Classifieds - Bowie News
Your Montague County News Source CLASSIFIEDS 7B Weekend August 27, 2016 Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Legal Notice CITATION THE STATE OF TEXAS CAUSE NO. 2016-0358M-CV OROUS ALAN MULDER UNKNOWN HEIRS OF FRANCES P. KELLY MULDER UNKNOWN HEIRS OF PATRICK MALONEY ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN DESCRIBED LAND, defendants, in the herinafter styled and numbered cause. You are commanded to appear before the 97th District Court of Montague County, Texas to be held at the courthouse of said County in the city of Montague, Montague County, Texas, by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff’s Original Petition at or before 10 o’clock a.m. of the Monday next after the expiration of 42 days after the date of issuance of this citation, the same being Monday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 in cause number 2016-0358M-CV, filed in said court, on the 28TH DAY OF JULY, 2016 and styled: ROLAND DALE PROCTOR AND LORENA PROCTOR VS. GEORGE W. MULDER II, OROUS ALAN MULDER, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF FRANCES P. KELLY MULDER, JOANNE MERLE HAWKINS, JAMI ROSE MALONEY, PATRICIA MALONEY, FLORANCE J. MALONEY, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF PATRICK MALONEY AND ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN DESCRIBED LAND A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: ‘ADVERSE POSSESSION OF 20 ACRES OF LAND IN THE HENRY LYBROOK SURVEY, A-448, MONTAGUE COUNTY, TEXAS’ as is more fully shown by Plaintiff’s Original Petition on file in this suit. The name and address of the attorney for plaintiff, or the address of the plaintiff is: BRANDON S. EARP, 304 WALNUT STREET, BOWIE, TX 76230, NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: “You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgement may be taken against you.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Montague, Texas, on this the 2nd day of August, 2016. LESIA DARDEN, MONTAGUE COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK, PO BOX 155 MONTAGUE, TX 76251 By CANDACE CROSS, DEPUTY. 13,15,17,19cts REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NOTICE TO CONSTRUCTION PROPOSERS- BOWIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ‘BEDC’ PROPOSAL NUMBER (RFP): 16-0914-CB. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION: Exterior Construction Maintenance Renovation for commercial building located at 101 East Pecan Street, Bowie, TX 76230. The Bowie Economic Development Corporation, owner of building at 101 East Pecan Street, request SEALED REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS to complete repairs and renovations to the occupied commercial building as specified in this request and marked as RFP 16-0914-CB. ALL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS will be clearly marked on the outside of the sealed package with the proposal number shown above and delivered to the Corporation’s office located at 201-A Walnut Street, Bowie, TX 76230 by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2016. Post-marks after this date may not be accepted. FACSIMILE or EMAILED PROPOSALS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Copies of the RFP and explanation of scope of work may be obtained at the BEDC office or by contacting Janis Crawley at 940-872-4193. Notice is hereby given that the Board reserved the right to reject any or all proposals received and the right to determine the best proposal, or, to reject the same and to waive irregularities and technicalities. SCOPE OF WORK Construction maintenance renovations to include all repairs necessary to paint the exterior of the building located at 101 East Pecan Street, Bowie, tX 76230. Including: Removal and Replacement of gutters and downspouts, Window repairs to wood, glazing and seals, Removal and Replacement to damaged fascia and siding, Preparation, Caulking, Painting exterior wood surfaces and Preparation and Cleaning Brick surfaces. PROJECT CONTACT: Any questions concerning the project, bid- ding and selection process for the Request for Proposals should be submitted to the Executive Director listed. BEDC, Janis Crawley, 201-A Walnut Street, Bowie, TX- office: 940872-4193 cell: 940-5318201. Only sealed bids marked with the project number, posted marked by the deadline date or hand delivered not later than 5 p.m. on the deadline date will be accepted. Opening of bids will be at the Board of Directors regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. at the BEDC office, 201-A Walnut St., Bowie, TX 76230. The BEDC Board of Directors shall have 60 days to consider all bids. 16,18,19cts Auto 2013 GMC YUKON XL AWD Stock# D62434. Special pricing, $42,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-8725455. 2012 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Stock# C65897. Special pricing, $25,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-8725455. 2010 DODGE CALIBER Stock# 15941. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2012 DODGE 1500 Stock# 15940. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! Call Kathy at 940-872-2247 to advertise! 2003 SUMMER CLEARANCE JEEP WRANGLER EVENT Stock# 15912. BMG Auto, New 2016 Dodge Char- 940-626-8000. 19-20c gers. $7,495 Discount! Selling price, $21,995. Klement CJD, US 287 North, 2013 Decatur. 1-800-723-7227. MINI COOPER pb Stock# 15727. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2011 CHEVY CORVETTE Stock# B01293. Special pricing, $3447,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940872-5455. 2015 GMC YUKON DENALI 2WD Stock# F85916. Special pricing, $17,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-8725455. Employment DRIVER NEEDED FOR PNEUMATIC TANKER Hauling frac sand, 2 year experience, health insurance, will train to unload trailers. Call Lynda for more information 817-996-9786 or 817-996-9917. 16-23pd 2013 GMC YUKON XL AWD Stock# D62434. Special pricing, $42,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-8725455. 2013 NISSAN ALTIMA Stock# D64534. Special pricing, $16,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-872-5455. www.lipscombautocenter. com. 2012 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Stock# C65897. Special pricing, $25,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-8725455. 2008 ACURA TL Stock# 15889. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2011 NISSAN ARMADA Stock# 15967. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2005 GMC 3500 CREW FLAT BED DRW Stock# 546551. Special pricing, $17,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2012 DODGE AVENGER Stock# 15939 . BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2015 GMC 1500 CREW Stock# F29660. Special pricing, $39,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-872-5455. www.lipscombautocenter. com. 2012 GMC ACADIA Stock# C21151. Special pricing, $24,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-8725455. SPIKES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Is looking for licensed journeyman electricians. Call 940-626-1112 to apply. TECL#22088. 17-24cts 2013 DODGE CHALLENGER Stock# 15884. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2016 CHEVY 2500 CREW Stock# G09478. Special pricing, $58,900. Lipscomb Auto Center 940-8725455. 2010 HYUNDAI GENESIS Stock# 15522. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c POST JOB HERE Call Kathy at 872-2247. 2010 MERCEDES C300 Stock# 15862. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2008 FORD EXPEDITION Stock# 15842. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c 2009 AUDI S5 Stock# 15739. BMG Auto, 940-626-8000. 19-20c To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. 8B Weekend August 27, 2016 CLASSIFIEDS Your Montague County News Source Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Garage Sales Employment PATTERSON OF BOWIE Is looking for a full time General Technician. Please apply at Wagonseller Rd. and US Hwy 287 North Access Rd., Bowie, TX 76230. Pay based on experience. EOE. 19-22cts TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED In Bowie yard. Class ACDL with tanker endorsement. Must have truck driving exp. Call 940-736-0758 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm only. 17-24cts NOCONA DAY CARE Is in need of experienced, reliable person who loves and cares for children. Part-time, 3-4 days a week. 8 hrs. a day for Toddler room. 940-825-5044. 19-26pd LIPSCOMB AUTO CENTER Is now hiring for a Service Advisor. Experience preferred. Five day work week, paid holidays, paid vacation, insurance and 401K available. Salary and commissions. Apply in person ONLY at 14135 US Hwy 287, Bowie. 11tfc RENAISSANCE CARE CENTER Is now hiring for Weekend RN Supervisor. Competitive wages and benefits, newly remodeled 5 star facility, deficiency free. Apply in person at 1400 Blackhill Drive. Apply today and start a new journey with an amazing team. pb Piano Tuning COLE PIANO TUNING Call Randy Cole at 940841-1320 for your free estimate today or email Find us on Facebook. tfcnc Services PENSKE LOGISTICS Drivers needed: immediate openings. Excellent Pay, Full Comprehensive Benefits, Retirement Plan. Call Penske Logistics 1-855395-5507. GRACE CARE CENTER OF NOCONA Grace Care Center of Nocona is taking application for C N A’s for the 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. shift, part time For Sale housekeeper, part time cook and full time dietary aide. Come by 306 Caro2009 JAY FEATHER lyn Road, Nocona, Texas 30FT TRAVEL TRAILER to apply. No Phone Calls. Bunkhouse. Sleeps 9, one 101tfc owner (non-smoker), new tires, battery, great condiSMALL ENGINE TECHS tion. $12,500. 940-7336910. 17-24cts POST OAK MEDIA More than 100 years combined experience in professional design. Logos, business cards, fliers, posters, brochures, invitations, advertising design and more. Let our award winning design team create a poster, flier or brochure for your next event!! Call 940872-2076. Visit to view products that our award winning art department has designed. North Texas Farm & Ranch and Oklahoma Farm & Ranch magazines, LiveIt magazine, The North Texas Hill Country Guide, The Montague County Guide and more! Call us today to get a job estimate. DAVIS & DAVIS MACHINE SHOP “We repair starters, alternators, magnetos, heads, and more” 111 E. Wise, Bowie. 940-872-2612. NEED A END DUMP ROCK TRUCK DRIVER With CDL. End dump and water hauling. Duncan oilfield construction and equipment. 817-271-0681 or 940-683-6512, 940-5770047. 16-23pd CHANEY TRUCKING is now hiring CDL drivers for Aggregate hauling. Minimum 1 year experience. Must pass drug screen and be able to work full-time. Competitive benefits package available. Paid vacation. Regional trucking. HOME EVERY NIGHT! Call Daniel 1-800-4486323. 12-19cts GARLAND MATERIALS LLC www.garlandmaterials. com 940-433-5178. Located at 3508 East Hwy 114 Rhome, TX 76078. Delivery available. PHILLIPS AUTO SALVAGE 9812 U.S. Hwy 287, Bowie. Used parts, 600 pick ups, beds, motors, tailgates, etc. Call Wendell at 940872-1513. INDUSTRIAL DIESEL SERVICE Complete auto & truck repair, 24 hr. towing & recovery. 917 Hwy 81 N., Bowie. 940-872-1751. Allen, 940-531-0368, Evan 940-531-8150. A-5 SERVICES LLC TXDLR#59478WLP. Drilling, Water well service & rehab, windmills & solar, parts & supplies, dozer, skid steer, excavator, grubbing. Rob Hankins 940-841-3365, Josh Ramsey 940-366-6270, Steve Fincher 940-841-1388. Call us today for your estimate! $40/monthly 25 word line ad, Call Kathy Miller, classified rep., 940872-2247. HOUSE LEVELING AND FOUNDATION REPAIR Level brick homes with slab or pier and beam. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Call 940-691-0668 or 940-7331307. 08-30pd BUZBEE FENCE AND WELDING Post driving and post digging, skid steer work, farm and heavy equipment repair, barbed wire cable pipe fence, fabrication, oilfield, mesquite tree grubbing. Steel buildings. Chance Buzbee, 940-2301325. JW WELDS Aluminum / Steel TIG Welding, Farm & Heavy Equipment Repair, Mobile & In-Shop Repair & Fabrication. 972-322-2720. TRAILER STORAGE, INC. 11026 Hwy 287 South, Rhome, TX. 817-625-8254, Find us on facebook. NUNN MANUFACTURING 1144 Sheppard Access Rd, Wichita Falls, 940-7676000, www.nunnhomes. com. Legacy, Clayton, Fleetwood, Palm Harbor and Sky Line homes. Come visit us today!!! TECHNOLOGY DOCTOR Diana Higgins, 940-3660911. House calls available! Computer repair, upgrades, virus cleaning, home and business networking. AVON THE COMPANY FOR WOMEN Kimberli Stagg, Independent Sales Rep. 785-3049155, DARREN GILL HEATING & A/C LIC#TACLB27398E. Bowie. 940-841-1053. Serving Montague and surrounding counties. CREATIVE CAKES And salad bar. All occasion cakes bakery and lunch buffet. 104 N. Smythe St. Bowie. 940-872-3864. Stop in today for yummy treat and lunch! DOS CHILES 1001 W. Wise, Bowie. 940872-4909. ADVERTISE HERE! DUTY’S DIRT All types of hauling and excavating. Deliver fill dirt, house pads, clear & level lots, etc. 940-627-6868. 5 miles south of Decatur. NOW ACCEPTING “CUTEST PET” SUBMISSIONS At www.bowienewsonline. com. Final day for submissions will be Aug. 31st. To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. Your Montague County News Source CLASSIFIEDS 9B Weekend August 27, 2016 Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Services FANDEL’S AC & HEATING Sales and services on all makes and model. 24 hour service to all areas. Closed Sundays. 940-872-4779. Accept MC and Visa. EVANS & ASSOCIATES REALTY, LLC 940-872-8600. 903 Hwy 59 N. Video tours available, view our listings at www. Brenda Evans, broker. Stop in today and let our staff get you into your dream home!!! JOINER IRRIGATION Maintenance repair, drip specialist, custom installs, retro-fits, upgrades. Caleb Joiner, M.S. Geophysics, #22690. 940-231-3972. DEF RECYCLING Buying all metals. Top prices paid! Open Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm and Saturday 7:30am-noon. 940-6652800. 700 E. Scott St. Gainesville. BETTY’S HEALTH AND BEAUTY 112 W. Tarrant St., Bowie. 940-872-1399. LONESTAR BACKHOE AND SEPTIC New installation and septic clean out. Competitive pricing! Storm cellars, septic systems, septic clean out, rock, top soil and fill dirt. Owners Bobby Staats and Jonathan Gresham-veteran. 940-841-1736. J&S TRUCKING Gravel, sand and dirt. Johnathan Fennell, Alvord. 940-389-9714. 15-22cts TIM ADAMS HEATING, COOLING & REFRIGERATION 940-841-3690 or 940-8729090. TACLB019651C. Serving Montague and surrounding counties. Call for your estimate today. Professional/fast services! KNTX AM1410, local news, weather and sports! Monday through Friday. Tune in for all your sports live coverage. COLE PIANO TUNING Call Randy Cole at 940841-1320 for your free estimate today or email randy@colepianotuning. com. Also find us on Facebook. tfcnc FENOGLIO BAIL BONDS 940-894-3361. “Your feet back on the street.” Located in Montague. TIM ADAMS HEATING, COOLING & REFRIGERATION 940-841-3690 or 940-8729090. TACLB019651C. Call for your estimate. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Repairs. Dry wall, paint work, wood work. Call 940-872-1276 or 940-8410552. a cottage florist & gifts Our family proudly serving your family since 1969. Highest quality fresh flowers, plants, home decor., gift baskets, snack and gourmet baskets and candles. Owners, Bob and Carrie Aune. 211 E. Tarrant St., Bowie, 940-872-1161. One-of-a-kind gifts for all your gift giving needs! Stop by today and browse and remember to check out our amazing sales. LIPSCOMB AUTO CENTER Hwy 287 N. Bowie, TX. 940-872-5455. Stop by today for amazing deals on your next vehicle. Our staff is here to assist you in all your needs! STAY IN THE LOOP for all your Sports, Breaking News, School News, Obits and more! Our advertising staff is here to assist in all your advertising needs! DEF RECYCLING Buying all metals. Top prices paid! Open Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm and Saturday 7:30am-noon. 940-6652800. 700 E. Scott St. Gainesville. CUSTOM SIGNS A to Z. Professional Services, 940-894-6724. Call now for your estimate. SUE SWINT REALTY “Working with you today so your family can enjoy tomorrow!” Trusted since 1976. 940-872-5424. ENDERBY GAS INC. “When you need propane we’re there, and have been since 1969.” PO Box 1103 Hwy 59 North, Bowie. Stop by and see us today! HACKETTS CUSTOM SIDING & METAL ROOF A windows. 940-825-5400; 940-872-0913. LEDANCE THEATRICAL 206 N. Mason, Downtown Bowie. 940-872-4538 MonFri 10-5 Sat. 10-4. Many sales and clearance items. New merchandise arriving daily. New Jackrabbit Spirit wear arriving! SMALL ENGINE SERVICE & REPAIR BABCO OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT. Mowers and more. South Hwy 59 at Bugscuffle Ln., 940-5774068. Google us!13-20cts WHITE’S MAGNETO & SUPPLY Repairing all makes and models including John Deere. 1413 E. Wise St., Bowie, 940-872-2331. Hours Mon-Fri 8am-5pm; Saturday 8am-noon. Stop in today for amazing prices and customer service. SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BUY & SELL Lawn/Garden, ATV/UTV, Jet Ski. Enjuns-on the run. Scott Nobile, 940-8410333 or Ryder Nobile, 940232-0553. ARTS EXTERMINATORS Commercial and Residential. 940-322-8771 or 800789-8539. ART & DESIGN SHOW Sept. 9-11. HESS MEAT MARKET INC We process all wild game. 605 N. Mesquite St. Muenster, 940-759-2744. Custom process, beef, sheep, hogs, goats. A cut above the rest! After hours call 940-736-4474. DECATUR LUMBER COMPANY 901 E. Bus. 380, Decatur, Texas. 940-627-5962; 888627-5962. Hours MondayFriday 7:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Call today!!! AFFORDABLE FENCING All types, including chain link, wood, privacy, vinyl, farm fencing, installation or repairs. 940-626-9290. 13-20cts WOODS CUSTOM TRAILER Now doing road calls, portable tire and welding service, 940-872-5266. After hours, 940-366-4854. All credit cards accepted. 78-21pd Wanted HUNTING LEASE WANTED Mature middle aged hunter looking for year around hunting lease, small lease for personal hunting or large lease for group of hunters and long time friends. Contact Grant at 972-632-8653. 13-20pd KEVIN MOORE ROOFING Hand nailed, Commercial and Residential. Hot tops, Shingles, Patch Jobs, Complete Roofs. We got you covered! Owner Kevin Moore, 940-872-1014 or 940-841-4381. Roofing done Right! Call today to set up a consultation and estimate. Customer satisfaction. tfc GUARANTEED ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION 940-322-7663. Alvord. Call today for your estimate. TELLO STONE WORK Retaining walls, patios, any type of stone or concrete work. 817-919-4487. 15-22pd OTTOS DIRT SERVICE Do you dream of a private lake or pond on your property? We can help!, 1-800882-3478. Specializing in Design & Construction of Private & Recreational. Call today and set up an appointment to start creating your dream pond! To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie.
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