Do liry o:`i fHn rssuE A$tD sAtE 0F COVUtitliiNT rcIiDs


Do liry o:`i fHn rssuE A$tD sAtE 0F COVUtitliiNT rcIiDs
liry o:'i fHn rssuE A$tDsAtE 0F COVUtitliiNT
1o The ts$re of bonds le deflned as tlre ctrculatl,on of bonde wlriclr
hll3-t talce plaoe through tlre gradual supn:ly of these oonds by the
Bond Aurtlt Corunlttoeo
2 o Bondg grs exchangeable srA r*ii. bE valld as securltbs qld
3o B6tds rrLll be eol'd ln t^he capltal
by banke arrt thelr
aruf nlfo tn ths prorrlnoea
branohea at face valueso
Bords nqy be inrrrchssed
by cash or valld cheakso
lgo Botldslt'Il1l be leeued for per{.oda of ons, ttrree and flvo yoaroo
Each bond Is ctlffenent tn shape &d ooloro
At preest,
11111not be lssued for less thstr one Jronro
Bon&: r'dll be lgsued for thc folloutnt
tems a31dtnterest
rates I
Ao one year bonds for lcD af!,
10m s,fg tflth eouporr lrllt
rate trtlt
lro lfsrrrdo
coupon, and 500 and
fire errrnral lnter.est
b€ ?fio
Bo Three yoar bondr of }OLCIra0w srd 5goo af,s $tth corpon
r{ur bc lssu€d"
Tlre annurd lntareet, rate }rr1l b€ T
Co Plva year bonda of 50001 101000 s&d 501000 afg rrtth
coupon wlII be tesued"
tire arllual lnterest
rete rrltl
be fYoo
6o BondsrriLr be bought by banlie tur tlie cqpltal
and by thd.r
brancires ln t'ire 1:roltncest tilien iralf tlre r,enii of tire bond has
eirqplredo Interest,
be paJ.d to the oi'rner of Lire uond at,
the t ine of purcliase ancl every cix r,rontLs i. i'i-iii tlte t,en* of
encourar e peo;rle to sell
t'he bondo 3anlcs uill
bcnds to bhe
b;:nks l,iren tirc tern of the bond 'iras er,rpired" lnterest
t'he coupon has exilitedo
be, iraid after
7 o l^trhenpay'ln5 interest,
tlre uanlrs riill
recorcl the c(,irsecu[
nrnrbere and date of sale for the bond on the back of the coupons,
be sl6ned by an ar.thorC.aedernployee of tire bslk"
Bo Bonds borght by the banlcs fror,r bond oT.Jrlersuill
the banP,suntil
people after
of resolrl bcnCs -rdll. belong to
Eold rdth tlu
ijuch bonds r,ray bc sold to otlier
they have beenr endorsed and oi;ned by the author-
lzed enployeeo t'he interest
the last
be held lry
nay freely
bqy and seII
bondso Bonds nra,ybe
agroement of both partLeso
10o Banlcs deal.lng ln bonds uiLl
be obligated
to record clearly
the sel-ling; date of the bonds in both r.rorris and nurnerals on the
The bonds rnrst be siijned and stainped by tlre authorized
anpJ.otr'eesbefore bet-ng released to the bqyers o
11o Bonds ithl"ch hsve and are then ;lrrchased by tlre
banlcs rrusi, i;e eirncellecl and rer'roved frotr cj.l"ci:.l"atlono Cancelled
boncls :.i11 be scnt to tlre Treasury Derurtarrent of tlre iiinistry
Finance by tire banks