Issue 101.71 MB


Issue 101.71 MB
Issue 10/15
340 Rattray Street
New Zealand
Telephone (03) 477 3408
Fax (03) 479 0468
ANZAC Day will be observed on Monday 27 April. School will be closed.
Principal’s Message
Thursday 23 April 2015
Consider Yourself “Well In” – Oliver!
Watch out for this years’ Major Production!
Nau Mai Haere mai.
Welcome to the new school term.
I trust students and staff had a good break with
some quality family time over Easter. Term 2 promises to be very
full with a number of activities on the horizon.
Currently the focus is on settling students back to school
routines. We continue to make a major push with uniform and I
remind parents that for winter dress codes either blazers or the
official Kavanagh jacket must now be worn. If that requirement is
unable to be met, please ensure your child has a note. Coloured
jackets are not permissible. Now that winter is approaching I also
remind the community to keep safe around the school and out
on the roads.
A key focus for this term will be to identify students who are at
risk of under-achieving and to ensure appropriate interventions
are put in place. To that end I have asked staff to make early
contact home a priority. It is also vital that our NCEA level
students balance out their time. This is a term that can fast slip
away with not a lot being achieved if we take our eye off our
academic priorities. With the number of things competing for
our young people's attention I ask all parents and caregivers to
support this any way you can. Watching the amount of social
media networking they ingest and encouraging them to get to
bed at a decent hour would be a great help.
This year's production, Oliver, is in full swing and promises to be
a great performance. Winter sports are also underway. Thanks
to staff, students and parents for their efforts in coaching and
preparing teams. It is most important that all students are well
turned out in their respective uniforms, are on time and maintain
the highest standards of sporting conduct on and off the playing
Best wishes to all for a fantastic term ahead.
Tracy O’Brien
Tickets are now on sale
from outside the main
office before school and
then from the
Bursar’s Office.
Some door sales will
be available.
$18 Adult
$10 Student
This year Kavanagh College is presenting the classic musical
spectacular ―Oliver!‖ It is a British musical based on the Charles
Dickens’ novel ―Oliver Twist‖ with music and lyrics by Lionel
Dickens’ dramatic tale of orphan boy Oliver Twist (Sam Meikle)
is portrayed with heart wrenching moments of loneliness and joy
as he endures a miserable existence in a workhouse at the
hands of the rumbling Mr Bumble (Rory Nairn) and the Widow
Corney (Paige Gardner). After shockingly asking for more food
Oliver is sold to a callous undertaker (Josh Meikle) and his family (Samara McIver, Shaymaa McKendrick and Connor Butler).
Oliver thankfully escapes their grasp and travels to London
where he meets the mischievous Artful Dodger (Kieran Kelly),
leader of a gang of juvenile but delightfully wayward pickpockets.
Naively unaware of their unlawful activities, Oliver is led to the
lair of their elderly criminal ringleader Fagin (Cooper Sharplin).
The drama ensues with a full cast of heroes, villains, dancers
and dignitaries. We are thrilled to welcome back Sov Lu (ex
pupil) as the villainous and black hearted Bill Sykes. Thankfully
we have the delightful Madeline Homan (Nancy) and Lucy
Wilkins (Bet), to harmonise their way into the audiences’ hearts.
We have a new production team on board this year and we are
very blessed and grateful to have the skills of Bert Nisbet as
Director joining our superbly talented Georgie Watts as Musical
Director. They are supported by Kerron Thomson, Sarah
Henderson, Daniel Kelly, Liz Nisbet, Katrina Kerr Bell, Debbie
Vercoe, Nina Railton, Kylie Price, John Maguire, Christine
Wilson and Rebecca Meikle. We also are hugely grateful that
the gifted Liam Donnelly has continued to work with us leading
the band and the talented James Gunn leading our trusty KTVN
technical crew. We are very proud of our wonderful team of
choreographers Jessie Murphy Charlotte Hay, Caitlin Smith and
Josie Taimalie.
Oliver! opens in the Kavanagh Auditorium on 28 April and runs
until 1 May. Be sure to get your tickets quickly. They are now on
sale at the Kavanagh Office. Some door sales will be available.
28 April—Tertiary Open Day for Year 13
28 April/1 May—School Production
6 May—PFA meeting
7 May—Whanau Hui
1 June—Queens Birthday. No School
12 June—Big Sing, Town Hall
Dunedin Tertiary Information Day 2015
The Dunedin tertiary institutions will be holding their Information
Day on Tuesday 28 April 2015.
Otago University, Otago Polytechnic and Aoraki Polytechnic, along
with all University services and residential halls will have presentations and information available.
13 June—School Formal
All Y13 students are expected to attend (a roll will be taken by
Ms Bresanello and Mrs Dodds from 8.15–9.00am outside the
3 July—Reports Issued and End of
Term 2
Ms Bresanello has distributed information booklets to students and
can be contacted if there are any questions.
Independent Study Resources
The College has a range of material to help
students in Years 11-13 in their independent
There are English, Science, Mathematics,
Accounting, Classical Studies, Economics,
History and Geography work books, study
guides and text books available. Some of
these come with discs for students to go through tutorials as
well. These will go on close reserve in the library. There is
time set aside on Wednesdays between 2.00-400pm for
supervised study in the library and these resources will also
be available at that time. If students have to resit or catch up
on any assessments this is a good opportunity to do this as
If a number of students require a specific topic in a subject
area to be revised this can be arranged if students let me
know the number requiring it, the topic and the level.
Afternoon tea is provided for those intending to stay
until 4:00pm.
Kathleen O'Kane
The Australian Science Competition
this year will be held on Wednesday
the 3rd of June.
The cost is $8.50. Please pay this to
the Bursar by Friday, 1st May.
For further information students should
talk to their Science teacher or Mr
The Kavanagh College regulation
blazer is compulsory for all
senior (Years 11 to 13) students
during Terms 2 and 3.
It is expected that all Years 11 to
13 students will wear a blazer to and from school and
throughout the day during the winter terms.
Please note that Arthur Barnetts have advised us of a delay
in receiving the fabric required for the blazers and therefore these may not be available until May. If you have
trouble accessing a blazer please send your student to Mr
Read, Ms James or Mrs Kerr-Bell with a letter explaining
the situation and they will issue a ‘red’ uniform pass until
such time as the blazers are available.
Please ensure all blazers are clearly named
Kavanagh School Jackets
The Kavanagh College jacket is expected to be worn during
the winter months for students in Years 7-10.
If this requirement is unable to be met
please ensure your child has a note.
The jackets can be bought at the Bursar’s
Office at a cost of $90.00.
language skills, comprehension, vocabulary and
research techniques is open to all Year 7-13 students,
particularly those who wish to measure their ability
against an internationally recognised testing system.
All students who participate receive an individual
letter of results as well as the appropriate certificate.
The entry fee of $8.50 is payable to the Bursar
by Friday 5 June; the Competition is on Tuesday, 28
For further information, students are advised to ask
their teacher of English, or Mrs Ireland-Kenny in M42.
Kavanagh Uniform Shop
Wanted: The Uniform shop would like any of the following
Boys grey winter shirts
Plastic supermarket bags
If you can help with any of
the above, please drop
these off to the main
The uniform shop is open
each Tuesday 3pm to
4pm during term time.
There will be Rugby Skills sessions for any Year 7 and 8's
that are interested.
Term Two.
These will be every Wednesday for
They will be held on the Pompallier grass area
at 3pm. There will be a range of experts running these
sessions so it will be a great opportunity for your son/
daughter to get some excellent coaching to help advance
their skills.
Any questions please contact Ant Harris—
Swimming Sports – Instructions for Students
The Swimming Sports is on Friday 24th April (this Friday) P1-3.
Only students who are on the list (those entered and senior helpers) will be allowed at
the pool. A copy of the list is on the Sports Noticeboard, at the Sports Office (D23) and at
the Year 7 & 8 Sports Office.
Participants need to bring their swimming gear, goggles, towel (two towels are recommended), drink bottles and food.
Year 7 & 8 students can be dropped off at Moana Pool. Alternatively they can meet at
the Tennyson Street gates at 8.50am and they will be walked to Moana Pool under staff
Year 9 – 13 students are to meet at Moana Pool at the start of P1 on Friday – either get
dropped off at the pool, or walk safely and sensibly from school to the pool.
When you arrive at the pool tell the front desk you are there for the Kavanagh College
Swimming Sports, get changed, and then sit in the grandstand at the Old Diving Pool end.
Take all of your gear up to the grandstand with you.
The aim is to start the first races as soon as possible after 9am.
Advanced warning that you are not be allowed to have cell phones out during the
swimming sports.
All participants will be expected to stay at the pool till the last race (midday at the latest).
At midday you will return to school - Year 7 & 8 students will be walked back as a group,
Year 9 – 13 students may return to school independently.
All students will be expected to be in P4, starting at 1.20pm.
In Term 1 futsal was very popular for our Kavanagh students, we
had seven teams entered into the junior Year 9/10 competition,
and seven teams entered into the senior Year 11-13 competition.
We had some very good success across all competitions. In the
Senior division our Kavanagh Senior Boys Red team consisting of
Ben O’Farrell, Jebin Jaimon, Conrad Sinclair, Liam Lavelle-Pool,
Max Johnston and Izaak Morton-Hooper won their division.
Other winners included our Kavanagh Senior Girls Red team who
were all playing for the first time and really enjoyed themselves.
This team consisted of Keili ‘Amato, Shweta Prasad, Kye Tababa,
Shayla King, Liliana Lam Cheung and Kristina Dain. A big
congratulations to both these teams. Other placings in the senior
competition saw Kavanagh Senior Boys Gold placed 5 th, Kavanagh
Senior Boys Blue placed 4th, Kavanagh Aux Chords placed 3rd and
Kavanagh Senior Girls Blue placed 4th.
We also had fantastic success in the junior competition with
Kavanagh Year 9 Red consisting of Sam Taylor, Justin Clado,
Caleb Sharkey, Brynn Sinclair, Harold Chinula and Xavier
Wright. Another winner was our Kavanagh Year 10 Red team
which consisted of Brendan O’Neill, Andrew Cromb, Josh
Winders, Callum Winders, Caleb Marsh and Samuel Audas. The
Kavanagh Year 9 Girls also won their competition. This team was
represented by Tara McGoff, Meg Jones, Bridget Young, Aine
Kelly, Danielle Mapley, Abi Fern, Emma Faulkner-Barclay and
Grace Bishop. A huge congratulations to all our champions. We
also had our Kavanagh Year 10 Gold team placed 2 nd, Kavanagh
Year 10 Blue placed 6th, Kavanagh Year 9 Blue placed 2nd and
Kavanagh Year 9 Gold placed 2nd.
A huge thank you to Ms Bugarski and to Ms Stevens for helping
with the teams during the term. We now look forward to the
Term 4 competition.
Michael MacKenzie
Sports Co-ordinator
The programme consists of weekly coaching sessions at
the Edgar Centre, where basic fundamentals are
introduced focusing on skill based drills and emphasizing
having FUN. These squads do not play in a weekly competition – we encourage all participants to play for their own
school mini ball teams. The Development Programme is
designed to supplement/compliment the school miniball
programmes and Otago Representative programme. All
sessions are held at the Edgar Centre.
Ages: 13 Years & under, no experience necessary.
Day: Tuesdays beginning 12th May for 8 sessions
Squad: U8’s 3.30pm-4.30pm, U11’s 4.00pm-5.00pm,
U13’s 4.00pm-5.00pm
Cost: $70.00 per child.
Email for a registration form.
All Year 10 classes are completing four or five aquatic lessons
during Term 2. These will occur during timetabled Health and
Physical Education time at Moana Pool.
The focus of the lessons will be on participating in a variety of
aquatic activities including swimming, snorkelling, aqua jogging,
diving, water polo etc.
Each student will be issued with a detailed notice prior to their
first lesson.
The lessons will be taught and supervised by your child’s Health
and Physical Education teacher. Moana Pool life guards will
also be on duty at the pool during each lesson.
Students will walk to and from Moana Pool.
They will not
always be accompanied by their teacher during these walks.
Students will be clearly instructed on the safe procedure for
walking to and from Moana Pool.
If you have any information about your child’s swimming ability
that would be important for the teacher to be aware of, or there
is important medical information that the teacher should know
please make contact – 4773408
Kurt Kennedy, (HOD Health and Physical Education)
Pre Trial – Sunday 10th May
U13 Girls : 11.00am-12.30pm
U13 Boys : 12.30pm-2.00pm
Pre Trial – Sunday 17th May
U13 Girls : Time to be confirmed
U13 Boys : Time to be confirmed
Trials – Sunday 24th May
U13 Girls : 1.00pm-2.30pm
U13 Boys : 2.30pm-4.00pm
To be eligible to trial all players must not turn 13 in
2015. Edgar door entry fee must be paid on arrival.
Tournament Dates:
1st Regional Tournament: Boys 25th -26th July, Gore.
Girls 1st-2nd August, Gore
2nd Regional Tournament: Boys & Girls : 29th –
30th August, Dunedin
Southern Regional Championship: Boys & Girls : 7th 10th October - Invercargill
For all information regarding sports
at Kavanagh College please visit our
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.

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