Classifieds - Bowie News
CLASSIFIEDS 8B Mid-Week June 22, 2016 Your Montague County News Source Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Legal Notice INVITATION TO BID BID #16-181 BID TITLE: SEALED BIDS FOR BASE ROCK #1, #2, AND OVERSIZE ROCK The period of the bid will be for one year from the acceptance of the bid. We also reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids as to be considered for the best interest of the county. Sealed Bids will be received in the Montague County Auditor’s Office until Monday, July 11, 2016, at 8:45 A.M. Bids will be formally awarded in Commissioners Court on Monday, July 11, 2016, at 9:00 A.M. in the Commissioners Courtroom, Montague Texas. Please send SEALED bids to Montague County Auditor Jennifer Essary either by mail at PO Box 56, Montague, Texas 76251 or in person at the Montague County Auditor’s Office, Jennifer Essary in the Montague County Annex in Montague, Texas. For questions please contact Montague County Auditor, Jennifer Essary at 940-894-6090 or Montague County reserves the right to accept any bids or reject all bids and to waive any irregularities. 103-02cts NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Betty A. Hopson, Deceased, were issued on June 16, 2016, in Cause No. 16P042, pending in the County Court of Montague County, Texas, to: Thomas W. Hopson. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: C. Dan Campbell Attorney at Law 4245 Kemp Blvd. Suite 800 Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 DATED the 16th day of June, 2016. C. Dan Campbell Attorney for Thomas W. Hopson State Bar No.: 03694700; 4245 Kemp Blvd. Suite 800 Wichita Falls, TX 76308; Telephone: 940-696-5015 Facsimile: 940-691-3274; email: cdancampbell1@ 104cts Auto 2013 INFINITI QX56 Stock# D30318. Special pricing, $38,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2015 CHEVY IMPALA Stock# FA1631. Special pricing, $26,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2015 CHEVY 1500 CREW Z71 4WD Stock# F03755. Special pricing, $44,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2015 GMC YUKON XL Stock# F57638. Special pricing, $49,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2016 CHEVY 3500 REG CAB AND CHASS CRW Stock# G96594. Special pricing, $35,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2014 INFINITI Q50 Stock# E83593. Special pricing, $29,500. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. OTR DRIVERS NEEDED 0.40¢ CPM first 90 days, then 0.42¢ CPM. Health insurance after 60 days. Call Michael at 940-644-1823. RWRC, Inc. 101-104cts 2016 DODGE CHARGER Stock# GD4608. Special pricing, $32,500. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. NOW HIRING CLASS A-CDL DRIVERS Great home time, great pay, average pay $1,000+ weekly - Direct deposit. Late model equipment. Call 888-317-6356 ext. 101 or ext. 102. 100-04pd VENTURE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIONS In Bridgeport is now hiring experienced apprentice and journeyman electricians and HVAC professionals with tools. Apply online at ventureindinc. com; 940-683-3283. 100-03pd 2011 DODGE 3500 MEGA CAB 2WD Stock# B33939. Special pricing, $29,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2014 CADILLAC ESCALADE XL 2WD Stock# E05564. Special pricing, $51,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. 2011 TOYOTA TACOMA CREW CAB 4WD Stock# B09940. Special pricing, $25,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)8725455. Employment DW’S VIDEO BELLEVUE Has immediate opening for nights and weekends. Must be 21 or older. Apply in person at Wichita Falls location, 2001 Sheppard Access Rd. 101-04pd CLASS CDL DRIVERS Needed for grain harvest. Room and board provided. 817-821-0711 or 817-578SENIOR CARE 1129. Call today! BRIDGEPORT 97-104pd Is now hiring CNAs for all shifts. 940-683-5023. Join our team today! NOW HIRING CDL DRIVERS With 2 yr experience oilfield/environmental construction/transportation. PEC Homeland Certificate helpful. Out of town jobs, paid weekly, insurance AFLAC, paid vacation and more. Call Daniel 1-800448-6323. 100-03cts GRACE CARE CENTER OF NOCONA Grace Care Center of Nocona is taking application for C N A’s for the 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. shift, part time housekeeper, part time cook and full time dietary aide. Come by 306 Carolyn Road, Nocona, Texas to apply. No Phone Calls. 101tfc HIRING? Call Kathy Miller at 940872-2247 to place ad or email Money Matters, be seen twice a week for double results. Stop by 200 Walnut St. CLAY COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Openings for full time LVN and RN. Excellent benefits: Employer paid healthcare insurance, retirement, vacation/sick leave. Contact Linda R. Burleson, HR Director, 310 W. South Street Henrietta, TX. 940-5385621 ext. 102, Burleson@ SPIKES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Is looking for licensed journeyman electricians. Call 940-626-1112 to apply. TECL#22088. 97-104cts To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. Your Montague County News Source CLASSIFIEDS 9B Mid-Week June 22, 2016 Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services HOUSE LEVELING AND FOUNDATION REPAIR Level brick homes with slab or pier and beam. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Call 940-691-0668 or 940-7331307. 88-07pd Farm & Ranch CUSTOM HAY BALING: Montague area. Net wrapped bales. Horse and cow hay for sale. Milton 940-368-2781 or Jake 940368-1507. 100-11cts For Sale FOR SALE: SKID STEERS, BACKHOES, DOZERS, EXCAVATORS And all types of farm equipment. We also buy all types of construction and farm equipment. 940-7369999. 102-04cts Services WOODS CUSTOM TRAILER Now doing road calls, portable tire and welding service, 940-872-5266. After hours, 940-366-4854. All credit cards accepted. 78-21pd $40/monthly 25 word line ad, Call Kathy Miller, classified sales representative, at 940-8722247. Call or stop by 200 Walnut St. today! AFFORDABLE FENCING All types, including chain link, wood, privacy, vinyl, farm fencing, installation or repairs. 940-626-9290. 101-04cts MINI EXCAVATOR With operator: 18 inch bucket. Sunset. Call Randy 214-679-3621. 101-04cts BONDED HOUSE/ RANCH SETTING Have your animals treated like royalty! 817-2290288. 98-106pd HACKETTS CUSTOM SIDING & METAL ROOF 940-825-5400; 940-8720913. Call today to set up a consultation and estimate. You will not be sorry that you did! Call today!! “MATH LIKE THIS” (STAAR TEST & MORE) Is your child struggling in math? STAAR testing anxiety? Call Kagan Love today at 512-808-7729 to schedule a tutoring session for your child. $35 an hour TIM ADAMS HEATING, at 4822 Kemp Blvd. WichiCOOLING ta Falls. Visit mathlikethis. & REFRIGERATION com for more information. 940-841-3690 or 940-872 tfcnc 9090. TACLB019651C. POST OAK MEDIA More than 100 years combined experience in professional design. Logos, business cards, fliers, posters, brochures, car decals, banners, invitations, advertising design, letterheads, envelopes and more. Let our award winning design team create a poster, flier or brochure for your next event!! Call 940-872-2076. Visit to view samples of our products that our award winning art department has designed and produced. North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, Oklahoma Farm & Ranch magazine, LiveIt magazine, The North Texas Hill Country Guide, Forever The Bride Resource, The Montague County Guide and The Bowie News, plus more! Call us Today! TOM HORN REAL ESTATE 319 Clay St., Nocona, 940825-6094. Our land inventory is running low....We would love to have your listing. Lake properties, residential or commercial. Always do the right thing! Hometown Team: Tom Horn, broker; Paul O’Dwyer, Matt Fenoglio Macy Lemons, Judy Moore and Angie Odom. EVANS & ASSOCIATES REALTY, LLC 940-872-8600. 903 Hwy 59 N. Video tours available, view our listings at www. Brenda Evans, broker. Stop in today and let our staff get you into your dream home!!! DECATUR LUMBER COMPANY 901 E. Bus. 380, Decatur, Texas. 940-627-5962; 888627-5962. Hours MondayFriday 7:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come in today! OSCAR AERIAL SPRAYING Weeds, brush, cactus, wheat, liquid/dry application, cattle penning, hog/ coyote eradication, deer surveys, long line work, advanced helicopter training. 940-704-9682. Call today for estimate! HOMESTEAD METALS RECYCLING Open to public: Aluminum cans, tin & iron, radiators, copper, brass, wheels, batteries. 8-5 Mon-Fri; 8 a.m.noon. 235 FM 371 Gainesville, 940-668-0391. To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie.
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