JOEL 1:4 ,> 4 t That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust
JOEL 1:4 ,> 4 t That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust
llPage Had To Be A Prophet JOE1 L :4 ,> 4 t Thatwhichthe palmerwormhathleft haththe locusteaten;andthat whichthe locusthathleft haththe cankerwormeaten;andthat whichthe cankerwormhathleft haththe caterpillereaten. J O E 2:25 L andthe andthe caterpiller, D 25 t And I will restoreto youthe yearsthat the locusthatheaten,the cankerworm, palmerworm,my greatarmywhichI sentamongyou. EZEKIEL 37:L- 10 andsetme downin the wasuponme,andcarriedme out in the spiritof the LORD, 1 1l Thehandof the LORD midstof the valleywhichwasfull of bones, Andcausedmeto passby themroundabout:and,behold,therewereverymanyin the openvalley;and,lo, 2 theywereverydry. O LordGOD,thou knowest' Andhe saiduntome,Sonof man,cantheseboneslive?AndI answered, 3 uponthesebones,andsayuntothem,O ye dry bones,hearthe wordof the 4 Againhe saiduntome,Prophesy LORD. Thussaiththe LordGODuntothesebones;Behold,I will causebreathto enterintoyou,andye shalllive: 5 AndI will laysinewsuponyou,andwill bringup fleshuponyou,andcoveryouwith skin,andput breathin 6 you,andye shalllive;andye shallknowthat I amthe LORD. andthe therewasa noise,andbeholda shaking, andasI prophesied, asI wascommanded: 7 SoI prophesied bonescametogqther,boneto hisbone. themabove:but c.overed 8 AndwhenI beheld,lo, the sinewsandthe fleshcameuq uponthgm,andthe-skin there was no breathin them. sonof man,andsayto the wind,Thussaiththe Lord untothe wind,prophesy, Thensaidhe untome,Prophesy 9 GOD;Comefromthe fourwinds,O breath,andbreatheupontheseslain,that theymaylive. me,andthe breathcameintothem,andtheylived,andstoodup upon ashe commanded 10 SoI prophesied great army. feet, their an exceeding V-3N.15 SUNDAY_ JEFFERSONVILIE.IN 62.A422THE.RESTORATION.OF.THE.BRIDE.TREE_ gf deathtook lt away,in dogmas. ( 509 t destroyedlt. Fourmessqngers Fourkillerstook lt. Fo.urmessenFers g[ righteousness restoreHerbackagain. Fourmessengers sonof man.Cantheseboneslive?"Wishwe hadtime.I got it wrotedownhere,but I haveto missthat. 510 "Prophesy, "Prophesy.Cantheseboneslive?"What'sthe four gtagesof that comingforth of that Church?What'sthe fouf stagesof Ezekiel's dry bonescomingforth?Butthe Lifeonlycome,notwhenthe sinewskinwason them,but whenthe wind bloweduponthem.That'swhencomebackthat fgurth Messaseof U&. IN V-3N.7 SUNDAY_ LLE. JEFFERSONVI MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALEDffi-A728CHRI5T.IS.THE. andpullout them"drybones,"andshowyou.Hesaid, K Sg7 1 Oh,how I wishI hadtimeto go backinto Ezekiel, "Canthesebonesliveagain?" Hesaid,"Prophesy!" 598 Howcanprophecycome?Onlythroughthe's the Wordof the Lord""Hearye, dry bones,the Wordof the Lord!"Andsinews,skincomeuponthem,andtheystoodup a mightyarmy,andbeginto marchtowardsZion.Glory Him.That'sHim,thevictory. to God!That's Theransomedof the Lordshallcometo Zionthen withioy, AIIHisholymountains,nothinghurt or shalldestroy.Yeoh. 2 l Pa g e Had To Be A Prophet LLE. IN TUESDAYES_CONNERSVI FULL.OF. DITCH E.VALLEY. 53-0609EMAKE.TH ( E-32 t preachtonight.Look.And 1...Lookyhere.Whenhe like I could almost I feel Notice,backto my Sgipture. I Therewasiusfifi€tio4. JOHNWESLEY, went the first trip, when he hadfoundthe church,the first stagedown...?... and age.Schoolsandorganizations WESI.EY'S age.Secondstage,the schoolof prophets,p-ang.tification, mean,LUTHER'S crossing the river. so forth. Thirdstage,PENTECOST, PHOENIX.AZ V.19N-2 TUESDAY_ 65-0119THE.GOD.WHO.IS.RICH.IN.MERCY_ age.That'sas ( 98 t brought,of iustification.wasall rightfor LUTHER'S Andthe message that MARTINTUTHER far asit went. age.That'sasfar as it went. wasfine in WESLEY'S 99 Sanctification age.Andthe restorationof the sifts is a veryfine thing,it wasfine in the 100 Thenwe comeinto the PENTECOSTAL age,but w€ are goingberyondthat now. We are beyondthat, just as ture asthere is a world. IL MONDAY_ NG_CHICAGO. HEALI PROVI DED,WAY.OF. 54.0719A GOD'S. ( E-12 t There'sno mancanopenthisBook.I mightturn the pagesback,and Now,beforewe openthisEooJ<... the say"We'llreada chapterfrom here."ButGodisthe onlyOnecanopenthisBook.Yourememberin the heaven, you have we everthinkthat Yourememberthat?Anddid EookwaslayingseofeCwith seve4seolfon the backside. PENTECOSTAT through WESLEY'S through sqnctiflcation, comethrough LUTHER'S Folv thoqt. and still iustificatior.r, it's in the segls. in here; not written lt's revealed. else to be we'rekindlymuddlingalong?There'ssomething We'regoingto teachon thosethings,the Lordwilling,whenI comeback. Danielheardthosesevenvoices,utteredtheirvoices,andhestartedwriting;Hesaid,"Don'twriteit." See? Remember, in the lastdays."lsthat right? "lt'll be revealed afterit wasdone a E-1.3 t Johnsawthe samething,andwhenhe sawit on--onthere,thisEoof on the backside, when the mysteryof hadseyenseols.Andtheseutasto be lop,fened beentaughtall the waythrough,on the backside the church. opened to be up to Godwould be fulfilled. We're at that time, for the sevenmysteries 5UNDAY_ BLOOMINGTON.IL ABRAHAM.AND,HIS.SEED.AFTER.HIM_ 61.-041.6 ( E-98 t likeAbrahamdid;we comethroughWESLEY'S Andwe'vecomethroughMARTINLUTHER'S iustifigation age,andnow we haveseenthe placingof the giftsinto the we'vecomethroughthe PENTECOSTAL sanctification; Hirmelf in flesh,discerningthe very thoughtsof the heart, God manifest we saying next? church.And now what are exactlywhatJesussaidwouldcometo pass.And the nextthing is to changingof the bodyto receivethe promisedSon. MONDAY* GRANDE.PRAIRIE.AB 61-0515A.GREATER.THAN.SOLOMON.IS.HERE_ ( E-69 t afternoon, that we arelivingin the lastdays,in the or yesterday in the lastnight'smessage, Remember seedgettingthe samelastsign.I askanymanor womanto tell me onesignpromisedin the Bible signof Abraham's LUTHER'S age;saqctification, BroughtthroughiHstifi€ation. outsideof this lastsign.Showwhat it was,howAbraham... placirlg the g!ftsin Hischurch;andthen appearedwith His age,confirming, WESIEY'S age;HolySpirit PENTECOSTAL backturned,anddiscernthe thoughtsthat Sarahin the backandbehindHimlikethat.Andthe nextthingwasa fireto andthe transfigurationof Abraham'sbodyandthem to recelvethe promisedson. the unbelievers, 3 l Pag e Had To Be A Prophet V.6N-1 SUNDAY* JEFFERSONVILLE.IN THERE,IS.A.MAN,HERE.THAT.CAN.TURN,ON.THE.LIGHT_ 63-1"229M of WESL8Y, ( 183 t the message of IUTHER, the message Nowthat'swhat it is.Thedeadthingsof yesterday, it'll a vindication, Word of qroceFs the Spirit and go God's Holv of the if it can through only of PENTECOST, the message you rags. See? leaveit lay,it's dirty bringforth the reflectionof the JesusChrist,the King.Amen.Butif andWESIFIhasgot to be hasgot to be moldedinto WESLEY, 184 lt's got to be moldedinto somethingelse.LUTHER goes a pfosess.5o hasthe lt through ggl! into be mglded has to and PENTECOST moldedinto PENTECOST, thript. of prccess. age,of iustification,we believethat: WESLEY'S, LUTHER'S lt's qrocessing. Gospelgonethrougha of the r€slorationof lhe glftg for the HolvGhqst. we believethat. sanctification,we believethat; the PENTECOSTAL'S, today,andforever.Oh! you right,the sameyesterday, comeout with?Jesus, But,moldit alltogether,whatdo certainly. It'llcomeout with iesus. ( 185 t Whena manin a foundryis makinga bell,he'sgot a certaintonehe hasto put in it. Whenhe is setting hismoldandpouringhisiron,he putsin so muchbrass,so muchsteel,so muchcopper.Why?Heknowsjust exactly how muchto put in,to make,giveit the righttone. so muchMethodist,andso much Andthat'swhatJesushasdoneby HisBride,Hehadto put so muchLUTHER, with? His Ownreflection. in it. Butwhat doesHecomeout Presbyterian, so muchPENTECOST, yousee,it'sheapingrightup,this,comeintothe minority,with the Headstone. Whatis it?JustlikepyramidMessage, has earth, to bethe sameasthe ministryHehad,or Hecan'tcometo it' Theministryof JesusChrist,on V.6N.1 SUNDAY_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN 63-1229MTHERE.IS.A,MAN.HERE.THAT.CAN.TURN.ON.THE.LIGHT( 162 + Methodistmannawouldnot workfor manna,wouldnot workfor Methodist. Yesterday's, LUTHER'S mannawill not workfor today.Seewhat I mean?Everydayit come,dayby day,fresh,and PENTECOSTAI PENTECOST. so haslt throughthe churchages. messagewasthe manifestationof saFctific3tign. mannawasthe messageof iustificatlgn.WE$LEY'S LUTHER'S the last dqY.!hg-&tr!gl!I$, wasthe q€$tolatlongf lbg giftg.Bgt this,ir intrgCpcins$e HeaCslgne. PENTECOSTAL YUMA.AZV.5 N.14 SATURDAY65-1204THE.RAPTURE( 91 t Whena germcomesintothe wombof*of the female,it don'ttakeon...You,you didn'tbecomea human germfrom yourfather,andthen the nextthingyou becomea germfrom a dog,andthe nextthingfrom a cat,the next lt wasall humangerm. thingfrom a chicken. Andthe Bodyof JesusChrist,the Bride,will be partof HisBody.Whichwill...Hewasthe Word,andthe Bridewill have PENTECOSTAL'S irlslitlcati$r.WESLEY'S to be the Word;Word addedto Word,addto Word.LUTHER'S $aqctificatioq. got Word on top of goes to be lt. See? lt's with of lt, baptismof the t*g!VSnid$restgfetiqnof lbg sifts.andall the rest Word,germon top of germ,Lifeon top of Life,to bringout the full statureof the Brideof the LordJesusChrist.Now, youwasan attribute. remember, gZ t << Andnow,the thingof it is,afterwe findout thesethings,that Christis Comingfor HisBride,now how do we get intothat Bride?That'sthe question. Oneof themwantsa certaintypeof haptism.Onewantsto do thisor that.Onesaid, Manysay,"Joinour congregation." or youhaven'tgot lt." Theotheronesaid,"Youdon'thaveto speakwith tongues'"This "Youmustspeakwith tongues, lt'sall all right,andthen, one says,"Youmustdancein the spirit."Thissays,"Youmustshout."This,"Gota sensation." still,it'sall wrong. Howcoulda manthat's...or a woman,or a childof God,that'sbornof the Splritof God,denythe Wordof God?When, lt. Herelt is,"showinglt justas plainas lt can.Why,they'rebound GodHimselfinterpretlt andsay,"Thisis lt. I promised to seett. See?Hor couldChristdenyFlisOwnWord?And if Christis in you, lt cant denyHisOwn Word. ( 93 t 12,"ByoneSpiritwe'reall baptizedintothisBody, Thenhowdo we get intothisBody?FirstCorinthians by one HolvSpiritbaptism."That,if youwantto put that down,it's FirstCorinthianst2zL3."Andby one Spiritwe areall TheLifeof Christ!Andthe says,"Amen."-Ed.] Andthe Spiritisthe Lifeof Christ.lsthat right?lCongregation baptized." life of anyseed...Which,Hewastfre WordSeed,bringsthe Seedto Life.Youget it? lf that-if that Lifeis layingin the 5eed,andthis bafiism of the HolvSpifitcomesuponlt, it's boundto bringthat SeedLife.