Weekend August 15, 2015
Weekend August 15, 2015
CLASSIFIEDS Your Montague County News Source www.bowienewsonline.com 9B Weekend August 15, 2015 Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Legal Notice CITATION THE STATE OF TEXAS CAUSE NO. 2015-0248M-CV TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF R.F. MOBLEY, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF N.F. “FLORENCE” MOBLEY, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF W.L. MOBLEY, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SALLIE MOBLEY ELLIS, LILA HARVELL A/K/A LULA HARWELL, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF LULA HARVELL A/K/A LULA HARWELL, Defendants, in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause. You are commanded to appear before the 97th District Court of Montague County, Texas to be held at the courthouse of said County in the city of Montague, Montague County, Texas, by filling a written answer to the Plaintiff’s Petition at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of 42 days after the date of issuance of this citation, the same being Monday, AUGUST 31, 2015 in cause number 2015-0248M-CV, filed in said count, on the 14TH DAY OF JULY, 2015 and styled: DAVID AND JODY BREWER LIVING TRUST BREWER AND REX KEITH VS. 7-M FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP UNKNOWN HEIRS OF R.F. MOBLEY, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF N.F. “FLORENCE” MOBLEY, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF W.L. MOBLEY, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SALLIE MOBLEY ELLIS, LILA HARVELL A/K/A LULA HARWELL, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF LULA HARVELL A/K/A LULA HARWELL. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: SUIT TO QUIET TITLE OF REAL PROPERTY as is more fully shown by Plaintiff’s Petition on file in this suit. The name and address of the attorney for plaintiff, or the address of the plaintiff is: BRANDON S. EARP, 304 WALNUT STREET, BOWIE, TX 76230. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: “You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgement may be taken against you.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Montague, Texas, on this the 20th day of July, 2015. LESIA DARDEN MONTAGUE COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK PO BOX 155 MONTAGUE, TX 76251 By Candace Cross, Deputy. 9,11,13,15cts NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF RUTH ROBINSON THOMAS, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that Original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Ruth Robinson Thomas, Deceased, were issued on July 27, 2015 in Cause No. 15P064 pending in the County Court of Montague County, Texas to: Janis Bicsak The addresses for such Independent Executor is: Janis Bicsak 1103 Cooke Nocona, TX 76255 The address to which claims may be presented is: Estate of Ruth Robinson Thomas, Deceased c/o Janis Bicsak, Independent Executor Gibson Davenport Anderson 3711 Maplewood Ave., Ste. 200 Wichita Falls, TX 76308 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED this 10th day of August, 2015. GIBSON DAVENPORT ANDERSON 3711 Maplewood Ave., Ste. 200 Wichita Falls, TX 76308 Telephone: 940-322-7856 Fax: 940-322-1204 By: Kara Blanco State Bar No. 24056463 Email: kara@ gda-law.com Attorneys for the Executor. 15pd 2012 DODGE CHALLENGER Stock# C38659. Special pricing, $23,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2007 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 $2600.00 Down, No Credit, No Paystub CALL 940-627-1470. 15-16cts 2013 FORD ESCAPE SEL 4DR Stock# D87669. Special pricing, $20,450. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2009 DODGE CHARGER SXT Stk# 14486A. Simplified price $11,000. Patterson of Bowie, 940-872-1133. 2012 DODGE CHALLENGER SXT Stk# 14631B. Simplified price $19,500. Patterson of Bowie, 940-872-1133. 2007 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX $1000.00 Down Call Jerry. BMG AUTO 940-6271470. 14-15cts 2007 DODGE 2500 QUAD Stock# 751503. Special pricing, $16,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2011 FORD ESCAPE XLT Stk# 14730A. Simplified price $11,000. Patterson of Bowie, 940-872-1133. 2013 FORD F150 CREW Stock# D60845. Special pricing, $32,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2012 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE LS Stk# 14105C. Simplified price $13,500. Patterson of Bowie, 940-872-1133. GOOD CREDIT OR BAD CREDIT? We’re here to help you apply for your vehicle financing. Come visit the Patterson of Bowie showroom at Wagonseller Rd. at US 287. 940-872-1133. 2011 KIA FORTE Stock# B63764. Special pricing, $9,450. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2008 Honda Accord $1600.00 Down, no credit, get paid cash. Call 940627-1470. BMG AUTO 14-15cts DODGE, FORD, JEEP & CHRYSLER NEW & USED Know your salesman. I can help you establish good credit. Call Milford Fortenberry, 940-736-9999. pb 2012 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE LS Stk# 14105C. Simplified price $13,500. Patterson of Bowie, 940-872-1133. 2012 CHEVY SUBURBAN Stock# C84156. Special pricing, $29,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc BMG Auto Financing made easy Call Jerry. BMG AUTO 940627-1470. 14-15cts 2008 Dodge Ram $2800 down, nice ride. Call Jerry. 940-627-1470. 14-15cts 2004 FORD RANGER REG. CAB Stock# 441916. Special pricing, $4,950. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2003 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4 DOOR WAGON Stock# 322458. Special pricing, $3,950. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2011 BMW 328I Stock# B45103. Special pricing, $22,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2008 Dodge Ram Gold. $10,988+TTL. Karl Klement Ford. U.S. Hwy 287 S., Decatur. 940-6271101. 14-15pb 2012 Ford Focus Red. 5 door. $12,988+TTL. Karl Klement Ford. U.S. Hwy 287 S., Decatur. 940627-1101. 14-15pb 2011 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPE Stock# B54845. Special pricing, $15,500. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Super Charged $1600 down. Call Jerry, BMG AUTO. 940-627-1470 14-15cts 2007 Chevrolet Corvette No credit, Bad credit, Approved Call Jerry, BMG AUTO 940-627-1470. 14-15cts GOOD CREDIT OR BAD CREDIT? We’re here to help you apply for your vehicle financing. Come visit our showroom at Wagonseller Rd. at US 287. 940-872-1133. 2006 Chrysler 300 Silver. $8,998+TTL. Karl Klement Ford. U.S. Hwy 287 S., Decatur. 940-6271101. 14-15pb 2003 Nissan Altima Gold. $4,800+TTL. Karl Klement Ford. U.S. Hwy 287 S., Decatur. 940-6271101. 14-15pb TABC NOTICE APPLICATION has been made for a Wine and Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit for Sunset Travel Stop, Inc. doing business as Sunset Trading Post located at 946 Spur 511, Sunset, Montague County, Texas. Md Masud Reza-President. Said application has been made to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission in accordance with the provision of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code. 15-16pd Auto 2013 FORD F150 XLT Stk# P1192. Simplified price $22,500. Patterson of Bowie, 940-872-1133. To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email bowieclassifieds22@sbcglobal.net or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. 10B Weekend August 15, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS Your Montague County News Source www.bowienewsonline.com Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Auto 2013 CHRYSLER 300 Stk# 14728A. Simplified price $20,000. Patterson of Bowie, 940-872-1133. 1997 Chevrolet Blazer $2500 cash, cold a/c run great Call Jerr y. BMG AUTO. 940-627-1470. 14-15cts SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE Get results and money in your pockets! 940-8722247. 2009 CHEVY SILVERADO KZ CREW Stock# 975057. Special pricing, $30,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. tfc 2012 Dodge Ram 41,210 miles $2800.00 Down. Call Jerry, BMG AUTO. 940-627-1470. 14-15cts 2014 Hyundai Sonata Low Mileage, we finance Call Jerry, BMG AUTO 940627-1470. 14-15cts 2008 MAZDA 3 $7,988. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2006 CHRYSLER 300 $8,998. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2008 DODGE RAM $10,988. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2012 FOCUS 5-DOOR $12,988. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. NEED TO SELL YOUR VEHICLE FAST? Call Kathy Miller 940-8722247. 2014 TOYOTA CAMRY LE $15,988. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2013 HYUNDAI SANTA FE $17,988. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2013 F150 SUPER CREW FX2 $33,988. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2013 EXPEDITION XLT $33,988. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2013 KING RANCH F150 $37,888. Karl Klement Ford, US Hwy 287 South, Decatur 940-627-1101. 2012 RAM 3500 MEGA 4X4 STK#14570A. Klement C J D. D e t a i l s a t K l e mentCJD.com. THE BOWIE NEWS Is looking to fill an immediate position for a part-time sports/news reporter and photographer. The job involves covering high school sports activities across the region and covering news assignments. Writing and photography experience preferred. Applicant must have reliable transportation. Submit your resume or application to 200 Walnut St. or mail to PO Box 831. GRACE CARE CENTER OF NOCONA Is accepting applications for cook and certified nurses aide. Come by 306 Carolyn Road, Nocona. Please no phone calls. 07tfc NEED EXPERIENCED FINISH BLADE OPERATOR And heavy equipment operator for heavy highway in Archer/Clay Counties. Benefits include INS, Dental, 401K, ESOP, vacation. Apply online at www.jagoepublic.com. In person at 3020 Ft. Worth Dr., Denton or call Bob at 940-7838870. EOE. 02-15pd 2014 RAM CREW 2500 4X4 STK#P1663. Miles: 22,000. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD.com. 2012 UNLIMITED 4-DOOR STK#15322A.Miles: 38,000. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD.com. 2012 RAM 1500 CREWCAB STK#15237A. HEMI Lone Star. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD.com. 2012 RAM 1500 CREWCAB STK#15277A. HEMI Laramie. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD.com. 2014 DODGE CHARGER STK#P1660. Handsome black SE. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD. com. 2015 CHRYSLER 200 STK#P1662. Stylish Limited Sedan. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD. com. NEED EXPERIENCE PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT For heavy highway in Archer/Clay Counties. Benefits include: INS, dental, 401K, ESOP, vacation. Apply online at www.jagoepublic.com. In person at 3020 Fort Worth Dr., Denton or call Bob at 940-7838870. EOE. 12-15pd RENAISSANCE CARE CENTER Is now accepting applications for “Part time & PRN Physical Therapy Assistant” Apply in person at 1400 Blackhill Drive. SPIKES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Is looking for exp. and licensed journeyman and apprentice electrician with industrial experience. Contact Aaron, 940-626-1115 TECL#22088 for appt. 9-16cts HIRING CDL TRUCK DRIVERS Heavy equipment operator. Call 918-377-4362 or 405258-7591. 09-16pd HIRING END DUMP DRIVERS Requirements: Class ACDL, minimum 25 years old, 2 years experience. 940-427-4953. 12-19cts 2012 GMC CREW 4X4 STK#14606A. Miles: 45,000 SLE 1/2 ton. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD.com. 2013 KIA SOUL STK#14420B. Fun to drive crossover. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD. com. 4K ENERGY SERVICE LLC Looking for dependable CDL Drivers willing to work. 3 years experience, paid vacation, health benefits. Apply at 104 S. Main St. Jacksboro. 2010 FORD SPORT-TRAC STK#P1646. XLT. Klement CJD. Details at KlementCJD.com. Employment Drivers Wanted! Local Work! Home Daily, Stability, Benefits CDL-A, 1yr. Exp, Great Driving Record. Sunsetlogistics.com 817-676-8487; 817-5891455 or 888-215-4285. 11,13,15,17pd LOOKING FOR A JOB? LOOKING TO HIRE? Check out The Bowie News employment section. To place an ad call Kathy Miller at 940-872-2247. IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY Heavy equipment operator for sand and gravel operation. Dozer, excavator, loader experience necessary. MSHA certification is helpful, benefits package. Call (214) 802-5157 for more information. Please fax resume: (817) 4308103. 12-19cts PETTIT MACHINERY INCORPORATED Looking for field technician, Sat-up technician and small engine technician in Gainesville. Full time position; working with John Deere agricultural, commercial and residential equipment in Gainesville. Benefits include: horly salary + bonus, health/life insurance, 401K w/company matching, laptop computer provided, tool reimnursement (after 1 yr). Qualified applicants apply in person at 1710 W. Hwy 82, Gainesville or call Scott Stephens at 580-222-1630. NOW HIRING CDL DRIVERS With 2 yr experience oilfield/environmental construction/transportation. PEC Homeland certification helpful. Out of town jobs, paid weekly, insurance/AFLAC, paid vacations and more. Call Daniel at 1-800-448-6323. 11-18cts CLASS A CDL DRIVER NEEDED All local driving. Must have a minimum of 2 years tractor trailer experience. Apply in person at 11026 Highway 287 South Rhome, TX. If you have questions, 817-625-8254. NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED CDL CLASS A END-DUMP DRIVERS New late model, lightweight equipment, top competitve pay, weekly pay guarantees, family medical insurance portion paid by company, family dental and vision insurance available, 401 (K) available, vacation and holiday pay, home daily. Contact Aggregate Haulers, 940-683-0001 or come by the Bridgeport office, 3338 S. Hwy. 101. TIRE TECHNICIAN Immediate opening for mobile commercial tire technician. Must have experience mounting and repairing tires for trucks, trailers, construction equipment, farm equipment, etc. Diesel/auto mechanics a plus. Must have clean driving record and pass drug screen. 817-222-1100. 10-17cts To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email bowieclassifieds22@sbcglobal.net or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. Your Montague County News Source www.bowienewsonline.com CLASSIFIEDS 11B Weekend August 15, 2015 Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Employment TIM ADAMS HEATING, COOLING & REFRIGERATION 940-841-3690 or 940-8729090. Services BOWIE BUTANE GAS CO., INC. Tank sales, tank rentals, new installs, service work. 1413 Wise St. Bowie. 940872-2266. BRIDGEPORT IRON & METAL We pay top prices for all metals. State cer tified, accurate weights. 3261 S. HWY 101 Bridgeport. 940683-2005. COBB RENTAL AND EQUIPMENT Forklift, backhoes, broom lifts. Authorized dealer in SKYTRAK and Genie, Honda Engines and Case lil Agriculture. For more information call 940-6278835. RENAISSANCE CARE CENTER Is now accepting applications for “weekend double LVN-RN” Apply in person at 1400 Blackhill Drive. FICHERS WATER WELL SERVICE Sherry and David Fischer, 20 yrs experience. 940-8412262 or 940-531-0761. OFFICE CLEANERS NEEDED IN BOWIE $10 per hour, part time positions, performance reward, team player, growth opportunity. graycleaning. com, 817-550-6037. KATO’S TOWING 940-872-4089, or 940-8413369. TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED In Bowie yard. Class A CDL with tanker endorsement. Must have truck driving experience. Call 940-7360758 Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 14-21cts HOUSE LEVELING AND FOUNDATION REPAIR Level brick homes with slab or pier and beam. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Call 940-6910668 or 940-733-1307. 97-16pd For Sale 2003 NEW HOLLAND LS-180 Skid steer for sale. Low hours, bucket and set of forks included. 940-6269272. 13-20pd BOB GARRETT PLUMBING Free estimates, reasonable rates. Master Plumber M8791, Licensed Electrician 00029610. 940-8725680. AFFORDABLE FENCING All types, including chain link, wood, privacy, vinyl, farm fencing, installation or repairs. 940-626-9290. www.affordablefence.net 13-20cts POWER WASHING: J&D MOBILE SERVICE Autos, tractors, trailers, heavy equipment buildings, restaurant vent hoods, driveways and stock trailers. 817-617-9218 or 940577-4185. 15-22pd DOZER & BACKHOE SERVICE Available immediately. 940366-9973. 09-16pd J & T CONSTRUCTION Fencing, welding, building barns, ect. For pricing call JR, 940-841-3652 or Toby 940-634-7176. HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE: 10 YRS EXPERIENCE Dependable and trustworthy. References available. Call Patti Todd 940-2841071. 15-22pd STATE FARM Tim Winn, agent. 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service. 940-872-2820. TRIPLE R COLLISION REPAIR Quality body work, custom painting, I-Car certified, 24 hour towing. Kip 940-8674671, John 940-867-3126. 525 Montague Hwy. pb To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email bowieclassifieds22@sbcglobal.net or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie.
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