tssuE 7 - Village of Oakfield
tssuE 7 - Village of Oakfield
lE,Z0[8 flutoher 7 tssuE OctoberLogo by RebeccaZiebarth ffitnnH N ts- s P A P E R, Inside thisissue: How have gas prices affected you? By DouglasColeman Gaspriceshaverisenin Missouri andIllinois sincethe year2004,whengas priceswereat a high of $1.78.Now, in the year2008,gaspriceshaverisenashigh as ages(13-18) $4.59.I asked100teenagers and 100adults(19-35)abouthow this has affectedthem and herearemy results. Teenagegroup: l0 teenssaidit did not ffect them.27 teenssaidthey did not go out nearlyasmuch asthey usedtoo. 63 teenssaidthey hadto plan aheadwith their parents earlier than usual so that they could go to places with them. Adult Group: 17 adults said it Since2004gas prices have risen from $1.78to a high of $4.59 did not affectthem. 28 adultssaid that they havenot beengetting as much fast-foodasthey usedto! 55 adultssaidthat they havebeentrying to go out oncea week for shopping to savegas. PresidentialCandidatesPoll By Adam Rickert The2008presidentialelectionis a little lessthana monthaway,andwe are in a very seriousfinancial crisis. Theseareinterestingtimes; thus I am interested.Thinking otherswould be also,I conducteda poll* usingthe following questions. to mainQl: DoesSarahPalinhaveenoughexperience tain the positionofvice president? 60% saidshedoesn't 4oo/osaidshedoes Q2: Will therumorsof Obama'sallegedassociations with Muslims affectyour vote? 70%saidyes 307osaidno Q3: Will you vote republicanbecauseyou don't want the 700 Billion $ bailout? T0Yosaidyes3O%saidno Q4: Who do you think could get us out of the financial crisis quicker? 60%saidObama40%osaidMcCain Q5: Will the war affectyour vote? 90%saidyes10%saidno *This poll wastakenby peoplepicked at randomat the CliffCave library in SouthCounty. Scientistsin Switzerlandtesteda powerfulAtom Smasherwithout destroyingthe world anddespite controversy By Austin Beam On Sept.10,under330 feetofground on the French/Swissborder, scientistssentmillions of protonsand leadions at almostthe speedof light crashingtoward oneanothercreatingtiny particleswith little to no mass.An enonnouscamerahasbeenbuilt into the machineto captureand studythesesubatomiccollisions. Additionally, the LHC (Large HadronCollider), the worlds largestparticle accelerator,containsa hugecomputerwith a high performance grid capableof storingmassiveamountsof datathat canbe accessedand studiedby scientistsaroundthe world. Scientistsbelievethat by reproducingthe conditionsthat might havebeenat the beginningof creationthey may find dark matterand dark energythat makesup more thang6o/oofthe universe.Additionally the hope is to find an undiscoveredparticle thoughtto give matterits mass. Although morethan 8,000 scientistsin 85 different countriesare excitedto seewhat knowledgemay be obtainedfrom this technology,the LHC wasnot createdor testedwithout controversy. Many peoplethoughtthe LHC would createblack holesthat would endthe world aswe know it. In fact a lawsuit was sentto a Hawaiian court lastMarch seekingto block anytesting. The lawsuit statedthat therewas"a significantrisk that ... operationof the Collidermay haveunwhich could ultimately result in the destructionof intendedconsequences planet." out Adding to the conftoversy,manyreligious scholarsthoughtscientists weretrying to testGod by recreatingthe particlespresentat the creation of the universeandthis new technologywas a wasteof time and money. However,accordingto Bill Leety, Minister at OverbrookChurchin ColumbusOH, "Peoplewho see faith and sciencein conflict may believescienceseeking informationthreatensGod's placein our lives. But, science andfaith aren'topposed.God createdusto be curious... andGod hasinvited us to learnmore aboutthe world. The morewe learnthe morethesethings makeme marvel at generosity,andart." God'sgoodness, Additionally, Paul Westbrook,pastorat Metro CommunityChurchin Edwardsville,IL said,"I do not believe the Atom Smasherwill ultimately provethe Big Bang theory is anythingmorethanjust a man-madetheory". However,he sai4 "I believethe discoveriesmadeby the Atom Smasherwill be very interestingin helping us better understandour world." Scientistswho operatethe LHC say the first real discoveriesare probably at least a year away. And it will take two to tlree yearsto gatherenoughinformation to get a brief hypothesisfrom the testing. ffi ffi M The Atom This informationwas gatheredby I Smasher cost 9 U.S.NewsandWorldReport,fne I -*.^_ l^,,^-._ Columbus Dispatch, and CNN. billion dollars ffi FAGE 2 ISSUE 7 SWEPTAIVAY By PeterWebb If you havea basement,or you live by a creek,you'll understandwhat I meanwhen I saythe pastfew weekshave beenwet. WhenHurricanelke smashedinto Galveston,Texas asa categorythree,most of us weren't worried aboutourselves.We wererelievedwhen we heardthat it wasn't asbad asexpected,andwe heardwe would be getting somerain, but that's aboutit. In the eady hoursof Sundaymorning,HurricaneIke droppedsix inchesof rain all over the St. Louis mea.This amountof rain, in that small time slot, is exfemely rare, so no oneknew what would happen. My grandmausedto live in the ExecutiveWalk Apartmentcomplex.It is now almostcompletelycondemned. DeerCreekflows right tbroughit andall of the watergets sweptup over the banksand pools.It also drainsout through drainagepipes,but in this caseit reversedits flow andbrought water in. Sixty ofthe seventy-twoapartrnentsare now condemnedbecauseofsewageand debristhat hasbeensweptup by the creek.As the creekalso flows throughan industrial a^rea, numerolxichemicalswerepicked up and sweptalong,as well. Waterdamagewasnot the only problem.One senior at WebsterGrovesHigh Schoolsaveda womanwho was nearly drowned.Shesawa HondaSRV with waterup over its windowsandnoticedtherewasa womaninside."I wadedout to help her, we forcedthe door openand shegaveme her hand. As soonasshesteppedout, the SRV was sweptinto much deeperwater,andwent under." Although very scmed,the womanwasunharmed. Ifyou're askingyourself,"why doesthis happen?", thenI haveyour answer.What happenedwasthis: Deer Creek took all of the runofffrom all of the parking lots androads, helpingto createthis nightmareof flooding. IS TI{E SUN SHINING IN CALIFORNIA? By RachelZink The wild fires may be over soon,but it's still just as heatedin California as it was. California's governmenthas sometrue *Califomia Dreaming"going on-Day Dreaming! How canCalifomia evenconsiderabolishinghome schoolingafter statisticsrepeatedlyshowhomeschoolersare academicallyhigherthanpublic/privateschools?Did California's governmentlearnhow to readstatisticsin their school? Look at theseastonishingstatisticsI found on http:// www.hslda.org. THE CRUELTYOF DOG FIGT{TING By MaevenBlankenship If you havebeenwatchingthe newslately, you probably haveseenor heardheadlinestoriessuch as"Large Dog Ring Busted".Dog fighting is a tenible "sport" that peoplehave begunto participatein moreoften. They may try to justift the cruelty, but if you know anythingaboutdog fighting, you know it is notjustifiable. Therearemainly two typesof dog fights; both arecruel and illegal. The first type of fight is the organized dog fighq wherepeopleput their dog (which is trainedto be aggressive)in a pit with anotherdog. The dogsmay haveto fight for up to two hoursuntil they cannotorno longerwill fight. These fights areforhigh stakesgambling;sometimesfortunesaremade by the winners. Anothertype of dog fighting is streetfighting. This is a different conceptwith the sameoutcome.Hereomen stealor buy dogs,then $rong aggresslve "The dogs may have them so that abuseand frighten to fight for up to two and aggresthe dogsbecomemean houns... fight. These sive and arewilling to fights arenot for moneybut for status.A gangwill fight their dog with a rival gang'sdog; whichevergroup hasthe strongest dog wins and is seenasthe strongestgang. Dog fighting will affect the communityin manyways. The breedsthat are strongare victim to this cruel game.These breedsare oftenbannedfrom certainplacesandthe banningof breedsis spreadingthroughoutAmerica.Many families who have loving family pets suchasAmericanPit Bull Terriersand Rottweilers havealreadyhadto havetheir dogsput to sleep.When thereis dog fighting manypeopleandchildrenwill be attacked by ttresetraineddogs.Peoplewho run the dog fights havea history of beingviolent andusually havecriminal records. I often wonderwhat drivespeopleto suchcruelty. Maybe it is the money.They might havean addictionand/orcan't hold a job, sothey may fight the dogsfor neededmoney.Others,I suppose,simply don't find anythingwrong with what they aredoing. The dog fights serveaspw€ entertainment.This would be the saddestcaseofall. Dog fighting is illegal. Many animalsrights groupsare working hardto find and stopall dog fighting. 50 statesandtheir gradesrangedfrom K-12. This testingwas administeredin Spring 1991undercontrolledtest conditionsin accordance with the testpublisher'sstandards.All test administratorswere "In SouthCmolinq the GreenvilleCounty SchoolDistrict screened,trainedandapprovedpursuantto the publisher'srequirestated,"Kids taughtat homelastyear outscoredthosein public ments.All testswere machine-scored by the PsychologicalCorporaschoolon basicskills tests." tion. These5, 124homeschoolers'compositescoreson the basic batteryof testsin reading,math, and languageartsranked 18to 28 *In 1991,a surveyofstandardizedtest scoreswasperforrned percentilepoints aboyepublic schoolaverases...The homeschooled by the Home SchoolLegal DefenseAssociationin cooperation high schoolersdid evenbetter,which goesagainstthe trend in public with the PsychologicalCorporatioq which publishedtheStan- schoolswherestudiesshowthe longera child is in the public ford AchievementTest.The studyinvolved the adminis0ering schools,the lower he scoreson standardizedtests. Onehundredand of the StanfordAchievementTest(8th Bdition, Form J) to eighteententh-gradehomeschooledstudents,as a group,madean 5,124homeschooledstudents.Thesestudentsrepr$ented all avemgescoreof the 82ndpercentilein reading the 70th percentilein math"andthe Slst perceirtilein languagearts. [continuedonp4ge 16 SeeCALIFORNIA] PAGE 3 ISSUE7 CIaTK LORD OF THE RINGS SYMPHOIYY CONCERT: BEHINI} TI{E SCEI\TESbyKellie This concertwasmy favorite out of all that I haveperformedwiththe St. Louis Children'sChoidsConcertChoir. It wasa breathtakingexperience,being ableto perform on the Powell Hall stagewith the St. Louis SymphonyOrchestra(SLSO),the St. Louis SymphonyChorus(SLSC) and MaestroLudwig Wicki (pronounced*Vikki*). BemgaLord of the Ringsfan mysel{ this was an experiencethat will not be forgottenunlessI havebrain damage!Therewasa lot of dedicationand sacrificethat went into the two and a half hour perfonnances(September19thand20th; I sangthe 20th) In the end we cameout with a beautiful concert!But mostpeopledon't know what goesinto makingthe performance practicallyperfect.While the SLSCsangmost of the concert,Concert Choir actuallysanga total of seventimes in the six movements (like chaptersin music scores)of Howmd Shore'sLord of the ,Rizgsmusic,but evensingingthat muchrequiresa lot of dedication and concentration.We neededthat much focusbecausein Powell Hall, the theaterwasmeantto echooffall of the walls quite efficiently, so if onepersonfalteredonenote,the whole audience could hearit! And sinceboth nightswere sold out, andthey even sold ticketsto the dressrehearsal,it wasevenmorenerveracking! I mean,talk aboutpressure!So to sidestepfalten, our director,Mrs. Burnermadeus practicevery hard and didn't give us any reasonto messup. It actuallytook us 2 monthsto get readyto be readyto performwith the symphony.From the frst day of rehemsalsfor ConcertChoir, we wereworking diligently on this piece.Even thoughit was only sevenlittle sections,it took us a coupleweeks evento get the wordsright, becausethey werepractically all in Elvish, excepta solo part that wasin English.Learningthe partswas difficult, especiallysincewe only practicedwith the SLSOa total of 3 times at the beginningof the weekbeforethe actualperformances.Whenwe practicedandperformedwith the SLSO,it was so crampedon stage,becauseof so muchtympani (drums,gongs,percussionbasically),thattheyhadto split the choir of 115in half for the two nights,so they could fit the SLSCandthe orchestraon stage!I also found out, aswe werebeing seatedon stage(at the practices)that we would be sitting on benchesso they could fit eventhe alreadycut in HALF choir on stagewith the rest of the performers!And wouldn't you know, that I would be sitting right behinda gong which was very loud, andon a two inch wide gap in betweenbenchesthat were not even! And to addto that, we wererequiredto sit up straightandnot to movean inch duringthe whole performance,becauseit would bring attentionto that personwhenthe attentionwas supposedto be on everybody.Wow, wasI soreafter everything was over! The practiceswerent that bad exceptfor the fact it took up my nightsthat weelgandthey were ALL mandatory.Most ofthe time during rehearsalswith the orchestra wejust saton stageand got to listen to the orchestraplay, andthe SLSCsing. The coolestpart wasthat the choirswere seatedright behindthe timpani, andwe got to seethe different typesof drumsand chimesandgongsand cymbalsand ttringsof that sort. I hadno ideathat therewerethat many instrumentsin percussion! Whenwe actually got to sing in the concerts,those werethe mostamazingmomentsof my life! Whenthey playedthe first notes,I was sitting thereandjust thanking God for sucha wonderful opportunity!Then....I sattherefor anotherhour and 15 minutesthinking, "Wow just let me havea glassof water!" Whenwe actually got to intermission, our choir hadto climb up 6 storiesof steps(actually, it felt to our breakroom like 12,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) of water and a granolabar had mini bottle a whereeachof us waiting for us. That may not seemlike muchbut O MY GOODNESSwe werethankful! Tten after a short20 minute break,we hadto climb ALL the way downstairsAGAIN to go back on stagefor the last half of the concert!Going down stairsseemslike it would be really easy,but YOU try being so nervousyou can'twalk in a straightline, let aloneclimb down 6 storiesof steps!But oncewe got on stage,everything vanishedinto the beautiful musicmadeby the mosttalented musiciansI will probablyevermeet,including a violinisq Erin, who washomeschooledall her life. Shehad movedup from the Youth Orcheshato the SLSOthis year. In the end I am happyto saythat therewereno noticeablemess-upsin either of the performances,(so I was told by our director and a few viewers.)and I'm happyto say that this wasthe bestperformanceI haveeverbeenin andI can'twait to be in others(eventhoughI might haveto sit betweenthe most lopsidedof the benchesagain).It was worth everythingand I hopeyou realizethat what makesa concertso greatis not a// becauseoftalenl but becauseof determination,focusand in the endthe willingnessto be the bestyou canbe for the glory ofGod! I hopeto seeyou at the next performance! BluesGuitar I startedplaying the guitar abouta year ago,andhavegreatlyenjoyedit. Howeveqwhen learningan instnrmentsuchasguitar, so manystylesof pliying canbe choseqyou must choosea style to "major" in, andexmct your own style from. I alwaysknew I wantedto play blues;this, of coune doesNOT meanall I everplayilistento is blues;I like ahnostall music! Anyway I've run into a problem:no one -yag" really playsbluesanyrnoreand THINKS they don't really like it. So,for the sakeof defendingmyselfl I want to give someexamples of Bluesguitar andBluessoloing.And emphasizethatbluesis not just slow, sad soulful whining... The first andmost obviousartiststhat cometo mind arepeoplelike B.B. King, Muddy Waters,andBuddy Guy. Thenpeoplelike Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton,and Stevie-RayVaughn--thesethreearethe onesI most er$oy,andcertainly get my own style from. Now this uWhilemy Guitar Gently is what mostpeopledon't think of: if you've everhemda Beatlessolo, it is almostcertainlya blues solo; "Let it be" are all blues.If you play the notesof the "NaNa's" in "Hey Jude"on a guitarthey Weeps"(of coume)"One after 909' "Sgt. Peppers"--these are att in a bluesscale.This meansthat the notesyou would play are all directly relatedto Blues! The Songs"FreeBird" and "Into the Night" are alsosomepopularsongswhich are very bluesrelated. Today,bluesis becomingmore andmoreunderrate4and ifs being forgottenfor creepyrock bands,manyof whosenamesI can'tevenput in this paper.With the exceptionof JohnMayer, I can'tcomeup with a singlerecentpop artist stronglyrelatedto blues! The Music Man P.S.I really want to emphasizethat I like a lot of otherkinds of musicaswell, not just secularblueslhippyrock.. PAGE4 ISSUE7 MUSIC THROUGHOUTTHE CENTTruES Dr. Peppe{ ByAlan Smith AlanSmith Music hasbeenextremelyimportantto the peoplein America for many,manyyears,andto really appreciateit we needto see whereit all beganandhow it becamewhat it is today.Here's a quick musicalreview, startingwith the 1600'sandendingaroundthe presentday. o o o r . . . r o o o o r . o Music in the 1600's: Music in the lTth centurywasdominatedby religious "chants", andnot what we would think of asmusictoday. Almost no instrumentswereallowed in church,so the peopleled the songs morethan the instruments. Music in the 1700's Slavestook someOld Testamentstoriesand madethem into songsfor their worship services.This is the beginningof what we know today asNegro Spirituals. During the war, British soldierssang"YankeeDoodle" to mock colonists,but the Americansadoptedit astheir own tune. Music in the 18fi)'s FrancisScottKey writes "The StarSpangledBanner" Many orchestrasare founded,including the New York Philharmonic,which is the oldestorchestrain America. Music in the 19fi)'2 and 20(X)'s Countrymusic(not modemcountry)beginsin the southeast. Westernmusic,featuringlargebandsand steelguitars,begins. In the 1920'sjazz musicbecomespopular,andChicagois named the Jazzcapitalof America. In l936,the electricguitar is invented,and changesmusic forever. Around'56, Elvis Presleybecomesthe fust "Rock Star" At the dawnof the sixties,Bob Dylan, (one of my personalfavorites) beginsto popularizeprotestsongs. In 1964,the Beatles(anotheroneof my favorites)hit song "I Want to Hold Your Hand" becomesridiculously popularin the United Statesand startsthe "British Invasion" with bandslike The Who, The Rolling Stones,andmanymore. The90's andearly2000'sbroughtHip-HopandRapinto the mix, alongwith metal andpost-grunge.Thesegenres,alongwith pop,aredefinedas"today'smusic",andwhatmostsuccessful songsgo by. Music now: Indie (independent)musicis becomingmorepopularaswell. Brett Dennen,an unsignedfolk artist, sold over 30,000songsin onemonth! ElectronicMusic is alsorising in popularity. From classicalto current,music is a way of life in the United States.No matterwhat you preferto listen to, or how often,music is oneway to celebrateour pastand look forward to the future. Ever wonderhow that ma€nificentsodawith "23 AuthenticFlavors" got it's start,andbecameone ofthe top selling soft drinks on the markettoday?If your answeris yes,thenyou axeinvited to readon andget all the deli cious factsaboutDr. Pepper.Ifyour answeris no, then yoq my friend, aremissingout on soft drinks, slogans,and a strikingly entertainingresearchpaper. Dr. Peppergot its startin 1885,in Waco,Texasby local drug storeownerand PharrnacistCharlesAlderton, making it the oldestmajor soft drink in the United States. It wasthen introducedto the massesat the World's Fair in 1904(in St.Louis,of course).In ifs earlydays,it was known asthe "King of Beverages".Dr. Pepper'spopularity to its introductionin took offin the 1920's,a lateresponse 1904.It's sloganbackthenwas"Drink a Bite to Eat at 10, 2, and4'o clock". Soundskind of crarry,right?Well, a studydoneby ColumbiaUniversity showedthatthe averagehuman'sbloodsugarlevel waslowestat 10:30A.M., 2:30 P.M. and4:30P.M, so drinkinga Dr. Pepperat " 10, 2, and4" would preventa drop in enerry level. The price of Dr. Pepperin the 20's and'30's;only 5 cents! "Drink a Bite to Eat" alsosoundsa little odd.In 1945,U.S.Legislatorsreclassifiedsoft drinksasfood becauseofthe nutrientsthe sugarsprovided.A new invention aroundthat time, electricrefrigeratorbecamemore affordable,allowing fansof Dr. Pepperto enjoy the 23 flavorsice cold in their own home.At the beginningof the '50's,Dr. Peppersponsored a nationwidecontestthat offereda part in themovieJet Pilot (JohnWayne,1950)to the winner. Now, here'ssomethingI bet you'venever thoughtabout:in 1958,Dr. Pepperintroducedthe ideaof enjoying23 flavorsin a steaminghot glass,with a sliceof lemon.It is the only soft drink that had partial successas a hot beverage.Also, aluminumcanswerefirst introducedin the 1950's,andthe price of Dr. Pepperwasonly l5 cents. [Continuedon pag€13 seePEPPER] 0tTlllill0llTll ilffi$l BlBtt Selectedby RachelZink Joshua1:9 "Thisis my command-be strongand courageous:Do not be afraidor discouraged. For you you your wherever God is with the Lord go." PAGE 5 ISSUE7 ALLHALLOWS EVE By IsaiahAngeli On October3l't manypeopledressup asastronauts,ghouls,goblins,Elves,dwarves,devils, angels,farmers,and doctorsandgo trick-or treatingwithout knowing what it is all about. Halloweenis really a culturething dating from approximately700 A.D, from manytribes of people.One of the tribeswere calledthe Celtswho believedthat NovemberI't is the beginningof a new year andthat the dead cameto life the night beforeto scarepeople.Many people would put on masks,light bonfnesand makenoiseto scare the deadaway.After the Romansconqueredthe Celtsthey alsoadoptedthis Samhainfeastday by bobbingfor apples. If you got an applefirst you were going to be the oneto get married.Next they also addednuts,bakedgoods,and sweet fruits to this holiday. In 835 PopeGregorythe IV moved All SaintsDay from the commonlycelebrateddateMay the 13eto the offrcialdateNovemberI't makingOctober3l$ All HallowsEvemeaningthe Eveof All SaintsDay. The Holiday Man E-Mail for feedbackand ideapurposes: dauntin gknisht@vahoo.com Dogs and Cats By LindseyHoyer Dogsand catsaxeboth greatpets! They are also the most popularpetsin America. So I decidedto take a poll of which areliked better-dogs or cats. Dogslove to run, play, andbe loud andwill almostalwayscometo you. Theyaregoodpetsif you like to play or at leastlike to watchothersplay. Dogsmostly showtheir affectionby jumping on you andtying to lick you sometimes! Catsaremuchmorequiet and smaller.They play muchpastkitten hood but they arebeautiful, don't sophisticatedanimalsThey are goodpetsto sit and cuddle with! They showtheir affectionthroughpurring and rubbingtheir headon your leg. Both are greatand I love themboth! Here is the poll that I took: 60% saidthey like dogsmorethan cats. 40Vosaidthey like catsmore. So it seemsthat dogsare generallyliked more by peoplethan catsare. VOICE OF TIIE PEAIYUTSGAIYG By JosiahVanderMaas Bill Melendez,the voice of Snoopyand the animatorof the show,Pecnuts, diedat age9l on Tuesday,September2,2OO8of old age. He beganhis illustrious careerat Disney and WarnerBros. creatingsomeof the most classiccartooncharacters.Bill wasthe only animatorpennittedto work with CharlesM. Schulz.He earnedcountlessEmmy nominations,eight Emmy Awards,two Peabodyawatds,andan Oscarnomination.He got all this hardwarein a period of 70 years. Continuedon page 14 c) c0 L {) rh a () 7 F F "c, a >' g a seePEANUTS DEER HUNTING By-IsaiahAngeli Deerhunting is considereda sportfor somepeople.Some peoplethink it's cruel to kill animals;othersthink we shoulddo it in moderationbut still think it's bad to kill them. I personallylike to go huntingto get the meat which is 95olohealthierfor you than cow meat.The reasonfor this is deerareroamingMissouri eatingnothing but grassandbark from treesanddrinking freshwater from the streamwhereascows taketheir bathsin farm pondsand drink out of them at the sametime. Continuedon page 14 seeDEER THE BIG BITE By JuliaEngle A daytimepredatorof manymarineinhabitants, the GreatWhite Sharkis believedto haveexceptional eyesight,andto seein color. So how on earthare we supposedto protectourselves.when onedecideswe look like a sealandbite us? Well therearetwo wavsthat I know to do it. Oneway is to pokethe sharkin the eye. The reactionis the same as it is for humans.The second way is to punchthe sharkssnout. This will mix its sensesup and zint WHO'S TI{E SUCKER? eynacnet When femalemosquitoes(boy mosquitoesdon't bite) bite you, they're not just getting in a meal,they're developingtheir eggs.Our blood fills their bellies andhelpsproducesomemore blood-thirstysuckers.Now boys beforeyou go braggingthat only femalemosquitoesbite, think abouthow the boy mosquitoesarepretty useless.The girl mosquitoesaresavingthe populationand what arethe boysdoing again?When it comesdown to it, the boy mosquitoesarethe real "suckers". Theselong-nosepestshavean impressivesenseof smell. They can smell a mealfrom distancesup to 50 meten. Mosquitoeswill travel long distancesto get their snack.Mosquitoeswill fly in from 40 miles awayjust for onemeal.(I bet if they had to pay our gaspricesthey would rethink that.) The Eskimosand Alaskansaren't evensafefrom the blood hunt. For the threeweekperiod in betweenJuly andAugust the Mosquitoesdrop in for a bite. Continuedonpage 16 seeMOSQUITOS PAGE 6 ISSTJE7 TheNational Museumof the United StatesAir Force A review by Austin Beam The NationalMuseumofthe United StatesAirForce, lo' catedin Dayton,OH, is the world's largestand oldestmilitary aviation museum.On my recentvisit I found the museumto be very cool and interestingandwould highly recommendit. Therearemanyexhibitsthatyou will wantto checkout if you go. The first would be the WWII gallery. I think this gallery is neatbecauseyou g€t to seegreatfighter planessuchasthe LockheedP-38 "Lightning," the North AmericanP-51Mustangs,andthe famous B-29 Bornbercalled"Bockscar.'n"Bockscar is the plane that droppedthe Atomic Bomb at Nagasaki,Japan. You alsogetto seeactualreplicasof the atomicbombsdroppedon Japanwhich helpedendW-W[. They areniclnamed "Little Boy''and "Fat Man." Towardthe back of the museumyou will enterthe Missile andSpaceGallery.Hereyou will find liquid and gasfluid missiles that wereusedasa strategyto control Russiaduring the Cold War. Also, what wasreally fascinatingwasthat they hadthe real Apollo 15 CommandModule,that wentto the moonin July of 1971,on display.It was in the museumbecauseit carriedan all Air Force crew. Two small exhibitsthat shouldn't be over lookedwould be the caseholding every medalof honor presentedto membersof the Air Force,andthe Bob Hopeexhibit, showingall the contributions this entertainermadeto the troopsduring manywars. The Holocaustexhibit was small andI thoughtit should havebeenbiggerto rememberthe peoplewho suffered- However, it wasinterestingto listen to the tapedtestimoniesof Air Force menwho had liberatedthe concentrationcamps. If you havetime you shouldtake a shortbus ride to the andDevelopmentand Flight TestHanga. Presidential/Research Hereyou canactuallywalk throug! the presidentialplanesusedby Roosevelt,Truman,Eisenhower,KennedyandNixon. The Kennedyplaneis the planeKennedyflew to Dallas on the day he was assassinated andthe planewhereJohnsonwasthen swom into the Office of Presidentthe sameday. Over all I would give the DaytonAir and SpaceMuseuma 5 out of5 rating. For more directionsto the museumyou cancontactthe museumat rirww.nationalmuseum.af,mil or (937')2ss-3286. Your Guide to Chicago By MaeveBlankenship Chicagohasso manythingsto seeanda few musts€estre on my list. Whetheryou havebeenthereor not, many peoplewould agreethat Chicagois a cool place;a town full of peopleandthingsto do. The first thing that you want to makesureto seeis the SearsTower. It is the secondtallestbuilding in the world. You will watcha shortfilm on the constructionanddesiggof the SearsTower andthe'ngo into a very lmge elevatorwhich will takeyou to the l03rd floor. Onceon declgthe view takesyour breathaway.You canwalk aroundall four sidesof the building and look doumbelow at a city that seemsto stetch on and on. It is 4ma?ing! The next thing on my list would be Navy Pier. On the pier therearemweums,shops,a Ferris wheel,and swings.It may not soundlike a lot comparedto the SearsTower,but it is a really fun place.You caneventake a boat ride on the lake or rent a bicycle to peddlealongthe pier. Now, if you are looking for a good placefor lunch,I suggest The Houre of Blues.Make sureto go during the would daytimethough,becauseit is a bar md concerthall at night, butjust a greatrestaurantduring the dayligbt houn. It is a cool placewith goodmusic,greatfood, and a cool gift shop.This shouldbe on my musiclov€r's list of placesto go. It is so cool! Picturetaking is not allowed,so you will haveto seethe place for yourself! Another interestingtourist destinationis Millennium Park,hometo *The Be&-, a giant sculptureby British artist Anish Krypoor- Itreflects everythinglike a hugemirror. The sculptureis actuallynamed*Cloud Gate" and is madeof polishedstainlesssteel.Sculpfires re everywherein the park and thereis er'ena graphicsculptureftat you take paft in. Watch out! You may get wet! Continuedonpage 15 seeCHICAGO 7 ISS|IE WHICH ONE SHOULD I BTIY? By Trey Brockman I had sometrouble decidingwhich MP3 to buy, and I am suresomeof you havehad the sameproblem, becausethereareso manyMP3s out thereand it is hardto tell which one is bestasthey get more advanced.Theseare somefeaturesof the mostpopular MP3's,the Zuneandthe iPod: iPod: I like the iPod for thesefeatures:Most iPods havevideoandvideopodcasts,(excludingthe Shuffle, which doesn'thavea screen.).My old MP3 only hada smallblackandwhite screen,andI foundit annoying thatI couldn'twatchvideos.TheiPod alsohasgames, a world clock,stopwatch,alarmclock,photos,notes, contacts,an equalizeqand,of course,MUSIC! The iPodTouchhasa touchscreenthat allowsso much hasa wi-fi cardthat more!This amazimgtechnology allowsyou to haveInternetwhenyou arein a designatedspot.The iPodTouchalsonow hasa speakerthat allowsyou to play musicwithoutthe headphones; greatfor listeningwith friends.The iPhoneis almost exactlylike the iPodTouch,but it hasa cell phone built in. Thedownsideof the iPod is thattheyneed iTunesto put songsontothem.If you get a new iPod, you haveto downloadthenewestversionof iTunes. iTunesdoesnot work on someWindowscomputers, though,so be careful.Herearetheprices: d9ctron'q$ NEWESTiPOD NANO By: Rebecca Ziebarth Steve Jobs has done it again! Apple has come out with the new Ipod Nano w-hich is "Rockalicious"and better than the last. This is the 5mGeneration of Ipod Nanos. The latest version has more featuresand tech specs.The Nano's height is 3.6 inches,width is 1.5 in., depth is .24 inches, and the weight is exactly 1.3 ounces.The Display featuresa2 inch (diagonal) screen with a blue-white LED light and has capacities of 8 or 16 Gigabyte flash drives. On one battery charge, you can listen to music for a whole 24 hours or watch videos for 4 hours. The new Ipod Nano comes in nine different colors: silver, black, purple, blue, green,yellow, orange, red, and pink. You can also view photos on the Nano, a little or a lot depending on the flash drive size. The Apple company also cares about the environment. "Ground-Breaking" technology introducesthe'Genius' feature. Genius is a tool that you use to make a playlist of many songscome from just one. According to the Apple website, this is the best Ipod so far and should be selling by the hundreds (or thousands)in a couple ofweeks. ffi k*{t iPodclassic: iPodshuffle:$50,iPodnano:$150-200, iPhone: iPod touch: $500 $300-400, $250, Zune: Zunesarea lot like iPods,but theydon't have notes,games,stopwatch,or world clock.Theycan, however,sendsongsor videosfrom oneZuneto another.You cankeepthe songfor 3 daysor 3 plays, whicheveronecomesfirst. Thenit will deletethe song, but give you the option to buy it later. Zunesaremade by Microsoft,which I didn't evenknow until I started this report. Herearethe pricesfor Zunes: 1,8gb$100-226(holds2000songs), 80gb$200-$31 4gb$80-193(holds975songs.) I boughta 3'dgenerationiPod Nano,becauseI felt that iPodsdid so muchmore.My iPod works great,and I do not regretbuying it at all. However,the choiceis up the iPodto anyone. to you.I definitelyrecommend s PAGE 8 ISSUE7 Riversof Life By RobertSmith [iuersollife$occer nrmil$mlth Rivers of Life is back! Sadly,this is probablygoing to be our lastyear.For thosewho didn't readlastyear's newspaper, Rivers of Life is an 8ft gradesoccerteamwhich is built up Rivers of Life plays inthe CYC of mostly homeschoolers. (CatholicYouth Council) Soccerleague,eventhoughwe do not play for a Catholicchurch.We havebeenthe leaguechampions 3 yearsin a row! (LeagueChampionshipsstartin 5th grade,so we've beendominiting our liague since5ft grade) Eventhoughwe've beendominatingour league lately, our first yearwasn't so good.We would be lucky to get the ball pasthalf-field we were only in kindergarten,playing againstthe "Bigl' ls graders.Obviously,we've improved;one ofour starplayers,who left us to play selectsoccer,scored28 goalsin l0 games! Last year, our teamwasmorebalanced. We had 6 wins andthe highestscoreron our team(me) had4 goals-that's it! Almost everyonehad a goal, mosthad 2, this year,we arejust asbalanced,andwe're hoping for a great year! DefendingLeagueChampions Taketo the Field Riversof Life socceris back! Sadly,this is probablygoing to be our lastyear. For thosewho didn't iead last year's newspaper,Riversoflife is an 8ft grade soccerteamwhich is madeup of mostly homeschoolers. Riversof Life's soccerteamplaysin the CYC (Catholic Youth Council) soccerleague,eventhoughwe do not play for a Catholicchurch.We havebeenthe league champions3 yearsin a row! (LeagueChampionships startin 5s grade,so we've beendominatingour league since5e grade). Uictorious... NstAlways Eventhoughwe've beendominatingour league lately, our first year wasn't so good.We would be lucky to get the ball pasthalf-fiel4 we were only in kindergarten,playing againstthe "Big" l't graders.Obviously, we've improved,oneof our starplayers,who left us to play selectsoccer,scored28 goalsin l0 games!Last year,our teamwasmorebalance4 we had 6 wins and the highestscoreron our team(me) had 4 goals,that's it! Almost everyonehad a goal, most had 2, this year, we arejust asbalanced,andwe're hoping for a great year! We've addeda coupleofnew playersandme thrilled to haveJoeyChrunback on the field. We played our first Soccergarneon September206 andbeatSaint MargaretMary Alacoqueby a scoreof 2-0 the goals were scoredby: Tim SegristandRok Smith.On September266, Riversof Life playedagainstQueenof All Saints.The scorewas2-1. Matt SegristandAlan Smith scoredthe goalsfor Rivers.The next day, Riversplayed againstSt. Joseph,the final scorewas3-0 in Rivers favor. So if you wantto comeout to any of the games,hereis an email addressto inquire: gmail.com soccerbecool@ The Playoffs By RobertSmith Sadly,this year,the Cardinalshaveonceagainfailed to makethe playoffs, andthe Cubshaveclinchedthe division title. You can't get muchworst thanthat. I wasevenat the game whenthe Cardinalswere eliminatedon Tuesday,September 23rd. Eventhoughwe won the game,the New York Mets also won, eliminatingany playoffhopes for the Birds. The Phillies haveclinchedtheir division, beatingthe Mets out in the final seriesof regularseasongames.The Dodgersalso clinchedtheir division, the National LeagueWest.The Diamondbackswere eliminatedfrom any chanceof catching them by noneotherthanthe Cardinals.The MilwaukeeBrewers clinchedthe Wild Card for the NL, which puts them in the worst position,beingthe'\reakesf' team.The BostonRed Sox are going to play the Angels in the first round,andthey arethe two bestteamsin the AL, sothis shouldbe a good series.The Tarrpa Bay Raysarefinally in the playoffs, andare scheduled to dukeout the first round with the ChicagoWhite Sox. The Rayshavebeendoing greatthis year,and I wouldn't be surprisedifthey won. Now, herecomemy predicitions...Theteamfrom the NL to makeit to the World Seriesis The Phillies.Next, the team from the AL will be the Angels.Last, but not least the winner of the World Serieswill be The Phillies. Don't expecttheseto be right! They arejust guessesof mine, basedon their perfonnanoes. PAGE 9 ISSUE7 By Matt Segrist of Cardinal And with that most Nation goescrazy! "And that's the ballgame! I 00 yearsof futility for the ChicagoCubs!" This yearwasthe Cubs' l00th year of not winning the World Series.A lot of expertsevenpredictedthat they would be the onesto win it all. They had the bestrecordin the National League,andthe teamthey were facing,the Los AngelesDodgers,had the worst recordof any teamin the playoffs. GOLF First game:7-2 Dodgers(yes!) Secondgame:l0-3 Dodgers(onemore!) Third game:(Dodgerswin this andthe Cubsareout!) 3-l Dodgers! And with that most of CardinalNation goescrary! It quite the heartbreakerfor the Cubbies,their lineup was was stacked,they hadhomefield advantage,they wereplaying the teamwith the worst recordin the playoffs...andthey got swept. It wasn'teveneloseseeingashow theygot outscored20-6. They hadthe besthomerecordof the National League(maybe evenof all baseball),yet their two homegames(#l and#2) they got creamed(7-2 and 10-3). Now don't getme wrong,I'm no Dodgersfan,but I'm mostdefiantlyanti-Cubs.Whenthe Cubswon the divisionthis year (morethan l0 gamesover the Cards)I was dying. The worst part being that eh Cardshad beenso closeto them almost the whole season.So whenthe Cubslost that first game,I got somehope.Thenafter they lost that third gameI wascompletely andtotally ecstatic.Ahhh, theseare goodtimes. Well...maybenextyearthe Cardscancomeback. Hut, Hut, Hike By JosiahVanderMaas It is fall. andfall meansfootball. The NFL hasbegun andthe actionhasstarted.It hasbeena qaz! off seasonwith the whole Brett Favre. After all that talk about him retiring he is back,with the New York Jetsof all people. Okay,enoughaboutthe offseasonand Brett Fawe, lets get to the real thing. So far it hasbeena crazy year. Tom Brady, the New EnglandPatriotsstarquarterback is out for the seasonandthe Dallas Cowboyshaven't lost a game. DerekAndersonthe startingQB for the ClevelandBrowns is not showingup for this seasonafter his Pro Bowl seasonlast year. Also Plaxico Burressthe play-makingreceiverfor tle New York Giantsis being suspended until October5. It is only the fourth week and look at what all hashappened. By Trey Brockman If you've everwatchedgolf on TV, you probablyneverwant to haveanythingto do with it. I thoughtthat, too, until I played my first game.ThenI found out that, eventhoughit may seem like a slow-goingsport,it is very ftrn; especiallywhenyou get to drivethe cartor hit a ball offof a cliff! Here aresometips: You candrive a ball into a lake, but try not to drive the cart into it. You canchip the ball onto the green,but if you chip the cart, the managerwill personallydriveyou offthe course.You can hit a birdie, andthat's a goodthing, but if you hit a bird, the wildlife protectionpeoplewill want to talk to you. Here are somedefinitions of golf terms: par: scoringthe averagepoints per hole You can hit a birdie, and that's a good thing, but if you hit a bird, the wildlife protection peoplewill want to talk to you. bogey: one shot over par. On a par4, a bogey would be 5 shots. double bogey: two shots over par. On a par-3, a bogey would be 5 shots. birdie: a score that is one stroke below par. On apar-4, a score of 3 is a birdie. chip: a shot played from close to the green. drive: the first shot on a hole hit ffom the tee. "Drive" usually refers to shots hit with a driver, 3-wood or l-iron or driving iron. tee: a tiny spike offof which you drive the ball. PAGE IO ISSUE7 Healthand Beauty by:KelliClark Hey everyone,l'm backand readyto starta newyearof newspaperlI'm so happyto be backbecausethis year, column.Nowtherewill be doublethe help,andwe need my friendRebeccaZ. andI arejoiningforcesfor thisparticular youneedto sendus an emailat healthandbeautvcolForus to getyourquestions doublethequestions! (sothatmeansyoucanaskmorethanone ourselves up between andwe willdividethequestions umn@qmail.com ha-ha)we shouldget questionat a time!)Ok, nowthatyouknowaboutthe doublesegment(kindalikea splitpersonality startedwiththe column,l've hearda lot aboutthe dancecomingup on Nov.1stand I thoughtthatsinceifs so close, Rebeccaand I wouldstartwith that! Middleschoolers,you can keepthis advicefor whenyou cometo yourfirst dancein a yearor two! Keepin mind,this is Rebecca'sand my firstdancewith the homeschoolgroupbecausewe bothare freshmen,so we'renot actuallygoingto be talkingaboutwhatgoeson at the dancebecausewe don'tknow.Buf,we do know the fashions!Myadvicetodayis goingto be on make-up,nails,and hair!| knowthatmostof youalreadyknowwhatyou youcan referto later! aregoingto do for yourhairnailsand makeup,so thisis just maybesomething I am so excitedto seewhateveryoneis wearing,becauseformaldancesare my favorite! Make-upon dance nightsis supposedto be dramatic,butthatdoesn'tmeanbringoutthe powderblueeyeshadowand rubyred lipsticklike youare 3 yearsold (unlessit matchesyourdressof course,thenit'sok!)butyou'llprobablydo yourmake-upmoreextravagantly thanwhatyoudo everyday,becauseI mean,comeon! lfs a dancefor pete'ssake!lfs alwayscoolto use eye shadowthat matchesyourdress,but if you havea reallybrightcoloreddressand you can'tfind a shadowthat matchesit, no worries,thereare simplewaysto matchwith it not actuallybeingthe color!To substitute,youcan do a naturaltonelikebrown,tian,andyourskincolorfor colors.Ok, I'mguessingyou haveboughtoneof thoselittlecontainwhite.Well,howmanyof you ers before,withthreeor fourdifferentshadesof the samecolor,includingsometimes, havewatcheda makeovershowwherethey do the people'smake.upand usedlike4 differentshadows?Thoselittle helpto putit on! Firstlightlybrushthe lightest arewhatthatis meantfor,andyoudon'tneedprofessional containers this is fromyourmiddlelid to evenoutthe color)all theway up to youreyebrowline(remember color(alwaysstrarting more go (the a tad you main color) use next up you to the color illusion). Then, donelightly, because arecreatingan your go not as far eyebrows, (from halftvay up to only about middle!) but the the lighter and thanthe color, stroke color as the lightlycoloredshadow.Next(thispartmayseemkindaweirdto you)we are leftwitha reallydarkcolorwhichis not meantto coveryour lid (unlessit is the colorof yourdress)(stopat the eye socket)and lightlybrushon eachcorner of youreyelid,kindawherethe lashstarts.Then LIGHTLYbrusha lineat the backof youreye at the socketto create depth.Andwiththis,you haveactuallycreatedan illusionof darker,roundereyes!Nowas for the colorsthatis totallyup to youof course!And as for the lipstickand lipgloss,the choiceis up to youof course,again!Nowas for the color,I like lightercolorslikelightpinkand lightbrown,just to havea morenaturalcolorto my lips.Butif you likethe brightercolors, Godmadeeveryonedifferentand you aren'tgoingto havethe samelikesas me, so if you likedark colorsor vibrantly popifiedcolorslikerubyred,that is totallyok and veryfun! (andrememberweare supposedto be dramatic!) thatdoesn'tmeango out and Nowfor nails,the elegantwayto go is a frenchmanicure.NowwhenI saymanicure, get one,you can giveyourselfone!A frenchmanicure,for thoseof youthat don'tknow,is a creamcolorpolishfor the bodyof yournailanda whiteplolishfor thetipsto makethe naillooknatural.Butcoloris notan enemyto eleganceeither,ifs dramatictoo, so if that is whatyou are leaningtowards,that is totallycool,whetherits blackor hot pink.AND if youdecidenotto paintyournailsat all, bravo,you'rebeinghonest! As for hairthat is totallyup to you becauseno one knowsyour hair betterthan you do! Whetheryouwantto do sparklybanettesand fancycurls,leaveyourhair down,put it in a frenchbraid,or do a ponytail it's all great!Curlsare elegantANDdramatic,and bunsand frenchbraidsare too. and no matterwhatstyleyou choose,you primpand hair sprayand straightenand curlto makeit just perfect.Everyonewill be amazed!| thinkthis will be an amazingdanceno matterwhatand no matterif you take 30 minutes(althoughI don'tthinkthafs possiblefor a girl!)or 5 hoursto get ready, I can'twaitto see all of you becauseI knowthis is goingto be a beautifulnightlStaysweet! PAGE1I ISSUE7 Mr.Smartypantsman. I{ELLO! Greetings!Salutations!This is, in fact Mr. Smartypantsman! Someof you may havehearda rumor I wasnot going to return,but NOT SO, I SAY! I ambackfor at leastanotherschoolyear... after that, I cannotsay! Anyhow, seeingashow I haveno emailsor questionsat this point, I will start this yearoffwith a riddle.This is actuallymorea problemthan a riddle, but I promiseit is more fun thanyour mathbook! I will give it to you as originally fanslated. A goodfriendof minewroteit! Archimedeshimself! IF anyof you canfigwe this out (you may ask friends,siblings,parents,or teachers,aslong asthey havenot alreadylookedup the answer)at the end of this week,you officially have my congratulations:this one is a doozy! Not so much for me, but for more commonfolk, it is a doozy! Remember,no cheating.If you think you or a relative or friend hasthe answer,give it to Mrs. Mullins, in an envelope,with the instructionto give it to class.I will receiveit from them! If thenewspaper you can'tdo that, email me your answerat Mr.smartylrantsman@Gmail.com . You can also email any questionsaboutvirtually anything (religion andpolitics aside)and if I like it, I may put it in the next article! Ok. with no further. adieu!Here it is.. .. "The sungod hada herdofcattle consisting of bulls andcows,onepartof which waswhite,a secondblack, a third spotted,and a fourth brown. Among the bulls, the numberof white oneswasone half plus onethird the numberof the black greater thanthe brown; the numberof the black, one quarter plus one fifth the numberof the spottedgreaterthan the brown; the numberof the spotted,one sixth and one sevenththe numberof the white greaterthanthe brown. Among the cows,the numberof white ones was onethird plus one quarterof the total black cattle; the numberof the black, one quarterplus one fifth the total of the spottedcattle;the numberof spotted, one fifth plus one sixth the total of the brown cattle; the numberof the brown, one sixth plus one seventh the total of the white cattle.What wasthe composition ofthe herd?u So! How many cattlearethere?The answerwill be given in time, in somefuture article! If it helps,the answeris very large....You may usea calculatoqbut not the Internet!Or bookswith explanations,or if you know a mathprofessor,you may askhim, but the samerulesapplyto him aswell. He may usea calculator, as long asthe processby which the answeris found is not given to him directly, ORthe answeris given to him directly. So! With that, I bid you adieu again,andgood luck! ffiFff Artwork by NicholasGeorge is hereonceagain!And Mr.Smartypantsman Salutations! believeme I am rea4v for anotheryearof answeringyour questions! Of course,asthis is the first issue,thequestionsupplyhas not beenthemost...how shallI put it. . ..satisfactory. No worries!I havecomeup with a solution!First I havea riddle (seeotherarticle), andwhile you're thinking aboutthat, you canreadsomequotesby oneof my favoritepeopleof all time-G.K. Chesterton.Theseshoulddo until the inquiriescomeflowing in. G.K. Chesterton;althoughalmostno onehasheardof him, in my humbleopinion,he is the most influential and unappreciatedwriter,thinkerandtheologianof all time. This is somethingI canmost definitely relateto. Due to spacerestraints,I will not be ableto go into the excessivedepththat I normally do on a subject suchasthis. Thoughjust to give you an exampleof his influence,I will tell you this; not only did his book TheEverlastingMon convert C.S Lewisto Christianity,but he alsohelpedinspireGandhito leadthe revolution! So, althoughit painsme to saythis, you may usethe internetto discoverwhat a fascinatingpersonMr. Chesterton was.Now, without further ado,G.K Chestertonquotes. "Misers get up early in the morning; andburglars,I am informed, getup the night before." "To havea right to do a thing is not at all the sameasto be right in doingit." "The reformeris alwaysright aboutwhat is wrong. He is generally wrong aboutwhat is right." "I agreewith the realistic Irishmanwho saidhe preferredto prophesyafter the event." "It is true that I am of an older fashion;muchthat I love hasbeen destroyedor sentinto exile." "The riddles of God aremoresatisfyingthanthe solutionsof man." And my personalfavorite: '?oets havebeenmysteriouslysilent on the subjectof cheese." If you would like more information,just email me at (this is whereyou shouldemail mr.smartypantsman@gmail.com your questionsaswell), or go to www.Chesterton.org. ISSUE7 cmtcrtanmmilemt PAGE 12 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. (PS2,XBOX360,PS3,Wii ;T for Teen) By MathewDiffee Haveyou ever wantedto force chokea Wookie? How of pieces.Well in aboutsmashan AT-ST into thousands game you takesplacebecan. The Force Unleashed the tweenepisodesIII and IV. If you everwonderedwhy in episodeIV everyoneis so afraid of Darth Vaderyou'll know why now. In the frst level you play asDarth Vader ashe is hunting down a rougeJedi.After you completethe missionyou thanplay as Starkiller (Darth Vader's Apprentice)While you play asStarkiller you can customize his skills (to a point), outfit, and light saber(color and blade). With everytime you beata foe you gain force pointsthat let you upgradeStarkiller. The combatis fast, fun, andsimpleto learn,but sadlyvery repetitive. The story is ok but very hard to understandat somepoints becauseits like you know whereto go becauseyou weretold to go therebut you don't know why. At the endyou and Vaderbecomeenemieswithout evenknowing why. While the gameis goodit is alsovery disappointingat the same of thisI giveit a7.75-10ratinganda2.75-5 time.Because family friendly becausethis is a very dark gameandthere is a lot of deathand somemild profanitiesin it. Poems Onebright day in the middle of the night two deadboysgot up to fight Back to backthey facedeachother. Pulledout knivesandshoteachother the deafpolicemanheardthenoise andcameand shotthe two deadboys. If you don'tbelievethis lie is true: Ask theblind man He sawit too. Not kooky enough,you say?Vell.... #2 'Twasmidnight on the ocean not a streetcarwas in sight. The sunwas shiningbrightly for it rainedall day that night. 'Twasa summerday in winter andthe snowwasraining fast asa barefootboy with shoeson Stoodsitting in the grass. Guitar Hero:\ilorld Tour (P53,PS2XBOX360n Wii Rating;RP) By MathewDiffee With Guitar Hero : World Tour they havenot only addedthe full bandexperiencebut they haverevolutionizedit. This is notjust a copyof RockBand,it's somethingnew altogether. With the new gamehascomea new guitar controllertoo. All new touch sensitiveneck sliders(the peopleat Neversoft namedthem that) will help you nail thosetough solos.The fret buttonsrespondbetterandhavea betterfeel to them. Don't worry all of you old guitarownersyou canstill use them with the new game,you just wont haveaccessto all of the new features.The drumsare looking like they will be betterandmorerealisticthan Rock Band's. They havetwo cymbals,andthreetouch sensitivepadsandhavewooden drum sticks..All of the instrumentsarewirelessexceptthe microphone(it worksjust like Rock Bandsbut in my opinion lookscooler;it's all black).The songlist has85 songs andincludes Bon Jovi: Livin' on a PraYer Korn: Freakon a Leash Linkin Park:WhatI've Done No Doubt Spiderwebs Systemof a Down:B.Y.O.B Now you canmakeyour own rocker like in Rock Band,but you alsomakeyour own guitar and drums.Lastbut not least you canalsomakeyou own music,but I can't get into the detailsaboutthatbecauseit wouldtaketoo longto coverand all I can sayaboutthe careermodeis that they madea whole new, more in-depthone. BARLOWGIRLCONCERT By LindseyHoyer BarlowGirlis a Christianrockbandthatconsistsof three girls:Becca,Allysa,and LaurenBarlow.In 2004theywere namedthe bestChristianrock bandof the year.BarlowGirl has fourCDsoutanda few hit songssuchas "MillionVoices", "Porcelain Heart","l NeedYouTo LoveMe",and"Here'sMy Life". BarlowGirlis on their"MillionVoices"tourrightnow.On October24ththey are havinga conc,ertfundedby MercyMinistries.lt will be at FaithChurch'sNortherncampusin EarthCity. Ticketsare fifteendollarsand for an extraten dollarsyou get befterseatsand get to meetBarlowGirl! can BarlowGirlis an awesomeChristianbandandyoucan tellthattheirsongsreallywereinspiredby theirlovefor God.I lovethismusicand it hasreallyhelpedme! go to www.BarlowGirl.com Formoreinformation COSTUME PARTY by MackenzieDiffee This month my youth group is having a costumeparty. They will haveprizes for the winnersof certaincategories.You canplay video gamesandparticipatein a tournamentfor a prize of ten dollars split into five for eachpersonif it is a team. It will be on thetwenty-fifthof this monthfrom 6:30to 10:00.Therewill be pirza andsodafor free.To repeatthis eventis FREE!!! PLEASECONTACTMACKENZIE DIFFEEFORMORE INFO! ISSUE7 PAGE 13 UpcomingChristian Concert ByMackenzieDiffee This yearat the Family Arenawe are going to haveCastingCrownsperformingwith other Cbristianartistslike Natalie Grant,Denverandthe Mile High OrchestrqAvalon, Michael English, andPureNRG. -Theywill be performingThursday,December4*, 2008at 7:00pm. Theywill be doing a Christmasconcertsponsoredby Joy FM. I sawthem at ChristianFamily Day at the Ball Park earlierthis yem. CastingCrownsis a modestgroup with greatlyrics. They are a contemporaryChristian group. They are greatat making the whole thing abouthaving fun while worshipingour Lord and Savior. As far asthe othergroupsgo, I've hearda few ofthere songsand I think that they are somevery goodbands. So, all in all I think that this will be a very goodconcert. Y Harvest Pafi Youth Event 13 vearsold and older Place: Real Life Church 627 ForderDr. Mehlville,MO 63129 Date: FridayoOctober 24th Time: 7:00pmuntil10:30pm Cost: $3.00plus eachnersonshouldbring a bag of candvor snackitem The$3.00chargecollectedat thedoor is a donationfor the churchandhelpscoversomeof my cost. Activities include: Fun. Fellowship.Fun. and more Fun. CostumeContest:(Pleasedo not wearanybloodlz. sparygory"or inappropriatecostumesor you will be askedto removethe costumeor not be ableto stay.) BestCarved Pumpkin Contest: (Carveyow pumpkin at homeand bring it to the party) The BestJoke or Riddle (winnerwill be postedin S.H.A.R.ENewspaper) MummyWrap Real Egg Toss Pumpkin SeedSpitting and TossingContest Rat Race SecretFood ChallengeContest Bonfire for roastingmarshmallows. Pleasesignup with Pat Zink rrzink4636)chgrter.net cell (314).540-2957 Also, your child doesnot haveto wear a costumeto attend; however,most all the kids will havea costume on. So pleaseencourageyour child to wear a costumeand alsoocarve a pumpkin. This witt be a great night for our kids. Pray for goodweather. Pleaselet me know if you can chaperones,help setup or cleanup. PEPPER continuedfrom page4 The sloganfor the sixties: "America'sMost MisunderstoodSoft Dritrk". Why, you ask?In'63, the United StatesFiflh District Court (U. S. F. D. C.) in Dallasdeclaredthat Dr. Pepperwasnot a cola, leading to the creationofthe aforementionedslogan.The reasonDr. Pepper (Thenonly 2l centsa pop) informedthe public that their drink was "Not a cola" is becausethe bottlersin Texaswerenot allowedto carry "colas" otherthan Coca-Colaor Pepsidueto a conftct they had siped. So,whenDr. Pepperannouncedthat they werenot a cola, it expandedtheir reachthroughoutthe United States.As you can see, therearevery many goodreasonsfor the taglinescreatedby Dr. Pepper Company.ln 1962,the pull ring tab wasinvented,andlater that decadethe re-sealabletop wasput to use.Also, sodasbecameavailable in vendingmachines.However,it wasnot until 1970(whenthe price was lowereddown to 20 cents)that plasticbottleswereusedfor containing soft drinks. Adding to their popularity,the 23 flavors were certified Koshern 1972(So peopleof Jewishdescentalsohavethe opportunity to enjoy the 23 flavors of Dr. Pepper). In the eighties,the Dr. PepperCompanymergedwith 7-up, and tumedtheir original plant into a non-profit museum.The price, dueto inflation,skyrocketed to .75cents!Also, in the 90'sand2000's,Dr. Pepperreleasedseveralmoreadvertisingslogansincluding "Dr. Pepper.It Makesthe World TasteBetter",and"OneTaste& You'll Get ft". Over the years,Dr. Pepperhasbecomeincreasinglypopular andwell known not only in America,but also in the rest of the world. Its look and style havechangedwith the decades,but its 23 flavors (all of which areunknownto the public), havestoodthe test of time. These arethe reasonswhy I love Dr. Pepper,andnow you know a little bit aboutthis history of this amazingsoda. "EXPELLED" IS RELEASED by DavidTate On October21,2008,the highlyawaitedDVDof the documentaryExpelled:No lntelligenceAllowedwill be released. This thought-provoking film reachedthe #5 positionon the per-screenaverage,afteropeningat #10. lt has also becomethe#12 highestgrossingdocumentary of all time. Thisis an amazingfeatfor anymovie,especially onewith such"controversial" content. Narator Ben Stein,along with manyothers,points out how educatorsand scientists arebeing ridiculed, deniedtenure,and evenfired for the fact that theybelievethere is evidenceof "design"in nature. Thefilmcausedquitea stiramongthe public.During the weeksbeforeits release,the Expelledwebsitesite receivedover2millionhits,andwasthe6mmostpopular searchon )/a-h_9o.cgm. Leadingevolutionists(andatheists) P. Z. Myers, RichardDawkinsand EugeniaScott,all interviewedin the film, repeatedlydenouncedBenStein andExpelledin the pressand on theirwebsites. ManySHAREfamilieswenttogetherto see Expelledon itsopeningdayof April18th - inctuding most membersof the ne\irspaper staff. I'm sureevenmore SHAREfamilieswillbe purchasing the ExpelledDVDon October21$! ISSUE1 PAGE 14 DEER con't from page5 All of this is storedup with their meat.A goodportion of the peoplein Missouri want to O{ITLAW deerhuntingbecauseit resultsin killing animals,but for now everyhunter for everyseasonneedsto follow Missouri's laws andregulations. For example,hereare a few lists of rulesthat hunters haveto follow. 1. Huntersmusttry to kill any animalthey arehunting with a quick, clean,kill meaning they mustfiy to hit the animal's vital organs. 2. oncethey haveinjured an animalandthe animalruns off they must go after it no matter how seriousthe wound is 3. Cannot be wastefulof the meatthey take from it. 4. Canonly take so manydeer which variesfrom seasonto seasonand countyto county. 5. Are restrictedwhat type of weaponthey use Therearea whole lot of rules for any type ofhunting and thankfully the stateof Missouri ConversationDepartrnentis well fundedandhasa lot of workersand volunteersworking for them who know how many deerwe cankill and how many fish we cantakefrom which sfeam. Now a lot of statesrestrictthe useofany type ofrifle for any seasonor any reason.This is becausestateslike lllinois, Iowa, SouthDakota,Kansas andOhio haveflatlandsthat allow rifle shotsto go as far as 5 miles in severalseconds (that's scary).Justthink about it: I could go hunting in lllinois and miss my targetandthe bullet could go overtheriver andkill somebodyin the city. Missouri, howeverohasseveral hills wherethe bullet couldjust go into oneofthem and stop. More info on The Missouri ConversationDepartment,go to http ;//www.mdc.mo. gov/ PEANUTS continuedfrom page5 In the year 1948Melendezleft the WarnerBros. Co. andheadedto the UPA (United Productionsof America). He workedtherefor a decadeasa director anda producer. In his time therehe producedmorethan 1,000commercialsand videos.At the UPA he startedworking with J. Walter Thompson'sad company. Ford liked the charactersfrom Peanutsand askedhim if they could usesomeof the charactersfor someof their commercials.In 1959 Melendezstartedpreparinghis animationwork and showeditto Peanuts creator Schulz. Melendezwent on to createCharlie Brown and Friends. He alsohelpedcreate suchclassicsasPinocchio, Fantnsia, Dambo, andBambi. Bill Melendezwas one of the bestcartoonistsof all time. If youwanta team,storyor recipeputinto"Share please the News", e-mailus. (sports) soccerbecool@gmail.com (entertainment) saveurshot@gmail.com (advice) Mr.Smartypantsman@gmail.com (beauty healthandbeautycolumn@gmail.com advice) (holiday dauntingknight@yahoo.com news) Advertise your business in S.H.A.R.E.The News. We will print 114pageads for $4.00, tl2 pageads for $8.00, businesscards for $2.00. This is a greatway to get the word out about your business, Your ad will reach everyonewho reads this newspaperor views the newspaperon S.H.A.R.E.'swebsite! Pleasecontact one of our reportensor editons,or send an e-mailto katrina@graceucc.com to inquireabout an ad. Thankyou! PAGE15 ISSUE7 CHICAGO continuedfrom page6 A greatdinnerplaceis the Hard Rock Cafe.This is a morekid friendly place thanthe Houseof Blues andthe Hard Rock Cafdhasgood food andgreatsouvenirs,too. Everyoneloves all of the displayedmemorabiliafrom the cmeersof rock stars.You areallowedto takepicturesandyou will want to, onceyou see how manycool things arethere. Another importanttravel not for a big city like Chicagois that you may want to walk everywhere.You canseea lot more,plus, thereis somecrazydriving that you might want to steerclearof. If you arenot inclinedto walk andyou don't want to testyour skills driving, this is a city with greatpublic hansportation. The cabride is a mustdo! Seriously,riding the streetsof Chicagoin a cab is an experience all by itself. Shoppingin ChiTown is fun too. Chicagohassomeof the bestboutiques,biggeststores,and a vertical shopping mall. That is somethingyou should maketime for. Chicagois a wonderfulplace with manythingsto see.I think that everybody shouldgo thereat leastonetime in their lives. l - - r r r r r r r r l - - I I - - l t l , nons STUDYINGMAKE YOttR STOMACHRL]MBLE?I ] If youforgetto bringyourlunch,checkouttheseoptions! | I I I A new snackmachine,stockedandmaintainedby ElizabethNason ] hasbeeninstalledin the lounge/studyareaat Homelink. Shewill be I I donatinghalf of her proceedsbackto S.H.A.R.E.! So,if you're hunI at the sametimeI gry, havea snackandhelp out S.H.A.R.E. I I If yoo'r" thirsty, Drew Arnesonis continuingto sell sodaandwater in i on Homelink Thursdays. ;the lounge/studyarea l l L r r r ! a - - - r I r - I r r - I r r r r - I I r r ! - r I I - l - l I . RECYCLEYOUR OLD INKJET CARTRIDGES AND HELe EARN MoNEyFoR S.H.A.R.E. . t I I lVt r. Mullins hasplaceda collectionbox for usedinkjet , cartridgesof any kind in the lounge/studyroom of Home- : lLink. So, pleasedon't throw them away when you're finI you and with on Wednesdays Bring them isnea with them! ] . t Thursdaysand help S.H.A.R.E. earn extra money! I I L r - r r r I t r I r l . T - I r - r - t - a - a - . - r - t - - ! - | I f r - I -t r - a - I I . - r llr - f WANTED: ITEMS FOR TF{ETROOPS I II Mrs. Mullins sentout an e-mailwith a requestto saveitemsfor the troops.If you did not;, ireceivethe e-mail,pleasecontacther if you would like to help.Shealsopostedlists on : Ithe bulletin boardat Homelink if you havelost your list. The donationsaredueby Oc'tober 23rd! | L . - r - r - r - r - . - r - . - . - r - r - r - . - t J PAGE 16 ISSUE1 CALIFORNIA CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Thesestatisticspoint to oneconclusion:homeschoolingworks. Even manyof the StateDepartmentsof Education,which are generally biasedtowardthe public schoolsystem,cannotarguewith thesefacts.Not only doeshomeschoolingwork, but it works without the myriad of statecontrolsand accreditationstandardsimposedon the public schools." Memberof CongressBob Ban for the Journal-Constitution saidthe following in his articlefoundon http:l/www.ajc.com. "From my own experienceas a memberof Congresswho penonally reviewedhundredsof applicationsfor admissionto our counI canattestto the fact thathigh schoolseniorswho hadbeenhomeschooledfor all or partoftheir academic try's military academies, careerscompetedfavorablyin all aspectsof academicswith studentswho affendedpublic or private schools.Georgiais not alonein recognizingthe valueof homeschooling;virtually all otherstatesdo aswell." I thoughtCaliforniacouldhandleheat?Don't reinventthe wheel!Now, comeon California,you don't needto abolish just sowe homeschoolers homeschooling will haveto join your schoolsandraiseyour lackingstatistics.We couldtutor.Thanksfor the flattery! *Pleasenote the tbllowing figuresare trorn HSLDA's rvebsite. Scores Scaled Composne Frgure1 - Medran Ltl.r:rl I l{r:itu, | [! r,rlrL.lt:,:rl fr [',rtrlrr ! lrrrrl Keyfor Figurcs7.1& 7.2 t lirrr:liHrrgt I Dirirr hrnrl Br")::'r:,ix r l"lYr:'r'. I Hichklnrl6ract*:c lrlartnr [i-t1'*rr $ htrr:[hllrx;r:, lh l]rr* Lh:toratc Lsicrra:c\ 1ir1"*: Fqure 7.1- Father'sAcademrcAchievement .1.?X, * \ SUCKERS....Continuedfrom page 5 Larger people are more likely to be bitten then lighter people. Larger people and pregnant women give off more carbon dioxide than lighter people. Carbon Dioxide is the "cherry on top" to hungry mosquitoes. Mosquitoes like the jocks. When it comes to outdoor sportsmosquitoeswill swoop in to "get in the game" and they're certain not on your team. When you pant from exhaustionyou exhale carbon dioxide, which attractsmosquitoes. Mosquitoes are attractedto lactic acid oozing from your sweat glands and movement. Mosquitoes are water bugs. They're not swimmers but they're partial to water, especially stagnant water. Places containing from of waler are common breeding grounds for mosquitoes. DEET is still proven to be the best chemical repellant to fight off mosquitoes.DEET can be found in most bug sprays such as *OFF". Now that you are educated about mosquitoes you can help protect yourself against them. Who's the sucker now? Source:WebMD.com 1lx,'1s l;,liu:, $i"r;rrl Ll,r':i fl,i:lrr,iiJr Figure7.2 - Mothe/sAcademicAchievement l i t lbnet:nsollhllsr l frnatgilkticrr*i:*'