WE Day Friday 7th March 2014


WE Day Friday 7th March 2014
Message from the
In this issue:
Cashless Catering ........................................... 3
Dear Parent / Carer
The Easter celebration is fast
approaching following a busy and
eventful spring term. Students
especially year 11 and post 16 are
revising and preparing for their final
exams in May and June, please
continue your excellent support and
The new P.E. changing facilities will
be completed during Easter and will
bring much needed excellent
facilities to our sports department.
Our new school website has been
updated, please take a look at the
vibrant new post 16 section and of
course our ecommerce Whitley Arts
WE Day at Wembley Arena London ............... 4
MFL Trip to Lille &
MFL International News .................................. 5
English News .................................................. 7
PE news .......................................................... 8
Learning Resources ...................................... 11
The Navy visits Whitley ................................. 12
Robotics and electronics prototyping ............ 12
Student Reporters The Journey so far … .................................. 13
Extra Curricular Activities Timetable ............. 14
Have a good Easter.
Year 11 Geography Revision Trip ................. 15
Mrs Allen
Website Updates........................................... 16
School Diary.................................................. 18
Health and Safety ......................................... 19
Advertisements ............................................. 20
WE Day Wembly Arena London
In line with many other schools in the country
Whitley Academy will be introducing a new
system of paying for school meals in July. This will
be a biometric system which will reduce the
queues in the Dining Hall and speed up the
process through the tills. This system will apply to
all students including those students who receive
free school meals.
Parents and carers will be able to pay on-line
using Parent Pay and will also be able to monitor
and manage student spending and dietary
requirements throughout the day. We will be
sending out instructions on how to use ParentPay
in due course.
We will also be sending out a registration letter for
the new biometric system at the start of the
Summer Term. We would ask parents and carers
to sign the letter and return it promptly to the
school to ensure a smooth roll-out of the system.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Mrs Prince
Business Manager
WE Day Wembley Arena London
On Friday 7th of March 2014, 20 students and two
teachers from Whitley Academy spent an incredible day at
Wembley Arena London, celebrating We Day UK.
We Day is a youth empowering event where tickets cannot
be bought but must be earned through the actions that
students have taken in their communities. This was the
first ever We Day organised in the U.K.
The day began early with students arriving at the school
gate at 6.30am so we could arrive at the stadium by
around 8.45. Despite
the earliness, there
was an exciting buzz
As soon we got off the
Harry Shaw coach,
the air was filled with
cheers and screams
of young children
being motivated by
volunteers. The
promenade on the way to the arena was lined with men, in
blue soldier uniforms handing out inspiring pamphlets and
information about opportunities on how to join courses to
help us improve our life skills. We each had our own
goody bag too!
As we entered the arena, the scale of the event ahead of
us began to sink in. We watched as the arena became
filled and soon enough a whooping 12,000 young people
were there with us.
Later we discovered that the goody bags we had received
included a motion sensing glowing wrist band that literally
lit up the entire experience. They did actually light up the
Arena when the music performances were on.
There was also a raffle form, with the winning prize being
a Free the Children volunteer on a three-week trip to India!
The day was looking good already.
Then it was kicked off with a moving performance of
poetry about the life of Nelson Mandela, followed by a
dance performance by none other than the brilliant
The screams escalated as Holly Branson and Lord Rumi
Verjee officially commenced the event, by introducing the
founders of We Day and the charity Free the Children;
Marc and Craig Kielburg.
From there on, the stage was filled with incredible, world
renowned and truly inspiring speakers; Malala Yousfzai,
Prince Harry, Al Gore, Sir Richard Branson were only a
few names from the long list of celebrity speakers. Their
talks were accompanied by talented artists, among the
likes of Jennifer Hudson, Birdy and Ellie Goulding who
both increased the energy of the audience and drove their
motivation further for We
Day and We Act (a yearlong-take-action
The speeches were so
inspiring and moving. We
were overwhelmed with
our emotion to realise
that Evanna Lynch
(played Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter films) and Molly
Burke (Molly started losing her vision at the age of 4. At 5
years old, Molly began public speaking) had to stand up on
their own feet to be who they are nowadays.
They showed us that we, young people, have a voice and
also that any challenge in life, whether it’s bullying, mental
illness or a loss of vision, can be overcome.
We then took in that young people, can make all the
change in the world. We just need to start with a simple
and small action, whether it is in your community or within
yourself; like be kind to people around you…. Find your
passion and start taking action!
That was We Day, an incredible day that will hopefully be
held annually in the UK from this year onwards, celebrating
the power of our voices.
The event was wrapped up at around 2.30 and before we
knew it we were back home.
Personally, I felt different, as I stepped off the coach, to the
girl I was that morning. I realised there were so many
obstacles that I had placed in my life but when compared to
the incredible people I saw on the stage, my obstacles
seemed like ant hills. We Day showed me how lucky I am
and what I can be capable of. I'm sure my fellow peers
would agree with me, We Day empowered us to start
becoming the change.
Written by Catherine Bellamy
Year 9 student Whitley Academy
Whitley Academy French Trip to Lille February 2014
Our return visit to ‘Collège Jean-Mermoz’ in FachesThumesnil, Lille. Arriving at 10.30am having travelled
through the night by coach and ferry the Whitley Academy
students coped remarkably well. After a very warm
welcome which included some amusing drama sketches
prepared by the French students, there was a fact finding
hunt around the school. Gifts exchanged, it was time for
lunch, a menu prepared especially for their English
The afternoon was dedicated to three group lessons taking
part in lessons learning about World War I, Eco-Schools
and Designing their ideal school after a quiz to learn about
the differences between our two schools. Finally, some of
the students played a mini basketball tournament before
we headed off to check into the hotel.
Saturday kicked off with a guided tour around Lille before
the students and teachers were given some free time to
explore the sights further by themselves, do some
shopping and/or taste the delights of French cuisine.
Sunday started with a few student nerves apprehensive
about going off to spend the day with the French students’
families. However, on returning they had clearly had had a
great time and students were heard saying it was the best
day of the trip so far, how much they had enjoyed it and
how much French they had spoken!! Some had been rock
climbing, others bowling, visiting a Buddist temple, eating
out in local restaurants, playing video games, some true
Anglo-French friendships formed.
After packing up and leaving the hotel, the last day was
spent again with the French school visiting three
cemeteries along the coast of France and Belgium to
commemorate 100 years since the start of the First World
War. We paid our respects by reading poems together,
laying a wreath where many British soldiers were buried
and singing songs with the help of French student
The Canadian monument at ‘Crête-de-Vimy’ was
incredible and untouched by the Germans in the Second
World War due to Hitler having fought there in the First
World War. The scarred landscape from the perpetual
bombing and explosions is now covered with thousands of
pine trees planted to honour the Canadian soldiers - one
for every life lost and new trees planted every time one
dies to ensure every soldier whose name is etched around
the base of the monument is remembered. So many lives
in fact that the French donated the portion of land in front
of the memorial to Canada - so our students can even say
they have visited part of Canada too on this trip!
At the Notre-Dame de Lorette Necropole, a national
memorial to over 40,000 soldiers who died in this region,
we visited a fascinating museum took us on a journey
underground to get an insight to what it must have been
like to live in the trenches. Wax work models were
adorned with the finest examples of uniforms, equipment
and memorabilia from the First World War. Further historic
photographs were available to view in 3D whilst we had a
picnic with the French school before heading back to
Calais to catch the ferry home.
Watch the news in November this year when our Queen
and the French President will be going there to inaugurate
a new circular memorial to become the largest in existence
with the names of all the soldiers from the region who died
in the First World War, no matter which country they fought
for – Belgian, British, French, German, Moroccan, Polish,
Romanian or Russian.
A truly memorable French experience for everyone, we
would like to extend our gratitude to our partner school
teachers, students and their families for their kindness and
efforts which made our visit educational, interesting and
Watch this space for our new and exciting trip to Normandy
for KS3 in May 2015 and to Paris in 2016.
MFL & International News
Year 9 French Eco Competition
In recognition of our links and collaborative work
with overseas schools and partners, we are now
an International School at Foundation Level.
This award allows the Academy to further
develop its excellent International curriculum and
further enhance the learning of our students.
Examples of our International activities include:
Félicitations to Amina Hamad and to Milla Top for their
excellent T-Shirt designs on how to save the
Environment. These were created using French
messages and were shared with the French partner
school with the T-shirts now proudly on display in their
foyer in the Collège Jean Mermoz in Lille.
Helping your child with MFL at home
Stuck for ideas to help with MFL homework? Please check
out the following websites to help access learning in French
or Spanish:
All of these websites are free
and if you require ‘full’ access to
any with a password, please
ask your child to contact their
Languages teacher.
Overseas trips (France, South Africa,
Eastern Europe, Spain, Italy)
Partner Schools (France, South Africa,
Reciprocal Visits to partner schools – most
recently to Lille in France and our
Japanese link school will be visiting in
November 2014
International Learning (Holocaust Day,
French Day, Asia Day, Commonwealth
Assembly, European Language Day)
Educational visits coordinated and reported
by BBC school reporters and coverage in
the Coventry Telegraph
Many thanks to all pupils and to staff for their
continued support of this aspect of our school
community – please see the school website for
further updates and information on
Internationalism at Whitley.
‘Wendy and Peter Pan’
On Wednesday 29th January a large group of Year 11
students went to Poetry Live! at the Symphony Hall in
Birmingham. The poets performing at the event
included Simon Armitage, Gillian Clarke, John Agard
and the poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy. As part of the
preparation for GCSE English Literature, the visit
allowed the students to experience poetry outside of a
classroom as well as hearing the poets read and talk
about their own poems. Students have also been
given the opportunity to enter into a national poetrywriting competition so watch this space for their
On Thursday 9th January fifty Year 7 students,
accompanied by Mr Abbott, Mr Hudson, Mrs Jones
and Miss Roberts, went to the RSC in Stratford to
watch a new performance of ‘Wendy and Peter Pan’.
In this magical performance, adapted from JM
Barrie’s original story by Ella Hickson and told from
Wendy’s point of view, Wendy goes on a once in a
lifetime adventure and gives the lost boys and
Captain Hook a run for their money. The students
loved the different ways Peter was able to fly across
the stage as well as a new take on Tinkerbell – Tink in
this performance – who was feisty and cantankerous.
Girls PE
It has been an exciting term for girls’ basketball, with
many successes. The key stage 3 basketball team
have fought hard to win every match they have
played. At home to Westwood, Whitley Academy won
21-10 and when we played them away we beat them
22-18. The girls had a massive win against Coundon
Court, with the final score being 44-22. Teamwork
was evidently strong, and it was obvious that even
though it was a mixture of girls from Y7, 8 and 9 they
were all playing to each other’s strengths.
Twenty six Year 10 Sports Leaders assisted Mr
Openshaw in leading a primary school athletics
festival on Friday 28th February 2014. The students
were a credit to Whitley Academy, from their
professional attire to their ‘outstanding ‘leadership
skills. 5 students took account for the scoring of the
festival which included over 300 primary school
children and the other 21 students set-up and ran
athletics events. The events included: standing long
jump; speed bounce; indoor javelin and many more.
Students exhibited some fantastic leadership values
that kept the children engaged and excited throughout. Miss Brown received lots of positive comments
from the teachers that accompanied the students from
the ten schools!
Considering it
was the Sports
Leaders first big
event, they
confidence and
were able to give
the primary
schools a day to
This term both the Y8 and Y9 netball teams have
participated in netball tournaments on Saturday
mornings with Y9 coming 4th and Y8 coming 2nd.
Brilliant sportsmanship was demonstrated by both
teams, but Y8 had a fantastic achievement, just losing
out on 1st place to King Henry’s. Molly McNamara put
in an excellent performance and was crowned
‘woman of the tournament!’
This term has been an exciting time for core PE
lessons as the following groups: Y7 girls; All of Y9;
and Y10 boys have all had the opportunity to
complete a 6 week ice skating course. The students
have been coached by professionals and so far have
made enormous progress. Keep it up!
On Friday 7th March 2014 23 year 8 girls competed in
the Coventry School Games Dance Auditions. Whitley
Academy African Dancers came 3rd and will perform
at the opening ceremony of the winter or summer
level 3 festivals. The girls were a credit to the school
and did our South African school proud; students
were awarded a £50 reward for their victory!
A big thank-you and well done to all the students and
staff who contributed to our school donation for Sport
Relief on 21st March 2014. Whether you were
energetic and took part in the sponsored 1, 3 or 6 mile
run; paid 20p to compete against your friends on the
obstacle course; or made/brought some scrumptious
cakes- every little helps!
Here in the PE department we are extremely looking
forward to our summer sports starting after the Easter
half term! Make sure you come and join us on a
Tuesday for rounder’s and a Wednesday for Athletics.
We don’t mind what ability you are, or whether you
just want to take part for enjoyment!
Breaking News
A massive well done to Eva Vicary
who was crowned Warwickshire
400m freestyle champion last week!
Fantastic achievement.
Congratulations to Mohamed Abdi
who ran the Coventry Half
Marathon on Sunday 23rd March! A
massive achievement- well done.
Boys PE
All Schools Rugby
The all schools rugby has been going really well
through the January term. Students are still
receiving high quality coaching during lessons and
after school, and the year 7’s, 8’s and 9’s have all
had fixtures. The 7’s and 8’s have been superb,
beating Grace Academy by 13 tries to 11 and also
winning the all schools tournament against Lyng
Hall and Ernesford Grange.
Towards the end of 12-13 academic year Whitley,
Stoke Park and Westwood organised a series of
friendly Basketball games to allow the pupils that
attended training to practice their skills in a
competitive situation. The pupils not only enjoyed
these games but got a lot of positive experiences
from them. As there was no formal Basketball league
in Coventry the staff decided to organise a Basketball
league consisting of Whitley, Westwood, President
Kennedy, Stoke Park and Harris for KS3 and KS4 for
the academic year 13-14.
The school has also received the free kit that was
designed by the students. This was worn at the
tournament and looks very striking. The kit was also
unveiled at the England V’s Wales match at
Twickenham. Laurence Whittle won the chance to
go to the match and stand on the pitch during the
national anthem. He won this due to his high
attendance rate at extra curricular clubs. Lawrence
is also the rugby captain for the year 8’s, so it was
fitting that he should go.
This year Whitley entered both a KS3 and KS4 team
allowing the pupils to have a competitive fixture every
other week to develop their tactical awareness and all
the skills they practice in training. The KS3 team have
done very well winning 3 out of their 5 games.
Unfortunately the KS4 are yet to win a match, but
have worked really hard to improve.
With the last few games still to go until Easter the
teams have been working hard to improve their
standing in the league table and give themselves a
good standing for next years season. As the KS4
team will be moving on their places are up for grabs
with a lot of KS3 players looking forward to the step
up. This also opens up the chance for some of the
younger KS3 players to make their mark in team or
push for a regular place on the squad as competition
for places is high.
In School Time
The students have had some excellent opportunities
during lesson times this year with staff seeking
funding for students to receive lessons from
experienced coaches, and also for students to go out
of the school and take part in activities such as ice
skating. The year 7 and 8 boys have received
handball lessons, and the enjoyment has been high
for this. There may well be future opportunities for
students to either play matches against other schools
or even be selected for the county side.
Boys PE
The PE department are now running a reward card for
students, to encourage them off their Xbox and PS3
and into the gym and sports hall. When students
attend a club or play in a school fixture they can get
their card stamped by a member of staff. Once they
finish their card, they hand it in and receive a small
prize. Also at the end of the term, we will have a prize
draw, and any completed card will be put into a pot.
The winning card will receive a prize of at least £20
value. The more extra curricular students attend, the
more cards they will complete, and the more likely
they are to win the prize draw. We hope all students
remember their card and tell their friends about them.
The first prize draw will be just before Easter.
Indoor Athletics
The boys performed really well at the Coventry
schools indoor athletics. The year 7’s had some
excellent performances against some strong
opposition, however the year 8 boys won the
tournament, and will now represent the East of
Coventry in the School Games. This will be held at
Coventry Sports Centre and will have some of the
best athletes in Warwickshire attending. We wish the
team well.
New Changing Rooms for Sports
The new P.E. changing facilities will be completed
during Easter and will bring much needed excellent
facilities to our sports department.
The Learning Resource Centre
In this exciting Spring term the following are
extremely keen readers:
Divya Konda 7CJA
Molly Goulder 7JWI
Jamie Parsons 7JVA
Tayla Twigger 8B
Mohamed Mohamud 8B
Aleksandra Harbaruk 8C
Well done to all of these students!
World Book Day 2014: this year the world book
day fell on Thursday march 6th There were many
book trailers and games from
We were lucky enough to give the 5 best quiz
achievers of each tutor group a £1.00 book
voucher/each. Well done to them all!
When a baby elephant is left
orphaned on the African savannah,
Bat, a young herdsboy, takes her
home and cares for her. But Bat's
grandmother knows that Meya
cannot stay with them forever - the
call of the wild will always be
sounding in her soul. And there are
rumours borne on the wind;
frightening stories of kidnapping and
suffering and war. Bat and his
closest friend, Muka, are catapulted
into a new life of unimaginable terror.
In the winter of his 11th year, Little
Hawk goes deep into the forest,
where he must endure a threemonth test of solitude and survival,
which will turn him into a man. But
outside the woods, the world is
changing. English settlers are
landing on the shores of the New
World, and tensions between native
tribes and the invaders are rising.
Recommended Reads
Recommend Reads The following are the
short-list titles from 2014 Carnegie Medal.
“All the Truth That's in Me” is
many things. It is a true
romance, a story of desperate
yearning and unrequited love.
It's a page-turning mystery full of
twists and turns that will keep
you guessing until the very end.
But most of all it's an
empowering drama about a girl's
journey from victim to hero
After School movie Club
This term there are 15 students of year 7 in our
origami club. It was so fascinating that we spent
time talking about the history of origami and
some stories about Japan in the past and
nowadays. We have learned to make Father
Christmas, butterflies, lanterns and other animals
using our simple vibrant coloured papers.
16-year-old Linus Weems has
woken up in a low-ceilinged
rectangular building, made
entirely of whitewashed
concrete, with no windows and
no doors. The lift is the only way
out. But this time when the lift
comes, it isn’t empty….
The Navy visits Whitley
On Wednesday 12th February 2014, Year 10
Catering student received a visit from two members
of the Royal Navy. This was an educational visit,
based around the Navy’s “Fit to Fight, Fit for Life”
program, educating young people about not only
staying fit and eating healthily, but about how this
ties in with the rigor of military life.
An enjoyable experience was had by all, with the
students cooking their own version of the Navy’s
take on Chicken Korma, followed by being taught
about the Navy way of life, including training,
nutrition and how to use a 24 hour ration pack, as
given to all serving military personnel. This was
followed by a demonstration from the chefs,
showing students how to make a healthy version of
meatballs and pasta with a student volunteer as
sous chef.
To finish the day off, Year 10 all took part in some
team building exercises used by the Navy within
their own training process, designed not only to
build camaraderie but also to stimulate the thought
process needed to solve problems in a real life
Robotics and electronics prototyping
In February just before half term, as part of the
primary liaison for ICT and Computing, we arranged
for a group of Warwick University volunteers to
deliver a number of sessions to a mixed group of
pupils of Y4, Y5 and Y6 from the neighbouring
primary school Whitley Primary.
In these sessions the pupils used the Arduino
prototyping board and were taught to write
instructions which controlled electrical components.
The pupils started with making a simple LED blink,
they were then asked to expand on the single led and
control up to 3 LEDs.
"It was impressive to see how quickly the pupils were
able to pick up programming of this nature".
- Mr Patel
Student Reporters - The journey so far...
Sir Richard Lambert’s visit to
Whitley Academy on
12 February
Sir Richard Lambert – current Chancellor of
Warwick University and the Head of the ‘Banking
Standards Review’ set up by the current
government, paid a visit to Whitley Academy on
Wednesday 12 February 2014.
The opportunity for Sir Richard to visit our school
was kindly given to us by the very popular charity
“Speakers for Schools”.
Sir Richard arrived at 8:20 am. It was a very
cloudy, wet, windy and cold day in Coventry. His
visit was 8:30 to 10:30 am. It was designed in
two parts: his talk to the Key Stage 4 and Post
16 students and the second part was for the chat
show hosted by young students aged 11.
WE Day Friday 7th March 2014
On Friday 7th March together with Miss Hilditch
and the 10 Student Council members, we (10
student reporters) attended the first ever WE Day
2014 in the U.K. WE Day is the day that a lot of
famous and inspiring speakers volunteer to talk
and share their life stories to empower young
people to make a change (how little a change
does not matter) to their lives.
There were many performing acts , including
Diversity, Sam and the Womp, Ellie Goulding and
Birdy, to name but a few.
Student Reporters - The journey so far...
Talk in Teachers’ Hotspot on
Thursday 13th March 2014
After the WE Day event, on coming back to school,
many of the student reporters who attended WE Day,
talked to all the teachers on an early Thursday
morning about what their experience was and how
they felt about the day. We also shared our
experiences about WE Day in Assemblies throughout
the following week.
Forthcoming fascinating
opportunities for us:
22nd March: Tyler and Divya’s talk with Danny
Baker and a sports celebrity – live on BBC radio
27th March: two student reporters are invited to
go to the BBC Broadcasting House in London.
They may be able to interview Michael Gove –
the Secretary of Education. Watch this space!
Also an exciting visit to the Houses of Parliament
and the London Madame Tussauds on Friday 16
May 2014.
Please bring in your
Sainsbury’s Active Kids
vouchers and hand to
Mrs Nguyen in the
Learning Resource
Geography Revision Trip Year 11
On a wet cold weekend in February, the intrepid
explores from year 11 GCSE geography braved the
mountains of Wales. Ably assisted by Ms Burton,
Mr Elton and Mrs Elliott 24 lucky students spent the
weekend battling the elements to experience first
hands the delights of geography.
On the first day we only have a few hours in Betwsy-coed to investigate the impact of tourism on this
Victorian village in the Snowdonia National
Park. We found that there was an excessive
number of outdoor clothing shops and cafes but no
take away pizza delivery service. We were also not
the only people to have travelled a long way to get
there. A group of bikers had come to the village
from Ireland and another from France to experience
the joy of riding their bikes on the winding Welsh
roads, and the hospitality of the Welsh pubs,
hopefully in that order, not the other!
After this busy afternoon we were all glad to get
back to the centre for dinner but, horror of horrors,
more work awaited as we had to prepare for our
rivers study the following day. Fortunately our
erstwhile students soon got over the shock of
having to work in the evening and produced some
useful hypothesis to investigate n the Saturday.
Saturday dawned wet and windy, possibly the worst
field trip conditions ever but once wrapped in 15
layers of warm clothes and waterproofs we
struggled out into the wind to measure the River
Conwy. Once again our valiant students overcame
their fears and went out into the rain and wind,
some actually getting blown over due to the
strength of the wind, to collect the vital (ish) data we
required. After this brave effort the hot showers of
the centre had never been more welcome but the
hard task masters of the geography department
soon had our merry crew back in the class room to
analyse the data and prove their hypotheses, yes,
we even made them work on a Saturday night!!!!
Finally on Sunday, it did stop raining and we
bundled ourselves up again to face the elements on
Criccieth beach. Here we investigated the coastal
defences and measured the beach profile before
researching the most important element of our trip
the world famous ice- cream shop up the hill.
Refreshed we had a final look at the caves and
sand dunes before hurrying back to Coventry, via
KFC, just in case anyone hadn’t had enough to eat
at the ice cream shop.
Many thanks for all involved on making this trip
Website Updates
An exciting addition to our website is
the new Post 16 section! You can
find this in the top navigation section
on the homepage. Please take a
look as its well worth a read.
Please look at our ecommerce website to buy
unique student artwork, whilst at the same time
showcasing the excellence of Whitley Academy
students to a local and national audience.
Monies raised from the ecommerce site and
purchase of student Art will help support the
Arts, the students, and their learning.
Please visit our website at:
Coventry Citizens Advice Bureau has teamed up with numerous
schools across Coventry, including Whitley Academy, to deliver an
innovative new project. The Children and Young Person Project
(ChYPP) is aimed to help schools work alongside the Coventry CAB
to support families and students to gain access to help, advice and
information on various issues.
The service is free, impartial, confidential and independent , it
helps families and young people on a daily basis with various
problems such as free school meals, food bank vouchers, debt,
benefits, housing, immigration, language barriers, domestic
violence and abuse, the ChYPP project has helped a large amount
of families across Coventry.
For further information please contact Laura Watson on 024 76 302 580.
Free School Meals
School Diary
Monday 28th April
Teacher Training Day
Thursday 1st May
Year 9 Parents Evening
Monday 5th May
May Day
Thursday 8th May
Whitley Academy Awards Evening
Thursday 5th June
Year 7 Parents Evening
Friday 4th July
Year 11 Prom
Friday 11th July
Year 11 Leavers Assembly
Thursday 17th July
Whitley Festival
Term Dates
Autumn 2013
Spring 2014
Summer 2014
Pupil Dates
Monday 2nd September to
Friday 20th December
Half Term Break
Saturday 26th October to
Sunday 3rd November
Christmas Holiday
Saturday 21st December to
Sunday 5th January
Monday 6th January to
Friday 11th April
Half Term Break
Saturday 15th February to
Sunday 23rd February
Easter Holiday
Saturday 12th April to
Sunday 27th April
Monday 28th April to
Friday 18th July
May Day Holiday
Monday 5th May
Half Term Break
Saturday 24th May to
Sunday 1st June
Summer Holiday
Saturday 19th July to
Monday 1st September 2014
Teacher Days
Monday 2nd September 2013
Tuesday 3rd September 2013
Friday 29th November 2013
Monday 6th January 2014
Monday 28th April 2014
Health and Safety
Building work
Building work is almost complete. Pupils, parents
and guardians are strongly advised to keep well
clear of the perimeter fencing and comply with all
the health and safety signs.
Vehicles on Site
Parents/guardians are advised NOT to bring their
motor vehicles on site unless for medical reasons,
as there are heavy vehicles involved in the
construction of the new changing rooms in the
Sports Hall. Please help us to reduce traffic; your
child’s safety is our priority.
wear high vis clothing. Ensure that the bicycle is in
good, safe condition for summer use i.e. good
brakes and tyres at correct pressure etc.
Pupils are advised that they should ride along the
drive safely, rather than the pavement or grass
where they are a danger to themselves and
pedestrians. If cyclist do not use the drive, they
should NOT mount their bicycle until they have left
the school grounds.
Thank you for your co-operation in advance
Mr D Singh
Health & Safety
Cyling in Summer
Now that summer is almost upon us, can all
parents/guardians please encourage your child to
Family Learning
Learn a new skill with your child in ICT, Art or Cooking after school
I would be interested in doing Family Learning at no charge.
Tick as appropriate:
Name of Parents: ……………………. …... Signature: ………………………
Name of Student: ……….. ………. …. ….. Tutor Group: …………………
Is there any other class you would like?
Please specify:
Please return to School Office or
Contact: Mrs R Prince on 024 7630 2580
Email: admin@whitleyacademy.com
Conference and ICT Room
For all your needs: Conferences, Training
Courses, Presentations...
Available for hire in term time and during the
school holidays
Newly refurbished auditorium available at
Whitley Academy for hire in the evenings and
school holidays.
220 fixed seats,
new sound system,
large display screen
Suitable for :
Cricket Pitch
An all weather outside cricket pitch available
for letting to local cricket teams this season.
For more information or any enquiries
about our facilities please contact:
Mrs R Prince
024 7630 2580