F:\WVSR Newsletter\2015 Newsletters\03-2015\03
F:\WVSR Newsletter\2015 Newsletters\03-2015\03
Cruiz’n News March 2015 Salem Tool and All American Toy Shop Tour “A” Project Jim and Kathy Schuette’s Trip to South America 2015 CLUB OFFICERS President Dave LeCompte wvsrhq@gmail.com 503-393-6300 Vice President Niccole Geck wvsrhq@gmail.com 503-801-2459 Secretary Heather Bethel 503-871-7722 wvsrhq@gmail.com Treasurer Paul Geck wvsrhq@gmail.com 503-798-5577 Social Chair Dave Cartwright wvsrhq@gmail.com 503-585-1428 Social Activities Linda Spansel 503-763-0048 H 503-798-8764 cell Membership Jim Palmquist wvsrhq@gmail.com Birthdays 503-551-2018 Newsletter Ken Parsons Editor kparsons1270@comcast.net (503) 362-5498 Webmaster Garry Pullen wvsrhq@gmail.com (503) 507-5333 Member at Dayle Langley Large wvsrhq@gmail.com Historian Member Care (971) 218-2411 1 Delia Wright Pam Foster 5 Rich Dean, Mark Scott wvsrhq@gmail.com 12 Brent Lindemann (503) 393-3143 16 Jim Palmquist Ken & Vicki Champ 18 Chuck Drake 24 Dan Pullen 26 Larry Kruljac 20 Janet Keppinger 22 Robyn Ferguson 24 Tamara Quiroz 30 Ruth LeLack 503-769-5060 WVSR Membership Meeting February 3, 2015 The meeting was called to order by President Dave LeCompte at 7:00 pm, followed by everyone reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. There was a Carousel Cruise questionnaire placed on the tables, one for everyone to complete and turn in at the end of the meeting. The membership roster and cookie sign-up sheet were also passed around during the meeting. Jim Palmquist introduced visitors in attendance at the meeting; Terry Fristad, who owns a ’67 VW and a ’67 Nova, and Israel Tamayo, who doesn’t yet own a classic car, but said that he is a painter. OFFICER REPORTS President (Dave LeCompte): Dave told about seeing a bright yellow ’59 Cadillac in the Lowes parking lot. The top was cut off the Cadillac and there was a grand piano sitting where the engine used to be, which would spin while the piano was being played by Bobby Freeman (Spirit of America). The car was attached to a giant lift on a trailer, which is raised during his performances. Vice President (Nicolle Geck): Nicolle let the ladies know that Sandy Stogsdill offered her café (home) as the location for the first Classy Chassis meeting. The meeting will be on February 20, from 12:00-3:00. It will be a potluck luncheon, so please bring something to share with the group. The group will brainstorm ideas for group activities and a design for the Classy Chassis jacket. She also let everyone know that there is a tab on the club Facebook page for the Classy Chassis. Secretary (Heather Bethel): Nothing to report. Treasurer (Paul Geck): Paul gave a detailed accounting of the club’s finances. Membership Chair (Jim Palmquist): Jim sent around the membership roster again so that members can make corrections to it. A new roster will be out in March. He also reminded everyone to pay their 2015 dues; 33 members have not yet paid. Newsletter Editor (Ken Parsons): The newsletter is out. J Website (Garry Pullen): Garry was not able to be at the meeting. Dave L. said that James Sorrels is now helping Garry with the website. Six members have paid their dues online. There are tabs on the club’s Facebook for both the Carousel Cruise and the Classy Chassis, and Garry is also looking into the possibility of being able to order our shirts online. Social Chair (Dave Cartwright): Congratulations to Sherri Cartwright, who happily was able to retire last Friday. Congrats, Sherri!! J The annual Rust Ball, sponsored by the Cherry City Bombers, will be on Saturday, February 7, at Duffy’s Hangar. It starts at 7:00 pm and the cost is $10 per person. There will be three bands there this year and should be a lot of fun, so hope to see a lot of our members there. Our next volleyball match against the Rollin’ Oldies will be on Saturday, February 28, at 6:00 pm at the Lebanon Boys and Girls Club, which is located at 305 S. 5th Street. Please arrive by 5:30 we can get a little bit of practice in and don’t forget to bring something for yourself to drink and finger food to share. Both players and spectators are welcome and encouraged to come; the more the merrier. J Our annual trip this year will be in August for the Flashback Cruise to Bend. More info to follow as it becomes available. Member at Large (Dayle Langley): Dayle asked if the audit had been done yet. Paul said that it should be finished by the next meeting. Can/Bottle Recycling (proceeds for A-Team) - Dayle brought more green bags for can/bottle recycling to tonight’s meeting. Anyone that brought filled bags can bring them to her car after the meeting. Club Cookbook – Linda Renner, one of our newest members, has volunteered to collect the recipes and will put together our club cookbook. Gene Kuschnick thanked everyone that showed up at the Salem Tools shop tour this past Saturday. It was lots of fun and there were a lot of really nice trucks. J COMMITTEE REPORTS Member Care (Vicki Champ): Only one card was sent out this month to Wayne Andrews and Karla Smith, whose 20 year old daughter passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this time Historian (Pam Foster): As usual, Pam made sure that everyone with a birthday this month was wished a very enthusiastic happy birthday Thank you, Pam, for always making everyone feel special. J A-Team (Jeff Foster): Jeff has flyers for the Cherry City Bombers annual Rust Ball, which is on February 7 at Duffy’s Hangar. The A-Team meets every Thursday at 5:30 at CJ’s Hot Rod Shop. They have two cars to work on and anyone is welcome to join the; whether to help work on the cars or just to socialize. Scholarship (Don Erickson): Joseph Warren was the 2014 scholarship winner. He will be invited to attend next month’s membership meeting. Don talked to the Finance folks and found out that the current account balance is $457. It costs $2,000 to fund one term and $4,600 to fund three terms. Money to cover a scholarship used to be included each year in our budget, but it has somehow dropped off the budget. Our club normally funds a scholarship for one term each year there is someone eligible for the award. Don said that if there is no money in the account to support a 2016 scholarship it won’t be listed on the scholarship form or in the school’s advertisement. Ernie Lamoureux made a motion to fund the scholarship on an annual basis for enough to cover one term, or $2,000. Dayle Langley seconded the motion. There was a lot of discussion and questions that were brought up; (1) should we fund the scholarship on an annual basis, (2) should we vote to fund enough to cover this year only (approximately $1,543), (3) what happens if there’s not enough in the account, and (4) does the scholarship take precedence over charities? After all of the discussion, Ernie withdrew his motion and Russ Strohmeyer recommended that the subject be taken to the Board for their suggestions and then brought back to the membership next month to vote on. All agreed on that course of action. SACC (Greg Smith): Dates to remember: March 7-8 - Salem Roadster Show; April 18 - Cherry Blossom Run; July 19 All Pickup Show, sponsored by Flywheels, for ’79 and older pickups. OLD BUSINESS By-Laws: Dave L. said that, after discussion at the recent Board Meeting, it was decided that there will not be a dues increase. He also said that Heather Bethel is looking over the wording and formatting of our club by-laws. Once she has re-organized and reformatted them she will bring copies of both the current and the reformatted by-laws to the Board for an initial review before being brought to the membership. Carousel Cruise 2015: Committee will be meeting every month at 6 pm just prior to Officer’s Meeting. Everyone is welcome to join the committee. They will be updating the sponsor form. The letter with the tax ID and receipt will be ready at the next meeting. Warren Horne asked if members would please remember to fill out and turn in the questionnaires that were on the tables. It was suggested that a letter of presentation with the club’s mission would be helpful to have when approaching sponsors. Shirts: Vicki Champ said she needs a minimum of 24 pieces to place an order. That can be a combination of tshirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies. They come in two colors; black and heather gray. Delivery time is 2-3 weeks. John Stanton thanked Pam for the birthday card. He also wanted to thank Dayle for the article she wrote in the current newsletter about the “old” guys. He suggested that another article topic could include photos of the founding fathers with the cars they owned in the 1970-1975 timeframe. Club Shirts: ing NEW BUSINESS Jim Woodry is working up a purchase order form for women. It will be available at the next meet- Christmas Party: Dave Cartwright said we need a party planner for our 201 5 Christmas party. Linda Spansel will be asked if she would like to do it again this year. Dave said the room at Roth’s needs to be reserved soon. New Racecar Museum: of Speed. Items for Sale: saw. Mark Scott announced that there is a new racecar museum in Wilsonville called the World Ray Bethel has a lot of Dewalt carpentry tools for sale, to include a tile saw and a Dewalt mitre Upcoming Events, Swap Meets, Etc.: Annual Rust Ball – 2/7 at Duffy’s Hanger, starting at 7 pm. ($10/person) Our June Membership Meeting will be held at Dave’s house. It will be on a Saturday (June 6). He will provide all of the food. Cost is $10/person. 50/50 Drawing (Frank Munz): There were 138 tickets sold for the 50/50 drawing. Bill Watson was the big winner and took home $69 Congrats! J Paul and Niccole Geck donated a corvette telephone for a second drawing; John Stanton was the winner. J Upcoming Meetings: Classy Chassis – Friday, February 20, 12-3 pm, at Sandy Stogsdill’s “café” (potluck lunch) Carousel Cruise Committee – Tuesday, February 24, at 6 pm at Elmer’s Restaurant (prior to Officer’s Meeting) Officer’s Meeting – Tuesday, February 24 at 7 pm at Elmer’s Restaurant (come early for dinner) Membership Meeting – Tuesday, March 3 at 7 pm at Pietro’s Pizza (come early for dinner) The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. Hi Everyone, Hope you're out enjoying the sunshine in your collector car! This months activities include: a volleyball game against the Rollin Oldies. It will be played Saturday Feb 28 at the Boys and Girls Club in Lebanon at 6pm. Next is the Salem Roadster Show March 7-8 at the fairgrounds. Then the Portland Roadster Show is March 20-22 at the Expo Center. Be sure and get your Hot Rods ready for summer, there will be stuff coming up you won't want to miss! --Dave C We have reached our minimum needed to place the order for the shirts/sweatshirts with this design.(See photo.) I will be placing the order March 5 to get everything back by the April 7 meeting. It's not too late to add on to the order. We can order a t-shirts and sweatshirts. The prices are listed below: T-Shirts Men's T-Shirts,small logo on the front and the large logo on the back Small-XL-$15 2XL-4XL-$17 Ladies T-Shirts, small logo on the front,the back is plain Small-XL-$15 Shirts/Sweatshirts are 100% Cotton and preshrunk Sweatshirts: Hoodies, 1/4 zipper, full zipper and crew neck are available. Add $12-$16 to the t-shirt price. If interested in sweatshirts please email me with size and style and I can get the exact price for you. The price varies depending on size and style. All shirts and sweatshirts are black or most are available in a nice dark gray. If you have placed an order but haven't paid please email/call me as soon as possible. I need to have the money collected before I place the order on March 5. Vicki Champ/503.910.5952 vchamp@comcast.net We are still collecting recipes for the WVSR Recipe Book. Dig through your {or your friends / relative’s} favorites and bring them to the meeting or email them to Linda Renner at in-a-twinkle@msn.com. The proceeds from the sale of the Recipe Book support the WVSR and it’s charities. Salem Tool Shop Tour The group was supposed to meet at Hometown Buffet for coffee before heading out to the tool shop, but I guess I forgot to read the memo about the time, because I was an hour early. I thought I had missed the boat or something like that, so I decided to go down to the shop and see who might be there. When I arrived, there was a fella taking down the chain to open the business for the day. No hot rods! I was the only car-person there. A shiny, red, new Camaro entered the lot and parked way in the back. I thought perhaps it was someone from another club, but in fact it was Patrick Russell, the owner. I confessed that I was way off on my time, but he assured me the tour was on. I asked if he would let me take a picture of him by his sign for the newsletter, and so we did. Then he said “Well, come on in, I will give you a personal tour!” I was thrilled that he would even consider it. He unlocked the door and I followed him on in. While Patrick turned on the lights and did the opening routine, I was busy snapping some pictures of just odds and ends of garage stuff. “OK he said, this is my job, tools!’” I glanced around and sure enough, lots of tools. Some of the tools on the wall were huge! I snapped some more pictures of…tools…, until Jim motioned me to follow him into the back. I was anxious to see what it was that Gene and Sally were so impressed with, not that I don’t like tools mind you. We entered the warehouse, then he led me to a single entry door. Taking the key out of his pocket and unlocking the door he continued speaking like the distance between the tool counter and the little door had not occurred. “And this is my hobby, toys! Trucks to be exact!” When I entered the rooms that were behind the little door, I was taken aback. There were trucks everywhere! On the walls, shelves, tables. To my left was a lighted display case filled with toy creations, and atop it more intricate trucks, some with rigging. I could not count the number of trucks I was seeing. Each of the trucks were about 22 “(give or take), and very heavy I would discover. They were made to look like a variety of 18 wheelers from flat beds with crushed cars on them to pick-up trucks towing trailers. One in particular was painted pink for a special rendering. Then Patrick showed me what he called the mold. It had been in existence since 1927, and had been the mold used on all these specialty trucks. I could see the light in his eyes as he spoke. He told me the parts are all made in separate places and then assembled here. They are sent to all parts of the world, and cost anywhere from $500 to $1200. “So you could make a living just selling trucks” I said. Immediately Jim looked at me and said “Then it would be a job, and it wouldn’t be fun anymore!” I was shown his first truck, a gift from his wife. I really wish I had paid more attention to detail so I could tell you who makes what, and more about the die, but I was very much in awe of what I was seeing. If you get down there on Lancaster near the theaters, stop in and ask Patrick if he would mind to show you his trucks, I know what the answer will be, and if you are looking for tools, he has them too! I thanked him for his hospitality, and we went back outside. It was then he spotted “BB”, my 55 Studebaker truck. We chatted for another 15 minutes about her, but finally said our goodbyes. I thanked him for the opportunity to visit. As we stood there, I noticed a bench with some old fire-fighter, logger type equipment or miners stuff, and asked if I could take a picture. He said “What do you want a picture of that old stuff for?” I told him I like that sort of art, and when I showed him the photo, he was astounded. He said I could make a living at that, and I said “Then it would be a job and take the fun out of it!” We laughed, and I promised to give him a copy if the photo. Thanks Gene and Sally, you were right, it was a wonderful shop tour! I bet if you headed his way and asked to see the toys, he would be more than happy to show you too! Dayle Langley, WVSR Member-at-Large Display at the Oregon Steam UP In January (2015) Kathy and I had the opportunity of traveling to Ecuador and Peru where we spent most of the month traveling thru these countries with a small tour group. When traveling outside the US, I am always looking for American made cars that may be sitting in yards or driving on the roadways. In Ecuador, I did spot a '57 Chevy pickup sitting in the grass next to a hut in a small village. It didn't look too bad, but I doubt it will see the road soon as it was in a very poor part of the country. Speaking of Ecuador, Chevrolet (has 41% of the market) and Toyota each have assembly plants on the north edge of Quito, the capital city of 2.8 million people. Consequently, you will see a good number of Aveos, Sparks, Yaris and Corollas cars driving around; KIA's and Hyundai's were also seen. Most of them are the sub-compact models. While visiting the site of 00 Latitude (center of the Northern & Southern Hemispheres and the closest point to the Sun) we did see an old Dodge flatbed in the parking lot that was fixed up as a party bus used during the Carnivals'. The main export of Ecuador is heavy crude oil and as a result, gasoline prices were reasonable (to us) at $1.20 per gallon for regular gas and $1.03 per gallon for diesel. The government controls these prices so they were pretty much the same throughout the country, including Peru. Now that may seem cheap to us, but remember that the average wage in these countries is around $3,200.00 per year. So amongst the smaller cars, you will see a lot of motorcycles and three-wheel vehicles being used for transportation. In downtown Quito, I did see a restored? 70's Ford pickup sitting along the street. Generally, the main roads are narrow and paved but with no shoulders or guard rails. Traffic speed is generally controlled by intermittent speed bumps across the road every five miles or so. You can be going along at 50 MPH and suddenly there will be a sign warning of a speed bump ahead, so you have to slow down to a crawl or go airborne!! Makes travelling interesting! We stayed several days in Lima, Peru-a city of around 12 million-that is located along a desert coast along the Pacific Ocean. While touring the city, we did see a new Camaro and Dodge Challenger driving around the city, but American cars-as we know them-appear to be far and few to be found. One afternoon we left the hotel and walked to a nearby park that overlooked the ocean as we wanted to watch the surfers and other activity occurring down on the beach. Suddenly, Kathy pointed down to the parking lot and said 'Look at that!'. I managed to get a photo and later determined it was a Model A sedan that was leaving the lot. It looked like someone had fixed it up as it had 50's Chrysler style chrome wire wheels and looked really nice from where we stood! So even in third world countries, hot rodding is alive! Jim and Kathy Schuette 2015 Calendar Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise In Stayton A&W Restaurant 5 Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Main Street, 1St to 2nd 5 Seattle, WA; Roosevelt High School Car Show Roosevelt High School 6 Hillsboro, OR; 33rd Annual All Ford Show and Swap Meet Washington County Fair Complex 7 Rickreall, OR; 18th Rickreall Auto Swap Meet Polk County Fair Grounds 7 Salem, OR; Kool Krooz IX Hillyers Tire & Wheel & Salem Off Road Center 12-13 Joseph, OR; 26th OR Mountain Cruise Car Show Downtown, Main Street 13 Hood River, OR; Hood River Church of the NazaSilverton, OR; Silverton First Friday rene Car Show Main Street, 1st to 2nd Hood River Church of the Nazarene Turner, OR: 2nd Annual Cascade Car Show 13 Lebanon, OR; Chamber Classic Car Cruz In Albany, OR; April Fools Car Show Cheadle Lake Park South Albany High School 13 Sherwood, OR; Cruisin' Sherwood Classic & CusPortland, OR; PIR Auto Swap Meet tom Car Show Portland International Raceway Old Town Sherwood Portland, OR; Portland Swap Meet 13 Waldport, OR; Beachcombers Day Car Show Portland Expositon Center Colombia Bank Pkg. Lot Hood River, OR; Second Saturday at the 15 Salem, OR; Willamette Valley A's Auto Swap WAAAM Air and Auto Museum Meet Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile MuseChemeketa Community College um 15 Medford, OR; Medford Annual Swap Meet Salem, OR: SACC Cherry Blossom Poker Run Champion Raceway Vancouver, WA; Pacific NW Model Car Fest 17 Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise Red Lion Hotel at the Quay In The Dalles, OR; KODL Classic Car Show Stayton A&W Restaurant Downtown 19 Seaside, OR; Seaside Muscle and Chrome Warrenton, OR; 50's Cruise Reunion Car Show Downtown Seaside National Guard Camp Rilea, 19 Brooks, OR; Branch 15 - 34th Annual Swap Meet Corvallis, OR; Corvallis Swap Meet Antique Powerland Benton County Fairgrounds 19 Oregon City, OR; 27th Annual Sunshine Cruz Clackamette Park 20 Grand Ronde, OR; 2nd Annual Roll The Dice Car Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Show Main Street, 1St to 2nd Spirt Mountain Casino Oakland, OR; 11th Annual Oakland Car Show & 20 Oregon City, OR; Seventh Annual Orphan Car Shine Meet Downtown Historic Oakland Clackamette Park Portland, OR; 2015 PTW Spring Classic 21 Albany, OR; North Albany Fathers Day Car Show Portland Transmission Warehouse North Albany Village La Pine, OR; 9th Annual Automotive Swap Meet/ 21, Salem, OR; Willamette A's Auto Swap Meet scholarship Benefit Chemeketa Community College La Pine Senior Activity Center 19-21 Brooks, OR; 34th Annual Swap Meet & Oregon Portland, OR; Road Knights Jim Dandy Cruise In Steam Up Jim Dandy Drive-In Antique Powerland Tillamook, OR; Torch Run Show & Shine 26-27 Springfield, OR; Springfield Show & Shine Tillamook Cheese Factory Fins Drive In & Briggs Middle School Tualatin, OR; Clark Lumber True Value 7th An27 Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Rendezvous Vehicle nual Car Show Show Clark Lumber True Value Antique Powerland Keizer, OR; Rev-Up in Keizer 27 Clatskanie, OR; Clatskanie Cruisers Car Show Venue TBA, River Road Clatskanie Park Echo, OR; Ace Car Show 27-28 Sweet Home, OR; Sweet Home Sweet Ride CharDowntown, Echo ity Car Show For Kids Junction City, OR; Function 4 Junction Field below the Junior High Ivy Street, Downtown March 7-8 Salem, OR; 9th Salem Roadster Show Americraft Center Oregon State Fairgrounds 7-8 Roseburg Benefit Indoor Car Show Douglas County Fairgrounds 8-9 Roseburg, OR, Indoor Benefit Car Show Douglas County Fairgrounds 14 Astoria, OR; Astoria Auto Swap Meet Clatsop County Fairgrounds 19-20 Portland, OR; 59th Annual Portland Roadster Show Portland Expo Center 28-29 Springfield, OR: The Roadster Show Willamalane Center For Sports and Recreation April 3 4 4 9-11 10-12 11 18 18 25 25? 26 May 1 9 9 16 16 16 16 17 24 30 June 3 July 1 Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise In Stayton A&W Restaurant 3 Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Main Street, 1st to 2nd 4 Riddle, OR; Riddle Sawdust Jubilee Car Show Main Street 4 Florence, OR; Florence Wings and Wheels Florence Airport 4 Longview, WA; 22nd Annual Bow-Tie Bash Commerce Ave 9-11 Portland, OR; SVRA Portland Historic Races Portland International Raceway 10 Lebanon, OR; National Collector Car Appreciation Day Cruise-in The Filling Station 11 Philomath, OR; 18th Annual Philomath Classic Car Show Philomath City Park 11 Beaverton, OR; 4th Annual Veterans Cruise In Valley Catholic School 11 Hood River, OR; WAAAM Traffic Jam - Cruise, Car Show and Swap Meet Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum (WAAAM) 11 Portland, OR; 32nd Wooden Chicken Show & Shine Wooden Chicken Pub 11 Roseburg, OR; Collector Car Auction Douglas County Fairgrounds 11 Salem, OR; Men of Action Car, Truck, Tractor, Cycle Show Grace Baptist Church 11 Roseburg, OR; 33rd Stray Angels Show-n-Shine River Forks Park 12 3rd Annual Spring Hill North Albany Car Show Albany Golf & Event Center/Spring Hill Golf Club 15 Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise In Stayton A&\jV Restaurant 19 - 21 Brooks, OR; 34th Annual Swap Meet & Oregon Steam Up Antique Powerland 16 Philomath, OR; 17th Annual Philomath Classic Car Show Philomath City Park 18 Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Swap Meet & Vehicle Show Antique Powerland 18 Keizer, OR; Father Taaffe Homes Car Show St. Edwards Church 18 Newport, OR; Bay City Cruisers Classic Car Show Newport Elks Lodge 18 Salem, OR; 14th Annual Community Cruise-in Salem First Nazarene Church 18 Longview, WA; Believe in the Son Car Show Calvary Community Church 18 Prineville, OR; 9th Annual Cruise to the Center of Oregon Crook County Fairgrounds 19 Salem, OR; Les Schwab Pickup Show Les Schwab 20 Estacada, OR; NW Nomads & Les Schwab Cruise In Les Schwab Tire Store 25 Lowell, OR; Blackberry Jam Car Show Lowell High School Football Field 25 Stayton, OR; Stayton Summerfest Car Show Pioneer Park 25-26 Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Steam Up Vehicle Show Antique Powerland 26 Dallas, OR; Tom Newton Memorial Car Show Dallas City Park 26 Salem, OR; All Girls Cruise West Salem Safeway 26 Sandy, OR; 58th Annual Fly-in Cruise-In Pancake Breakfast Formerly McKinnon Airportnwl 26 Woodburn, OR; MoPar Nationals Woodburn Dragstrip August 1 Oregon City, OR; Sizzlin' Summer Hot Rod & Car Show Haggen Foods 1 Brownsville, OR; Brownsville Antique Fair, Car Show and Swap Meet Pioneer Park 1 Salem, OR; North Salem Class of '65 Car Show Salem High School 1 Sublimity, OR; Smokin’ Down the Highway Car Show and Barbeque Cookoff Harvest Festival Grounds 1-2 Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Steam Up Vehicle Show Antique Powerland 2 Brownsville, OR; Brownsville Swap Meet Pioneer Park 3 Hillsboro, OR; Kyron's Car Show Liberty High School 5 Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise In Stayton A&W Restaurant 4-8 Reno/Sparks, NV; Hot August Nights 7- 9 Bend, OR; Classic Chevy Club "Flashback Cruz" Drake Park 7 Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Main Street, 1st to 2nd 8 Elmira, OR; Falcons Country Classic Car Show Fern Ridge Middle School 8 Estacada, OR; 10th Annual Old Time Cruise To Estacada 4th & Main Streets 8 Oregon City, OR; Hot Dog-ust Day Clackamas Community College 8 Silverton, OR; Homer Cruise-in City Park 9 St. Paul, OR; 44th Annual All Ford Picnic Champoeg State Park 9 The Dalles, OR; Cruise the Gorge Soroses Park 14 Tillamook, OR; Old Iron Show & Swap Meet 15 Dexter, OR; Dream Center Lane County Road Run Dream Center Lane 15-16 Redmond, OR; Drifter's Harvest Run Centennial Park Area 16 Tillamook, OR; Old Iron Show - Cruise In Blue Heron Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise In Stayton A&W Restaurant 21-22 Gaston, OR; Wapato Show Down Ballfield behind Firestation 22 Salem, OR; CJ's 14th Annual Hot Rod Picnic 4295 22nd Ave NE Salem 22 Pottsville, OR, Ratrod-O-Rama 22 Keizer, OR; All Ford Show Keizer Skyline Ford 22-23 Brooks, OR; Brooks Truck Show Antique Powerland 30 Silverton, OR; Car Show at The Oregon Garden The Oregon Garden 19 September 2 Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise In Stayton A&W Restaurant 4 Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Main Street, 1st to 2nd 5 Salem, OR: Carousel Cruise Salem's Riverfront Carousel 10 Seaside, OR; Seaside Wheels and Waves Downtown Seaside 11-13 Yachats, OR; Fall Blues Show & Shine Yachats Inn 12 Lincoln City, OR; 5th Annual Cruisin The Bay Car Show Bay House Restaurant 12 Redmond, OR; 32nd Oregon High Desert Swap Meet, Car Show and Antiques Deschutes County Fairgrounds 12 Salem, OR; Macleay Country Cruse-In Macleay Country Inn 16 Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Night Cruise In Stayton A&W Restaurant 19-20 Mt. Angel, OR; Oktoberfest Cruz-N Car Show 2 separate shows 19 Lebanon, OR: 50s in the fall River Park 19 Columbia City, OR; Columbia City Celebration Show & Shine Columbia City School 27 Scio, OR; Jordan Chicken Run Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church October 2 Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Main Street, 1st to 2nd 3 Canby, OR; 40th Annual Oregon Harvest Swap Meet Clackamas County Fairgrounds 17-18 Portland, OR; PIR Fall Auto Swap Meet Portland International Raceway November 21 Albany, OR; Albany Indoor Swapmeet Linn County Exposition Center December 5 Stayton, OR; Santa Cruise-In & Breakfast Stayton Fire Station 6 Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Movie Night Antique Powerland Member Owned Businesses As you can see from their ads in the newsletter, many of our members own their own businesses and you are all encouraged to support them. If you own a business and want to be listed on the WVSR website, please send an email that includes basic information about your business, ie: name, type of business, website, and contact info, to Garry Pullen at wvsrhq@gmail.com. “A” Project 1. Jeff welding up plug where the door handle used to be. 7. Warren spreading some filler on the door. 2. Glen sanding on front apron while Dick holds it steady. 8. Warren and Ray sanding on the body. 3. John cutting out where bear claw latch is going. 4. Picture of cut out in the door. 5. Jeff tacking in the latch in the door. 6. Picture of latch tacked in. Nick Hoosier photos Dues Are Due! Just a reminder. along with paying at the meeting or mailing your dues in, you can also go online to the website and renew their dues on the "club info" page. It is a secure payment through paypal, however, you do NOT need a paypal accoun to use it. Just click on the button and renew your dues with your credit or debit card. Keep in mind there is a $1 surcharge to offset the processing fees yet the convenience of being able to do it 24/7 from anywhere, or even in your pj's is well worth it! April Newsletter Deadline The latest I can accept articles, pictures, classified adds, or anything else you would like to see in the February Issue of Cruiz’n News will be March 28th, 9 a.m. If there is an event on that day that you will attend and would cover for the newsletter, let me know ahead of time and I can save some space for it. Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Classified ads are free. Want to advertise to our members? Place your product or business in our monthly newsletter. Business Card: Monthly $12 - Annual Non-member $75 Member Annual $50 1/4 Page: Monthly $25 Annual Non-member $150 Annual Member $100 Contact Ken Parsons at 503-362-5498 or kparsons1270@comcast.net Classified Ads will remain active for 3 issues, then must be resubmitted FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1936 Ford Sedan, all steel, good floors, Mustang II front-end, 8” Ford rear-end, Chevy sm blk 350 trans. Needs upholstery, engine overhaul, and general clean-up. $15k. Call Larry 503-409-3232 10/14 302 HO Ford engine and automatic transmission. Still in Mk IV Lincoln, hear it run. $1000 1960 Impala, original 348 Tri-power and 4 speed. Satin Black with new red and white hounds tooth interior. New stainless brake and fuel lines and new wiring. $35,000. Call Don at 503 881 3232 Rich Bailey is looking for someone interested in helping out with some race car displays and other miscellaneous racing stuff. You can be in school, retired or in between but should be in good enough health to help load and unload the race car with the help of a winch. Should look presentable, be dependable and have a love for car racing! This is a volunteer gig. Call Rich at 503-370-9164 or email him at promotionmotorsports@gmail.com INDEPENDENCE OREGON AIRPARK HOME/HANGAR FOR SALE: 2 story 2,184 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath home with attached 2,106 sq ft 2 car garage with pull down door to separate from the hangar/shop which includes a floor mount car hoist, lots of shelving storage and plumbed air. Asking $295,000. Call 503-838-6465 for additional information or appointment to see. 11/14 Member Owned Businesses As you can see from their ads in the newsletter, many of our members own their own businesses and you are all encouraged to support them. If you won an business and want to be listed on the WVSR website, please send an email that includes basic information about your business, ie: name, type of business, website, and contact info to Garry Pullen at wvsrhq@gmail.com P. O. Box 4091, Salem, OR 97302 Next Meeting April 7th @ 7pm Pietro’s Pizza on Hawthorne Come early for dinner and social time
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