

Newsletter of the
Nº 16 July 2010
It is possible that, despite our intentions, these words may not be sufficient to express our
true feelings – our most sincere gratitude and our memories.
Thank you for having brought about our acquaintance, for having made possible that
we have what we have, for having been so close to each one of us during all this time
which seems so short now.
Thank you for having created a real team in Madrid, not only a working one, but also a human and especially friendly team. Such bond is not at all easy to create, especially when our working life is so hectic and full
of pressures and feelings which, together, give rise to the meaning of the word “transport”.
This new stage without you is not proving at all easy but thanks to the bond you managed to create between
us, which remains and is making us ever stronger, Transnatur Madrid can continue to grow, as has always
been our wish and the reality up until now. You can count on us; we hope we can continue to be your Pride,
and be able to fulfil the expectations you always had of us.
Neither can we miss the opportunity to thank the Transnatur Group and each one of its members for their full
support. You have made us feel very close to all of you. Thank you.
We also extend our gratitude to our partners, our collaborators, who, day in day out, join us in this constant
battle. They have shown us feelings of affection and warmth which have brought us ever closer to each one
of them. Thank you.
This is not a beginning, it is a continuity to a Great Company fully established for almost twenty years in the
capital city of Spain – Madrid, with an enthusiastic professional team eager to fulfil our obligations and our
This is to you, Miguel.
Mr Francisco López
Branch Manager of Transnatur Madrid
Militzer & Munch / GERH (M&M Group). As announced in our previous
newsletter, Transnatur has started an exclusive collaboration with this
agent for all traffics concerning Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia as well
as the rest of countries that made up the Soviet Union. The traffic with
Russia, specifically, will be done through the Russian Company GERH
which is part of The Militzer & Munch Group. This meeting was used to
present the two Companies formally and to lay down the commercial
and operative strategy to be carried out in the future.
photo TN BCN
March 2010 – TRANSNATUR PORTO - Portugal
Our Managing Director, Mr Javier Pagés, and the Managing Director of Transnatur
Norte, Mr Eduardo Lopetegui visited the Offices of Porto last March in order to analyse
the sales and operative strategy to be carried out in 2010.
In the photo, from left to right, Mr Jaime Costa, Branch Manager of TN Lisbon, Mr Francisco Costa, Branch Manager of TN Porto, Ms Maria Sameiro, Mr Javier Pagés and Mr
photo TN PORTO
Eduardo Lopetegui.
March 2010 – TRANSNATUR VIGO - Galicia
Visit from our Managing Director, Mr Javier Pagés, and the Director of Transnatur
Norte, Mr Eduardo Lopetegui, to Transnatur‘s new premises in Vigo with the aim to
analyse the development of our company’s activity in Galicia.
photo TN VIG
May 2010 – RABEN - Poland
On 27 May, our Road Traffic Managers Javier Peiró (BCN) and Bruno Laquêche (IRU) visited our agent RABEN
in Warsaw (Poland). The objective of this meeting, of technical nature, was to improve the quality of the
service with the aim to increase the frequency of service for our clients.
Three operative international groupage delegations took part in this meeting:
Grodzisk (Warsaw) , Gliwice and Wroclaw , as well as the Managing Director from Gadki.
Thanks to the new collaboration agreements between Raben Group and Transnatur we
have become the two companies with the most volume in the market both in Spain
photo TN IRU
and in Poland.
In March, the 9th International
Practice Firm Exhibition took
place in Barcelona coinciding
with The Teaching Methodology
photo Ajuntament Prat
Exhibition (Expodidàctica i Saló
de L’Ensenyament).
The practice companies with an educative purpose,
is accomplished through the SEFED programme in
which take part 14 Town Halls (El Prat de Llobregat
amongst them) and a coalition of municipalities.
Transnatur Barcelona has been collaborating with
this organisation out of kindness, offering ideas and
material useful to the courses. This time, Mr Ángel
Casanovas, Marketing and
Foreign Relations Manager and
his assistant, Àngels Ariño,
were invited to visit the stand
of the Practice Firm CARGO
photo Ajuntament Prat
On 10 May, Transnatur Alicante signed a contract
with the Firm Pikolinos to render Logistics services
for the next two years. TN Alicante got their old 5200
m2 warehouse ready in order to render services to
this Company exclusively.
In the photo, the official
signature between managers,
Mr Juan Manuel Perán, Pikolinos (right), Mr Luis Sogorb,
Transnatur ALC (left).
photo TN ALC
On week 16, Transnatur Norte attended an internal
training session on our programme ACCUTERM,
intended for the sea-freight sales and operations
departments, and already used by other Delegations.
In the photo, Paz Molina and Jesús Crespo (TN ZAG),
Rosa María Campo (TN VIG),
Sorkunde Herreros (TN BLB) and
the IT trainers from Transnatur,
Javier Sierra and Jesús Campos
photo TN ZAG
Last May, the board of shareholders at Transnatur S.A.
decided to appoint David
Sogorb Deputy Manager of the
foto TN ALC
Alicante Delegation. And so our
President and Founder, Mr José Pagés, gave him the
news in a personal visit to their office where Mr
Sogorb celebrated his new position with some of
the employees, amongst them,
José Fillol and Rafael Ripoll who
have been part of the Transnatur family from 1976 and 1973
photo TN ALC
On 27.1.10 a 40’ HC was loaded with humanitarian aid
for the earthquake in Haiti on behalf of the NGO
Familias Unidas, an organisation with whom our Office
in Zaragoza has collaborated for years. It was downloaded in Rio Haina (The Dominican Republic) and from
there, the NGO delivered the merchandise in Haiti.
December 2009 – HANKYU – Japan
Courtesy visit of Ms Aya
Takemoto while on holidays in
January 2010 – SPEDICAM – Germany
Visit of Mr Gerhard Meier from
the Company Spedicam to our
Office in Zaragoza.
photo TN BCN
photo TN ZAG
March 2010 – MBS – Germany
Meeting held last April at our Headquarters in Barcelona to start up joint Logistics
services (storage and distribution) from our warehouses in Barcelona and Madrid. In the
photo, from right to left, Oliver Hamacher (MBS), Mirko Kelb (Siewert & Kau GMBH) and
Eduard Bascuñán (TN BCN)
May 2010 – SIFTE BERTI - Italy
The Milano and Padova offices visited our team in Galicia because of the strategic location of both offices – both Porto and Tui are natural paths for most import partners.
Madrid with its Director, Paco López, also took part in this meeting in order to boost the
relationship existing with Lainate and Padova.
photo TN IRU
May 2010 – KORMAN - China
Sales Campaign of our Chinese agent, Korman, on week 19.
Ms Linda Chen, Branch Manager of Ningbo, in BCN, ZAG, BLB and VGO
Ms Elvira Hu in BCN, ALC,VLC and MAD
photo TN ALC
More and more, projects of great importance are
handled from our various offices with total
Shipment from The USA
of the motor of an F-15
plane for military tests at
Las Palmas. An example
of team work involving
Transnatur BCN, Transnatur LSP and our English
agent RH Freight.
photo TN BCN
photo TN ZAG
Last March, the team of
the Exhibitions Dept. of
Transnatur BCN handled
all the transport and
setting-up of the event
that the car make AUDI
photo TN BCN
organized in Barcelona to
present its new model A1.
photo TN BCN
At the end of June and thanks to the collaboration
between TN Barcelona and our Norwegian agent,
Bring Logistics, a shipment was carried out on behalf
of the "Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados" (Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies)
to the scientific base of the Artic Circle
(Longyearbyen University - Svalbard Islands - )
photo TN BCN
Air shipment from
Bilbao to New York USA
via Frankfurt of some
coils weighing 34.200
photo TN BLB
30 years: Laura Jiménez (Accounts, BCN), Javier Mendiolagaray (Warehouse, BCN), Maribel Ríos (Road Traffic, BCN)
20 years: Enrique Ferreras (Manager , SEV), Dolores Antolí (Road Traffic, BCN), Oscar Bastida (Accounts, BCN),
Ruedi Glaenzel (Sea-Freight Coordinator, BCN), Montserrat Turón (Customs, BCN), Rose Águila (Road Traffic,
BCN), Amèlia Bort (Accounts, BCN), Mª Teresa Palanca (Accounts, VLC), Isabel Alburquerque (Exhibitions, VLC),
José Juan Algarra (Sea-Freight, VLC).
15 years: Francisco López (Manager, MAD) Carmen Castilla (Exhibitions, MAD) Víctor Lapiedra (IT, BCN), Mª
Rosa Ferré (Road Traffic, BCN), Fernando Minués (Warehouse, VLC), Javier Sierra (IT, VLC), Antonio Vera
(Accounts, VLC).
10 years: Javier Peiró (Road Traffic, BCN), M Carmen Alguero (Tel Operator, BCN), Xavier Charles (Road Traffic,
BCN), David Lages (Road Traffic, BCN), Albert del Corral (Road Traffic, BCN), Joseph Oriol Muntané (IT, BCN),
Danielle De Baggen (Sales, BCN), Arturo Hernández (Logistics, VLC), Francisco Miguel Hueso (Customs, VLC),
José Manuel Burillo (Canary Islands/Air-freight, VLC), Mª José Domínguez (Customs, VLC), Mónica de Marchi
(Sales, MAD), Olga Gonzalo (Exhibitions, MAD), Steven Salazar (Road Traffic, MAD), Javier Lanzadera (Warehouse,
Our colleague Jordi Domingo took
part in the XV Half Marathon
celebrated in Gavà on 21.02.2010.
His time to run 21,097 km was
Later on, on 7 March, the Barcelona Marathon took place:
photo J Domingo 42,195km and 12.000 competitors.
Our colleagues Jordi Domingo and Jaume Vila run
the Marathon and their time was 3:24:28 and 3:31:55
And again this year, on 18 April, and
not to break with tradition, our
colleagues Xavier Charles and Jordi
Domingo took part in ”La Cursa dels
Bombers” (Fire Brigade Race) which
run through the streets of Barcelona.
The time used to cover 10 km was
51'59'' y 37'56'' respectively.
photo J Domingo
The Irún, Zaragoza and Bilbao Directors, Eduardo
Lopetegui, Agustín López and Juan Zugazaga
respectively, and Ígor Ortiz from the Irún Sales Dept.
took part in the ADEGI Race for companies
celebrated in San Sebastian last April.
This is a race for companies in which the important
thing for the four runners is to run together as a
team, since the times made by the runners of the
team are all taken into consideration. Hence the
importance of staying CLOSED, constantly
encouraging each
other. Transnatur’s
time was 32’35’’.....
not bad for 7,5 km.
photo TN IRU
In Zaragoza: Pilar Franco (Road Traffic Dep)
In Madrid: Raquel Naya (Accounts Dep)
The winners of
Transnatur Barcelona, under the snow .... Sunrise in Hondarribi
(the Basque Country)
2010 contest
at our Valencia
photo TN VLC
road traffic and sales departaments.
photo TN BCN
photo TN BCN
photo TN IRU
T. 961 322 262 / F. 961 325 496
T. 976 108 788 / F. 976 108 771
T. 928 466 842 / F. 928 466 839
T. 934 804 500 / F. 934 804 501
MADRID (+34)
T. 916 707 900 / F. 916 707 929
BILBAO (+34)
T. 946 611 960 / F. 946 612 022
T. 977 524 492 / F.977 520 690
T. 934 785 925 / F. 933 788 920
T. 955 634 444/ F. 955 630 163
VIGO (+34)
T. 986 342 205 / F. 986 342 058
PORTO (+351)
T. 229 982 970 / F. 229 966 522
T. 965 111 868/ F. 965 115 550
IIRUN (+34)
T. 943 610 303/ F. 943 613 863
T. 922 532 400 / F. 922 152 639
LISBOA (+351)
T. 219 839 910 / F. 219 830 809
Edit: TransNatur Barcelona. For the translation: Àngels Ariño. Printed in GramaGraf. DL: B. 29.598-2003