Sunday, June 6 - Wesley United Methodist Church


Sunday, June 6 - Wesley United Methodist Church
Volume 2, Issue 5 ~ May/June 2010
Wesley United Methodist Church, 130 West Third Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1709
Sunday, June 6: Youth and Graduate Sunday
“Where Is God?”
On Sunday, June 6, the youth and graduates will be at
the forefront of the morning worship services. At the
8 a.m. service, Paul Chapman, coordinator of youth and
adults will deliver the message “Where Is God?”
The youth of Wesley Church will join Paul at
10:30 a.m. to present a skit on the same theme: “Where
Is God?” In addition, the Martin Davis Band will lead
the congregation in contemporary praise music.
During each of the June 6 worship services, the graduates of Wesley Church will
be recognized and honored for their accomplishments. Graduates honored will
include those from both high school and vocational technical schools, as well as
from institutions of higher learning. Parents: if you have not already done so,
please notify the church office (784.1407) of your son or daughter’s graduate
Following the worship service, Paul Chapman, the Wesley youth, and the Wesley
graduates will be honored with a reception in the church’s multi-purpose room.
Sunday, June 13: The Third Sunday after Pentecost
“Jesus Levels The Playing Field”
At each of the morning worship services, Pastor Jay will present two levels from
which to understand the Gospel lesson from Luke 7: 36 - 50 — 1) Jesus provides
hope to those who are downtrodden; 2) Jesus confronts those who are indignant
about His outreach.
Sunday, June 20: Starlight Worship
“Our God Is An Awesome God”
Always a favorite service with the Wesley congregation is the
worship leadership of the members of the Starlight group. The
Starlighters are excitedly looking forward to leading worship at both
the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. You will not want to miss their message: “Our
God Is An Awesome God.” Please plan to attend this special worship service and
greet and thank the members of the Starlight group along with their leaders, Jane
and Brian Bercher.
Sunday, June 27: The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
“No More ‘bite and devour’”
Pastor Jay will use the Epistle lesson, Galatians 5: 1, 13 - 25, to show how we are
sometimes our own worst enemies — especially when we give in to the works of
the flesh: impurity, idolatry, enmities, jealousy, anger, factions, etc.
This worship service will include a time of anointing and prayer at the altar rail
following the morning’s sermon.
In This Issue Of
Wesley Tidings . . .
From The Desk Of Pastor Jay
By Jay E. Jones, Pastor
To The Wesley Church Family:
Exciting June Worship . . . . . page 1
From The Desk Of Pastor Jay
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 2 & 3
Safe Sanctuaries Update . . . .page 3
Wesley Nursery News . . . . . page 3
Join The Worship Team . . . . page 3
Bloomsburg Bicentennial Choir
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4
Board of Trustees Update . . .page 4
Time Of Transition . . . . . . . .page 5
Other Staffing News . . . . . . .page 5
Summer Sunday School Begins
June 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6
Green Team News . . . . . . . . page 7
Green Team Garden Tips . . . page 7
The Wesley Mission Corner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pages 8 & 9
Potato Patch News . . . . . . . . page 9
Agape Palooza . . . . . . . . . . . page 9
UMW Activities . . . . . . . . . . page 9
Wesley UMW Retreat . . . . .page 10
Children’s Summer Sunday School
Begins June 6 . . . . . . . . . . . page 10
Adopt-A-Highway . . . . . . . page 10
Wacky Wednesdays . . . . . . page 11
Facts and Figures . . .pages 12 & 13
Thank You Thoughts . . . . . page 14
Staff at Wesley Church . . . .page 15
Knoebel’s Church Picnic . . page 15
Dreams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15
This Month’s Prayer . . . . . .page 16
The Wesley Church Mission &
Purpose Statements . . . . . . .page 16
Sunday Worship Times and Church
Office Hours . . . . . . . . . . . .page 16
This Month’s Inserts:
June Calendar
Safe Sanctuaries Policy
Peace With Justice Offering
Wesley Tidings, page 2
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our
risen Lord and Savior! I praise Jesus for the
opportunity to serve as pastor of this congregation,
and I look forward to all that God has in store for us
as we work together to serve God.
I thank all of you for participating in and/or tuning in to the sermon
series entitled “I Belong to Wesley Church.” The intent of that series was to
help each of us understand the need to be more committed and more involved
in the life of the congregation. It provided a natural follow up to our earlier
series on the mission and purpose of Wesley Church. Simply put, we are more
effective in achieving our mission and purpose as a congregation when more
of those who belong to Wesley Church are fully engaged. In the series, we
looked at some concrete ways we can be more engaged by following the
words from the liturgy for full membership into The United Methodist
Church: “we pledge our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our
witness.” I challenge you to renew this commitment with me.
I want to focus on a part of that commitment – our service, in
particular, as it relates to our ministry teams. Some time ago (after a journey
through the book The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren), this
congregation chose to follow a ministry team model for achieving some of its
purposes. Under that model, all former program committees would gather
together on the same night on a regular basis, share in common agenda items,
and then break off into separate meeting rooms to finish their own individual
agenda. One of the obvious benefits was fewer meeting nights, especially for
the pastor and/or those participating in multiple committees. Another benefit
was better communication between the teams due to all being together in the
same space at the same time. Another benefit that I wish to highlight here was
the open invitation to any and all from our congregation to participate in the
Ministry Team night.
By going from a committee structure to a team structure, the make-up
of the group was determined not by appointment to a committee but by
volunteering for a team. This meant that participants on the teams would not
be selected and elected by someone else. Instead, participants would step up
and volunteer to be a part of the team that was of the most interest to them.
Essentially, all congregational participants (those who were full members and
those who were not) could be involved in one of these ministry teams.
Currently, Wesley is continuing in this present structure. Every other
month (generally, the first Tuesday of every other month) we host a Ministry
Team night. On that evening, the following ministry teams meet: Nurture,
Evangelism, and Mission. (At times, the adults who work with youth also
meet.) The Nurture Team (chaired by Mary Staley) deals with all things
related to Christian Education and ministry with the various age groupings.
The Evangelism Team (chaired by Merrie Walter) deals with ministry to first
-time visitors, college age students, and “missing members.” The team’s hope
is to continue to reach out to the community and make connections between
the community and the congregation. The Mission Team (chaired by Sue
Frederick) deals with missions in three different areas: local, national, and
global. Ideally, the most effective way to be involved is hands-on; many
opportunities are provided. But when we can’t be hands-on, financial support
of missions is encouraged.
Desk Of Pastor Jay, cont.
There is one other ministry
team that meets separately from
those listed above. The Worship
Team (chaired by me) deals with
any issue as it relates to the worship
services. The intent of that team is
to gather a group of people who will
help put detail to upcoming services
based upon the particular theme of
worship — details such as décor,
drama, dance, music, video, etc.
You need to know that
numerous ambitious goals have
been set by our Church Council.
Many of these goals will necessarily
involve the work of these teams.
But your help, your participation,
your service is needed in order to
achieve these goals. Won’t you
c o n s i d er y o u r o w n h e l p ,
participation and service? Please
pray about and consider your
The Ministry Teams are
next scheduled to meet this year on
June 1, August 3, October 5, and
December 7. The Worship Team
will meet on May 25, August 18,
October 13, and December 1. All
meetings begin at 7 p.m., and take
place in the multi-purpose room of
the church.
As always, I thank you for
your support, your encouragement,
and your prayers. And I thank you
for your service, too
In Christ’s Service,
Jay E. Jones, Pastor
Many people are bothered
by those passages in Scripture
which they cannot understand;
but as for me,
I always noticed
that the passages in Scripture
which trouble me the most
are those I do understand.
~ Mark Twain
Safe Sanctuaries Policy Update
Enclosed with this newsletter is a copy of Wesley’s
recently-passed Safe Sanctuaries Policy. This policy
replaces the church’s current policy and will go into
effect beginning with September 1, 2010. Work has
already begun to “certify” as many of our current staff
and volunteers as possible. Clearances have been
received and training has been provided. More work
needs to be done prior to September 1. (If you are a
current volunteer with children, youth, and vulnerable
adults and need to complete either the clearances or the
training, please contact Kelly Cope or Pastor Jay at 784.1407 as soon as
Please take some time to read the enclosed document thoroughly.
Make note: it may certainly change the way we currently do ministry.
However, we believe that this is an important covenant that we enter in to — a
promise to make this church as safe a place as possible for all children, youth,
and vulnerable adults, as well as all staff and volunteers who work with them.
Please know that this is not a finished product or a perfect policy. Changes
and/or additions will be needed along the way. These will be passed on to you
as they are made.
Special thanks is extended to the Safe Sanctuaries Committee. This
document has been updated through the hard work and dedication of numerous
people on that committee. As a congregation, we need to be grateful for this
work and the work they will continue to produce.
Please feel free to address any questions or concerns you may have
about Safe Sanctuaries to Pastor Jay, one of our staff members, or the Safe
Sanctuaries Committee (Wendy Upton, chairperson). But mostly, continue to
pray for our ministry to all children, youth, and vulnerable adults. May God be
glorified and blessed in all that we do!
Wesley Nursery News
By Judy Snyder, Nursery Coordinator
On behalf of all the precious children in the Wesley nurseries, a
special thank you is extended to Eric and Kara Hawrelak for their generous
donation of a DVD player for use in the preschool/toddler nursery room. The
children’s library has many wonderful DVD’s, and now the children will be
able to enjoy them.
Eric and Kara are nursery volunteers who also serve on the Nursery
Committee. We thank them, as well as all the many volunteers who make our
nurseries a wonderful place to be. Without our
caring volunteers, nursery would not be possible.
Please also note, the nursery is accepting
gently used toys to replace the worn out ones. We
cannot have toys with batteries or character toys.
Fisher Price, Discovery toys, or anything similar
would be greatly appreciated. We also try to not have
toys with too many pieces — or small ones. Thank
you in advance if you are able to donate to the
Wesley Tidings, page 3
The Bloomsburg Bicentennial Choir, under the direction of Minister of Music Patricia W. Gensemer,
proudly presents its ninth annual concert “Music: My Life, My Love, My Joy.”
The concert takes place in the sanctuary of Wesley United Methodist Church.
This year’s program, as in the past, includes a variety of musical genres: popular, religious, patriotic, and more.
Peggy Walters Parker will provide narration, and video enhancement will highlight each musical selection.
It will be a presentation you won’t want to miss.
Tickets are available in the church office or from any member of the Bicentennial Choir.
Wesley Tidings, page 4
Board Of Trustees Update
By Bill Finnerty, President
As summer approaches, the Trustees
will begin to “attack” the Board’s job priorities
list and try to accomplish the majority of the
items during the summer months and before Vacation
Bible School begins. The following is an update of
what has been done and what is still in the planning
1. Washer/Dryer Project (John Shively): A
location has been found to install a washer and
dryer. The closet in the bathroom in the social
room will be removed. There is a “hidden” room
or space which had been covered during the last
renovation. The washer and dryer will be placed
in this area. The Board is waiting for the final
bids from Dent Plumbing and Flick Electrical to
begin demolition and construction.
2. Organ Repair (Finnerty, Stone): The organ will
be removed on June 8. The contents from the
console will re removed, and the console will be
lifted to allow for electrical work and cleaning to
take place. The organ will be returned in six to
eight weeks and reinstalled. Thanks to the
Sanctuary Choir and Bells In Bloom, fundraisers
have been very successful and beneficial. Several
donations have also been received from members
of Wesley Church to help defray the cost.
Currently we are still $6,500 short of the goal of
10,000 dollars that is needed to complete the
3. Steeple Interior Repair (Ken Beere): The
interior work on the steeple has been completed.
Walls have been waterproofed, and new plaster
now covers the exterior. In addition, all wood
trim has been painted and caulked.
4. Church Clean-Out (Brian Bucher): This project
continues at a slow pace. It is hoped to have this
task complete by June.
5. Social Room/Kitchen Cleaning (Bill Finnerty):
Cleaning of the social room and kitchen
continues on a quarterly basis — next cleaning
will take place at the end of June. The kitchen
will also receive a “de-greasing” at that time.
Tracy Beere (kitchen coordinator) will supervise.
6. Green Team Representative: Bill Finnerty will
represent the Trustees on the Wesley “Green
Team” to help with the energy audit.
7. Gym Floor and Stage Refinishing (Everhart):
The Trustees accepted the bid of Clarkson
Chemical Co. Inc. to refinish the gym floor and
stage. Cost: $8,148.00. Work will commence
some time after VBS has finished and Rally Day
has taken place. Melissa Everhart will coordinate the project.
8. Building Use/Cleanliness: The Trustees ask that
anyone who uses the church should “please pick
up, put stuff back, turn off lights” when done.
Also, please be sure to include a “clean-up
committee” when planning an event or project.
There is way too much clutter in the church.
Please help us maintain your building.
9. Power Washing (Beere): The exterior of the
church will be cleaned sometime in July.
10. Parsonage Inspection and Update (Wanda
Sheatler, Sue Dunn): An inspection of the
parsonage was completed, and items were
prioritized for repair. [a.] The porch needs to be
sealed particularly around the edges where the
water hits from the roof. [b.] Several boards on
the back deck are rotted and need replacing as
well as painting. Art Nissen will evaluate and get
bids for the work. [c.] Fire extinguishers need to
be updated ands inspected. Bill Finnerty will call
Susquehanna Fire to add these to the church
inspection schedule in June. [d.] Smoke
detectors need new batteries, and the parsonage
needs a new ladder (currently, the parsonage has
no ladders). Bill Finnerty will purchase the
ladder and replace the batteries. [e.] The radiator
valves in several rooms are leaking. Sue Dunn
will call Dent Plumbing to have all the valves
replaced or repacked. This has not been done in
ten years. [f.] Future Parsonage Projects: A
new kitchen stove is needed; wallpaper will be
removed and surfaces painted for easier
maintenance; bedroom #3
needs new carpet or the
floor refinished. Issues
with the second floor porch
will be addressed: painting,
caulking etc. The front
sidewalk needs to be
replaced, as well as
Not even approaching death could erase
Winston Churchill’s keen sense of humor.
Churchill planned his own funeral and filled
it with the promise of Easter. After the
benediction, he directed that a bugle high up
in the dome of Saint Paul’s Cathedral would
play “Taps.” Churchill then directed that
immediately after the playing of “Taps,” a
second bugler, also in the dome, would play “Reveille,”
a call to get up in the morning.
Wesley Tidings, page 5
Time Of Transition
Over the next couple of months, Wesley will be experiencing a time
of transition as it relates to the staffing of the congregation. As of
July 1, 2010, the positions of lay associate pastor and coordinator of youth
and adult ministries will officially end. These positions will be replaced by the
appointment of an associate pastor.
Eileen Chapman has served as Wesley’s lay associate pastor.
Though recently Eileen has been volunteering her time with Agape Center
and its ever-growing ministry in the community, she has continued to
participate on an as-needed basis as lay associate pastor. During her years in
this position, she has served the congregation well. She has provided great
leadership in worship and responded with pastoral care to numerous families
in need. Eileen has served very capably with leadership
roles within the congregation. She has been an inspiration
through her teaching in Sunday School and other small
groups. Eileen is thanked for her ministry among us, and
we pray God will continue to bless her in ministry.
Paul Chapman has served Wesley in the capacity of
coordinator of youth and adult ministries. Paul has been a
good and faithful servant of Jesus Christ in his ministry
among us. Many of you have come to know Paul and
have appreciated his willing spirit. Paul has touched many through his
leadership in small groups and through the United Methodist Youth
Fellowship. He has coordinated and, when not coordinating, has been a
powerful presence with numerous mission trips over the years (adult and
youth). When a need has arisen, Paul has responded. His present smile and his
servant heart will be greatly missed. Paul is thanked for his ministry and we
pray for Paul and Sandy and his family wherever God may lead them (Paul’s
last Sunday with us will be June 27).
Pastor Jane O’Borski has been appointed as Wesley’s associate
pastor. Jane is currently serving part-time as pastor of Stewart Memorial
United Methodist Church in Old Forge. She recently completed her master of
divinity degree from Drew Theological Seminary. Jane brings a wealth of
education and experience at her young age and will serve this congregation
well. Jane’s first Sunday with us will be July 4, 2010. Her official welcoming
and her first time preaching will be July 11. Please pray for Jane and her
present congregation in this time of transition.
Other Staffing News
With the recent resignations of Ann Beagle and
Sandy Cooper, a void was created for the position of
wedding hostess. After interviews were conducted for the
position, the Staff Parish Relations Committee
recommended the hiring of three hostesses from within our
congregation: Merrie Walter, Karen Treat, and Donna
Gillaspy. They will serve in this capacity on a rotating basis. Their
remuneration is cared for by each wedding party and does not affect our
yearly budget.
Please take a moment in time to thank Ann and Sandy for their
service. Also, please welcome Merrie, Karen, and Donna and pray for their
ministry among us.
Wesley Tidings, page 6
Adult Summer
Sunday School
Begins June 6
The summer season is just
about here, and that can only
mean that Summer Sunday School
will begin shortly, too. This
summer, for the adults, Pastor Jay
and Pastor Jane will share the
teaching chores along with some
other Wesley folks from time to
time. A twelve-week series on the
book Following Jesus: Steps To A
Passionate Faith, written by
Carolyn Slaughter, begins on
Sunday, June 6, in the social
room. This study teaches what it
means to follow Jesus with one’s
entire being — through prayers,
presence, gifts,
and service. You
won’t want to
miss being part
of this study with
Pastor Jay and
Pa s t or
J a ne.
Remember that
Summer Sunday
place at the usual 9:15 a.m. time
slot. Please plan to attend.
The word “laugh” appears
for the first time in the Bible in
Genesis 17: 17 when God informs
the 100-year-old Abraham that his
90-year-old wife, Sarah, will give
birth to a son. Both Abraham and
Sarah laughed heartily. God
commanded Abraham
to name his son “Isaac,”
which in Hebrew means
“God’s laugh.” After
she gave birth to Isaac,
Sarah exclaimed:
“God has given
me cause to
laugh’ all those
who hear it will
laugh with me.”
(Genesis 21: 6)
Green Team News
As Kermit the Frog once
said: “It’s not easy being green!” —
but the Wesley Green Team is
working diligently to continue its
e f f o r t s t o en c o u r a g e t h e
congregation’s awareness of ways
to save energy, resources, and our
planet earth — both at home and in
and around the Wesley Church building.
The Green Team met in April and shared updates
and information gathered since the last meeting. An
energy audit is being considered for Wesley Church in an
effort to meet cost-effective and energy-efficient goals. In
addition, Chairperson Fred Ogden will discuss cost
rebates with representatives from PPL Electric Utilities.
Green Team members are encouraging a greater
focus on recycling and, in addition to some church’s
recyclables being taken directly to the Bloomsburg
Recycling Center, collection containers are now being
placed at the curb on a regular basis. The Bloomsburg
Recycling Center provides literature providing guidelines
for recycling in the town, and all members of the church
are asked to strive to recycle as much as possible.
The Wesley congregation will get to see some of
the Green Team members in action on Sunday, June 20.
The Green Team will present a short skit to
announce Wesley’s slogan and contest to
create an accompanying logo. Since
June 20 is also Father’s Day, the
team is working on a special
surprise to be announced to the
fathers worshiping at Wesley
that Sunday! It will be a
service you won’t want to
In addition to the
aforementioned work of the Green Team, it was
decided to become more visible with Wesley’s green
efforts. Posters will be created and posted at various
locations throughout the church. These will be to
provide information regarding the church’s efforts and
to offer information for homes, gardens, vacations, etc.
The team will also publish a “green tip” each Sunday as
part of the worship folder, and a monthly “green tip”
column will be written for Wesley Tidings.
For more information regarding
Wesley’s green efforts — or to offer
suggestions — feel free to contact any of
the following Green Team members:
Tracy Beere, Sue Frederick, Susan Hill,
Pastor Jay Jones, Bill Laudermilch, Fred
Ogden, Eileen Thomas, or Beverly
Green Team Garden Tips
Spring is here, and summer is coming! With
those thoughts in mind, the Wesley Green Team would
like to offer some tips for your garden during the
upcoming warm-weather months.
Mulch around your trees to save water and cut
down on weeds.
Mulch is a thin layer of organic (ground bark,
compost, saw dust, grass clippings and leaf
mold) or inorganic (shredded tires and the like)
material placed on soil. It cools the earth below
and holds in moisture, decreasing the amount of
watering you have to do (typically by hundreds
of gallons a year). Mulches help protect tree
roots, and the organic varieties provide valuable
fertilizer as they break down over time.
Mulches cut down on the number of weeds that
can compete with your trees, meaning you don’t
have to use chemical controls. The few weeds
that do sprout can be pulled easier from mulch
than from surrounding soil.
Gardening experts recommend spreading mulch
at least three to four inches thick around trees,
but make sure it is spaced several inches away
from the trunks, to discourage rodents and rot.
Replenish mulches annually as needed.
Neat white vinegar is good as an earth-
friendly broad leaf weed killer. Vinegar is
most effective when used in a targeted way
on a sunny day. Lemon juice can also be
highly effective in killing weeds of all
kinds, and it will break down very
Plant an edible garden, even if just
in a few pots, to reconnect with nature,
provide fresh, healthy food and attract beneficial
insects. To get started, first consider a one-to-one
substitution. For instance, plant a fruit tree
instead of a shade tree, a berry-bearing shrub for
an ornamental one, and hot pepper plants for
Or keep it simple by growing your own tomatoes
and herbs in pots on your patio. In choosing what
to plant, remember that many fruit and vegetable
plantings do best where they receive at least six
hours of full sunlight a day. And if you want to
install a full garden, think organics.
Place a rain barrel or other collection
container under the edge of the gutter on your
home where rain runoff exits to the ground.
Rainwater can be used to water grass and
plants in your yard — or in your home.
Wesley Tidings, page 7
The Wesley Mission Corner
Reaching Out To Others
By Sue Frederick, Mission Team Chairperson
questions. This is the passion
Have you ever had one of those times in
that I feel from Wesley. This
your life when you knew you needed to do
is the energy that keeps me excited — that keeps
something but you just could not make yourself do
me involved and wanting more.
it? For me writing this newsletter article was one
of those times when I just couldn’t decide what I
Mission work is not something that I, or
wanted to say and, thus, kept putting it off.
anyone else, can do alone. It isn’t something only a
Finally, I decided to start with the grass roots.
few people on a committee can do. We are all
The dictionary has several definitions for
missionaries and emissaries for Christ. We may not
the word “mission.” I chose the two that I feel best
be serving in another country, but our work has
describes what we at Wesley are doing. Mission is
validity, it is important. Wesley needs a larger
a noun that means “a special task given to a person
group of people to work with missions and to help
or group to carry off.” This seemed to fit. We are
on the Mission Team. This invitation is to anyone
asked by the Conference to provide items for all
in the congregation who wants to help. The next
sorts of kits: health, layette, flood buckets, etc.
Mission Team meeting takes place at 7 p.m. on
We were asked by the Columbia County Fair
Tuesday, June 1. Please prayerfully consider
Board to gather materials and create hygiene kits
joining the team in doing God’s work. If
for the fair workers. The Bloomsburg
you have questions or want to discuss
Food Cupboard encourages us to collect
missions, call me at 387.0402.
Join the
all sorts of food and hygiene items for
Mission projects that the entire
distribution at the Winona Fire Hall
Wesley family can get involved in happen
location. When I think about all of these
every month. In March, the congregation
different tasks, I feel that we at Wesley
was asked to donate toilet paper. There
are meeting the definition of missions.
was a mountain stacked in the front of the
Somehow, though, this wasn’t
sanctuary, and every week the mountain
June 1
enough. Mission work, by the above
got higher. Malinda and Burt Price helped
definition, is kind of like saying, “Blah,
7 p.m.
count and move the toilet paper to The
blah, blah, blah, blah,” in a conversation. Come along! Food Cupboard. The back of Burt’s truck
Mission work to me has to have more fire
was filled with the overflow going in my
and passion. So, I continued looking at
van. A total of 1,188 rolls were collected.
definitions and found what I truly thinks fits us at
Since approximately 300 families are serviced each
Wesley, Bloomsburg. Missions is “a calling, an
week at The Food Cupboard, it was a distinct
objective or task that somebody believes it is his
honor to distribute four rolls of toilet paper to each
or her duty to carry out or to which he or she
family unit (three the first week and one the
attaches special importance and devotes special
following week when we were sure everyone had
energy.” I think it takes both of these objectives to
received some). The clients were very appreciative,
carry out mission work. One needs to feel for
since this is not something we give out on a regular
those who benefit from our giving. I think we feel
basis. Go, Team Wesley!
compassion, pain, understanding, blessed, sad and
During the month of May, we have been
many more feelings. This is what I believe God
collecting pork and beans and soup of any kind.
wants us to feel. In the Bible we are reminded
These items are considered “heat and eat” —
“That which you do for the least of mine, you do
meaning persons can open the can, heat it and then
for me.” Watching television and seeing the
eat it. Many Food Cupboard clients are unable to
aftermath of earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis,
follow simple recipes but can open, heat, and eat
floods, fire and other natural disasters, as
items and get a decent meal. The goal for the May
Christians, we feel many of these emotions.
collection is at least 500 cans of these items.
Sometimes I think the congregation probably
For the month of June, the special
cringes when you see me in the front of the
collection emphasis will be canned creamed corn
church. “Oh no, what does she want now?” Then I
and boxes of pasta. Creamed corn is a favorite of
tell you a story, or explain what we have been
many clients and is easy to fix and eat and is used
asked to do and, before I know it, bags are
as a meal by some people. Any kind of boxed pasta
appearing at the donation station, or people are
is great.
calling and offering to help, suggestions, or asking
Wesley Tidings, page 8
The Wesley Mission Corner, continued
Potato Patch News
For the month of July, boxed cereal will be the
focus of our special collection. Bags of cereal are
welcome, too.
In August, cans of tuna and spaghetti sauce will
be requested. Please do not purchase items in glass jars.
Breakage in stacking and carrying is an issue (check any
of the dollar stores for canned sauces).
During the season of Lent, church services were
held every Sunday evening at a different church in the
Bloomsburg/Catawissa Cluster. One Health Kit item was
collected each week. After Easter, faithful volunteers
assembled the items into kits. This effort yielded 106
Health Kits which were delivered to Mission Central.
During Wesley’s April trip to Mission Central,
Louise Eister and I had a lesson on how to put together
Layette Kits. To date, six kits have been put together
with items collected at Wesley. Special thanks to Judy
Neufer who has knitted two beautiful sweaters for the
layettes, and others are knitting, as well. Some items
needed to complete kits already started are: 9 footed
sleepers or sleep gowns (these should be cotton not
fleece); 7 packs of cloth diapers with 12 diapers in a
pack (6 diapers go in each layette kit); 2 sweaters or
sweatshirts. Please note that UMCOR requires all items
be brand new and articles of clothing must be no larger
than 12 months. Layette kits are an ongoing need and, as
long as items are put in the Donation Station, we’ll keep
putting the kits together.
Something that everyone has — or gets — is
greeting cards. Mission Central uses the front section of
cards to cut out the pictures, glue them on construction
paper and make other kinds of cards from them. This is
another of the items that is an ongoing need, so cut or rip
apart your greeting cards when you are finished with
them, and put the fronts in the Donation Station for
delivery to Mission Central.
Please know that as I write this, I am still in the
process of trying to connect with a group or leader to do
a mission trip to one of the areas recently affected by
floods and tornadoes. Currently, only medical teams and
groups that already had established relationships with
groups in Haiti are being allowed to go into Haiti, but I
have put Wesley on a waiting list with UMCOR. Details
will be announced as soon as they become known.
By Farmer Fred Ogden
It’s time to cultivate and hill the
potatoes which were planted earlier this
spring at the Chapman potato patch. Would
all persons who might be interested in this
project please come and help on Saturday,
June 5, beginning at 8:30 in the
morning. Don’t forget to bring
gloves, and wear old clothes. For additional details, do
not hesitate to contact me at 784.3852.
Join in this celebration
as AGAPE marks one year of service
to the community.
AGAPE needs:
your prayers, your food,
your help, your laughter,
and most of all — your fellowship.
To offer your help with any of the activities
planned for the day — or for additional
information, contact Kimberly at
Reminder: The Bloomsburg Food Cupboard accepts donations of fresh garden
produce. If you plant a garden and have a few extra items, know that they will
be gladly appreciated at The Food Cupboard. Produce can be brought to the
church, dropped off at The Food Cupboard on Tuesdays between the hours of
10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., or call Sue Frederick, at 387.0402.
Wesley Tidings, page 9
UMW Activities
By Kathy Finnerty, UMW President
UMW Picnic
at Town Park
Thursday, June 10
12 Noon
The members of the Wesley United
Methodist Women invite you to attend their yearend covered dish picnic. Kimberly Nearhoof
O’Malley will present a program on “AGAPE —
Love From Above to our Community.” This annual
get-together provides the opportunity to taste some
great food while visiting with friends. Devotions
will be led by Nancy Coy, and Mary Staley and
Elaine Hartman will serve as hostesses. All who
attend should bring their favorite covered dish and a
place setting. Beverages will be provided. In case of
inclement weather, the picnic will be held in the
church’s social room. All are invited — bring a
friend, too, for this fun gathering.
Silent Auction for Quilt
The Wesley Quilters announce a silent auction
for the quilt hanging from the Market Street balcony.
T h i s single quilt and matching pillow sham would
make a lovely gift for a young
woman going off to college! The
nine-patch quilt was designed and
the fabric donated by Malinda Price,
and then the quilt patches were sewn
by machine and hand-quilted by the
Wesley Quilters. Please consider making
a bid on this quilt. Proceeds from the sale will be
donated to local mission groups.
Bid slips and a locked bid box can be found on
the desk in the Third Street narthex. Complete a bid slip
with your name, telephone number, and amount you
wish to submit for the silent auction process, and deposit
the slip in the bid box. The deadline to make a bid is
Sunday, July 4.
If instead of a gem,
or even a flower,
we would cast the fit of a loving thought
into the heart of a friend,
that would be giving as the angels give.
~ George MacDonald
Wesley Tidings, page 10
Watch for registration information in
future issues of Wesley Tidings
and in the Sunday worship folder.
Children’s Summer Sunday
School Begins June 6
By Kelly Cope, Coordinator of Children’s Ministries
The children's Sunday
School department is gearing up
for another exciting summer of
fun and learning. All children,
from kindergarten through
Grade 5, will be in one room
(look for the opened area in the
educational wing). After an
opening praise song, followed by
a story time, the children will freely visit and complete a
task at each station of art, games, outreach, and quiet.
Parents should please note that preschoolers will start in
that room but will go to the preschool room after the
combined opening.
The children will also have the opportunity to
earn Bible Bucks. They can earn these Bible Bucks by
finishing questions in a “Bible Detective” packet — and
by completing the tasks at each station. Children will save
the Bible Bucks throughout the summer and will be able
to cash them in at the “store” during the month of
Wesley Church is ready to launch another
summer of “Wacky Wednesday” events that make every
Wednesday during the month of July seem like a day of
celebration. Wacky Wednesdays include activities that
are especially geared towards children and their families.
Parents, take a look at the list below, and sign up your family for
as many as possible.
July 7, 2010, 10 a.m.: Tee-To-Green (
Those who enjoy miniature golf should meet at Tee-to-Green at 10 a.m. The cost for this event will be
covered by Wesley. If you wish to stay afterwards to hit a few balls on the driving range, you may do so.
However, that cost will be up to each individual (bucket of 30: $4.25, 45: $6.25, 75: $8.25, and 100: $10.25).
July 14, 2010, 1 p.m.: Joseph at Sight & Sound, Strasburg PA (
The story of Joseph has been one of the most popular in the Bible. Join the Wacky Wednesday group for a look
at the presentation at Sight and Sound. Wesley’s seats are in Section 102; these are really good seats. The cost
to those who attend is: adults: $27; teens (age 13 - 18): $14; children (ages 3 - 12): $8; children under 3 are free
but will be sitting on the lap of an individual. Please note that the cost of any souvenirs or snacks will be on an
individual basis. Tickets for this trip are going fast, so please contact Kelly as soon as possible if you are
interested. Ticket adjustments can be made up to June 23. Departure time will be announced at a later date.
July 21, 2010, 10:30 a.m.: Claws N Paws in Lake Ariel, PA (
Claws N Paws in Lake Ariel, PA, is a beautiful wildlife park that has been around for generations. Wacky
Wednesday folks will enjoy a tour beginning at 10:30 a.m.; departure and return times will be announced prior
to the trip. Wesley pays the cost of admittance. Please note that you should bring a bag lunch or plan to
purchase some food items at the park.
July 28, 2010, 10 a.m.: T & D’s Cats of the World, Penns Creek, PA (
T & D’s Cats of the World is an animal rescue that provides a permanent home for over 200 animals such as
lions, tigers, cougars, leopards, and more. An educational tour for Wacky Wednesday participants will begin at
10 a.m. and will last for approximately an hour and a half. Lunch will be at the responsibility of each
individual. There are picnic tables for our use. Please bring donations for the facility. Take a look at the wish
list on their website There you will find basic items such as paper
towels, hand sanitizer, towels, etc.
To sign up for Wacky Wednesday events, talk to Kelly Cope,
go to,
or look for the registration sheets
on the desk in the Third Street narthex of the church.
Wesley Tidings, page 11
June Greeters/10:30 a.m.
June 6, Youth/Graduate Sunday
Wendy Criqui ~ Third Street
Jean and Elmer Robinson ~ Market Street
Kim McCreary ~ Murray Avenue
Wesley Facts and Figures . . . and other things!
June 13, The Third Sunday After Pentecost
Gail Menapace ~ Third Street
Joe Darlington ~ Market Street
Becky Garrison ~ Murray Avenue
June 20, The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost/Father’s Day
Cynthia Willis ~ Third Street
Louise and Myron Eister ~ Market Street
Janice Foust ~ Murray Avenue
LAMs June Birthdays
Audrey Magee ~ June 14
270 Ridgecrest Circle, Apt. 307/309
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Beverly Cromley ~ June 18
117 Colonial Avenue
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Myron Eister ~ June 20
50 Eister Loop
Danville, PA 17821
June 27, The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Janet Lee ~ Third Street
Karen and Dan Thrasher ~ Market Street
Nancy Swisher ~ Murray Avenue
June Acolytes
June Ushers/10:30 a.m.
Suzy Sumner, head usher
Brad Gensemer ~ Diane Gensemer
James Huff ~ Jeremy Martz
Beth Mauk ~ Tim Mauk
Janet Parker ~ Opal Strausser
June Greeters/Ushers/8 a.m.
June 6 ~ Sue and Rod Keller
June 13 ~ Jackie Starr and Diane Van Horn
June 20 and June 27 8 a.m. greeters and ushers
to be announced.
June Altar Guild
Janet Burket and Shirley Cunningham
Peace . . .
The sea was beating against the rocks in huge,
dashing waves. The lightning was flashing, the thunder
was roaring, the wind was blowing; but the little
bird was asleep in the crevice of the rock, its
head serenely under its wing, sound asleep.
That is peace — to be able to sleep in the storm!
In Christ, we are relaxed and at peace in the
midst of the confusions, bewilderments, and
perplexities of this life. The storm rages, but our
hearts are at rest. We have found peace — at
~ Billy Graham
Wesley Tidings, page 12
June 6:
Hanna Everhart, 8 a.m.
Elizabeth Bodenman
June 13:
Audrey Kovach, 8 a.m.
Amelia Davis, 10:30 a.m.
June 20:
Kalina Nissen, 8 a.m.
Nathan Reibsome, 10:30 a.m.
June 27:
Bryan Halye, 8 a.m.
Alexis Long, 10:30 a.m.
Deadlines To Remember
The deadline to submit
information to be included
in the Sunday worship folder
is 9 a.m.
on the Tuesday
prior to the
corresponding Sunday.
The deadline for the July issue of
Wesley Tidings
is Friday, July 11.
Information can be sent to
or bring to the church office.
Wesley’s Financial Report ~ To The End Of April
Envelopes/Loose Plate
Special Offerings
Sunday School
Interest and Other
To Date
Budget Needs
To Date
Expenses To
Anticipated To
Date Expense
Staff Compensation
$ 114,636.00
Annual Conference
Church Program
Church Office
Church Property
June Nursery Volunteers
June 6:
Connie and John Kocher ~ Combined, 8 a.m.
Teresa Bucher ~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
The Krum Family and Monica and Chris Long
~ Toddler/Pre-School, 10:30 a.m.
June 13:
Stacie Mitchell ~ Combined, 8 a.m.
Beverly Wintersteen ~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Marg Laytar and Evan Davis
~ Toddler/Pre-School, 10:30 a.m.
June 20:
Missy and Terry Everhart ~ Combined, 8 a.m.
Letha and Bethany Stone ~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Kathy Heddens and Diana Sheatler
~ Toddler/Pre-School, 10:30 a.m.
June 27:
Connie and John Kocher~ Combined, 8 a.m.
Kara and Eric Hawrelak ~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Judy Snyder and Elizabeth Bodenman
~ Toddler/Pre-School, 10:30 a.m.
Open Protestant
Bloom Health
Care Center
Thursday, June 17
2:30 p.m.
All are welcome to
join the residents for
this time of worship
Looking Ahead . . .
Independence Day, the Fourth of July,
Declaration Day — call it whatever name you want, just
plan to worship at Wesley Church on Sunday, July 4,
before heading out to take part in the festivities of the
day. Over two hundred years ago, the Founding Fathers
of these great United States adopted the Declaration of
Independence wherein the US declared its independence
from Great Britain. On Sunday, July 4, 2010, Wesley
Church will mark a special day in its history by
welcoming Associate Pastor Jane O’Borski to her first
worship service with her new church family. The
following Sunday, July 11, Pastor Jane will
preach her first sermon from the
Wesley pulpit. You will want to be
sure to be in worship so that you can
meet and greet Pastor Jane.
August will bring Vacation Bible
School featuring this year’s theme:
“High Seas Expedition: Exploring The Mighty
Love of God.” Always one of the most looked-forwardto events of the summer, this year’s VBS program will
take place Sunday, August 8 - Thursday, August 12. All
the children of Wesley, along with all those in the
community, are invited to attend this week of fun and
learning. Adults and older youth who might like to
volunteer their time to help at VBS should talk to Kelly
Cope or contact her at the church office (784.1407).
Wesley Tidings, page 13
Thank You Thoughts
Special thanks to all those who contributed to the success of the Crusaders spring rummage
sale. Your support through donations and purchases is greatly appreciated. Without your help, the
sales would not be nearly as successful. A sincere thank you is extended on behalf of each member of the class.
Dear Wesley Members and Friends:
We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the lap robes given to us from the quilters. We will be unable to
show all the feelings for the lovely flowers. Everyone has been so great to us with cards and food at different times. God
has blessed us with our church family.
Harold and Janet Parker
Dear Wesley Friends:
Words cannot fully express my appreciation for the many cards, visits, and telephone calls of concern following
my recent surgery. All brought much cheer to my days of recuperation. Please accept a very grateful thank you for the
blessings you brought to me then and continue to bring to me on a daily basis.
With Christian Love,
Eileen Thomas
Special Thanks To Wesley Secret Pals
By Jane and Brian Bercher, Secret Pal Coordinators
A very big “thank you” to all the members who participated in the Wesley on Campus
Secret Pals Program this past school year. “Secret Pals” sent notes, cards, gifts, and other
remembrances throughout the year to a designated college student — most of them away from
home. The following are the college students (listed first) and the secret pals (listed after the
students name) who kept in contact with them this school year:
Todd Harder (Penn State University) ~ Todd and Laura Davis and Family
James Shaw (Saint Francis University) ~ Lisa Mitchell
Brittany Reibsome (Bloomsburg University) ~ Wendy Criqui
Sean Kopitsky (Daniel Webster College) ~ Becky and Audrey Kovach
Patrick Dorian (Cornell University) ~ Laura Powell
Kevin Mitchell (Bloomsburg University) ~ The Drumheller Family
Joshua Powell (Bowling Green State University) ~ Janet Bodenman
Aaron Drumheller (Clarkson University) ~ Sue Frederick
Steve Bercher (Bloomsburg University) ~ Linda Benson
Rob Moyer (University of Pittsburgh) ~ Ginny Herring
Sarah Wagner (Indiana University) ~ Glenda Kowalski
Jody Worthington (Shippensburg University) ~ Susan Dorion
Jocelyn Wright (Atlanta Ballet) ~ Mike and Delle Moyer
Kevin Consentino (Lock Haven University) ~ Corey Kreischer
Vanessa Reed (Pennsylvania College of Technology) ~ Alicia Bercher
Wesley Tidings, page 14
Reverend Jay E. Jones
Minister of Music:
Patricia W. Gensemer
Administrative Assistant:
Eileen D. Thomas
The Staff at Wesley Church
Coordinator of Youth/Adults:
Paul Chapman
Coordinator of Children/Technology:
Kelly J. Cope
Lay Associate Pastor:
Eileen Chapman
Lay Minister of Visitation:
Lisa A. Mitchell
Financial Secretary:
Diane E. Van Horn
Children’s Choir Directors:
Jane and Brian Bercher
Choir Accompanist:
Mondo Bowman
William Laudermilch
To make a reservation, please contact Allison and Phil
Burrell (387.1122 or — or use this
form to sign-up. Completed forms may be placed in the
offering plate or dropped off at the church office.
Kitchen Coordinator:
Tracy Beere
Name: ___________________________________________
Wedding Hostesses:
Donna Gillaspy
Karen Treat
Merrie Walter
Number of adult Bargain Night tickets needed: ________
Number of people attending: ________________________
Number of child (under 48”) Bargain Night tickets
needed: _________
Dreams . . .
We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the
red fire of a long winter’s evening. Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them; nurse
them through bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope
that their dreams will come true.
~ Woodrow Wilson
Wesley Tidings, page 15
Wesley United Methodist Church
130 West Third Street
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 17815-1709
Nonprofit Organization
Permit No. 2
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
O Lord,
Give us more charity,
more self-denial,
This newsletter sent with a prayer for . . .
more likeness to you.
Teach us to sacrifice our comforts to others
and our likings
for the sake of doing good.
Make us kindly in thought,
gentle in word,
generous in deed.
Teach us that it is better to give
than to receive,
better to forget ourselves than to put ourselves forward,
better to minister than to be ministered unto.
And to You, the God of Love,
be all glory and praise, now and for ever. Amen.
(This month’s prayer by Henry Alford.)
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania ~
The Mission of Wesley Church is to:
KNOW Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
GROW in faith through worship, prayer, and study.
GO . . . in service to Christ and His world.
The Purpose of Wesley Church is to create disciples who serve Jesus Christ.
Sunday Worship at Wesley
8 a.m. ~ Early Worship and 10:30 a.m. ~ Worship and Praise Celebration
9:15 a.m. ~ Sunday School ~ Classes for all ages.
Nurseries available during worship and Sunday School times.
The Wesley Church Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 5 p.m.
Telephone: 570.784.1407 . . . . . . Fax: 570.784.7937
May 2010
The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of trouble; He protects those who take refuge in Him; even in a rushing flood. Nahum 1: 7
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
1:30 Bicentennial Choir
2:00 Piano Recital
7:00 Starlight
1:00 Wesley Quilters
4:00 Children’s & Carol
Choir Rehearsal
6:30 Wesley Softball
vs. First Baptist
Executive Com
Wesley Staff Meeting
Girl Scouts # 2422
Church Council
10:00 OTRA
7:15 Sanctuary Choir
8:15 Men’s Bible Study
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
First English Baptist
8:15 Men’s Bible Study
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Heather/Sam Bang
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
7:00 Starlight
11:00 Life Touch Directories
1:00 Olan Mills Directories
1:00 Wesley Quilters
4:00 Children’s & Carol
Choir Rehearsal
4:15 VBS Planning
6:30 Wesley Softball
vs Bloom Christian
7:00 Scholarship Comm.
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
1:30 Bicentennial Choir
3:00 Chris Criqui Eagle
Scout Award
6:00 UMYF
7:00 Starlight
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
1:30 Bicentennial Choir
6:00 UMYF
7:00 Starlight
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
1:30 Bicentennial Choir
1:00 Wesley Quilters
4:00 Children’s & Carol
Choir Rehearsal
6:30 Wesley Softball
vs. Grove Presby
7:00 Board of Trustees
1:00 UMW Meeting
1:00 Prayer Shawls
6:00 Wesley Staff
7:00 Men of Wesley
8:00 Life Line Screening
10:00 Crusaders
at Muffin Man
1:00 Wesley Quilters
6:30 Wesley Softball
vs. Saint Matthew
Church Office Closed
6:00 Mensch/
Wedding Rehearsal
8:15 Men’s Bible Study
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Wesley Good
1:00 Colette Mensch/
Shaun Wintersteen
8:00 Mission Central
7:00 Worship Team
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Christ The King
2:30 Open Protestant
Holy Communion
at Bloom Health
Care Center
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Shiloh Bible Church
Mend your ways, heed my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. II Corinthians 13: 11
June 2010
12:00 UMW Ex Board
7:00 Ministry Teams
Red Items = noteworthy events
Blue items = events located
outside the church
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
11:30 Reception
6:00 Starlight Picnic
7:00 Bicentennial
Choir Concert
8:30 Men of Wesley
Ice Cream Social
1:00 Wesley Quilters
6:30 Wesley Softball vs.
Stillwater Christian
at Stillwater Ch Camp
7:00 Finance/Stewardship
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship/Baptism
Sign Dedication
7:00 Starlight
1:00 Wesley Quilters
6:30 Wesley Softball vs.
Ebenezer at
Jerseytown Com Ct
7:00 Staff Parish Relations
1:00 Wesley Quilters
7:00 Safe Sanctuaries
7:00 Men of Wesley
8:15 Men’s Bible Study
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Bloom Southern
Baptist Church
3:00 Elisha Keefer/
James Cozine
8:00 WCT Event
2:30 Open Protestant
Holy Communion
at Bloom Health
Care Center
8:30 Potato Patch
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
7:00 Bicentennial
Choir Concert
8:30 Men of Wesley
Ice Cream Social
Central PA
Annual Conference
Messiah College
June 4 - 5, 2010
12:00 UMW Picnic
at Town Park
(rain location:
Wesley social
1:00 Wesley Quilters
6:30 Wesley Softball vs.
First Presbyterian at
Jerseytown Com Ct
7:00 Board of Trustees
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
1:00 Prayer Shawls
8:00 Starlight Worship
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Starlight Worship
7:00 Bicentennial Choir
Dress Rehearsal
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
North Central
Secure Treatment
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Saint Columba
“Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” 1 Corinthians 4: 2
As caring Christians, we are committed to protect and advocate for children, youth and vulnerable adults
participating in the life of the church AND all adults (paid staff and volunteers) who work with them. In the
context of its ministries, Wesley United Methodist Church (Wesley UMC) is entrusted to provide a safe,
spiritually-grounded and healthy environment for children, youth and vulnerable adults. This policy and
accompanying procedures has been established for the purpose of demonstrating our total and unwavering
commitment to this end.
Covenant Statement
Wesley UMC hereby pledges to conduct the ministry of Jesus Christ in ways that address the physical and
emotional safety and spiritual growth of all of our children, youth and vulnerable adults as well as all of our
workers with children, youth and vulnerable adults. We will follow reasonable safety measures when selecting
and recruiting workers and volunteers. We will train our paid staff and volunteers who work with children,
youth and vulnerable adults on our policies and procedures. We will have a clearly defined procedure for
reporting a suspected incident of abuse consistent with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Theological Reflection
We adopt this policy in accordance with the statement that we as a congregation make at each Baptism: that we
will “nurture children and youth in the Christian faith and life and include them in our care.” With this policy,
we renew our Baptismal pledge to “live according to the example of Christ” and surround children and youth
with a “community of love and forgiveness that they may grow in their trust of God, and be thus confirmed and
strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.” (Baptismal Covenant II, UM Book of Worship, p. 96)
• Volunteers: unpaid persons serving in ministry with children, youth and vulnerable adults
• Children: persons from birth through fifth grade
• Nursery: limited to birth through age 5 (or pre-K)
• Youth: persons from sixth grade through age 17
• Adults: persons a minimum of age 18
• Paid Staff: personnel on the payroll of Wesley UMC
• Parent: parent or legal guardian
• Certified: paid staff or volunteers who have been trained and approved to be leaders of children, youth
and vulnerable adult programs
• Uncertified: volunteers, parents and/or older youth who have not been trained or approved as leaders of
children, youth and vulnerable adult programs
• Vulnerable Adult: anyone age 18 and over who is in need of community services because he/she is
unable to take care of him/herself; is unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or
exploitation; or may have learning disability, mental illness, physical disability, visual and hearing
impairment, HIV/AIDS, or advanced age
• Unrelated Adult Leaders: leaders who are not members of each other’s immediate family
• Approved Adult Leader: leader coming from a non-church related group using Wesley’s facility
• Organized Activity: event formally organized by the church
SSP May 4, 2010
Steps for Certification
The following steps are required for certification:
For paid staff/volunteers who have been serving for an extensive period of time at Wesley UMC
• Must have completed up-to-date clearances for criminal record check through PA State Police AND
child abuse history through PA Department of Welfare; clearances must be updated every five years
and/or when an individual changes county of residence (App. A & B)
• Must have attended a Safe Sanctuaries training event, at the Annual Conference level OR led by
someone in the local church; training will be offered on a regular basis by the local church
• Must have signed and dated a copy of the Verification Form, indicating that applicant has read and
understands policy and has had an opportunity to ask any questions about policy (App. C)
For new paid staff/volunteers
• Must be actively involved in the life of the church for at least six months prior to applying to work with
children, youth or vulnerable adults; exceptions to this will be for paid staff hired to work directly with
Children and/or Youth ministries
• Must complete an application form including personal references from three un-related adults who could
speak to applicant’s ability to work with children, youth or vulnerable adults (App. D)
• Must be willing to interview with the pastor and another currently-active adult volunteer or paid staff
person upon request by Safe Sanctuaries Committee
• Must have completed up-to-date clearances for criminal record check through PA State Police AND
child abuse history through PA Department of Welfare; clearances must be updated every five years
and/or when an individual changes county of residence (App. A & B)
• Must have attended a Safe Sanctuaries training event, at the Annual Conference level OR lead by
someone in the local church; training will be offered on a regular basis by the local church
• Must have signed and dated a copy of the Verification Form, indicating that applicant has read and
understands policy and has had an opportunity to ask any questions about policy (App. C)
Confidential Filing
All information (clearances, applications, personal references, etc.) will be kept on file at the Wesley Church
office. All information will be confidential, with access limited to current pastor, Chair of Safe Sanctuaries
Committee and/or other staff working directly with children, youth, or vulnerable adults.
Overall Safety Guidelines
1. Whenever possible, a minimum of two unrelated certified adults will be present at all times working
with children, youth and vulnerable adults. (When NOT possible, see role of “roamer”.) Teams of two
related adults are valued within the programs of Wesley UMC. However, it is recommended that another
certified or uncertified adult be present in these situations. Uncertified adults or older youth are welcome
to assist or observe, but not provide sole leadership. Outside of counseling performed by any of our paid
staff, on occasions where one-on-one interactions are necessary OR where one adult is supervising
multiple children, youth or vulnerable adults in a separate activity, care should be given to be within
sight of another unrelated adult. If at all possible, an adult should never be alone AND out of sight with
one child, youth or vulnerable adult.
2. In situations where an escort is needed for a trip to the restroom, a volunteer will stand outside the
restroom and only assist the child, youth or vulnerable adult if needed. Whenever a volunteer is in the
restroom with the child, youth or vulnerable adult, the door should remain open. The volunteer should
never be in a closed-door situation with a child, youth or vulnerable adult. If a child, youth or vulnerable
adult soils themselves during an event, every effort will be made to locate a parent/guardian. If a parent/
guardian is unable to be located, two volunteers will be present while cleaning up the child, youth or
vulnerable adults. Parent/guardian will be notified if assistance was necessary. (Volunteer may also fill
out an incident report.)
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3. All certified adult worker with children and youth should be at least five years older than the oldest child
in the group.
4. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to provide direct and sole leadership of events for children,
youth and vulnerable adults. Wesley UMC values the presence of youth volunteers. Youth volunteers
may assist where there is less than a five-year age difference, and may serve as a third person in the
room after a two unrelated certified adult requirement has been fulfilled.
5. Whenever possible, every room specifically designated for any organized activities involving children,
youth and vulnerable adults should have a door with a window in it OR a half-door. “Windowless”
doors should be kept open during organized activities.
6. “Roamers” may be used when necessary. A designated roamer will be present and visible during the
worship and Sunday School hours to look into rooms where any organized activities occur, particularly
when any of the above-listed guidelines are not possible.
Outside use of Wesley Church
For other organizations/groups using Wesley UMC’s facilities for children, youth or vulnerable adults activities
(Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, basketball teams, etc.): Any group wishing to use the Wesley UMC facilities for any
activity involving children, youth and vulnerable adults must have an already-existing policy in place for Safe
Sanctuaries (and be willing to share that with the Safe Sanctuaries Committee and/or the staff at Wesley Church)
OR be willing to follow the Wesley Church policy. Any exceptions to the policy must be negotiated ahead of
time with the Safe Sanctuaries Committee or staff at Wesley Church.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School requires numerous volunteers for just one week out of the year. Great effort will be given
to involve as many certified leaders as possible, spreading these leaders out so that two are in each class or
grouping. In addition, a one-time orientation or training for VBS helpers will be provided prior to the week of
VBS. As a part of this, a segment will be devoted to Safe Sanctuaries overall safety guidelines.
Overnight Policies
• All adults spending the night as chaperones must be certified by the Safe Sanctuaries Committee.
• The suggested adult/child ratio: one adult per every five children, youth and vulnerable adult; if a trip
involves both genders, a male and female certified adult must be present.
• Each participating child, youth or vulnerable adult must have a submitted consent form signed by a
parent/guardian prior to the overnight WITH an accompanying Medical Release form (App. E).
• If the overnight is a “sleepover,” boys and girls will reside in separate rooms with appropriate number of
adult chaperones and at least two unrelated adults in each room.
• If the overnight is in a motel, lodge or some other facility, adults will share rooms with adults only;
children, youth and vulnerable adults will share rooms with children, youth and vulnerable adults only.
• All overnight functions (hosted or sponsored by the church) must be cleared by the Safe Sanctuaries
Committee and shared with the Church Council.
• Any exceptions to the above must be approved by the Safe Sanctuaries Committee and reported to the
Church Council.
Transportation Policies
• All drivers of the church van must have a driver’s license check and approval from the Safe Sanctuaries
Committee and/or the Church Council.
• No drivers under the age of 21 will be used to transport children, youth or vulnerable adults, with the
exception of an older sibling, if necessary; any driver age 21 or older would still fall under the five-year
age span policy (with the exception of transporting vulnerable adults).
• All drivers of unrelated children, youth and vulnerable adults must have proper credentials in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania AND meet minimum state automobile insurance requirements.
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For “out of town” trips, all passengers of vehicles driven by unrelated adults must have submitted a
consent form signed by a parent/guardian WITH an accompanying Medical Release form.
All passengers should have a seat belt or proper restraint and the use of them should always be enforced.
Where possible when multiple vehicles will be utilized, travel in a caravan.
There should be adequate space for all passengers and for all luggage and equipment.
If possible, all drivers should have access to a cell phone or some other way to communicate in the event
of an emergency.
Any exceptions to the above will be negotiated with the adult leaders of the event and/or The Safe
Sanctuaries Committee.
Reporting Procedures
• Upon receiving information of suspected abuse, the first step will be to ensure the protection of and tend
to the immediate needs of the abused, as the situation requires.
• Upon receiving information of suspected abuse, the certified adult will IMMEDIATELY contact the
Lead Pastor (or other assigned staff member in the lead pastor’s absence). The only exception to this is
when an allegation is made against the Lead Pastor. In this instance, the certified adult will
IMMEDIATELY contact the current Staff/Parish Relations Committee Chairperson.
• The volunteer/paid staff observing/receiving disclosure of alleged sexual/physical abuse will utilize
(App. F) to document the alleged event. Then the volunteer/paid staff observing/receiving the
information will contact the Senior Pastor (or other assigned staff member in the lead pastor’s absence)
or the Chair of the Staff/Parish Relations Committee and will forward the information concerning the
allegation when warranted to the Childline & Abuse Registry (1-800-932-0313).
• A second call should be placed to the District Superintendent, alerting him/her of the alleged abuse.
• If the alleged abuse happened on church property by a volunteer or staff member, that individual shall
immediately be removed from contact with all children, youth and vulnerable adults until the incident
reported has been resolved. This should be handled in a discreet manner and the alleged abuser should
not be banned from other ministries of the church.
• The Media Director of the Central Pennsylvania Conference or his/her designee is the only person
authorized to make statements to any representatives of the media. All requests for statements should be
directed to the Senior Pastor (said assigned staff member or SPRC Chair) who will direct them
• When alleged abuse has occurred, all helpful resources (local and through the Annual Conference) will
be utilized to create a climate in which healing can take place.
The following areas of concern will be addressed under separate correspondence:
• Nursery
• Emergency Responses
• Incident Reports
• Providing of photos/information on Website. Facebook/MySpace
SSP May 4, 2010