July 25, 2016 Town Board Agenda Packet Part 2
July 25, 2016 Town Board Agenda Packet Part 2
AGENDA TIME Town of t+rtanroe Government DATE: 6/30/2016 + Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe pepartments shouid include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. Atl ather Agenda time request applicants please use Agsnda time request farm Name: Town of Ma~roe-TMACC Address: 7eiephone #: Reason: Hiring of employees --~-Documents: attached Do not write below this Itne {Office use anly} Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: ~~ 7/11J16 pate: Christine Tucker From: Sent: To: Subject: Blanca Johnson Thursday, July 07, 2016 2:26 PM Christine Tucker Job application Can you please add Nick Taylor o Monday 7/11/16 town boards meeting agend a for approval for part time job at CC. Thank yoix. Blanca Johnson Sent from my iPhone ~f AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government pATE:S/27/2A16 r Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Moneoe QeparYments should include any and all documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is forthe Town of Monroe Government use only. AI! otherAgenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe -Chapter 57 Address: Telephone #: Reason: Repeal Accessory Apartment Documents: Da not write 6etow this line (Office use only) Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 61/16 Date: w Art~Ms . 7t~,et68oaoe,nrrAor~arN~ba~erms Cdiaptex 57; ZOkttv'G ~,,., C~.B 'VII: t'~CC~BSOI'~ Apt81 1tS § 57.2 fOne-famiiy residential. str [Amended s-6-~ygi by l.G.No. uctures. 3-~gc~; 3-2'~g9~ by LL Ho. a-x39s; q•,~-z000 try LL Na s-~000~ ft is the speeifix purpose araS 3Mem of this aectSon to allow an accessory apa rknent ~9d►in one-family detache strust~rr¢s in ail one-famliy resi d restdeMiai dence dlstr~cts In order to proWda the opporCunky end encouragemen of smaN rental hous6vg units designe t forshe development d, in particular, to meet the special hou sing needs of sir4gle persons furUrer purpose and intent cf thts and couples. ~t ~ the provtsbn m allow the mere effidettt use of the Towrt~ houstng stock, suppc~st for existNig+rsida+t W provide econorok famiSies of limited iiuome and to pres erve and protect.pr~erty valu purpo3es snd to pranata the general es, in ord er m achiere theca ~wrpases of Lhe'rown Zonir~ Law, the following standartis are set fort accessoryt~e; h for such All accessory apartments shall be permikced uses, subject to the rehew and approval of the Building Nispecta scwrdanCe w(~h the standard r in s sec forth in this articie. B. The owner of Che cnedamUy detached residrnce 3n which the access ary apartment is to be located sha one of the units on the premises, The ll ntcupy st least owner must reside on tfie premises more than sbc consecutive mon calendar year or the special excepti ths out of any on permh shah become null and ~roid and the premises shall revert permlCted use which existed tmm to Its original ediately prior to tho tuuance of the permit C. there shat! be not mtrre than one accessary apartment in each Otte-iam ity detaCi~ed residence sav cture on s Ior. D. 7fie certtficake of accupanry tar sucfi s~ngie-faintly residence snvctu re wRh accessory apartment sha statemeirt chat the owner must cac t! Intiude a kle in such dwe0iag unit for a period of more t3~.n as conseartive mon year a~►d must mairrtam such ths nut of the separate accessory apa~ianent pwsuan t to the rnqulrement~ of this sec ce~tlflcate of occupanry shell bec tion ar such ome void. E. The accessory apartment sfwll com ply with ail app[icz~ble requirements of the New Park State Uniform Fire and Buiid~rg Cate a~cS chap be mai Prevention ntained in a neat and orders manner. F. Of~sstrcreet parking shall be pro vided on the foi3owfng basis; two parking spaces per unft,'The paridr~ spa provided whh a backup or xurnarou ces s}u~li be nd area so that cars which parkin the parkigg spaces are not require 1Ma the skreee. The backup or tumara d to back out und area shoo not be eor~suved as nor use d as a Iega1 parWng space, G. No offke, ratan, service, cnmmer cia! or home occupation use sfaall be permitted on the premises of apartment the accessory H. Each dweliing unit in the stru cture shall rnncafn fts own separate and privake bathroom and kitchen who dwellfe~ unit. The accessary lly within each apar#ment shalt contain not more than two bedrooms. !. The structure in which the acc essory aparpnent is located sha~~ have only one firont entrance and nnly or from arty other facade of the atru e entrance tture. An exceNor entrance leading to a foyer vv~th (ttterior entz ante foyrr to the two dweSSing unRs wi11 be s lead tng 4rom the acceptaUSe pursuant to this requhcmer ~. J. A new ov✓ner shall appy far a new permit far an existing accessory apartment within one month of taking tide prnprrry. to die i:_ K. T1te permit for an accessory apartment shall termirra#e upon the sale of the pro per ty bythe owner or by the dea the owner or sun~ivor or by the owner th of rw longer pccupying the premtses as t~s p~inttpai residence, L The accessory aparonent may be In a zone that Is serviced by either an on-site septic system or central byaweN or central water facitiry. The sewage facility, Building lnspe~tor, ~n considering app lications for accessary apartments r~a.J~ooduseD.oa,dG4l~aal~e in areas A„ gryqrppiG TavndMaro¢,NYAa~eoeayllpa~trtwile with on-site weiiand/or septic systems, must detrermine that adequatewater end/nr septic capacity existst3 an the stte~~-~; meet current applicable Health Departrcrentstandards pettinentttthe use 4 r,ty,:+a~coa~a~,o~„~ai~eeai~a ~ Christine Tucker _ Ben Maidonado tJonday, March 28, 201611:30 AM Monroe Wighway Depp Christine Tucker den AM1aldonado; dz CO for bt 181/Itttsge Viscd Page0001.pdf From: SenC To: Cc Sub Ate:. ~'~ . Ptesse find attached the CO far the above toY, htease send to i'any Compteto to be added to Chi garbage, district. Code ~ap5orcemeuc Offia iS lslce street Monroe, NY w95o PIr845-7gQ~7638.ext.s6 79~ia e-mail mrse~gean~i a~4'si~~~Ks) are forthe sok aseottheiwended reei~ent(s)end meyamtain pm~ttietexy end/m mn~idmtiellnfurmation mathmvksproiedw'7 fxaa+dieoloeurc-If9on~eaa~hefnrded~p~enc(sbrlcase «,nt~.athesenderarstde~ny~o wL{ch maybe pri' utigfnslmaws8e mY ~~ of We me&vege as ar11as a~atiacl~ment(s) to the o~igL~almrsse8e. 1 ~,... ... .• ,. ., T(?WN OF NOt!tEift~ -~41,r~~t11~~~ Pernik No.: 2095-933b CO ~: 2015,9830 Comp~etlan Dets; 03l2B/2016 THIS, CfR71F1ES thai ttye ~uildir~ located at 26 Chevron Rd ;~*~;'.+ `•5EC~8LK-LU7; 65-1-98 Confatms substentixaUy to tfie approved plans end speci~t~dons herafofare fNed in this affiae wfth eppibatian fiar Buildirr~ permft reosNed pn 03/23/2015 pursuant to whloh B~t6iding Permit No. 2d1£r833R was issued and c~r~tarms to aB of the requirements of the apPiic~ble provision s of the ~w or a7de.~t tlreE Gme. The ac;cupanc~ fior which ~ls certificaf~ is Issued i~: A 28`x b'~' wre~:li at~manelan defiached Single Pamity Druu~tl~. Ba~ep)an~ Butlt in (1) Car par4~s, ma~haMcst room; toll ur►Hnist~ed r~trt aide oT rarer otmechankal ropm a~ of 9d28fT036. SHAL4 rsxnsin w~flnished untila permitgargle and to 1~ntsh tt~e apace is hteu0d, Ftrst Flpar. Front ap~n concrete sbaop, Study, Vesf~wk, Lhrin~, DlnPngr Foyer; Pass over Kitchen., P.awor room, Kitchen, Dinet6e, Pis~yroom off RO.K. not ~o be u~sd as bedraom , R~aer opalM~aood dark. Seaorbd Ploor: 6 be~iroo►r~~ ~ full bat~hroama, LaundrY~ Upper Open Wwad Desk off of Nlaater Bedroom. Zoned: UR-M as estr~bliahed end designated ~ the Zoning Map of the'SDwn of AMonroe. This certlficate is issued tn, Jacob f2elch for the aforesaid stru~urB. ~-- Winn akionado Hul ln6peotor i . €,~^~^ Christine 7udccr From: SenrG To: SubJe~: Atta~Me:. `~ Ben Ma~donedo Wedne~lay, A,pri! O6, 201611:45 AM Monroe Highway Dept; la; Ben Maldunedn; Christie Tycker 23 Chevron Rd CO Pege0p0ipdf Pieage findattathed for the garbage pick up a CO fior the above address. Benigno IWa~nado suiiamg & Fue lnspe~ Code En[omewmt QBfic~' ~bLakefitx~et Mos~roe,NYi043o YA:BAS-7~~!38 rxtz6 eontk7entiel infnexnetlar. n n't . r ~ ,~ 'i '1C?W1rE.Ox A~9tdR0~ ..~~k ,~ ., :.. ~ERT~IF~~~TL C~~' . ~!QGCUPANCY Pem~dt No.: 2014-E198 GO #; 2014.91$8 CornplsHon Date; 0+310612UtB THIS CERTlF1ES thaE the buiidir~ iqt A cr~?~ d a~ 28 Chevron Rd '~~suc~or ss-+~z coMorrns substentia~ry to the approves press and apeoiHcanons heretofore feed k~ th(s office wnn eppl~a~n tar 6tiildii~ ParrniE reeeh~ed on 091~4J20~4 pursusM tc whk:~ BuNding 2014.9993 m+ac issued and conforms to +~It of the regearemenbs of ffie epptic~ple Pern~~t Nn. provkdcros of the law a code at ~s4 erne. The occupancy tar which this rsriifioeteJ~ issued (s: A 4$',51`overati two cMry B bedroom - Ysar Round Sir~le FWiNq' Aw~l~g. Bas~mentc.Full unfinished hunt i~atf,and rear Isft alde, rl~ht sid~r f~nish~rd arsa caret ofi: DY~e. 6u~t Town wlih rear ear window and Mr,~ll wnhIpddsr,luli buihroom, patitry/atarage 8l~9itr 8'tNliilt ki 611~tf I1A01: Tliii ilte'A.5h01I IWt b@ YEl9~ M Y AGQ~1Mi01'Y <Pi1~111M~. 1st floor: From.sf~ays, oi~Y~ faYer. stuQy, tivir~g roam, dEninp roomy ►ewu cova~d desk, rear open wood desk, pat~Y, dinrtte, kitchsn~ passavrr kitalwrk pfWroAm, 2 hrlf hathnooms. 2nd.Af~or: 6 ~cdrooms, 3 full bathrooms,lsundry app wood dates off Masf~r find bedroom 4, wgNc up atltc Eor abarnpe on~+.l41t de~ells an roams and houoe layout es per ~c~buUt pltna stamped approved dsbed 0$/ piB. Zoned: UR-M as established arwi desi~nabad an the 2aiinp Map of the Tbuvh of Monroe, `Chia c~er~ficate is Issued ta: Vintage Vista Holdir~s LLC for tfie for • ~ ' ~re. B idbnadn Butid~g InsP~~or ;._. ~ K Chl'i6tl[1811iC~(ET .. Fmm: S~nC Tn: Sulked: Attachmenu: ~• Ben M~daneda Tuesday, Apri112 2016 3.D3 PM triristine Tucker, Monroe Highway Dept i¢; Ben Maldon ado 63 Acres Rd PageODOl.pdf Please find ,attached for the garbage pick up a CO for i~ IakeStreet Monrne, NY iog~o Ph:&{6~74R8 osta6 aresse8~ss weIl es 1 tb~ abpve address. ..tea ~- ~ N l~ t TCWYN OF MONK c~~~~~~~,~x;~ c~~ occu~An~c~r CorrW[etion Date: Q4/92J2U16 Percn~ No:2Q14~13i C~#: 2094918"1 THIS CEt271F'IES tltat the bugdinp lacat~! at 63 Aatws Rd SEC-BLK-LOT.1.3-?F0 Gonfiamss subetardiaNy to the approves pl~ru and epeafflcations htretafore filed m tMs otfiae with appp~~on for Bt~ldir~g Fermi recelv~d an g7/21/2014 pursuant to which Buddha Permit Nc,, 2D14E181 was ISsu9d aid cdr~ft+mts to ell of fhe requ~ements of ihs applfcabt+e provieiot~ of the i~w or aodp.at that time. The acxiupancy'fot' which the Cartltioedc~ ]e kst~act is: 7 I~esiroom - FMlly HF~A 1$R $pK4~WerYear Raund Single k 45Yf6' overrali tyv+a sad hhk!!f Ap~r~nenY~ Aoc~ssary a Faml►y!?wRl~np with ~ badmom rooat~ fayar. Mtn~~ P.p.K., media, den, mechankal ry dull unfln~shed Apt): Bssetnertt.(A 4 f'u~ 6Rfbraptt~a, bodroAms, 2 (tu~dry, PIsYnDom~ kt~hels, dfre~~ s~dY, Main;~ lUt~6 -. AutFaoor: Fro1~t ciw.op, enttY~ ~►Y~r. ~udY~ r~~uiroa~n~ belt #qs~~n, bal[ morn, gwAit kNc~en, A.O. 4 brdrou~mg, laundry 2 ha1C bt#F~room~t~ 2 tali bathrswms, wed bwu , I~undtY~ ri~h4tlda ofl~ebuildlnp.2nd ffPs~r. Kitchen, brealdpstawa~ f~mNY.9~. ato[~g~JPanttY, 8 bedrtx~lnn~~ 9 full irttht~oQms, 4 half ba#hroom, Mont ~e~ wood tleCk 4bov~a eM~Y;andripMslde glasn. woof! deck. xnd flaorhAlf a{~y: N~ room OYn'►, mmdla, tivfnp gt~a, u~ist~ed.~rAp4 ►i~>a#ia. This t~cr shall nct M used es 6odtaoms wnd walk up ~Etic not to be i9nta~i foratarnpe.oniy.Ah detatl~,on moms _ . . pnd hv~lra,lay4~t a~ per ae.buNtplensatarr►ped apprPYad dNU1a1.Qt6. /►8!'t,~D1AIN GE:IYIQh11tOE ZOtaING Ait'I'IC1.E VII ~EC71~N b7,21 ACCEB~'D~tYAPAR7'11f~M' TIC$ PARt~t.,#HAl.4: COMPLY Wt1`H Tt1E FOLL.WMNG: NOTE 1:.(#i1W~tER g61JS7.L1Y~ Qt~t THE t'R~'YIISES AAORE THAN 6160HTH8 OUT Ot~ A YEAR. NOTE 2: AGC6S50RY AP1: G aF Q i8 VOIq UPON THE SALE OF THE Ptt~RTY. NO't'~E S: NEW OWNER CAN APPLY F.bR A PERMIT/G of O FOR THE ACCESSORY APT WIThfIN A MONTH f~F. TAi~it~G TITLE. Zoned: UR-M as established and desi~nafeC an the Zaning A~~p of the Twin of Monroe. i'hi~ certiBcaTe Is issu~~ Fo: Amazon R(1yAs~oc incfor the aPoresatd ~-..."-~ a of~i onad BuOding fr~aper~or M t w AGENDA7IME Town of Monroe Government DATE: 6J3D/2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and a1i Documents pertaining to the agenda request. • This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form • Town of Monroe-38 High Ridge Road -Building Inspector's inspection Name: Address: Telephpne H: Reason: Aacuments: of Property Attached po nat write below this ifne (Office use only Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments. 7/11/16 Date: OFFICE OFTHEBU.TLD.~NGDEPARTMEIVT .. is Lake Sweet Monroe,NY 10950 84i-782.7638 ea~t.25 845-782-4009 Fan www~Enroenv or¢ Pranerty Inspection Report (Asper Town Soazd Resolution passed on June Z0, ?A i~ June 29, 2016 Dear Town Board, This reposk as per sour resalution passed at the June 20`i', 2016 Town Board Meeting, is to inform ffie Board of any emergency ornon-emergency violatio ns on the building located at 38 High Ridge Road; SBL #21-2-3, in the Town of Motuoe . [ inspected Lhe praperty on June 21s`, 2016, found that the lawn. has been ruaintained thru-out the spring, the broken windows have been boar8ed up, and the rear above ground pool is NOT holding water because it has a broken liner that allows the water to filter out into the ground. Based on the above it is my proFessional opinion the property has NO eruergency ox non-emergency violations at this time. T am attaching copies of pictures taken thru out my inspection, as well as a picture of , $7e maintenance company in charge of caring for the property. Yours very truly, $r.,~M~ Buitdirz~&_Fire ~Insvedor Code EnForcement Officer ben monroenv.arg I• O~ AGEfJDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE: 6/30/2016 • • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered an a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Docume nts pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time reques# farm Name: Town of Monroe-Biometric system timeciock Address: 7eiephone #: Reason: Discussion and possible purchase of Tirr~eclock system CouncNman McQuade to present Documents: Do not write below this line {~fflce use only) Approval: for: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 7J11/16 pate: .. AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government "-.~' DATE:S/31/2016 • Request to be put on the agenda wN) be cpnsi dered on a case by case basis • Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining #o the agenda request. ~ This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time reque form st Name: Town of Monroe-RFP—discussion Address: Telephone #: Reason: Unincorporated part of Town of Monroe refuse and Pack-up Documents: S Do not wrke below this (Ina {Office use crniyj Approval: For: Nvkified: Meeting Date: 6J6(S6 Date: ~~ AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE: 6f30/2016 • Request to be put on the agenda will 6e considered on a case by case basis + Town of Monroe Departments should include any and ail DacumenYs pertaining to the agenda request. • This form is for the Tawn of Monroe Government use only. Alf other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe~Dog Shelter Address: Telephone #: Reason: request smari phones far Department Documents: attached Cso nat write hetaw this fine (Office use only} Approvah For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 7111/16 pate: OId Business from last year: Request the replacement of DCO Davila and ~inapoli iwo oid non-working Motorola Flip Phones which lose battery life and are limited in technology. Both DCO's Davfla and Dinapoli are fi need of smart phone capability to communicate wi#h govemmenY, animal and dog control network, Vets, and ability to text, email and take photos of dog Bites and evidence of violations of NYS Agriculture and markets Article 7. Town of Mourne Aog Conhnl OfficelShelter Dcpt Head DCO EA Diaz 103 Mine Rd Monroe NY 10950 845-300-7934 ~~ ~~ t AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government V DATE: 6/17/2016 • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis • Town of Monroe bepartments should include any and atl Documents pertaining the to agenda request. • This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Na Address: Telephone 7€: Reason: Update and discussion Documents. Attached Uo not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: For: Notified. Meeting Date: Comments: ~: ~. 6J20/16 pate: ...t t.I 1 , ~ t i ~ l fig Matt I,I „ IiItI)I~~: 1. Use of these facilities are at your own risk. Do Not enter boats unless instructed to do so by attendant. 2. Individuals renting boats MUST be 16 years of age or older and be Monroe Residents. Bach occupant of a boat MYTST wear a life jacket at all times, 3. No standing is permitted in any boat except to load oc unload at the dock. 4. No boats are pernutted to land at any area other than the dock. Beats must avoid contact with other boats. 5. Boating Fee: White Swan Boats Row Boats Yellow or Red Water (5 people or less) (3 people or less) Trikes (2 people) $15.00per hour $9.00 per hour $15.00 per hour Yellow Duck Boats {5 people or less) $15.Od per hoar Blue Pedal Boat (4 people or less) $12.00 per hour Yellow Kayaks (1 person) $9.00 per hour Last rental goes out one hour before closing (6:30pm) A life jacket deposit of $5.00 per occupant will be required or a driver's license can be held until the life jackets are returned. All prices include New York State Sates Tax. ~6. Maacimum safe occupancy for each boat will be at the attendant's discretion. Ail boats are rented on a first come first serve basis at a ma~mum 7. rental period of two houxs unless otherwise authorized by attendant. The attendant resezves the right to limit rental time to one hour. 8. No Refunds ~ui11 be given. However, if tke attendant must call in boats due to an electrical storm or severe sudden rain, Raiaa Checks will be given upon request for the unused time. Attendant's instructions must be followed at all times. Swimming is prohibited. Unruly behavior by boating occupants 9. will result in the immediate termination of boating privileges and the forfeiture of all fees paid. 10. Fishing from pedal boats is prohibited. Z 1. Boaters are responsible for returning the boats to the dock within the Rental period.. Boaters who do not observe this rule will be charged an era fee equivalent to the hourly rate. 12. VIOLATION OP THE RULES AND REGULATIONS WTI,L 1tESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE TERMINATION 4F BOATING PRIVILEGES AND TIDE FORFEITURE OP ALT.. FEES PAID LIABILITY RELEASE The Town. of Monroe, Sn consideration of the acceptance of my use of the boats,I the UNIDERSIGNED, intending to be legally bound herebq waive and release forever for myself, my heirs, executors and admiiustratars any and all rights and claims for damages, demands and any other action whatsoever, whichImay have agan~st the Town of Monroe, their representatives, employees, agents and any other sponsors or volunteers associa#ec! with the boats. Iattest and verify thatIam physically fit enough to use the boats.Ishall abide by all the rules and regutatlons associated with the boat use.Ihereby grant full permission to any and all oT the foregoing to use photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of events associated with the boat use for any legitimate purpose. I ,have read ttte boating rules and regulatiaz~s.Iunderstand them and agree to follow them. Date Signature V AGENDA7IME Town of Monroe Government DATE: 7/7/2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis • Town of Monroe Departments should include any and ali Documents pertaining to the agenda request. • This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe —Bailey Farm road Address: Telephone #: Reason: Opening Bailey Farm road Documents: Do not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: 7/11/16 Date: _~~~ Dickover, Donnelly, Donovan Bc Biagi, LZP Attorpeys and Counselors at Law James B. Biagi David A. Donovan Michael H. Donnelly Robert J. Aickover 28 Braen Place P.O. Box 670 Goshen, NY 1091A (~5) 294-9447 p„ m 5 F' nlem~der AppeO.urt. P.C_ Flwide. N.Y. (IBIS-1988) 4Wmr v G Wmw Fsp~.. W~iwid, N.Y. (Nd7a Scars MYmxuJ Fax (845)294-6553 March 18, 2010 Monroe Town Boazd I1 Stage Road Monroe, New York t0950 R~: Hataunan Business Park—Lot 4 Members of the Board: Iwrite to you as the attorney Far the Town of Monroe Pkanixing Board. The planning boazd recently approved an amended site plan application for several of the neaz final tenants in the Target portion of the Haziiman Business Park. In renewing these two applications, the plazuung boazd had occasion to review iu prior SEQRA &ndings and its earlier resolutions of approval. The plamuug board has asked thatIwrite to you ui order to express its concerns regazduig the lack of an interconuecfion o£ Bailey Farm Road to connecring roadways in the Village of IIarrirnau. As you are aware, when the Hanin~an Business Pazk project was reviewed under SEQRA, all of the assumptions of its traffic study were grounded on an interconnection to the Village of Harriu~an. Similarly, the traffic study done for the Harrimatt Dien project assumed an intercomiection with Village of Harriman roadways. The Viilage of Harriman was well awaze of the proposal—indeed, the finding requiring afollow-up traffic study ozace Ha~rnnan Business Park reached 90%build-out with the roadway connection in place was issued at the request of the village. Astonishingly, the interconnected roadway, though fiilly built, remains closed to tra££c. It is the concern of the p~am~ing board tUat significant life safety issues are presented while this roadway remains closed. At present, a large shopping center and a residential development are served by a single roadway in tha nature o£a cul-de-sac. Should axt emergency event occur on the stem of fliat cul-de-sac, then hundreds (if not thousands) of people will be trapped behind that event with no way out. Equally troublesome is fhe fact that the closed roadway is not presently being maintained and its snow is not being plowed during the winter months. Thus, the possibility tttat the barriers could be temporarily removed to address an emergency event does not exist because more than ~ Page 2 March 19, 2010 1,D00 feet of roadway would have to be snowplowed before emergency access could be obtained in Dais fashion. The plauniug board wishes to urge you to take whatever action necessary to ensure that the site plan that it approved and that the developer constructed be allowed to operate as approved and as consavcted. ~~~ YY s MiCHA61. H. D ELLY It cc: William Muente, Building Inspector Planning $oazd a:VrmVandUce~TAowue Leuerc~EIDY ~ Tawn BwN.aa AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government O- >\ DATE: 7/7/2016 • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe- Mold report, recommendations Address: Telephone #: Reason: Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: 7/25/16 Date: environmental group ~vw~~.rt'r,emdi~cnmentaLcom 8~0.392.b46$ July 1, 2016 Anthony Cardone The Town of Monroe 11 Stage Road Monroe, NY 10950 Dear Anthony, This report includes results of a visual inspection as well as mold samples collected from the building located at 11 Stage Roatl, Monroe, NY on June 28, 2016. This investigation was performed to assess mold conditions in the building. Below is our summary of findings and recommendations. For details of our sample findings, please see the attached laboratory report. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS • • • • • On the day of inspection, it was reported that an antimicrobial fogger was used about month ago on both the first floor and basement. The building is an unoccupied office space with storage in the basement. In the front basement, wood shelves lined the exterior walls. A slight musty odor was present. Dehumidifiers were in operation and humidity levels were between 45%-55%and considered borderline acceptable. The carpet on the basement stairs appeared worn. In the rear basement, access to the crawlspace on the Ieff was limited. Water stained contents and debris were present in the crawlspace. Just outside the crawlspace at the rear exit, water was pooled on the cement floor. In the rear room, suspect visible mold was identified on the lower rear wallboard. The first floor appeared generally clean and no suspect visible mold was identified. The carpet on this floor also appeared worn. Moid in air samples were taken throughout the building. All samples are considered acceptable with the exception of the sample taken from the rear basement. RECOMMENDATIONS • NOTE: Mold remediation is recommended below. This process involves working in the area of the remediation and possibly cleaning of the air further outside of the actual remediation area. The actual remediation areas) should be separately contained with 6 mil plastic with adequate negative air pressure to prevent mold spores from migrating into other areas. Generally, affected wallboard and insulation as well as any wood flooring or other cellulose materials are removed a minimum of 18" beyond the affected area. The underlying structure, as well as the affected rooms) are thoroughly cleaned using the HEPA method of cleaning in conjunction with the use of air scrubbers to clean the air to normal levels. On some areas wire brushing and/or sanding may be necessary. If staining remains on any components following cleaning these areas should be sealed with an antimicrobial sealer such as Fiberlock IAQ 6000. The use of biocides such as Microban or Shockwave may also be part of the remediation and cleaning process. Any of these Connecticut t Mary~and e New Jersey a New York Virginia Washington DC ~" environmental grout wwn~.rtkenvironmentai.com E00,34'2.64e6 • • • products are allowable so long as they remain registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the intended use. The contractor should be aware of any reaction to these compounds by the inhabitants of the dwelling or commercial space and then should be changed if needed. The cleaning indicated above refers to the "HEPA sandwich" method of cleaning as recommended by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). This method includes a process of HEPA vacuuming, then damp wiping, and then HEPA vacuuming again. This work should only be performed by a professional properly trained in mold remediation. When the remediation is underway the scope of work indicated below may change. It is also recommended that air cleaning equipment be removed from the job site 24 hours prior to final sampling if possible. The remediation and cleaning are to be performed by experienced workers with the proper use of personal protective equipment including, but not limited to, Tyvek coveralls with attached hood and booties, N-95 respirator masks, goggles and gloves. Depending on the type of project different respirators may be required. In a building that is currently occupied where remediation will occur, occupants shall be notified of project details including estimated start and completion times and restricted remediation areas. All remetliation projects shall have proper posting at the entrance to the work area indicating the remediation being performed and that anyone other than the workers of the actual remediation are not permitted to enter until final clearance is achieved by the assessor in a satisfactory manner. Mold remetliation should be performed in the basement. Any affected contents should be discarded. All affected wallboard should be removed (-10 sq. ft.). All structural components with visible mold or water staining should be cleaned using the HEPAvacuum/damp wiping method of cleaning as described above. Dehumidifiers should be used to keep humidity levels below 50%. The amount of cellulose materials in the basement should be limited and consideration should be made io removing all carpet. Once completed, the rear basement should be cleaned using the HEPA vacuum/damp wiping method of cleaning along with the use of air scrubbers to bring the air back to normal levels. The HVAC system should be HEPA cleaned routinely, every five years, and the filters should be replaced periodically. This work could cost between $2,500.00 - $25,000.00 and may take approximately 1-2 weeks to complete. Final sampling helps assure a successful remediation and cleaning process. The entire building shall be the areas of clearance inspection and sampling at the assessor's discretion. Thank you for working with RTK Environmental Group. We appreciate your business. RTK also offers testing and consulting for lead, asbestos, soil, water and other indoor air quality issues. Please contact our office at (800) 392-6468 with any questions. Sincerely ~~ ,~ Robert Lankau, Jr. licensed Mold Assessor, #MA00087 rl(a~rtkenvironmental.com Connecticut 6 Maryland a New Jerssy ~ New York Virginia Washington DC environmental group wv~~v.rtk~n~ironmentaLcam BOO.i9ZGGGE REPORT DISCLAIMER THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS REPORT IS LIMITED BY THE SCOPE OF THE INSPECTION REQUESTED BY THE CLIENT. NOT ALL INSPECTIONS YIELD INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF MOLD AND THE EXISTENCE OF MOLD HAZARDS IN ALL MEDIA. YOU ARE ADVISED TO CLARIFY THE SCOPE OF THE INSPECTION PROVIDED WITH THE ASSESSOR. It is generally acknowledged that the level of mold spores in or on any structure will determine the extent of hazard arising from such mold. However, THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO REGULATIONS REGARDING WHAT LEVELS OF ANY MOLD TYPES ARE ACCEPTABLE OR UNACCEPTABLE. The results of this inspection are open to interpretation by the person reading them. Accordingly, any change in the condition of the property in question will alter the validity of the inspection report provided herewith. The accuracy of any mold inspection performed is, therefore, limited to the condition of the property at the time the inspector report herewith was conducted. The assessor assumes no responsibility for retesting or reinvestigating the property to determine changed conditions. Any and all changes in the premises or its condition may result in the creation of mold hazards not in existence at the time of inspection. Not every area was tested or was accessible for testing. The assessor makes no representation with respect to the presence of mold or the condition of any areas not tested, or with respect to any lead painted or asbestos containing surfaces that may be disturbed during mold remediation work. Areas which were not tested may, if tested, yield results which indicate the presence of mold or other environmental hazards in addition to mold prior to beginning mold remediation work. The client is advised to take such factors into account when undertaking any activities which may have an impact upon such areas. The cost of remediation is estimated and in no way guaranteed. The cost may be higher or lower based on multiple factors and RTK Environmental Group is not liable in any way if costs are different than estimated. The estimated time of completion is also not guaranteed and RTK Environmental Group holds no responsibility if the project takes more or less time than estimated. This report is intended only for the benefit of the assessor and the client and does not create any rights in any third parties. Use of these test results or reports or other materials by the client without written permission or adaptation by RTK Environmental Group for the specific purpose intended shall be at the user's sole risk, without liability on RTK Environmental Group's part, and the client agrees to indemnify and hold RTK Environmental Group harmless from all claims, damages and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of such unauthorized use. Cornec[Icui a Maryland e New Jersey ~ New York ~ Vt;ginia ~ Washi~gtuo DC Report Date: 6/29/2016 Project Name: 11 Stage Rd Project #: Monroe, NY SanAirlD#:16022114 a~aa~ ~ NYLAP LAH COUENN9]0-D UBIIELY ~~~.~ ~B,n,a ~e~„~, ~~ Wnlfi[a[wn~65D31 tkenfel U¢o~fE Snit TPG~IQ~OQIPS ~A~'A@~Ut}~ . Page 1 of 10 Technolagies Labaratory, fnc. pair ~~nAir `s~~~~' 1551 Oakbtitlge Drive, Suite B, Powhalan, VA 23139 8~4.89].11]l Toll Free: 888.895.11] Fax'. 804.89]00]0 Web'. http:Nvwwsanair.com E-mail: iagQsanair.com June 29, 2016 SanAir lD # Project Name: Project Number: 16022114 11 Stage Rd Monroe, NY Dear Robert Lankau, We at SanAir would like to thank you for the work you recentty submitted. The 6 samples) were received on Wetlnesdag June 29, 2016 via FedEx. The foal reports) is enclosed for the following sample(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6These results only pertain to this job and should not be used in the interpretation of any other job. This report is only complete in its entirety. Refer to the listing below of the pages indutletl in a complete foal report. Sincerely, i L Claire Macdonald Microbiology Laboratory Manager SanAir Technologies Laboratory Final Report Includes: - Cover Letter -Analysis Pages -Disclaimers and Additional Information sample conditions'. 6 samples) in Good condition Page 2 of 10 ~~r SanAirTechnologies Laboeatary, [nc. ~ s~C""=~~°~~~°°~À 1551 Oakbntlge ~~ive, Suile B, Powhatan, VA 23139 804.89].11]] Toll Free. 888.895.111] Fax: 80489]001 Web: hVp/Frvww.sanalr com E-mail: iaq@sanair com Name: Adtlress: SignaNre: RTK Environmental Group 29 Bank Streel Stamford, CT D6901 ~' ~~~J 19~2~11Y" FSNAn neFOAT Project Number: P.O. Number: Project Name: Date: 6/25/2016 Monroe, NY 16714 17 Stage Rd Reviewetl Collected Date: Receivetl Date: Report Date: Analyst.. o7.~aue✓i~aca~.Fuz~ 6/28/2016 6!29!2016 10:15:00 AM 6/29/2016 5:07:53 PM Tucker, Crystal Date: 6/2 /2016 ~~nAir Technologies Laboratory, fnc. Air s Drive, Suite B, 1551 Oakbritl9e Powha~an, VA 23139 8~489].117] Toll Free'. 888.095.11]] Fax: 806.897 0~~0 http:/Avww.sanair.com Web'. E-maiC laq@sanaiccom Name: Address: 0 Signature: RTK Environmental Group 29 Bank Streel Stamford, CT 06901 '~ ~~~~ Project Number: P.O. Number: Project Name: Date: 6/25/2016 Monroe, NY 16714 17 Stage Rd Collectetl Date: Received Date: Report Da[e: Analyst Reviewetl: ~~~~~~+~~~ 6/28/2016 612912016 10'.15:00 AM 6/29/2016 5:07:53 PM Tucker, Crystal Date: 6/29/2016 s Air 5~~~ir Technologies Laboratory, Inc. ~- 1551 Oakbriage Drive, Suite B, Powha~an. VA 23139 804.89].1177 TOII Free'. 888895.11]]Fax'. 804.89]OWO Web: h¢p:/M~rvwsanair.com E-mail: iaq@sanair.com Name: RTK Environmental Group Address: 29 Bank Siree~ Stamford, CT 06901 Project Number: Monroe, NY P.O. Number: 16774 Project Name: 1 t Stage Rd Collected Date: 6/28/2016 Received Date: 6/29/2016 10:15:00 AM Report Date: 6/29/2016 5:07:53 PM M2cdonaltl, Claire The descriptions of the organisms presented are derived (mm various re/eience materials. The laboratory report is based on the da(a tlenvetl hom fhe samples subml¢etl end no lnterpretafion o/the data, es to potential, or aIXuel, health eRects resWUnB ~~om exposure (o the numbers o/or9eolsms found can be made byleboratory personnel. Any Interpretation of @e potenfial health e/Ieots o/the presence of this organism mus(6e made by qua6fietl professional personnel with first hand knowledge of the sample site, and the problems associated wl(h tie( s/te. MYCELIAL FRAGMENTS - A mycelium (plural =mycelia) is the "body' of a fungus. ii is a collective term for hyphae singular = hypha), which are the tubular units of the mycelium usually composed of chitin. The terms hyphae and mycelia) fragments are used interchangeably. [This information was referenced from the mycology text "The Fifth Kingdom"] In some cases a fungal iden[ifcation cannot be obtained due to lack of sporulatiort Only the mycelia) fragments are present, and cannot be identified without the distinguishing characteristics of the spores or the structures they grow from. Health Effects: Allergic reaclions may occur in the presence of spores (conidia) or mycelia)/hyphal fragments. ASCOSPORES -From the fungal Subphylum Ascomycotina. Ascospores are ubiquitous in nature and are commonly found in the outdoor environment. This doss contains the "sac fungi" and yeasts. Some ascospores can be identifed by spore morphology, however; some care should be excercised with regard to specifc identifcation. They are identifed on tape lifts and non-viable analysis by the fact that they have no attachment scars and are sometimes enclosed in sheaths with or without sacs. Ascomycetes may develop both sexual and asexual stages. Rain and high humidity may help asci to release, and dispurse ascospores, which is why during these weather conditions there is a great increase in counts. Healfh Effects: This group contains possible allergens. ASPERGILLUS/PENICILLNM -These spores are easily aerosolized. Only through the visualization of reproductive structures can the genera be distinguished. Also included in [his group are the spores of the genera Acremonium, Phialophora, Verticillium, Paecilomyces, etc Small, round spores of this group lack the necessary distinguishing characteristics when seen on non-viable examination. Health Effects: Can cause a variety of symptoms including allergic reactions. Most symptoms occur if the individual is immunocompromisetl in some way (HIV, cancer, etc). Both Penicillium and Aspergillus spores share similar morphology on non-viable analysis and therefore are lumped together into the same group. BASIDIOSPORES -From the Subphylum Basidiomycotina wMch contains the mushrooms. shelf fungi, and a variety of other macrotungi. They are saprophytes, ec[omycorrhizal fungi or agents of wood rot, which may destroy the structure wood of buildings. It is extremely difficult to identify a specific genera of mushrooms by using standard culture plate techniques. Some basidiomycete spores can be identified by spore morphology; however, same care should be exercised with regard to specific identifcation. The release of basidiospores is dependant upon moisture, and they are dispersed by wind Health Effects: Many have the potential to produce a variety of toxins. Members of this group may trigger Type I and III fungal hypersensitivity reactions. Rarely reported as opportunistic pathogens. CHAETOMIUM SPECIES - It is an ascomycete. It is found on a variety of substrates containing cellulose including paper and plant compost. It can be found on the damp or water damaged paper in sheetrock after a long term water damage. Several species have been reported to play a major role in decomposition of cellulose made materials. These fungi are able [o dissolve the cellulose fibers in cotton and paper, and thus cause these materials to disintegrate. The process is especially rapid under moist conditions. Healfh Effecfs: Chaetomium can produce type I fungal hypersensitivity and has caused onychomycosis (nail infections). References: Flannigan, Brian, RobeR A. Samson, and J. David Miller, ads. Microorganisms in Home and Indoor Work Environments: Diversity, Health Impacts, investigation, arid ConlroL London and New York: Taylor &Francis, 2001. CLADOSPORIUM SPECIES -The most commonly identified outdoor fungus. The outdoor numbers are reduced in the winter and are often high in the summer. Often found indoors in numbers less than outdoor numbers. It is commonly found on the surface of fiberglass duct liner in [he interior of supply ducts. A wide variety of plants are food sources for this fungus. It is found on dead plants, woody plants, food, straw, soil, paint and teMiles. Often found in dirty refrigerators and especialty in reservoirs where condensation is collected, on moist window frames it can easity be seen covering the whole painted area with a velvety olive green layer. Health Effects: It is a common allergen. Ii can cause mywsis. Common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate-type hypersensitivity: type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms, chronic cases may develop pulmonary emphysema. illnesses caused by this genus can include phaeohyphomycosis, chromoblastomycosis, hay fever and common allergies. Re(e~ences Flannigan, Brian, Robert A. Samson, and J. David Miller, ads. Microorganisms in Home and Indoor Work Page1 of2 Page 5 of 10 'sa~,~r SanAir Technologies Labaratnry, Inc. 1551 Oakbritlge Dnve, Sui[e B, Powhatan, VA 23139 804.897.1177 Toll Free'. 888895.11]7 Fax: 804.89]00]0 Web' httpJ/wwrv.sanair.com Email. iaq@sanair com Name: RTK Environmental Group Address: 29 Bank Street Stamford, CT 06901 Project Number: Monroe, NY P.O. Number: 16714 Project Name: 1 t Stage Rd Collected Date: 6/28/2016 Receivetl Da[e: 6/29/2016 10:15:00 AM Report Date: 6/29/2016 5:07:53 PM MacdonalG, Claire ]R[CffNISM1)FR[tRIP7lR The descriptions oRhe organisms p~esentetl are tlenved from various re/erence materials. The laboratory report is 6asetl on the tlata tlerivetl /mm the samples submittetl entl no Interpretation oi(he data, as ro poten0el, or ac(✓a( health aflec[s resultlng (mm exposure to the numbers oiorganlsms fpuntl, cep be made by le6oretory persponeL Any lnterprete0on of the potential health effects o/the presence of this orgenlsm must be metle by quelifletl pm/esslonel personnel with flrsf hand knowledge of the sample site, antl the problems esswle(ed with that site. Environments: Diversity, Health Impacts, Investigation, and Control. London and New York: Taylor &Francis, 2001 EPICOCCUM SPECIES - It is found in pants, soil, grains, textiles, and paper products. Frequently isolated from air antl occasionally occurs in house dust. is a saprophyte and consitlered a weakty parasitic secondary invader of plants, moldy paper and textiles. Epicoccum is usually isolated with either Clatlosporium species or Aureobasidium species. Healfh Effects. A common allergen It also has the potential to produce type I fungal hypersensitivity reactions. References: Flannigan, Brian, Robert A. Samson. and J. David Miller, ads. Microorganisms in Home and Indoor Work Environments: Diversity, Health Impacts, Investigation, antl Control. London and New York: TaY~or &Francis, 2001. PITHOMYCES SPECIES -Grows on deatl grass in pastures and decaying plant material. Health Effects: Causes facial eczema in ruminants. References - St-Germain, Guy, and Richartl Summerbell. Identirying Filamentous Fungi: A Clinical Laboratory Handbook. California: Star Publishing Co., 1996. SMUTS/MYXOMYCETES -Smuts and Myxomycetes are parasitic plant pathogens. They are typically grouped together due to their association with plants, the outdoors and because they share similar microscopic morphology. Health Effects: Can produce type I fungal hypersensitivity reactions. References' Martin, G.W., C.J. Alexopoulos, and M.L. Farr. The Genera of Myxomycetes. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa Press, 1983. STACHYBOTRYS SPECIES -This organism is rarely found in outdoor samples. It is usually difficult to fnd in indoor air samples unless it is physically disturbed because the spores are in a gelatinous mass. Grows well on wet media. preferably containing cellulose. I[ pmlifere[es in the indoor environment with long term water damage, growing on wallpaper, gypsum board, and teMiles. As a general rule, air cultures for Stachybotrys yields unpredictable results, mainly due to the fact that this fungus is usually accompanied by other fungi such as Aspergillus and Penicillium that normally are better aerosolized than Stachybotrys. This is a slow growing fungus on media. It does not compete well with other rapidly growing fungi. The black fungi grow on building material with high cellulose content arid law nitrogen content. Appropriate media for the growth of this organism will have high cellubse content and low nitrogen content. Health Effects: It has worldwide distribution and has been reported [o cause dermatitis, cough, rhinitis, and headache, although no definitive reports of human infections have been verified It has the ability to cause type i hypersensitivity. It is a documented mywtoxin producer. References: Flannigan, Brian, Robert A. Samson, and J. David Miller, ads. Microorganisms in Home and Indoor Work Environments: Diversity, Health Impacts, Investigation, and Control. London and New York: Taylor &Francis, 2001. STEMPHYLNM SPECIES - It is usually isolated from dead materials and is either parasitic or saprophytic. Health Effects: It has been reported to be a type I allergen and is considered a contaminant. Page2of2 Page 6 of 10 SanAtr Tcc6npin9ies labaratar~, lns. Mlcroblology Chem of Custody ass,om~aaawua.swws-ro~,~n.vaestae aqa-esz~an~ ~e~sn~~~e~ eoaaca-oo7o _ a~ ~~~, 071(ENYIPONAlENTAI 29 BAMK ST ~•. fiwte 5 $TAMPgRp CT s CakedM ~~ xunEec t;-;.. ~'" ., ~ ~~~~~ ,, ~ . ano~ou oa Name. Dee C.~eHeC~. P O NwnEc^ Fax d: ~ I C Special lnshuc1lonc UMco~ sChed~NM, the lum arountl pmn for all sample¢ mroMed oiler 9 pm Potlay will begin al B em Mantlay mpming. WeckonE or HoNday worN mual be eehatluled ehwd of tlma pnd Ia ehoryotl 150% of enelytieal mtc. 'ldtnwgh vre etlow Direc4~dentificeUon hmn m swab aarnple. bait resWh arc recehred fran Up- sam~iss. Page ~ of~ Page 7 of 10 Additional Information Air Cassette Analyses Air cassette reports indicate the genus and concentration of viable giving) and non-viable mold spores detected on the slide (A2 Anatysis). Whether or not these spores are viable cannot be determinetl using this type M analysis. However, keep in mind that spores can remain allergenic even after cellular death. Other passible allergens inGude dander, pollen and fibers which are included in air cassetle reports for the Al Analysis. Al and A2 analyses are performed on severe) types of air cassettes. Light microscopy at a 400 to 1000x magnrfiration is used for air cassette sample analysis. SanNr always analyzes 100% of the impacted slide. Explanafion of 8ackaround Densities The background tlensity of an air cassette aids in the overall interpretation of results as it indicates the level of background debris present (e.g. dander, pollen, fibers, insect parts, soot, fly ash, etc.). Excessive background debris may mask the presence of fungal spores thereby reducing the accuracy of the count. It may also serve as an alert that the volume of air pulled was too high or too low. The following table explains background densities. Air Cassette Density 1 ~+ 2 2+ Amount of Particulate on Slide Insigndirant Low 3 3+ Low to Motlerate Moderate to High High Very High 4 Overloaded Explanation Should not skew any counts Should not skew any counts Should not skew any counts May cause occlusion of small spores May cause occlusion W small to medium spores Wild cause occlusion of spores Level U partialate too high to perform analysis A Note About the Funoal Snores In some instances certain groups of fungi cannot be identified due to a lack of distinguishing charecteristics. These fungi will be categorized as "unknown spores° on the foal report. The genera Aspergillus and Penicillium are typically composed of small, round spores that are difficufl to distinguish from each other; therefore, they are grouped into the category Aspergillus / Penicillium. Otherfungi that produce spores of similar characteristics may also be placed into this category, including Paecilomyces, Gliocladium, and Trichotlerma, among others. Stachybotrys and Memnoniella spores are coated with a sticky "slime" layer that may inhibit aerosolization. Any genus of fungi detected on an air cassette with a high raw count (i.e. exceeding 500 spores) maybe estimated. Any estimate higher than 12,000 spores will be repodetl as>12,000. Untlerstandino the Air Cassette Report Each sample has 3 columns of information provided. Trie left is the raw count which is the number of spores for that fungal type detected on the trace. The middle column is the count per cubic meter (CounUm') which is the raw count convened based on the total volume pulled for that sample. It represents the number of spores that should 6e expected in a cubic meter of airfrom the location in question rf the spores were distrihuted evenly throughout the air. This column is helpful for interpreting results when the samples were pulled a[ different total volumes. In other words, the raw count of a cassette pulled at 751ders should not 6e compared to the raw mount of a cassette pulled at i501iters because there may be higher counts associated with the highervolume. By comparing the "CounVm'" cdumns the difference in volumes are accounted for Revision Date: 6/V2016 Page 8 of 10 The limit of detection is [he lowest spore count detectable with reasonable certainty, antl it is calculated this way using a raw count of one. Keep in mind there are 1,000 liters in a cubic meter. 1 x (1,000 /Total Volume in Liters) How to calculate the count per cubic meter: Raw Count x (1,000 /Total Volumein Liters) The last column on the right shows the percentage for which each spore type comprised the total spore count. Understand~no the Ar Cassette Graoh flf ~ncluded ~n the final eoort) The greph is a visual representation of the haseline sample (usually the outdoor air sample) compared individualty against each indoor sample. Each spore type found on the indoor sample is compared to what was found outdoors per cubic meter. The graph shows the percentile representation of each indoor spore count derived by dividing the indoor CounUm' by the outdoor CounUm'. If the percentage is below 50% of the outside count, then the bar is below 50 on the chart, which corresponds [o "No evidence of mold amplification" if the percentage is between 50 and 100%, then the baron the chart will stop between 50 and 100, which corresponds to "Possible mdd amplrfication." If the percentage is greater than 100%, then the bar will be above 700 on the chart, which corzesponds to'Probable mold amplification:' Each organism is given a threshold level for the Counllm'. If this threshold level is not met in an inside sample, then the organism will not be graphed on the chart. This is used to prevent the graph from showing every spore type that is commonty found outside and doesn't rypicalry indicate a possible moisture problem inside. For example, most common outdoor spores (e.g. ascospores, basidiospores, and Cladosporium) have a threshold level of 100. Therefore, in order to show up on the chart, the inside CounUm' must be above 100. On the other hand, fungi that may indicate water damage (e.g Stachybotrys, Ulocladium, Chaetomium, Memnonie0a, etc.) are given lower threshold levels. These fungi have a higher wader activity value and therefore require more moisture to grow. Stachybotrys and Chaetomium have threshold values of 14 and 30, respectively, as even a low count of those types of spores may indicate an issue with excess moisture. Keep in mind dial this graph is to be used only as a tool in the inspection of a building. V sual examination and knowledge of water damage. past remediation, and weather conditions, among other elements, is essential in the decision regarding the indoor air quality N a building. Assistance with Remediation Protects "more information pertaining to interpretation of resWts is available on our website www.sanaiccom** For assistance in a remediation project you may consult the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration CertHication's (IICRC) 5500 and 5520 protocols. The 5500 is a reference guide for water-damage restoration and the S520 pertains specifically to mold remediatioa Other standards and guidelines regarding Indoor Air Quality that may assist in remedia6on projects: AIHA (Recognitioq Evaluation, and Coniml of Indoor Mold) AIHA (The Facts About Mold) NADCA (ACR 2006) IESO (Standards of Practice for the Assessment of Indoor Air Quality) EPA (Mold Remetliation in Schools and Commercial Buildings) New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments) Revision Date: 6/1/2016 Page 9 of 10 Disclaimer San Air Technologies Laboratory tloes not make contamination corrections ro repotls basetl upon analysis of laboretory and/or fieltl blanks. This report is the sole property of the client nametl on the SanAir Technologies Laboratory chain-of-custody. Neither results nor reports will be discussed with or released to any third party without our clien4s written permission. The information provided in this report applies only to the samples submitted and is relevant only for the date, time and location of sampling. SanAir assumes no responsibility for the method of sample procurement. Evaluation reports are based solely on the samples) in, the contlition in which they arrived al the laboretory and on the information provided by the client on the asp e eoianon ana earner commons aunn sam im . amon otn r elements is essential m this tlecision. AEI samples are disposed of after 90 days unless otherwise requested by the client. SanAir is accredited by AIHA-LAP, LLC in the EMLAP program for Direct Examination of air samples. This report does not constitute endorsement by AIHA-LAP/NVLAP and/or any other U.S. governmental agencies; and may nol be cedified by every local, state and federal regulatory agency. Revision Date'. 6!1/2016 Page 10 of 10 ~; AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE: 7/7/2016 • • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertain ing to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-Repositioning of Structure on building envelop Address: Telephone #: Reason: Discussion and possible motion for local law Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (Office use only) 7/25/16 Approval: For: Notified: ,~,-., 4 AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE: 6/17/2016 • • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-E-cycling Address: Telephone #: Reason: approval to have advanced recovery inc. pick up assorted obsolete E-waste Approximate cost $15,000.00 Documents: Attached Ao not write below this line (Office use only} Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: Comments: 6f20/16 Date: Advanced Recovery tnc. 50 Grefton Avenue IJewark, NJ 07104 www advancedrecavery com Proposal ~,,, r ` 41 Mechanic Street port Jervis,"NJ 72771 845-858-8809 Dete-DS-05-16 P.O. DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE iO: Name Frank Fun icella PURCHASE 4ROER: Town of Monroe NY 7465 Orange Tumplke Monroe. NY 10950 E-mall: Runicella~advancadrecovery.com Phone: 845-85&8809 eM 707 FAX: 845-858-6848 Ce71: Advancetl Recovery Inc. proposes to collect and recycle for the below specified equipment and rates: Ativahced Recovery Inc will pick up assorted o6soiete E-waste equipment. Ail equipment w~l be recycled in accordance with all fetleret and state guldeiines. Charges: TruckingLabor• lect lcs Up to 10,000 pounds $250.00 $300.00 $0.35 per pound 10,OOi to 15.000 pounds $0.30 pet pouted 15,D00 pounds and over $0.25 per pound Freon Holding devices $20.00 each Qation The Town of Monroe may deliver the electronics and the trucking and labor charges would not apply. Advanced Recovery )nc, will provide a manifest of disposal attesting to the total weight of obsolete elec7onics recycled per occurrence. Advanced Recovery Inc. provides metal scraping service as well. EPA NJR000072603 NJDEP 2137T8 NYDEC 000757636 Please visit our website alwww.advancedrecoverv.com Advanced Recovery Inc. recycles taD% of obsolete elecVonics domestically and keeps 100% of obsolete electronics out at Me landfllis. APPROVE~BY DATE EiNIROMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW ARTICLE 27 TTfiLE 26 ELBCTRONZC EQUIPMENT RECYCLING AND REUSE Section 27-2601. Definitions. 27-2fiO3. Manufacturer collection; recycling surcharge. 27-2605. Manufacturer electronic waste registration and xesponaibilities. 27-2607. Retailer requirements. 27-2609. Labeling. 27-2611. Disposal ban. 27-2613. Electzonic waste collection, consolidation and recycling. 27-261$. Department responsibilities. 27-2617. Reporting requirements. 27-2619. Preemption. 27-7621. Disposition of fees. ~ 27-2601. Definitions. As used in this title: 1. "Cathode ray tube" means a vacuum tube ox picture tube used to convert an electronic signal into a visual image. 2. "Computer" means an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical or other high-speed data. processing device performing a logical, arithmetic or storage function, including a laptop computer and desktop computer, and includes any cable, cord, or wiring permanently affixed to or incorporated into such product, and may include both a computes central processing unit and a monitor; but such term shall not include an automated typewriter or typesetter, a portable hand-held calculator, a portable digital assistant, server, or other similar device. 3. "Computer peripheral" means a monitor; electzonic keyboard; electxonic mouse or similar pointing device; facsimile machine, document scanner, or printer intended for use with a computer; and includes any cable, cord, or wiring permanently affixed to or incorporated into any such product. Computer periphezal shall not include any document scanner or printer which weighs one hundred paunfls ar more, 4. "Consumer" means a person located in the state who owns or uses covered electronic equipment, including but not limited to an individual, a business, corporation, limited partnership, not-fox-profit corposation, the state, a public corporation, public school, school district, private or parochial school ar board of cooperative ednoatianal services or governmental entity, but does not include an entity involved in a wholesale transaction between a distributor and retailer. 5. "Covered electronic equipment' means: a computer; computer peripheral; small electronic equipment; sma11-scale server; cathode ray tube; or television, as defined in this section, "Covered electronic equipment" does not include any motor vehicle os any part thereof; camera os video camera; portable or stationary radio; household appliances such as clothes washers, clothes dryers, refrigerators, Freezers, microwave ovens, ovens, ranges or dishwashers; equipment that is functionally or physically part of a larger piece of equipment intended for use in an industrial, research and development or commercial setting; security or anti-terrorism equipment; monitoring and control instrument or system; thermostat; hand-held transceiver; telephone of any type; portaY~le digital assistant or similar device; calculator; global positioning system (GPS) receive= or similar navigation device; a server other than a small-scale serve x; a cash register or retail self checkout system; a stand-alone storage product intended for use in industrial, research and development or commercial settings; commercial medical equipment that contains within it a cathode ray tube, a flat panel display or similar video display device, and is not separate from the larger piece of equipment; or other medical devices as that term is defined under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic ACL. 6. "Electronic waste" means covered electronic equipment that has been discarded or is no longer wanted by its owner, or Por any other reason enters the waste collection, recovery, treatment, processing, or recycling system. For purposes of section 27-2611 of this title, "electronic waste" does not include the case, shell, or other enclosure of covered electronic equipment from which incorporated assemblies, snb-assemblies, components, materials, wiring, cizcuitry and commodities have been removed. 7. "Electronic waste collection site" means a facility at a Fixed ox temporary site at which electronic waste is accepted from consumers and tempozazily stored for more than five days in a calendar year before such waste is transported to an electronic waste consolidation facility or electronic waste recycling facility. Electronic waste collection sites include, but are not limited to, dedicated sites and Facilities for the acceptance of electronic waste, and retail stores and outlets, municipal or private electronic waste collection sites and not-tox-profit donation sites that have 2greed to accept electronic waste. e. "Electronic waste consolidation facility° means a Facility that receives and stores electronic waste for the purpose o~ ozgarizing, categorizing or consolidating items of electronic waste before such waste zs transported to an electronic waste recycling Facility. Electronic waste consolidation facilities include, but are not limited to, Facilities of brokers acting as intermediaries between electronic waste buyers and sellers, and regional centers at which electronic waste is organized, categorized ox consolidated after being transported to such centers from electronic waste collection sites or other electronic waste consolidation facilities. 9. "Eleptronic waste recycling facility" means a £aciliky at which electronic waste is recycled. 10. "Label" means a marker on the surface of covered electronic egvipment conveying information; for the purposes of this title, labels must be permanent and can be attached, printed, engraved or incorporated in any other permanent way that is obvious anfl visible to users o£ the product. 11. "Manufacturer" means a person who: (a) assembles or substantially assembles covered electronic equipment for sale in the state; (b) manu£actures covered electronic equipment under its own brand name oz under any other brand name for sale in the state; (c) sells, under its own brand name, covered electronic equipment sold in the state; (d) owns a brand name that it licenses to another person far use on covered electronic equipment sold in the state; (e) imports covered electronic equipment for sale in the state; or {£) manufactures covered electronic equipment for sale in the state without a€fixing a brand name. "Manufacturea" does not mean a Berson who assembles or substantially assembles, and se11s less than one thousand units o£ covered electzonic equipment annually in this state, or whose primary business is the sale of covered electronic equipment which is comprised primarily of rebuilt, refurbished or used components. If more than one person is a manufacturer of a brand of covered electronic ewipment, any such person may assume ~..... responsibility £or obligations of a manufactures of that brand under this title. 1f none of those persons assumes responsibility for the obligations o£ 2 manufacturer under this title, anY and all such persons jointly and severally may be considered to be the responsible manufacturer of that brand for purposes of this title. 12. "Manufacturer's brands" means a manufacturer's name, brand name or brand 3abe1, and all manufacturer's names, brand names end brand labels £or which Che manufacturer has a legal right ox interest, including those names, brand names, and bland labels o£ companies that have been acquired by the manufacturer or in which the manufacturer asserts a legal interest such as trademark, licenses service mask, or pakent.. 13. "Monitor" means a separate visual display component of a computer, whether sold separately or together with a computer central processing uniC, and includes a cathode ray tube, liquid crystal display, gas plasma, digital light processing or other image projection technology, q=eater than £our inches when measured diagonally, and its case, interioz wires and circuitry, and any cable cord or wiring permanently affixed thezeto or incorporated into such prodnet. 14. "Person" means any individual, business entity, partnership, company, corporation, not -for-profit ooxporation, association, governmental entity, public benefit corporation, public authority, firm, organization, or any other group of individuals, os any offices or employee or agent thezeof. 15. "Recycle" means to separate, dismantle or process the materials, components or commodities contained in electronic waste for the purpose of preparing the materials, components ox commodities for use or reuse in new products or components thereof, but not Por energy recovery or or energy generation by means of combustion, gasification, pyrolysis othar means. Recycling includes the manual and mechanical separation of commodities or electronic waste to recover matezials, components changing and recycling, ox reuse of purpose the £or contained therein the physical or chemical composition of e].e.ctronic waste to segregate components for purposes of recycling those components. 16.. "Retailer" means a person who sells covered electronic equipment to a person in the state through any means. including, but not limited to, transactions conducted through retail sales outlets, mail, catalogs, does the telephone or the internet~ or any electronic means. "Retailer" items ten than fewer sale not include a person who sells or offers for of covered electronic equipment during a calendar year. 17, "Reuse" means the use o£ electronic waste that is tested and certified to be in good wor3sing order and which was removed from the d, waste stream Pos use for the same purpose for which it was manufacture including the continued use of whole systems or components. or 18. "Sell" or "sale" means any transfer for cons2deration of title includa to retailer person, or r manufacture a from use, the right to ing, but not limited to, transactions conducted through retail sales outlets, catalogs, mail, the telephone, the intexnet, os any electronic means; this includes transfer of new products ox used products that may have been refurbished by their manufacturer or manufacturer-approved party and that are offered for sale by a manufacturer oz retailer, but does not include consumer-to-consumer second-hand transfer. "Sell or (a) the transfer of used oovezed electronic sale" does not include: (b) wholesale electronic equipment; or covered equipment or a lease of transactions among a manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer. 19. "Small electronic equipment" means any portable digital music player that has memory capability and is battery-powered, video cassette recorder + a digital video disc player, digital video recorder, digital converter box, cable or satellite receiver, or electrona.c or video game console, and includes any cable, cord, or wiring permanently a£~ixed to or incorporated into any sach product. 20. "5ma11-scale server" means a computer. that typically uses desktop components in a desktop £orm factox, but is designed primarily to be a storage host for other computers. To be considered a small-scale server, a computer must have the following characteristics: designed in a pedestal, tower, or other Form £actor similar to those of desktop computers such that all data processing, storage, and network interfacing is contained within one box or product; intended to be operational twentyEour hours per day and seven days a week, and unscheduled downtime 1s extremely low, such as on the order of hours per year; is capable of operating in a simultaneous multi-user environment serving several users through networked client units; and designed £or an industry accepted operating system for home or low-end server applications. 21. "Television" means a display system containing a cathode ray tube or any other type of display primarily intended to receive video programming via broadcast, cable or satellite transmission, having a viewable area greater than four inches when measured diagonally. ~ 27-2603. Manufacturer collection; recycling surcharge. 1. (a) Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, a manufacturer o£ covered ele ct Yonic equipment must accept for collection, handling and recycling ox reuse electronic waste £or which it is the manufacturer. Such waste shall count toward the amount of electronic waste required to be accepted pursuant to subdivision £our of this section. (b) Beginning April First, two thousand eleven, a manufacturer of covered electronic equipment must accept for collection, handling and recycling or reuse one piece o£ electronic waste of any manufacturer's brand if offered by a consumer with the purchase of covered electronic equipment of the same type by a consumer. Such waste shall count toward the amount o£ the electronic waste required to be accepted puzsuant to subdivision £our of this section. 2. Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, each manufacturer must accept £or collection, handling and secycling or reuse the manUfactnrer's acceptance standard as specified in subdivision £our of this section. 3. Statewide recycling or reuse goal. (a) For the period From April first, two thousand eleven through December thirty-first, two thousand eleven, the statewide recycling or reuse goal for electronic waste shall be the product o£ the latest population estimate for the state, as published by the U.S. Census bureau multiplied by three pounds multiplied by three-quarters. (b) Pos calendar year two thousand twelve, the statewide recycling or reuse goal £or all electronic waste shall be the product of the latest population estimate for the state, as published by the II.S. Census bureau multiplied by £our pounds. (c) For calendar year two thousand thirteen, the statewide recycling or reuse goal for all electronic waste shall be the product o£ the latest population estimate for the state, as published by the II.S. Census bureau multiplied by Five pounds. (d) Fox calendar year two thousand fourteen and annually thereafter, the statewide recycling ox reuse goal for all electronic waste is the product of the base weight multiplied by the goal attainment percentage. For the purposes of this paragraph, "base weight" means the greater of: ,u., (i} the average weight o£ all e2ectronia waste collected for recycling or reuse during the previous three calendar years as reported to the department pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision one o£ section 27-2617 of this title; oz (ii) the three year average o£ the sum of all electronic waste collected for recycling or reuse dvrix~g the previous three calendar years based on information reported to the department pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision one, paragraph (b) of subdivision two and paragraph {b) oY subdivision three of section 27-2613 of this title. (e) The "goal attainment percentage" means: (i) ninety percent if the base weight is less than ninety percent of the statewide recycling or reuse goal for the pzevious calendar year; (ii) ninety-five percent if the base weight is ninety percent or greater, but does not exceed ninety-five percent o£ the statewide xecycling or reuse goal for the previous calendar year; (iii) ane hundred percent if the base weight is ninety-five percent or greater, but does not exceed one hundzed £ive percent o£ the statewide recycling or reuse goal for the previous calendar year; (iv) one hundred £ive percent if the base weight is one hundred five percent or greater, but does not exceed one hundred ten percent of the statewide recycling or reuse goal for the previous calendar year; and (v) one hundred ten percent if the base weight is one hundred ten percent or greater of the statewide recycling or reuse goal for the previous calendar year. 4. Manufacturer acceptance sCandard. (a) For the period April first, two thousand eleven through December thirty-first, two thousand eleven and annually thereafter, each manufacturer's acceptance standard is the product of the statewide recycling or reuse goal under paragraph {a), {b?. (c) or (d) of subdivision three of this section, as appropriate, multiplied by that manufacturer's market share pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision. (b) Each manufacturez's market share of electronic waste shall be determined by the department based on the manufacturer's percentage share of the total weight of egvered e7.ectronic eguipmen~ sold as determined by the best available information, including, but not limited to, state sales data reported by weight. Beginning April Eirst, two thousand eleven, and every calendar year thereafter, the department shall provide each manufacturer with a determination o£ its market share of electronic waste which shall be the quotient o£ the total weight of the manufacturer's covered electronic equipment sold to persons in this state based on the average annual retail sa3es during the preceding three calendar years, as reported under sections 27-2b05 and 2?-2617 of this title divided by the total weight of all manufacturers covered electronic equipment sold to persons in this state based on the average annual retail sales during the preceding three calendar years, as reported under sections 27-2605 and 27-2617 of this title. 5. In the absence of a waiver by the department pursuant to subdivision three of section 27-2615 of this title, beginning in calendar year two thousand thirteen, a manufacturer that fails to meet its manufacturer's acceptance standard for the previous calendar year as required by subdivision four o£ this section shall be subject to a recycling surcharge, determined as follows: (a) If a manufacturer accepts at least ninety percent but less than one hundred percent o£ i.ts manufacturer's acceptance standard as required by subdivision four of this section, the surcharge shall be thirty cents multiplied by the numUer of additional pounds of electronic waste that should have been accepted by such manufacturer. (b) If a manufacturer accepts at least fifty percent but less than ninety percent o£ its manv£acturer's acceptance standard as required by forty cents subdivision four of this section, the surcharge shall be multiplied by the number of additional pounds of electronic waste that should haae been accepted by such manu£actnrer. (c) I£ a manufacturer accepts less than fifty percent o£ its manufacturer's acceptance standard as required by subdivision £our of this section, the surcharge shall be £i£ty cents multiplied by the number o£ a8ditional pounds of electronic waste that should have been accepted by such manu£atturer. 6. The recycling surcharge shall be paid to the department with the annual report ze quired pursuant to section 27-2617 of this title. 7. Beginning with calendar year two thousand fourteen, i£ a manu£acturer accepts more than its manufacturer's acceptance standard as required by subdivision £our o£ this section, the excess weight may be used as electronic waste acceptance credits and may be sold, traded, or banked foi a period no longer than three calendar years succeeding the year in which Lhe credits were earned; provided, however, that no more than twenty-five percent of a manufacturer's obligation for any calendar year may be met with recycling credits generated in a prior calendaz year. § 27-26D5. Manufacturer electronic waste registration ities. and responsibil- 1. A manufacturer shall submit a registration on a form prescribed by the department to the department by January first, two thousand eleven, along with a registration fee o£ five thousand dollars. The department may sequize such form to be filed electronically. Such registration shall include: (a) the manufacturer's name, address, and telephone number; (b) the name and title of an officer, director, or other individual designated as the manufacturer`s contact for purposes o£ this title; (c) a 11st identifying the manufacturer's brands; (d) a general description of the manner in which the manufacturer will comply with section 27-2603 of this title, zne3uding specific information on the manufacturer's electronic waste acceptance program in the state, and a current list of locations within the state where consumers may return electronic waste;. (e) sales data reported by weight for the manufacturer's covered electronic equipment sold in this state for the previous three calendar years, categorized by type to the extent known. I£ the manufacturer cannot provide accurate state sales data, it must explain why such data dividing its cannot be provided, and estimate state sales data by (i) national sales data by weight by the national population according to the most recent census and multiplying the result by the population of the state, or (ii) another method approved by the department; (f) a statement disclosing whether: (i) any covered electronic device sold in this state exceeds the maximum concentration values established Por lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and polybrominated dipheny2 ethers (PBDEs) under the pursuant tp restriction of hazardous substances directive (RoHS) 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and Council and any amendments thereto and i£ so, a listing of any covered electronic equipment that is not in compliance with such directive; or (li) the manufacturer has received an exemption from one or more o£ those maximum concentration ~, this title and make them available for audit and inspection by the department £or a period of three years. 7. A manv£acturer may satisfy the electronic kaste collection requirements of this sectipn by agreeing to participate in a collective electronic waste acceptance program with other manufacturers. Any such collective electronic waste acceptance program must meet the aeme requirements as an individual manufacturer. Any collective electronic waste acceptance program must include a list of manufacturers that are participating in such program along with other identifying information as may be required by the department. Such program shall submit a registration to the department along with a registration fee o£ ten thousand dollars. 8. A manufacturer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the implementation of the electronic waste acceptance program. The manufacturer shall not charge consumers for the collecti.pn, handling and recycling and reuse of electronic waste, provided that such prohibition shall not apply to a charge on business consumers or to charges for premium services. This prohibition shall not apply to a manufacturer's contract with a consumer £or the collection, handling, recycling os reuse of electronic waste that was entered into prior to the effective date of this section. For purposes of this subdivision, "business consumer" means a fox-profit entity which has Ei£ty or more full Cime employees or a not-for-profit corporation with seventy-five or more full time employees, but not a not-for-profit corporation designated under section 501 (c)(3) of the internal revenue code. For purposes of this subdivision, "premium services" means equipment and data security services, refurbishment £or reuse by the consumer, and other custom services as may be determined by the department. § 27-2607. Retailer requirements. 1. At the location of sale of covered electronic equipment, a retailer shall provide purchasers of covered electronic equipment with in£ormation, if any, about opportunities for the return o£ electronic waste that has been provided to the retailer by a manufacturer. 2. Beginning Apsil first, two thousand eleven, no retailer shall sell or offer for sale in the state any covered electronic equipment unless the manufacturer and the manufacturer's brands are registered with the department pursuant to section 27-2b05 0£ this title. If the retailez purchased epvered electronic equipment from a manvPacturer who fails to register by January first, two thousand eleven, or prior to the date the manufacturer withdrew its registration ox the registration was revoked by the department, the retailer may continue to sell the covered electronic equipment fos one hundred eighty days after April #first, two thousand eleven, or the date the registration was withdrawn or revoked. ~ 27-2609. Labeling. Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, a manufacturer map not offez for sale in the state or deliver to retailers for subsequent sa3e covered electronic equipment unless it has a visible, permanent label clearly identifying the manufacturer of that equipment. values under the RoHS directive that has been approved and published by the European Commission; and {g} any other information as the deparkment may require. 2. A manufacturer's registration is effective upon acceptance by the department and nust be updated within thirty days of any maternal change to the in£ozmation required by subdivision one of this section. 3. Any person who becomes a mane#actuser on or after January first, two thousand eleven shall register with the department pzior to selling or offering £or sale in the state any covered ele otronic equipment, and must comply with the requirements of this title. 4. No later than April first, two thousand eleven, a manufacturer shall not sell or offer £or sale electronic equipment in the state unless the manufacturer has registered with the department and maintains an electronic waste acceptance program through which the manufacturer, either directly or through an agent or flesignee, accepts electronic waste from consumers in the state for recycling. The manu £acturer shall ensure that retailers are notified of sv ch registration. 5. The electronic waste acceptance program shall include, at a minimum: (a) collection, handling and recycling or reuse o£ electronic waste pursuant to section 27-2603 of this title in a manner convenient to conswners. The following acceptance methods shall be considered reasonably convenient: (i) mail. or ship back return programs; (ii) collection or acceptance events conducted by the ¢~annfacturer or the manufacturer's agent or designee, including events conducted through local governments or private parCies; (iii) fixed acceptance locations such as dedicated acceptance sites operated by the manufactures or its agent or designee; (iv) agreements with loca3. governments, retail stores, sales outlets and not-£or-profit organizations which have agreed to provide facilities fox the collection of electronic waste; (v) community colie ction events; and (vi) any combination of these ox other acceptance methods which effectively provide for the acceptance of electronic waste £or rEcycling or reuse through means that are available and reasonably convenient to consumers in the state. At a minimum, the manufacturer sha11 ensure that all counties of the state, and all municipalities which have a population of ten thousand or greater, have at least one method o£ acceptance that is available within such county or municipality. The department may establish additional requirements to ensure convenient collection from consumers; {b) information on how consumers can destroy all data on any electronic waste, either through physical destruction of the hard drive or through data wiping; {c1 a public education program to inform consumers about the manufacturez's electronic waste acceptance program, including at a minimum: {i) an Internet website and a toll-free telephone number and written information included in the product manual for, or at the time o~ sale of, covered electronic equipment that provides sufficient information to allow a consumerof covered electronic equipment to learn how to return the covered equipment £or recycling or reuse, and in the case of manufacturers of computers, hard drives and other covered electronic equipment that have internal memory on which personal or other confidential data can be stored, such website sha11 provide instructions £or how consumers can destroy such data before surrendering the products £or recycling or reuse; {ii) advertisements and press releases if any; and (d) any other information as required by the department in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to this article. 6. A manufacturer shall maintain reoozds demonstrating compliance witIl § 27-2611. Aisposal ban. 1. Beginning April first, two thousand eleven, no manufacturer, retailer, or owner or operator o£ an electronic waste collection site, electronic waste consolidation faciliCy or electronic waste recycling facility in the state shall dispose of electronic waste at a solid waste management facility or hazardous waste management facility, or place electronic waste for collection which is intended for disposal at a solid waste management facility or hazaxdov.s waste management facility. 2. Beginning January first, two thousand twelve, no person except for an individual or household shall place or dispose o£ any electrgnic waste in any solid waste management facility, or place electronic waste for collection which is intended for disposal at a solid waste management facility or hazardous waste management Facility in this state. Persons engaged in the collection oP solid waste fox delivery to a solid wsste management facility sha11 pxoaide written information to users of such facility on the proper methods for the reayeling of electronic waste. 3. Beginning Jsnuary first, two thousand fifteen, no individual or household shall place ox dispose of any electronic waste in any solid waste management facility, or place electronic waste £or collection which is intended for disposal at a solid waste management facility ox hazardous waste management facility in this state. 4. Beginning January first, two thousand twelve, an owner or operator of a solid waste management Facility or hazardous waste management Facility shall educate users of such facility on the proper methods £or the management o£ electronic waste. Such education sha11 include: (a) providing written infozmation to users of such facility on the proper metho8s £or recycling of electronic waste; and (b) posting, in conspicuous locations at„such facility, signs stating that electronic waste may not be disposed of at the facility. § 27-2613. Electronic waste collection, consolidation and recycling. 1. Electronic waste collection sites. No later than Januarp first, two thousand eleven, each person who owns or operates an electronic waste collection site in the state shall: (a) register with the department on a form prescribed by the department. The department may require such Form to be filed electronically. The registration shall lnclvde: (i) the name, address, and telephone number of the owners and the opezators of the electronic waste collection site; and (ii) the name, address, and telephone number of the electronic waste collection site. Any person who conanences the operation of an electronic waste collection alts on pr after January flirt, two thousand eleven shall register with the department at least thirty days prior to receiving any electronic waste at such collection site. A registration is effective upon acceptance by the department. In the case o£ collection sites operated by a retailer, a single registration iisting the name, address, and telephone number of the individual collection sites may be submitted covering all their collection sites; (b) beginning March first, two thousand twelve, each person operating an electronic waste collection site shall submit to the department an annual report £or the period o£ April first, two thousand eleven through December thirty-first, two thousand eleven and each calendar year thereafter, on a form prescribed by the department. The department may require annual reports to be filed electronically. Annual reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (i) the quantity, by weight, o£ electronic waste received from consumers in the state; tii) the name and address of each person to whom the electronic waste collection site sent electronic waste during the repoxting~period, along with the quantity, by weight, o£ electronic waste that was sent to each such person; and (iii) the weight of electronic waste collected on behalf of ox pursuant Yo an agreement with each manufacturer during the reporting period. All quantities of electronic waste reported by the collection site must separately Snclude electzonic waste generated by New York state consumers and electronic masts received from ox shipped outside the state; (cj manage electronic waste in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations; (d) store electronic waste (i) in a fully enclosed bvilding with a roof, floor and walls, or iii) in a secure container (e.g., package or vehicle), that is constructed and maintained to minimize breakage o£ electronic waste and to prevent releases of hazardous materials to the environment; (e) remove electronic waste £rom the site within one year of the waste's receipt at the site, and maintain records demonstrating compliance with this requirement. (a) No later than Janu2. Electronic waste consolidation facilities. ary £izst, two thousand eleven, each person who operates an electronic waste consolidation facility in the state sha11. zegister with the The department may department on a form prescribed by the department. require such form to ba filed electronically. The registration sha11 include: (i) the name, address and telephpne number of the owner and the the name, address and telephone operator of the Ea cili.ty; and (ii) number of the electronic waste consolidation Facility. Any person who commences the operation o£ an electronic waste consolidation Facility on or after January first, two thousand eleven shall zegister with the department at least thirty days prior to receiving any electronic waste. A registration is e£fect:ve upon acceptance by the department. Any registration required by this paragraph shall be accompanied by a registration fee of two hundred Fifty dollars. (b) Beginning March first, two thousand twelve, each person operating an electronic waste consolidation facility shall submit to the department an annual report £or the period o£ April First, two thousand eleven through December thirty-first, two thousand eleven and each calendar year there~Eter, on a form prescribefl by the department. The department may require annual reports to bs Filed electronically. .Annual reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (i) the name and address of each electronic waste collection site from which the consolidation facility received electronic waste during the reporting period, along with the quantity, by weight, of electronic waste received from each collection rice; (ii) the name and address of each person to whom the electronic waste consolidation facility sent electronic waste during the reporting period, along with the quantity, by weight, of electronic waste that was senC to each such person; (iii) the weight of ele ct tonic waste collected on behalf of or pursuant to an agreement with each manufactUxer during the reporting period; and (iv) a certification by the owner or operator of the electronic waste consolidation facility that such a Facility has complied with the requirements of this title and all other applicable laws, rules, end regulations. All quantities o£ electronic waste reported by the consolidation facility must separately include electronic waste generated by New York state consumers and electronic waste received Erom or shipped outside the state. r,.... (c) Each person operating an electronic waste consolidation facility shall: (i) manage electronic waste in a manner that compJ.ies with all applicabl.e laws, rules and regulations; (ii) store electronic waste (k} in a fully enclosed building with a roof, floor and xalls, or (B) in a secure container (e.g., package ox vehicle), that is constructed and maintained to minimize breakage of electronic waste and to prevent releases o£ hazardous materials to the environment; (iii) have a means to oontxol entry, at all times, to the active portion o£ the £acuity; (iv) inform all employees who handle or have responsibility for managing electronic waste about the proper handling and emergency procedures appropriate to the type or types o£ electronic waste handled at the facility; (v) remove electronic waste from the site within one year of the waste's receipt at the site, and maintain records demonstrating compliance with this requirement; and (vi) maintain the recor8s required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision and by subpa.ragraph (v) of this paragraph on site and make them available for audit and inspection by the department for a period of three years. (d) A person operating an electronic waste consolidation facility shall not engage in electronic waste recycling anless such person is also registered as an electronic waste recycling facility, and complies with the requirements of this section that are applicable to each type of facility. (e) A person operating an electronic waste consolidation Facility may accept electronic waste in the same manner as an electronic waste collection site provided that such person complies with the requirements of this section that are applicable to electronic waste collection sites. 3. Electronic waste recycling faoilitiea. (a) No later than January first, two thousand eleven, etch person ope=sting an electronic waste recycling facility in the state sha11 register with the department on a £orm prescribed by the department. The department may require such form to be filed electrtlnically. The registration shall include: (i) the name, address and telephone namber of the owner and the operator o£ the facility; and (ii) the name, address, and telephone number of the electronic waste recycling facility. Any person who commences the gpezation of an electronic waste recycling facility on or after January first, two thousand eleven shall register with the department at least thirty days prior to receiving any electronic waste. A registration is effective upon acceptance by the department. Any registration required by this paragraph shall be accompanied by a registration fee of two hundred £tfty dollars. (b) Beginning March first, two thousand twelve, each person operating an electronic waste recycling Facility shall submit to the department an annual report for the period of April first, two tbousanfl eleven through December thirty-first, two thousand eleven and each calendar year thereafter, on a form prescribed by the department. The department may require annual reports to be filed electronically. Annual reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (i) the quantity, by weight, o£ electronic waste received from consumers in the state; (ii) the name and address o£ each electronic waste collection site and electronic waste consoli&anon facility from which electronic waste was received during the reporting period, along with the quantity, by weight, of electronic waste received £xom each person; (iii) the name and address of each person to whom the facility sent electronic waste or component materials during the reporting period, along with the gaantithereof sent ty~ by weight, of electronic waste or component materials to each such person; (iv) the weight of electronic waste collected on behalf of ox pursuant to an agreement with each manufacturer during the reporting perSod; and {v) a certification by the owner os operator o£ the facility that such Facility has complied with the re gvirements o£ this title and all other applicable laws, rules, and regulations. All quantities of electzonic waste reported by the recycling Facility must separately include electronic waste generated by New York slate consumers and electronic waste received from or shipped outside the state. (c) Each person operating an electronic waste recycling facility shall: (i) manage and recycle electronic waste in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations; (ii) store electronic waste (A) in a sully enclosed building with a roof, floor and walls, o= (B) in a secure container (e.g., package or vehicle), that is constructed and maintained to minimize breakage of electronic waste and to prevent releases of hazardous materials to the environment; (iii) have a means Co control entry, at all times, through gates or other entrances to the active portion o£ the facility; {iv) inform all employees who handle or have responsibili.ty £or managing electronic waste about proper handling and emergency procedures appropriate to the type or types of electronic waste handled at the facility; (v) remove electronic waste From the site within one year o£ the waste's receipt at the site, and maintain records demonstrating compliance with this requirement; and (v5.) mflintain the records required by paragraphs (a) and {b) of this subdivision and by subparagraph (v) of this paragraph on site and make them available for audit and inspection by the department for a period of three years. {d) A person opeYating an electronic waste recycling facility may also operate such facility as an electronic waste consolidation facility provided that such person complies with the requirements o£ this section that are applicable to each type of facility. Where a facility is operated £or both purposes, only one registration fee must be paid. (a) A person operating an electronic waste recycling facility may accept electronic waste in the same manner as a❑ electronic waste collection site provided that such person complies with the requirements o£ this section that are applicable to electronic waste collection sites. 4. Except to the extent otherwise required by law, no manufactures or person operating an electronic waste collection site, electronic waste consolidation Facility or electronic waste recycling Facility shall have any responsibility or liability fox any data i❑ any form stored on electronic waste surrendered for recycling or reuse, unless such person misuses or knowingly and intentionally, or with gross negligence, discloses the data. This provision shall not prohibit any such person from entering into agreements that provide for the destruction of data on covered electronic equipment. r,,, ~ 27-2615. Department responsibilities. 1. The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations the At a minimums necessary to implement and administer this title. standards for department shall promulgate rules and regulations on: reuse; electronic waste acceptance credits; waivers oP the recycling surcharge; and acceptable alternative methods for the determination of stake sales data. 2. The department shall (a) maintain a list of manufacturers who are registered pursuant to section 27-2605 of this title, (b) maintain a list of each such manufacturer's brands, and (c) post such lists on the department's website. 3. The department may waive the recycling surcharge payable by a manu£actuxer under this title when the manufacturer demonstrates in an application to the department it was unable to accept the weight of electronic waste required by section 27-2603 of this title despite the manufacturer's best efforts. The application shall be made with the annual report requa.red by section 27-2617 of this title. The application shall include such information as the department. requires. A waiver provided pursuant to this subdivision shall not relieve a manu£actuzer this title not £rom the obligation to comply with the provisions o£ specifically addressed in such waiver. § 27-2617. Reporting requirements. 1. Beginning March first, two thousand twelve, for the period of April first, two thousand eleven through December thirty-first, two thousand eleven and each calendar year thereafter, a manufacturer that offers covered electronic equipment for sale in this state sha7.1 submit a department that report to the department on a form prescribed by the inclades the following: (a) sales data reported by weight for the manu£actuzer's covered electsonic equipment sold in this state for the previous three calendar the manufacturer years, categorized by type to the extent known. If cannot provide accurate state salsa data, it must explain why such data cannot be provided,. and estimate state sales data by (i) dividing its national sales data by weight by the national population according to the most recent census and multiplying the result by the population of the state, or (ii) another method approved by the department; (b) the quantity, by weight, o£ eleatsonic waste collected for recycling or reuse in this state, categorized by the type of covered electronic equipment collected during the reporting period, the methods used to accept the electronic waste, and the approximate weight of electronic waste accepted by eacYi method used to the extent known; (c) all quantities of electronic waste reported by the manuEactuzer must separately include electronic waste generated by New York state consumers and electronic waste received from or shipped outside the state: (i) the quantity, by weight, of electronic waste received directthe {ii) ly from consumers in the state through a maa.l back program; name and address o£ each electronic wasCe collection site, electronic waste consolidation facility, and electronic waste recycling facility at which electronic waste from consumers was received on behalf of the manufacturer during the reporting period, along with the quantity, by weight, of electronic waste received;_ and iiii) the name and address of each person to whom the manufacturer sent electronic waste or component materials during the reporting period, along with the quantity, by weighk, of electronic waste or component materials thereof sent to each such person; {d) the nwnber of electronic waste acceptance credits purchased, sold, banked and traded during the reporting pezlod~ the number of electronic waste acceptance credits used to meet the requirements c: section 27-2603 of this title, and from whom they were purchased and to whom they were sold or traded, and the number of electronic waste acceptance credits retained as of the date o£ the repo=t; (e) the amount o£ any recycling surcharge owed for the reporting period, with saf£icient information to demonstrate the basis £or the calculation of the sUrChflYge; (f) the names and locations of electronic waste recycling facilities utilized by the manufacturer and entities to which electronic waste is sent £or reuse, whether in the state or outside the state, including details on the methods of recycling or reuse o£ electronic waste, any disassembly or physical recovery operation used, and the environmental management measares implemented by such recycling facility or entity; (g} information detailing the acceptance methods made available to conswners in municipalities which have a population of greater than ten thousand and in each county of the state to meet the requirements of paragraph (a) o£ subdivision five o£ section 27-26D5 a£ this title; (h) a brie£ description of its public education program including the number of visits to the inteKnet website and ca11s to the to11-tree telephone number provided by the manufacturer as required by section 27-2605 of this title; (i) any other information as required by the department; and (j) a signature by an officer, director, or other individual affirming the accuracy of the report. 2. The department may require annual reports to be filed electzonically. 3. The report shall be accompanied by an annual reporting fee of three thousand dollars, and any recycling surcharge due pursuant to section 27-2603 of this title. 9. The department shall submit a report on implementation o£ the title in this state to the governor and legislature by April first, two thousand twelve and evezy two years thereafter. The report must include, at a minimum, an evaluatio❑ of: (a) the electronic waste stream in the state; (b) recycling and reuse rates in the state for covered electronic equipment; (c) a discussion of compliance and enforcement related to the requirements of this title; (d) recommendations £or any changes to this title; and {e~ a discussion of opportunities for business development in the state related to the acceptance, collection, handling and recycling or reuse of electronic equipment in this state. § 27-2619. Preemption. JurSsdiction in all matters pertaining to electronic waste recycling, including but not limited to the obligations of manufacturers, retailers, electronic waste collection sites, electronic waste consolidation facilities and electronic waste recycling facilities with respect to electronic waste recycling, is, by this title, vested exclusively in the state. Any provision of any local law or ordinance, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereto, governing covered electronic equipment and the collection, reuse, or recycling of electzonic waste shall upon the effective date of this title be preempted. ~ 27-2621. Disposition of fees. All fees and charges collected pursuant to this title shall be deposited into the environmental protection £und established pursuant to section ninety-two-s o£ the state finance law. ~ 71-2729. Enforcement of title 26 0£ article 27 of this chapter. 1. a. Rny consumer, as defined in title twenty-air of article twentyseven o£ this chapter, who violates any provision o£, or £ails to perform any duty imposed by, section 27-2611 of this chapter, shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars Eor each violation. b. Any person, except a consiuner, manufacturer, or an owner or operator of an electronic waste collection site, electronic waste consolidation facility, or electronic waste recycling Facility as these terms are defined in title twenty-six of article twenty-seven of this chapter, who violates any provision, or fails to perform any duty imposed by section 27-2611 of this chapter, shall be liable fc>r a civil penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for each violation. c. Any manufacturer, or any person operating an electronic waste collection site, an electxonac waste consolidation facility, os an electronic waste recycling facility as those terms rze defined ir. title twenty-six of article twenty-seven of this chapter, x~ho: i. fails to submit any report, registration, fee, or surcharge to the department as required by title twenty-six of article twenty-seven of this chapter shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars for each day such report, registration, fee, os surcharge is not submitted; and ii. violates any other provision of title twenty-six of article Cmenty-seven of this chapter or £ails to perform any duty imposed by such title, except £oz subdivision four of section 27-2603 of this chapter, sha11 be liable for a civil penalty £or each violation not to exceed one thousand dollars for the first violation, two thousand five hundred dollars for the second violation and five thousand dollars for the third and subsequent violations of this title within a twelve-month period. d. Any retailer, as defined by section 27-2601 0£ this chapter, who violates any provision o£ title twenty-six o£ article twenty-seven of this chapter or £ails to perform any daty imposed by such tit]e~ shall be liable for a civil penalty for each violation not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for the first violation, five hundred dollars for the second violation and one thousand dollars £or the third and subsegvent violations o£ this title in a twelve-month period. e. Civil penalties under this section shall be assessed by the commissiones after e hearing or opportunity to be heard pursuant to the provisions at section 71-1709 of this article, or by the court in any action or proceeding pursuant to this section, and, in addition thereto, such person may by similar pzocess be enjoined from continuing such violation. 2. All penalties collected puzsuant to this section shall be paid over to the commissioner for deposit to the environmental protection Fund established pursuant to section ninety-two-s of the state finance law. AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government ~~ DATE: 6/30/2016 • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis s Town of Monroe Departments should include any and alI Documents pertaining to the agenda request. • This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. Ail other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe —coca! Voter Registration Day Address: Telephone #: Reaspn: Documents: Discussion, possible location approval attached Da not write below this Tine (Office use only) Approval: for: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 7/11/16 Date: Christine Tucker Subject: P4V- Lotal Registration Day' From: MaryEllen Beams Sent: Tuesday,lune 28, 216 9:41 AM To: Harley Doles <Supervisor@monroeny.org>; Tony Cardone <tcardone@monroeny.org>; Gerard McQuade <gerard@monroeny.org>; Mike McGinn <mmcginn@monroeny.org>; Rick Colon prick@monroeny.org> Cc: Christine Tucker <ctucker@monroeny.org> Subject: FW: Local Registration Day' Please read the email below so you are informned of the voter registration days requirement. 1am asking that the Town Board allow the registration days to beheld at the moive theater in the lobby off to the right as you come in. would like to have this i#een added to theluty 12th town board meeting for nn approval so thatIcan inform the Board of elections of our location for thoise two dates. Mary EIlen F. Beams RMC 1465 Orange Turnpike tower Level Monroe, NV 10950 (845J 783-1900 ext.100 SubJeet: Local Registration Day Good Morning — In accordance with Section 5-202 of the NYS Election Law in a year where there is a Presidential Election, we are required to hold local registration days. For 2016 the date set by the State Board of Elections will be Saturday, ZO/15J16—the hours will 6e from 1p.m. to 9 p.m. as the law states that "provided however that there shall not be less Chan seen consecutive hours and..........no Saturday meeting shall end before 9 p.m:' The second date chosen by Orange County is Thursday Ottobee 13`h and the hours are 0. p.m. to 9 p.m. We are requesting that you advise us of the location that you believe would be best suited in your Town/City for use on these two days, during these hours for the purposes of voter registration. Please simply reply tothis e-mail with the location and the address of the location. If two different locations must be used for each day, please advise that as well. Thank you and we hope you are having a quiet election day. / \ ~.~..,. AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government /~ DATE: 6/9/2Q16 • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis • Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertainingto the agenda request. • This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-Request RFP—Security analysis review Address: Telephone #: Reason: Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (office use only} Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: Comments: 6/9/16 Date: /~ ,~. "U AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government nATE; 6/17/2016 • • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments Should include any and all Dpcuments pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe- post recorded conversation Address: Telephone #: Reason: Resolution to post Supervisor recorded conversation with members of Golden Ray LLC aka Owners (Shea Meadows) on Town website Documents: Do not write below this line (Office use only) ApproveI: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 6/20/16 Date: ~:,,:, AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government /,( E • • • DATE: 6/17/2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-Monroe Finance Department Address: Telephone #: Reason: Documents: Nv5 office of comptroller to investigate Attached Do not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 6/20/16 Date: t .._ Cali for NYS Office of Comptroller to investiga#e Monroe Finance Dept. and TMACC losses, unauthorized Purchase orders, and failure to follow state procurement procedures ~ r l~ AGENDA 71ME Town of Monroe Government ~~ _ DATE: 6/17/2p16 • • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe pepartments should include any and all Docum ents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe- release emails between Town Supervisor and Town Attorney and Planning Attorney Dated Nov. 17, 2015 Address: Telephone #: Reason: Resolution to release emaits between Town Supervisor and Town Attorney and Planning Attorney dated November 17, 2D15 concerning Iegai opinion of recording conversation with Shea Meadows owners Joel Brach and Benny Wurzburgher. Documents: Da nat write below this line (Office use only) Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 6/20/16 Date: `~ AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government • • • ~~ DATE: 7/7/2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis to the Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-TMACC Address: Telephone #: Reason: Pubic safety and security issues. Security to be provided by town for HVIFF-discussion Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: 7/25/16 Date: r` ALCOHOL IIC7DSON VALLEY shall be permitted to serve wine, beer and liquor during the festival subject to New York State statutes and rules and subject to the insurance requirements set forth herein. The TOWN shall consider allowing the sale of wine, beer and liquor during the festival upon presentation to the TOWN of a license to sell same and subject to New York State statutes and rules and subject to the insurance requirements set forth herein. BOX OFFICE TMACC will utilize the RTS to sell admission during the Festival dates (Friday, August 26, 2016 through Sunday, August 28, 2016). The TMACC shall be entitled to 15% of all Box Office ticket sale revenue. HUDSON VALLEY will be responsible for all Will Call and Advance Ticket Sales. HUDSON VALLEY shall not be peilnitted to utilize the TOWN's RTS ticketing system at any time. The TOWN will provide four (4) employees and one (1) manager per shift (Two Shifts Per Day), during the event period between concession and box office operarions. PROJECTION EQUIPMENT AND OPERATION The TOWN is under contract with the Downing Film Center Limited ("Downing") to operate all projection equipment in the TMACC. HUDSON VALLEY agrees to honor that contract by paying Downing to operate all projection equipment during the festival and to pay Downing at a daily rate equal to the per diem rate provided for in the Downing contract. Downing will provide for up to two (2) projectionists per shift (Two Shifts Per Day). EQUIPMENT The Town will provide and maintain all projection and sound equipment requu-ed in each projection room. SECURITY LICENSE FEE The HUDSON VALLEY shall be required to reimburse the TOWN the TOWN's actual costs in Page 4 of 7 1,i ,.. i AGENDA TIME w Town of Monroe Government ~• • • ~ Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. • This form is for the Town pf Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe- Bank sign off request Address: Telephone #: Reason: Direct comptroller to request the bank sign off request include Supervisor Harley Doles and Acting Supervisor Tony Cardone names on document. Documents: Do not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 6/20/16 Date: .: ~, AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government `1~ DA7E:6/17/2016 v~ • • • Request to be put an the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. Ail other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-Traffic Study Address: Telephone ~: Reason: Request New traffic study for Rye Hill road corridor Documents: Do not write belaw this line (Office use only) Approval: For: Notified: Meeting Date: Comments: 6/20/16 Date: ,..._ AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government • • • j~ / I \ ~ f "~ ~, OATE:6J9f2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-TMACC Address: Telephone #: Reason: Approve letter for disYripution to residents, Set fee for replacement of lost resident card bocuments: Attached Do nat wriCe below this line (Office use only) Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: Comments: 6/20/16 Date: Dear Town of Monroe Resident, Enclosed is your Resident Membership {D Card. This card identifies you as Monroe Resident when you visit us here at TMACC. In addition, when you add a balance to your card it can be used to purchase items from the concession stand, tickets at the box office, or pre-sale tickets online at MONRO~GNEMA.COM This card is non-transferable and cannot be used by a nonmember. Loss of this card will result in a replacement fee to renew. For More Information, Contact Us At tmaccinfoC~rrannroeny.orp . monroecinema.com . S45 395 3055 ,,~ Beams From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: `~ 't ` CUCIEN, DAViD <DLUCIENQwrigfitin surance.com> Monday, June 20, 2016 936 AM MaryEllen Beams Christine Bonanno (cbonanno@emeryw ebb.com) RE; pamage to Server 6/7/2015, 7MRE-20 16-006-001 '~ q 6~~~~ ~ e ~ Morning Mary Ellen, Ireviewed the invoices for the repair of fhe server. The total cost of the repair is for $1,02p. The Town holds a $1,0 deductible. Does the Town want to move forw 00 ard wiHt the clean? Wrighf Risk Management A Division of Brown &Brown Dave Lucien Claims Exam(ner Wright Publ(c Entity 333 Eerie Ovington Blvd., Sufte 505 Uniondale, N.Y. 11553-3624 7e1: 516-750-3969 Feu: 516-2225392 wvJw.wrighGnsy~rance.com ;. 1 Invoice-, Firkhcliffe Technologies, Inc. 198 Willow AVe Cornwall, NY 12518 PH: 845-534-9800 Oate Invoice # 6/x3/2016 99GD. Bill ro Monroe Town Hall 1465 Oru~ge Tpke Lower Level Monroe, NY 10950 P.O. No. Terms Project net 2p Quantity Pescriptio~ Rate 2.75 6110!16 Service Celt (Paul) Amouni $5.00 233.75 — Took back bad power supply to Mary Ellen for Insurance purposes •• Looked at commu~icarions cables for UPS units and servers, determuted what servers were in which UPS units and checked cables. Added APC soRware as needed -- We stilt need some USB cctension cables for the KVM hookup For the current Exchange server end the Untangle server to front ports to use video on one side and USB on the other side of the braces, — Want back and forth between Town Ha(1 end Dial-A•Bus buildings -- Lua —Diet-a-Bus had outlook excliaz{ge password issues -edited and go her PC connecting again •- MaryEilen, 7ofin Scheme, and Harley all hadphone email issues. — Mazyellen's phonehad two issues, the password and it was stuck thinking it was connected with en uon-eristent Time Warner connection so it would not use the Verizon cellulaz connection -• Added her phone to the internal wireless ro get it of the Time Warner wnnection and Yhen it accepted her password it probabSy wasn't really a password issue -- Toha's problem was the password on the phone ,Ihad1~ put it bark in and at just worked Thank you for your busruess! TQ~a) $233.75 ~I~VOIC,,,; Pirthcliffe Technologies, Tnc. 198 Willow Ave Cornwall, NX 12518 Pfi:845-534-9800 Date Invoice # ` b/13/2016 9964 Bill To Monroe Town Ha71 1445 Orenge Tpke Lower Level Monroe, NY 10950 P.O. No. Terms Project net 20 Quantity Description Rate 0.5 6/13116 Service Call - TMA,CC (Paul) Amount 85.00 42.50 -- Email problem -- George's NC lost the mail password and user account for the town excBange email inside Outlook after the domain controller server crash at the town hall Helped George put the settings back in Outlook and had hun save the settings -- Maii started funclioning properly after resetting the credentials Thank you for your business! Total $42.50' Invoice ~--~. Firthcliffe Technologies, Inc. 198 Willow Ave Cornwall, NY 12518 PH: 845-534-9800 Date Invoice iF 6/]312016 9949 Bill To Monroe TnwnHall 7461 Orange Tpke Lower Level Monroe. NY 1U950 P.O. No. Terms Project net 20 Quantify Description Rate 7.5 6/8/16 Service Call (Peril) Amount 85.00 637.50 -- Helen called —Power outage last night —Paul to be stopping by Server dow»—suspect Power supply for PowerEdge 1900 ND444 Server failed -- Main domain controller down had after electrical outage hom the srorm rate aflemoon on Tuesday -- Checked and all other equipment appears OTC but tlils server will net power on. Tried other UPS outlets and unplugging and leaving off for a minute, and removing system board residual power and plugging back in and trying again but will not power on -~ Problem appeared to either be the power supply or system board. WHl need to take back to tt~e office to examine the source of the problem, Fred came to pick up server. -- Stayed onsile to get Internet waking again on any machines that weren't connecting — Reviewed backup from Monday night since none of iha Tuesday backups ran because of por~~er outage. Hed;o copy ffie backup filesIdump to tape on the new server back ro a 2Q03 server fiat could open tLose .6kf Sles. Used the Exchange server since it was also 2003 like the dead domain conholler — Restored the Edmunds backup to anothu location and then copied it ell to HridgeYs laptop in case the server can't be tepan~ed by Thursday, we can have Ldmunds get tLe 3aptop to access the data on itself. — Spoke with Peter and Helett about data looking ok but from previous day the they would need to re-input alt of the Payroll and other vendor accounting info done oa 1Lesday — We called Edmunds and waited for a call back to discuss. They agreed we should wait io see if we get power supply overnight and the server works. [f so then no need to re-input everything from Tuesday. Edmunds said they can get &~e laptop working in about an how it we need to on T9wrsday — Nso go the network scanning worlring eazlier in the day becance of domain conhaller outage -- Other backups for 13AS and other shared files had run but did not do any restore with then unless the servo can't be fixed. Idid copy them ro where they could be restored. Thank you for your business! TQta~ $637.50 Firthcliffe Technologies, Inc. ~fC~fQ[C@ ,.r~ t ~ 198 Willow Ave Cornwall, NY 12S 18 PH: &45-534-9800 Dates Invoice # 6/13/2016 9953 aiV ro 1465 Orange Tpke Lower Level Monroe, NY 10950 P.O. No. Terms Project net 20 Quantity Description Rate 0.75 6/9/16 Service Call (Rob) 0.75 6(9!16 Service Call (Jose) Amount 85.00 85.D0 63.75 63.75 -• Delivered repaired DC server after installing new power supply (VL:ND444) Setup repaired server -. Asked everyone w restart there PC's -- Checked to make sure all was working with all employees at Monroe Email not working restarted server fixed this issue T6znk you for your business! Total siz7.so Invoice F.~.~ Fitthcliffe Technologies, Inc. r` 198 Willow Ave Cornwall, NY 12518 PH:845-534-9800 Date 6/16/2016 Invoice # -_y99S~ f~l)1 TO Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpke Lower Level Munroe, NY 10950 P.O. No. Terms Project net 20 Description Quantity Rate 0,5 618/16 Remote Administraflon {Fred, Paul) Amount 85.00 42.50 85.00 85.00 -• Phone Time to discuss "TONS" problems 1 6/8/16 Picked up server from Town Hall and returned to shop £or diagnose of problem. Thank you for your business! Total s~2~.so \~ J LANG & TULLY a,~ ENGINEERING AND SUR~'El'ING, P.C. John J. O'Rourke, P.E., rrincipa! David E. Higgins, P.E., Principal John D. Russo, P.E., Principal Jolm Queenan, P.E., Principal Rodneq C. Knowlton, L.S., Pr~noipal June 20, 2016 Mr. Harley Ogles—Supervisor Town of Monroe 1465 Orange Turnpike Monroe, NY 10950 RE: John f,an~c', EE.~ L.5~ tlrLhur R..11il1y, P.E. ~ ~, e~ ~~ I. ~~~~~~ Professional Square, LLC Commercial Site Pian --~~.~^ MS45WPPPAcceptance Form ~~ Tax Lot No. 2-1-89JN.Y.S. Route 208 Dear Supervisor Doles, On behalf of the applicant, Professional Square, LIC, enclosed is the following for your review and signature: • M54 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Acceptance Form for Professional Square Professional Square is a commercie! office/retail building proposed to be constructed along NYS Route 208 adjacent to the Route 17 Interchange. The project has received conditional final approval from the Planning Board. One approval condition is that tha applicant must file for a tVYSDEC Stormwater SPDES Permit. In order to file for the permit as Town is a designated M54, the enclosed form is required to be signed by the MS4 Official of the Town. I have copied Mr. Mark Edsall on this correspondence so that if you have any questions Mr. Edsall will have the information available. Our office has completed items 13 on the form and the Town is responsible to complete items 4 and 5. Upon completion, please notify our office so that we may obtain the completed form to send to the NYSDEC. !f you should have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, LANC& TUtLY, P.C. f~ John Queenan, .E. Ent. CC: McGoey, Hauser and Edsalt, P.C. Prof5quare.doc (845} 2443700 P.O. Box 687, Route 207, Goshen, l~Ll: 10924 K~vw.lanetullycom FA.~ (845) 294-8609 ~~ r . RECEIV 4 R~~~uN}r~ Envir~nntentat ~~~S~rr►ti~ptt NYS Department of Environmental Conservatian Division of Water 625 Broadway, 4th Floor A(bany, New York 12233,3505 M54 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Acceptance Form for Construction Activities Seeking Authorization Under SPDES General Permit * NOTE: Attach Com leted Form to Notice Of Intent and Submit to Address Above I. Project Owner/Operator Information 1. Owner/Operator Name: ProPassional Square LLC 2. Contact Person: Joel Brach 3. Street Address: P.O. Box 2384 4. City/State/Zip: Monroe, NY 70950 II. Projecf Sife Information 5. Project/Site Name: Site Plan for Professional Square 6. Street Address: NYS Route 208 7. CitylState/Zip: Monroe, NY 70950 III. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Review and Acceptance Information S. SWPPP Reviewed by: Mark J. Edsall, P.E. (McGoey, Hauser & Edsati Consulting Engineers, PC) 9. Title/Position: Town Engineer 70. Date Final SWPPP Reviewed and Accepted: February 2016 IV. Regulated MS4 Information 11. Name of MS4: Town of Monroe 12. M54 SPp~S Permit Identification Number: NYR20A 13. Contact Person: 14. Street Address: 75. City/State/Zip: 16. Te3ephone Number: Page 1 of 2 MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form -continued V. Certification Statement -1VIS4 Official (principal executive officer or rettking elected offlciai) or Duly Authorized Representative hereby certify that the final Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the construction project identified in question 5 has been reviewed and meets the substantive requirements in the SPDES General Permit For Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Note: The MS4, through the acceptance of the SWPPP, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the design included in the SWPPP. In addifion, review and acceptance of the SWPPP by the MS4 does not relieve fhe ownerloperator or their SWPPP preparer of responsibility or liability for errors or omissions in the plan. Printed Name: Harley E. Doles, III TifielPosition: Town Supervisor Signature: Date: VI. Additional Information (NYS DEC - MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form - 3anuary 2415) Page 2 of 2 ~.l~ ~~~~ Christine Tucker ~~ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mark Edsall <mje@mhepc.com> Tuesday, June 28, 2016 12:59 PM Harley Doles Gerard McQuade; Mike McGinn; Rick Colon; Tony Cardone; Christine Tucker; Audra Schwartz P8 contact Professional Square MS4 Acceptance D00062816-06282016120801.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Harley Ireceived attached. This email is to confirm that our office reviewed the SWPPP and have no objection to the stormwater design as presented. It should also be noted that the applicant made modifications during the approval process to address Planning Board concerns. It is our recommendation that you sign and return the form to Lanc &Tully. Mark Mark J. Edsall, P.E., P.P. Principal/ C.E.O. McGoey, Hauser and Edsall Consulting Engineers, D.P.C. 33 Airport Center Drive -Suite 202 New Windsor, New York 12553 845-567-3100 mje@mhepccom -----Original Message----From: MHENY Toshiba [mailto:mhenyl@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 201612:08 PM To: Mark Edsall Sabject: Send data from MFP07796549 06/28/2=?IS 0-8859-1?B?MDE2IDEyOjA4?= Scanned from MFP07796549 Date:06/28/201612:08 Pages:3' 1~ AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government PATE: 7J5/2016 • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and alI Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Town of Monroe —Dog Shelter Name: Address: Telephone #: Reason: Documents: for Dog Shelter control officers Approval -Pre- rabies attached Do not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: Notified: for: Meeting Date: 7/11J16 Date: 1¢ /~ AGENDA TIME s Town of Monroe Government DATE: 6/30/2016 • • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and ail Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Town of Monroe Name: Address: Telephone #: Reason: Documents: Times Herald Record- approve Town Of Monroe enter into an agreement to lock in rate attached do not write below this fine (office use only) Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: 7/11/16 Date: Christine Tucker From: Sent: To: Subjetc lenniferContino <Jennifer.contino@strausnews.com> Tuesday, June 21, 201610:39 AM Christine Tucker Pricing for Town of Monroe ads Ni Christine, We have been working to come up with pricing for the ad the Town of Monroe runs in The Photo News. In the past they were being charge a Nonprofit rate incorrectly because the Town of Monroe is a municipali#y. In an ef#ort to work with the Yowns budget I am suggesting that the Town enter an agreement to lock in at rate. Since the highway deparkment and the dial a bus ran seventeen ad last years 1 am recommending a 13 - 25 x agreement for a 1/6 page ad. This would bring the cost down to $145.73. hope this is helpful and a solution. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Jennifer Contino 845-469-9000 ext.318 20 West Ave. Chester NY 10918 www.strausnews.com NY Warvvick AdvertiserPhofo News.ChroniGe NJ Advertiser News {North).Advertiser-News (South).Sparta Independent.TownshipJournol. West Milford Messenger PA: Pike County Courier NYC Our Town.West Side Spirit.0ur Town Downtown.Westsider.Che~sea Clinton News Dirt magazine ~1 ~~ AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE:6/30/2016 • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis • Town of Monroe Departments should include any and ati Documents pertaining to the agenda request. • This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other P,genda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Town of Monroe - Ta~ayers Protection Act Name: Address: Telephone #: Reason: pocuments: discuss the enactment of the statute attached Do nat write below this Iine (Office use only} Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: Comments: 7/11/16 Date: AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE: 7/7/2016 • • • Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and alI Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request form Town of Monroe-Septic Name: Address: Telephone #: Reason: Raw Sewage Systems, Moodna filled to capacity, Discussion Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (Office use only) 7/25/16 Approval: For: Notified: ~~) AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government • • DATE: 7/7/2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis g the Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertainin to agenda request. time This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda request applicants please use Agenda time request form Name: Town of Monroe-Moodna Creek Watershed Intermunicipal Council Address: Telephone #: Reason: Request Contribution of annual dues in the amount of $500.00 Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (Office use only) Approval: Notified: For: Meeting Date: 7/25/16 Date: Moodna Creek Watershed Interrnunicipal Council clo Orange Ca~UnU tiatt•r Auihorify 99 Quin Street. Go hen. Vew York 19J29 18967 fi15-38 8 ~itSY?;l/w:aterauPhoritc.nr~g~.quntceo~~.wm/mood~ia counc%l,,litml s. 4, ; ' ',. ~ -~ aY ~ .; `' .. ~ ....~.,, INVOICE Date: February 22, 2016 Biil to: Orange County Water Authority 124 Main St Goshen, NY 10924 For: Moodna Creek Watershed Intermunicipal Council—dues . ,, Since its inception in October 2010, this Council has not charged dues to any of its member organizations; the Orange County Water Authority (OCWA) has expended some funds in support of the Council, and all other members have generously dedicated staff or volunteer time. However, the Countil voted in 2015 to charge each municipal member SS00.00 for annual dues, sa as to enable the efforts of the Council We ask that your municipality support the Council by contriburing annual dues. Funds .will be held in the OCWA's bank account, and used only in cases where the Council has voted to approve the use of funds. ,. - TOTAL DUE: $540.00 ~, CERTIfICATiON: The undersigned hereby certifies that this bill is correct and just and this payment therefore is due and unpaid. ~"~'~ _- w `~/f lay B ont, Chair Moodna Creek Watershed tntermunicipal Council AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE: July Z8, 2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request forms. Name: ElisaTutini Dial'/1'gu$ Address: 91 Mine Rd, Monroe NY 10950 Telephone #: 845-783-6222 Reason: Arquelio Vega is owed 1.50 hrs. in overtime, from 6-6-16 to cover a ride from Richie. Overtime to be approved for Elisa Tutini to drive to PTSI Training in E Syracuse NY. A total of 6 hour driving time 212 miles one way. Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (Office use Only) Approval: ~ ~ For: ; Notified: i Meeting i Comments: Date: ' j Date: ; i AGENDA TIME Town of Monroe Government DATE: July 21, 2016 Request to be put on the agenda will be considered on a case by case basis Town of Monroe Departments should include any and all Documents pertaining to the agenda request. This form is for the Town of Monroe Government use only. All other Agenda time request applicants please use Agenda time request forms. Name: ElisaTutini Dial-A~Bus Address: 91 Mine Rd, Monroe NY 10950 Telephone #: 845-783-6222 Reason: • One PT driver is retiring as of 8-4-2016. Need to replace PT driver. • Would like to bring on a current PT driver to full time status • Would like to hire new PT driver. Please see memo sent to all Town Board members for cost details. Documents: Attached Do not write below this line (Office use Only) ~ Approval - ~ ; For: T i it i i ! I I Meeting ', Comments: ~ ,Notified I Date: i Date: ',