NEWSLETTER Summer 2013
NEWSLETTER Summer 2013
Non-Profit Org. 10379 U.S. 2013 #42 Summer Newsletter Union, Kentucky Larry A.U.S. Ryle High School POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 202 Florence, KY 41042 Return Service Requested The “Union” of Technology and Tradition NEWSLETTER Summer 2013 Visit Our Website at HTTP://WWW.RYLE. BOONE.K12.KY.US Ryle Family Crest Boone County Schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, veteran’s status, gender, or disability. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School NOTICE BOONE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY STATEMENT Students, their parents, and employees of the Boone County School System are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, or disability in employment programs, vocational programs, or activities as set forth in compliance with the Office of Civil Rights, Title VI, Title VII, Title. ADA and Section 504. The Boone County School System offers the following vocational education programs: Family and Consumer Science – Life Skills, Interior Design, Food Preparation and Management, Career and Family, Parenting, Clothing Construction and Management Relationships, Consumer Economics, Child/Human Development. Technology Education – Survey of Engineering, C.A.D., Technology 2000, Electronic Communication, Computer Drafting/General Drafting, Construction Design. Boone County Area Vocational Education Center – Diesel Mechanic, Health Services, Auto Body, Industrial Electricity, Sheet Metal, Welding. Agriculture – Introduction to Agricultural Science and Technology, Equine Science, Animal Technology, Agricultural Construction Skills, Greenhouse Technology, Nursery Technology. Business Education Introduction to Business, Automated Accounting, Business Law, Business Math, Intro. To Computers, Integrated Office Dynamics, Desktop Publishing, Electronic Office, Accounting I and II, Banking and Finance, Business Economics, Business Management, Business Principles and Applications, Computer Applications, Advanced Computer Applications, Consumer Education, Keyboarding, Office Information Systems, Word Processing. Special Vocational Education – World of Work I and II, Career Exploration, Internship, Co-op Work Experience, Job Trainer. Related Student Organizations Include: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Future Homemakers of America (FHA), Future Farmers of America (FFA), Technology Club. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor – School to Work Transition Program. Vocational education programs, services, and activities may vary between schools. The programs are available to any student enrolled in the school providing that program, service or activity. Adult Education classes are offered to individuals pursuing a GED diploma or academic basic skill improvement. Adult programs are offered periodically based upon the demand for specific classes. Any person having inquiries concerning Boone County Schools compliance with the Office of Civil Rights Law, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, ADA, and Section 504 is directed to contact Kathleen G. Reutman, Boone County Schools, 8330 U.S. 42, Florence, KY, Telephone (859) 334-4455 who has been designated by the Boone County Schools to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with Title IX, Title VI, Title VII and the Americans With Disabilities Act and Section 504. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School From the Principal’s desk . . . With the end of school, we can rest for a moment and reflect on what has been an amazing and wonderful year. The Class of 2013 was a great group of students. Overall, they performed admirably both in and out of the classroom. I am very proud of their work in community service in projects large and small including Unite to Read, Baskets of Cheer, Kids Against Hunger, Dragon FLY Project and many others. Here are a few of many impressive accomplishments from the 2012-13 school year: Larry A. Ryle High School earned a Distinguished – Ky. School of Highest Performance rating from the Kentucky Department of Education in 2012. Larry A. Ryle High School also earned silver medal status by U.S. News & World Reports as a top high school in the United States. We are very proud to be ranked the 9th best school in the Kentucky and one of the best in the country. The overall student attendance rate for the 2012-13 school year was 95.6%, the highest high school rate in Boone County. This is a great accomplishment as Ryle is also the largest high school in the county. Twenty-eight seniors earned the Commonwealth Diploma for their performance in Advanced Placement courses. The Class of 2013 exceeded $7,500,000 in academic scholarship offers. Ninety-three seniors earned the Career Passport/Work Ethic diploma from the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. Starting with the Class of 2014, students have the opportunity to earn recognition at graduation by earning one of 3 honors distinctions: Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude, and Cum Laude. In the 21 year history of Larry A. Ryle High School each class of students has demonstrated the ability and work ethic to surpass the accomplishments of the previous classes. Our congratulations go out to the Class of 2013 for Continuing the Tradition of excellence at our school. This past year we have worked to identify and clarify our school’s core beliefs and expectations by polling our students, parents, and staff members. Since our school has a very strong foundation in achieving excellence in academics and extra-curricular activities, our goal was to clarify our existing fundamental beliefs and expectations for everyone and to work to find ways to integrate them into the fabric of everything related to our school. The answer to the simple question of “What words best describe Ryle and its expectations for students?” yielded very consistent responses. - TRADITION - SERVICE - RESPONSIBILITY - INTEGRITY - RESPECT Therefore, the tradition of Larry A. Ryle High School is to teach, model, and exemplify the following traits: Service, Responsibility, Integrity, and Respect. To the Classes of 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, the future is now here! We have great expectations for you and we will work extremely hard to help you meet those expectations and to achieve your own personal goals. Together we will go to greater heights. Have a great summer! Matthew L. Turner Principal WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Welcome The instructional staff welcomes some new additions for the 2013-2014 school year: Agriculture Chris Thompson Assistant Principal Elaine Stappenbeck Math Dave McFarland Health/PE Karra Jackson Science Matt Wingrove Social Studies Katie Lyons Special Education Misti Cornett James Demetrakis SBDM Council The overall purpose of the Larry A. Ryle SBDM Council is to focus on: 1. Student Achievement 2. Researched based practices, including Kentucky’s Standards and Indicators for School Improvement 3. Community-wide participation in understanding and meeting school challenges. 4. Positive relationships that support effective learning. Congratulations to the following teacher representatives: John Horton, Misty Reed, Stephen Sorrell, and minority teacher member James Demetrakis for their election to the Ryle High School Site-Based Decision Making Council. Congratulations to the following parent representatives: Nancy Albright, Cindy Dianna Taylor, and minority parent member, Christina Gonzalez. The SBDM Council generally meets on the third Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center. The general public is welcome to attend. Ryle High School: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support We are very pleased that the 2013-2014 academic school year will begin with the implementation of the PBIS system school-wide. PBIS is a researched-based approach to school culture that emphasizes prevention, proactivity, teaching positive behaviors, and reinforcing these behaviors through intentional recognition. Ryle High School has enjoyed a long history of academic and behavioral excellence. Through our efforts in implementing the PBIS system we hope to continue and build upon the high standards set forth by the Ryle community in the past. As part of the PBIS process, we asked all members of the Ryle community what characteristics “define” the Ryle experience. The results were not surprising – Tradition, Respect, Responsibility, Service, and Integrity. These five expectations will be our guiding principles as we continue to serve the students at Ryle High School and will be threaded throughout our work in classrooms, school-wide, and in the community. The Ryle High School PBIS team has deliberately created a system of support and recognition that will provide an optimal learning environment for our students. As we move forward, these school-wide expectations will serve to guide our work of molding Ryle High School students into successful persons. Respect, Responsibility, Service, and Integrity will be the “pillars” of our Tradition. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Governor’s Scholars Each year the students from around the Commonwealth apply for an opportunity to participate in the prestigious Governor’s Scholars Program and Governor’s School for the Arts. Congratulations to the following students who were accepted into the program for this summer: Governor’s Scholar Thomas Albright, Austin Atkinson, Alison Crupper, Jillian Davenport, Faith Evans, Noah Greenhill, Elaine Johnson, Daniel Kozar, Lauren Lawson, Samantha Stanton Governor’s School for the Arts Allison Bailey, Jeff Moore National Honor Society Congratulations and good luck to the graduating members of the 20122013 National Honor Society. We will miss you! Congratulations to the new NHS officers and Executive Council for 2013-2014: President: Emma Rich Vice President: T.J. Albright Secretary: M. Elaine Johnson Treasurer: Jacob Lamping Technology Coordinator: Daniel Kozar Historian: Kaitlyn Eleniak NHS applications are available online digitally on the Ryle homepage or a hard copy of the application can be picked up in the front office at school.The applications are due Friday August 23, 2013 at 2:35 p.m. Athletic Achievements We are extremely proud of each and every one of our student-athletes. The hard work and dedication necessary to be successful is tremendous and our student-athletes have excelled academically and athletically. Here are a few from a long list of great athletic accomplishments of the 2012-13 school year: Boys Soccer District Runner-up; Region 9 Semifinalist; Girls Soccer District Champion Boys Golf Region 6 Runner Up; Paul Clancy- NKAC Division I Golfer of the Year Boys Cross Country Regional Runner-up Girls Cross Country Regional Runner-up; Jensen Bales- Regional Champion & NKAC Division I Runner of the Year Volleyball rd 33 District Champ; Regional Semi-Finalist Boys Basketball District Runner-up Girls Basketball rd 33 District Runner-up; 9th Region Semi-finalist. Wrestling 7th place at state Individual Wrestling State 4th place- John Meiman 4th place- Gus Adams Boys Track Regional Champion, NKAC Champion, Individual State Boys Track Nick Kennedy- 3rd place in Long Jump Girls Tennis Meghan Watson and Harlee Hornsby- state tournament doubles team qualifier Carly Lucas- Singles qualifier Boys Baseball NKAC Division I Champion; Regional Champion Girls Track Regional Runner-up Individual State Girls Track Ashlee Howe- 4th place high jump Alexandra Patterson- 4th place 800m Girls Softball McKell Oliverio- State Coaches Association 9th Region Player of the Year; All-State. Ali Crupper- Division I Player of the Year Archery The archery team shot a 3194 team total at the state tournament and qualified for the National Tournament! Individual top shooters were: Sam Loehrke - 285, Ryan Gilbert - 278, Jack Kirby - 278, & Elizabeth Shouse - 275. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Academic Achievements Congratulations Students in the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) course offered by the Business Department of Ryle High School have earned multiple MOS certifications during the 2012-13 school year. These certifications are internationally recognized as indicators of Microsoft Office suite program proficiency. Students have the opportunity to test in the areas of Microsoft Office 2010 for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access. A student is deemed career ready and industry certified once he/she has earned three of the four certifications. This year, fifty nine students earned all four certificates. 15 students passed three out of four areas. German Honors 2013 National German Exam Top 10 in State German 2/2 Honors Joseph Lawal - 2nd in State Tyler Zahn - 3rd in State Anna Crider - 7th in State Jonathan Sippel 8th in State Heather Martin - 9th in State Brennen Alm - 10th in State German 3 Honors Connor Hutcherson - 1st in State Madalyn Wardlow - 3rd in State Brandon Couch - 6th in State Noah Greenhill - 7th in State Shannon Winter - 9th in State Samuel Lutes - 10th in State German 4 (AP) Clara Stassen - 1st in State Samantha Stanton - 6th in State James Ryg - 10th in State RYLE FBLA SUCCEEDS AT 2012-13 STATE COMPETITION The Kentucky State FBLA Conference was held in Louisville in April. Those students marked with an * have earned the privilege of competing at the National Conference. Congratulations to Alex Warner for being elected as the State FBLA Vice President 1st place * Business Plan- Ethan Losier * Marketing - Allison Pinkston, Emily Ramstetter, and Leslie Rowen 2nd place * Client Service- Connor Hutcherson * Digital Design and Promotion- Alisha Canter, Danielle Carroll, Kelly Uhl * Help Desk- John Leavens * Public Speaking- Heyra Avila * Sports Management- Mac Welsh * Website Design- Matthew Postolowski 3rd place American Enterprise Project- Elaine Johnson and Leslie Rowen * Business Communication- Alana Gale PTA Reflections Contest We had eight entries that represented the 14th District at the State competition. Award of Excellence Sam Kirby- Film Production Rachel Lietzow- Visual Arts Rena Ryumae- Music Composition Mackenzie Allen- Dance Composition Nicholas Kennedy- Photography Award of Merit Kaitlyn Eleniak- Film Morgann Bryngelson- Visual Arts Kaitlyn Eleniak- Dance Composition WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Future Farmers of America Information Welcome to our new FFA leader Chris Thompson State Degrees Earned Jordan Newman; Megan Bennett; Joseph Patterson; Jared Pope FFA Regional Officer Congratulations to Kearsten Connelly for being elected Regional Treasurer for FFA State Results The Ryle FFA competed at State Convention in June. The following awards were given: Congratulations Jordan Newman earned a Top 5 place for the Star in Agriculture Placement. Support Our Troops Fundraiser- received the honor of Platinum Chapter by being the chapter that raised the most money for the “Support the Troops Campaign. Silver Emblem Rating- first year this has been earned by our chapter. Regional Contest The Ryle FFA Chapter competed at the Northern Kentucky Regional Contest. FFA rates contestants on a scale of Superior, Excellent, Good, and Fair. Here are the results for the Ryle Members who earned a superior rating. Creed Speaking- Aubrey Bays- Superior Dairy- Shelby Blake- Superior Floral- Micky King- Superior Greenhouse- Jared Pope- Superior 2nd Horse Impromptu- Cami ArlinghausSuperior 2nd Nursery/Landscape- Kyle Lawrence- Superior 2nd Poultry- Kearsten Connelly- Superior 2nd Small Animal- Kristen Green- Superior 1st Swine- Allie Jones- Superior 1st Senior Chapter Meeting Team- Jordan Newman, Cody Moore, Shelby Blake, Casey Hamilton, Kearsten Connelly, Megan Bennett, Kyle Lawrence, Justin Van Heusen, Joseph Patterson, Cammi Arlinghaus- Superior NKU Entrepreneurship Challenge Congratulations to Justin North for winning 2nd place in the NKU Entrepreneurship Challenge. Personal Finance Challenge Out of almost 400 teams competing in the state of Kentucky, Ryle placed 1st in an online personal finance challenge! Congratulations to the team of Mitchell Herweh, Trent Brown and Shane Farrer who then went on to St. Louis and placed 12th in the nation. Stock Market Game Please congratulate Austin Barnhorst, Shane Farrer and Emily Hugenberg. They placed 2nd in the State of Kentucky for their participation in the Stock Market Game! Speech and Debate The Ryle Speech and Debate Team reclaimed its title of State Champion at the 2013 Kentucky High School Speech League (KHSSL) Debate Championship. The team also placed third in the Northern Region for KHSSL Speech with regional champions in prose and extemporaneous speaking and regional runner-up in dramatic interpretation. Numerous members of the team qualified to compete at multiple national tournaments this summer, including the National Forensic League (NFL), National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL), and National Individual Events Tournament of Champions (NIETOC). Heyra Avila, was elected presiding officer of her chamber at the NCFL grand national tournament. At the NFL national tournament, Connor Hutcherson and John Leavens advanced to outrounds of extemp debate. Coach Rachel Page received the prestigious coaching honor of diamond at the tournament. The speech and debate team will be holding auditions for the team once school starts in August. No experience needed; we are looking for talented actors/actresses, speakers, writers, and anyone who loves talking in front of people or needs to work on their speaking skills. Please contact Rachel Page (, 859-496-2647) for more information about joining the team. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Boone County Schools Student Fees 2013-2014 -- 9th – 12 Grade The fees listed below will be collected at the time your child’s schedule is picked up – these fees may vary depending on the classes your child is taking. Classroom teachers may have additional supply requirements and/or supply fees for their classes that will be collected by the teacher. Athletic fees are $35.00 and will be collected by your coach. Regular Reduced General Fee $35.00 $12.00 Agenda $5.00 $1.50 Schedule Pick-Up & Fee Payment Students and/or parents should visit the school to pick up class schedules and pay student fees for the 2013-2014 school year on the following dates: Wednesday, August 7th 9 am – 12 pm: Seniors 2 pm – 5 pm: Juniors Thursday, August 8th 9am-12noon: Sophomores 2pm-5pm: Freshman Text Bk. Rental $8.00 per class $3.00 Agriculture $10.00 $3.00 Parking Sticker $15.00 $15.00 Technology $15.00 $5.00 Science $15.00 $5.00 Family C.S. $12.00 $4.00 Half-Time Voc. $18.00 $5.00 Art $5.00 $15.00 Instrument rent. $12.00 sem. Team $25.00 $4.00 sem. Speech $8.00 Marching Band $600.00 $200.00 Post-dated checks cannot be accepted. Late or outstanding fees must be paid before schedules can be released. Bus Information Instructions Parents can look on the Boone County Website for Bus Stop Locations. Here are the directions: 1. Go to website 2. District office tab 3. Transportation link 4. Bus Route Locator 5. Enter your address tip: enter your house number and enter only the first 2 or 3 letters of your street (this ensures that you are getting the correct information) it will give you options to choose from. If there are any discrepancies in spelling, it will not give you the information you need 6. click on the school code NOT the school name 7. it will show you your stop location as well as the time for pick up and drop off. If you have followed these steps and cannot get the information, please check with the appropriate transportation office for information. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Raider Catering The Family and Consumer Science Department has a very successful catering program that can be utilized by our community. Students from Mrs. Bain’s Culinary Skills class catered events: birthday parties, wedding / bridal showers, department luncheons, sports banquets, baby showers, homecoming events as well as other events at Ryle High School. Along with catering those events take home dinners can also be ordered by Faculty and community members. Please contact Robyn Bain at or 384-5300 Ext: 216 for menu, pricing, or more information. The Raider Retail Shop The Raider Retail Store will be open during 4th period this coming school year. Be sure to stop by and check out our wide selection of spirit wear and school supplies!! Bank The Raider Bank will be open again this year. The bank is a co-curricular class that offers students the opportunity to work in a bank setting and learn practical banking skills. The bank will offer the following financial products: Savings Account Christmas Club Accounts Spring Break Club Accounts Certificate of Deposits Lunch Loans Small Loans We look forward to doing business with all of our students and Ryle staff. Senior Pictures Attention Class of 2014: In order to appear in the 2014 yearbook as well as the school composite, you need to be photographed in a drape/tux at Prestige Portraits by January 13, 2014. You are under no obligation to purchase personal portraits; however, all students must be photographed by Prestige in order to appear in the yearbook. Please make preparations in advance. You can schedule an appointment by calling 859-5780110. 2014 Yearbooks will be on sale at schedule pickup. The early-bird price of $60 includes personalization. Look for our table in the upper commons area. RAIDER ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM (RAP) This program is designed to provide the time and support for all students to reach their full potential. Students will have the opportunity to complete their ILP’s, get assistance for their class work, study for classes, seek tutoring and meet with their respective counselor or assistant principal. During this time students must remain under the direct supervision of a teacher to work on classroom requirements. This teacher will, on a weekly basis, meet and discuss the student’s academic progress in each of their classes. If a student is not performing up to standards, the student may be referred for additional academic assistance offered during this specialized time period. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Summer Reading Program Please see the Ryle Website for your mandatory summer assignment. This summer marks the 11th year of the Summer Reading Program at Larry A. Ryle High School. This mandatory program is designed to challenge our students to continue improving upon their reading and comprehension skills during the summer months. During this last week of school, all students previewed the requirements of their summer reading assignments in their English classes. All incoming 9th graders were provided with a hard copy of the assignment as well. Depending on the grade level and class, students will choose a book(s) to read over the summer from a predetermined list and will complete an assignment for the chosen novel. Upon returning to school in August, students will submit their completed assignment for a grade. After appropriate review and instruction from their teachers, each student will then take a test over their chosen novel. The assignment grade and test grade will be recorded in the 1st Quarter Grading Period. Students enrolled in Honors or Advanced Placement English classes will complete their traditional summer assignment and will not be affected by the Summer Reading Program. For your convenience, the English department has contacted the Boone County Public Library and Barnes and Noble in Florence; both are aware of the books on our reading lists. The Boone County Public Library will be having summer homework study sessions in July and August. If you choose to check out books from the library, please be aware that there are limited quantities. We often have students wait until August to reserve their books and sometimes that is too late. If you have any trouble locating books for your child or have any questions, please feel free to contact Nicole Schwartz, English Department Team Leader at Summer Assignments Students registered for Advanced Placement courses are required to complete a summer assignment. If you have not picked up your assignment please stop by the school office to pick one up as soon as possible. Also, all assignments are posted on our website. Failure to complete this required assignment might cancel your A.P. course request. Community Service Requirement Larry A. Ryle High School has implemented a community service requirement for all students to complete as part of their required Senior Exit Project. Research shows that community service learning is a valuable life-long learning tool for students. 1. Enacted in the 2007-08 school year, each student will be required to complete 5 hours of community service for each academic year. 2. All community service hours will be for hours that are after the normal school day. Hours used for other clubs/organization may also be counted for the community service requirement. 3. The students will be required to have a card completed by the person in charge of the community service opportunity and returned to appropriate support staff. These cards are found in the main office. 4. The hours of community service hours will be a requirement that is included in the senior exit project. A student who does not complete the necessary hours would jeopardize their passing of the senior exit project. 5. A graduating senior will be required to complete 20 hours of community service for each year attending Ryle H.S. (recommended 5 hrs. each year). WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Bullying This is a nationwide issue that schools are attempting to clarify and bring awareness in order to stop this activity from occurring in our schools. A commonly accepted definition for bullying is: “A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending him or herself.” This definition includes three important components: Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions. Bullying involves a pattern of intentional behavior repeated over time. Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying is NOT, an honest mistake, an isolated incident, a lapse in judgment or a conflict between friends. Friends are going to disagree, argue and possibly say unkind things. This does not constitute bullying behavior. We must teach healthy ways to address disagreements, conflicts and hurt feelings. It is important for teenagers to understand that conflict is normal and healthy in relationships and should be handled respectfully. Learning to handle conflict appropriately maintains the integrity of the relationship. When addressing conflict appropriately it allows students the opportunity to discuss a situation instead of trying to hurt the other person. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Anonymous Anti-Bullying & School Safety Hotline 1-866-548-3847 x-193 Additional information can be found at: Extra-Curricular Activities Larry A. Ryle High School encourages all students to get involved in extra-curricular or cocurricular activities. We have many opportunities for students to become involved in organized club activities as well as opportunities for new clubs to form. Statistics indicate that involvement in school activities increases the overall success of the student during high school and more importantly, after completing high school. Club Policy All clubs and organizations recognized by Larry A. Ryle High School must adhere to the following guidelines: A written charter / constitution / by-laws stating purpose, mission, and/or function of club A Ryle HS teacher must sponsor the club and direct / assume responsibility for all activities Membership must include a minimum of 25 students Must be approved by the school council Must be financially self sufficient Clubs and activities must adhere to local, state, and federal policies and regulations Club Listing (not an all-inclusive list) HONORARY National Honor Society, Hispanic Honor Society, English Honor Society, Math Honor Society , French Honor Society, German Honor Society, Science Honor Society CO-CURRICULAR FBLA , Student Council, Academic Team, FCCLA, Yearbook, Art Club, FFA, Speech/Debate Team SOCIAL Pep Club, Mock Trial Club, Bible Study Club, Archery, FEA, FCA, Robotics Club, SAO, Freshman Mentor Program WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Dear Freshman Parent(s) or Guardian(s), The administration and faculty of Larry A. Ryle High School would like to invite your freshman student(s) to our ninth annual Freshman Orientation on Monday, August 5th, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Our central focus for the event is to give all freshmen an introduction to our school, staff, programs, and all else that will make their first year of high school a positive, productive, and enjoyable experience. This will be an important event for your child to attend even if they attended the spring scheduling meeting. All students will need to be at Ryle for drop-off/sign in at 9:00 a.m., where they will be organized into small groups and spend time in various informational sessions and activities that will focus on the following topics: Academic Policies/ Procedures Guidance Counseling Services Activities, Clubs, Athletics, and other events Meet the Teachers/Scavenger Hunt We request that at 1:00 p.m., parents/guardians return to Ryle to pick up their student. At this time, parents are more than welcome to tour the building with their child if they wish. Fee payment and schedule pick-up for freshman will be on Thursday, August 8th between 2-5 p.m. We look forward to meeting you and your student(s) on August 5th for our Freshman Orientation! We hope that this will be a worthwhile and informative day that will make the upcoming school year successful. To help with planning our activities and sessions, we ask that you RSVP by July 19th using the enclosed form, by calling the school office, OR email: Freshman Orientation RSVP Form Return Form prior to July 19th, 2013 to ensure proper registration and t-shirt Registration Forms received after due date may not receive a t-shirt Student Name __________________________ T-Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL Students: ____Yes, I plan to attend the Freshman Orientation between 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on August 5th. ____I will be unable to attend. Please mail this form back to Ryle High School (Attention Andrew Dusing), contact the school by phone OR email: andrew.dusing prior to July 19, 2013. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Turning 16 this year? Driver Permit Needed Before a student goes to get their driver’s license, they must pick up a “Driver’s Verification Form” from school. This form certifies that they are in compliance of the state law. The law results in the revocation of a student’s driver’s permit or license for any three different reasons: Academic Deficiency, Dropping Out of School, Excessive Absences. The No Pass/No Drive law defines Academic Deficiency as a “student who does not have passing grades in at least four (4) courses, or the equivalent of four courses, in the preceding semester.” A student with nine or more unexcused absences in a single semester (including absences due to out-of-school suspensions) is considered non-compliant. Parking Permits You must meet the requirements to be issued a permit. Parking Permit will be issued on the day of registration on a first come-first serve basis, beginning with seniors. Students may go online to to access the parking contract. On the day of scheduling, the contract must be properly completed and you must show the following to receive a permit: 1. Valid Driver’s license 2. Contract filled out and signed by student and parent 3. Complete car information: year, make, model and plate #. 4. Verification of eligibility 5. Verification of payment PARKING PRIVILEGES *All fees and textbook rental must be paid before applying* Due to the increased number of students who drive, the SBDM Council has modified the way in which parking passes are distributed. Parking Eligibility: Parking Passes will be assigned or revoked based on the following: To Seniors who: Have at least a 78% overall average or 1.9 GPA from grades 9-11. Have not accumulated more than 9 unexcused absences or tardies to school combined in their junior year, or will lose their pass if 9 are accumulated during their senior year. All Level IV discipline violators will forfeit parking permit Habitual violators of the discipline code of conduct will forfeit parking permit. Remaining spots will be assigned to juniors who meet the above criteria WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Larry A. Ryle High School Physical Exams for Athletics Any athlete participating in a high school sport sanctioned by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) must have a physical exam each calendar year. The exam is valid for a period of one year from the date of exam. Be sure that the exam is documented on the official KHSAA form. This form is available in the school office and on the KHSAA website. ( ) Special Notice to Parents for Free/Reduced Lunch Applications The Food Service Department of the Boone County Schools will be NOT be mailing out free or reducedpriced meal applications for the 2013-14 school year to those parents/guardians of students currently receiving the benefit. If you wish to apply for free or reduced price lunch contact the Food Service Department at 282-2556. The full amount of school fees is expected at the time of schedule pick-up, unless your name is on the approval list provided by the Food Service Department. The federal government requires a new application each year. Be sure to read all the instructions included with the application. Dress Code Reminders Students deemed to be inappropriately dressed will be permitted to have their parent/guardian bring an acceptable change of clothing. Missed class time due to a dress code issue will be considered unexcused and students will be required to make-up this time in detention or Friday School. No stretch pants, yoga pants, spandex pants, leggings, etc…may be worn as pants during the school day. These items may be worn underneath skirts/dresses that are of the appropriate length requirement (knee length). Pants must be full length and worn at the waist/ and hemmed to above floor length. Pants may not have holes that expose the skin or garments under the clothing anywhere above the knee. Skirts, dresses, Capri pants may be worn by females only and must be knee length or longer. Any slit must not be above the knee and must be knee length or longer. No tank tops, off-the-shoulder tops, halter tops, or other garments with spaghetti straps or other similar straps. Driving on Campus A reminder to all students, faculty, staff and parents that the entire campus has a 20 mph speed limit and the parking lot has 15 mph speed limit. There will be occasions where the Boone County Sheriff’s office will be utilizing radar to keep our campus safe. WWW.RYLE.BOONE.KYSCHOOLS.US 2013 Summer Newsletter Agustus Adams Corey Ahern Eric Anderson Lindsey Wilson College L.R. McDonald Scholarship Senior Awards Julie Beck Larry A. Ryle High School Transylvania University Morrison Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Boone County Education Association Scholarship National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors English Honor Society National Honor Society Math Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Science Honor Society Top 10% of Class University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Megan Bennett University of Kentucky Student Success Award Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors Jacob Ashley Senior Year Academic Honors Taylor Atkinson Commonwealth Diploma Work Ethic Diploma Taylor Bianchi Commonwealth Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors Top 10% of Class University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship UKy Flagship Scholarship (RC Durr) Work Ethic Diploma Krista Bicer Commonwealth Honors Academy University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship Illinois State U. Redbird Academic Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Enterprise Rent A Car Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society Dixie L. Mills Endowed Schol. English Honor Society National Honor Society Math Honor Society English Honor Society French Honor Scoiety Math Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Science Honor Scoiety Christopher Austin Senior Year Academic Honors Kalea Black UK William C. Parker Scholarship Blake Back Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award Brooke Borchers 1 Yr Perfect Attendance Courtney Baell Morehead State U. Commonwealth Schol. Morehead State U. Eagle Excellence Schol. Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Schol. Northern KY University Commonwealth Excellence Auburn U. Dudley Scholarship Georgetown College Giddings Award Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors William Baker Sierra Barth Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award National Honor Society Spalding U. Honors Scholars Program Scholarship English Honor Society 1 Yr Perfect Attendance FBLA Honor Cord Work Ethic Diploma Thomas Baumann Julie Beck University of Dayton Father Chaminade Schol. Work Ethic Diploma Jackson Brennan 3 Yrs Perfect Attendance Thomas More College Bellarmine U.y Monsignor Treece Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Bellarmine University Trustee Scholarship National Honor Society NKU Achiever's Scholarship English Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Work Ethic Diploma Work Ethic Diploma 2012 Governor's Scholar Amanda Brinkman UK GTU Presidential Scholarship U of L Governor's Scholar Trustees Scholarship University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Alexander Brookbank University of Louisville Trustee's Scholarship University of Louisville Educational Stipend University of Louisville Paul Winnia Scholarship Morehead State University Commonwealth Schol. Senior Year Academic Honors Bellarmine U. Horrigan Schol. Nathalia Garcia Brooks NKU Educational Diversity Scholarship Bellarmine U. Governor's Scholar NKU Commonwealth Excellence Eastern KY University Founders Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction University of Kentucky Presidential Scholarship English Honor Society Centre College Founders Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma 2013 Summer Newsletter Christopher Brown Mikayla Brown Justin Browning Morgann Bryngelson Joshua Butler Emily Cady Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Awards Morgan Cash Larry A. Ryle High School University of Alabama UA Scholar Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction University of Kentucky Flagship Scholarship National Honor Society NKU Excellence Scholarship English Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Math Honor Society National Honor Society Science Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Work Ethic Diploma WKU Spirit Makes the Master Scholarship Morgan Clark Work Ethic Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors Katie Conner U of L National Army ROTC Scholarship National Honor Society University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship French Honor Society Florence Women's Club Work Ethic Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors Brevard College Opportunity Grant National Honor Society Commonwealth Diploma English Honor Society Top 10% of Class Math Honor Society Northern KY University Excellence Scholarship Science Honor Society Northern KY University CINSAM Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Procter & Gamble Scholarship Joshua Cooper Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Emma Costello Class Salutatorian University of Louisville Trustee's Scholarship Top 10% of Class Arvin Meritor Scholarship 2012 Governor's Scholar National Honor Society Scholarship Davidson College Davidson Trust Scholarship Outstanding Senior FCS Fashion Student Xavier University Chancellor Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction UK GTU Presidential Scholarship National Honor Society University of Louisville Henry Vogt Scholarship English Honor Society Wake Forest University Liberal Arts Scholarship Math Honor Society Clemson University Academic Scholarship French Honor Society University of Richmond University Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Timothy Cain Work Ethic Diploma National Honor Society Amanda Campbell University of Kentucky Flagship Scholarship English Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Math Honor Society Commonwealth Diploma Science Honor Society Bellarmine U. Horrigan Schol. Work Ethic Diploma Danielle Carroll Bellarmine U. Trustee's Schol. Christine Culbertson Senior Year Academic Honors Hanover College Parker Scholarship National Honor Scoiety Hanover College Keys Scholarship Transylvania University Pioneer Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Nathaniel Davis Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Morgan Cash Oral Roberts University Whole Person Schol. Centre College Founders Scholarship Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award Thomas More College Scholarship Faith Dawson Commonwealth Diploma National Honor Society Bellarmine U. Horrigan Schol. English Honor Society Bellarmine U. Trustee's Schol. Math Honor Society Northern KY University Excellence Scholarship Hispanic Honor Society University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma University of Alabama Collegiate Scholar Schol. Top 10% of Class Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Western KY University Regents Scholarship National Honor Society University of Louisville Trustee's Scholarship English Honor Society 2013 Summer Newsletter Faith Dawson Sean Delaney Hispanic Honor Society Senior Awards Emily Etscheid Larry A. Ryle High School English Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma French Honor Society Morehead State U. Eagle Excellence Award Senior Year Academic Honors English Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Work Ethic Diploma Aaron Fegenbush University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Tyler Dever Thomas More College Scholarship University of Louisville Speed School Scholarship Scott Dierna NKU Commonwealth Excellence Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors National Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Science Honor Society Paige Doellman Elise Duggins Michael Edwards Katie Boh Memorial Scholarship Erica Feiler Thomas More College Leadership Award National Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma English Honor Society DePauw University Trustee Award Work Ethic Diploma DePauw University KEES Award Pierce Feltner Alex Elam Eastern KY University Founder's Scholarship Xavier University Miguel Pro Scholarship Arvin Meritor Scholarship Hanover College Thomas A. Hendricks Scholarship National Honor Society Hanover College Keys Scholarship Math Honor Society Centre College Alumni Award Work Ethic Diploma University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Transylvania University Pioneer Scholar Schol. Brandon Fightmaster Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors Maria Franxman National Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Work Ethic Diploma Ryan Frohlich Work Ethic Diploma 1 Yr Perfect Attendance Madison Furnish Top 10% of Class Ryle Athletic Club Scholarship 8 Yrs Perfect Attendance Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Work Ethic Diploma Science Honor Society NKU Excellence Scholarship French Honor Society NKU CINSAM Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Meghan Eleniak University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Xavier University Dean's Award Scholarship National Honor Society Emily Egbers Senior Year Academic Honors Work Ethic Diploma Alana Gale National Merit Commended Scholar 2012 Governor's Scholar Top 10% of Class Commonwealth Diploma 2012 Governor's Scholar Top 10% of Class Commonwealth Diploma University of Cincinnati University Scholarship Kenyon College Honors Scholarship UK GTU Presidential Scholarship Centre College Faculty Scholarship University of Alabama US Scholar Scholarship Kalamazoo College Syracuse University Morehead State University Scholarship Jim Bailie/Shelter Insurance Scholarship Murray State University Trustee Scholarship Ryle PTSA Scholarship Outstanding Senior Social Studies Student Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction National Honor Society National Honor Society English Honor Society English Honor Society Math Honor Society Math Honor Society French Honor Society Science Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Hispanic Honor Society Marvin Epperson Work Ethic Diploma Lorene Garnier Commonwealth Diploma Emily Etscheid Commonwealth Diploma Xavier University Presidential Scholarship National Honor Society The Ohio State University Buckeye Scholarship 2013 Summer Newsletter Lorene Garnier University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Senior Awards Emily Gonzales Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Math Honor Society National Honor Society Science Honor Society English Honor Society Hispanic Honor Society German Honor Society Sydney Gebka Work Ethic Diploma 2012 Governor's Scholar Courtney Graham Work Ethic Diploma Commonwealth Diploma Chrissa Gray Senior Year Academic Honors Top 10% of Class Kristen Green Northern Kentucky University Scholarship Morehead State University Commonwealth Schol. NKU KY Governor's Scholar Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors TaeLeigha Greene University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship U of L KY Governor's Scholar Scholarship Ohio University Gateway Trustee Award Larry A. Ryle Scholarship Ohio University OU Incentive Award Ryle PTSA Scholarship Ohio University George Womack Award Outstanding Senior FCCLA Student Senior Year Acadmic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Science Honor Society National Honor Society Jessica Grego Senior Year Academic Honors English Honor Society John Groathouse NKU KMEA Select Band Scholarship Math Honor Society Hispanic Honor Society Jasmine Gentry Larry A. Ryle High School National Honor Society Union Baptist Church Scholarship Lyvia Haley Xavier University Dean's Award Work Ethic Diploma Xavier University Summer's Nursing Fellowship 2012 Governor's Scholar John D Miller Educational Foundation Scholarship Top 10% of Class Northern KY University Achiever's Award Commonwealth Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors Trinity College Questbridge Scholarship National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Work Ethic Diploma National Honor Society Mitchell Herweh University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship English Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Math Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Hispanic Honor Society David Hester Union College President's Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Thomas More College Dean's Scholarship Evan Gideon Senior Year Academic Honors Spalding University Dean's Award Ryan Gilbert Thomas More College Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Science Honor Society Lucas Gluck Emily Gonzales Class Valedictorian Top 10% of Class Work Ethic Diploma Kate Hillsgrove Top 10% of Class 2012 Governor's Scholar University of Alabama Collegiate Scholar Schol. Commonwealth Diploma U. of Alabama Dean's Engineering Excellence Schol. 3 Yrs Perfect Attendance RedHawk Excellence Scholarship University of Notre Dame Provost's Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction University of Notre Dame University Scholarship National Honor Society U. of Notre Dame Cincinnati Alumni Scholarship Math Honor Society Boston College Boston College Scholarship Science Honor Society Delta Scholarship Fund Award For Excellence French Honor Society Zachary Kertis Memorial Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Ryle PTSA Scholarship Justin Hoard Senior Year Academic Honors Outstanding Senior Math Student Harlee Hornsby Winthrop U. Dean's Meritorious Scholarship Outstanding Senior Science Student Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Wintrop U. Visual & Performing Arts Schol. Ashlee Howe Georgetown College Presidential Scholarship 2013 Summer Newsletter Ashlee Howe Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Senior Awards Kevin Joiner National Honor Society Math Honor Society English Honor Society Science Honor Society Math Honor Society French Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Kayley Hughes Larry A. Ryle High School National Honor Society Union College President's Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Kyle Jones Commonwealth Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors Top 10% of Class Leanna Hydera Ocial G. Smith Memorial Award University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Virginia Imhof Senior Year Academic Honors University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Hannah Ingraham University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship National Honor Society Coastal Carolina University Scholarship Math Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors French Honor Society National Honor Society English Honor Society Leonard Ivey Ashley Jacobs Jennifer Jacobson Work Ethic Diploma Connor Jordan Top 10% of Class University of Cincinnati Cincinnatus Scholarship WKU Gatton Academy Scholarship UC Engineering & Applied Science Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Morehead State U. Eagle Excellence Award Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Senior Year Academic Honors National Honor Society Top 10% of Class Math Honor Society University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Brian Kaiser Senior Year Academic Honors Daniel Jensen National Merit Commended Scholar Work Ethic Diploma Jessica Kampsen Commonwealth Diploma Top 10% of Class Thomas More College Scholarship University of Kentucky Presidential Scholarship Georgetown College Scholarship UK Dean Thomas Lester Scholarship Northern Kentucky University Scholarship University of Louisville Trustee's Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Morehead State University Commonwealth Schol. National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction French Honor Society Math Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Transylvania University Morrison Scholarship Maggie Kelly Transylvania University Achievement Award Bellarmine U. Trustee's Schol. Work Ethic Diploma Nicholas Kennedy Centre College Centre Award Senior Year Academic Honors Kaylee Keohane University of Cincinnati Cincinnatus Scholarship University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship University of Dayton Merit Scholarship Ryle PTSA Scholarship University of Louisville Trustee's Scholarship Loyola University Chicago Dean's Scholarship Hanover College Thomas A. Hendricks Scholarship Hanover College Keys Scholarship National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Bellarmine U. Horrigan Schol. Kevin Joiner Northern KY University Achiever's Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Work Ethic Diploma Kyle James Top 10% of Class Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Robert Kidwell 2012 Gov. School for the Arts KY Odyssey of the Mind Mike Mullins Scholarship Top 10% of Class Ryle Athletic Club Scholarship University of Louisville Governor's Scholar Award Senior Year Academic Honors Union Baptist Church Scholarship National Honor Society Marine Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excell. English Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction UK William C. Parker Scholarship Hayley King Work Ethic Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors Matthew Kipling Top 10% of Class 2013 Summer Newsletter Matthew Kipling Commonwealth Diploma Senior Awards Sydney Long UK William C. Parker Scholarship University of Kentucky Flagship Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Tyler Lonnemann University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship University of Alabama Capstone Scholar Schol. University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Ethan Losier Commonwealth Diploma Bellarmine U. Horrigan Schol. Oakland City University Academic Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction National Forensic Honor League National Honor Society Samuel Lutes English Honor Society Top 10% of Class Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Math Honor Society Jarred Marcum KY Volunteer Firefighter Award Science Honor Society Macy Marshall Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award Hispanic Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Samuel Kirby Larry A. Ryle High School Senior Year Academic Honors Work Ethic Diploma McKenzee Martin 3 Yrs Perfect Attendance 2012 Governor's Scholar Northern KY University Excellence Scholarship Commonwealth Diploma Thomas More College Dean Academic Scholarship Top 10% of Class Bellarmine U. Horrigan Schol. Western KY University 1906 Founders Scholarship University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction National Honor Society English Honor Society English Honor Society Math Honor Society Hispanic Honor Society Science Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Work Ethic Diploma Kylie Kirkland Senior Year Academic Honors Tyler Mason Work Ethic Diploma Cornelius Kish Senior Year Academic Honors Megan McCarthy University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Allison Koopmans Ryle PTSA Scholarship National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Math Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Science Honor Society Commonwealth Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors 1 Yr Perfect Attendance Work Ethic Diploma Allison Laile Morehead State U. Eagle Excellence Award Abel Leitsinger Jeremy Lindley NKU Achiever's Scholarship Miami University RedHawk Excellence Schol. Bellarmine U. Horrigan Schol. Thomas More College Scholarship Lindsey Wilson College Achievement Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Austin Merchant National Merit Finalist Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Top 10% of Class Work Ethic Diploma WKU Gatton Academy Tier One Scholarship National Merit Commended Scholar University of Kentucky Patterson Scholarship Commonwealth Diploma Case Western Reserve University University Schol. Top 10% of Class Centre College Colonel Scholar Scholarship University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Polytechnic Inst. of New York U. Promise Fund NKU Excellence Scholarship Purdue University Trustees Scholarship Murray State University Trustee Scholarship Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyMerit Schol. Senior Year Academic Honors University of Louisville Vogt Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Tailhook Educational Foundation Scholarship University of Louisville Trustee's Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Sydney Long National Merit Commended Scholar University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Olivet Nazarence U. Academic Excellence Award John Leavens Garrett Mead Thomas More College Dean's Academic Schol. Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Savannah Merlin Commonwealth Diploma Outstanding Senior Peer Tutoring I Student Eastern KY University Regents Award National Forensic Honor League Hanover Dr. Albert & Katharine Parker Award 2013 Summer Newsletter Savannah Merlin Hanover College Keys Scholarship Senior Awards McKell Oliverio Miami University RedHawk Excellence Schol. English Honor Society National Honor Society Math Honor Society National Forensic Honor League Science Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Dustin Mitchell Larry A. Ryle High School National Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Work Ethic Diploma Daniel Osborne Senior Year Academic Honors UK Commonwealth Scholarship Matthew Otero Senior Year Academic Honors UK College of Engineering Scholarship National Honor Society University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Math Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Work Ethic Diploma Tyler Morgan KY Volunteer Firefighters Award** Christina Muenchen Bank of KYy Raiders' Bank Schol. Matthew Pearce UK GTU Presidential Scholarship Outstanding Senior Business Student University of Kentucky Student Success Award FBLA Honor Cord University of Kentucky Voice Award Work Ethic Diploma University of Louisville Governor's Scholar Award Sarah Muff Senior Year Academic Honors University of Louisville Choral Award Allyson Mullins Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors Meredith Murphy Transylvania University Founder's Scholarship Megan Pennell 2012 Gov. School for the Arts Top 10% of Class National Honor Society University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Science Honor Society Bellarmine University Work Ethic Diploma University of Kentucky Commonwealth Schol. Jordan Newman Union Masonic Lodge Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Kathryn Norman Commonwealth Diploma National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction English Honor Society National Honor Society Taylor Piatt Senior Year Academic Honors Math Honor Society Olivia Pinkelton Morehead State U. Diversity Opportunity Schol. French Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Keegan North Foxx Ohmer McKell Oliverio Senior Year Academic Honors Allison Pinkston National Merit Commended Scholar Campbellsville University 2012 Governor's Scholar Bellarmine University Top 10% of Class University of the Cumberlands UK GTU Presidential Scholarship National Honor Society Ryle PTSA Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Work Ethic Diploma National Honor Society Top 10% of Class English Honor Society Taylor University Dean Scholarship French Honor Society Centre College Faculty Scholarship FBLA Cord Belmont Abbey College Benedictine Scholarship Birmingham-Southern BSC Achievement Schol. Work Ethic Diploma Stephen Plowdrey Top 10% of Class Newberry College Founders Scholarship University of Kentucky Presidential Scholarship Dominican University Presidential Scholarship UC Cincinnatus University Schol. Anderson U. Distinguished Schol. UC Engineering & Applied Sciences University of St. Mary Presidential Scholarship University of Louisville Trustee Scholarship Transylvania University Morrison Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Union College Trustees Scholarship Math Honor Society Emmanuel College Dean's Scholarship Dylan Plvan Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award Outstanding Senior Female Athlete Jared Pope Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award Marine Distinguished Female Athlete Award Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Work Ethic Diploma 2013 Summer Newsletter Matthew Postolowski Top 10% of Class Senior Awards Allyson Roller 2012 Governor's Scholar Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction 2 Yrs Perfect Attendance National Honor Society University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship English Honor Society University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Sabrina Rosales The Ohio State University Provost Scholarship The Ohio State University National Buckeye Schol. Senior Year Academic Honors Adam Rost National Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Zachary Kertis Memorial Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Leslie Rowen Commonwealth Honors Academy Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Top 10% of Class National Honor Society Bellarmine U. Scholar English Honor Society Outstanding Senior English Student Math Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Science Honor Society National Honor Society FBLA Honor Cord English Honor Society Outstanding Senior FBLA Student Math Honor Society Thomas More College Scholarship FBLA Honor Cord Senior Year Academic Honors Emily Ramstetter Top 10% of Class Ivonne Ruiz Work Ethic Diploma Hannah Ruoff 4 yrs Perfect Attendance Northern KY University Excellence Scholarship Miami University of Ohio Merit Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction National Honor Society National Honor Society Math Honor Society English Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma James Ryg FBLA Honor Cord Commonwealth Diploma University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Nicholas Salmen Commonwealth Diploma Top 10% of Class University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship University of Louisville Business Scholarship University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors University of Kentucky Student Success Award National Honor Society University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship Math Honor Society University of Alabama UA Scholar Award Hispanic Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Jacob Sander Senior Year Academic Honors Work Ethic Diploma National Honor Society Art Institute of Cincinnati Work Ethic Diploma Commonwealth Diploma Krista Schaade Senior Year Academic Honors Top 10% of Class Connor Schierloh Thomas More College Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction National Honor Society Allyson Roller Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Loyola University Chicago Damen Scholarship Math Honor Society Alexander Rich Commonwealth Diploma Boone County Education Foundation Scholarship Alexandra Purdy Claudia Rendon Western KY University Red Towel Scholarship Indiana University -Purdue U. Dean Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Sadhvika Reddy University of The Cumberlands Academic Scholarship Indiana University -Purdue U. Chancellor Schol. Math Honor Society Award Tanner Pulice Larry A. Ryle High School University of Louisville Trustees Schoarship Work Ethic Diploma Mary Schmalzl National Merit Commended Scholar Math Honor Society Top 10% of Class Hispanic Honor Society Ohio Northern University Presidential Schol. Work Ethic Diploma Ohio Northern U. Dicke Business Leadership Schol. 1 Yr Perfect Attendance Ohio Northern U. College of Business Book Schol. University of Kentucky Flagship Scholarship Hanover Dr. Albert & Katharine Parker Schol. 2013 Summer Newsletter Mary Schmalzl Hanover College Keys Scholarship Senior Awards Kaitlyn Stewart Hanover College Global Scholars Travel Scholarship National Honor Society Denison University Founders Scholarship Math Honor Society University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Science Honor Society Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship University of Richmond Summer Fellowship Bethany Schultz Eric Schwenke Mitchell See Work Ethic Diploma Katelyn Sullivan University of Louisville Business Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction UC Cincinnatus Century Scholarship National Honor Society Kilwinning Masonic Lodge #356 Al Bleobaum Schol. Math Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Science Honor Society National Honor Society FBLA Honor Cord English Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Danielle Svenson Kentucky Corn Grower's Association Scholarship Jacob Siemer Senior Year Academic Honors Top 10% of Class Hispanic Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Steven Teleky Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship Heather Torline Senior Year Academic Honors Top 10% of Class Brianna Trapp Senior Year Academic Honors 7 Yrs Perfect Attendance Austin Trego University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Kelly Tursic 2012 Governor's Scholar Math Honor Society Commonwealth Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction WKU Cherry Presidential Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors University of Louisville Govenor's Scholar Award Work Ethic Diploma Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Senior Year Academic Honors National Honor Society Thomas More College Thomas More Award Hispanic Honor Society Thomas More College Alumni Legacy Award Work Ethic Diploma Kelly Uhl Bellarmine University Ethan Smith Haley Smith Top 10% of Class National Honor Society Scott Christian Memorial Scholarship Colton Smith UK William C. Parker Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Ryle PTSA Scholarship Crystal Shutts-Gram Brescia University Founders Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Laurel Tapia Georgia Inst. of Tech. Lockheed Martin Schol. Benjamin Shrout University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Ryle PTSA Scholarship Science Honor Society Tyrus Sciarra Larry A. Ryle High School Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction 1 Yr Perfect Attendance Outstanding Senior Business Student Senior Year Academic Honors Brett Underwood Top 10% of Class Big Brothers Big Sisters Scholarship The Ohio State University National Buckeye Scholar University of Kentucky Flagship Scholarship The Ohio State University Trustees Scholarship University of Kentucky Catalyst Scholarship Indiana University IU Distinction Schoalrship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Outstanding Senior Peer Tutoring II Student Math Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Work Ethic Diploma National Honor Society NKU Achiever's Scholarship English Honor Society NKU H. Gordon Martin Scholarship Math Honor Society Senior Year Academic Honors Science Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Work Ethic Diploma Melissa Smith French Honor Society Justin Van Heusen Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award Cole Snyder English Honor Society Zachary Vasseur W. Ron Adams Scholarship Austin Stambaugh Outstanding Senior Informational Tech. Student Work Ethic Diploma Kaitlyn Stewart UC Cincinnatus Century Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Kyle Wagoner Top 10% of Class Miami University RedHawk Excellence Schol. 2013 Summer Newsletter Kyle Wagoner Elizabeth Wallace Miami University Paul & Jane Nagel Scholarship Senior Awards Ian Yockey Miami University R. Janney Smith Alumni Schol. University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction University of Kentucky Provost Scholarship National Honor Society National Honor Society Math Honor Society English Honor Society University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Science Honor Society Morehead State U. Commonwealth Scholarship Hispanic Honor Society Eastern KY University Presidential Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Thomas More College Presidential Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma National Honor Society Paul Yoder Bradley Weber University of Kentucky Provost Schoalrship Science Honor Society University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors Senior Year Academic Honors Thomas More College Scholarship Sean Williams Taylor Wriedt Work Ethic Diploma Jaclyn Zembrodt Top 10% of Clas Top 10% of Class Saginaw Valley State U. Presidential Scholarship Butler University Academic Scholarship Saginaw Valley State U. Red & White Award University of Kentucky Presidential Scholarship Miami University RedHawk Excellence Scholarship University of Cincinnati University Scholarship National Honor Society Scholarship UC Engineering & Applied Science Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction Ohio Northern University Presidential Scholarship National Honor Society Thomas More College Presidential Scholarship English Honor Society Marietta College Pioneer Scholar Dean's Schol. Math Honor Society WKU Spirit Makes Master Scholarship Science Honor Society Outstanding Senior Male Athlete Work Ethic Diploma Marine Distinguished Male Athlete Award Jacob Williams Commonwealth Diploma Math Honor Society Work Ethic Diploma Meghan Watson Larry A. Ryle High School Commonwealth Diploma Samantha Zwick Top 10% of Class Senior Year Academic Honors Thomas More College Dean's Scholarship National Honor Society UCi Cincinnatus Century Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma University of Louisville Trustees Scholarship Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award NKU Excellence Scholarship Work Ethic Diploma Oral Roberts University President's Scholarship Shawnee State U. Kentucky Scholars Schol. Xavier University Presidential Scholarship Shawnee State University Professor's Scholarship Senior Year Academic Honors with Distinction U of The Cumberlands Academic Scholarship National Honor Society Morehead State University Eagle Excellence Award English Honor Society Outstanding Senior FCS Culinary Student Math Honor Society Science Honor Society Congratulations Class of 2013! Good Luck in all your future endeavors!