Abdu Murray Press Kit Draft COPY - Embrace the Truth International


Abdu Murray Press Kit Draft COPY - Embrace the Truth International
Abdu Murray
Aletheia International
Embrace the Truth - No Matter the Cost
P.O. Box. 380101, Clinton Township, MI 48038• mail@embracethetruth.org • 888-84-TRUTH
ABDU is a co-founder and the President of Aletheia International, which is an
apologetics-based ministry dedicated to offering the Truth of the Gospel to Muslims,
Jews, cult members, and skeptics.
Abdu was born into a Muslim family that greatly encouraged his studies of the Qur'an,
Islamic doctrine, and Islamic history. During the course of a years-long investigation
into the historical and philosophical underpinnings of the major world religions, Abdu
discovered that only the evidence for the historic Christian faith could withstand the
toughest challenges. The results of Abdu’s intense search, coupled with the Lord’s
drawing of his heart, led him to put his faith in Jesus as the one and only sufficient
Savior. Since that time, Abdu has dedicated his ministry to reaching non-Christians,
especially Muslims, with the Gospel and teaching Christians to do the same.
Abdu has spoken in numerous venues both in the United States and internationally,
including churches, convention centers, and college campuses. He has been a featured
guest on radio talk shows across the United States and on numerous national and
international television programs, including CBN’s Newswatch, the Aramaic
Broadcasting Network, Eye Opener, TCT Alive!, and Muslim Journey to Hope on the
Inspiration Network.
Abdu has published articles in a variety of settings, including internet articles for the
North American Missions Board that have been translated into many languages. His
first book, Apocalypse Later - Why the Gospel of Peace Must Trump the Politics of Prophecy in
the Middle East, has been released by Kregel Publications and is available in bookstores.
In 1999, Abdu earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School. He
earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor in 1995. He is a member of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the Evangelical
Theological Society, and maintains active relationships with many ministries, including
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Campus Crusade for Christ, and the North American
Missions Board.
Abdu lives in the Detroit, Michigan area with his wife and their three children.
P.O. Box. 380101, Clinton Township, MI 48038• mail@embracethetruth.org • 888-84-TRUTH
Fact Sheet!! ! ! ! ! ! !
DATE OF BIRTH: February 18, 1973
PLACE OF BIRTH: Detroit, Michigan
RESIDENCE: Southeastern Michigan
PRESIDENT AND CO-FOUNDER of Aletheia International, a 501(c)(3) recognized
organization dedicated to offering the truth of the gospel to Muslims, Jews, cult
members, and skeptics through the use of apologetics, testimony, and respect for the
individual and to equip Christians to do the same.
Guest on the internationally-broadcast Aramaic Broadcasting Network
Interviewed on Dallas-area television show, For Such a Time as This
Featured on Eye Opener, Michigan-based Christian talk show
Featured on Muslim Journey to Hope, international broadcast produced by The
Inspiration Network
Featured on TCT Alive!, Christian cable talk show
Featured on Eye Opener, Michigan-based Christian talk show
Interviewed on nationally-syndicated SRN News, Washington D.C.
Featured guest on The Gino Geraci Show, KRKS, Denver
P.O. Box. 380101, Clinton Township, MI 48038• mail@embracethetruth.org • 888-84-TRUTH
Interviewed on The Bob Dutko Show, WMUZ, Detroit
Interviewed on The Bob Wells Show, KJSL, St. Louis
Interviewed on The Paul Edwards Show, WLQV, Detroit
Interviewed on Crawford Broadcasting’s nationally-syndicated
Defending the Truth
Multiple interviews on Equipped for Life with Christopher Brooks, WLQV, Detroit
Interviewed on The Paul Edward Show, WLQV, Detroit
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Repeat featured guest and panelist on The Bob Dutko Show,
WMUZ, Detroit
National Christian Book Expo - Workshop and book signing regarding Apocalypse Later Why the Gospel of Peace Must Trump the Politics of Prophecy in the Middle East
University of Michigan - Repeated speaking engagements and debates sponsored by
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Wayne State University - Answering the Challenge - Guest Panelist in evangelistic/
apologetics outreach to university students and faculty
Wayne State University - Repeated speaking engagements and debates sponsored by
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Urbana ’06, St. Louis, Missouri - co-presented seminar with Jews for Jesus
Cumberland Assembly of God , Cumberland, Maryland - Missions Week
Jesus for Muslims Banquet, New Jersey - Exposing Truth’s Cost, Sharing Truth’s Worth
Kensington Community Church, Troy, Michigan - Repeated guest speaker
Bethesda Christian Church, Sterling Heights, Michigan - Repeated guest speaker
Community Christian Church, Sterling Heights, Michigan - Repeated guest speaker
1999 Juris Doctor, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
1995 Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, Psychology, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
James B. Angell Scholar, Class Honors
1991 State University of New York at Buffalo - Full Athletic Scholarship for Division I
NCAA Basketball
P.O. Box. 380101, Clinton Township, MI 48038• mail@embracethetruth.org • 888-84-TRUTH
Publications! ! ! ! ! ! !
Apocalypse Later - Why the Gospel of Peace Must Trump the Politics of Prophecy in
the Middle East. Kregel Publications, 2009
Many evangelicals have used the ongoing conflict in the Middle East as fodder for
debates over how to interpret prophecy, instead of seeing it as the human tragedy that it
is. In Apocalypse Later, former Muslim Abdu Murray urges Christians to change their
focus from eschatology to the gospel of Jesus Christ and equips Christians to
demonstrate to non-believers that the gospel, and the gospel alone, provides credible
answers to the deepest questions that come from conflict.
Jesus, Justification, and Justice - North American Missions Board, 4truth.net
Abdu responds to a common objection to the heart of the Christian faith, specifically
that Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross cannot effectively atone for sins. Using his legal
background, Abdu provides an appropriate analogy to show that Jesus’ atonement on
the Cross actually provides a coherent means by which God’s justice is satisfied, while
His infinite love is expressed.
Verdict - The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of Aletheia International
Numerous articles spanning nearly five years, covering topics from Islam, atheism,
Eastern religions, Christian cults, Christian intellectualism, and current affairs.
P.O. Box. 380101, Clinton Township, MI 48038• mail@embracethetruth.org • 888-84-TRUTH
Speaking Topics! ! ! ! !
If you would like Abdu to speak at your church, university, or other venue, below is a
list of topics Abdu is prepared to cover. If you have another topic you would like Abdu
to address, please contact Aletheia International at mail@embracethetruth.org
Islam from the Inside
As a former Muslim, Abdu is familiar with the doctrines of Islam, the world’s second
largest religion, and one of the fastest growing faiths. As he explains important Islamic
theological points and dispels common misconceptions, Abdu teaches Christians
powerful ways to share the Jesus of the Bible with Muslims. Along the way, Abdu
shares the story of how he met Jesus, how he was impacted by the evidence for
Christianity, and how this changed his life forever.
Sorrow, Justice, and Love - A Defense of the Gospel as the Solution to Conflict
Following the themes in his book, Apocalypse Later - Why the Gospel of Peace Must Trump
the Politics of Prophecy in the Middle East, Abdu demonstrates how Christians are losing
important opportunities to share the credibility of the Gospel with Jews and Muslims by
focusing on eschatology and prophecy when addressing the Middle East conflict. Using
sound Biblical teaching and apologetics, Abdu teaches Christians how to capture the
minds and hearts of Muslims and Jews by showing that the Gospel alone offers
profound answers to the issues that come from conflict and suffering.
The Uniqueness of Christ Among Worldviews
Every major worldview, whether religious or secular, competes for our attention by
claiming to have answers to life’s most important questions. Abdu looks at four major
worldviews, atheism/skepticism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, and compares their
fundamental tenets with those of classical Christianity to show that the Gospel
provides the only answers worth trusting to life’s critical questions.
Exposing Truth’s Cost, Sharing Truth’s Worth
It has been said, “We know what things cost, but we don’t know what they’re worth.”
This seems especially true when it comes to our deepest convictions. When offering the
P.O. Box. 380101, Clinton Township, MI 48038• mail@embracethetruth.org • 888-84-TRUTH
truth of the Gospel to others, Christians often encounter emotional objections disguised
as moral or intellectual objections. Drawing on his personal experience in coming to
Christ as a former Muslim and sharing the Gospel with others, Abdu provides a
powerful way for Christians to get those with whom they are sharing the Gospel to
confront their emotional barriers and fears so that the credibility of the Gospel message
can be sincerely and freely examined.
Suffering, Significance, and Tsunamis - Can the Biblical God Exist in a World Filled
with Evil?
Natural disasters, human evil, and even animal suffering have been posed by skeptics
as one of the most significant challenges to theistic belief. But can any theistic faith offer
a credible answer to the challenge of the so-called “Problem of Evil?” Looking to the
historic Christian faith and the evidence for it, Abdu addresses this tough philosophical
problem and demonstrates that it can be—and has been—answered at the Cross of
The CASE for Jesus’ Resurrection
Jesus’ resurrection from the dead three days after being crucified is the central event
that validates the Christian faith. Conversely, if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then
Christianity is false. But is there historical evidence to substantiate this fundamental
tenet of Christianity? Using a memorable acronym, C-A-S-E, Abdu demonstrates that
the majority of historical scholarship, both Christian and non-Christian, agree on four
key facts that can only be explained by Jesus’ resurrection.
Darwin, Jesus, and Morality - Which Worldview Makes Sense of Objective Moral
Skeptics have increasingly abandoned moral subjectivism (the idea that morals are a
matter of preference or relative to a culture) in favor of moral realism (the idea that
morality is based on an objective view of right and wrong, regardless of preference or
culture). The new atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam
Harris, have sold millions of books attacking the moral basis for belief in God and argue
that one can still be an atheist and have an objective basis for morality. Abdu discusses
these ideas and demonstrates that there is no basis for objective morality on a
naturalistic framework and that only belief in God provides that basis.
P.O. Box. 380101, Clinton Township, MI 48038• mail@embracethetruth.org • 888-84-TRUTH