Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Decimo
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Decimo
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Decimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario June 5th, 2016 East Boston 5 de Junio de 2016 65 London Street, East Boston, MA 02128 Phone: *82 - 617.567.3227 Fax: 617.569.6950 Mass Schedule (English) Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Pastor/Párroco: Reverend Thomas S. Domurat Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Sacraments Deacons/Diáconos: Rev. Mr. Pedro LaTorre Rev. Mr. Francis McHugh Rev. Mr. Victor Rivero BAPTISM: Please call the parish office to make individual arrangements. RECONCILIATION: Available before and after all masses or by appointment. Business Manager/Administradora: Grace Natola EUCHARIST TO THE HOMEBOUND: Call the rectory Religious Education/Educación Religiosa: Evangelina Monge (Children/Niños) MARRIAGE: Please call for an appointment at least six months prior to wedding date. Cross Roads Family Shelter/ Casa Hogar de Familas: Director of Shelter/ Directora de la Casa Hogar: Ms. Rachel Hennessey 617.567.5926 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Available by request and on designated Sundays. Confirmation Coordinator/ Coordinador de Confirmación: Rev. Mr. Pedro LaTorre & Ismelda Susana LaTorre www.Catholicscomehomeboston.org www.Catolicosregresen.org Adviser to CERS groups/Asesor del grupo CERS: Hna. Marisela Arteaga hmsp Horario de las Misas (Español) Organist: Anthony Morelli Cantor: Rose Hauser Sábado: 7:00 p.m. Domingo: 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Lunes a Viernes: 7:00 p.m. Sacramentos Spanish Coordinator for music/ Coordinador de música en español: Julio Santos BAUTIZO: Por favor recoger el formulario de registro en la oficina o sacristía. CONFESIONES: Disponibles antes y después de las misas o por cita. East Boston Central Catholic School/ Escuela Católica de East Boston: Principal/Directora: Mary Ann Manfredonia 617.567.7456 MATRIMONIOS: Por favor llamar para una cita por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de matrimonio. Bulletin Designer/Diseñador del Boletín: Victor Rivero victorrivero@comcast.net UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Disponible por petición y en Domingos designados. Nota: Ultimo día de entregar anuncios es Lunes a las 12pm 2 Pray the Rosary: Rezamos el Rosario: Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Media hora antes de cada misa. Mass Intentions/ Intenciones de Misas Saturday, June 4 4:00 PM For the People of Most Holy Redeemer Parish 10:00 AM For the repose of the souls of Lucy Izzi (Birthday memorial), Louis Lopilato, Sr. (Birthday memorial) Gino Izzi, and Tio requested by their families Saturday, June 11 4:00 PM For the repose of the soul of Anthony Iacomino requested by his wife and family Sunday, June 12 10:00 AM Sunday, June 5 For the People of Most Holy Redeemer Parish *All Spanish masses are celebrated with multiple intentions unless otherwise specified. Todas las misas en español son celebradas con varias intenciones a menos que se especifique de otra manera.* Jeanne Petrillo, Ricky Naumann, Edie DeAngelis, Florence D’Avella, OREMOS Kelsey Corlito, Karen Rebaza, Michelle Barone, Eve Pallang, Paula Keough, Robert Morani, Benito Tauro, Peg Myers, Margaret Domurat, Edie Abott, por los Debbie Berrigan, Rose Hauser, Linda Morgan, Chris Dewhurst, Georgia ENFERMOS Schipani, Richard Gorman, James MacAbee, Frances Roy, Mevlyn Rose, Joellen Coggeshall, Ron DiCenso, Janet Umanzor, Marguerite Riley, Erin Burke, Betsy Downton, Peter Cardinale, Anthony Fiore, Alice Chalmers, Patricia Lyons, Maureen DePalma, Kenny Rushing, Mary Olsen, Valerie Gales, Anthony Albano, Jr., Mary MacAbee, Rose Pugliese and Mariana Abad. PRAY for the SICK Por favor recen por el reposo del alma de Sandra Merced (33) quien falleció lunes, 23 de mayo y su Misa funeraria fue celebrada en nuestra iglesia lunes, 30 de mayo. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sandra Merced (33) who died on Monday, May 23rd and whose Mass was celebrated on Monday, May 30th . The monthly Prayer Request for Priests is located at the back of the church. Please pray that God bless the Archdiocese of Boston with holy priests. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoración al Santísimo takes place every Thursday between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Se lleva a cabo cada jueves de 9 am. a 7 pm.. Trate de hacer el esfuerzo de separar tiempo para estar con el Señor. Please try to schedule some time with our Lord. Vespers Every Monday at 6:30 in the Church. You are invited to pray the Liturgy of the Hours the official prayer of the Church. Thanking God for all we have received is the best act of our day. Vísperas Todos los lunes a las 6:30 en el Templo. Se les invita a rezar la liturgia de las Horas, la oración oficial de la Iglesia. Agradecer a Dios por todos los beneficios recibidos es el mejor acto de nuestro día. 3 Last Weekend’s offertory $ 7,025.00 Goal $ 7,079.00 Collection $ 177.00 Make-up $ 7,257.00 Total + $ 232.00 Surplus Ofertorio de la Semana pasada $ 7,025.00 Meta $ 7,079.00 Colecta $ 178.00 Donaciones pendientes $ 7,257.00 Total + $ 232.00 Ganancia The Parish Debt Reduction collection was $2,154. La Reducción de la Deuda Parroquial fue $2,154. The second collection this weekend is our Monthly Collection. The second collection next weekend is for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. La segunda colecta el este fin de semana es nuestra Colecta Mensual. La segunda colecta el próxima fin de semana es para la Asociación de San Vicente de Paul. Catholic Appeal Update: Actualización de la Campaña Católica: Thank you to all parishioners who made pledges to the 2016 Catholic Appeal. Our assessment for this year is $39,430. As of May 10th the amount of paid pledges was $18,089. This puts us at $21,341 under assessment. Please make every effort to send in your pledge in order that the parish will not have to pay the difference. Thank you once again for your support. ¡Gracias a todos los feligreses que hicieron un compromiso a la Campaña Católica 2016. Nuestra evaluación para este año es de $39,430. A partir del 10 de mayo, la cantidad de compromisos pagados era $18,089. Esto nos pone a $21,341 en proceso de evaluación. Por favor, haga todo lo posible para enviar sus promesas con el fin que la parroquia no tendrá que pagar la diferencia. Gracias una vez más por su apoyo. The Corporal Works of Mercy Obras Corporales de Misericordia • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Visit the imprisoned Bury the dead The Spiritual Works of Mercy • • • • • • • Dar de comer al hambriento Dar de beber al sediento Dar posada al necesitado Vestir al desnudo Visitar al enfermo Socorrer a los presos Enterrar a los muertos Obras Espirituales de Misericordia Admonish the sinner Instruct the ignorant (This and the next work are extremely pertinent categories today, when so many people are confused by what the Church teaches on contraception, abortion, homosexuality, etc.) Counsel the doubtful Comfort the sorrowful Bear wrongs patiently Forgive all injuries Pray for the living and the dead • • Enseñar al que no sabe Dar buen consejo al que lo necesita (Este y el siguiente trabajo son categorías muy pertinentes hoy en día, cuando tanta gente está confundida por lo que la Iglesia enseña sobre la anticoncepción, el aborto, la homosexualidad, etc.) • • • • • 4 Corregir al que está en error Perdonar las injurias Consolar al triste Sufrir con paciencia los defectos de los demás Rogar a Dios por vivos y difuntos Rosario de Aurora Los invitamos a que nos acompañen a rezar el rosario La Renovación Carismática les invita a usted y familia a renovar el Espíritu Santo en sus vidas y vivir el gozo y la alegría que el Espíritu nos da en Oración de Alabanza, Adoración y Sanación. Primer Sábado del mes en la capilla a las 6:00am para pedir a nuestra madre santísima que nos acompañe, he interceda por nosotros ante su hijo Jesucristo. Los esperamos! Asamblea (Lugar: Capilla) Lunes: 8-9:30 p.m. Jueves: 8-9:30 p.m. Sábado: 5-6:30 p.m. Adoración al Santísimo toda la noche, los segundos sábados del mes en la capilla Vigilia en honor a la Virgen: 1re Sábado del Mes de 8 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Cursos de Crecimiento, Visita a los enfermos y Rosario familiar “Dios entiende nuestras oraciones aun cuando nosotros no podemos encontrar las palabras para expresarlas.” ¡Misa en español en televisión! La directiva de coros les invita a la Vigilia de Coros todos los 3re Sábados del mes en la capilla de 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Los domingos a las 8:00 a.m. , 5:30 p.m. y 10:00 p.m. Catholic TV.También se puede ver en directo en www.misadomingo.com o www.CatholicTV.com. EBCCS—East East Boston Central Catholic School “Where Faith & Knowledge Meet” “Donde la Fe y el Conocimiento Se Encuentran” 69 London Street, East Boston 617.567.7456 www.ebccs.org REGISTRATIONS / REGISTRACIONES 2016-2017 FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE / FONDOS DE AYUDA DISPONIBLES PARA LAS FAMILIAS HISPANAS Para mas información en Español comunicarse con la Sra. Duber (617) 913-2137. Para las personas que asistieron a la clase de Virtus (Protegiendo ( a los niños), pueden recoger sus certificados en la casa parroquial. 5 Marriage Retreat for all couples Saturday and Sunday, July 9 & 10 here at Most Holy Redeemer Parish ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Women’s retreat From Friday to Sunday, June 24-26 at the retreat house in Medway. El grupo Jumisepa te invita a nuestra reunión de jóvenes todos los martes de 7:00pm-9:00pm tenemos Oración, Temas, y mucho más. 6 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS REGARDING HOLY CROSS CEMETERY 175 BROADWAY, MALDEN MEMORIAL DAY MASS – Our sacred Memorial Day Mass will be held on Tuesday May 24th at 6PM inside our mausoleum. All are welcome to attend. FAMILY SERVICE BOOTH – We will once again be hosting a Family Service Booth at our Holy Cross Cemetery. This booth will be located just outside the front entrance of our original (larger) mausoleum. The dates and times are as follows: • Monday May 23rd, Tuesday May 24th and Friday May 27th from 10 AM to 1 PM • Saturday May 28th from 9 AM to 11 AM Family Service Coordinators will be on hand with free pre-planning kits, information on our cremation spaces (including indoor niches – complete packages with urns included) and our lawn crypts. For more information call Rob Baker at 339-226-1271. SPACE AVAILABLE Special Boston Archdiocesan Offer: Subscribe Today and SAVE 49%! Item 1 Year (49 issues) Special Discount Rate Your Savings Discount $19.95 $19.05 49% price! Guaranteed lowest Check one: q My $19.95 check is enclosed payable to The Pilot. q Charge my: __ Visa __ AMEX 4 Yes! Please start my subscription to The Pilot today for only $19.95 (1 year – 49 issues). I will save 49%/$19.05 off the regular subscription rate. __ MasterCard __ Discover Account #: Exp. Date: Name Signature: Address Email: City State Zip q Bill me Email Phone ( ) BIN2016B Mail this order form with your payment to: The Pilot Subscription Services Dept. PO Box 425 Congers, NY 10920 To order now, please call 1-617-779-3760 or visit www.thebostonpilot.com For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Most Holy Redeemer, East Boston, MA 872 6 1 7 .5 6 1 .2 8 0 0 SPANO & DAWICKI, LLC O p e n M o n -S u n 7 A M - 1 1 P M 841M a i nS t r e e t Te w ks bur y ,M A 01876 The Estate, Elder Law, Retirement And Special Needs Firm ( 978) Protecting Your Home, Your Assets, Your Quality of Life and Your Family 851- Comida Típica Salvadoreña y Mexicana a eric ree as os o 9103 Rosaries from Flowers HELP@SpanoDawicki.com BOSTON 617-720-0002 CAMBRIDGE 617-354-0144 WOBURN 781-933-0053 SAUGUS 781-231-7800 BEVERLY 978-922-2100 VA ACCREDITED ◆ NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS PHYSICAL THERAPY “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” William J. Squires Jr. P.T. www.rosariesfromflowers.com Putnam Street (617) 846-5609 57Winthrop, MA Hablamos Español Ruggiero Family Memorial Home Our Family Serving Your Family With Professionalism, Dignity & Respect” Joseph L. Ruggiero, Director & Proprietor Se Habla Español CHAMPIONSHIP Tel: 617-569-0990 | 971 Saratoga Street • East Boston, MA | www.RuggieroMH.com Space Available EAST BOSTON DENTAL ASSOCIATES 617-569-7300 Since 1946 617-567-5080 “Quality Family Dentistry for Adults & Children” Nicholas R. Franco, Jr., DMD Cosmetic and G eneral D entistry Donald L. Feldman, DMD Specializ ing in O rth odontics Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at clergyfunds.org. Accepting Mass Health Patients All Major Credit Cards Accepted • Most Insurance Accepted Se Habla Español • Si Parla Italiano • Nós Falamos Portugês 3 Meridian Street, East B oston Manteniendo adultos Manteniendo adultos mayores demayores de 55 saludables 55 saludables e independientes teniendo adultos mayores dee independientes saludables e independientes Msg. & data rates may apply ElderServicePlan ElderServicePlan East Boston Neighborhood Health Center East Boston Neighborhood Health Center derServicePlan Sirviendo las comunidades Boston NeighborhoodaHealth Center Sirviendo a las comunidades NDED! de East Boston, Revere, Chelsea, de East Boston, Revere, Chelsea, EXPA irviendo a las Everett comunidades y Winthrop Everett y WinthropNow Accepting New Patients East Boston, Revere, •Chelsea, 617-568-6377 www.ebnhc.org 617-569-5800 Everett y Winthrop 617-568-6377 • www.ebnhc.org www.ebnhc.org -568-6377 • www.ebnhc.org Space Available GetCatholicTV.com 10 Gove & 20 Maverick Sq. Blue Line Maverick Stop W. C. Canniff & Sons, Inc. Monuments & Lettering 531 Cummins Hwy • Roslindale 617-323-3690 Since 1896 www.CanniffMonuments.com “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 American Tax Service Beatriz E. Herrera Tax Consultant 93 Chelsea Street East Boston, MA 02128 T: 617-569-4067 | 617-418-5958 F: 617-569-5154 info@americantaxserviceusa.com The Catholic Cemetery Association O ur ministry includes assisting families before a death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning kit including: our free booklet, money saving certificate, information on payment plans and specific information on Holy Cross Cemetery in Malden and other local Catholic cemeteries. Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 T We accept all Dental Insurance as well as Mass Health WHITE FILLINGS .DENTURES ROOT CANALS. CROWNS . BRIDGES SE HABLA ESPAÑOL | 617-884-0165 Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM . Sat 9AM-5PM . Sun 9AM-3PM Experience, Professionalism and Reasonable Prices Magrath Space FUNERAL HOME 617-567-0910 Available For Advertising call 617-779-3771 RANS DENTAL CARE 242 EVERETT AVE. . CHELSEA . MA 02150 Pilot Bulletins Sit back and let the Wyndham Boston Chelsea take care of your event MENTION THIS AD RECEIVE 5% OFF YOUR EVENT – Anniversary – Bereavement Luncheon – Baby Shower – Bridal Shower Christening – Communion – Rehearsal Dinner Gina A Guange, Catering Sales Manager | 617-884-2900, x:3010 | 201 Everett Avenue, Chelsea, MA 02150 Most Holy Redeemer, East Boston, MA 872