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THE VIESSMANN MAGAZINE 2 | 2015 THE MARKETS IN SOUTHERN EUROPE Great modernization potential 1 HYBRID DEVICES Highly efficient, renewable and sustainable 2 CONTENTS 06 Markets: Southern Europe EDITORIAL 02 Energy transition remains a major challenge GUEST ARTICLE 04 Andreas Kuhlmann, President of the Board of the German Energy Agency (dena) 05 NEWS MARKETS: SOUTHERN EUROPE 06 Great modernization potential 12 Viessmann in Italy, Spain and in the Balkans 14 Verona – City of opera and romanticism COMPANY 16 First Viessmann wood energy forum 17 20 years of systematic environmental management with EMAS Imprint 47th year of publication Published: 3 times per year Publisher Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann Editorial office Manfred Greis Albrecht von Truchsess Jörg Schmidt Michael Wagner Doris Hofmann Alexander Tinter Wolfgang Rogatty Carsten Lucassen 20 New hybrid devices 18 Viessmann website with "dynamic" design 19 Vitovalor specialists travel to Japan PRODUCTS 20 Hybrid devices for oil, gas, electricity and ambient heat 22 Vitoligno 300-C: Pellet boilers up to an output of 48 kW 22 Vitovent 200-C: Attractively priced home ventilation system 23 Vitovolt electricity storage system: Wall-mounted device for selfgenerated electricity 23 Vitocontrol 200-M: New control unit for multivalent systems 24 e-ncore: Energy-saving refrigeration unit with innovative air curtain technology 24 Visio: Patented refrigeration cabinet with thermostat-controlled technology Photos Mark Adel; BMUB/Adam Berry; German Energy Agency (dena); Frank Feisel; Fotolia: Jan Becke, Antonini Danilo, Mikhail Dudarev, markobe, Matej Kastelic, Riccardo Meloni, Sean Pavone 2014; Shaiith; Hotel Cerkno; Rolf Kosecki; Seekamp GmbH; 2012, Arena di Verona. Foto Ennevi.By courtesy of Fondazione Arena di Verona; www.EF-Artfoto. de Enno Friedrich Layout Gramm Werbeagentur GmbH Alexander Tinter Lithography and printing Bernecker Mediagruppe 30 Interview with winter sports greats PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 25 Mammut AG fully relies on ambient heat from groundwater 26 Hospital Schwarzwald-Baar: Efficient and reliable supply of heat and steam 28 A heat pump cascade supplies the winery with heat and hot water SPORT 30 Preparation for the competitions: Interview with Laura Dahlmeier and Karl Geiger 31 Franziska Preuß is "Rising star of the year" VIESSMANN SELECTION 32 High-quality products for outdoor activities Editorial address Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG Unternehmenskommunikation 35107 Allendorf (Eder)Germany Tel. +49 6452 / 702493 Fax +49 6452 / 705493 E-mail: info-pr@viessmann.de Internet: www.viessmann.de Title: A Vitocrossal 300 in the Villa Barozzi at the Lago Maggiore heats both the rooms and the swimming pool. Cover page 2: The cultural capital of Verona is the main location of the Viessmann Group in Italy. 1 The energy transition remains a tremendous challenge The heating market is the key to meeting climate targets A longside the increasing digitalization, the energy transition is among the major challenges of our times. Although European policymakers and media are currently concentrating on other issues such as accommodating and distributing refugees, the economic developments in China and the unsolved Ukraine conflict. 2 UN World Climate Conference in Paris However, energy efficiency and climate protection are at the focus of the UN World Climate Conference 21 in Paris. Europe will be expected to make a clear statement as to whether its member states will be able to reduce their CO2 emissions compared to 1990 and, as a result, meet ambitious climate targets . Germany has committed itself to cutting its CO2 emissions by as much as 40 percent, a higher percentage than required by the European target. The German Chancellor will feel obliged to confirm that this objective will be achieved. However, it has now become clear that the measures implemented so far are not sufficient. A gap of 22 million tonnes of CO2 still has to be closed. But how? Policymakers turn to the heating market The ministries in Berlin have been considering new approaches. One of their responses involved introducing a climate levy on coal-fired power stations with the objective of squeezing old plants out of the market. However, this option met with massive resistance from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the trade union IG Bergbau, so it never got off the ground. Policymakers therefore turned their attention back to leveraging the consider- able potential offered by the heating market. It is very unfortunate that they seem to have permanently shelved the plan to give tax breaks for refurbishing buildings in an energy-efficient manner this year, as tax breaks would have succeeded in waking the "sleeping giant". They therefore need new concepts to ensure the success of the National Plan of Action for Energy Efficiency (NAPE). Regulatory law unsuitable for triggering investment Regulatory law has been ineffective in enhancing energy efficiency in existing buildings or promoting the use of renewable energy. Homeowners cannot be forced to invest in their buildings. The introduction of scrapping incentive programs can also be problematic, as witnessed in the automotive sector some years ago. Targeted and reliable incentives A policy of targeted incentives seems to be more promising. It is essential that these incentives are ` calculable, reliable, ` technology-neutral and fuel-neutral. In the absence of tax breaks, the current German development bank (KfW) programs and the market incentive program (MAP) could help achieve the targets – providing they are endowed with sufficient funds, continued on a permanent basis, simplified and communicated effectively to the general public. Label for increasing energy efficiency Another step in the right direction is the introduction of the energy efficiency label for heat generators in compliance with the ErP Directive (Energy-Related Products Directive). These labels have been mandatory since September 26, 2015. As a result, throughout Europe, new heat generators, ` oil and gas boilers, ` heat pumps, ` micro- and mini-combined heat and power generation systems, ` and DHW generators are rated in energy efficiency classes and labeled accordingly. Greater transparency for investors The introduction of these labels, which range from the dark-green colored "A++" class to the deep-red colored "G" class, will provide much greater transparency for investors in new builds and modernization projects. It will promote the use of more energy-efficient products, a trend which policymakers are wanting to reinforce. Comprehensive ErP service package As heating systems are made up of several components and are increasingly offered as bivalent and multivalent systems, each heat generator also needs a package or universal label for the entire system in addition to the product labels. Producing these labels is a challenging task for trade professionals. For this purpose, Viessmann provides free software to its market partners as part of the company's comprehensive services portfolio, enabling trade professionals to produce the necessary documentation quickly and easily for investors. Labels for existing systems to raise awareness In Germany, from 2016, labels will also be required for existing systems in addition to those for new products. Following a suggestion by trade associations (Federal Association of German House, Energy and Environmental Technology and the German Central EDITORIAL Association for Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy plans to classify old systems into energy efficiency classes and label them accordingly, as an integral part of the National Plan of Action for Energy Efficiency (NAPE). The objective is to raise awareness among homeowners for the problem. At the same time, they will be informed about the benefits of modernizing systems and different funding options. At the moment, three-quarters of the 20 million heat generators in Germany homes are still not state of the art. In the future, chimney sweeps, energy consultancies or trade professionals will be responsible for labeling existing systems, with the aim of helping to tackle the modernization backlog. Key markets starting to recover This would boost the industry considerably and, above all, help policymakers to achieve their climate targets. The prospects are not bad. Although the political framework is not ideal, there are signs of a positive trend for the current business year, after the market volumes having shrunk in many European countries in 2014. The markets are in the process of recovering or stabilizing in Germany and most Western European countries with considerable sales potential such as France, Italy or Spain. The same applies to Turkey and numerous Eastern European countries such as Poland, Romania or the Czech Republic. The North American markets have also developed stably. One negative aspect, however, is that the demand for renewable energy products has not yet fulfilled expectations. Hybrid devices offer sustainability At Viessmann, we are happy with the business year so far. In par with the overall market developments, we have especially recorded substantial growth in the sales of efficient gas and oil heat generators. We are well prepared for the challenges ahead, in particular with the family of hybrid devices we presented at the ISH, regardless of how the prices and availability of different fuels develop in the future. This is the only way we and our market partners can offer our customers solutions that guarantee efficient, environmentally friendly and economic heating of their homes even far into the future. Digital solutions are essential in this context. Our hybrid devices are therefore already able to react to the future price signals of energy suppliers and automatically optimize their operating mode accordingly. Reduce uncertainty for investors Dear partners, we have to face some major challenges. However, opportunities will continue to open up which we can jointly exploit. Homeowners are currently still very willing to invest. And there are no signs that interest rates will rise significantly in the foreseeable future. It is decisive that we, as experts, are able to reduce the insecurities of investors and to offer sustainable solutions. As always, we will remain a reliable partner for you and ready to provide you with support at all times. Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann 3 GUEST ARTICLE The heating transition gathers steam by Andreas Kuhlmann O Personal details 4 Andreas Kuhlmann has been Chairman of the Managing Board of the German Energy Agency (dena) since July 2015. Before that, he was head of the for strategy and politics division with the German Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry (BDEW). ver the last year, developments in the energy efficiency of buildings have gained momentum: In December 2014, the German government approved the German National Plan of Action for Energy Efficiency (NAPE) parallel to the German Climate Protection Action Program 2020. These initiatives incorporate measures, such as increased funding for building modernization or the development of energy consultancy, that constitute initial essential steps. However, the German government is now called upon to rapidly implement these approaches and instruments. Above all, it needs to provide more incentives to boost the rate of modernization which has been stagnating at around one percent for years. Its failure to introduce tax benefits has dealt a heavy blow which will be difficult to counteract. The market players now require more extensive and intensive energy consultancy, a reliable and effective information policy and model projects that set standards for widespread implementation. Over the past years, the German Energy Agency (dena) has acquired experience in these areas with numerous campaigns and pilot projects and has elaborated efficient instruments and standards. Viessmann has been a long-standing partner of the German Energy Agency (dena) for many of these projects. We are both involved in the German Alliance for Energy Efficiency of Buildings (geea), a coalition of leading companies and organizations related to energy efficiency in the building sector. Together with the German government and many other players, we launched "Hauswende" – the first countrywide, cross-sector, sustainable housing energy campaign – last year. The result is impressive: We have informed house owners about the modernization of energy systems with more than 150 events and over 500 items published in print and online media to date. We need to keep up the good work – the only way of pushing ahead the energy transition on the heating market is through close collaboration between all important players. NEWS Energy efficiency identification is now compulsory The Viessmann magazine "aktuell" is in its 47th year of publication. "aktuell" reader survey In the last issue we asked our German readers to take part in a survey with the aim of making our magazine even better. After evaluation of the numerous responses received, the results can be summarized as showing the main feedback to be very positive, but with here and there some room for improvement. Almost 90 percent of respondents rated the "aktuell" as "good" or "very good". Most of the subscribers read every edition with a medium to high level of attention, that is, they deliberately take the time to read it. The feedback on the layout of the magazine is very positive, and the choice of topics is generally considered good. A frequently expressed wish was for more technical subjects and more reports about practical experience. Most of the readers would prefer to continue reading the print version of the magazine in future, too, with one in three also open to receiving the digital version. The "aktuell" editorial team thanks all those who took part and will gradually implement the suggestions made. The winners of the three gift vouchers for the Viessmann Selection Shop with a value of 100 euros have been be notified in writing. The energy efficiency identification, called ErP labeling, of heating technology products has been compulsory since September 26, 2015. Viessmann provides product labels and fact sheets for heat generators, DHW generators and cylinders from their comprehensive range of products. Complete heating systems installed since this date have to be marked by the tradesman with a universal label. Viessmann has created a comprehensive service package to help their market partners meet this requirement. For more information, read the article on pages 2 and 3 in the Fachnews No. 39. Compulsory since September 26: Product or universal label in line with ErP Directive (Energy-Related Products Directive). SOFC fuel cell unit Galileo 1000 N from Hexis. Hexis AG acquisition complete Viessmann had acquired 50 percent of Hexis AG in 2012 and has now completed the acquisition of the Swiss company. In taking this action, the Viessmann Group is making a clear commitment to highly efficient, lowCO2 fuel cell technology. Hexis is acknowledged across Europe as a specialist in the field of micro CHP systems on the basis of high-temperature fuel cells (SOFC). SOFC fuel cells achieve a high degree of electrical efficiency. With the complete acquisition of the company, Viessmann is ensuring the continuity of this fuel cell specialist at their development and production site in Winterthur. UWO, the third greenest university in the USA The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) has been honored for its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. This university occupies place three in the category "Greenest colleges and universities" in the current rankings of the renowned American nature conservation organization, "Sierra Club". The UWO's commitment to building up a sustainable energy supply on campus was rated very positively and the university was awarded first place for this. This goal was achieved partly as a result of installing a Viessmann biogas system for energy recovery. Viessmann has been collaborating with UWO since 2011. An exchange program was set up for students from Oshkosh and Viessmann trainees, alongside several joint projects and an endowed professorship for sustainable technology. 5 6 MARKETS: SOUTHERN EUROPE Great potential for modernization Using the economic upturn in Spain, Italy and the Balkan states as an opportunity T he Mediterranean countries of Italy, Spain and the Balkans are among the oldest economic regions in the world. Life in these regions takes place against the background of a Mediterranean climate, impressively beautiful scenery and sites rich in history. Italy has a gross domestic product (GDP) of 1.6 billion euros and a population of 60 million, making it the fourth largest economy in the European Union after Germany, the United Kingdom, and France. It is followed by Spain with a population of 47 million and a GDP of just a little more than one billion euros. Italy, Spain and also the Balkan states have suffered in recent years as a consequence of the financial crisis around the euro. Although efforts to turn the economy round are bearing first fruits, huge challenges remain. In Spain, this mainly means the creation of new jobs, particularly for young people, since the unemployment rate for young people is almost 50 percent, while in Italy it also means overcoming the north-south divide. The Balkan states of Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia/ Montenegro have now emerged from their economic isolation and have opened up as new, important markets. The long overdue upgrading of the infrastructure and the reduction of the modernization backlog, particularly on the heating market, are common features of the southern European countries. Tuscany is one of the oldest cultural regions in the world. The landscape is notable for its cypresses, olive trees and vineyards. 7 Milan has around 1.3 million inhabitants and is the second largest city in Italy. Milan Cathedral was completed in 1858 and is a symbol both of the city and of the region of Lombardy. 8 Italy Gas is the dominant fuel source in Italy and almost 70 percent of all existing households are heated with natural gas. Solid fuel boilers are not insignificant with a market share of 14 percent. Oil and electricity have a subordinate role on the heating market. The trend is towards natural gas. Only a few markets in Europe have such a small product mix as the Italian market. 97 percent of newly installed heat generators are wall-mounted gas boilers and two thirds of them work on the basis of standard technology. This will change, however, when the ErP Directive (Energy-Related Products Directive) comes into effect: Condensing boilers are expected to be dominant for new installations in the coming year. The Villa Barozzi is idyllically situated on the eastern bank of Lago Maggiore. Condensing technology, here in the form of a Vitocrossal 300 boiler, is used to heat this building, modernized in 2010, in an efficient manner. Additionally, new guidelines for new builds have also come into effect this year in Italy. They stipulate that at least 35 percent of the energy demand for building heating must be covered by renewable energy systems; for domestic hot water this has to be at least 50 percent. The new regulations will have a positive effect on the sales of drinking water and heating water heat pumps, while the natural cooling function of Vitocal heat pumps offers a real benefit for homeowners in a warm country such as Italy. The trend is now upwards after years of decline, although it is not expected that there will be a noticeable upturn in the coming years. The Italian economy has been clearly in decline since the European banking crisis of 2008, with the unemployment rate still rising and now standing at 13 percent. New building is also at a low level, with around 120,000 houses and apartments. MARKETS: SOUTHERN EUROPE Two Vitoflex 300-UF biomass boilers each with 1,250 kW output are installed in the energy center of the university. The private University Camilo José Cela in Madrid, founded in 2000, uses renewable energy for its heat supply. Spain The general economic situation is even more dramatic in Spain, but there are signs of a recovery. Last year, for the first time since 2009, a small amount of growth could be measured, and the unemployment rate went down from more than 26 percent to 24.5 percent. Moreover, forecasts predict that 2015 marks the lowest point in the new build sector and that the market will gradually recover after losing two thirds of its volume in recent years. The same is true of the heating technology market. The estimates for 2015 predict clearly noticeable growth; a trend that should continue and strengthen in the coming years. Oil was the leading fuel source in Spain up to the 1990's, with hard coal also very common. Today most buildings are heated with natural gas and renewable energy is also gaining ground. Just as in Italy, non-condensing or low tem- The fortress of Alcázar is at the heart of historic Toledo. The old town was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. 9 10 perature technology is still dominant in Spain. Condensing technology will become compulsory, however, because of the ErP label. The modernization backlog is very high and most residential buildings are in bad condition from an energetic point of view. That is true of systems engineering as well as of insulation. In Spain, there are hopes of an upturn in the market as a result of a new legal regulation requiring an energy certificate for new buildings and also for existing buildings that may be sold or rented out. Moreover, the "Codigo Técnico" (CTE) stipulates that renewable energy systems have to be used for DHW generation in new buildings. Biomass boilers, air/water heat pumps and especially solar heating will benefit from it. Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro In the Balkan states of Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, gas, biomass, and electricity are important fuels used in heating buildings. The energy mix varies however from region to region. gy Community that was formed in 2006. The aims of the Community are to strengthen cross-border supply security, to improve energy efficiency and to extend the use of domestic fuel sources. All the Balkan countries are thus integrated into EU energy policy. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a "potential candidate country". While logs and hard coal are dominant in rural areas, district heating and gas are the main fuels in urban environments, depending on the infrastructure. The Balkan states, like the countries of the EU, are members of the European Ener- By contrast, the political integration of the Balkan states varies very much from one country to another. While Croatia and Slovenia are already members of the EU, Serbia and Montenegro are candidate countries for EU accession and After years of recession and stagnation, the heating technology market is now slowly getting going again. The ErP Directive (Energy-Related Products Directive) will mean that condensing technology becomes more important, especially in Croatia and Slovenia, while there is a greater demand for renewable energy systems, such as solid fuel boilers, solar thermal systems and heat pumps, in the Balkans. View of Dubrovnik's historic old town. MARKETS: SOUTHERN EUROPE With a population of around 280,000, Ljubljana is the political and economic center of Slovenia. The river Ljubljanica flows into the Sava within the downtown area. 11 Three Vitocal 350-G Pro heat pumps keep the Hotel Cerkno comfortably warm even in winter. The hotel is situated in the Slovenian winter sports area with the same name. Right: The pharmaceutical company Krka relies on Viessmann technology to supply steam at its production site in Novo Mesto. Two Vitomax 200-HS boilers, each with an output of 25 t/h at 13 bar, have been installed to ensure the supply of steam. Viessmann in Italy, Spain and in 12 the Balkans Overcoming the economic crisis with commitment and innovation V iessmann has seven sales subsidiaries in Italy, Spain, and in the Balkans. Own sales company in Italy since 1992 The Viessmann sales company in Italy was founded 23 years ago. Previous to this, business was carried out with the help of an importer. From the beginning, the North Italian city of Verona was the headquarters of the organization. This is divided into three domains that each work the markets with their own company. Six sales offices The founding company, Viessmann Srl, is still responsible for the sales network. There are sales offices in Bolzano, Florence, Milan, Turin, Venice, and of course in Verona itself. Competence center in Brixen "Viessmann Engineering" looks after the systems engineering business. This company was founded in 2011. Business activities are also controlled from Verona, while the competence center of Viessmann Engineering is located in Brixen. The generously sized building has seminar and exhibition rooms and is also a competence center for biomass. This fuel source is very common in South Tyrol with its many forests. "Nuove Energie Viessmann Group" The "Nuove Energie Viessmann Group" was founded in the middle of last year. It was founded after acquisition of the Schüco photovoltaics business by Viessmann Photovoltaik GmbH, and it has its headquarters in Verona as well as a sales office in Padua. 250 employees Altogether, around 250 employees work for the three businesses, 200 for Viessmann Srl and 25 each for Viessmann Engineering and Nuove Energie. Energy-efficient heating technology for Spain Viessmann activities on the Spanish market started as far back as 1993. The three-man team started by working from the Managing Director's private residence. The first company building was opened in Getafe near Madrid a few months later and the company's own Technical Service department was started up. At that time the main fuel sources in Spain were oil and hard coal. Viessmann was the first company to introduce energy-efficient products into the The team from Viessmann Italy in front of the sales office in Verona. MARKETS: SOUTHERN EUROPE duced to the market solar heating, then rarely seen and wall-mounted units for gas and oil. Some time afterwards, a new building was opened up in Madrid, considerably larger and more imposing than the old one. Need for efficiency covered The economic crisis caused by the bank crash in 2008 did not spare the heating technology industry either. But Viessmann Spain saw the challenge as an opportunity. For the first time, energy efficiency was talked about by the public as well as by politicians. So new, particularly efficient products such as biomass boilers, heat pumps and CHP units were included in the range of products. market, at first in the form of low temperature technology, before condensing technology became more and more dominant here, too. Within a few years, Viessmann succeeded in moving from the position of an unknown company to becoming well-known within the industry, setting standards in innovation and quality. Pioneering work in solar heating The company carried out pioneering work in the early 2000's when it intro- Cooperation with contractors In addition, Viessmann Spain has recently been cooperating with energy contractors. The latter usually carry out complete modernization of a building and finance the project themselves from the savings that have been made, without having to charge the costs of modernization to the end customer. That is a good alternative solution in economically difficult times, since many homeowners cannot or will not pay to upgrade their heating system. Growth in the last year These measures have helped Viessmann Spain to set the business in a positive direction again despite previous indicators of difficulty, and since 2014 the company has been growing once more. Active in the Balkans since 1996 Slovenia was the first country in the Balkans where Viessmann started up. In 1996, a sales company was founded in Maribor for this purpose. A year later, there was a market launch in Croatia and in 2004 in Serbia. The three subsidiaries are also responsible for the countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia. At the start of activities there was a strong demand for medium-sized and industrial boilers for industry and district heating, and later also for wallmounted gas boilers in standard technology for home heating. However, the current trend is mainly for condensing technology and renewable energy systems. The whole Viessmann product portfolio is sold in the Balkan states, ranging from the domestic hot water heat pump to CHP units to the 20 MW biomass boiler. Members of staff from Viessmann Spain in front of the sales center in Madrid. 13 14 Verona – city of opera and romance Primary location of the Viessmann group in Italy V erona – a name that excites both city tourists and music fans. It is no wonder that the metropolis of 260,000 inhabitants in the north of Italy is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the country. The old town has been a World Heritage Site since 2000, and in summer the world-famous opera festival is held in the Arena there. History going back thousands of years Verona was originally a Celtic settlement and in 89 B.C. became a Roman colony. In 489 A.D. Theoderich, King of the East Goths, conquered the city and made it his residency. 80 years later it fell to the Lombard King Alboin. Verona received its town charter in the 12th century, but kept on falling into different hands. It only became part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1866, after many battles for freedom. Romantic, lively atmosphere The image of Verona is strongly influenced by its eventful past. The city owes its romantic and very lively atmosphere to the many statues, frescoes, gateways, inscriptions, medi- MARKETS: SOUTHERN EUROPE the most famous love story in the world here. The (assumed) houses of Romeo and Juliet attract many tourists all year round. The Arena in Verona has been used for concerts during the summer months for more than 100 years. Rock concerts take place there as well as the annual opera festival. eval windows, fountains, little squares, and inner courtyards. William Shakespeare immortalized Verona when he set Most important opera festival in the world Even more famous is the wonderfully preserved Arena of Verona, now integrated into the present city, which was built in the first century by the Romans from white and red limestone. It is the second largest amphitheater in Italy after the Colosseum and measures 152 meters in length and 123 meters in width. It can seat 13,000 spectators and dominates the famous Piazza Bra. In summer, the Arena hosts the largest and most important opera festival in the world. Up to 500 singers, dancers, musicians, and extras are on the stage at the same time, if either "Carmen" by Georges Bizet, or "Aida" or "Nabucco" by Giuseppe Verdi are being performed. Excellent transport links Verona has excellent transport links. At the railway station Porta Nuova, one of the most important railway junctions in Italy, the Brenner line Bologna–Innsbruck and the line Turin–Milan–Venice The oldest bridge in Verona is the Ponte Pietro, built in 100 B.C. and a symbol of the city. cross. Verona is also a junction in the Italian highway network: At this point, the Brenner highway A22 meets the European Road 70 that goes from Spain to Georgia straight across the continent. The international airport "Valerio Catullo" is used for both civil and military air traffic. Major economic importance The good transport links make a sizable contribution to Verona's major economic importance. Tourism has traditionally been one of the most important economic sectors; the neighboring town of Vicenza is also known as a center for the goldsmith's craft. There are numerous industrial businesses in the area, while other economic sectors include agriculture and viticulture. Famous wines such as Bardolino, Valpolicella and Prosecco mature in the region's hills, while corn, wheat, potatoes and rice are cultivated in the valleys. The textile industry is represented by brands such as Diesel and Replay, and, like other industrial sites in Veneto, is concentrated mainly around Vicenza and Verona. All three branches of Viessmann Italy have their headquarters in Verona. 15 Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann welcomed participants of the first Wood Energy Forum to the information center at the Viessmann Academy in Allendorf (Eder). The two-day event focused on the current market situation and future prospects for wood combustion systems. First Viessmann Wood Energy Forum A new format within the successful series of events 16 T he successful series of Viessmann technical forums, which have already drawn several thousand visitors, has gained a further event format: The first Wood Energy Forum took place in the information center of the Viessmann Academy in Allendorf (Eder). On the first day, well-known experts considered the fuel source from different perspectives, and on day two it was possible to take part in in-depth seminars. Around 200 visitors took up the invitation to come to Allendorf. Future prospects for wood combustion systems After the welcome address by Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann, Ullrich Ruwier, Division Head of Wood Combustion Technology/CHP, opened the forum. The Managing Director of Viessmann Holzheiztechnik GmbH, Christian Rubin, then outlined future prospects for wood combustion systems. 1st German Federal Emission Control Act and market incentive program (MAP) The current market situation for modern wood boilers was analyzed by Dr. Lothar Breidenbach, Managing Director of Technology in the Federal Association of Germany, House, Energy and Environmental Technology (BDH). The effects of the second stage of the 1st German Federal Emission Control Act on the market for pellet boilers were discussed by Martin Bentele, Managing Director of the German Energy Wood and Pellet Association. Finally, Werner Leidig, Head of the MAP in the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), presented the new market incentive program and its potential effects on the wood energy industry. Explanation of the new VDI guideline A new guideline from the Association of German Engineers (VDI) concerns the storage of wood pellets. Martin Behr, Second Chairman of the Board of the German Energy Wood and Pellet Association, explained the details. The lecture by Dr. Daniel Kuptz from the Technology and Support Center in Straubing (TFZ) was about the fuel quality of woodchips, and, in particular, about standardization, certification and recommendations for use. Innovations from the Viessmann Holzheiztechnik GmbH Following this was another lecture on the 1st German Federal Emission Control Act. Herbert Wazula, the Technical Regional Trade Supervisor of the Federal Association of Chimney Sweeps (ZIV), explained the demands arising from this with regard to interpretation and monitoring in practice. "Primary-side deposition of emissions – the sustainable way", was the title of the lecture by Prof. Dr. Ingwald Obernberger, Managing Director of BIOS Energiesysteme GmbH and lecturer at COMPANY the Technical University in Graz, Austria. The first day of the forum ended with a lecture by Mario Oesterle, Manager of Research and Development at Viessmann Holzheiztechnik GmbH, and Product Group Manager Thomas Pesendorfer. They presented the company's innovations in the area of wood combustion systems. They presented, among other things, the new pellet boiler Vitoligno 300-C with an output range of 8 to 48 kW. The main advantages of the new product are reduced footprint and overall height, very low emission levels, and a highly efficient ash compaction capacity. Wide-ranging seminars The seminars offered on the second day were wide-ranging. There were presentations on innovative, forwardlooking technologies for the efficient combustion of biomass with minimal emissions, as well as control concepts and storage systems and the combination of solar heating with wood. 20 years of systematic environmental management with EMAS Viessmann receives award from Environment Ministry and DIHK 2 0 years since the launch of the environmental management system, EMAS, Viessmann can show that it has the oldest entry in the registry. The company was honored in an award ceremony in Berlin by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Association of the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK). A business culture encompassing environmental protection The Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Gunther Adler, and the CEO of the DIHK, Dr. Martin Wansleben, presented certificates to Viessmann and nine other companies who were pioneers of the European environmental management system, EMAS, starting in 1995. "More than 800,000 employees at more than 1,900 sites are voluntarily contributing to the social environmental responsibility of companies and organizations in Germany", said Secretary of State Adler in praise of the EMAS 17 participants. "EMAS is the seal of quality for an environmentally friendly business culture, and a continuous improvement process on a voluntary basis is characteristic for EMAS participants", said DIHK CEO Dr. Martin Wansleben. The most ambitious system in the world EMAS is the most ambitious system in the world for sustainable environmental management. EMAS participants operate a standardized environmental management system in line with ISO 14001. Award for 20 years of EMAS: Secretary of State Gunther Adler (left) and DIHK (German Chamber of Industry and Commerce) CEO Dr. Martin Wansleben (right) at the presentation of the certificate to Guido Schwab, Environmental Management Officer for the Viessmann Group. Thanks to its "dynamic" design, the new Viessmann homepage guides the user to the required information in only a few clicks. Viessmann website with new "dynamic" design Homepage adapted for PC, tablet and smartphone 18 V isitors to the newly designed viessmann.de and viessmann.com homepages now have even speedier access to information on products and services from the comprehensive range of products, as well as on the whole Viessmann group. Survey results taken into account The design takes into account the results of a survey of market partners and homeowners. It includes a dynamic design (responsive web design) that automatically adapts to the respective terminal device, regardless of whether it is a classic PC, tablet or smartphone. The "Local trade partner" service is also based on this concept, allowing the homeowner to view heating system businesses in his local area and offering him a link to the homepage of his market partner. New to viessmann.de is a product comparison feature with which up to three appliances can be compared quickly and thoroughly. Important features at a glance: the new Viessmann homepage on a smartphone. Clear and simple to understand The clear, easy-to-understand page structure facilitates quick orientation and guides the user to the desired information in just a few clicks. All areas of application can be found here, and in addition there is a convenient search function along with a product finder feature. Besides activities on the most important social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, Viessmann is engaging users in dialog much more than before. The Viessmann Community (available in Germany only) makes it possible for users to ask Viessmann employees questions about all aspects of heating technology, and also to discuss these questions among themselves. "Ask Viessmann" is aimed at market partners as well as homeowners. Signing up for this free service at www.viessmanncommunity.com is easily done. New: the idea module The Community offers market partners the exclusive "Idea module" feature, which can be selected from the main navigation. This allows access to the Viessmann ideas management system which was previously only for members of staff, so that market partners can now also submit suggestions for improving products and services. COMPANY Vitovalor specialists travel to Japan Visit to Viessmann fuel cell partner Panasonic M arket partners of the Viessmann group traveled together to Japan. Together with Markus Dönges, Manager of Product Sales Management Viessmann Deutschland GmbH, and Bram Peters, Manager of Product Management Viessmann Allendorf GmbH, they visited the headquarters of the Viessmann fuel cell partner Panasonic in Kadoma. The fuel cell module developed there has already been put to use more than 80,000 times in Japan. Viessmann adapted it to European requirements and integrated it into the first mass-produced fuel cell unit in the world, Vitovalor 300-P. The partners on the trip have already installed many of these appliances with their heating companies. More independence of the public power supply Vitovalor 300-P was launched on the European market a year ago. In comparison with a gas condensing boiler and purchase of mains electricity, a micro CHP system saves up to 40 percent energy costs and reduces CO2 emissions by around 50 percent. Up to 15 kWh of electricity are produced on a daily basis, which mostly covers First-hand information: Members of the travel group visited the fuel cell production area at the Panasonic production site in Kadoma. On the right in the picture is Panasonic employee Masamitsu Fujita. household demand. The unit increases independence from the public power supply and reduces the proportion of expensive electricity acquired from the grid. Attractive supporting program Further program events on the Japan trip were a visit to Tokyo Gas, the biggest gas supplier in the country, and tours to some cultural highlights. These included the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and the "Skytree", the second highest building in the world. View over the bay of Tokyo toward the skyline of the Japanese capital. Mototsugu Komuro, President of Tokyo Gas Lifeval. 19 20 As the only compact hybrid device on the market, Vitolacaldens 222-F combines the high efficiency of oil condensing technology with the use of free ambient heat. It is categorized in the top efficiency class with a rating of A++. PRODUCTS Renewable, sustainable and highly efficient Hybrid device range for oil, gas, electricity and ambient heat O il and gas will still play an important role in building heating systems for a good many years yet. However, many homeowners are asking themselves whether they should opt for a fossil fuel or a renewable fuel source when modernizing their systems. The newly developed hybrid devices use both renewable and fossil fuels. The latest device range offers a suitable solution for every situation. Respond flexibly to trends on the energy market Integrating a condensing boiler, heat pump and highly efficient energy management system, this unit can alternate between heating with gas or oil or with electricity and free heat from the outside air. Homeowners thus do not need to decide on a particular fuel when they acquire a system. This allows them to respond flexibly to trends on the energy market, making heating sustainable. Moreover, these units are already equipped to adjust to future price signals from power supply companies. Hybrid Pro Control controls the energy mix Intelligent control with Hybrid Pro Control automatically optimizes operation of both heat generating modules, depending on energy prices and the outside temperature. The owner can decide whether heating should operate in ecological or economical mode. The controls activate the heat generator module for whichever fuel can currently be used most economically, thus always achieving the lowest emissions or heating costs. Vitolacaldens 222-F Vitocaldens 222-F is the only compact device on the market to unite the high efficiency of oil condensing technology with the use of free ambient heat. As a result, it is rated in the top efficiency category, A++. The heat pump module covers the baseload and, consequently, the largest share of the annual heat output. The oil condensing module switches on automatically at very low outside temperatures and for peak demand at short notice. The integrated drinking water primary cylinder guarantees great DHW convenience at all times. Vitocaldens 222-F The counterpart to the oil hybrid unit is the gas hybrid device Vitocaldens 222-F. Flexibly used with gas and ambient heat, it is also classified in the top efficiency class with an A++ rating. This model also integrates a primary cylinder. Vitocal 250-S The wall-mounted hybrid device Vitocal 250-S offers the ideal solution for a flexible combination between gas or oil boilers, custom-designed DHW cylinders, and a heat pump unit. Connection to floor-standing or wallmounted boilers up to 30 kilowatts and DHW cylinders could not be simpler. The complete hydraulic system and all electrical components are preinstalled in the air/water heat pump internal unit. Controlling with Hybrid Pro Control ensures optimum, sustainable use of both heat generators. Vitocal 250-S even allows existing systems to be retrofit, ensuring that they meet the latest technical standards. The unit achieves efficiency rating A++. Vitocal 250-S is designed for flexible combination with an oil- or gas-fired boiler. Advantages for market partners ` Easy planning ` Short installation times ` Flexible installation ` Controlled with Hybrid Pro Control ` Easy servicing Advantages for owners ` Optimum operation of heat pumps with gas/oil heating ` Low operating costs ` Compact internal unit ` Sustainable, flexible solution Technical specifications Vitolacaldens 222-F ` Output 1.1 to 23.5 kW Vitocaldens 222-F ` Output 1.0 to 19 kW Vitocal 250-S ` Output 1.2 to 16 kW 21 Vitoligno 300-C Pellet boiler with new performance classes up to 48 kilowatts The compact pellet boiler Vitoligno 300-C stands out thanks to its fully automatic operation and high degree of efficiency, making heating with wood convenient and economical. Until now, this boiler was available with heat outputs up to 12 kilowatts. The range has now been extended to include five other output capacities up to 48 kilowatts. The pellet boiler can thus be used in single-family homes and commercial buildings. Flexible fuel feed The new output capacities can be fed using either a flexible screw conveyor or a suction system. The turbine for the suction system is already integrated into the boiler. A modular 4-/8-stage suction probe system is available as an accessory. It ensures uniformly distributed pellet removal from storage. The flexible screw conveyor system is whisper-quiet in its operation. Automatic ash removal In addition to automatic feeding, the boiler also offers other automatic functions: The revolving finned grate in the combustion chamber cleans itself at least once a day. The automatic removal process conveys ash automatically to the ash bin trolley, compressing it at the same time. This means the mobile trolley only needs emptying twice a year maximum. Advantages for market partners ` Easy to install ` Fast start-up procedure ` Compliance with German Federal Emission Control Act, Stage 2 ` Matching accessories for pellet feed and storage With the new output capacities up to 48 kilowatts, the pellet boiler can now also be used in commercial buildings. Advantages for owners ` Fully automatic operation ` Low fuel consumption ` High operational reliability ` Low power consumption ` Ash bin trolley only needs emptying once or twice a year Technical specifications ` Output 2.4 to 48 kW 22 Vitovent 200-C Attractively priced home ventilation The attractively priced ventilation unit Vitovent 200-C is ideal for providing damp protection and high room air quality in apartments and existing Vitovent 200-C is the new home ventilation system for apartments and existing buildings. buildings. The unit recovers up to 95 percent of the heat from extract air and feeds it back into rooms with the fresh intake air. This translates into savings of up to 15% on heating costs compared to conventional window ventilation. The ready-to-use unit can be installed vertically on a wall or horizontally and concealed in a suspended ceiling. New air distribution system The air distribution system provides a universal solution, no matter whether fitted into ceilings, floor fill, attics or onto bare concrete. The system can be easily adapted to every building's requirements. The connection technology enables all components to be combined with one another. Advantages for market partners ` Quickly installed ` Easily adjusted ` Flexible installation on wall or ceiling ` Pre-heater bank can be retrofitted Advantages for owners ` Excellent room air quality and moisture protection ` Contribution to fulfilling the EnEV ` Heat recovery saves on operating costs ` Clean air thanks to filtering ` Passive cooling ` Easy operation Technical specifications ` Air volume flow up to 200 m3/h ` Up to 95 percent heat recovery ` Height: 30 cm PRODUCTS Vitovolt electricity storage system Wall-mounted unit for self-generated electricity Rising electricity prices make inexpensive power from micro CHP and photovoltaic systems increasingly attractive. The Vitovolt electricity storage system can improve the benefits and cost effectiveness of such systems significantly. It stores self-generated electrical energy not currently needed, ready for use at a later stage, reducing the need to purchase expensive grid power. If the public power supply should fail, this system can allow you to operate the micro CHP unit, consequently ensuring power and heat supply in the building. Off-grid network operation is also possible in buildings without a mains connection, such as holiday homes. Lithium-ion cells provide up to 5,000 charging cycles and a lifespan of up to 20 years. With a capacity of 5.5 kWh, the cylinder is ideal for single- and twofamily homes. A second cylinder can be added if required. The integrated safety technology ensures that no additional components are needed on site. The electricity storage system is enclosed and requires no ventilation for the installation room. ` Expected service life of 20 years ` Space-saving unit Technical specifications ` Storage capacity: 5.5 kWh ` Output: 4.6 kW Advantages for market partners ` Appealing addition to micro CHP and photovoltaic systems ` Easy installation; can be retrofitted ` Robust, maintenance-free technology ` 10-year warranty Advantages for owners ` Reduced electricity costs ` Greater independence from power supply companies ` Emergency power supply and stand-alone network operation The electricity storage system is an attractive addition to micro CHP and photovoltaic systems. 23 Vitocontrol 200-M New control unit for multivalent systems The new control unit Vitocontrol 200-M can monitor and operate multivalent systems with up to four heat, cooling and power generators. With its flexible software, this unit can be adapted to individual requirements and displays all performance and consumption data. All functional units are displayed in the form of input graphics on the Vitocontrol 200-M's large touch screen. All functional units are shown on the touch screen as input graphics with the system layout simplified on screen to provide a better overview. Touch gestures are used to display detailed information for each component, including the operating status, temperatures, and energy consumption. Homeowners can adjust all key parameters on the password-protected operator level. Advantages for market partners ` Customizable design ` Easy to configure ` Can be extended with additional components ` Easy to diagnose and service thanks to remote programming Advantages for owners ` Matching system control ` Full control of system ` Easy operation ` Secure thanks to password protection ` Networking with building control system possible Technical specifications ` 9-inch color touch screen ` 8 digital contact inputs ` 8 digital contact outputs e-Ventus refrigeration unit with e-ncore: The patented air curtain technology ensures significant savings on electricity costs. e-ncore Power-saving cooling thanks to innovative air curtain technology Refrigeration units with e-ncore technology meet the need for excellent product presentation and low electricity costs. The patented air curtain is used in e-Visio, e-Ventus, and e-Novus refrigeration cabinets, where it ensures low power consumption. Its directed air flow prevents warm outer air mixing with cold inside air while allowing customers to view products unimpeded. This new air curtain technology ensures that energy consumption in units such as e-Ventus is significantly lower than in the usual refrigeration cabinets on the market. 24 Visio Patented refrigeration cabinet with thermostatic control unit The patented refrigeration cabinet Visio is setting a new standard in exceptional shopping experiences. Surrounding glass surfaces, doors on the two opposite sides and highgrade LED lighting transforms this refrigeration unit into a sales generator for retailers and cafeterias. Optimal efficiency and a highly uniform interior temperature are assured thanks to the thermostatic control unit and optimum circulation of cold air. Advantages for owners ` Exceptional product presentation ` Ideal for all market formats ` Easy to stock and handle ` Greater intervals for stocking thanks to large capacity The thermostatic control unit and optimum cold air circulation ensure a uniform interior temperature in the patented refrigeration unit Visio. Advantages for owners ` Savings on electricity costs ` Perfect view of products ` Easy access to products ` Optimized shelving space PRODUCTS / PRACTICE Mammut Sports Group has opened a new logistics center on the A7 Autobahn near Memmingen, Germany. The Swiss company produces high-grade outdoor equipment. Mammut AG fully relies on ambient heat from groundwater Vitocal heat pumps in the Swiss company's new logistics center M ammut Sports Group AG is one of the most renowned manufacturers of outdoor equipment. With customers who enjoy being close to nature, Mammut also attaches great importance to maximum efficiency and the use of renewable energies for the heat supply to its buildings. 150,000 cubic meters of interior space Mammut's new logistics center for Europe on the A7 Autobahn in Memmingen, Germany, first impresses merely due to its size, equal to one and a half football fields. More than 100 employees manage supplies for retailers and the company's own flagship stores from here. Although most of the interior space of some 150,000 cubic meters is taken up by a fully automated high bay shelve warehouse, the offices, showroom, and Shipping Department also need to be supplied with heating and hot water. Three brine/water heat pumps Alois Müller, the Memmingen-based contractor installed three Viessmann heat pumps (Vitocal 300-G Pro, Vitocal 300-G) with a total heat output of 450 kW. The heat pumps use groundwater as their heat source. They draw the heat contained in the groundwater from wells up to 60 meters deep and increase it to a flow temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. Heat distribution via ceilings and floors The heat is channeled into rooms in different ways: the showroom and other facilities on the first floor have floor heating. Radiant ceiling panels keep things warm in the extensive spaces in Order Picking and Shipping while a ventilation system in the suspended ceiling supplies the offices. Highly efficient and economical Large window surfaces in the offices use the incident solar energy in winter. In summer, electricity is only required to operate the pumps to circulate the cold groundwater to cool the building to a pleasant temperature. Energyefficient structural components help to ensure that only the small Vitocal 300-G with an output of 28 kW is needed to supply heat to the office area in spring and fall. Two Vitocal 300-G Pro heat pumps and a Vitocal 300-G (front) provide convenient heating for the showroom, offices and shipping department with a heat output of 450 kW. 25 Eye-catching: A 42-meter-long steel structure by the artist Robert Schad dominates the entrance to the Schwarzwald-Baar Clinic. 26 Efficient, reliable supply of heat and steam Automatic control of all heat generators in the Schwarzwald-Baar hospital using individual heat meters T he entrance building of the Schwarzwald-Baar Clinic in VillingenSchwenningen is what is known in the world of architecture as an "eyecatcher": The bright colors of the logo are repeated in the design of the facade, and a huge steel structure more than 42 meters long, made by the artist Robert Schad, towers above the top corner of the building. The hospital's energy center is no less impressive with its three distinctive chimneys. Viessmann technology provides a reliable supply of heat and steam to the hospital. Domestic fuel for heat generation A baseload hot water and heating system is provided by a Vitoflex 300-FSR biomass boiler. The boiler is equipped with a hydraulically operated flat moving grate. The necessary woodchips are sourced locally. In addition, there are two gas-driven Vitomax 200-LW appliances to cover the required peak loads. The heat generators are decoupled from the heating network via a heating water buffer cylinder. It stores the heat not currently needed. Depending on the outside temperature, the flow temperature lies between 75 and 85 degrees centigrade. Pure steam for sterilization High-pressure steam at 10 bar is needed for the cleaning machines, for the conveyor belt washer for sterilizing medical instruments, for the central kitchen and to humidify the rooms. This is provided by another Viessmann biomass boiler, Vitoflex 300-FSR with 1.6t/h, and, if required, the gas-fired high-pressure steam boiler Vitomax 200-HS is also available. PRACTICE The SchwarzwaldBaar hospital The Schwarzwald-Baar hospital is a teaching hospital for the University of Freiburg. With a capacity of 1,000 beds at two sites in VillingenSchwenningen, it is one of the big central care providers in southern Baden-Wuerttemberg. Two biomass boilers of the type Vitoflex 300-FSR are used to cover the base thermal load and to generate high pressure steam. Heat meters control the heat generators The whole energy system is loaddependent and runs automatically via heat meters that take into account the charge state in the heating water buffer cylinders. Exhaust gas heat exchangers increase the rate of utilization The biomass boilers and the Vitomax boilers have downstream exhaust gas heat exchangers (Economisers). They increase the rate of utilization while at the same time reducing energy consumption and so also energy costs. 2,900 members of staff care for 50,000 inpatients and 140,000 outpatients per year. This makes it one of the 80 largest hospitals in Germany. 25 specialized departments work at a mostly universitystandard medical level and offer a wide range of services. 27 A view of the energy center in the Schwarzwald-Baar hospital, showing two hot water generators of the type Vitomax 200-LW and one high-pressure steam boiler of the type Vitomax 200-HS (right). 28 Model winery relies on highly efficient heating technology A heat pump cascade supplies the winery with heat and hot water T he wine-growing Vallagarina Valley lies in the region of Trentino in South Tyrol, very close to Lake Garda. It is home to the winery Mori Colli Zugna, founded in the 1960's. The management team wanted to ensure the economic success of the business by building a new winery with advanced technical fittings for wine production and heating. Mainly underground In 2010, the new "Cantina" went into operation and was the largest underground winery in Trentino. The new building lies in a secluded place between the wine terraces of the Trentino Alpine foothills. Only about 1,500 cubic meters of the building's total volume of around 100,000 cubic meters are visible above the ground. Most of the winery is situated underneath the earth's surface and is covered by vines. On the inside there is sufficient room to store grapes from the 580 hectares of vineyards and up to 100,000 hectoliters of wine. All the processes of wine production take place here, including filling the bottles. Competitive thanks to efficient heating technology In order to remain competitive in the future, the costs arising from the need for large amounts of thermal heat and hot water have to be kept as low as possible. Viessmann's highly efficient heating technology was therefore selected for use. Two Vitocal 300-G heat pumps working in a cascade supply the winery with free heat from under the ground. Peak loads are covered by a Vitoplex 100 gas-driven low temperature boiler with up to 400 kilowatt thermal output. PRACTICE The new winery of the wine collective Mori Colli Zugna fits harmoniously into the landscape of the Vallagarina valley. The building has been mostly constructed underground. View onto the "green" roof of the new building. All the processes of wine production take place here, including filling and storing the bottles. The winery Two heat pumps, connected in a cascade, of the type Vitocal 300-G supply the winery with free heat from under the ground (below). The low temperature boiler Vitoplex 100 can deal with peak loads (left picture). Mori Colli Zugna is one of the best known wineries in the region of Trentino in South Tyrol. The vineyards are mainly situated along the Adige valley where there is a Mediterranean climate. The winery's products have won numerous prizes and awards in the course of recent years and decades. Today, almost 700 collective members are active on behalf of Mori Colli Zugna. The whole growing area is about 700 hectares in size and stretches from the valley bottom up to a height of 1,000 meters in Corniano in Grestatal. The main grape varieties grown there are Pinot grigio, Lagrein, Marzemino, and Teroldego. 29 30 To get physically and mentally fit for the coming biathlon season, Laura Dahlmeier heads off to the mountains to go climbing in the summer. SPORT Getting ready for the competitions An interview with Laura Dahlmeier and Karl Geiger A nybody who thinks that winter sport athletes have plenty of time for holidays and hobbies in the summer is completely wrong. Indeed, in the warm months of the year, they have to train, train, and train again. Between the training sessions, however, the Viessmann Team athletes still manage to find time for an occasional adventure. Laura Dahlmeier, a passionate rockclimber, likes to head off into the mountains every summer. This year, the runner-up world champion in the pursuit event mastered what she described as an "outdoor training special" challenge on the 4,478-meter high Matterhorn. And ski jumper Karl Geiger has now started to soar through the air in his free time as well – he is currently learning to paraglide. "aktuell" asked the two Viessmann Team athletes about their leisure activities. "aktuell": You both do hobbies that require quite some courage, skill and concentration. Do you also benefit from these hobbies in your professional capacity as athletes? Laura Dahlmeier: Climbing provides a great workout for the entire body and mental training. More than anything, I escape from the humdrum of everyday life when climbing. It's an ideal change for me. Karl Geiger: My main interest in paragliding is the balance it provides to my day-to-day life, too. However, I have also learned quite a lot of things in paragliding theory that apply to ski jumping: for example about aerodynamics and meteorology. mountains near to where I live is a great spot for climbing. I also found the Yosemite Valley in the USA very impressive. "aktuell": As professional athletes, you don't have much leisure time. Nevertheless, do you find time for any other hobbies? Karl Geiger loves to recharge his batteries by going paragliding in the Allgäu Alps. "aktuell": Do you have favorite places where you go to do leisure sport? Karl Geiger: I don't have to go far at all. The Allgäu Alps provide a fascinating backdrop for paragliding. I can give my thoughts free rein there and afterwards devote all of my energy to concentrating on ski jumping. Laura Dahlmeier: It's the same with me. Oberreintal in the Wetterstein Laura Dahlmeier: My life revolves almost entirely around sports. Although biathlon is obviously my biggest priority, when I find time, I go up into the mountains. Mountain climbing is more than a hobby for me; it's a life philosophy. Which is why I'm actively involved in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen mountain rescue service. Karl Geiger: When I find time in the summer, I like to go to the lake with friends or play a round of beach volleyball. Thank you for the interview. "Rising star of the year" – Franziska Preuß awarded "Goldene Henne" prize Franziska Preuß from the Viessmann Team was handed the "Goldene Henne" prize by entertainer Kim Fisher for the "Rising star of the year" category. "Incredible, I can hardly believe it," enthused the world champion in the biathlon relay event and runner-up world champion in the mass start race. The German "Goldene Henne" public choice and media prize is awarded by the broadcasters Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, and the magazine "Super Illu". The award ceremony was held in the Berlin Velodrom this year. Delighted to have received the "Goldene Henne" public choice prize: Franziska Preuß, world biathlon relay champion and runner-up world champion in the mass start race. 31 selection High-quality products for outdoor activities With the cold days of winter approaching fast, you should be taking full advantage of fall for outdoor activities. No matter what weather lies ahead, you will always be perfectly equipped with the Viessmann Selection products. Visit our online shop at www. viessmann-selection.de or request the current catalog: Vertrieb und Logistik WKM Creative Werbemittel GmbH Auf dem Kreuz 1 35114 Haina-Löhlbach, Germany Tel.: +49 6455 7557-0 Fax: +49 6455 7557-28 E-Mail: info@wkmnet.de Makita rechargeable radio If you want to hear your favorite tracks outdoors, this robust job site radio by Makita is what you need. Equipped with splash water protection and a rubber case, it is resistant to rain and dust, suitable for all weathers. Either its own A/C adapter or Makita power tool batteries can be used as a power supply – enabling it to play up to 19 hours of music non-stop. iPhones, iPods, and headphones can be connected with a 3.5-mm jack plug. 32 Keeping you warm and dry, the soft shell jacket is waterproof with a water column of up to 5,000 mm. Adidas tracksuit The Adidas tracksuit is made of patented Climalite polyester material, making it very comfortable to wear and ensuring that it remains dry even during strenuous training sessions. The black sweatpants and the hooded top have zippered side pockets – with plenty of room for your wallet, smartphone and keys. Unisex soft shell jacket This fashionable soft shell jacket consists of three layers of material and a membrane. They transport the moisture away from the skin to the outside and ensure that the heat remains stored inside the jacket. This sporty jacket for men and women is therefore windproof, breathable and waterproof. Robust power pack: With the Makita rechargeable radio, you can enjoy music in all weathers. The Adidas tracksuit is very comfortable to wear, even during strenuous training sessions. The MultiBeatBox 4in1 is an all-in-one loudspeaker, MP3 player, radio, and charging station for mobile devices. MultiBeatBox 4in1 loudspeaker What do you miss most when you are traveling? A powerful loudspeaker? A radio? An MP3 player or a charging station for mobile devices? MultiBeatBox is an all-rounder that combines all four functions in one device. It has a 3.5-mm jack plug as well as USB and MicroSD ports for connection to smartphones or PCs. It includes a lithium battery as well as AUX and USB cables. 33 34
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