Straw Bale Construction - Fall 2008
Straw Bale Construction - Fall 2008
StrawBaleHome Construction-fr,&6 B U I L D I NMGO M E N T U M b Y e i e e n q , : t , . r, r PHOTOS BYBLI]E AiKER[4AN I c o l u m b i ag o r g e m a g a z i n e 7 1 H O M E AndlomReid's Fostefs house looks nothirrg likcTomReidt home. Brent ,,,# living roofis house iscompletely fromRuth 0lin\(ottaqe. Foster's different interi0r. withanorgani(, undulating thegrcen lidtoa Hobbit likedwelling great andclean Reid's room isa nodt0 m0dernrty withsm00th, flatwalls look toitsexterror. But lines, while 0lin\diminutive studio hasa Iraftsman These literally isthesame. theheart 0fthese buildings, andfiguratively, are(0nstrutted three [olumbla Gorqe homes, built within thelastsixyears, meth0d. out0fstraw bales andrepresent a national trerdinthisbuilding wilh 0ut0f strawbaeslayered Straw balehomes, lvhich areconstrLrrted plaster, a testament t0 the arenouibeing created in allstyles andsizes, "There isroom forallsorts modern evolution ofanoldfashioned tradition. oftastes," Foster says. 72 c o l u m b i ag o r g e m a g a z i n e r -{iHC. .*. .d CUSTOM HOMERiver& Mt.Adams Views.3664 soft. 55'15k.. 'i, ti 01.t" .oO/..r I oLod RIVER VIEWCustomhome.4Bedroom.3 Bath.5415k.. loo. tor o C.ippingef,rranaqingcdltof of "Tlre LastStfawl,ln in tefridtofa journa ol 5trawbala.aonstfLtction ba5ed n " t! chanqinqand !lfowin!l .ind gaiftiIg Nebr,l5ka, say5. acceptancel' Th., tfaditionol straw ba c buidll1g in this country datesb.r.k to Lhc l.te 1800swhen Nebraskitpofeers, BRANDNEW3 Bedroomwith River& Mt.Views. S250k. ,lccuSlomcdto bLrildiagsod honics,fitova,dwest and had to adaptto a dr e1 tfeeessc imate.At the sam-.i m-o, the stcalIrpoweredba er was inver]ted, m.king ba ing easer dnd faltef Strawbal...onslructiontdpercdoff in the 1950s,I ke y due to .rvailabity of {h..aperbuildinq pfoduct5altef Wor d W;r Thc tfaditionweitthfoLtglr . revlva ot lorls n tlre 1980s,and over th,. pnsLlhr,.e decad-.sinsur.rnce, lrnancinqand permiLL r)q lr.rvcbc coTr]ernoTemain5lream. Coppirgef saysin Nebraska, sfra!./bnc building has reachedtlrc (om[]eTci.t 5ec tor and can bc 5een n churches,school5,w ncr cs,nnd cven storaqelaalilies. o(s41) BeckySchertenleib, GRI. NanWimmers, CRSCRB H 296-5500| 7i4 West6th Street I TheDalles,OR97058 H O M E Partof that evolutionis demonstrated by the distinctiveaestheticsof thesethree localhomes.'lt is a reallyflexibleforrnof buildingmaterial;' Fostersays. He chosea rnoretypicalSouthwestern lookwhenbuildinghisMosier, Oregon, housewithEmily Platt.That look is reflectedin an archedwoodenfront door and exteriorentryway, whichboastsmatching,curved"nichoslcarved directlyinto the strawwalls,a commonfeatureof adobebuildings.Fosterusedthis elementliberallyin the I ,600-square-foot house,cuttingdeep window baysand window seatsas well as small,curvednooksin the walls.The floor,concretein somerooms andtilein others, complements the neutralcolorof the earthen plaster andthe woodenplanked ceiling. A curvedstaircase rises up to the secondfloor with the exposedfleshof a peeledtree trunk at its center.The interiorwalls,revealingthe shapeof the bales,havea warmandsensuallook.Fosterchosethis lookpartly for practicalreasons. "lf you are happywith an organiclook and you don't mind seeingthe naturalvariationofthe strawbales,it just takesa wholelot lessworkandenergy,'Foster says. Reid,who built his A,4osier houseand is co-ownerof Green HomeConstruction Inc.,sayspeopleshouldknowthat strawbaie homesarenot lirnitedto onestyle."People can'tenvisionanything but the Southwestmode.Theyget stuckon it,'Reidsays.l\4ost peoplewould not readilyidenti6/his2,300-square-foot, L shaped houseasa strawbaiehome.Reidlivestherewith hiswife,Monica, and two children, Skylerand Arden,and describes the styleas modifiedpostand beamwith a'mountainhome'look. Theceilingsof hisgreatroomriseto a heightof I B feet,andthe interior wallshaveclean,sharpcorners,accentedby differentco ors of clay-powder bluein the bathroomand sagegreenin the stairwell-thatwastroweledon by handin placeof paint.Paperstone counters in softgleamingb ackcomplement the stainless steel appliances. Localblacksmith VanKeliems'custom workisvisibiein the mudroomcoathooks, a diningroomchandelier anda hefty banister madefroma salvaged railroad rail.Reidalsotookadvantageof skylights positioned and carefully windowsto bringin naturallightingon bothfloors. " Ou cr o u n try w a sfo u n d ed b y ru g g e di n d i v i d u awl sho h a p p i lm y a d ed u ew i ththe resources in their orovided naturalenvironment; waste wasnotanoptionl' cofumbia gorge magazine 75 H O M E sF. l;i:r;.;-, thatano d househas,andI betweentheseothertwo."l lovethequalities assomewhere Olin's desiqnmightbestbedescribed homehaswhatshecals a'tountry in says. Asa resut, her730squarefootWhiteSalmon wantedto builda sustainab e house,"O exterior whie the meta roofandplaster conveythe shapeof a smaI Craftsman, cottage" design. Thepeakedroofandexterior al its houseon the property andreused andgreenbuildettoredownan existing hintat the sustainable ethic.Olin,an architect the exterior doorsandsaivaged the interiordoorsfromthe Gorge Shehandmade Douglas Firin the beams, trimandcabinets. Thefloorisadobe, radiators, doorjarnbs andhardware. cabinet, it Center sink,toi et,medicine Rebuild a onqwlththe bathroom paintismi k based andthe interior Herrooflnsuationismadeof old bluejeans, mixedbVhandfromMosier clay,sandandstraw. " t takesa lotof energy;'she says oljn notesthatthe DIYnatureof the routeshechoseisnotforeveryone. andbreathable. Forone fromthelrhouses. Foster, ReidandO ina I enjoysimlarbenefits verydifferent, Whilethelrhomesmightbeaesthetically (reported y up providesuperor insulation of p aster, coatedwith layers The1Binchbales, thing,strawbae homesaredurable. Theaverage temperature wlthina strawbalehomewillstayat about65 of traditlonal construction). to threetimesthe insulation 76 columbiagorgemagazine yearroundwithoutanyheating degrees (For or cooling. backupheat,FosterandReidusewood stovesand radi antheatin thefloors. Olinusesoid-fashioned radiators.) Homeowners notea certainintangible comfortlevel AtyqrRtcAN Cuv 'Naturally * -.' BeautifulWalls that comesfrom livingwithina strawbalehometoo. "People whohavelivedina strawbalehousewouldfind it verydifficut to livein a non-strawbalehoL-tse;'Foster says. And Reidpointsout the healthfactor.In hiscase thatmeantusingnatural primers c ayandnontoxic and seaants,which,in combination with an aircirculation system, rnakes forgoodairqualityin the house. C earlya spiritof conservation comesnaturally with strawbaleconstruction."lt hasto do witha sustainable 'i[e.lvle-iv:rg Igl-rlv o'1 tl"e edrr'l;Coopi^ge sdy\ To beginwith, strawis a wasteproductleft overafter grainharvesting. In addition, strawbalehornebuilders, asdemonstrated by Olin's loyalty to the GorgeRebuiidIt Center,often buy other suppliesfrom secondhand sources. Fostersaysmorethan 95 percentofthe wood in his homewassavaged.Reidsalvaged an od rail E N G L A N OC O . t: H O M E Hls roadoadingplatform tfimanda stairway to bulldcabinets, paperstone countertops aremadeout of recycled alsocontlibute to watefheaters andon demandwaterheaters soar design, a keypart the conservation eftort.50 doespassive wh ch lncludes of the insulation andtemperature consstency, houseorentationand wlndow adequateexteroroverhangs, posltlonlng andcuslomg azng sttaw Whetherbu t by ownersor professional contraclors, bd- o1.l o .-F-r bJo/ad b, . .o i o '1 hL d "''lo1d par andp astering communty A I speakfondy oFbae raislng tiesduringwhichfrlendsand fam y joln ln to help "Thereis y a community Betore her nterlor definite aspect to it,"Reidsays. ^ d l. \ - e p d --d.O.d d o rr - p . ' 1ooq. i-o o l. to hideaway n a wai . Butshedoesn'texpecther houseto revea ' . _ 5 " r r b - . r . r o d lean 200yeafsl HOUSES TOURFEATURES'ENVIRO' Portlandconslstentlygarnersacclaimfor its culture of environmentalbuilding,but the ColumbiaGorge boastsits own collectionof homesthat can stackup against will any'green"hou5ethe city hasto offeL The ColumbiaGorgeEarthCenter(CGEC) presentits seventhannualGorgeEnviroHouseTouron October4 showcasinghomes tour will includestate locatedin HoodRiverandWhiteSalmonand MosietOregon.The aswellasa hostofthe ofthe aft examplesofsolarsystemsand strawbaleconstruction, buildingproducts,designsand methods. Iatestsustainable is expandingthe eventto includeseveralnew opportunitiesfor Thisyear,the CGEC will host a specialsessionofGreenDrinksfeaturing visitorsto learnand mingle.CGEC a talk given by a nationallyrecognizedgreenbuilderon Frida, October3. Throughout the next morning,therewill be four one-hourworkshopsduringwhich attendees will havethe opportunityto learnabout variouselementsofsustainablebuildingand develoomentfrom expertsin thefield. Ticketsfor Green Drinkswill be sold at the door, and ticketsfor the tour and workshopscan be purchasedatthe GorgeRebuild-ltCenterat 995TuckerRoad,Hood River Furtherinformationabout the GreenDrinksevent may be obtained by contactand detailsabolt the tour and ing lared Fuscaldoat, workshopsareavailablefromTaraKearnsat tour@cgec.or9. 78 columbia gorge magazine