG and RAG Aktiengesellschaft (chairman) Dr. Diethart Breipohl(1) Former member of the management board of Allianz AG Member of the supervisory boards of Beiersdorf AG, Continental AG, KarstadtQuelle AG, KM Europa Metal AG (chairman), and Credit Lyonnais 207 Name Principal Occupation Current Outside Board Memberships Chairman of the supervisory board of ThyssenKrupp AG Member of the supervisory boards of ThyssenKrupp AG (chairman), Axel Springer AG, Siemens AG, Hochtief AG, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, E.ON AG, Volkswagen AG, Suez S.A. and BNP Paribas Claudia EggertLehmann(2) Employee, Dresdner Bank AG None Hinrich Feddersen(2) Member of the federal steering committee of ver.di (Vereinte Dienstleistungs- gewerkschaft) Member of the supervisory boards of Deutscher Ring Lebensversicherungs AG and Basler Versicherung Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Franz Fehrenbach(1) Chairman of the management board of Robert Bosch GmbH Member of the management board of Robert Bosch GmbH (Chairman) and member of the supervisory board of Robert Bosch Corporation Peter Haimerl(2) Employee, Dresdner Bank AG; Chairman of the works council of Dresdner Bank None Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel(2) Professor of Finance, University of Bremen Member of the supervisory boards of Salzgitter AG Stahl und Technologie, Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft AG and Gewoba AG Wohnen und Bauen in Bremen Dr. Franz B. Humer(1) Chairman of the board of directors and Chief Executive Officer of F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Member of the supervisory board of F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Chairman) and member of the board of directors of DIAGEO plc Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher(1) Chairperson Institut für Demoskopie, Allensbach Member of the supervisory boards of MAN AG, Infineon Technologies AG and BASF AG Igor Landau(1) Member of the board of directors of Sanofi-Aventis S.A. Member of the supervisory boards of AdidasSalomon AG and member of the boards of Crédit Commercial de France, Essilior S.A., SanofiAventis S.A. and Thomson Dr. Max Link(2) Employee, Allianz Versicherungs-AG None Iris Mischlau-Meyrahn(2) Employee, Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG None Karl Neumeier(2) Employee, Allianz Versicherungs-AG None Sultan Salam(2) Employee, Dresdner Bank AG None Dr. Manfred Schneider(1) Chairman of the supervisory board of Bayer AG Member of the supervisory boards of Bayer AG (chairman), DaimlerChrysler AG, Linde AG (chairman), METRO AG, RWE AG and TUI AG Margit Schoffer(2) Employee, Dresdner Bank AG None Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower(1) President of the Kiel Institute for World Economics None Dr. Gerhard Cromme(1) (1) Shareholder representative. (2) Employee representative. Based on the information obtained from the Supervisory Board members in compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code, the Board of Management is not aware that any member of the Supervisory Board has a potential conflict of interest between their duties as a member of the Supervisory Board and their private interests and/or other duties. 208 The members of the Supervisory Board may be contacted at the business address of Allianz AG. In the course of the conversion of Allianz into a SE it is proposed to reduce the number of members of the Supervisory Board to twelve, to be composed of six shareholder representatives and six employee representatives. Employees As of December 31, 2003 and 2004, Allianz Group had 173,750 and 176,501 employees, respectively (excluding members of the Board of Management, trainees, interns and employees on parental leave or on leave for military or civil service). A large number of Allianz Group’s German employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements or similar arrangements. In the past three years, there have been no work stoppages or strikes at Allianz Group’s various sites that have arisen from collective bargaining disputes or for other reasons which had a material adverse effect on Allianz Group’s results of operations. Allianz AG believes that Allianz Group’s employee relations are good. At September 30, 2005, Allianz Group employed a total of 178,462 persons worldwide, of whom 105,284 were based outside Germany. Major Shareholders Under the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, or the “WpHG”), holders of voting securities of a listed German company must notify the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and the company of the level of their holding whenever it reaches, exceeds or falls below specified thresholds. These thresholds are 5%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% of a company’s shares. The provisions of the German Securities Trading Act provide several criteria for attribution of shares. As of December 31, 2004, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (or “Munich Re”) was the only major shareholder of Allianz AG and held approximately 9.0% of the share capital of Allianz AG or approximately 9.4% of the outstanding shares of Allianz AG as of this date. On July 14, 2005, Allianz AG was informed by Munich Re pursuant to the rules of the German Securities Trading Act that Munich Re reduced its ownership interest in Allianz AG to below 5% and held 4.9% of the share capital of Allianz AG as of this date. As a result of this reduction, Allianz AG does not have any shareholder that holds 5% or more of its share capital. Significant changes in the percentage ownership held of record by any of Allianz AG’s major shareholders in the last three years are as follows: • the share ownership of Munich Re decreased from 21.2% as of December 31, 2002 to approximately 4.9% of Allianz AG’s shares as of July 14, 2005, as reported to Allianz AG pursuant to the German Securities Trading Act on July 14, 2005; and • the share ownership of Deutsche Bank decreased from approximately 5.5% as of December 31, 2002 to 3.66% of Allianz AG’s shares as of April 1, 2002, as reported to Allianz AG pursuant to the German Securities Trading Act on April 8, 2002 (3.4% as of June 30, 2003). Material Contracts The following relates to material contracts that are not entered into in the ordinary course of Allianz Group’s business, which could result in any group member being under an obligation or entitlement that is material to Allianz AG’s ability to meet its obligation under the Guarantee to Bondholders in respect of the Bonds being issued. Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (or “Munich Re”) Reduction of mutual cross-shareholdings Pursuant to a non-binding Letter of Intent, dated May 4, 2000 (“Letter of Intent”), Allianz AG and Munich Re agreed to gradually reduce their shareholdings in each other to a level of approximately 20% of the outstanding shares until December 31, 2003. 209 Allianz Group reduced its ownership interest in Munich Re’s share capital during the first quarter 2003 to below 20%. Consequently, Munich Re was no longer an affiliated company of Allianz Group. During the fiscal year 2003, Allianz Group further reduced its ownership interest in Munich Re and as of December 31, 2003 held only approximately 12.4% of Munich Re’s share capital. On March 2, 2004 Allianz Group reduced its ownership interest in Munich Re’s share capital to approximately 9.4%. Consequently, Allianz’s interest in Munich Re was no longer considered as a shareholding pursuant to German insurance group solvency rules. As of December 31, 2004 Allianz Group’s ownership interest in Munich Re was approximately 9.8%. Munich Re also reduced its ownership interest in Allianz AG during 2003 and held as of December 31, 2003 approximately 12.2% of Allianz AG’s share capital or approximately 12.8% of the outstanding shares as of this date. Further reductions occurred during the fiscal year 2004. On August 6, 2004, Munich Re reduced its shareholding in Allianz AG to below 10%. Afterwards, further reductions occurred, and Munich Re held as of December 31, 2004 approximately 9.0% of the share capital of Allianz AG or approximately 9.4% of the outstanding shares of Allianz AG as of this date. On July 14, 2005, Allianz AG was informed by Munich Re pursuant to the rules of the German Securities Trading Act that Munich Re reduced its ownership interest in Allianz AG to below 5% and held 4.9% of the share capital of Allianz AG as of this date. Principles of Cooperation In the past, the relationship between Allianz AG and Munich Re was set forth in an agreement called “Principles of Cooperation” of May 2000, which contained the principles governing the cross-shareholdings, joint interests in third parties and reinsurance relationships between Allianz AG and Munich Re. After several transactions during the previous fiscal years, in particular the reduction of mutual participations in other insurance companies and the reduction of the mutual cross-shareholdings (as described above), this agreement became irrelevant and was formally cancelled with effect from December 31, 2003. Certain provisions regarding ordinary course quota share reinsurance remain in effect. Reinsurance Relationships. Munich Re is the primary external reinsurer for Allianz Group. Of Allianz Group’s total third-party reinsurance premiums ceded, approximately 33.9% were ceded to the Munich Re Group for the years ending December 31, 2003, respectively. These amounts represented approximately 3.7% of Allianz Group’s gross premiums written for the years ending December 31, 2003, respectively. The Allianz Group written premiums that were ceded to, or assumed from, companies of the Munich Re Group in 2003 are shown in the following table for the years ending December 31: 2003 € mn Ceded premiums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assumed premiums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,250 650 As Munich Re is one of the biggest reinsurers in the world, the reinsurance relationship between companies of Allianz Group and Munich Re will continue. All reinsurance and retrocession agreements are a result of business in the ordinary course within which Allianz Group companies purchase reinsurance coverage from, among other reinsurers, Munich Re. These reinsurance contracts cover world-wide business within all areas (life and health, as well as property and casualty) and are subject to arm’s length conditions. A major part of the reinsurance premiums relates to a quota share agreement for 10.5% of the gross self-retention of the insurance business of the companies of the Allianz German Property Casualty Group via Allianz AG. In light of the above described material changes in the relationship between Allianz Group and Munich Re – in particular the significant reduction of the mutual shareholdings to below 10%—the cancellation of the “Principles of Cooperation” agreement and the termination of mutual board interlocks, Allianz AG no longer considers Munich Re as a related party. Eurohypo AG (or “Eurohypo”) Following the acquisition of Dresdner Bank by Allianz Group, on August 1, 2002 Allianz AG merged Deutsche Hyp with Rheinische Hypothekenbank AG, the mortgage banking subsidiary of Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft, and Eurohypo, the mortgage banking subsidiary of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, into a single entity, Eurohypo. Allianz Group held an ownership interest of 28.48% in Eurohypo as of December 31, 2004 and accounted for it using the equity method. See Note 7 to the Consolidated Financial Statements 2004. 210 One member of the supervisory board of Eurohypo is a member of the management board of Dresdner Bank AG. At December 31, 2004, Allianz Group had loans to and held fixed income securities available-for-sale issued by Eurohypo of €16.9 billion in the aggregate. All of such loans were made in the ordinary course of business and are subject to arm’s length conditions. At December 31, 2004, Allianz Group’s carrying value in Eurohypo was €1,930 million. In November 2005, the agreements for the transfer of the 28.48% participation of Allianz Group in Eurohypo AG to Commerzbank AG were signed. The sale is conducted in two steps. In the first step, on December 15, 2005 Commerzbank AG acquired 7.35% of the 28.48% participation in Eurohypo AG. Commerzbank AG’s acquisition of the residual 21.13% participation will be consummated after the fulfilment of the conditions precedent customary for such share purchase agreements, in particular, after obtaining approvals from antitrust authorities and the German Federal Agency for the Supervision of Financial Services (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht—BaFin). EXTREMUS Versicherungs-AG (or “EXTREMUS”) Allianz Versicherungs-AG holds a 16% interest in EXTREMUS, a terror risk insurance company which was founded in Germany in the aftermath of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Until March 31, 2004 and on the basis of a €10 billion state guarantee granted by the Federal Republic of Germany, EXTREMUS was able to provide excess coverage of up to €13 billion for terror risks encountered in Germany. This coverage was reduced to €10 billion on the basis of a reduced state guarantee of €8 billion as of April 1, 2004. EXTREMUS provides terror risk insurance coverage to German Allianz Group companies and Allianz Versicherungs-AG is one of the reinsurers of EXTREMUS. All business relationships between Allianz Group companies and EXTREMUS are subject to market terms. Share Capital of Allianz AG Share Capital As of the date of this Prospectus, the share capital of Allianz AG is €1,039,462,400, and is divided into 406,040,000 no-par value shares. Each share is entitled to one vote. In the financial year 2005, the share capital has increased by €23,040,000 by exercise of subscription rights from the warrant issue conducted in 2005. In addition, shares with a notional value of the share capital of €25,899,136 were issued out of the Authorised Capital 2004/I under exclusion of subscription rights (Bezugsrechtsausschluss) pursuant to Section 186 para. 3 sentence 4 German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, or “AktG”) and were placed by a consortium of banks. Finally, shares with a notional value of the share capital of €2,939,264 were issued out of the Authorised Capital 2004/II and were offered for purchase to the employees. Form and Certification of the Shares / Consent to Transfer All shares of Allianz AG are issued as registered shares with restricted transferability with no-par value (Stückaktien). The shares and subscription rights to shares may only be transferred with the consent of Allianz AG. Allianz AG will only withhold its consent to a duly applied request if it deems this to be necessary in the interest of Allianz AG on exceptional grounds. Allianz AG will inform the applicant about the reasons leading to such refusal. Adeus Aktienregister Service-GmbH keeps the share register of Allianz AG. Registration of a shareholder in the share register is a prerequisite for the exercise of participation and voting rights during the general meeting. Allianz AG may combine individual shares into share certificates that represent multiple shares (global shares or global certificates). Shareholders have no right to receive individual share certificates unless receipt thereof is necessary pursuant to the rules applicable to a stock exchange on which the shares are listed. 211 USE OF PROCEEDS The net proceeds of the issuance of the Bonds will be equal to the amount of the gross proceeds of the issuance of the Bonds of approximately up to EUR [1,010,000,000] less the commissions for the Managers which will be determined at a later stage and will amount to up to 2.00% of the aggregate principal amount of Bonds issued, and less other issue related costs. The net proceeds of the issuance of the Bonds will be used by the Issuer to make one or more loans to the Guarantor or one or several of its subsidiaries within the Allianz Group pursuant to the relevant loan agreement or agreements, as the case may be, which will be entered into. Overall, the Allianz Group intends to use the net proceeds for general corporate purposes of the Group. 212 TAXATION The following is a general description of certain tax considerations relating to the Bonds. It does not purport to be a complete analysis of all tax considerations relating to the Bonds. Prospective purchasers of Bonds should consult their tax advisers as to the consequences, under the tax laws of the country in which they are resident for tax purposes and under the tax laws of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany, of acquiring, holding and disposing of Bonds and receiving payments of principal, interest and other amounts under the Bonds. This summary is based upon the laws in force and their interpretation on the date of this Prospectus and is subject to any change in law or interpretation that may take effect after such date. The Netherlands The following summary does not address the Netherlands tax consequences of a holder of a Bond who holds a substantial interest (aanmerkelijk belang) in the Issuer, within the meaning of Section 4.3 of the Income Tax Act 2001. Generally speaking, a holder of a Bond holds a substantial interest in the Issuer, if such holder of a Bond, alone or together with his or her partner (statutory defined term) or certain other related persons, directly or indirectly, holds (i) an interest of 5% or more of the total issued capital of the Issuer or of 5% or more of the issued capital of a certain class of shares of the Issuer, (ii) rights to acquire, directly or indirectly, such interest or (iii) certain profit sharing rights in the Issuer. For the purpose of this summary, the term Issuer includes the Guarantor. For the purpose of this summary, the Issuer is considered a resident of the Netherlands for Netherlands tax purposes. Withholding Tax No Netherlands withholding tax is due upon payments on the Bonds made by the Issuer, provided that the Bonds are considered debt for Netherlands tax purposes and do not in fact have the function of equity of the Issuer within the meaning of Article 10(1)(d) of the Corporate Income Tax Act 1969. Income Taxation A holder of a Bond will not be subject to Netherlands taxes on income or capital gains in respect of the acquisition or holding of the Bonds or on any payment under the Bonds or in respect of any gain realised on the disposal or redemption of the Bonds, provided that: (i) such holder is neither a resident nor deemed to be a resident nor has opted to be treated as a resident of the Netherlands; and (ii) such holder does not have an enterprise or an interest in an enterprise, which is carried on, in whole or in part, through a permanent establishment or a permanent representative in the Netherlands and to which permanent establishment or permanent representative the Bonds are attributable; and, if the holder is an individual, (iii) the payments under the Bonds or the gains realised on the disposal or redemption of the Bonds do not qualify as income from miscellaneous activities (resultaat uit overige werkzaamheden) in the Netherlands within the meaning of Section 3.4 of the Income Tax Act 2001, which include activities in the Netherlands with respect to the Bonds that exceed “regular, active portfolio management” (normaal, actief vermogensbeheer). Gift, Estate or Inheritance Taxes No gift, estate or inheritance taxes will arise in the Netherlands with respect to the acquisition of a Bond by way of a gift by, or on the death of, a holder who is neither resident nor deemed to be resident in the Netherlands, unless: (i) at the time of the gift such holder has, or at the time of death such holder had, an enterprise or an interest in an enterprise — other than as a shareholder — that is or was, in whole or in part, carried on through a permanent establishment or through a permanent representative in the Netherlands, and to which permanent establishment or permanent representative the Bond is or was attributable; or (ii) if, in the case of a gift of a Bond by an individual who — at the date of the gift — was neither resident nor deemed to be resident in the Netherlands, such individual takes up or is deemed to take up residence in the Netherlands and dies within 180 days after the date on which the gift was made. Other Taxes and Duties No VAT, registration, stamp, transfer or turnover taxes, or other similar duties or taxes are payable in the Netherlands by a Bondholder in respect of the offering and the issue of the Bonds by the Issuer, or in respect of the signing and delivery of this Prospectus. 213 Federal Republic of Germany Under current German law, payments of principal on the Bonds are not subject to German taxation. Withholding tax will be levied on payments of actual or deemed interest if the holder of the Bonds is subject to German taxation and such payment is made by certain institutions. Interest separately charged and a gain upon the disposal of the entitlement to interest payments may qualify as actual or deemed interest depending, inter alia, on the terms and conditions. Holders of the Bonds are subject to German taxation if they are: (i) resident in the Federal Republic of Germany (unlimited tax liability). This includes corporations with a domestic seat or place of management and individuals having a residence or habitual abode in the Federal Republic of Germany; (ii) not resident in the Federal Republic of Germany (limited tax liability) to the extent the interest or deemed interest from the Bonds constitutes income from German sources (such as income effectively connected with a German trade or business, etc.). Provided that the holder of the Bonds are subject to taxation as described above, withholding tax is to be withheld upon payment of interest or deemed interest by the German bank or financial services institution (including a German branch of a foreign bank or of a financial services institution but excluding a foreign branch of a German bank or of a German financial services institution if it acts as a custodian). The withholding tax rate currently amounts to 30% plus a solidarity surcharge of 5.5% of the withholding tax amount. The overall deduction therefore amounts to 31.65% of the gross amount of the interest payment. Upon payments of actual interest, the withholding tax base is determined by such payments. With regard to deemed interest, the withholding tax base is usually determined by the capital gain, i.e. the excess of the disposal or redemption proceeds over the issue price, the acquisition costs or the book value, as the case may be. The withholding tax base might deviate in some cases. In particular, if the Bonds are not kept in a custody account from acquisition, the withholding tax base is equal to 30% of the disposal or redemption proceeds. The withholding tax base might be reduced where the holder was charged accrued interest in the same year. Holders of Bonds subject to unlimited tax liability may credit the withholding tax and the solidarity surcharge within their tax assessment. The same holds true for holders subject to limited tax liability if the interest income is effectively connected with a German branch. Tax assessment The taxable amount for tax assessment purposes might deviate from the above described withholding tax base. If the Bonds are held as business assets, all income from the Bonds will be subject to both income tax including solidarity surcharge and trade tax. The latter is a municipal tax currently levied at an effective rate of usually between 12% and 20% depending upon the applicable trade tax factor of the relevant municipality. If the Bonds are held by a holder in the legal form of a corporation any income resulting from the Bonds will be subject to corporate income tax including solidarity surcharge at a rate of 26.375% and trade tax. The deduction of potential losses might be restricted. Inheritance Tax / Gift Tax The transfer of the Bonds to another person by gift or on account of death is subject to German inheritance or gift tax, respectively, if (i) the deceased, the donor, the heir, the donee or other acquirer had his residence or habitual abode in Germany at the time of the transfer of property, or has not permanently stayed in a foreign country for more than five years as German citizen without having a residence in Germany, or is subject to an employment contract with a legal entity under public law as German citizen, or 214 (ii) the deceased, the donor, the heir, the donee or other acquirer is a corporation, partnership or formation of a company (Vermögensmasse) having its place of management or office in the Federal Republic of Germany, or (iii) the Bonds are part of a domestic property (Inlandsvermögen) within the meaning of section 121 German Valuation Tax Act (Bewertungsgesetz), or (iv) the deceased or the donor, being German citizens, are subject to extended limited tax liability according to the German Foreign Tax Act after moving away from the Federal Republic of Germany. Other Taxes The purchase, sale or other disposal of the Bonds does not give rise to capital transfer tax, value added tax, stamp duties or similar taxes or charges in Germany. However, under certain circum-stances entrepreneurs may choose liability to value added tax with regard to the sales which would otherwise be tax exempt. Austria The following is a brief summary of certain Austrian tax aspects in connection with the Bonds. It does not claim to fully describe all Austrian tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership, disposition or redemption of the Bonds nor does it take into account or discuss the Bondholders’ individual circumstances or any special tax treatment applicable to the Bondholder. Prospective investors are advised to consult their own professional advisors to obtain further information about the tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership, disposition or redemption of the Bonds. This summary is based on Austrian Law as in force when drawing up this Prospectus. The laws and their interpretation by the tax authorities may change and such changes may also have retroactive effect. With regard to financial instruments such as the Bonds there is currently neither case law nor comments of the financial authorities as to the tax treatment of such financial instruments. Accordingly, it cannot be ruled out that the Austrian financial authorities and courts or the Austrian paying agents adopt a view different from that outlined below. Austrian Residents Income derived from the Bonds by individuals or corporate entities resident in Austria is taxable in Austria pursuant to the Austrian Income Tax Act (Einkommensteuergesetz) or the Austrian Corporate Income Tax Act (Körperschaftsteuergesetz). Generally, income arising from the Bonds will qualify as income from debt-securities (Kapitalerträge aus Förderungswertpapieren). Income from debt-securities includes (i) interest payments as well as (ii) income, if any, realized upon (early) redemption (being the difference between the issue price and the (early) redemption amount) or (iii) realized upon sale of the Bonds (accrued interest). If income from debt-securities is paid out by a coupon paying agent (kuponauszahlende Stelle) located in Austria, it is subject to 25% Austrian withholding tax (Kapitalertragsteuer – KESt). The coupon paying agent is the bank, including an Austrian branch of a non-Austrian bank, which pays out such income to the holder of the Bonds. The 25% withholding tax constitutes a final taxation (Endbesteuerung) for all individuals, no matter whether they act as private investors or hold the Bonds as business property. Final taxation means that no further income tax will be assessed and the income is not to be included in the Bondholder’s income tax return. Where there is no deduction of Austrian withholding tax because the income from the Bonds is not received in Austria (not paid out by a coupon paying agent located in Austria) Austrian resident Bondholders will have to declare the income derived from the Bonds in their income tax returns pursuant to the Austrian Income Tax Act. A special 25% income tax rate is applicable. Individuals whose regular personal income tax rate is lower than 25% may opt for taxation of the income derived from the Bonds at such regular personal income tax rate. In this case, the withholding tax will be credited against the income tax liability and the excess amount shall be refunded. Expenses incurred by the Bondholder in connection with income derived from the Bonds are not deductible. 215 Upon the sale of the Bonds accrued interest realised upon such sale is taxed as income from debt-securities being subject to withholding tax and final taxation as set out above. For private investors, any additional capital gain on the disposal of the Bonds is taxable if the disposal takes place within one year after the date of the acquisition of the Bonds pursuant to Sec 30 Income Tax Act (Spekulationsgeschäft—speculative transaction). Such speculative gain is taxed at normal progressive income tax rates amounting up to 50% if the total of such speculative gain exceeds 440 Euro per year. If the Bonds qualify as business assets, capital gains on the disposal are taxable irrespective of the date of the disposal at normal progressive income tax rates. Corporate Bondholders deriving business income from the Bonds may avoid the application of withholding tax by filing a declaration of exemption (Befreiungserklärung) with the coupon paying agent. Income including any capital gain derived from the Bonds by corporate Bondholders is subject to corporate income tax at the general rate of 25%. There is, inter alia, a special tax regime for Private Foundations established under Austrian law (Privatstiftungen). Non-Residents Income including any capital gain derived from the Bonds by individuals who do not have a domicile or their habitual abode in Austria or by corporate investors who do not have their corporate seat or their place of management in Austria (“non-residents”) is not taxable in Austria provided that the income is not attributable to a permanent establishment or other Austrian source income (for withholding tax under the EU Savings Directive see below). Thus, non-resident Bondholders — in case they receive income from the Bonds through a coupon paying agent located in Austria — may avoid the application of Austrian withholding tax if they evidence their non resident-status vis-à-vis the coupon paying agent by disclosing their identity and address. Non-residents who are Austrian citizens or citizens of a neighbouring country will have to confirm their non-resident status in writing to the coupon paying agent. The provision of evidence that the Bondholder is not subject to Austrian withholding tax is the responsibility of the Bondholder. If any Austrian withholding tax is deducted by the coupon paying agent, the tax withheld shall be refunded to the non-resident Bondholder upon his application, which has to be filed with the competent Austrian tax authority within five calendar years following the date of the imposition of the withholding tax. EU Savings Directive The EU Council Directive 2003/48/EC on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (“Savings Directive”) provides for an exchange of information between the authorities of EU member states regarding interest payments made in one member state to beneficial owners who are individuals and resident for tax purposes in another member state. Austria has implemented the Savings Directive by way of the EU Withholding Tax Act (EU-Quellensteuergesetz) which provides for a withholding tax rather than for an exchange of information. Such EU Withholding tax will be levied on interest payments within the meaning of the EU Withholding Tax Act made by a paying agent located in Austria to an individual resident for tax purposes in another member state. The EU Withholding Tax currently amounts to 15% (20% between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2011; 35% thereafter). No EU withholding tax is deducted if the EU-resident Bondholder provides the paying agent with a certificate drawn up in his name by the tax office of his member state of residence. Such certificate has to indicate, inter alia, the name and address of the paying agent as well as the account number of the Bondholder or the identification of the Bonds. Inheritance and Gift Tax Inheritance and gift tax is levied on inheritances, gifts and special purpose donations as defined in the Austrian Inheritance and Gift Tax Act (Erbschafts- und Schenkungssteuergesetz). If either the transferor or the transferee has a domicile or an habitual abode in Austria, such transfers are subject to taxation in Austria. The tax rates range from 2% to 60% and depend upon the value of the acquired assets as well as upon the personal relationship between the transferee and the transferor. 216 Bonds held by private investors are exempt from inheritance tax if they qualify for final (income) taxation or for the special 25% income tax rate pursuant to Sec 37 para 8 Income Tax Act on the date of the private investor’s death. This exemption is restricted to inheritance tax and does not apply to gifts and special purpose donations. Re-qualification This entire summary of the taxation of the Bonds is based on the assumption that the Bonds will be treated as debt-securities (Forderungswertpapiere) and will not be qualified as equity instruments for tax purposes such as shares or equity participation rights (Substanzgenussrechte) nor as shares in a foreign investment fund. Further, the outline is based on the assumption that the Bonds have been offered to the public within the meaning of Sec 97 and Sec 37 para 8 of the Austrian Income Tax Act. Other Taxes There is no transfer tax, registration tax or similar tax payable in Austria by Bondholders as a consequence of the acquisition, ownership, disposition or redemption of the Bonds. The sale and purchase of securities as well as the redemption of Bonds is in general not subject to Austrian stamp duty provided that no other transaction potentially taxable under the Austrian Stamp Duty Act (Gebührengesetz) such as a loan or credit agreement is entered into for which a document (Urkunde) within the meaning of the Stamp Duty Act is executed. Belgium The following summary describes the principal Belgian tax treatment applicable to the holding of the Bonds by a Belgian investor following an offer in Belgium. This information is of a general nature and does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all Belgian tax considerations that may be relevant to a decision to acquire, to hold and to dispose of the Bonds. In some cases, different rules can be applicable. Furthermore, the tax rules can be amended in the future, possibly implemented with retroactive effect, and the interpretation of the tax rules may change. This summary is based on the Belgian tax legislation, treaties, rules, and administrative interpretations and similar documentation, in force as of the date of the publication of this offer in Belgium, without prejudice to any amendments introduced at a later date, even if implemented with retroactive effect. Each prospective Bondholder should consult a professional adviser with respect to the tax consequences of an investment in the Bonds, taking into account the influence of each regional, local or national law. Belgian tax regime regarding the Bonds For Belgian income tax purposes, the Bonds are to be considered as fixed income securities (article 2, § 4 Income Tax Code 1992 (“ITC ‘92”). Individual private investors Natural persons who are Bondholders and who are Belgian residents for tax purposes, i.e. who are subject to Belgian personal income tax (“Personenbelastung/Impôt des personnes physiques”), are in Belgium subject to the following tax treatment with respect to the Bonds. Other rules can be applicable in special situations, in particular when natural persons resident in Belgium acquire the Bonds for professional purposes or when their transactions with respect to the Bonds fall outside the scope of the normal management of their own private estate. Any amount paid by the Issuer in excess of the issuance price of the Bonds at the maturity date or at early redemption, is taxable as interest. Capital gains realised on the sale of the Bonds, except for the pro rata of accrued interest, are in principle tax exempt, unless the gains are realised outside the scope of the normal management of one’s own private estate or except if the Bonds are sold to the Issuer. In the latter case, the capital gain is taxable as interest. Capital losses are not tax deductible. 217 Payments of interest on the Bonds made through a paying agent in Belgium will in principle be subject to a 15% withholding tax in Belgium (calculated on the interest received after deduction of any non-Belgian withholding taxes). The Belgian withholding tax constitutes the final income tax for natural persons. This means that they do not have to declare the interest obtained on the Bonds in their personal income tax return, provided withholding tax was levied on these interest payments. However, if the interest is paid outside Belgium without the intervention of a Belgian paying agent, the interest received (after deduction of any non-Belgian withholding tax) must be declared in the personal income tax return and will be taxed at a flat rate of 15% (plus communal surcharges). Tax treatment of Belgian corporations Corporations Bondholders who are Belgian residents for tax purposes, i.e. who are subject to Belgian Corporate Income Tax (“Vennootschapsbelasting/Impôt des sociétés”) are in Belgium subject to the following tax treatment with respect to the Bonds. Interest derived by Belgian corporate investors on the Bonds and capital gains realised on the Bonds will be subject to Belgian corporate income tax of 33.99%. Capital losses are deductible. Interest payments on the Bonds made through a paying agent in Belgium can under certain circumstances be exempt from withholding tax, provided a certificate is delivered. The withholding tax that has been levied is creditable conform to the legal provisions. Other legal entities Legal entities Bondholders who are Belgian residents for tax purposes, i.e. who are subject to Belgian tax on legal entities (“Rechtspersonenbelasting/impôt des personnes morales”) are in Belgium subject to the following tax treatment with respect to the Bonds. Any amount paid by the Issuer in excess of the issuance price of the Bonds at the maturity day or at early redemption is taxable as interest. Capital gains realised on the sale of the Bonds whether or not on the maturity date, except for the prorata of accrued interest, are in principle tax exempt, unless the Bonds are sold to the Issuer. In the latter case, the capital gain is taxable as interest. Capital losses are not tax deductible. Payments of interest on the Bonds made through a paying agent in Belgium will in principle be subject to a 15% withholding tax in Belgium and no further tax on legal entities will be due on the interest. However, if the interest is paid outside Belgium without the intervention of a Belgian paying agent and without the deduction of Belgian withholding tax, the legal entity itself is responsible for the deduction and payment of 15% withholding tax. Tax treatment of non-resident investors Income from the Bonds paid through a Belgian financial institution is in principle subject to a withholding tax of 15%. However, if the investor is resident of a country that has entered into a double taxation agreement with Belgium, a reduction or an exemption of withholding tax may be applicable under specified circumstances. Non-resident investors can obtain an exemption of Belgian withholding tax on interest from the Bonds if they deliver an affidavit confirming their non-resident status, provided the Bonds are held by the non-residents in open custody with a Belgian financial institution and are not used by the Bondholder for carrying on a business in Belgium. If the Bondholder is a Belgian branch of a foreign company to which the Bonds are attributable, the rules applicable to Belgian corporations will apply. The EU Savings Directive On June 3, 2003, the Council of the European Union adopted the Council Directive 2003/48/EC regarding the taxation of savings income (hereafter, the “Savings Directive”), which has been implemented in Belgium by the law of May 17, 2004. The Savings Directive entered into force on July 1, 2005. 218 Under the Directive, Member States are since July 1, 2005 required to provide to the tax authorities of other Member States or the tax authorities of the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man, Montserrat and the British Virgin Islands (hereafter, the “Dependant and Associated Territories”, each a “Dependant and Associated Territory”) details of payments of interest and other similar income paid by a paying agent (within the meaning of the Savings Directive) to (or under certain circumstances, to the benefit of) an individual resident in another Member State or resident in a Dependant and Associated Territory, except that Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg are instead required to impose a withholding system for a transitional period unless the beneficiary of the interest payments elects for the exchange of information. The withholding tax rate is initially 15%, increasing steadily to 20% and to 35%. The ending of such transitional period depends on the conclusion of certain other agreements relating to exchange of information with certain other countries. Pursuant to the Savings Directive, Belgian paying agents will as of 1 July 2005 apply a taxation at source on interest payments to individual Bondholders resident in another EU member state than Belgium or resident in a Dependant and Associated Territory. This taxation at source is levied in addition to the applicable Belgian withholding tax. Individuals not resident in Belgium A Belgian paying agent will withhold a tax at source (“woonstaatheffing/prélèvement pour l’Etat de résidence”, hereafter “Source Tax”) at the rate of 15% on the interest payments made to an individual, beneficial owner of the interest payments and resident in another EU Member State or resident in one of the Associated and Dependant Territories. The rate of the Source Tax will increase to 20% on 1 July 2008 and to 35% on 1 July 2011. The Source Tax is levied in addition to the Belgian withholding tax which has been withheld. The Source Tax is levied pro rata to the period of holding of the Bonds by the beneficial owner of the interest payments. No Source Tax will be applied if the investor provides the Belgian paying agent with a certificate drawn up in his name by the competent authority of his state of residence for tax purposes. The certificate must at least indicate: (i) name, address and tax or other identification number or, in the absence of the latter, the date and place of birth of the beneficial owner; (ii) name and address of the paying agent; and (iii) the account number of the beneficial owner, or where there is none, the identification of the security. Individuals resident in Belgium An individual resident in Belgium will be subject to the provisions of the Savings Directive, if he receives interest payments from a paying agent (within the meaning of the Savings Directive) established in another EU Member State, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man, Montserrat, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Anguilla or the Turks and Caicos Islands. If the interest received by an individual resident in Belgium has been subject to a Source Tax, such Source Tax does not liberate the Belgian individual from declaring the interest income in the personal income tax declaration. The Source Tax will be credited against the personal income tax. If the Source Tax withheld exceeds the personal income tax due, the excessive amount will be reimbursed, provided it amounts to at least EUR 2.50. Indirect taxes Stock exchange tax and tax on repurchase transactions A stock exchange tax will be levied on the purchase and sale in Belgium of the Bonds on a secondary market through a professional intermediary. The rate applicable for secondary sales and purchases in Belgium through a professional intermediary is 0.07% with a maximum amount of EUR 500 per transaction and per party. A separate tax is due from each of the seller and the purchaser, both collected by the professional intermediary. A tax on repurchase transactions (“taxe sur les reports”) at the rate of 0.085 per cent (subject to a maximum of EUR 500 per party and per transaction) will be due from each party to any such transaction entered into or settled in Belgium in which a professional intermediary for stock transactions acts for either party. 219 However, the tax on stock exchange transactions and the tax on repurchase transactions referred to above will not be payable by exempt persons acting for their own account, including certain Belgian institutional investors, as defined in Articles 126-1.2 and 139 of the code of taxes assimilated to stamp tax (“Code des taxes assimilées au timbre”) and non-residents acting for their own account provided they deliver an affidavit to the financial intermediary in Belgium confirming their non-resident status. Tax on the physical delivery of bearer securities, if any The physical delivery, if any, of Definitive Bonds in bearer form following their acquisition on the secondary market is subject to a tax on the physical delivery of bearer Bonds of 0.60% if the delivery is made through the intervention of a professional intermediary. The tax is also applicable on the conversion of registered securities in bearer securities and pursuant to a withdrawal of these securities from open custody. The tax on the delivery of bearer Bonds is due either on the sums payable by the purchaser, or on the sales value of the Bonds as estimated by the custodian in the case of a withdrawal from open custody or by the person asking for the conversion of the Bonds in case of conversion of a registered note in a bearer note. The tax is payable by the issuer, the professional intermediary or the custodian. The physical delivery of bearer Bonds to recognised Belgian professional intermediaries (such as credit institutions), acting for their own account, is exempt from the above tax. Denmark The following is a general description of the Danish tax considerations relating to the Bonds. It does not purport to be a complete analysis of all Danish tax considerations relating to the Bonds and it does not set out details in relation to purchasers to whom special rules apply, including, but not limited to, persons whose ordinary activities involve them in acquiring securities for the purpose of their businesses. The description is therefore not relevant to institutional investors, insurance companies or banks. Danish tax classification of the Bonds The Bonds are believed to qualify as debt instruments for Danish tax purposes. It is believed that the Bonds classify as ordinary bonds denominated in a foreign currency. Tax position of individuals Bonds held as non-business assets Interest received under the Bonds by Danish tax resident individuals (having a domicile or habitual abode in Denmark) will be taxed as capital income at rates up to 59%. The actual effective tax rate will depend on the investor’s overall capital income position. The interest income is to be considered in the taxable income in the income year where the interest matures. Gains and losses realized upon redemption or sale of the Bonds are also to be considered in the taxable income, disregarding however gains and losses below DKK 1,000. A gain will be taxed as capital income at rates up to 59%. The actual effective tax rate will depend on the investor’s overall capital income position. A loss on the Bonds may be utilized for offset against similar and other sources of income. The Gain/loss is to be considered in the taxable income in the year of redemption/sale. The taxable gain/loss is determined as the difference between the redemption amount/sales price and the acquisition cost. When computing the taxable gain/loss, the Bondholder’s foreign exchange gains/losses on the Bonds are also considered. Bonds held as business assets If the Bonds are held by Danish tax resident individuals as business assets, interest received under the Bonds is taxed as personal income at rates up to approx. 63% including social security contributions. The same applies to non-resident individuals whose Bonds are used, held or acquired for the purpose of a trade or vocation carried out in Denmark through a permanent establishment. 220 Gains and losses realized upon redemption or sale of the Bonds are also considered in the taxable income and are taxed as personal income at rates up to approx. 63%. A loss on the Bonds may be utilized for offset against similar and other sources of income. The Gain/loss is to be considered in the taxable income in the year of redemption/sale. The taxable gain/loss is determined as the difference between the redemption amount/sales price and the acquisition cost. When computing the taxable gain/loss, the Bondholder’s foreign exchange gains/losses on the Bonds are also considered. Stamp duty and transfer taxes The purchase, sale or disposal of the Bond is not subject to stamp duty, transfer taxes or value added tax in Denmark. Tax position of corporate investors Bonds held as portfolio assets Interest received under the Bonds by Danish tax resident corporate investors (having a domicile or effective seat of management in Denmark) will be taxed at the standard corporate income tax rate of 28%. The interest income is to be considered in the taxable income on an accrual basis. Gains and losses realized at redemption or sale of the Bonds are also to be considered in the taxable income and will be subject to tax at the standard corporate income tax rate of 28%. A loss on the Bonds may be utilized for offset against similar and other sources of taxable income. The gain/loss is to be considered in the taxable income in the year of redemption/sale. The taxable gain/loss is determined as the difference between the redemption amount/sales price and the acquisition cost. When computing the taxable gain/loss, the Bondholder’s foreign exchange gains/losses on the Bonds are also considered. Bonds held as business assets Bonds held by the Danish corporate investor as business assets are taxed in the same way as Bonds held as portfolio assets. The same applies to non-resident corporate investors whose Bonds are used, held or acquired for the purpose of a trade or vocation carried out in Denmark through a permanent establishment. Stamp duty and transfer taxes The purchase, sale or disposal of the Bond is not subject to stamp duty, transfer taxes or value added tax in Denmark. France Withholding tax (retenue à la source, Art. 125 A III of the French tax code) Payments of interest and other revenues in respect of the Bonds will not be subject to French withholding tax provided that the Issuer is not issuing the Bonds through a permanent establishment located in France, although French resident individuals may, under certain conditions and pursuant to article 125 A I of the French tax code, elect for the benefit of the fixed levy regime (prélèvement libératoire). Ireland The following is a summary of Irish withholding tax considerations relating to the owning of the Bonds based on current law and practice in Ireland. It does not purport to be a complete analysis of all Irish tax considerations relating to the Bonds. This general summary is based upon Irish taxation laws currently in force, regulations promulgated thereunder, specific proposals to amend any of the foregoing publicly announced prior to the date hereto and the currently published administrative practices of the Irish Revenue Commissioners, all as of the date hereof. Taxation laws are subject to change, from time to time, and no representation is or can be 221 made as to whether such laws will change or what impact, if any, such changes will have on the statements contained in this summary. It is assumed for the purposes of this summary that any proposed amendments will be enacted in the form proposed. No assurance can be given that proposed amendments will be enacted as proposed or that legislation or judicial changes or changes in administrative practice will not modify or change the statements expressed herein. This summary is of a general nature only. It does not constitute tax or legal advice and does not discuss all aspects of Irish taxation that may be relevant to any particular holder of Bonds. Holders of Bonds are advised to consult their own tax advisers with respect to the application of Irish taxation laws to their particular circumstances in relation to the purchase, ownership or disposition of Bonds. Encashment Tax A paying agent in Ireland who obtains a payment of interest from the Bonds on behalf of an investor may be required to withhold Irish tax at the standard rate (20%) unless the agent is supplied with a non-resident declaration in a form approved by the Irish Revenue. Withholding Tax There is no requirement to withhold Irish tax on interest paid on the Bonds other than the obligation to withhold outlined above under “Encashment Tax”. Luxembourg The statements herein regarding taxation in Luxembourg are based on the laws in force in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as of the date of this Base Prospectus and are subject to any changes in law. The following summary does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all the tax considerations which may be relevant to a decision to purchase, own or dispose of the Bonds. Each prospective holder or beneficial owner of the Bonds should consult its tax advisor as to the Luxembourg tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of the Bonds. Luxembourg withholding tax Under Luxembourg tax law currently in effect and with the possible exception of interest paid to individual holders of the Bonds, there is no Luxembourg withholding tax on payments of interest (including accrued but unpaid interest). There is also no Luxembourg withholding tax, with the possible exception of payments made to individual holders of the Bonds, upon repayment of principal in case of reimbursement, redemption, repurchase or exchange of the Bonds. Luxembourg non-resident individuals Under the Luxembourg laws dated June 21, 2005 implementing the European Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income (the “Savings Directive”) and several agreements concluded between Luxembourg and certain dependent territories of the European Union, a Luxembourg based paying agent (within the meaning of the Savings Directive) is required since July 1, 2005 to withhold tax on interest and other similar income paid by it to (or under certain circumstances, to the benefit of) an individual resident in another Member State, unless the beneficiary of the interest payments elects for an exchange of information. The same regime applies to payments made to individuals resident in certain EU dependent territories. The withholding tax rate is initially 15 per cent., increasing steadily to 20 per cent. and to 35 per cent. The withholding tax system will only apply during a transitional period, the ending of which depends on the conclusion of certain agreements relating to information exchange with certain third countries. Luxembourg resident individuals A 10% withholding tax has been introduced, as from January 1, 2006, on interest payments made by Luxembourg paying agents (defined in the same way as in the Savings Directive) to Luxembourg individual residents. Only interest accrued after July 1, 2005 falls within the scope of the withholding tax. This withholding tax represents the final tax liability for the Luxembourg resident individuals taxpayers. 222 Portugal Portuguese resident individuals to whom interest arising from the Bonds is paid are taxed at the personal income tax (Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares) rates that vary from 10.5% to 42%. The interest received is aggregated in the overall income of the individual. Portuguese corporate entities are also subject to tax (Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas) regarding capital income obtained that is subsequently included in the taxpayer’s overall income and taxed at the current 25% corporate income tax rate, plus an eventual additional surtax in the maximum amount of 10% of the general corporate income tax rate (maximum effective taxation of 27.5%). However, should any of the income obtained by a Portuguese individual or a corporate resident entity or by a Portuguese branch of a non-resident entity be subject to taxation at the country where it is obtained (taxation at source), Portugal grants a tax credit which shall correspond to the lower of the following amounts: (a) tax paid abroad; or (b) portion of Portuguese tax, assessed prior to the deduction of the tax credit, corresponding to income obtained abroad, net of the specific deductions foreseen for Portuguese resident individuals as well as costs or losses directly or indirectly incurred to obtain the income regarding corporate entities. If a double tax treaty between Portugal and the source country exists, the tax credit amount may not exceed the tax that would be due abroad under the terms of the relevant double tax treaty. Resident individuals are tax exempt (not subject to taxation) regarding any capital gains realized in relation to the Bonds. Capital gains obtained by a company (not incorporated as a Portuguese holding company) are considered for the determination of its taxable basis. Spain 1 Spanish resident individuals 1.1. Personal Income Tax (Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas, “PIT”) Any income obtained by Spanish resident individuals under the Bonds, whether in the form of interest or as per the transfer or redemption of the Bonds, will be regarded as capital-sourced income (i.e. financial income) subject to PIT at marginal rates up to 45%. However, if the income has been generated over a period of more than two years, then a 40% reduction will be available (i.e. only 60% of the income will be taxable). Please note that income obtained by Spanish resident individuals under the Bonds will be subject to withholding tax at 15% on account of the final PIT liability of the Spanish individual investor to be deducted by the Spanish entity, or the non-Spanish entity with a permanent establishment in Spain, which acts: (i) As depositary of the Bonds or as the entity in charge of collecting the income derived from the Bonds; (ii) On behalf of the seller, in the case of income obtained upon transfer of the Bonds intervened by a financial entity; or (iii) On behalf of the Issuer in the case of income obtained upon redemption of the Bonds. 1.2. Wealth Tax (Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio) Spanish resident individuals who are obliged to pay Wealth Tax must take into account the value of the Bonds which they hold as at 31 December in each year, when calculating their Wealth Tax liability. 1.3. Inheritance and Gift Tax (Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones) Spanish resident individuals who acquire ownership or other rights over any Bonds by inheritance, gift or legacy will be subject to Inheritance and Gift Tax in accordance with the applicable regional or State rules. 223 2 Spanish resident corporates 2.1. Corporate Income Tax (Impuesto sobre Sociedades, “CIT”) Any income derived by Spanish corporates under the Bonds will be included in their CIT taxable income in accordance with applicable CIT legislation. The general CIT rate is of 35% (although other rates may be applicable to certain investors). Since the Issuer of the Bonds is a non-Spanish resident entity, no withholdings on account of the final CIT liability of Spanish corporate investors will have to be deducted on income derived under the Bonds if, and to the extent that, the Bonds are listed on an organised market of an OECD country. 2.2. Wealth Tax Corporates are not subject to Wealth Tax. 2.3. Inheritance and Gift Tax Spanish corporates are not subject to Inheritance and Gift Tax. Conversely, Spanish corporates receiving Bonds by inheritance, gift or legacy will be generally taxed under CIT on the market value of the Bonds. Sweden A Swedish legal entity, or a foreign legal entity conducting business in Sweden, effecting an interest payment in cash is required to withhold Swedish tax at a rate of 30 per cent. of the interest payment, provided that the entity is obliged to submit an income statement (Sw: kontrolluppgift) in respect of the interest paid. Income statements shall be submitted in respect of interest payments to Swedish individuals and estates of deceased Swedish individuals. Thus, if a Swedish administrator or other intermediary is involved and effects the interest payment, the liability to withhold tax is imposed on the intermediary. However, if the payments are made directly by the foreign entity issuing the securities or by any other foreign entity, no obligation to withhold tax occurs provided that the issuer or the foreign entity does not conduct business in Sweden. It should be noted that the tax required to be withheld is only of a preliminary nature. The interest payment will be reported in the tax return and subject to final tax. A discrepancy between the preliminary tax withheld and the final tax may occur e.g. if the security holder has made interest payments that are deductible for Swedish tax purposes. Any amount resulting from the final assessment in excess of the tax withheld will be repaid to the security holder. United Kingdom The comments below are of a general nature based on current United Kingdom law and practice. They relate only to the position of persons who are the absolute beneficial owners of the Bonds and may not apply to certain classes of holders, such as dealers in securities or certain professional investors. This summary only deals with certain limited aspects of the taxation consequences of acquiring, holding and disposing of Bonds and it is not, and does not purport to be, an exhaustive summary of the taxation consequences of acquiring, holding and disposing of Bonds. Bondholders who are in any doubt as to their tax position should consult their professional advisers. Interest on the Bonds Persons in the United Kingdom paying interest to or receiving interest on behalf of another person may be required to provide certain information to HM Revenue and Customs regarding the identity of the payee or person entitled to the interest and, in certain circumstances, such information may be exchanged with tax authorities in other countries. Corporate Bondholders Bondholders within the charge to United Kingdom corporation tax (including non-resident Bondholders whose Bonds are used, held or acquired for the purposes of a trade or vocation carried on in the United Kingdom through a permanent establishment) will be subject to tax as income on all profits and gains from the Bonds 224 broadly in accordance with their statutory accounting treatment. Such Bondholders will generally be charged in each accounting period by reference to interest and other amounts which in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice are recognised in determining the Bondholder’s profit or loss for that period. Fluctuations in value relating to foreign exchange gains and losses in respect of the Bond will be brought into account as income. Other Bondholders A disposal of a Bond by a Bondholder resident or ordinarily resident for tax purposes in the United Kingdom or who carries on a trade, profession or vocation in the United Kingdom through a branch or agency to which the Bond is attributable may give rise to a chargeable gain or allowable loss for the purposes of taxation of capital gains. In calculating any gain or loss on disposal of a Bond, sterling values are compared at acquisition and transfer. Accordingly, a taxable profit can arise even where the foreign currency amount received on a disposal is less than or the same as the amount paid for the Bond. Any accrued interest at the date of disposal will be taxed under the provisions of the accrued income scheme (see below). A transfer of a Bond by a holder resident or ordinarily resident for tax purposes in the United Kingdom or who carries on a trade in the United Kingdom through a branch or agency to which the Bond is attributable may give rise to a charge to tax on income in respect of an amount representing interest on the Bond which has accrued since the preceding interest payment date. Inheritance Tax Provided that the relevant Bonds are physically held outside the United Kingdom at the time of death or gift no UK inheritance tax is charged on such death or gift if the Bondholder is neither domiciled, nor deemed to be domiciled, in the United Kingdom. Where the Bonds are held in a clearing system HM Revenue and Customs is known to consider that the situs of the relevant assets is not necessarily determined by the place where the Bonds are physically held. Prospective Bondholders to whom this may be of significance are asked to consult their own professional advisers. EU Directive on the Taxation of Savings Income On June 3, 2003 the Council of the European Union adopted a Council Directive on the taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (the “Directive”). The Directive applies to interest payments (as defined in the Directive) made in one Member State to or for individual beneficial owners (as defined in the Directive) who are resident in another Member State and requires all Member States to adopt an information reporting system with regard to such payments. However, for a transitional period, Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg are permitted to operate a withholding tax system. Application of the Directive by Member States was conditional on certain European third countries (Switzerland, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and San Marino) and certain dependent or associated territories (Anguilla, Aruba, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Turks and Caicos Islands) applying equivalent or, respectively, the same measures from the same date. On June 24, 2005, the Council confirmed in a “green light note” that all parties (including the EU Member States) will apply the agreed savings tax measures from July 1, 2005. The transitional period commenced on the same date. Under the information reporting system, a Member State will automatically communicate to the beneficial owner’s Member State of residence information regarding interest payments (including the identity and residence of the beneficial owner) made by paying agents (as defined in the Directive) established within the former Member State, without requiring reciprocity. Under the withholding tax system (for Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg), a Member State will levy a withholding tax in respect of interest payments made by paying agents established within its territory at a rate of 15 per cent. during the first three years of the transitional period, 20 per cent. for the subsequent three years, and 35 per cent. thereafter. The transitional period will end, and those Member States permitted to levy a withholding tax will, instead, be required to implement an information reporting system at the end of the first fiscal year following agreement regarding information exchange by certain 225 non-EU countries with respect to interest payments. Similar provisions apply to interest payments made by paying agents established in the above-mentioned European third countries and dependent or associated territories to beneficial owners resident in an EU Member State (and in some cases vice versa). Under the Directive, the term “paying agent” means, generally, the last intermediary in any given chain of intermediaries that pays interest directly to, or secures the payment of interest for the immediate benefit of, the beneficial owner; the term “interest” is defined broadly and would include interest relating to debt-claims of any kind, including income from bonds; and the term “beneficial owner” means any individual who receives an interest payment or any individual for whom an interest payment is secured, unless he or she provides evidence that it was not received or secured for his or her own benefit. 226 SUBSCRIPTION AND SALE General On or around March 2, 2006, the Issuer, the Guarantor and the Managers will enter into a subscription agreement (the “Subscription Agreement”), pursuant to which the Issuer will agree to sell to the Managers, and the Managers will agree, subject to certain customary closing conditions, to purchase the Bonds at a price not less than [98.00]% of the principal amount of the Bonds. Such price will be determined in a bookbuilding procedure. The underwriting and placement commissions are dependent on the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds issued and will amount to up to 2.00% of the aggregate principal amount of Bonds issued. Each of the Managers will subscribe the Bonds at a quota that will be agreed upon once the aggregate principal amount, the issue price and the rate of interest of the Bonds have been determined as set out below. The Subscription Agreement will provide that the Managers are entitled, under certain circumstances, to terminate the Subscription Agreement. In such event, no Bonds will be delivered to investors. Furthermore, each of the Issuer and the Guarantor will agree to indemnify the Managers against certain liabilities in connection with the offer and sale of the Bonds. The final aggregate principal amount, the issue price and the rate of interest of the Bonds will be determined at the latest on or around March 1, 2006 on the basis of a bookbuilding procedure involving qualified investors carried out during the bookbuilding period beginning on or around February 21, 2006. The results of the bookbuilding procedure will be published by the Issuer on or around March 2, 2006 in accordance with § 8(1) WpPG by publishing an announcement in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The time period for the offer of the Bonds is intended to commence on or around February 21, 2006 and will end at the latest on or around March 1, 2006 or on such later date as the Issuer, the Guarantor and the Managers may determine. The Managers or their affiliates have provided from time to time, and expect to provide in the future, investment services to the Group, for which the Managers or their affiliates have received or will receive customary fees and commissions. There are no interests of natural and legal persons involved in the issue, including conflicting ones, that are material to the issue. Selling Restrictions European Economic Area In relation to each Member State of the European Economic Area which has implemented the Prospectus Directive (the “Prospectus Directive”) (each, a “Relevant Member State”), each Manager has represented and agreed, that with effect from and including the date on which the Prospectus Directive is implemented in that Relevant Member State (the “Relevant Implementation Date”) it has not made and will not make an offer of Bonds to the public in that Relevant Member State prior to the publication of a prospectus in relation to the Bonds which has been approved by the competent authority in that Relevant Member State or, where appropriate, approved in another Relevant Member State and notified to the competent authority in that Relevant Member State, all in accordance with the Prospectus Directive, except that it may, with effect from and including the Relevant Implementation Date, make an offer of Bonds to the public in that Relevant Member State at any time (a) to legal entities which are authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets or, if not so authorised or regulated, whose corporate purpose is solely to invest in securities; (b) to any legal entity which has two or more of (1) an average of at least 250 employees during the last financial year; (2) a total balance sheet of more than €43,000,000 and (3) an annual net turnover of more than €50,000,000, as shown in its last annual or consolidated accounts; or (c) in any other circumstances which do not require the publication by the Issuer of a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive. For the purposes of this provision, the expression an “offer of Bonds to the public” in relation to any Bonds in any Relevant Member State means the communication in any form and by any means of sufficient information 227 on the terms of the offer and the Bonds to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase or subscribe the Bonds, as the same may be varied in that Member State by any measure implementing the Prospectus Directive in that Member State and the expression Prospectus Directive means Directive 2003/71/EC and includes any relevant implementing measure in each Relevant Member State. Austria The following selling restriction shall apply to offers of the Bonds in Austria in place of those for the European Economic Area set out above. No offer of the Bonds may be made to the public in Austria, except that an offer of the Bonds may be made to the public in Austria (a) in the period beginning one bank working day following (i) the date of publication of a prospectus in relation to the Bonds which has been approved by Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde in Austria (the “FMA”) or, where appropriate, approved in another Member State and notified to the FMA, all in accordance with the Prospectus Directive and ending on the date which is 12 months after the date of such publication and (ii) the date of filing of a notification with Oesterreichische Kontrollbank, all as prescribed by the Capital Market Act 1991 (“CMA”; Kapitalmarktgesetz 1991), or (b) otherwise in compliance with the CMA. For the purposes of this provision, the expression “an offer of the Bonds to the public” means the communication to the public in any form and by any means of sufficient information on the terms of the offer and the Bonds to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase or subscribe the Bonds. France Each of the Managers and the Issuer has represented and agreed that it has only made and will only make an offer of Bonds to the public in France in the period beginning (i) when a prospectus in relation to those Bonds has been approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”), on the date of its publication or, (ii) when a prospectus has been approved by the competent authority of another Member State of the European Economic Area which has implemented the EU Prospectus Directive 2003/71/EC, on the date of notification of such approval to the AMF, all in accordance with articles L.412-1 and L.621-8 of the French Code monétaire et financier and the Règlement général of the AMF, and ending at the latest on the date which is 12 months after the date of the approval of the Prospectus. This Prospectus prepared in connection with the issue of the Bonds has not been submitted to the clearance procedures of the AMF. Ireland Each Manager has represented and agreed that it has complied and will comply with all applicable provisions of the Investment Intermediaries Acts, 1995 to 2000 of Ireland (as amended) (the “Intermediaries Acts”) with respect to anything done by it in relation to the Bonds or operating in, or otherwise involving, Ireland and, where a Manager is acting under and within the terms of an authorisation to do so for the purposes of EU Council Directive 93/22/EEC of May 10, 1993 (as amended or extended), it has complied with any codes of conduct made under the Intermediaries Acts and where a Manager is acting within the terms of an authorisation granted to it for the purposes of EU Council Directive 2000/12/EC of March 20, 2000 (as amended or extended), it has complied with any codes of conduct or practice made under Section 117(1) of the Central Bank Act, 1989 of Ireland (as amended). Portugal Each Manager has represented and agreed that, to but excluding the date on which the Prospectus Directive is implemented in Portugal, (i) it has only offered and will only offer the Bonds to Institutional Investors within the meaning of Article 30 of the Securities Code (Código dos Valores Mobiliários), or to no more than 200 (noninstitutional) Portuguese investors, (ii) no offer in relation to the Bonds has been or will be preceded or followed by promotion or solicitation to unidentified investors, or followed by publication of any promotional material, in Portugal, provided that each Manager may offer Bonds to the public if such offer has been registered with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (the “CMVM”) and a prospectus in relation to the Bonds has been published which (a) has been approved by the CMVM or (b) has been approved in another Member State of the European Economic Area and notified to the CMVM. 228 Institutional Investors within the meaning of Article 30 of the Securities Code (Código dos Valores Mobiliários) includes credit institutions, investment firms, insurance companies, collective investment institutions and their respective managing companies, pension funds and their respective pension fund-managing companies, other authorised or regulated financial institutions, notably securitisation funds and their respective management companies and all other financial companies, securitisation companies, venture capital companies, venture capital funds and their respective management companies. Sweden In relation to Sweden, each Manager has represented and agreed, that it has not made and will not make an offer of Bonds to the public in Sweden prior to the publication of a prospectus in relation to the Bonds which has been approved by the competent authority in Sweden or in another Relevant Member State and notified to the competent authority in Sweden, all in accordance with the Prospectus Directive, except that it may, with effect from and including the Relevant Implementation Date, make an offer of Bonds to the public in Sweden at any time (a) to legal entities which are authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets or, if not so authorised or regulated, whose corporate purpose is solely to invest in securities; (b) to any legal entity which has two or more of (1) an average of at least 250 employees during the last financial year; (2) a total balance sheet of more than €43,000,000 and (3) an annual net turnover of more than €50,000,000, all as shown in its last two annual or consolidated accounts; or (c) in any other circumstances which do not require the publication by the Issuer of a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive. For the purposes of this provision, the expression an “offer of Bonds to the public” and the expression “Prospectus Directive” have the same meaning as defined in the provision on the EEA. United Kingdom Each Manager has represented, warranted and agreed that: (a) it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or cause to be communicated any invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the “FSMA”)) received by it in connection with the issue or sale of any Bonds in circumstances in which section 21(1) of the FSMA does not apply to the Issuer or the Guarantor and (b) it has complied and will comply with all applicable provisions of the FSMA with respect to anything done by it in relation to the Bonds in, from or otherwise involving the United Kingdom. United States of America The Bonds and the Guarantee have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, (the “Securities Act”) and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons except in certain transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by Regulation S under the Securities Act (“Regulation S”). The Bonds are subject to U.S. tax law requirements and may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States or its possessions or to a United States person, except in certain transactions permitted by U.S. tax regulations. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and regulations thereunder. Each Manager has agreed that, except as permitted by the Subscription Agreement, it will not offer, sell or deliver the Bonds and the Guarantee (i) as part of their distribution at any time or (ii) otherwise until 40 days after the later of the commencement of the offering and the Issue Date, within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, and it will have sent to each dealer to which it sells Bonds and the Guarantee during the distribution compliance period a confirmation or other notice setting forth the restrictions on offers and sales of the Bonds and the Guarantee within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by Regulation S. 229 In addition, until 40 days after the commencement of the offering of the Bonds and the Guarantee, an offer or sale of Bonds and the Guarantee within the United States by a dealer that is not participating in the offering may violate the registration requirements of the Securities Act. General Each of the Managers has acknowledged that, except for the Federal Republic of Germany and the other EU member states to which this Prospectus is notified pursuant to § 18 WpPG, no action is taken or will be taken by the Issuer in any jurisdiction that would permit a public offering of the Bonds, or possession or distribution of any offering material relating to them, in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. Each of the Managers has represented and agreed that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in each jurisdiction in which it purchases, offers, sells or delivers Bonds or has in its possession or distributes any offering material relating to them. 230 GENERAL INFORMATION (1) The creation and issue of the Bonds has been authorised by a resolution of the Board of Managing Directors of the Issuer dated February 9, 2006 and by a resolution of the Supervisory Board of the Issuer dated February 10, 2006. The giving of the Guarantee in respect of the Bonds has been authorised by a resolution of the Board of Management (Vorstand) of the Guarantor dated February 10, 2006. (2) For so long as any Bond is outstanding, copies of the following documents may be inspected in physical form during normal business hours at the registered office of the Issuer and the Guarantor and the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent: (a) the Guarantee; (b) the Articles of Association of the Issuer; (c) the Articles of Association (Satzung) of the Guarantor; (d) the Prospectus; and (e) all reports, letters and other documents, historical financial information, valuations and statements, prepared by any expert at the Issuer’s and/or Guarantor’s request, any part of which is included or referred to in the Issuer’s and the Guarantor’s description, in particular the documents specified in the section “Documents Incorporated by Reference” in this Prospectus. (3) BaFin, as competent authority under Directive 2003/71/EC, has approved this Prospectus on February 17, 2006 pursuant to § 13 (1) sentence 2 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz, the “WpPG”), which requires the scrutiny of the Prospectus in relation to its completeness, coherence and comprehensibility. Application has been made to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for the Bonds to be admitted to listing on the official market (Amtlicher Markt) and traded on its regulated market. The Bonds are expected to be traded from [March 6,] 2006 on. (4) All of the notices associated with the Bonds will in accordance with the rules of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange be published in a leading newspaper having general circulation in Germany (which is expected to be the “Börsen-Zeitung”). (5) The Issuer has appointed Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft as the initial Fiscal Agent and Principal Paying Agent. For so long as any Bonds are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Issuer will maintain a paying agent in the Federal Republic of Germany. (6) The Temporary Global Bond and the Permanent Global Bond will each bear the following legend: “Any United States person who holds this obligation will be subject to limitations under the United States income tax laws, including the limitations provided in Sections 165(j) and 1287(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.” (7) The Bonds have been accepted for clearance through Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main with the following security identification numbers: ISIN: DE000A0GNPZ3 Common Code: 024513742 German Securities Code (WKN): A0GNPZ (8) The Temporary Global Bond and the Permanent Global Bond will be deposited with Clearstream Banking AG, Neue Börsenstraße 1, 60487 Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany. (9) The expected rating of the Bonds is A2 from Moody’s5 and A- from Standard & Poor’s6. (10) Because the Bonds have no final maturity date, a yield to maturity of the Bonds cannot be determined. 5 Obligations rated A by Moody’s are considered upper-medium grade and are subject to low credit risk. Moody’s appends numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 to each generic rating classification from Aa through Caa. The modifier 1 indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates a ranking in the lower end of that generic rating category. 6 An obligation rated A by Standard & Poor’s is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher-rated categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is still strong. Plus (+) or minus (-) signs following ratings from AA to CCC show relative standing within the major rating categories. 231 Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements This Prospectus includes forward-looking statements. These include statements under “Business”, “Recent Developments”, “Trend Information”, and elsewhere in this Prospectus relating to, among other things, future financial performance of Allianz Group, plans and expectations regarding developments in its business, growth and profitability, and general industry and business conditions applicable to Allianz Group. Allianz Group has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about future events. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that may cause Allianz Group’s actual results, performance or achievements or those of its industry to be materially different from or worse than those forward-looking statements. These factors include, without limitation: • general economic conditions, including in particular economic conditions in Allianz Group’s core business areas and core markets; • function and performance of global financial markets, including emerging markets; • frequency and severity of insured loss events, including terror attacks, environmental and asbestos claims; • mortality and morbidity levels and trends; • persistency levels; • interest rate levels; • currency exchange rate developments, including the Euro/U.S. dollar exchange rate; • levels of additional loan loss provisions; • further impairments of investments; • general competitive factors, in each case on a local, regional, national and global level; • changes in laws and regulations, including in the European Union and in the United States; • changes in the policies of central banks and/or foreign governments; • the impact of acquisitions, including related integration and restructuring issues; and • terror attacks, events of war, and their respective consequences. Sources of market-related information Unless otherwise indicated, data regarding the relative size of various national insurance markets has been obtained from annual reports prepared by SIGMA, an independent organisation which publishes market research data on the insurance industry. Any such data obtained from reports prepared by SIGMA has been reproduced accurately in this Prospectus and, so far as the Issuer and Allianz AG are aware and able to ascertain from information published by SIGMA, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced data inaccurate or misleading. In addition, unless otherwise indicated, insurance market share data are based on gross premiums written. Data on position and market share within particular countries are based on Allianz AG’s own internal estimates. 232 CERTAIN FINANCIAL INFORMATION RELATING TO ALLIANZ GROUP Overview The consolidated financial statements of Allianz Group are presented in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The information contained in this Prospectus and relating to the profit and loss accounts and the cash flow statements for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2004 and 2003 and the information in the balance sheets as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 were taken from or based on Allianz Group’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2004 and 2003, which have been reprinted below (see – “Allianz Group – Consolidated Financial Statements 2004”) or incorporated by reference in the section “Documents Incorporated by Reference” except as shown in the section “New and amended Accounting and Valuation Principles in the Financial Year 2005”. KPMG has audited the IFRS consolidated financial statements of Allianz Group as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 and has issued unqualified audit opinions with respect thereto. The information contained in this Prospectus and relating to the profit and loss account and cash flow statements for the nine-months periods ending September 30, 2005 and 2004 and the information in the balance sheets as of September 30, 2005 were taken from or based on Allianz Group’s unaudited IFRS nine-months report for the period ending September 30, 2005, which has been reprinted below (see – “Allianz Group – Interim Report – First Three Quarters of 2005”). Allianz Group – Consolidated Financial Statements 2004 The consolidated financial statements 2004 of Allianz AG are reprinted below and separately paginated. Allianz Group – Interim Report – First Three Quarters of 2005 The interim report first three quarters of 2005 of Allianz Group is reprinted below and separately paginated. 233 [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 6ccjVaGZedgi 6aa^Vco<gdje'%%) '%%) 6AA>6CO < GDJ E & 8]Vc\Z[gdb egZk#nZVg^c '%%( BdgZYZ" iV^ahdce# IdiVagZkZcjZhWnhZ\bZci ^cÛ bc (#( .(!,,. (. DeZgVi^c\egd[^i Û mn +!-*+ +-#+ )!%++ (. :Vgc^c\hWZ[dgZiVmZh Û mn *!&-( -&#' '!-+& )% CZi^cXdbZ Û mn '!&.. &+#) &!-.% )% 7VaVcXZh]ZZi .+!-.' Û mn IdiVagZkZcjZh ' :Vgc^c\h >ckZhibZcih Û mn (&.!**' -#( '.*!%+, &(, AdVchVcYVYkVcXZh Û mn (&)!,-+ &#. ('%!,,% &)% Û mn (%!-'- ,#- '-!*.' &)) >chjgVcXZgZhZgkZh Û mn (**!&.* &)#% (&&!),& &)- A^VW^a^i^ZhidWVc`hVcYXjhidbZgh Û mn ()-!+'- )#, (((!%)) &). 7VaVcXZh]ZZiidiVa Û mn ..)!+.- +#( .(*!.&' )& DeZgVi^c\egd[^iWnhZ\bZci ^cÛ bc H]VgZ]daYZgh¼Zfj^in GZijgch GZijgcdcZfj^inV[iZgiVmZh ,#) %#&ei ,#* GZijgcdcZfj^inWZ[dgZ Vbdgi^oVi^dcd[\ddYl^aa &&#( &#-ei &(#& :Vgc^c\heZgh]VgZ Û +#%& ,#* *#*. 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APPEARSTHISYEARFORTHEFIRSTTIMEANDINCIDENTALLYCANBEFOUNDONPAGETAKETHISPIECE OFNEWSWITHYOU)N!LLIANZTOOKASIGNIFICANTSTEPTOWARDSLONGTERMPROFITABLEGROWTH 4ODAYWITHPROFITSSTANDINGATü/+/BILLIONTHECOMPANYISCONSIDERABLYSTRONGERTHANITWAS AYEARAGOANDISINANIDEALPOSITIONTODRIVEFORWARDITSGOALS!SARESULTWEAREPROPOSING TOPAYOUTADIVIDENDOFü.+42mbope^obTOOURSHAREHOLDERS#OMPAREDTOTHEPREVIOUSYEAR THISINCREASECOMESUPTO(EREENDSTHEABRIDGEDVERSION 6AA>6CO<GDJE' !LLOW ME NOW TO TAKE YOU BACK TO THE LAST !NNUAL 'ENERAL -EETING !T THIS MEETING ) IN FORMED YOU THAT WE EXPECTED $RESDNER "ANK TO REPORT POSITIVE NET INCOME FOR BEFORE RESTRUCTURINGCOSTS)ANNOUNCEDIMPROVEMENTSINTHECOMBINEDRATIOOFTHEPROPERTYINSURANCE BUSINESS OF OUR &RENCH INSURER !'& AND REPORTED THAT OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN 'ERMANY WERE TOUNDERGOSPECIALISTTRAININGINPREPARATIONFORTHEOFFERINGOFBANKINGSERVICESANDBANKING PRODUCTS TO THEIR CLIENTS !LL IN ALL ) PRESENTED !LLIANZ AS A COMPANY NOT CONTENT TO SIMPLY COMPLYWITHSTANDARDSBUTASACOMPANYTHATISCONSTANTLYSTRIVINGTOOUTPERFORMTHEMARKET ANDITSOWNBUSINESSPLANS 4HESEPRONOUNCEMENTSHAVENOWBECOMEREALITY7EHAVEINPOINTOFFACTSURPASSEDOUR PROMISES&ORINSTANCE$RESDNER"ANKWASINTHEBLACKEVENAFTERRESTRUCTURINGCOSTSHADBEEN ACCOUNTEDFOR4HE!'&ACHIEVEDITSTARGETOFPUSHINGTHECOMBINEDRATIOBELOWHITTING )N'ERMANYWEPUSHEDOURhINTEGRATEDFINANCIALSERVICESPROVIDERvCONCEPTUPTOTHE NEXTLEVEL)NOURREPRESENTATIVESCOMPLETEDTHENECESSARYPROFESSIONALTRAININGANDWILL DURINGTHECURRENTFISCALYEAROFFERCLIENTSACOMPREHENSIVERANGEOFBANKINGSERVICESANDPRO DUCTS/URAIMINPURSUINGTHISSALESCHANNELISTOGAINNOFEWERTHANNEW$RESDNER "ANK CLIENTS /VERALL ALL FOUR BUSINESS SEGMENTS MADE SIGNIFICANT OPERATING IMPROVEMENTS DEMONSTRATING CLEAR PURPOSEDRIVEN DETERMINATION 9OUR !LLIANZ IS THEREFORE CLEARLY BACK ON COURSEAGAINMOVINGEVERCLOSERTOITSGOALOFBECOMINGONEOFTHEWORLDSLEADINGFINANCIAL SERVICESPROVIDERSANDACOMPANYPEOPLECANTRUST 7E MADE SOME GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS IN BUT WERE NOT FINISHED YET 4HIS YEAR WE ARE RAISINGTHEBARFOROURh/NEvPROGRAMBYAIMINGTOFURTHERINCREASECAPITALEFFICIENCYAND PROFITABILITYWHILECONTINUINGTOREDUCECOMPLEXITY!SARESULTWORKONTHEFIRSTTHREEPROGRAM COMPONENTSOFh/NEvISCONTINUINGRELENTLESSLY/URGOALISTOGENERATEBETTERRETURNSFOR YOU OUR SHAREHOLDERS !ND WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN OUR PROMISES WITH REGARD TO THE h/NEv CONCEPTEITHERIETOINCREASEOURCOMPETITIVESTRENGTHANDVALUEOVERTHELONGTERMnAND WEWILLCONTINUETOPUTEVERYEFFORTINTOACHIEVINGTHISIN !LONGSIDE OUR SUCCESSES DID OF COURSE SEE A FEW SETBACKS /VER THE YEAR AS A WHOLE DEVELOPMENTOFTHE!LLIANZSHAREPRICEWASDISAPPOINTINGDESPITEASHARPUPTURNINTHEFINAL QUARTER 3INCE MY FIRST ,ETTER TO THE 3HAREHOLDER THERE HAVE BEEN CONTINUED IMPROVEMENTS INTHEDEVELOPMENT OF OUR BUSINESS 4HIS DEVELOPMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE MEDIA AND FINANCIALANALYSTSBUTWASONLYMODERATELYREWARDEDONTHESTOCKEXCHANGE4HISCAUSESME DEEPREGRETFOR)AMFULLYAWARETHATYOUHAVEINVESTEDYOURHARDEARNEDMONEYINTHEFUTURE OF!LLIANZ!LTHOUGH!LLIANZISMANAGEDONYOURBEHALFTOPROMOTELONGTERMPREDICTABLEAND SUSTAINABLEREVENUEGROWTH)BELIEVETHATINTHEPASTFISCALYEARYOUOURSHAREHOLDERSCERTAINLY DESERVEDTOSEEAMOREPOSITIVEMARKETREACTIONTOOURFUTUREBUSINESSOUTLOOK7HYTHENDID THESHAREPRICEFAILTOREFLECTOURBUSINESSSUCCESSES 6AA>6CO<GDJE( )NDISCUSSIONSWITHFINANCIALANALYSTSANDINVESTORSWEHAVEGONETOGREATLENGTHSTOEXP LAINANDDISCUSSOURRESULTSANDOURPLANSFORTHEFUTURE/VERTHEPASTYEARWEHAVEBEENIN DIRECTCONTACTWITHMANY!LLIANZSHAREHOLDERSANDTAKENTHEIROPINIONSONBOARD4HEREFORE 0ERHAPSFOLLOWINGTHESHOCKSOFRECENTYEARSTHEREISNOTYETSUFFICIENTTRUSTINOURh/NEv PROGRAMTHATRUNSUNTILPERFORMINGASPROMISEDANDTAKING!LLIANZTOTHE.UMBER/NE POSITION)TISCLEARTHATINORDERTOMAINTAINTHISTRUSTWEHAVETODELIVERWITHOUTFAILONALL OURPROMISES4HEPOSITIVEDEVELOPMENTINTHESHAREPRICEAFTERPUBLICATIONOFOURTHIRD QUARTERFIGURESSERVEDTOSUPPORTMYCONVICTIONTHATYOUAREPREPAREDTOFOLLOWUSIFOURWORK STANDSTHETESTOFTIME (OWEVERITMAYALSOBETHECASETHATTHEDEVELOPMENTOFTHE!LLIANZSHAREPRICESUFFEREDASA RESULTOFOUREVIDENTFAILURETORESOLVECERTAINCRITICALISSUES/NECRITICISMLEVELEDATUSWAS THATOUREQUITYALLOCATIONISSTILLTOOHIGHANDTHATOUREARNINGSARECONSEQUENTLYSTILLTOODE PENDENTONEQUITYMARKETFLUCTUATIONS4HEQUESTIONOFWHETHERORNOTWESHOULDALSOCONSIDER SELLINGLARGEOPERATINGUNITSINTHEFORESEEABLEFUTUREALSO BECAME THE OBJECT OF LIVELY PUBLIC DISCUSSIONASDIDTHEFUTUREOFOURINVESTMENTBANK$RESDNER+LEINWORT7ASSERSTEIN!NDTHE MEDIAANDANALYSTSCALLEDFORUSTOHAVEANEVENMOREFOCUSEDSTRATEGICBUSINESSDIRECTION )WOULDLIKETOTAKETHISOPPORTUNITYTORESPONDTOALLTHIS 7ITHRESPECTTOEQUITYALLOCATIONWEHAVEMEANWHILEBROUGHTDOWNTHEEQUITYQUOTAOFOUR INVESTMENTPORTFOLIOTOANACCEPTABLELEVEL4HETRANSACTIONTHATWASANNOUNCEDATTHE ENDOF*ANUARYWILLATTHESAMETIMEREDUCETHEEQUITYQUOTASIGNIFICANTLYIMPROVEOUR BORROWING STRUCTURE AND STRENGTHEN OUR EQUITY BASE !LTHOUGH THIS COMBINATION OF DIFFERENT MEASURESWILLMARGINALLYDILUTEVOTINGSTOCKITSHOULDHAVEMINIMALECONOMICIMPACTDUETO THEFACTTHATLOWERDEBTSERVICECOSTSANDABROADERCAPITALBASEINCREASEPROFITABILITYANDSHOULD THEREFORENOTHAVEANYNEGATIVEREPERCUSSIONSFOROUREARNINGSPERSHARE 7EHAVEONLYEVERCONSIDEREDSELLINGCOMPANIESIFWE WERE FULLY CONVINCED THAT THE UNIT IN QUESTION WOULD NOT BE CAPABLE UNDER REASONABLE CONDITIONS OF ADDING VALUE FOR CLIENTS OR SHAREHOLDERSEVENOVERTHEMEDIUMTERM/NTHISBASISWEDIVESTEDANUMBEROFNONSTRATEGIC OBLIGATIONSINTHEPASTTWOYEARSINCLUDINGSOMETHATWEREPARTICULARLYSUBSTANTIAL0LEASENOTE THAT)AMREFERRINGHEREONLYTOPERIPHERALACTIVITIESANDNOTTOOURREALLYSIGNIFICANTSUBSIDIARY COMPANIES7EHAVEPUTINHARDWORKFORTHESECOMPANIESRETURNINGTHEMASFARASNECESSARY TOTHEPATHOFPROFITABLEGROWTHDAYBYDAYPRODUCTBYPRODUCTCLIENTBYCLIENT3ELLINGONE OFTHESELARGERCOMPANIESWOULDHAVEBEENBYFARTHEWORSEOPTIONCOMPAREDTOTHEVALUETHAT WECANGENERATEFROMTHEM A:II:GIDI=:H=6G:=DA9:G THESHAREPRICECANNOTHAVEBEENADVERSELYAFFECTEDBYALACKOFTRANSPARENCYORACCESSIBILITY 6AA>6CO<GDJE) $URINGTHECOURSEOFLASTYEAR)WASALSOQUESTIONEDABOUTOURSTRATEGICOBJECTIVES)STHEREIN REALITYSUCHALACKOFVISIBILITYSURROUNDINGTHESEnASHASBEENCRITICIZED*USTINCASE)HAVE NOTEXPRESSEDMYSELFCLEARLYENOUGHINTHEPAST)WOULDLIKETOREITERATEWHATOURTEAMSTANDS FORDjgdW_ZXi^kZ^hidWZi]Z^ciZgcVi^dcVa[^cVcX^VahZgk^XZhegdk^YZgi]Vi^higjhiZYWZXVjhZlZYZa^kZg dc!dghjgeVhh!Vaad[djgegdb^hZh#&ROMTHEOUTSETOURAIMHASBEENTOPUTALLOURENERGYINTO PURSUINGTHISOBJECTIVEANDSELFASSIGNEDUNDERTAKINGANDINTOMAKINGITAREALITY (OWEVERWESTILLHAVESOMEWAYTOGOBEFOREWECANACHIEVETHIS9OUMAYBEWONDERING IF THIS UNDERTAKING WILL SPUR ON THE !LLIANZ SHARE PRICE OVER #OMMON SENSE n NOT TO MENTIONTHEADVICEOFOURLEGALDEPARTMENTnPREVENTMEFROMMAKINGANYPREDICTIONS)NSTEAD ) CAN OFFER YOU THE NEXT BEST THING AN OUTLINE OF THE INITIATIVES WE INTEND TO INTRODUCE TO ACCELERATETHEPROFITABLEGROWTHOFYOURCOMPANYANDINCREASEITSCOMPETITIVENESSANDVALUE ONASUSTAINABLEBASIS 4HEKEYWORDISTRUST9OUMAYFEELLIKEYOUVEHEARDTHISOVERANDOVERnBUTTHATSAGOOD THING4RUSTISALLIMPORTANTTO!LLIANZ)FPEOPLETRUSTUSTOALWAYSDELIVERONORSURPASSOUR PROMISESTHERELLBEENORMOUSPOTENTIALFOROURBUSINESS7ESELLFINANCIALPRODUCTSTHATSATISFY THE BASIC HUMAN REQUIREMENT OF FINANCIAL SECURITY AND A DECENT FINANCIAL LIVELIHOOD 4RUST IS FUNDAMENTALTOTHIS(OWEVERTRUSTCANNOTBEBOUGHTITMUSTBEEARNEDLITTLEBYLITTLE7E HAVEATHREESTAGEMODELTOHELPUSGETTHERE.UMBERONE7ESTATEWHATCANBEEXPECTEDOF US.UMBERTWO7ELIVEUPTOTHESEEXPECTATIONSORBETTERSTILLSURPASSTHEM.UMBERTHREE 7EKEEPREPEATINGTHEFIRSTTWOSTEPSANDASARESULTKEEPONGETTINGBETTERANDBETTER !S AN ENTERPRISE IF YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE EXTRAORDINARY GROWTH YOU NEED TO ENSURE THAT THE ENTIREORGANIZATIONISFULLYBEHINDYOU4HATISWHYONEANDAHALFYEARSAGOWEINTRODUCED NEWLEADERSHIPVALUESOUTLININGTHEEXACTAREASWEWANTTOFOCUSONTHEWAYWEWORKWITH OUR CLIENTS AND THE WAY WE WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM 4HIS IS A SET OF GUIDING PRINCIPLES THAT PROVIDETHEHIGHESTPROFESSIONALMANAGEMENTBENCHMARKSFORTHEIMPLEMENTATIONOFOURSTRA TEGYANDOURPROGRAM 7EHAVENOINTENTIONOFFOSTERINGACULTURETHATONLYSEESTHEGOODNEWS/URLEADERSHIP VALUESTHEREFORECALLFORUSTOSPEAKHONESTLYANDOPENLYWITHONEANOTHERTOLEARNFROMOUR MISTAKESANDTOSUBSEQUENTLYPUTEVERYTHINGWEHAVELEARNTINTOPRACTICE(OWEVERACORPORATE CULTUREDOESNTSPRINGUPOVERNIGHTITNEEDSTIMETOGROW/URREGULAREMPLOYEEQUESTIONNAIRES REGARDING THE EXTENT TO WHICH THESE PRINCIPLES ARE BEING FOLLOWED INDICATE THAT THIS PROCESS TAKESTIME.EVERTHELESSTHECORPORATECULTUREISGAININGMOMENTUMANDIMPACTWHICHINMY OPINIONISGREATNEWSFORYOUTHESHAREHOLDER &IRSTLY HAVING A CORPORATE IMAGE HELPS US TO OVERCOME WHAT ) CALL THE hSILO SYNDROMEv n A MENTALITYWHEREBYEMPLOYEESWORKWITHINTHENARROWCONFINESOFTHEIRDEPARTMENTWALLSAND DO NOT FEEL PART OF A WHOLE )F ) WERE TO SINGLE OUT JUST ONE ASPECT OF OUR CORPORATE CULTURE THAT)WANTEVERYEMPLOYEETOHAVEINMINDITISTHIS)WORKFORANINTERNATIONALCORPORATION n NOT A NATIONAL DIVISION AND NOT A DEPARTMENT ! SILO MENTALITY LEADS TO REDUNDANCIES AND INEFFICIENCYANDPOTENTIALLYPREVENTSTHEBESTOFOUR'ROUPSBUSINESSIDEASANDMETHODSFROM REACHINGCLIENTSINOTHERMARKETS)TMEANSTHATWEUNNECESSARILYFAILTOGETTHEMOSTOUTOF OURSTRENGTHSANDASARESULTGIVEAWAYCOMPETITIVEADVANTAGES 6AA>6CO<GDJE* 3ECONDLYTHELEADERSHIPVALUESAREALSOIMPORTANTFORMAKINGSURETHEENTIREORGANIZATION ISFOCUSEDONDELIVERINGONPROMISES)TFORCESEVERYINDIVIDUALTOPUTTHECUSTOMERSINTERESTS FIRST4HECUSTOMERISTHEBOSS(ISSUCCESSISOURBUSINESS)FWEDOTHEJOBWELLANDOURPRO PAYAPREMIUMFORSERVICESTHATARERELEVANTTOTHEMANDCANNOTBEFOUNDELSEWHERE !LLOFTHEABOVEISHELPINGUSTOWINOVERNEWCUSTOMERSANDGIVECUSTOMERSTHEINCENTIVETO APPROACHUSONTHEIROWNVOLITIONWHENTHEYREQUIRENEWFINANCIALSERVICESWHICHULTIMATELY WILLLEADTOANINCREASEINOURREVENUEPERCUSTOMER"YSTRIVINGTOWARDSEXCELLENCEANDRELIA BILITYWEAREPUTTINGOURFAITHINLONGLASTINGCUSTOMERRELATIONSnALIFELONGPARTNERSHIPBASED ONMUTUALBENEFIT!SANINVESTORYOUCANEXPECTAMORESTABLEANDPREDICTABLELONGTERMFLOW OFPROFITABLEREVENUEASARESULTOFTHIS 7HATISOURAGENDAFORFISCAL7EAREDRIVINGFORWARDTWOCOMPREHENSIVEPROGRAMS THAT WILL INCREASE THE COMPETITIVE STRENGTH AND SUSTAINABLE VALUE OF YOUR COMPANY OVER THE LONGTERM 4HEFIRSTPROGRAMONTHEAGENDAISOURSUSTAINABILITYPROGRAM&ORTHISOURBESTSPECIALISTSSEEK OUTOUTSTANDINGSUCCESSESWITHINYOURCOMPANYWORLDWIDEFROMOURRANGEOFPRODUCTSSERVICES ANDOPERATINGIMPLEMENTATIONFORTHEPROPERTYANDCASUALTYANDLIFEINSURANCEBUSINESS"EST SOLUTIONSFEATURINGANUMBEROFCOMPONENTSARETHENDRAWNUPASCOMPULSORYCATALOGUESFOR THOSECOMPANIESNOTYETWORKINGATTHESAMEPITCH)NTHISWAYWEACHIEVETHESUSTAINABILITY THATISENSHRINEDINOURh/NEvCONCEPT 4HESECONDPROGRAMISAGROUPWIDEPROJECTAIMEDATRAPIDLYPROMOTINGANEVENMOREPAS SIONATECUSTOMERORIENTATION!KEYCRITERIONFORASCERTAININGWHETHER!LLIANZHASTHEDECISIVE EDGE IS THE WILLINGNESS OF OUR CUSTOMERS TO RECOMMEND US TO OTHERS 7E WILL THEREFORE BE GRADUALLYINTRODUCINGTHISCRITERIONINTOTHEPERFORMANCEMEASUREMENTANDBONUSCALCULATIONS FOROURENTIREMANAGEMENTTEAM 7EEXPECTBOTHTHESEAPPROACHESTOINCREASEOURLONGTERM COMPETITIVE STRENGTH AND ADD VALUETO!LLIANZnVALUETHATWILLJUSTIFYYOURCONFIDENCEINTHEFUTUREOF!LLIANZ )ALSOBELIEVETHATALLTHEPOSITIVEEFFECTSTHATOURCOMPANYCANHAVESUCHASSERVINGCUS TOMERSCREATINGCOMPETITIVEJOBSANDAPPRENTICEPLACESHAVINGAPOSITIVEIMPACTONSOCIETY SHOWING CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP ARE ONLY POSSIBLE IF WE ARE ABLE TO CREATE VALUE FOR YOU OUR SHAREHOLDERS4OMESOCIALRESPONSIBILITYISNOTSIMPLYANEMPTYWORDITISANINHERENTPART OFAMODERNCOMPANYSPHILOSOPHYnACONCRETEMANAGEMENTRESPONSIBILITYTHAT)HOLDCLOSE TOMYHEART4HATISWHYOURFOUNDATIONSARECONTINUINGTOCHAMPIONDISADVANTAGEDPEOPLE THEENVIRONMENTANDFORCULTURE4HATISALSOWHY)AMSOPROUDTHATOUREMPLOYEESONTHEIR OWNVOLITIONDONATEDüMILLIONFORTHEVICTIMSOFTHE!SIANTSUNAMI)NCOLLABORATIONWITH OURSUBSIDIARIESWEMANAGEDTORAISETHISSUMTO üMILLION)AMCONVINCEDTHATWEARE ALSOSUCCESSFULBECAUSEWEAREDOINGSOMETHINGWITHINANAPPROPRIATEFRAMEWORKFOROURSOCIAL ENVIRONMENT4HATTOOISAFORMOFSUSTAINABILITY A:II:GIDI=:H=6G:=DA9:G DUCTSSERVICESANDAPPROACHESLIVEUPTOCUSTOMEREXPECTATIONSCUSTOMERSWILLBEPREPAREDTO 6AA>6CO<GDJE+ $EAR3HAREHOLDERSWEARESTILLFACINGMANYCHALLENGESBUTDONOTFORGETTHAT!LLIANZALREADY HASALOTGOING FOR IT ) AM SPEAKING HERE PRIMARILY ABOUT OUR EMPLOYEES AND ABOUT THEREPRESENTATIVESANDSALESAGENTSINOURTEAM)AMEXTREMELYPROUDOFTHEIRACHIEVEMENTS THEIRTENACITYANDTHEIRDETERMINATIONTOBRINGSUCCESSBOTHFOR!LLIANZANDFOROURCUSTOMERS )NTHEYSHOWEDMEJUSTHOWGOODITFEELSWHENALLEXPECTATIONSARESURPASSED)THELPED MEAFFIRMTHATTHEBUSINESSAPPROACHWEHAVECHOSENISTHERIGHTONEANDATTHESAMETIME ALSOSHOWEDJUSTWHATCLASSTHEYHAVE)BELIEVETHEYDESERVEYOURTHANKS)PERSONALLYWOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE TO THEM FOR THEIR EXTRAORDINARY COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION ON BEHALFOFYOUOURSHAREHOLDERS &ISCAL WILL TEST OUR ABILITIES TO DRIVE OUR h/NEv PROGRAM EVEN FURTHER AND RAISE OUR POTENTIAL7EWILLDOTHAT/URMANAGEMENTTEAMISUNITEDANDOUREMPLOYEESAREWELLMOTI VATED"USINESSISSTRONGAGAINANDBECOMINGSTRONGERQUARTERBYQUARTER4HISALLFILLSMEWITH OPTIMISM BUT IT IS THE COMPANY ITSELF AND ITS PACE OF CHANGE THAT IS MAKING ME PARTICULARLY OPTIMISTIC.EVERTHELESSWHATCOUNTSINTHEENDISTHATYOUARECONTENTWITHYOURINVESTMENT !NDWEWILLDOOURUTMOSTTODELIVERONOURPROMISES -ICHAEL$IEKMANN #HAIRMANOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENT 6AA>6CO<GDJE, HJE:GK>HDGN7D6G9G:EDGI >beaZbZciVi^dcd[i]Z¹( DcZºegd\gVb /UR DELIBERATIONS WERE CENTERED ON THE MEASURES TAKEN BY THE "OARDOF-ANAGEMENTTOIMPLEMENTTHEh/NEvPROGRAMWHICH SUMMARIZESTHE'ROUPSOBJECTIVESANDINITIATIVESTHROUGH 4HEELEMENTSOFTHISPROGRAMARE3TRENGTHENINGTHECAPITALBASE INCREASINGPROFITABILITYREDUCINGTHECOMPLEXITYOFCOMPANYSTRUC TURESANDBRINGINGABOUTASUSTAINABLEINCREASEINITSVALUE7E WERESATISFIEDTHATTHEIMPLEMENTATIONOFTHISPROGRAMHASBEEN SUCCESSFULSOFAR 8dci^cjVi^dcd[i]Zedh^i^kZZVgc^c\higZcY )NALLMEETINGSTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTREPORTEDTOUSONTHE AVY^ZhVcY<ZciaZbZc! DEVELOPMENTOFTHE'ROUPSREVENUESANDEARNINGSDEVELOPMENTS INTHEINDIVIDUALBUSINESSSEGMENTSANDTHEFINANCIALSITUATION!F )N THE COURSE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD TERTHERETURNTOPROFITABILITYACHIEVEDINFISCALTHEPOSITIVE WORKEDINTENSIVELYONDEALINGWITHTHESITUATIONANDPERSPECTIVES TREND CONTINUED IN THE REPORTING YEAR 7E FOUND THAT OPERATING OF THE COMPANY 7E ADVISED THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT WITH RE PROFITABILITYHADIMPROVEDSIGNIFICANTLYINALLBUSINESSAREAS SPECTTOTHEMANAGEMENTOFTHECOMPANYOVERSAWITSCONDUCTOF BUSINESSANDWEREDIRECTLYINVOLVEDINDECISIONSOFFUNDAMENTAL 7E ACTIVELY MONITORED THE CONTINUOUS IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IMPORTANCE PROGRAM FOR A RETURN TO PROFITABILITY AT $RESDNER "ANK AND !'& 4HE3UPERVISORY"OARDHELDFOURMEETINGSDURINGTHEREPORTING PERIOD"ETWEENMEETINGSTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTINFORMEDUS $EVELOPMENTSWEREENCOURAGINGINBOTHCASES"OTHTHEBANKAND THE&RENCHGROUPCOMPANYSHOWEDAPROFITIN INWRITINGONIMPORTANTMATTERS)NADDITIONTHE#HAIRMANOFTHE 3UPERVISORY "OARD WAS KEPT UPTODATE ON MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS HigZc\i]Zc^c\i]ZXVe^iVaWVhZVcYgZYjX^c\XdbeaZm^in ANDDECISIONS 4HE 'ROUPS CAPITAL RESOURCES WERE REGULARLY DISCUSSED AT MEET 4HE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT REGULARLY PROVIDED US WITH TIMELY INGS 4HE -ANAGEMENT "OARD STATED THAT THE CAPITAL BASE HAD AND COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION ON THE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL BEEN STRENGTHENED BY A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT MEASURES AND THAT DEVELOPMENT OF THE !LLIANZ 'ROUP INCLUDING THE RISK SITUATION THE'ROUPSHIGHRATINGHADBEENSECURED)NORDERTORENDERIN IMPORTANT BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS AND CORPORATE STRATEGY 7E DIS VESTMENTINCOMELESSDEPENDENTONMARKETMOVEMENTSBOTHTHE CUSSEDCOMPANYPLANNINGFORTHEYEARANDASKEDFOREXPLA PROPORTIONOFFUNDSINVESTEDINEQUITIESANDTHECONCENTRATIONOF NATIONSOFTHEDEVIATIONSFROMEXISTINGPLANSANDOBJECTIVESINTHE THESEFUNDSININDIVIDUALSTOCKSWEREFURTHERREDUCED COURSEOFBUSINESS 7EWEREGIVENANOVERVIEWOFTHOSENONSTRATEGICACTIVITIESOF WHICH!LLIANZHADDIVESTEDITSELFINORDERTOREDUCETHECOMPLEX ITYOFTHE'ROUP 6AA>6CO<GDJE- Di]Zgide^Xhd[Y^hXjhh^dc 6Xi^k^i^Zhd[i]ZXdbb^iiZZh 7E AGAIN CONSIDERED THE PLANNED REFORMS TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY 4HEMEMBERSOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDFORMEDTHE!UDIT#OMMIT SYSTEM IN 'ERMANY IN AS MUCH AS THESE IMPINGE ON THE BUSI TEE THE 3TANDING #OMMITTEE THE 0ERSONNEL #OMMITTEE AND THE NESS OF !LLIANZ ! CRITICAL LOOK WAS TAKEN IN THIS CONTEXT AT THE -EDIATION#OMMITTEEASCALLEDFORBYTHE'ERMAN#ODETERMINA FISCALTREATMENTOFPENSIONPROVISIONUNDERTHEREGULATIONSOFTHE TION!CT4HECURRENTCOMPOSITIONOFTHECOMMITTEESCANBESEEN 'ERMAN!CTONTHE4AXATIONOF0ENSIONSAND!NNUITIES7EALSO FROMTHELISTBELOW TACKLED THE FUTURE OF PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE IN 'ERMANY WITH DETAILED DISCUSSIONS ON THE PROPOSED hCITIZENS INSURANCEv AND hHEALTHPREMIUMvREFORMS 7E RECEIVED A SEPARATE REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IN SURANCE BUSINESS IN THE 53! WHICH SHOWED THAT THE 'ROUP 8dbb^iiZZhd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgYd[ 6aa^Vco6< 6hd[9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%) COMPANIESTHEREHAVEACHIEVEDINSOMECASESSIGNIFICANTIMPROVE MENTSINTHEIRRESULTS ,EGALPROCEEDINGSINCONNECTIONWITHTHE7ORLD4RADE#ENTER 8]V^gbVcd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgY 9g#=Zcc^c\HX]jaiZ"CdZaaZ LOSSHAVESTILLNOTYETBEENCONCLUDEDBUTWEWEREKEPTINFORMED ONAREGULARBASISOFTHECURRENTSTATEOFAFFAIRS4HESAMEAPPLIED 9Zejin8]V^gbVcd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgY AS REGARDS THE INVESTIGATIONS BY THE 53 SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES CdgWZgi7a^m INTO THE CONDUCT OF BUSINESS BY COMPANIES IN THE ASSET MANAGE MENT INDUSTRY WHERE OUR ATTENTION WAS FOCUSED MAINLY ON THE 6jY^i8dbb^iiZZ EFFECTSOFTHESEENQUIRIESONTHECOMPANIESINTHE!LLIANZ'LOBAL 9g#BVc[gZYHX]cZ^YZg8]V^gbVc )NVESTORS GROUP 7E ALSO CONSIDERED THE ACTION BY THE 'ERMAN 9g#<Zg]VgY8gdbbZ &EDERAL#ARTEL/FFICEAGAINSTALARGENUMBEROF'ERMANINSURERS Egd[#9g#GjYda[=^X`Za WHICHALSOAFFECTS!LLIANZ6ERSICHERUNGS!' ;gVc`AZn 7E WEREUNANIMOUS IN WELCOMING THE DECISION BY THE"OARD 9g#=Zcc^c\HX]jaiZ"CdZaaZ OF-ANAGEMENTTOAGAINOFFERDISCOUNTED!LLIANZSHAREPURCHASES TOEMPLOYEESOFTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPINCOUNTRIES EZghdccZa8dbb^iiZZ 9g#=Zcc^c\HX]jaiZ"CdZaaZ8]V^gbVc 8dgedgViZ<dkZgcVcXZVcY9ZXaVgVi^dcd[8dbea^VcXZ CdgWZgi7a^m 7ECONTINUALLYMONITOREDTHEFURTHERDEVELOPMENTOFTHE#ORPO 9g#<Zg]VgY8gdbbZ RATE 'OVERNANCE 3TANDARDS IN THE COMPANY AND IN THIS CONTEXT UPDATEDTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDPROCEDURALRULES 4HE INDIVIDUAL REMUNERATION FIGURES FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE HiVcY^c\8dbb^iiZZ 9g#=Zcc^c\HX]jaiZ"CdZaaZ8]V^gbVc -ANAGEMENTAND3UPERVISORY"OARDSFORTHEPASTYEARAREBEING CdgWZgi7a^m PUBLISHEDFORTHEFIRSTTIME)NTHIS!LLIANZ!'ISHEADINGALLTHE 9g#<Zg]VgY8gdbbZ RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 'ERMAN #ORPORATE 'OVERNANCE #ODE EZiZg=V^bZga 4HISISEXPRESSEDINTHENEW$ECLARATIONOF#OMPLIANCEWITHTHE 9g#BVc[gZYHX]cZ^YZg #ODE WHICH WAS PASSED BY THE -ANAGEMENT AND 3UPERVISORY "OARDSIN$ECEMBER !T THE $ECEMBER MEETING WE AGAIN EXAMINED THE EFFECTIVE BZY^Vi^dc8dbb^iiZZ 9g#=Zcc^c\HX]jaiZ"CdZaaZ8]V^gbVc NESS OF OUR WORK IN THE ABSENCE OF THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT 9g#Lja[=#7ZgcdiVi 7EEXAMINEDTHESTEPSWEHADDECIDEDUPONTHEYEARBEFORETO CdgWZgi7a^m IMPROVEOUREFFECTIVENESSANDDISCUSSEDMODELSFORRESTRUCTURING =^cg^X];ZYYZghZc THEREMUNERATIONOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARD -ORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WITHIN )N THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW THE 3TANDING #OMMITTEE HELD THREE THE!LLIANZ'ROUPISCONTAINEDINTHEREPORTJOINTLYAPPROVEDBY MEETINGS DEALING MAINLY WITH 'ROUP FINANCING THE EMPLOYEE THE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTANDTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDTHATCANBE SHAREPURCHASEPROGRAMANDQUESTIONSOFCORPORATEGOVERNANCE FOUNDONPAGESTOOFTHIS!NNUAL2EPORT)NDEPTHINFORMA 4HE0ERSONNEL#OMMITTEEALSOCONVENEDTHREETIMES)TDEALTWITH TIONONTHISSUBJECTISALSOAVAILABLEATTHE!LLIANZWEBSITEATWWW PERSONNELMATTERSOFTHEMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENT ALLIANZCOMCORPORATEGOVERNANCE THE STRUCTURE AND AMOUNT OF THE REMUNERATION OF THE "OARD OF 6AA>6CO<GDJE. -ANAGEMENT AND THE DETERMINATION OF THE VARIABLE AND EQUITY BZbWZghd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgYVcYi]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci BASEDREMUNERATIONCOMPONENTS4HEREWASNONEEDFORTHE-E !NUMBEROFCHANGESHAVETAKENPLACEINTHE3UPERVISORY"OARD&OR DIATION#OMMITTEETOCONVENE THESHAREHOLDERS*àRGEN$ORMANN0ROF*àRGEN%3CHREMPPAND "ERTRAND #OLLOMB HAVE DEPARTED THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD -R $ORMANNS SEAT ON THE "OARD WILL BE FILLED BY $R !LBRECHT STATEMENTSOF!LLIANZ!'ANDOFTHE'ROUPTHEAUDITREPORTSAND 3CHÊFER AS ELECTED SUBSTITUTE MEMBER 0ROF $R $ENNIS * THE&FILINGREQUIREDINTHE53!)TALSOEXAMINEDTHEQUARTERLY 3NOWER AND )GOR ,ANDAU HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BY THE #OURT REPORTSANDDEALTWITHTHEASSIGNMENTOFTHEMANDATETOTHEAUDITOR TO REPLACE 0ROF 3CHREMPP AND -R #OLLOMB AND THEIR APPOINT ANDTHESETTINGOFPRIORITIESFORTHEAUDIT/THERSUBJECTSOFDELIBE MENTS WILL BE RATIFIED BY THE !NNUAL 'ENERAL -EETING ON -AY RATIONWERETHEMEASURESTOBETAKENTOCOMPLYWITHTHEREQUIRE MENTSOFTHE533ARBANES/XLEY!CTONTHEEFFECTIVENESSOFINTERNAL $R !LBRECHT 3CHÊFER AND 0ROF $R)NG (ERMANN 3CHOLL HAVE CONTROLSYSTEMSFORFINANCIALREPORTING4HEAWARDOFCONTRACTSTO RESIGNED FROM THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD AS SHAREHOLDER REPRESENTA THEAUDITORSFORNONAUDITINGSERVICESWASALSODISCUSSED!SPECIAL TIVESWITHEFFECTFROMTHEENDOFTHE!NNUAL'ENERAL-EETINGON REPORTWASFORWARDEDTOTHE"OARDONTHETASKSANDRESPONSIBILITIES -AY 4HE 3UPERVISORY "OARD PROPOSES THAT THE !NNUAL OFINTERNALAUDITSANDTHEMAINRESULTSOFINTERNALAUDITSINTHEPAST 'ENERAL-EETINGELECTS&RANZ&EHRENBACHAND$R&RANZ"(UMER YEAR&INALLYTHE!UDIT#OMMITTEEEXAMINEDTHEEFFECTIVENESSOFITS ASTHEIRSUCCESSORS OWNACTIVITYANDMADEDECISIONSCONCERNINGITSFUTUREWORK 4HE3UPERVISORY"OARDWASREGULARLYINFORMEDABOUTTHEWORK OFTHE#OMMITTEES &OR THE EMPLOYEES (ERBERT 0FENNIG HAS RESIGNED EARLY AS THE REPRESENTATIVEOFMANAGERIALSTAFFHISSUCCESSORIS$R-AX,INK &RANK ,EY WILL END HIS MANY YEARS OF SERVICE IN THE 3UPERVISORY "OARDATTHEENDOFTHE!NNUAL'ENERAL-EETINGON-AY 6ccjVaVXXdjcihVcYXdchda^YViZY[^cVcX^VahiViZbZcih (ISSEATONTHE"OARDWILLBETAKENBY)RIS-ISCHLAU-EYRAHNAS +0-'$EUTSCHE4REUHAND'ESELLSCHAFT!'7IRTSCHAFTSPRàFUNGS ELECTEDSUBSTITUTEMEMBER GESELLSCHAFT-UNICHAUDITEDTHEFINANCIALSTATEMENTSOF!LLIANZ !'ANDTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPASWELLASTHERESPECTIVEMANAGEMENT REPORTS AND ISSUED THEIR CERTIFICATION WITHOUT ANY RESERVATIONS 7E HAVE THANKED THE DEPARTING MEMBERS OF THE 3UPERVISORY "OARDFORTHEIRVALUABLEWORKINOURBODY 7ITHEFFECTFROM-AYTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDHASAP 4HE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS WERE PREPARED IN ACCOR POINTED $R -ARIO 'RECO CURRENTLY #HIEF %XECUTIVE /FFICER OF DANCEWITHTHE)NTERNATIONAL&INANCIAL2EPORTING3TANDARDS)&23 THE)TALIANGROUPCOMPANY2!3ASAMEMBEROFTHE-ANAGEMENT 4HE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS HAVE CONFIRMED THAT THE CONSOLIDATED "OARD(EWILLTAKEOVERRESPONSIBILITYFORTHE%UROPE))TERRITORY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE MANAGEMENT REPORT MEET THE CON FROM$ETLEV"REMKAMPWHOWILLRETIREATTHEENDOF DITIONS REQUIRED TO EXEMPT THE COMPANY FROM ITS OBLIGATION TO )NOURCAPACITYASMEMBERSOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDWEWOULD PREPARE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LIKETOTAKETHISOPPORTUNITYTOTHANKALLMEMBERSOFTHE!LLIANZ 'ERMANLAW 'ROUPCOMPANIESFORTHEIRPERSONALEFFORTANDCOMMITMENT 4HE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE AUDITORS REPORTS SUBMITTED BY+0-'WEREMADEAVAILABLETOALLMEMBERSOFTHE3UPERVISORY -UNICH-ARCH "OARDINDUETIME4HESEDOCUMENTSWEREDISCUSSEDINDEPTHBY THE!UDIT#OMMITTEEON-ARCHASWELLASBYTHE3UPERVI &ORTHE3UPERVISORY"OARD SORY"OARDATAMEETINGHELDFORTHATPURPOSEON-ARCH 4HEINDEPENDENTAUDITORSPARTICIPATEDINTHESEDISCUSSIONS4HEY PRESENTEDTHERESULTSOFTHEAUDITSANDWEREAVAILABLETOPROVIDE SUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION /NTHEBASISOFOUROWNREVIEWOFTHEFINANCIALSTATEMENTSOF !LLIANZ!'ANDTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPTHECORRESPONDINGMANAGEMENT REPORTS AND THE RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROPRIATION OF PROFIT WE CONCURREDWITHTHEFINDINGSOFTHEAUDITBY+0-'ANDAPPROVED THEFINANCIALSTATEMENTSOF!LLIANZ!'ANDTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPPRE PARED BY THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT AND WE HEREBY ADOPT THE INDIVIDUALACCOUNTS7ECONSENTTOTHEAPPROPRIATIONOFEARNINGS ASPROPOSEDBYTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENT $R(ENNING3CHULTE.OELLE #HAIRMAN HJE:GK>HDGN7D6G9G:EDGI 4HE!UDIT#OMMITTEEHELDFIVEMEETINGSINTHECOURSEOF )N THE PRESENCE OF THE AUDITORS IT DISCUSSED THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL 6AA>6CO<GDJE&% HjeZgk^hdgn7dVgY 9g#=Zcc^c\HX]jaiZ"CdZaaZ 8]V^gbVc >\dgAVcYVjh^cXZ?VcjVgn&!'%%* ;dgbZg8]V^gbVcd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci6aa^Vco6< BZbWZgd[i]Z7dVgYd[9^gZXidghHVcd[^"6kZci^hH#6# CdgWZgi7a^m 9Zejin8]V^gbVc ;gVc`AZn jci^aBVn)!'%%* :beadnZZ!6aa^VcoKZgh^X]Zgjc\h"6< :beadnZZ!6aa^VcoAZWZchkZgh^X]Zgjc\h"6< 9g#Lja[=#7ZgcdiVi 9g#BVmA^c` h^cXZ?jan&!'%%) 8]V^gbVcd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci:#DC6< :beadnZZ!6aa^VcoKZgh^X]Zgjc\h"6< 9g#9^Zi]Vgi7gZ^ed]a @VgaCZjbZ^Zg ;dgbZgBZbWZgd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci6aa^Vco6< :beadnZZ!6aa^VcoKZgh^X]Zgjc\h"6< 7ZgigVcY8daadbWjci^a9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%) =ZgWZgiE[Zcc^\jci^a?jcZ(%!'%%) Egh^YZciYj8dchZ^aY»6Yb^c^higVi^dcAV[Vg\Z :beadnZZ!9gZhYcZg7Vc`6< 9g#<Zg]VgY8gdbbZ HjaiVcHVaVb 8]V^gbVcd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgYI]nhhZc@gjee6< :beadnZZ!9gZhYcZg7Vc`6< ?g\Zc9dgbVccjci^aBVn*!'%%) 9g#6aWgZX]i:#=#HX]~[Zg[gdbBVn*!'%%)jci^aBVn)!'%%* 8]V^gbVc677AiY# 8dgedgViZK^XZEgZh^YZci!=ZVYEZghdccZaLdgaY!H^ZbZch6< 8aVjY^V:\\Zgi"AZ]bVcc 9g#BVc[gZYHX]cZ^YZg :beadnZZ!9gZhYcZg7Vc`6< 8]V^gbVcd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgY7VnZg6< =^cg^X];ZYYZghZc BVg\^iHX]d[[Zg Jc^dcHZXgZiVgnVikZg#Y^·KZgZ^ciZ9^ZchiaZ^hijc\h\ZlZg`hX]V[i! :beadnZZ!9gZhYcZg7Vc`6< ;ZYZgVa6Yb^c^higVi^dc!7Zga^c Egd[#9g#=ZgbVccHX]daajci^aBVn)!'%%* EZiZg=V^bZga 8]V^gbVcd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgYGdWZgi7dhX]<bW= :beadnZZ!9gZhYcZg7Vc`6< Egd[#?g\Zc:#HX]gZbeejci^a?jcZ(%!'%%) Egd[#9g#GjYda[=^X`Za 8]V^gbVcd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci9V^baZg8]gnhaZg6< Egd[Zhhdgd[[^cVcXZ Egd[#9g#9Zcc^h?#HcdlZg h^cXZ?jan+!'%%) Egd[#9g#GZcViZ@X]Zg 8]V^gbVc>chi^iji[g9Zbdh`de^Z6aaZchWVX] EgZh^YZci>chi^iji[gLZail^gihX]V[i@^Za 6AA>6CO<GDJE&& B^X]VZa9^Z`bVcc 8]V^gbVcd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci 9g#EVja6X]aZ^icZg <gdje;^cVcXZ 9ZiaZk7gZb`Vbe jci^a9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%* :jgdeZ>>!6hh^hiVcXZ!6aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`h!6aa^VcoBVg^cZ6k^Vi^dc! 6aiZgcVi^kZG^h`IgVch[Zg!GZ^chjgVcXZ ?VcG#8VgZcY^ 6bZg^XVh 9g#?dVX]^b;VWZg 6aa^Vco<adWVa>ckZhidgh 9g#BVg^d<gZXd Vhd[BVn&!'%%* :jgdeZ>> 9g#GZ^cZg=V\ZbVcc :jgdeZ>! 9^gZXidggZhedch^WaZ[dgAVWdjgGZaVi^dch 9g#=ZabjiEZgaZi <gdje8dcigdaa^c\!;^cVcX^VaG^h`BVcV\ZbZci!6XXdjci^c\!IVmZh! 8dbea^VcXZ 9g#<Zg]VgYGjeegZX]i <gdje>c[dgbVi^dcIZX]cdad\n!A^[Z>chjgVcXZ<ZgbVcn 9g#=ZgWZgiLVaiZg 6aa^Vco9gZhYcZg7Vc`^c\ 9g#LZgcZgOZYZa^jh <gdli]BVg`Zih HJE:GK>HDGN7D6G96C97D6G9D;B6C6<:B:CI 7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci 6AA>6CO<GDJE&' 8dgedgViZ<dkZgcVcXZ DjgWZ]Vk^dgVhVcZcigZegZcZjg^h\dkZgcZYWni]Zeg^cX^eaZhd[gZhedch^WaZ! igVcheVgZciVcYZ[[^X^ZciXdbeVcnbVcV\ZbZciVcYXdcigda# LZVgZXdbb^iiZYidi]Zeg^cX^eaZhd[\ddYXdgedgViZ\dkZgcVcXZ VcYhig^kZidbV^ciV^ci]ZXdc[^YZcXZVcYigjhid[djgh]VgZ]daYZgh! XjhidbZghVcYhiV[[dcVaVhi^c\WVh^h#6XXdgY^c\an!i]ZBVcV\ZbZci VcYHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgYhldg`XadhZanid\Zi]Zgl^i]i]ZdW_ZXi^kZd[ hjhiV^cVWaZkVajZXgZVi^dc#DjgYZX^h^dcVcYXdcigdahigjXijgZhVgZ YZh^\cZYidWZZ[[^X^ZciVcYXaZVg#LZhiVcY[dgigVcheVgZciXdbbj" c^XVi^dc!VcY\jVgVciZZ^bbZY^ViZVcYXdbegZ]Zch^kZY^hXadhjgZ d[Vaa^c[dgbVi^dcXdcXZgc^c\i]ZXdbeVcn#IdbV`Z^iZVh^Zg[dg djgh]VgZ]daYZghidZmZgX^hZi]Z^gg^\]ih!lZd[[Zgi]ZX]VcXZid [daadli]Z<ZcZgVaBZZi^c\dci]Z>ciZgcZiVcYidkdiZWnegdmn# I]Z6aa^VcoXdchi^iji^dc 4HECOMPANYCONSTITUTIONOF!LLIANZ!'ASTHELEADINGCOMPANYIN THE'ROUPISCHARACTERIZEDBYTHETWOTIERSYSTEMANDACCORDINGLY DIFFERSFROMTHESINGLEBOARDSYSTEMOFOTHERLEGALSYSTEMS 7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci 4HE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT OF !LLIANZ !' CURRENTLY CONSISTS OF TENMEMBERSASFROM-AYELEVENMEMBERS4HEYARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF !LLIANZ !' AND THE 'ROUP 4HE MANAGERIAL TASKS OF THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT ARE PRIMARILY TODETERMINETHESTRATEGICDIRECTIONANDTOMANAGETHE'ROUPAND 4HEINTENSIVEDEBATEONCORPORATEGOVERNANCECONTINUEDIN THEPLANNINGESTABLISHMENTANDMONITORINGOFARISKMANAGEMENT )N'ERMANYTHEMAINTOPICSWEREDISCLOSUREOFTHEREMUNERATION SYSTEM4HEWORKOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTISCOORDINATEDBY OF THE -ANAGEMENT AND 3UPERVISORY "OARDS AND LIABILITY QUES THE#HAIRMAN TIONS)NADDITIONNATIONALLEGISLATIONONIMPROVEDINVESTORPRO 4HE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT WORKS CLOSELY TOGETHER WITH THE TECTIONACCOUNTANCYLAWANDFINANCIALCONTROLENTEREDINTOFORCE 3UPERVISORY "OARD )T KEEPS THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD COMPREHEN 4HE %5 #OMMISSION LAUNCHED INITIATIVES ON THE INDEPENDENCE SIVELYINFORMEDONAREGULARBASISABOUTBUSINESSDEVELOPMENTS AND REMUNERATION OF MEMBERS OF ORGANS OF COMPANIES AND ON THE FINANCIAL POSITION AND RESULTS PLANNING AND ACHIEVEMENT OF CROSSBORDER VOTING 4HE /%#$ ALSO PUBLISHED ITS PROPOSALS FOR GOALS AND THE STRATEGY AND ANY EXISTING RISKS 3OME SPECIFIC DE GLOBALCORPORATEGOVERNANCEPRINCIPLES4HEPOLITICALDISCUSSIONOF CISIONSBYTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTREQUIRETHEAPPROVALOFTHE INCREASINGBREADTHWASRESUMEDATALLLEVELSREFLECTINGTHEMULTI 3UPERVISORY"OARD&URTHERINFORMATIONONTHE"OARDOF-ANAGE LAYEREDCOMPLEXITYOFTHESUBJECTOFCORPORATEGOVERNANCE MENTCANBEFOUNDONPAGEOFTHISREPORT 4HECENTRALELEMENTSOFOURUNDERSTANDINGOFCORPORATEGOVER NANCE ARE EXPLAINED IN THIS !NNUAL 2EPORT /N PAGES TO HjeZgk^hdgn7dVgY WECOMPLYWITHTHEDEMANDFORATRANSPARENTPRESENTATIONOFTHE 4HE 3UPERVISORY "OARD HAS MEMBERS AND UNDER THE 'ERMAN REMUNERATIONFORTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTANDTHE3UPERVISORY #ODETERMINATION!CTISCOMPOSEDEQUALLYOFREPRESENTATIVESOFTHE "OARD BY PRESENTING A DETAILED REMUNERATION REPORT WITH REFER SHAREHOLDERS AND OF THE EMPLOYEES 4HE SHAREHOLDER REPRESENTA ENCETOINDIVIDUALSFORTHEFIRSTTIME TIVESAREELECTEDBYTHE'ENERAL-EETINGTHEEMPLOYEEREPRESEN TATIVESBYTHEEMPLOYEESOFTHE'ERMAN!LLIANZCOMPANIES4HREE OFTHEEMPLOYEEREPRESENTATIVESARETRADEUNIONREPRESENTATIVES 4HELASTELECTIONTOTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDTOOKPLACEINFOR APERIODOFOFFICEOFFIVEYEARS 4HE 3UPERVISORY "OARD MONITORS AND ADVISES THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE BUSINESS )T IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE INTER ALIA FOR APPOINTING THE MEMBERS OF THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT FOR SETTING THE REMUNERATION OF THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT FOR APPROVING THE ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS OF !LLIANZ!'ANDTHE'ROUPANDFORTHEDEALINGWITHTHEQUARTERLY REPORTS 6AA>6CO<GDJE&( !NESSENTIALPARTOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDSWORKISPERFORMEDBY "OARDANDCHANGESTOTHE!RTICLESOF!SSOCIATIONOFTHECOMPANY ITSCOMMITTEES !N ORDINARY 'ENERAL -EETING IS HELD EVERY YEAR AT WHICH THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT AND THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD REPORT ON THE 4HEVjY^iXdbb^iiZZCONSISTSOFTHREESHAREHOLDERREPRESENTATIVESAND PASTYEAR%ACHSHARECONFERSONEVOTEWHENVOTINGONRESOLUTIONS ATTHE'ENERAL-EETINGhONESHAREONEVOTEv%VERYSHAREHOLDER MITTEE IS THE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF THE 'ROUPS !NNUAL &I ISENTITLEDTOPARTICIPATEINTHE'ENERAL-EETINGTOSPEAKONTHE NANCIAL3TATEMENTSAND#ONSOLIDATED&INANCIAL3TATEMENTSASWELL AGENDAANDTOASKQUESTIONS ASTHE-ANAGEMENT2EPORTANDTHE2ECOMMENDATIONFOR!PPRO PRIATION OF 0ROFIT )N ADDITION IT EXAMINES THE QUARTERLY REPORTS Di]ZgWdY^Zh ANDTHE&FILINGREQUIREDINTHE53!&INALLYTHEAUDITCOM 4HE >ciZgcVi^dcVa:mZXji^kZ8dbb^iiZZ UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF MITTEE IS AN IMPORTANT CONTACT PARTNER FOR THE AUDITORS WHOSE THE#HAIRMANOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTOF!LLIANZ!'ADVISES INDEPENDENCEITALSOMONITORS ONSTRATEGICISSUESAT'ROUPLEVEL4HEMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF -ANAGEMENT OF !LLIANZ !' AND THE HEADS OF THE LARGEST !LLIANZ 4HEHiVcY^c\8dbb^iiZZHASFIVEMEMBERSTWOOFWHOMAREEM SUBSIDIARIES ARE MEMBERS OF THIS COMMITTEE 4HE >ciZgcVi^dcVa PLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES )TS ESSENTIAL FUNCTION IS THE APPROVAL OF 6Yk^hdgn 7dVgY DISCUSSES FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE MATTERSFORWHICH3UPERVISORY"OARDAPPROVALISREQUIREDUNLESS GLOBAL ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY WITH THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT APPROVAL OF SUCH MATTERS FALLS UNDER THE COMPETENCE OF THE 0ER OF!LLIANZ!'4HEMEMBERSAPPOINTEDAREWELLKNOWNPERSONALI SONNEL#OMMITTEEORMUSTBEDECIDEDBYTHEPLENARYMEETINGOF TIESININTERNATIONALECONOMICAFFAIRS4HE?d^ci6Yk^hdgn8djcX^ad[ THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD 3UCH MATTERS ARE IN PARTICULAR MEASURES 6aa^Vco8dbeVc^Zh SUPPORTS THE -ANAGEMENT "OARDS OFTHE MAJOR RELATING TO CAPITAL AND THE ACQUISITION AND DISPOSAL OF CERTAIN 'ERMAN !LLIANZ COMPANIES IN DEALING WITH FUNDAMENTAL MATTERS INVESTMENTS IN OTHER ENTERPRISES -OREOVER IT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OF ECONOMICS 4HIS #OUNCIL COMPRISES LEADING PERSONALITIES IN DRAWINGUPTHE$ECLARATIONOF#OMPLIANCEPURSUANTTOCLAUSE INTERNATIONALECONOMICAFFAIRS4HECOMPOSITIONOFTHESEBODIESIS 'ERMAN3TOCK#ORPORATION,AW!KT'ANDREGULARLYEXAMINING SETOUTONPAGESAND THEEFFECTIVENESSOFTHEWORKOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARD 6XXdjci^c\VcY6jY^i^c\ 4HE EZghdccZa 8dbb^iiZZ IS COMPOSED OF THE #HAIRMAN OF THE 4HEACCOUNTSOFTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPAREPREPAREDPURSUANTTOCLAUSE 3UPERVISORY"OARDASWELLASONEREPRESENTATIVEEACHOFTHESHARE AOFTHE'ERMAN#OMMERCIAL#ODE('"INCONFORMITYWITH HOLDERSANDEMPLOYEES)TPREPARESTHEAPPOINTMENTOFMEMBERS )NTERNATIONAL&INANCIAL2EPORTING3TANDARDS)&23!SACOMPANY OFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTTENDSTOONGOINGPERSONNELMATTERS QUOTED ON THE .EW 9ORK 3TOCK %XCHANGE .93% WE ARE ALSO OF MEMBERS OF THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT AND HANDLES QUESTIONS BOUND TO SUBMIT TO THE !MERICAN SUPERVISORY BODY THE 3ECURI CONCERNINGTHEIRREMUNERATION)TISALSOINVOLVEDINTHELONGTERM TIES AND %XCHANGE #OMMISSION 3%# A FILING COMPLYING WITH SUCCESSIONPLANNINGFORTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENT THE53RULESFORFOREIGNBONDISSUERS4HISISBASEDONTHE)&23 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND CONTAINS A FURTHER RECONCI 4HE STATUTORYBZY^Vi^dc8dbb^iiZZ ONLY MEETS IF THE 3UPERVISORY LIATION STATEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE !MERICAN 53 '!!0 "OARD FAILS TO OBTAIN THE TWOTHIRDS MAJORITY REQUIRED BY LAW IN ACCOUNTINGSTANDARD AVOTEONTHEAPPOINTMENTORREMOVALOFAMEMBEROFTHE"OARD OF-ANAGEMENT 5NDER A SPECIAL REGULATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES CLAUSE K ('" IN OUR CASE THE AUDITORS ARE APPOINTED BY THE 3UPERVISORY"OARDANDNOTBYTHE!NNUAL'ENERAL-EETING4HE 4HECOMPOSITIONOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDANDITSCOMMITTEES IS !UDIT#OMMITTEEOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDPREPARESTHISAPPOINT SETOUTONPAGESAND MENT 4HE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS INCLUDE THE INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF !LLIANZ!'ANDTHE'ERMANAND!MERICANCONSOLIDATEDACCOUNTS 6ccjVa<ZcZgVaBZZi^c\ )NADDITIONTHEINTERIMACCOUNTSAREINSPECTEDBYTHEAUDITORSON 4HE !NNUAL 'ENERAL -EETING IS WHERE THE SHAREHOLDERS EXER *UNEOFEACHFISCALYEAR5NDERNEWACCOUNTINGREGULATIONSIN CISETHEIRRIGHTSINMATTERSRELATINGTOTHECOMPANY4HE !NNUAL 'ERMANYINCREASEDREQUIREMENTSWILLBEPLACEDONTHEINDEPEN 'ENERAL -EETING ELECTS THE SHAREHOLDER REPRESENTATIVES TO THE DENCEOFAUDITORSINFUTURE!TTHESAMETIMEAPROVISIONHASBEEN 3UPERVISORY "OARD AND PASSES RESOLUTIONS GRANTING DISCHARGE TO INTRODUCEDALLOWINGTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDTOEXAMINETHEREPORT THE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTANDTHE3UPERVISORY"OARD)TDECIDES ANDACCOUNTSTHEhENFORCEMENTMETHODv7EAREWELLPREPARED ON THE APPROPRIATION OF THE PROFIT CAPITAL MEASURES APPROVAL OF FORTHESENEWREGULATIONSNOTLEASTBECAUSEOFOURSTOCKEXCHANGE INTERLINKINGCOMPANYCONTRACTSREMUNERATIONOFTHE3UPERVISORY LISTINGINTHE53! 8D G E D G 6I : < D K : G C 6 C 8 : TWOEMPLOYEEREPRESENTATIVES4HEMAINTASKOFTHE!UDIT#OM 6AA>6CO<GDJE&) <ZgbVc8dgedgViZ<dkZgcVcXZ8dYZVcY 9ZXaVgVi^dcd[8dbea^VcXZ 4HE CURRENT VALID VERSION OF THE 'ERMAN #ORPORATE 'OVERNANCE 4HE$ECLARATIONOF#OMPLIANCEWITHTHE'ERMAN#ORPORATE'OVER #ODE IS THAT OF -AY )T INCORPORATES ACKNOWLEDGED NANCE #ODE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLAUSE OF THE 'ERMAN 3TOCK STANDARDS OF GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE COMPANY MANAGEMENT IN THE #ORPORATION,AWWASPUBLISHEDON$ECEMBERANDREADS FORMOFRECOMMENDATIONSANDSUGGESTIONS4HEREISNOSTATUTORY ASFOLLOWS DUTY TO COMPLY WITH THESE STANDARDS COMPLIANCE IS A MATTER OF SELFREGULATION BY BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ! LLIANZ!'WILLCOMPLYWITHALLTHERECOMMENDATIONSMADEBY (OWEVERUNDERCLAUSEOFTHE3TOCK#ORPORATION,AW"OARDS THE'OVERNMENT#OMMISSIONONTHE'ERMAN#ORPORATE'OVER OF-ANAGEMENTAND3UPERVISORY"OARDSOFALLLISTEDCOMPANIESIN NANCE#ODEASAMENDEDON-AY 'ERMANYAREBOUNDTOISSUEADECLARATIONOFCOMPLIANCEREGARDING THERECOMMENDATIONSINTHE#ODEALONGTHELINESOFhCOMPLYOR EXPLAINv 4HE#ODEISINCREASINGLYBEINGADOPTEDIN'ERMANYASAYARD STICK OF GOOD BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL !N ASSESSMENT OF THE DECLARATIONS OF COMPLIANCE SHOWS THAT ACCEPTANCE OF THE 'ERMAN#ORPORATE'OVERNANCE#ODEISINCREASING"YTHEENDOF THE$!8COMPANIESWILLHAVEONAVERAGEIMPLEMENTED PERCENTOFALLTHERECOMMENDATIONSWHEREASTHECOMPANIESIN CLUDEDINTHE-$!8WILLHAVEIMPLEMENTEDABOUTPERCENTOF THERECOMMENDATIONSONAVERAGEANDTHOSEINTHE3$!8ABOUT PERCENT 4HEQUESTIONOFINDIVIDUALIZEDDISCLOSUREOFTHEREMUNERATION OFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTWASATTHEFOREFRONTOFTHECORPORATE GOVERNANCEDISCUSSIONINTHEPASTYEAR,ASTYEARWEDIDNOTFOLLOW THENEWCOMPLIANCERECOMMENDATIONOFTHECODEONLYINTRODUCED IN-AYSINCEINOURVIEWINDIVIDUALDISCLOSUREWOULDNOT PROVIDE THE CAPITAL MARKET WITH ANY MORE RELEVANT INFORMATION THAN WOULD DETAILED COLLECTIVE DISCLOSURE /UR VIEW ON THIS IS UNCHANGEDBUTWEHAVENOTEDTHATTHEEXPECTATIONONTHEPARTOF BOTHPUBLICOPINIONANDTHELEGISLATUREOFTRANSPARENCYREGARDING REMUNERATIONOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTMADEDISCLOSUREOFTHE LATTER THE OBVIOUS COURSE OF ACTION 4HE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT THEREFOREANNOUNCEDWITHTHEHALFYEARRESULTSTHATTHEREMUNER ATIONOFTHEINDIVIDUALMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTWILL BEDISCLOSEDINTHEANNUALREPORTANDACCOUNTS4HE3UPER VISORY"OARDHASNOTEDANDAPPROVEDTHISANDDECIDEDTODISCLOSE THE INDIVIDUAL REMUNERATIONS FOR THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD AS WELL 7E CAN THEREFORE STATE THAT IN FUTURE !LLIANZ !' WILL FOLLOW ALL THERECOMMENDATIONSOFTHE'ERMAN#ORPORATE'OVERNANCE#ODE INITS$ECLARATIONOF#OMPLIANCE ! LLIANZ!'HASCOMPLIEDWITHTHERECOMMENDATIONSOFTHE'O VERNMENT#OMMISSIONONTHE'ERMAN#ORPORATE'OVERNANCE #ODEASAMENDEDON-AYSINCEITSLASTDECLARATION OFCOMPLIANCEON$ECEMBERSUBJECTTOTHEDEVIATIONS MENTIONED THERE NO INDIVIDUALIZED REPORTING OF THE REMUNER ATIONOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTANDTHE3UPERVISORY"OARD 4HISDECLARATIONISALSOAVAILABLEONOURWEBSITEATWWWALLIANZ COMCORPORATEGOVERNANCE )NADDITIONWECOMPLYWITHMOSTOFTHENONBINDINGRECOMMEN DATIONSOFTHE'ERMAN#ORPORATE'OVERNANCE#ODE4HESUGGES TIONTHATTHEPERFORMANCEBASEDREMUNERATIONOFTHE3UPERVISORY "OARD SHOULD INCLUDE ELEMENTS BASED ON THE LONGTERM PERFOR MANCEOFTHECOMPANYISNOTONETHATWEHAVEFOLLOWEDSOFARIT WILLHOWEVERBEINCLUDEDINTHEPROPOSEDCHANGESINTHEREMUNER ATIONOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDTOBEPUTTOTHE'ENERAL-EETING ON-AY4HESOLEREMAININGEXCEPTIONWILLTHEREFOREBE THE FACT THAT THE SHAREHOLDER REPRESENTATIVES ON THE 3UPERVISORY "OARDWILLNOTBEELECTEDFORSTAGGEREDTIMEPERIODSASSUGGESTED INTHE#ODE)TISPREFERABLEINOURVIEWTORETAINASIMULTANEOUS PERIODOFOFFICE 4HE TWO LISTED 'ROUP COMPANIES !LLIANZ ,EBENSVERSICHE RUNGS!' AND /LDENBURGISCHE ,ANDESBANK !' ISSUED THEIR OWN $ECLARATIONS OF #OMPLIANCE ON $ECEMBER AND RE SPECTIVELY !LLIANZ ,EBENSVERSICHERUNGS!' DISCLOSED THEREIN AS IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR THE DEVIATIONS FROM THE RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING THE INDIVIDUAL PUBLICATION OF REMUNERATION FOR THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT AND THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD AND FROM THE RECOMMENDATION OF A PERFORMANCEORIENTED REMUNERATION COM PONENT FOR THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD 4HE DECLARATION CONTAINS THE REFERENCE THAT THE REMUNERATION OF THE #HAIRMAN OF THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT IS SHOWN INDIVIDUALLY IN THE 'ROUP ACCOUNTS OF !LLIANZ!'4HE$ECLARATIONOF#ONFORMITYOFTHE/LDENBURGISCHE ,ANDESBANK!'CONTAINSTHESAMERESTRICTIONSASINTHEPREVIOUS YEAR NO INDIVIDUALIZED DISCLOSURE OF REMUNERATION OF MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY ORGANS AND NO RETENTION IN THE $IRECTORS AND /FFICERSLIABILITYINSURANCE 6AA>6CO<GDJE&* Djiadd` !S A COMPANY LISTED ON THE .EW 9ORK 3TOCK %XCHANGE .93% 4HEDISCUSSIONONGUIDELINESFORGOODCOMPANYMANAGEMENTAND !LLIANZ !' IS SUBJECT TO 53 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RULES IN AS CONTROL WILL CONTINUE INTO THE CURRENT YEAR )N 'ERMANY FURTHER MUCHASTHESEAREAPPLICABLETOFOREIGNISSUERS IMPLEMENTATIONOFTHESOCALLEDPOINTPROGRAMOFTHE&EDERAL 4HE 3ARBANES/XLEY !CT 3/! OF IN PARTICULAR HAS A 'OVERNMENT ON STRENGTHENING INVESTOR PROTECTION AND BUSINESS SIGNIFICANTEFFECTONOURCORPORATEGOVERNANCE7EHAVEWORKED INTEGRITY WILL BE THE OBJECT OF LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITY %UROPEAN INI INTENSIVELYINTHEPASTYEARONTHEIMPLEMENTATIONOF3ECTION TIATIVESWILLGAININSIGNIFICANCEASEVIDENCEDBYTHEh%UROPEAN OFTHE3/!4HISRULECOMPELSCOMPANIESTODOCUMENTFULLYTHEIR #ORPORATE'OVERNANCE&ORUMvSETUPRECENTLYBYTHE%5#OM FINANCIAL REPORTING INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AND TO CHECK ITS EF MISSION AND INTENDED TO DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITIES OF CONVERGENCE FECTIVENESS ANNUALLY 7E INTEND TO REPORT ON THE EFFICACY OF OUR OFTHENATIONALCODES SYSTEMOFINTERNALCONTROLSFORFINANCIALREPORTINGINTHE3%#FILING &UTURE %5 ACTIVITIES MUST IN OUR VIEW CONCENTRATE ON THE h&ORM&v FORTHEFIRSTTIMEFORFISCALYEAREVEN THOUGH CREATIONOF%UROPEANOUTLINESTANDARDSLEAVINGROOMATNATIONAL THE3%#ON-ARCHEXTENDEDTHETIMEALLOWEDFORFOREIGN LEVELTOACCOMMODATEANYPARTICULARFEATURESOFCOMPANYLAW4HE COMPANIESLISTEDON53STOCKEXCHANGESTOCOMPLYWITHTHISRULE NEWLYCREATEDLEGALFORMOFTHEh%UROPEAN#OMPANYvh3OCIETAS BYONEYEAR,IKEMOSTCOMPARABLEUNDERTAKINGSWEHAVEEXPEN %UROPAEAv COULD ACT AS THE CATALYST FOR GREATER CONVERGENCE OF DEDCONSIDERABLERESOURCESINCOMPLYINGWITHTHESEREQUIREMENTS NATIONAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS !T THE SAME TIME THE (OWEVER INTENSIVELY EXAMINING AND DOCUMENTING THE FINANCIAL 533ARBANES/XLEY!CTWILLHAVEANEFFECTONIMPORTANTASPECTS REPORTINGCONTROLSYSTEMSINTHISWAYALSOPROVIDESANOPPORTUNITY OFCONTROLANDREPORTINGSYSTEMS TOIDENTIFYANDREMEDYANYWEAKPOINTS7EHADALREADYCARRIED &OR !LLIANZ APPROPRIATE DEVELOPMENT OF ITS OWN MANAGEMENT OUTACONSIDERABLEPORTIONOFTHEWORKINTHEPREVIOUSYEARAND ANDCONTROLSYSTEMSTAKINGINTOACCOUNTTHENATIONALDISCUSSION ARECONFIDENTTHATWESHALLMEETTHEREQUIREMENTSOF3ECTION ANDALSOINTERNATIONALDEVELOPMENTSISACONTINUINGDUTYINTHE 3/!INTHECOURSEOF INTERESTOFALLITSSTAKEHOLDERS 4OMEETTHEDEMANDSOFTHE3/!WEHADALREADYAMENDEDTHE PROCEDURALRULESOFTHE!UDITCOMMITTEEOFOUR3UPERVISORY"OARD 5PTODATEINFORMATIONONCORPORATEGOVERNANCEISALSOAVAILABLE IN PAST YEARS )N PARTICULAR PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS ONOURWEBSITEATWWWALLIANZCOMCORPORATEGOVERNANCE RELATING TO THE ACCOUNTS OR FINANCIAL REPORTING HAVE BEEN INTRO DUCEDASHAVESPECIALPROCEDURESFORENSURINGTHEINDEPENDENCE OFTHEAUDITORS 4HE3UPERVISORY"OARDOF!LLIANZ!'HASDETERMINEDTHATTHE CHAIRMANOFTHE!UDIT#OMMITTEE$R-ANFRED3CHNEIDERMEETS THEREQUIREMENTSTHAT53LAWPLACESUPONTHE!UDIT#OMMITTEE &INANCIAL%XPERT!SPARTOFCOMPLIANCEWITHTHERULESOFTHE3/! !LLIANZ!'HASALSOADOPTEDAh#ODEOF%THICSvFORMEMBERSOFTHE "OARDOF-ANAGEMENTANDSENIORFINANCIALOFFICERS )NTHEPASTYEARWEHAVEALSOSETUPAh$ISCLOSURE#OMMITTEEv ATTHEMANAGEMENTLEVELOF!LLIANZ!'INWHICHTHESENIOROFFI CERSOFTHECOMPANYEXAMINEANDDISCUSSTHEDRAFTREPORTSFORTHE MAINAREASOFFINANCIALREPORTING4HE$ISCLOSURE#OMMITTEETHUS SUPPORTSTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTINFINANCIALREPORTINGPARTICU LARLYTHE#HIEF%XECUTIVE/FFICERANDTHE#HIEF&INANCIAL/FFICER INCERTIFYINGTHEACCOUNTSTOTHE3%#ASREQUIREDUNDERTHE3/! 4HE.93%HASALSOFURTHERDEVELOPEDITSCORPORATEGOVERNANCE STANDARDS&ORFOREIGNBONDISSUERSTHEGREATERPARTOFTHESERULES ARE NOT MANDATORY .ONETHELESS THERE IS A DUTY TO DISCLOSE THE MAINDIFFERENCESBETWEENACOMPANYSOWNCORPORATEGOVERNANCE ANDTHE.93%STANDARDSINTHEFORMOFABRIEFSUMMARY7EHAVE PUBLISHEDSUCHASUMMARYONOURWEBSITE 8D G E D G 6I : < D K : G C 6 C 8 : J#H#8dgedgViZ<dkZgcVcXZGjaZh 6AA>6CO<GDJE&+ GZbjcZgVi^dcGZedgi ;dgi]Z[^ghii^bZ!VcY^cXdbea^VcXZl^i]gZXdbbZcYVi^dch[gdbi]Z<ZgbVc 8dgedgViZ<dkZgcVcXZ8dYZ!lZVgZejWa^h]^c\Vc^cY^k^YjVaWgZV`Ydlcd[ gZbjcZgVi^dc[dgbZbWZghd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZciVcYHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgY# I]ZgZbjcZgVi^dcd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZcid[6aa^Vco6<hje" edgihhjhiV^cVWaZkVajZ"dg^ZciZYbVcV\ZbZci#>ci]ZaVhihZkZgVa nZVgh!i]ZgZbjcZgVi^dc^chigjbZcihlZgZ^cXgZVh^c\anY^[[ZgZci^" ViZY#I]ZdW_ZXi^kZd[i]^hY^[[ZgZci^Vi^dc^hidVgg^kZViVgZbjcZg" Vi^dchnhiZbi]Vi^hWVaVcXZY^c^ihhigjXijgZ!VcYVeegdeg^ViZVcY XdbeZi^i^kZ^ciZgbhd[^ihVbdjci# KVg^VWaZgZbjcZgVi^dc 4HIS COMPONENT CONSISTS OF AN ANNUAL AND A MIDTERM YEAR BONUS EACH OF WHICH IS PERFORMANCE AND SUCCESSRELATED AND LIMITEDTOAMAXIMUMAMOUNT :fj^ingZbjcZgVi^dceaVch 4HIS COMPONENT CONSISTS OF STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS 3!2 AND RESTRICTED STOCK UNITS 235 -ORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON THE 4HEREMUNERATIONOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTISDETERMINEDBY STOCKBASEDREMUNERATIONCOMPONENTSCANBEFOUNDONPAGES THE0ERSONNEL#OMMITTEEOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARD4HEREMUNER ANDOFTHIS!NNUAL2EPORTORONTHE)NTERNETATWWWALLIANZ ATIONSTRUCTUREISREGULARLYDISCUSSEDANDEXAMINEDINTHEPLENARY COMCORPORATEGOVERNANCE MEETINGS OF THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD %XACT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REMUNERATIONOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTFORTHEREPORTINGYEAR 4HEVALUATIONOFTHESTOCKBASEDREMUNERATIONISMERELYAMATHE CANBEFOUNDINTHEAPPENDIXTOTHIS!NNUAL2EPORTONPAGES MATICALLYCALCULATEDREFERENCEVALUE)FANDWHENTHESTOCKBASED AND REMUNERATIONWILLACTUALLYLEADTOAPAYMENTDEPENDSONTHEFU TUREDEVELOPMENTOFTHESHAREPRICETHESTRIKEPRICEANDTHEDATE 4HE INDIVIDUAL REMUNERATION COMPONENTS FOR THE "OARD OF -AN OFEXERCISE3TOCKAPPRECIATIONRIGHTS3!2CANBEEXERCISEDATTHE AGEMENTINCLUDE EARLIESTUPONEXPIRATIONOFATWOYEARVESTINGPERIODTHEVESTING PERIODFORRESTRICTEDSTOCKUNITS235ISFIVEYEARS4HEEXERCISE ;^mZYgZbjcZgVi^dc THENUMBEROFRIGHTSISSUEDANDTHEDEVELOPMENTOFTHEVALUEOF 4HEAMOUNTOFTHEFIXEDREMUNERATIONISONTHEONEHANDDETER STOCKBASEDREMUNERATIONARESHOWNINTHEINCOMESTATEMENT MINED BY THE DELEGATED FUNCTION OR RESPONSIBILITY /N THE OTHER HANDITISINFLUENCEDBYEXTERNALMARKETCONDITIONS 6ARIABLE REMUNERATION AND STOCKBASED REMUNERATION TOGETHER FORMATHREETIERINCENTIVESYSTEM 6ccjVaWdcjh ("nZVg"Wdcjh :fj^in"WVhZYgZbjcZgVi^dc VccjVa bZY^jb"iZgb adc\"iZgb IVg\ZiXViZ\dg^Zh IVg\ZiXViZ\dg^Zh IVg\ZiXViZ\dgn <gdjedW_ZXi^kZh BZZi^c\egZ"YZ[^cZYhigViZ\^Xi]gZZ"nZVgdW_ZXi^kZh HjhiV^cZY^cXgZVhZd[i]Zh]VgZeg^XZ <gdje$YZeVgibZcidW_ZXi^kZh HjhiV^cZYVX]^ZkZbZcid[VccjVa:K6 >cY^k^YjVadW_ZXi^kZh :Xdcdb^XKVajZ6YYZYdW_ZXi^kZh :K6^hVgZ\^hiZgZYigVYZbVg`d[HiZgcHiZlVgi8d# 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E &, B^hXZaaVcZdjh )NCOMEEQUIVALENT ANCILLARY BENEFITS VARY WITH THE FUNCTION AND 4HEMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTAREEITHERNOTRECEIVING POSITIONOFTHERECIPIENTANDARESUBJECTTOPERSONALINCOMETAX REMUNERATIONFROMMANDATESAT'ROUPCOMPANIESORTHEREMUNE 4HEYESSENTIALLYINCLUDEINSURANCECOVERAGEGENERALLYGRANTEDIN RATION PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT FROM SUCH MANDATESISTURNEDOVERTOTHECOMPANYINFULL/FTHEREMUNER EQUIVALENT ANCILLARY BENEFITS AMOUNTED TO ü MILLION ATION RECEIVED FROM MANDATES IN COMPANIES OUTSIDE THE 'ROUP üMILLION ISTURNEDOVERTOTHECOMPANYANDINTHEYEARUNDERREVIEW THISAMOUNTEDTOüMILLIONüMILLION4HISREMUNER ATIONISSHOWNINTHEANNUALREPORTSOFTHECOMPANIESCONCERNED !LISTOFSUPERVISORYMANDATESINCOMPANIESOUTSIDETHE'ROUPIS PROVIDEDONPAGEOFTHIS!NNUAL2EPORT 4HEINDIVIDUALMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTEACHRECEIV EDTHEFOLLOWINGREMUNERATION 7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci ;^mZY gZbjcZgVi^dc '%%) 8]Vc\Z [gdb egZk^djh nZVg Û thou ^c B^X]VZa9^Z`bVcc8]V^gbVc &!, .%% % 9g#EVja6X]aZ^icZg ,%% 9ZiaZk7gZb`Vbe +%% ?VcG#8VgZcY^ '!, 6ccjVa Wdcjh ) 8Vh] 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8]Vc\ZdkZgegZk^djhnZVgdci]ZWVh^hd[VY_jhiZYdgegdgViZYgZbjcZgVi^dc^c'%%( - IdiVagZbjcZgVi^dc[gdb6aa^Vco<gdje7dVgYbVcYViZh#6aa^Vco6<]VhV*%h]VgZ^ci]^hgZbjcZgVi^dc# . IdiVagZbjcZgVi^dc[gdb6aa^Vco<gdje7dVgYbVcYViZh#6aa^Vco6<]VhV'*h]VgZ^ci]^hgZbjcZgVi^dc# ' G : B J C : G 6I > D C G : E D G I THE INDUSTRY AND THE USE OF A COMPANY CAR )N INCOME 6AA>6CO<GDJE&- 4HEINDIVIDUALMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTEACHRECEIV EDTHEFOLLOWINGSTOCKRELATEDREMUNERATION CjbWZgd[g^\]ih\gVciZY BVi]ZbVi^XVakVajZd[<:> Vii]ZYViZd[\gVci H6G& GHJ ' H6G& GHJ ' IdiVa Û i]dj Û i]dj Û i]dj '(!-)' &&!)+. ,(' --( &!+&+ B^X]VZa9^Z`bVcc8]V^gbVc 9g#EVja6X]aZ^icZg &.!(,( .!('% *.* ,&- &!(&( 9ZiaZk7gZb`Vbe &+!-'. -!%.+ *&, +'( &!&)% .!.() )!,,. (%* (+- +,( ?VcG#8VgZcY^ 9g#?dVX]^b;VWZg &*!*%. ,!)+& ),+ *,* &!%*& 9g#GZ^cZg=V\ZbVcc( &*!-.) ,!+)+ )-- *-. &!%,, 9g#=ZabjiEZgaZi &+!)'& ,!.%% *%) +%. &!&&( 9g#<Zg]VgYGjeegZX]i( &*!*%. ,!)+& ),+ *,* &!%*& 9g#=ZgWZgiLVaiZg ) &+!-,- '*!.,& *&- '!%%% '!*&- 9g#LZgcZgOZYZa^jh &'!)%, *!.+. (-& )+% -)& 1) Following a vesting period, the SARs may be exercised at any time between May 19, 2006 and May 18, 2011 at the latest, provided that the Allianz share price stands at a minimum of Û100.16 and has outperformed the Dow Jones EURO STOXX Price Index (600) at least once for a period of 5 consecutive days during the contractual term. For more detailed information about SARs, see page 182 of the Annual Report. 2) RSUs are exercised the day following expiration of a five-year vesting period; i. e. on May 5, 2009, at the Allianz AG share price applicable on that date. For more detailed information about RSUs, see page 183 of the Annual Report. ( IdiVagZbjcZgVi^dc[gdb6aa^Vco<gdje7dVgYbVcYViZh#6aa^Vco6<]VhV*%h]VgZ^ci]^hgZbjcZgVi^dc# ) IdiVagZbjcZgVi^dc[gdb6aa^Vco<gdje7dVgYbVcYViZh#6aa^Vco6<]VhV'*h]VgZ^ci]^hgZbjcZgVi^dc# EZch^dchVcYh^b^aVgWZcZ[^ih 4HE 'ROUP PAID ü/+0 MILLION ü MILLION TO INCRE 4HEPENSIONAGREEMENTSFORMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENT ASE PENSION RESERVES AND RESERVES FOR SIMILAR BENEFITS FOR ACTIVE STIPULATERETIREMENTBENEFITSOFAFIXEDAMOUNTTHATISNOTLINKED MEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGEMENT/N$ECEMBER TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIXED OR VARIABLE REMUNERATION COM PENSIONANDSIMILARRESERVESFORMEMBERSOFTHE"OARDOF-ANAGE PONENTS 4HE AGREEMENTS ARE EXAMINED AND REVISED AT IRREGULAR MENT WHO WERE ACTIVE ON THIS DATE AMOUNTED TO ü/2+5 MILLION INTERVALS !S OF A CONTRIBUTIONBASED INCREASE IS PLANNED üMILLION TO REPLACE THIS PROCEDURE )T WILL BE FINANCED BY ANNUAL SAVINGS PREMIUMS WITH A FIXED ANNUAL INTEREST RATE OF n EQUIVA LENT TO THE ACTUARIAL INTEREST RATE OF LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN GZbjcZgVi^dcd[i]ZHjeZgk^hdgn7dVgY 'ERMANYnANDINTHEEVENTOFDISABILITYWILLBECONVERTEDINTO VALUEEQUIVALENTPENSIONPAYMENTSTOBEPAIDFORTHELIFETIME OF 4HE REMUNERATION OF THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD WAS DECIDED BY THE THEINDIVIDUALCONCERNED)FTHENETRETURNONINVESTMENTEXCEEDS !NNUAL'ENERAL-EETINGANDISDEFINEDINARTICLEOFTHE!RTICLES THE ACTUARIAL INTEREST RATE A CORRESPONDING PROFIT SHARE WILL BE OF!SSOCIATION CREDITEDINTHEFOLLOWINGYEAR 7HEN A MEMBER OF "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT RETIRES FROM THE 4HEREMUNERATIONOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDISBASEDONTHESIZE OFTHECOMPANYTHEFUNCTIONSANDRESPONSIBILITIESOFTHEMEMBERS "OARDATTHEENDOFHISMANDATEOLDAGEPENSIONISPAIDNOEAR OFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDANDTHEECONOMICSITUATIONOFTHECOM LIER THAN UPON COMPLETION OF THE TH YEAR OF AGE EXCEPT FOR PANY &OR THE MOST PART IT IS RELATED TO THE DIVIDEND PAID 4HE CASES OF PROFESSIONAL DISABILITY OR GENERAL DISABILITY FOR MEDICAL CHAIRMAN AND THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD AS REASONSORPAYMENTSTOABENEFICIARYINTHECASEOFDEATH)FTHE WELLASTHECHAIRMENANDMEMBERSOFITSCOMMITTEESRECEIVEAN MANDATEISTERMINATEDFOROTHERREASONSBEFORETHERETIREMENTAGE ADDITIONALREMUNERATION HAS BEEN REACHED A NONEXPIRING PENSION CLAIM IS MAINTAINED 4HEREMUNERATIONOFTHEMEMBERSOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDIN "UTTHISCLAIMDOESNOTINCLUDEARIGHTTOTHEIMMEDIATEPAYMENT CLUDESTWOCOMPONENTSAFIXEDAMOUNTOFüANDAVARIABLE OFBENEFITS AMOUNTDEPENDENTONTHEDIVIDEND4HISAMOUNTISCALCULATEDAS 6AA>6CO<GDJE&. FOLLOWSFOREACHCENTBYWHICHTHEDIVIDENDPERSHAREEXCEEDSTHE ANNUALREMUNERATIONOFüFORTHEIRWORKINTHISCOMMITTEE AMOUNTOFCENTSANADDITIONALREMUNERATIONOFüISPAID WHILETHECHAIRMANRECEIVESAFIXEDAMOUNTOFü 4HEADDITIONALREMUNERATIONOFTHECOMMITTEEMEMBERSISCAP 4HE AMOUNT OF THE DIVIDEND IS DETERMINED BY THE APPROPRIATION PEDBYANUPPERLIMIT4HISLIMITSTAKESEFFECTWHENTHEREMUNER OFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDRECEIVESDOUBLEANDHISDEPUTYONEAND ATIONOFTHECHAIRMANOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDHASREACHEDTRIPLE AHALFTIMESTHEAMOUNTOFTHISREMUNERATION4HEREMUNERATION AND THAT OF THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD DOUBLE OFTHEMEMBERSOFTHE0ERSONNEL#OMMITTEEANDOFTHE3TANDING THEBASICREMUNERATION3INCETHEDIVIDENDPOLICYOFTHE!LLIANZ #OMMITTEE IS INCREASED BY THAT OF THE CHAIRMEN OF THESE 'ROUPISORIENTEDTOWARDTHELONGTERMTHEREMUNERATIONOFTHE COMMITTEESBY4OPREVENTACONFLICTOFINTERESTONTHEPARTOF 3UPERVISORY"OARDTODATECONTAINSNOADDITIONALCOMPONENTTHAT THEMEMBERSOFTHE!UDIT#OMMITTEEWITHRESPECTTOTHEDIVIDEND ISBASEDONTHELONGTERMPERFORMANCEOFTHECOMPANY PROPOSALOFTHE3UPERVISORY"OARDTHESEMEMBERSRECEIVEAFIXED 4HE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE 3UPERVISORY "OARD EACH RECEIVED THEFOLLOWINGREMUNERATION ;^mZY gZbjcZgVi^dc KVg^VWaZ gZbjcZgVi^dc 8dbb^iiZZ gZbjcZgVi^dc Û Û Û Û 9g#=Zcc^c\HX]jaiZ"CdZaaZ8]V^gbVc -!%%% &+%!%%% -)!%%% '*'!%%% CdgWZgi7a^m9Zejin8]V^gbVc +!%%% &'%!%%% )'!%%% &+-!%%% 9g#Lja[=#7ZgcdiVi )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% 9g#9^Zi]Vgi7gZ^ed]a )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% 7ZgigVcY8daadbWjci^a&'$(&$'%%) )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% 9g#<Zg]VgY8gdbbZ )!%%% -%!%%% ,'!%%% &*+!%%% ?g\Zc9dgbVccjci^a%*$%*$'%%) &!++, ((!(() % (*!%%& 8aVjY^V:\\Zgi"AZ]bVcc )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% =^cg^X];ZYYZghZc )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% EZiZg=V^bZga )!%%% -%!%%% '&!%%% &%*!%%% Egd[#9g#GjYda[=^X`Za )!%%% -%!%%% (%!%%% &&)!%%% Egd[#9g#GZcViZ@X]Zg )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% ;gVc`AZn )!%%% -%!%%% (%!%%% &&)!%%% 9g#BVmA^c`h^cXZ%,$%&$'%%) '!%%% )%!%%% % )'!%%% @VgaCZjbZ^Zg )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% =ZgWZgiE[Zcc^\jci^a%+$(%$'%%) '!%%% )%!%%% % )'!%%% HjaiVcHVaVb )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% 9g#6aWgZX]iHX]~[Zgh^cXZ%*$%*$'%%) '!++, *(!(() % *+!%%& 9g#BVc[gZYHX]cZ^YZg )!%%% -%!%%% ++!%%% &*%!%%% BVg\^iHX]d[[Zg )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% 9g#=ZgbVccHX]daa )!%%% -%!%%% % -)!%%% Egd[#9g#9Zcc^h?#HcdlZgh^cXZ%,$%+$'%%) '!%%% )%!%%% % )'!%%% Egd[#?g\Zc:#HX]gZbeejci^a%+$(%$'%%) '!%%% )%!%%% % )'!%%% -+!(() &!,'+!++- ()*!%%% '!&*-!%%' IdiVa IdiVa gZbjcZgVi^dc !T THE !NNUAL 'ENERAL -EETING ON -AY THE "OARD OF -ANAGEMENT AND 3UPERVISORY "OARD WILL PROPOSE TO AMEND THE 3UPERVISORY"OARDREMUNERATIONPOLICYFROM)NTHEFUTURE REMUNERATION COMPONENTS ARE TO BE PAID IN ADDITION TO A FIXED REMUNERATIONBASEDON'ROUPEARNINGSPERSHARE G : B J C : G 6I > D C G : E D G I OFPROFITDECIDEDBYTHE!NNUAL'ENERAL-EETING4HECHAIRMAN 6AA>6CO<GDJE'% >ciZgcVi^dcVa:mZXji^kZ8dbb^iiZZ >cVYY^i^dcidbZbWZghd[i]Z6aa^Vco6<»h7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci! i]Z>ciZgcVi^dcVa:mZXji^kZ8dbb^iiZZ^cXajYZhi]Z]ZVYhd[i]ZbV" _dghjWh^Y^Vg^Zh#8]V^gZYWnB^X]VZa9^Z`bVcc!i]^hWdYnY^hXjhhZh dkZgVaahigViZ\^X^hhjZhVi<gdjeaZkZa# Lda[gVbA^ii^X] B^X]VZa9^Z`bVcc I]dbVhEaZ^cZh EVja6X]aZ^icZg LZgcZgOZYZa^jh 6aa^Vco:aZbZciVg!K^ZccV 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] 6aa^VcoHj^hhZ!Ojg^X] 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] BVg`OZhWVj\] ?VcG#8VgZcY^ :cg^Xd8jXX]^Vc^ BVg^d<gZXd <Zg]VgYGjeegZX]i 6aa^VcoA^[Z>chjgVcXZ! 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] AadnY6Yg^Vi^Xd! G6H!B^aVc 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] B^ccZVeda^h Ig^Zhi 6AA>6CO<GDJE'& > C I : G C 6I > D C 6 A : M : 8 J I > K : 8D B B > I I : : =ZabjiEZgaZi L^aa^VbH#I]dbehdc ?dVX]^b;VWZg =ZgWZgiLVaiZg 6cYgZlIdggVcXZ GZ^cZg=V\ZbVcc 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] E>B8D!CZledgi7ZVX] 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] 9gZhYcZg7Vc`! 6aa^Vco8dgc]^aa>chjgVcXZ! 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] ;gVc`[jgi$BV^c AdcYdc 9ZiaZk7gZb`Vbe K^XZciZIVgYd7VgjiZa ?ZVc"E]^a^eeZI]^Zggn 8]VgaZh@Vk^ih`n 6mZaI]Z^h IZggnIdlZaa 6aa^Vco6<!Bjc^X] 6aa^Vco8dbeVVYZ 6<;!EVg^h ;^gZbVc»h;jcY! 6aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`h! 6aa^Vco6jhigVa^V! CdkVid Bjc^X] HnYcZn HZ\jgdhnGZVhZ\jgdh! 7VgXZadcV 6AA>6CO<GDJE'' HigViZ\n I]ZbdbZcijbVcYgZhjaihd[djg¹( DcZºegd\gVbVgZVXXZaZgVi^c\djg egd[^iVWaZ\gdli]# DjgdW_ZXi^kZ^hidWZi]Z^ciZgcVi^dcVa[^cVcX^VahZgk^XZhegdk^YZg i]Vi^higjhiZYWZXVjhZlZYZa^kZgdc!dghjgeVhh!Vaad[djgegdb^hZh# 6cYlZVgZbdY^[n^c\djgWjh^cZhhbdYZaidVX]^ZkZi]^h#Djg[^ghi hiZe^ci]^hY^gZXi^dclVhi]Z^cigdYjXi^dcd[djghigViZ\^X¹( DcZº egd\gVb#>ci]ZnZVgjcYZggZk^Zl!lZYgdkZ[dglVgY^beaZbZciV" i^dcd[i]Zegd\gVb¼h[^ghii]gZZ^iZbh^cVcdjihiVcY^c\_d^ciZ[[dgi l^i]djgdeZgVi^c\jc^ih#LZVahdegZeVgZY[dgi]ZaVjcX]d[ild h^oZVWaZ^c^i^Vi^kZhi]Vil^aa]Zae^cXgZVhZdjgXdbeZi^i^kZhigZc\i] VcYkVajZdcVhjhiV^cVWaZWVh^h#HiVgi^c\^c'%%*!i]ZhZ^c^i^Vi^kZh VgZ hZi id \^kZ V h^\c^[^XVci Wddhi id i]Z ¹ DcZº ZaZbZci d[ i]Z egd\gVb!i]jhejii^c\Vaai]Z`ZnZaZbZcih^ceaVXZ[dg^begdk^c\ i]ZgZijgcdcZfj^in# DcZ# >cXgZVh^c\djgXdbeZi^i^kZhigZc\i]VcY kVajZdcVhjhiV^cVWaZWVh^h )NORDERTOMAKESIGNIFICANTPROGRESSTOWARDSACHIEVINGTHISSTRA TEGICOBJECTIVEWEAREPRESSINGAHEADWITHOUREFFORTSTOLEVERAGE ON THE SIZE REACH INTERNATIONALITY AND COMPETENCE OF !LLIANZ 4HEREPERCUSSIONSTHISHASONOURCORPORATEIDENTITYANDTHEWAY WEWORKTOGETHERASAGROUPISCHANGINGFUNDAMENTALLY7EHAVE INTRODUCED AN INTERNAL CAPITAL MARKET AND ARE WORKING WITH A DIVIDEND MODEL WITH A MINIMUM PREREQUISITE THAT CAPITAL COSTS HAVETOBEGENERATEDBEFOREANYFURTHERCAPITALISALLOCATED4HIS APPROACHHASBEENSUCCESSFULLYSTRENGTHENEDBYGROUPWIDEMAN AGEMENTGUIDELINESANDAMUTUALINCENTIVESYSTEM 7E ARE NOW GOING A STEP FURTHER AND ARE CONSOLIDATING OUR /URh/NEv0ROGRAMISWORKINGTOWARDSCREATINGANIMPROVED EXCELLENTRESOURCESTOBECOMEAGLOBALORGANIZATIONWITHINWHICH !LLIANZ WITH A HIGHER VALUE BY THE YEAR WITH THE AIM OF EVERYBODY REALLY LEARNS FROM EACH OTHER /UR INTENTION IS TO BE DRIVINGVALUECREATIONUPALEVELANDASSURINGINCREASESINVALUE COMEAN!LLIANZWITHALESSFRAGMENTEDSTRUCTUREANDUNITSTHATNO 7EARESTRIVINGTOENSURETHATYOUR!LLIANZEXPERIENCESPROFITABLE LONGERFOLLOWTHEIROWNARBITRARYLAWSASREGARDSBUSINESSRESULTS GROWTHWHATEVERTHEMARKETSITUATION!NDTHISHASTOBEOFBEN 7EWANTYOUR!LLIANZTOBECOMEATRUECORPORATEENTITYANENTITY EFITTOANYONECONNECTEDWITHTHISBETHEYCLIENTSSHAREHOLDERS THATDESPITECONTINUINGTOWORKONAhMULTILOCALvBASISISMORE EMPLOYEES OR OUR SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT /UR PROGRAM IS BASED ON UNIFIED THAN IT USED TO BE THANKS TO ITS h]VgZY deZgVi^c\ hnhiZb! FOURMAININITIATIVES bjijVa^c^i^Vi^kZhANDAXdbbdcXdgedgViZXjaijgZWITHSTRONGVALUES 4HE AIM OF HAVING SUCH COMMON GOALS IS TO ENSURE THAT !LLIANZ & 0ROTECTINGANDSTRENGTHENINGOURCAPITALBASE ISMORETHANSIMPLYTHESUMOFITSPARTSANDENSUREASUSTAINABLE INCREASEINOURCOMPETITIVESTRENGTHANDVALUE ''IVINGASIGNIFICANTBOOSTTOOUROPERATINGPROFITABILITY (2EDUCINGCOMPLEXITY DcZ )NCREASINGOURCOMPETITIVESTRENGTHANDVALUEONA SUSTAINABLEBASIS !TTHEBEGINNINGOFTHISANNUALREPORTWEGAVEABRIEFOVERVIEW OF JUSTHOWFARWEHAVECOMEWITH ed^cih&id(OFTHISLIST 4HE MANAGEMENTREPORTTAKESMOREAMOREINDEPTHLOOKATTHISPRO GRESSSEGMENTBYSEGMENT4HEREFOREINTHISSECTIONWEARECON CENTRATINGONTHEh DcZvELEMENT 6AA>6CO<GDJE'( )N RESPECT OF THIS NEXT PHASE WE ADDRESSED THE FOLLOWING QUES )N TERMS OF OUR BUSINESS OBJECTIVES WE WILL CONTINUE TO PUT ALL TIONS OUREFFORTSINTOSTRENGTHENINGOUROUTSTANDINGMARKETPOSITIONIN PROPERTYANDCASUALTYINSURANCELIFEANDHEALTHINSURANCEASSET F7ILL WE BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE THE SAME LEVEL OF OPERATING EXCEL MANAGEMENT AND WITHIN 'ERMANY ALSO IN BANKING 7E EXPECT LENCEACROSSALLSUBSIDIARIESTOACHIEVEAPROFICIENCY LEVEL THAT TOEXPERIENCESIGNIFICANTGROWTHASARESULTOFINCREASINGDEMAND ISFARSUPERIORTOTHATOFANYCOMPETITOR7EARECONVINCEDTHAT FORHIGHQUALITYHIGHLYSECUREPRODUCTSINTHEHUGEPENSIONAND WE CAN ACHIEVE THIS EXCELLENCE IF WE DO OUR UTMOST TO IMPLE WEALTHCREATIONMARKETWITHINBOTH%UROPEANDTHE53! MENTTHEBESTBUSINESSIDEASANDBUSINESSMETHODSOFOUR'ROUP F# ANWECLAIMTOBETHEFIRSTCHOICEOFCUSTOMERSWHEREVERTHEY AREINTHEWORLDBECAUSEOURPRODUCTSCUSTOMERSERVICEAND ADVISORY SERVICES MEET n OR SURPASS n THE CUSTOMERS EXPECTA TIONS AND BECAUSE WE RESOLVE ISSUES IN A FAIR AND PROFESSIONAL MANNER )NWEUSEDTHESEQUESTIONSASALAUNCHINGPADFORTWOINI TIATIVES5NDERTHEFIRSTINITIATIVEOUR3USTAINABILITY0ROGRAMOUR TOP SPECIALISTS SEARCH SYSTEMATICALLY AND WORLDWIDE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE COMPANY TO SEEK OUT OUTSTANDING SUCCESSES IN PRO DUCT OFFERINGS SERVICE OFFERINGS AND OPERATING IMPLEMENTATION WITHIN BOTH PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE &OR COMPANIES THAT ARE STILL FALLING BELOW THE LEVEL REQUIRED BY !LLIANZ ANDOR THE MARKET BINDING OBLIGATION CATALOGS WILL BE CREATED COMMITTING THESE COMPANIES TO ASSUME THE HIGHEST !LLIANZ STANDARDS /NLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR OUR ORGA NIZATION AND AS A RESULT OF OUR SUBSIDIARIES WORKING CLOSELY TO GETHERWEAREAVOIDINGTOOMUCHINTERFERENCEFROMABOVEINTHE PROGRAM 4HESECONDINITIATIVEWHICHISALSOBEINGIMPLEMENTEDACROSS THEENTIREGROUPISEVENMORECUSTOMERFOCUSED!TPRESENTTHE PROJECTTEAMISUNDERTAKINGARUTHLESSANALYSIS3TARTINGFROMSUM MERWEWILLTHENIMPLEMENTTHEINITIALPROJECTSFORTHISPRO GRAM4HEOBJECTIVEISTOTAKEAMORECUSTOMERORIENTEDAPPROACH TOWARDSOURPRODUCTANDSERVICEOFFERINGSANDOURFLEXIBILITYAND AWARENESS IN ORDER THAT CUSTOMERS PERCEIVE US TO BE EXCELLENT RECOMMENDUSTOOTHERSANDSEEUSASTHEFIRSTPLACETOTURNWHEN THEYNEEDFINANCIALSERVICES 7E ARE CONFIDENT THAT THESE PROJECTS WILL GIVE A SUBSTANTIAL BOOST TO THE h/NEv ELEMENT OF OUR PROGRAM FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS/NEBECAUSEWEAREENSURINGTHATEVERYPROMISINGIDEA FOR POTENTIAL PROGRESS AND IMPROVEMENT IS GIVEN A CHANCE AND TWO BECAUSE WE WILL MAKE SURE THAT EVERY MEMBER OF THE OR GANIZATION IS BROUGHT ALONG WITH US 4HESE PROJECTS REPRESENT A GENERALGUIDINGPRINCIPLEFOREVERY!LLIANZEMPLOYEEnIRRESPECTIVE OFTHEBUSINESSSEGMENTREGIONORPOSITIONINWHICHTHEYWORKFOR CLIENTSANDSHAREHOLDERS UPTOOURCUSTOMERSHIGHEXPECTATIONSWEWILLBEWORKINGEVEN MORERESOLUTELYTOWARDSFURTHERSTRENGTHENINGOURSALESCHANNELS AND PROVIDING SPECIALIST TRAINING TO OUR SALES EMPLOYEES 4O BE NEFIT FROM THE EXTRAORDINARY DYNAMIC GROWTH OF STRATEGIC FUTURE MARKETSWEALSOINTENDTOSTRENGTHENOURMARKETPOSITIONWITHIN #HINA)NDIAAND2USSIA 7E ARECONFIDENTTHATTHESEINITIATIVES WILL BRINGUSA GOOD DEAL CLOSERTOTHETARGETWEHAVESETFOROURSELVESI EBECOMINGi]Z INTERNATIONALFINANCIALSERVICESPROVIDERTHATISTRUSTEDBECAUSEIT DELIVERSONORSURPASSESEACHANDEVERYONEOFITSPROMISES H I G 6I : < N ACROSSALLOFOURUNITS )NORDERTOBEEVENBETTERPREPAREDFORTHISDEMANDANDTOLIVE 6AA>6CO<GDJE') KVajZ"7VhZYBVcV\ZbZci I]Z`Zn^hhjZ/djgh]VgZ]daYZgh¼ZmeZXiZYgZijgch# I]Z\dVad[kVajZ"WVhZYbVcV\ZbZci^hidXdch^hiZcianbZZii]Z ZmeZXiVi^dch d[ djg h]VgZ]daYZgh dkZg i]Z adc\"iZgb# LZ lVci h]VgZ]daYZgh!ZbeadnZZh!XjhidbZgh!VcYdjgXdbbjc^inidegd[^i [gdbi]ZkVajZdjgXdbeVcnXgZViZh# NEGATIVETHATMEANSASHAREHOLDERWOULDHAVERECEIVEDAGREATER RETURN FROM ANOTHER RISK ADEQUATE INVESTMENT THANFROM!LLIANZ !'SHARES)NTHISCASEHISINVESTMENTHASDESTROYEDVALUEINSTEAD OFINCREASINGIT 7ITH%6! ¤WEHAVEAMEASURINGINSTRUMENTTHAT 7Vh^X^YZV FTAKESINTOACCOUNTOURINDUSTRYSPECIFICRISKSAND 7HAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE TALK ABOUT THE CREATION OF VALUE 4HE CAPITAL THAT IS EMPLOYED BY A COMPANY MUST YIELD A HIGHER FE STABLISHES A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CORPORATE PROFIT AND THE MINIMUMRETURNOURINVESTORSEXPECTFROMTHECAPITALTHEYHAVE RETURN THAN A COMPARABLE ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT )N ORDER TO INVESTED REACHTHISOBJECTIVEWEAPPLYTHE%6! ¤%CONOMIC6ALUE!DDED CONCEPT COMPANYWIDE !DAPTED TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OFOURINDUSTRYANDTHENEEDSOFTHE!LLIANZ'ROUP%6! ¤DETER MINES OUR COMPANYS ECONOMIC GOALS )T PROVIDES A MEASURE OF OURPERFORMANCEANDISACOMPONENTINSETTINGTHEREMUNERATION OFMANAGEMENT 8ZcigVaVcYYZXZcigVaZaZbZcih 4HESE CONSIDERATIONS ARE IMPORTANT BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT VALUE BASED MANAGEMENT OF THE !LLIANZ 'ROUP AND AT THE SAME TIME 4HE BASIC IDEA BEHIND %6! ¤ INVOLVES COMPARING PROFIT WITH THE COSTOFCAPITAL%6! ¤nWHETHERPOSITIVEORNEGATIVEnISTHEDIF FERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO )T TELLS US WHETHER OR NOT OUR PROFITS EXCEED THE RETURN EXPECTED BY OUR SHAREHOLDERS 4HUS %6! ¤ IS THERESULTOFTHEFOLLOWINGCALCULATION ALLOW US TO RETAIN A DECENTRALIZED STRUCTURE 7HY DO WE NEED DECENTRALIZATION7EARECONVINCEDTHATTHEMANAGEMENTOFOUR OPERATINGENTITIESWORLDWIDEISINTHEBESTPOSITIONTODETERMINE WHATMEASURESAREAPPROPRIATEFORMAKINGTHEIRCOMPANIESMORE PROFITABLE 4HEY HAVE TO DECIDE WHAT RISKS THEY CAN TAKE n FOR EXAMPLEWHENTHEYUNDERWRITEINSURANCEPOLICIESEXTENDLOANS INVESTFUNDSORMAKEOTHERMANAGERIALDECISIONSnTOGENERATEA :K62egd[^i·XVe^iVaZbeadnZYmXdhid[XVe^iVa SPECIFICPROFIT 4HE COST OF CAPITAL REPRESENTS THE RETURN AN INVESTOR CAN EXPECT FROM AN ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT WITH COMPARABLE RISK !N %6!¤ GREATERTHANZEROINDICATESTHATANADDEDVALUEFORTHESHAREHOLDER HAS BEEN CREATED )F ON THE OTHER HAND THE %6! ¤ BECOMES 4HE!LLIANZ'ROUPONTHEOTHERHANDnANDTHISISWHERETHE CENTRALMANAGEMENTINSTRUMENTCOMESINnMUSTLOOKAFTERTHEIN TERESTSOFSHAREHOLDERSANDMAKESURETHATTHESUMOFTHETOTALRISKS ENTERED INTO REMAINS ACCEPTABLE FOR THE COMPANY AS A WHOLE AND THAT THE ACTUAL PROFIT REALIZED JUSTIFIES THE INVESTMENT OF CAPITAL :Xdcdb^XKVajZ6YYZY:K6/VcVaa"ZcXdbeVhh^c\hiZZg^c\VcYXddgY^cVi^dcegdXZhh 8gZVi^dcd[kVajZ BVcV\ZbZci Xdcigda 6aadXVi^dcd[XVe^iVa! Zc]VcXZbZcid[Z[[^X^ZcXn! dei^b^oZYg^h`egd[^aZ <ddYl^aa!^ckZhidg VeeZVa!hZXjgZ ZbeadnbZci :K6 DW_ZXi^kZh!bZVhjg^c\ VX]^ZkZbZcih Bdi^kVi^dc :K6^hVgZ\^hiZgZYIgVYZbVg`d[HiZgcHiZlVgi8d# 6iigVXi^kZegdYjXih! \gdli]! ZbeadnbZci 6XXZeiVcXZ WnhdX^Zin 6AA>6CO<GDJE'* G^h`XVe^iVa )N CALCULATING RISK CAPITAL THE AMOUNT OF CAPITAL EACH INDIVIDUAL 4HE !LLIANZ !' USES THE LIQUIDITY FROM DIVIDEND PAYMENTS TO FI NANCEGROWTH)NADDITIONTHECAPITALISUSEDTOPAYDIVIDENDSTO OURSHAREHOLDERSANDMEETOBLIGATIONSE GSERVICINGDEBT TALDEPENDSUPONTHERISKSTHATARETYPICALFORTHEPRODUCTSOFFERED !LL !LLIANZ 'ROUP OPERATING ENTITIES ARE THUS RESPONSIBLE FOR BYOUROPERATINGENTITIESIEPREMIUMRESERVEANDCREDITRISKS GENERATING A RETURN ON THEIR RISK CAPITAL THAT COVERS AT LEAST THE PLUSRISKSINCONNECTIONWITHCAPITALINVESTMENTANDOPERATIONAL COST OF CAPITAL !DDED VALUE RESULTS ONLY WHEN THIS THRESHOLD RISKS !DDITIONALLY THE AMOUNT OF CAPITAL NEEDED IS ALSO GEARED IS EXCEEDED "UT THAT IS ONLY THE MINIMUM WE DEMAND /VER TOTHEMANDATORYLEVELOFSECURITYTHATISCENTRALLYPRESCRIBEDFOR THE MEDIUM TERM WE EXPECT TO GENERATE A RETURN OF OR THE!LLIANZ'ROUPASAWHOLE5NIFORMSTANDARDSAREALSOAPPLIED MORE ON THE CAPITAL EMPLOYED 4HAT MEANS THAT THE UNITS MUST WHENDETERMININGRISKCAPITALTHROUGHTHEUSEOFANINTERNALRISK KNOW WHICH BUSINESS ACTIVITIES WILL INCREASE THE VALUE OF THEIR MODEL WHICH ALLOWS US TO PRECISELY DETERMINE COMPANYSPECIFIC COMPANIES AND CONCENTRATE THEIR EFFORTS AND RESOURCES ON THESE RISKFACTORS ACTIVITIES .EW VALUE DRIVERS MUST ALSO BE CREATED FOR EXAMPLE THROUGH NEW PRODUCTS MORE COSTEFFECTIVE PROCESSES AND OPTI MIZED DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS ,OCAL MANAGEMENT MUST ALSO PRE KVajZVYYZY VENT VALUE FROM BEING DIMINISHED ALONG THE VALUE CHAIN )F THIS HAPPENSCOUNTERMEASURESMUSTBEIMMEDIATELYIMPLEMENTED 4HROUGH !LLIANZ !' OUR HOLDING COMPANY WE ASSIGN AVAILABLE )N MEASURING OUR SUCCESS WE MINIMIZE THE IMPACT OF EQUITY CAPITAL ON THE BASIS OF THE RISKRETURN PROFILE AND THE VALUE PRO MARKET FLUCTUATIONS BY BASING OUR CALCULATIONS ON hNORMALIZEDv POSITION OF OUR OPERATING COMPANIES )N THIS PROCESS ONLY THOSE LONGTERMAVERAGERETURNS OPERATINGENTITIES FW HICHOPERATEINAPROFITABLEMARKETORBUSINESSSEGMENT FW HICHTRANSFORMTHEIRMARKETPOSITIONINTOSUSTAINABLECREATION OFVALUEANDACHIEVEALEADINGMARKETPOSITION FW HOSE ORIENTATION AND COMPETENCY FIT WITHIN THE LONGTERM STRATEGYOFTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPAND FWHICHAREABLETOGENERATEDISTRIBUTABLEEARNINGSTHATAREATLEAST EQUALTOTHEIRCAPITALCOSTS CANCOUNTONGROWTHCAPITAL 0ROFITSTHATEXCEEDCAPITALCOSTSCANBERETAINEDBYOUROPERATING ENTITIES TO FINANCE THEIR INTERNAL GROWTH 4HAT MEANS /UR MOST PROFITABLE ENTITIES HAVE DIRECT ACCESS TO CONSIDERABLE FUNDS TO FI NANCETHEIRGROWTH4HISDIVIDENDMODELWHICHHASBEENINUSE SINCEPROVIDESFORTWOEXCEPTIONS F7 HENANOPERATINGENTITYMUSTBERESTRUCTUREDITCANTEMPORA RILYBEEXEMPTEDFROMTHEDIVIDENDRULEINORDERTOBEABLETO BUILDEQUITY F# ERTAINOPERATINGENTITIESTHATARECURRENTLYBUILDINGUPBUSINESS INSTRATEGICALLYIMPORTANTFUTUREMARKETSAREFORTHETIMEBEING NOT REQUIRED TO PAY DIVIDENDS n SUCH AS OUR OPERATING ENTITIES IN#HINAAND)NDIA :K6^hVgZ\^hiZgZYIgVYZbVg`d[HiZgcHiZlVgi8d# BVcV\ZbZcigZbjcZgVi^dc 3INCE%6! ¤ISANIMPORTANTFACTORINMANAGINGOURBUSINESSTHE REMUNERATIONOFSENIORMANAGEMENTISBASEDTOASIGNIFICANTEX TENTUPONTHISFACTOR4HATMEANSWEHAVEOPTEDFORANINCENTIVE BASEDSYSTEMTHATHELPSMAKETHECONTINUOUSINCREASEINTHEVALUE OFTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPAPRIORITYACROSSOURENTIREORGANIZATION /UR PLAN FOR ACHIEVING ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED DOES NOT ONLY BENEFITOURSHAREHOLDERSOURCUSTOMERSEMPLOYEESANDTHECOM MUNITIESINWHICHWEOPERATEBENEFITASWELL!FTERALLSUSTAINABLE SUCCESSCANONLYBEACHIEVEDBYOFFERINGEXCELLENTPRODUCTSATAT TRACTIVEPRICESTHATSATISFYOURCUSTOMERSGENERATESALESTOSECURE JOBSANDPRODUCEPROFITSTHATALLOWUSTOCONTINUETOANDINCREASE OURCONTRIBUTIONTOSOCIETY K6AJ :"76H : 9 B6C6< : B : CI OPERATIONALENTITYREQUIRESTOCOVERTHEFINANCIALRISKSINVOLVEDIN ONGOINGBUSINESSACTIVITIESISFIRSTDETERMINED4HEREQUIREDCAPI 6AA>6CO<GDJE'+ 6aa^VcoH]VgZ BVg\^cVaadhhYZhe^iZnZVg"ZcY\gdli]hejgi Dci]ZhidX`bVg`Zih!'%%)lVhVnZVgh]VeZYWnXVji^djhdei^" b^hb#<gdl^c\Xdc[^YZcXZ^ci]ZXdci^cjZYgZXdkZgnd[i]Z\adWVa ZXdcdbn]ZaeZYidXjai^kViZi]ZbVg`Zi!Wjii]^hlVhYVbeZcZY hdbZl]ViWn^cXgZVh^c\d^aeg^XZhVcYVXdbeVgVi^kZanhigdc\Zjgd idi]ZYdaaVg#I]Z'#*Ygde^cdjgh]VgZeg^XZdkZgi]ZXdjghZd[ i]ZnZVg^hVXaZVg^cY^XVidgi]Vii]^hXa^bViZ[V^aZYid[dhiZghj[" [^X^Zcidei^b^hb#I]ZXadh^c\eg^XZ[dgi]ZnZVglVhÛ.,#+%#>i^h Zk^YZcii]ViXdc[^YZcXZ^cdjgVW^a^inidhiVW^a^oZ<gdjeWjh^cZhh YZkZadebZciVcYgZijgcidhigdc\egd[^iVWaZ\gdli]lVhcdifj^iZ Vhhigdc\VhZmeZXiZY#=dlZkZg!djgegZk^djh[^\jgZhViiZhiidi]Z [VXii]VilZ]VkZbVYZ\gZViegd\gZhh#9^k^YZcYeVndjihidndj! djgh]VgZ]daYZgh!VgZidgZ[aZXii]^hVcYVaadlndjideVgi^X^eViZ^c i]ZhZ^begdkZbZcih#I]ZgZ[dgZ!Vii]Z6ccjVa<ZcZgVaBZZi^c\!lZ l^aaegdedhZideVndji&#,*ZjgdeZgh]VgZXZgi^[^XViZ# KVgn^c\eg^XZ[ajXijVi^dch &OLLOWINGASTRONGINCREASEINVALUETHEPREVIOUSYEARTHE !LLIANZ SHARE LOST MOMENTUM IN AND REMAINED ALMOST UN CHANGEDOVERTHEYEARASAWHOLE7ITHADROPINVALUEOUR SHAREPERFORMEDWEAKERTHANBOTHTHE$OW*ONES%52/34/88 WHICH EXPERIENCED A INCREASE AND $OW *ONES %52/ 34/88)NSURANCEWHICHINCREASEDBY4HEEUROHIGH REACHEDBYTHE!LLIANZSHAREIN*ANUARYWASFOLLOWEDBYADIS APPOINTINGDEVELOPMENTUNTILTHEFALL!NUPTURNWASSPARKEDONLY AFTERTHEPRESENTATIONOFOURTHIRDQUARTERRESULTSPROMPTINGSEV ERALANALYSTSTOISSUEABUYRECOMMENDATIONFOROURSHAREWHICH LEDTOARETURNTOPRICEINCREASES4HISCOUNTERMOVEMENTINDICA TESTHATINVESTORSACCEPTMARKETIMPROVEMENTSIFTHESEAREPRESEN TEDTOTHEMINBLACKANDWHITEANDSUBSEQUENTLYSTRENGTHENTHEIR !LLIANZ INTEREST )N THE LATTER TWO MONTHS OF THE YEAR OUR SHARE 9ZkZadebZcid[i]Z6aa^Vcoh]VgZeg^XZkZghjh9dl?dcZh:JGDHIDMM*% VcY9dl?dcZh:JGDHIDMM>chjgVcXZ >cYZmZYdci]Z6aa^Vcoh]VgZeg^XZ^cÛ $ ' &' , *$ * *" & ) %+ //-%1; 2921)5" !## 2921)5" !##1574%1') HdjgXZ/I]dbhdc;^cVcX^Va9ViVhigZVb 8jggZci^c[dgbVi^dcdci]ZYZkZadebZcid[i]Z6aa^Vcoh]VgZeg^XZ^hVkV^aVWaZ dci]Z>ciZgcZiVilll#Vaa^Vco#Xdb$^ckZhidg"gZaVi^dch# 3INCE THE RECOVERY IN SHARE PRICES COULD BY FAR NOT OFFSET THE MASSIVE DETERIORATION OF THE PREVIOUS YEARS AND SINCE THE SHARE PRICE FAILED TO ACHIEVE FURTHER POSITIVE GROWTH IN THE YEAR UNDERREVIEWSHAREPRICEDEVELOPMENTINATENYEARCOMPARISON WASMARGINALLYNEGATIVESTANDINGATANANNUALAVERAGEMINUSOF ,OOKING BACK OVER THE PAST TWENTY YEARS OUR SHARE PRICE HAS EXPERIENCED AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH OF 4O TRACK THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR OWN INVESTMENT IN !LLIANZ SHARES YOU CAN USETHESHARECALCULATORTHATISAVAILABLEATWWWALLIANZCOMIN VESTORRELATIONS 6aa^Vcoh]VgZeZg[dgbVcXZ^cXdbeVg^hdc 6kZgV\ZVccjVaeZg[dgbVcXZ^c PRICEINCREASEDBYCAUSINGITTORANKAMONGTHE$OW*ONES EZg[dgbVcXZ %52/34/88CONSTITUENTSWHICHEXPERIENCEDTHEBIGGESTIN &nZVg *nZVgh &%nZVgh '%%) '%%%·'%%) &..*·'%%) CREASEINVALUEOVERTHATPERIOD 6aa^VcoZmXajY^c\Y^k^YZcYh '#* '%#% %#- 6aa^Vco^cXajY^c\Y^k^YZcYh %#- &.#& %#& 96M ,#( .#) ,#( 9dl?dcZh:JGDHIDMM*% +#. .#, -#) 9dl?dcZh:JGDHIDMM>chjgVcXZ ,#) &'#& )#- HdjgXZ/I]dbhdc;^cVcX^Va9ViVhigZVb 6AA>6CO<GDJE', 7ITHAMARKETCAPITALIZATIONOFüBILLIONATTHEENDOFTHEYEAR IdiVaY^k^YZcYVcYY^k^YZcYeZgh]VgZ !LLIANZ IS ONE OF THE MOST HIGHLY VALUED FINANCIAL SERVICES PRO VIDERS IN %UROPE /UR SHARE IS LISTED ON ALL THE MAJOR %UROPEAN INDEXES'ERMANYS$!8$OW*ONES%52/34/88AND-3#) %UROPEANDITISUSEDINCALCULATINGTHE-3#)7ORLD)NDEX4HE !LLIANZSHAREISALSOINCLUDEDONTHE&43%'OODAND$OW*ONES COMPANIESINAGIVENINDUSTRYTHATHAVEOBTAINEDTHEBESTRANKINGS INASUSTAINABILITYRATING4HERANKINGISBASEDONECONOMICECO LOGICALANDSOCIALCRITERIA&ORMOREINFORMATIONABOUTTHISVISIT WWWALLIANZCOMSUSTAINABILITY !26%/(-8-()1(-1 -8-()1(3)45,%4)-1 LZ^\]i^c\d[i]Z6aa^Vcoh]VgZ^cbV_dg^cYZmZh dc9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%)^c ;gZZ[adVid[-+ 96M[^[i]aVg\Zhih^c\aZh]VgZ ,#) Eg^bZ>chjgVcXZaVg\Zhih^c\aZh]VgZ +(#( 4HEFREEFLOATPERCENTAGEOFOURSHARECONTINUEDTORISEFROM 9dl?dcZh:JGDHIDMM*%&+i]aVg\Zhih^c\aZh]VgZ '#' INTHEPREVIOUSYEARTOATTHEENDOF4HISWASPRIMARILY 9dl?dcZh:JGDHIDMM>chjgVcXZ hZXdcYaVg\Zhih^c\aZh]VgZ &,#) BH8>:jgdeZ(+i]aVg\Zhih^c\aZh]VgZ %#+ BH8>:jgdeZ>chjgVcXZaVg\Zhih^c\aZh]VgZ &(#) BH8>LdgaY..i]aVg\Zhih^c\aZh]VgZ %#' HdjgXZh/9ZjihX]Z7ghZ!9dl?dcZh>cYZmZh$HIDMMAiY#!Bdg\VcHiVcaZn8Ve^iVa>ciZgcVi^dcVa ATTRIBUTABLETOTHEFACTTHAT-UNICH2EDISPOSEDOFAPPROXIMATELY OFITS!LLIANZSTOCKSANDBY$ECEMBERHADONLYA STAKEIN!LLIANZ!LLIANZHASAPPROXIMATELYSHAREHOLDERS AND AS SUCH IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST PUBLICLY HELD CORPORATIONS IN %UROPE 7ITH AN AVERAGE TRADING VOLUME OF MILLION !LLIANZ SHARESPERDAYOURSHAREISONEOFTHEMOSTHEAVILYTRADEDSTOCKS INTHE$!8-OREOVERAHIGHERFREEFLOATGIVESTHESHAREAGREATER WEIGHTING IN THE MAJORITY OF MAJOR INDEXES &OR UPTODATE IN >cXgZVhZYZVgc^c\heZgh]VgZ FORMATION ON OUR SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURE VISIT WWWALLIANZCOM INVESTORRELATIONS 3UBSTANTIALPROGRESSINTHEOPERATINGBUSINESSHELPEDTOINCREASE NET PROFIT TO ü BILLION ü BILLION $ESPITE THE FACT THATSHARENUMBERSWEREHIGHERTHANTHEPREVIOUSYEARATTRIBU H]VgZ]daYZghigjXijgZdc9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%) TABLE TO THE CAPITAL INCREASE IN !PRIL EARNINGS PER SHARE ;gZZ[adVi/-+!Adc\"iZgb^ckZhibZcih/&) ROSETOü =^\]Zg9^k^YZcY 7E WOULD LIKE OUR SHAREHOLDERS TO BENEFIT FROM THE IMPROVED BUSINESSDEVELOPMENTANDWILLTHEREFOREPROPOSEATTHE !NNUAL 'ENERAL-EETINGTOISSUEYOUWITHADIVIDENDOFüPERSHARE 71-',) !4)%574:5,%4)5 WHICHREPRESENTSAnünINCREASE7EARETHUSDRIVING OURCONTINUEDDIVIDENDPOLICYFORWARD!TTHESAMETIMETHEDIVI DENDPAYOUTISINCREASINGTOüMILLIONüMILLION HdjgXZ/6aa^Vco6<h]VgZgZ\^hiZg $+()#$)%#&$!( ) '!$()!)*)!%$"!$+()%'( '!+)!$+()%'( ) '% #&"%,( 6AA>6COH=6G: 3USTAINABILITYINDEXES4HELATTERINDEXONLYLISTSTHETOPOF 6AA>6CO<GDJE'- GZ\^dcVaY^hig^Wji^dcd[h]VgZdlcZgh]^edc9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%) )N*ANUARY!LLIANZPLACEDACAPITALMARKETTRANSACTIONPACK AGEONTHEMARKETWITHATOTALVOLUMEOFOVERüBILLION!SPART OFTHISWEDISPOSEDOFMILLION!LLIANZSHARESFROMTREASURY STOCK HELPING US TO REDUCE THE TREASURY STOCK PERCENTAGE OF TO TAL CAPITAL STOCK TO AND INCREASE THE FREE FLOAT TO )40%1: 6,)47423) 3INCE THE END OF !LLIANZ SHARES HAVE ALSO BEEN TRADED ON 246,%1( 276,0)4-'% 5-%%'-*-'*4-'% THE .EW 9ORK 3TOCK %XCHANGE IN THE FORM OF !MERICAN $EPOSI TARY2ECEIPTS!$24EN!$2SARETHEEQUIVALENTOFONE!LLIANZ SHARE&ORDETAILEDINFORMATIONVISITWWWALLIANZCOMINVESTOR HdjgXZ/6aa^Vco6<h]VgZgZ\^hiZg RELATIONS 6aa^Vcoh]VgZ`Zn^cY^XVidghViV\aVcXZ '%%) '%%( '%%' Û .-,!*-)!%%% .-)!--%!%%% +-'!)%-!%%% CjbWZgd[h]VgZhdc9ZXZbWZg(& (-*!,,*!%%% (-)!,&-!,*% '++!*+*!+'* CjbWZgd[h]VgZhdc9ZXZbWZg(&& (+-!&.*!.*, (+,!&(.!,%, ')(!&')!*&, 6kZgV\ZcjbWZgd[h]VgZh^ci]Z[^hXVanZVg & (+*!.(%!*-) ((-!'%&!%(& ',+!-*)!(-' HjWhXg^WZYXVe^iVadc9ZXZbWZg(& 6kZgV\ZcjbWZgd[h]VgZhigVYZYeZgYVndcMZigV bc '#+ (#. &#, H]VgZeg^XZdc9ZXZbWZg(& Û .,#+% &%%#%- -%#-% =^\][dgi]ZnZVg Û &&&#&* &%&#*% '**#+) Adl[dgi]ZnZVg Û ,(#-, )%#), +-#(* &#(' &#*' &#(% 7ZiV";VXidgkZghjh9dl?dcZh:JGDHIDMM*% ' & BVg`ZiXVe^iVa^oVi^dcdc9ZXZbWZg(& ÛWc (*#. 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Higdc\^ciZgZhi^c6ccjVa<ZcZgVaBZZi^c\ /UR !NNUAL 'ENERAL -EETING FOR FISCAL WAS WELL ATTENDED BY SHAREHOLDERS REPRESENTING OF THE CAPITAL STOCK n PERCENTAGE POINTS LESS THAN THE PREVIOUS YEAR 7E ATTRIBUTE THIS DROP PRIMARILY TO THE FACT THAT THE PERCENTAGE OF FREE FLOAT AS POSSIBLE WE ADDRESSED AN INCREASING NUMBER OF 'ERMAN IN VESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES AND CUSTODIAN BANKS FOR NON 'ERMAN INVESTORS 7E ALSO COMMISSIONED AN EXTERNAL SERVICES ANDTHEREISALSOANEWSLETTERWHICHCANBESUBSCRIBEDTOPROVID ING UPTODATE INFORMATION ABOUT THE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND SPECIALTOPICS&ORINVESTORSWHOPREFERTORECEIVEINFORMATIONBY PHONEOURh!LLIANZ)NVESTOR,INEvISAVAILABLEAROUNDTHECLOCK SEVENDAYSAWEEK)NTHEYEARUNDERREVIEWTHE)NVESTOR2ELA TIONSTEAMANSWEREDAPPROXIMATELYINQUIRIESFROMPRIVATE INVESTORS PROVIDER TO SUPPORT SHAREHOLDERS OUTSIDE OF 'ERMANY EXERCISE THEIRRIGHTTOVOTE /UR )NTERNET SERVICES WERE AGAIN WELL RECEIVED OF THE CAPITALREPRESENTEDINOUR!NNUAL'ENERAL-EETINGWASREGISTERED ONLINE!SINPREVIOUSYEARSSHAREHOLDERSPARTICIPATINGVIA)NTER NET WERE ABLE TO CHANGE THEIR INSTRUCTIONS DURING THE MEETING AS LONG AS VOTING HAD NOT YET BEGUN 7E WERE THE FIRST OF THE $!8COMPANIESTOOFFERTHEFASTERMORECOSTEFFECTIVE AND ENVI RONMENTALLY FRIENDLY OPTION OF SENDING !NNUAL 'ENERAL -EETING DOCUMENTSBYEMAIL&ORDETAILEDINFORMATIONABOUTTHE!NNUAL 'ENERAL-EETINGVISITWWWALLIANZCOMAGM HigZc\i]Zc^c\>ckZhidgGZaVi^dch 7E CONTINUEDTOSTRENGTHEN COMMUNICATION WITH INVESTORS AND INPARTICULARINCREASEDTHEFREQUENCYANDREACHOFOURROADSHOWS 8dbegZ]Zch^kZhZgk^XZ LZa^`Zid`ZZedjgh]VgZ]daYZghjeidYViZdcVaaXdbeVcnYZkZadebZcih# Djg>ckZhidgGZaVi^dchIZVb^heaZVhZYidVchlZgVcnfjZhi^dchndjbVn ]VkZdc6aa^Vcoh]VgZh!WdcYhdgi]ZYZkZadebZcid[i]Z6aa^Vco<gdje# 6 aa^Vco6`i^Zc\ZhZaahX]V[i >ckZhidgGZaVi^dch @c^\^chigVZ'9"-%-%'Bjc^X] 6aa^Vco>ckZhidgA^cZ/ ).&-%''**)'+. ).&-%'6AA>6CO aVcYa^cZXVaahXdhi+XZci[gdbl^i]^c<ZgbVcn ;Vm/ ).-.(-%%(-.. :"BV^a/ ^ckZhidg#gZaVi^dch5Vaa^Vco#Xdb >ciZgcZi/ lll#Vaa^Vco#Xdb$^ckZhidg"gZaVi^dch 7EVISITEDOURINSTITUTIONALINVESTORSIN&RANKFURTAND,ONDONA TOTALOFFOURTIMESOVERTHECOURSEOFTHEYEAREACHTIMESHORTLY AFTER PUBLICATION OF OUR MOST RECENT FIGURES THUS GIVING THEM AMPLE OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS THE PROGRESS OF THE BUSINESS ON A QUARTERLYBASIS7EARENOWALSOVISITINGINSTITUTIONALINVESTORSIN 3TOCKHOLM-ILAN-ADRIDAND#HICAGO)NADDITIONTOOURANNUAL ANALYSTSCONFERENCEWEHAVECONDUCTEDAh#APITAL-ARKETS$AYv WHERE WE PRESENT A SPECIAL TOPIC TO ANALYSTS AND INVESTORS )N THEYEARUNDERREVIEWWEPRESENTEDh2ISK-ANAGEMENTvTHERE SPONSETOWHICHWASSOENCOURAGINGTHATWEDECIDEDTOMAKETHE #APITAL -ARKETS $AY A STABLE COMPONENT OF OUR ANNUAL )NVESTOR 2ELATIONSPROGRAM)NWEHELDAPPROXIMATELYMEETINGS WITH ANALYSTS AND INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS MORE THAN IN THE PREVIOUSYEAR 7EARECONTINUALLYINCREASINGCOMMUNICATIONANDSERVICEOFFER ;^cVcX^Va8VaZcYVg'%%*$'%%+ >bedgiVciYViZh[dgh]VgZ]daYZghVcYVcVanhih BVn)!'%%* 6ccjVa<ZcZgVaBZZi^c\ BVn&(!'%%* >ciZg^bgZedgi[^ghifjVgiZgd['%%* 6j\jhi&'!'%%* >ciZg^bgZedgi[^ghi]Va[d['%%* CdkZbWZg&&!'%%* >ciZg^bgZedgi[^ghii]gZZfjVgiZghd['%%* BVgX]&+!'%%+ ;^cVcX^VaegZhhXdc[ZgZcXZ[dgi]Z'%%*[^hXVanZVg BVgX]&,!'%%+ 6cVanhih¼Xdc[ZgZcXZ[dgi]Z'%%*[^hXVanZVg BVn(!'%%+ 6ccjVa<ZcZgVaBZZi^c\ BVn&'!'%%+ >ciZg^bgZedgi[^ghifjVgiZgd['%%+ 6j\jhi&&!'%%+ >ciZg^bgZedgi[^ghi]Va[d['%%+ CdkZbWZg&%!'%%+ >ciZg^bgZedgi[^ghii]gZZfjVgiZghd['%%+ INGSFOROURPRIVATEINVESTORSMAINLYTHROUGHOURWEBSITE(ERE INVESTORSCANFINDANONLINEVERSIONOFTHIS!NNUAL2EPORTANDA WEALTHOFSUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATIONONASPECTSSUCHASDETAILED FIGURESBUSINESSSTRATEGY"OARDOF-ANAGEMENTAND3UPERVISORY "OARD3HAREHOLDERSCANVISITOURSITEATANYTIMEFORAFULLOVER VIEW OF CURRENT !LLIANZ SHARE PRICE DEVELOPMENT 7E ALSO OFFER LIVE BROADCASTS OF TELEPHONE CONFERENCES 4HE MOST IMPORTANT !SWECANNOTRULEOUTCHANGESOFDATESWERECOMMENDTOCHECK THEMONTHE)NTERNETATWWWALLIANZCOMFINANCIALCALENDAR 6AA>6COH=6G: SHARESHASRISENONCEAGAIN)NORDERTOREACHASMANYINVESTORS !LLIANZPUBLICATIONSCANBEDOWNLOADEDORORDEREDFROMOURSITE 6AA>6CO<GDJE(% 8Ve^iVaVcY;^cVcX^c\ H]VgZ]daYZgh¼Zfj^ing^hZhidÛ(%#-W^aa^dc# 6`Zn[dXjhd[djg¹( DcZºegd\gVb^hidhZXjgZVcYhigZc\i]Zc djg XVe^iVa WVhZ · Vc VgZV ^c l]^X] lZ VX]^ZkZY bjX] hjXXZhh i]gdj\]dji'%%)#LZ^cXgZVhZYh]VgZ]daYZgh¼Zfj^inidÛ(%#-W^a" a^dc·Vc^cXgZVhZd[Û'#'W^aa^dc! l]^aZh^bjaiVcZdjhangZYjX^c\ 6aa^Vco6<YZWi # 4HEBALANCEOFjcgZVa^oZY\V^chVcYadhhZhFROMSECURITIESAVAILABLE FORSALEISPARTOFSHAREHOLDERSEQUITY4HISBALANCEINCREASEDTO ü2+3 BILLION ü BILLION FOLLOWING THE MARKET GAINS IN EQUITYANDBONDPRICESDURINGTHEFINALQUARTEROF KVajVi^dcgZhZgkZh FOR OUR REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS AND PARTICIPATIONS CONSOLIDATED AT EQUITY ARE NOT PART OF SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY !T H]VgZ]daYZgh¼Zfj^in!gZhZgkZhVcYhdakZcXn $ECEMBERTHESERESERVESSTOODATüBILLION üBILLIONAFTERDEDUCTINGTAXESMINORITYINTERESTSANDPOLICY !T$ECEMBERh]VgZ]daYZgh¼Zfj^inOFTHE!LLIANZ'ROUP HOLDERSPARTICIPATIONS AMOUNTEDTOü0-+5BILLION9EARONYEAROURCAPITALBASEEXPERI ENCEDAü/+/BILLIONORINCREASEDESPITETHEDISTRIBUTIONOF !T$ECEMBERTHECAPITALELEMENTSELIGIBLEFORTHEhda" ü BILLION WORTH OF DIVIDENDS TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS 4HIS IS PRI kZcXnMARGINWHICHISALEGALREQUIREMENTIN'ERMANYFORINSUR MARILYATTRIBUTABLETOOURNETINCOMEOFü/+/BILLION!TCONSTANT ANCE GROUPS AMOUNTED TO ü BILLION ü BILLION EXCHANGERATESTHEINCREASEINSHAREHOLDERSEQUITYWOULDHAVE SURPASSINGTHEMINIMUMLEGALLYSTIPULATEDLEVELBYüBILLION BEEN EVEN MORE SUBSTANTIAL (OWEVER THE EXCHANGE RATE DECLI 4HISRESULTEDINACOVERRATIOOFCOMPAREDTOIN NES BROUGHT ABOUT BY A COMPARATIVELY WEAK 53 DOLLAR REDUCED 4HESOLVENCYMARGINDIRECTIVEAPPLIESONLYTOOURINSURANCE SHAREHOLDERSEQUITYBYüBILLIONIN SEGMENTS AND DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OUR BANKINGBUSINESS HiViZbZcid[X]Vc\Zh^ch]VgZ]daYZgh¼Zfj^in&'%%) (OWEVERTHEHjeZgk^h^dcd[;^cVcX^Va8dc\adbZgViZhASUPPLEMEN ^cÛbn TARY%5DIRECTIVETHATCAMEINTOEFFECTIN'ERMANYON*ANUARY APPLIES BOTH TO BANKING AND INSURANCE BUSINESS IN EQUAL MEASURE5NDERTHISDIRECTIVEAFINANCIALCONGLOMERATEISDEFINED AS ANY FINANCIAL PARENT HOLDING COMPANY THAT TOGETHER WITH ITS SUBSIDIARIES HAS SIGNIFICANT CROSSBORDER AND CROSSSECTOR ACTIV ITIES4HEAUTHORITYRESPONSIBLEFORIMPLEMENTINGTHISDIRECTIVEIS TOESTABLISHTHEREQUIREDLEVELOFCAPITALTHATSUCHAGROUPSHOULD HAVEINORDERTOBEABLETOBEARTHERISKSOFCROSSSECTORACTIVITIES )NITIAL CALCULATIONS ARE TO TAKE PLACE IN ON THE BASIS OF THE FINANCIALSTATEMENTS4HE!LLIANZ'ROUPISAFINANCIALCONGLOM !$! $"# & "'# ### ;dg[jgi]Zg^c[dgbVi^dc!hZZ¹8dchda^YViZYHiViZbZcihd[8]Vc\Zh^cH]VgZ]daYZgh¼:fj^inº dceV\Z&%)# ' GZkZcjZgZhZgkZh^cXajYZXjggZcXnigVchaVi^dcZ[[ZXih'%%)/Û'!+-%bc0'%%(/Û(&!.&+bc# ERATE UNDER 'ERMAN LAW AND IN VIEW OF THIS HAS BEEN MAKING TIMELY PREPARATIONS FOR THE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE TO BE EXPECTED !T THIS POINT IN TIME THE CALCULATION METHODOLOGY FORTHEFINANCIALCONGLOMERATESSOLVENCYMARGINISSTILLSUBJECTTO UNCERTAINTIES(OWEVERPRELIMINARYCALCULATIONSBASEDONTHECUR RENTSTATUSOFDISCUSSIONINDICATEAREASONABLEMARGININMEETING THEREQUIREMENTS )N ALL !LLIANZ 'ROUP COMPANIES COMPLIED WITH THEIR LOCAL SOLVENCYREQUIREMENTS 6AA>6CO<GDJE(& GVi^c\h DjihiVcY^c\6aa^Vco6<WdcYh·dkZgk^ZlVi&'$(&$%) !SAPROVIDEROFFINANCIALSERVICESOURSUPERIORCAPITALSTRENGTHIS ANIMPORTANTASSET!LLIANZ!'ENJOYSVERYSTRONGRATINGSWITHALL KdajbZ >ciZgZhieV^Y Û Wc Û mn HZc^dgWdcYh *#, '--#' FROMTHEPREVIOUSYEAR3TANDARD0OORSAFFIRMEDITSh!!nvLONG 8dckZgi^WaZWdcYh '#- &(*#+ TERM INSURER FINANCIAL STRENGTH AND COUNTERPARTY CREDIT RATINGS HjWdgY^cViZWdcYh )#. '.%#* WHILE !- "EST CONTINUED TO RATE !LLIANZ AS h!v ITS SECOND HIGHESTRATINGCATEGORY$ESPITETHENEGATIVEOUTLOOKOFBOTHAGEN CIES THEY DID RECOGNIZE OUR PROGRESS IN STRENGTHENING OPERATING HZZCdiZh((¹>ciZgZhiVcYh^b^aVgZmeZchZhº!&+¹EVgi^X^eVi^dcXZgi^[^XViZhVcYhjWdgY^cViZYa^VW^a^" i^Zhº!'%¹8Zgi^[^XViZYa^VW^a^i^ZhºdceV\Zh&+(!&),VcY&*&id&*'# PROFITABILITY HiVcYVgY Eddg¼h BddYn¼h 6#B#7Zhi >chjgZg[^cVcX^VahigZc\i] Djiadd` 66· CZ\Vi^kZ 6V( HiVWaZ 6 CZ\Vi^kZ 8djciZgeVginXgZY^i Djiadd` 66· CZ\Vi^kZ cdi Veea^XVWaZ VV· 66· 6V( HiVWaZ VV· CZ\Vi^kZ 6 6' HiVWaZ 6"& E"& 7 dcYhVcYXdckZgi^WaZWdcYh^hhjZYdg\jVgVciZZYWn6aa^Vco6<^ci]ZXVe^iVabVg`Zi!egZhZciZY Vicdb^cVakVajZh# 8Zgi^[^XViZYa^VW^a^i^ZhVcYhjWdgY^cViZYWdcYhWnbVijg^in·dkZgk^Zl Vi&'$(&$%)^cÛbc HZc^dgjchZXjgZYYZWi Djiadd` HjWdgY^cViZYYZWi Djiadd` 8dbbZgX^VaeVeZg h]dgiiZgb V $V cdigViZY GVi^c\hkVgndci]ZWVh^hd[bVijg^ineZg^dYVcYiZgbh# "!$% &"$ # " # % "$ # 7dggdl^c\ )N&EBRUARYWEISSUEDAPERPETUALSUBORDINATEDBONDWITH 7dcYhVcYXdckZgi^WaZWdcYh^hhjZYdg\jVgVciZZYWn6aa^Vco6<^ci]ZXVe^iVabVg`Zi! egZhZciZYVicdb^cVakVajZh# A NOMINAL VALUE OF ü BILLION 7E THEREBY TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE LOW INTEREST ENVIRONMENT AND THE HIGH LIQUIDITY IN THE MARKETTOREFINANCESHORTTERMWITHLONGTERMDEBTATATTRACTIVE CONDITIONS /N -ARCH WE FULLY REPAID THE -),%3 INDEXLINKED CONVERTIBLE BOND OF WHICH AT THAT POINT OF THE ORIGINAL ISSUE AMOUNT WAS STILL OUTSTANDING )N CONNECTION WITH THIS WE DELIVERED APPROXIMATELY MILLION -UNICH 2E SHARES TO INVES TORSLOWERINGOURINVESTMENTIN-UNICH2EBYAPPROXIMATELY PERCENTAGEPOINTS /URUSEOFCOMMERCIALPAPERASASHORTTERMFINANCINGINSTRUMENT WAS REDUCED CONSIDERABLY FROM THE PREVIOUS YEAR DOWN FROM ü BILLION TO ü BILLION )NTEREST PAID ON COMMERCIAL PAPER FELLACCORDINGLYANDAMOUNTEDTOüMILLIONIN üMILLION )N&EBRUARYWETOOKADVANTAGEOFTHECURRENTSITUATIONON THECAPITALMARKETSANDPLACEDATRANSACTIONPACKAGEWORTHAPPROX IMATELYüBILLIONONTHEMARKET)NADDITIONTOFURTHERREDUCING OUR EQUITY EXPOSURE AND BORROWING THESE TRANSACTIONS WILL ALSO FURTHERIMPROVEOURALREADYSTRONGCAPITALBASE 4O REDUCE OUR EQUITY EXPOSURE ü BILLION WORTH OF $!8 LINKED ")4%3 "ASKET )NDEX 4RACKING %QUITYLINKED 3ECURITIES WITH A THREEYEAR MATURITY PERIOD WERE ISSUED 4HE REDEMPTION VALUE IS GOVERNED BY THE PERFORMANCE OF THE $EUTSCHE "OERSES $!8INDEX4HE!LLIANZ'ROUPCANCHOOSETOREDEEMTHE")4%3 INSHARESOF-UNICH2E3IEMENS!'OR"-7!' 7E ISSUED A ü BILLION SUBORDINATED BOND TO PARTIALLY REFI NANCEüBILLIONWORTHOFBONDSTHATMATUREIN4HISBOND HASANUNLIMITEDMATURITYPERIODBUTWEAREENTITLEDTOREDEEM THE BOND AT THE NOMINAL AMOUNT AFTER TWELVE YEARS /UR CAPITAL BASEWASALSOSTRENGTHENEDBY$RESDNER"ANKPLACINGITSSTOCKOF MILLION !LLIANZ !' 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BYTHESEVERENATURALDISASTERSOF(URRICANESINTHE#ARIB 4HANKSTOITSECONOMICSTRENGTHTHE5NITED3TATESPROVEDTOBE BEANANDTHESOUTHANDEASTCOASTSOFTHE53!INTHEAUTUMNOF THEDRIVINGFORCEOFTHEWORLDECONOMYIN4HECLIMATEOF EARTHQUAKESANDTYPHOONSIN*APANANDTHEAPPALLINGSUB GROWTHWASMOREPRONOUNCEDIN!SIAWHICHPOWEREDBY SEAEARTHQUAKEINTHE)NDIAN/CEANATTHEENDOFTHEYEARNOTONLY 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ( * WROUGHTUNIMAGINABLEHUMANSUFFERINGBUTINFLICTEDDEVASTATING A^[ZVcY=ZVai]>chjgVcXZ ECONOMICDAMAGEWHICHRESULTEDOVERALLINCLAIMSEXPENSESFOR -OSTINDUSTRIALIZEDCOUNTRIESANDALARGENUMBEROFCOUNTRIESON INSURANCEBUSINESSFORTHEPASTYEARS THEIRWAYTOINDUSTRIALIZATIONWILLHAVETOREDESIGNTHEIRPENSIONS #ARINSURANCEBUSINESSBYFARTHELARGESTANDMOSTIMPORTANT SYSTEMS SINCEINCREASED LIFE EXPECTANCYANDLOW OR FALLINGBIRTH LINEINPROPERTYANDCASUALTYINSURANCECONTINUEDTODEVELOPVAR RATES WILL IN TIME WRECK ANY CONTRIBUTIONBASED SYSTEM !S THE IEDLYFROMMARKETTOMARKETASINTHEPREVIOUSYEAR/NEOFTHE NUMBEROFCONTRIBUTORSCONTINUESTOSHRINKTHATOFTHEBENEFICIA MAJOR GOVERNING FACTORS HERE IS NEW VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS 3INCE RIES INCREASES FURTHER AS DOES THE PERIOD FOR WHICH A PENSION IS THESESCARCELYINCREASEDIN'ERMANYCAR INSURANCEPREMIUM IN RECEIVED4HESETRENDSAREIRREVERSIBLEANDSOFARREACHINGTHATIN COME IN THIS MARKET REMAINED AT THE SAME LEVEL AS THE PREVIOUS THELONGTERMTHEREISNOPROSPECTOFKEEPINGTHESESYSTEMSGOING YEAR WHILE IN 3PAIN A RAPID CLIMB IN NEW REGISTRATIONS RESULTED BY ADDITIONAL FINANCING FROM TAX REVENUES #ONSEQUENTLY THEY NEEDTOBESUPPLEMENTEDOREVENCOMPLETELYREPLACEDBYCAPITAL DEVELOPMENTINTHEMOSTIMPORTANT!LLIANZMARKETS FINANCED PENSIONS 4HIS MEANS THAT THE SIGNIFICANCE OF COMPANY ANDPRIVATEPENSIONSWILLINCREASENOWANDINTHEFUTURE)NTHIS SITUATIONLIFEINSURANCESWHICHGENERALLYINCORPORATEGUARANTEES ENJOY HIGH REGARD 4HE PROFIT SITUATION OF LIFE INSURERS BENEFITED CZlXVggZ\^higVi^dch INFROMIMPROVEDCALMNESSANDCONSTANCYONTHEFINANCIAL 8]Vc\ZdkZgegZk^djhnZVg^c ,62(3= 6(3*, 8(1= !5(03 MARKETS /VERALLLIFEINSURANCESHOWEDBRISKDEVELOPMENT)N'ERMANY THENEWFISCALTREATMENTOFLIFEINSURANCEBENEFITSASFROM*ANUARY TRIGGERED AN EXCEPTIONAL SURGE IN BUSINESS IN THE LAST QUARTEROFTHEREPORTINGYEAR!LARGENUMBEROFCUSTOMERSWANTED TOTAKEADVANTAGEOFTHETAXFREEPAYMENTBYTAKINGOUTACONTRACT BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR THUS GENERATING A VERITABLE BOOM IN OUR BUSINESS IN THIS QUARTER FOR THE NUMEROUS PROVIDERS WHOSE PREMIUMSROSEBYAGOOD,IFEINSURANCEALSOFLOURISHEDIN COUNTRIESWITHOUTANYSUCHEXCEPTIONALCONDITIONSFOREXAMPLEIN &RANCE)TALY3PAIN0OLANDANDTHE#ZECH2EPUBLIC 4HECHANGESINTHEAGEDISTRIBUTIONOFSOCIETYHAVEHITHEALTH INSURANCE BUSINESS JUST AS HARD AS CONTRIBUTIONBASED PENSIONS SYSTEMS #ONSEQUENTLY COUNTRIES SUCH AS 'ERMANY &RANCE AND THE .ETHERLANDS ARE ABOUT TO EMBARK ON REFORMS TO THEIR HEALTH SYSTEMS 4HE ASSOCIATED POLITICAL DEBATE AND DIVERGENT OPINIONS ON HOW A REFORM SHOULD AFFECT STATUTORY HEALTH INSURANCE HAVE UNNERVEDTHE'ERMANPUBLICANDGIVENPRIVATEPROVIDERSnASIN THE PREVIOUS YEAR n A HANDSOME INCREASE IN TURNOVER OF ALMOST EVENTHOUGHTHEHIGHERMANDATORYINSURANCELIMITMEANTTHAT FEWERINSUREDPERSONSTHANINPREVIOUSYEARSCHANGEDTOPRIVATE PROVIDERS0RIVATEHEALTHINSURANCEPREMIUMINCOMEALSOENJOYED DYNAMICDEVELOPMENTINBOTH&RANCEAND3PAIN)N&RANCESCASE HOWEVERTHISWASDUETOTHEINCREASEINHEALTHCARECOSTS :8DCDB>8:CK>GDCB:CI IN A STRONG UPTURN IN PREMIUMS 4HE FOLLOWING CHART SHOWS THIS <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI NATURALDISASTERSATALEVELNOTSEENINTHEPROPERTYANDCASUALTY 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ( + 6hhZiBVcV\ZbZci 8Ve^iVabVg`Zih 4HEINCLINATIONANDTHENEEDTODEPLOYMOREPRIVATEFUNDSFORPEN HidX`bVg`Zih SIONPROVISIONALSOSPURREDONWEALTHCREATIONBYMEANSOFASSET 4HEMAJORSTOCKINDICESHARDLYCHANGEDATALLUNTILTHETHIRDQUAR MANAGEMENTPRODUCTS4HISTRENDISINTERNATIONAL)TISPARTICULARLY TER OF ALTHOUGH THEY HAD FOLLOWED A CLEAR UPWARDS TREND MARKEDIN%UROPEANDTHE53!WHERETHEGENERATIONBORNIN AT THE END OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR 4HE STRAINS CAUSED BY THE RISE THE &IFTIES AND 3IXTIES THE hBABY BOOMERSh ARE NOW REACHING IN OIL PRICES AND UNCERTAINTIES DUE TO THE HEAVY FLUCTUATIONS IN ANAGEWHERETHEYNOLONGERHAVEALLTHATMUCHTIMETOARRANGE THEEXCHANGERATEBETWEENTHEEUROANDTHE53DOLLARWERESO PENSION PROVISION WITH PRIVATE CAPITAL #ONSEQUENTLY THEY HAVE GREATTHATTHEUPWARDSTRENDINCORPORATEPROFITSWASINSUFFICIENT TOMAKEFULLUSEOFTHEREMAININGYEARSUNTILRETIREMENT4HEFUND TOMAINTAINTHEMOMENTUMOFTHEPREVIOUSYEAR6ALUESONSTOCK MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY IS BENEFITING FROM THIS AS WELL AS THE LIFE EXCHANGESDIDNOTRISEAGAINUNTILTHEENDOFTHEYEAR4HE'ERMAN INSURERS !SIA IS ALSO BECOMING MORE IMPORTANT AS A MARKET FOR $!8 INDEX SWUNG TO AND FRO BETWEEN AND POINTS WEALTHCREATIONPRODUCTS/NEKEYMARKETINTHISREGIONIS#HINA BEFORECLEARINGTHEPOINTMARKINTHELASTQUARTERWHEREIT WHERE THE FORMER ONECHILD POLICY WILL DRAMATICALLY ACCENTUATE REMAINED 4HE PATTERN OF THE 53 3TANDARD 0OORS )NDEX 30 THEFUTUREAGINGOFSOCIETY WASSIMILAR)NITIALLYTHECURVESEEMEDTRAPPEDINACORRIDOR -OREOVERTHEBUSINESSOFTHEFUNDMANAGEMENTINDUSTRYISALSO BETWEEN AND POINTS BEFORE FINALLY SWINGING UP TO AFFECTEDBYDEVELOPMENTSONCAPITALMARKETS4HISWASREFLECTED WARDS POINTS 4HEPERFORMANCE OF THE STOCKMARKETS OVER INBYVALUATIONFLUCTUATIONSWHICHAFFECTEDINVESTORBEHAV THEYEARASAWHOLEWASCORRESPONDINGLYMEDIOCRE4HE$!8ROSE IOR )N THE FIRST HALF OF THE YEAR EQUITY FUNDS WORLDWIDE RECORD BYANDTHE30BY ED COMPARATIVELY HIGH INFLOWS 7EAKENING STOCK MARKETS IN THE SUMMERBOOSTEDDEMANDFORFIXEDINCOMEFUNDS-ONEYMARKET FUNDS WERE LESS IN DEMAND OVER THE ENTIRE YEAR !S SHARE PRICES HidX`bVg`ZieZg[dgbVcXZ'%%) BECAME FIRMER IN THE LAST QUARTER THIS DEVELOPMENT GAVE EQUITY 9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%(2&%% FUNDSANOTHERBOOST/NBALANCEASANASSETMANAGEMENT YEARWASMARKEDBYAFAIRLYSUBDUEDINFLOWOFFUNDSANDBYTHE TRENDTOREGROUPAGAINMORESTRONGLYINEQUITYFUNDS 7Vc`h 4HE BANKING SECTOR CONTINUED ITS RECOVERY IN 0ROFITS IM PROVEDINALMOSTALLSIGNIFICANTMARKETS!SARESULTOFTHESTRONGER ECONOMICCLIMATETHEREWEREFEWERINSOLVENCIESWHICHBENEFITED THEBANKINGINDUSTRY)NVESTMENTBANKSPARTICULARLYTHOSEINTHE 53! PROFITED FROM THE POSITIVE DEVELOPMENTS ON THE FINAN CIAL MARKETS #ONSOLIDATION IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY CONTINUED )N 'ERMANY THE NEED FOR CONSOLIDATION IS STILL ESPECIALLY HIGH SINCECROSSSECTORMERGERSREMAINTABOO,OANPROCESSESWEREALSO CHANGEDINANTICIPATIONOFNEWEQUITYRULESSOONTOTAKEEFFECTIN 'ERMANY4HISWILLCHANGETHEMODALITIESOFCOMPANYFINANCING 2ATINGPROCESSESWILLPLAYAMORESIGNIFICANTROLEFORMEDIUMSIZED ENTERPRISES AS WELL SINCE LOANS ARE BEING INCREASINGLY PRICED ON A RISKADEQUATE BASIS !T THE SAME TIME THE BANKS ARE REDUCING RISKS IN THEIR BUSINESS PORTFOLIOS BY USING DERIVATIVES AS HEDGES AGAINST LOAN LOSSES AND ARE ATTEMPTING TO UPGRADE PROFITABILITY BYRESTRUCTURING4HESEINITIATIVESAREBYNOWWELLADVANCEDSO BANKS ARE FREE AGAIN TO CONCENTRATE MORE OF THEIR ATTENTION ON RAISINGOPERATINGPROFITSANDABOVEALLDEVOTETHEMSELVESTOTHEIR PRIVATECUSTOMERS (3 ,) (6 56 % # !"%% (= 93 91 9. !,5 "! ! *8 4: ,* 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ( , 7dcYbVg`Zih CONFINED SOLELY TO ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE 53 DOLLAR !GAINST RATESANDPERSISTENTGENERALWORRIESABOUTTHEECONOMICCLIMATE OTHERCURRENCIESTHEVALUEOFTHEEUROWASVIRTUALLYUNCHANGEDOR DETERMINED THE GOVERNMENT BOND MARKETS IN "ETWEEN FELL PARTICULARLY AGAINST %ASTERN %UROPEAN CURRENCIES !S IN THE !PRILAND*UNEYIELDSONTENYEARGOVERNMENTBONDSROSEBY PREVIOUSYEARPOUNDSTERLINGWASWORTHEUROANDTHE3WISS BASIS POINTS IN 'ERMANY AND IN THE 53! 9IELDS DROPPED FRANCEUROCORRESPONDINGTOANAPPRECIATIONOFOVERTHE NOTICEABLY IN THE MIDDLE OF YEAR WHEN WORRIES ABOUT INFLATION YEAR 4HE *APANESE YENFLUCTUATED VERY SLIGHTLY AGAINST THE EURO WERE COMPOUNDED WITH FEARS THAT THE RISING OIL PRICE WOULD NIP WITH ONLY NEGLIGIBLE CHANGES IN VALUE IT APPRECIATED AGAINST THE ANY ECONOMIC IMPROVEMENT IN THE BUD !T THE END OF THE YEAR 53DOLLARHOWEVER INTEREST RATES FOLLOWED DIFFERENT PATHS IN %UROPE AND 'ERMANY YIELDS STARTED CLIMBING AGAIN IN THE 5NITED 3TATES BUT DROPPED 9ZkZadebZcid[[dgZ^\cXjggZcX^ZhgZaVi^kZidi]ZZjgd AGAINSTTHEEUROINTANDEMWITHTHISCOUNTRYDEVELOPMENTTHERE 9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%(2&%% IS MUCH TO SUGGEST THAT INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS AND A NUMBER OF CENTRALBANKSWERECONVERTINGLARGEPROPORTIONSOFTHEIRPORTFOLIOS FROM53DOLLARSTO%UROSECURITIES/VERALLYIELDSON%UROPEAN BONDMARKETSBYTHEENDOFTHEYEARHADFALLENTOBELOWTHELEVEL OF THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR YIELDS ON FIXEDINTEREST SECURITIES ON53MARKETSWEREROUGHLYTHESAMEATTHEBEGINNINGANDTHE ENDOFTHEYEAR %0 EZg[dgbVcXZd[[^mZY^cXdbZ^cYZmZh'%%) 9ZXZbWZg(&!'%%(2&%% %0 )& %3 23 %: 60 6. 6+ )2 '5 17 )' $461+,/2(33648/,674254708,43+3+,< #308,+!8(8,746.(34254708,43+3+,< 964'43,,/2(33648/,674254708,43+3+,< 8jggZcX^Zh $URING THE EURO APPRECIATED SUBSTANTIALLY AGAINST THE 53 DOLLAR REACHING A TEMPORARY PEAK OF 53 DOLLARS AS THE DOMINANT %5 CURRENCY 4HIS EXCHANGE RATE PATTERN SHOWED THATPRIVATEINVESTORS DOUBTED WHETHERTHE BALANCEOF PAYMENTS DEFICITSANDEXTREMELYEXPANSIONISTMONETARYANDFISCALPOLICYIN THE 5NITED 3TATES WERE SUSTAINABLE IN THE LONG TERM 4HE TREND WAS ACCENTUATED BY THE IMPRESSION GIVEN BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 53 ADMINISTRATION AND THE 53 &EDERAL 2ESERVE THAT THEY WERE NOT ADVERSELY DISPOSED TO A FURTHER DROP IN THE VALUE OF THEhGREENBACKv5NLIKETHEAPPRECIATIONOFTHEEUROWAS )& %3 #!+411(6 !;077-6(3* 23 %: 60 6. 6+ )2 493+78,6103. &,3 '5 17 )' :8DCDB>8:CK>GDCB:CI FURTHER IN %UROPE 3INCE THE 53 DOLLAR WEAKENED CONSIDERABLY <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI 4HEOILPRICEDEVELOPMENTTHECHANGEINDIRECTIONIN53INTEREST 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ( - I]Z [daadl^c\ Y^hXjhh^dc ^h WVhZY dc djg VjY^iZY Xdchda^YViZY [^cVcX^Va cZi ^cXdbZ Viig^WjiVWaZ id dc\d^c\ hZ\bZci deZgVi^dch VcY i]Z jcYZg" hiViZbZcihVcYh]djaYWZgZVY^cXdc_jcXi^dcl^i]i]dhZhiViZbZcih#LZ an^c\egd[^iVW^a^ind[djgWjh^cZhhZh#;dgZmVbeaZ!lZWZa^ZkZi]ViigZcYh^c ZkVajViZi]ZgZhjaihd[djgEgdeZgin"8VhjVain!A^[Z$=ZVai]^chjgVcXZ!7Vc`^c\ i]ZjcYZgan^c\egd[^iVW^a^ind[djghZ\bZcihXVcWZbdgZXaZVgan^YZci^[^ZY VcY6hhZiBVcV\ZbZcihZ\bZcihjh^c\V[^cVcX^VaeZg[dgbVcXZbZVhjgZlZ l^i]djii]Z[ajXijVi^c\Z[[ZXihd[i]ZgZVa^oZYXVe^iVa\V^chVcYadhhZhdg gZ[Zgid]ZgZ^cVh¹deZgVi^c\egd[^iº#LZYZ[^cZdjghZ\bZcideZgVi^c\egd[^i ^beV^gbZcihdc^ckZhibZcihZXjg^i^Zh!Vhi]ZhZVgZaVg\ZanYZeZcYZcidc VhZVgc^c\h[gdbdgY^cVgnVXi^k^i^ZhWZ[dgZiVmVi^dc!ZmXajY^c\!VhVeea^XVWaZ bVg`ZiXnXaZhdg^hhjZgheZX^[^XZkZcihdkZgl]^X]lZ]VkZa^iiaZdgcdXdc" [dgZVX]gZheZXi^kZhZ\bZci!Z^i]ZgVaadghdbZd[i]Z[daadl^c\^iZbh/cZi igda!VcYXVcVcYYdkVgn!hdbZi^bZhbViZg^Vaan!VXgdhheZg^dYh#;jgi]Zg! 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# ''( #"#( EgdeZgin"8VhjVain'ROSSWRITTENPREMIUMSREMAINEDFAIRLYCON STANTWITHGROWTHOFASWESOUGHTOPPORTUNITIESTHATOFFERED APROFITABLECORRELATIONBETWEENPREMIUMRATESANDRISKSANDWERE WILLINGTOFOREGOPREMIUMGROWTHINCERTAINMARKETSWHERETHISOB JECTIVECOULDNOTBEACHIEVED A^[Z$=ZVai]AND6hhZiBVcV\ZbZci/URTWOSEGMENTSFOCUSINGON THEPROMISINGPENSIONANDWEALTHACCUMULATIONMARKETEXPERIENCED INCREASESINSTATUTORYPREMIUMSANDOPERATINGREVENUESOFAND RESPECTIVELY 7Vc`^c\/PERATINGREVENUESSTABILIZEDWITHINTERNALGROWTHOF EXPERIENCINGONLYADECLINEDESPITEAREDUCEDPORTFOLIOOF INTERESTBEARINGASSETS(OWEVERBOTHNETFEEANDCOMMISSIONINCOME ANDNETTRADINGINCOMEINCREASEDANDRESPECTIVELY WASALSOAYEAROFXdci^cjZYdeZgVi^dcVaY^hX^ea^cZWHICHRESULT EDINASIGNIFICANTIMPROVEMENTOFOPERATINGPROFITBYüBILLION TOüBILLION EgdeZgin"8VhjVain7EMANAGEDTOREDUCEOURCOMBINEDRATIOBY PERCENTAGEPOINTSTOINASARESULTOF OURDISCIPLINEDUNDERWRITINGANDPRICINGPRACTICESASWELLASSTRINGENT EXPENSECONTROL4HISPOSITIVEDEVELOPMENTINCREASEDOPERATINGPROFIT TOüBILLIONINüBILLION A^[Z$=ZVai]/URSTATUTORYPREMIUMSINCREASEDTOüBILLIONIN AINCREASEFROM!DDITIONALLYOURADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSESWEREREDUCEDBYTOüBILLIONINASCOMPARED TO 7Vc`^c\ !DMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES AND NET LOAN LOSS PROVISIONS WERE REDUCED SIGNIFICANTLY BY AND RESPECTIVELY !S A :M:8JI>K:HJBB6GN F'%%)lVhVahdVnZVgd[Xdci^cjZYdeZgVi^dcVaY^hX^ea^cZidhigZc\i]ZcdjgZVgc^c\hedlZg!i]ZgZWnVX]^Zk^c\Vh^\c^[^XVci^begdkZbZci ^cdjgdeZgVi^c\egd[^iWnÛ'#-W^aa^dcidÛ+#.W^aa^dc# <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI >c'%%)!lZ^cXgZVhZYdjgdeZgVi^c\egd[^iWn+-#+# 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ) % CONSEQUENCEOURBANKINGSEGMENTREPORTEDOPERATINGPROFITOFü INCOMETAXRATEOF-INORITYINTERESTSINEARNINGS MILLIONINOPERATINGLOSSOFüMILLION ALSOINCREASEDTOüBILLIONINüMILLION 6hhZiBVcV\ZbZci7ESUCCEEDEDINREDUCINGOURCOSTINCOMERA TIOBYAFURTHERPERCENTAGEPOINTSTOIN /VERALL fjVa^in d[ ZVgc^c\h STRONGLY IMPROVED IN /PERATING PRIMARILYASARESULTOFINCREASEDOPERATINGREVENUESANDAREDUCTION PROFITINCREASEDSIGNIFICANTLYBYüBILLIONTOüBILLION(ENCE INOPERATINGEXPENSES4HESEPOSITIVEDEVELOPMENTSLEDTOANOPERA DESPITEADECREASEINOURNONOPERATINGRESULTBYüMILLIONANDAN INCREASEOFTAXESANDMINORITYINTERESTSINEARNINGSOFüBILLIONOUR TINGPROFITOFüMILLIONINüMILLION NETINCOMEINCREASEDBYTOüBILLIONIN /URhigZc\i]ZcZYZVgc^c\hedlZgWASALSOREFLECTEDINOURCONSOLIDATED cZi^cXdbZWHICHROSEBYMORETHANüMILLIONTOüBILLIONIN üBILLION.ETCAPITALGAINSINCLUDINGNONOPERATING 7Vh^XZVgc^c\heZgh]VgZ TRADINGINCOMEANDIMPAIRMENTSONINVESTMENTSDECREASEDBYü ^cÛ BILLIONTOüBILLIONINLARGELYATTRIBUTABLETOSIGNIFICANTREAL IZEDGAINSONREDUCTIONSOFCERTAINSHAREHOLDINGSIN4HESEGAINS INWEREPARTLYOFFSETBYCHARGESOFüBILLIONRELATINGTODERI VATIVESUSEDFORHEDGINGOFOUREQUITYPORTFOLIO2ESTRUCTURINGCHARGES FELLTOüMILLIONINüMILLIONOFWHICH $RESDNER "ANK ACCOUNTED FOR )NTEREST EX PENSEONEXTERNALDEBTREMAINEDFAIRLYCONSTANTAMOUNTINGTOü MILLIONINüMILLION4HESEDEVELOPMENTSRESULTED INEARNINGSBEFORETAXESANDMINORITIESOFüBILLIONüBIL LION/URCONSOLIDATEDTAXEXPENSEINCREASEDBYüBILLIONTOü BILLIONINLARGELYASACONSEQUENCEOFTHESIGNIFICANTLYREDUCED LEVEL OF TAXEXEMPT CAPITAL GAINS REPRESENTING AN OVERALL EFFECTIVE 4HEFOLLOWINGTABLESETSFORTHTHETOTALREVENUESOPERATINGPROFITAND )&23NETINCOMEFOREACHOFOURBUSINESSSEGMENTSFORTHEYEARS AND AS WELL AS )&23 CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME OF THE !LLIANZ 'ROUP NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& EgdeZgin" 8VhjVain A^[Z$=ZVai] 7Vc`^c\ 6hhZi BVcV\ZbZci 8dchda^YVi^dc VY_jhibZcih IdiVa <gdje Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc IdiVagZkZcjZh )(!,-% )*!&,, +!)+( '!(%- -(+ .+!-.' 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'-#% TAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATIONWASPOSITIVELYAFFECTEDBYIM 8dbW^cZYgVi^d --#' .(#% &%&#* PROVEDUNDERWRITINGRESULTPRIMARILYDUETOALOWERNEGATIVEIMPACT FROMBOTHLARGEINDIVIDUALANDNATURALCATASTROPHECLAIMSASWELLAS REDUCEDFREQUENCYOFCLAIMSINALMOSTALLLINESOFBUSINESS!SARESULT <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc OFTHESEDEVELOPMENTSCOUPLEDWITHOURSTRICTUNDERWRITINGPOLICY 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN WERE ü MILLION IN AN IN OURLOSSRATIOCONTINUEDTODECREASETOINFROMIN CREASEOF üMILLIONORFROMüMILLIONIN 4HEEXPENSERATIODECREASEDTOFROMIN REFLECTINGGROWTHINALMOSTALLLINESOFBUSINESSINPARTICULARPER DUETOOURONGOINGEFFORTSTOREDUCEADMINISTRATIVEEXPENSES SONALACCIDENTINSURANCEOFFSETINPARTBYADECREASEINAUTOMO BILE INSURANCE 'ROWTH IN OUR PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE LINE RESULTEDMAINLYFROMCONTINUINGINCREASESINNEWBUSINESS E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI FL ^i]\gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZcd[Û&%#'W^aa^dc!HVX]kZgh^X]Zgjc\h\gjeeZ9ZjihX]aVcYdgi]Z¹<ZgbVcEgdeZgin"8VhjVain <gdjeº^hi]ZbVg`ZiaZVYZg^c<ZgbVcn¼hegdeZginVcYXVhjVain^chjgVcXZbVg`Zi# 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ) + 6aa^Vco6< 6aa^Vco6<·@Zn9ViV :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc *!'+, *!*%) *!+'& :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc '!(', )!-'. .!).- TAXEXEMPT REALIZED GAINS FROM DISPOSITIONS OF CERTAIN SHAREHOL DINGS %XCLUDING THESE REALIZED GAINS EARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXESAND BEFOREGOODWILL AMORTIZATIONDECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY BY ü MILLION OR TO ü MILLION IN FROM ü MILLION IN WHICH REFLECTED SIGNIFICANT AdhhgVi^d ++#* ,,#, ,*#( :meZchZgVi^d '+#& ',#) '-#- BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED BY ü MILLION OR 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .'#+ &%*#& &%)#& 4HISINCREASEWASPRIMARILYDUETOANIMPROVEDUNDER WRITINGRESULTASWELLASHIGHERCURRENTINVESTMENTINCOME/UR UNDERWRITING RESULT BENEFITED FROM SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS IN <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc PREMIUM RATES AND CONDITIONS ACHIEVED DURING OUR LAST RENEWAL 2EINSURANCEASSUMEDBY!LLIANZ!'DECREASEDBYüMILLIONOR NEGOTIATIONSASWELLASAVERYLOWLEVELOFNETLOSSESFROMLARGE TOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONINRE CLAIMSANDNATURALCATASTROPHESASCOMPAREDTOTHELEVELSWEHAVE FLECTINGPRIMARILYANINCREASEINTHERETENTIONOFOPERATINGENTITIES EXPERIENCEDINRECENTYEARS!SACONSEQUENCEOURCOMBINEDRA INTHE'ERMAN0ROPERTY#ASUALTY'ROUPWHICHLEDTOAREDUCTION TIODECREASEDTOINFROMIN%XCLUDING IN REINSURANCE CEDED TO !LLIANZ !' 4HIS DECREASE WAS OFFSET IN LIFE ANDHEALTH REINSURANCEBUSINESS OUR COMBINED RATIOFOROUR PART BY THE INTRODUCTION OF A NEW !LLIANZ 'ROUPWIDE POOLING PROPERTYCASUALTYREINSURANCEDECLINEDSIGNIFICANTLYFROM CONCEPTFORREINSURANCECOVEROFTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPSSUBSIDIARIES INTOIN AGAINSTNATURALCATASTROPHES 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ) , ;G6C8: F6<;bV^ciV^cZY^ihi]^gYeaVXZgVc`^c\Vbdc\;gZcX]egdeZgin"XVhjVain^chjgZghWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# ;gVcXZ·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc *!'-' *!(+, )!.)& %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY BY ü MILLION TO ü MILLION IN FROM üMILLIONINDUEPRIMARILYTOINCREASEDOPERATINGRESULTS &!*(, ('& (,& AdhhgVi^d ,(#* ,.#- -)#* ANDCOSTCUTTINGMEASURESTHEREBYACHIEVINGTHEMAINTARGETOFA :meZchZgVi^d ')#. ')#) '+#) COMBINED RATIO BELOW )NVESTMENT RESULTS IN REFLEC 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .-#) &%)#' &&%#. TED SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER DIVIDEND PAYOUTS BY SUBSIDIARIES OF !'& THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MORE DISCIPLINED UNDERWRITING AS COMPARED TO AND INCREASED BY ü MILLION TO ü MILLIONIN(OWEVERTHEDIVIDENDINCOMERECEIVEDWASELI <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc MINATEDATTHE!LLIANZ'ROUPLEVEL/URLOSSRATIOIN&RANCEIMPRO 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN DECREASED BYü MILLION OR TO VEDTOINFROMINLARGELYDUETOSTRICT ü MILLION IN FROM ü MILLION IN 4HE DE UNDERWRITINGPOLICIESFAVORABLECLAIMSDEVELOPMENTINOURMOTOR CREASEWASDUEPRIMARILYTOOURPOLICYOFINCREASEDFOCUSONCON BUSINESSASWELLASTHEABSENCEOFLARGECLAIMSANDSEVERESTORMS TINUOUS PROFITABILITY AND UNDERWRITING DISCIPLINE PARTICULARLY IN /UREXPENSERATIOINCREASEDSLIGHTLYTOINFROM OURINTERNATIONALCORPORATEBUSINESSASWELLASINOURAUTOMOBILE INMAINLYDUETOANINCREASEINNETACQUISITIONCOSTS INSURANCEBUSINESS4HEREFOREWEEXPERIENCEDANEGATIVEVOLUME EFFECTWHICHWASOFFSETINPARTBYINCREASEDGROSSPREMIUMSWRIT TEN IN OUR INDIVIDUAL LINES AS WELL AS SMALL AND MEDIUM COM MERCIALLINES/URDISTRIBUTIONARRANGEMENTWITH#RÏDIT,YONNAIS CONTINUED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE INCREASE IN INDIVIDUAL LINES AND REMAINSEXCLUSIVEUNTIL E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI F< gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc^c;gVcXZVbdjciZYidÛ*#(W^aa^dc^c'%%)# 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ) - >I6AN FLZVgZgZegZhZciZY^ci]Z>iVa^VcbVg`ZiWndjgegdeZgin"XVhjVain^chjgZghG6H<gdjeVcYAadnY6Yg^Vi^Xd<gdje# FI]ZhZ<gdjeh_d^cian^cXgZVhZY\gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZcWn(#%idÛ*#(W^aa^dc# FLZXdci^cjZidWZgVc`ZYi]^gY^c>iVanWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# >iVan·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc *!',& *!&&, )!.(. :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED BYüMILLIONORTOüMILLIONINFROMü :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc ,'% ),) -.( AdhhgVi^d +-#& ,%#. ,)#- 4HISDEVELOPMENTMAINLYREFLECTSTHEOVERALLREDUCTIONIN :meZchZgVi^d ''#) ''#. ''#, CLAIM FREQUENCY PARTICULARLY IN THE AUTOMOBILE LINE AS A RESULT 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .%#* .(#- .,#* OF A MORE SELECTIVE UNDERWRITING POLICY IN RECENT YEARS AS WELL MILLIONIN4HISREFLECTSPRIMARILYANIMPROVEDUNDERWRITING RESULT/URLOSSRATIODECREASEDTOINFROMIN AS THE INTRODUCTION OF A MORE STRINGENT POINTSBASED REGULATION OF DRIVERS LICENCES BY THE )TALIAN GOVERNMENT WITH EFFECT FROM <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc *ULY)NADDITIONPORTFOLIOREVIEWMEASURESOFOURLIABI 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN WERE ü MILLION IN AN IN LITYLINEALSOHADAPOSITIVEEFFECTONOURLOSSRATIO/UREXPENSE CREASE OF ü MILLION OR FROM ü MILLION IN RATIODECREASEDTOFROMINPRIMARILYDUETO OFWHICHTHE2!3'ROUPAND,LOYD!DRIATICO'ROUPACCOUNTEDFOR INCREASED PREMIUM VOLUME AND COMPARATIVELY LOWER INCREASE IN ü MILLION AND ü MILLION RESPECTIVELY 4HIS INCREASE COMMISSIONPAYMENTS WAS DUE TO GROWTH IN ALMOST ALL LINES OF BUSINESS PARTICULARLY IN OUR AUTOMOBILE GENERAL LIABILITY FIRE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LINES!UTOMOBILEPREMIUMSINCREASEDBYüMILLIONOR INREFLECTINGANINCREASEINTHENUMBEROFVEHICLESINSURED 'ENERAL LIABILITY PREMIUMS INCREASED BY ü MILLION OR INREFLECTINGPRIMARILYNEWBUSINESSANDRATEINCREASESRE SULTING FROM AN ONGOING REVIEW OF OUR EXISTING PORTFOLIO 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN FROM OUR FIRE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LINES OF BUSINESSINCREASEDPRIMARILYDUETOTHEPOSITIVERECEPTIONOFOUR NEWPRODUCTS 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E ) . JC>I:9@>C<9DB F6 iÛ'#+W^aa^dc!\gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc^cXgZVhZYWn(#,# Jc^iZY@^c\Ydb·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc '!+(' '!*(- '!,&& BY ü MILLION OR TOü MILLION IN FROMü :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc ''- '%+ '*+ ANDINVESTMENTRESULTSOFFSETINPARTBYINCREASEDTAXEXPENSES AdhhgVi^d +(#+ +,#& +-#& /URLOSSRATIOIMPROVEDTOINFROMIN :meZchZgVi^d '.#- '.#% (%#% REFLECTINGAMOREDISCIPLINEDUNDERWRITINGPOLICYASWELLASFEWER 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .(#) .+#& .-#& MAJORCLAIMSANDANABSENCEOFNATURALCATASTROPHES NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI F6 aa^Vco8dgc]^aagVc`hh^mi]^ci]Z7g^i^h]egdeZgin"XVhjVain^chjgVcXZbVg`ZiWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# MILLIONIN4HISINCREASEWASDUETOIMPROVEDUNDERWRITING 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN INCREASED BY ü MILLION OR TO üMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONINDUEPRIMA RILY TO INCREASED BUSINESS IN OUR COMMERCIAL LINES AND SPECIALTY INSURANCE REFLECTING STRONG GROWTH IN OUR ENGINEERING BUSINESS ANDPETINSURANCELINESOFFSET IN PARTBYDECREASEDGROSS PREMI UMSWRITTENINOURPERSONALLINESBUSINESSATTRIBUTABLELARGELYTO THEWITHDRAWALFROMAMAJORMOTORAFFINITYRELATIONSHIPFOLLOWING ADECISIONTORATEFORPROFITRATHERTHANVOLUME E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * % HL>IO:GA6C9 FD jgegdeZgin"XVhjVain^chjgZg^cHl^ioZgaVcY^h6aa^VcoHj^hhZKZgh^X]Zgjc\h"<ZhZaahX]V[idg¹6aa^VcoHj^hhZº# F> cVYY^i^dc!djgl]daan"dlcZYhjWh^Y^Vgn6aa^VcoG^h`IgVch[Zgdg¹6GIºhZaahXdckZci^dcVagZ^chjgVcXZVhlZaaVhV kVg^Zind[VaiZgcVi^kZg^h`igVch[ZgegdYjXih[dgXdgedgViZXjhidbZghldgaYl^YZ# FL ^i]\gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZcd[Û&#'W^aa^dc!6aa^VcoHj^hhZgVc`h[djgi]^ci]ZHl^hhegdeZgin"XVhjVain^chjgVcXZ bVg`ZiWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# Hl^ioZgaVcY·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%) '%%( '%%' <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc &!'(. .* &!'*% '' &!'(* '. 6GI *,, *( ).' (- *&' (( IdiVa &!-&+ &)- &!,)' +% &!,), +' 6aa^VcoHj^hhZ 6aa^VcoHj^hhZ 6aa^VcoHj^hhZ·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc &!'(. &!'*% &!'(* SIGNIFICANTLY BY ü MILLION TO ü MILLION IN FROM ü :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc .* '' '. INVESTMENTRESULTSANDADECREASEINTAXEXPENSES/URLOSSRATIO NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED MILLIONINREFLECTINGPRIMARILYIMPROVEDUNDERWRITINGAND AdhhgVi^d ,-#& ,)#( ,+#( INCREASED TO IN FROM IN REFLECTING A :meZchZgVi^d &-#+ ')#, ')#( MORE STRINGENT LOSS RESERVING PRACTICE AND INCREASED LOSSES FROM 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .+#, ..#% &%%#+ WEATHER EVENTS /UR EXPENSE RATIO DECREASED TO IN FROM IN AS A RESULT OF REDUCED ADMINISTRATIVE EX PENSES THROUGH COSTCUTTING MEASURES INTRODUCED IN /UR <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc EXPENSE RATIO WAS ALSO POSITIVELY AFFECTED BY AN INCOME OFü 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN DECREASED TO ü MILLION IN MILLION RESULTING FROM THE CHANGE OF ASSUMPTIONS FOR CALCULATING COMPAREDWITHüMILLIONINDUEPRIMARILYTOTHENEG DEFERREDPOLICYACQUISITIONCOSTS ATIVEEFFECTOFEXCHANGERATEMOVEMENTS%XCLUDINGTHEEFFECTSOF EXCHANGERATEMOVEMENTSGROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENINCREASEDBY MAINLYASARESULTOFINCREASESINOURAUTOMOBILELINE 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E *& 6aa^VcoG^h`IgVch[Zg '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc *,, ).' *&' NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc AdhhgVi^d :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGSAFTERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATIONINCREASEDBY üMILLIONORTOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLION INMAINLYDUETOIMPROVEDUNDERWRITINGANDINVESTMENTRE *( (- (( SULTS4HEPRIMARYDRIVERFORTHEIMPROVEMENTINOURUNDERWRITING +%#' +'#, **#* RESULTWASTHEDECLINEINOUREXPENSERATIOWHICHWASPOSITIVELY :meZchZgVi^d ''#& '+#+ ''#+ AFFECTED BY LOWER COMMISSION PAYMENTS /UR INVESTMENT RESULT 8dbW^cZYgVi^d -'#( -.#( ,-#& ROSEBYüMILLIONTOüMILLION E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENROSEBYTOüMILLIONIN %XCLUDINGTHENEGATIVEEFFECTOFEXCHANGERATEMOVEMENTSOFü MILLION GROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN INCREASED BY REFLECTING PRIMARILYTHESALEOFALARGEALTERNATIVERISKTRANSFERCONTRACT HE6>C FLZhZgkZi]ZHeVc^h]bVg`Zii]gdj\]djgildXdbeVc^Zh6aa^VcoHZ\jgdhVcY;c^m9^gZXid!VY^gZXi^chjgZg# F< gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZcgdhZidÛ&#-W^aa^dc!bV`^c\jhcjbWZgild^cHeV^cWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# HeV^c·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc &!,+( &!+-& &!).% :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLYBYüMILLIONORTOüMILLIONIN FROM ü MILLION IN 4HE INCREASE REFLECTED PRIMARILY IM &,* .+ +' PROVED UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT RESULTS /UR LOSS RATIO IM AdhhgVi^d ,'#' ,*#. ,,#% PROVEDSIGNIFICANTLYTOINFROMINDUE :meZchZgVi^d &-#, &.#+ '%#+ PRIMARILYTOINCREASEDAVERAGEPREMIUMINCOMEANDLOWERCLAIMS 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .%#. .*#* .,#+ FREQUENCY IN ALL INSURANCE LINES /UR EXPENSE RATIO IMPROVED TO INFROMIN <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN INCREASED BY ü MILLION OR TO ü MILLION IN FROM ü MILLION IN AS A RE SULT OF GROWTH IN ALL LINES OF BUSINESS PARTICULARLY IN INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI 6GI·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * ' DI=:G:JGDE: FLZVgZdcZd[i]Z[^kZaZVY^c\^chjgZgh^ci]Z[daadl^c\bVg`ZihWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ/6jhig^V!>gZaVcY! i]ZCZi]ZgaVcYh!Edgij\VaVhlZaaVh7ja\Vg^V!8gdVi^V!i]Z8oZX]GZejWa^X!=jc\Vgn!EdaVcY!GdbVc^VVcYHadkV`^V# F> cVYY^i^dc!lZegdk^YZegdeZgin"XVhjVain^chjgVcXZ^c7Za\^jb!AjmZbWdjg\!<gZZXZ!Gjhh^VVcY8negjh# Di]Zg:jgdeZ·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%) '%%( '%%' <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc CZi]ZgaVcYh .-& &&+ &!%.( )*) &!%'( 6jhig^V .'+ .+ .%+ (' -*' (+ >gZaVcY ,.' &-* -*+ &%' -+% &+- 7Za\^jb (*& . (,) *. (+' +* Edgij\Va (&* &* (%* , '+( &. AjmZbWdjg\ &%- )( &)' &)* &.) (* ,( &* ,* ' ++ ' (!*)+ )). (!,*& *%, (!+'% (+. =jc\Vgn *(( )- *)+ *) *&& (* HadkV`^V ('+ &% (') * &*- , 8oZX]GZejWa^X '() '% '', * '&( &% EdaVcY &.+ &' &*- , &'- &) GdbVc^V &+. &% &(& &) .( * 7ja\Vg^V ,- &. +) &% *+ &% 8gdVi^V )- ( )% · (- & Gjhh^V ') & '% ' &, & 8negjh · · & · ' · 8ZcigVaVcY:VhiZgc:jgdeZ &!+%- &'( &!*&& ., &!'&+ ). IdiVa *!&*) *,' *!'+' +%) )!-(+ )&- <gZZXZ LZhiZgcVcYHdji]Zgc:jgdeZ & '-) :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc^ci]ZCZi]ZgaVcYh^cXajYZi]ZgZhjaihd[i]Z]daY^c\VcY[^cVcX^c\Zci^i^Zhi]ViVgZYdb^X^aZY^ci]ZXdjcign!l]^X]VbdjciZYidVcZiadhhd[Û+bc^c '%%)'%%(/cZi^cXdbZd[Û*%(bc0'%%'/cZi^cXdbZd[Û',+bc# <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENIN/THER%UROPEDECREASEDBYüMIL LIONORTOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONIN PRIMARILY AS A RESULT OF A DECLINE IN MOST MARKETS WITHIN 7ESTERN AND 3OUTHERN %UROPE IN PARTICULAR THE .ETHERLANDS OFFSET INPARTBYGROWTHIN#ENTRAL AND %ASTERN%UROPE 4HE DE CREASEINTHE.ETHERLANDSREFLECTEDPRIMARILYTHESALEOFOURHEALTH INSURANCEPORTFOLIOWHICHRESULTEDINADECLINEOFüMILLION INGROSSPREMIUMSWRITTEN 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * ( :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTERTAXESANDBEFORE GOODWILLAMORTIZATIONDECREASED BY ü MILLION OR TO ü MILLION IN FROM ü CINGENTITIESTHATAREDOMICILEDINTHE.ETHERLANDSEARNINGSAFTER TAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATIONIN/THER%UROPEINCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY BY ü MILLION TO ü MILLION IN AS COM PAREDTOüMILLIONIN4HISINCREASEWASPRIMARILYDUE TOIMPROVEDRESULTSPARTICULARLYIN,UXEMBOURGANDINTHE.ETHER LANDSASWELLASIN)RELANDAND!USTRIA%ARNINGSAFTERTAXESAND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION IN ,UXEMBOURG INCREASED REFLEC IN EARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION IN THE .ETHERLANDSWASPRIMARILYDUETOIMPROVEDUNDERWRITINGANDIN VESTMENTRESULTS E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H TING PRIMARILY AN IMPROVED UNDERWRITING RESULT 4HE INCREASE <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI MILLION IN %XCLUDING THE RESULTS OF THE HOLDING AND FINAN 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * ) C6;I6 F> ci]ZJc^iZYHiViZh!;^gZbVc¼h;jcY>chjgVcXZ8dbeVcndg¹;^gZbVc¼h;jcYºegdk^YZh^chjgVcXZideg^kViZVcY XdbbZgX^VaXa^Zcih# F6 aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`hJ#H#>chjgVcXZ8dbeVcndg¹6aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`hJ#H#ºheZX^Va^oZh^cWjh^cZhhl^i]bV_dgXa^Zcih# F> c'%%)lZhdaYdjg8VcVY^Vceg^kViZXa^ZcihWjh^cZhh# C6;I6·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV '%%) NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%( '%%' <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc )!+', )-- )!*., &'& *!((% .(- )!%,* &-* (!.&. &+, )!*), +,- **' + +,, (+ ,+* )* · '.* · ('* · '', 8VcVYV )+) )& *+- &) *). + BZm^Xd '*. &' '&) &' &(' · 8dchda^YVi^dcVY_jhibZcih& '* '( (* · &. · *!('* *&- *!()) .* *!..' Jc^iZYHiViZh i]ZgZd[ ;^gZbVc¼h;jcY 6aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`hJ#H# 6aa^Vcod[6bZg^XV IdiVa & .)) GZegZhZcihZa^b^cVi^dcd[^ciZgXdbeVcnigVchVXi^dchWZilZZc6aa^Vco<gdjeXdbeVc^Zh^cY^[[ZgZciXdjcig^Zhl^i]^ci]ZC6;I6odcZ# 4HERESULTSOFOPERATIONSOFOURPROPERTYCASUALTYOPERATIONSINTHE :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc .!&4!ZONEAREPRIMARILYDRIVENBYOUROPERATIONSINTHE5NITED %ARNINGSAFTERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATIONROSESIGNIFI 3TATESWHICHREPRESENTEDOVERANDOFGROSSPREMIUMS CANTLYTOüMILLIONIN4HISSIGNIFICANTINCREASEWASPRI WRITTENANDEARNINGSAFTERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATION MARILYDUETOTHE5NITED3TATESWHICHREFLECTEDHIGHERDIVIDEND RESPECTIVELY )N $ECEMBER WE SOLD OUR #ANADIAN PRIVATE PAYOUTS BY SUBSIDIARIES OF !LLIANZ OF !MERICA AS WELL AS LOWER CLIENT BUSINESS AS WE DID NOT HAVE THE CRITICAL BUSINESS VOLUME INTERESTPAYMENTSONNOTESPAYABLETO!LLIANZ!' NECESSARYINTHISCOMPETITIVEMARKET <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN DECREASED SLIGHTLY TOü MILLION IN PRIMARILYASARESULTOFANEGATIVECURRENCYTRANSLATIONEFFECT OFüMILLION%XCLUDINGTHECURRENCYTRANSLATIONEFFECTGROSS PREMIUMSWRITTENINTHE.!&4!ZONEINCREASEDBYüMILLION REFLECTINGGROWTHINTHE5NITED3TATESAND-EXICOOFFSETINPART BYADECLINEIN#ANADA 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * * JC>I:9HI6I:H ;^gZbVc¼h;jcY·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc )!%,* (!.&. )!*), NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGSAFTERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATIONINCREASEDBY üMILLIONTOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONIN DUE PRIMARILY TO POSITIVE UNDERWRITING RESULT IN REFLECTING &-* &+, +,- IMPROVEDEXPENSEMANAGEMENTANDREDUCEDLOSSESRELATIVETOPRE ++#, +.#. .)#& MIUMGROWTHASWELLASTHECONTINUINGEFFECTSOFOURTURNAROUND :meZchZgVi^d '-#- '.#* ()#* MEASURESINTRODUCEDIN4HISINCREASEWASPARTIALLYOFFSETBY 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .*#* ..#) &'-#+ AüMILLIONRISEINTAXEXPENSESPRIMARILYATTRIBUTABLETOHIGHER PRETAXINCOME/URLOSSRATIODECREASEDTOINFROM INLARGELYDUETOSTRICTERRATINGANDUNDERWRITINGPOL <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc ICIESDESPITELOSSESOFAPPROXIMATELYüMILLIONFROMHURRICANES 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENINCREASEDBYüMILLIONORTO AND.ORTHEASTSTORMSIN/UREXPENSERATIOWASREDUCEDTO üMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONIN%XCLUDING INFROMINDRIVENBYLOWERPERSONNEL THENEGATIVEEFFECTOFEXCHANGERATEMOVEMENTSOFüMILLION EXPENSESANDTHEIMPLEMENTATIONOFCOSTCUTTINGMEASURESINALL GROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENGREWBYDUEPRIMARILYTOINCREASES BUSINESSLINES INDIRECTANDASSUMEDPREMIUMSINOURCROPINSURANCELINEOFFSET IN PART BY STRINGENT UNDERWRITING POLICIES AND DECISIONS TO EXIT CERTAINNONSTRATEGICBUSINESSES E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H AdhhgVi^d <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI ;^gZbVc¼h;jcY 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * + 6H>6"E68>;>8 FD jgaVg\ZhiegdeZgin"XVhjVain^chjgVcXZXdbeVcn^c6h^V"EVX^[^X^h6aa^Vco6jhigVa^V# FD jgegdeZgin"XVhjVaindeZgVi^dch^cIV^lVclZgZhdaY^ci]ZhZXdcY]Va[d['%%)# 6h^V"EVX^[^X·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc i]ZgZd[ 6jhigVa^V '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc &!+,' &!+*) &!*.+ 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENINCREASEDBYüMILLIONTOüMIL LION IN FROM ü MILLION IN REFLECTING PRIMARILY STRONG GROWTH IN OUR PROPERTYCASUALTY OPERATIONS IN !USTRALIA Ûbc &!(') &!'*) :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc &(. .' i]ZgZd[/6jhigVa^V <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc &!&+( &- Ûbc .- ,) AdhhgVi^d ,'#- ,&#, ,-#* :meZchZgVi^d '(#, '(#- ')#- 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .+#* .*#* &%(#( ', OFFSETINPARTBYDECREASEDGROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENIN4AIWANASA RESULTOFTHESALEOFOURPROPERTYCASUALTYOPERATIONSIN4AIWANIN THESECONDHALFOF :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY BYü MILLION OR TOü MILLIONIN FROM ü MILLION IN DUE PRIMARILY TO INCREASED EARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION IN OUR !USTRALIAN OPERATIONS MAINLY REFLECTING INCREASED INVESTMENT INCOME /UR LOSSRATIOINCREASEDTOINCOMPAREDWITHIN REFLECTINGPRIMARILYINCREASEDNETINSURANCEBENEFITSINOUR !USTRALIANOPERATIONS HDJI=6B:G>86 F> cHdji]6bZg^XV!lZ]VkZVegZhZcXZ^c6g\Zci^cV!7gVo^a!8dadbW^VVcYKZcZojZaV# F> c6j\jhi'%%)!lZY^hedhZYd[djg8]^aZVcegdeZgin"XVhjVaindeZgVi^dch# Hdji]6bZg^XV·EgdeZgin"8VhjVain·@Zn9ViV NEGATIVEEFFECTOFEXCHANGERATEMOVEMENTS%XCLUDINGTHEEFFECTS '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc *.. +&) ,+- :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc *% &( ), NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc FROMEXCHANGERATEMOVEMENTSASWELLASCHANGESINTHESCOPEOF CONSOLIDATIONGROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENROSEBY4HISINCREASE WASPRIMARILYDUETORATEINCREASESANDORGANICGROWTHMAINLYIN 6ENEZUELAAND!RGENTINA AdhhgVi^d +)#, ,&#( +,#% :meZchZgVi^d ((#( ('#+ ()#- :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .-#% &%(#. &%&#- %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION IMPROVED SIGNIFICANTLYTOüMILLIONINASCOMPAREDTOüMILLION IN RESULTING PRIMARILY FROM INCREASED INVESTMENT INCOME <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc ANDIMPROVEDUNDERWRITINGRESULTS/URLOSSRATIODECREASEDSIG 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENDECREASEDTOüMILLIONINFROM NIFICANTLY TO IN COMPARED WITH IN üMILLIONINLARGELYATTRIBUTABLETOTHESALEOFOURPROP REFLECTING PRIMARILY DISCIPLINED UNDERWRITING PRACTICE IN 3OUTH ERTYCASUALTY OPERATIONS IN #HILE IN !UGUST AS WELL AS THE !MERICA 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * , HE:8>6AINA>C:H '%%) NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%( '%%' <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc <gdhh egZb^jbh lg^iiZc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc :Vgc^c\h V[iZgiVmZh VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc &!+(% '&, &!*+) &&. &!*,. &* 6aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`hGZ &!()* *' &!()+ ,, &!&(+ '*, 6aa^VcoBVg^cZ6k^Vi^dc .). -& &!%,( +) &!)') '& IgVkZa>chjgVcXZVcY6hh^hiVcXZHZgk^XZh .%% ') -&- &- -%- '& )!-') (,) )!-%& ',- )!.), IdiVa '%% 8G:9>I>CHJG6C8: FLZegdk^YZldgaYl^YZXgZY^i^chjgVcXZi]gdj\]:jaZg=ZgbZhH#6# 8gZY^i>chjgVcXZ·@Zn9ViV '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc &!+(% &!*+) &!*,. NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc AdhhgVi^d :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLYBYüMILLIONTOüMILLIONINFROMü MILLIONINDUEPRIMARILYTOANINCREASEINGROSSPREMIUMS '&, &&. &* WRITTENASWELLASADECREASEINCLAIMSCOSTSINAHISTORICALLYLOW )%#- ).#( ,'#& CLAIMS ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERIZED BY A DROP IN THE FREQUENCY OF :meZchZgVi^d '-#' ('#, ()#' CLAIMSALOWERNUMBEROFMAJORCLAIMSANDPOSITIVEDEVELOPMENT 8dbW^cZYgVi^d +.#% -'#% &%+#( OF PREVIOUS YEARS CLAIM RESERVES !S A RESULT OF THESE DEVELOP MENTSOURLOSSRATIOEXPENSERATIOANDTHEREFOREOURCOMBINED RATIO DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY TO AND RE <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc 'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN INCREASED BY ü MILLION OR TO SPECTIVELYIN )N$ECEMBER%ULER(ERMESDECIDEDTOSELLITSFACTORING ü MILLION IN DUE PRIMARILY TO THE POSITIVE DEVELOP ACTIVITIES TO #RÏDIT !RGICOLE 3 ! FOR ü MILLION IN ORDER TO MENTOFOURCOMMERCIALPORTFOLIOTHROUGHNEWBUSINESSGENERATED FOCUS ITS RESOURCES ON ITS CORE BUSINESS CREDIT INSURANCE 4HE IN%ASTERNAND3OUTHERN%UROPE PROCEEDSFROMTHESALEWEREUSEDTOREDUCETHEDEBTOFTHE%ULER (ERMES'ROUP E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H 8gZY^i>chjgVcXZ <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI HeZX^VainA^cZh·@Zn9ViV 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * - 6AA>6CO<AD76AG>H@HG: F6 aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`hGX`kZgh^X]Zgjc\h"6<dg¹6aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`hGZºegdk^YZhgZ^chjgVcXZ [dgi]Z^ciZgcVi^dcVaXdgedgViZWjh^cZhhd[i]Z6aa^Vco<gdje# 6aa^Vco<adWVaG^h`hGZ·@Zn9ViV '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc &!()* &!()+ &!&(+ :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc *' ,, ,%#. NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXESAND BEFOREGOODWILL AMORTIZATIONDECREASED BYüMILLIONTOüMILLIONINMAINLYDUETOANEGATIVE EFFECT FROM EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS AND INCREASED TAX EXPEN '*, SESIN)NADDITIONEARNINGSAFTERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILL &%%#- AMORTIZATION IN REFLECTED THE RELEASE OF A PREMIUM DEFI AdhhgVi^d +-#. :meZchZgVi^d '-#- ',#. )&#, CIENCY RESERVE OF ü MILLION .ET INSURANCE BENEFITS IN 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .,#, .-#- &)'#* ALSO REFLECTED ü MILLION OF NET CLAIMS RELATING TO THE HURRI CANESINTHE5NITED3TATESINTHESECONDHALFOF(OWEVER DESPITETHENETIMPACTOFTHESENATURALCATASTROPHESOURLOSSRATIO <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc DECREASED TO IN FROM IN PRIMARILY AS 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENREMAINEDUNCHANGEDINREFLECTING A RESULT OF MORE FAVORABLE REINSURANCE CONDITIONS AS WELL AS IM THE GENERAL MARKET ENVIRONMENT IN MOST COUNTRIES IN WHICH WE PROVED UNDERWRITING RESULTS IN KEY %UROPEAN MARKETS SUCH AS CONDUCTOURBUSINESS'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENFORTHEENTIRE!LLIANZ 'ERMANY AND &RANCE /UR EXPENSE RATIO INCREASED TO 'LOBAL 2ISKS BUSINESS WHICH IN ADDITION TO THE REINSURANCE AC IN FROM IN DUE PRIMARILY TO A CHANGE IN THE TIVITIES OF !LLIANZ 'LOBAL 2ISKS 2E ALSO INCLUDES THE WORLDWIDE CALCULATION METHOD FOR OUR DEFERRED POLICY ACQUISITION COSTS AS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE BUSINESS OF THE !LLIANZ 'ROUP INCREASED COMPAREDTO&ORTHEENTIRE!LLIANZ'LOBAL2ISKSBUSINESS BYORüMILLIONTOüMILLIONIN WEACHIEVEDACOMBINEDRATIOOFANIMPROVEMENTOF PERCENTAGEPOINTSOVER 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E * . 6AA>6COB6G>C:6K>6I>DC 6aa^VcoBVg^cZ6k^Vi^dc·@Zn9ViV '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc .). &!%,( &!)') 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NESSSEGMENTSANDEXCHANGERATEEFFECTSOFFSETINPARTBYGROWTH MATIONTECHNOLOGYSYSTEMSANDPROFITCOMMISSIONS OFOURBUSINESSIN'REAT"RITAIN IG6K:A>CHJG6C8:6C96HH>HI6C8:H:GK>8:H FB dcY^Va6hh^hiVcXZ<gdje^hi]ZldgaYl^YZaZVY^c\egdk^YZgd[igVkZa^chjgVcXZVcYVhh^hiVcXZhZgk^XZh# IgVkZa>chjgVcXZVcY6hh^hiVcXZHZgk^XZh·@Zn9ViV :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc '%%) '%%( '%%' Ûbc .%% -&- -%- BYüMILLIONORTOüMILLIONINDUETOSTRINGENT :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc ') &- '& RATIO DECREASED TO IN FROM IN MAINLY NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED COST MANAGEMENT AND IMPROVED UNDERWRITING RESULTS /UR LOSS AdhhgVi^d *.#- +%#+ +'#% AS A RESULT OF POSITIVE CLAIMS DEVELOPMENT IN DESPITE NET :meZchZgVi^d (&#- (&#( ('#* CLAIMSOFAPPROXIMATELYüMILLIONARISINGFROMTHETSUNAMISTHAT 8dbW^cZYgVi^d .&#+ .&#. .)#* STRUCK3OUTH!SIAIN$ECEMBER/UREXPENSERATIOINCREASED SLIGHTLYTOINFROMIN <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENINCREASEDBYTOüMILLIONIN REFLECTING THE MODERATE RECOVERY OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY WHICHRESULTEDINHIGHERPREMIUMINCOMEFOROURTRAVELINSURANCE BUSINESSESPECIALLYIN)TALY!USTRIA!USTRALIA&RANCEAND0OLAND AS WELL AS GROWTH IN OUR ASSISTANCE BUSINESS PARTICULARLY IN THE 5NITED +INGDOM "RAZIL AND &RANCE 7HEREAS %UROPE STILL IS THE MAJORGROWTHDRIVEROVERSEASMARKETSSUCHAS!USTRALIAAND.ORTH !MERICACONTRIBUTEINCREASINGLYTOTHEOVERALLGROWTH E G D E : G I N " 8 6 H J 6 AI N > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H AdhhgVi^d <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI F6 aa^VcoBVg^cZ6k^Vi^dc^hdjg:jgdeZVcheZX^Va^hi^chjgZg[dgigVchedgiVi^dc!h]^ee^c\VcYVk^Vi^dcg^h`h# 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E + % A^[Z$=ZVai]>chjgVcXZDeZgVi^dch LZVX]^ZkZYhigdc\\gdli]^cWdi]djgdeZgVi^c\egd[^iVcYcZi^cXdbZ# FIdiVahiVijidgnegZb^jbh^cXgZVhZYWn+#-idÛ)*#'W^aa^dc^c'%%)!gZ[aZXi^c\\gdli]^ccZlWjh^cZhh!^ceVgi^XjaVgdjga^[Z$]ZVai] deZgVi^dch^ci]ZJc^iZYHiViZhVcY^c<ZgbVcn#IdiVahiVijidgnegZb^jbh!WVhZYdc^ciZgcVa\gdli]!^cXgZVhZYWn&%#%# FDeZgVi^c\egd[^i^cXgZVhZYh^\c^[^XVcianWn&'#&idÛ&#)W^aa^dc^c'%%)!eg^bVg^angZ[aZXi^c\Vc^cXgZVhZ^cWjh^cZhhkdajbZ!i]Zeg^X^c\ d[cZlWjh^cZhhVcY[jgi]ZgZ[[^X^ZcXn\V^ch# FCdc"deZgVi^c\gZhjaihlZgZjeh^\c^[^XVcianWnÛ+(,b^aa^dcidÛ''-b^aa^dc^c'%%)!aVg\ZanYjZid^cXgZVhZYcZiXVe^iVa\V^chVcY adlZg^beV^gbZcihdc^ckZhibZcih!VhlZaaVhgZYjXZYVbdgi^oVi^dcd[\ddYl^aa#>c'%%(!Vbdgi^oVi^dcd[\ddYl^aagZ[aZXiZYVc^beV^gbZci dc\ddYl^aad[Û'')b^aa^dcViig^WjiVWaZidHdji]@dgZV# FCZi^cXdbZgdhZh^\c^[^XVcianWnÛ,,%b^aa^dcidÛ-%-b^aa^dc^c'%%)# :Vgc^c\hHjbbVgn HiVijidgnegZb^jb^c'%%)WngZ\^dch DeZgVi^c\egd[^i ^c ^cÛbc (4/%0: "(561)7412( 146+%0'#176+/(4,&% 5,%!%&,),&"(561)$14.' 6[iZgZa^b^cVi^dcd[igVchVXi^dchWZilZZc6aa^Vco<gdjeXdbeVc^Zh^c Y^[[ZgZci\Zd\gVe]^XgZ\^dchVcYY^[[ZgZcihZ\bZcih# DeZgVi^c\Egd[^i )N OPERATING PROFIT FROM OUR LIFEHEALTH INSURANCE OPER HiVijidgnegZb^jbh ATIONSINCREASEDSIGNIFICANTLYBYTOü.)1.5MILLIONASCOM $ESPITEANEGATIVEEXCHANGERATEEFFECTOURSTATUTORYPREMIUMS PAREDTO4HISWASDUEPRIMARILYTOINCREASESINNETCURRENT INCREASED BY ü MILLION FROM ü MILLION IN TO INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS AND OUR NET TRADING RESULT AS WELL AS ü MILLION IN 3TATUTORY PREMIUMS BASED ON INTER LOWER NET OTHER OPERATING INCOMEEXPENSES OFFSET IN PART BY NALGROWTHINCREASEDBYASCOMPAREDTO(OWEVER INCREASESINNETINSURANCEBENEFITSANDNETACQUISITIONCOSTS)M THISGROWTHVARIEDNOTICEABLYACROSSDIFFERENTMARKETS!LTHOUGH PORTANTDRIVERSFORTHESEBENEFICIALDEVELOPMENTSWEREANINCREASE WECONTINUEDTOREPORTSIGNIFICANTGROWTHINTHEMAJORITYOFOUR INBUSINESSVOLUMEPRICINGOFNEWBUSINESSANDFURTHEREFFICIENCY MARKETSINPARTICULARTHE5NITED3TATESAND&RANCESTATUTORYPRE GAINS !DMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES DECREASED BY ü MILLION TO MIUMSDECLINEDINOURLIFEHEALTHOPERATIONSIN)TALY3WITZERLAND üMILLIONINPRIMARILYASARESULTOFEFFICIENCYGAINS AND3OUTH+OREA)N'ERMANYNEWBUSINESSMARKEDLYINCREASED .ET ACQUISITION COSTS INCREASED BY ü MILLION OR TO AFTERALAWREORGANIZINGTHETAXATIONOFLIFEINSURANCEBENEFITSIN üMILLIONINPRIMARILYREFLECTINGTHESTRONGGROWTHIN THESECONDHALFOFTHEYEARWASENACTED OURSTATUTORYPREMIUMS)NADDITIONINNETACQUISITIONCOSTS INCLUDEDASIGNIFICANTBENEFITFROMTHEhTRUEUPvOFDEFERREDPOL 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E +& ICYACQUISITIONCOSTS!CCORDINGLYOURSTATUTORYEXPENSERATIOIN CREASEDTOINFROMIN.ETTRADINGINCOME AND NET INSURANCE BENEFITS WERE AFFECTED BY A NEW 53 '!!0 NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%) '%%( Ûbc Ûbc HiVijidgnegZb^jbh & )*!&,, )'!(&. TAINUNITLINKEDCONTRACTSWERERECLASSIFIEDFROMSEPARATEACCOUNT <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc '%!,&+ '%!+-. ASSETS TO TRADING ASSETS 4HIS CHANGE LED TO AN EQUAL INCREASE IN EgZb^jbhZVgcZYcZi ' &-!*.+ &-!,%& 8jggZci^cXdbZ[gdb^ckZhibZcihcZi OFOURCONSOLIDATEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTS >chjgVcXZWZcZ[^ihcZi ) CZi>cXdbZ CZiVXfj^h^i^dcXdhihVcYVYb^c^higVi^kZ ZmeZchZh * CZiXVe^iVa\V^chVcY^beV^gbZcihdc^ckZhibZcihIMPROVEDBYü CZiigVY^c\^cXdbZ &!(*% MILLION TO ü MILLION IN FROM A LOSS OF ü MILLION IN Di]ZgdeZgVi^c\^cXdbZ$ZmeZchZhcZi (.+ &!%&, DeZgVi^c\egd[^i &!)&- &!'+* 4HIS IMPROVEMENT WAS PRIMARILY ATTRIBUTABLE TO MORE FA VORABLECAPITALMARKETCONDITIONS>cigV"\gdjeY^k^YZcYhVcYegd[^i ( &%!-*' &%!,)) '*!%,. ')!&-. (!.%* (!&.' '&- i^oVi^dcd[\ddYl^aaDECREASEDBYüMILLIONTOüMILLIONIN CZiXVe^iVa\V^chVcY^beV^gbZcihdc ^ckZhibZcih+ '') &&), AS COMPARED TOü MILLION IN WHICH REFLECTED AN >cigV"\gdjeY^k^YZcYhVcYegd[^iigVch[Zg &+( &%( IMPAIRMENT ON GOODWILL OF ü MILLION ATTRIBUTABLE TO 3OUTH 6bdgi^oVi^dcd[\ddYl^aa &*. (.- +OREAIVmZmeZchZDECREASEDTOüMILLIONINFROMü :Vgc^c\h[gdbdgY^cVgnVXi^k^i^Zh WZ[dgZiVmZh &!+)+ -*+ IVmZh )+. *-( B^cdg^in^ciZgZhih^cZVgc^c\h (+. '(* -%- (- .#& ,#. igVch[ZgINCREASEDBYüMILLIONTOüMILLIONIN6bdg" MILLIONINWHICHREFLECTEDACHARGEOFüMILLIONRELATING PRIMARILYTOACHANGEINTAXLAWIN'ERMANYB^cdg^in^ciZgZhih^c ZVgc^c\hGREWBYüMILLIONTOüMILLIONINPRIMARILY DUE TO OUR IMPROVED EARNINGS IN PARTICULAR IN &RANCE AND )TALY /VERALL cZi ^cXdbZ INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY BY ü44- MILLION TO ü5-5MILLIONIN CZi^cXdbZ HiVijidgnZmeZchZgVi^d -^c & JcYZgi]Z6aa^Vco<gdje¼hVXXdjci^c\eda^X^Zh[dga^[Z^chjgVcXZXdcigVXih![dgl]^X]lZ]VkZ VYdeiZYJ#H#<66EVXXdjci^c\hiVcYVgYh!\gdhhlg^iiZcegZb^jbh^cXajYZdcani]ZXdhi"VcY g^h`"gZaViZYXdbedcZcihd[egZb^jbh\ZcZgViZY[gdbjc^i"a^c`ZYVcYdi]Zg^ckZhibZci"dg^ZciZY egdYjXih!WjiYdcdi^cXajYZi]Z[jaaVbdjcid[hiVijidgnegZb^jbhlg^iiZcdci]ZhZegdYjXih# HiVijidgnegZb^jbhVgZ\gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc[gdbhVaZhd[a^[Z^chjgVcXZeda^X^ZhVhlZaaVh \gdhhgZXZ^eih[gdbhVaZhd[jc^i"a^c`ZYVcYdi]Zg^ckZhibZci"dg^ZciZYegdYjXih!^cVXXdgYVcXZ l^i]i]ZhiVijidgnVXXdjci^c\egVXi^XZhVeea^XVWaZ^ci]Z^chjgZg¼h]dbZ_jg^hY^Xi^dc# ' CZid[ZVgcZYegZb^jbhXZYZYidgZ^chjgZghd[Û'!%)-mn'%%(/Û&!.*(mn# ( CZid[^ckZhibZcibVcV\ZbZciZmeZchZhd[Û)*%mn'%%(/Û).(mnVcY^ciZgZhiZmeZchZhd[ Û((mn'%%(/Û'(mn# ) CZi^chjgVcXZWZcZ[^ihlZgZVY_jhiZY[dg^cXdbZd[Û&!(')mn'%%(/ZmeZchZd[Û++&mn gZaViZYideda^Xn]daYZgh¼eVgi^X^eVi^dcd[cZiXVe^iVa\V^chVcY^beV^gbZcihdc^ckZhibZcihi]Vi lZgZZmXajYZY[gdbi]ZYZiZgb^cVi^dcd[deZgVi^c\egd[^i# * 8dbeg^hZhcZiVXfj^h^i^dcXdhihd[Û'!+(*mn'%%(/Û&!--*mnVcYVYb^c^higVi^kZZmeZchZhd[ Û&!',%mn'%%(/Û&!(%,mn#CZiVXfj^h^i^dcXdhihVcYVYb^c^higVi^kZZmeZchZhYdcdi^cXajYZ ZmeZchZh[dgi]ZbVcV\ZbZcid[^ckZhibZcihVcY!VXXdgY^c\an!YdcdigZXdcX^aZidi]ZVXfj^h^i^dc XdhihVcYVYb^c^higVi^kZZmeZchZhVhegZhZciZY^ci]Z8dchda^YViZY;^cVcX^VaHiViZbZcih# + 8dbeg^hZhcZigZVa^oZY\V^chdc^ckZhibZcihd[Û'*(mn'%%(/Û&!VcYcZi^beV^gbZcih dc^ckZhibZcihd[Û'.mn'%%(/Û'-(mn#I]ZhZVbdjcihVgZcZid[eda^Xn]daYZgh¼eVgi^X^eVi^dc# , >cXajYZhgZVa^oZY\V^chd[Û,)(mn[gdbhVaZhd[8gY^iAndccV^hh]VgZh^c'%%(# - GZegZhZcihgVi^dd[cZiVXfj^h^i^dcXdhihVcYVYb^c^higVi^kZZmeZchZhidcZiegZb^jbhZVgcZY hiVijidgn# A > ; : $ = : 6 AI = > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H BOTH NETTRADINGINCOME AND NET INSURANCE BENEFITS3EE .OTE <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI ACCOUNTINGSTANDARD3/0WHEREBYINVESTMENTSFROMCER 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E + ' A^[Z$=ZVai]DeZgVi^dchWn<Zd\gVe]^XGZ\^dc 4HEFOLLOWINGTABLESETSFORTHOURGROSSLIFEHEALTHSTATUTORYPRE MIUMS GROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN AS WELL AS EARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE MINORITY INTERESTS IN EARNINGS AND EXCLUDES GOODWILL AMORTIZATION WHICH WE REFER TO HEREIN AS hEARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATIONv BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION FOR THE YEARS INDICATED #ONSISTENT WITH OUR GENERAL PRACTICE STATUTORY PREMIUMSGROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENASWELLASEARNINGSAFTERTAXES ANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATIONBYGEOGRAPHICREGIONAREPRESEN TEDBEFORECONSOLIDATIONADJUSTMENTSREPRESENTINGTHEELIMINATION OFTRANSACTIONSBETWEEN!LLIANZ'ROUPCOMPANIESINDIFFERENTGEO GRAPHICREGIONSANDDIFFERENTSEGMENTS NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%) '%%( '%%' HiVijidgn <gdhh :Vgc^c\h HiVijidgn <gdhh :Vgc^c\h HiVijidgn <gdhh :Vgc^c\h egZb^jbh ' egZb^jbh V[iZgiVmZh egZb^jbh ' egZb^jbh V[iZgiVmZh egZb^jbh ' egZb^jbh V[iZgiVmZh lg^iiZc VcYWZ[dgZ lg^iiZc VcYWZ[dgZ lg^iiZc VcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aa \ddYl^aa \ddYl^aa Vbdgi^oVi^dc V bdgi^oVi^dc V bdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc Ûbc <ZgbVcn ;gVcXZ >iVan Hl^ioZgaVcY HeV^c Di]Zg:jgdeZ Jc^iZYHiViZh 6h^V"EVX^[^X Di]Zg &(!.*- )!,&. -!,(- &!%*) +,+ '!&)% &&!'() '!**& &(& &(!'%' &!+'. &!&)' *&+ *-- &!)*) --. &!''- .( HjWidiVa )*!'%& '%!,)& 8dchda^YVi^dcVY_jhibZcih & HjWidiVa 6bdgi^oVi^dcd[\ddYl^aa B^cdg^in^ciZgZhih IdiVa & ') '* )*!&,, '%!,&+ · · · · )*!&,, '%!,&+ Ûbc '.' 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HiVijidgnZmeZchZgVi^d &%#) WAS MAINLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO STRONG NEW BUSINESS GROWTH IN THE SECOND HALF OF DUE PRIMARILY TO THE NEW 'ERMAN ,AW ON THETAXATIONOFPENSIONSANDANNUITIESh!LTERSEINKàNFTEGESETZv !SARESULT!LLIANZ,EBENSOLDARECORDHIGHOFAPPROXIMATELY MILLION INSURANCE POLICIES IN REPRESENTING AN INCREASE OF + +#- +' ASCOMPAREDTOTHENUMBEROFPOLICIESSOLDIN)NAD .#) DITIONTOTHEEFFECTFROMTHEINTRODUCTIONOFTHENEWLAWTHERISE INSTATUTORYPREMIUMSWASALSODRIVENBYGROWTHINNEWBUSINESS THROUGHALLOURDISTRIBUTIONCHANNELS"YFARTHEMOSTIMPORTANT DISTRIBUTIONCHANNELCONTINUEDTOBEOURCAPTIVEUNDERWRITINGOR GANIZATION h!USSCHLIELICHKEITSORGANISATIONv WHICH ACCOUNTED FOR APPROXIMATELY OF NEW BUSINESS IN $ISTRIBUTION THROUGH OUR BANCASSURANCE CHANNEL SAW A MARKED INCREASE OF A > ; : $ = : 6 AI = > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H FLZVgZcjbWZgdcZ^ci]Z<ZgbVcbVg`Zi^ca^[Z^chjgVcXZVcYcjbWZgi]gZZ^c]ZVai]^chjgVcXZ WVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI F< ZgbVcn^hdjgbdhi^bedgiVcibVg`Zi[dga^[Z$]ZVai]^chjgVcXZ#6hVeZgXZciV\Zd[djgidiVa'%%)a^[Z$]ZVai]hiVijidgn egZb^jbhldgaYl^YZ!<ZgbVcnVXXdjciZY[dg(%#.# 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E + ) MORE THAN REFLECTING THE CONTINUED HIGH GROWTH TREND WE <ZgbVcn=ZVai] HAVE EXPERIENCED IN RECENT YEARS /F THE TOTAL GROWTH IN NEW BUSINESSTHROUGHTHEBANCASSURANCECHANNEL$RESDNER"ANKCON TRIBUTEDAPPROXIMATELY )NDIVIDUAL LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES WHICH INCLUDE ENDOWMENT <ZgbVcn=ZVai]·@Zn9ViV NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%) '%%( '%%' TERMANDANNUITYPOLICIESACCOUNTEDFOROFSTATUTORYPRE <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc Ûbc (!%'% '!.+% '!-+* MIUMSFROMOURNEWBUSINESSIN'ERMANYIN/URINDIVIDUAL :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc ,+ + +) LIFEINSURANCESTATUTORYPREMIUMSINCREASEDTOüMILLIONIN AS COMPARED TO ü MILLION IN .EW INDIVIDUAL AdhhgVi^d +-#. +-#, ,&#% BUSINESSINCREASEDTOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLION :meZchZgVi^d .#( &%#) &%#+ IN 'ROUP LIFE INSURANCE STATUTORY PREMIUMS INCREASED BY ü MILLIONORTOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLION <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc INDUEPRIMARILYTOSUCCESSFULDEVELOPMENTOFNEWDISTRIBU (EALTHINSURANCEPREMIUMSINCREASEDBYüMILLIONORTO TIONCAPACITIESFOROCCUPATIONALPENSIONSCHEMES ü MILLION IN FROM ü MILLION IN 4HIS IN :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc INSURANCE NEW BUSINESS AND GROWTH IN OTHER PERSONAL SUPPLE %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION FROM LIFE MENTARYINSURANCE CREASE WAS DUE PRIMARILY TO RATE INCREASES IN MEDICAL EXPENSE INSURANCE OPERATIONS INCREASED BY ü//2 MILLION TO ü/.6 MILLION 'ROSSPREMIUMSWRITTENONMEDICALEXPENSEINSURANCEWHICH IN FROM A LOSS OF ü MILLION IN REFLECTING AN IM ACCOUNTEDFOROFHEALTHINSURANCEPREMIUMSIN'ERMANY PROVED INVESTMENT RESULT AND LOWER TAX CHARGES OFFSET IN PART ININCREASEDBYüMILLIONORTOüMILLIONIN BY INCREASED NET POLICY ACQUISITION COSTS /UR STATUTORY EXPENSE FROMüMILLIONIN4HEINCREASEWASATTRIBUTABLE RATIOINCREASEDTOINFROMINREFLECTING PRIMARILYTORATEINCREASESANDTOALESSEREXTENTNEWBUSINESS PRIMARILYTHEGROWTHINNEWBUSINESSASWELLASTHEhTRUEUPvOF )N VIEW OF THE ONGOING DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE FUTURE OF THE DEFERREDPOLICYACQUISITIONCOSTSASARESULTOFTHEANNUALCHANGES 'ERMAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM NEW BUSINESS WAS MARGINAL (OW INCALCULATIONASSUMPTIONS EVER GROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN ON OTHER PERSONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INSURANCEINCREASEDTOüMILLIONINCOMPAREDTOü MILLIONIN4HEEXPECTEDMARKETPOTENTIALFORSUPPLEMENTARY INSURANCEWHICHHADBEENOPENEDUPBYALEGALAMENDMENTEFFEC TIVEFROM*ANUARYHASDIMINISHEDFOLLOWINGTHE'ERMAN GOVERNMENTSCHANGEINDECISIONREGARDINGTHERIGHTOFINDIVIDUALS SUBJECTTOSTATUTORYINSURANCETOOPTFORPRIVATEDENTALCOVER'ROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN ON COMPULSORY LONGTERM CARE INSURANCE AND OTHERHEALTHINSURANCEIN'ERMANYDECLINEDSLIGHTLYTOüMIL LIONANDüMILLIONRESPECTIVELYIN :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION FROM OUR HEALTHINSURANCEOPERATIONSINCREASEDSIGNIFICANTLYBYüMILLION TOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONINDUEPRIMARILYTO LOWERTAXCHARGESASCOMPAREDTOWHICHREFLECTEDTHEEFFECT OFTHECHANGESIN'ERMANTAXLAWIN)NADDITIONOURINVEST MENTRESULTIMPROVEDLARGELYATTRIBUTABLETOASIGNIFICANTDECREASE INREALIZEDLOSSESANDIMPAIRMENTS!DDITIONALLYTHEREDUCTIONIN ADMINISTRATIVECOSTSALSOCONTRIBUTEDTOTHEINCREASEINEARNINGSAF TERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATION/URSTATUTORYEXPENSE RATIODECREASEDTOINFROMIN 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E + * ;G6C8: FLZVgZcjbWZgi]gZZ^c]ZVai]^chjgVcXZ^c;gVcXZWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# ;gVcXZ·A^[Z$=ZVai]·@Zn9ViV :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc '%%) '%%( '%%' HiVijidgnegZb^jbh Ûbc )!,&. )!)(- )!'-( BY ü MILLION TO ü MILLION IN FROM ü MILLION IN <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc Ûbc &!+'. &!*,' &!).( PRIMARILY AS A RESULT OF REDUCED POLICYHOLDERS@ CREDITING :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc '-' '%- '(& REDUCTIONS )N ADDITION IMPROVEMENT IN OUR INVESTMENT RESULT HiVijidgnZmeZchZgVi^d &,#( &+#* &,#. WHICH WAS MAINLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO LOWER IMPAIRMENTS AND HIGHER %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED RATESASWELLASMEASURESINTENDEDTOIMPROVEEFFICIENCYANDCOST NETCAPITALGAINSONINVESTMENTSALSOCONTRIBUTEDTOTHEINCREASE INEARNINGSAFTERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATION/URSTA HiVijidgnegZb^jbh TUTORYEXPENSERATIOINCREASEDTOINFROMIN 3TATUTORYPREMIUMSINCREASEDBYMILLIONORTOü PRIMARILYDUETOEFFECTSRESULTINGFROMACCOUNTINGCHANGES MILLIONINFROMüMILLIONIN4HEINCREASEWAS MAINLY ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF DEFERRED POLICY ACQUISI DUEPRIMARILYTOSALESMOMENTUMBROUGHTABOUTBYNEWPRODUCTS TIONCOSTS ININDIVIDUALLIFEINSURANCETHROUGHOURREORGANIZEDDISTRIBUTION NETWORKS >I6AN FI]gdj\]i]ZG6H<gdjeVcYAadnY6Yg^Vi^Xd<gdje!lZ]VkZVcZmXZaaZciedh^i^dc^ci]Z>iVa^Vca^[Z^chjgVcXZbVg`Zi# FId\Zi]Zg!i]ZhZild\gdjeh\ZcZgViZYhiVijidgnegZb^jbhd[ Û-#,W^aa^dc^c'%%)!bV`^c\jhcjbWZgild^ci]Z >iVa^VcbVg`ZiWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# >iVan·A^[Z$=ZVai]·@Zn9ViV '%%) '%%( '%%' HiVijidgnegZb^jbh Ûbc -!,(- .!&., ,!,&, <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc Ûbc &!&)' &!'(. &!'.- NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc '.) ''( '-, HiVijidgnZmeZchZgVi^d )#) (#* *#% OFFSET IN PART BY GROWTH IN NEW BUSINESS IN OUR LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTSTHROUGHOURREPRESENTATIVEAGENCIESANDFINANCIALPLAN NERS/URSTATUTORYPREMIUMSFROMOURBANCASSURANCECHANNELDE CREASEDTOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONIN REFLECTING MAINLY DECREASED SALES AT #REDIT2AS 6ITA OUR )TALIAN BANCASSURANCEJOINTVENTUREWITH5NI#REDITO :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED HiVijidgnegZb^jbh TOüMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONINDUEPRIMAR 3TATUTORYPREMIUMSDECREASEDüMILLIONORTOü ILY TO ANINCREASEIN INVESTMENT RESULT ATTRIBUTABLE TO LOWERNET MILLIONINFROMüMILLIONIN4HISDECREASEWAS IMPAIRMENTS AND HIGHER NET REALIZED GAINS ON INVESTMENTS /UR PRIMARILY ATTRIBUTABLE TO A REDUCTION IN SALES OF LIFE INSURANCE STATUTORYEXPENSERATIOINCREASEDTOINFROMIN PRODUCTSTHROUGHOURBANCASSURANCECHANNEL4HISDECREASEWAS PRIMARILYDUETOTHEDECREASEINOURSTATUTORYPREMIUMS A > ; : $ = : 6 AI = > C H J G 6 C 8 : D E : G 6 I > D C H NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& <GDJEB6C6<:B:CIG:EDGI F6<;<gdjegVc`hZ^\]i]^ci]Z;gZcX]a^[Z^chjgVcXZbVg`Zi# 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E + + HE6>C F> cHeV^c!djga^[Z^chjgVcXZVXi^k^i^ZhVgZ]VcYaZYWn6aa^VcoHZ\jgdhVcY:jgdk^YV!VWVcXVhhjgVcXZ_d^cikZcijgZ# FId\Zi]Zg!i]Zn^cXgZVhZYi]Z^ghiVijidgnegZb^jbhWn&%#+id Û+,+b^aa^dc# HeV^c·A^[Z$=ZVai]·@Zn9ViV '%%) '%%( '%%' HiVijidgnegZb^jbh Ûbc +,+ +&& **& <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc Ûbc *-- *)% *%' NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc )* (( (% HiVijidgnZmeZchZgVi^d *#- +#( +#, LIFE BUSINESS 4HE INCREASE IN OUR PENSION BUSINESS WAS PRIMAR ILYDRIVENBYTHEISSUANCEOFAGROUPPOLICYWHICHAMOUNTEDTO ü MILLION 4HE POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN OUR INDIVIDUAL LIFE BUSINESSRESULTEDPRIMARILYFROMTHEINTRODUCTIONOFANEWINDIVI DUALPENSIONPRODUCT :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc %ARNINGS AFTER TAXES AND BEFORE GOODWILL AMORTIZATION INCREASED BYüMILLIONORTOüMILLIONINFROMüMIL HiVijidgnegZb^jbh LIONINDUEPRIMARILYTOINCREASEDNETCURRENTINCOMEFROM 3TATUTORYPREMIUMSINCREASEDBYMILLIONORTOü INVESTMENTSASARESULTOFHIGHERBUSINESSVOLUME/URSTATUTORY MILLIONINFROMüMILLIONINDUETOINCREASEDSALES EXPENSE RATIO DECREASED TO IN FROM IN IN ALL LINES OF BUSINESS ESPECIALLY IN OUR PENSION AND TRADITIONAL MAINLY DUE TO GROWTH IN SALES OF COMMISSIONFREE PRODUCTS AND EFFICIENCYGAINS HL>IO:GA6C9 F6 aa^VcoHj^hhZAZWZchkZgh^X]Zgjc\h"<ZhZaahX]V[iedhiZYhiVijidgnegZb^jbhd[ Û&#&W^aa^dc! bV`^c\^icjbWZgh^m^ci]ZHl^hhbVg`ZiWVhZYdcbVg`Zih]VgZ# Hl^ioZgaVcY·A^[Z$=ZVai]·@Zn9ViV '%%) '%%( '%%' HiVijidgnegZb^jbh Ûbc &!%*) &!&., &!&., <gdhhegZb^jbhlg^iiZc Ûbc *&+ **, +*& :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ \ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc Ûbc *+ HiVijidgnZmeZchZgVi^d .#- NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& AREDUCTIONINOURINDIVIDUALLIFEINSURANCEBUSINESSWHICHWAS INLINEWITHTHEGENERALMARKETTRENDMAINLYATTRIBUTABLETOTHE REDUCTIONSININTERESTRATES :Vgc^c\hV[iZgiVmZhVcYWZ[dgZ\ddYl^aaVbdgi^oVi^dc - -#+ -% %ARNINGSAFTERTAXESANDBEFOREGOODWILLAMORTIZATIONIMPROVEDTO &'#( üMILLIONINFROMALOSSOFüMILLIONINDUEPRI MARILYTOIMPROVEDINVESTMENTANDTECHNICALRESULTS)NVESTMENT RESULTSBENEFITEDFROMLOWERNETREALIZEDLOSSESANDIMPAIRMENTS HiVijidgnegZb^jbh ONINVESTMENTS)NOURTECHNICALRESULTBENEFITEDFROMARE 3TATUTORY PREMIUMS DECREASED BY ü MILLION OR TO DUCTIONINTHEAVERAGEGUARANTEEDINTERESTRATESFOROURINDIVIDUAL üMILLIONINFROMüMILLIONIN%XCLUDING AND GROUP LIFE INSURANCE PORTFOLIO !S A RESULT OF A REDUCED PRE THE NEGATIVE EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS OUR STATUTORY MIUMVOLUMEOURSTATUTORYEXPENSERATIOINCREASEDSIGNIFICANTLY PREMIUMSIN3WITZERLANDDECREASEDBY4HISDECREASEWAS TOINFROMIN ATTRIBUTABLEPRIMARILYTOAREDUCTIONINGROUPLIFEINSURANCEBUSI 7ITHEFFECTFROM*ANUARYTHEGUARANTEEDINTERESTRATE NESSRESULTINGFROMTHESPINOFFOFOURh0ENSIONSKASSEvASWELLAS FOR OUR GROUP LIFE INSURANCE PORTFOLIO WILL INCREASE FROM A MORE STRINGENT UNDERWRITING PRACTICE &URTHERMORE THERE WAS TO 6 A A > 6 C O < G D J E + , DI=:G:JGDE: Di]Zg:jgdeZ·A^[Z$=ZVai]·@Zn9ViV '%%) NZVghZcYZY9ZXZbWZg(& '%%( '%%' Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc Ûbc 7Za\^jb *(' ()* '* )*( (') +' )&( (&) ,% CZi]ZgaVcYh (,& &*, '. 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