Principal`s Corner - Okinawa Christian School International
Principal`s Corner - Okinawa Christian School International
1 2 Forward By Faith Hebrews 11:1 March 2015 Issue 7 Principal’s Corner BIBLE VERSE God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. I am so excited about the month of March. Starting tomorrow, March 16th OCSI will host our very first Missions Week. The focus for this week is “Send Out”. All middle and high school students will spend five days outside of their regular classes to focus on serving others within the OCSI community, throughout the island of Okinawa, and even abroad. We pray that this will be a time where our students and teachers will join together in order to help others in the name of Jesus Christ. Please go to in order to see detailed information about each of the service opportunities. Hebrews 6:10 Blessings, Mrs. Latasha Calvin Secondary Principal Important Dates March 13: 3rd Quarter ends March 16-20: Missions Week- All students are required to participate March 23: No School For Students Reregistration Day 9:00 am – 5:30 pm March 24: 3rd Quarter Report Cards Issued April 3rd: Good Friday-NO SCHOOL April 6th – 10th: SPRING BREAK-NO SCHOOL April 27th – 29th: School Wide Terra Nova Testing Support the Make-A-Wish Foundation 7.2 will have a bake sale on April 2, 2015 during lunch Proceeds will go to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation REMINDER REGARDING STUDENT VEHICLES ON CAMPUS Students with a car or motorcycle must register it in the office during the first week in which the student plans to drive the vehicle on campus. Non-registered vehicles may be towed away to the police station at the owner's expense. Students are to park their vehicle (including bicycles) only in the designated parking areas. Please keep in mind that it is a privilege to bring a vehicle on campus. Any violation of Japanese driving laws or of school rules may result in immediate, temporary, or permanent suspension of vehicle use on campus. OCSI 2015 TRACK Location Date Time Kubasaki HS Mar 21 (Sat) 9:00 am Kadena HS Mar 28 (Sat) 9:00 am Mike Petty (Kubasaki) Mike Petty (Kubasaki) April 3 (Fri) April 4 (Sat) 5:00 pm 9:00 am Zion (Chatan Track) April 18 (Sat) 9:00 am Kadena HS April 25 (Sat) 9:00 am Zion (Koza Track)-District Meet May 2 (Sat) 9:00 am Kadena HS- Far East Qualifiers Meet 9:00 am May 9 (Sat) 3 Lorem Ipsum Dolor OCSI 2015 BOYS SOCCER March 14 (Sat)- Kubasaki Varsity @OCSI (10:00 am) March 18 (Wed)- Kadena Varsity @OCSI (5:00 pm) March 20 (Fri)- Kadena JV @Kadena High School (5:00 pm) March 21 (Sat)- Brazilian Football Club @OCSI (3:00 pm) March 25 (Wed)- Local Team (TBD) March 26 (Mon)- Kubasaki JV @Mike Petty/Foster (5:00 pm) April 2 (Thurs)- Kadena JV @OCSI (5:00 pm) April 13 (Mon)- Local Team (TBD) April 15 (Wed)- Local Team (TBD) April 17 (Fri)- Kubasaki Varsity @Mike Petty/Foster (5:00 pm) April 20 (Mon)- Kadena JV @Kadena High School (5:00 pm) April 22 (Wed)- Kadena Varsity @RYUKYU MS (5:00 pm) April 24 (Fri)- Kubasaki JV @OCSI (5:00 pm) April 30 (Thurs)- Kadena JV @Kadena HS (5:00 pm) May 2 (Sat)- JV Tournament @TBD (9:00 am) May 9 (Sat)-Kubasaki Varsity @OCSI (11:00 am) May 18-21 – FAR EAST @ Iwakuni/MC Perry 4 [Issue] :: [Date] OCSI 2015 GIRLS SOCCER March 18 (Wed)- Girl’s -Kadena Varsity @Ryukyu Middle School (5:00 pm) March 21 (Sat)- Brazilian Football Club @OCSI (1:00 pm) March 24 (Tues)- Kadena JV @OCSI (5:00 pm) March 26 (Thurs) – Kubasaki JV @Mike Petty/Foster (5:00 pm) March 30 (Mon)- Kadena JV @Ryukyu Middle School (5:00 pm) April 1 (Wed)- Kubasaki JV @OCSI (5:00 pm) April 14 (Tues)- Kadena JV @OCSI (5:00 pm) April 16 (Thurs)- Kubasaki JV @Mike Petty/Foster (5:00 pm) April 20 (Mon)- Kadena JV @Ryukyu Middle School (5:00 pm) April 22 (Wed)- Kadena Varsity @OCSI (5:00 pm) April 30 (Thurs)- Kubasaki JV @OCSI (5:00 pm) May 2 (Sat)- JV Tournament @TBD (9:00 am) 5 Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] Food Drive benefitting second harvest okinawa OCSI missions week march 16-20, 2015 Please bring all donations to room 606 or to any missions group during missions week We are accepting: Rice Canned Foods Non-perishable foods Isaiah 58:10 If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness 6 3D Printer "OCSI has received a generous donation consisting of a brand-new 3D printer! Located in the computer lab, this device's purpose is to give digital models a physical form. When students use 3D printers, they have a mindset for better learning, one where it is okay to make mistakes. This contributes to their boldness for design, increasing their confidence and imagination. Our world changes at such a rapid pace, and being able to learn from their mistakes will be invaluable going into their futures, where the jobs that they will do may not even exist today." CHROME BOOKS The middle school PreAlgebra class received a grant to purchase enough chrome books for a full class set! The students are enjoying using the Chromebooks during class. The Chromebooks will assist students as they continue learning for mastery at their own pace at home and at school. 7 Lorem Ipsum Dolor 8 2015-2016 Calendar [Issue] :: [Date] CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2015 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES Tia Calvin Alysha Clarke Sora Higashimori Amy Kamura Megumi Katagiri Grace Metz Kinami Nakaza Kento Nambara Tatsuki Ogawa Uruha Osaki Sabrina Ours Jireh Suh 2015-2016 Reregistration Day March 23, 2015 9:00 – 5:30 Early Re-Registration fee on March 23rd is ¥6000 (pay in yen only) After March 23rd ¥10,000 High School Students who register by April 13th will receive priority in course selection 9 Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] OCSI OCSI COURSES ARE NCAA COMPLIANT!! OCSI is excited to announce that all of our high school core courses have been approved by the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association The NCAA Eligibility Center certifies the academic and amateur credentials of all college-bound student-athletes who wish to compete in NCAA Division I or II athletics. Go to or for more information. GIRLS SOCCER COACH NEEDED The OCSI Girl’s Soccer Team is in need a coach for the 2015 season. You must be a Christian and have experience coaching or playing soccer. If you are interested contact Daniel Kennedy, Athletic Diretor at CLASS OF 2015 Senior Trip 1st Payment Due- March 17th Final Balance Due- April 1st SENIOR SUPPLIES All Senior supplies and cap and gowns have been delivered to the Seniors. Parents please make sure your Senior tries on their cap and gown this week to ensure it fits properly. If there are any issues with fitting Mrs Kong, Mrs. Jerome, or Mrs. Calvin should be notified no later than March 20th. 10 OCSI COLLEGE AND CAREER PREP ACT Test Dates Register at Registration Deadline: March 13 Test Date: April 18 Juniors and Seniors Register to take your SAT’s at Registration Deadline: April 6 Registration Deadline: May 8 Test Date: May 2 Test Date: June 6 What to Bring on Test Day: 1. Admission Ticket 2. Two No. 2 pencils and a soft eraser 3. Photo ID 4. An acceptable calculator with back up batteries: Graphing calculator or scientific calculator **SAT FREE PRACTICE via Khan Academy, College Board, Naviance and OCSI SAT PREP CLUB** AP Test Dates (Only students who are currently taking the AP class will take the AP tests) May 7 May 8 May 11 May 13 May 13 AP Computer Science A (8:00 am) AP US History (8:00 am) AP Biology (8:00 am) AP Language and Composition (8:00 am) AP Statistics (12:00 pm) 11 [Issue] :: [Date] HIGH SCHOOL REPEATING A COURSE POLICY Lorem Ipsum Dolor A STUDENT MAY ONLY REPEAT A COURSE IN WHICH HE HAS RECEIVED A FAILING GRADE. BOTH THE FAILED COURSE AND THE REPEATED COURSE WILL REMAIN ON THE STUDENTS TRANSCRIPT AND BOTH COURSES WILL BE CALCULATED IN THE STUDENTS GPA; HOWEVER NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE FAILED COURSE. SUMMER SCHOOL AT OCSI For the first time, OCSI will offer a Summer School Program for Middle and High School students in order for students to recover credit for courses that were previously failed. Courses will be taken via the online Sevenstar Program. Any student who is taking a course must first receive approval from the counselor and the Secondary Principal. There is an additional cost of $500 per credit recovery course plus textbooks or materials that may be needed for the course. Any student who is enrolled in Summer School will be required to attend OCSI from June 22 – July 17th from 8:30 – 12:00. More information regarding the Summer School Program will be sent to qualifying students soon. Middle School Retention Policy All full-year courses will be given final grades based on the average of the two semester grades. Semester courses will be given a grade on the basis of an average of the two quarter grades. Middle school students may not receive partial credit for full-year courses. Either the course is passed or failed for the year. If a middle school student fails to earn at least 60% for the year in a core subject (Math, Science, English, Social Studies) the student will be required to take the course during summer school via the online Sevenstar© program (For an additional fee). If a student does not enroll in Sevenstar© or fails the Sevenstar© course they will be required to repeat the grade. If a middle school student fails two core subjects (Math, Science, English, Social Studies) the student will automatically be required to repeat the grade. If you have any questions regarding the middle school retention policy or the Sevenstar program, please contact Mrs. Latasha Calvin, Secondary Principal or Mrs. Elsie Kong, College and Career Counselor. 12