Cruiz`n News
Cruiz`n News
Cruiz’n News April 2014 OFC’s Salem CruiseIn Photo Courtesy Jim Billings Pam Foster Photo Rollin’ Oldies vs WVSR Volley Ball A-Project Member Profile: John Stanton Crimson and Clover Movie 2013 CLUB OFFICERS President Dave Lecompte 503-393-6300 Vice President Mike Vickers 503-508-6256 Secretary Niccole Miller 503-801-2459 Treasurer Paul Geck 503-798-5577 Social Chair Frank Munz April Birthdays 503-362-4740 Social Ken & Vicki Champ Activities 503-364-1133 Committee Margie & Russ Strohmeyer 503-769-5060 Membership Jim Palmquist 1 Bill Watson Jr 2 Rod Green 503-551-2018 3 Ernie Lamoureux, Candice Morley Newsletter Ken Parsons 4 Carolyn Walz, Robert Potter Editor 5 John Morley 8 Linda Spansel 11 Gayle Gamble, Jon Debban (503) 362-5498 Webmaster Garry Pullen 13 Janet Wulfers 15 Roy Gardner (503) 507-5333 16 Jackie Criswell Member at Dayle Langley 17 Claudia Johnson Large 18 Helen Kundelius 22 Victoria Kruljac 23 Brenda Fogel Pam Foster 24 Mel Myers, Paul Geck 28 Cindy Hayes (971) 218-2411 Historian (503) 393-3143 WVSR General Meeting March 4th, 2014 President – Dave LeCompte Called meeting to order @ 7:00 pm. Pledge of Allegiance Introduction of New Member: Glen Zimmerman GUEST Speaker Owner of Gilgamesh Brewery Lee Radtke wants to find out if we would be interested in a Spring Car Show @ Gilgamesh. There was an overwhelming YES!!! Gilgamesh is a wonderful venue with LOTS of hospitality, nice parking, food, beverages and good times! Absolutely LEE!!! Officer Reports President – Dave LeCompte Gave the floor to Lee Radtke and then proceeded through the agenda. THANKS DAVE! YOU are an AWESOME President. We all truly value the incredible job you do for WVSR and our community! Secretary– Niccole Miller Pretty Please give Niccole a copy of your officer report at our meetings. Meeting minutes will be more accurate and efficient especially if it’s a social event. I just can’t keep track of all the whirling facts whilst having fun too! Yes, I’m blonde and human. Lol thanks for your understanding. Treasurer – Paul Geck Paul gave a detailed accounting of the clubs finances. Membership Chairman – Jim Palmquist Membership Dues for 2014 are due. Cash payment = receipt, Check payment = check is receipt. Please pay ASAP. All mailed payment please send to WVSR P.O. 4091 Salem, OR 97302 IF, you have not paid, you will not be on the newly updated roster. Social Chairman – Frank Munz PLEASE bring your camera to any event and contribute your photos to Ken Parson’s or Garry Pullen for inclusion in Website and/or newsletter. Possible Electric Cars Electrostang shop tour if there is any interest in future PLEASE check your 2014 Hot Rod Happenings social event calendar for upcoming events. I can’t keep track of them all @ the meeting as hard as I try. Some highlights, Nearest Event is March 29th Reception @ The Geck’s (see below) and the April 5 th Albany Car Show. ALSO, April 12th Cascade High School is having a fund raising event to collect for their Drug and Alcohol Free party. $15.00 entry. I believe there was a radio plug for KPZY radio @ 9:10am by our illustrious member Russ Stromeyer. Listen in! He’s funny and informative on air too. J DAVE CARTWRIGHT reports there will be a volleyball rematch with the Rollin oldies on March 8 th @ 6 pm. The Klamath Cruise Flyer is available Car Show, Sock Hop and Night Cruise are some of the highlights. Newsletter Editor – Ken Parsons Hardcopy newsletters are available at membership meetings for those who want one. Picture credits went to Vicki Champ and Ray Agen for their photos contributed for The Salem Roadster Show. Website - Garry Pullen Please SEND IN MEMBER PHOTOS of YOU and your CARS!!! Website email CHECK IT OUT. Always an outstanding job, Webmaster Garry. It looks GREAT. Member at Large - Dayle Langley Thank you to all the members who have submitted their Member Profiles. If you haven’t done it yet, Please Write a story we all enjoy these profiles SO MUCH! Great Job Dayle and all participating members. Also, Dayle reminds us to bring our cans to her for the A project can drive. CAN do! lol Member Care - Vicki Champ was not present. Dang it!! Missed you Vicki. Historian - Pam Foster Pam’s jubilant "Happy Birthday" wishes went to club members with a March birthday. Birthdays are listed in your monthly WVSR newsletter. If anyone is missing on the list please contact Pam. Nikki Oman sent a nice Thank you card to our club Pam shared with us. More details on Don, Visitors are welcome from 2 pm on. A-Team - Jeff Foster A-Team meets EVERY Thursday at CJ’s Hot Rod Shop after 5:30 p.m. come join in!! There is still Much to accomplish on the car….. and all the happy CANoodling creates cans to collect for our can drive! Won’t you come and PLEASE Volunteer? The guys report it’s a really fun time to get together and enjoy the build. Door Skin, trim doors, Les Schwab donated tires!! WOW! THANK YOU! And a HUGE Thank you A-TEAM for all you are doing! OUR MEMBERS ROCK! Carousel Cruise - Greg Smith, John Woods and Mike Vickers It is not too early to acquire sponsors for this year. In fact, NOW is the perfect time for all members to get involved! Get the form from our website. The MORE sponsors the better turn out and increased revenue for our charitable cause! Carousel meeting Agenda includes Trophies, new DJ Russ Strohmeyer, We need volunteers for registration amongst other points. Cash award for club participation is now $150.00 AGAIN Sponsors!!! Get em while their hot. Flyers June 1 st Deadline, NEW! Poker walk during Carousel Cruise. COOL. SACC - Greg Smith Cherry Blossom Poker Run will have 7 stops this year Blue Moon in June Old Business A movie filming crew is requesting/inviting anyone with unrestored/restored cars to please contact them to be included in the next filming sequence in Newburg. Several of our WVSR members have already participated in previous filming. Its fun! New Business This officers meeting we will be discussing the criteria for choosing our main charity. We invite ANY member to attend and contribute. Our meeting on this subject will be held an hour earlier @6-7 to accomplish this main task. Our regular officer meeting agenda will follow @ 7:00. Please come and offer your two cents. Upcoming Events/ Swap Meets, etc. Diana and Ken Tucker are still selling their entire remaining estate items. Contact Diana. For Sale See Newsletter Classified Ads for more detail Highlights: 51 Studebaker and an Oak Hutch ISO1938 Chevy bits and pieces 1963 Metal less Slot Machine restored. 250 Amp AC/DC International Welding cart with everything included! Member Appreciations J Our club SURPRISED the elopers Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Niccole Geck with a very cute and hilarious advise to the newlyweds bit! Wow!! It was such a sweet and thoughtful feel good moment! Thank you WVSR, our wonderful family. ADDITIONALLY, March 29th @4:00 pm Silverton Outdoor/Indoor Event, there will be LIVE music, Hot Rods, a taco bar, beverages, cake and lots of good time dancing and giggling @ Paul and Niccole Geck’s Official Reception and House warming party. Contact us (or social chairman) for directions! It is located 1 Mile off 213 up the Abiqua. Please bring your cool car!! FEEL GOOD NEWS! Sylvia Morley reports she is still cancer free. The 50/50 winners collected $ 53.00 Dave and Sherri Cartwright. J The next Officers Meeting is Tuesday, March 25th - 6:00 p.m. @ Elmer's Restaurant. The next WVSR General Meeting is Tuesday, April 1st @ 7:00 p.m. Pietro's Pizza (early for dinner). Now that’s no April Fools day joke! See you fellow Hot Rodders there! Adjourned Filming Crimson and Clover Several of our members have been involved in the filming of this movie. These are not particularly good pictures. They are from 2 different shoots, first on a very rainy Sunday AM at the drive in in Newberg. A couple of them were taken through a rainy window from inside my car. Because of the weather these were just background scenes of cars coming and going at the drive in. The young folks are actors. The night time pictures were street scenes taken about mid-night to 2 AM in "downtown" St Paul. I took the smaller picture while we were setting up, and forgot to take any when the action began. We had a few good drag races before we finished. There are 2 teasers on You Tube for those interested. Look for it, Crimson and Clover (movie title) Teaser # 1 and Teaser # 2 Jim Palmquist Jim Palmquest and Dayle Langley photos Member Profile: John Stanton Golly, where do I begin to talk about this terrific individual? Ok, how about the basics first? John is a married guy, married his love Connie December 16, 1967. John retired from ODOT as manager of the Woodburn Port Of Entry. That is the big truck scale just north of Woodburn on I-5, and Connie was an insurance agent and office manager for Ed Clark Insurance in Salem. John and Connie have 2 wonderful daughters. One lives in Tigard and the other one in Federal Way, Washington. They have graced the family with three grand kids. A boy age 5, a girl age 7, in Tigard and a girl age 14 in WA. “ All great kids. My grandson loves cars. He likes to go out in my shop and "drive" the cars. At Christmas, they all come to our house and I set up a train around the tree. The little kids like to drive pedal cars around on the driveway when the weather permits. We all do Easter here, too. I find eggs all year. I can't remember where I (Easter Bunny) hid them all”. I asked John to “Tell us a little about yourself”, and this was John’s reply: “I was born in Spokane over 70 years ago. I lived in Seattle and Everett in my early childhood. Moved back to Spokane when I was seven, graduated from the University of Idaho in 1968. It took me 6 years to get a 4 year degree but I was interrupted when I joined the United States Marine Corp Reserve. After active duty, I returned to college where I met Connie. We moved to Salem in 1968 when I got a job teaching woodworking at Silverton High School. Dave LeCompte was a student there. I also taught classes for Chemeketa College. I did a couple of other things then went to work for the State of Oregon. I started with Department of Administrative Services then to ODOT. I was a Weigh master and enforced laws and administrative rules regulating the trucking industry. Part of the job was also to perform truck safety inspections. I also taught state law classes at Portland Community College, Western Oregon University and Oregon Police Standards and Training through my job with ODOT. Eventually became the manager of the enforcement district north of Salem and west of Mt. Hood. Even as a little kid, I loved cars. I always wanted cars and a play gas station for Christmas. I also wanted Lionel train stuff. My friend, Ricky, and I used to nail roller skates on to 2X4's and make scooters. We put wheels on planks and made plywood bodies. We called them "bugs". Once we made an airplane and drug it up onto the roof of a construction shack. We threw it off to see if it would fly before we rode it. Good thing because it smashed into little bits. I participated in the soap box derby back in the 50's. Bought my first car in 1959 when I was 15. It was a 1927 Ford Model T roadster with a 1950 Merc flathead engine. Couldn't (was not supposed to) drive license. Learned a lot from it. My dad was a great mechanic so taught me a lot. I had lots of cars in the 60's. Wish I had them now. (Well, some of them)” I can add that John is a collector of Lionel model trains and old license plates. I once got a call from a guy trying to locate a particular plate, and I knew right where to direct him!. His other interests and affiliations are Goodguys, NSRA, and the National Studebaker Driver's Club. “Of course, my main hobby is street rods. I pretty much do all my own work. I have painted cars since I was 15 when I painted my brother's 1949 Chevy convertible. I also do all my own en- gine, chassis, body, and fabrication work. I have even done most of my upholstery”. John is a founding father of Willamette Valley Street Rods. “ I started hanging out with Tony Mills, in about 1968. Then I met Dale Wheeler, Gary Farrier, Jerry Keppinger, John Woods, Boyd Jensen, and Bill Sanders, all hot rod guys. These guys, myself, and about a dozen more formed the club. We had meetings and took trips together. Late in 1970, we made it official and started paying dues and had officers. Dale was out first President. Our first roster was in 1971” John has been in the club “Over 40 years total, but took time off for several years during the 80's and early 90's. Still had rods then, but was not active in the club. I totally love this club! I have wonderful friendships that have come from it. Some of which have endured for over 40 years. Our members are the best people in the world!” So what does John have in his garage you may ask….well, hold on, I’m gonna tell ya! Street Rods: 1929 Ford Tudor sedan project car, 1931 Ford coupe Hiboy, 1932 Ford 5 window Hiboy, 1934 Ford 3 window coupe, 1940 Ford Deluxe coupe. Other cars: 1949 Studebaker Starlight coupe, 1951 Studebaker Starlight coupe, 1962 Studebaker GT Hawk, 1955 Chevy BelAir Tudor post, 1964 Ford Falcon hardtop, 1987 Corvette (Connie's car). I can tell you one thing, John is a really good guy. I have been searching all over for an inside door handle to my Studebaker pick-up. On my birthday, John came up to me at the meeting and handed me the handle. “Happy Birthday” he said. He could not have made me happier! Of course I ask all our members who fill out a profile about their most embarrassing moment. Not missing a beat John’s answer “ Being born…….I was naked and afraid!” Just a note from this Member-at-Large. I love this guy!! I am grateful for his service to our country, thankful for his efforts in the club, and most of all happy he is my friend. I enjoy his tremendous sense of humor. Dayle Langley, Member-at-Large, WVSR Here we are with April coming up on us with the weather changing to allow car shows and cruses, its been along winter and I am ready for the fun to start again.! The Portland Swap meet is coming up again on the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th of April with a lot of treasures to be had. The Cascade High School Senior Class is having a 1st Annual Car Show on the 12th of the month with the proceeds going to finance the seniors all night party They are also having a large garage sale and several other events with this show The Cherry Blossom Poker Run will take place this month Jeff Foster will let all know on the date at our April meeting. Lets all get out their and have a good TIME!!! Frank Munz, Social Chair “A” Project Photo #1. Jim took a break for awhile, but showed up a cou- Photo #4. Jeff welding up some little pin holes in the drivple of weeks ago and did some welding and is now er side door. grinding down the welds. Photo #5. Door is back on the car, all welded up with a litPhoto #2. Jeff and John are placing the new skin on the tle bondo and ready to sand. door. Photo #6. Jim, Chuck, Thor, Ken, Dick, Warren, Jeff, John Photo #3. Thor, John and Chuck with the door with the new and Joe. Nick is not shown, as he took the picskin attached. ture. Nick Hoosier Photos Rollin’ Oldies v Willamette Valley Street Rods WVSR-Rollin Oldies Volley Ball night Saturday night March 8th.. It was such a fun evening! We had a great turnout and everyone enjoyed playing so much. The Rollin Oldies are so nice and made us feel so welcome. We played at the Boys & Girls Club in Lebanon (We played 6 games and won 5!). Pam Foster Photos About 15 club members gathered for breakfast at the Home Buffet followed by a field trip to Key Motors Wrecking yard at Liberal just North of Molalla. We were able to score a new top from a 61 Ford S/W for the A project while there. If you need parts, it's a good place to look for them. Jim Palmquist photos 2014 Calendar 3-6 4-6 12 12 19 26 26 27 2 10 10 10 17 18 30 31 TBA 1 1 4 6 7 April Portland, OR; PIR Auto Swap Meet Portland international Raceways Portland, OR; Portland Swap Meet Portland Expo Center Salem, OR: Senior Class of 2014 1st Annual Car Show, Cascade High School Woodburn, OR; Mustang 50th Anniversary Parade Woodburn Drag Strip Salem, OR; SACC 86th Annual Cherry Blossom Drive & Poker Run, Walery's Pizza parking lot, 503 5881932 Albany, OR; Food n Cruise, No Affiliations Car Club, First Assembly of God 26 The Dalles, OR; KODL Classic Car Show Downtown, 404 E 2nd Street Warrenton, OR; 50's Cruise Reunion Car Show National Guard Camp Rilea, Corvallis, OR; Corvallis Swap Meet Benton County Fairgroundss May Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Cruse-in Main Street; 1st to 2nd street; Coburg, OR; 32nd Annual Mother's Day Swap Meet ,Coburg Industrial Way Oakland, OR; Oakland Car Show & Shine Locust Street, Portland, OR; 2014 PTW Spring Classic Portland Transmission Warehouse, 1016 SE Hawthorne Blvd Lebanon, OR: No Limits Car Show, Lebanon High School Keizer, OR; Keizer Car Show TBA Salem, OR; HOT RODS, MONSTER TRUCKS, and RIBS , Peoples Church, Lancaster Dr NE Junction City, OR; Function 4 Junction Ivy Street, Downtown June Redmond, OR; Oregon High Desert Swap Meet Deschutes Co. Fairgrounds Rochester, WA; Sunday Drivers Tour TBA, Pendleton St SW; Rickreall, OR; 17th Rickreall Auto Swap Meet Polk County Fairgrounds Stayton, OR; Stro's Wednesday Nite Cruise-In Stayton A&W1 Restaurant Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Cruse-in Main Street; 1st to 2nd street; Salem, OR; Hillyer’s Tire and Wheel 7 8 9 13 14 14 14 14 15 18 20 21 21 22 Prineville, OR; 9th Annual Cruise to the Center of Oregon, Crook County Fairgrounds Hillsboro, OR; 32nd Annual All Ford Show & Swap Meet, Washington County Fair Complex Prineville, OR; 9th Annual Cruise to the Center of Oregon, Crook County Fairgrounds Oregon City, OR; 27th Annual Sunshine Cruz Clackamette Park Hood River, OR; Hood River Church of the Nazarene Car Show, 22nd & Belmontt Lebanon, OR; Chamber Classic Car Cruz In Cheadle Lake Park Sherwood, OR; Cruisin' Sherwood Classic & Custom Car Show , Old Town Sherwood, Railroad Street Waldport, OR; Beachcombers Day Car Show Colombia Bank Pkg. Lott Salem, OR; Salem, OR, Willamette Valley A's Auto Swap Meet, Chemeketa Community College Stayton, OR; Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise-In, Stayton A&W Restaurant Brooks, OR; Branch 15 - 34th Annual Swap Meet Antique Powerland, 3995 Brooklake Rd NE Oregon City, OR; 6th Annual Orphan Car Meet Clackamette Park Salem, OR; Class of 1964 Car Show, North Salem High School ; McMinnville, OR; McMinville Lions Club Fly-inn Drive-in Pancake Breakfast 22 Woodland, WA; Planters Days Show & Shine, Downtown Woodland, Davidson Ave. 27—29 Klamath, OR: WVSR Hit The Road Cruise to Kruise of Klamath, Salem—Klamath—Salem 28 Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Rendezvous Vehicle Show Antique Powerland 28 Ciatskanie, OR; Clatskanie Cruisers Heritage Days Car Show , Clatskanie City Park 28 La Pine, OR; High Lakes Show-N-Shine, La Pine Senior Activity Center 28 Sweet Home, OR; Sweet Home Sweet Ride Charity Show for Kids, 880 22nd Ave TBA TBA 2 4 4 July Riddle, OR; Riddle Sawdust Jubilee Car Show Main Street Vancouver, WA; Cruisin the Gut, Downtown, Main Street Stayton, OR; Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise-In, Stayton A&W Restaurant Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Cruise-in Main Street, 1 st to 2nd Street, Ridgefield, WA; Northwest Street Rod Nationals Plus, Clark County Event Center 5 5 5 6 9 9-11 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11-12 11-13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 Portland, OR; Highway to Heaven Car Show Skyline Memorial Gardens Hoquiam, WA; Pushrods of Hoquiam Riverside Run Revival, Old Town Hoquiam, Levee Street Longview, WA; 22nd Annual Bow-Tie Bash Commerce Ave Philomath, OR; 17th Annual Philomath Classic Car Show, Phiomath City Park Roseburg, OR; Sherms Kick Off to Graffiti Weekend, Roseburg Veterans Hospital, Garden Valley Roseburg, OR; Graffiti Weekend Roseburg, OR; Retirement & Rest Home Tour Roseburg High School, Harvard Ave Roseburg, OR; Graffiti Welcome Roseburg Tire Pros Tire pros, Diamond Lake Blvd Glide, OR; Glide Fire Benefit Poker Run Car Show Glide Fire Dept., Diamond Lake Hwy Hood River, OR; WAAAM Traffic Jam Cruise-In Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum, Lebanon, OR; Collector Car Appreciation Day Cruisein, The Filling Station Roseburg, OR; Show & Shine at the Races - Graffiti Weekend, Douglas County Fairgrounds, Roseburg, OR; Faststop Market Show & Shine Graffiti Weekend, Green, 4446 old Hwy 99 South, Roseburg, OR; Graffiti Parts Swap - Graffiti Weekend, Melrose Rd., Garden Valley La Grande, OR; Grande Ronde-A-View Car Show Downtown La Grande, Adams Ave Beaverton, OR; Veterans & Family Center Cruise In Valley Catholic school, 4275 SW 148th Ave Culver, OR; 13th Annual Three Rivers Cruise-In Three Rivers Recreation Area Hood River, OR, WAAAM Traffic Jam - Car Show Western Antique Aeropiane & Automobile Museum, 1600 Air Museum Oakridge, OR; Oakridge Blues, Brews, and Cruise Creenwaters Park, 48362 Hwy, 58 Portland, OR; 31 st Wooden Chicken Show & Shine Wooden Chicken Pub, 12500 NE Sandy Blvd Roseburg, OR; Stray Angels Show-n-Shine, River Forks Park, Carden Valley Roseburg, OR; Roseburg Graffiti Cruise - Graffiti Weekend, Downtown Roseburg, OR; Shop & Shine Car Show - Graffiti Weekend, Downtown Roseburg, Jackson St Roseburg, OR; Roseburg Collector Car Auction Douglas Co Fairgrounds Albany, OR; SpringHill North Albany Car Show, Albany Golf & Events Center 13 13 16 McMinnville, OR; North Valley Cruzzers Annual Car Show Roseburg, OR; Graffiti Weeks End Fun Run, 2475 Stewart Parkway Stayton, OR; Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise-In, Stayton A&W Restaurant Wilsonville, OR; Chevelle Car Show, Wilsonville Chevrolet 26 Stayton, OR; Stayton Summerfest, Pioneer Park 22-26 Grants Pass, OR: Back to the 50s Car Show, calendarDetails.php?2014-Back-to-the-50-sCelebration-125 25-26 Grants Pass, OR: Rogue Valley Classic Chevys "Fabulous 50's" Benefit Car Show, 19 2 2 2 2-3 3 6 8-10 8-9 9 9 9 10 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 20 23 August Silverton, OR; Homer Days, Silverton City Park Mossyrock, WA; Road Rebels Car Show, Mossyrock School Grounds, Williams St Vancouver, WA; King's Kruz-In, Glenwood Community Church, 12201 NE 72nd Ave Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Steam Up Vehicle Show Antique Powerland, 3995 Brooklake NE Veneta, OR, 3rd Annual Wine & Shine, Domaine Meriwether Winery, 88324 Vineyard Lane Stayton, OR; Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise-In, Stayton A&W Restaurant Bend, OR; Flashback CRUZ 2014, Bend Drake Park, Riverside Bluv. The Dallas, OR; Cruise the Gorge Car Show, Sorosis Park, 350 E Scenic Drive Bonneville Bound! Cruise with us to Bonneville Speed Week! 711 miles. Anyone interested meet at Keizer Station by Outback Restaurant 8am. Contact Jeff Foster 503 588-1932 Keizer, OR; Riverfair Cruz In, Chemawa and River Rd Rochester, WA; OSRA Lucky Eagle Car Show, Lucky Eagle Casino St. Paul, OR: 43rd All Ford Picnic and Car Show, Champoeg State Park Dallas, OR; Dallas Motor-Vu Drive-In, Cruise-in and a movie, gates open at 4pm, movie at dusk Estacada, OR; 9th Annual Old Time Cruise To Estacada, On Main 51, & 4th Independence, OR; Central Lions Cruise-In, River View Park Salem, OR; Salem Cruise-in, On the Lawn at PGE, Portland Rd & Kale NE Stayton, OR; Lakeside Assisted Living Car Show Woodburn, OR; Ford Fever Classic, Woodburn Drag strip Kalama, WA; 18th Annual Untouchables Car Show Historic Downtown Stayton, OR; Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise-In, Stayton A&W Restaurant CJ's 13th Annual Hot Rod Picnic. 9am-3pm. CJ's Hot Rod Shop. Free Car Show, free food, 2014 Calendar continued 23 23 23 23 24 30 30 30 30 30-31 TBA 3 4-6 5 5-7 6 6 7 13 14 17 19 20 20 20 Awards, Fun! 4295 22nd Ave. NE Salem, OR 97301 503 588-1932. Gaston, OR; Wapato Showdown, Brown Park, Gaston Road Keizer, OR; All Ford Car Show, Keizer Skyline Ford McMinnville, OR; Dragging the Gut Festival, Downtown McMinnville Longview, WA; Unique Tin Car Show, Cruise and Swap Meet, Cowlitz County Expo Center Silverton, OR; Car Show at The Oregon Garden The Oregon Garden, 879 W. Main Street Eugene, OR; Eugene Celebration Show-N-Shine Downtown, 8th & Olive Salem, OR; 23rd Annual Carousel Cruise, Salem Riverfront Park, Downtown, 101 Front Street NE Amboy, WA; Cruise to the Country, Amboy Park Stevenson, WA; Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum 18th annual Show-N-Shine, Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum Parking lot Portland, OR; Columbia River Classic Vintage Sports Car Races , Portland International Raceway 20 20 20 27 28 3 4 5 11 18-19 River Park, 1235 E Grant St Macleay, OR; Macleay Country Cruse-in, Macleay Road, Salem, OR; Salem Collector Car Auction, Oregon State Fairgrounds Chehalis, WA; Harvest Swap Meet, SW Washington Fairgrounds Monmouth, OR; Heritage Auto Show, Downtown Monmouth, City Park Scio, OR; Jordan Chicken Run, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 39043 Jordan Rd October Silverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Cruse-in, Main Street, 1st to 2nd streets Lyons, OR; Fire Dept. Chili and Salsa Cook-off and Cruise-In Canby, OR; 39th Annual Oregon Harvest Swap Meet Clackamas County Fair Grounds Beaverton - Hood River - Mt Hood, OR; Sunday Drives- Gorge / Mt Hood Tour Portland, OR; PIR Fall Auto Swap Meet, Portland International Raceways November September 15 Albany, OR; Albany Indoor Swap Meet, Linn County Ashland, OR; 9th Annual Fall Classic TC Chevy, 2045 Exposition Center Rogue Valley Hwy 99 North Stayton, OR; Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise-In, December Stayton A&W Restaurant 6 Stayton, OR; Santa Cruise-In & Breakfast, Stayton Seaside, OR; Seaside Wheels and Waves, Downtown Fire Station, 1988 W/ Ida St Seaside, Downtown Main Street 7 Brooks, OR; NWVC&MM Movie Night, Antique PowSilverton, OR; Silverton First Friday Cruise-in, Main er!and, 3995 Brooklake NE Street, 1st to 2nd Streets Yachats, OR; Fall Blues Show & Shine, Yachats Inn Albany, OR; Antiques in the Streets Car Show Historic Downtown, 300 Broadalbin SW, Redmond, OR; 31st Annual Oregon High Desert Swap Meet, Deschutes County Fairgrounds Grants Pass, OR; 39th Annual Caveman Vintage Car Club Swap Meet, Josephine County Fairgrounds Oregon City, OR; 5th Annual Downtown Oregon City Cruise Downtown Oregon City, 12th & Main St Eugene, OR; Contours on the Green, TBT Stayton, OR; Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise-In, Stayton A&W Restaurant North Bend., OR; Cruz the Coos Doo-Wop with the A-Project Fund Raiser Young Bucs, The Mill Casino Hotel Don’t forget to bring your empty returnable bottles and Coos Bay, OR; Cruz the Coos, Downtown Coos Bay cans to our next meeting. We are collecting them to Hood River, OR; International Model A Day at help with the cost of building the A Project. Our MemWAAAM, Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile ber-At-Large, Dayle Langley, will collect them and turn Museum. 1600 Air Museum Road them in for us. Lebanon, OR; 50's in the Fall Car/ Motorcycle Show Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Classified ads are free. Want to advertise to our members? Place your product or business in our monthly newsletter. Business Card: Monthly $12 - Annual Non-member $75 Member Annual $50 1/4 Page: Monthly $25 Annual Non-member $150 Annual Member $100 Contact Ken Parsons at 503-362-5498 or Classified Ads will remain active for 3 issues, then must be resubmitted FOR SALE A 1934 Ford Victoria - rare barn find in California desert, rust free. Last driven in 1940's. Original matching numbers, Motorola radio, drive train, free & clear title. Missing spare tire cover. Damaged left rear fender. Asking $20,000. Call Larry 503-409-3232 2/14 1958 Chev DeLRay 2 door 6 cyl and 3 on the tree 6750.00 Robert 503 551 7018 1/14 Wanted; Set - or any 15x6 chevy 5 lug 4 3/4 US slotted mags, or similar type. Call Todd at 503-881-6743 or Dan at 541-401-1949 2/14 283 out of a 61 Chevy needs rebuilt $ 200.00 Set of original 67 Mustang hubcaps mint condition $100.00 set Greg 503-881-8901 2/14 66 Chevelle: 327 with a powerglide behind it, 48K original miles, and it's a bucket seat console car with the original floor shifter. It was originally cream in color, but has new burgundy paint on it now. Rally wheels make this car a real looker, nice clean muscle car! If your interested call Paul (503-798-5577) or Niccole (503-801-2459) 1/14 Dodge Duster/Ply Volare front end, torsion bars with steering box. Great for street rod use, asking 150.00 or best offer. Gary 503-659-2812 cell 503-967-6399 home 2/14 32 Ford 3 w/coupe fiberglass body & fenders 302 V/8 auto/od, to many features to list. Good driver! Asking 28,500 would take trade, classic, other street rod or Corvette Gary 503-569-2812or home 503-967-6399 2/14 For Sale: Auto-Loc Wiper kit Never used $50.00 Bob Drake 46-48 ford grill bars New $80.00 Call 541-4011949 2/14 1931 5-W coupe body on rolling chassis. The body has had patch panels professionally installed, along with new wood. Radiator, hood, grill shell and a valid Oregon title. All window mullions, dash, windshield frame, visor, rumble seat deck lid, all floor pans, seat, package tray behind seat, door latches, window risers etc. Frame is decent with stock front end and rear end. Wheels and tires can be stock 19” or 15” solid wheels, all with “roller” tires. Fenders available. $5500 Tom Harris 503 507 5883 4/14 1 ea-1958 Chevrolet Passenger V-8 (Automatic) 'Desert Cooler' Copper Core Radiator (3-core) : $250 1 ea-1955-56 Chevrolet Passenger V-8 (Automatic) 'Desert Cooler' Copper Core Radiator (4-core) : $240 1 ea-1955-56 Chevrolet Passenger V-8 (Automatic) 'Desert Cooler' Copper Core Radiator (4-core) w/pusher electric fan: $280 (All radiators are nearly new and have been checked/tested by Mac's) 1 ea-'58 Chevrolet Passenger NEW Gas Tank (powder coated gray) + new straps: $110 1-Set of NEW !955-57 Chevrolet Passenger Upper & Lower Tubular Control Arms ('Control Freak') w/ball joints: $450 1-pr of NEW 1955-57 Chevrolet Passenger 'McGaughys' 2" dropped spindles + NEW 1" front drop coil springs: $220 Nearly New set of 4 Chrome 'Smoothie' Rims: 2 ea 15" x 6" (3.5" BS); 2 ea 15" x 7" (4.0" BS) Dual Bolt Pattern 5 on 4-1/2"; 5 on 4-3/4". Includes valve stems and small Baby Moon Hubcaps: $220 for all Call Jim Schuette 503-559-1146 days; 503-385-8528 eves WVSR Aluminum Plaques None of our Club members ordered a plaque so if you want one they can be purchased directly from Valley Brass and Aluminum. His price is $15. You can contact Jackie Anderson, the owner, at 1055 Hilfiker Ln SE, Salem, 97301 Member Owned Businesses New WVSR Club Members As you can see from their ads in the newsletter, many of our members own their own businesses and you are all encouraged to support them. If you own a business and want to be listed on the WVSR website, please send an email that includes basic information about your business, ie: name, type of business, website, and contact info, to Garry Pullen at Soren & Laurie Winslow Glenn & Sandra Wilson 50 Studebaker Land Cruiser 57 Studebaker Silver Hawk 3 3 P. O. Box 4091, Salem, OR 97302 Next Meeting May 6th @ 7pm Pietro’s Pizza on Hawthorne Come early for dinner and social time
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