graphic standards - The University of Southern Mississippi
graphic standards - The University of Southern Mississippi
THE UNIVERSIT Y OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI GRAPHIC STANDARDS office of university communications | UPDATED OCTOBER 2013 contents OVERVIEW IMPORTANT INFORMATION...........................................1 QUICK POINTS...........................................................2 LOGOS WHICH LOGO DO I USE?. . ...........................................3 OFFICIAL LOGOS.................................................... 4–6 REGISTERED MARKS AND VERBIAGE................................7 OBSOLETE LOGOS......................................................8 USING THE LOGO LOGO USAGE GUIDELINES..................................... 9–10 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS.......................................... 11–12 EXAMPLES OF LOGO USAGE.......................................13 BRAND ARCHITECTURE...............................................14 EXAMPLE OF CORE BRAND MATERIALS.. .........................15 EXAMPLE OF AFFILIATE MATERIALS.................................16 FONTS AND COLORS FONTS....................................................................17 COLORS..................................................................18 UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SYSTEM STATIONERY.............................................................19 GULF COAST STATIONERY. . .........................................20 LETTERHEAD.. ............................................................21 GULF COAST LETTERHEAD...........................................22 CERTIFICATES. . ..........................................................23 POWERPOINT TEMPLATES...........................................24 UNIVERSITY VEHICLES . . ...............................................25 AA/EOE/ADAI IMPORTANT INFORMATION OVERVIEW Each time we communicate, an impression is made on our audience. All communications components such as newsletters, brochures, advertisements, websites and other marketing and public relations materials impact the Southern Miss brand. Externally, our brand reflects our traditions, strengths and priorities. Internally, this identity conveys a sense of pride and commitment to a common mission. A unified visual identity is vital to the clear and consistent representation of the Southern Miss brand. Our university graphic standards manual is the guide to applying our visual identity to the materials through which we communicate as a university. Of course, no guide can cover all possible situations. If you have questions about the material included here, or suggestions on items to be included in future issues of this manual, please contact the Office of University Communications. APPROVAL OF GRAPHICS Office of University Communications 601.266.4491 • Communications materials representing the university should be approved through the Office of University Communications. •Approval from the Office of University Communications is required by Procurement Services in order to process payment for any printed materials, advertising or promotional items being paid for with university funds. 1 QUICK POINTS 1.The university name should appear on all university communications materials, whether printed or digital. The name must appear on the front of all printed publications. (A) The University of Southern Mississippi or Southern Miss 2. An official university logo should appear on every publication and advertisement paid for with university funds. (B) (C) 3.The general university logo (A) may not be altered in any way and must be high resolution (should not look fuzzy or distorted when printed or displayed). 4.The university executive seal (B) may not be used as a general logo. The seal is reserved for use on official university documents such as diplomas, transcripts, official records, legally binding documents, materials issued at the executive level and materials issued by the Office of the President. 5.The “eagle head” logo (C) is reserved for use by Athletics. Permission to use this logo for any other purpose, such as recruitment or game-day events, must be granted by the Department of Athletics at 601.266.5281. (D) 6.The “attack eagle” logo (D) is reserved for use by student groups and Student Affairs. 7. The official Southern Miss colors are black and gold. See the Colors section of this manual for specifications. 8.The affirmative action disclaimer should appear on university publications, printed materials and advertisements. (AA/EOE/ADAI) 9. Photos for printed materials must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi at actual size). 10.No copyrighted material should be used without permission including photos, graphics, logos and images from the Web. If you did not create it, then someone else may own the rights to it. 11. All communication materials and advertisements should be approved by the Office of University Communications before they are printed, displayed or distributed. Contact the Office of University Communications to obtain approval. Office of University Communications 601.266.4491 2 WHICH LOGO DO I USE? I am developing materials for A CORE UNIT } Location university logo College School Department Major Program Degree university logo Gulf Coast logo* COLLEGE logo Student Affairs logo university logo OR college logo Office university logo Event unique logo Ø A UNIT UNDER STUDENT AFFAIRS Department within Student Affairs Student Affairs logo OR university logo Student Group Student Affairs logo OR Unique logo OR university logo AN AFFILIATE UNIT 501c3 entity UNIQUE logo Center/Institute Auxiliary Enterprise/Retail Unit Event Athletics eagle head logo } UNIQUE logo Ø Auxiliary/Retail Unit 501c3 entity Center/Institute EXAMPLES OF UNIQUE LOGOS ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES Official university documents Office of the President Executive-level materials } executive seal Ø SHOULD be used in conjunction with University Logo eagle head logo executive seal *Gulf Coast logo may be used instead of university logo when appropriate 3 OFFICIAL LOGOS U N IVERSIT Y LO G O UNIVERSITY LOGO Horizontal The general university logo is appropriate in most situations and can be used by any university entity. There is a horizontal, vertical and compact version of this logo that can be interchangeably used depending on the available space. UNIVERSITY WORDMARK Vertical Although use of the logo is preferred, in certain situations, it may be necessary to use the university wordmark instead of the logo because of available space. You can obtain all versions of the official Compact university logo and wordmark from the Office of University Communications at The University of Southern Mississippi reserves the right to review and monitor logo usage. All university logos are owned by The University of Southern Mississippi. U N IVERSIT Y WO RD M A RK Compact Horizontal 4 OFFICIAL LOGOS G U LF COAST LO G O Gulf Coast Logo Horizontal An official logo has been created for the Gulf Coast. This logo may be used instead of the general university logo when appropriate. OTHER OFFICIAL Logos Horizontal and vertical versions of the official logo have been created for each Vertical college, University Libraries and the Graduate School. Any of these logos may be used instead of the general university logo when appropriate. You can obtain all versions of the official university logo and wordmark from the Compact Office of University Communications at The University of Southern Mississippi reserves the right to review and monitor logo usage. All university logos are owned by The University of Southern Mississippi. E X A M PLES O F OTH ER O FFI CIA L LO G OS 5 OFFICIAL LOGOS ST U D EN T G RO U PS A N D ST U D EN T A FFA I RS LO G OS - “AT TACK E AG LE” The Attack Eagle The “attack eagle” logo is reserved for use by student groups and Student Affairs. Units within Student Affairs should use one of the attack eagle logo templates shown here or the general university logo. Student Groups Student-led organizations on campus may create a unique logo for their group with approval from University Communications, or they may use one of the attack eagle logo templates shown here. E XECU TIVE SE A L ATH LE TI C LO G O - “E AG LE H E A D” Executive Seal The university executive seal may not be used as a general logo. The seal is reserved for use on official university documents such as diplomas, transcripts, official records, legally binding documents, materials issued at the executive level and materials issued by the Office of the President. Athletic Logo The “eagle head” logo is reserved for use by Athletics only. Permission to use this logo for any other purpose, such as recruitment or game-day events, must be granted by the Department of Athletics at 601.266.5281. 501c3 LO G OS 501c3 LOGOS 501c3 entities (shown here) are permitted to have their own unique logos. 6 REGISTERED MARKS AND VERBIAGE The university marks and verbiage shown on this page are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The university has an obligation to monitor the usage of these marks and verbiage to ensure their integrity and maintain exclusive control over them. Use of the university logo, seal, “eagle head” or other marks for commercial purposes requires permission or licensure from The University of Southern Mississippi. Requests for such use should be directed to the trademark licensing office at 601.266.5281. The university is in the process of registering the name and image of the Friendship Oak, located on the Gulf Park campus in Long Beach. The name and image will be used on a limited basis and permission for this use must be granted by the Gulf Coast Office of University Communications at 228.865.4573. The colors shown here may not accurately match the Pantone Matching System® colors designated for these marks. Official color usage guidelines can be found in the Colors section of this manual. The University of Southern Mississippi® Southern Miss Golden Eagles® Southern Miss® USM ® Golden Eagles® 7 OBSOLETE LOGOS Shown on this page are obsolete university OBSOLETE logos. These logos were used in the past to represent the university but should no longer be used. There may also be other obsolete logos in existence that are not shown here. OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE 8 LOGO USAGE GUIDELINES PROTECTED SPACE PROTECTED SPACE Logo There should be a safe space—a minimum of one-third the width of the dome icon on all sides of the logo. No visual matter (other than a background image) should violate the protected space. Wordmark There should be a safe space—at least as large as the height of the M on all sides of the wordmark. See the diagrams to the right. MINIMUM REPRODUCTION SIZE MINIMUM REPRODUCTION SIZE Logo For horizontal versions of the logo, the dome icon should be at least .5” tall. For compact and vertical versions of the logo, the dome icon should be at least .58” tall. Wordmark The entire wordmark should be at least .35” tall for the compact version and at least .2” tall for the horizontal version. See the examples to the right. Permission to use the logo or wordmark at any size smaller than described here may be granted by the Office of University Communications. EXAMPLE OF REVERSED LOGO EXAMPLE OF ONE-COLOR LOGO (BLACK) OTHER FORMS OF THE LOGO The university logo is available in reversed and one-color formats. The reversed logo is used on dark backgrounds while the one color format is mainly used when printing in black ink only. 9 LOGO USAGE GUIDELINES DO N O T USE THE DO M E I CO N AL O N E (e xce pt i n a fe w spe ci fi c si t u at i ons*) DO NOT DIS T ORT Logo Appearance The appearance of the official university logo must never be altered. • Do not recreate or redraw the logo. DO N O T CRE ATE N E W L O GO S • Do not change the scale of any elements. • Do not change the colors of the dome UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS icon or text. The logo should never be digitally scanned UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS or taken from a Web page and placed on a print piece. Electronic files of the logo are available from the Office of University DO N O T CO P Y F RO M THE W E B O R SCA N DO NOT PLAC E ON A BAC KGROUND WIT H OUT S UFFICIENT CONT RAS T DO N O T VI O L ATE THE P RO TE CTE D SPAC E DO NOT US E AN OLD LOGO Communications at *The dome icon may only be used alone in a few specific situations. At this time, these instances are limited to use on overall university social media accounts and the university app. UNIVERSIT Y COM MUNICATIONS 118 COLLEGE DRIVE #5016 HAT TIESBURG, MS 39406 - 0 0 01 10 3. Get Enough Sleep 4. Do Cardio 5. Get an Exercise Buddy 6. Read Food Labels 7. Avoid Fad Diets 8. Lift Weights 9. Use Portion Control 10. Manage Stress 11. Don’t Drink Your Calories 12. Vary Your Diet 13. Live an Active Lifestyle 14. Try New Things student health services at the university of southern mississippi 15. Drink Water BACK PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 1. Eat Breakfast 2. Schedule Exercise 3. Get Enough Sleep 4. Do Cardio 5. Get an Exercise Buddy 6. Read Food Labels 7. Avoid Fad Diets 8. Lift Weights 9. Use Portion Control 10. Manage Stress 11. Don’t Drink Your Calories 12. Vary Your Diet 13. Live an Active Lifestyle 14. Try New Things 15. Drink Water All university promotional items (pens, pencils, T-shirts, bags, cups, etc.) must be imprinted with the university name, either in the form of the official logo or typeset. student health services at the university of southern mississippi The University of Southern Mississippi or Southern Miss FRONT Either version of the university name shown above is acceptable, and it must be typed in upper and lower or all uppercase letters. AA/EOE/ADAI UC 61481.5043 9.09 The eagle and dome renderings shown in the Official Logos section of this manual are the only ones approved for use on university promotional items. No new eagle or dome artwork should be created without prior approval from University Communications. 118 College Drive #5043 Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 Phone: 601.266.4701 · Fax: 601.266.6075 Main Office: Chain Technology Building (TEC), Room 430 · FRONT THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI The “eagle head” logo is reserved for use by Athletics, and permission for use must be granted by the Department of Athletics. No copyrighted material should be used without permission. of All artwork must be approved by the Office of University Communications before being printed on promotional items. Email artwork for approval to C HEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY THE U NIVERSIT Y OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPP I preservingThe southern miss for the Department of next century Chemistry & BioChemistry TH E UNIV ER S IT Y OF S OUTHER N M IS S IS S IP PI Mousepad 11 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS SOUTHERN MISS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY The College of A RTS A N D LETTERS THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Notepad School of Accountancy Highlighter BR E AKIN G NE W GROU ND. TR ANSF OR MIN G H E ALTH C AR E . DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Table cover Banner 12 EXAMPLES OF LOGO USAGE The examples on this page show the correct usage of the official university logos. Ex. 1 shows how a college logo might be et cetera used on a brochure for a department within T h e n e w s l e t t e r o f t h e D e pa rTm e n T o f e n g l i s h that college. Ex. 2 shows the general university logo in use on the front of a newsletter. Fall 2009 Ex. 1: College Logo Ex. 3 shows how the reversed university The Piney Woods School’s Cotton Blossom Singers perform at the Bottling Company during The Big Read finale. From the Chair logo (with white lettering) can be used on a What’s Inside graduate program . . . . . . . . . 2 The Big read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hub City Writing project . . . . 4 dark background. Mississippi Review . . . . . . . . . 5 new Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Faculty notes . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 alumni news . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 graduate students . . . . . . . . .12 pre-performance Talks . . . . . .13 save the Date . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Department of english 11 8 College Drive #5037 hattiesburg, ms 39406-0001 tel: 601.266.4319 fax: 601.266.5757 e-mail: web: The besT of Times, the worst of times. Dickens’ famous opening to A Tale of Two Cities aptly describes the ups and downs so many of us have experienced over the last year. With mid-year budget cuts implemented last winter, additional cuts in effect for this year, and with the prospect of further reductions for next year, the department’s resources have been severely strained. Yet, despite these fiscal challenges, by every measure of success the department is remarkably strong, and getting stronger. in the past year alone, for instance, faculty members have published three books and fifteen articles (in print or forthcoming), along with numerous poems, stories, reviews and entries; edited three special issues of Southern Quarterly, along with regular, in-house issues of Mississippi Review and The Robert Frost Review; presented more than twenty-five conference papers or readings at a range of national and international venues; and been awarded grants totaling more than $100,000. This, while continuing to serve the department, the college and the university in an extensive variety of ways, including the honors College, the Quality enhancement Plan, faculty senate, Academic and Graduate Councils, Women’s studies, the Committee on services and Resources for Women and Professional education. our students were impressive, too, publishing and presenting their work at an astonishing pace. one example: some seventeen graduate students and two undergraduates represented us brilliantly at this year’s Mississippi Philological Association meeting in Canton. Ten students earned their PhDs in the spring, along with twelve new mAs. As successful as the last year has been, things look even better for the year ahead. With changes to the undergraduate bA and bA with licensure, more comprehensive advisement, a new internship program, an abundance of new majors, and a new committee devoted specifically to recruitment and retention, the undergraduate program is flourishing. The graduate program in literature has been entirely redesigned, thanks to the year-long efforts of graduate director ellen Weinauer and a group of committed colleagues. Reflecting current trends and best practices of programs around the country, it is poised to move to the next level. These accomplishments are the product of the collective efforts of a dynamic faculty and you, our stellar group of alumni and friends. Despite the current hard times, with your continuing support and guidance, our prospects have never looked better. With all good wishes, Ex. 2: University Logo Ex. 3: Reversed University Logo 13 BRAND ARCHITECTURE The university brand architecture provides a framework for a cohesive and consistent visual identity while also acknowledging the individualism and various audiences of university units. Refer to the Which Logo Do I Use? section of this manual for specific guidelines. CORE BRAND Core university units are central to our mission of teaching, research and service. Those units within the core brand must use the official university logo and may not develop their own unique logos. E x a mple of units in the core br and: • Colleges • University Libraries • Graduate School • Departments • Majors • Programs • Degrees • Offices • Locations AFFILIATES Affiliate units have distinctive personalities and missions. They bring something of value to the core brand because of their varying products or services. While their identity is embedded in that of the university, their audiences are not exclusively the same. They may also have partnerships with external organizations that require special considerations. Affiliates may use a unique logo, but the university name should be included on all communications materials. E x a mples of affiliates: • Centers • Institutes • Alumni Association • Athletics • Research Foundation • The Accelerator • Mississippi Polymer Institute 14 EXAMPLE OF CORE BRAND MATERIALS Core university units are central to our mission of teaching, research and service. Those units within the core brand must use the official university logo and may not develop their own unique logos. The proliferation of individual unit logos dilutes the university’s image and confuses our audiences. Individual units are encouraged to develop their own visual identities by using color, graphics and other design elements to establish continuity among communications. The Office of University Communications staffs professional graphic designers who can assist units in establishing their own visual identities. All graphic design services are provided free of charge. E X A M PLE O F A CO RE U N IT’S CO M M U N I CATI O NS M ATERIA LS Experience the Culture Funding Your Experience SpeciAL excurSionS Abbey progrAm coSTS The Abbey Program offers students a week of living and learning in the heart of See the application form for details on program costs. Paris around the midpoint of the academic semester. While there, students will use the streets, museums, cafés and parks of the city as an ever-changing set of FinAnciAL Aid classrooms. Additionally, the program travels to Normandy to explore the D-Day Financial aid for qualified students may be applied to the cost of The Abbey landing beaches and the marvelous Bayeux tapestry. Housing, transportation and other required elements of these excursions are included in the program’s price. preS the ented by L’Abbaye Facts: The Abbey was once a Royal School under th Pontlevoy was occupied territory during WW The region around Pontlevoy is home to viney Program. Students are advised to begin their financial aid process well in advance of payment deadlines. eS n unique eratur in Spai h progrAmS S and lit SpaniS nguage ign la provides students with unique opportunities to immerse The Abbey Program fore ment of depart themselves in European culture through three of our extracurricular programs. “Over there, everything is going to going to be the same after your pas For more information regarding financial aid, contact Melissa Ravencraft in the Office of International Programs at 601.266.5009 or; or you may contact your own • TheCommunityServiceLearningProgramgivesstudentsopportunitiestoembrace Institution’s Financial Aid office. the dynamics of service learning as they adjust to being in a new culture and learn to see their own citizenship in increasingly global and sophisticated terms. The Abbey’s Service Learning challenges may include English language tutoring, a food drive and other student-organized initiatives. • TheAmbassadorSeriesanditsweeklyeventswillbringstudentsintocontact with cultural events, artistic trends and social movements active in the European Union. Held on The Abbey campus and in neighboring towns, the series will build bridges between The Abbey community and its European neighbors. Topics and themes will change each semester based on recommendations and programming choices made by Abbey students, staff and faculty. • The Vision Quest supports the holistic learning mission of this program by helping to organize personal growth and academic exploration during students’ independenttraveltime.VisionQuestisrequiredofallstudents. Experience the Cultures of Spain A Learning Experience The Granada Program will give students opportunities to experience the cultural life The acaDeMic prograM of Spain. Granada’s many festivals and cultural activities offer local “granainos” and visitors’ occasions to celebrate, enjoy, interact and be together. Granada, a city of young people, has become a choice destination for international students from many countries. Because of its historical past, the city is imbued with Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultural background that can be experienced when visiting shops, palaces and places of worship or when simply walking across its ancient streets and modern avenues. The Granada semester has been designed so that participating students will experience other cities, such as Madrid, as part of the program. For ten days, students will take classes, where learning and lectures will occur in museums, monuments, streets, restaurants and parks. programS international The Granada Program includes several excursions and visits, such as Sevilla, the capital of south Spain, Córdoba, the capital of ancient caliphs, and an optional visit to Morocco in North Africa. ® Students will enroll for a full course load for between 15 and 18 semester hours. No prior study of Spanish is required for participation in the program. spanish courses A minimum of two Spanish courses must be taken. These courses emphasize language acquisition, communication and culture, and are offered at all levels. Levels are assigned according to students’ knowledge and experience in the language. courses TaughT in engLish • Studentswillalsotakenolessthantwoandnomorethanthreeothercourses • Studentswillchoosefromcoreandupperlevelclassesinavarietyofsubjects • Classofferingsdependoffacultyavailabilityandstudentenrollment • Programavailabilitysubjecttostudentenrollment FacuLTY Dr. Rafael Sánchez, director of the Granada Program, is a former associate professor of Spanish and chair of Foreign Languages at the University of Southern Mississippi. Other faculty participating in the Semester in Granada Program come from institutional members of the Granada consortium as well as from the Universities of Granada, Jaen, Malaga and Murcia, and the renowned Don Quijote language school. Additionally, a select group of postdoctoral fellows from American and European Doctoral programs in the humanities, social sciences and fine arts may join the Granada faculty. Funding Your Experience These samples show how a unit can clearly identify itself to an audience while still maintaining the graphic standards of the university. This multi-part campaign focuses on using similar layouts, type treatment and design elements to create a unique impression. granaDa prograM cosTs See Application Form for details on Program Costs The price of the Granada Program covers full tuition, fees, Spanish textbooks, Internet, housing (two persons per room – individual rooms are available for an additional monthly fee), meals, half-board (media pension=breakfast and supper) or full board (three meals for an additional fee), two excursions (one trip to Sevilla and one trip to another city), a visit to the Alhambra palaces, a city tour of Granada, health services and facilities. FinanciaL aiD Financial Aid for qualified students may be applied to the cost of the Granda Semester Abroad program. Students are advised to begin their financial aid process well in advance of payment deadlines. For more information regarding financial aid, contact Southern Miss International Programs at 602.266.4344 or your own institution’s Financial Aid office. LiVing in granaDa Students participating in the Semester in the Granada program live either with a Spanish family or in a centrally located residence, a 15-20 minute walk from classes. The Granada residence is fully air conditioned and features in-room bathroom or wash basinandasharedbath/showerroom,in-roomtelephones,separatesmokingand non-smoking areas in dining and living rooms, satellite television, video and stereo in the living rooms, fully equipped shared kitchen, washing machines and dryers. WWW.usM.eDu/ip 15 EXAMPLE OF AFFILIATE MATERIALS E X A M PLE O F A N A FFI LIATE’S CO M M U N I CATI O NS M ATERIA LS Affiliate units have distinctive personalities and missions. They bring something of value to the core brand because of their varying products or services. While their identity is embedded in that of the university, their audiences are not exclusively the same. They may also have partnerships with external organizations that require special consideration. NATIONAL CENTER FOR SPECTATOR SPORTS SAFETY AND SECURITY [ research education solutions ] Affiliates may use a unique logo, but the university name should be included on all communications materials. In many cases, unique logos must be used in conjunction with the official university logo. Refer to the Which Logo Do I Use? section of this manual for specific guidelines. Affiliates are not required to use a unique logo, and in many cases, their identity and connection to the university will be reinforced by not doing so. These samples show how an affiliate can clearly identify itself to an audience while still maintaining the graphic standards of the university. In all communications materials, this university affiliate uses consistent design elements and colors to establish a visual identity. 16 FONTS PRI N T M ATERIA LS PRINT MATERIALS Adobe Caslon Futura Adobe Caslon Futura Adobe CaslonFutura Adobe Caslon Futura Adobe Caslon Futura University communications materials are not required to use a specific font. However, the Adobe Caslon and Futura families of fonts are the two recommended for use in print communications. Substitute fonts are Goudy Old Style, Times New Roman and Arial. WEB USAGE The Georgia and Lucida Grande families of fonts are the two recommended for use on Goudy Old Style Goudy Old Style Goudy Old Style the Web. Arial Arial Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman WEB Georgia Georgia Lucida Grande Lucida Grande Lucida Sans 17 COLORS OFFICIAL COLORS The official Southern Miss colors are black O FFI CIA L CO LO RS BLACK Web - #000000 Print Media/Promotional Items - 100% Black/K100 and gold, chosen in 1912. PRINT MEDIA AND PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Black - 100% Black Gold - The Pantone® values for gold are 123 C, 123 CP, 115 UP and 115 U. The CMYK values are 0% Cyan, 19% Magenta, 89% Yellow and 0% Black. GOLD Web - #FFAB00 or #FFD046 Print Media/Promotional Items - C0 M19 Y89 K0, 123 C, 123 CP, 115 UP, 115 U Pantone Matching System® Formulation for gold ink (when using professional design software) Spot Color Ink, Coated Paper - 123 C Process Color Ink, Coated Paper - 123 CP Process Color Ink, Uncoated Paper - 115 UP Spot Color Ink, Uncoated Paper - 115 U WEB Black - #000000 Gold - #ffab00 or #ffd046 EXPANDED COLOR PALETTE In addition to the official colors, an expanded color palette of optional colors has been created. These colors have been chosen because they compliment black and gold and are not meant to replace the official colors. Use of these colors is not E XPA N D ED CO LO R PA LE T TE PMS 638 C89 M0 Y7 K0 WEB #00AFD8 PMS 653 C96 M59 Y4 K17 WEB #21578A PMS 2925 C84 M21 Y0 K0 WEB #0098DB PMS 384 C24 M5 Y98 K35 WEB #BE9300 PMS 3272 C98 M0 Y42 K0 WEB #00A599 PMS 3395 C74 M0 Y52 K0 WEB #00C78B PMS Warm Gray 9 C17 M25 Y25 K49 WEB #82786F PMS 382 C28 M0 Y92 K0 WEB #BED600 PMS 144 C0 M52 Y100 K0 WEB #E98300 PMS 166 C0 M74 Y100 K0 WEB #E05206 PMS 126 C10 M30 Y100 K34 WEB #9E7C0C PMS 269 C80 M95 Y0 K35 WEB #4B306A PMS 200 C3 M100 Y66 K12 WEB #B71234 PMS 199 C0 M100 Y65 K0 WEB #D0103A PMS 248 C45 M100 Y0 K0 WEB #9B1889 required. 18 STATIONERY It is expected that all university business will be conducted on official university letterhead. Individual units may not create their own stationery or identification materials apart from the university system. School of MuSic 118 college Drive #5081 | hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 Phone: 601.266.2543 | fax: 601.266.3427 | Shown on this page is the official university stationery. It should only be printed from approved templates and follow the guidelines set forth in this manual. Pre-printed letterhead, envelopes and John Doe Assistant Professor School of Music 118 College Drive #5081 Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 P: 601.266.2543 F: 601.266.3427 business cards can be ordered through Copy Services at See the Letterhead section for more details about letterhead templates. ® DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES School of MuSic 118 118College collegeDrive Drive#5018 #5081 Hattiesburg, hattiesburg,MS MS39406-0001 39406-0001 RETURN RETURN SERVICE SERVICEREQUESTED REQUESTED Addressee Name Department or Company Post Office Box or Address City, State 00000-0000 19 GULF COAST STATIONERY It is expected that all university business will be conducted on official university letterhead. Individual units may not create College of HealtH 730 east Beach Boulevard | long Beach, MS 39560 Phone: 228.214.3447 | fax: 228.214.3452 | their own stationery or identification materials apart from the university system. Shown on this page is the official Gulf Coast stationery. It should only be printed from approved templates and follow the guidelines set forth in this manual. John Doe Clinical Instructor College of Health 730 East Beach Boulevard Long Beach, MS 39560 P: 228.214.3447 F: 228.214.3452 Pre-printed letterhead, envelopes and business cards can be ordered through Copy Services at See the Letterhead section for more details about letterhead templates. College of HealtH 730 east Beach Boulevard long Beach, MS 39560 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED addressee Name Department or Company Post office Box or address City, State 00000-0000 20 LETTERHEAD Order pre-printed letterhead 9 Download a template 9 PRINTED LETTERHEAD Traditional, pre-printed letterhead can be ordered through Copy Services. Templates to accompany this letterhead are also available for download. 1. Order the pre-printed letterhead. 2. Download the Microsoft Word pre-printed letterhead template. 3. Open the template and write the letter in the space provided. 4. Print the letter with your desktop printer on the pre-printed letterhead. ELECTRONIC LETTERHEAD An electronic template of the letterhead is available to download and use for communications sent via email. The electronic letterhead template is not intended to replace official university letterhead and is for electronic (not printed) use only. 1. Download the Microsoft Word electronic letterhead template. 2. Open the template and fill in the appropriate content. 3. Save the file and send the letter electronically. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 118 College Drive #5018 | Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 Phone: 601.266.4748 | Fax: 601.266.5797 | | 1.25” LEFT MARGIN NAME OF COLLEGE, SCHOOL, DEPARTMENT, CENTER, OFFICE OR UNIT Date Addressee Name Company Name Department 123 Main Street Anywhere, USA 12345 Dear Addressee, A serif font such as Times New Roman is suggested for use in letters .88” RIGHT MARGIN Thank you for demonstrating your dedication to lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, orci suscipit suspendisse mattis semper quis, leo ultricies convallis tortor integer faucibus, duis in a at amet in amet. Nunc nunc non fermentum orci, curabitur urna, nibh tortor in fermentum purus neque lorem. Vehicula litora felis fusce, sem aliquet fermentum leo neque eros. The University of Southern Mississippi is an important part sit id auctor nullam, in congue eros parturient, proin augue erat, a urna quisque pharetra, maecenas augue adipiscing magna. Quis aliquam mauris amet ridiculus sodales, wisi semper vitae turpis eros quasi, ea lorem non suspendisse, interdum etiam, non curabitur quis. Vitae nec blandit urna quia tortor aliquam, arcu duis est quisque tincidunt non et, vehicula curae justo dolor aliquam donec dui. Nullam eget elit enim molestiae et pellentesque. Mollis diam, porta lorem porta quis viverra, eros et sed nulla proin amet sodales. Mollis aenean, suspendisse dui purus nunc felis, maecenas non bibendum, ac error sed in augue mi elit. Vitae nec blandit urna quia tortor aliquam, arcu duis est quisque tincidunt non et, vehicula curae justo dolor aliquam donec dui. Tortor est ut id ipsum duis, pulvinar sagittis dapibus suspendisse laborum fusce est, etiam dictumst rutrum phasellus iste duis, et bibendum lobortis vel consequat. Convallis vivamus nunc, et blandit mauris aliquam risus suspendisse, urna urna. Once again, thank you for your demonstrated commitment to Southern Miss. Adipiscing eget metus amet adipiscing quam. Eget dapibus, hac sit phasellus blandit ipsum pede lectus, a non ipsum. Sit nibh eu adipiscing dolor tortor, nullam in viverra penatibus urna sed, eget sit. Ante lectus amet. Donec vestibulum sed aptent facilisis odio adipiscing, vivamus viverra eleifend ante, nunc est sed. Sincerely, John Doe Professor When working with either of the templates, the position of elements should not be moved. 21 GULF COAST LETTERHEAD Order pre-printed letterhead 9 Download a template 9 PRINTED LETTERHEAD Traditional, pre-printed letterhead can be ordered through Copy Services. Templates to accompany this letterhead are also available for download. 1. Order the pre-printed letterhead. 2. Download the Microsoft Word pre-printed letterhead template. 3. Open the template and write the letter in the space provided. 4. Print the letter with your desktop printer on the pre-printed letterhead. ELECTRONIC LETTERHEAD An electronic template of the Gulf Coast letterhead is available to download and use for communications sent via email. The electronic letterhead template is not intended to replace official university letterhead and is for electronic (not printed) use only. 1. Download the Microsoft Word electronic letterhead template. 2. Open the template and fill in the appropriate content. 3. Save the file and send the letter electronically. NAME OF COLLEGE, SCHOOL, DEPARTMENT, CENTER, OFFICE OR UNIT Phone: 228.214.3447 | Fax: 228.214.3475 | | COLLEGE OF BUSINESS 730 East Beach Boulevard | Long Beach, MS 39560 1.25” LEFT MARGIN Date Addressee Name Company Name Department 123 Main Street Anywhere, USA 12345 Dear Addressee, A serif font such as Times New Roman is suggested for use in letters .88” RIGHT MARGIN Thank you for demonstrating your dedication to lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, orci suscipit suspendisse mattis semper quis, leo ultricies convallis tortor integer faucibus, duis in a at amet in amet. Nunc nunc non fermentum orci, curabitur urna, nibh tortor in fermentum purus neque lorem. Vehicula litora felis fusce, sem aliquet fermentum leo neque eros. The University of Southern Mississippi is an important part sit id auctor nullam, in congue eros parturient, proin augue erat, a urna quisque pharetra, maecenas augue adipiscing magna. Quis aliquam mauris amet ridiculus sodales, wisi semper vitae turpis eros quasi, ea lorem non suspendisse, interdum etiam, non curabitur quis. Vitae nec blandit urna quia tortor aliquam, arcu duis est quisque tincidunt non et, vehicula curae justo dolor aliquam donec dui. Nullam eget elit enim molestiae et pellentesque. Mollis diam, porta lorem porta quis viverra, eros et sed nulla proin amet sodales. Mollis aenean, suspendisse dui purus nunc felis, maecenas non bibendum, ac error sed in augue mi elit. Vitae nec blandit urna quia tortor aliquam, arcu duis est quisque tincidunt non et, vehicula curae justo dolor aliquam donec dui. Tortor est ut id ipsum duis, pulvinar sagittis dapibus suspendisse laborum fusce est, etiam dictumst rutrum phasellus iste duis, et bibendum lobortis vel consequat. Convallis vivamus nunc, et blandit mauris aliquam risus suspendisse, urna urna. Once again, thank you for your demonstrated commitment to Southern Miss. Adipiscing eget metus amet adipiscing quam. Eget dapibus, hac sit phasellus blandit ipsum pede lectus, a non ipsum. Sit nibh eu adipiscing dolor tortor, nullam in viverra penatibus urna sed, eget sit. Ante lectus amet. Donec vestibulum sed aptent facilisis odio adipiscing, vivamus viverra eleifend ante, nunc est sed. Sincerely, John Doe Assistant Dean When working with either of the templates, the position of elements should not be moved. 22 CERTIFICATES SA M PLE CERTI FI CATE Certificates may be ordered from Southern Miss Copy Services. For certificate presentation, white folders with the university logo printed on the front are available. Office of Student Activities COPY SERVICES Thad Cochran Center, Ground Floor Hattiesburg presents the O utstanding s tudent O rganizatiOn Of 601.266.5310 the Year a ward to the s OcietY Of P hYsics s tudents 14th Annual President and Advisors Dinner December 6, 2010 Jane Doe, Director John Doe, Assistant Director 23 POWERPOINT TEMPLATES BL ACK TE M PL ATE G O LD TE M PL ATE Two PowerPoint templates are available to download and use for university presentations at These templates utilize the official logo, official colors and the recommended fonts for digital media. These templates can be modified to suit your needs; however, be careful not to distort the university logo. 24 UNIVERSITY VEHICLES For consistency with other university visual communications, all university vehicles having a new logo applied should use the general university logo. 25