Vallarta Nayarit
Vallarta Nayarit
NAYAR IT IT:AA D E S TINATIO N TO LIVE IN NAYAR Octubre, 2006 LOC ATION ATLANTIC OC EAN PAC IFIC OC EAN INDIAN OC EAN S TR ATE GIC LO C ATIO N Nayarit is a state located in a s trategic point of M exico´s wes t coas t G ood access ibility routes (roads and by air). 2 M iles north of P uerto Vallarta’s International Airport. P erfect 85 degree weather 365 days a year. TO UR IS M IN NAY AR IT D E VE LO P M E NT P LATFO R M : Various tourist resources Quality human resources Good Infrastructure support : Accessibility (roads & highways) Communication (telephone, internet, Satelite) Electricity Water Installations (dams, water treatment, drainage) Sanitary Certainty in land ownership Respect for the environment Regulatory offices: Opción 3 Tourism regulations Tourism Culture County tourist enforcement TO UR IS M IN NAY AR IT TO UR IS T P OTE NTIAL: Territorial reserves of great value Diversity of natural resources: Beaches, Lagoons, High mountains of Sierra, Islands and Volcanos Popular traditions, flokore and specialty crafts Archaeological sites Indigenous Groups providing culture & tradition Hospitality and quality of Human Ressources Potential for the impulse of: Adventure Tourism Ecotourism Rural tourism Sun and Beach tourism Luxury Tourism Opción 3 TO UR IS M IN NAY AR IT S UP P OR T FO R LAR GE S TR ATE GIC P R OJE C TS : CIP Nayarit “Litibu Polygon ” CIP Nayarit “Capomo Polygon ” San Blas – Vallarta Nayarit Nautical Project Instalation and Operation of Tourist ofices thoughout the state “LITIB U” INTE G R AL P LANNE D C E NTE R “LITIB U” P O LYG O N Master plan: Located 2 km north of Punta Mita; Project targeted to the tourism market with more disposable income providing; exclusivity, golf, and private resident investment opportunities. Total surface area: 166.58 hectares; Sellable surface: 61.00 hectares, Golf course: 79.00 hectares. Total capacity: 2,975 rooms Tourist products: 1,350 rooms of special category 800 boutique rooms 250 tourist residential units 575 condos Golf course 18 hole quality PGA Shopping and entertainment mall Beach clubs “E L C AP O M O ” INTE G R AL P LANNE D C E NTE R ” E L C AP O M O P O LYG O N: Located 60 Km. North of the international airport of Puerto Vallarta Project mostly oriented to sun and beach markets, with lodging and residential tourism. 5,900 rooms capacity. Thematic park of regional coverage Beach clubs, commercial centers and entertainment facilities. NAUTIC AL S AN B LAS – VALLAR TA NAYAR IT P R O JE C T OBJECTIVE: To generate a regional sustainable tourist development that allows: New employment opportunities and development for local populations; 1 2 To improve the quality of life in the selected towns; To preserve ecosystems 3 Región 1: High California gulf Región 2: El Vizcaíno – Loreto – Barranca del Cobre Región 3: Los Cabos – San Blas –Vallarta Nayarit NAUTIC AL S AN B LAS – VALLAR TA NAYAR IT P R O JE C T M arinas or P orts of C all: 1. Nuevo Vallarta 2. Cruz de Huanacaxtle 3. Peñita de Jaltemba (Punta Raza) 4. Chacala 5. San Blas P res ent C ondition of M arinas and/or P orts of C all: 5 A) Operating: Good operational Standard 4 3 Need adaptations B) In development: 2 1 NAUTIC AL S AN B LAS – VALLAR TA NAYAR IT P R O JE C T O B JE C TIVE S : Design and operation of the a Nautical Tourist Cultural Circuit. Program of Tourist Signage. Improvement of urban image. Service offices for sailing 158 hotel rooms commercial area. and TO UR IS T INFR AS TR UC TUR E 2010 G rowth Projection 54% 10,827 new rooms Vallarta Nayarit: 10,327 (including 3,800 in Litibu) R . de G uayabitos : 342 rooms S an B las : 158 rooms INVE S TM E NT P R O JE C TIO N INVE S TM E NT P R O JE C TION IN M ILLIONS OF D O LLAR S M D (US D ): 2005 2006 2007 TOTAL 2005 - 2007 101.44 620.861 437.051 1 463.67 INVE S TM E NT O R IGIN: ME XIC AN AME R IC AN C ANADIAN S PANIS H 71.78% 15.09% 5.05% 8.08% SAMPLES: 20 projects which manifested their origin breakdown in investment. M O S T IM P O R TANT TO UR IS T D E VE LO P M E NTS Gran Marina (Villa 1) Marina States Gran Mayan River Mayan Island Green Bay (Condominios) Real del Mar Playa Royal Marina la Cruz Villa Magna Riu Vallarta El Banco Sensara Vallarta Punta Esmeralda Litibu NE W TUR IS M UNITS NE W UNTS : JANUAR Y – JUNE 2006 P E R IO D UNITS OPE R ATION S YS TEM S 211 FULL TIME 26 SHARED 70 EUROPEAN PLAN 124 SMALL HOTELS 431 TOTAL UNIT O R D E R JANUAR Y – JUNE 2006 HOTEL / C ONDOE S ROYAL COBALTO CASA DEL SOL BEACH OPER ATION S YS TE M UNITS FULLTIME 162 29 20 VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS SHARED 26 PARADISE VILLAGE VILLA VARADERO EUROPEAN PLAN 60 10 NE W S E R VIC E S O P E NING NE W S E R VIC E S TO O P E N (D E C E M B E R 2006): HOTE L NEW UNITS OPER ATING S YS TEMA VILLA LA ESTANCIA 23 FULL TIME PARADISE VILLAGE 60 EURO PLAN PLAYA DEL SOL GRAND 85 SHARED PALLADIUM VALLARTA 100 ALL INCLUSIVE RIU VALLARTA 550 ALL INCLUSIVE TOTAL 818* NEW SERVICES TOTAL 2006 1,339* *Estimated Projection. NE W LO D GING UNITS P R OJE C TIO N: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 TOTAL 551 1,339 1,018 1,419 462 6,141 TO UR IS T S E R VIC E S S UP P LY C ONC E PT AM OUNT HOTE L R OOM S 22,159 TR AVEL AG E NC IE S 41 LAR G E TR AVE L AG E NC IE S 1 TOUR IS T G UIDE S 71 G OLF C OUR S E S * 4 S PE C IALIZED TOUR IS T G UIDE S 26 TOUR IS T TR ANS POR TATION C OM PANIE S 16 *E l Tig re at Paradis e Villag e, Four S eas ons , M ayan Palace B each & G olf R es ort, Flaming os G olf C ours e. THANK YO U FO R A B E ING P AR T O F NAYAR IT ! DIR E C TOR IO GOVERNOR NEY GONZALEZ SANCHEZ TURISM SECRETARY JORGE SANCHEZ IBARRA