H r wsJ Editor-in-chief: Matt SegrisVTrey Brockman Front page/entertainment editor: Maeven Blankenship Feature editor: Isaiah Angeli/Reb eocaZiebatth Sports/Advice Editor: Robert Smith/Austin Beam Technologr Editor: Mathew Diffee Art Director: Nicholas George/Kelli Clark NovemberLogo by IsaiahAngeli lnside this issue: Fiction Turning Into Factson the Internet Features| 2 By Maeven Blankenship Tf you hear something from somebody your question is "Where did t'""*-lment I rrnrr lvu u , Music | Sports silly first | ;il; h r rouaqr ! th:t -*t,""*"*T; --rsmartv tz I \/nrr Fiction t, I ?t' Tl-'arr rrrsy arrr Day You think it "The inLerneL." almust be true. That isn't ways the case. Now, some of you think, "WeIl I know you you everything cant t believe read on the internet. " Do you really though? There is a website 'Wikipedia the onl-ine called Many kids use encyclopedia.' the website to help them with their reports and projects. Anybody would guess that because it is an encyafl the information clopedia is true. Wrong. There is a place on that website where /-nn r-hanne end add in- People with bias formation. get on the site and opinions change and add untrue things, next thing you know people who are J-iving are said to be dead and people who bel-ieve one thinq said anolher. I'm not saying that you should never befi-eve you read on the anything (I do think that internet. people should watch out for what they read. ) If it is highly unlikely but you are stifl unsure, you can check the world nebis, or even thei-r websites. So next time you are on Wikipedia making sure that you can find the information on other webthen you are sites as well, more like1y to find the truth. DIGITAL TELVISION SWITCH: 2OO9 ARE YOU PREPARED? By Alan Smith On February17,2009,TV stationswill beginto broadcastexclusively in digital. What's the differencebetweenour curent way of transmitting(analog)and digital, and why is the governmentmaking it sucha big deal? Over 70 million homes are at risk of losing signalin February 2009. If you haven't seenthem already,DTV converterboxesare alreadyfilling up the shelvesin electronicsretailersall acrossthe nation.Thejob of the converterbox is to useyour antenna(ifyou havean Analog set)to convertdigital sigrralsinto signalsthat analogtelevisionscandisplay. The converterboxescostbetween$40 and$70. Also, the governmentis giving out up to two (per household)$40 couponsto help pay for the boxes. If you alreadyhavecableor satelliteor someotherform of digital broadcast,you don't needto worry aboutthe switch, asyou havealreadymadeit! Over 70 million homes,however,are at risk of losing signalin February2009. You can obtain converterboxes(and coupons) at any elecfionicretailer. This shouldbe enoughinformationto help you get startedon makingthe digital switch. On October30th,SHAREstudentshadthe opportunityto take partin the NationalStudenUParent MockElection.The National MockElection(NSPME)is the nation'soldest, StudenUParent project,datingfrom largestand mostsuccessfulvoter-education 1980.Sincethe firstMockElectionin 1980,nearly60 million youngvotersfromeverystatehavecasttheir ballots.MockElection President,GloriaKirshnersays,"TheMockElectionis absolutelynonpartisanand is aimedat educatingfuturevotersabout ON PAGE2 CONTINUED PAGE2 ISSUE8 the principlesof democracyand the electoralprocess.We of the importance hopeto helpyoungAmericansunderstand participate to generation is invited Every vote. eachand every MockElectionandto help in the NationalStudenUParent "preserveand protect"our democracy." SHAREstudentsand parentsvotedby paperballotat voting "centers"at Homelinkandthe SalvationArmy.About5 million studentsand parentsparticipatednationwidein the 2008 the NSPME,includingover350 SHAREvoters!Interestingly, different very NSPME were overallpresidentialresultsof the fromthe resultsof the SHAREelection.In the NSPMEpresiof the vote, dentialelection,BarackObamareceived62-40/o the SHAREpresidential andJohnMcCainreceived32.3'lo/o.ln race,BarackObamareceived12o/oafidJohn McCainreceived resultsfromthe REALNovember4th The presidential 85.14o/o. nationalelectionare closerto the NSPMEresults,withBarack of thevoteandJohnMcCainreceiv53.60lo Obamareceiving ing 46.20/o. for The SHAREMockElectionwas a fun andeducationaltime all involved.Manylively"debates"took placearoundthe voting tables.Seethe chartbelowfor results.To viewcomplete MockElection,including resultsof the NationalStudenUParent Iection,qlq.To Missouri statistics,go to }ruww'neliLq-0a]InaqKe see the resultsof the REALnationaland stateelections,go to gla www.sos .rno.govIenrweb o r wlyl r-eIecLolal:-Y-s1e-E Results Mock Election NationalStudenUParent SHAREHomeschoolSupportGroupVotes Thurcday,October30 l. Presidentof the UnitedStates JohnMcCain(R)- 298 BarakObama(D)- 42 ChuckBaldwin(C)- 5 BobBarr(L) - 4 RalphNader(lnd.)- 1 Write-invotesfor Prgsidentof the UnitedStates CathyMullins- 6 (haha- shegotthe most!) SarahPalin- 4 RonPaul- 4 -3 MikeHuckabee HillaryClinton 1 AnthonyDulay- 1 AustinBeam- 1 - 1 (leadsingerfor Jarsof Clay?) DanHaseltine 2. MissouriGovernor KennyHulshof(R)- 285 Jay Nixon(D)- 48 (L) - 8 AndrewFinkenstadt (C) GregoryThompson - 6 3. United States Hoqse of Representatives Districtl (L)- 2 RobGunningham WilliamLacyClay(D)- 1 District2 ToddAiken(R) - 91 (Wow- werethe 91 votesreallyfrom his district?) BillHaas (D)- 3 District3 ChrisSanders(R) - 73 (D)- 11 RussCarnahan District4 JeffParnell(R) - 2 lke Skelton(D) - 1 District8 Jo Ann Emerson(R) - 2 JoeAllen(D)- 1 RichardSmith(C) - 1 District9 (R) - 5 BlaineLuetkemeyer JudyBaker(D) - 2 TamaraMillay(L) - 1 4. Past PresidentsBallot "lf theycouldcomeback,whichof thefollowing wouldyouwantto leadthe nation?" Presidents - 96 Lincoln Abraham GeorgeWashington- 83 RonaldReagan- 72 TeddyRoosevelt- 23 - 16 JohnF. Kennedy HarryS. Truman 15 - 15 BillClinton ThomasJefferson- I -6 FranklinRoosevelt SHARECOMPARED TO EVERYWHERE BYDavidTate \Mth a few exceptions,the votesfor the 2008electionshavebeencounted,andthe finalresultsare in. The resultsof the SHAREMockElection(see results in this paper)differquitea bit fromthe resultsof the Someareaskingwhy stateand nationalelections. in the results. difference big a therewouldbe such place in the 2004 back also took differences Similar elections. Hereare the comparisons: Presidentof the UnitedStates- NationalElection BarackObama- 53.6% JohnMcOain- 46-20/o Presidentof the UnitedStates-SHAREMockElection BarackObama- 12o/o JohnMccain- 85-14o/o Qovernorof Missouri- NationalElection Jay Nixon- 58.40/" KennyHulshof- 39.5% Govemorof Missouri- SHAREMock Election Jay Nixon- 16.84% KennyHulshof- 82.13% SHAREis madeup of a diversegroupof families,but lt onethingwe all havein commonis homeschooling' seemsthat SHAREmemberstendto vote forthe candidatesthat theythinkwill protectthe "parental righf'to homeschool. The RepublicanPartyPlatformtalksaboutparental VOTE ON PAGE15....SEE CONTINUED HISTORYOFBIKTHDAYS ByLindsey Hoyer No onereally paid attentionto the yearpassingin ancientdays.They didn't until they startedwatchingthe moon and figured out how the seasonspassed. The celebrationofbirhdays goesbackbeforeChristians.Paganculturesthoughtthat whentherewasa major changein life, demonscaflreto hurt you, ,soturning another year older would really get them going! They would surround the penon with friendsand frmily so the'evil spirits'would go away! For a long time only grown ups with power like kings and queensgot real celebrations.Commonpeopledidn't have the time or moneyforthis andthey alsoneverknew exactly what day it was. The first children's birthdaypartieswere in Germany and werecalled "Kinderfeste". Birthday cakesgo backto the middle ageswhen the Englishwould makecakesand hide things inthem like thimbles,rings and coins.Eachitem meant something,suchasthe thimble meantyou would nevermarry (nice thing to find out on yow birthday!) Artwork by NicholasGeorge WHOFOUNDEDNOKn{ AMERICA? By IsaiahAngeli In the beginningthis soil we call the United States of America"wasdiscoveredby a Viking namedLeif Eriksonwho found Greenlandand Iceland(eventhoughIceland is really a bunchofpine treesandis very greenand Greenlandhasnothingbut ice). Thenyou haveChristopherColumbuswho wasa explorerwho wantedto find a traderouteto Asia but insteadhe found Cubaand SouthAmeric4 so in essencehe did not discoverAmerica. Thenyou havethe guy calledAmerigo Vespucci who was a lying mapmakerand a book authorwho wrote aboutAmeric4 but nevercameoverto the new world. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this becauseit is importantthat peopleknow who founded Americaandgiving the correctpeoplethe correctamount of glory. ISSUE8 PAGE 3 Ninjitsu styleandhow it cameto be By NoahPendergrass Ninjitsu is, of coursethe deadlyfrghting style of (you guessedit) a niqia. peasants Ninjitsu wasborn when oppressedJapanese becamefed up with the constantbullying they receivedfrom the Samuraiclass. Many peopledon't believeninjasto be real, at leastnot ninjas in the classicalclimbing-on-wallsdressed-in-black-throwing-ninja-stars-sense. Well, they were, particularly in the 13frthrough 16trcenturyduring the Japanese civil war. The style itself focuseson the ability to kill someoneas fast and quietly aspossible. They usecamouflage,stealth, pressurepoints and small, simple weaponsto get thejob done right and fast. It's aboutNOT havingto fight; rather,killing your opponentbeforehe knows you arethere,is the emphasis. Niqja stan areprobablythe most famousninja weapons.Actually called "shurikens,"they q) po wereusedfor both mediumrangeand (l) handto handcombat.While the points ofeach spikeare sharp,the spacesbe0 tweeneachspikearenot. Therefore, ninja stars(or shuriken)could be held () betweenthe thumb andtwo fingers,with z >l a point betweenthe fingers.This could -o -v be usedfor slashing or asa fortrr of" T ! 4l,,it+u 3 brassknuckles".Ninjas arealso trained l J 4 P in stick fighting, and chainedweapons suchasnun chucks. l < Controversy! By: RebeccaZiebarth I hearthereis a rumorgoingaroundsayingthat reading a bookis befterthan listeningto the audiobook.Some peoplethinkthe opposite.I couldpersonallygo either way.Whatdo youthink? Emailme youropinionand I willpostit in the nextpaper.Thanks! [z-193@yahoo.com THANKSGIMNG: HOW IT HAPPENEDAND WHAT IT SHOULDBE! By The Holiday Fanatic Thepilgrims cameover to Americato be free of the King-of-England-made"one true church",his own church.The pilgrims did not like to be told they could not servethe true God.After they cameover they met an Indian namedSquantowho helped them with finding food, meetingthe otherIndian tribes and creatingpeacetreatiesbetweeneachother.In orderto thankthe Indiansfor their generosrty,they decidedto hold a feastfor then They had games,food, andheld huntsfor their main course, deer.What didn't the pilgrims have?Turkey! Well to kill a turkey with the gunsthey had,it had to be a lucky shotandthey would get very liule meat.It is possiblethat the Indiansgot the turkey for the pilgrims, but that would eliminatethe reasonfor Thanksgiving.Todayyou hearaboutthe pilgrims havinga greatfeastwith pumpkin pie, rolls, corn, fish, but do we really know what happened?Thereme many storiesandbookson Thanksgiving,,butthe real questionis which one is the most accurateandhasthe mosttruth. Know how to celebrateftis holiday? We shouldcelebrateis asa time to give thanksto God for giving us life and otherjoys in our life. PAGE 4 ISSUE8 POTBELLIED RIGFilS By Maeve Blankenship the city of St. Charles to keep their Jones are fighting and Christopher Cristina other hand are not so much in love t h e o n p i g . n e i g h b o r s T h e i r p o t b e l l i e d l o v e d much with the farm l-ike animal. Dorothy and Warren Korth complained of the animal- Claiming go down. They also claim pig; the cost of the houses will because of the pot bellied that they can see him from their and they do not appreciate that the pig is disgusting windows. though. A City Counpet without a fight go of their The Joneses are not Ietting City Councj-l Presit h e i r c a u s e . w i t h f a m i l y J o n e s t h e i s h e l p i n g Erv Ermeling, cilman, on pig in the h a v e t o f a m i l y e a c h t h a t l e g a l f o r i t t o m a k e w a n L e d R e e s e J e r r y dent household. This was not approved by the council. the Jones woufd have to certify stating a revised bill Ermeling has now submitted and only m e t h is seems rather fair, T o wirh the citv that the pig does not have rabies. pig. p o t b e l l i e d t h e i r a n d J o n e s e s w i t h t h e g o i n g h a p p e n to time wil-l tefl- with what is m a g a z i n e . I A L E S L o u i s was found in the St. Information FLAMES KIFIDER KONZERT By LindseyHoYer By David Tate Sowe all know that fires are dangerous,but do just how dangerous? we know Fire is very fast.In lessthan 30 secondsa small flare cantum into a huge,deadlyhaznd! In a typical homeyou haveabout2 minutesto get out after the smoke alarmsgo off. The heatof the fire canhurt you more thanthe actualflame. The heatcanbe anywherefrom severalhundredto over 1000degrees! Otherthan smoke,which is also very harmful to your lungs,fire producesothergasses.Thesetwo (smoke and gasses)kill morepeoplethanthe fire! During a fire you shouldknow whereto go, and whatto do. You wantto havea safeplaceto go andcall 911 assoonasyou can. If someonewasbumedyou do not want to apply ice directly to the spotwherethey were burnt. You canput it in a bowl of waterwith ice in it or v*rapice in a towel and getthetowel wet. With nornal campfires you canjust usewaterto put it out, so havewaternearbywheneveryou light one. DON'T put wateron electricalor oil fires. This will only makethe fire worseand causeothersto get hurt. Use baking sodaor evenflour to put it out. Sonow you know a few morethings abouthow dangerousfires are andwhat to do whenthereis one.Fire could scaresomeonefor life. When someonegetsa burn thereis a chancethat only scartissuewill grow back. So pleasebe carefulwith it! The October 21" Kinder Konzert, attendedby 2ffi SHARE members, featured Peter and the l{olfby Porkofiev and The Thieving Magpia by Rossini. The Kinder Konzert kicked off the 20082009St Louis SymphonyOrchestraEducationalConcert Series. This year, there is a new c'onductorfor the EducationalConcerts' Ward Stare.Mr. Stare is alsothe director of the Youth Symphony. The Young People'sConcert on November25thand the Young Adult Concert on December2nd will be the next in the series.Both are cilled Picture the Music and feature selections from Pictures at an F.xhibition by composersMussorgsky and RaveLFor the tirst time, SHARE teenswill attend the Young Adult Concert as a group. Seethe SHARE websitefor a complete list of concertsend more details. This reviewerwas not able to attend the Kinder Konzert on October 21"t,so decidedto intelview EducationalConcertveteran, JosiahVander Maas. How many Kinderkonzertshaveyou beento? Seven Really? Yep. How did this one rank amongthose? SinceI'm older I difur't like it as much,ond thoughtit was moregearedtaward the littler kids. Now, I know that there is a new conductorfor the Educa tional Concerts,Ward Stare.What did you think of him compared to the old conductor, David Robertson? He wss lessinteractivethan the old conductor,os well as relying moreon the musicthanpeople-(with the audience). Is that good or bad? Better 'causethere is morefocasing on the music,but worse for little kids who neededhelp understandingandpaying attentionCONTINUEDON PAGE 12.....SEEKONZERT ISSUE7 PAGE 5 EALLDAI\CE RE\rIEW By: RebeccaZiebarth Novemberlst wasassomepeoplecalledit "Thebestnight of my life!" I could not haveagreewith them more. The dance startedat 7 o'clock andwent til 10. At the beginning,Mrs. Mullins went to the front andmadean announcementsayingthat if at any time someonewereto stepout of the room, they could not comeback in, goodthing this neverhappened. The DJ playedsomehokey countrymusic for startersbut the tunesgot muchbetterthroughout. He hadput a notepadon his table so that peoplecould makerequestsandeventhoughmost of us didn't get their songplayed,we still hadtons of fun dancing to'Ice Ice Baby''TheCha-ChaSlide"TheElectricSlide'and 'Forever'by Chris Brown. I thoughtit was so funny when 'BeforeHe Cheats'came on (I requested that song!)andall the girls-andevensomeof the guys-were singingvery loudly along. Someof my friendswere disappiontedthoughwhenthe DJ stoppedthe song'Inthe Ayer'right in the middleandwhen he could not play a songthat manypeoplehadrequested(Lets hopethat he plays it at Prom). As for the dancingpart, I think I countedat leastsevenslow dancesandall the rest weregroup dancesthat were a lot of fun. I askeda coupleof my friendswhat their favorite songs (that wereplayed)were and i got a responseof "OMG! Definetly Forever!""Hmmm,the lastsongw:rscool i dontknow what it wascalledbut I liked it a lot", "YivaLaVida." Kids showedup to the dancedressedin their best. I'm sure that all the girls workedhard on makingtheir outfits look amazing and I haveto admit that someof the guys lookedpretty goodtoo. Goodthing everyonewasdressedappropriatelyor I think that Mrs. Mullins would havegottenupset. Pleasedon't askme who I thoughtwasthe bestdressedthat night becauseI probablywouldnt havebeenableto tell you! I am very excitedfor all you 7th and 8th gradersreadingthis reviewbecauseyou all will getthe chanceto cometo the Fall Dancein the nearfuture. An announcement for all who cameto the dance: The Prom is April ???! Yeall I'm so excitedI hope that they makethe Prom longerthanthe Fall Dance. Now it's time to startplanningon dressesand suits. Wow I might be gettinga little aheadof myself hearbut i cant help it! :) Homelink Interests By PeterWebb If you notice in Homelink, a lot of the literatureclasses arevery small; the scienceandmath areusually larger.But biggestof all is Newspaper.My questionis: *Why aremore children interestedin Newspaper,then in other literatureclasses?" Parentsseemto not be so confidentat teachingthings like scienceand math.Whereasmostparentsseemmoreconfident at teachinghistory, and literatureat home,newspap€ris more of a socialclassandnot so much ofa learningclass,you alsohavea finishedproductwhich mostparentslike. Somepeopleseemto think that newspaperis more likeablebecauseit's moreof a socialthing, and lessstructured.There areno grades,and it's rathercool to seeyour story on the front of a newspaper.Math is shaightforward;there's an answersheetto it, whereaswriting hasno "Answer book". parentsfeel uneducatedin the art of writing, whereasthey feel more confidentwhen they havean "Answer book" in front ofthem. HARVESTPARTYRE-CAP COSTUMES,WINNERS,GAMES, BUGS,PIGSFEETAND MORE By RachelZink From "Alice in Wonderland"characters.to Black EyedPeas,fairies, Indians,trees,fast-foodkings and clowns, (BurgerKing andRonaldMcDonald), all arrivedat the teen HarvestParty. Somekids endedup asmummiesin the "Mummy Wrap" gameor sportingeggjuice andyokesafter a crushingeggtoss.Kayla Dabbs,I meanHannahMontana, and RebeccahChrun,who was afary, avoidedeggon their costumesand camein I't . CourtneyWatsontook homeher l$ place'!uking" pumpkin.RonaldMcDonald(Noah Pendergrass) receivedfirst placefor bestcostume.Second placewent to MaevenBlankenshipwho was "Alice" from "Alice in Wonderland"andthird placewent to Julia Engle who wasa fairy. ElizabethNasono'Lizzie"took homecandy and l$ placetitle for the Best Joke.Lizzie's winning joke was,"What did the porcupinesayto the cactus?"Answer: "Are you my Mommy?" Survivor FearFactorFoodChallenge!Gutsyteens steppedup to the table waiting to seewhat the moms"cooked up" for themto eat;you neverknew what they could be munchingon-somegutsnext? We didn't just havereal eggs in the eggtoss;threebraveteenswere treatedto salmoneggs toppedwith quail eggs.Seaurchin, octopus,eel, pigs feet- we hadit all! HopeRonaldMcDonalddoesn'tgetanynew ideas for the dollarmenu! Specialthanksto all the moms,donators,andvolunteers! TFIENEW CTTESS CLTJBOF ST.LOUIS By IsaiahAngeli Thenew ChessClub of St.Louis is the very first placefor chessplayersto meetfrom all over the city of St. Louis. Before the new ChessClub was started playerswere meetingin coffee shops,bookstores,andparksto play each otherin gamesandto socializewith eachother.Oneof the very famouschessclubsmet at the Delmar St. Louis Bread Company.Now that thereis a new placeto play, you cantake classes,and competein tournamentsfor prizes.To take a tour andto visit the club for the first t:me is free. To visit each additionaltime it $1.00but you canjoin the club for specific amountsof time from a month to a year. The chessclub is locatedat: 4657MarylandAvenue St.Louis,MO 63128 For moreinformationcall: (314)361-CHESS[2.437] Or e-mail the director,Tony Ric[ at TRICH@SAINTLOUISCI{ESSCLUB.ORG ISSUE7 PAGE 6 HALLOWEEN COSTUME SURVEY By Austin Beam The following graphrepresentsthe most popular2008 Halloweencostumesfrom a surveyof 50 children, ages5-12-Scarycostumeswere mostpopular,however,this yearbroughtout a few political costumessuchas SarahPalin and a US soldier in lraq. And alwayspresentwerethe latestentertainmentcultural iconslike Darth Vader and Luke Skywalkerfrom StarWars, SpongeBob, and HannahMontana. HostPopulal2000Hallmmen Cosufme$ t r I EI I tl TI{E ROCKERMOVIE REVIEW By Adam Rickert Thosewho like The Office, or rock music, will probablybe interestedin this movie, starring Rainn Wilson who plays Dwight on the Office. Basically it's a comedyaboutRainn Wilson being in a high schooVcollegebandin the 80's andbeing tossedout by his fellow membersto get a recorddeal. Thushe endsup working asa telemarketer,until his own nephewstartsa bandandhires him to be the drummer.The rest ofthe bandmembersare conservative andcontrolle{ but RainnWilson goesnuts! He trasheshotel rooms,he practicesdrummingnaked (which in my opinion is not right), and otherthings. This is a greatcomedyfor anyonewho likes the Offrce , or anyonewho likes a comedy,Id give fhis one a nine out of ten, you definitely needto seethis movie. Horor/Scary TVlMovie Shsw Animals Bible Characters Political/Community Sports Characters amilmai m0fu THE BIG BEAST OF TI{E EAST By Julia Engle As the largestcaf tigersrely on prey species much largerthanthemselves.They needto kill a hoofed mammalevery3-5 daysto sustaintheir appetite.Their uniquestripeshelp them to blend in with the background,allowing them to creepup on their prey. This camouflageis very importantbecausea tiger cannot outrun it's prey, anddependsupon fhe elementof surprise.Eventhoughthereis only a 5 percentchanceof succeeding on theattack. PAGE 7 ISSUE8 SWITCT{FOOT By Trey Brockman Switchfootis an alternativerock band from SanDiego, CA. It alsohappensto be my personalfavorite.You might be wonderingwhy they call themselvesSwitchfoot.It is a surfing term that is usedwhen you take a new sfance facing the oppositedirection andtaking a new approachto the shore.They chosethis namebecauseit meanttaking a new approachto life and music. Switchfoothascomeout with six albums; Legendof Chin n 1997,New Wayto Be Human in 1999andthemostsuccessfirl ofthe three, Lerning to Breathein 2000. The band cameout with their first album,asa threeman band,consistingofthe leadsingerand leadguitarist, Jon Foreman,his brother,Tim Foremanas the bassguitaristand backupsinger,and Chad Butler asthe drummer.JeromeFontamillaswas addedlater asa keyboardist,a leadguitarist, and a backupsinger. In 2003,theyreleased yet anotheralbum,TheBeautifulLetdown,which receivedmoreattentionthantheir pastalbums.It certified to be double-platinum,and sold more than2.6million copies.It includedmy favorite song,Dare Youto Mwe, which becamea hit songalong with Meant to Live, also includedin the album. This is YourLife, fromthe samealbum, becamea radio hit, aswell as Gone.In 2005,the bandreceivedfive DoveAward nominations,and won four, including Artist of the Year. They alsocameout with their fifth album, Nothing is Sound.Shortlybeforethis, they added anotherleadguitarist,Drew Shirley, asthe fifttr memberof the band.Their sixth albvm, Oh! Gravity, star0edat the top ofthe list of bestalbums.Last year,they wrote a song,Zftis r Home,for the movie Chroniclesof Narnia, Prince Caspian. Switchfoot is sometimesreferredto asa ChristianBand.This is becausethey were involved in their early days with the ChristianRock Scene.However,they shunnedthis. JonForemansays,"For us, it's a faith, not a genre."He also quoted,"We've alwaysbeenhonestin our songs.For us, these songsare for everyone.Calling us 'Cbristian Rock' tendsto be a box that closessomepeople out andexcludesthem.And that's not what we're trying to do. Generalinformationand quoteswere gathered from Wikepedia,the free encyclopedia. tvl U !5 I G LED ZEPPELIN REUNION By Adam Rickert The world's greatestrock bandmight tour again! Led Zeppelinwas comprisedof Jimmy Page,guitars ; RobertPlant, vocals; JohnPaul Jones,bass guitars; andthe late JohnBonham,drums. Combined thesefour madetop of the chartsin the late 60's andearlyto mid- 70's, until, JohnBonham died in 1980,leavingthe banddevastated. However,JohnPaul Joneshasrecentlyconfirmed with mediathat he, Jimmy Page,andJasonBonham,will be going on tour ; but without Plant! This hasshockeda greatmany,and somepromotershavesaidthat anotherZeppelintour wouldn't be worth it without Plant. Whetherthey will bill themselvesasLed Zeppelinand whenthe tour will begirLis still unknown, as is who will take over singing.Jonescommentedhoweverthat, 'o...assoonaswe krow who it is we'll let you know". This is exciting many, andat the sametime depressingthem. Ticketsmightcostasmuchas200$!! That'sa lot ofcash. G I s l, tvl However,thoseinterestedin seeingan imitation bandgo to The Pageanton Saturdaynight, where CelebrationDay will be playing. Thesetickets are only 15$ ISSUE8 $po*s Fa$G My F.A.S.T.is fasterthanyourfast! By: RebeccaZiebarth AquaticSwim I am a memberof F.A.S.T.(Flyers Team). FASTwascreatedin 2003whentwo SouthCounty swimteamscombinedintoone,Mehlville-Oakville Swim Teamandthe SugarCreekSwimClub. Thereare 8 differentgroupsin the teamthatorganizethe 150-200members Ageof the team. The groupsare Pre-Team,Strokeschool, group,Senior1, Senior2 and Masters.I am in Strokeschool. The coachesat FASTare awesome!Thereis Head is my CoachJasonCravensand hiswifeLindsey(she coach)Colin,Nick,Melanie,and Karen.All the coachesare qualifiedand membersof theAmericanSwimmingCoaches Association(ASCA). ln my opinion,swimmingis the funnestsportto play. You learna lot,developyourhand-eye(and whole a greatworkout,and the bodyfor that matter)coordination, desiredflat stomachand rock-solidabs. Don'tworryguys, youcantoo. At FASTwe practiceall4 strokes:Butterfly,Freestyle, Breastroke,and Backstroke;My personalbest is Freestyle. ln the lastmeet,my firstracewas a 200 Fresstyle.In termsa'25'isonelap,anda'100'is4 lapsand swimming so on. So imagineyourselfdoing8 lapsin the Lindbergh HighSchoolswimmingpool. To keepthingspositive,i'm notgoingto tellyouhowi felttryingto pullmyselfout of the poolafterthe race. Sincethis is my first year participating on a year-round swimteami havenotwonany medalsor awards-yet! lf youwouldlikemoreinformation on howyoucanjoin FASTemailme at bz .'193@y-ah-qo-cqll. LET'S HOOPIT UP! By JosiahVanderMaas Someof you may know that the NBA (National Basketball Association)will hasjust startedup andis in full swing. So far the Detroit Pistonsare leadingin the EastemConferenceandthe New OrleansHornetsare leadingin the WestemConference,as projectedby SportsIllustratedfor Kids, the magazine. Also a lot of tradeshavehappenedin the offseasonandthe playersare adjustingto their new teams. Someof which include: BaronDavis from the GoldenStateWarriors andgoing to the Los AngelesClippers. Corey Maggetteis headingvisa-versagoing to the GoldenStateWarriors. Otherbig switchesareRon Artest going from the SacrementoKings to the HoustonRockets. The last onethat I am going to list is Elton Brand coming from the Los AngelesClippersandgorngto the PhiledelphiaSixers. Eventhoughit is still very early on I am going to try andpredict someplayoff berths: I predictthat the EasternConferencewinner will be the Boston Celticsled by Kevin Garnett,PaulPeirce,andRay Allen. My predictionforthe WesternConferenceis the New OrleansHornets. My predictionto win the NBA Championshipis the New OrleansHometsled by Chris Paul. I think this year in the NBA is going to be a crazy andexciting yearas it alwaysis. Sobuckle your seatbeltsbecausewe arein for onewild ride. PAGE 8 The HumanShark 6'4, 195 pounds,this is the man who solely outdid the entireU.S. track team in gold medals. Michael Phelpsis the man who shatteredall but one of the Olympic gold records that he swamagainst. Michaelwasborn June30, 1985. WhenMichaelfnst began to swim he was afraid to put his face in the water. When his swim teacher sensedthis, he let him float moundon his back. So it was no surprisewhen the first stroke he masteredwas the back stroke.. When he was younger one thing that inspiredhim was to watch Tom Malchow and Tom Dolan in the SummerGamesin Atlanta in 1996. And that sameyear Michael met the man who would changehis life, Bob Bowman. Bowman immediatelyrecogrizedMichaelUs potential. Bowmantold Michael's mom that her son was a very rare jewel in swimming. With long-limbs and big hands and feet, he listenedwhen told what to do to help his swimming, andhe lovedto work hard. Michaelneverseemednervous before a competition, his only "shortcoming" was a tremendous growth spurt he was experiencing. Sometimesit would makehim very tired, making it hardto swim his best. Michael was very competitivewhen he was younger; once when he lost to a kid the sameage he flung his goggles away in disgust. Bowmantook him asideandtold him never to behavethat way again. In 1999,Michaelearneda spoton the U.S.NationalB Team,andbecameat age15the youngestswimmerto compete for the U.S. in the Olympicsin 68 years. Michaelendedthat year very well, he was ranked 7e in the world. When he entered2001 he wasreadyto win it all. He cameout well at the Phillips 66 NationalChampionship that August. He frst set a world recordin the 200-meterbutterflywith a time of l:54.94. Then he got the gold in the 100-meterbutterfly at 5n in the midway point. He turned on his jets for the victory stretch. With this stunningseasonhe re-energizedhis sport so veteranswere working harderto keepup with him. Meanwhile,Michael sacrificedhis collegeeligibility and declaredhimself a pro. Sponsorswere beating down his door, and his mother and coach saw no reason to delay the inevitable. Speedo got the first deal, getting him a sixfigure deal. At the ripe old age of 16, Michael was becoming the most well known swimmer. The comparisonsto Ian Thorpe began soonafter. The Australian had emergedas the most dominant swimmer of his era at the 2000 Olympics. With Michael showing very similar strengths,speed, and endurance,Michael'sfansbeganto wonder if and when he would surpassthe "Thorpedo". Michael went into the World Championships with extra motivation, after being comparedto Thorpewho he had beenwatching for yearsto assisthim in his training. The extra motivation showed when in an amazingperformance,he medaledsix times and set five world records. Up next for Michael was a shot to be the best in the world; a pretty big deal for a kid who didn't haveto shaveeveryday. CONTINUED ON PAGE SEE'SHARK" ISSI]E 8 PAGE 9 EDWARDSVILLE BREAKERS : LOCALSWIMCHAMPIONS! Bv Austin Beam CoachBobRettle,far righgstandwith the2008ILA,IO Boy'sStateChampions Justacrossthe MississippiRiver you'll find the home of the EdwardsvilleBreakersswim team.The Breakershave beenthe YMCA St. Louis District Championsforthe last 20 years.But what'sevenmoreimpressive,the boys'tean wasILl MO StateChampionsrrt^2007andthis pastyear in 2008 the boys andgirls teamsboth won the ILlIvlO StateChampionship. HeadCoach,Bob Rettle,saysthat in additionto attemptinganotherDistrict and Statetitle this year, he is hoping for a top 10 finish for his team at Nationals.Nationalsbrings that bestteamsin the nation togetherand is help in Ft. Lauderdale,FL in April. "It's a vely rewardingfeeling. It makesme feel good to seehow happythe kids are whenwe win the championship andthat so manykids haveexperiencedthe winning feeling" saidRettle. The EdwardsvilleBreakersSwim Teamcompetesyear round andhasapproximately160swimmersranging in age from six through 18.It is a competitiveYMCA andUSA Swimming Club with four coaches."There aremanyflings that come togetherto createthe secretof our success.It is a combination of a greatYMCA, dedicatedparents,talentedswimmers,a growing community,and consistentcoachingover the years," saidRettle. The Breakers'shortcourseseasonlastsfrom Sept.to April and endswith Districts, State,or Nationalsdependingon your level of swimming.During shortcoursethereare approximately 23 meetsbut not everyonecompetesin all meets.These 23 meetsincludeYMCA meetsandmore competitiveUSA meets.Additionally, the high schoolageswimmerscompetein the IHSA swim meets. The Breakerscompetein dual meetsagainstoneother teamandin Invitationalsthat can involve up to 15 different teams.In additionto regularmeets,the Breakerscompetein relay meets;pentathlonswhereeachswimmerswims five eventsandthe times aer addedtogetherglving eachswimmer onetime; and sprint meetswherecompetitionis basedon faster and shorterdistances.Justfor fun aroundholiday time, the Breakerscompetein a ChristmasClassicwhere swimmers CONTINUED ONPAGE SEE*BREAKERS" WORLD SERIES By RobertSmith The TampaBay Rayshavereachedthe World Seriesfor the first time in their l3-yem history. It is alsotheir first time being in the playoffs ever.After havingthe worst recordin the MLB last year,they arenow playing for the chanceto be the championsofthe MLB. The Philade$hia Phillies arethe Ray's opponents;the Phillies havea lot moreplayoffexperienceand are the favoritesto win. But the young TampaBay Rayshit the most homeruns out of any teamin the playoffs. So far this hasbeenthe decadeofthe Red Sox,but no longer, asthe Raysbeatthem 4-3 in the ALCS. The Raysalso had to go throughthe other Sox,the ChicagoWhite Sox. Bostonbeat the teamwith the mostwins in the regularseason,the Anaheim Angels.I had predictedthat the Angelswould play againstthe Phillies in the World Series,but obviouslyI waswrong. Olg so herearemy game-by-gamepredictionsfor the World Series.GameI will go to the Phillies. Game2 will go to the Rays.Games3 and4 will go to the Phillies, game5 will go to the Rays,and the Phillies will win the World Serieson game6. Thesepredictionsareunlikely to be correct,but you never know. The Phillies are likely to win, but the Rayshavebeena Cinderellastory all year,let's hopethis story hasa happyending. A SIGH OF RELIEF by Matt Segrist "And the Ray'sworld seriesis safe,at leastfor anotherday. " The TampaBay Ray'sscoreda run in the top of the sixth inning (tying the score2-2) againsttheir opponents,the PhiladelphiaPhillies. lmmediatelyafter the end ofthat half inning the gamehad to be cancelledbecauseof rain. That run would endup savingthern,and baseballcommissionerBud Selig, from a completlydisappointingand embarrassingending to the 2008 World Series. Before2007 ruleswere in placesayin& "If weather doesnot perrnita gime to continuein the middle of play, the scorewill be takenfrom the last completeinning." Which meansthat sincethe Phillies hadn'tbattedtheir tum in the sixth, they would haveusedthe scorefrom the fifth inning, whichwas2-l Phillies.ThatwouldhaveendedtheWorld Series,with the Phillies winning on a technicality. BUI thereis good news.Back m2007 they decided that for play-offsames, ifthis type of thing doesoccur,then they will just suspendthe gamewhereit is, andplay the rest the next day (weatherperniting). This is what happenedin this world series. Think abouthow embarrassingthat would havebeen for Bud Selig.It is his job to call the gamecancelledbecause of rain (or otherweather-relatedconditions).If he would have calledit overbecauseofthe downpour,tlris would probably havebeentalked aboutfor decades.No S/orld Seriesgame hasever beenposlponedbtraus€ of rain, nevermind the clinching game. So sleepwell tonight Bud, you caughta luckybreak! PAGE IO ISSUE8 "Cats Out ofthe Cage" Or "Deer in Headli Mizzou Texas Game Review Bv RachelZink Riversof Lifeplayerstats RobertSmith *Matt:TGoals3Assists *Alan:4Goals2Assists *Josiah:1 Goal1 Assist(Playeddefense) *Noah:0 Goals2 Assists(PlayedDefense) "Tim:2GoalslAssist Dustin:0 Goals1 Assist(PlayedDefense) "Jared:3 Goals2 Assists *Robby:4 Goals3 Assists Drew:2GoalslAssist Scott2GoalslAssist *Joey:1 Goal1 Assist(Bothin the lastgame) *ln Share us! 98,383raging,chanting, M-O- letsgo! Texasembarrassed football+hirsty,fanscameto University of Texasto watchthese fierce teams"lay dov,rnlaw". Unfortunately,Mizzou wasmore like "deerin headlights"insteadof"tigers out ofthe cage". The final scorewasa disappointingTexas56 to Missouri's31. Four eventsthat would haveoccurredif the Tieerswould have beatenthe Longhorns... l) Victorious win on an undefeated,top ranked,team Z)Mizzou would haverocketedup the standings 3) We would havemadeeveryonewho hoppedon the Texas bandwagonrethink that decision. 4) My personalfavorite,madeTexasquarterbackColt McCoy cry During the gamea womanreporteraskedone of the Texas coaches,whendo you stop?You don't want to embarrassa team.The coachrespondedby sayingMissouri is a great,tough team.They couldcomeback.Thankyou, Coach!R-E-S-P-E-CT! Comeon, lady! Coachknowswhathe'stalking about.At leasthe gaveus the respectwe deserve.Texasshouldplay their absolutetoughest,roughest,until the end. RIVERS OF LIFE HOW WE TAKE TI{E FIELD By Josiah Vander Maas This yem at our left forwmd we havethe At centerforward this seasonwe have alwaysthreateningMatt SegristandJoey Andrew Palozolo,who is alwaysvery Chrun. reliable.We alsohaveAlan Smith, who while into savinggoals,is scoringthem. Jared Moleski is one of our new players this year and has really helped us. Tim Segristhasbeencoveringour right winger position. RobertSmrtb one of the long time player Adam Laviolette and Nathaniel Preston for Rivers of Life is havine anothersolid have contributed in different ways this year, really helping out the team. season. Dustin Sneedhasdonea fantasticjob like alwaysat his stopperposition.He definitely putsthe stop into stopper David Tatehasbeena very solid part of our teamthis yearwith his excellent abilities at his position. Josiah Vander Maas and ZachPyatthave played a pretry good job at riglt wing defense. At our sweeperposition, we haveNoah Pendergrass who hasalwaysdonea shutdownjob, and is the only one in our leaguewho cando a front handspring throw in. Last but definitely not least,we have Scott Sanbach,who hasreally steppedit up in his first year at goalie. ISSUE 8 ll Page F @ SacredCow Barbecue SUPERSMASHBROS.BRAWL 7 By The Griller (sacred)def. respected(sacredcow) def. which is notto be criticized (barbecue)def. to grill. Hello all! I'm the Griller andI'm hereto takea freshlook at all the gamesyou hold neardem. Now I realizethat SSBB(SUPERSMASHBROS.BRAWL) is primarily a multiplayer gameand I can't get awaywith my usual,andonly play the singleplayer modesandtry to weakly rationalizemy fear and disgustof otherhumanbeings. So I got the gameand threefriendswho alsohad no prior understandingof SSBBto seehow the gameheld up. Theresultsarean arnazingEHH!. I've neverliked most fighting gamesbecauseI arguethere'sgot to be something wrong with a gamethat you can studythe ins andouts of for l5 years,but still loseto a five yearold who'sjust smashing buttons. At our gathering,sincejust underone of us wasboring enoughto readthe manual,our deathmatchescould be faithfully reenactedby throwing the controllersdown a flight of stairs.But evenif we would havegot our PhD's in SSBB beatingsthe fights easilyturnedinto small little clusters.The chartersare so small andthe camerazoomsso far out that you can't seeanything.And mostof the attacksare so blinding that you might aswell coverthe whole screenwith smoke,but maybeI'm approachingthis the wrong way. Maybeyou aren't supposedto takethis gameseriously. PerhapsI'm supposedtoembracethespectacle andI mustconfessmakinga scenarioin which Mario canbeatthe stupidout of Peachwhile the crowd cheersfor blood is very satisfring. And it would be cool to seeSnakeget Sonicthe Hedgehoginto an arm lock and beathim. Oh wait! You can't becausethey aren't unlockedright away! I hateit whendevelopersdo that. You bring a hot new gameto a parly andyou're the toastof the evening,until you turn the girmeon andyou realizphalf the contentis missing. Thenthe toastof the eveningbecomesa laughing stock. I meanI know all video gamedevelopersarehopeless socialrejects,but swely they've had to havegoneto one party in their life evenif it wasjust a birthdayparty. Get this, if you want to play as everyone'sfavorite blue hedgehog,you haveto play for 10 freakinghours.Let's not forgethow much Sonicand Snakewere involved in the hype (akathey were shownon the back ofthe box). Thereought to be a law againstthis sort ofthing; preferably,onethat involvessomeonegetting flogged.I supposeif you're hosting the party you canembraceyour patheticfriendlessness (! andplay throughthe story mode.A surprisingamountof work wasput into this actior/platfomerEXTRRRRAVAGANZA!!! With cut scenesflying at you everyfew minutes that fulfills everyNintendonerdsdreams,this modegoeson for hours,maybebecausethey pulled the stupid stuntof making you play througheachstage3 times! Considering they're all very blandyou shouldget somekind ofprize for all of the pointlessrepetition.Of coursethe problemwith playing the gameby yourself is, onceyou get your friends togetherto play the game,you suddenlybecome,That guy. Don't pretendyou don't know what I mean.That guy at the parly who's so muchbetterat the gamethan everyoneelsebecausehe plays it on his ovrn. Suddenly you're not in it for fun any more andthe goonishgrins of your friendsfill you with contempt.Soonyou seekout otherThat guys for the sakeofa decentchallenge.Then you're lost, you're a fan boy, congratulations!Line up for your free T-shirt. Actually that doesn'thappenso much with SSBB.Aswe've alreadyestablished. You canonly get so good at slappingyour palm on a controller.Someof the gamegetsreally obscure.Who's Marth and why is unlocking him a reward?And thanksNintendofor putting in a characterfrom Mother 3, a gameyou'll neverreleaseout of Japan. But really,reviewingSSBBis pointless.Chances areyou alreadyknow if you like SSBB.Thereis a simple test. Whenyou first hemdaboutthe NintendoWii, did you seriouslyty to defendit on the internet?If yes,you'll love this gameno matterits flaws, andyou might aswell start spammingme with hatemail you stupidlittle fan boys! SuperSmashBros.Series By Trcy Brockman SuperSmashBros.is a gamethat startedwith the Nintendoil, one of the first majorgamesystems.lt was poorlyanimatedand had teniblegraphics.I rate this one abouta 3 out of a possiblescoreof 10. However,it is not all bad.They releasedanotherone, Super SmashBros.Melee,for the GameGubesystemand this one was muchbetterand had morecharacters.lt becameone of the mostpopulargamesfor this system and almosteveryonehad it. I ratethis one abouta 7 out of 10.Then,thisyearin March,tbeycameoutwithSuper SmashBros.Brawl,and it was surprisinglynot as popularas Melee,althoughmostconsumerswho boughtit, lovedit. Theyagainaddedseveralmorecharactersto the game.I givethis one an I out of 10, becauseI feel that this is the bestone yet.Thereis one thing,though,aboutthe seriesthat I do not like. lt sometimesgets boringbecausethe onlythingyou can do is constantlyfightwith othercharacters,althoughthereis no blood.I recommend thisseriesto anyonewhoenjoys fightingvideogames. oa t} rss|lE I PAEE I2 mtsmem HELLO! Salutations!Mr. S. hereagain!This weeks questionwas given to me by Alan Smith, and it is: "How does a word get into the dictionary" Greetings! Welcometo the latestinstallmentof... Mr.Smartypantsman! Becauseof a startling lack of inquiries,I havedecidedto pull a questionout of the archives!Hurray, hunah! The question is from a young fellow by the nameof Joel Brown, and it reads, In short,The Merriam-Websterdictionaryhashired readersthat readabouttwo hoursa day ofpublished articles, Mr. Smartypants, anytimethey find a word that hasn'talready'madeit in, they following "Why is the Maplewoodsigg on the metro link overpass card with the three by five makea citation for it on a backwards?" word definition, the the apparent word itself, The information: usedin a sentence.andwherethe word comesfrom. This inIamso formation is also loggedinto a computer.Whena word begins In fact, a backrvards very enthralled gettingmore ubiquitous,andhasbeenloggedmany,many "Maplewood" is engravedon that you have times,it may get into the real dictionary. cometo me his tombstone... If you just want to promotea word, (LE. onethat you with this quesinternet dicmadeup) This canbe doneby submittingit to an tion! For you your word(s) rather likely accep to tionary, thesearemost see,oneof my quickly... moreintelligent Also, Slang,Jmgon,Jive,Ebonics,Snoop-talk,and acquaintances New-jack (or any other Slangdialects)are usually left out due ,\rtrvork bv l,iicholro Gmrgc built the sign! to lack of corporateuse.I very highly doubtthat you will ever Although I heara presidentactuallyusea phraselike "Fo' nzzle dizzle haveoutyou his works genius, can see as minor name this ya'll bes'don'bebombin'myhood!"in an actualspeech...So won't is engraved (in far fact a backwards'oMaplewood" him by person for lived to decide they leavetheseforms ofspeechto each on his tombstone!)so,to answeryour question,whenmy comrade i{ or when,they wantto useit. themselves built it, he wantedto seehow manypeoplewould stareand wonI hopethis answersyour questionOK Alan! der at it! As you canseeit hasworkedratherwell! Until nexttime! The truth of the matteris, therearetwo Maplewoodsigns Mr. S on that bridge, andonly oneofthem is backwards.This is the one that you seewhenyou areexiting Maplewood,and is backward becauseof that reasonexactly;you are uitingt Well, I hopethis answersyou query,andpleasewrite! KONZERT..CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Eagerlyawaitingyour next question, I heard that this Pder and the Wolf wts different than Mr. Smartypantsman, others? How? {'s#,vqS-TdVW tr/ V *f ErqA,,@W It was better for little kids, they got to like see the actions played out, it was more focased on the storytelling than the music in that part. How did they "play out the actions?" There was a storyteller and the qctors acted out the parts as the story teller told the story. How was the other featured pieceoThe Thieving Magpics by Rossini? So the con&tctor didnl acplain anything about, just the name and who wrote it, the old conductor wos more interacttive, having us do stuffwith it, the new conductor just plryed it through. So who do you like the best, old conductor or new? I definitely thinkthe old conductor, David Robertson"wos better, as he interacted more (with the audience. Studies have shown that tistening to classical music enhances your brain function. Do you think this is true in your case? In my case? I hqve no clue. It makes me sleepy! gmail.com Mr. smartypantsman@ Our apologies-inthe last issuewe mistakenlyattributeda drawing of "Snoopy" to NicholasGeorge.It was in fact a drawingof "Snoopy'' doneby Noah Pendergrass. *Share If youwanta teamrstory,or recipeput into the Neurs',pleasee-mailus. (sPorts) soccerbeool@gmail.com (enterbinment) saveuFhot@gmail.aom (advice) Mr.Smartypantsman@gmail.com (bea$ advice) healtha ndbeautycol umn@gmail.com (holidaynews) dauntingknightGDyahoo.com PAGE 13 ISSUE8 THE SHELBYMUSTANG By JuliaEngle The 1967ShelbyMustangfeatureda1967 Mercury Cougertail light panelminusthe chrometrim, a flip-up spoiler,andtwo setsof air scoopson eachside.It was alsothe first Americancarto featurea factory roll bar. The engine was a 289 cubic-inchV8; the body style was a two-door fastbackandwas availablein both 3-speedautomaticand4-speed Thewheelbase was 108.0inchesQ743 mm) andit's lengthwas 181.6inches(4613mm). manualtransmission. The car is alsoknown as 'oEleanof'from the 2000 movie Gonein 6ASecondsstarringNicholasCage.It was originally designedto racewith the Corvette. COOL CARS By Doug Coleman The 2009Corvette ZR1 V8, lightweight aluminumskeletonand cmbonfiber galore. The 2009 ChewoletCorvetteZRl hasa 638 hp supercharged Chevyclaimsa 0-60 time of 3.4 seconds,top speed205 MPH, quartermile in I I .3 secondsat I 3 I MPH -- enoughto outgun most Europeansupercars.EPA fuel economyestimates14 MPG city,z0 MPG highway. Lamborghini LP640 With its 6.5 liter, 640 horsepowerVl2 power plant, slick bodyworlq and $325,200price tag, the LamborghiniLP640 is a sweetcar. Inspiredby theF-ZZA Raptorfighterjet, they designedall new bodywork using compositecarbonfiber panels, re-fabricatingeverythingbut the sidemirrors andthe glass;eventhe headlightsandtaillights werereplacedwith sleeker, more futuristic LED versions. ShelbyGT500 TheGT500is the follow-onto the SVT Cobra,which wasdevelopedby Ford'sin-houseSpecialVehiclesTeamanddiscontinuedafter2A04.For thenew GT500,Fordteamedwith Caroll Shelby;the originalShelbyMustangsof the 60sare prized collectols itemstoday, andthe sameis likely to happento the modern-dayShelbyGT500. Still, the numberof SVT logossprinkledaroundthe car serveasa reminderthat Mr. Shelbydidn't go this onealone.So how exactly doesthe ShelbyGT500turn things up? For starters,the Mustang'susual4.6 liter V8 is replacedby a 5.4 liter (331 cubic inch) V8 (link goesto photo) with a power-boostingsupercharger. A six-speedmanualis the only transmissionoffered. At 500horsepowerand480 lb-ft of torque,it makesthe 300hp MustangGT look like a HondaCivic. The ShelbyGT500 getsimprovedhandlingcourtesyof stiffer springs,shocksand swaybars.But while the previousSVT had a speciallydesignedindependentrear suspension,the GT500 stickswith the standardMustang'slive (solid) rear axle. Powerful fourpistonBrembobrakesandwider tires round out the package.Visually, the beautifirl Mustangshaperemainsunmolested, with a specialgrille, hood,fenderand trunk badges,andtwo big racing stripes- anotherfeatureborrowedfrom the original Shelby'Stangs-- to give it a uniquelook. Aside from the GT500 logo on the steeringwheel,there'snot muchto distinguishthe GT500 from the stockMustang. Hybrids The term "hybrid" is generallyusedto describea car, sportsutility vehicle (SUV), truck or busthat hasa conventional internalcombustionengineoperatingon eithergasolineor dieselfuel aswell asan elecfiical systemto assistin the decelerationand accelerationof t}te vehicle.During a normal deceleration,the electricalgeneratoris activatedwhenthe brake pedalis appliedto slow the vehicle and storethe enerry in an onboardbank ofbatteries.This is calledregenerativebraking. Hard braking appliesthe standardmechanicalbrakesaswell. The systemthen drawsupon this storedenergyduring acceleration.The batterieshavea very limited capaclty;therefore,descendingdown a mountainroad will not provide enoughstoredenerry to climb back up the other side.The electricalsystemdoesnot chargethe batterieswhen coastingto a stop-light :rsmanypeopledo to improvefuel mileage.The electricalsystemis morebeneficialfor peoplewho drive aggressivelywith "jack rabbitustartsand stops.Pictued is a 2006 HondaInsight. The hybrid vehicle is bestsuitedfor stopand go city driving in vehiclessuchastaxiesandbuses.A typical hybrid car has improvedfuel efficiency in this type of driving. Highway driving is much different. The car musthaul the heavybatteries while the electricalregenerationsystemis virtually unused.The fuel economyof a hybrid car on the highway is worsethan that of a similar conventionalcar, a fact that a salesmanor politician will nevertell you. Accordingto the official Hondaweb page,the HondaInsight hasan "EPA mileageestimatesof 60 mpg city and66 mpg highway.Mileage figwes are shownfor comparisonpurposesonly. Actual mileagemay vary." This meansthat the car gets 66 miles per gallon of gasoline(mFg) on the highwaywhenthe hybrid elecfical regenerationsystemis mostly inactive. The hybrid featureonly functionsin stop and go driving. The car is advertisedto get 60 mpg in the city. This raisesanother setof questions.What is the mileagein city driving with the hybrid electricalsystemdisconnected?What is the real mileagebenefit of the hybrid system?What is the mileagewith the air-conditioningsystemon in a location suchasPhoenix, Arizrl,na?The air-conditioningsystemwill placea high load on the tiny enginethat will reducethe gasmileagedrastically. Find the answersto thesequestions,if you can.The manufacturerswont tell you. Pleaseclick the mailbox at the bottom of this pageto sendthe authora link, if you find the answerto thesequestions.No onehasrespondedyet. Hybrid vehiclesin generalhavespecialtires to reducerolling resistance.Tires on the HondaInsight arehmd as a rock and becomedangerousin adverseweatherconditions.The car is simply not drivablein winter conditions.The tires slide all over the road.The winter tires showhow importantrolling resistanceis to fuel-efficiency,becausefuel mileageplunges morethan 15 mpg without them. Pecg t+ ISSUE8 - I I I I I I I I - I I ' - I FICTION I l- I r r -r r - - - - I I - I - - TT{ENAMELESSMONSTER! By Trey Brockman This is a story abouta HUGE, greenmonsterwith big teeth andstinky breathwho loved terrorizingNew York City. He hadn't donemuchterrorizing in a long time because,well, he was desperatefor a narne,but nobodyhadnamedhim yet. He tried doing specialthings,like stompingon certainrestaurantsto get a namelike Taco MonsterorBurger Dominator,but ttrepeople weretoo busy screamingandrunning for their lives to stopand call him that. Oneday, he was sitting in his cavefeeling depressed.He wastrying to think up new ffrmes for himsslf. Irinally, he decidedon one:TheNamelessMonster.He took tape, glue, and an old plaid derbyhat he had gottenfrom his grandpa over to his ancienttypewriter.He typed the words"TTIE NAMELESSMONSTER", tapedandgluedthe paperonto the hag and put it on to leavefor the crty. On his way, he tipped on a couple of telephonewires strungacrossthe road andfell andbroke his face.He ran backto his caveand got a bandage.He put it over his faceandran backto the ctty. This time he got there(or at leastthat waswherehe thoughthe was) without incident.He startedstomping tbrashinghis arrnsinto what he thoughtwere buildings,andtrying to roar throughthe bandage.This time, the peopledidn't haveto run away,becausethe monsterwas stomping throughthe city's farms,thrashinghis amrsinto trees.The peoplestartedscrearninglike they were dying to tick the monster,andmanagedto convincethe Army to cometo the crty. They broughtin thejet fightersand startedshootingat the monster,using insteadofbullets the pencil rocketsboughtfrom Dr. Frankenstein,who inventedthem in issue5 of the May, 2008 edition of the SHAREnewspaper.The monsterstartedreciting mathequationsuntil his headerploded. The city wassafeforever,or so the peoplethought.They cheered,thinking that their troubleswere ov€r. Little did they know that Dr. Frankensteinwasthe creatorof this monster.Having returnedto his evil waysasa result ofnot being ableto housetrainhis puppy,Dr. Frankensteinwaswatchingthem from his secretlair. He sawthe anniesdestroyinghis secondmonstern (after the puppy, of coursewhich Dr. Frankensteindidn't even want to think about)andhe got extemely mad at them. He decidedto turn the tableson them.He createda hugerocket,which wasdesignedto destroythe world. He pneparedto fire it. He readiedit, making surethe targetingcomputerwas on. He fired! The missile startedits fast ascentupwards.As it fell, SuperDen, the crime fighting dog of awesomeness*, flew in andtook out the missilewith just onekick! *Aw, darn it!" Dr. Frankensteinsaid."I hateit whenthe bad guy's plansget foiled. I mustput an endto SuperDen!" Dr. Frankensteinthen left for his top-secretlab locateddeep underthe city. Oncetherg he put togethera new plan-He would createa new monster,onethat evenSuperDencould not handle. He startedwork at once.He mixed blue potionswith greenpotions, greenpotionswith yellow potions,but nothing He finally decidedto do his worst andniix ablue potion with a RED potion. As he did this, he could almostsmell the power comingfrom it. It exploded.After Dr. Frankensteinregainedconsciousness, he found that he had createdthe biggestmonsterthat I I I I T I I - I I he had everseen!(andthat wasquite a few, considering GALORE!Magazine.) that he subscribesto MONSTERS He decidedto unleashhis new creationon the town. He had oneproblenr,though.The monsterwastoo big for the mini-rocketsto the monster'slegsand door. He at&ached turnedthem on. The monsterflew out throughthe roof and towardsthe crty. The rocketsturnedoffand the monster fell on the Empire StateBuilding. It collapsed,andthe peopleagainran screamingfor their lives asthis new threatpicked itself up. The police, havingtied their tazers andgunswithout success,called in the Arnry onceagain. Planescamein and startedshootingthe monsterwith pencil rockets.Thesehad no effect, however.The monsterjust battedthe planesdown into variousbuildings,houses,and restaurants.He picked up a Taco Bell, andhurled it at the and biggestskyscraperin the city. Tacosflew ever5rwhere, the building crashedto the ground.However,SuperDen was not aboutto let the monsterdestroyhis favorite place to eat andget awaywith it. He flew with superspeedover to the monsterandgaveit a backwardsspin kick. The monst€r,surprisedbut not hurt startedthrashinghis arms, trying to lnock SuperDenout ofthe sky. He only succeeded,however, in knocking down severalbuildings and a largebillboard. SuperDenhad to ty a new tactic. He flew down to his leastfavorite placeto eat the fish place, picked it up with his superstrengttt,andhurled it at the monsterfrom behind.The monstertried unsuccessfullyto turn aroundandblock it, andhe fell onto a powerplantand died-However,evenasthe peoplecheeredDr. Frankensteinwas on the phonewith the otherevil masterminds, the Sansas,who in issue3, createda spacestationcapable of destroyingthe world. They agreedto join him in an allianceto creal€anotherevil machineto destroythe world andhopefully,this time, it would work. **r The Sansaswheeledtheir machineinto Dr. Frankenstein'slair andturnedit on. It wasa hugelaser,which would shootdown into the coreofthe earthand cut it in half. As they did this, however,they wereunawarethat my friend Davi4 andI were crouchingon a balconyhigh above,watchingthem.As they preparedto shoot,they felt a blast from my MP3 go pasttheir earsandhit the machine,causingit to explode.They screamedin anger, turnedaround lookedup, sawus, an4 asPinky was with fhem,recopized us, andPinky took out his MP3 and startedtrying to shootus. We leapeddown andran. We joined up with SuperDenandhe carriedus awayto David's house,wherewe madeour plans. We would go andget the most intelligent humanon Earth"andmaybehe would be ableto help us. We got to his houseanderplained our plan to him. Thenwe picked him up and carriedhim to Dr. Frankenstein'shideout. Whenhe andthe Sansa'ssawus, they gavethemselvesup without a fight They knew their wits would be no match to our new ally. New York City's ftoubleswere goneforever,all thanksto-.. Mr. Smartypantsman! +specialthanksto Mdt Segristfor letting me useSuperDen! PAGE 15 8 TSSTIE VOTE CONTINUEDFROMPAGE 2 The Derightsin education- includinghomeschooling. mocraticPartyPlatformdoesnot mentionhomeschooling, andfocusesmoreon supportof publiceducation.Most 2008Republicancandidatestalkedpositivelyabout but the Democraticcandidatesrarely homeschooling, it. In our SHARECandidatePoll,notone Dementioned mocraticcandidaterespondedto the questionWhat is All of the Republican your opinionabouthomeschooling?' candidatestook the time to respondwith positivecomments. Don't forgetto savethoseempty ink carhidgesfor SHARE! Thereis a collectionbox in the loungeareaupstairs. (NEA),a powerful Association The NationalEducation lobbyinggroup,has beenverynegativeaboutthe parenEachyear,theirannualNEA tal rightto homeschool. Resolutionspublicationhasa sectionthat callsfor more restrictionson homeschoolfamilies(2008-2009is section candiB-80).The NEAhasneverendorseda Republican date,and mostof the democraticcandidatestake large Candifromthe NEA.Democratic campaigndonations datestend to be very supportiveof the NEAand their ideasabouteducation. Do these"parentalrights"issuesinfluencethe way Willthe newDevote?Definitely. SHAREhomeschoolers mocraticPresident,Governor,and otherpoliticalleaders respectandsupportour homeschoolfreedoms? Thatremainsto be seen... Platform Democratic www.democrats.org/agenda.html Platform Republican www.gop"com/2008Platform Dcot{ tHr KcDIaAL €oA{ MGWAY w6wuER www.nea.org NationalEducationAssociation - MO www.fhe-mo.org Familiesfor HomeEducation www.hslda.org HomeschoolLegalDefenseAssociation Crtilptsl ffi, U ISSUE8 BREAKERS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 wearingSantahatspull eachotheron rafts acrossthe pool depictingSantaandhis sleigh. At meets,the Breakerscompeteindividually againstotherswimmersand/oragainsttheir own besttimes. Also, they competein relaysof four swimmers.The higher the placethe individual or relay teamreceivesthe more points aregainedfor their team.At the end of the meet the teamwith the mostpoints is the winner. In this way, swimming canbe consideredan individual and a team sport and cancreatesuccessfor all levelsof swimmers. To preparefor competitio&the Breaken practice from two to six daysa week and for oneto two hoursa day dependingon level of ability. After two hoursof swimming,the 15-18yearold swimmersalsohavean hour of *dry land" which involves stretchingandrunning. For dedicatedswimmers.the Breakerscontinue with a "long course"that runs May to August practicing everyday from 7-9 a.m.Long cowseculminateswith a Zonesmeetwherethe Breaken swimmerswho have achieved"Triple A times" qualifu for placementon the OzarkTeammadeup of swimmersfrom MO and IL who then competeacrossthe country againstother states'Zone Teams. The EdwardsvilleBreakersand CoachRettle,who hasbeenthe headcoachsince1984aresomewhatofan icon aroundEdwardsville.It is hardto find a personthat hasnot heardof the swim team'ssuccessor hasnot personally swumfor'Coach Bob" throughthe years.Shannon Weber,who swamfor Rettle,coachedwith hinU andnow hastwo of her own children swimmingon the Breakers, relateto the says,"Many of my swimming successes Breakersteamand CoachBob. I spent16yemsof my youth on the Edwardsvilleswim team,endingwith a collegeswimmingscholarship.I'm excitedto saythat my two boysarenow experiencingthe samepositive swimming environmentwith the Breakers." Author'snote:I personallyhavebeenon the Breakersfor four years.Our coach,Bob is an outstanding coach.He alwaysknows how to makeyour strokesbetter and fasterandhow to makeyou laugh.The Breakersae like a family to me. In closingRettle said,"Coachingthe team is a greatexperiencefor me and I'm continually inspiredby the kids andhow muchof an impactour programhasin families'lives." For more informationaboutthe Breakers.contact theEdwardsvilleYMCA at (618) 656-0436. PAGE 16 SHARK CONTINTIEDFROM PAGE 8 Michael openedhis Olynrpic race in an impressive fashion winning the gold on the 400 individual medley in world recordtime (4:08.26). One down, eight to go. His pursuit of Olympic gold history ended when South Africa and Australia finished aheadof him and his American teammates in the 4 xl00 freestylerelay. A few weekslater when he returnedto the U.S. Michael(now 19) showedthat he still had somegrowing up to do when he got behind the wheel after drinking. What make this an evenbigger problemwas that he had not reachedthe legal drinking age. It is still unclem why his friends,well awarethat he wasa very famousperson,let him get behindthe wheel. In Octoberof 2007 Michael's next questfor gold history was almostcut shortwhen he slippedon a patchof ice and fractured his right wist. (Michael, a self-describedklutz on dry lan4 now bearsa surgical scar as a memory of that moment.). This hurt his training cycle and madehim haveto use only a kickboard for a few weeks. This was no small thing since billions of people expectedhim to win eight gold medals. At first Michael was heartbroken,however,this endedup his kick. beinga blessingsincethis helpedto strengthen The 2008 season,of course,was all about the Olympics. Michaelwasexpectedto becomethe leadinggold medalist in the history of the Olympics. Now he had a chanceto win eight golds in Beijing . That meantthat he had to qualify for eight events. Michael put forth a glitch-free performancein Omahaand made all eight events. True to form, every time Michael jumped into the pool anotherworld record seemedto full. In the end, he won his eight gold medals,setting world recordsin sevenand an Olympic recordin the eighth. In the 200 meter butterfly, Michael's gogglesstarted to leak as soon as he jumped into the pool. Howeverkeeping cool, he let go ofall visual cuesand simple countedstrokesfor each length. It was an amazingrace that endednot only in a victory, but also a new world record breakingthe one he had set in 2007. Later Michael described this problem as a o'wardrobemalfunction". Now for all of you who want to follow your dreams, I'll leaveyou with oneof MichaelPhelp'sfavoritequotes: o'I tlink that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it andyou put the work andtime into it". Advertiseyour business in S.H.A.R.E.The IUevvs. We will print {/4 page ads for $4.00, 1//2page ads for $8.00, businesscards for $2.00. This is a great way to get the word out about your business.Your ad will reacheveryone who reads this newspaperor views the newspaperon S.H.A.R.E.'s website! Pleasecontact one of our reporteF or editons,or send an eto inquire about mailto katrina@graceucc.com an ad. Thankyou!