February - Zonta International District 10


February - Zonta International District 10
District 10−USA
District 10 Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 3•2004-2006
Zonta International—Advancing the Status of Women World Wide
It’s Mardi Gras in
Louisiana – a time
parades – a time
when even adults
events of the past
Governor Maggie Warren
30 days which
have affected so many worldwide: earthquakes,
tsunami, floods, mud slides, blizzards or illness, we
are a resilient community and, we are Zontians,
caring and generous. While we are grieving the
losses of many, let us not forget to take time to
restore our individual spirits, whether in quiet
contemplation, a good book, a delicious cup of
coffee, a great golf course, a beautiful sunrise or
sunset, a child’s smile, a warm hug or the hysteria
of Mardi Gras. When we take care of ourselves,
we can better take care of the world.
It is now a mere 247 days until our 58th
District Conference in Shreveport, Louisiana where
we will be honored to host Zonta International
Area 1 News ............................................................... 6
Area 2 News ............................................................... 9
Area 3 News ............................................................. 11
Club Announcements ............................................... 14
Dates to Remember.................................................... 5
Farewell to Carol Rainey .......................................... 10
Foundation Ambassadors........................................... 4
Governor’s Message................................................... 1
How You Can Help ..................................................... 3
Louisiana’s Women Leaders .................................... 14
Members in Need ....................................................... 8
Newsletter Tips ......................................................... 15
Nominating Committee Deadlines .............................. 4
Organization, Membership & Classification ................ 5
Prelude to District 10 Conference............................... 2
District 10 Newsletter
President-Elect Olivia Ferry as our official
representative. Ms. Ferry resides in Manila, the
Philippines in District 17.
The Isle of Capri Hotel and Casino is where all
District 10 Zontians are invited to come together
and share ideas, elect our future leaders and plan
for the future of our District. Please mark your
calendars for October 6 – 9, 2005 and plan to
attend what will be a most rewarding and enjoyable
experience for everyone.
Area Meetings have been scheduled and they
are no longer just for officer training. Our Area
Directors have worked hard to put together
informative, educational and fun programs that will
make you more knowledgeable about Zonta and
help to develop the potential leader within you. If
you cannot attend your own area meeting, you are
welcome to attend any (or all) of the other
meetings. There is so much to be shared and you
just might meet new friends.
Also at these
meetings, you will be among the first to have the
opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for One Fully
Paid District Conference Registration and All
Sanctioned Conference Events. Ticket prices are
$10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. You just cannot pass
this offer up!
Continued on next page
Published by the
Zonta International District 10
Maggie Warren, Governor
Pris Truesdell, Editor
Newsletters will be published Aug, Nov, Feb, and May.
Email all articles to Pris by the 15th of the preceding
Volume 2 Issue 3
Zonta International is urging us to complete
Membership Registration on the website; please do
your part! And while you are registering, take a
good look at the website: there is lots of new
information on programs, scholarship applications
and Zontians in the news. Be sure to establish a
permanent club email address before June 1, 2005.
Did you know that you can request your own club
logo? And, follow the links to the UN and take
advantage of the many videos offered, some
detailing Zonta’s history with the UN.
Soon to be on our District 10 website: report
forms and scholarship applications. Our website is
there to serve you; please let us know how we can
Pat Gutierrez from Houston is our
District Webmaster and she is always ready to
Thank you to all the clubs who are sending me
their newsletters. I enjoy reading them and am
always amazed and proud of how diverse and busy
District 10 Zontians are. If you are not sharing
newsletters with your Area Directors and other
clubs, please include them. We can become a
stronger District when we share information!
Our membership numbers are up –
congratulations! But we still have a way to go to
achieve 1,006 by 2006. Share the Zonta spirit!
Yours in Zonta,
Donna Dodgen
Prelude to District 10 Conference
I wanted to share
with District 10
recently to travel
into and out of
went there for
our District 10
Board meeting
and left San
Antonio about 7
pm Friday night
Isle of Capri, Bossier City, LA
with a short stop
in Houston (time enough to eat and walk to my
connecting flight) and arrived in Shreveport at
about 10 pm. While searching for a flight, I found a
good deal that included a car, so I booked it. The
Shreveport airport is small, efficient and very
lovely. The employees are very pleasant and
helpful. I picked up my car as I was waiting for my
luggage and was pleasantly told how to get to the
Isle of Capri. My car was just outside, I got in
drove around a circle out of the airport and onto the
freeway about ½ mile down and then 7 miles to the
Isle of Capri which is immediately off a freeway
exit, parked and went in. I was in my room
bothering my roommate at about 10:45 pm. My
return was just as efficient and easy! My return
flight was at 11:05 am on Sunday and I left the
hotel at 9:45 am to return my car and check in.
Plenty of time and early enough for me to go
through security twice because my GOOD friends
had to drop off a bag I forgot (because yes, I was in
a hurry and thought I was running late – not!). My
travel adventure was great and I hope this entices
everyone to come to Shreveport for our District 10
conference on Oct 6-8 at the Isle of Capri Casino –
travel was easy!
Have you registered online at the
Zonta International Website?
Remember the deadline is June 1.
Register Today!
February 2005
Page 2 of 16
Sandy Welch
Tsunami First Hand
While on a recent business trip
to Changchun, China we heard
of a terrible earthquake centered
off Indonesia on December 26th.
On December 27th my home
office contacted me and ordered
my co-workers and me to
Sri Lanka
Bangalore, India to supervise a
research facility that had no workers, as all workers had
left to find their relatives or render aid to the population.
Bangalore is in Southern India not far from Sri Lanka. It
is the Silicon Valley of India. The flight was supposed to
take just a few hours, but in fact took over 40 hours. We
were able to fly to Shanghai, but could not get a flight to
anywhere near Bangalore. We were informed that if we
could get to Hong Kong, we could hook up with the USS
Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group. We managed to
charter a small plane to take us to Hong Kong and were
taken on to the USS Shiloh and then to the Abraham
Lincoln. Security checks were extremely thorough and
occurred every few hours. The sailors and marines were
so young. It breaks your heart to see them here rather
than at home watching a playoff game − but we were
extremely grateful for their help. We stayed aboard until
transportation to Colombo, Sri Lanka could be arranged.
This is a ship that is the size of a small city. The flight
deck is over 1000 feet and launches hundreds of flights a
day. The ship can carry over 3 million gallons of fuel
and can stay at sea 90 days with no refueling or
“restoring”. I never imagined anything this large. Over
5000 seamen are assigned to it and when necessary
perform humanitarian service.
There is some
controversy over this ship and some countries will not
allow it to dock as it has nuclear turbines. All countries
are allowing it to dock now that the U.S. is helping out.
A large helicopter was assigned to take us to the next
stop. By this point the only luggage I was allowed was
my much inspected IBM ThinkPad. (The inspectors
wanted to know what “Zonta” was and why did I have
so many files with that word.) Barely a day after the
Tsunami, 10 ships and 17 helicopters were already
setting up hospital and surgical stations in the affected
areas. U.S. Sailors and Marines are simply the best.
We arrived in Colombo, Sri Lanka and, as we passed
over the shoreline areas, we could not help but see
terrible death and destruction. Bodies were just barely
covered. It was a sight not to be forgotten any time
soon. The U.S. Ambassador Jeff Lunstead (a Notre
Dame graduate that I had met before) took the time to
send a representative to the airport to make sure we were
ok…it was so unexpected …just one more thoughtful
action that proves again how caring Americans are!
How Can You Help?
In a letter to all Zontians, Subhaporn Peters, Governor of District 17, writes the best way to contribute is through
international relief agencies with special disaster expertise working on ground in the affected areas, such as
International Red Cross: http://www.ifrc.org/
CARE International: http://www.care.org/
Doctors Without Borders: http://www.msf.org/ (Note: MSF has received sufficient funds for its foreseen emergency
response in South Asia.)
UNFPA: http://www.unfpa.org/
UNICEF: http://www.unicef.org/
Zonta Thailand has set up a tsunami relief fund to help rehabilitate the victims, orphans and their surroundings.
Please wire your donations to: Bangkok Bank Public Co. Ltd., Emporium Branch
622 Emporium Tower, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtan, Klongtoei, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: +66-2664-9291-3, +66-2664-9295
Fax: +66-2664-9294
Savings Account Number: 096-020-1234
Swift Code: BKKBTHBK
(Note: Please do not send checks. Due to bank fees, combined individual donations that are sent as one wire, where
possible, will be more cost effective.)
Email/ fax a copy of your transfer slip to:
Barbara Kesara Pantumrat
Fax: +66-2392-7858
District 10 Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 3
Barbara Yoder and Judy Kautz
Foundation Ambassadors
ZI Foundation Focus
Consider making ZI the beneficiary of your
Did you know that one of our responsibilities as
annual IRA contribution, or designate an amount to
members of Zonta International is individual
go to ZI in your will. This will qualify you for
giving? We help our clubs raise funds for our ZI
membership in the Mary E. Jenkins 1919 Society, a
contributions through District 10, and we are
special recognition program for Zontians who name
encouraged to give one third of club fundraising
ZI as beneficiary.
monies to various funds established at that level.
However, club members should also contribute
There are many other opportunities for
individually, depending on personal circumstances,
individual contributions, all of which are recognized
of course. Here are some suggestions for your
by pins from ZIF for various dollar thresholds. If
individual giving:
you want to know how much you have contributed,
Recognize a fellow Zontian, friend or family
member by donating in their honor or memory.
This could be in honor of a birthday, special
anniversary, or other occasion. There is a space on
the ZI Foundation contribution form for you to fill
out the person’s name and address. ZIF will send a
very nice letter to that individual or family
announcing that remembrance by you.
Participate in the Silent Auction at the annual
District Conference, or make a donation at your
Area Meeting. All these contributions are tax
deductible, and our District 10 clubs always have
wonderful items available during the conferences
and meetings.
you can submit a request for this through the Web
site -- under Zonta International Foundation,
Barbara Yoder and I are happy to assist you
with individual questions about your giving, and we
are always excited to present pins to recognize your
individual giving at meetings and conferences!
Judy Kautz
Asst Foundation Ambassador
District 10
Qualified candidates to receive the baton of leadership for 2006-2008.
™ Nominations for International officers must be received by the Nominating committee by May 15, 2005.
™ Nominations for District officers must be received by the Nominating Committee by June 3, 2005
For additional information contact any member of the Nominating Committee: Sally Rankin
srankin128@aol.com, Kaye Anderson kaykee19@yahoo.com or Lynn Altemeyer
February 2005
Page 4 of 16
Organization, Membership, and Classification
1006 IN 2006
Zonta is in the business of people helping people,
with our end product being service. Never before has
there been such a demand for our product. People in
every part of our world are desperate in need of the help,
and comfort that Zonta service brings. But we cannot
hope to reach even a fraction of those who are suffering
if Zonta’s internal health is failing. It is up to every
Zontian, every Zonta club, and our Zonta district to
address the issues hat can help us to strengthen our
organization from within. Never before in all of human
history has there been such a need for Zontians and
Zonta clubs. I believe it is District 10’s destiny to
become the fastest growing district in the world. During
this biennium, we have a rendezvous with destiny.
The District 10 Board has reaffirmed the need to
strengthen our membership by setting a goal of 1006
members by the year 2006. But to reach that ambitious
goal, all of District 10 must join together in fulfilling this
quest. To strengthen our membership, I ask:
every Zontian to:
™ Proudly display your membership in Zonta by
wearing your lapel pin.
™ Discuss the many benefits of Zonta membership
with business and professional associates
™ Invite an outstanding leader in your business or
profession, or community to become a Zontian
Sharron Miles
every Zonta club to:
™ Induct at least one new member every month
with an annual net membership goal of at leave
five member for every club
™ Develop and implement a membership
development strategy that is appropriate for your
™ Offer a comprehensive orientation program to
all new members
™ Share information on members, who relocate
with clubs in their new communities
™ Organize a new club in your area that does not
have a Zonta club
our district to:
™ Conduct a membership and development
seminar at each area meeting
™ Make full use of the expertise and resources
offered by the Zonta International staff and
OMC chairmen
™ Organize a district-wide membership committee
composed of at least one member from each area
™ Make sure that each club has a membership
campaign in place and includes at least one new
member per month with a new increase of five.
™ Develop an award program to recognize and
honor the leaders who demonstrate the vision to
make this quest a reality. These are the
exceptional leaders who will build the future of
District 10 in 2004-2006.
Dates to Remember:
Amelia Earhart Day
New Membership survey on ZI Web site
Area 1 Meeting, Granbury, TX
UN Commission of the Status of Women meeting begins
Zonta Rose Day and International Women’s Day
YWPA Club candidates due to District
Area 3 Meeting, San Antonio, TX
Area 2 Meeting, Longview, TX
Club 2005-2006 Officers Report Form due to HQ
District YWPA recipients due to HQ
International Day for Action on Women’s Health
Klausman Club candidates due to District
International nominations deadline – received by District Nominating
Chairmen from Zontians
2005-2006 Dues payments to HQ
All clubs expected to have club email addresses reported to
District 10 Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 3
Area 1 News
Karon Lowe, Director
Central Oklahoma
The ladies of the Zonta Club of Central
Oklahoma will celebrate their twentieth anniversary
at their Feb 15th meeting. In addition to the normal
business meeting, the club will sponsor a
membership event, providing information about ZI
projects and scholarships around the world as well as
what the club does locally. The Central Oklahoma
club is attempting to contact previous members and
past presidents to attend the celebration, and will
feature memorabilia and photo highlights of the past
20 years. Charter President Joy Rupp will bring out
the special cake created in honor of the club and its
members. Highlights and photos will be featured in
the next issue of the Heartland Exprezz!
Two special single moms and families enjoy
the holidays Amy Wager and her five children and
Debbie Lupton and her two children were recipients
of Thanksgiving meals and Christmas gifts
compliments of the ladies of the Zonta Club of
Central Oklahoma. Service Chair LouAnna
Munkres reported that club members donated over
$600 to purchase staples for Thanksgiving meals for
the families in November and Christmas gifts in
December. The families were truly grateful and it
was delightful to see the smiles on the faces of all as
the meal staples and gifts were delivered. This is the
second year the Central Oklahoma club has donated
meals and gifts to single mom households during the
holiday season. Judging from the smiles, this may
become a tradition!
Sharon visits with Debbie Lupton and her children after
delivering food and supplies for their Thanksgiving meal.
The Zonta Club of Central Oklahoma hosted a
reception honoring District 10 Jane Klausman
Scholarship recipient Sheryl Kuzmik at the club’s
November meeting. Club members enjoyed meeting
Sheryl and her parents, and also enjoyed visiting with
our District Governor Maggie Warren, Zonta
International Treasurer/Secretary Darlene Kurtz,
Lt Governor Sharron Miles, and Area 1 Director
Karon Lowe, who were in attendance to make the
scholarship presentation.
Oklahoma Club
85th birthday with
special placemats
decorations, and a
cake decorated for
the occasion. Everyone in attendance agreed it was a
great way to celebrate 85 years of Zonta
International’s efforts to advance the status of
Amy Wager and her children smile as they think about
the wonderful goodies delivered by Judy Kautz on behalf
of the Zonta Club of Central Oklahoma.
Continued on next page
February 2005
Page 6 of 16
More Area 1 News
ZI Treasurer/Secretary Darlene Kurtz and Dsitrict
Governor Maggie Warren present Sheryl Kuzmik with
her scholarship.
During January, the Zonta Club of Central
Oklahoma chose to honor Women in Aerospace. Two
guest speakers, Colonel Kathleen Close, Vice
Commander, Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center,
and Jerry Anne Jurenka, Immediate Past President,
Zonta Club of Longview, presented their perspectives
on the contributions of Amelia Earhart. Col Close
opened the program with a review of achievements
and little known facts about Amelia, and presented
several examples of her leadership in advancing the
status of women. Jerry Anne Jurenka shared several
“firsts” achieved by Amelia. She then showed slides
from her 1999 trip in search of Amelia’s lost aircraft.
Jerry Anne also discussed the various theories
regarding Amelia’s disappearance and concluded
with her interpretation of what really happened. Club
members commented that they learned new and
interesting facts of Amelia’s journey and leadership
in advancing the status of women!
Col Kathie Close
and President Janis
conversation at the
honoring Women in
District Governor Maggie Warren greets Sheryl Kuzmik
and her parents.
Nancy Anderson,
greets Jerry Anne
Club of Longview,
featured speaker at
the January meeting
Janis presents Sheryl Kuzmik, Jane Klausman recipient,
with gifts from the Central Oklahoma Club while Vice
President Tiffany Smith looks on.
District 10 Newsletter
In December the Zonta Club of Dallas
showcased a beautiful “Monet-style” painting by
Dallas artist, Marissa Messina. Proceeds from the
sale of the lovely oil painting will benefit local
charities, help disadvantaged women, and provide
scholarships to women who wish to pursue education
in previously male-dominated fields.
opportunities for service selected by the club include:
Our Friend’s Place which works with young women
ages 18-24 on Life Skills such as goal setting, dating
and marriage, time management and accountability;
Family Place which helps
of page
on next
Volume 2 Issue 3
More Area 1 News
violence; and the Rainbow Room which provides
critically needed items for abused and neglected
Johnson County
The Zonta Club of Johnson County is finalizing
their Status of Women Event and Scholarship
Fundraiser which will be held on Tuesday, February
1, in Cleburne. Through the years, Honoree Kay
Walls has given her time and talents to making
Johnson County a better place to live, especially for
the children. The dinner and silent auction event is
the biggest fund raiser of the year and more than 150
people are expected to attend.
The Zonta Club of Weatherford has been very
busy. Donna Couch and Emily Bates attended their
first Zonta District 10 Conference in Fredericksburg.
The club donated and decorated a Christmas tree for
the Fantasy Forest at City Hall and received the
proceeds from the sale of it for the charities of their
Colonel Judy
Kautz of the Zonta Club of
Central Oklahoma was the
featured speaker for the
Amelia Earhart program in
January and 84 people were
in attendance. As a result of
the luncheon the club has
realized 5 new members and
raised funds for scholarships
already. Right around the
corner is the club’s annual scholarship fundraiser,
The Third Annual Casino Night, scheduled to take
place on Friday, March 4 in Weatherford.
Members in Need Around the District
Please keep these members in your prayers. Let them know they are in our thoughts. Send
messages of consideration or congratulations!
Past Governor Margaret Dauzat, still battling cancer
Judy Stiles, member of the Longview club, recently lost a son as a result of a serious
automobile accident in which she was also involved
Bonnie Swick, member of the Longview club, battling cancer
Past Area 2 Director Grace Shore, battling cancer
Jo Ann Krauskopf's husband Pete is doing well - a little weak from not eating well and
losing so much weight but he is improving.
Karen Elbert's husband Don is having difficulties again
Gail Irby's husband passed away a short time ago
Now for the really good news: Area 3 Director Sandy Welch is a newlywed! She married
John Ferguson on December 24th
February 2005
Page 8 of 16
Area 2 News
Danita Utsman, Director
Our second annual fashion show is slated for
February 22, 2005 and Woman of Achievement Banquet
in April.
Pictured below is Lisa LeBlanc waiting in the Zonta
Club of Lafayette food booth for the crowds at the
Sertoma Air Show. In the background are 2 members of
"The Auxiliary", Richard Yandle and Conrad Bercier,
with Paulette Yandle and Aimee Bercier.
Fundraiser: The 31st annual Antique Show and Sale is
fast approaching for the Zonta Club of Longview. The
date for the event is March 4, 5 and 6, 2005, at Maude
Cobb Activity Center, Longview, Texas. Show
Directors, Bobby and Zella Tucker, report that the show
is full and will feature 60 dealers from Texas, Louisiana,
Oklahoma, and other states in the region. Admission is
$5 and can be used for all three days. The show features
a tea room with an extensive menu, pie bar, and many
exceptional door prizes.
Holiday Luncheon: The annual Holiday Luncheon was
held at Summit II, Longview, Texas, on Tuesday,
December 14. Janis Canion presented a brief program
based on the famous children's book by Dr. Seuss, "The
Grinch Who Stole Christmas". The club's holiday
project was designated for Hope Haven, a home for
homeless women and children, and abused women. The
club collected $1,200, which is a record for out-ofpocket donations for this event. Hope Haven Director,
Sonia Henson, is a member of the Longview Club, and
will use the funds to purchase electronic teaching
equipment for the children of the home. She told the
club that many of the mothers will benefit by the
equipment since many do not read, and therefore cannot
read, or teach, their children.
That’s not Amelia pictured below, just our club
president Shea Sieferman who donned "Amelia-like
garb" for a photo op during the air show.
L-R: Sonia Henson and Donna Hughes, Fellowship Chair
The website, www.zontalongview.org, is in progress
and should be completed soon. Check us out!
Lafayette's Woman of Achievement Banquet is set
for Thursday April 21 at the Lafayette Hilton Hotel
when Rose Cormier will be honored for her work with
the Women's Foundation.
District 10 Newsletter
Continued on next page
Volume 2 Issue 3
Area 2 Continued
Honors: Longview Regional Hospital Women's
Advisory Council recently honored Danita Utsman as
one of their 12 "Stars Over Longview". This is a
program started by LRH in 1999 which recognizes
women in Longview for outstanding community service
or contributions. A calendar is produced which features
one woman for each month. Danita is "Miss
November"! The keynote speaker for the event was
Carne Wilson who spoke about "The Pressure to be
Perfect". The event was attended by over 800 people.
Our November program was presented by Jan
Statman, one of our members, who reviewed her newest
book, Raisins and Almonds....and Texas Oil, which is
her account of the settlement of East Texas by Jewish
families. It is a very amusing account of the early days
of the oil boom in East Texas which brought floods of
people from all over the United States when oil was
discovered in East Texas. I highly recommend Jan as a
program, and reading her book too.
Women in Longview Day will be held on Thursday,
March 17, 2005, at Maude Cobb Activity Center.
WILD, as the group is amusingly referred to, is a halfday event tailored to enhance the status of women. The
event features approximately 50 to 60 exhibitors, and
breakout sessions which deal with timely topics for
women. Each breakout session features a facilitator and
2 or 3 speakers, with time for questions and answers.
The theme for this year's event is "Recipe for Life"
featuring our keynote speaker, Barbara Richardson
McClelland, who writes the current food column for the
Longview News Journal. The cost of the event ($20)
includes a buffet luncheon.
So Long to our Favorite “Lame Duck”
Carol Rainey’s farewell luncheon in Houston on January 8 was very well
attended by Houston and District 10 Zontians (at least half were from out of
town). Carol is the charter President of the Zonta Club of Houston, former
Governor of District 10 and most recently the Zonta International Service
Sub-Committee Chairman. We will miss Carol and will continue to appreciate all
the hard work she did for us all, such as writing the President’s Manual and
Carol Rainey
District 10 Manual. Good Luck, Carol!
Mary Frances Gardner, Candi Ward, and Carol Rainey
I’m sure you recognize many familiar faces and realize how
far some of them had to travel to say farewell to Carol.
February 2005
Page 10 of 16
Sandy Welch, Director
Area 3 News
Corpus Christi
The Austin Club recently completed two fundraisers:
selling tickets for an event at a local mall called “Simon
Evening of Giving” and gift-wrapping at Barnes &
Noble several days between Thanksgiving and
Christmas to earn tips. These activities, along with
fundraisers earlier in the year will allow us to fund 3
scholarships. We are currently collecting applications
for the YWPA and Jane Klausman Scholarships. In
addition, this year we will be giving a $500 scholarship
to a young lady from Marywood (our local service
project) who chooses to continue her education
(scholastic or vocational).
The Austin Club has streamlined the packet of
information that is shared with prospects who attend a
meeting and those receiving a formal Invitation to Join.
We anticipate that both of these pieces will be very
helpful in our recruiting push planned for the spring.
We are planning a membership event to be held in April.
In December we had a very successful Casas
Hermosas Tour of Homes. We raised approximately
five thousand dollars. This money was used partly to
fund our Needy Family Christmas Project. One of the
agencies in town which we support, Family Outreach,
helps us select five families and we purchase Christmas
gifts, household good and food for them. We work
jointly with our Z Club to do this service project yearly
and they help us host the Tour of homes as well. This
year the high school faculty at the school where the Z
Club is got involved and donated all of the wrapping
paper, ribbon, etc. to wrap all of the gifts. They also had
a Toy Drive and collected so many toys that we added
two more families to our original plans.
Have you got
Zonta International provides free club logos. Request
yours from http://www.zonta.org/site/Survey. Register
your membership at the ZI site and check it out
The Zonta Club of Corpus Christi is in the process
of receiving two new members, Michelle Patin Foote,
MD and Dolly Mundell, CPA. Both should be strong
members of our club, as they have a strong sense of
service to the community. A non traditional scholarship
was approved. This will be administered by Texas A &
M University as in the past. The Club also voted to give
a High School scholarship and the High School guidance
counselors will be asked for recommendations. The
Nominating committee headed by Sharon Alexander
was named so as to give the Committee time to consider
their nominations. Mah Jongg Madness financials were
reviewed and it was considered a success.
Our January meeting honored Amelia Earhart and I
gave a PowerPoint presentation which linked Amelia's
life story to her Zonta involvement and included
information about her visit to Brownsville.
The upcoming spring will be busy for us. In March
we will hold our Woman of the Year Banquet and honor
one of the women in Brownsville who goes “over
and above” in service to the community. In May we
have our annual Service Awards Banquet and will give
out our six scholarships and contributions to the local
agencies selected to receive financial support from our
club this year.
Frankie Thurlkill and Virginia Kline
at Mah Jongg Madness
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg met January 17th
at the Historical Society with President Laura Lundquist
A special program was presented:
“Introduction, Induction, and Installation of Z Club
Members & Officers” of the newly chartered
Fredericksburg High School Z Club, sponsored by the
Zonta Club.
Continued on next page
District 10 Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 3
Area 3 Continued
Honorees attending were members of the newly
chartered FHS Z Club and Z Club Advisor Missy
Stevens. Guests included family and friends and Dr.
Marc Williamson, Fredericksburg ISD Superintendent.
With special guests Maggie Warren, Zonta District 10
Governor, Sandy Welch, District 10 Area 3 Director
and Beverly Carter, District 10 Z Club Co Chairman.
Governor Warren gave a warm welcome message
from Zonta International and District 10. The Governor
noted Z Clubs are dedicated to provide career guidance
and to promote leadership skills, international fellowship
and the idea of service. That Zonta International
currently has approximately 32,000 members in more
than 1,250 clubs in approximately 69 countries and this
new Z Club is now a part of this great service
Dr. Williamson told the Z Club members that they
have his full support. He was well aware of what Z
Clubs are all about as his daughter had been a member
of one. For the induction and installation ceremony,
Beverly Carter introduced the FHS Z Club advisor,
Missy Stevens and Z Club President Katie Klohn who
introduced the membership and officers: Nina Smith,
Vice President; Kara Turner, Secretary; Richelle
Mechem, Treasurer; and members Cindy Jacoby,
Rebecca Tiemann, Traci Braden, Emma Williams,
Paige Menking, Misti Miiller, Courtney Ottmers,
Kristina Hernandez, Dana Sherrod, Ashley Robert,
Priya Patel, and Thea Setterbo.
group of bright and caring individuals, and I am
privileged to be working with them.” Also, Jo Ann
Krauskopf, a long time advocate of establishing a local
Z Club stated, “I am so delighted that we have finally
established a Z Club. We have all worked so hard
towards this goal. It is great to see our efforts pay off.”
Henry Etta Collier reported that the funds donated
to the Z Club by the Zonta Club will be used for the
Adopt-A-Family program.
Z Clubbers shopped,
wrapped and delivered needed items to 3 families.
Harlingen Inc
Jeannie McMillin, President of our club, has been
reassigned to work with the San Benito School District.
Jeannie works with students who have problems in
school as well as life. Meetings are held a little earlier
so that she can attend and continue to serve as our
We will host a Bunko Game Day on Feb 12 from 2
to 4 PM at the First Community Bank in Harlingen.
Lots of Good Food and Door Prizes will be given. Cost
is $10.00. This is an Intercity Event. Contact Von at
gigi7131@aol.com for further information
The Rio Grande Valley received its first measurable
accumulation of snow since 1895. We received up to 13
inches in some areas. For many people living here all of
their lives this was their first snow, and everyone
enjoyed it. Along with the snow me, snowball fights, and
making snow angels, we received a real blessing—not
much damage to the winter fruit.
Von Brookshire
Mrs. Carter advised the members that they will
undertake service projects benefiting their school,
community, and the world. Z Club President, Katie
Klohn accepted the gavel and Charter (Certificate No.
537, Charter Date 7th December 2004) from Governor
Commenting on the occasion, Z Club Advisor
Missy Stevens stated, “These ladies are a wonderful
Karyn Mason
February 2005
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Area 3 Continued
San Antonio
Our January meeting
Earhart was a huge
success. Joining the 16
members from our club
for this meeting were 9
members of the local
99s Club, 2 nonCassie Pate and Brett Williams
member guests, 1
former Zontian, 1 Zontian transferee, and Sandy Welch,
Area 3 Director. Our speakers were Brett Williams, a
teacher from the Fredericksburg High School, and a
student in his Suborbital Aeroscience Studies class,
Cassie Pate. Mr. Williams (and his students) success
with rockets was very interesting and the audience was
very attentive. There were lots of questions. Of
particular interest to this audience of mostly women (two
men) was Mr. Williams’ opinion of the statement made
by the Harvard President that innate biological
differences may be the reason women don't do as well in
math and science as men. He stated that he definitely did
not agree—some of his brightest students are women. I
gave Mr. Williams a copy of Zonta Zeitung and Sandy
Welch provided information on the new Z Club to
The Antique Show is behind us for one more year
and while the results are not in, it looks as if the show
was a success. It was certainly a beautiful show! While
our Country Store was shut down by the Health
Department, we still made over $1000 which was our
Pat Myers is setting up refreshments for the lectures on tea
One unexpected benefit of the publicity for the show
was meeting a Zontian, Beth Schmucker, from
Missouri who has just moved to San Antonio. Beth
attended our January meeting and is looking forward to
meeting everyone at the Area 3 meeting in April.
West Hidalgo County
The Zonta Flag Collection will be displayed as a
backdrop for "The Shining Stars of Hidalgo County"
banquet, where three women are honored for their
contributions in the fields of Education and Youth
Activities, Business and the Professions, and
Community Service. It will be held on April 19 at the
McAllen Country Club, 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $40 per
person, and reservations may be made with Deitrah
Davis by sending a check for the amount to cover the
number of tickets ordered. Please make reservations as
early as possible.
L-R: Peg Courtney and Marilynn Franke
District 10 Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 3
Louisiana’s Women Leaders
Members of the Zonta
Club of Lafayette along
with Zonta International
Maggie Warren recently
met with Louisiana State
Governor Kathleen Blanco
at the Governor’s Mansion. The club will be a
member of the Acadiana Regional Steering
Committee for Louisiana’s Women Leaders.
More than 300 women will gather in Lafayette,
Louisiana on June 24 & 25, 2005 as part of a
statewide initiative called “Louisiana’s Women
Leaders”. Designed to educate, connect, inspire and
mobilize Louisiana women for positive change, the
conference features workshops, special guest
speakers, and intense discussion around women’s
policy issues.
It is hoped that this conference will achieve the
following goals: Offer women a chance to improve
the quality of their own personal lives; Inform
participants on the quality of life and status of
women in Louisiana; Engage women in discussions
to create new ideas and support for continuing
efforts; Record and document suggestions for
Maggie Warren
improvements statewide; and to Create a new
community, an “online community” of Louisiana’s
Women Leaders. This virtual community will be
well-informed, energized and connected, and
committed to our governor’s agenda for change. It
is believed that this circle of women’s leadership
will make the difference in whether or not
Louisiana succeeds in becoming a place of hope,
promise and opportunity for all who call it “home”.
There are 2 rounds of regional conferences.
Round 1 includes 3 conferences that occur in May
and June. Round 2 takes place in autumn 2005.
The statewide conference is set for spring 2006 in
New Orleans.
Additional Round 1 Regional
Conferences will be held in Baton Rouge on May
13 & 14, 2005 and in Shreveport June 3 & 4, 2005.
Having participants of the Zonta Clubs in
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, New Orleans
and Shreveport, will allow Zonta another
opportunity and venue to advance the status of
women. Please contact Phyllis E. Mayo, Special
Assistant to the Governor on Women’s Policy, Post
Office Box 94004, Baton Rouge, LA 70804, 225342-2172, Phyllis.Mayo@la.gov on how you can
Pictured above with Louisiana State Governor Kathleen Blanco are Zonta International District 10 Governor Maggie
Warren, Governor Blanco, Zonta Club of Lafayette President Shea Sieferman, Paulette Yandle and Joann Pugh.
February 2005
Page 14 of 16
Pris Truesdell, Publicity Chair
Newsletter Tips
Everyone likes to use pictures in their newsletters. Pictures and graphics increase the size of a
file dramatically. For this newsletter I received many pictures in the bitmap (.bmp) format. It is
easy to convert a .bmp file to a JPEG (.jpg) file without loss of clarity and color. Try these few
simple steps:
• Right-click on the .bmp file and select Edit from the short-cut menu
• Microsoft Paint will open up with the picture displayed
• Select File/Save As from the Menu
• Click the pull-down arrow next to Save As Type: and select JPEG
• Change the name if desired and click Save
If you check the pictures below for differences, you will notice a significant reduction in size,
but very small changes otherwise. Please try this simple procedure and let me know if you have
any problems or other suggestions.
Bitmap (2,309,000 bytes)
District 10 Newsletter
Jpg (131,000 bytes)
Volume 2 Issue 3
Zonta Club of Weatherford
Will host
The 3rd Annual
Friday, March 4th
Canyon West
Golf & Sports Clubhouse
District 10, Area 1 Meeting
200 Canyon West Drive
(located South of I-20 West)
February 25-27, 2005
Weatherford, TX
Granbury City Hall
7:00 to 11:00 PM
116 W. Bridge Street
Granbury, Texas
Tickets are $30.
Funds raised from this event will provide college
scholarships for deserving young ladies in
Parker County and other Zonta projects
Host Club
Zonta Club of Granbury
Advance Reservations for the Saturday Opera
House event must be paid by 2/12/05
To reserve call Carla Daugherty at 817-573-5575
February 2005
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