The Vine – Vol 14, 11th September 2014
The Vine – Vol 14, 11th September 2014
The Newsletter of Oxley Christian College Issue No 14 11th September 2014 From The Principal Camp Calamity – Congratulations! Following the great success of the Senior School musical production Broadway Stories, we are now enjoying the excitement of the Junior School production Camp Calamity. With every student from Preps to Year 6 taking part, each year level performs an episode in the eventful day of Alexander and his endless school camp mishaps. Year 1 wakes up the campers for a very full day which includes the Preps Craft Activity, Year 2 Camp Concert, Year 3 Horse Riding, Year 4 Vegetable Challenge, Year 5 Canoeing, and Year 6 Basketball. This is a wonderful show with great performances from the students and audiences have enjoyed every minute. Obviously teachers have been extremely busy leading rehearsals. We congratulate everyone involved and look forward to the final performance tonight. This is the last Vine for Term 3. Alongside the impressive work achieved in classroom programs, Term highlights include International Week with the visit of Beijing No 57 School, Junior International Costume Parade and the Year 11 International Dinner, Senior Ensemble Concert, IPSHA Junior Choral Festival, Senior School Musical, Inter School Debating, Tournament of Minds, Book Week, Pre-School Kookaburra and Echidna Groups Dad’s Nights, the recent Year 9 Challenge Camp and Duke of Edinburgh Camp, and Junior District Sports, EISM Winter Sports and Championships. Year 10 have their formal dinner tomorrow night and we look forward to Senior School Parent Teacher Evenings next week. I feel privileged to be part of this school community as together we pursue the blessings of a Christian education. Sally Broadley Devotion Reaching for Change Oxley students distributing shoeboxes in Cambodia (January 2014) The state of many existing schools in Cambodia Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Earlier in the year I had the incredible experience of accompanying a group of nine students to Cambodia. It was life changing. On embarking on a missions trip, you often go into it with the mindset of ‘how am I going to help’ or ‘what difference can I make’. Yet on reflection, it is usually you that is impacted, your mindset changed, your future redirected. It is encouraging to hear from past students who have been on this same trip in previous years. They speak of how the trip actually gave them their life focus, fine tuned their direction and gave them their current passion. Cambodia was devastated by the impacts of the Khmer Rouge, with its infrastructure destroyed, its teachers, doctors and leaders murdered or chased away. As we toured Cambodia we were struck by just how devastating, for generations, this regime had been. The lack of education stood out, as schools had been shut down and most destroyed. It meant that employment opportunities were few and far between; hygiene was not a priority; farming practices were antiquated and simplistic; basic water filtration was unavailable etc. Due to this, Cambodians, especially those in rural areas are very vulnerable and susceptible to mistreatment. Many venture into Thailand, illegally seeking food and work and are often used as slave labour. When I look at many of the current situations around the world, especially with ISIS in Iraq, I can’t help but think in many ways it is history repeated. Do we throw up our hands in despair? What can we do? It really is a difficult situation, which we hope and pray our world leaders can help resolve. They are situations we ourselves need to pray into and hope that God will prevail, peace will come. “ Yet on reflection, it is usually you that is impacted, your mindset changed, your future redirected. considering it has been completely student led. There is still $3,000 left to raise, with a few small fundraisers currently in the works. Reaching For Change (RFC) is one of these initiatives, where students have the opportunity to give small change during their Home Group time into money tins. To think, if every student gave just $3, we’d be almost there! Your incredible generosity as a school community is so greatly appreciated. We have given out over 500 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes already. Having witnessed the distribution of these gifts, you really cannot imagine just how much they are loved and cherished by the children that receive them, or how heart breaking it is to see some children who gather around and watch, because there are not enough for them. I commend those families who are taking the time and money to invest in the life of a child through the giving of a shoebox, or who have helped donate towards the building project in Cambodia. ,, I have loved watching however, the response shown by our students on their return from Cambodia. Throughout the year, they have continued to raise the issues of Cambodia amongst their peers and committed to raising an ambitious $10,000 by the end of the year. These funds will go towards building a new school in one of the poorest parts of rural Cambodia. Where new schools are built, enrolments increase. Samaritan’s Purse also starts other projects like ‘Bikes for Kids’ where children are given bikes, enabling them to get to school, or ‘Chickens for Kids’ where the home is impacted with sustainable food and income. Then of course, the all important water filtration projects are also introduced. Education is a key to recovery for Cambodia! So far almost $7,000 has been raised, an incredible effort Haydn Wilde returns the first of many Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Thanks Haydn! In January 2015 a group of 15 students and 3 staff will venture out on a similar trip. They get to see first hand the community that these shoeboxes and building project will directly impact! Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Pastor Matt Chaplain Senior School One more week to go before Term 3 ends! Next week we hope to meet with many parents at our Parent (Student) Teacher interview nights on Tuesday and Thursday. We do encourage students to attend these interviews. Hopefully many families will have booked interviews already. In the last few days parents will have received Interim Reports for Semester 2 – the information in these reports will help you to identify which teachers you would like to meet, if you do not feel the need to meet with all teachers. For students doing Year 12 subjects, the reports are more comprehensive, as it is the final report for those subjects. Instructions on how to book Parent Teacher interviews are contained in the letter posted with the Interim Reports. This week we have welcomed back our Year 9s. This year, for the first time, there were two different Year 9 camps. Students enrolled in the Duke of Edinburgh program were in the Eildon region, while students on the other Year 9 camp were in the Strathbogie Ranges. Both camps experienced tough weather conditions early in the week. While this can put a damper on some activities, it does give students a sense of achievement as they survive and conquer the elements. There are two major events in the College this week. The Senior School will be supporting the Junior School production on Wednesday and Thursday evening. Then on Friday night our Year 10 students will enjoy their year level dinner at Karralyka. A number of dances have been learned within the PE program in preparation for this event. Our focus is also on supporting our Year 12 students at this time of year. In most subjects they are finishing off the last of any new curriculum, completing final SACs, and beginning to focus earnestly on revision and practice examinations. Feel free to support them with your prayer. Geoff Roberts-Thomson Deputy Principal - Head of Senior School Congratulations Congratulations to Andy & Lyvia Knee on the arrival of their baby girl, Elkie on the 25th August weighing 7.5lbs. Army Regime comes to Chapel “Army Regime”, a hip hop band from New York, stopped by Oxley during Senior School Chapel on Tuesday 2nd September. Presenting an interactive gospel message of hope, they encouraged our students to dream big, never give up, and to be all God has called them to be. A highlight, much to the enjoyment of the student body, was when the teachers were invited on stage and learned how to dance ‘Army Regime’ style! Junior School At the time of writing, our Junior School students and staff are busy preparing for the Dress Rehearsal of ‘Camp Calamity’. Classes are fine-tuning their performance and looking forward to showcasing their talent for family and friends. We thank all the staff and parents who have willingly given of their time and energy to ensure this event is a success. We hope that you enjoyed the show! Our annual Years 3-6 Basketball Competition will be held on the last day of term, Friday 19th September. The students have been training with their senior coaches and are keen to take to the court and have fun. Parents are invited to join us in the Stadium to help cheer on our players. The first game commences at 10.00am. Thank you to our Year 3 students for organising a successful Father’s Day Stall for Junior School students. We are sure there were many happy dads on Sunday! Year 3 students will use the profits raised from this stall to purchase items for the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas boxes. All Junior School students and their families are invited to fill shoeboxes with gifts for the Operation Christmas Child program. NAPLAN results were distributed to all students in Years 3 and 5 this week. Whilst these results represent your child’s performance in a ‘one off’ test, our capable staff use many forms of data, collected over time, to inform their teaching and learning. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you have questions or wish to discuss the report further. We wish to take this opportunity to thank Ms Sian Brewer for her enthusiastic support of 2A whilst Mr Tim Ashmore was on leave and Mrs Joanne Hutchinson, who worked tirelessly as our PE replacement for Mrs Emma Ashmore. We wish these two ladies all the best in their future endeavours and hope to see them at Oxley again soon. We look forward to welcoming the Ashmore’s back to Oxley in Term 4 and hearing all about their adventures. As students return from a well-earned break in Term 4, they may wear summer or winter uniform during the two week transition time. Please ensure girls’ summer dresses are at the correct length, with the hem at the bottom of the knee. We pray that our staff, students and their families have a safe and relaxing holiday. “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39 Sharee Gaiser Head of Junior School What Did You Do at School Today? Kinderoo At Kinderoo we had a puppet show incursion “The Cow Jumped Over the Moon”. All the children enjoyed and shared in the humour of this interactive story. The children were very excited to choose their favourite puppet at the end and to have a turn behind the puppet theatre with Mrs Drummond. William and his dad Jonathan Pre-School This week we have continued our learning about the human body, looking in particular at the senses, the skeleton and the heart. Holly’s mum lent us her stethoscope so we could listen to our heartbeat. At library with Mrs Saward we discussed the difference between fiction and non-fiction books and were excited to be able to borrow from the non-fiction section for the first time. We also caught up with our Year 3 buddies for stories, a chat and a play… Last Friday we had our Kinderoo Sports Day in celebration of Father’s Day. We had an enjoyable time with all the dads. Nathan, Lucas & Lincoln Eleanor and her dad Michael Green team Mitch, Elijah & Mason In order to celebrate our dads we held a special Father’s Evening, which was a lot of fun. The children had the opportunity to play games with their dads and to show them some of the learning we have been doing in the classroom. We shared a story on the mat together before handing out cards and gifts that the children had made, then finished the evening with a delicious supper. Lachlan and his Dad Adam San Lian and her dad Vung Preps We smiled and smiled as we sang our song on stage. We were so excited to go up on the stage and perform in front of all the Mums, Dads, Grandmas, Grandpas and other special visitors. We remembered all the actions, all the words and remembered to keep smiling too. It was so much fun. Thank you to everyone for coming to watch. Year 1 Year 1 has been very busy. We loved the Book Week incursion, especially the singing and dancing – some of us even had the chance to help out the performers. We also enjoyed seeing some of our favourite picture books. It was so much fun performing at the Junior School production and we knew our parts really well. We are all fantastic singers and dancers! Year 2 During the last fortnight the Year 2s have been working hard practising their songs for the concert. I am sure you will all enjoy seeing them perform in the Junior School musical ‘Camp Calamity’. Our topic this term has been life cycles. The students are producing amazing posters showing everything they know about their chosen animal’s life cycle. As well as learning about life cycles, they are also learning valuable note-taking and presentation skills. Year 3 Year 3 had a wonderful time preparing and serving the Junior School through the Father’s Day Stall. There was much excitement as the products were carefully arranged, sales slogans were developed and crazy hats were worn! The Year 3s enjoyed assisting the Junior School students with their purchases. We learned some important values of putting others’ needs before our own and that we are blessed to be a blessing. We look forward to packing goodies into shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse with the money raised from the stall. Year 4 Lights, cameras, action! We have had fun creating the movements and action for our Camp Calamity item. It has been a magnificent team effort. We each had the opportunity to contribute ideas and suggestions to make our song fun and enjoyable. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We’re looking forward to finding out the processes of farming at the Yakult factory and at Chesterfield Farm. We will work in the school’s vegetable garden and find some yummy things to cook at the Barn. Year 5 “Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, at the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more.” Year 5 students are thinking deeply about the themes and issues embedded within the text ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis and are making some wonderful connections between Aslan and the hope that we have in Christ. In addition, Year 5 students have been researching and finalising their reports on amazing discoveries and inventions that scientists in the past have made. These important ideas have often been built upon by other scientists helping us to enjoy many of the medicines and technologies that we enjoy today. Year 6 Year 6 students are enjoying performing in the ‘Basketball Rap’ item for ‘Camp Calamity’! They look spectacular in their costumes and have learned their song and actions really well. They are also looking forward to an excursion to IMAX Theatre to see ‘Forces of Nature’ – an impressive movie about volcanoes, tornadoes and earthquakes. Year 6s are also excited about the Junior House Basketball Competition next Friday. A fabulous end to the term! Students of the Week Week beginning Monday 25th August 1T 1J 2M 2A 3B 3L 4K 4G 5T 5J 6S 6L Jazmine Kanter Aston Smith Jak Van De Velde Max Broadley-Thomson Zara Shepherd Riley Haycraft Emily Sopar Audrey Lyons Ella Whiting-Le Cras Rosha Rajabi Siahboomi Tara Bell & Jessica Dziadosz John Sopar Sport Senior Sport Senior Girls A Netball Team Season Report The Senior Girls A Netball Team finished the season with a well-deserved victory over Donvale Christian College. It was a pleasure to play Donvale for our last game, as it is always played in such a good spirit. The team only lost one game for the season, the first match against Bialik. It appears we just missed out on the Finals. Just like last year, the team were playing excellent netball as the season finished. The team consisted of: Goal Keeper - Jane Pryor (12.8) competed valiantly and was an invaluable member of the team. Thanks Jane for a top season. Goal Defence - Cassandra Slaven (12.8) who was outstanding with her ability to intercept the opposition passes and put us into attack. She was our ‘Rock of Gibraltar’. A great year Cassie! Wing Defence - Nikola Canov (11.13). Nikki’s outstanding speed and great positioning enabled her to pressurise the opposition each time they came forward, causing many turnovers. Nikki really improved her passing this year and was another fine player in defence. Centre - Laura Walsh (12.7). Laura’s direction as Centre made her a key part of the team’s movement of the ball. Laura ran incessantly making position and directing the play. Well played Laura. Wing Attack - Bridie Weston (10.3). Bridie was new to the team this year and once she convinced the coach to play her in her correct position, she was almost mistake free as Wing Attack. Bridie’s passing was almost faultless making her an important reason for our long run without defeat. She certainly attacks the ball hard. Well done Bridie! Goal Attack - Elizabeth Cutting (12.10). Liz was our Captain and her leadership kept driving the girls to keep running. This, together with her hard running, excellent catching, rebounding and sure shooting made her our most valuable player. Congratulations on your season Liz! Goal Shooter - Sharon Taylor (11.16). Sharon was another girl who debuted this year and was certainly not out of place in a high standard competition. Sharon made excellent position and caught and shot well. She combined very well with Liz! Well done Sharon! Maddison Ebeyer (10.1) – 3 games and Jorja O’Connor (10.2) - 1 game, also played and gathered excellent experience for next year. Thanks girls. Don Harrison Coach EISM Senior Girls Hockey Season Report The Senior Girls Hockey Team had a smashing year! Starting off the season with a 2-0 win, the girls remained strong through most of the competition. With a few unfortunate games towards the end, we were unluckily knocked out of the Finals. A special mention goes to Maddy Bale (10.3) for being an excellent and consistent goalkeeper, saving many goals and showing great skill. With our strong defending team consisting of Anita Odd (11.13), Brooke Soffici (11.13), Abigail Vos (11.16), Sandra Li (10.4), Rebecca Janczuk (10.3) and Rachel Aing (11.16), we managed to keep the ball in our attacking half for the majority of playing time. Tahlie Arena (11.16), Alannah Edyvane (10.2), Megan Hallang (10.1), Manon Schey (10.3) and Elysia Yee (10.4) worked well in the forward line, showing great teamwork and cooperation to set up goals and face the tough defenders of other schools. As a whole, I commend the girls on a terrific season and cannot wait for the season to come. Georgia Fredericks Team Captain It was a pleasure to work with the Senior Girls Hockey team throughout the Winter Season. They bonded together well as a team and were very supportive of each other regardless of whether they were winning or losing. Congratulations to the entire team, as well as Cuai Cuai Thihlum (10.1), who was an amazing contributor to our team for the first half of the season. A special mention goes to Georgia Fredericks (11.13) for being recognised as the Most Valuable Player and Tahlie Arena (11.16) for being voted the Best Team Player for this season. Nicole Latham Coach EISM Year 7 Netball Season Report We had many players try out for two teams so the first tough challenge was to pick the teams! A-team finished with one win, a draw and 3 losses. B-team remained winless for the season. A reminder from that season record was to celebrate the small successes and not have our weekly happiness determined by our sporting results! The positive attitude and perseverance shown in all games was admirable. The girls played with unity always, and what a pleasureable sight that was each week. Special thanks to Amber Schmolling (7.16) for leading the Ateam well as Captain and Georgia Gellert (7.16), her capable Vice Captain. Season awards and stats include: Most Valued Player (MVP) A Team: Alicia Madigan (7.16) followed by Amber Schmolling (7.16) and Miranda Gartner (7.17). Alicia was our reliable Goal Shooter and had many mid court dashes. MVP B team: Sarah Hudson (7.17) followed by Verity Runje (7.16) and Casey Wallace (7.14). Sarah provided many intercepts and rebounds as Goal Keeper. Best Team Player A Team: Georgia Gellert (7.16) followed by Grace Muller (7.16) and Amber Schmolling (7.16). Georgia was Vice Captain and helped organise the team and played with an admirable positive attitude throughout. A selection process is in place with trials held for students who show promise and a desire to be a member of the Academy. The trials are conducted by an impartial selection team who do not know the players or their basketball playing history. Best Team Player B Team: Casey Wallace (7.14) followed by Chloe Wang (7.16) and Madeline Chester (7.17). Casey was receptive to feedback and always did her best. Trials for current Years 7 to 10 students who want to join the Academy in 2015 will take place in Term 4 and new enrolments for 2015 will be trialled at the start of next year. All students will be notified in advance of the trial dates that will take place in the Stadium at 7.20am over three days. Of the girls who shot a few goals in the A team, Amber Schmolling (7.16) was the most accurate at 54% but Alicia Madigan (7.16) was the most prolific, shooting 36 goals at 43% for the season (of games that statistics were taken). B team main goal scorers were Casey Wallace (7.14), Chloe Wang (7.16) and Madeline Ius (7.16). Other squad members who were a pleasure to coach included Isabella Aing (7.17), Chelsea Ball (7.17), Tabitha Cross-Ryan (7.16), Samantha Dixon (7.16), Madeline Ius (7.16), Brittany Jacinto-Garcia (7.16) and Chanse Mathers (7.14). Amber Schmolling (Captain and most accurate shooter) Sarah Hudson (B Team MVP) Basketball Academy trials Participation within the program is reviewed throughout the year if any of the following areas become of concern. •Academic performance (the grades of the student must be maintained at or above their average grades upon entry). •Attendance. •Work ethic and approach to academy sessions. •Performance (an adequate level of performance must be maintained to keep other prospective athletes out of your position). •Adherence to school rules (the same expectations apply to athletes within the program as for other Oxley Christian College students). •Conduct in or out of school bringing the Academy into disrepute. There are currently 23 members in the Basketball Academy that range from Years 7 to 11. Bethany AshleyCooper (11.13) has been a member for the past five years while Jakob Jones (10.2) and Jamie Gartner (10.1) have been members for four years. Gavin Fox Coach Basketball Academy goes digital Students in the Basketball Academy will now be able to get accurate feedback on their basketball skills through the use of new digital technology during training sessions. Students will be able to improve their shooting and dribbling through the use of a 94Fifty basketball, which is fitted with sensors that feed information to an iPhone or iPad. The sensors in the basketball use point-of-force technology to record data about the player’s shot and dribble, beaming it via Bluetooth LE to a nearby mobile device running the 94Fifty app. The goal is to teach muscle memory, shoot or dribble the ball consistently in one of 94Fifty’s timed drills, and then to repeat that action on court during a game. The ball can connect with devices within a 45 meter range which means players on the opposite end of the court will still be able to get immediate feedback on their game. By implementing this new technology in the Basketball Academy we add further value to the training of our talented and elite basketballers at Oxley. Bethany Jakob Jamie The students currently train together on Wednesday mornings at 7.20am in the Stadium. The Intermediate group (Years 9 to 11) train on Monday mornings before school in addition to their Wednesday training, while the Junior group (Years 7 and 8) train on Thursday mornings. The Academy is coordinated by Mr Kotze and skills coaching is conducted by Tim Mulhall, former semiprofessional basketball player. For more information on the Basketball Academy program, contact Mr Frederik Kotze 9727 9662. Frederik Kotze Head of Sport Year 9 Challenge Camp When I was abseiling with Francis (petrified) he said the following, which really stuck in my mind: “Do you know why we have fear? It’s to protect us from danger. But if we use our fear we can grow, use it to help us. If we never stepped out of our comfort zone we wouldn’t grow.” “Attitude is contagious, is yours worth catching?” I think this was very important to keep in mind on camp, as (especially on physically challenging trips) it is easy to focus on negatives and bring the team down. Stay positive! Grace Spratt (9.20) Now when I look back on camp it was truly amazing as it puts things into perspective and enables us to see how much we may take for granted. One of my favourite things was the adventure challenge at the end, I think it really brought our team together and pushed us to our limits. This camp, although very tough, I think it really helped us grow as people and put us out of our comfort zones, which I really think will help us in the future. Annie Walsh (9.21) The first day was extremely challenging with all the rain and cold weather. I was frustrated and dreading the rest of the week. As the week went along the weather improved as did the groups morale. The first hike was mostly uphill and was a good first hike for us as we enjoyed setting up and having lunch. Kayaking was also really fun even though it was freezing and tiring. The walk on Wednesday was horrible, as we got lost because of a gap in the map. We walked uphill and uphill with our packs and we were all near breakdown. We were thrilled when we saw Mrs Roediger at the campgrounds. We quickly set up camp and cooked our pizza pockets while warming by the fire and lying down. Thursday was probably the best as we rode bikes downhill to the abseiling base to conquer our fears and then we made our way back to the Charnwood cabins. We had a great sleep that night after the walks and sleeping on the ground had taken their toll on us. On Friday we competed against the other groups in a race around base camp. We enjoyed some great hot dogs for lunch as we finally said goodbye to our great guides and headed home. Noah Butterfield (9.21) I had a really good time on camp. Honestly at the start I didn’t want to go at all but I ended up learning a lot about myself and will definitely take a lot away from it. Abseiling was one thing that I pushed myself to do when I really didn’t want to, I was so scared but I forced myself to and now I am really happy I did. I learnt many other things like how to pack my bag efficiently and how to live without so many things like technology. I also learnt a lot about others in my group, I wasn’t 100% sure about everyone, but now I feel like I became great friends with everyone. I feel like I can walk away from this great experience knowing there is nothing more that I could get out of myself. I faced most things with a positive attitude and even the things I didn’t want to do – I went through with and completed them as well as I could. Jordan Dyason (9.19) During the lead up to camp, I was anxious, nervous and overall dreading the whole thing. I was afraid I wouldn’t be fit enough for it and was scared by the stories I had heard from others, like hiking for hours and going to the toilet in a hole! However, when camp started, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I tried my best to enjoy it and be positive, and ended up getting a lot out of it. Of course, there are parts during the hikes which were so painful and I felt like I had to scream, but it was amazing looking back to see what I (and the group) had accomplished in the end. I’m also thankful for the people I was with. I wasn’t sure if we would work well as a team at the start, but we stuck together and really worked well. Our guide, Sam, was also very friendly and encouraging. Also I loved sitting around the campfire at night with my team and looking at the stars. Overall it was an amazing, wonderful and very rewarding experience – to do all the activities, bond with my teammates and experience the beauty of nature. Caitlyn Xavier (9.20) Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Camp The Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journey took place in the Lake Eildon area from Monday 1st to Friday 5th September. The 45 students were divided into two groups of boys and two groups of girls. The main focus of the camp was canoeing and hiking plus an extra challenge for the students having to be responsible for self-catering (and carrying) their food for the 5 day expedition. It was a wonderful experience enjoyed by both students and staff alike. Stephen Frigo Camp Leader iDinner The Year 11 International Dinner, or as we call it, the iDinner, was held at York on Lilydale. Twas a marvellous night of joyous fun and success. On the night of Friday 1st, we celebrated the tremendous journey undergone by all International Students and the effort for collaboration we all wanted. On the night, we were privileged to bask in the sheer delight emitted from the voices and instruments of the talented students who performed. This included the memorable performance by Bill He (11.16) and Samson Zhong (11.13), followed by a short poem recital by Madison Anderson (11.13), a violin harmony by Terence Ng (11.16) and Vincent Kulic (11.14), and lastly the three singers Timothy Ong (11.15), Abigail Vos (11.16), and Tahlie Arena (11.16), singing the night to a close. In between each course, we were entertained by the intriguing and thought-provoking trivia created by James Cummings (11.14) and Brayden Smith (11.16). The winner received bags of goodies, and so did the runners up. We were also in great anticipation of the two short films directed by Louise Salenga (11.14) and Tristan Stelzer (11.13), who also wrote his own composition for the short film, “As One”, starring Bethany Ashley-Cooper (11.13) and Rachel Aing (11.16). Overall, there was a great amount of effort put in to the night, particularly from the colossus of people who gave up their lunch times to plan the night. Greg Barker Year 11 Coordinator Resource Centre Book Week Incursions Our Book Week guest authors and performers - Simon Mitchell, Sofie Laguna and Perform Educational Musicals – generated a lot of enthusiasm and interest in reading and writing amongst our Junior School students. Simon Mitchell explained to Years 5-6 students how he researched information about Melbourne’s history for his new book, 1931, for the Do You Dare? series. Sofie Laguna, author of the popular Australian Girl titles, challenged Years 3-4 students to experiment with ideas, explore feelings and seek feedback when writing. PEM delivered a wonderful interactive presentation about three of this year’s CBCAshortlisted books to our Prep-2 students, helping us to understand how reading can help us connect the past and present. Are you ex Navy, Army or Air Force? Then Carry On (Victoria) may be able to help you with education costs if you meet our eligibility criteria. If you have served in the Australian Defence Forces or Allied Forces and you wish to apply for a Secondary Education Grant for 2015, please telephone Carry On (Victoria) on 9629 2648 to establish eligibility and request an application form. Carry On (Victoria) assists Secondary School students in Years 7-12 with grants for expenses such as fees, books, uniforms, excursions etc. For those students going on to Tertiary Education a grant may also be available. Children whose parent/s or legal guardian/s have a need for financial assistance and comply with our eligibilty criteria may apply. All grants are income tested and applications should be submitted by 30th October 2014. Simon Mitchell, author of the Do You Dare? series, speaks to Year 5-6 students. , our new Early Childhood Education & Care facility, will be opening in 2015. We will offer long day care, sessional kindergarten (3 & 4 yo), and out of school hours care, all within a state of the art, purpose built facility. As this is a new service, we have opportunities for several qualified people to join our team. Applications are requested from suitably qualified and experienced staff for the following positions: Long Day Care Leader Long Day Care Room Staff OSHC Leader OSHC Assistant Cook Receptionist Please complete the application form on the Oxley Christian College website at the following link: For enquiries and further information, please contact: or call 03 9727 9900 Sofie Laguna, author of the popular Australian Girl titles, challenges Year 3-4. Leanne Saward Junior School Teacher/Librarian Notice Board Sep UNIFORM SHOP Gate 6, 15-49 Old Melbourne Rd Ph: 9727 3994 Friday 12 Year 10 Dinner Tuesday 16 Senior Parent/Teacher interviews EISM Round 1 Years 8-9 Thursday 18 Senior Parent/Teacher Interviews Years 3-6 Basketball Competition Tuesdays & Thursdays (term time) 8.15 - 9.00am & 1.00 - 4.30pm Friday 19 Last Day Term 3 First Day Term 4 The uniform shop will be open during the school holidays on Friday 3rd October 10.00am - 3.00pm Oct Monday 6 Performance & Language Oral exams begin Tuesday 7 VCE Music Concert Wednesday 8 EISM Senior Girls Footy EISM Junior Division Athletics Years 8-9 Uniform regulations and price list are available at the Office or online at: CLASSIFIEDS The Oxley Classifieds are a convenient way to buy and sell items (directly related to the education of your child) such as textbooks, uniform and musical instruments. To advertise or purchase second-hand items go to: username: parent password: oxley OXLEY ONLINE The Vine is also available online via our website Nov CAREERS NEWSLETTER To see the latest in tertiary information including Open Days, visit: STUDENT ABSENCE LINE - 9727 9992 2014 Calendar Thursday 9 9 into 10 Information Evening Monday 13 EISM Round 1 Year 7 Wednesday 15 School at Work Wed-Thu 15-16 Soiree Evenings Thursday 16 Junior Regional Athletics Monday 20 EISM Round 2 Year 7 Tuesday 21 VCE CCAFL Written Exams Wednesday 22 Year 12 Last Day Thursday 23 EISM Round 2 Years 8-9 Friday 24 Year 2 Sleepover Year 12 Dinner Mon-Tue 27-28 Year 9 Mock Election Mon-Fri 27-30 Years 1-4 Swimming Monday 27 EISM Round 3 Year 7 Tuesday 28 VCE Auslan Exam Wednesday 29 VCE Exams start EISM Year 7 Cricket & Softball Thursday 30 EISM Round 3 Years 8-9 Friday 31 Prep-Year 3 Athletics Monday 3 Student Free Day Tuesday 4 Melbourne Cup Day Wednesday 5 EISM Final Year 7 Thursday 6 EISM Years 8-9 Round 4 Years 7 & 9 Gardasil immunisation Year 7 Instrumental Evening Friday 7 Mooroolbark Community Sports Day A detailed calendar can be found at: OXLEY CHRISTIAN COLLEGE A Coeducational School | Pre-School to Year 12 15-49 Old Melbourne Rd, Chirnside Park, Victoria, 3116, Australia Principal: Mrs Sally Broadley Ph: 03 9727 9900 Business Manager: Mr Andrew Holland Fax: 03 9727 9988 International Ph: +61 3 9727 9900 International Fax: +61 3 9727 9988 ABN: 25005670682/008 email: A DIVISION OF LIFE MINISTRY CENTRE LTD. OLD MELBOURNE RD CHIRNSIDE PARK, VIC, 3116. (INC IN VICTORIA)
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fun puppet show and play, with a
message that is relevant for all of
us. Jesus is our Superhero - He
doesn’t have any weaknesses,
He can’t be exploited and He is
always on our side, He has our best...
The Vine – Vol 2, 19th February 201
them at Investiture Assemblies. At Oxley, we know that
students at all year levels regularly show leadership in the
way they support each other. We particularly congratulate
the College Captains; T...