M.Sc. International Business Management - WiWi
M.Sc. International Business Management - WiWi
IMB Institute of Management Berlin M.Sc. International Business Management M.Sc. International Business Management International Business Management The M.Sc. in International Business Management has a strongly international focus. Building on a knowledge of basic concepts, theories and applied business administration, the programme develops a comprehensive understanding of international management. This takes into account both strategic and operative aspects – and focuses on a project-based and applied approach. Students on this postgraduate programme will acquire the expertise and skills to work in companies or organisations active in an international environment or take on a management position as a future executive. This postgraduate programme is designed for applicants from Germany and overseas who have obtained a first degree and gained a working experience of at least one year. The programme is especially suitable for graduates who are interested in a postgraduate degree in general international management. The M.Sc. International Business Management has been approved by the Berlin government entitling the Berlin School of Economics and Law to grand the internationally accredited »Master of Science (M.Sc.)« degree. The M.Sc. is recognised as a qualification allowing admission to Ph.D. programmes and senior civil service positions in the public administration sector. The IMB with its highly international student body provides the perfect environment for career networking throughout the world. Alumni from over 38 countries accepted positions in the f ollowing industries * 5,1 3,5 16,7 5,8 6,3 Dear prospective MIBMA student In the time of a globalized economy the Master in International Business Management (MIBMA) will provide you with the knowledge and tools to conduct business in a truly international way. Combining Business Administration with project work, management expertise and study visits this programme will prepare you for a career in international management. 10,3 7,0 % 8,4 9,8 8,6 9,6 8,9 IT/Telecommunication Consulting Banking/Financial Services/Insurance Pharma/Medical/Health Care/Diagnostics/Chemistry Service Sector/NGO Media/Marketing/PR Automotive/Electronics/Industry Trade/Logistics/Real Estate Others Energy and Utilities/Renewable Energies/Environmental Technology Food/Beverage/Consumer Goods Engineering/Aerospace/Construction Industry * IMB MBA Alumni 2002–2010 Accreditation Prof. Dr. Vittoria von Gizycki Academic Director M.Sc. International Business Management The M.Sc. International Business Management is enrolled with the FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration) for accreditation. All courses of studies at the IMB Berlin are accredited – the Berlin MBA at the IMB Berlin has AMBA accreditation. M.Sc. International Business Management 3 IMB Institute of Management Berlin Developing Leadership Competence … Together! Together with the student body, corporate World and public sector partners, the IMB Institute of Management Berlin creates a vibrant, applied learning environment that promotes leadership skills and self-critical reflection. We regard leadership as choosing to accept personal, entrepreneurial and social responsibility in a global context. Quality, sustainability and respect for diversity are key elements in the IMB curriculum and serve as the principles guiding our actions in daily life for helping our students become responsible world citizens. Experience Matters The Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) is one of the largest Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany offering courses in private and public sector business administration and economics. It demonstrates over 30 years of expertise and has long established a profile as a leading business school that emphasises the link between management theory and practice. Professors, lecturers and external teaching staff have hands-on management experience in leadership roles. The IMB Institute of Management Berlin at BSEL offers different MBA and Master programmes ranging from business to labour policy and globalization. Our expertise is based on 20 years of experience as the pioneering MA provider in Germany. Berlin, a Great Place to Live and Study Berlin is a dynamic metropolis at the heart of Germany – a great place to be for those studying at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Germany’s capital city has a population of around 3.5 million and is not only a magnet for all the major currents shaping Europe today, whether political, economic, cultural, scientific or scholarly, but also a vibrant location, attracting people from all over the world to stay here and contribute to the city life. In no other European metropolis the changes shaping today’s Europe are this visible in so many different ways – and anyone studying here has a chance to experience these inspiring change processes at first hand and enjoy the mass and diversity of the city’s cultural and political events. 4 IMB Institute of Management Berlin M.Sc. International Business Management 5 Programme Structure Block Modules Core Modules International Business Environment Content 90 ECTS Economics ■■ Managerial Developments in Different ■■ Economic Markets and Supply ■■ Operations Chain Management ■■ Business Information Systems ■■ Human Resource Management Operations and Information Management Managing People and Organisations Accounting ■■ Financial ■■ Debt and Equity Financing Finance and Accounting ■■ International Business Strategy Formulation in ■■ Strategy International Context Managing International Marketing Competence Fields ■■ Personal ■■ Improving Personal Skills Personal Development I + II frameworks and ■■ Conceptual methodological approach to research Research Methodology Specialisation Module International Management Specialisation specific Electives Elective 1 / Elective 2 Elective 1 / Elective 2 e. g. Consulting and Project Management Media Marketing Entrepreneurship e.g. Hospitality and Transport Services Wellness and Health Tourism International Hotel and Event Management ■■ ■■ ■■ Master’s Thesis 6 or The programme is structured around 12 modules, each ending with an exam. The programme provides fundamental cross-sector and cross-functional skills and knowledge in international management. These facilitate an analytical problem-solving expertise allowing for cultural factors, and also support personal and career development. Creative solution finding in a team as part of the practice-based projects encourages thinking outside the box and, in this way, promotes successful project management. 5 5 Concept 5 5 45 Marketing International Tourism Management ■■ ■■ ■■ Thesis Viva voce Programme Outline 5 The programme, which takes 15 months and is taught in English, starts every year in August. The first two semesters are dedicated to the teaching modules on the programme, while the third semester is reserved for writing the thesis. The study visit takes place during the second semester. The course is worth 90 credits (ECTS). Personal Development Personal, communication and social skills are developed and honed in Skills Seminars such as negotiation techniques or conflict management. The Personal Development seminar offers a chance to work together with experienced coaches and fellow students to review and reflect on personal competence fields, motivation and issues of career orientation. Contents 5 The MIBMA programme comprises three parts: the first part builds and extends expertise in International Business and Economics, the second focuses on the specialization module chosen by you, and the third is dedicated to your thesis. 5 All core courses are given in seminar style, using a wide range of case studies, presentations and discussions to provide an in-depth review of the material under consideration. All courses have contunial assessment and end with an exam as specified in the examination regulations (e. g. written exam, assignment, presentation, oral exam). Course achievement is documented and measured in credit points in line with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The entire programme is worth 90 credit points. The degree certificates are presented at a festive graduation ceremony held in November each year. 5 5 15 10 30 IMB Institute of Management Berlin M.Sc. International Business Management 7 Specialisation International Management Specialisation International Tourism Management The specialisation International Management focuses on current issues in general international management as well as on specific topics of global business such as entrepreneurship or media. Entrepreneurship, working on complex projects as well as the development of the new media and their impact on marketing are some of the issues that are explored in this track of the Master programme. Cross-cultural management is as much a part of the curriculum as the transfer of the acquired knowledge to the reality of business environment - thus solving problems of real life. The contents of the core courses are refined and considered under global aspects in the electives of this specialisation. International Tourism Management offers students the chance to study international challenges in a sector which is especially exposed to social and structural change and, at the same time, is highly networked internationally. This applies to domestic tourist operators competing on the internal German and European markets as much as to tourist companies active on the inter national stage. The context will be provided of how tourism fits within society, the business environment and what impact cultural diversity has on tourism as a global industry. Next to tourism supply chain management in a global context, destination management and cultural tourism will be discussed. Intercultural communication and corporate culture in tourism are part of the curriculum as well as sustainability aspects. The teaching staff is supplemented by experts from the business world, who draw on first-hand experience and knowledge on specific business topics. The companies involved consist of both, international agencies and German agencies with a global customer base. Prof. Dr. Vittoria von Gizycki Department of Cooperative Studies Professor for General Business Administration, specialised in Marketing A Study Visit to Kingston University gives MIBMA students the opportunity to gain further insights into the management of multinational companies. Through the cooperation with our partner university, students also acquire strong intercultural skills by experiencing lectures and the business life of London together with their fellow students from Kingston Business School. Prof. Dr. Jörg Soller Department of Cooperative Studies With electives like Wellness and Health Tourism or International Hotel- and Eventmanagement this specialisation gives up to date insights of this fast expanding and ever changing market and prepares for management positions in companies or organisations which operate in an international context. Professor for Tourism, specialised in Business Administration Academic Director M.Sc. International Business Management 8 IMB Institute of Management Berlin M.Sc. International Business Management 9 Partner University Kingston University Kingston Business School is part of Kingston University, located in south-west London. The University is known for its teaching quality and consistently ranks among the top institutions for student applications. It is one of the largest business schools in the UK – nearly 5000 students are based in the University’s Faculty of Business and Law. With students from more than 150 countries, representing nations across the world, it is a truly multicultural university – and an enrichment to student’s personal and professional development. It also runs some of the UK’s longest established business and management courses, being able to trace its roots back to the 1960s. This gives it extensive experience of helping students reach their potential, and many of their alumni now hold very senior positions in companies within both the private and public sector across the globe. ▶ www.kingston.ac.uk/postgraduate Study Visit During the study visit MIBMA students do not only take part in guest lectures, company visits are offered as well. With their fellow students from Kingston University they experience lectures, the business life of the London metropolis and become part of the lively every day life of this great city. Additionally, Kingston University offers several MIBMA students the great possibility of spending the entire second semester at Kingston Business School. Location Information Kingston Business School is based at the University’s Kingston Hill campus, around three miles from Kingston upon Thames town centre. Although part of Greater London, Kingston is a thriving town in its own right, packed with historic buildings, great shops, leisure venues and open spaces. Situated by the river Thames and close to Richmond and Bushy Parks, Kingston is one of the Capital’s most attractive areas; it’s also one of the safest. The city centre is only 25 minutes away by train, so you don’t have far to travel to enjoy all the cultural and business opportunities that London has to offer. 10 IMB Institute of Management Berlin M.Sc. International Business Management 11 Faculty Application Experience in Theory and Business Practice Entry requirements The teaching concept of the MIBMA programme provides the combination of current scientific foundation with practical relevance. With years of teaching experience at the BSEL as well as other business schools professors design the module content and learning goals and teach the courses. They are experts in their scientific and research fields and possess strong management experience from leading positions in private companies as well as in consultancy work. Candidates are expected to have completed a university degree (BA, BSc, or University of Applied Sciences FH diploma or equivalent), a minimum of one year pertinent work experience, and to have excellent English language skills. Likewise guest lecturers from business companies are included as teaching staff. This way the international orientation of the MIBMA programme and the direct application of scientific findings to practice is ensured. Strategic and operative aspects are taken into account with a focus on a project-based and applied approach. In addition guest speakers from industry and organisations are involved for special topics. MIBMA faculty profiles are to be found here: www.mba-berlin.de Overall, more than 40 academics and over 20 guest speakers from diverse backgrounds teach in the MIBMA programme and its electives. Transfer of Practical Experience Particular emphasis is put on the applicability of the acquired management knowledge. So the MIBMA programme is characterized by an interactive and action-oriented teaching style. The current issues of work life and the professional experience of the students are included in all seminar discussions. Case studies, projects and group projects, business simulation and presentations by company representatives characterize the practical teaching and learning methods. The Admission Board will invite selected applicants who have submitted a completed application package and meet the admission requirements to a (webcam) interview. Application Checklist ■■ Completed and signed application form ■■ Letter of Motivation explaining your choice of programme in view of your career goals ■■ Curriculum Vitae in tabulated form ■■ Passport photograph ■■ Graduation certificate from your college or university ■■ References showing the type, period (minimum 1 year) and appropriateness of work experience ■■ Proof of very good English language skills Applications welcomed starting 1. January every year! Applications can be submitted via uni-ASSIST for non-German citizens and via online-application tool for German citizens. Due to visa process time the deadline for non-European applicants is 30. April, for European applicants 15. June. We gladly assist you with any questions regarding the application process! ▶ www.mba-berlin.de/en Tuition fees The tuition fees for the complete programme total € 11,800 *, payable in three instalments. The fees cover: Study courses Study materials (readers / handouts for all courses and, as appropriate, books) Guest lectures Accommodation and excursions during the Study Visit Welcome service for international students Career Service IMB Events Cost of registration, exam and final exam fees, all administrative costs. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ As the programme has been approved as a course of further education in accordance with §§ 25, 26 of the Berlin Law of Higher Education, tuition fees are normally tax deductible. *subject to change 12 IMB Institute of Management Berlin M.Sc. International Business Management 13 Networks Companies Company visits and guest lectures by company representatives and practitioners, as well as the cases studies and projects within the modules, ensure that our Master programme is well integrated into the real world of business, especially international business. Involving our partners institutionally guarantees a permanent transfer of knowledge and experience between academic training and real-life demands. Memberships The IMB at the BSEL is a member of networks dedicated to promoting quality and encouraging internationality. For example, membership of the UAS7 – Universities of Applied Sciences consortium allows combined resources to be leveraged in an »Alliance for Excellence« (www.uas7.org). Since June 2008, the BSEL has been active in the AACSB – International Association for Management Education, the most renowned international association of collegiate schools of business in the world (www.aacsb.edu). As part of our membership of EFQM – European Foundation for Quality Management, academic staff members from the University regularly work as expert assessors. In addition, in-house assessor training courses are offered to students (www.deutsche-efqm.de). Through the EFMD – European Foundation for Management Development, the IMB at the BSEL is involved in networking with leading university and business representatives (www.efmd.org). IMB Community Publisher The President of the Berlin School of Economics and Law Prof. Dr. Bernd Reissert Editors Petra Wieczorek, Jana Winterberg, Prof. Dr. Vittoria von Gizycki Translation Andrew Boreham The IMB Community alumni network provides past and present IMB graduates with a communication forum and supports them in expanding an internationally active management network. Management training courses and guest lectures all play their part in creating synergies between state-of-the-art teaching and business life. Layout Marc Wingenfeld (Marketing department BSEL) Photos Dick Daniels (http://carolinabirds.org) (front cover) Berlin Partner / FTB-Werbefotografie (p. 4) Andrea Katheder (p. 5, 12, 15) Kingston University (p. 10, 11) © 2013 Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin / Berlin School of Economics and Law 14 IMB Institute of Management Berlin Invitation to contact us IMB Institute of Management Berlin der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin / Berlin School of Economics and Law Badensche Straße 52 10825 Berlin Germany Telephone: +49 (0)30 30877-1159 Fax: +49 (0)30 30877-1259 Email: mibma@hwr-berlin.de www.mba-berlin.de www.facebook.com/IMB.Berlin www.xing.com/net/imbcommunity direct link to the programme