China - Viessmann
China - Viessmann
THE VIESSMANN MAGAZINE THE MARKET IN CHINA Tremendous growth potential in new and existing buildings „SKY SOHO“ SHANGHAI A new iconic symbol for the megacity VITOLIGNO 300-C Compact, fully automatic pellet boiler 2 | 2014 CONTENTS 08 Topical focus China EDITORIALL 02 Investment in the future New Viessmann Innovation Center pools research and development activities GUEST ARTICLE 04 Peter Tichauer: Rethinking business in China 28 Pellet boiler Vitoligno 300-C COMPANY 22 Inauguration of new training and sales center in Faulquemont 24 New Viessmann Innovation Center in Allendorf (Eder) 25 Heat pump with ice storage system added to energy center 26 Fifth Viessmann Heat Pump Forum NEW MEDIA 05 NEWS MARKETS 08 China – land of endless superlatives 14 The heating market in China 16 Viessmann in China 18 Beijing – the capital of China 20 „Sky Soho“ will be new iconic symbol of Shanghai Imprint 46th year of publication Published: 4 times per year Publisher Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann Editors Manfred Greis Jörg Schmidt Michael Wagner Doris Hofmann Alexander Tinter Wolfgang Rogatty Carsten Lucassen 27 Viessmann at career portals PRODUCTS 28 Compact, fully automatic pellet boiler Vitoligno 300-C 30 Compact building systems control unit with heat pump Vitocal and ventilation unit Vitovent 31 Biomass boiler Pyroflex SRT 32 High-pressure steam boiler Vitomax 300-HS Photos APEX energy Teterow GmbH; Marek Bruns, dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH; ChinaFotoPress; Enno Friedrich, EF-Artfoto; Frank Feisel; Fotolia; Getty Images Deutschland GmbH; Giegold Profot; Glasshouse; Vladimir Grigorev; gui yong nian; Ton Koene; Rolf Kosecki; mauritius images GmbH; Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Jürgen Gebhardt, S. 38; Marc Przybyl, FLY-PIXEL; „Studio-S“, Seekamp GmbH; Ralph Sondermann; Jan Woitas; Zaha Hadid Architects; Xie Zhengyi Layout Gramm Werbeagentur GmbH Alexander Tinter 36 Talented young biathletes 33 Cold room TECTO Compact Refrigeration unit e-Visio PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 34 Storing heat underground SPORT 36 push to the top of the global competition of biathlon global competition 38 Reception marathon for Viessmann athletes 39 Timo Boll – China idolizes superstar VIESSMANN SELECTION 40 Vacation – the best weeks of the year Highlights of the Viessmann Selection for travel, sport, and leisure Lithography and printing Bernecker Mediagruppe Editorial address Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG Unternehmenskommunikation 35107 Allendorf (Eder) Germany Tel. +49 6452 / 702493 Fax +49 6452 / 705493 E-mail: Title: A fascinating combination of dynamic, futuristic architecture and forward-looking design – Sky Soho, Shanghai. Cover page 2: More than 2,000 years old – the Great Wall of China. Cover page 3: Detailed view of the new air/water heat pump Vitocal 300-A. 1 Investment in the future The new Viessmann Innovation Center will pool research and development activities he German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently called upon the international community to increase their commitment to climate protection. And she did it in no uncertain terms, "The world has to put its cards on the table now!" This shows that the German Government continues to take the sustainable energy era seriously. Indeed, even if a few countries such as Australia see climate change as "plain humbug", there is a consensus among the leading economies that the two-degree target has to be met in order to avert the uncontrollable consequences of global warming. Aside from this, it is clear that worldwide consumption of resources cannot continue in this way. Because, as we all know, mankind nowadays is consuming as much fossil energy as had been generated over a million years. People are pinning their hopes on the global treaty on climate change, due to be signed next year, as well as on concrete strategic moves in European energy policy and in Germany. T 2 Major challenges posed by CO2-neutral energy supply The challenges are enormous: The path to a CO2-neutral energy supply will bring about massive structural changes worldwide. These will have a substantial impact on our industry, giving rise to major opportunities. The environmental and energy sector has been on its way to becoming a global flagship industry for years. It has the largest rates of growth in investments and jobs. Climate protection, innovation, and economic success go hand-in-hand. The industry can make a substantial contribution towards achieving these policy ob- jectives, as the necessary technologies are already available today. The comprehensive range of products provided by Viessmann is proof of this. We have made a key strategic decision in favor of a new construction project to help us meet future challenges and strengthen our power of innovation. Construction of the Viessmann Innovation center Fifty million euros are being invested in the construction of our new Viessmann Innovation Center at the company's headquarters in Allendorf (Eder). It is planned as a research and development center and will promote interdisciplinary and creative working in the spirit of our company's claim of "climate of innovation". Consolidating and extending our position as technology pacesetter As the technological pioneer and pacesetter for our sector, we have continually set milestones of heating technology. Through the strategic decision to build a new innovation center we are pursuing our objective of securing and further extending our lead position. We see this project as an important investment in the future of the company. At the same time it is yet another demonstration of our commitment to promoting Germany as an industrial location and to safeguarding jobs. The Viessmann Innovation Center will be finished just in time for our 100-year anniversary in 2017. However, the construction project is just one of many measures that we have taken to prepare the company for future challenges. Continuous improvement process The continuous improvement process, in which all employees are involved, is of vital importance. The 100,000 improvement suggestions submitted over the last year clearly demonstrate that our employees’ know-how is the company’s greatest asset. A substantial share of the savings achieved thanks to these ideas is returned to the employees in the form of bonuses. Viessmann Award presented for the fourth time In April, the Viessmann Award was presented for the fourth time. This shows that the prize has now become a tradition and an integral part in the company. The Viessmann Award supports important business objectives, in particular, the initiation of innovations, the promotion of collaboration across all divisions and all locations, and the exploitation of market potential worldwide. And one of the fastest growing markets is China. China: huge potential for new construction and modernization Within just a few decades, China has evolved from one of the poorest countries in the world into the second biggest economy and the largest trading power worldwide. Alongside huge potential for modernization, it also boasts an immense volume of new buildings — more than 20 million residential units per year. In comparison, Germany's entire housing stock encompasses approximately 40 million residential units. As part of our "aktuell" series on international markets, we will be focusing on China in this edition. From page EDITORIAL "The success of the energy policy is measured by whether it is finally possible to get the modernization of existing buildings going." action in this area. However, the amendment, which was drawn up under time pressure, apparently focuses more on cutting and distributing costs rather than on integrating renewable energy into the system. For this reason, a technology such as combined heat and power generation is seen as unreasonably burdensome, and biomass and biogas, sources of fuel that are capable of providing base load power, have practically been abandoned. Both of them could have had the potential to become the cornerstones of a sustainable energy supply. It is now all the more important that we leverage all available efficiency potential — and the greatest potential lies in the heating market. 14 onwards, you can read about how the trend toward urbanization is set to give the heating market a huge boost. In addition, the China country portrait, starting on page 8, will provide you with exciting insights into the huge country in the Far East. Eyes turned to Germany China is still the world's largest CO2 emitter, in front of the USA. The resulting environmental problems are assuming increasingly alarming proportions, forcing policymakers to set clear, mandatory targets. These aim to increase energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energy. In this process, the Chinese Government has its eyes turned to Germany, which is seen as the pioneer of the sustainable energy era by the rest of the world. Upon taking a closer look, however, it becomes clear that our endeavors to create a sustainable energy economy here in Germany are also not advancing rapidly enough. Amendment to German Renewable Energies Act takes away the foundations for a sustainable energy supply This is largely because the political framework fails to provide sufficient support for achieving the targets. Although the German Government's coalition contract once again underlines the crucial role of the heating market in the success of the sustainable energy era, in practice, policymakers are devoting more time and energy to the German Renewable Energies Act. We all agree that there is an urgent need for Draw on our strengths Energy policymakers now want to turn their attention to the heating market by introducing new measures. Their success will depend on whether they manage to kick-start the modernization of energy systems in existing buildings. Our industry should not sit back and wait for the outcome. We have to draw on our strengths and take our own initiatives in order to shape the future ourselves. Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann 3 Rethinking business in China by Peter Tichauer Editor-in-Chief of the magazine ChinaContact Personal details 4 After training to be an offset printer, Peter Tichauer studied Sinology in Berlin and Beijing and then worked for many years in the field of German-Chinese technology cooperation. He has been working for OWC-Verlag für Außenwirtschaft GmbH for nearly 20 years and has left a distinctive mark on the economics magazine ChinaContact as editor-in-chief. ChinaContact is his "baby", and it has meanwhile grown up. Every month, the magazine provides practical information on the economic development in China and perspectives of German-Chinese cooperation. Peter Tichauer has lived and worked in Beijing since 2006. t the end of May, the European Chamber of Commerce in China presented their "Business Confidence Report" for this year. The bottom line: Europe's companies expect declining profits. Is this the end of the "golden age" for European companies in China? Probably not. Indeed, given the slowdown in economic growth in China, it is completely normal that companies are no longer reaping the handsome profits they did in the past. A Chinese economic policymakers have set a target of 7.5 percent growth for 2014. Economists and observers have, however, become skeptical since the latest economic data were published. Nevertheless, in spite of ups and downs, it seems very likely that the "more than seven percent" target will be achieved by the end of the year, although various parties surmise that statistics can always be persuaded to reflect the wishes of policymakers. After having grown accustomed to success and double-digit growth rates in previous years, many people are apparently struggling to acknowledge that China has entered a new period of growth. At a certain level, it would be almost abnormal to maintain growth at the same rate as in the past and to continue accumulating excesses. That is not what healthy growth is like. Healthy growth has to be sustainable and meet the needs of society. And this means well-balanced development across the country and provision of so- cial welfare to the entire population. Above all, the economy should not continue to expand to the detriment of the environment. There has been talk of a "green" approach to growth for a long time. Now, the time has come for this to be taken seriously. Indeed, Prime Minister Li Keqiang has made clear that economic growth will only be considered of value in the future if the consumption of resources per unit of GDP is reduced. Raising energy efficiency is therefore of vital importance, irrespective of the area of life in which it occurs. The Premier can expect the support of the people, as the polluted air in the cities is quite literally "getting up their noses". This opens up an opportunity for innovative European technology leaders. European expertise is in demand. It is essential that companies identify and exploit this potential rather than complaining about growing Chinese competition, and in spite of the fact that we Europeans have helped Chinese companies grow into a serious threat in many areas of business in recent years. We need new business ideas on the table that are tailored to the needs of the Chinese market. Together with solutions for a better environment. GUEST ARTICLE/NEWS First fuel cell unit in operation One of the first fuel cell units in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Northeast Germany, is being used by the Teterow municipal utility company. Developed in a joint venture between Panasonic and Viessmann, the unit was put into operation during a ceremony attended by around 50 guests representing the business community, the political establishment and local administration. 'We forget all too often that the sustainable energy era also needs to include heating,' affirmed Christian Pegel, the Social Democrat State Minister for Energy, Infrastructure and Land Development. 'While agonizing over new installation rates and capacities, we often overlook the fact that energy efficiency is a key component in the sustainable energy era. There is no need to produce a single kilowatt hour of electricity or heat if it is not going to be consumed. In other words, we cannot afford to let any energy generated be wasted away,' Whereas large-scale power plants release heat produced during power generation into the environment without using it, combined heat and power generation systems take advantage ofsuch Markus Dönges, Head of Product Sales Management at Viessmann, explained to Mecklenburg-West Pomerania's Minister of Energy Christian Pegel (r.) how the fuel cell heating device works. energy. In fuel cells, electricity and heat are produced with high efficiency. The electricity is used to power electric appliances and the heat to provide home heating and DHW generation. CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 50 percent in comparison with power supplied from large-scale power plants and heat from boiler rooms. The operators of a CHP system can also reduce their energy costs by up to 40 percent, mainly due to the costs saved on electricity. Oettinger gets to know Viessmann fuel cell EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger (on right) talking to Manfred Greis. EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger learned about the Viessmann fuel cell unit Vitovalor 300-P in the course of a tour around the Hanover Trade Fair "Energy". Viessmann Chief Representative, Manfred Greis, showed him the innovative combined heat and power generation system that heats and provides power to single-family homes. Viessmann was the first manufacturer to introduce a mass-produced product of this kind onto the European market. Greis pointed out that fuel cell units make an important contribution to relieving the load on power grids. Also, the environment benefits from this technology because it reduces CO2 emissions drastically. German-American student exchange At the closing event of the Second Viessmann Sustainability Seminar in Allendorf (Eder), five teams of German and US students presented interesting projects on the topic of sustainability. The young people had analyzed this topic from different perspectives over the course of a week. The German-American student teams had studied topics such as "The sustainable energy era in Germany and the USA", "The path from a conventional to a sustainable company" and "Less dependence on energy imports". They jointly came to the conclusion that there may be considerable differences between the USA and Germany but that the goal is clear, that is, to live in a sustainable way. Prof. Viessmann also made that clear in his speech: "There is no alternative to sustainability." The Dean of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO), Dr. John Koker, stressed in his address that the whole of mankind is faced with the great challenge of finding a way of dealing with our planet Earth that will offer future generations an environment worth living in. One important step is to sensitize young people so that they develop a commitment to sustainability and to offer them the appropriate education. The second joint seminar with students from Oshkosh and from Viessmann is therefore important and shows how the cooperation between the UWO and Viessmann is continuing well. 5 "red dot award" for three products First prize at the innovation competition of the East Bavaria Technology Transfer Institute for exceptional new developments: the heat pipe collector Vitosol 200-T. Innovation award for Vitosol 200-T The new heat pipe collector Vitosol 200-T, type SPL, received first prize in an innovation competition for exceptional new developments during a symposium held at Regensburg-based OTTI (East Bavaria Technology Transfer Institute). 6 Three Viessmann products were awarded the internationally renowned "red dot award" for design excellence this year. The Vitocal 300-A air/water heat pump, the Vitotrol 350 wireless remote control, and Viessmann's comprehensive range of products were awarded the prestigious prize by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen. "Viessmann's heating and energy systems feature a convincing and consistent design language, which underscores their quality and ensures their robustness," praised the jury of 40 experts. A total of almost 5,000 products were submitted to the award. The new collector ensures economical use of solar heat in heating networks with collector temperatures up to 120 °C. The pioneering heat pipe collector is based on roll bond technology, which uses pressure joining to grout two aluminum panels. The points where the heat pipe channels are to be formed are first imprinted with a special paste and then widened under pressure at a later stage. The lower section of the heat pipe is embedded into a vacuum pipe and acts as an evaporator while the upper section is used as a condenser in the distributor main. Six evaporator sections form a joint condenser. Vitosol 200-T, type SPL, provides characteristics such as low pressure loss, reduced maintenance costs, fast, easy installation and high performance levels. Thanks to its simple design, this collector is suitable for use worldwide. Awarding the "TÜV Approved IT-Service Quality" certificate. This certificate proves that the portal service is operated to a high standard and in an effective and efficient manner. The German technical supervisory association certifies Viessmann IT Service GmbH Viessmann IT Service GmbH has been awarded the certificate for "TÜV (German technical supervisory association)approved IT Service Quality" for its service portal. It had already successfully passed the pre-audit performed by the Austrian technical supervisory association, TÜV TRUST IT, at the beginning of 2014. This certificate proves that the portal service is operated to a high standard and in a thoroughly effective and efficient manner. "TÜV Approved ITService Quality" is based on performance characteristics that comply with established stringent standards. This seal of approval is only awarded if at least 86 percent of the almost 80 quality requirements are given good grades. It is valid for three years. One of the three prize-winning products is the air/water heat pump Vitocal 300-A. "Award of Merit" for Viessmann Canada Harald Prell, Managing Director of Viessmann Canada, was honored with the "Award of Merit" at the "Annual Business Conference" in the Canadian city of Kelowna. This award is presented to people who have been particularly influential in the spread of hot water heating systems within Canada. Harald Prell has played an important part in the development of norms and standards and furthermore has earned respect within the heating technology industry for his development of training and public relations measures. The President of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH) presents the award to Harald Prell (r.). NEWS Award for replacement part app YEA participants win certificates The Viessmann replacement app came away as winner of the first Mobile Business Best Practice Award. The award was held within the framework of the Mobile Business Forum hosted by the Swiss St. Gallen University. Its focus was on mobile business solutions supporting business processes rather than on the functional uses of the applications. 29 pupils from the Edertalschule Frankenberg secondary school received their final or intermediate YEA certificates in the Viessmann Academy in Allendorf (Eder). The abbreviation "YEA" stands for "Young Engineer Academy", an exemplary support program for engineers. The application enables Viessmann trade partners to order the replacement parts they need directly with the app – regardless of whether they are in their client's boiler room or sitting at their desks. More than 25,000 replacement parts can be accessed, and the user can keep an overview with the app's integrated watch list. A particularly helpful feature of the app is that it displays error codes together with a description of the possible causes and measures for rectifying the errors. To help the user identify the right replacement parts, the app includes photos of many of them and now also exploded views. The replacement part app can be downloaded freeof-charge. If users do not have a smartphone or tablet PC, they can start the app on any computer with Internet access at With the award-winning app, more than 25,000 spare parts are accessible. The Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Ilse Aigner (2nd from right), officially inaugurated the new apprentice workshop in Hof. Also present were Klaus-Jochen Weidner, business development Hof, Dr. Harald Fichtner, Mayor of Hof, Viessmann supervisory board member Dr. Frank Schmidt and Alexander König, CSULandtag representative (from left to right). Ilse Aigner opens training workshop in Hof The new training workshop for Viessmann Kältetechnik GmbH in Hof was inaugurated in the presence of the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Ilse Aigner. The decision to create the training workshop is an indication of Viessmann's social responsibility at the site in Hof. The strong connection to actual work practice, targeted promotional measures and instruction as well as supervision by the company's experienced trainers help get the apprentices off to a good start. It is not only open to Viessmann apprentices, it is also open to apprentices from other companies. Pupils and students can also have their first experience of working with machines, tools and different materials here. Viessmann started the project in 2011 as a collaboration between the Edertalschule and the Technical University of Central Hesse (THM). The YEA participants complete within two years a program of 230 training hours that is additional to the regular curriculum. Topics include "Construction and commissioning of a robot" and "Project documentation and presentation". There are also lectures at the THM. The students presented the results of the YEA courses for the last school year to parents, school representatives and company management in the Infocenter of the Viessmann Academy. Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann expressed his appreciation of the young people's commitment. He thanked especially the Managing Director of the Technical University of Central Hesse, Prof. Dr. Anita Röhm, the Head of the Edertalschule, Stefan Hermes, as well as all the lecturers, teachers and members of staff who are involved with the Young Engineer Academy. 29 students in total were awarded honors at the end of the ceremony; 15 received a certificate of completion while the remaining 14 have only completed the first year and received an intermediate certificate. Around 20 young people will join the Young Engineer Academy this year. 7 China – the land of endless superlatives From one of the poorest countries in the world to economic superpower he People's Republic of China has a population of over 1.3 billion inhabitants, making it the most populous state in the world, and it has undergone impressive economic and social development in recent years. It used to be one of the poorest countries in the world, where average life expectancy was 35 years and the population frequently suffered famines. Today China is the largest trading nation and has the second largest economy in the world, turning it into an economic superpower. T 8 Traditional and modern at close quarters: View from one of Beijing's temples onto the capital's skyline. 9 Shanghai, the most important industrial city of the People's Republic of China, has long become a melting pot of different cultures. 10 MARKETS: CHINA China is still the global front-runner in cultivating rice – view of rice terraces in the south of the country. Geography At around 9.6 square kilometers, mainland China is approximately as large as the United States. With close to 20 million inhabitants each, Bejing and Shanghai are the largest cities, followed by Hong Kong with about 7 million inhabitants. There are 18 different climatic zones and the climate is thus as various as the landscape, which ranges from glaciers to desert: In the west, north and north-east there is a distinct continental climate with cold winters and hot summers, while in the south there is a tropical climate with palm beaches, in the desert areas an arid climate (with less precipitation than evaporation) and in Tibet a mountain climate. Languages In China a variety of languages is spoken. The most common language is known as "Mandarin". There are also seven other Chinese languages or dialect groups that are sub-divided into many separate dialects. There are over 50,000 Chinese characters in total and to be able to read a newspaper over 3,000 are required. aginary line divides China into two approximately equal parts. Only about 10 percent of the population live west of this line, while in the eastern sector around 90 percent live quite closely together, especially in urban areas. The population China's population density is 140 inhabitants per square kilometer. Although the surface area of the country is huge, the population is distributed very unevenly across it as a result of geographical and economic factors: An im- The male-to-female ratio in China is 118:100 in favor of the male sex. This imbalance can be partly attributed to China's one-child policy which has now been relaxed. The one-child policy has produced further social problems such as a generation of only children and the threat of an aging society. This is particularly true for the urban population. The one-child policy is enforced less strictly in country areas with the result that the population there will age less rapidly. Heilongjiang Harbin Jilin Shenyang Xinjiang Liaoning Beijing Nei Mongol Dachang Tianjin Hebei Qingdao Shanxi Ninxia Shandong Qinghai Gansu Xi‘an Henan Jiangsu Shaanxi Xizang (Tibet) Anhui Shanghai Hubei Sichuan Chengdu Chongqing Wuhan Hangzhou Zhejiang Jiangxi Hunan Guizhou Yunnan Fujian Guangxi Zhuangzu Guangdong Guangzhou Hongkong Hainan While the west of China is only very scarcely populated, the fast growing metropolises are located in the east of the country. . 11 The Chinese metropolises act like a magnet especially for young people – view of illuminated Hong Kong. 12 Urbanization In 2013, 56 percent of the population, i.e. 720 million people, lived in China's cities. By the year 2030, this figure is likely to rise to 900 million. Young people in particular are attracted to the cities because they see better opportunities there for their professional and personal development. However, long established city dwellers do enjoy more privileges than the people who emigrate to the cities from the country. For example, buying a car or an apartment is difficult for people who have the Appearances are deceptive: Due to the onechild policy in China, there is a threat of an aging of society in the coming decades. "country" stamp in their identity card. Residents who have the "city" stamp also have a clear advantage when trying to get health insurance and a school place. The dynamic urbanization of China is causing huge problems. The rapid increase in real estate prices is only one example. More serious problems are the worsening environmental conditions, increasing traffic, shortage of housing, a lack of qualified workers and deficits in the infrastructure. The government knows that a socially balanced and ecologically sustainable urban development is one of the crucial factors for the stability of the country and is therefore greatly interested in German experience of urbanization. China and Germany have therefore decided on a joint work program for the promotion of energy efficiency in buildings and cities for the year 2014. "The German-Chinese collaboration is working well", said Stephan Kohler, President of the Board of the German Energy Agency (dena). MARKETS: CHINA The German Energy Agency now supervises over a dozen projects for German-Chinese efficiency houses. 13 The economy In 2013, China's gross domestic product was 8.25 billion US dollars. The growth rate of the Chinese economy was 7.5 percent, which represents a high figure in international terms, even if it is no longer in two digits as in previous years. As a result of the demographic development, growth potential will probably be lower in the medium and long term. Despite its successful development to date, China, as an emerging nation, must make more efforts to solve many pressing problems, such as those relating to environmental protection. The Chinese government wants to create sustainable growth through far-reaching reforms. Key topics are the stabilization of growth, social justice and the participation of all sections of the population in economic and social development. Substantial reforms are being implemented with the aim of modernizing The growth of the Chinese economy is to be primarily attributed to the country's exports – view of a container ship in the harbor of Qingdao. the economy. The Chinese economy needs to be re-structured from an investment and export-oriented economy to one that is directed more at the internal market. Present reforms are guided by the need for stronger market orientation and a gradual withdrawal of state offices from the micro-management of economic issues. A timid change is becoming visible in China's energy supply – photo-voltaic field in the middle of the metropolis of Shanghai. The heating market in China Using efficient, low-emission heating technology reduces air pollution 14 hina has recorded an annual growth rate of ten percent since 1999. Even if the Chinese economy expanded at a slightly slower rate of 'just' 7.5 percent last year, great opportunities are still available to European companies in the land of silk and dragons, particularly on the heating market. This is because only buildings in the north of the country are currently equipped with heating systems, primarily district heating, even though temperatures also fall below freezing in many other parts of China in winter. C Increase in the need for comfort A burgeoning middle class has emerged in cities, notably in the affluent regions on China's east coast and along the Yangtze. The desire for comfort has increased at the same pace as material prosperity and, consequently, people wish to have heating systems for the cold winter months. Decades of experience in handling the widely used coal-based town gas and a large number of cities connected to the natural gas network offer excellent excellent opportunities for massive sales of gas-powered heat generators. Coal burning needs to be greatly reduced Second to district heating, natural gas is by far the most important energy source in the Chinese heating market; fuel oil is used very little. Coal is still very predominant for district heating in the regions with traditional heating in the north of the country. However, the Chinese government is striving to reduce significantly the environmental pollution caused by burning coal, particularly in highly populated areas, as part of its environmental policy. As a result, a switch from coal to natural gas is planned for district heating in major cities over the next few years. Challenges presented by increasing urbanization Increasing urbanization will ultimately stimulate growth on the heating mar- ket. There are already more than 100 cities with over one million inhabitants in today's China. Whereas 85 percent of the Chinese population still inhabited rural areas back in 1950, today more than half of all Chinese live in cities. An end to the urbanization is not yet in sight. Hundreds of millions of people will flock to the major cities over the next decades. Environmental awareness among the population It is not only the government in Beijing which is seeking to reduce environmental impact through different political measures over the next few years. The general population has also developed awareness of environmental issues since the effects of air and water pollution have caused a considerable reduction to their quality of life. In a similar way to people scrutinizing weather forecasts in the west, glancing at air pollution apps on smartphones has become part of a morning routine MARKETS: CHINA for many people in China's major cities. Pollution from particulate matter gets directly into the blood stream via the lungs with heavy metals adhered to particulates. By 2017, the aim is to achieve a 25 percent reduction in such pollution in the Beijing metropolitan area compared with 2012 to make life more bearable for inhabitants. Renewables on the advance Renewable energies are gaining in importance in China, particularly for power generation. In absolute terms, China already leads the field with more than 300 GW installed output, ahead of the US at 164 GW and Germany at around 80 GW. Much of the energy required for electricity and heating continues to come from coal combustion. There are still large coal deposits in China, even for the long term. This is not the case with natural gas or crude oil. More primary energy from 'clean' natural gas In addition to expanding renewable energies, China is also striving to obtain a larger part of its primary energy from 'clean' energy sources, especially imported natural gas. Around eight percent of energy requirements are to be generated from natural gas by 2020; it currently accounts for four percent. Coal is still a very dominant source of energy in China; its use however is to be reduced considerably within the framework of Chinese environmental policy. Large shale gas deposits Like the US, China has significant shale gas deposits. However, unlike the US, China cannot count on a surplus supply of gas due to its chronic water shortages since large quantities of water are required to extract shale gas through fracking. Increasing gas imports The acute water shortage is the reason why an increasingly larger proportion of gas is imported from neighboring countries Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Myanmar and, in the future, Russia in addition to extracting conventional natural gas in China itself. Large quantities of liquefied natural gas is also imported from Australia and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly to major cities and industrial areas along the coastal regions. State controlled price increase The importance of natural gas as a resource is also clearly reflected in the prices which the government stipulates for this fuel source and which are increased on a continuous basis. This is one of the main reasons why exceptionally energy-efficient technology is in demand, meaning that the condensing boiler segment is experiencing strong growth. The Chinese government would like to reduce the share of fossil fuel sources with partly gigantic projects. In 2006, the world's largest hydropower plant went into operation with the inauguration of the Three-CanyonDam with a generator output of 18.2 GW. 15 Managing Director Torsten Dietze and his team in front of the Viessmann China Center in Beijing. Viessmann in China Present on the Chinese market since 1997 16 hina is the most populous country in the world and has one of the most dynamic heating markets. It stretches over a surface double the size of the EU. C Incentives for future growth Progressing urbanization, an improved gas infrastructure and the increasing demand for modern comforts from the rapidly growing Chinese middle class will continue to be the most important drivers for growth in this market in the coming years. Established in all the important cities Viessmann has branch offices in the capital Beijing, in the old imperial city of Xi’an, in the mega-city of Shanghai, in the former British colony of Hong Kong and in Nanjing, the metropolis in the boom region of the Yangtze delta. The country's most important markets are served from these hubs via specialized wholesalers and competent heating system contractors. Each province is a separate market The market situation in China is quite different from Europe. This is mainly due to climatic differences and also to the widely varying economic development in the provinces. Each region therefore is actually a separate market. The sales and distribution team needs to speak to each customer individually and to adapt to the widely varying conditions in each region. The distribution chain can comprise two, three or even four steps. Advice from technical experts The situation with regard to the competition is also quite different from one region to another. Chinese homeowners have a choice between more than 100 different highly competitive brands when buying a heating system. Viessmann therefore supports their trade partners by building up an interregional network of shops where Chinese customers can consult trained technical advisers. MARKETS: CHINA The Viessmann production and sales site in Beijing was opened in 2002 according to old Chinese tradition with a red ribbon ceremony. Viessmann has been established on the Chinese market since 1997 and since then has acquired a good reputation especially among the technical advisers. Part of the workforce still consists of employees who were in at the start. Many trade partners have also been collaborating with Viessmann over a long period of time now. Hotels, airports, hospitals and international businesses were the chief customers in the early years, buying mainly industrial boilers. Production line for wall-mounted gas boilers in Beijing Since the middle of the 2000s, the fastgrowing market for wall-mounted gas boilers has also been served, with a production line at the site in Beijing. This site produces goods that are adapted to the special requirements of the Chinese market. Production of solar vacuum tubes in Dachang In addition, there is now a solar vacuum tube plant at another production site in the area of Dachang. This economic region lies about 30 kilometers east of Beijing and is notable for its rapidly growing infrastructure and its proximity to Beijing Airport and to the freight seaport of Xingang. open a plant for the production of solar vacuum tubes which are used in highefficiency solar collectors. Today, Viessmann is the world's largest manufacturer of solar vacuum tubes that work on the heat pipeprinciple. Many other large businesses have now set up production sites close to the Viessmann plant because of the favorable investment conditions there. In 2009, the Viessmann Group in Dachang was the first foreign investor to The team of the Viessmann plant in Dachang which opened in 2009: Vacuum tubes for solar collectors are produced here near the Chinese capital. 17 Beijing – the capital of China 18 Almost 20 million people live here – and that figure is growing every day eijing, the capital city and political center of the People's Republic of China, can look back at three thousand years of history and is heir to a unique cultural inheritance. Almost 20 million people live in the 16,800 square kilometers covered by the capital's administrative area. The city's nucleus comprises eight districts where ten to eleven million people live. The exact figure is practically impossible to ascertain because of the many migrant workers who come to Beijing from all over the country. Beijing lies on average 63 meters above sea level in the north-east of China. The outer edges of the Gobi desert can be seen to the north-west of the city. B Economy and industry Since the beginning of economic reforms in the year 1978, Beijing is no longer just the political and cultural center of China. Today two thirds of all employees there work in the manufacturing sector. Many important branches of industry were established in the satellite towns. Industries such as the electronics industry, mainly concentrating on computers and cell phones, automobile manufacturing and energy systems are situated here. Agriculture and service industries also play a role and similarly give work to millions of people. The enormous growth in economic power has led many foreign investors to establish factories in China, including several well-known German automobile companies. The Viessmann Group has had its own sales company in Hong Kong since 1997; in 2001 a new production and sales site was set up in Beijing and in 2009 a production site making solar vacuum tubes for solar collectors was inaugurated in Dachang. Transport, culture and science Beijing came to the attention of the world in 2008 as a result of the Olympic Games and is an important international transport hub. As well as the capital's international airport in the north-east of the city, there are intercontinental rail connections to Europe via the Trans-Siberian Railway. Urban development is planned in rings around the city, as in Moscow. The underground railway network and multiple ring roads, arterial roads and highways are designed to deal with the huge amount of traffic. Bicycles were for a long time immensely important as a means of transportation within the city but they are now being replaced by automobiles. Beijing University and Tsinghua University are the most famous of the many universities in Beijing. The Chinese Academy of MARKETS: CHINA Sciences is also very well-known, along with a number of subordinate research institutes. Numerous tourist attractions Beijing is a popular tourist destination, offering many theaters, museums and historic buildings. Landmarks not to be missed are Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and the New and Old Summer Palace, to name just a few. The former Imperial Palace, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987, is situated in the Forbidden City. There are further sites of interest close to Beijing, such as the Imperial tombs from the Ming dynasty and the Great Wall. The Chinese capital Beijing offers a multitude of cultural sights to millions of tourists from all over the world – the picture shows the entrance to the Forbidden City. 19 The Chinese Wall, which is very easy to get to from the capital for example by bus, is a popular destination for tourists to Beijing. The standard of living of the average city dweller in China is not yet comparable to that in Central Europe. However, the means of transport that is so typical of China, the bicycle, is increasingly being superseded by cars, for example. 20 "Sky Soho" will be the new iconic symbol of Shanghai A fascinating combination of futuristic architecture and forward-looking design t is destined to become the new iconic symbol of Shanghai. Sky Soho is a fascinating combination of dynamic, futuristic architecture and forward-looking design, with curved walls that from some angles suggest the form of a canyon. I covering 5,000 sqm will also be built here. Impressive size Designed by the British architect Zaha Hadid, the complex covers almost 350,000 square meters and is directly adjacent to Hongqiao airport and Shanghai's city center. It will be used for office and business accommodation and 30,000 sqm will be taken up by retail outlets and restaurants alone. A cinema Sustainable architecture as a visual experience With the design for Sky Soho, the architect has broken new ground. Twelve buildings stand on a piece of ground 480 meters long and 250 meters wide and are connected to one another by 16 bridges. This creates a branched network of spaces that presents a unique visual experience to the observer. At the base of the "canyon", there is an area called the "Sunken Garden". These 7,000 sqm of "garden" offer a mix of public places and spaces for retail outlets. The future-oriented, sustainable concept of Sky Soho ensured that the project has already been issued with a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) pre-certificate. An integrated concept of building envelope and systems engineering The integrated concept of building envelope and systems engineering ensures low energy demand. The complex will be heated by three Viessmann hot water boilers of 3.5 MW and three of 4.5 MW. They are characterized by their high levels of efficiency and MARKETS: CHINA The architecture of the Sky Soho is – depending on the angle – supposed to remind you of a canyon. operational reliability as well as their long service life. The overall concept includes an air purification system and a green space covering 30 percent of the surface ("Green Office") as well as environmentally friendly building materials. The inauguration of Sky Soho is planned for 2015. Like the Lotte World Tower in Seoul, this is another architectural monument in East Asia that benefits from Viessmann technology. 21 30,000 sqm of the new building complex are allocated for retail shops and restaurants. A 5,000 sqm cinema is also going to be built. MARKETS: CHINA The architecture of the Sky Soho is – depending on the angle – supposed to remind you of a canyon. operational reliability as well as their long service life. The overall concept includes an air purification system and a green space covering 30 percent of the surface ("Green Office") as well as environmentally friendly building materials. The inauguration of Sky Soho is planned for 2015. Like the Lotte World Tower in Seoul, this is another architectural monument in East Asia that benefits from Viessmann technology. 21 30,000 sqm of the new building complex are allocated for retail shops and restaurants. A 5,000 sqm cinema is also going to be built. Inauguration of a new training and 22 sales center in Faulquemont Heating and cooling system powered exclusively by renewable energy n the presence of high-ranking representatives from the world of politics and economics, a new training center was inaugurated in Faulquemont, France, in June. The center also houses the offices of the Viessmann France sales organization. I Increased training capacity The French market, Viessmann's second most important market after Germany, has grown steadily in the past. For this reason, a new training center was needed. The aim of the new center is to provide our French trade partners with an even better grounding in the growing spectrum of efficient heating systems and heating systems powered by renewable energy sources. In addition to the new center in Faulquemont, Viessmann also has information centers in Allendorf and Berlin. Furthermore, training programs are offered worldwide by all of the sales offices. Over 90,000 employees per year take advantage of the programs available from the Viessmann Academy. Compliance with high sustainability standards As is the case for all other new buildings constructed by the Viessmann Group, sustainability has been paramount right from the planning stage. Viessmann has developed its own standard for this purpose, which is based on internationally accepted guidelines such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or the DGNB standard (German Sustainable Building Council). It applies to both the use of renewable energy sources and the materials used to construct the building envelope. Heating and cooling is exclusively powered by renewable energy. A reverse-operation industrial heat pump made by KWT, a Viessmann Group company, heats or cools as required with environmental energy extracted from both the soil and ambient air. 100 solar collectors for heating and cooling In addition, the building is equipped with more than 100 thermodynamic solar collectors, which span the building like a bracket, giving it an attractive architectural design. The center faces east/west so that it can harness the maximum solar energy potential throughout the day. The energy generated in this way is used for DHW gener- COMPANY The new training and sales center in Faulquemont meets the highest sustainability standards (on the left). ation and transformed by an absorption cooling device to cool the building. Supply peaks that exceed the building's day-to-day energy requirements are stored in a 5,000 liter buffer cylinder or use the neighboring production plant as a heat sink. In addition,the heat generated by the equipment in the training rooms is also fed into the system. Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann emphasized in his speech the close partnership with the French customers. Handing over the symbolic key card (from left to right): Claude Gemelli (Managing Director Viessmann France), Pauline Mispoulet (President of the building trades association GESEC), Annette Viessmann, Michel Heuzé (head of the district authority of the Departement Moselle), Jean Pierre Masseret (President of the Regional Council of Lorraine), Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann and François Lavergne (President of the municipal district of Faulquemont and Vice-President of the General Council of Moselle). Inauguration ceremony with over 200 guests In his official opening speech to more than 200 guests, Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann expressed his heartfelt thanks to all people involved in planning and building the center and addressed the company's French customers: "Our excellent collaboration forms the basis for our mutual success; it is also a fundamental prerequisite that has enabled us to construct the center." 23 After the official ceremony, the guests were invited to go on tours in the new building. A highlight of the tour was a visit to the energy center on the upper floor. New Viessmann Innovation Center in Allendorf (Eder) Construction work has started at the company's headquarters ifty million euros are being invested in the construction of a new Viessmann Innovation Center at Viessmann's headquarters in Allendorf (Eder). It is planned as a research and development center with the aim of promoting interdisciplinary and creative working in the spirit of the company’s „climate of innovation“ claim, as the technological pioneer and pacesetter for our sector, Viessmann has continually set milestones of heating technology. Through the strategic decision to build a new technical center, the company is pursuing the objective of securing and further extending its lead position. F 24 Concentration of development and innovation activities The new building has been designed as the innovation center for all sectors involved in the development of new products. In this center, all development and innovation activities will be concentrated, made transparent and optimized. The cross-functional relationships between the different R&D departments will be intensified by bringing together the production of prototypes and the laboratories under one roof. The Viessmann Innovation Center will function as the central link between research and development, product and quality management, and series production. Development from an initial idea to readiness for series production "The new center will ensure the continuous improvement of both development processes and product quality and efficiency," explains Supervisory Board Member Dr. Klaus-Peter Kegel. Indeed, in one section of the Viessmann Innovation Center, system and component testing will be carried out alongside development from the prototype through to series production readiness. To attain maximum flexibility, over 100 universal developmental testing stations and more than 200 lifetime test rigs are available. They enable measurement and analysis of performance, exhaust emissions, and noise emissions of different kinds from heat generators and combined heat and power generation systems. In addition, approval tests for national and international norms or labels and practice-oriented endurance tests can be carried out here. Own seminar rooms for staff training Short distances within the technical center make collaborative working between departments considerably easier. Elaborate sound insulation measures have been installed within the central hall of the complex so that team sessions or presentations can be held directly at the test facilities. The Viessmann Innovation Center has its own seminar rooms where staff, for example from the Viessmann sales department, can be trained during the development phase for the market launch of new products. Completion of the Viessmann Innovation Center is scheduled for 2017. Commitment to the location This measure is a major investment in the future of the company. At the same time, it is another demonstration of our support for the location and of our intention to safeguard jobs in Allendorf. External view of the new Viessmann Innovation Center at the Allendorf site. View inside the ice storage system of the Viessmann energy center.. Heat pump with ice storage system added to energy center Innovative technology for heating and cooling isitors to Viessmann's headquarters in Allendorf (Eder) can now experience the company's pioneering ice storage system technology in operation as a system with a heat pump and ice storage cylinder has been installed in the energy center. The ice storage system provides an exceptionally innovative alternative to geothermal probes and is suitable for use in places where a geothermal probe borehole is not possible or would be too time-consuming and costly. V Using crystallization energy for heating The ice storage system consists of a tank filled with water, where heat from the ambient air and solar radiation is collected and provided to the heat pump for heating purposes. If the temperature in the cylinder drops below zero, the freezing of the water is used to generate more heat, hence the name ice storage system. When water is transformed into ice, the same amount of energy is released as is needed to heat that quantity of water from 0 to 80 degrees Celsius. Suitable for heating and cooling This new system is used to heat the info center and cool the computer center. It also serves training purposes The system in the energy center consists of the ice storage system and a heat pump Vitocal 350-G Pro with a capacity of 27 kW. – the ice storage system is open at the top, so visitors can get an idea of how it works in real operations. 25 Egbert Tippelt, Product Sales Manager at Viessmann Deutschland GmbH, gave a talk on "The Challenge of Sound". Fifth Viessmann Heat Pump Forum 220 industry professionals catch up on the latest trends he Viessmann Heat Pump Forum was held at the company's headquarters in Allendorf (Eder) for the fifth time. Renowned experts gave talks to approximately 220 industry professionals from throughout Germany. In addition, two new products were presented — an ultra-quiet air/water heat pump and a hybrid heat pump device. T 26 Considerable potential of dual-mode and hybrid systems The guests were welcomed by Viessmann supervisory board member Dr. Frank Schmidt and Managing Director of Viessmann Deutschland GmbH, Dr. Frank Voßloh. Next, the Managing Director of the German Heat Pump Association (Bundesverband Wärmepumpe), Karl-Heinz Stawiarski, gave a presentation outlining the considerable potential of dual-mode and hybrid systems during a modernization. Both the Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV 2014 and the planned ErP (Energy related Products) labeling open up great opportunities for heat pump technology, underlined Uwe Fröhlich, a specialist trainer from the Viessmann Academy. His talk was suitably titled: "Groundwork laid for the success of heat pumps". Heat as a fundamental need Michael Beckmann, Product Manager Solar at Viessmann, had chosen an unusual topic for his talk. He referred to Maslow's hierarchy of needs to explain the importance of heat for cultural development, technological progress, and individual performance and wellbeing. The agenda also included a presentation on overall concepts for energy provision; Ulrich Schmack, Managing Director of Viessmann subsidiary MicrobEnergy GmbH, talked about technology for integrated power consumption, generation, and storage systems. Innovative ice storage technology The innovative ice storage system provides a new way of efficiently operating heat pumps. Bernd Schwarzfeld, Managing Director of BZW Ökoplan, presented the potential of ice storage technology for the planning of neighborhoods. Another presentation titled the "The Challenge of Sound" by Egbert Tippelt, Product Sales Manager of Viessmann Deutschland GmbH, focused on the noise generated by heat pumps. The heating market – huge energy efficiency potential Dr. Andreas Bühring, Head of Development of Viessmann Wärmepumpen GmbH, provided information about the products scheduled to enter the market in 2014. The President of the Federal Association of Germany House, Energy, and Environmental Technology (BDH), Manfred Greis, gave a talk focusing on the "Role of Heating Technology in the Sustainable Energy Era". He emphasized that the heating market, as the largest consumer of energy, has huge energy efficiency potential, which should exploited as a matter of urgency to secure the success of the sustainable energy era. Seminars on the second day of the event On the second day of the event, the participants – predominantly trade partners – had the opportunity to focus on topics of their interest, choosing from a selection of nine workshops. Trainers from the Viessmann Academy held practice-oriented sessions informing them about diverse aspects of heat pump technology. COMPANY / NEW MEDIA Viessmann at career portals Human resources marketing and recruitment via social media ccording to a study by the German Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications, and New Media (BITKOM), one Internet user in four refers to employer rankings in the Internet when searching for a new job. A Present in all key media To recruit qualified young talent, it is essential that the company is active in the media that dedicated young people use to obtain information about potential employers and vacancies. For this reason, Viessmann is present at "Xing", the German-language social network, "LinkedIn", the English-language portal, and at the employer rating portal "Kununu". 27 Image as an attractive employer At these websites, the company is presented as an attractive employer that offers excellent job prospects to competent and dedicated candidates — with considerable success. Above-average rankings At "LinkedIn" alone, more than 6,000 people subscribe regularly to the Viessmann news stream; the messages are directly displayed on their opening screens. We are also delighted with the feedback from Internet users. They consistently rate the company well above average. Internet users assess Viessmann very positively and therefore confirm that the company is an attractive employer. The new pellet boiler Vitoligno 300-C is the convenient, efficient solution for wood fuel heating in new builds and existing buildings. PRODUCTS Vitoligno 300-C: Compact, fully automatic pellet boiler Honored with Vorarlberg innovation award itoligno 300-C is a compact, fully automatic pellet boiler for single- and two-family homes which particularly impresses due to its degree of efficiency of up to 95.3 percent. V Compact dimensions Compact dimensions make it easier to transport and install in small spaces. All connections are positioned on the upper part of the boiler while all components can be accessed at the front for maintenance, allowing the boiler to be fitted directly onto the wall and into corners. This leaves more space for storing pellets, for example. The combustion air can either be channeled out of the boiler room or through an air-exhaust system in balanced flue operation. Flexible fuel feed The pellet boiler can be loaded either automatically or by hand. It is equipped with a suction system for removing pellets from storage automatically as standard. The suction motor used is already integrated into the boiler. Switching to manual loading is quick and easy, enabling the user to feed the boiler from standard pellet sacks or a pellet storeroom or hopper. Fully automatic operation The boiler is operated fully automatically and all surfaces exposed to ash are self-cleaning. The ash is compressed by the automatic ash removal system and the ash compartment only needs to be emptied once or twice a year. The ash is very easily removed without the surrounding area getting dirty thanks to the enclosed compartment. Controller with graphic display Activated by atmospheric conditions, the Ecotronic controller has a programmable graphic display with multi-line plain text display. Up to three heating circuits can be switched on in the standard design. The integrated electronic guide ensures that the boiler is easily configured for initial commissioning. The boiler features full, menu-guided operation with plain text display. Offered as an accessory, the wireless remote control with touch display enables users to obtain all information and use all functions while in the living room. Remote control will also be available on a smartphone app from spring 2015. Honored with Vorarlberg innovation award The Austrian federal state of Vorarlberg very recently honored the pellet boiler with its innovation award, regarded as the biomass heating 'Oscar' far beyond Austrian borders. The award has been presented every two years for almost three decades. Advantages for trade partners ` Space-saving installation thanks to corner or wall mounting ` Optional open or balanced flue operation ` Easily transported thanks to compact dimensions ` Fast, secure mounting due to integrated electric return flow temperature boost ` Flexible fuel feed as user can select between suction system or manual filling ` Simple initial start-up procedure due to start-up procedure guide in the controls ` Maintenance- and service-friendly thanks to easy access to all maintenance-relevant parts through front Advantages for owners ` Low fuel consumption due to high degree of efficiency, modulating mode and intelligent buffer storage management ` Low power consumption thanks to automatic ignition with ceramic heat element ` Optimum convenience due to automatic combustion chamber ash removal, long cleaning intervals ` High operational reliability thanks to stainless steel finned grate and rotary airlock feeder (full anti-burn-back protection) ` Easy operation using Ecotronic controller and optional remote control Technical specifications ` Heat output of 2.4 to 8 kW or 2.4 to 12 kW ` Degree of efficiency up to 95.3 % ` Modulation range 1:3 ` 20-liter ash compartment ` Pellet hopper capacity: 32 kg 29 Vitocal with Vitovent 300-F Compact building energy center with heat pump and ventilation unit for single-family homes with low heat demand he compact building systems control panel with a heat pump and an integrated ventilation unit combines all functions in a condensed space: heating, cooling, ventilation, and DHW generation. T Inverter-controlled compressor adjusts output The heat pump features an invertercontrolled compressor which adjusts its output to the building's heat demand. The heat pump output thus remains consistently high even when outside temperatures are low. The inverter also saves electricity since it is speed controlled. 30 Up to 98 percent heat recovery The ventilation module maintains the air exchange rate of up to 280 cubic meters per hour required to ensure the health of occupants and preserve the building fabric. Practically no heat is lost in the process, because the unit recovers up to 98 percent of the heat from the extract air and channels it back into the rooms together with fresh air. In a passive house, the system combination can also be operated as hot-air heating with an optional hydraulic reheating coil warming the intake air. The ventilation module forms a compact unit with the heat pump in a matching design and colors. Operating the heat pump and ventilation using a controller All settings for the heat pump and ventilation are made on the controller. If required, the system can also be operated using a smartphone app or remote control. The controller can also manage the use of self-generated electricity from a photovoltaic system, reducing electricity costs. Patented combination wall bushing Only two outside wall penetrations are required with the patented combination wall bushing for the heat pump and the building intake and extract air. Normally, four air system bushings are required – two for the heat pump and two for the ventilation unit. A careful channeling of air streams reliably prevents the extract air from being sucked back in, i.e. there is no recirculation of air. Module system and accessories for individual combinations Like the ventilation module, the heat pump is available in three different capacity sizes. A suitable combination can thus be configured for every building. Compact system combination between heat pump Vitocal 200-A and ventilation system Vitovent 300-F for heating, cooling, ventilation, and DHW generation. Offered as an accessory, the flexible flat plastic duct system guarantees a fast, easy, customized adaptation of the whole ventilation system to the exact requirements of the installation location on site. Advantages for trade partners ` For low-energy buildings and passive houses (passive house-certified) ` Ten versions for precise adaption to the building concerned ` Only two outside wall penetrations required ` Simple transport thanks to separate modules ` Quick and easy to install due to comprehensive range of accessories Advantages for owners ` Low space requirement ` Low energy costs thanks to up to 98 percent heat recovery in the ventilation unit ` High efficiency and low power consumption even in partial load operation ` Ambient air always clean and fresh ` Easy, menu-guided operation of heat pump and ventilation using a combined controller ` Optional remote control via app or radio available ` Use of solar power possible Technical specifications ` Heat outputs of 3.2 to 10.7 kW ` Cooling capacity of 4.2 to 12.8 kW ` CoP (heating) up to 3.8 (as per EN 14511 when air 2 °C/water 35 °C) ` Flow rate (ventilation) up to 280 cubic meters/h Pyroflex SRT is designed for continuous operation at full load; depending on the application, it can produce hot or heating water or steam and also heat up thermal oil. Pyroflex SRT Biomass boiler for industry, trade and municipal authorities yroflex SRT has been developed to generate heat, hot water and steam from solid biomass. This biomass boiler can be adapted to different uses and a wide range of different wood types thanks to its modular construction. P Depending on its characteristics, the boiler may be used to generate steam, hot water or high temperature water, and even heat thermal oil. Designed for continuous operation at full load with an output of up to 13 megawatts, it is particularly suitable for heating large building complexes and generating process heat in industrial enterprises. Flexibility in choosing fuel type The boiler's step grate is divided into five separate grate and combustion air zones. Different grate speeds and primary air flow rates can be configured for each zone, allowing the boiler to use moist, high-ash, and non-homogeneous fuels. The moisture content may be up to 55 percent without any losses in performance, enabling forest wood chips, green waste, bark, poplar, rootstocks, and wood cuttings from landscape maintenance to be incinerated. Complete solutions from a single source Complete solutions are supplied for automated heat generation using such fuels: discharge from hoppers and bunkers, automatic ash removal systems, exhaust systems, cyclone and multicyclone separators and electric filters. Devices are also available for remote monitoring and maintenance. Advantages for trade partners ` Wide range of uses ` Designed for continuous operation (over 8,000 full load hours per year) ` Performance guarantee up to 55 percent water content ` Complete system technology with matching components from a single source Advantages for owners ` Highly flexible in type of fuel used ` Output modulation for low fuel costs ` Low-emission three-pass boiler with- in legal limits ` Highly robust thanks to reduced stress on components and fireclay ` Ash removal using augers or ash containers ` Optimum pneumatic boiler cleaning Technical specifications ` Outputs between 850 and 13,000 kW ` Modulation range between 25 and 100 percent ` Exhaust temperature under 190 °C at full load 31 Vitomax 300-HS is a high-pressure steam boiler for producing up to 26 tons of steam per hour. Vitomax 300-HS Highly efficient, high-pressure steam boiler with low emissions he high-pressure steam boiler Vitomax 300-HS is primarily designed for use in industrial plants where large volumes of steam are required on a continuous basis. It is used in places such as food and drink processing plants and refineries. T 32 Low NOx levels and high degree of efficiency With its large flame tube and watercooled burner opening, this boiler exceeds legal requirements for lowemission combustion. It can be easily operated with light or heavy fuel oil, bio oil or natural (bio) gas. Irrespective of the fuel used, it delivers an output of up to 26 tons of steam per hour. Thanks to its large steam releasing surface, a high steam quality is achieved with low residual moisture content. The boiler does not require firebrick lining thanks to its special structural design. The burner opening and the rear flue gas bend are water-cooled, guaranteeing a constant temperature with low NOX levels around the burner head. Customized system concept design The boiler is also equipped with a secondary connecting piece each for a safety valve and fill level gauge. In addition to the standard supply package with fittings, combustion system, measurement and control technology, feedwater pumps, and a Vitocontrol controller, a whole range of peripheral equipment is also available, from a work platform to a water treatment system, individually tailored to the operator's requirements. Easy maintenance – low operating costs The boiler has inspection points and access openings for inspecting all key locations in the system. As a result, it features the longest possible inspection intervals for high-pressure boilers. The easy-to-open boiler doors and a cleaning door on the boiler rear simplify maintenance, thus helping to keep costs down. Advantages for trade partners ` Time-saving installation and commissioning as no firebrick lining required ` Servicing-friendly thanks to easy-to- open inspection points accessories and complete systems engineering from a single source ` Additional connecting pieces and optional left-hand design possible ` Design in line with all trade association agreements ` Comprehensive Advantages for owners ` High efficiency and economical fuel consumption ` Emissions within legal requirements ` Integrated steam dryer for optimum steam quality ` Longest possible inspection interval of three years can be achieved Technical specifications ` Output of 5 to 26 t/h ` Degree of efficiency over 95.5 % ` Pressure stages of 6 to 25 bar ` NOx emissions: < 70 mg/m3 flue gas for natural gas < 150 mg/m3 flue gas for fuel oil El PRODUCTS TECTO Compact Cold rooms in standardized sizes wide selection of the new TECTO Compact refrigeration and freezer rooms are now available in standard sizes. Their footprint can be adjusted to individual requirements at 300-millimeter increments, thus providing short delivery periods and allowing projects to be implemented on short notice. The tongue and groove instant assembly system with self-centering, eccentric turnbuckles ensures that rooms can be installed in no time. Advantages for owners ` Time-tested quality at an attractive price ` Quickly available ` Low power consumption thanks to tailored components and highly effective heat insulation ` Silicon-free joints save costs for installation and maintenance Advantages for trade partners ` Simple order placement thanks to compact dimensions ` Short delivery periods ` Instant assembly system for time- Technical specifications ` Temperature range from - 25 to + 60 °C ` Width between 1,800 and 3,600 mm ` Depth between 1,200 and 6,000 mm A saving installation ` Variable door position TECTO Compact cold rooms are available in a large selection of standard sizes. e-Visio New refrigeration unit combines product display with high turnover rates 33 he new refrigeration unit integrates two centrally refrigerated shelves into a compact cabinet. 30 percent less floor space is required in comparison to conventional back-to-back configurations. Despite the smaller footprint, the T unit is still able to display a greater range of products and a greater number of items. Thanks to its lightweight, transparent design, the 360 degree glass surface provides the largest possible product display surface. This new refrigeration unit can be set up in half the time needed for conventional designs. Advantages for owners ` Optimized floor space ` Maximum view of products ` More options for market layout planning ` 50 percent faster set-up times in comparison to back-to-back configurations Technical specifications ` Outside length: 1,250/2,500 mm ` Outside height: 2,010/2,210 mm ` Outside depth: 1,410 mm The new e-Visio refrigeration unit allows a larger range of products to be displayed over a smaller area. 34 Storing heat underground Innovative energy concept with heat pump and concrete collectors aumer Bautechnik GmbH is one of the major German manufacturers of prefabricated concrete sections. The heat supply concept for one of the company's new production workshops was designed to be exceptionally innovative, including high efficiency and low CO2 emissions and integrating products that the company manufactured itself. L Outside surface forms collector For Bavaria-based Kaufmann, the project posed a great challenge. Planner Josef Niemann outlines the main characteristics of the solution: 'Consisting of prefabricated concrete components with cast-in piping, the entire building envelope forms a large-scale collector with an outside surface of 1,400 square meters. The collector is linked to a 5,000 cubic meters underground storage system under the workshop featured as buffer storage and a floor heating system via a water/water heat pump provided by Viessmann Group company KWT (198 kW heating output and 157 kW cooling output).' Integration into the Viessmann heat pump system The heat pump with two separate cooling circuits supplies the floor heating with a maximum flow temperature of 37 °C. The system maintains the temperature in the 4,500 square meters workshop at a constant 15 °C. PRACTICE At the company headquarters of Laumer Bautechnik GmbH in Massing in Lower Bavaria, roughly 250 people are employed. The precast concrete elements of the new production hall are used as heat collectors and the ground is used to store heat. 35 Laumer Bautechnik Based in Lower Bavaria, the company was founded by Richard Laumer in 1956 and today employs a workforce of 250. In addition to prefabricated concrete components, its product portfolio also includes prebuilt garages and complete buildings. The family business has made a name for itself in concrete structures and is now managed by the second generation of the family, Ingrid, Christian and Richard Laumer. The water/water heat pump from KWT is the centerpiece of this innovative energy concept. From career changer to the greatest junior hopeful in German biathlon: Franziska Preuß. 36 SPORT Emerging talents on their way to the top of the global competition Laura Dahlmeier and Franziska Preuß are two up-and-coming biathletes on the Viessmann Team. ndrea Henkel, one of the most successful German biathletes, retired from active sports at the end of last season. A great many young emerging talents are trying to fill the 36-year-old's shoes. And first among them are Laura Dahlmeier and Franziska Preuß from the Viessmann Team. Especially Franziska Preuß probably feels she is part of a modern sports fairytale, given her rise to the upper echelons of the global competition. A The woman from Upper Bavaria used to be track and field athlete, but also a great admirer of the biathlon. And this is why her parents presented her with a voucher for the introductory course "Experience biathlon" with Fritz Fischer in Ruhpolding, Germany. "That day completely changed my career in sports," Franziska Preuß said later. Merely five years of biathlon She was 15 years old at the time. Today, a mere five years later, the German biathlon community is pinning all its hopes on the customs officer. Teamed up with Laura Dahlmeier, who also belongs to the Viessmann Team, she is keen to follow in the footsteps of Andrea Henkel, Martina Beck, and Uschi Disl. Dominating the Youth Olympic Games She should be talented enough. After her extraordinary performances in the junior leagues, she qualified for the first Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in the winter of 2012 in Inns- 37 Together with Franziska Preuß one of the greatest hopefuls in German biathlon: Laura Dahlmeier. bruck, Austria. And gave the public an inkling of her enormous talent: The Bavarian won three gold medals and one silver, becoming the most successful athlete of the YOG premiere. One year later in Obertilliach, Austria, during the junior world championships, her winning streak continued as the won gold in the single, the pursuit, and the relay events. Also part of the relay team which won the gold medal was Laura Dahlmeier, who came out on top in the single and sprint events. Making a mark in the World Cup Now, Laura Dahlmeier and Franziska Preuß are getting ready to make their mark in the World Cup. Blessed with enormous talent and being only twenty years old, both should be predestined to do just that. Laura Dahlmeier convinced with good performances at the shooting range in her first two seasons. Reception marathon for Viessmann athletes The end of the Olympic Games 2014 was just the beginning for the medalists eing an Olympic champion is almost more exhausting than becoming one. After the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the Viessmann Team gold medalists couldn’t agree more – for instance Carina Vogt, the first ski jump winner in the history of the Olympics. The 22-year-old police officer aspirant had to get through a veritable reception marathon after her gold-winning jump in Sochi. B 38 Silbernes Lorbeerblatt The highlight among the many accolades without a doubt was the awarding of the Silbernes Lorbeerblatt (Silver Laurel Leaf), the highest sports award in Germany, by the German Federal President Joachim Gauck at Bellevue Castle in Berlin. Aside from surprise winner Carina Vogt, the following Viessmann Olympic champions also received this award: Felix Loch (luge), doubleseater Tobias Wendl/Tobias Arlt (luge), Eric Frenzel (Nordic combined), as well as the ski jumpers Andreas Wank, Marinus Kraus, and Andreas Wellinger. Preparation for the next season started Carina Vogt also was received by the Head of the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann, in Stuttgart, while the Head of the German Federal State of Bavaria, Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer, held a reception for the Bavarian Olympic champions in his state chancellery. Among many other things in her busy schedule, Carina Vogt furthermore received the Winterstar 2014 award from the Bavarian television station BR, appeared at a reception at the Hessentag (a fair and festival in the Federal State of Hesse) on June 15, and visited the Stadtsparkasse (municipal savings bank) in Böblingen. And amidst all this, the preparations for the next season had already started in May for most Viessmann athletes. Golf tournament "Luge vs. Skis" In spite of the full appointment books however, no one had to miss out on the fun. The Golf Club of Ruhpolding, Germany, hosted what is arguable the most highly acclaimed group of golfers in Germany. "Luge vs. Skis" featured 19 Olympic championships, 40 world championships and 13 World Cup overall victories. The contestants were: Felix Loch, Tobias Wendl, Tobias Arlt, Christoph Langen, and other luge greats vs. the Viessmann aces Stefanie Böhler, Tobias Angerer, and Hermann Weinbuch. Terrific weather and the awe-inspiring mountain scenery of the Ruhpolding valley provided the backdrop for the exciting duels between the winter sports icons who impressed with their formidable drives and precise putts. And the winners are: the "Ski" team who beat the "Luge" team 7:4. Carina Vogt receives the Silbernes Lorbeerblatt (Silver Laurel Leaf) – the highest sports award in Germany – from German Federal President Joachim Gauck. Timo Boll surrounded by Chinese table-tennis fans Timo Boll – idolized superstar in the land of silk and dragons The 33-year-old Hessian has found a home away from home in China 39 hina is Timo Boll's home away from home. Millions of people in the table tennis nation worship Germany's most successful table tennis player, who has been Viessmann's brand ambassador since 2012. Now 33 years old, the Hessian has traveled to China for 15 years and has witnessed the local economic upswing. C Timo Boll has been Viessmann brand ambassador since 2012. "Table tennis wonderland" Boll is the first German ever to top the world ranking (2003) and has been among the best seven table tennis players worldwide ever since. He earns his pay with the Chinese top club Shandong Luneng, among other things. Day after day, the (five-times) record-holding European Champion battles with the best table tennis players in the world. "Timo Boll: Mein China. Eine Reise ins Wunderland des Tischtennis“ (A Journey to the Table Tennis Wonderland) is the logical title of his biography. In this book, he describes the journey from starting out as a rather chubby boy from the German Odenwald region to becoming the best table tennis player in the world. A wanderer between two worlds The table tennis wunderkind just led his club Borussia Düsseldorf to their 26th German Championship and the 15th double (Championship and Cup). He did not have much time to celebrate, though. Only a day later, Boll was sitting on a plane to Asia. "I am looking forward to it," he says, referring to his job in the Chinese league. "In 2013, I beat all the top players." In his home away from home, Boll is considered the most creative player worldwide. But more than that: his status is that of a revered superstar. "After the game, sometimes we need security to get us out of the gym safely." Impressive track record Timo Boll has won everything in a sport which is dominated by Chinese players, the only thing missing is the Olympic gold medal in the singles competition. Although winning the silver (2008, Beijing) and bronze medals (2012, London) in the team competition were equally proud moments. selection VIESSMANN SELECTION Visit our online shop at www. or request the current catalog: Vacation – the best weeks of the year Highlights of the Viessmann Selection for travel, sport, and leisure ummertime is travel time! Regardless of whether you decide to spend the best weeks of the year at a holiday resort far away or at home – sporting activities are an absolute must and great fun, especially at this time of year. The Viessmann Selection offers high-quality clothing for a range of different sporting activities and a host of practical accessories for when you are on the move. 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The tear-proof strap is simply attached to the suitcase handle and lifted together with the ergonomically designed scales. The result appears on the display immediately – to within 50 grams exactly. Tare function and automatic switchoff are also integrated. Vertrieb und Logistik WKM Creative Werbemittel GmbH Auf dem Kreuz 1 35114 Haina-Löhlbach, Germany Tel: +49 6455 7557-0 Fax: +49 6455 7557-28 E-mail: Boardingbag travel bag Traveling is even more fun with this spacious boardingbag. The black bag, made by quality manufacturer Reisenthel, has plenty of room with a capacity of 30 liters: a spacious main compartment with a large zippered interior pocket, a flat side compartment with retaining bands, and a trolley strap on the back with a mounted back pocket, designed to easily stow a notebook. Versatility is paramount for this travel bag, and its tear-proof polyester fabric is robust and easy to clean.
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