praehistoria - Moravské zemské muzeum
praehistoria - Moravské zemské muzeum
PRAEHISTORIA Volume 9–10 Edited by Árpád Ringer Miskolc 2008–2009 The publication of this volume was supported by the following institutions: The Council of the City of Miskolc The University of Miskolc A Tudomány Támogatásáért Észak-Magyarországon Alapítvány Front cover illustration: The face of a Neanderthal child from Suba-lyuk Cave, Hungarian Natural History Museum. Reconstruction and photograph by Gy. Skultéty. The cleft of the Bársony house found in 1891, Hungarian National Museum. Photograph by G. Kulcsár. Back cover illustration: Photo of Ottokár Kadić Székely K. (szerk.): Kadić Ottokár a magyar barlangkutatás atyja – Önéletrajz Budapest, Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet, 2010, p. 6. HU ISSN 1586-7811 Prof. Dr. Gyula Patkó Rector of the University of Miskolc bears full responsibility for the publication. 2008–2009 Published by the Archaeolingua Foundation & Publishing House on behalf of the Department of Prehistory and Ancient History, University of Miskolc, in collaboration with the Herman Ottó Museum and the Miskolc Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. © ARCHAEOLINGUA Foundation All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, digitised, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. ARCHAEOLINGUA ALAPÍTVÁNY H-1014 Budapest, Úri u. 49. Word processing, desktop editing and layout: Rita Kovács and Zsolt Mester Cover design: Erzsébet Jerem and Gergely Hős Printed by: Prime Rate, Budapest CONTENTS Editorial Preface ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Szeleta Workshop – Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Excavation at Szeleta Cave October 12–15 2007. Miskolc ......................................................................................................... 7 György LENGYEL, Péter SZOLYÁK & Martina PACHER Szeleta Cave Earliest Occupation Reconsidered ............................................................................. 9 Árpád RINGER Nouvelles données sur le Szélétien de Bükk ................................................................................. 21 William DAVIES & Robert HEDGES Dating a Type Site: Fitting Szeleta Cave into Its Regional Chronometric Context ....................... 35 Zdeňka NERUDOVÁ The Technology of the Szeletian Lithic Industry in the Context of Moravian EUP Cultures ....... 47 Martin OLIVA Questions du Szélétien supérieur en Moravie ............................................................................... 61 Viola T. DOBOSI Leaf Points in non-Szeletian Context ............................................................................................ 71 Zsolt MESTER Les outils foliacés de la grotte Jankovich : la renaissance d’un problème ancien ......................... 81 Jürgen RICHTER The Role of Leaf Points in the Late Middle Palaeolithic of Germany .......................................... 99 Agnès LAMOTTE, Gilles HUGUENIN, Georges WILLEMAN, Philippe DUPAS & Jean-Michel PIROT Les stations de plein air à outils foliacés dans l’Est de la France ................................................. 115 Petr NERUDA Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations ................................................................................... 125 Yuri E. DEMIDENKO East European Aurignacian and Its Early / Archaic Industry of Krems-Dufour Type in the Great North Black Sea Region .......................................................................................... 149 András MARKÓ Raw Material Use at the Middle Palaeolithic Site of Vanyarc (Northern Hungary) ................... 183 Josip KOBAL’ The Pioneer of Subcarpathian Palaeolithic Research .................................................................. 195 Árpád RINGER & György LENGYEL The Upper Palaeolithic Site at Budapest Corvin-tér .................................................................... 205 Péter SZOLYÁK New Radiocarbon Data with Stratigraphical, Climatic and Archaeological Contexts to the Palaeolithic Assemblage of the Herman Ottó Cave, Miskolc-Alsóhámor, Northeast Hungary .......................................... 213 Péter SZOLYÁK Upper Palaeolithic Blade Cores and Flake Cores from the Herman Ottó Cave, Miskolc-Alsóhámor, Northeast Hungary ..................................................................................... 225 György LENGYEL Radiocarbon Dates of the “Gravettian Entity” in Hungary ......................................................... 241 Dietrich MANIA Gravettien zwischen Elbe und Thüringer Wald ........................................................................... 265 Vasile CHIRICA, Madalin-Cornel VALEANU & Codrin-Valentin CHIRICA L’image de la femme dans l’art et les religions prehistoriques: l’orante .................................... 307 László G. JÓZSA Depicted Obesity and Steatopygia on Paleolithic Statues ........................................................... 333 Book Review ...................................................................................................................................... 341 PRAEHISTORIA vol. 9–10 (2008–2009) MORAVIA DURING OIS 3: CULTURAL RELATIONS Petr NERUDA* Abstract Several interesting findings and theories appeared during the last two decades in Moravia. The development of dating methods and the calibration of 14C data enables us to specify the chrono-stratigraphic position of main EUP sites in Moravia. Therefore questions of cultural relations and anthropological bearers are reopened and analysed in this paper with special attention to the Szeletian. This paper was funded by grant n. DE 07P04OMG011 of the Ministry of Culture. Introduction survey (Neruda et al. 2004), we were able to add only one Szeletian site with an abundant assemblage – Moravský Krumlov IV, which is situated 4.5 km from the key Szeletien site Vedrovice V excavated by Karel Valoch from 1982 to with controle probing in 1983 (Valoch et al. 1993). Only small assemblages are added to these main sites (Pravlov IVd; Neruda & Nerudová 2006). Vedrovice Ia stratified openair site also yielded typical Aurignacian finds in this region (Oliva 1993a, 2008). The extension of the Aurignacian is well marked by the spatial analysis of the settlement unit in the Napajedla gate (Škrdla 2005) and by the rescue excavation of the Milovice I open-air site that yielded an interesting sequence of Aurignacian hearths (Oliva 1989). This site opened the question of the repeated occupation of this site and the mobility of Aurignacian bearers. By studying articles concerning the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition, we get the impression that the cultural relations among Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) cultures are already established. However, recent research about localities dated to the time range of interest has reopened several problems that should be discussed. This article builds upon this phenomenon and examines the persistence of Neanderthals, the Micoquian - Szeletian relation and the character of an eventual acculturation of Neanderthals by anatomically modern humans, especially by Aurignacians. The beginning of the the Aurignacian in Central Europe and the transitional nature of the Bohunician phenomena is still widely discussed. During the last two decades several new excavations have been undertaken in Moravia. Mainly the region of Brno City has been intensively excavated. A complex of sites with Bohunician and Aurignacian occupation was uncovered in the Stránská skála hill (Svoboda 1987a, b; Svoboda et al. 1991; Valoche et al. 2000; Svoboda & Bar-Yosef eds. 2003) and the Bohunician eponymous site of Brno-Bohunice also yielded sinificant finds (Valoch et al. 1976, 1982; Škrdla & Tostevin 2003, 2005; Tostevin & Škrdla 2006). Krumlovský les, situated 40 km SW from the Brno, is directly related to the aforementioned sites. Despite the intensive * In the context of these excavations, new stratigraphic and dating projects have been done. We obtained absolute data for Bohunician, Aurignacian, Szeletian, and Middle Palaeolithic sites. Today, the Bohunician is well dated (Svoboda 2003b; Valoch 2008) and a wide spectrum of data is available also for Aurignacian, although it is difficult to compare them because of their different validity from the methodological point of view. Little progress was made at Middle Palaeolithic sites. The new archaeological horizons (layer 1–4) in Moravský Krumlov IV open-air site are out of the 14C range –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Anthropos Institute, Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic. E-mail: 125 Petr NERUDA and it was necessary to use different methods. New results are expected from the OSL dating project, which covered all important Middle and EUP cultures (Nejman et al. in press). 2006). The results of recent research that attempted to date finds from other sites and possibly associated with anatomically modern humans are not convincing. The findings of Zlatý Kůň – Koněprusy (Bohemian Karst), St. Prokop (Bohemian Karst) and Svitávka (Moravia) are Magdalenian or even younger (Svoboda 2003a; Svoboda, van der Plicht & Kuželka 2002; Svoboda et al. 2004). The question of the bearers of both Bohunician and Szeletian cultures is still open. There is little progress in Moravia that concerns the anthropology of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition. Middle Palaeolithic Neanderthals (Vlček 1969) have been found in Kůlna cave (Valoch 1988), Švédův stůl cave (Rzehak 1906, 1909) and Šipka cave (Maška 1885). Traditionally we associate anatomically modern humans with the Aurignacian on the base of Mladeč caves finds that were analysed in an interdisciplinary project (Teschler-Nicola 2006). The question of the symbolic meaning of human presence in these caves is still discussed (Oliva 1993b, 2006a, b; Svoboda 2000, 2001, The diversity of viewpoints is reflected in the group of frequently antagonistic theories. Some of them will be used to outline the main problems of the EUP complex in Moravia. Only stratified and dated sites will be used as evidence. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1. Position of excavated sites dated to OIS 3 in Moravia. 1: Kůlna cave; 2: Pod hradem cave; 3: Šipka cave; 4: Čertova díra cave; 5: Mladeč caves; 6: Dzeravá skála; 7: complex of Stránská skála sites; 8: Brno-Bohunice; 9: Vedrovice Ia; 10: Vedrovice V; 11: Moravský Krumlov IV; 12: Milovice. 126 Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations Chronological position limited mainly by postdepositional processes (cf. Rink et al. 1996; Patou-Mathis et al. 2005; Michel et al. 2006). A new approach is opened by using the HULU 2007 calibration curve that reflects the climatic changes in the Middle Palaeolithic (Weninger et al. 2007). It is clear that there are methodological problems in the calibration of data older than the limit of dendrochnology (e. g. Bronk Ramsey et al. 2006; Pettitt & Pike 2001; Pettitt et al. 2003). The correlation of the results of different dating methods is still the most powerful tool for interpretation and for this reason we need the possibility to calibrate 14C (Fig. 2, Tab. 1). The lack of new Middle Palaeolithic data was already mentioned. First, the problem reflects the limitations of 14C dating. It is impossible to use this method for Taubachian layers or Micoquian layer 9b-7c in the Kůlna cave and it is not suited for layers 1–4 in the Moravský Krumlov IV open air site, either. Second problem is the paucity of charcoal samples in the clear context. Hearths in Middle Palaeolithic sites are not common. Therefore, usually bones and antlers that are well preserved in the cave environment are used for dating. The comparison of charcoal and bone samples is rather problematic from the methodological point of view because the difference between these materials is not easily controlled for (cf. e. g. Sinitsyn 2003, Tab. 1; Zilhão & d’Errico 1999; Davis in this volume, etc.)1. The use of other methods (ESR, OSL) is For a long time only Kůlna cave was dated. 14C date 45,660 uncal BP is the classical date for the Moravian Middle Palaeolithic position of the upper phase of Micoquian (Mook 1988)2. But it is clear that we need more dates obtained by Fig. 2. Correlation of calibrated 14C datasets (Weninger et al. 2007). Some ESR and OSL data are included. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– It is interesting to stress the methodology of sample selection at Willendorf II (Haesaerts et al. 1996). 2 The samples GrN-10347 and GrN-6024 are not included in Fig. 2 because of the methodology (cf. Mook 1988). 1 127 Petr NERUDA Source of data Site Cal Age p(68%) [calBP(0=AD1950)] Cal Age p(68%) cal BC/AD Cal Age p(95%) cal BP(0=AD 1950) Cal Age p(95%) calBC/AD STD [BP] C-Age [BP] 14 Lab.Number Tab. 1. Calibration of 14C data from Moravia and Slovakia by CalPal software. The HULU curves were used (Weninger et al. 2007). Micoquian GrA-29904 29430 ± 200 32440 -31320 34390 -33270 31880 ± 280 33830 ± 280 Čertova díra cave Neruda 2006 GrA-29906 39940 ± 550 42760 -40520 44710 -42470 41640 ± 560 43590 ± 560 Šipka cave Neruda 2006 GrN-10347 44000 ± 2000 49900 -41100 51850 -43050 45500 ± 2200 47450 ± 2200 Kůlna cave Mook 1988 GrN-6024 38600 ± 630 Kůlna cave, 7a, Mook 1988 GrN-6060 45660 ± 2850 53950 -41030 55900 -42980 47490 ± 3230 49440 ± 3230 Kůlna cave, 7a, Mook 1988 GrA-11504 34530 ± 830 39920 -36240 41870 -38190 38080 ± 920 40030 ± 920 SS IIId, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 GrA-11808 35320 ± 320 34020 -32420 35970 -34370 33220 ± 400 35170 ± 400 SS IIId, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-32059 37900 ± 1100 53950 -41030 55900 -42980 47490 ± 3230 49440 ± 3230 SS IIId, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-32060 37270 ± 990 28010 -27610 29960 -29560 27810 ± 100 SS IIId, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-32061 35080 ± 830 36680 -31680 38630 -33630 34180 ± 1250 36130 ± 1250 SS IIId, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-41475 34440 ± 720 43210 -35370 45160 -37320 39290 ± 1960 41240 ± 1960 SS IIIc, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-41476 36570 ± 940 39930 -33290 41880 -35240 36610 ± 1660 38560 ± 1660 SS IIIc, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-41477 34530 ± 770 39620 -32940 41570 -34890 36280 ± 1670 38230 ± 1670 SS IIIc, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-41478 36350 ± 990 33140 -29900 35090 -31850 31520 ± 810 33470 ± 810 SS IIIc, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-41480 34680 ± 820 32010 -30650 33960 -32600 31330 ± 340 33280 ± 340 SS IIIc, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 AA-32058 38300 ± 1100 49900 -41100 51850 -43050 45500 ± 2200 47450 ± 2200 SS IIIc, Lower soil Svoboda 2003 GrN-12297 38200 ± 1100 34130 -32490 36080 -34440 33310 ± 410 35260 ± 410 SS III-1, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 GrN-12298 38500 ± 1400 33600 -32160 35550 -34110 32880 ± 360 34830 ± 360 SS III-2, Upper soil Svoboda 2003 GrN-12606 41300 ± 3100 34330 -32570 36280 -34520 33450 ± 950 42110 -39590 44060 -41540 40850 ± 630 42800 ± Bohunician 100 29760 ± 440 35400 ± 440 SS IIIc, Lower soil Svoboda 2003 840 36360 ± 840 Bohunice Nejman et al. in prep Nejman et al. in prep ANU-12024 32740 ± 530 36090 -32730 38040 -34680 34410 ± ANU-27214 35025 ± 730 39630 -35470 41580 -37420 37550 ± 1040 39500 ± 1040 Bohunice GrN-16920 36000 ± 1100 37390 -33590 39340 -35540 35490 ± 950 37440 ± 950 Bohunice-brickyard, 4a Svoboda 2002 GrN-6165 42900 ± 1700 32440 -31240 34390 -33190 31840 ± 300 33790 ± 300 Bohunice-brickyard, 4a Svoboda 2002 GrN-6802 41400 ± 1400 31270 -30110 33220 -32060 30690 ± 290 32640 ± 290 Bohunice-Kejbaly, layer 4a 40173 ± 1200 39960 -31240 41910 -33190 35600 ± 2180 37550 ± 2180 Bohunice-Kejbaly, layer 4a Svoboda 2002 OxA-14843 42100 ± 450 39920 -32600 41870 -34550 36260 ± 1830 38210 ± 1830 Bohunice Valoch 2008 OxA-14844 43200 ± 550 37510 -33430 39460 -35380 35470 ± 1020 37420 ± 1020 Bohunice Valoch 2008 OxA-14845 41250 ± 450 32430 -30550 34380 -32500 31490 ± 470 Bohunice Valoch 2008 OxA-14846 43600 ± 550 37370 -32410 39320 -34360 34890 ± 1240 36840 ± 1240 Bohunice Valoch 2008 OxA-14847 42750 ± 550 33820 -32340 35770 -34290 33080 ± 370 Bohunice Valoch 2008 OxA-14848 41350 ± 450 39960 -31240 41910 -33190 35600 ± 2180 37550 ± 2180 Bohunice Valoch 2008 Q-1044 128 470 33440 ± 370 35030 ± Svoboda 2002 Source of data Site Cal Age p(68%) [calBP(0=AD1950)] Cal Age p(68%) cal BC/AD Cal Age p(95%) cal BP(0=AD 1950) Cal Age p(95%) calBC/AD STD [BP] C-Age [BP] 14 Lab.Number Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations Szeletian GrN-2438 38400 ± 2800 45450 -34890 47400 -36840 39290 1960 41240 ± 1960 Čertova pec (cave) GrN-28451 24950 ± 570 29130 -26450 31080 -28400 36610 1660 38560 ± 1660 Moravský Krumlov IV Neruda et al. (l. 0) 2004 GrN-12374 37650 ± 550 41080 -39480 43030 -41430 47490 3230 49440 ± 3230 Vedrovice V 100 29760 ± Valoch 1996 Valoch et al. 1993 GrN-12375 39500 ± 1100 43110 -39830 45060 -41780 27810 100 Vedrovice V Valoch et al. 1993 GrN-15513 35150 ± 650 40160 -36200 42110 -38150 34180 1250 36130 ± 1250 Vedrovice V Valoch et al. 1993 GrN-15514 37600 ± 800 41260 -39260 43210 -41210 33540 1200 35490 ± 1200 Vedrovice V Valoch et al. 1993 Aurignacian Beta-173341 34100 ± 320 39540 -35700 41490 -37650 37620 ± 960 39570 ± 960 Dzeravá skala (cave) OxA-13860 35100 ± 400 40010 -36410 41960 -38360 38210 ± 900 40160 ± 900 Dzeravá skala (cave) OxA-13861 24760 ± 130 28010 -27610 29960 -29560 27810 ± 100 29760 ± 100 Dzeravá skala (cave) OxA-15534 31600 ± 900 36680 -31680 38630 -33630 34180 ± 1250 36130 ± 1250 Dzeravá skala (cave) OxA-15535 31000 ± 1100 35940 -31140 37890 -33090 33540 ± 1200 35490 ± 1200 Dzeravá skala (cave) Wk-14865 37370 ± 2060 43210 -35370 45160 -37320 39290 ± 1960 41240 ± 1960 Dzeravá skala (cave) Wk-14866 33608 ± 569 39930 -33290 41880 -35240 36610 ± 1660 38560 ± 1660 Dzeravá skala (cave) Wk-16829 33333 ± 820 39620 -32940 41570 -34890 36280 ± 1670 38230 ± 1670 Dzeravá skala (cave) GrN-14826 29200 ± 950 33140 -29900 35090 -31850 31520 ± 810 33470 ± GrN-22107 28780 ± 230 32010 -30650 33960 -32600 31330 ± 340 33280 ± GrN-22108 32030 ± 370 36090 -32730 38040 -34680 34410 ± 840 36360 ± GrN-26333 34160 ± 520 39630 -35470 41580 -37420 37550 ± 1040 39500 ± GrN-26334 34930 ± 520 39920 -36240 41870 -38190 38080 ± 920 40030 ± VERA-3073 31190 ± 400 34020 -32420 35970 -34370 33220 ± 400 35170 ± 400 Mladeč1-human fossil Wild et al. 2006 VERA-3074 31320 ± 410 34130 -32490 36080 -34440 33310 ± 410 35260 ± 410 Mladeč2-human fossil Wild et al. 2006 Wild et al. 2006 810 Milovice, sector D, Upper part 340 Milovice, sector L, Upper part 840 Milovice, sector L, Lower part 1040 Mladeč I, position “a”, Upper part 920 Mladeč I, position “a”, Lower part Kaminská et al. 2005 Kaminská et al. 2005 Kaminská et al. 2005 Kaminská et al. 2005 Kaminská et al. 2005 Kaminská et al. 2005 Kaminská et al. 2005 Kaminská et al. 2005 Svoboda 2002 Svoboda 2002 Svoboda 2002 Svoboda 2002 Svoboda 2002 VERA-3075 30680 ± 380 33600 -32160 35550 -34110 32880 ± 360 34830 ± 360 Mladeč8-human fossil VERA-3076a 31500 ± 420 34330 -32570 36280 -34520 33450 ± 440 35400 ± 440 Mladeč9a-human fossil Wild et al. 2006 GrN-1724 33100 ± 530 37390 -33590 39340 -35540 35490 ± 950 37440 ± 950 Pod Hradem Valoch 1996 GrN-1735 29400 ± 230 32440 -31240 34390 -33190 31840 ± 300 33790 ± 300 Pod Hradem Valoch 1996 GrN-1751 28200 ± 220 31270 -30110 33220 -32060 30690 ± 290 32640 ± 290 Pod Hradem Valoch 1996 GrN-848 33300 ± 1100 39920 -32600 41870 -34550 36260 ± 1830 38210 ± 1830 Pod Hradem Valoch 1996 GrN-14829 32350 ± 900 37370 -32410 39320 -34360 34890 ± 1240 36840 ± 1240 SS IIa, layer 4 Svoboda 2002 GrN-12605 30980 ± 360 33820 -32340 35770 -34290 33080 ± 370 SS IIIa, layer 3 Svoboda 2002 GrN-16918 32600 ± 1700 39960 -31240 41910 -33190 35600 ± 2180 37550 ± 2180 SS IIIb, layer 4 Svoboda 2002 AA-41479 33030 ± 620 37510 -33430 39460 -35380 35470 ± 1020 37420 ± 1020 SS IIIc, Upper soil Svoboda 2002 AA-41472 29020 ± 440 32430 -30550 34380 -32500 31490 ± 470 33440 ± 470 SS IIIf, hearth Svoboda 2002 GrA-34275 25170 130 28400 -27800 30350 -29750 28100 ± 150 30050 ± 150 Vedrovice Ia Oliva in press 129 370 35030 ± Petr NERUDA more methods to control the deviation. There are ESR datasets presented by Rink and Veronique Michel but the results are disputable, especially for Taubachian occupation and unfortunately also for the youngest Micoquian layer 6a (problems of method and post-sedimentary processes; Rink et al. 1996; Michel et al. 2006). We made a new attempt in collaboration with Ed Rhodes and Ladislav Nejman applying the OSL method. In some cases, it was difficult to take well controlled compact samples, especially for layers 6a because of the high share of limestone blocs in the loess sediment. Unfortunately, the preliminary results are hardly comparable to the previous ones. We are waiting for more TL data (E. Rhodes, L. Nejman) to compare them with the OSL samples. 6a has not yet been adequately dated, because the OSL samples vary from 30 to 71 ka BP. The problem is explained by the sedimentation processes, because the main sediments of Magdalenian and Micoquian occupations are not macroscopically distinguishable and we can not control the contamination by younger quartz grains (Nejman et al. in prep). Samples from the etrance and the inner part of the cave differ and influence the wide time range of the 6a layer. Despite these problems, new dating projects are still in progress. We prepared the TL analysis of burnt flint/chert samples, and a bone with traces (intentional cut marks, layer 6a) on the surface is dated in the Oxford laboratory (in cooperation with W. S. G. Davies). New possibilities of Middle Palaeolithic dating are related to other caves in Northern Moravia – Šipka and Čertova díra caves, excavated at the end of the 19th century (Maška 1884, 1885, 1886a, b, 1888). The Neanderthal lithic assemblage from the Šipka cave (N49.5880°, E18.1210°) was classified to the denticulate Mousterian (Valoch 1965b), however, based on the backed knives it is possible to correlate it with the Micoquian as well (Fig. 4.10–17; Neruda 2003, 2006). Therefore the sample (GrA-29906), located near the hearth with a Neanderthal jaw (Fig. 4. 9), was separated within the framework of the critical revision of Maška’s old excavation. The sample from the Šipka cave is a burnt bone without collagen, but its position in the cave is clear, i.e. near the hearth with Neanderthal jaw. Groeningen lab dated only the alkaline fraction, which is why the sample must be older than 39,940 uncal BP (43,590 cal BP). We do not know how much older, but we must suppose more than 40,000 (uncal BP), which means that this sample matches the Kůlna cave layer 7a occupation (Neruda 2006). Due to the absence of collagen in the Šipka cave sample, we actually analyse a bloc of chert from the same hearth place, but preliminary results are younger than the 14C sample. It is difficult to control for the deviation because the sample was not sufficiently heated and therefore the OSL method was used (preliminary result 35,600±8800). But we cannot measure important The occupation of the Kůlna cave (Fig. 3.A) by Micoquians of layer 7a is dated by 14C (GrN6060; 45,660 uncal BP) to 49,440 calibrated BP (additional samples vary from 43 to 47.5 kyr cal. BP; see tab 1). ESR dates of around 50±5 ka BP agree quite well with this (Rink et al. 1996). OSL dates are older – about 67,000 BP. The later layer Fig. 3. Cross-sections. A: Kůlna cave; B: Vedrovice V; C: Vedrovice Ia. Red circle – position of OSL samples. 130 Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations Fig. 4. Middle Palaeolithic. 1–8: Kůlna cave; 9–7: Šipka cave. 1: discoid core; 2: prizmatic core; 3: blade; 4: side scraper on blade; 5: side scraper with thinned back; 6: micoquian biface; 7: bone with grooves; 8: retoucher; 10–11: blade; 12–14: „éclat débordant“; 15: fragment of biface; 16: bifacial backed knife; 17: offset side scraper. 4, 7–8: Valoch 1988; 10–11, 16: Valoch 1965; others Neruda 2003. 131 Petr NERUDA features of the sediment and the calibration of the date is unclear. Nevertheless, new 14C samples from Middle Palaeolithic layers from the Šipka and Čertova díra caves were collected for dating with special attention to their stratigraphic position (collaboration with S.G.W. Davis and Oxford Laboratory). the River Odra. Samples from the Čertova díra caves are analysed in the Oxford Laboratory in collaboration with W. S. G. Davis. The dating of Szeletian occupation in Moravia is based on two sites – Vedrovice V and the new multilayer site Moravský Krumlov IV. Both localities are situated in the Krumlovský les region about 50 km SSW from the Kůlna cave. A smaller cave – called Čertova díra (N49.5840°, E18.1140°) – was situated near the Šipka cave. Alas, it has been completely destroyed during the first half of 20th centrury. One fragment of burnt bone was found in the collection of the archaeological material. The traces of fire indicated anthropic manipulation but the spatial and stratigraphic position is unclear. Also only an alkaline fraction was analysed for the Čertova díra sample (GrA-29904), which is younger than the Šipka cave one. In this case we must also suppose that the date is older than 29,430 uncal BP (33,830 cal BP), which means the time of the EUP time range (Neruda & Valoch 2007). However, it is impossible to find an assemblage (or artefacts) comparable to this chronological position in Čertova díra cave. There are no Szeletian, Aurignacian, or Bohunician artefacts there. We can take into account only Gravettian ones, but the date obtained is much older than the Gravettian dataset in Moravia. The oldest position of Gravettian is noted in Austria where layer 5 in the Willendorf II site is dated around 30,500 uncal BP and similarly Krems – Hundsteig could be the oldest Gravettian in a Central European context (NeugebauerMaresch 2008). Although the right context of Čertova díra sample is not obvious, it could be an interesting contribution to the question of the Neanderthal surviving in Moravia during stage 3 similarly to other European regions. Several surface sites with an interesting mix of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic features are documented in the surroundings (Neruda 2006; Jelínková 2007) and their dating could be helpful for the observed problem. For this reason, new fieldwork is carried out in the upper section of The best-known site is Vedrovice V (Valoch et al. 1993). The 14C dateset is considered to be the classical example for the Szeletian in Central Europe. It is necessary to stress that the two data of this dataset are sometimes irregularly taken into account (cf. Adams & Ringer 2004).3 The youngest – 30.170 uncal BP is contaminated by recent roots and the older one has no relation to the Szeletian layer (Valoch et al. 1993; Nejman et al. in prep). The right sequence has two significant peaks around 42 and 39.5 kyr cal BP. New 14C data managed by the MaxPlanck-Institute for Evoultionary Anthropology (Leipzig, Germany) will be published (pers. com. P. Nigst). The comparison with the TL samples is still in progress. OSL dating by Ed Rhodes and Ladislav Nejman shows some differences. Szeletian artefacts lie in the lower part of interpleniglacial soil, mainly between the Upper and Middle OSL samples, that is, under the horizon of gravel which is included in the middle part of paleosoil (Fig. 3.B). The upper OSL sample (45 kyr BP) matches the 14C dates well, the lower samples are older (middle sample – 60 kyr BP, lower sample 102 kyr BP), but it must be stressed that this method dates the sediment, not human activity. The lowest sample is obviously contaminated by solifluction of older sediments. The documented stratigraphic sequence did not contain the last interglacial horizon. This one is probably covered by interpleniglacial soil developed on the rest of the eroded eemian sediment. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3 The data table usually used (Valoch 1996, Annexe 1) contains the incorrect cultural classification of two samples (GrN-17261, GrN-19106, cf. Valoch et al. 1993). 132 Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations The dating of Moravský Krumlov IV (N49.0452°, E16.411°) layer 0 is somewhat complicated due to the lack of organic materials. Two ribs of a young Rhino or mammoth were found and the preservation of compacta was very poor (Neruda – Nerudová & Oliva 2004). Therefore it was possible to date only the rest of the collagen and due to its low degree the age of the sample must be older as well as the Šipka and Čertova díra samples (GrN-28451 – 24,950 ± 570 BP, i.e. 38,560±1,660 cal BP). For this reason we included this site into the OSL dating project mentioned above. The OSL data indicate an older chronostratigraphic position of Szeletian layer than in the Vedrovice case. The upper part of the cultural layer is dated to 43,600±3,300 BP and the base of the cultural layer to 64,600 ± 7,000 BP (Nejman et al. in prep.). The upper sample correlates with Vedrovice V calibrated 14 C data. The lower sample around 64,000 BP is too early, but it is important to note that the base of the cultural layer is contaminated by older sediments just like in the case of Vedrovice V. It is an apparently pararendzina soil that consists of several overlaid blocs of the same soil with slightly different solifluted horizons at the base (Fig. 5). From the sedimentological point of view the pararendzina soil is redeposited. However, the refitting and spatial distribution of all lithic pieces indicate in situ position. Only one explanation fits this pattern: the artefacts lie in a paraautochtonic position. This means that a big bloc of soil was displaced from a higher position while the primary relationship among the artefacts was preserved (cf. Nerudová in this volume). The cross-section shows obviously more than three sublayers of a pararendzina soil divided by the horizons of solifluctions. Recently we obtained a new dataset of four data (Oxford lab) that are comparable to the Vedrovice V cluster (Neruda et al. in prep). Bohunician is exclusively dated by samples from the eponymous site in Brno-Bohunice (14C Fig. 5. Stratigraphic position of layers 0, 1 and 2. Szeletian layer 0 is situated in the upper part of pararendzina soil (arrows). Position of two OSL samples is indicated by black circles. 133 Petr NERUDA dates 43.6–36 kyr uncal BP (Tostevin & Škrdla 2006; Valoch 2008) and workshops in the Stránská skála hill (Valoch et al. 2000; Svoboda 2003a, b). Both site complexes are within Brno. The obtained datasets are very homogenous and two main periods are distinguishable in the case of the Stránská skála sites. The older dataset correlates with the lower part of the interpleniglacial paleosoil and falls to the range from 41 to 38 (Svoboda 2003a) or 41 - 37 kyr uncal BP (Svoboda 2003b). The upper part of the paleosoil, with Bohunician artefacts at its base, is dated between 38.5 – 30 kyr uncal BP. We would see the overlap of these two datasets as a result of the coarse-grained stratigraphic value of paleosols in loess, where the visible layers may, in fact, include several smallerscale oscillations (Svoboda 2003a). The oldest 14 C data from the Bohunician layer in BrnoBohunice is the TL date 47.4±7.3 kyr BP (Valoch et al. 2000). but it must be emphasized that only some of the known sites are dated because the majority of the sites were found during surface surveys (Oliva 1987b) and several of them could be older (cf. Valoch et al. 1985). Bohunician data overlap with Micoquian ones (Fig. 2). This means parallel development in contrast to Aurignacian, which is separated (only in Moravia) clearly from Middle Palaeolithic occupation. The data for the Moravian Szeletian succeed the Micoquian ones. The difference between Kůlna layer 7a and the earlier peak of Szeletian occupation in Vedrovice V and Moravský Krumlov IV is about 3,000 years if we take into account the new samples. Kůlna layer 6a and some sites in the Bořitov region on the western border of the Moravian karst probably fall within this time range (Valoch 1977, 1978; Oliva 1987a, 1991a). There is neither evidence of discontinuity nor parallel development. In my opinion, we can interpret this as “evidence” for determining the cultural relations and probably also the relationships of the producers of these material cultures. Several other arguments support the hypothesis that the Szeletian is the product of the late Neanderthals (e. g. Bar-Yosef & Svoboda 2003; Svoboda 2003; Oliva 1991, 1995, 2006; Valoch 1996 etc.). In this sense I see the Szeletian as a Middle Palaeolithic culture in the time frame of EUP. There is an interesting relation between the Szeletian and the Micoquian occupation in Austria, where only several isolated leaf points are documented (Trnka 1990) as well as only one significant Micoquian assemblage in Gudenushöhle (Derndarsky 2001). Such a relation probably means that the region of Niederösterreich could be relatively uninhabited and therefore open for early Aurignacian colonisation (cf. 14 data for Austria and Moravia). A similar relation we see also in the Brno region, where the Szeletian sites respect the Aurignacian and Bohunician territory. In contrast to Bohunician, the Aurignacian data cluster is more dispersed from the methodological point of view (Tab. 1). The calibration curve (Fig. 2) is composed of early obtained dates (Pod hradem cave, Valoch 1965a), isolated samples (e.g. Vedrovice Ia, Oliva 2006, 2008), and the relatively homogenous datasets of Brno – Stránská skála (Svoboda 2003b) and Milovice I sites (Oliva 1989). The earliest data are documented in Willendorf II (37.9–38.9 kyr uncal BP) and they establish the beginning of Aurignacian in the Middle Danube region to 38– 39 kyr uncal BP (e.g. Haesaerts & Teysandier 2003; Bolus & Conard 2001; Bolus 2003). Such a horizon for this culture is supported also by sites in Germany, e.g. Geissenklösterle (38,400 uncal BP; Richter et al. 2000; Conard et al. 2003), Sessefelsgrotte and Keilberg-Kirche (37,500 – 38,600 uncal BP; Uthmeier 1996, 2007). A similar position is indicated by the oldest date from Dzeravá skála (Slovakia; Wk-14865: 37,370±2,060 uncal BP, i.e. 41,240±1960 cal BP; Kaminská et al. 2005). Such a position of early Aurignacian is not supported by data from Moravia. The oldest Moravian Aurignacian is dated to 34 – 33 kyr uncal BP (40–36 kyr cal BP). The typical Moravian Aurignacian is later, Cultural relations of EUP cultures The comparison of particular features of human behaviour provides the background 134 Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations for the following analyses (Tab. 2). The table is divided into three main units that consist of spatial patterning, namely the use of caves, technology, typology of material culture, and raw material economy. The similarity between the Micoquian and the Szeletian is evident, but some differences have to be noted too (Oliva 1991b, 1995). The Bohunician and the Aurignacian are clearly different, especially from the technological point of view. the Micoquian. The second model depicts the Szeletian as a result of the development that depends on acculturation processes (Valoch 1996; Nigst 2006) when the incoming cultures (e.g. the Aurignacian or Bohunician4) interact with the local substrate (the Micoquian?). (Tab. 2) The first model is supported by technology, typology, dating and raw material economy at the lower phase of the Szeletian. The Szeletian creates compact settlement networks over parts of the Middle Danubian landscape and correlates with the regions of Micoquian occupation. The same raw materials are used in both cultures (the same raw material economy, especially at the older Szeletian in Moravia (Nerudová 1997), and a very similar technological pattern is noted for the tool manufacture process (Neruda 2000, 2005; Neruda & Nerudová 2005; Tostevin 2000). The technological analyses are supported also by refittings from the new site Moravský Krumlov IV, where the specific The topic of this paper is the position of the Szeletian in cultural relations. Traditionally, the Szeletian was defined as an autochthonous Middle Danubian way of the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition. Nonetheless, the main question is the independence of this culture. In my opinion, we can specify two main models from the evolutionary point of view. The first model views the Szeletian as a result of the independent development of the Micoquian during the EUP. This means that we can understand the Szeletian as the upper phase of Tab. 2. Comparison of several features for the Micoquian, Szeletian, Bohunician and Aurignacian cultures in Moravia. 1: higher share of imported raw materials is documented for Upper Szeletian sites (without dating); 2: mainly retouchers from fragments of heavy bones; 3: problem of Levallois pieces in Szeletian/Bohunician sites in the contact zone. Features Micoquian Szeletian Bohunician Aurignacian Cave using Open air sites Relation to the big river Using of “UP Zones” Using of imported RM Middle Pal. Tools Upper Pal. Tools Leaf Points Organic Tools Suprizmatic Discoid Levallois Prizmatic Anthropology +++ + + ++ +++ + + + (2) ++ +++ + Neanderthals + ++ ++/+++ (1) +++ ++ +++ ? ++ +++ -/+ (3) + ? +++ + + ++ ++ + ? + +++ ++ ? ++ ++ +++ +++ + +++ + +++ + +++ AMH ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4 If the bearers of the Bohunician were anatomically modern humans, then they were able to affect the Szeletian (Svoboda 2004). 135 Petr NERUDA mode of leaf point production was defined. This mode shows similarities with the bifacial back knife morphology (Neruda & Nerudová 2005; Nerudová in this volume). From the typological point of view, the bifacial tools represent a common feature. A succession of 14C data supports the model that associates Neanderthals with the Szeletian. in Micoquian layers in Kůlna cave, (2) by the coexistence of the bifacial types and blade cores at surface sites in the Bořitov region situated west of the Moravian Karst (Oliva 1987a, 1991a), or (3) by the presence of Aurignacianlike endscrapers in the Szeletian assemblages (Valoch 1990, 1996). First, the development of blade technology in Kůlna cave is more significant (Fig. 4: 2–4). It is impossible to explain the presence of blades in the Micoquian through the contamination from the uppermost layers. There is no proof for Aurignacian occupation in the Kůlna cave. In addition, the earliest evidence of real blades is documented for layer 7c, dated around 70,000 BP (ESR data – Rink et al. 1996). There is also evidence for the technological development of blades from layers 7c to 6a (Oliva 1991a, b; Neruda 2003, 2005) and the presence of the blade technology in the Szeletian (Nerudová 2002). These lines of evidence prove the independence of these technological features in the Micoquian. The second model is supported by changes in the use of caves and the change in the tool type spectrum. We have got no evidence of Szeletian base camps in caves. The Szeletian is characterized mainly by open-air environments. The caves were used only occasionally. We have noted the isolated leafpoints (Neruda & Valoch 2007) in the Pod hradem cave (Fig. 6.1–2), Rytířská cave (Fig. 6.3–4) and Křížova cave (Fig. 6.7), but when we add also the raw material distribution and the distribution of surface sites, these indicate that the absence of cave base camps in the Szeletian is not crucial for the general interpretation. It is interesting to stress that the main Szeletian settlement units are situated near the Moravian Karst region and overlay the Micoquian settlement pattern, determined based on the use of the raw material sources. From the typological point of view, the preference for leafpoints in the Szeletian cannot support this model because we can explain the typological variability as a process of standardization that we can see in the technology of both the discoid and the prismatic methods in Micoquian layers in Kůlna cave (Neruda 2003, 2005; Oliva 1987a, 1991a, b). Nevertheless, if these differences are understood as evidence of Szeletian independence from the Micoquian or the results of acculturation, we must take into account both Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans (theoretical construct) as makers of the Szeletian (cf. Oliva 1995, 2006). Second, the Bořitov region seems to be crucial for the question of Neanderthal survival because of its assemblages with the Middle Palaeolithic bifacial tools in the context of real blade cores. Unfortunately no stratified sites are found to solve the problem of the homogeneity of the assemblage. The new field research organized by the staff of the Anthropos Institute focuses on the stratigraphy of known sites to find in situ archaeological horizons or possible superpositions. Third, an important region where we can study the issue of possible acculturation is the area of Krumlovský les, especially in the vicinity of Vedrovice. Relatively long excavations documented several Aurignacian and Szeletian sites, but only the Aurignacian from Vedrovice Ia and the Szeletian from Vedrovice V are dated. It is interesting that no Aurignacian sites contain leaf points as evidence of contact or secondary intrusion (although a many are open air sites). The noted Aurignacian-like end-scrapers are isolotated and should be understoodd as The interesting question is the role of the Aurignacian in the EUP complex. It must be stressed that there is a clear discontinuity between the Micoquian and the Aurignacian in Moravia. The possible acculturation of Neanderthals by the bearers of the Aurignacian can be indicated (1) by the presence of Aurignacian-like blades 136 Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations Fig. 6. Szeletian leaf points. 1–2: Pod hradem cave (Valoch 1965a); 3–4: Rytířská cave (Jarošová 2002); 5–6: Moravský Krumlov IV, layer 0; 7: Křížova cave (Valoch 1960). Aurignacian on the Micoquian or the Szeletian, we must look at stratigraphy and dating. The Aurignacian site Vedrovice Ia is dated around 30 kyr cal BP by 14C (25,170 uncal BP, GrA-34275) accidental results of the forming of the thick blanks (tools made on thick supports) and therefore their significance is limited.5 The answer to the question of the influence of the ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bladelets are not documented in the context of the Szeletian layers. 5 137 Petr NERUDA new excavations of the Brno-Bohunice openair site provided real leafpoints made on site in the context of Levallois technology (Fig. 7). This means that the presence of leafpoints in Brno-Bohunice is difficult to explain simply as a result of intercultural contact (cf. Škrdla & Tostevin 2005; Tostevin & Škrdla 2006). In addition, the absence of such leafpoints and the lack of evidence of their knapping on Stránská skála is very interesting from this point of view because the site is located on the source of raw material. The new application of Valoch’s theory is projected into the view that suggests the possibility that the presence of the Levallois technology reflects the quality of raw material, the relation of these sites to the source of raw material, and site function (Nerudová 2003). Unambiguous Bohunician is only found in the Stránská skála and assemblages at distant sites contain leaf points. In my opinion, the influence of the Bohunician site position to its assemblages must be analysed in the future. All of this reopens the question: Is the Bohunician really an independent culture? but the TL date is 36 ka BP (Oliva 2008; Nejman et al. in prep.). The interval is too long and it is obvoius that the chronological position is not well established. However, even if we take into account the older date, we should note the time gap between the Szeletian and the Aurignacian occupation of this region. It can support the theory based on the zoning of the Szeletian and the Aurignacian at the beginning of the EUP complex. If we suppose an acculturation activity in Moravia, it must have been rather during the Szeletian about 35,000 uncal BP, ca., 38–39 cal BP, i.e. at the time of the full development of this culture. The Bohunician is a widely discussed phenomenon. Recently, we have divided three main views of the Bohunician published in Moravian articles. The oldest view depicts the Bohunician as part of the Szeletian. Valoch described assemblages with both bifacial tools and Levallois points as Szeletian of Levallois facies (Valoch 1976). Later, in contrast to this theory, Oliva explained the presence of leafpoints in assemblages with Levallois blanks as evidence of intercultural contacts and stressed the Upper Palaeolithic character of the industry (Bohunician - Oliva 1981). The The most traditional view presents the Bohunician as a “transitional” industry with Upper Palaeolithic features (Bar-Yosef 2003; Fig. 7. Bohunician artefacts from Brno-Bohunice (Tostevin & Škrdla 2006). 3, 4: leaf points. 138 Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations The anthropology of the Transition Oliva 1981; Svoboda 1980, 1987a, 2003a; Svoboda 1991; Svoboda & Škrdla 1995)6, probably created by anatomically modern humans who came to Europe maybe around 44,000 cal BP. The attribute analyses are different from the Szeletian, Micoquian, and Aurignacian ones (Tostevin 2000). The Bohunician occurs on a very limited area in Moravia with analogies in the Near East (e.g. Valoch 1976; Marks 1983; Škrdla 2003) and Ukraine. However, there is no regional continuity among them, all the evidence creates isolated islands (Valoch 2008). This means that no evidence supports the model of migration from one centre of this technocomplex to a new territory (cf. Svoboda 2004; Oliva 2006). The main problem of Bohunician independence is its occurrence in the context of a different cultural context in Central Europe, e.g. at the Aurignacian open-air site Hradsko (Vencl 1977; Neruda & Nerudová 2000)7 as well as the associations with the Szeletian that was mentioned above in the SW border of the Brno region. Neaderthal remains were found in several caves (Kůlna, Šipka, Švédův stůl) but their dating is for the most part unclear except for the Kůlna Neanderthal remains from layer 7a. In conform to dating of Šipka cave jaw we suppose that Neanderthals persisted in Moravia probably in several refuges (Neruda 2006). One of them could be situated in northern Moravia, the other may be situated in the Krumlovský les and the Bořitov regions. We also know the bearers of the Aurignacian. The most important finds are the remains of anatomically modern humans that were found in the Mladeč caves in Central Moravia. Other anthropological remains from the Zlatý kůn at Koněprusy cave, St. Prokop cave and Svitávka sites are much later (Svoboda 2003a; Svoboda, van der Plicht & Kuželka 2002; Svoboda et al. 2004). It is difficult to solve the problem of Bohunician makers. Anatomically modern humans in Central Europe are dated around 31 kyr uncal BP (35 kyr cal BP) in the Mladeč caves (Teschler-Nicola 2006)8 and 35 kyr uncal BP in the Peştera cu Oase in Romania (Trinkaus et al. 2003a, 2003b). However, it is possible that the presence of Anatomicaly Modern Humans in Europe was earlier but was not reflected in the archaeological record (cf. Near East). The latest theory is based on the presence of the Levallois blade technology in the Middle Palaeolithic context of Western Europe (Valoch 2008). Valoch proposes that the Bohunician is the final stage of Middle Palaeolithic blade industries in the frame of EUP complex, comparable to Seclin, Rocourt, and other western European Middle Palaeolithic sites with blade production. His theory is based on the fact that the analogies among all examples of Bohunician distinctions are very distant and similarly dated. This means, according to Valoch, that this technology was independently invented in different regions. A more complicated issue is the anthropology of the Szeletian. Unfortunately, we have no human remains and the probability to find any is low. Scholars suppose that the Szeletian was made by Neanderthals (e.g. Oliva 1991b; Valoch 1996; Svoboda 2004). In this point of view, ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6 Djindjian et al. (2003) stresses no transitional industry in the Central European region. For a definition, see also Kuhn 2003. 7 J. A. Svoboda explains the occurrence of Levallois technology in the context of Aurignacian tools as the result of postdepositional processes (Svoboda 2003a). 8 This chronological position is based on the direct dating of human remains (Teschler-Nicola 2006). Two dates on calcite layers that originally sealed the find layer at Mladeč supported the attribution of the hominin remains to the Early Upper Paleolithic (34,160 +520–490 BP, GrN-26333; 34,930+520–490 BP, GrN-26334), but contamination problems due to reservoir effects needed to be taken into consideration (Svoboda, van der Plicht & Kuželka 2002). 139 Petr NERUDA Both theories, which explain the Szeletian either as the result of acculturation or as an independent culture, are related to the necessary presence of anatomically modern humans in Central Europe toward 44,000 cal BP (cf. chronological position of Szeletian – Figs 2, 8). the question of supposed acculturation (Valoch 1996; Nigst 2006) is not important because genetic studies disprove the possibility that Neaderthals and anatomically modern humans mixed. Nonetheless, there is still the possibility that the Szeletian was not associated with Neanderthals. In this case the Szeletian was the independent culture used anatomically modern humans. Recently, the second model appears to be a theoretical construct. The anthropology of the Bohunician is more complicated because its genetic root in the Middle Palaeolithic substrate is unknown. Both possibilities – Neanderthals or anatomically modern humans – are still probable. Fig. 8. Cultural relations during OIS 3 in Moravia. 140 Moravia during OIS 3: Cultural Relations Contribution exception is the superposition of the Bohunician and the Aurignacian in the Stránská skála sites (Svoboda & Bar-Yosef eds. 2003). Based on the previous information, we can propose the following model of development during the OIS 3 in Moravia (Fig. 8). The phenomenon of the Bohunician is probably the most interesting but also the most complicated question of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition. It is clear that we need new stratified sites with comparable industry from the different regions and stratigraphic situations. Although such conditions are difficult to find in one place, the new findings in Pravlov IVd (Neruda & Nerudová 2006), Tvarožná (Škrdla 2007) or in Dzierżław I (Fajer et al. 2005) are promising. Similarities between the Szeletian and the Micoquian archaeological cultures suggest a close relationship. This relationship has been stressed in recent articles (Allsworth-Jones 1986; Ringer 1995; Valoch 1990, 1996; Svoboda 2004; Oliva 1991b, 2006).9 I my opinion, we can define such a relation more precisely and understand the Szeletian as the upper phase of the Micoquian, independently developed in Central Europe. We can suppose some contacts with anatomically modern humans during the EUP complex, mainly in the upper phase of the Szeletian (Oliva 1991b). This phase is not dated by any method. We know nothing about the end of this culture. On the basis of typology and raw material distribution we suppose that Szeletian sites in the Drahany highland (Vyškov-Prostějov city) are later (Oliva in this volume). It is interesting to note some proofs of Szeletian-Aurignacian contacts (the use of the Troubky-Zdislavice chert etc.). This means that Neanderthals could be acculturated by anatomically modern humans (Aurignacians) but until the upper phase of EUP. In my opinion, we must test the possibility that the Aurignacian settlement unit respected the Szeletian (or the late Micoquian) one during the first part of EUP complex. Contacts between the Szeletian and Bohunician are still discused. Bibliography ADAMS, B. & RINGER, Á., 2004. New C14 Dates for the Hungarian Early Upper Palaeolithic. Current Anthropology 45/4, August–October, 541–551. ALLSWORTH-JONES, P., 1986. The Szeletian and the transition from Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in central Europe. Oxford. BAR-YOSEF, O. & SVOBODA, J. A., 2003. Discussion. In: Svoboda, J. 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