Lister News May 2015 - Amazon Web Services


Lister News May 2015 - Amazon Web Services
May 2015
In This Issue
NYO Visit
British Science Week
Lister Summer Fair
aDvANCE Project
Sports News
Policy Focus
Big Pedal
Red Nose Day
Debate Mate
School Production 1
Messages from the Headteacher
Welcome to the latest edition of Lister News. We were
very pleased to have great feedback from the PTA
about the new format, and Simon Beck, ​our Assistant
Headteacher ​for Communications​, has had a hard time
fitting all the things that have been happening in school
into this newsletter.
Most of you reading this will already be aware of
the proposal for Lister to join with Rokeby and Sarah
Bonnell schools to form the Newham Community
Schools Trust. Governors from all three schools met
on 22 April to consider the consultation report, and
voted to go ahead to the final stage. More information
on this, including the full text of the consultation report
is available on our website, in the Our School section.
I​​t is very exciting to see how we can improve our school
through working in close partnership with two other
very good schools, ​but t​here is ​also ​no let-up in the
critical work of supporting our students as we ​enter​
exam​​se​ ason​. Staff ​and students h​ ave been working
incredibly hard, and we are confident that this year’s
results will show further improvement from years
before. Meanwhile we are
also looking to the long term,
and have identified our five
priorities for this year and
You will see that involving
parents is a key goal for us this
year. We believe that the way
for our students to succeed is for the school and parents
to work in partnership, and I am delighted that there are
more parents attending every PTA. But I am also always
happy to hear directly from you, whether it be through
complaints, praise, or questions. It may seem strange
to say I am happy to hear complaints from parents
but I really am - it is much better that we should h​ear​
whatever parents might be unhappy about, and then we
can work together to fix the problem, than that parents
or children should be unhappy about something without
the school knowing. Of course, it is also very good to
hear praise or congratulations, either for our students
or our staff​! ​Remember, you can always reach me on​.​
Student Voice
This year we are spending more time than ever listening
to what our students think. Only by listening carefully to
our students can we be sure that we are achieving what
we want to do. I would like to share with you some of
the key data, and also some interesting comments from
our students.
- more than 80% of students in Year 7 said the House
team absolutely made them feel safe in school
In addition to surveys, I also meet regularly with
different groups of students over a pizza lunch in the
training room. The comments from that are really
helpful. There has been very good feedback about
From surveys of Year 7 students in their first and second the induction fortnight in Yr 6, and from our student
terms at Lister:
leaders, who are clearly proud of the role they play.
Other sessions have provided ideas for how we support
students who arrive in the school from overseas, and
- 78% said they had made new friends at Lister
- 18% said they had friends who were mostly from also on how to provide challenge for our most able
their primary school
- more than 75% of Year 7s said they were making
better progress in their learning than at primary school, Next year we hope to hold a student voice conference
with another 20% saying they were doing as well as early in the year, so you can look forward to learning
more about our students’ views.
at primary school
Photos of the Term!
Our Five Priorities for 2015 and 2016
Marking: Use clear marking policies, including time for student response, which helps students
make progress
Challenge for All: Ensure that all students, including the highest attainers and those with any
form of Special Needs, find work in lessons stimulating and challenging
Parental Engagement: Support parents’ engagement with their child’s progress through better
communication, including guidance on use of Go4Schools and Show My Homework
Students taking Responsibility: Encourage all students to develop the skills to work
independently and take pride in the quality and presentation of their learning
Tutor support for Students: Ensure all Tutors support students to engage in Learning
Conversations with students, about their achievements, their goals, and their wider interests
Our exceptionally talented Year 11 photography students have just completed their GCSE exam, pupils
had 6 weeks to complete a body of work based around their chosen theme, they then created darkroom
and digital outcomes. Dovile chose the theme ‘fantastic and strange’ and as you can see her
digital outcomes are stunning.
Spring Term Highlights
We Day
Brilliant Club
On Thursday 5th March, 25 Year 8 students were
selected to attend a once in a lifetime event at Wembley
Arena called We Day UK. We Day brings together young
people from all over the country, inspiring them to make
change in their local and global communities, as well
as celebrate the actions that they are taking through
speeches delivered by world leaders and entertainers.
This year’s line-up included Kweku Mandela (grandson
of President Nelson Mandela), Sir Richard Branson and
Professor Muhammad Yunus (Nobel Peace Laureate) and
Martin Sheen (actor and global activist).
The support from the audience was overwhelming
and demonstrated to me that our hard work and
dedication was being recognised. As W.I.S.H
continues to grow, I am thankful to have met my role
model Craig Kielburger, who inspired me to start my
own charity and thank Free the Children for their
support in helping us to raise awareness of the work
that we are doing, as well as the causes that we are
Two students from Lister were invited on stage amongst
these prestigious speakers to talk about the studentled charity, based at Lister Community School, called
We Intend to Save Humanity (W.I.S.H). Minajul (Year 11
student and founder of W.I.S.H) said of the experience:
“Being given the opportunity to attend We Day was
life changing for me. Speaking to 12,000 young
people at Wembley surrounded by inspirational
speakers was an experience that I will never forget.
Lister’s Year 8 students had the opportunity to participate
in the Brilliant Club Scholars Programme, an in-school
academic programme for able students. It is designed
to give pupils exposure to a genuine academic
environment and to experience the learning style
of a university student.
The project was offered to students in two subject areas:
History and Science. In History, students considered
which event might be considered the greatest turning
point in History; while in Science, students attempted to
find solutions to the spread of the Ebola virus. Following
6 weeks of tutorials led by current PhD students, during
which time students completed vast quantities of research,
they were tasked to complete a 1500 word, universitystyle assignment, on their assigned topic. These were
then graded according to University marking criteria. All
of the participants achieved at least a 3rd, with some of
achieving a 2:1 - an astonishing achievement!
early morning cold to board
a coach to the University of
Sussex at 7:30am. Whilst
there they got to speak
to current students about
life at University as well
as their current research
interests before embarking
on University-style tutorials
in their chosen subjects.
At midday all students
reconvened in the main
hall for the Brilliant Club
Graduation Ceremony.
On 31st January, our intrepid researchers braved the late
Red Nose Day
The Big Pedal 2015
For 3 weeks in March, Lister students and staff
participated in the Sustrans ‘Big Pedal 2015’. The
idea behind the project was to get as many people as
possible, both young and old, using bicycles, scooters and
skateboards when travelling
to work; encouraging
healthy lifestyles and
reducing pollution. Lister
was one of over a thousand
schools taking part in the
project nationally, and with
a total of 532 cycle journeys
completed over the course
of the competition, finished
4th in the Greater London region.
participating in the project, a free Dr.Bike Cycle Surgery
was offered at the school on 11 March, with over 40
students and staff seizing the opportunity to have their
bikes serviced and repaired for free. We have many
more cycling events in the pipeline for students
and parents later in the Summer term so watch
this space!
Lister Community School’s Red Nose Day 2015 was
a huge success, raising over £1700 for charity
and having lots of fun in the process. Pupils from
every house and every year group helped to plan a
week of fun activities, including tutor-time quizzes, bake
sales and even a lunch-time concert, showcasing some
of Listers dancing and singing stars… as well as Mr.
Battersby telling the odd joke!
Again this day went to prove how caring and fantastic
our pupils are; baking cakes, making posters, creating
their own stalls. A special thanks goes to the Da Vinci
senior students whose creative ideas, hard work and
team ethic made the whole week a huge success from
start to finish. You can still see the amazing video made
by our Head Girl Rayaan on our Youtube channel: http://
In an effort to increase the number of students and staff
Spring Term Highlights
The Access Project
Young Enterprise
At Lister we promote independence, creativity, and
ambition in our students. We have great links with Young
Enterprise (YE), an organisation that allows students to
enhance their academic skills in a practical way. Over
the years we have run both the ‘Tenner Campaign’ and
the ‘Company Programme’, in which our students have
been extremely successful.
The ‘Tenner Campaign’ allows students to start their own
business with an initial investment of £10 per student.
If the students team up they are able to combine
their funds. For our students it has been hugely
beneficial and our top students last year turned
over a profit of £500 within the first few days.
The ‘Tenner Campaign’ allows students to focus solely
on making profit by engaging with the financial aspects
of business. Students had to think about what they are
going to sell and how they could maximise profits. They
had to market their products and manage the day to day
operations in a cost efficient way.
The ‘Company Programme’ goes hand in hand with the
‘Tenner Campaign’ and takes students through the whole
process of starting up their own business. Students used
their creative skills to develop innovative products. They
started by collating ideas and fundraising to manufacture
and sell their own products. They then pitched their
product to YE judges in the borough competition.
“Our students faced many challenges but the project
has taught them to be resilient and persist in their
goals in order to achieve. They have improved in
confidence and communication through pitching
and motivational speaking. They become extremely
numerate through managing their finances and most
importantly they have progressed academically by
applying their transferable skills” Ms Begum.
British Science Week
To celebrate British Science Week in March, the
Science Faculty put on a number of events. Tutor
groups around the school took part in a daily quiz, testing
their scientific general knowledge. Throughout the week,
Year 7 and 8 pupils took part in the national ‘Science
on Our Doorstep’ poster competition, with entries that
include ‘The Science of Chocolate’, ‘Gravity and Space’
and ‘Kinetic Energy’ - we eagerly await announcement
of the results!
Students took the lead on
various demonstrations
which popped, cracked
danced and exploded!
Guests were left amazed
by the colourful displays
of the flame tests,
levitating cupcake cases
and methane fireballs. Students and staff alike had a
great time showing off their practical skills.
At Lister, we recognise the benefits one-to-one tuition
can bring to our students. One-to-one tuition is an
intensive type of learning in which a tutor guides a pupil’s
learning, usually in a specific subject. The Sutton Trust
and The Education Endowment Foundation, two leading
organisations in the education sphere, gave one-to-one
tuition a rating of four out of five stars for impact and said
that it significantly enhance progress in a subject. Over
the last year, Lister Community School has partnered
with The Access Project, a charity that provides free
one-to-one tuition to motivated students, and selected
Year 10 students are currently being tutored.
The Access Project works with volunteer tutors, all
of whom are high-flying graduates. Tutors undergo
extensive training before being matched to a student
and are given ongoing support whilst they tutor.
Students choose the subject they would like support
with and The Access Project seeks teacher feedback to
ensure tutorials support classwork. Students travel to
their tutor’s place of work for their hour-long weekly
tutorials, giving them an exciting glimpse into some of
London’s most exciting careers.
with the statement ‘in my tutorials I learn a lot’.
The anecdotal evidence is also incredibly favourable.
Elif in Year 10 is being tutored in Maths by Christopher,
a Cambridge graduate who studied Aeronautical &
Manufacturing Engineering and now works for Credit
Suisse. Elif said of the programme:
“I would recommend The Access Project to others
that need more help in a particular subject as it gets
you to be ahead of the class and really be confident
with what you are doing.”
In addition to providing free tuition for students, The
Access Project also helps the school to deliver university
support to equip students with the skills and information
that they need to win a place at a top university. For
further information about The Access Project, please
visit Michaela, the Programme Coordinator based in
school, or email or
The Access Project’s impact measurement echoes The
Sutton Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation’s
findings - students on the programme get on average
one grade higher than predicted. Students at Lister have
also reported that tutoring has helped them to achieve
better results; in our last student survey, 100% agreed
Plaistow Primary School paid a visit to Lister
during Science week, where they took part in a
lesson on microscopy. These lucky students were
introduced to microscope demonstration and even had
an opportunity to look at their own onion cell slides.
The finale of the week was intended to be the solar
eclipse. Sadly, due to the heavy cloud coverage, the
only way we could watch it at Lister was via live web
streams. Despite this, the buzz and excitement among
the students was clearly seen - it was a great end to a
The penultimate day saw the spectacular show wonderful week. Thanks to all those who got involved
and participated. Next year will prove to be bigger,
‘Celebration of Science Demonstration’.
louder and more explosive! See you then!
Spring Term Highlights
Policy Focus
Into University
Detention Policy
One of the ways we communicate with families is through
a system called ParentCall. This allows us to quickly
communicate with parents and provide timely reminders
about key school events. In order for the system to
work effectively, and to ensure that you do not miss out
on this information, it is essential that we have the
correct mobile phone numbers for all of our parents
and carers. If you need to update your contact details,
please call your child’s House Support Officer as soon as
possible (contact details can be found on the last page of
this newsletter).
Students may be sanctioned where their behaviour falls
below expectations. If your child is being kept for
more than 15 minutes a note will be written in
their planner or you will receive a phonecall from
a member of staff. Teacher detentions are half an
hour, House and Faculty detentions are one hour long
and there is a Leadership Detention on Friday afternoons
from 3pm until 4.45pm. If your child receives a detention
or Concern, please support your child and the school by
discussing the incident and re-enforcing an expectation
of positive behaviour at school.
Over the last two years Lister Community School has
been working with IntoUniversity in order to provide
academic support and guidance to students across Years
7 to 11. The programme is shaped to offer support to
young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in
attaining a university place or another
chosen aspiration.
Students attend two sessions
delivered by IntoUniversity tutors per
year, and participate in workshops
tailored to their needs and year
group. The sessions offered range
from ‘Approaches to Homework’ and
‘Learning Preferences and Study
Skills’ for Year 7 and 8 students to ‘Education Choices’
and ‘An Introduction to University life’ for Year 11.
In February, 20 Year 8 students were selected to take
part in IntoUniversity’s ‘Buddy Programme’ at University
College London (UCL). The students worked closely
with their IntoUniversity ‘buddies’ to take part in a lively
mooting simulation, find out more about student life and
to explore the university’s facilities. This insightful trip
led to many students aspiring to study law at UCL and
looking forward to working with the
IntoUniversity team over the coming
IntoUniversity also operate
a free study centre in East
Ham which Lister students are
entitled to access. You can obtain
further information on this, and
additional services the team provides
(such as support with homework, coursework, personal
statements, work experience and interview practice) by
contacting the East Ham IntoUniversity team at eastham@ / 0208 552 3691.
Murray Edwards College Visit
In February, Ms. Quero took a group of Year 10 girls
studying Triple Science at GCSE to Murray Edwards
College, Cambridge, to participate in an aspirations event
organised by the University. This event aimed to open
doors for girls who may aspire to go to university and
are beginning to consider the choices ahead. Highlights
of the visit included an introduction from the Admissions
Tutors, a talk about post-GCSE opportunities and A-Level
choices, and a tour of the college.
By far the most enjoyable session, according to our
students, was the hands-on session in the Department
of Engineering. The event was a huge success, as these
comments from our students show:
“I now have a very specific idea of where I want to
be in the next few years and what courses I want to
take. Overall, I loved the engineering workshop. I
would love to see myself there in the next 5 years”
E-Safety is a topic which is of great importance in the modern world. We need to be able to ensure that, where
possible, we know the basics in protecting ourselves and our children whilst they are using the internet. In most
households, there are smart TV’s, games consoles, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. Any of these devices can
connect to the internet and can be monitored by parents.
It is highly recommended that you activate your parental controls. This will allow you to block any adult
classified websites from be accessed on your home internet network. You are also then able to personalise your
parental control set-up by blocking any particular website that you deem inappropriate for your child. Time limits
can be set-up so that the amount of time your child spends online is restricted..
To set up your parental controls you can refer to your ISP’s (Internet Service Provider) website, read through the
manual you would have received when you signed up to receive internet service, call the ISP directly and have them
set it up for you. You can also visit WWW.INTERNETMATTERS.ORG where you will be able to find a step-by-step
guide on how to protect your home internet network.
This website also covers most of the issues relating to E-Safety and aims to give parents advice and information on
the possible signs that one should look out for and assistance on how to deal with any potential issue.
“Cambridge saved my life! Before the trip I was lost,
I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life, but now I am
whole, I know now that my goals and aspirations are
Cambridge” Nishi.
“Going to Cambridge was an unbelievable opportunity
& we met very influential people who have given us
real insights into Cambridge life” Anisha.
Music News
Simon Bolivar Symphony
In January, Key Stage 3 and 4 students attended
performances at the Southbank Centre of the wonderful
Simon Bolivar Orchestra of Venezuela, conducted by the
inspirational Gustav Dudamel. Students heard energetic
renditions of Beethoven’s ‘Symphony No.5’ and Wagner’s
‘Ride of the Valkyries’ by a truly world-class orchestra.
La Traviata
Mark McGlynn Memorial Concert
In February, Ms. Haynes took a lucky group of 20 students
to see a performance of ‘La Traviata’ at the Royal Opera
House. The opera tells the story of Violetta, a French
courtesan, who abandons her Parisian lifestyle for the
man she falls in love with. Many students realised they
already knew the story, as the film ‘Moulin Rouge’ is
based on this opera.
On 26th March, the school hosted a very special event to the celebrate the life and musical legacy of our late
guitar tutor Mark McGlynn. The concert featured performances by staff and student bands from Lister, Forest
Gate and Rokeby Schools, as well as ECaM and Mark’s very own ukelele band, the ‘Funky Pluckers’.
National Youth Orchestra
Benyounes Quartet
Lister is extremely pleased to announce that
we now have our very own music ensemble in
residence, in the form of the Benyounes Quartet.
The players will join students at Lister once a month for
the remainder of the year, working with members of the
E13 Ensemble, our Year 7 and 8 Specialist School groups,
and our GCSE Music students. They will also work with
our chamber music groups to deliver instrumental masterclasses. In the Summer term, some lucky students will
Includoo Festival
also get to travel to the West Cork Music Festival where
they will see the Benyounes Quartet perform with other
We are extremely fortunate at Lister to be a
world class musicians.
part of the ‘Feeling Music’ project, a project that
aims to bring hearing, hearing impaired and deaf
children together to make extraordinary music. Spring Concert
Our students have been working with brilliant tutor Evi
from Drumworks to create percussion performances The Spring Concert kick-started the trio of big events in
which the group then performed at the ‘Incloodu’ Music this term, and what a start it was! We moved to a
Festival at Rich Mix in Shoreditch on 24th January. The new venue for this concert, placing the performers on a
festival is a diverse and vibrant celebration of creative brightly lit professional stage on which they shone – Mr
arts & performance produced by the international Ismail, Principal of NCS, agreed:
deaf community. Lister students gave an extremely
impressive performance, as always!
From the Lister Orchestra to the Jazz Band, the debuts
from Year 7 String, Brass and Wind players and selfpenned songs, every item was polished and enjoyable.
Drama News
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
On the 21 January, Year 7, 8 and 9 Drama students
visited The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. They were
part of an audience to watch Roald Dahl’s deliciously
dark tale of young Charlie Bucket and the mysterious
confectioner Willy Wonka come to life in a brand new
West End musical, directed by Academy Award winner
Sam Mendes.
Everyone enjoyed every minute of the production, from
the chocolate garden to the army of squirrels, and not
forgetting the curiously peculiar Oompa-Loompas. The
cast was very entertaining, especially the lyrically
genius rapper, Violet Beauregarde, The ‘Double Bubble
Duchess’. Students had a sensational time, and one they
will not forget in a hurry!
Beauty and the Beast Visit
“I was so excited the
night before we went,
I couldn’t sleep! Then
we watched it and
I was blown away
and couldn’t sleep
again from constantly
thinking about how
brilliant it was!” Rafia
“It was sooo good!
One of the best
shows I have ever
seen! Especially
the clever oompa
loompa’s” Maisha.
Othello Visit
In January, the school was given the rare and
exciting opportunity to take the whole of Year 7
to see the pantomime at Stratford Theatre. It is
unusual for us to be able to take so many people together
and relied on a terrific effort by all staff and students to
make the trip such a success.
We often forget how lucky we are to have place such as
the Globe Theatre in our great city. It was at this most
prestigious of venues that we were able to offer our
Year 11s the chance to see one of Shakespeare’s
greatest works, ‘Othello’. The play is the central text
for their English Literature GCSE controlled assessments
and it truly was remarkable to see it performed where
The show told the story of ‘a tale as old as time’ (with the great man himself intended it to be.
plenty of modern twists thrown in for good measure).
The Year 7s certainly embraced the spirit of pantomime, The performance itself was exceptional and our students
as many local residents who witnessed many of our thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity see the play they
students singing the songs on the walk home can testify. had been studying in the most inspiring of settings. Our
students were again a joy and no doubt appreciated the
It was certainly a day to remember and to be incredibly magnitude of what they were witnessing.
proud of our students for their maturity and enthusiasm…
Our hope is that our students take
“Oh no it wasn’t! Oh yes it was!”
on the words of Shakespeare
himself “it is not in the stars to hold
our destiny but in ourselves”.
On 6 March, 15 of our Year 9 Drama Specialist Curriculum “It was a fun and entertaining day, I gained a lot of
students got the unique and amazing opportunity to experience working in a professional environment”
perform a modern day version of the Greek Tragedy Parnika.
play, ‘Antigone’ as part of the Newham Schools and
Youth Groups Festival at The Theatre Royal in Stratford.
Students spent weeks devising a 10 minute performance
based on the breakdown of a family of brothers and
sisters following the death of their mother. The final
piece proved to be very emotional - the event organiser
told Ms. Naraine,“it was a beautifully crafted and
moving piece.” The theatre director also commented
that the “work was amazing, so clever and lovely
physical theatre ideas. It was nice to see how you
adapted Antigone... Well Done!”
Kevin Spacey’s ‘Clarence Darrow’
Lister’s Drama Team and The Old Vic Theatre in Waterloo
formed a partnership over 5 years ago which enables our
students to get free tickets to West End Theatre shows
throughout the year. The Theatre’s Artistic Director is
none other than famous actor Kevin Spacey, who you
may know from ‘Superman Returns’, ‘Horrible Bosses’ or
even the ‘Call of Duty’ console game.
Kevin Spacey perform a one-man show called ‘Clarence
Darrow’ about a solicitor and his numerous cases and
clients. Spacey is such a talented actor that he grasped
the audience’s attention from the very beginning and
held it until the very end just by speech and movement!
After the performance the students commented:
“I can’t believe we were only a few feet away from
Recently, our GCSE Drama students had the chance to see such a famous and talented actor”
Drama News
Debating News
School Production - ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
Oxford Union Debating
Citizenship Foundation Mock Trial
This year the Lister Company of Actors decided to put on
a production of Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’. The
Drama Team decided on this play as they felt it would
be a real challenge for our students, what with the
American accents, evocative and controversial issues,
and difficult sound and lighting cues.
In February, students participated in the Oxford Union
Schools Debating Competition. This is a nationwide
debating competition for schools organised by Oxford
University students. Students were required to attend
several workshops where they were introduced to the
Oxford Union debate model. This is now the model that
we use in Debate Club (held every Thursday lunchtime)
and students have really grasped the true idea of
debating and improving their arguments.
The Magistrates’ Court Mock Trial Competition, which has
been running annually since 1994, introduces the legal
system to young people in an innovative and exciting way.
In the roles of lawyers, witnesses, magistrates and court
staff, students prosecute and defend specially written
criminal cases. Teams compete against each other in
real Magistrates’ courts in front of real magistrates.
Sharaf, Year 10, had even more, playing a father of
two and lawyer to a black man during times of racial
discrimination. He found it difficult but embraced the
The play was performed twice and although the first
performance went well, the second performance was
The journey began by holding auditions. Over 100 outstanding and received a standing ovation from all of
students auditioned from Year 7 to 10 - it was a difficult the staff at Lister. A few teachers even shed a tear!
task whittling it down to just 22 cast members. Months
were then spent rehearsing, staying every evening until “The students who were in the show, but also the
at least 5pm and every weekend in the run up to the staff, students and family in the audience will have
lasting memories… It was a challenging piece for the
performance, but it was well worth it!
Our leading ladies, Shreya and Sonali, both from Year
7, learnt over 1000 lines by heart between them.
students to take on and I thought there were some
outstanding performances” Mr. Wilson.
“The Oxford Union Debate Competition exposed
students from Lister to a structured and official
debating model. The day consisted of individual
debates in different classrooms, with two students
from Lister coupled with two students from other
schools. Time restrictions made the competition
challenging and forced us to work under pressure.
This experience benefited both our public speaking
and the ability to debate” Sulayman, SFT.
“It is a superb way to raise students understanding
and knowledge of the law in action. It has raised
confidence and achievement in our school and
provided excellent citizenship education” Ms Tribak.
“I thought the Mock Trials were very educational
and fun because they called on me to use my acting
skills. I also learnt a lot about the law and how
things work. It was hard work, as we had to learn
all the rules of law. This paid off in the end because
when I went into court I felt confident. When I had
the opportunity to talk I made my points and found it
a great way to see what really happens in the court
room” Jacob, SFT.
Debate Mate: Newham Secondary Schools Debating Competition
Lister students have also been competing in the ‘Debate
Mate’ series during the last term, putting their arguments
up against those from other Newham Secondary Schools
on a wide range of topics.
“There is clear evidence that proves excellent
speaking and listening skills boost pupils’ confidence
levels, and this was truly highlighted in the quality
of the debates in the competition.
Again a great chance for students
to develop their oracy skills
and confidence boosting when
speaking in public” Ms Tribak.
in more debates” Hannah, HMB.
“Debate club has been fun and a good experience. I
feel that it has boosted my confidence when speaking
in public. It has also taught me great debating skills
and techniques. The debating competitions are fun
and a great way to test our techniques as well as
learning from other students” Fatimah, KAY.
“Debate Mate has helped me in
conveying my ideas to others
and I now feel much calmer and
confident on a public stage.
Hopefully this will help me in the
future and I would love to take part
Dance News
It’s been an extremely busy term in the Dance Department. These
are just some of the exciting events Lister has been involved with...
Year 9 Royal Opera House
Holocaust Memorial Day
In the Spring term, our Year 9 Dance Specialist
students represented Lister at the Royal Opera House
by performing their homage to George Balanchine’s
‘Voyage’, first choreographed in 1946. This was
part of the Dynamic Dance project. A teacher from
another school said that the piece “brought tears to
[their] eyes.” Ms Coke said that Lister students “were by
far the best,” although she may be biased! Parents will
have a chance to see a repeat performance at Stratford
Circus on Saturday 16th May.
Lister Cheer
Aurelija, Kwabena, Sam and Nuria performed ‘Bitter
Earth’, a beautiful piece inspired by the Holocaust, at
Newham’s Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration on
Tuesday 27th January. Lister Dance was personally
requested to perform at the event by the Mayor of
Lister’s two Cheerleading squads, Lister Lions (Inclusion
Team) and Lister Elite (Year 9 Dance Specialist) have
gone from strength to strength this year. Both teams
secured Silver awards in the Spring Competition at
London’s ExCEL Centre, where Lister Elite had new
stunts and a moving pyramid, whilst the Lions mastered
a new routine using chairs. Both teams will be working
hard to achieve Gold awards in the summer term.
“Cheerleading is such fun and has made me really
flexible as I had to do a Scorpion in the air!” Klaudia.
Only Boys Allowed
“It was an amazing event to be a part of and
something I will always remember. I met Rudi
Oppenheimer, a survivor of the Holocaust, who told
his story beautifully. Rudi knew Anne Frank but of
course did not realise at the time how significant she
would become” Kwabena.
During February half term our male dancers
participated in a boys only dance day at Trinity
Laban Conservatoire of Dance and Music. They
were taught different dance styles including street
dance, contemporary and capoeira. Kwabena and
Hisham were commended by instructors for their talent
and enthusiasm.
This is an on-going partnership, which is the brainchild
of ex-Lister students and London Contemporary
Dance School graduates, Joseph Yvan Toonga and
Ricardo Da Silva (now directors of Just Us Dance Theatre).
The scheme started last year and each year 2 or 3
students from the dance establishments they previously
attended (Lister, NewVic, Lewisham College and London
School of Contemporary Dance) work with dancers and
professionals to create new work to be performed at
the Greenwich Dance Agency, Stratford Circus and the
Place. The two Lister students participating this
Recognition of Excellence
year are Angelo and Marian. They may even have
the chance to perform in Germany in July with
Two of our Year 9 Dance Ambassadors attended
the Bundesburgenballett.
auditions at The Place (The London Contemporary Dance
School) during the half term break. They participated in “At first rehearsals were really hard and I hated them,
technique and choreographic classes as well as watching but each time I went to rehearsaI, I got better and
Dance degree students in a dance class. If their auditions better. I love and would tell other people to take this
are successful they will attend weekly classes and soon opportunity if you get it” Marian.
will develop great physical skills. Fingers crossed!
aDvANCE Project
bonded with each other and shared our experience
working with each other. I am thoroughly enjoying
this I can’t wait for all of you to see our amazing
dances” Sultana.
Restec and World Aids Day
Year 10 GCSE Dance also performed in Restec (Respect Yourself), a project where colleges and universities create
pieces to raise awareness for World Aids Day. Restec takes places in two cities.
London Stratford Circus and Leeds at the Northern Ballet School (and Phoenix Theatre). Lister was the only
secondary school invited to perform at both.
Let’s Shine Dance Mentorship
Students will be showcasing the results of this
collaborative project at the Royal Ballet School, White
Lodge and Stratford Circus on 15th and 16th May. If you
would like a ticket to the show at Stratford Circus, call
The students on the Royal Ballet School’s aDvANCE the Box Office on 020 8279 1001.
Programme are working extremely hard at the moment,
rehearsing every Monday after school with the RBS
practitioners Bim and Suzie. The students are really
seizing the opportunity to participate in the programme
and learn new technique and ways of working.
“The best part for me at our last rehearsal visit to
White Lodge was the moment we all sat down to
eat lunch together after the tiring day. We have all
Sports News
Lister Students take top honours
in Athletics, Basketball, Fencing
and Football!
Lister’s Key Stage 4 Badminton Team, coached by Mr.
Blake and Mr. Hartop, represented Newham at the London
Youth Games after winning the Newham U16 Badminton
Tournament. The team of Ibrahim, Mohammed, Ken and Boys Football
Vruj represented Lister and Newham at the Copper Box,
based at the Olympic Park.
Sam, Edon and Zach (all from Year 10), and Antoh,
Marcel and Sam. were all selected to represent
“The boys were a credit to Lister with their attitude, Newham at football. Well done boys!
commitment and competitiveness. All four boys have
spent years attending the school’s Friday Badminton
Club and their hard work has paid off. They are
now excellent badminton players, achieving the top
mark possible. This
is a great example
of how hard work in
Key Stage 3 benefits
students as they
move to Key Stage
4” Mr. Blake.
Primary Schools Sports
A total of 90 local primary school children visited Lister
last month to take part in a ‘Fit for Life’ session,
organised by Ms. Strachan. The day was a great success
as it not only introduced the children to the sports of
trampolining, short tennis, archery and dance mats, but
it also gave them a chance to meet the PE staff and
realise the importance of keeping fit and healthy!
Year 7 Boys’ Athletics
Lister’s Year 7 Boys’ Athletics Team, coached by Mr.
Rashid, finished in second place (only three points
behind Langdon) at the East London District Athletics
Competition, after qualifying for this event by winning
the Newham Schools Indoor Athletics Tournament in
February. As well as the team achieving Silver
overall, there were several outstanding individual
• Harvey - Silver in the Shot Putt
• Lewis - Gold in the Relay, Silver in the 2-Lap
Individual and Bronze in the 4-Lap Individual
• Abdul - Gold in the Relay and 8-Lap
Individual and Silver in the 2-Lap Individual
• Antoh - Gold in the Relay and Silver in the
Speed Bounce and 4-Lap Individual
• Hisham - Gold in the 2-Lap and 4-Lap
Individual, Gold in the Relay, Gold in the
Speed Bounce and Silver in the Standing
Long Jump.
Indeed, Hisham was the most successful track athlete at
the competition, winning more medals than any other
athlete! As a result of his impressive performances, he
has now been invited to train at the prestigious Newham
and Essex Beagles Athletics Club (the club of Olympic
Gold Medallist, Mo Farrell).
“The Year 7 boys were fantastic. They gave
absolutely everything and were a credit to Lister.
Their performances were all the more amazing given
that there were only five in the team, competing
against schools which had teams of eight. Well done
boys!” Ms. Strachan.
Girls Football
Lister’s Year 10/11 Girls Football Team, trained
by Ms. Strachan and Ms. Moore, achieved Gold at
the Newham 7-A-Side Football Tournament, which
took place at Lister in February. Well done to: Shaheena,
Barbora, Jada, Alex, Sianie, Tracy, Monica, Lianca and
The Year 7 Team, coached by Ms. Moore, displayed
great team spirit and ability during their first ever Essex
FA Futsal Tournament. After winning their first game,
spirits were high, enabling the girls to hold the second
game to a 1-1 draw. The girls narrowly missed out on Well done to Imaan, Hanaa, Shreya, Sonali,
qualification for the next round due to goal difference, Mayeeshah, Rabia, Tanha and Zahira.
but gained new skills and friends from the tournament.
Boys Basketball
England and GB
U17 International,
Rachel (Year 11),
coached by Ms.
Strachan, achieved
the second best GB
result when she
competed in the U17 Poland International in January. This
impressive result was followed by yet more outstanding
performances in February when she won Gold in the U15
Girls age category at the Eastern Region British Youth
Championship Qualifier. The latter result now means that
Rachel will compete at the British Youth Championship
Finals, taking place at the EIS Sheffield in May. Rachel
has also been selected to represent England at
the U17 Commonwealth Games which will take
place in Cape Town, in July.
Lister’s U13 Squad (coached by Mr. Muscat) finished as
runners up in the National Basketball League group
stages. Lister were drawn against Holy Family School
in the regional rounds. Despite it being the first time
that Lister has reached this stage of the competition, the
Team put up a great fight before narrowly losing in the
fourth and final quarter 68-54. Well done to Abdullahi,
Abubaker, Haroon, Shoorab, Mubarek, Fad, Uzman and
“I am so proud of Rachel’s achievement this season,
particularly her selection for the Commonwealths.
This is fantastic given that she won her place by
beating girls who were two to three years older than
her. This is another example of what hard work and
commitment can lead to. Well done Rachel!” Ms.
The U15 Team performed equally well, just missing out
on qualification for the regional rounds. However, they
were able to beat Rokeby, Cumberland and Mossbourne.
Well done to Reinaldas, Hocine, Aaron, Vong, Filip, Misha,
Sam and Arif!
“The future for basketball at Lister looks promising
and we hope to progress even further in the
competition next year” Mr Muscat.
Key Dates For Your Diary
15th May - 6.30pm
16th May - 3.00pm
19th May
21st May - 4.30pm
23rd to 31st May
aDvANCE Performance (White Lodge)
aDvANCE Performance (Stratford Circus)
Super Learning Day 5
Theatre School Musical Performance
Half Term
10th June - 10.00am and 5.00pm
Parent Teacher Association Meetings
17th June - 5.00pm to 7.00pm
Year 11 Graduation Ceremony
22nd June
Year 10 World of Work Week
4th July - 12.00pm to 4.00pm
Lister Summer Fair
13th July - 5.00pm to 6.00pm
PE & Dance Faculty Awards Evening
15th July
Super Learning Day 6
17th July
End of Summer Term - students will be dismissed at 12noon.
Contact Us
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Hawking House:
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King House:
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