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the`daily aztec - SDSU Library Digital Collections
,I OPINION TEMPO SPORTS 'Is the United States finally willing to address AIDS in (l.frica? . PAGE 3 'Vagina Monologues' storms the stage on V-daY, PAGEq Men's basketballrevives '. s~ason with Big Monday '. ~ vIctOry. .' .. ... PAGET '. • L. THE'DAILY AZTEC THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY .. ~ . Award gala honors alumni, professors By TRAcy . The College of ProfessiOlial StudiesandFine Arts awarded Julia Stewart, CEO and prcsiWhat does the CEO of· the denh>f IHOI~witha Monty. . International House of Pan: Stewartcartledabachelor's . 'cakes, th~ :vice president of the degrecin~omn1tmiGation i'l world's largest ,pharmaceutical . 1977. Shc.said ,she receivcdthe company and a n(1tionally award bascdt>nhow' she's acclaimed researcher have in . shared the knowledge she . . .. . ? . . IcarnedatSDSU.. ' . .' ' : common.. , .. , . They are all recipients of the YI'm sothdIledl got a degree Monty Award.' ' ... ... .• inccimI11unicntiQI1,'" Stewart . . The 31.stannual Mon~ys , sa,id."rt'!1bccni~;crediblyvallj- .. ' Awards will be held March 29, abl.e in ' myctin!ercyerysingle. San Diego Sta,te students and faculty face no penalty ,for engaging in consensual relationships. ,File photo ,2003. The .M6~tys Award~~day.ltha~ made-a difference ill being hosted by "l1 a ppyDays"rriyca rcer,butalso in myper~ . '. actress Marion Ross: andactqr sOl)allife-;::- withmy spollse,iny : Paul Michael. -: I~onars 10 childfenand'fricndships;" . alumni alld him! faculty mcm- ' Oneofthe distinguished fac. bers forthoir profes~ionaVllltyawards \Nasgiven to . . accomplis,hments.Thecighttol- Edward Riley, director of ' leges within San Diego State, the , SOSU'sCenterfor Behavioral, Imperi<ilValleyCalTlpus,.the . Teratology. He was 'given the ' . library and theSDSU Alumni ' distinguished faculty . award . Association are in charge of. b~se(lon .his outstanding teach.. The senate policy has viewed · a thorough iiwest.igation of the selecting the recipients. . ' . ' ing, scholarship , ands~rvke to S till,'SDS,Uconsiders , consensual sexual relationships complaint, Block said. If the faculThe College .0fScienccs • the university community. . . . .·.con4uct ina.ppropriate as \nappropriate conduCt for fac- ty member isfounda.tfau\t,they awarded ' th~' Monty A""ard, to ' ."1 think intheJast few years . .... . " ... -.. ... ulty, Blocksaici. ·· ·. .' . .' " will be penalized. The punish., SiegfricdReich, vice presi!;ient .' I've gotten some recognition for By,'ABRA DEGEARE . . It's unwise for facultyorstciffto.ment . canbeimpl,eirtented.from . of viral and ophthalmic disease things thatI've done profession~ 'SENIOR STAFF WRITER engage in . consensu~I. rel~tion-. least severe to most severe: an oral for PfizerGlobalResearch an.dally,"J{Ueysaid. "Recently, ,I was ' , " . 'ships with studentsbedmsejf the. rep'rimand,awrittenreprimand, Development.R~ich · graduated a'ppointe(to chair 'the national . .' San Diego State 'has a'str~d pol- r~lationship ' ends ' s.ou'rly, a stu- susperision,d~motion or terminafrom'SDSU in 1982 with a bach-.. tqsk foi'cc~ on Fetal AJcohol$yn-' . iCy on sexual harassment, but ' dentmayfilea sexualharassQient tion of employment ..•. el()rls degree inch~mistry.Sir1Ce ", ~irome by the(U.S.) se~ret.aryqf wheriit coines to faculty-student complaint,BIocksaid. . ' . . ''It's casebycaseinasensethat . then; he has returned to the cam-Health. Thatplayedarol(! m recconsensual relationships, the area :. Kelly did not file a .sexual there's ·nof'a ·formula that says if' . ' pus to serve as ti guest ,l ecturer,o&nizingsome of'mx accam'. is ashaQeof g~ay. · ' l1a r assmentcomplciint, but' she ymi do this, it will be an oral rep- .' for ~e depa~tr.nentof c~e~istry. ': plI~hme~ts,. . '. ." , . · DireCtor of the OffiCe 'of Com- . did use the'dateto her: ~,dvantage:' .' rirnand,ifyou do th~t; it will be a Relchattnbuted recelvmg the , The time wasnght In terms . pliimce and PolicyAnalysisMar~ Toward the end of the semester ·· written reprimaf\d)jecausebyits .' award to the connection ·he- of my professional growth." . " tin Blocksaid the University Sen" . sh;, checked~n.h~r grade. · .., , ... v~rynature these kirids ot cirC\lID- . maintained witl1the .unive\,sity . .Riley . said he. co~tributesto ,a iehas a pqlicy on c6nserisl.ialfac~ .. . . , I~asgettin~a B or ~+ 10 the,., stances~re uniq~e," Poppsaid ... andespe~iaUywiththe cheQ'l- ' SDSU ?y'educatInS..I~students istry 'd,epartinent. . . an~ get.tingrecogmHon for the ulty~sj:udentrelatiQrtships,btit'it cl~;s andth~ug t lsho~ld get an . Generally thelmiversity fol., ..' carries no sanctions. . . A,S" hKellysald; h "d h' : .. ' b' ·· ·t. lo.w s a progressiv-e',disci p'l ine. . . "I developed .an ' appetite forun;,v,erslty.. .. . . . .. However,Blocksaid:hThei.mi''. e approac e .. 1m a ou ' d l ' t h " fd"d (chemi$try)atSDSU;oncethe . ' . Ivetr~med some,:ery good . ' . ' .' changing her grade, stating she. mo .~! WI . rePde;a . ~ I.mcl pents students PhD . topic came easie~to . me m versity views faculty-strident would talkto the schooljf he did. report\ng more . ISClP me, opp. . ... .. . '. . . . . ' y program who've gone on to· ,platform took off from . . .k .' . · . · l ·' th . I." . "h' . relationships asunptofessional n.o tcha.nge thoe,. ' .. , said. , . .... . . . ... . th "R' h ' d . rna e names lor emse yes, e condiict." , .,· is when.h . , .. '. . e.· r.eal.ized. th.'e.. . . SDSU ; . .d o~s nottl .0 erate I , . eRre~ h' elc . ~~l d" h'· . ' . .'d· . said."Thathelps in therepufa-' · Sho.·. uld · .SD.·..·SU develop'. st.r .ic.·t position heput himself i1']," Kelly .' 1n any orm,u f b t; 90 t 'h. a ra ss ment " ' , . . eIC .. r~celve . t eaw§lr . tionofSDSU.Ifyourstudentsdo· guidelinesori .corv~ensualsexual .sa,id.' He ended .up changing' her .' all cases ?re reported, Block saI~. basedon.hls,dQnattonsto~OSU; " well, people look'atwhcrethey relationships betweeilfaculty and , grade. ' .' . Som~ti,mes stude~ts;come and mo.netanly and throug~ hiS ~ol-\Vere trail)ed, wh~rc they went stud¢nts? ." . . ' . , " . Poppsaid the type of consen- . they.dont want anythmg to hap'. ' .• to school. So that just kind .of u,nteer work. . TheuniversifY 'may want to . sualtelationships that areinap- pen, thuyjustw{mt foreport· the ."I've contributed~o 5?n' helps. ' '. .. . . . .' look into it after an incident in the . propriate are ' "power:' relation- .incident. In other cases, it's very through the UntVer~Ity " '7he talks I give around the . Universityo{California system. ships - where 'the faculty has severe ,anditaffedsastuden,tal1? WIth lectures at SDSU and country, around the. WQrld,,-:· The UCsystein willbedevel:- p~werin the form of grading or' or faculty/staff significantly,' UCSO on chemistry and biolo- every time J go O'-;1t, San Diego Poppsaid. ··. . .. oping guidelines after the resig- employment over the student. . gyand biochemistry," Reich ' State's name IS being put out · . . nation of Boa It Hall, dean of UC .SDSU has a poIic;y on sexual ·.Inappropriate ad·v,a nces·from . said. "I fil1anciallysupportedth~re;That does the university Berkeley'S :School of Law. He harassment. thatif a faculty mem~ students to faculty occur, ,but ' . " .... . the comnlUnity - GirlSc'outs well." resign~d because a former femal.ebeJ;"comes on to" a student and quite infreque,ntly, compared to andsoftball teams. ' \ . .... 6thcr award reCipients can be student is accusing him of sexual- the stude':lt rebukes the 'advance, .. facultyra~assirig .students.There "twas'luckyehough t(\ work found' by, contacting . the San .' ,Iy assaulting her while she was a then the facul,ty meinberis c;learly are also cases where staff harasses with a c~mpany thatcould con~ Diego State Alumni Association . 'student, though he states the rela- in. viola~ion of university policy, '. student or vice versa;roppsaid .. tribute money to those organi- 0 r . by . v is i t i 11 g tionship. ~as consensual. Block said. , "Usually it's the person in ' zations." www.sds,Ull,lllllli:org. Consensual relationships also Most sexual haras~ment <;>r sex- p,owerin a .powerrelationship havehappened on the SDSU cam- ual assaultcomplamts that is harassing or taking ad vanp~s. . , dent-to-stude.nt, ",,:here themcI- tage of someone who is under ' SDSU marketing graduate ' dent mresldence halls or ,their jurisdktion," Popp said. Kelly· said she went outon a date at .Pdarttes m greek houses, Block Norma. lly, a student who wantwith her accounting teacher'S sal . "w·I'th. facu I""OJ an d s tuden ts, we . . ed to report an incident aSSIstant after he approach e'd her' . h " would and asked her Quito go to abarfor get probably anywhere from three . talk to someone t ey trust. The drinks and appetizers. At the end to 10 a year," Block said. "Out of . stu?ent v.:0ul~ be sent !o the of the first date, it felt like it did 30,000 students it's not a large Office of DIverSIty and EquI~~ the not work, butthere was an "oblig., number but even one or two a .Ombudsman - a neutral lIaIson atory kiss" at the end, she said. .year is t~o many - that's why we - or the Stu~ent Affairs .office. KeUy said he never seemed do all the training to cut it down." . Facl:1lty mIscondtlct IS someworried about any issues pertainAs part of the "new faculty" th,ing tak.en ver~ seriously on ing to policy on faculty-student orientation, there is a presentation campus! Popp .s?Id. Ther~ have ~elations/1ip~. . " ; on sexual ·harass~ent and dis~ been cases, but It s somethmg the · Consensual relationship's ' crimination. . ' university tries tOJ?rovideenough betweenfacultyiuldstudents are ,For faculty found in violation deterrents for so people.lNon't allowed, but not encouraged, . of the sexual hara~sment policy engage in 'inappropriate condu\=t. Dean Popp, associat~ vi~e presi~ there are sanctions imposed, If a Ralph Rubio (center), owner of Rubio's Baja Grill and SDSU dent for faculty affairs, saId.. studentfiles·a complaint, there is. '*Last name Withheld. alumnus, receives an award at las,t year's event. Courttsy photo PETERSON SENIOR STAFF WRITER "University ,lacks sanctions for ,faculty-student relations , ~ '. ~MI»"'~I"'I f.../.4 ~ f...'TUlUlI",LU~ , , ! • , and CRUISE WITH GEICO T,IEDAILY AZTEC ' I INVITE YOU TO A SPECIAL SCREENING COME VISIT OUR CAREER. FAIR ON ONE OF THEM IS LYING. So Is THE OTHER, Sat., Feb. 8th • 8 am to 2 pm 141~1 Danielson St., Poway Ca Matthew or fax or e-mail your resume for immediate consideration McConaughey Geico Direct currently has the following positions available: Professional Sales Agents Customer Service Representative Claims Servi,ce Representatives J I 1-1 ..1'HOW Excellent Benefit Package Includes: Immediate Health, Dental & Ufe Insurance • Outstanding . 401k Savings Plan' Company Paid Pension· Profit Sharing· Paid Vacation and Holidays· Tuition Reimbursement· Pa,ld lTalnlng • On-premise Cafeteria • 24. Hour Exercise Center • On-site Credit . 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Monthly cable foes apply. Rogular fees apply aher discount period. New TIme Warner Cable customers only. Free Installation Is on existing pre-wired, callie-reedy outlets or Installation charges apply, Discount depends on level 01 services added. Tax and fees apply_ Programming and pricing are subject to change. Movies and subscription Video On Demand wilh iCONTROL havo an addilional cl1arge. Digital converter required to receive ICONTROL® and HDTV. Some mimufaclurer's HDTV sots, especially early modols, may roquire odditional,parts to enablo our HDTV convortor. II your HDTV set requires those parts, thore Is an addllional chargo. In rare cases"you may havl,l to conlact your HOTV manufacturer to purchase additional parts. Downgrade and converter chargos apply. limo Warnor Cable San Diego rosidentlal service area only. Othor restrictions may apply. Please call tor details. I "Free standard Installalion requires customer to complote the software portion of install. Primary computer only. Monltlly cable fee Is addilional. "you're not satished wilhin the IIrsl 30 days, wO'U'refund the Installation and first month charges. New customers of lime Warner Cable San Diego and Coronado service areas only. Other restrictions may apply. OPINION· WEDNESDAY. FEB. 5, 2003 THE DAILY AZTEC NORMAL NEWS 1913-21 PAPER LANTERN 1921·25 11IEAllEC 1925-60 11IE DAIlY AllEe 1960- THE DAilY AnEC OPINION POLL THE DAIL Y AZTEC EDITORIAL BOARD JESSICA Z1SKO • EDITOR IN CHIEF COURTNEY WESTERHOF • MANAGING EDITOR EDITORIAL • 619.594.6975 OPINION • 619.594.0509 CRY. 619.594.7182 JOE ZARRO • OPINION EDITOR RAVEN mON • CRY EDITOR ADVEJrnSING • 619.594.69n CLASSIAEDS • 619.594.4199 E·MAlL • DAmC@MAlLSDSU.EDU a _ What effect will the Columbia tragedy have on future space shuttle missions? A) Missions will be shut down for at least afew years. 8) Shuttles should be launching within ayear. C) There ",1 be no effect . VOTE ONLINE AT WWW.THEDAllYAlTIC.COM ~~~~=====================================_-=-c-o IBounty' system does a misdeed to many youths OW<ld<lVs, it seems <lS if every ~omplex problem t1 child f<lces is met with <l11 ~<lsy solution. While this would be gre<lt if the "solution" actually helped the child, the fact remains that the "solution" is often more harnlful than the origin<ll probtitled "Effects of Funding IilCenlem. tives on Special Education EnrollPerfectly happy, IW<llthy ~nd ment" finds that states with normal children Me misdi<lg"bounty" systems fOf special nosed with psychological disoreducation have significantly ders <lnd some <lre even mishigher growth rates for special placed in special educ<ltion proeducation enrollment than states grams. Why is this h<lppening to withont incentives. All but 16 our n<ltion's children? The states prescribe to this system. <lnswer is simple: It's e<lsy, <lnd it The report showed that "62 pays. percent of the increase in special Over<lctive <lnd precocious education enrollment in bounty children are diagnosed with the states is attributable to the finanextremely "popular" Attention cial incentives. That rl'present6 Deficit Hyper'activity Qisorder approximat<;ly 390,000 extra stuand given heavy narcotics. dents classified as disabled Methamphetamines, such <lS because of financ;ial incentives, Dexedrine or Ritalin are preresulting in additional spending scribed, along with anti-depresof more than $2.3 billion per sants, such as Amitriptyline or yea~" Fluoxetine. Tranquilizers, such as In addition to the financial Thioridazine, are also used on incentives schools receive for children who are supposedly sufplacing children in special educafering from ADHD. tion programs, they also receive A diagnosis of ADl-ID is a Godan incentive to place 16wer-scorsend for parents and teachers ing students in special education alike who don't want to take the in order to remove them from the time or handle the responsibility testing pool. So if a child is perof caring for an active chihl. forming low on tests, instead of Instead of dealing with the chilspending extra time with that dren, they feed them pills and child and tutoring them, the. drug them into walking zombies. teacher simply throws a Overactive children don't need special education class to boost drugs - they need attentiop. overall test scores. Whatever happened to giving il This is a serious problem. child a little TLC? Taking your . Schools are forcing perfectly norchild to the pMk to run around is mal children into special educamuch more effeCtive - and much tion programs without C{)I1siderhealthier - than drugging them. ing the effecb a label of "special Spoiling your child with love, lisneedS:' has on a child, let alonl' tening and talking with them and the fact that they're being cheated most importantly, caring for out of an education. Once a child them, works better than any naris told that they are a "special needs child," they're going to cotic. believe it, ultimatelv suffer blows We' fe raising a generation of to their sl'lf-estcem ~,lIld their future drug addicts, stMting them value of self worth will plummct. e<lriy with prescribed heavy narRep. John Boehner, chairmun of cotk's. The mixed message wl"re the I louse ('ommittee on Educasending Oll~ nation's childrl'n is tion and till' Workforcl" and Rep. ridiculous - "Say 'No' to drugs, Mike Castle 'oi Dcl., ,1grce that but feel free to go buck wild with bounty funding is a "cause for the mcthamphetamines and sedaconcern and an issuc Congress is tives that the nice man in the compelled to consider." white lab ((hIt prescribl'S Y(lu." Our nation's children deservl' In addition to turning our rl'al solutions to their problemsnation's children into future drug not fa:;!, simple answers. Drugaddicts, we're also giv·ing them all ging children is not a solution to kinds of complexes. Perfectly norhclping overactivity, nor is forcing mal children are bl'ing forced into them into special education prospecial education programs by grams. teachers in school districts where each school is given <ldditional money based on the number of - f['I/HiIL'r Wt'lIl't'r i:; iIIl [I/Xli:;11 :;['11children tlK'Y have in such prolOr. grams. Schools are misdiagnosing chil- Tltis COIIlIlIIl dot's 110/ I/[,U'%tlrilll dren as having special needs for . felled tilt' opilliol/ 4The D'lily , Aztec. SL'IId ('-/llilil/o financial incentive, under a svslet terscil't hed a i IVazll'c.n 1m. telll which is referred to as "l;oun11110111/1110llS 1['1I~'rs l('il/I/o//II' Ilrill/t'y funding." According to the I'd' - 'il/~·llIdc YUlli"jitllllllll/t', lIIojor Heartland Institute, a new study tllitl yellr il/ 6e/wul. from·the Manhattan Institute, . '~Nf· Ie: N Bush's plan for Africa could be a false hope he State of the Union Address brought heavy T emotions out my apartment. in While Bush was talking ab()ut hydrogen-powered carS <lnd strengthening his stance on Iraq, I was still heavily focused on what hc had to say about Africa. . In his address, Bush asked Congress to budget $10 billion in new money and $5 billion in already allocated assistance over five year~ to provide AIDS~fighting drugs to many' Africans. These drugs may help prevent seven million new infections and carl' for those infected with the virus. Somc of this money would be allocated to helping the children orphaned by this terriblc· disease - or "plague of n,ature," as Bush put it. Th~n I began to wonder, where is till' money coming from <lnd who's going to distribull' it? On top.of these questions, just Idst su mlllcr Bu",h refused to sigh ,I U.N. proposal that would provide IIIV relief in Africd, lWC<1USl' oi a clause allow'ing for ,1I1d "promoting" sll'rile ,lbortions. For tho",l' of us who ,lrl' used to stcrilization (~i tools used in medical procedures, this is a foreign concept. In Africa, howcvl'r, large amounts of people are infected with tlK' IIIV virus through the use of uncb1l1 or h,l/.ardous tools while having an abortion. TIll' situation is similar to deaths resulting from women trying to induce their own abortions with coathangers or other unsuitable tooh, before [{ot' v. WI/dl' was introduced. Bush's dccision not to sign till' accord left motherless children, childlcss parents ,md nothing but l1l'artbre,lk. And for what: valucs? Beliefs? Votes? All I had hoped for: in this . situation was for a responsible world leader to be able to recognize that there Me situations in which moral issues - like the rights of those yet to be . born - that cannot be· addressed in the same method ilS that leader's own COl1l1try. Africa is a different paradigm than America, alid with it must e<ime a different political stance than the one you address America with. Apparently this is a bit much to ask of Bush. In his addrl'ss, Blish was obvi()usly. trying to show l'motion and G1fl' olbout the situation in Africol, \\:hl'rt' ,mestimated 29.4 million people in ",ub-S,)hM,m Airil-'l ,)rt' infected with IIIV. To put th'lt ",tdtistic in perspective, tlwrl' ilfl' 42 million IIIV infections worldwidl'. Compdssion,)te conSL'rv,lti",m ,)t its shining bl'st is display\"'d here - the ,w.lilability of a mor,)1 crusade, whill' not having to get your h,1I1ds dirty with.the fl',llitil's of the ",itU,Ition. Bush's hollow 01 morolls to the people \-vhil~' ,lddrl'ssing tht' n.1tion did nothing for the ~1l'opll' of Airie,). The l1L'nelih of th'lt .lccord would have been much more ior futurl' gl'nerations th.1I1 ,m)' help it provided in mid-terillell'ctions by showing <l tough st;lnCl' un abortion. Be it by failing to prevent young women ,md their children frulll becoming infl'ctl'd with IIIV from unsdnit,lrv ll1etiil\llel)uipnwnt, or ul;condition.llly courting the religi\)u~ righl in Americ<l, Busb's moral code is indfective as a proteclor of innocent Ii fl'. Theil again, perhilps he's coming around. United Nations' spl'cial envoy for HIV / AIDS in Africa, . Stephen Lewis, praised the president's words, saying it may be a signal that the United States is ready to confront the AIDS epidemic in Africa. In" news conk'rence in Johal1l1l'sburg, Lewis said, "It gives leverage to activists l'verywherl' to keep the prt'ssure on. It transf<.mns the response. It opens the floodgates of hope." EVl'n if the Unite~1 Statl's were toseriollslv confront AfriC<l with l'coliull1ic ,lid, wlK're would our monL'y go? Do \\'e send it to the United N<ltions, or do Wl' givt' it directly to the governml'nts 01 the afflictl'd countril's todispt'rsL' as they sel' fit? If till' money goes dirl'ctlv tll till' nHlI1tries, it l'dn hI·' dOI1l' lln ,) st1),)lIer sc,lll"with mud, more ~1l'rs( lIldl n )f)t.ld --sOIl1l'thing Bush h"", plIshl'd in Afgh,1I1ist\1Il. Ilowl'vl'r, IlHllh of last Vl'o)r'S IIIV n,lil'/ thdt went liin'ctly to Alricdn ·ndtion", \V,IS Sl'nt right b,)d, III till' United St,ltl'''' through .lrIns plIrch,hl's. But Ill'v, it'", nol .I frl'l' ride, right? Whill' Bush's words .11\' d sign 01 hopl', 1'111 110t gi Ii ng It I hold Ill\, bl"l'.lth. Ilopl'fllllv thl' funds will be ddmini",ll'rl'd prupl'rly ,1Ild .!dll,lIlv lIt,li\·ered. I'lIlll'lil'Vl' it \\I1\'n it h'lp· ~1l'lh. Hill /I/l',kl' i" Illihtnrtl ,011110- /IIort '. Flii;; (011111111 tlo," 1l0/1l1'(I'.<;;;tlrihi n111'ci IIII' (1/11111011 (I(Tlw Ddily A/let. S,'lId ('-/lilli//o let ll'r:-,III t lll'ddi Iv ,1/ tl'l',l'{lIl). ;\11111111111"11' IdtiT' «('illllu/II(" Ilfili/i'd './I/( III.!(' 1/(1/11 l/(II IlIlIIlt:, 11111;01111111 yelir JIl 't (1(10/. ~ETTERS "WEJlItESDAY, FEB. 5, 2003, " ence. Let our elected ,officials decide the , ' ' best course for our nati~n"not Holly" , wood. After all;' we v()ted for!them: HOllYWOOD SHOULD,STICK ,TO ACTING , .... , .' "" . ' ".:'" " .. '.' : The colu~nby Ben Eisenstein ("Celebri tics should leave po.liticsto profcs, -Mark Jones , University of Wisconsin , siollals,", JaIl. 30) concerning celebrities " hit the nail right on the heaci ..While Hol- , ', .Iywood is constantly surrounding our lives, its role is on our movie screens, tel' , ' evisicins and periodicals - , notin 'poIi' LETTERS'POLICY , ' , tics. , Despite how. many books these ' ___The Daily Aztec weicOliICs Ictters 0'11 all, " , actors are reading, they will never have ' subjccts, scctiolls and storics. Lettcrs IIwybc , ,',' it pure grasp of the situation. Actors edited/or brevity and libelous or ovcrtly " : ' should do what they do best, act. They offcl/sive cOlltcnt. Lcttcrs mllst ilzdudc the " arenot elected,oHicials, and yes, they dowri ter 's year ill scltool alld iI/ajar, or profes7, ," have a , say .in this nation, but .just sional title. The Aztec offices are/oented 'itt because they make miIIions ofdb liars ,the basell;ellt of the B1lsiness Ad,"illistra" for every film or show they produce, lioll andMatltemntitsbllilding. Please send , ' , doesn't. mean; they should be an influ~ e~11Iail to ' , " , .. ======================================================== '", \' HEAL1~~HY lVIEN a W01VIEN ." New ResearchStud'ies! ' Starting Weekly from Dec'02-,Mar '03 , Seeking: , . ,: ',' . • Non-Sm()kers . , iii ',Postmel)opausallSurgically S.t~rile "\Vomei{ ";' ".' ',' ill No Hjstoiy,AIcohoVP~gAbuse " ,, ' , ' • 18-65 Years old . , ..... . .. California Skin Research Institute ' .1. ,' " . " I . " • • . ' .BhoColate Fest·is'Fridav .. ..;.. ..... . ~ '. < .' • of '" . '. .. .:": .. , ,. . . "; '.': ~ " ,: . :,: : ....: , .,' . ' : .. : '" : ',' A,n 'all-y~u-care,-to-eat c,",ocolate, ; ~xtravagClnza' "., . ', : .....•.. ; ' ; Friday, February 7 ,11 :OOam-2:00pm • East Commons ' . : , . .'~ .' ,. ' Tickets are available at the following locations: The SDSU Bookstore, College Ave. Grill, Sub Connection, Rickshaw Express, DU,rango's: Aun~ ~ary's,'Vinnie's, Betty's Hot Dogger, Taco Bell Express, ' ' KFC 'Expre~s, St~ak Escape, all Aztec Markets, The ,D'ining 'Room, ' Sta~bucks, Sunset.Strips, Aztec Grill and '~he Dining Service'Meal Plan 'Offic~. ' I" lJ ,Proceeds:go to the SDS Children's Centers. . .' , . .'1. ···.: . , .'. ' · ··t.· !, . .. .' ' . . · ·:WEDIIESDIY,. FEB~ 5, 2003 .." ,' ,' '. ' TEMPO i .' '. . ' .' .' (-/. " , . .. '. '., " .: .. ' . " .' ;::::;:=~==========================::::::;:===================================================================.. Message boards are a garden of delights for the bored Tspend a lot of time Inter. erateand fight dalkes arid cyber.Ll~t. When I'm not$kimming men or other writer wannabes . •. movie sites like'Film Threat,Tele:-vho:waste their time writing ·. port City. 01: the Stomp Tokyo .' about writing on the Internet. . . ' commUnity, I usually stray into No, there's nothing wrong . . . . J:he ~ank underworld where the with message boards ~ that is, . socially inept often dwell. Like . until there's some disagreement . . rnalfonned Morlocks, these some dirty jamook takes tooserid~nizens congregate in digital Perhaps they're not all that ously. Movie sites here, there and . herds huddled in specially desig- bad. I mean, they do create a everywhere fill with heated ' '.• nated outposts where they can sense of community and allow words typed by Chee-tos themSelves, their frustrapeople of backgrounds and in powdered fingers expressing ire b.·ons·an . d opinions vented freely various locatioris to discuss topics . over a mere divide in ideas. Some as far ranging as writing; col'11 k theo ften-easi .. Iy moc k. ..without regard for their fellows WI moc lectibles, Lord of the Rings minutia bl ' d th : .h.utro.·wed deep in the wired. I . Th I all a e user names to woun . eir . . and po itics. ey aso . ow pea· Their diet consists of yellow-S 'ple to show some 6f their creativ- Internet opponent. Other will ini. . ,colored soft drinks and hoarded, . ity through their message board . tiate attacks concerning the conmicrowaveable victuals in some user names, some of these hantrarient xhother's deviant sexual way 'relating to or containing the dles so absurd:that Clive Barker practices. Some still will revert,to · ingredients of pizia. If such a wouldn't even name one of his • simpler, .universal jabs concernplace' could be rendered visually, Midian underdwellers after . ing deficiencies in gro.oming and it wouldbe like a Bosch painting . them. I've conversed with a lot o{-- personal hygiene. . . . really nice and iritel~igent cats ori... ' . But to all this posturing with except with, ummm... mOfe stuff. '. I'm talking, of course, of Intermessa~e boards, whether they be ha,nds in home position, I must · ~et message boards. "Dr. Who"fans aspiring toregen-ask.: Why fight like that on the ~6'I.I.· I " ; '. -' ..·:....,..V>I I" ....1. i .. , ~ . .,~. " -.~.... ".: , . I\ ... . i/., " . :"<~' I.'''' . ;;"'."·t:.J., , ' .; " : " '.1: J ' ... , . .. t;·'. ••: ~. ' ..: ...... '. ' . I ~ !; .. , .. ... 1 . .. '. • :. " 1 .. • .' ., .... ~. .. Internet? I mean, really --....: what's· . the point? . . .' So you'ye insulte.d some guy and his mother' and grandmother. for not lii<jng Tim Burton'sFlanet of the Apcs. What has that changed? Will the person wounded by. Internet insults really ' ' . .rethink his opinion.on the issue? . Will the downed foe, his battle. ments'beaten down by the per. son with dirtier fingers, weep him or herself into a dreamless ' sleep? Will the rhotions of those mean-spirited keystrokes send currents of air out of the room, into the sky, interacting with the atmosphere, thus causing rain . clouds to fonn over Kyoto? '.' . .. Fu~ennorei are yoU willing . to invest that much time typing . your heart out to every other • human being on the plan~t who didn't dig Burton's Folly? BlJt this cycle of denmged frivolity and bitter, Mountain Dew- . . • . . . ... . ' . ... ~.I · " ' • . .• . " '. foamed ~aWswiilne·verend. .' . '.' Besides; it makes visiti(\g the . boards fun. It's kin.daIikeab~x . of chocolates ... that is, if when . .you opened up OI~e of thosc' ... ' . . things it started calling you a jerk . for not digging a ceHain Star Wars commerciaL . . ' •. , .. . : Still,.I shou Idn' t complainiln a few hours I'll be online; a . . pizza-like entity in one hand . and some generic can of cola in ' the other, taking insults from a '.. ' f rustrate d 14-year-o . Id 'fanboy. G h d d I 0 a ea . an s. ing 'em, Spi. dercloneRulez88, or whatever your handle is: I'll be waiting ' for the rain. ~ Hubert Vigilia is the t/?inpo editor for The Da~ly Aztec. . . ., - This column does not necessar- . ily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztc~. " . .' .• . .. 'r ' . '\ . ~ .: • :, • 6 TEMPO THE DAILY AzTEC WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, 2003 • ALBUM REVIEWS The Dropscience, Dies TOlligllt Killdalike: Savage Republic, Slilli, Sweep fire Leg JOl1I1IlY . LUNCH/DINNER SPECIAL to throw tape loops into their progcore mix. Yet, The Oropscience manages. to sound almost nothing like Mission of Burma, despite the similarThe Dropscience isa difficult band. ities. The music on Dies TOllig!,t is It doesn't have the hip-hop leanings hardly pop music. These melodies that the moniker would suggest, nor don't wrap themselves around you. do these San Diego progsters care all They poke you, flick your ear, run cirthat much abput catchiness or pop cles around you and set fire to your sensibility. Once you get past that, it's car, but they rarely come close enough not so difficult. The five members of· to actually becoming familiar. But The Dropscience blend punk rock and make no mistake, these guys are legit-" prog into an entirely new realin of imate musicians. The skiIl involved in experimentation, Not exactly math- crafting the album is rare these days, rock, not really anything else, the yet they could have benefited from quintet manages to make music that is s1ic~er production values. Regardless, challenging, yet loud and raw enough The Dropscience is capable of making to fit in with tbe Hot Snakes/Jehu an impressive album of hell-bent art crowd. punk that would lead one to believe Singer Demetrius Antuna is a dead- that their brand of deconstructionist ringer for Mission 'of Burma's Clint rock really must be a science. Conley, and the band has been known -Jeff Terich 50 $ Hamburger.. fries and a choice of soft drink or mug of domestic beer. Please mention ad. Good thru 5/31/03 OLD.TOWN, SAN DIEGO • 298-0133 Black Swan," as Jimmy Chamberlain Zwan, M{//~J Star of tile Sea Killtia like: Tlte SIIlt1shillg PIIlI/pki11S,' flexes drum muscles dur~I}g the choThill Lizzy, Black Sabll(lth : rus over the lyrics,'" As the-world goes round. / It's got me thinking / That the Almost as if a confession for the dis- things I want / Just keep me sinking tinctly Smashing Pumpkins sound of down:" .. ' the album and Zwan itself, frontman The requisite long song on the Billy Corgan sings on the single album, "Jesus, I/Mary Star of the "Honestly" that, "(t's too far to discard Sea," transitions from being some sort the life I once ,knew"; later admitting "of twangy invocation, to a meditative on themellotroned-out devotional' mid-section, to' a, self"Heartsong,i that, "I use the same indulgent solo-fest. This raucous barrage of souI)d is followed by ~he words to say the same thing." . While the apparent Smashing album's finale, "Come with Me," a Pumpkins aural ambiance is abound, bouncy little invitation with an air of it doesn~t mean that Mary Star of tile" "Life on a Chain;" Sea strays into the electronic aspirations of Adore or the alternate person~ - Hubert Vigil/a ality tropes pf swan song Machina (though both albums' airs do make appearances). Rather;'Mary is a solid, if not familiar, album recalling some of . the material heard on Siamese Dream and Me//oll. Colliealld the 1I1fi"it~ Sad/less coupled with some quick-fix hooks. It's not hard ~o sing along on "Settle Down," as the band en masse' sings "Never lose that feeling," h's harder not to nod along on "Rid.e ,a . Leqtn to megitClte! .FREE Series of Classes on Meditation Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:45pm February 5, I 2, I 9 & 26 Presidential'Sui~e, Aztec Center Come to 'any or al/ of the class'es! " Spik<; Priggcn, Tile Very Thi1lg That YOll Treasure by Spike Priggell Killcia like: /~EM, .'10111' jlillior hiS!1 jOllrIlal . Denim Club· (fashion clothing. store) at Plaza Boni,ta Mallis having a writing c'ontest .titled "Why My Boyfriend (or Girlfriend) is Best" to celebrate Valentine's Day. The entries must be handwritten. Size of paper entries is limited to 8 1 /2" x 11" or less. Deadline is Feb. 20, 2003 Entries will be posted on store front windows. Winner will be announced on Feb. 22, 2003. Firs~ place: $500 Cash prize & plaque Second place:·$300 Cash prize & medal Third place: Denim Club gift certificate for $150. Opening Spike Priggen's "debut" album, The Very Thillg Thaf ¥1m TreaslIre is like peeking into a childhood scrapbook in tlw attic of your parents' house. The liner notes are filled with . } l· . Mail Entries to: Denim Club Plaza Bonita Mall 3030 Plaza Bonita Rd. Suite #1196 National City, CA 91950 Denim Club "W~en you c~re more tha" ~tyle. " Til:' Vf.l/~ ThING Spike's, nee Michael's, childhood pictui'es - bowl cut and all :...-- and the songs are intimate .and honest, with the 'kind of simple lyrics you might write in the margins of your history notes ina moment of daydreamy reverie. From the twangy opener "Every .Broken Heart," the wistful yearning of "She Used To Be My Baby," to the feel-good, pounding bOllnce of "Yesterday," the album shines as a brilliantly fresh pop prize . Despite its release as his first solo album, Trt'llslIrc is actually a coIlection of songs written throughout Priggen's '! 0 years in New York's local singer songwriter circuit while performing with a number of other bands, most notably Boston's Dumptruck' and Liquor Giants, He describes the album not as a debut, but as a greatest hits recorq noting, "This is my life:s . work lip till now." , Hopefully, sllccess \vill add a few more lyrics to his story. - Sam" Wilkills , I . r' '.I \: SPORTS WEDNESDAY, FEB, p, 2003 . : THE 'DAIlY,AnEe ' J ,.......... - .. ..., \ MEN'S BASKETBALL BIG MONDAY, BIGGER WIN SDSU stays in MWC race By wit~winover Pokes. much more comforting to everyone and much more stressfulif you are the .' 'g'ht'IS, men . '.'.s.·.· b tb a 11 other have. beei1 Mo'n''d ay c . IU I " hguy. '- whic.h. we. ' 1 1 the game was promoted as "retro night"; . ast tree gfmes ~ to I~ave t 1e lead those in attendance were encouraged. and play WIth th; lead. · . . . to dress in their favorite'gearfro rn the .. .Th~ Aztecs bUIlt thatlead wIth hot past-A ll d the San Diego Statemen/s shooting that wa~ .createdby. good . bask{?tballteam did its best to stay in ball rnovementleadmgto a vanety of fashion, turning . ba~kthe clock and .. :open l?ok~ for several pla~ers. ~lght returning to itswinning ways, d~feat~ · of.thelr first 10paskets came on ." . illS WyomiAg80- aSSIsts. . . . " .... . . ." . '70 in front of a bois- " . .T~ey held o? to theIr lead by dom' terous6,184 atCox l11atmgWy.o~l11g'on the glas~.It was . Arena. . one and pone mostof'the mght, for . . AfterSan Diego tl)c CoWboys'''Yho were o,ut. " . " State's painful,rebounded~ythe smallerA~tecs by . third~straightlossto Colorado State on' an . astou~dl11g 39-23 mar&JO. Th.e Saturday, head coach '. Steve Fisher Pokes l)ad beenout~reboundl11g theIr talkedab.out having to play ~jtha opponents· .by moret~anseven a sense of des pel' alion against gam~,entenngMonday s contest . . . ' . ' ... . . .. ; T~e backboard ,~ssault was .led by Wyoming... ' .. '. ·. And from the' opehing lip~~Hf A~nckSal1d~rs, who le~ ?~.lplaye~s , ' " t th ' C "' b . " th ' At ·· .' WIth 14boards.Sanders ,»,as also '..... a g tlJOds'l 'k C' ow hOYs , . ~ .' d"z . :~s . effective on the offensiveend;~onl '. ,paye I e.a t~am t at was 10 rasbc tribtiting a career~high14 points. . ne~dqfawl11i . . ' .. , ' .' . ... .. .' .' Not only~idMonday'!? .win end . ' .Wl)atwe d~d today and what w~, SDSU'slosing ~kid, it gave Wyoming ~ave not done I~ o~~ last ' its first .conf~renteloss and kept the IS we got a lead, FIsher SaId, . We had Aztecs . in •.the thick of ·thingsin the the lead m'o~tof the game, and 'it's Mountain West, Conference face. CARLOS MANZANILLO ASSISTANT SPO.RTS EDITOR SDSU center MikeMackell asserts his dominance with a thunderous slam dun.k as the Aztecs rolled to an 80-70win over Wyoming.duk Gawlik / Daily Aztec , SDSU improved to 3~3 and is'justtvyo with 'plays,:' . Blai1d said. ",Tonight games behind the conference leaders. . when they made their . plays, We .' In his firstcareer ,start, Evan Burns responded." ..... ., ' . '. .' had a . breakout game. The Jo'rmer , With less . than.cight inil'iutestb McDonald's Al1~American filed lip' . plily,~DSU ,seen~ed toblowthe·gal11e , , the. boxscore-17points,oight: , wide opel1when EyanBurns ll1 ildean' bqards, fiveassiststllld threesfeals~ inlP'ropable,falling~qway thn.'l'- ., and seemed. to get .. .< '.. . P9interas th~ more co'mfortable cis . . sll of '.' cl 0 c k . the. gilmewent on. ... ' "Th" :d'ff ' ' . t'" .' .... '.' . ' e ire d "that "I jt!st' tried ' to .•.... . e ler~nee eween . 'gave the.Az"tecs Jhei r bi.ggesfle.a q . keep my. comp'os~ re , winning 'and losing'"in this' and.try toplay wlth- .' , . '.' . . .. . .... '. ' ." ' . .• . . ' . .of the. game,a t in the team.andnotleague is :afraetion.So '. . . 69:~3. ' .. ' . . . . . . get too eXCIted, b,u t '. '~" . . ... . • .... . .. . .. TbeCowboys . stil~, do what.J: canthIS1S a great Win fOr.USJ~fu:~ed }ojust . do, . Burns saId, ' '.' . ' . . .... . . . rtde ·o ffmto tbe ' Despite ..the and :hasus·headedback s·unset .. Spurred " Aztecs' good play , th 'ht d' t· " . b y a q l l i c k 8~0 cady, they hcl'd just ' In e ,rig tree Ion.. . .. run,~hey , c~Lt.he a two-pomt lead .. a t l e a d m h a l f wIth . halftime, 'thanks to.. '. ' ". . :. '. m:orc t.itan 'Jour" Wyoming's .sco.rch· .' ...:j·AlTEC FORWARD AERICK'SANOERS miiiu tesleft .to, play:, . ing 58percel1f,fiI'sthalf shooting and a,n . .. .. . : Butthe Aztecs' 11-2 run to ehd the,opening stariza.put the game .out of reach with a Wyoming would keep the game s~riesoffree'thrawsand an 'c mphat.close, but the Aztecs turned up,t heicd\lnk by Sanders. ' . . defensear:ldalways seemedto.have "The' differem:e betweenwinnifig an ansv{er for anyiuri the Cowboys and Ipsing in this, league is a fr,acmounted . '. ' . . ... . tionFSanderssaid. "So this is a great Retro gear-sporting SD5U. students - evidently thinking the Aztecs had just "Games in the past, other teams win for us and has'usheaded b'qck in ' beaten Duke, or something -rush the court after the wilJ' Chuk Gaw!ik / Daily Aztec made plays and we didn't respond tl)~ rightdit:cction.~' b. xf> .. Swimmers run streak to four with win over Bulldogs Oklahoma' City and . MWC Championships next stop for Aztecs By MIKE MILLBURN STAFF WRITER What a way to end an otherwise difficult season. The San Diego 'State swim team, on a .tear since ·returning from a holiday hiatus, capped offandther successful weekenq up north with a hard-fought vi~. tory over Fresno StateUniversi. , ty,160-138. While the Aztecs finished the :~ual-meet season 6-8, hot on the .r:f 4 .~ ... 4" ' ...., .. • , ~. ~.r "~ · t _ '~ 'J.., ....... '.•: .. r.".•..• .4.1 ._'. .., " heels of theirfour-meet winning managed to stay ahead by just streak, the Blilldogs' record enough to pullouta win." dropped to 6-4-1. . Schmied's victory in the 100- ' ."This .feels very good," . meter butterfly (58.78) was part co~c~pe~n.a Deardurff SchmIdt of a top-three 'sweep in that ~ald. ThIS IS w~at,~e were hop- --event by the Aztecs. Overall, 109 to accomp~lsh.. SDSU placed 28 swimmers in FSU.was q~lck o~t of the gat;, the top three in , every event c.apturmg a VIctory 10 the meet s throughout the meet. fIrst event, the 200-meter med" . . .. ley relay. The tide turned quick. Te~m mora~~ IS e~trem~l y ly, however, as SDSU captured ~Igh n.ght ~ow, SchmI.ed s~ld. victories in four of the next five Everyone s been sWlmmmg events. .. . very well as, the season' s rolled . The .Aztecs' top swimmers on." , " . were freshman Emily Schmied· After the Aztecs four-eyent and junior Jill Karacozoff, who sweep,- the Bulldogs roared back eachwontwoevents on the day. toIife, winning four consecutive ' ''It was very competitive out . events. ,With ij victory and a ' there,", Schmidt said. J,Yet,l we winni~g streakp~. tne 'li~e; jun~ ' '" ,,' ,f 'l,..-_ " ('. ~. "' . . " .' ••. '. r ~ •. • ". ~ ... 1 . , . I , '" , > iorHannah with a 'purpose, winning all but ' .' R Y a .. n one .of their dual meets. pulled out a liThe high 'Point of th~ season win in the 'was definitely the spring," 500-meter Schmidt said. "We hadsorn.e diffreestyle; ficulties early in the fall, but with a time when we came back, we did of 5:06.52. really welL" · h e After a three-week rest, the Aztecs then team will make the journey to sealed the ' Oklahoma City for the MounKARACOZOFF deal in the tain West Conference champi400~meter onships, an event Schmidt said individual medley relay, when may be difficult. ' senior captain Erin Kilpatrick "We just don't have enough' . . impact swimmers to 'win as·a . finished with a 4:33.94. After a horrendous first half team;" Schmidt said. "lndividuof the dual-meet season, SDSU . ally, we hope to do ' as we,ll a5 " came back from break as a team 'po~sible~" :r 8 THE CLASSIFIEDS DAUY AnEe WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, 2003 ~_F.O.R_S.AL.E_~II~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ HELP WANTED I.I"-..H.E.L.P_W.A.N •.T.E.D....II~~H.EIIIILIIII!IP~W~ANTE~_D....IIJI_.H_O.U.S.ING _ _~ 1994 V-6 Toyota Camry, 87,500K Great condition, new tires, MUST SELL. Call Ev at 650-3.03-3.055 BMW motorcycles, 1990 K75S with saddlebags, Corbin seat, $3900. 1984 R80STwith saddlebags, $1400. 561-2148. DELL LAT CP includes CD-ROM, FLOPPY, extCDRW • more" Great4 SCHOOl'1 EnW11 for more Information: Itlalsowack«~I)Qr $725/080 MONEY 5400K Ilrst yeilr potenlial (only serious inqUiries), call for free iOfo 888-206-3034 HELP WANTED $5$ Model 4 $'s, Cute. 18+, young surier/skater/punklA&F boy 100k?Then UR a perlect model for us. No nudity required. Gall 5e;)n 619-995-05(\(i or Email pic to ,Soan (OJ illudel\ -------- S$BartendSS Makfl fit illoney for pit work. am/pm/weekeml classes. Job placement asst. Call Bart(!O[hng Academy 619-296-0600 ' $112,000 guaranteed for 12 month contract. Seeking 6 female entertainers 18+ for natlol1wKle promotional campaign. No experience necessmy. Must be beautiful and have a magnetic personality. Contact Excite Pro-' motlorls at 619-234-6407 for recorded audition information. 51500 weekly potential mailmg our circulars. No Experience Required. Free Information packel. Call 203-683-0258. $Mortgage Company$ seeks 10+ students to take loan applications from Homeowners. E-Z PIT hrs a.m./p.m. shifts. Airport view. Outgoing calls $8-10/hr plus comm. Avmlable if you am ener\Jetic, lun & dependable. Cillius today 10 start lomorrow. .619-744-1900 x1217 A+ SUBS-Preschool Substitutes, aides, & leC!chers. All areas, full time, .flexible part time hours S7.00-SIO_00 hourly call Jackl 858-565-2144 Actress's 'w/some exotic dancing experience needed lor coinmercial training video. COlltract asslgnrnent up to $250/hour. POSSible luture residual Income. Established produclion company. Professional,. creative, envIronment ContacI619-702-9187. Amateur models no experience necessary. Photo, video, Internet. Cash paid call LisC! 619-866-0166. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR VALUABLE JOB EXPERIENCE IN THE INVESTMENT INDUSTfW? A.G.Edwards Brokorage Firm (La ,Jolla). Please call KeVin McFarland at 1-800-759-1045 Bartender trainees needed. $250/day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 x400. • ------_._-------CAMP WAYNE FOR GIRLS-Northeast Pennsylvania (6/19 - 8116/.03) ff you love children ,md want a caring, fun environment we need female staff as Directors and Instruclors lor. Tennis, Golf. Gymnastics, Swimmll1g, Waterskiing, Sailing, Team Sports, Choerleading Ropes, Campin\J/Nature, Drama, Ceramics. Photography, Videography, Sllkscreen, Batik, Printmaking, Sculpture, CalligraptlY, Guitar, Jewelry, Piano, Aerobics, Martial Arts, Baking. Other positions: Group leaders, Administrative/Driver, Nurses (RN's) On Campus Interviews Feb. 25th. Apply on-line at or call 1-800-279-3019. Cruise line entry-level onboard positions available, Great benefits. Seasonal or year round. Call 323-644-2102. DAY CAMPS seek Summer Staff Residing in the San Fernando!C:onejo Valleys. $2800-53500+ . 888-784-CAMP . Diveristy Employment needs 2 sales reps, 2 graphics/web designers. Call Oran 619-2644555. Doorman needed at O'Hungrys resteraunt. Call 298-0133 Eam a Free Spring Break Mexico Vacation. Limited number of promoters needed immediately , to continually promote Paradiso Resort and Beach Club (former "Club Med, Sonora Bay") at San Carlos Mexico. Call toll free ASAP 1-1388-263-331.0 EGG DONORS NEEDED Ages 19-29 $4,.000 compensation. Call Melissa @ 1-800-79.0-7633 Entertainers wanted,' make qUick cash, call Deja Vu Kearny Villa for details. 858-279GALS. Free photo portfolios for female modeling. Includes photo shoot and 100 free photos. (858)481-8838. digitaleyz Friar Tux Shop is seeking PIT salesassociates for a high volume store. No experience necessary. Flexible hours. - Hourly and commiSSion $7-$9, depending on experience. Kearny Mesa loeatlon. Contact Drew @ 858-565-.01,11,. Hotel front desk clerk, part time, out going personality and neat appearance a must, week nights and weekends, Goff benefits available. Apply in person. 30.07 Dehesa Road, EI Cajon, Ca 92019. No experience necessary. JOB FAIR SAY SAN DIEGO INC 3615 KEARNY VILLA RD, #101 SAN DIEGO 92123 SATURDAY FEBUARY 8th 10a.m_-2p.m. Hiring Activity Leaders to work extended day program, am or pm hours avail. min 6 units in CD, ED, REC, or related field. 6 months exp w/children. 15-25 hrs per wk $7.43-$9.55 per hr. Please bring 3 references, transcripts and be prepared to interview. Call job line for more info 858-5654148. SAY San Diego, Inc is an EOE_ Local entertainment company is looking for people who 'can provide' technical support. Experience preferred. Sound and' lighting knowledge is welcome. We will train. Work is on call basis. Fax resumes to 760-8047825 POSTAL JOBS S9.04-S14_21 +Benefits, No Exp. FOR INFO, 1-800-495-5514 Ext:0896. 8a-9pI7Days-avail. varies Room for rent in 2lbd 1lba apartment. $350 for own room, parking space, pool, etc. Availible now! Contact 917-9914. Room for rent In beautiful 3 bedroom house. $800/month. Walking dfstance to SDSU. No smoking. No pets. Female only. Call 619-246-8669 ask for Tony. Tutor needed for 6th & 7th grade in Tierrasanta. MWF from 5-7. Cail Margo 858-2772563. Wilhelmina Models and Pulse Mgml. sponsors a star search looking for people with a great eye for finding talent. Amazing pay. 1888-727 -6569. SERVICES Criminal Attorney-DU!, drugs, MIP misdemeanorslfelonies. Marcee Chipman 6197.02-3848 222 Ash Street 1112, San Diego, CA 92101 Free computer training and food Saturday or Sunday, limited space. E-mail to RSVP. GOT HAIR? Waxing by Leah. Back by . popular demand. Call 619-282-7526. Looking FOr A Summer Job? Join 30 other SDSU students and make $800.0 in 11 weeks. Call 619-519-0366. Math/education major wanted to' tutor 5th grade boy in math in Lemon Grove. $1O/hr 619-462-9687 MODELS: Female figure and lingerie models needed for our monthly photography workshops. GPI (619)575-0100. www.glamourphotonet.eom Roommate wanted to share 4BD/2BA near SDSU & Grossmont College, utilities paid, $475/mo., no pets, no smokers 619-5898016 or 619-907-3978 Roommate wanted to share room 'in 2BD/1BA, :no smoking, gay friendly, pool, $30Q/mol-$30Q deposit, AVAILABLE NOW! 619-265-1214 Roommate wanted to take over lease for 2bd/2ba. Cali ASAP 619-922-5286. Off Montezuma $120D/mo Roommate wanted, large room for renl $35D/mo, close to SDSU. Ready to move ill immediately call 619-463-394.0 I Looking for a part-time job? Need to work evenings,? Established Collection Agency Is seeking PT Customer Service Reps to work 5-9pm. Earn 58/hr w/paid training and potential to earn full time wages! Convenienlly located 15 minutes .from SDSLq· For more info apply in person at: American Agencies, 1660 Hotel Circle Drive North, Suite 215, San Diego. Room for rent w/private entrance and remodeled bath in 190.0 sq/It house 112 mile from SDSU. Laundry, $6QQ/mo call 619269-9144. HOUSING lBR-1BA 5675 Mil Special with lyr Lease. 6165 Montezuma for Appts. Call 619-6868770 2BD/2BA Condo, Collwood Meadows. Walk to SDSU. Fireplace, laundry: storage, refrigerator. Reducted to $I,295/mo 858-569479.0. 3/bd 2/ba house, $1595/mo, 2.5 mi to SDSU. Garage, fireplace, laundry hookup, fenced-backyard, no-smOking. 858-560810.0. Beach cottage $985-$1045. Block to ocean, 1/BD, berber carpet. Large living room, extras 858-270-.0214 Bedroom w/privat(l bath/patio for rent in house, 12/minute walk SDSU, $550/mo. Russ, 619-588-6878 avail,able 2-01-.03 SDSUIVIEW closer to campus than dorms. Roommate for 2br/2ba clean, .large, pool, hot neighbors, 2 parking, laundry. $55D/mo. Own room, bath with showerllub. Call 619-286-8458 ANNOUNCEMENTS Did you miss SPRING RECRUITMENT? Are you interested in joining a sorority? Call Alpha Delta PI at 619-582-6249 for more info! ' OFFICE CLERK PIT M-F, 11am - 3pm 1 yr general office skills req. Del Cerro view home. 3BD/2BA Remodeled kitchen/bath, quiet, Roman tUb, laundry, 2 car, $1795-$1895. 858-270-0214 Apply: Town & Country Resort Hotel 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego Human Resources Dept Mon - Frl10am - 4 pm Dual Master 110.0 sqft. WID in unit. Central air & heat. Great for roommates. $1325/mo call Melinda 619-582-1467 Fraternities· Sororities Clubs· Student Groups Earn $1,.00.0-$2,.0.0.0 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fund~ raising even!. Our programs'make fundralslng easy with no rlsks_ Fundraising dates are filling quickly, 'so get ,with the program! It works. Contact: Campus Fund raiSer at 888-923-3~38 Or visit Female wanted to share 1 room. 3b/2ba apartment. Mission Pacific, close to SDSU $325/month+l/4-utililies. Available now 619269-1726 . HANGOVER RELIEF with Hangover' To Go an all-natural health supplement. It works For rent 5 bdrm/2bath house with family room, living room, large yard, and deck. Newly remodeled. $2350/month. $2650 de- . posit. Call Reyna 619-733-1619 IGREEK LE One' room in 4BD house w/yard, hardwood floors, half furnished, 1/2mi.-SDSU, $35D/mo, call after 9pm 310-291-6826 PI)13¥'I)K'I'¥r<l>B¥<I>K'I' 1'(1)13 is so excited for Pref with 'I>KI!, Part Time Sales Associate . S8_50 per ':lour + Sales Incentive Apply in person: Crazy Shirts Seaport Village West 853 W. Harbor Drive Ste. C 619-595-0468 Telemarkelers wanted. Calling homeowners, M-Th 5-8p.m. Fun atmosphere. $10/hr Call Nicole 619-696-047.0 ext18 ,°rERS I:). \:Y.1J!3?J (JJ5§1113!J~~"l C§1J!J]!ffffJEl DAILY HOROSCOPE • Wednesday, February 5th Uy Linda C. mack CAMCER (.Iune 22-,luly 22)-'I'oday is SAGlnARIUS (Nov. 22-Bec. 21)- Trihun~ M~dia S~rvic~s a S-Review your' assets and liabilities, and reas.<;es.'l your net worth. Odds are good it's greater than you thought, and it could soon gl't even gr~at~r. Morl' is hl'tt~r: lEO (.July 2J-'\ug. 22)-Tllday is an II- You like to keep up with the latl'st styles, and that' can get expensive, YOII lIIay ha,'e to moonlight to mnk\' it happen. But. hey. that'~ doahle. ('-\ug. 23-Sepl. 22)-'jodaj i, a 5-0un't cry if something at h{;mc ~t'ts hroken nr bent I~yonrl , rl'pair. It cOllld he the opportunity to get thllt IIl'W onc ~ou'\e hel'n wanting. 1.18M (Sept. B-Oct. 22}-'lfHlay is a 1)- YOIII' creath'it~ is houndle.,., Imlay. You're good, and YOII're abo Inspired. Acccpl the elll:ouragellll'lIt, und get started fill YUllr gr~atl'st arhil'velllellt to date. Ht.BfIt (Oct. 23-Nov. 2l)-T(,day is a 5-00n't let yourself become enraged hy a eo-worker's insensitivity. "l'it~ad, usc the l'nergy to plow through a tOllgh job. Today is a 9-You're ready to take action, lind the time is l'inlllly right. Blast ahead, using whllt you've recently learned. You can win! ' CAPRICORM (Dec. 22·J3n. 19)-Today Is a 5-Solllcthing yo.u've bl'l'n putting up with at home could he gettiug to he too lIlurh twuhll'. Can you l'ix it yrnrrself! :\Iayhl', if that's what )OU like to do. Othcry,be, pay. MlAlin (Jan. 20-Fcb. IIII-Today i<; an 8-A friend's craLY idea, (Jlus yuur tcchnical skill, could lead til a hrilliant i1dv'lllccmcllt. There'~ stnllgtb in diversity. ~g (Feb. 19·Mllrch 2UJ-Today is a 5- You've dOlle the work, so y"u .,tulUld get the puy. DOlI't he shy. A~k fllr what you have Willing. The chn'k-slgner is in II generous moud. DIAl'S 111\'1",-".1 (Feh. St. You're .,mart, and g~tting smarter. Ex~rcb~ yuur hody as well as yuur hrain, and end up with lIIure cnergy than when you started. Begin hy .,ignin~ Ull .with a good cuach or guru, Ii, f.:i'lllIe lull'alltaf.:e, clleck the' day's rolillf.:: J() is Ille I'a,~iesl day, 0 t"e 11/(1.11 clllllll'llf.:illf.:_ "RIES I :\Iardl 21-April 19)-Tuday is a '1- Yuu're 'Iearning quickly, but dOll't get l'ocky_ You're nnt ready to l'Ilalll'Jlgl' thl' clJ:1I11111on yd, so dun't til'k olt him or- her. Ill' cool. TA!!IUtS (April 21l-MlIY 20)-Tuday is a 5- Yuu'n' slmv til anger, and "lllll'tillll'S slow to lak~ actionwhich is Ill'rred for ~·IHI. Bllt if thl'n' 's hel'n a burr under- your saddle for a while, let somehody know. GEMIMI (l\Iay 21-Jullc 21)-Tllduy is an 11-,\ fr-iend from I'lIr IlWIlY ('lUI help you lIIakl' nwnl'Y, so don't sp~nd thl' whole tilllc gossiping, Ask what he or she is dning dIel'lively, and aplll)' it til }'ollr situation. mn ©2003 T!UBUNE MEDIA SEJ{VICES INC. .~;§,§:i·2.t{ ISt~d;';t-,-M~';-th-; VAt{ I Wh~re ~~~ ~et: A BETTER TAN $2 D"D'~: E~'try L~V~I 'B~d~ ~n;y I I I 411 Camino Del Rio 5_ L - - - - - - - - - - .J 11101 .-------------, I Unlimited Auto-Pay I I pnly Opan 7 Days a Weak ~D II M-F 9-8'30 I $-Q4-" . rifI&,. . . , • ,par . . ' . . month Sat. 9 - 4 : 3 0 ' . , . ' . Sun. 11-4:30 I Entry Level Beds Only I Right Next to RECRE4'110N <ENTER Bally's & TGIF L . (tvvo month minimum) .J 619-542-0391 Trylli:N;: PR03200;;, F;ci;, Thn-;;;rs!
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