The Vine – Vol 8, 29th May 2014


The Vine – Vol 8, 29th May 2014
The Newsletter of
Oxley Christian College
Issue No 8
29th May 2014
From the Principal
A great time at Mill Valley Ranch!
Sunny days and clear nights greeted students at the Year
4 camp. Horse riding, night hikes, campfire cooking, farm
activities, archery and wetland wandering made exciting
new adventures. Students and their teachers enjoyed
great devotional times together in the wonderful setting
at Mill Valley Ranch.
Mrs Gaschk and Mrs Kirby-Beach were full of praise for
the students’ involvement in the camp, which further
develops the focus on environmental studies in this year
The Oxley Enviro Barn, frog pond, vegetable gardens and
orchard areas are a fabulous setting for regular classwork
in Year 4. Other aspects of the curriculum are enriched
by these outdoor experiences; including creative writing,
mathematics, science, health, nutrition, art and Christian
The busy lives of our students often prevents them from
taking time to enjoy the natural world around them.
Watching the night skies, handling plants and working
with animals; these seemingly simple experiences are
precious opportunities to reflect on the wonder of God’s
creation. I love the words of Isaiah 55:12-13
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Sally Broadley
Year 4 camp
This weekend we celebrate the
National Day of Thanksgiving
- a time to thank people in the
community for services they
do; a time to recognise people
who might not otherwise be
acknowledged for the contribution
they make to our lives. It’s also a
time to thank God for the many
blessings He has bestowed upon
As part of an Oxley tradition,
during the week of Thanksgiving,
the Junior and Senior School come
together to participate in a Mega
Chapel! It is a celebration of the
blessing of being in both a Primary
and Secondary education setting,
where the younger students can
learn from the older students and
the older students can serve and
take responsibility for the younger
On Tuesday at Mega Chapel the
students were surprised by a visit
from some Superheroes! Here
is an excerpt of what happened!
(Olly and Polly are the Junior
School puppets who often visit the
Junior Chapel services.)
Superman: Did someone say they
need a hero!?
Olly: Yes Superman, we need
help trying to figure out what the
difference is between a super hero
and a villain… Olly thinks Mega
Mind is a Hero, I think he’s a Villain.
Lex Luthor: Did someone say
Super Man: Lex Luthor!
Lex Luthor: Superman! I am the
ultimate villain and the worlds’
best authority on all things villainy.
Olly: Lex can you tell us the
difference between a villain and a
Batman: Did someone say they
need a hero!? Oh hey S-Man!
Superman: Hey Batman.
Batman: Olly, Polly, the biggest
difference between Heroes and
Villains is that heroes are morally
good. We stand for what is right!
Joker: But a hero without a nemesis
is not very exciting. A villain gives
the hero purpose, you are nothing
without me Batman!
Green Lantern: Joker, you are
missing another major difference.
The good guys always win! Heroes
always prosper! Hey Superman,
hey Batman.
Batman & Superman: Hey Green
Ahh but not this
time superheroes! We’ve done
our homework! We’ve been on
Wikipedia and discovered each
of you have a major weakness,
so we’ve re-written the script, no
more good defeating evil!
Superman: Leave this to me guys,
I’ll use my super strength and
speed and fly around them and tie
them all up.
Superman… Lex Luthor, do you
have it?
Indeed I do Catwoman.
Superman: Oh no, not Kryptonite!
Where’d you get that frooommm….
Lex: $9.99 on Ebay
Lex Luthor: Wow, that was almost
too easy. It’s like taking candy from
a baby and you know how much
we like doing that! All these years
and we suddenly realize it was a
simple as finding their weaknesses
and getting them here all at once.
Good has been defeated!
Polly: Uh oh. This doesn’t look
Olly: Do you know anyone Pastor
Matt? Friends with any super
Pastor Matt: Well, actually, there
is someone I could call on. We’ve
been singing about a certain
superhero today, haven’t we guys?
Who’s our superhero? ...JESUS!!
Polly: Wait on Pastor Matt, are
you trying to tell me that you have
Jesus on speed dial? You can just
call him up?
Pastor Matt: Well yes, kind of. Not
just me though, anyone that knows
Jesus as their best friend can call on
Jesus for help in their time of need.
Psalm 18:3 says “I call upon the
Lord, who is worthy to be praised,
and I am saved from my enemies.”
Psalm 34:15-20 says “God keeps
an eye on his friends,
his ears pick
up every moan and groan. God
won’t put up with rebels;
cull them from the pack.
anyone crying for help? God is
ready to rescue you. If
your heart is broken, you’ll find
God right there;
if you’re kicked
in the gut, he’ll help you catch
your breath. Disciples so often
get into trouble;
still, God is there
every time. He’s your bodyguard,
shielding every bone;
not even a
finger gets broken.”
Polly: I want Jesus to be my friend
and to rescue me!
Olly: Me too!
All the students were treated to a
fun puppet show and play, with a
message that is relevant for all of
us. Jesus is our Superhero - He
doesn’t have any weaknesses,
He can’t be exploited and He is
always on our side, He has our best
interests at heart. Don’t forget
to call on Him when in need and
thank Him for the many blessings
He has given us!
Pastor Matt
Hayley & Sharon going to Mega Chapel
Mega Chapel worship team
Senior School
Junior School
Students in Years 7-11 will (hopefully) have a busy time
this weekend as they prepare for examinations next
week. The ‘goal’, of course, is learning. There are
many perspectives about the relationship between
examinations and learning; we hope that the examinations
provide the students with an opportunity to consolidate
their learning, and a focus to a particular point in time
where they can demonstrate their learning. We hope
that every student will be able to experience the rewards
associated with preparation and effort.
We have been so blessed with the recent autumn
weather. The students who attended the Division Cross
Country at Lillydale Lake last week were most grateful
and celebrated a successful event. Thank you to Mrs
Ashmore for her organisation and to the many parents
who attended to cheer on our Oxley students.
At our Assembly this week we were able to congratulate
the students who were successful in being chosen to
complete at the EISM Athletics Championship. These
athletes were only chosen if their results were in the
top 8 individual (or relay team) results from 23 schools!
To be chosen for this event represents a significant
achievement, let alone to perform well in this company.
We were also able to commend all of those students who
participated in the Cross Country carnival last week. As
Mr Whittle commented in our Assembly, such an event
is an athletic event, and it is also an opportunity to build
character, by facing a ‘task’ which requires perseverance
and courage.
This week our Junior and Senior students gathered for
Mega Chapel, focussing on “Jesus is My Super Hero.”
Our much loved friends, Olly and Polly, visited and helped
us learn the difference between heroes and villains. With
the help of many superheroes, our students know that
Jesus is the best superhero around because when we
need help, He comes to rescue us!
Olly, Polly & Pastor Matt
A reminder that students who are collected from the
‘Yellow Square’ need to stay with their parents rather
than play on the oval or playgrounds with friends. This
will help with locating students at the end of the day and
help with supervision.
We wish to celebrate the success of our new
Commonwealth Bank School Banking program and
report that 86 students are now registered bankers. It is
not too late to participate so please contact the Office if
you require a registration pack. Completed applications
can be submitted to the main Office.
Queen’s Birthday
Report Writing Day
Annie Walsh (9.21), Tayla Deacon (9.22) & Lara Sherar (9.22) display their
Cross Country medals
As we look further ahead, I will take this opportunity to
remind students that the week after examinations will,
unusually, be a 3-day school week: Monday 9th June is
the Queen’s Birthday public holiday, and students do not
attend school on Friday 13th June as it is Report Writing
Despite the looming examination period, we trust that
our students and their families will still be experiencing
an abiding sense of peace and joy, with the knowledge
that our character and identity are the things that really
Geoff Roberts-Thomson
Deputy Principal - Head of Senior School
Monday 9th June
Friday 13th June
Car Parking
It has come to our attention that a number of unsafe
practices have been observed in and around our carparks.
Some parents have been blocking entrances and exits
to carparks, parking over the crossing and leaving their
car to collect students. We endeavour to promote safe
practices and request that parents support us in our goal
to ensure students, parents and staff are safe. Our PreSchool Carpark is reserved for students attending this
program and we would appreciate parents being mindful
of the time restrictions in this area.
“I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I
am saved from my enemies.” Psalm 18:3.
Sharee Gaiser
Head of Junior School
What Did You Do at School Today?
As part of our Healthy Food theme, the Kinderoo
children brought their favourite fruit to Kinder. We
had strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, peaches,
mandarins, watermelon and even cherries. We’ve made
fruit salad together and could not wait to taste it! Yummy!
This week we have been looking at the letter ‘Ii’ and have
participated in a range of hands-on activities including
icing biscuits and exploring the properties of ice.
We discovered:
• Water freezes and turns into ice at 0°.
• We can make different shaped ice blocks, depending
on the shape of the container we pour the water into
• Ice feels cold, smooth, and hard; it doesn’t have a
• Ice melts more quickly on hot days or in a warm room.
Year 2
During reading time we have enjoyed finding the
difference between fact and opinion. We are now
practising our persuasive writing by sharing our opinion
and trying to use strong words to convince others. It has
been fun making arrays in maths with Mrs McDonald and
also learning to recognise differences of colour, shape,
size and thickness when using attribute blocks. We
have looked at lots of pictures of Lilydale and have been
amazed at how much has changed and how much is still
similar to the olden days.
Year 3
Year 3 is investigating the history of Melbourne. We
are following Wally around Melbourne and identifying
important landmarks. We are also learning about
writing from another person’s point of view, and putting
ourselves in their shoes. Imagine a time where there was
no electricity, no traffic lights, and no dirt roads. What a
life that would have been!
Year 4
After enjoying our wonderful camp, we have been
writing letters to our new friends at Mill Valley Ranch. We
miss the camp leader, the horse staff, the chef, all the
instructors and we wonder how ‘our’ magnificent horses
are going. We have constructed some marvellous time
lines of some of the activities. We are thrilled to begin
our Writer’s Notebooks. Even Mrs Kirby Beech and Mrs
Gaschk have Writer’s Notebooks and we think they are
enjoying creating writing ideas just as much as we are.
Mega Chapel this week is Mega Fun with our secondary
buddies and the whole school finding out about our
Heavenly Father. Life is fabulous in Year 4.
Cameron and Aaron enjoying learning more about ice
First, second, third, fourth, fifth… This week Preps are
learning about ordinal numbers in maths. We are also
counting by tens, and counting backwards from 20 to 0.
Last week we learnt about 2D shapes and found triangles,
circles, squares and rectangles everywhere! We chose
geometric shapes and made them into a repeating
Year 1
The Year One students enjoyed a trip down to the barn
to look for minibeasts. We had a great time at our Wild
Action incursion. We were all very brave and had our
photos taken holding different types of minibeasts. We
started singing and the kookaburra copied us. We saw
some giant native cockroaches and some sea stars.
Our amazing God has made so many different types of
Hannah, Sylas & John having fun on Year 4 Camp
Year 5
The Year 5s have continued to be amazed at our solar
system, galaxy and universe. Students visited the
Imax to watch a 3D movie called Hubble, detailing the
courageous effort of astronauts on their most recent
servicing mission. The images from Hubble were truly
extraordinary, reaffirming the immeasurable extent of
God’s magnificence, power and beauty. Year 5s then
continued on to Scienceworks where they enjoyed two
shows at the planetarium gaining a richer understanding
of our own solar system and the constellations within
our night skies. In addition, students used toilet paper
to create their own ratio model of the solar system at
the stadium, with each piece of toilet paper equalling
20 million km’s. The length of Neptune’s toilet paper
equalled 225 pieces, requiring the length of one
basketball stadium, whilst Mercury only required three. It
has certainly been a busy time in Year 5!
Year 6
Argue, debate, reason, persuade. In English, we are
preparing to write argumentative texts, using logical
arguments and evidence to persuade our readers to
believe our points of view. We have also been learning
about immigration through a unit of work entitled, From
Distant Shores. We will be learning about the people
who emigrated to Australia and the various reasons
behind immigration.
We loved Mega Chapel this week. Olly and Polly,
Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and a range of villains
taught us a lesson about trusting in Jesus – who is our
ultimate superhero. In Mathematics, we have been
learning how to graph data relating to our Immigration
Students of the Week
Week beginning Monday 12th May
Aaron Ng
Lillianna Filleul
Steph Tracey
Jasper Micallef
Hilary Mihalcsek
Ava Simpson
Nichola Gaiser
Michael Xu
Alex Salomon
Daniel Woodcock
Junior School Literacy
Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition
The Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition is Australia’s
oldest and largest poetry competition for children and
is open to students from Prep to Year 12. Students can
submit up to three poems and all entries must be received
by June 30th. For more details, visit:
au or contact Mrs Sharon Sandison.
Parent Workshops about Children’s Literacy (for Prep,
Year 1 and 2 parents)
As our partners in the education of your children, we highly
value parents’ assistance with encouraging their children’s
literacy skills. We also greatly appreciate the help that
many parents provide in our classrooms. Research has
shown that when parents are involved in their children’s
education, students’ progress is enhanced.
In recognition of parents’ valuable input to your child’s
education, we have held some parent workshops about
different aspects of literacy over the past couple of weeks.
The final workshop for this term is:
How to Help Your Child With Spelling
Monday 2nd June 2.15–3.20pm
In this session you will learn about the Soundwaves
phonemic approach to spelling that is used in our Junior
School, the different stages of development in children’s
spelling ability and some practical ways you can assist
your child with spelling. You are invited to come for tea,
coffee and biscuits at 2.00pm for a 2.15pm sharp start.
We would prefer to not have toddlers present at these
workshops so that parents can concentrate during these
If you are interested in attending these workshops or
have any questions, please contact Mrs Sharon Sandison
on 9727 9947.
Sharon Sandison
Junior School Literacy Coordinator
Week beginning Monday 19th May
Alannah Moulton
Cristano Piccioli
Jessica Cooper
Nate Sharman
Charlie Price
Jessica Nassar
Sophie Broadley-Thomson
Isabella Wildish
Mitchell Rippingale
Chelsea Nassar
Casey Haycraft
Kirmin Sidhu
Exam Timetables
For parent and student convenience, Year 7-11 Semester
1 Exam Timetables are available for download via our
Rachel Aing
Under 16 Boys - won overall by Red House
Senior Sport Report
Jamie Gartner
Luke Pattison
Samuel Fung
Years 7-12 Inter-House Cross-Country
This year, with no mid-year examinations for Year 12
students, it was decided to move the Inter-House
Cross Country to May in an attempt to avoid the wet,
cold weather experienced in the past couple of years.
With a record for consecutive days over 20 degrees in
Melbourne, it was looking good. But, the night before
the event, the rain came! However, since it was not
particularly cold, it was decided to press ahead and hope
that the rain cleared for the afternoon and, praise God,
it did!
Under 16 Girls - won overall by Blue House
Ella Van De Velde
Bethany Ashley-Cooper
Holly Millsom
Under 15 Boys - won overall by Red House
Matthew Smith
Kristian Karpinski
Joshua Shattock
Under 15 Girls - won overall by White House
The spirit amongst the students was excellent and the
effort of many to compete to the best of their ability
was encouraging to see. With construction of the Early
Learning Centre over part of our 2013 course, a new one
was developed for this year, although it still included the
run in nearby streets and the run up ‘Heartbreak Hill’
alongside the school fence line from the bottom of the
property to the veggie patch.
Annie Walsh
Tayla Deacon
Lara Sherar
Under 14 Girls - won overall by Blue House
Involvement of all students was encouraged with the extra
incentive of 30 bonus points in each race to the House
with the most competitors. This was equivalent to having
another first place in the race. Each House managed to
gain some bonus points for this achievement, with the
Trojans (White) obtaining the most bonus points on the
day. Unfortunately, it was not enough to overcome the
points accumulated by the stronger runners in the other
two Houses.
Place House
Most competitors in:
Zion Crusaders Girls - U13, Open
Boys - Open
Warriors (Red)
Girls - U14
Boys - U13, U15
Tabor Trojans
Girls - U15, U16
Boys - U14, U16
Congratulations to the Crusaders, who now hold
the shield for this event for the 9th consecutive year.
Congratulations, also, to all students who participated in
the event and, in particular, to the top finishers in each
race, as listed below.
Under 14 Boys - won overall by White House
Ryland Witnish
Lachlan Stevenson
Phillip Cabral
Miranda Gartner
Jaimee Radley
Brittany Cubitt
Under 13 Boys - won overall by Red House
Benjamin Ling
Nathan Arena
Jordan Giltinan
Under 13 Girls - won overall by Blue House
Alicia Madigan
Grace Muller
Isabella Aing
The EISM Cross Country Championships is on
Wednesday September 10th where all 23 schools in the
EISM association compete in two divisions. Students will
be selected for the school team in the coming weeks and
should keep training in preparation for the event. These
students should, if at all possible, attend the running
group on a Thursday after school.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the staff who assisted with
the supervision of the course, students and scoring.
Nicole Latham
Inter-House Coordinator
Open Boys - won overall by Blue House
Blake Binion
Aaron Di Placido
Kyle Braun
Open Girls - won overall by Blue House
Becky Hodgkin
Elizabeth Cutting
Xanny, Amy, Shannon, Nikola & Bailey
2014 Pierre De Coubertin Awards
Oxley had the opportunity again to nominate one student
from the Senior Years for the Olympic Council’s Pierre De
Coubertin award.
Aaron Di Placido (11.14)
Bethany receives the Pierre De Coubertin award.
This award recognises students who demoenstrate the
‘A.S.P.I.R.E.’ Olympic values and attributes (Attitude,
Sportsmanship, Pride, Individual Responsibility, Respect,
Express yourself) and who have represented the school in
a number of sports.
Kristen, Jorja & Maddison
Blake Binion (11.14)
This year, we were
pleased to see
Bethany AshleyCooper
receive the award
as one of 170
Victoria. She was
presented with the
award on Sunday
18th May by The
Honorable Martin
Dixon (MP) and
David Morris (2013
Winter Olympian)
at the Melbourne
Cricket Ground.
Bethany is well known for her encouragement of others,
excellent expression of sportsmanship and determination,
as well as her respect for her peers and teachers.
Two other students, Rachel Aing (11.16) and Anita Odd
(11.13) were nominated to attend the Olympic Academy
program with Bethany, where students had the amazing
opportunity to chat to past Australian Olympians and
benefit from their experiences and advice. The three girls
spoke at the last Senior School Assembly to share some of
their experience with the student body. Congratulations
to all three students for the attributes they possess that
led to their successful nominations for inclusion in this
Nicole Latham
Physical Education Coordinator
Athletes performed well at Championships
On Monday 19th May Oxley had 26 students participating
in the EISM Athletics Championships at Lakeside
Stadium. The students overall did the school proud with
some outstanding performances from Benjamin Ling
(8.33) who won the 100m; 200m and 400m.
Brittany Cubitt (8.33) also performed very well with a
second place in the 100m and Triple Jump and a third
place in the 200m. During the Assembly on Monday
26th May the school recognised Benjamin and Brittany’s
achievements by awarding them with medals for most
valuable athletes.
There were also some outstanding achievements by
Jonathan Ullrich (12.7) who won the Open Boys Triple
Jump and Daniel Richardson (10.4) who won the 16 Year
Boys 100m.
The medals for Best Team Players went to the Athletics
Team Captains Elizabeth Cutting (12.10) and Matthew
Burt (12.7) for their contribution to the sport over the
past few years and the good example they set for all
Oxley students with their attitude and behaviour during
training and competition.
Other great performances during the championships
were Elizabeth Cutting (12.10) – second in Open Girls
Triple Jump; Ella Van De Velde (10.4) – second in Girls
16 Year Triple Jump; Isabella Aing (7.17) – second in Girls
13 Year 100m; Nellie Balfour (9.21) – third in Girls 15 Year
High Jump; Brianna Mollison (12.8) – third in Open Girls
Shot Put and Jacob Bell (9.19) – third in Boys 15 Year
Long Jump.
Congratulations to these athletes for a job well done.
Kyle Braun (11.14)
Frederik Kotze
Head of Sport
Junior Sport Report
On Tuesday 20th May, selected students in Years 4-6
competed in the Mooroolbark District Cross Country at
Lillydale Lake. The top ten place-getters in each race
have qualified for the Division Cross Country at the Yarra
Glen Racecourse on Tuesday 10th June. Here are the top
ten results from the Oxley students:
10 Year Girls
• Claire Noonon 4K – 9th
11 Year Girls
• Lauren Dickins 5J – 8th
• Jasmine Lucas 5J – 10th
12 Year Boys
• Liam Wilson-Gardner 6L – 1st
• Luke Moreau 6L – 5th
• Harry Mitchell 5T – 9th
• Nathan Palmer 6S – 10th
12 Year Girls
• Summer Armstrong 6S – 4th
• Natalie Biedrzycki 6L – 8th
Congratulations to Liam Wilson-Gardner (6L) for winning
his race. It was wonderful to see the results of all the
Oxley students who put in extra effort with their training
for the District Cross Country.
Brittany Cubitt (8.33)
Emma Ashmore
Junior Sport Coordinator
Resource Centre
National Simultaneous Storytime
read to them regularly from a young age are more likely
to want to read for themselves and develop a lifelong
love of reading. Picture books and simple non-fiction
texts nurture their creativity, imagination, wonder and the
connections they make with the world around them.
The National Simultaneous Storytime is a great avenue
for Australian writers and publishers to be heard, as over
400,000 children partake in this annual program. We
have a huge base of talented writers in Australia. It is
so important for children to understand that authors are
ordinary people who collect ‘seeds’ of ideas to write
about from everyday experiences and combine that with
a clear story plan, a good dose of engaging vocabulary
and lots of hard work drafting and redrafting before the
story is finished.
The National Simultaneous Storytime is organised by
the Australian Library and Information Association,
and continues to benefit thousands of young children
nationally as they continue to encourage more young
people to have a love for reading.
Aaron Ferrazza (6L) reads to the younger students
On the 21st of May 2014 at 11.00am, Libraries and
Schools right across Australia joined in the annual
National Simultaneous Storytime. This program exists
to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy
books. Now in its 14th year, the program promotes the
value of reading and literacy and is a platform to highlight
Australian writers and publishers.
Jessica Nassar (3L)
Oxley Christian College students were involved in this
wonderful program. This year’s book ‘Too Many Elephants
in This House’ is written by Sydney-based writer Ursula
Dubosarsky. The book is about a tale of a boy who comes
up with a clever solution to his big problem of having
too many elephants in his house. The book features
illustrations by South Australian, Andrew Joyner, who has
been shortlisted for many national awards for his books.
The National Simultaneous Storytime is a wonderful
way to celebrate reading and the community of readers
nationwide. Students who participate talk about the
books with each other within and beyond the school and
can share that common experience. Our Year 6 students
go into the Junior classrooms, sharing the story and
reflecting on its meaning. This is a great way for them
to show leadership and to develop their own public
speaking skills.
The Storytime program exists to expose the importance
of reading to young students and how it can benefit them
in their lives from an early age. Children who have books
Chloe Daly (1T)
Leanne Saward
Charity Knitting
First Aid
To date we have handed in:
1 blanket
3 baby jumpers
6 baby beanies
4 toddler jumpers
11 scarves
1 pair of gloves
1 adult beanie
National Self Detection Program for Scoliosis
Thank you to all that have contributed. All knitted
squares and blankets must be handed in by the end of
Please continue to support our knitted charity drive, all
your efforts are much appreciated.
Dru Law
Senior School Teacher
Congratulations to ex Oxley student, Michael Johnson,
who has been named the winner of the 2014 Tony Palmer
- Monash Marketing Award. He will receive personal
mentoring for 12 months by Tony Palmer, President
of Global Brands and Innovation, Kimberly-Clark
Corporation - a Monash alumnus - and a cash prize.
Scoliosis (spine curvature) is an important health problem
for adolescent girls and 25 per thousand are at risk of
developing a significant curve. Three girls per thousand
require active treatment. The Spine Society of Australia
(an affiliate of the Australian Orthopaedic Association) is
again promoting the National Self-Detection Program for
Scoliosis for girls in years 7 and 9. There is a brochure on
their website that I would like to refer parents to, in order
to raise awareness of spinal curvature, particularly in girls.
The website offers a forum where parents can obtain
general advice from certified specialists and there is also
a fashion consultant who can give helpful advice to girls
with spinal curvature about the best ways to dress. If you
are interested in this program please go to: http://www.
It has recently come to our attention that there are a
number of students carrying medication such as Panadol,
Panadeine, Nurofen and other analgesics and anti
inflammatory medications. Some of these students have
also been sharing their medication with friends who are
seemingly unwell. This poses a risk to the students and
is against the school medication policy. As such we are
asking parents to please uphold the policy of the school
by adhering to the following protocol. This will assist in
eliminating the risk associated with unauthorised and
unmonitored consumption of medication at the school.
All medication is to be registered with and stored in the
First Aid Office unless prior arrangements have been
Students are not to carry their own medication regardless
of whether it is prescribed or non-prescribed except in
the case of asthma, anaphylaxis or diabetes medication.
Please also be reminded that if your child is unwell he/
she should not be sent to school.
Prescribed Medication
At the annual Monash Marketing Awards for Excellence,
presented in March 2014, Mr Johnson received the
Bachelor of Commerce Degree majoring in Marketing
award.The awards are given to students with the highest
marks in specific units and courses. Course award
recipients are invited to apply for the Tony Palmer Monash Marketing Award.
Applications are reviewed by a panel comprising a
member of the department’s industry advisory board,
a marketing industry professional and a member of the
Department of Marketing’s executive committee. The
winner of the award is announced each year in May. We
wish Michael all the very best for his future.
The First Aid Service will only carry out any request for the
administration of prescribed medication where the First
Aid Officer has sighted the original prescription container
for the student concerned, taking note of the treating
doctor’s instructions, and a Request for Administration of
Medication form has been signed.
Non-prescribed Medication
Non-prescribed medication will be administered only
after consultation between the Parent or Guardian and
the First Aid Service. A Request for Administration
of Medication form must be signed and the original
medication container must be sighted. A new request
form must be completed if the dosage or type of
medication is altered.
Wendy Booth
First Aid Officer
Speak Up
‘Speak Up’ is a social justice initiative, run by Oxley senior
students who are passionate about making a difference
in our world. This year we are aiming to raise $10,000
to contribute to building a school in Cambodia. At the
start of the year, a group of Year 12 students travelled
with Samaritan’s Purse to Cambodia. We went into
remote villages and into different schools, delivering
Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, playing games
and teaching English classes. Something that shocked
us was the condition of the school buildings. They
were very small and falling apart, with severely cracked
dirt floors. During the rainy season these buildings
flood and are in such a poor shape that you would
never see in Australia. Samaritan’s Purse goes into
these villages and builds new school buildings that
impact and benefit whole communities. Our $10,000
will go towards building new buildings for one of these
schools, Trayeung Prey Veng Primary School. It’s a
big goal but we are determined to reach it and make
a difference in that community. Come along to our
Trivia Night coming up on the 21st June and take the
opportunity to donate to this incredible cause!
Kimberley Berry (12.7)
Notice Board
2014 Calendar
Gate 6,
15-49 Old Melbourne Rd
Ph: 9727 3994
Tuesdays & Thursdays (term time)
8.15 - 9.00am &
1.00 - 4.30pm
And during the school holidays on
Friday 27th June
10.00am - 3.00pm
Uniform regulations and price list are available at the Office or online at:
The Oxley Classifieds are a convenient way
to buy and sell items (directly related to the
education of your child) such as textbooks,
uniform and musical instruments.
username: parent
password: oxley
The Vine is also available online via our
Wednesday 18
To advertise or purchase second-hand items
go to:
Wednesday 30
To see the latest in tertiary information
including Open Days visit
Years 7-9 Exams
Debates Round 4
ICAS Science Years 3-10
Queen’s Birthday holiday
Cross Country Junior Division
GAT Year 12
EISM Round 3 Years 8-9
Report writing day (pupil free)
ICAS Writing (Years 3-10)
EISM Round 4 Year 7
ICAS Spelling (Years 3-6)
Cross Country Junior Reg
EISM Round 3 (Years 10-12)
School at Work
EISM Round 4 (Years 8-9)
VCE Music Concert Evening
“Speak Up” Trivia Night
Year 10 work experience
EISM Round 5 Year 7
EISM Round 4 Years 10-12
EISM Round 5 Years 8-9
Years 7-9 Gardesil immunisation
Last Day Term 2
Broadway Stories Rehearsals
Cross Country Junior State
First Day Term 3
EISM Round 1 Year 7
Debates Round 5
EISM Round 5 Years 10-12
EISM Round 6 Years 8-9
EISM Round 2 Year 7
International Week
ICAS English Years 3-6
Junior Parent/Teacher Interviews
EISM Round 6 Years 10-12
EISM Round 7 Years 8-9
Junior Parent/Teacher Interviews
A detailed calendar can be found at:
A Coeducational School | Pre-School to Year 12
15-49 Old Melbourne Rd, Chirnside Park, Victoria, 3116, Australia
Principal: Mrs Sally Broadley
Ph: 03 9727 9900
Business Manager: Mr Andrew Holland
Fax: 03 9727 9988
International Ph: +61 3 9727 9900
International Fax: +61 3 9727 9988
ABN: 25005670682/008

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