Farewell to free campus parking - SDSU Library Digital Collections
Farewell to free campus parking - SDSU Library Digital Collections
II Jewish columnist ~ants paid holidays ~ just \ike the Christians. Page 5 THURSDAY APRIL 19, 2001 £0 V UJ L \11 85, Is"L J 106 Be The Independellt Stuclent Newspaper Serving SDSU and tile College Comll1unlty PuBLlSHBD DAILY since 1960 S \" \)11 CU, l' \I II (JI, '\ J \ Farewell to free campus parking StlJlcture II will be fitted with ticket dispensers By REBECCA WAER C~ntribulor There will be no place whf!!re visitors can park for free on campus starting' this fall. Ticket dispensers will be placed in Parking Structure II - the last bastion . of free on-campus parking - over the next few months. Joe Vasquez, associate vice presiSan Diego St.1te UniVl'rsity's pilfkdent of business enterprises for San ing fund generated $6.7 million from Diego State University, said the new permits and ticket dispensers this ticket machine is a result of a recent year. Money is used to run and mainparking audit conducted by the Cali- tain six parking structures, paying fornia State University system. The utilities, maintenance and mortgage audit found the 'university needed to on the land. repay some of the bonds used to con"They are totally sclf-st!pporting, struct campus structures, and SDSU is not supplemented with the school's IQoking to the new parking meters for general fund," Vasquez said. "Thl' . parking fund stands on its own." . . income. Mike Smoger, assistant director of A committee made the decision to Gl£G l/TH&Ol I DAILY AllIe put the dispenser in PS II earlier this public safety"said ticket dispensers NOT fAIR: Women' s studies sophomore Joe Erfort flips off year, Vasquez said. PIwe see PARKING on page 4 PS II where visitors will soon have to pay to park. Alcohol ban on beaches granted by City Council By JESSICA ZISKO Students who like to drink on the beach now h~1Ve to find" new place to go. . The San Diego City Council approved a round-thl~-c1ock ban on drinking at Mission Beach and part of Pacific Beach Tuesd"y night. The ban is on a trial basis for 1 1/ 2 years beginning on June 1 in the areas spanning from Mission Be,!!=h's south jetty to Feb-par Street near Crystal Pier in Pacific Beach. . The coundl voted 5-3 for the ban, . which has been debated throughout the county for the past few months. . A large number·of students live near the beach, andbars and clubs there are a majo~ hangout for students over 21 on the weekends. "That's the best part about living on the beach," said criminal justice junior Paul Frock, who lives' in PB. "All my friends would just go on the beach, hang put· and drink every weekend." Supporters of th~ ban think it will change the character of local beaches from a place to party to a . place for families. Opponents, who collected H,OOO signatures against the ban, believe the City Council did not· listen to their ideas for alternatives to the ban. Their proposal.included doubling fines for alcohol-related offenses· such as dn,mk driving or minors in posse~sion of alcohol. . Police statistics show that Mis.sion Beach· had the most alcohol: related violations in the county from 1998 to 2000 with 10,374 arrests. Mission Beach, Pacific Beach and Ocean Beach currently prohibit drinking on beaches from 8 p.m. to noon . .LOCAL MAGAZINE SPOOFS PAPER .Alternative rag pokes fun at The Daily Aztec By ZACK SMITH St aff Wr it er ·An alternative campus news source hit the College Area Tuesday when copies of a novelty newspaper - The Kiss My Aztec ~ were distributed on campus. The four-page newspaper was created by two men hoping to promote the local humor magazine Last Call that pokes fun at college students. I N Spoofs of Daily Aztec stories includ- said. "I was in class and had to put part ed. the mascot controversy, crime and of.my jacket in front of my face s6 the teacher couldn't hear me laughing." "Top 10" lists. Since other universities like the UniCo-creator Joe Heller said he even versity of California, San Diego have handed a copy to University President alternative newspapers, Rhodes said it Stephen Weber. is time Tile Daily Aztec had some com"This is a spoof on The Daily Aztec! petition. Check it out!" Heller said to passers-by. Heller said if the Kiss My Aztec is able J. Rhodes, co-creator and communi- to generate more advertising, there is a cation junior, said although he does not good chance it may have a regular totally dislike 'fhe Daily Aztec, it lacks presence on campus. certain elements pertaining to college "Some of the stories in (The Daily students - mainly social life. Aztec) don't really cover issues for colPsychology sophomore Sara Hyler Jege students/' he said. "This is a way to inform students about other aspects of said she loved the Kiss My Aztec. "I almost died when I read it," she college life." \, ... t' \'~.' . GRIG U1H&O£ I DAILY AllIe Kiss ¥y Aztec co-creator J. Rhodes shouts at students to read his paper. GET IEM WHILE THEY'RE HOT: WEATHER & SURF SPORTS TEMPO S Men s bashetballiands 6-foot-9 forward/center The King returns with 'Dreamcatcher. ' B E Mike Mackell. I PAGE 13 -1' '-,. PAGEe Tomorrow's Weather Clrallce9!rain. High 63° F. Low 51° F. Surf ':leport Winds from NW. SWflls from 2-4 feet. Higlt: 4.95 fret @ 6:47 lI.m. Low : 2.9~ fret @ l:l0 •. m. W.tn temp.: Sgo F, '. • HBSA general meeting will be Irom t 2:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. In BAM 345. The ing Woman" directed by Itami Juzo guest speaker will be AI Araiza. : with a brlel Introduction by History • The SDSU Bookstore presentation i:: Prolessor Dr. Owen Grilfithe at 3 and signing with Professor Kathleen p.m. In AH 2132. Jones author of Uvlng Between Dan- . • Greek Week 2001 will host a Talent ger and Love: the Umlts of Choice Show at 6 p.m. Cost Is $5. will be Irom 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the • Counseling and Psychological Ser. Love Ubrary LA 2203. vices holds Facilitating Change • Students planning to enter a health meetings from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. professions school In the fall of 2003 weekly In SS 2109. The group is should attend the first mandatory designed to help students create meeling, conducted by the Prolesnew patterns 01 living and to oversional Health Advising Office from come obstacles In order to achieve 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. In PS 130. Call goals. Call 594-5220. 594·6638. • Greek Week 2001 will be hosting Carnival Days from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Aztec Green. • The ~hool of Arts and Communlcatlon at So uthwes tem C0 IIege wIII feature ·Solstice" at 11 a.m. In Music . Hall, room 801, 900 OIay Lakes Road In Chula Vista. Call 421-6700 ext. 5895. • CJSA meets at 5: 15 p.m. weekly In PSFA 300. Food will be served. • Amnesty International 01 SDSU meets at 3:30 p.m. weekly In Chantico, located in lower Aztec Center. Everyone Is welcome. E-mail li smnestysdsu@yahoo.com • Counseling and Psychological Services holds Grief and Loss Group meetings from 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. weekly In 55 2109. Call 594-5220. • Saturday Night Uve's Darrell Ham- . • The Young Democrats meet at 4:30 • The Pre-Veterinary Club meets at • Greek Week will Include l,;8111tv:BI. mond will perfonn at 8 p.m. on April,' p.m. weekly in Chantico A, located in 4:40 p.m. weekly in LS 270. : Days Irom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 21 In University 01 Calilomia, San :.: lower Aztec Center. Call Jason at~.1. Movimiento Estudlantil Chicano de.;1 19 located at theAzt~ ~reen."1 Diego's Shiley Theatre. TICkets are :~f 466-2957. ~ Aztlan (MEChA) General Body me~t~61 a Clean San Diego ~III be Irom 1 $10 general admlsslon,_and are on • The College 01 Arts and Letters Ings are held at 3:30 p.m. weekly In a.m. to 2 p.m. on Apnl21, which sale now at the Hahn University Cen- Council meets at noon weekly In Council Chambers, located In lowe take place around the College Area. ter bOle office. Call 260-4600 ext. Calmecac, located in the lower Aztec Aztec Center. 'Call 594·6541. • Julia Butterfly Hill will be speaking 4901. . Center. Call 594.1527. • The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans· 7 p.m. on May 11)n Montezuma .1'odo el Poder 01 Pueblo y Todo el • Circle K International meets at 5:30 gender Union meets at 5 p.m. week· Hili ascended a 180-1001 reCllwocKl. pueblo 01 Podel" (All Power to the p.m. weekly In Quetzalcoati, located Iy inCalmecac,located In 10werAzt tree named 'Luna' to protest the People) will be the theme 01 Chicano In lower Aztec Center. Call Ashley at Center. Call 594-2737 or e-mail IgbygingofNorthemCalifomla.s.u.It........ Park Day Irom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 783-6375. suOrohsn.sdsu.edu. Tickets are $5 for students and April 21 in historic Chicano Park, • Counseling and Psychological Ser- • Counseling and Psychological Ser- for general publiC. 11ckets' located In the Barrio Logan cornmu- vices will hold Managing Your Stress vices will hold a DepreSSion Manage- purchased from Aztec Center ntty, south of downtown San Diego. meetings from 3:30 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. ment group from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Office or any Ticket Master The celebration Is free and open to weekly In SS 2109. Call 594-5220. weekly in SS-2109 to provide infor- Call Aztec Ticket Office at t)~H)1J47 the public. Visitors to Chicano Park • Counseling and Psychological Ser- mali on Identifying symptoms 01 • Global Volunteers Invites colloege. Day will experience tmditlonal music vices will hold Self Awareness Skills depression. Regular attendance Is students to learn lirst-hand and dance. Including ohe 01 the for Students In the Helping Profes- encouraged since each group builds China while helping its VUIII"'''. largest performances of Aztec slons meetings from 5 p.m. to 6:30 upon prior Information. Call 594- through unlq.ue two or ' summerservlCe'progmmsln Indigenous ceremonies and d~nce. p.m. weakly In SS 2109. The group Is 5220. . ' 'provlnce. North American collaoe. Food, arts and crafts vendors Will be designed for students preparing for • The Pacific Islander Student AssoI de Is ded t t ch su n arenee 0 ea seiling their specialties throughout professions with close personal con- elation (PISA) meets at 12:30 p.m. versatlonal English In summer Chicano Park. Call 563-4661. tact with the public. Call 594-5220. weekly In QuetzalcoaU, I~ted in guage camps at a private bo.!!lrdilln. • Greek Week 2001 will host "I Love • Counseling and Psychological Ser- lower Aztec Center. Call Mike 316- school In Bo-AI, located 30 mirllltl1ll:. a Clean San Diego" from 10 a.m. to vices will hold Meditative Experience 654 3 0r e-mail fromXI.an. Teams are scheduled noon. A BBQ will follow In Tula Hall. meetings from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. littlesamoa tlyshoo.com. July 8 through the 27 and July Cost Is $4 per ticket. weekly In 55 2109. The group will • Counseling and Psychological Sar- through Aug. 17. The cost of the • Greek Week 2001 will have Greek explore the power of the mind, as well vices will hold Depression Manage- week summer program is $1,595 Games at 9:30 a.m. at Mariner'.s as meditation techniques to gain ment meetings from 1 p.m. to 2:30 students. The tax-deductible lee Point. Insight necessary to consciously rec- p.m. weekly in S8 2109. Call 594- ers food, lodging, project OYr... n,"""I. ognlze and transfonn the non-pro- 5220. • and the services of an 9x[lArhm",.ri. Do you want your event isted here for free'? ductive patterns of their lives. Call teain leader. Airfare to Xl'an and Send written entries to decify@meil.sdsu.edu Entries are published on s 594-5220. time expenses are not included. spsce-svsilsble basis end may be edited. 800·487-1074 or e-mail a emell@globslvofunteers.org America's NevvYork Miam . ;; " . Leader .$242 $24r in Student Travel . $458 Tokyo London $34~ , counciltravel.com Mexico City$328 Costa ·Rica , ' $550 Get That' Healthy Smile'! • • • • HappyHour . 50 off all (perio. treatment exclu(ied) CALL TODAY 0/0 Student, Faculty, and Staff Welcome drinks 4-6pm daily ASK US ABOUT TOOTH WHITENING w/SDSUID .r'· • Cosmetic Bonding available • All insurance plans welcome • We accept Delta Insurance Music 1 CALL 286-2280 lues-Sun 7pm Old Town, San Diego • 298-0133 Examination 4 bite-wing x-rays . Consultation wifh doctor . Routine cleaning (scale/pOlish) Good Thru 12/01' FREDERICK W. LINDBLOM, D.D.S. 5532 EI Cajon Blvd., Suite 1 Locat~d west of College on EI Cajon Blvd. www.8Ilndlegodentalcare.net DISCOVEI SDSU'S LDIfDCIN SEMmER PROGRAM JOIN US I=RIIMY, APRIL 20, 2001 ADAMS HUMANITIES 4151 1,:00 AM, TO 1:00'PM FIND OUT ABOUT OUR 11I7E1UISNIP PROGRAM . . FOR MORE IIIFORMATI(jN CALL (6'9) S'9t-53'04 ' . . ~ BE AMONG THE FIRST 20 STUDENTS TO SIGN "up AND WIN PRIZES FROM A EUROPEAN TOUR TO TRAVEL PACKS! .' THE DAILY AzrEc THURSDAY, ApRIL 19, 2001 3 UC asked to repeal affirmative action ban he University of California T Regents may be in a position to bring back affirmative action, UC Berkeley's Daily Californian reported. The state Assembly's Committee on Higher Education passed a resolution this week, asking the Regents to repeal the systemwide ban on affirmative action by the end of this school year The Regents plan to discuss the ban at their meeting next month. Proponents of the bill are pushing for an approyal by the Assembly and Senate in the next few weeks. Burke ruled that the California State University system has not proved the mckname. of the school should be trademarked. The CSU system and Bello's Sporting Goods have battled the issue since 1993. usc may get more space for sports University of Southern California may soon see new full-size basketball and volleyball courts, if USC's board of trustees approves a campus landscape project next week, The Daily Trojail reported. The $5.2 million project will also open a 2.2 acr~ green area 'C,a1 Poly' to remain near the campus library lined on , on sporting goods .. the east and west with large trees Bello's Sporting Goods - a and concrete sidewalks trimmed San Luis Obispo-based compa- with brick. ny - can contmue to sell goods A full-length, full-size basketwith "Cal Poly" on" them as ball court with two shoot~around long as there is a disclaimer areas and a full-size sand volleyattached indicating the items ball court will be installed. are not connected to the univerThe magnitude of the consity, California State University struction, covering about threeSan Luis Obispo's Mllstall~ and-a-half acres, will affect transDaily reported. <portation, housing, orientation Superior Judge E. Jeffrey and information services. WWW.THEDAILYAZTEC.COM SO GOOD , 'IT FREE MOVIE POSTERS Tue~day, April 24 4:00· PM Montezuma Hall Aztec Center Pick Up FREE Passes Checkout at the Aztec Center CINEMAX.com T'icket. Office beginning for a chance to win a Thursday prior to scr,eening portable DVD player or other great prizes!' CASE C CULTURAl ARTS I SPECIAL MNTS now open level two (near Robinson's May) brin in this invite and save $10 off every $~O purchase ORTS C.COM' fashion valley shopping center 7007 friars road san diego, ca 619.497.5611 4 ,THuRsDAY, THE DAILY ,AzTEc CITY APRIL 19, Z001 Study explains why marijuana causes the Imunchies' Decently, scientists in Italy have ~'-.discovered more about the mechanisms that make marijuana users hungry, as well as what makes humans hungry in general. The operative molecules in the drug are called endocannabinoids, and they have receptors in the brain that, when activated, increase the appetite of the subject. The researchers' results, published in last week's scientific journal "Nature," have potential uses for dieting programs and medications. "There is tremendous interest in marijuana because of some of the unique physiological effects it has," UW biochemistry professor Dr. T.F. Martin said. "It has been useful in pain killing, glaucoma treatment, etc·. and in all of this, it is possible that an appetite-suppressing drug may be found, which is a billion-dollar-a-year industry." II HIGHER ED. II ment. U. of Dlinois mascot under fire again Debate about the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's mascot, Chief Illiniwek, has risen again in response to a U.s. Commission on Civil Rights statement issued Friday. The statement calls for the end of the use of Native American images and nicknames as sports symbols by non-native universities. The document puts pressure on the University of Illinois, which has"been caught up with controversy over the use of CJ:tief IlIiniwek for more than a decade. ' The u.s. Commission on Civil Rights statement is the organization's first format'rec6mmendation on the use of Native American mascots, and although it is not a legal document, it has spurred attention from the U of I's Board of Trustees, which has formed a committee to sh3dy the issue. The members of this committee will be announced at the board's May 23 meeting. were fathered by jefferson's younger brother, Randolph. The findings were the result of more than a year of work by a commission that included 13 scholars from institutions including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown universities and the University of Virginia. The report comes two years after DNA tests showed that Hemings' youngest son, Eston Hemings, was fathered by a Jefferson male. All but one member of the commission either were "highly skeptical" that Thomas Jefferson fathered Hemings' children or thought it was "almost certainly untrue," said Commission Chairman Robert F. Turner, who is also a general faculty professor at the COURTLSY PHoro university. - Compiled by Jessica Zisko, IN THE HilT SEAT: u. of IlIinios' mascot city editor, Chief IIliniwek is under fire after a Informatioll obtail1ed . national commission called for an from wire reports end to Native American mascots. Report rejects historical Jefferson DNA fiRdings A report published last week by scholars at some of the country's top universities, cast doubt on whether Thomas Jefferson fathered children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. Instead, the commission believes the children probably Horowitz refuses to pay 'Princeton.paper lor ad without apology Conservative activist David Horowitz is refusing to pay the Daily Pril1Cetmliall for running his ad on slavery reparations. Princeton University's student newspaper ran the ad on April4 and in an editoria~ on the same day attacked Horowitz's ideas as raCist. The editors also promised to donate the money they received from Horowitz - approximately $1,000 - to the Trenton chapter of the National Urban League, because, "we do not want to profit from Horowitz's racism." Horowitz laid out his reasons for withholding his money in a column on Monday's Salol1 .com online magazine. ' "After flaming me in public so easy for an irresponsible press where even the putchase of ad space merits an ad hominem attack - the Princeswill not get to , donate my money. The check has been stopped pending an apology. In the absence of this decency" I will donate it myself, but to a cause I choose," he wrote. The ed,itors said they will not run any future'ads from Horowitz until he makes good on his pay .' • .! PARKING cnatinued hom pa~ 1 have already been installed in PS V, W lot, G Lot, and will be in PS VI when it opens' in the fall. Smoger said SDSU is required by the CSU system to charge for parking. "As a single girl, (PS 2) is the safest place to park at , night when I m going home from my classes," Theater senior Mari anne Pope said. "It will force people to park elsewhere, which may not be as safe." !heater senior Mark Witosky said he does not agree with the meter idea because it might impact music and theater performances on the west side of cam" pus. "Performances usually take place on weekends when classes are not in'session," he said. "It's a rip off for (SDSU) to get more .mortey." Smoger said the committee is discussing whether people attending "The Rock" church which attracts hundreds of S~ Diegans to the campus each wee~en~, ,will have to pay for parking. The parking meters will not aff~ct SDSU students, faculty ~astaff who h;ave parking permIts . . Eat w\tll your beaU. ,. , . If what the~'re saying is :true, th~n you could use .SALAN~E GOLD~ It has a 40-30-30 ratio of carbs, protein and dietary fat which prOVides your body ~Ith energy; And who knew there are 23 vitamins and minerals, in all, those peanuts, caramel' and, rich chocolate. flavor ' a" ance.com~ , . To learn, more , 10'g.on to S PINION THuRsOAY, THE D A I L Y A Z T ~ C APRIL 19,2001 5 Americans work harder, play softer T he average American works an addiI just hope we can keep it to ourselves. nighbnare? Are we living, tionall63 hours, or one month a year There is an insatiable appetite for American or are we merely working more than in 1%9, according to Har- culture throughout the world - a craving ourselves to death? vard economist Juliet Schor in her book, for our Big Macs, our Brad Pitts and our Decide for yourself. "The Overworked American." Boys, from the Backstreets to the Beasties. I Personally, I think we are "How can this be," you ask? fear our work habits can't be far behind. becoming a greedy, selfCapitalism. It's the dangling carrot that Of course, I could be overreacting. Capi- 'serving society of work-adrives us, the American workhorses, to talism definitely has an advantage over the holics chomping at the work harder. competition. It offers a wealth of opportu- bit for a piece of the car. It's the promise of the fabled American nities that communism doesn't afford, rot. But, that's their Dream: "If you work hard. enough, the car~ "llowing small business owners a sense of PToblem; I don't even o rot can be yours," says the driver of this freedom and prosperity. And I suppose fas- like carrots. workhorse, a rather familiar old man with a cism isn't too fashionable either - it clashGive me the wine o whi~e goatee and a star-spangled suit. . es with the whole happiness-and-freedom~ and cheese. Of course, Uncle Sammy failed to men- for-mankind thing. o tion the price tag that comes with this There is an upsid~ to America's love of -Michael Thompson is a dream. According to the Employee Benefits labor. We have higher wages and lower jOllmalism senior. Send Research Institute, Americans work more unemployment than other European coun- e-mail to daletter2000 hours per year than any other industrialized tries, and an overall higher standard of liv- @hobnail.com. nation, working an average of. six-and-a- ing. B4t this "standard ofliving" can be mishalf weeks longer than . leading. Only 5 percent of workers earning -This column does not MICHAEL a worker in France. less than $15,000 a year said th~y have necessarily reflect tire 0P;11Even the notoriously achieved the American Dream, according to ion of The Daily Aztec. hard-working Ger- the October 1988 edition of Harper's Magamans work two months zine. Only 6 percent of workers making more than $50,000 a year reported achievless than us .. this dream: ing We work so hard to . America is a consumer's dream, off~ring achieve success that we everything from big-screen TVs and luxury don't hav~ time to 4rugs and rock In' roll. But is it a cars to sex, enjoy it. We sit ~ our or has our'love of excess become a dream, bland cubicles, surrounded by moUnds of paper and flashing computer sci'eens. All the While, life is passing us by. If I went to Italy or Spain and asked them to work 40 to 60 hours a week for, !he rest of their lives, they'd politely tell me to screw off..Why do we continue to slave away at" I don't know if you've ever flaws that he can work on our jobs with increasing fervor, while the Easter is over, but did you been to Palestine, but there are throughout the story. , notice that Passover even average European works less and less? barely any trees there, and He is the son of God ~ We spend a higher percentage of our paybegan? there were even less before they maybe the Bible should spend checks than the average citizen anywhere Easter gets the press, but if started irrigating SO years ago. a Uttle more time on his rebelRtED else in the world, which means we are also there' were an award show for They used to bum camel dung lious adolescent years. Jesus deeper in debt. Consumer debt is at an allreligious holidays, Passover instead of wood. Who ever should be a wise-cracking time high, totaling $1.52 trillion in credit would easily win. Jews have heard of a carpenter in a land teenager who steals the keys to card, auto loans and other types of conalways told great stories. the God-mobile and crashes without wood? sumer borrowing - nearly double the Jesus was probably unem- into a herd of camels. Or, God Passover is just another examDespite the lack of imaginaamount of a decade ago, according to the tion in the N~w Testament, ployed and had to eat food that and Mary could take a vacapIe. Federal Reserve Board. Christians, on the other Easter gets all the recognition tasted like ... camel crap. It was tion, and Jesus could tum some Europeans ·pride themselves in their nice of him to die for our sins, water into keg beer and throw hand, could use some help. while Passover is ignored. enjoyment of the finer things in life: the but come on, I would have a big, raging party. Easter is just a formula holiI couldn't work 'on Easter wine, the cheese ... the wine and the cheese, wanted to be crucified' if I was Religious holidays are like day backed by an aggressive Sunday because The Daily hand-fed by a bevy ofnaked servants. marketing campaign. The mar- "Aztec legally would have had that bad at choosing a prafes- blockbuster movies. Passover Americans, on the other hand, areworkasion.,. .. . represents the . ' holics. We've become the "dull boys" of the . keting has survived for 2000 to pay me overtime wages. It s time nobody independents but the holiday itself is So, I worked on the Sabbath years, world. The more money we make, the more with better writno l<;>nger interesting. That's, during Passover. And, s 0 m e bod Y we want, or think we "need." The United ~ameoutwitha ing, cinema togwhy we inverited the Easter instead of' making overtime States is the only industricili,zed country b ". ,d raph y,.e tc. Bu,t Bunny. The holiday serves wages, I was paid the normal, . new New _ Tes11' without a government mandate on vacation tament ca It when It comes 'American consumerism as depressingly low amount I time, according to the Society for Human a ~emake:.I ]f to the box office much as it does the word of am always paid. Resources Management. . , t~mk C h n s . . of divinity, the God. I personally didn't mind In a recent poll conducted by Salary.com, hans should New Testament masses will buy You ,don't have to add any- working on the Sabbath more than a third of respondents said they contract the tickets for the thing t«;> PaSsover to make. it because a burning bush told . get less than 10 paid vacation days per year. Cohen brothers were a movie, it b' f 1a h 1 . Ig ormu 0 Swedish workers, by comparison, getpve to~ iriteresting. It speaks for itself me it was OK - so long as I to fill the plot and has dOl)e so for 4,O(Xlyears. wrote a column about it . holes that Bible I day s the ..eight weeks of paid vacation per year, while The confusion of children What I do mind is that East- aut h 0 r s ones that spent German, French and British workers averespecially Jewish· children' er is grounds for overtime pay couldn't. ' more money on age six weeks of paid vacation year. caused by the Easter Bunny and Passover the far supeFirst of aU, Mary shouldn't advertising. Many of us have crap jobs, working for and egg hunts is inexcusable. rior holiday - isn't. . be a virgin. The idea that the Of course, in religion, adver~ crap wages. Forty-four percent of,American How is painting eggs and . Shouldn't we reward r~b son of God could only be born tising means conquering the workers are dissatisfied with their jobs, inventing an imaginary rabbit. glons that ~an come up With to a virgin is ridiculous. People world and forcing everyone to according to a recent survey conducted by with human characteristics good plot hnes? God combuy tickets to your holiday. So, have sex! Get over it. SurveySite for CareerPath.com. . . supposed to make people Moses was a p~in~~ in.one manded it, remember? Did "Be I guess Easter wins. ThiS doesn't seem to make much sensereflect on Christ's resurrection? of the greatest clvlh~ahons we unhappy with our jobs, yet we can't fruitful and multiply" mean For the first 10 years 'of my life, ever. H~ c~ul~ have lived the anything to New Testament . -Reed Albergotti is a journalism seem to get enough of them? junior and assistant opinion editor I thought the dominant religion rest of hiS hfe m luxury, but he writers? Wake the ft""k up, brothers and sisters: for The Daily Aztec. Send e-mail in America was based on magb~came a slave. and l.ed a Work sucks! Don't let anyone tell you othBesides, nobody wants to to daletter2000@hotmaiLcom. kal rabbits and overweight mlracu!ous ~ebelhon ~gamst a erwise. Not your boss, not Uncle Sam and read about virgins and carpenmen who own flying reindeer. nemesIs With unthmkable ters. If the New Testament were certainly not that bum trying to sell you on -This column does 110t necessariIt definitely made me think power. a movie, it would be a flop. that new credit card. ly reflect tile opinion of The Daily Jesus, on the other hand, twice about buying into the We are the products of capitalist greed. Jesus needs a little more mainstream. was a carpenter in Palestine. Aztec. spunk and some character THOMPSON All religions deserve to be paid overtime ALBERGOTTI BeSides, wants to read a· out VIrgins an carpenters. the would be a nOp. per are f~ .',' ::....~., ';, . This week's question: ,"-' > NonnalNews . :. ., 1913-1921: . ·~~~·~aper La~tem·, ... :', .•.:.' :J921~1925·: :., ~;.1b8' AZtec:: ;. ,,' . . ..\;192~1960'-: ':' , ~'~!. "~1~",~.}h~ ~_~l ~ ," .-. .~. ~~,_' '.: How do you think The Daily Aztec compares , to other college newspapers? '~·~/~",~<~'·.1-;'>~~·~~·.<}"'F:<:::'~·':·;~./· Current Totals: 259 yotes Vote online at m.theda.ilyazte£.com A. much better B. better C. about the same D. worse E. 'much worse 24% K:;;Gt:;f;;~J.':;S-,;J 19% 17% • • • 12% _ _ 28% ;~'lt~lbfDailJ~ Aztec·:'~·(::.:.:·:::Yl~~IJ.:>}:fJ:J::~f4;l ~:f:~r~i~~~~~Jlf[i;2~~J;i;;'~':JN~;,:;,~'~~;{~~'\:F{~~?{Mi~;;jj;;!fi,jl{~·:l.;;""(J:':":::':"-!t:-<~::~Y;~~~.r;i:""'i~"");::·-·: {~·~: ;~ ~ X~f!.~ t1~ ~ ~ ~f~ t~":".{1~fj;~:~ ~;~ :::-.-./:~ : ...,"":':""..~~-.:-~~~~-~":"'.~/~;.~.: -~-,;.~ : ~ ~.;'~'~-:::-'~~~-:---";~'.~'~-' editor In, ~Ief • Sunny Sea Gold ' Ad Dlractor • Erin Maushart, ... 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()C2;)dnfdJ 'i J<)<'.fHlrl 10 916:) d_:"~':',:' 1JDal1or,.." j'm~i '{as no ( ,:Iud grwlli:t :id~jnui' rhlf;M 1Jj()ds ~nblnirf:l ':;'-:I:,>-[r- 'tniAnirlt ,-,''}H ', u .. 'bI., OD • ':, f balOte;" • . '. ,~~' , .~,. . . " . ' . ','. 'j . .i·,.::J!.·i·_~~/l··· . ,..t"~; ,'.,·;t)j·~Hfi. c·.::t~~i·rfr: THI~ TIME YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE CHANNEL. lIIToomr..10IBlI'llr.ldl1ll11K 1IIIIIH 11I.lDIMllilAft. wlll6l1 ",;i;5': . Z~;:~R~~~':-!:'~:"~'~~~:';::~~~~~:=&~~;~[JJ:~~~:~iI c-r,. ........ _ . . Yl'lftltonIf'""~ • __ !~::.!.~ o ...... APRil 20 ONLY IN lHEA1RES dUI(~OV:,::j~~::: e9viLwod .':''"and FAQs onlifie~al)2!'~.. . ,During its regular meeting WED-MAY 1 • 1001 . " .,<' ATiPM IN COUNCIL' CHAMBERS THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS COUNCIL WILL VOTE ON SOME IMPORT~NT BYLAW AMENDMENTS Copies of the p~oposed changes are available to interested individuals, upon rec:tuest from Aztec Centers University Information, the Aztec Center Office, or the A.S. Government & Business Office, !.nth~, lower level of Aztec Center. Comm~:hts 'regarding the proposed changes are welcomed in advance meeting. , ' '. ,or during the . ;~. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS (~t9) S94-e487 ~. #,' S)JIInner session has a new look! .........JI..waL. ·'-,1"."._4-•• ~.':~, ; , .. : '., . ~ " EMPO THURSDAY, APRIL 9 THE DAILY 19, 2001 It will come again It. No, not the androgynous pronoun. It. Pennywise the dancing clown. An alien being of infinite age that has the ability to enter the minds of children and assume the guise of their worst nightmares, preferring to feast on them because their fear makes them taste good. In 1987, Stephen King introduced the reader to Derry, Maine through the eyes of seven child ren, the losers' club; i nth epa g est hat depicted their fight ,_ • against It as children ~agaln, and their fight revisited as adults, King's g rea t est e pic was ~==================::J ~'Dreamcatcher'l: , spun. It feeds, then naps for 28 years - then feeds. In 1957, inspired ~y revenge and driven to "Take care of yourself, Henry said, end the cycles of child murders, Bill Denbrough but Jonesy isn't thinking about . lead the losers' club against It, beating the montaking care of himself. He is ster deep into the sewers. thinking about March sunlight. It returned. He's thinking about eating his. The losers returned, 28 years older. sandwich. He's thinking he Lead again by Bill, they killed It in 1985. might watch a few girls over on Will It return again? the Cambridge side - skirts are The evidence: short, and March winds are One: It was female (as any shape-shifting, frisky: He's thirikih~ 'about all' .. eater of worlds should be) and had laid eggs sorts of things, but watching out throughout her lair, which two of the losers for Mr. Gray isn't one of them. hunted down in total darkness with a few Neither is taking care of himself. matches and smashed. This is a mistake. This is also Perhaps they managed to smash all the. eggs. how lives chal)ge forever." . Two: In 1994, King returned to Derry with the novel "Jnsomnia.'~ The story takes place STORY BY from the early'to late '90s, and in the later part the following reference is made: "In Derry, JASON WILLIAMS things that disappear into the sewer system . have a way - an often unpleasant one - of OPINION EDITOR turning up." ., Also, Mike Hanlon, the loser responsible for watching for It, is referred to as still wor!<ing at King's portrayal of the Down's boy town not worth living an individual on board the mother the Derry Public Library. ' ship": ideas of intergalactic scientists; is emotionally exhausting in its realas well be dead. Three: "Dreamcatcher," King's lah.'st work ism. of probing, of implants. it been? t a kin g p l·a c e i n 2 00 1 , A major (and not very King-esque) , Then he twists these ideas -.:. he ," Stephen King's describes the main, fault in the storytelling is a lack of folnovel completed after puts them in his mind and rots them character perusing a low-through. ' accident, ta~es the read- there, turns them into plaque in memory Normally King 't~1k."" ~'!I1::\\>i!b~<fl!''!.i~~.,......~~#.;;' L !i ~~...... ,{Iti;<r.~;t;$" ~t{:f,I",,':'. "i.:.,,,.a;.r..~:. , Maine - the home- an abscess 'of of the I'ost chiltackles tales with "C t • town of horror found in King's thought, a communidren, dedicatlarge scope and cable cancer that he ;}CXen.8J~S s neCOlilf;: "Insomnia" and "It." ed by the many tendrils of '. King tells' the story of four friends spreads to,th~ reader. losers' club. theme and plot -,The intergalactic bound and super-naturally empowFro m but the elements fl~sh-loving "Dreamered by Duddits, a Down's syndrome. scientists become always come back fungus, the catcher": boy whom the quartet rescue from a carriersofaflesh-lov'to an idea, a person, "Spraybully trying to feed the kid sh..... The ing fungus, the prob~ a time - a promise. painted ties of. their youth bind them to the ing becomes a cereIn "Dreamcatchacross it er," King sets up events of their middle-age following a bral mmd-rape;. and ' (plaque) three major events ' crash-down and fungal infestation of the impla,nts become bacteria of unusual in jagged from the grown "alien origin." red letters men's shared past: size that incUbate in In "Dreamcatcher," King plays on a ... was this the human colon and rescuing Duddits, lot of the hype and mainstream confurther meseat their way out of become rescuing, a missing ceptions of the "alien abduction" and sage: PENNYgirl with Duddits "what the green freaks do to someone one's anus. W I S E and the murder of a once they get (teleport, beam, carry) he~;:~ is fun like LIVES." bully. The N one of these Though a master next 28events are explored of horror, King also y e a r in detail, nor are has the ability to c y c I e they sufficiently write a character lNay ends in tied into the current unable to sit flat on 2013. action. Because of the page with the rest anus. King is . It this deficit, these of the words, one that should oft-referenced stands and walks be pretty experiences come across the text. hungry by across as (1) a weak attempt at exposiOne such character in "Dreamthen. tion in the case of Duddits' rescue a catcher" is Duddits. Though central to Mothers, kind of off-hand here's how they met; the plot, his text-time', is relatively teach your short. If his importance to the telepa- (2) an uneventful and forced illustrachildren thy angle of the story were not so cru- tion of the boys' "powers" in the re.&. well. cial, he would be a relatively minor . cue of the missing girl; and (3) a seem- King. haunts fictional city from his old-school r;:::==============:;l LI'" PREDICTION From carriers of' a. probing becomes a cerebral mind-rape, and the implants bacteria of unusual size that incubate in the human colon and eat their out of one's fun like herpes. character. . t r-. DERRY. ,.15 . ' .m ... 10 TEMPO' THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2001 MOVIE " THE DAILY AZTEC ItJ1WlG REVIEW .For Your Entertainment ,J L, cJ La ~ L-IJ So we hC!ar ... DEAR DIARY: (far left) Hugh Grant plays the boSS Jones lusts after; (near left) Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) a second before an . eX'tremely embarrassing. moment. A.raunchy, raucous romp counm PHOTOS Maybe the slaphappy raunch that had the book's fans rolling in the aisles got some people scared. Once again, Zellweger triumphs, spitting out expletives and insults one after another. ·BYRoss VON METZKE . Hell, she even packed on 25 pounds to Special Section Editor fully inhabit Bridget in all her full-bodiedness. On Z~llweger, that translates into a couple bumps up in bra size at Victoria's Q uirk(y) n. a peculiarity. , Secret and an even fuller face to look conAfter seeing "Bridget Jones's Diary," the tinually unde~ the influence with. people at Webster's Dictionary might In fact, the only problem with "Bridget want to consider changing their definition Jones's'Diary" is the diary - we hardly see -' to Renee.Zellweger. . it. She buys it, jots a few notes dowt;\ in it, . The oft-misunderstood actress, whose leaves it out on the table for the man she's trademark pout has been'mistaken as crushing on this week to conveniently pick drunk, stoned, perplexe~ or unquestion- up and that's that. . " . ablyd';lffibfo~ded-,sometimes~ll'atthe Half'the magic of the book is reading. same time -!s most at home playmg left- Bridget'S inner thoughts, and tho~gh Zellof-center nutjobs. , , . weger does a damn fine job. of trying to So why anyone should doubt her ablli- . translate them off the screen without ty to capture all of Bridget'S oddities, par- words, the movie falls a little short of her ticularly commg off the heels of a Golden talentS, and therefore, is a tad of a letdown, Still, "Bridget Jones's Diary" is unquesGlobe win for the offbeat "Nurse Betty",is a mystery. . t i o n a b l y British, and because of the non. Perhaps the necessary British accent had stop rollicking humor, we forgive firstpeople worried. Fear not-the Texas-born time 'director Sharon Maguire at the few Zellwe.ger' pu ts Gwyneth Paltrow's pitfalls she faces along the way. The entire picture is raunchy, but because it's British, praised attempt to shame. Renee Zellweger brings quirky Bridget Jones to life on big screen which for some reason in America almost always translates to classy cinema, irs not shocking, (We hear a flaming talk show host blast the word c....t across the screen and barely blink an eyelash.) The raunch is what makes this movi~ fun - obsessing about· Bridget's appearance with her is the draw. We're rolling in the aisles as her ample derriere is flashed on national television while she slides down a fire pole,' The supporting cast is equally winning, up to the challenge of making this movie work, all seemingly determined to keep '~he audience entertained at all costs. Hugh Grant is the boss Bridget lusts after, charmingly smarmy asheisin the tabloids,leaving behind all traces of the loving dolt he plays in most films. . '. Colin Firth is dashing and droll as the straight man, the, one Bridget talks mad , crap about on the first few encounters, but suddenly falls for when he reveals he likes her for more than her ample bosom. This is; however, Zellweger's movie, . and at the end of .film, should anyone doubt her capabilities of bringing Bridget to ,life" get a clue. As· a comedic actress, Zellweger's as go()d as it gets. RANTS AND RAVES Joey Ramone, the godfather of us· all In the song "American Pie," Don Mclean waxed poetic about '~the day the music died" -Feb. 3rd, 1959, when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Val~ and The Big' Dopper were killed in a plane crash. Now the last three generations, or at leaSt the portions of ,ry, influences - '50s and '60s which rock In' roll really means rock and bubble-gum pop, girl , som~thing to, have a compara- groups like the Supremes and ble experience. For us, Easter . the Ronettes, the' raw power of Sunday 2001 will forever be the Stooges - and fuse them remembered as the day Joey into a cohesive, distinctive Ramone, founding member of sound. the Ramones and the entire The Ramones played amped punk rock movement, died. up, distorted, three-chord rock Born Jeffrey Lyman, Ramone 'n' roll with sweet pop sensibilpassed away just a month shy ity and anthemic vocals about, of his 50th birthday, following a among other things, love, street seven-year battle with lym- life and sniffing glue. The great phatic cancer. rock critic Lester Bangs likened There's a long-running argu- listening to the Ramones to ment about the exact moment being "run over by a berserk and location punk rock was locomotive barreling downhill born, but no self-respecting afi- with a broken throttle, no cionado can deny the impact or brakes and Bugs Bunny in the importartce of what happened driver's seat." in Forests Hills, Queens, in The music is primitive anq March of 1974, when four powerful, though technically young men named Joey, John- unspectacular. This does not ny, Dee Dee and Tommy diminish their geni.us, but is in dropped their proper last fact the true beauty behind the names to become known as the Ramones and, the reason they Ramones. are arguably the most influenThe driving forc~ behind the tial band of all time. band, singer Joey managed to From the oP!l.':ing refrain of draw hom numerous seeming- the first track ("BUtzkreig Bop") Iy unrelated, even contradicto- of their self-titled debut, "Hey, ho, let's go," The Ramones' Leigh told everyone that, while music is a call to arms for every . he could talk all day about his disaffected, disgruntled, dis- late brother, "Joey could have connected outsider to pick up a said it all in two minutes and 10 guitar and make some noise of seconds." their own. Now an icon, Joey Anyone who learned to play himself was an unlikely rock guitar by listening to Ramone's star from the beginning - tall, records, chanted "Gabba gabba gawky and goofy, not blessed hey" with the volume cranked with a fantastic voice or heart- to 10, listened to "She's the throb good One" while looks; . nursing a crush, or laced Joey and his up a pair of cohorts turned these shortdamned, the Ch,!ck Taylors comings into and donned a !!'~t ~~h~~~ Ramones taught· leather jacket Stodgy music,iansmp be ' ~rg~~~~~~ they took over US aU that's the world. Their music town will prodded othagree that Joey Ra~one - ~ ers - from the Sex Pistols to a.thtude, hiS n Social Distor" hfestYlet tion to Green D!ost of all 1S Day 'to Blink music ill 182 - to do the same. Stodgy continue to impact us, t musicianship be damned, the and every day. Thank you, Joey. Ramones taught us all that's really necessary is the desire to create, to be heard, to rock. It's - Ken Smith is a journalism a short stretch to say without, junior and assistant t~po editor the Ramones, thousands of of The Daily AZtec. Send combands would've never existed. ments' to datempo@hotmail.com. The death of Joey. Ramone put many of us at a loss. for - This column does not necessarwords. When he was laid to rest ilJi represent the opinion of The yesterday, his brother Mickey ~aily Aztec. really necessary is the desi-re to create, to be heard to rock. -First comes love: It's marriage for , two of the members of this generation's Brat Pack. Well, not yet, but soon. Freddie Prinze, Jr. and "Buffy" vixen Sarah Michelle Gellar - who starred together in "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and in the forthcoming Scooby 000, movie - recently announced their engagement. No date has been set, but it's rumored tha~ Shaggy, Scooby and Velma will be in attendance. , - Mama Mia: Becoming a family woman hasn't slowed down the Material Girl one bit. (No; she's not pregnant again.) Madonna has finally set dates I for the Drowned World Tour, her first official tour since 1993. Though she's teased her fans with mini-performances in New York and in London, this tour, in support of her Music album, promises to be the most extravagant stage spectacle of her career. Think she'll parade a wedding gown and start humping the stage again? Happy birthday to '••• - April 19: Kate Hudson, 22 - April 20: Crispin Glover, 37 - April 21: Iggy Pop, 54 - April 22: Peter Frampt~n, 51 - April 23: Valerie Bertinelli, 41 - April 24: Michael O'~eefe~ 46 - April 25: Renee Zellweg~r, 32 Tldsweekin entertainment ~ory ••• -On April 19, 1927, actress Mae West was found guilty of indecent behavior in her Broadway production, "Sex." -On April 20, 1985, British pop duo Wham! were the first recording artists to release cassettes in the People's Republic of China. Insert your own George Michael joke here. , -On Apri121~ 1963, the Beatles,met the Rolling Stones for the first. tim~ at the Crawdaddy Club in Richmorid, England. No "Celebrity Deathmatch"type confrontation occurred, although it seems the battle was won by the Fab Four-Mick and Co. opened the show. -On April 22, 1~9, actors Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise filed suit against The Star newspaper. 'The tabloid . reported the couple sought help from sex therapists while filming "Eyes Wide Shut." , -On April 23, 1985, human rococo painting Liberace made an MTV appearance'as a guest VJ. The flam'boyant pianist died two years later, . ending all plans for a show supposedly titled '~House of Sequins." c Around town ••• -Tonight, April 19: The Toadies perform at 'Canes in Mission Beach. For schedule and ticket information, call (858) 488-1780 or TicketMaster at (619) 220-TIXS.. - Friday, April 20; Local boys Sprung Monkey perform at 'Canes in Mission Beach. For schedule and ticket information, call (858) 488-1780 or TicketMaster at (619) 220-TIXS. . -Saturday, April 21: Train will be performing along with Bob Schneider at , 'Canes. For more information, look uP' at the numbers above. It's the same deal. . -Sunday,April 22: Kenny Wayne . Shepherd will take the stage at ~th & B. For. schedule and ticket information, call (619) 231-4343. -Tuesday, April 24: The Chamber Strings perform at The Casbah. For more information, call TicketMaster at (619) 220-TIXS. . - Compiledl1y irene "Harry" Yadao a~ Marc "Potter" Cuenco COUCH POTATO'" CLASSIC P·ORTS • What: WUSA Soccer Atlanta Beat vs. N.Y. Power When: Saturday, 9 a.m., TNT I ~~~~~~ THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2001 T 'H E .D A I L Y A Z TEe WATER$) POL!) AZTEC Van Wy k hopes team peahs soon, ends offensive d.rought .... Count your blessings and make the most of life. This would be a suggestion from freshman water polo player Hotly Hartzell, who knows how fragile life can be. Last summer, one bad day turned into a horrific nightmare for Hartzell- a day that would change her life. Hartzell was working as a lifeguard when she started feeling sick.' Despi te the extreme heat, she began to get cold chills. "That night I got really sick," Hartzell said. "I couldn't stop vomiting." In the morning, tIartzell went to take a shower before a ..-''' Help wanted: bats needed Hartzell overcome~ near fatal experience By JUSTIN TAYLOR Staff Writer 11 Il' ... ~ SOfTB1U,L , Frosh makes the most of opportunities .. .' , ' . .! " . ". SOIIT L JrntE I DlJlY AlIlC , lIYING IN mE MOMENT: Fr~shman Holly Hartzell (14) has made the most of her opportunity this y~ar, scoring 72 goals. The total is the third mQst i"n a Single season for SDSU and places Ha~ell at ninth all-time. doctor's appointment. But this was not even' the The next thing she knew, worst of it. Her legs were she was in the hospital. injured when they hit the base Hartzell had passed out of the shower, leaving painfulwhile iJ;l~the.:.shower;-and had Iy deep bruises and permanent fallen through'the giass show- indentations. er door, completely shattering Her face had smashed into it. On the fall, she hit herfore- the tile floor, breaking her head on the toilet, rendering nose, knocking out one of her her unconscious. front teeth and cracking the Hartzell was rushed to the other. Her upper lip was split emergency room where she wide-open and required was diagnosed with severe stitches. Both of her lips were dehydration. The doctors badly bruised and swelled to worked frantically to save her two-to-three times their norlife. She was tteated using a mal size, number"of IVlsffl\'a. t,' i;II'nohg ,', In pddition, she had severe" I ' f i t . d herc hee kb ones,an d other.. tHi,n~~I,(·p~~hped', ive·· " y b n.p~e 'Il ters of wa'te"" m 'to her system.· accordmg to the doctors, was 1 close to completely shattering them. Said Hartzell: "When I looked in the mirror I didn't even recognize myself." She was not able to play water polo for three weeks, but she was determined to get back in the water. Following clearance from the doctors, shebegan swimming laps in the pool. Exactly one month after that near fatal day, Hartzell tried out for the U.s. Junior National Te~m - and made it. She went on to win a gold me d a 1 a t th e 2000 ' Junl'or Pan Am Games in Venezuela, to go· along with her bronze medal fro m the 1999 J u n i 0 r Olympics. When it came time to decide. wha t coli ege to a t tend, Hartzell had her pick of any school in the nation. Hartzell's decision to attend SDSU came after significant deliberation. But in the end, 'she decided that she wanted to buckthetrendthatsawalotof the top high school water polo players signing with the top four teams in the country. Said Hartzell: "I wanted to go to a team that was somewhere between five and seven. Please Sft OPPORTUNmES 01 pi&! 12 Torrid Aztecs tear toward tourney By AMANDA CAPLES Siafl Viriter Here we stand, halfway through con. ference season, and the San Diego State offense is nowhere to be found. Is history repeating itself? Perhaps, Last season, SDSU rnn into a dry spell toward the end of the yenr, which led to the disappointing finish of a 35-27 'season. Over the weekend, SDSU went 1-3 against New Mexico and Colorado State. "It's kind of hard," said Aztecs pitcher Sandra Durazo. "We're not supposed to lose to these teams." A 1-3 weekend record might not be all that bad, but there is something to be said for getting swept by a CSU team that had yet to win a game in the conference, and is 6-26 overall. "Colorado State played some of the' best games of its life," said head coach Kathy Van Wyk. "We played some of the worst." But contrary to what most might think, this could 'I; . be considered a :-;' good thing, , , , t... "l'm glad this is happening to us now, instead of at the end like , last year," Van , Wyk said. "The girls know they can beat these teams. Our destiny is still in our own hands." This weekend, the Aztecs have a big chance at getting back their offense. " . ... }",! \, ...... One reason is they will be playing teams they are quite capable of beating, UNLV goes into - KATHY Saturday'S douVAN WYK, bleheader wi th , an overall record AZTECS of 24-20. In the SOFTBALL COACH Mountain West Conference, they are 5-5. Earlier in the season, SDSU split against UNLV, winning the first game, 7-0, and losing the second game 5-6, . Van Wy k sa id the· Azte.cs need to watch out for the long ball. The Rebels have a very potent line-up, with several players fond .of the long ball (21 home runs this season). In addition, SDSU needs to have an offensive awakening. "We need to start manufacturing runs," Van Wyk said, "We need to mostly focus on our offense. UNLV has pitching we can handle," On Sunday, the Aztecs will face UC Riverside. In its first year of being a Division I team, UCR (11-29-1) has struggled. On the road, the Highlanders have been really struggling, having lost 11 of their last 14. Overall, they are batting a measly .200. Lauren Sigler leads the team with a . .268 average. SDSU beat UCR, 3-2, at the Long Beach State Invitational, Feb. 2, and again, March 9, at the SDSU Tournament, 5-3. "We should beat Riverside," Van Wyk said. "BuLW~-should have beat Colorado too. So who knows? It's a funny glme." " .. \,., ),,', , /.. r~ 1, ~. Conference tournament right around the corner By NICK MARANDA Stall Writer Just over the horizon, a goal lingers. But with every goal, there are obstacles. San Diego State women's tenniS. face~ two obstacles at hom.e this weekend in the form of the .UOlverslty of Tulsa and the Uolversity of Oregon. The Aztecs will play host for the final ti,me as they open the weekend against the Golden Waves on Fnday. ~hey then conclude their regular season schedule on Sunday agamst the Ducks. The two matches will serve as a final tune-up before th~ Mountain West Conference Tournament April 26. However, If SDSU overlooks the non-conference matches this weekend, the competition could stall the team rather than ready it. , k "I don't think anyone wlll be overloo ing them," said Aztecs senio~ Whitney Wells. "Everyone is prepar~d, ~na wants to -,---end the season with two wms. ,~ .........: . UTE.C. .· The Red and'B!ackhead into this weeksam LJEYNE I DAILY AlIIC end with a tremendous amount of momenJUST GEmNG STARTED: No. 4 singles player Katja Karrento (14-5) and the --=:. . ._ . _____JlO'l'ES: tum. Winners of seven in a row - six of Aztecs are wanning up in time for the MWC Tournament next weekend. - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 · those coming in conference play.- th~ team is firing on all cylinders at the fight time. '. Chidley and Wells' impressive doubles win streak still remains "Everyone has stepped up mentally lately," Wells sai~l. "We intact, as they have won 11 in a row at the No.2 doubles spot. confidence. h ave a 11 b een wa lking out On the court with a lot more '1 't' " Their streak is only one of many for the Aztecs as of late. Kat~y We have all decided that the match isn't over u~tI 1 saver. Becker has posted eight straight victories in singles play and IS, Golden Waves head coach, Paige McMurray, IS an SD.SU aluIl\r 18-9 on the season. With two wins this weekend, she wIll reach nus and will be looking for revenge after narrowly losmg to the the 20-win plateau for the second year in a row. The No.1 dou. Aztecs last season oy a 5-4 margin. _ bles duo of Lindsey Hedberg and Silvia Tornier have won seven In what has been called one of the greatest comebacks m te~~ ina row. ' histo , Julie Chidley and Lisa Papi came ba~ from a 7-0 defi~l~ Hedberg, who was moved to No. 1 singles after an injury to in thX doubles match to WID 9-8 (7), and gam the eventual VIC Tornier, has found success at the top spot. She has won four tory for SDSU. P . Matt "Y straight at the No. 1 spot, and 10 of hedast 11 singles matches. "I ' . " said Aztecs head coach eter era. au Last week she was awarded MWC player of the ~eek for the seccoul~' : : :e-:~king around wond~ring wJutt was happening, ond time this season. ' as if they were in sh~." . ' 1 t kend l'We'really don't pay attention to the streaks," Matte!a ~:nd. Chidle .who suffered a severe e spram, as wee.. "Right now we are creating each match as a separc,tte entity. against Foree, is q~estionable for this weekend s competiti~.n. ankl' J; •• • "f 't:' }-, : THE AzTEc 12 - - -DAILY , DPPDRTOlmES CIIIIIIIt . . . . 11 . Take a break.... You've ear , SOme of thE\iplayers on the Junior National Team just sit on the bench, and I think that's such a waste because they are so talented." It's rare for a freshman to step in at the college level and become an immediate force to be reckoned with, but that is exactly what Hartzell has done this season for SDSU. "Holly has made a .tremendous impact as a freshman," said Aztecs head coach Carin Crawford. "She has been so successful that she is getting double- and triple-teamed by almost every opponent." She has already broke into the SDSU record book after only 30 games; Hartzell leads the team in goals'with 72, which is good enough to place her third in SDSU history for a single-season goal total and ninth all-time in career goals. Already. "She has been a great boost to our program," Crawford said. "I hope other girls will follow the example set forth by Holly. She has shown other players that they can make·a big impact on a team . right away." Even amongst all the recognition it is clear that water polo does not define her as a person. This attitude comes through every day in her zeal for life. She is taking her second chance at life' and running with it. . Whether it be in competition or her personal life, Hartzell is not going to take anything for granted. 30 Days ... 2 Countries •.• 1 Pass ••• Travel by train and experience the adventure and freedom that only the North America Rail Pass· offers. DO YOU LIKE $$$? Simply the most adventurous al'1d affordable way to see the United States and Canada. Together, Amtrak- and VIA Rail Canada offer an exciting rail pass forthose who really want to experience North America's vast beauty. Travel to as many places as you want in 30 days ... so why not see it all. 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M.".Ol DLAZ ........................................... 8 FREE LUNCH M-F TIll 3pm FREE Cover until &pm daily· .DANCERS WANTED TOP fff -NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ·CALL CLUB FOR DETAILS * 'Totally !HOt!! THE DAILY Azrnc SPORTS THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 200113 SDSU comfortable with Punch-and-Judy style Power crisis hits Red and Black as long balls disappear; only 16 home runs hit after 45 last year ' . ..; ,.... ' " :• .' " .. .·A: ', --- .~ ... ! . .. ~ .... . ' ,; " " • -: .<~ ;" ,. -.., -,. lIAY1S UNDQUISI/ DAllY AllIe .CAllFORNIA NEEDS PoWER: Senior first baseman Darrell Bowles (above) and the Aztecs have hit a grand total of 16 home runs in 40 games this season. Sean Pierce leads with four. "I had no clue it would be like this," Pierce said." I knew it was going to take a long time for me to even see the field." However, what makes SDSU's home run deficiencies casier to swallow can be found elsewhere in Pierce's stat line. His on-base By MICHAEL KUTZING percentage currently resides at a lofty .478. Assistanl Sports Editor Getting on is one area in which the Cody Haven's 420-foot blast that cleared, Aztecs have excelled. Not including the the center-field fence in the second inning injured Anthony Gwynn, four regulars of Tuesday's 8-7 loss to USD was truly a have on-base averages higher than .390. It is that type of production, not just remarkable sight. power, that head coach Jim Dietz said he is It was a tremendous shot, no doubt, but looking for from his offense. that is not what made the moment stand "We're not really a power teilm," Dietz out. It was the rarity of the occurrence that said. "We're more of a singles and doubles made it so surprising. Haven's shot was just the 16th home run type of team. The only guys who can hit the Aztecs have hit this season - in 40 with power (at Tory Gwynn Stadium) are games. guys who cover both sides of the plate. USO's Greg Sain already has 14. "We don't have many of those guys." But if you ask the But it has not helped matters that the Aztecs, they do not seem sluggers SDSU does have, Ben Leuthard, overly concerned about Garrett Cook, Jilke Minter i1nd Darrell their recent lack of long- Bowles, have combined to hit two home ball prowess. runs in 237 plate appearances. '' 'It's not our Said second baseman Carlo Cota: "Our HH~a;BAI.L style," said outfielder team has power. In batting practice, we do Sean Pierce. "We hit the hit the ball out." . ball on the ground and hit line drives. Come gametime, however, the Aztecs That's the way we were coached to hit, so pitcher-friendly ballpark - with straightthat's the way we're going to hit." away center an estimated 420 feet away -:Part of the reason for the drop-off Ciln be has a habit of turning long fly-balls into attributed to the departure of Pilul Lockouts. After all, it isn't as if SDSU's oppohart and Brilndon Rodgers who hit 11 and 8 home runs respectively last season. As a nents have been tearing down the fences . team, SDSU clubbed 45 dingers in 62 against them. . surrendered just four The Aztecs have games. home runs in nine conference home games This year, Pierce and third baseman Pilar this season, a figure New Mexico will try to Am~ya are tied for the team lead ~ with upon this weekend as they open improve four. up a three-game set with SOSU Friday at So how does Pierce, the 5-foot-9 speedTony Gwynn Staaium. ster with only 66 at-bats to his name, feel But whether or not the Lobos are able to about taking over as the Aztecs top slugout runs at sea-level, SDSU's strategy slug ger? seems clear - more small ball. Try disbelief. New week brings more awards Aztecs hot on recruiting trail By DAVID )~ i)~ t~ CORDERO Editor If three of his teammates could do it, why not him? San Diego State's Marcos Mendoza was named Mountain West Conference Pitcher of the Week after tossing his second complete game in as many starts last Fridily against UNLV. The sophomore allowed just one run on five hits, while ..... __ . ._.striking O\,1t a career. .> " AZTEC. high 12 batters. s \~:;d? NOTE· - ty '~e~; rai:C:~~, ~~~~ '" . ....................._.. SDSU head coach Jim Dietz. "Hopefully he'll keep it up." '. Mendoza follows Rory Shortell (March 5), John Skinner (March 20 and April 3) and Ben Julianel (April 10) in garnering MWC Pitcher of the Week honors. .• WC: ~an~ings . . . . .: ,,<:~';:.. ¢9pf! l. BW , '..: " , 2. SDSU ~ ') ~... t . ., :: j ; ~, 13~5 , . , i2~6··. ·~ Overall 24-14 . 23-P !:5 UNL ~~J~~~!L:~,~~}~{~~c,r}~~~~ . ,. ·1'11· 16-23 ~/ ··>,·"'·' '('·.. 6: Air F6;1f~jD~y.':·~ViiL~.~A6h2!:~$.: 20~ 22 First:.spring recruit signed SDSU appears to hav~ addr~ssed i~s problems with depth at the catching pos~ tion~ having added Grossmont College s. Josh Allen~ . . As ·asophomore,.he is batting .331 with six doubles,' seven home runs and 33 RBI. "He~s a switch hitter who' throws well," Dietz said. lin'S a real good addition for us because you really need some depth at the catching position at the college level." Five others were signed in the early period last November. Included are pitcher David Hall (Vista HS), outfielder Tory . Haven (Highland CC in Kansas), pitcher Joe Carque (Pasadena CC), shortstop Brian Bauer (Woodinville HS jn Washington)'and outfielder Omar Stokely (Wilson I-IS in Long Beach). Notes • Dict.z said Team USA is interested in Anthony Gwynn, Royce Ring and Shortell. The three may be invited to try out for the squad and compete during the summer. • Pitcher Chris Hartshorn is experiencing a bit of a sophomore slump. After a freshman season in which he was second in the MWC with a 3.68 ERA, the right-hander from Eden Prairie, Minn. has seen that statistic balloon to 8.37 this year. • The Aztecs' 6-7-8 hitters did well against USD Tuesday, with Cody Haven, Jake Minter and Brian Manfred going a combined 7-for-1l with four runs scored. By contrast, the team's 3-4-5 hitters Sean Pierce, Pilar Amaya and Chad Redfern went a combined 2-for-17, with no runs scored and one RBI. • With a basehit Tuesday, Pierce extended his hitting streak to 12 games. • The injured Gwynn (broken left hand) said he hopes to have his cast removed by early next week and begin rehabilitating his hand immediately. He said his goal is to be able to return by early May: • Left fielder Andy Litteral didn't start Tuesday because of an infection in his left hand. He is day-to-day. • Freshman Robert Hanand is likely to get the nod Sunday, with Skinner moving to the bullpen. . • Dietz said outfielder Ben Leuthard will likely miss the weel<end Series with a back injury. 'Mackell • .sIgns on One of the top recruiting class . es in San Diego State men's bas- . ketball history just got better. SDSU added il sixth pli1yer to its 2001-'02 class when it received a letter of intent from Mike Mackell last night. The Aztecs had been considered heavy contenders in the battle for the 6-foot-9 forward/center from Porterville Community College. "Mike brings size and strength and those are areas where we have been lacking," said SDSU head coach Steve Fisher. "He has basketball skills. He brings toughness that all good teams need . He doesn't mind pushing people around and he doesn't complain if someone tries to push him." Mackell will fill the void in the post left by fifth -year senior Marcelo Correa. As a sophomore, Mackell averaged 22.4 points and 10.6 rebounds a game at Porterville. He has been courted by such schools as Oklahoma State, Oregon, Pittsburgh, and ESPN.com reported tha t he had also received letters of "legitimate interest" from Connecticut and Kentucky. "He doesn't care about personal stats as much as he does " ~g,"Fisher said .. -Dan Hayes . AZTEC SPORTS THIS WEEKEND ' .... .~ ... ..! ~ . SOFTBALL WOMEN'S TENNIS • • • • •• '. ., .. ~i BASEBALL ~ . 4- TRACK& FIELD WATER POLO MEN'S GOLF WOMEN'S CREW UNLV at SOSU (OH), Saturday, 1 ·p.m .; UC Riverside at SOSU (OH), Sunday, 1 p.m. Tulsa vs. SOSU, Friday, 2 p.m.; Oregon vs . SDSU, Sunday, noon New Mexico VS. SDSU, Friday-Sunday, ' Game times: 6 p.m., 6 p.m., 2 p.m., Tony Gwynn Stadium SDSlJ' at Mt. Sac Relays, Friday-Sunday, a" day, Walnut, Calif. SOSU at Hawaii, Sunday, 6 p.m., Honolulu, HI SOSU at Ben Hogan Cougar ClassiC, FridaySaturday, all day, Provo, Utah SDSU at Stanford Invitational, Saturday-Sunday, all day, .Redwood Shores, Calif. ~ LASSIFIEDS [. I t ''11 II THU~DAY, Ap~ THE DAILY AZTEC 14 .JI!!) , 'Hlm!£ 1990 Audi 100 $3250 Looks and .... _. __ ~~s g!~a!!.8.?8:~.85~ __ .... ___ _ 86 Toyota 4 Runner 144K Miles, new parts & extras $4995 OBO call ('19:28~·69QL... , . __ , 1990 Ford Mustang LX $1500 OBO Runs great but needs some bpdy work. Call Fred at 858·621·4907 ",,"31mB"'" (..!~t1~ $S GET PAID fOR YOUR OPINIONSI $S EARN $15-125 AND MORE PER SURVEYI . ,_~~!V-,MONEY40PINIOr>lS.C().~ $$ ISO young very cute photo models, 619·224·9104 55 SUMMER lOBS SS Pre·College Institute is currently recruiting students to . work as Resident Counselors and Instructional Assistants. Good pay and great .)xperience! 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Utilities included in Coronado near beach for sum· mer rental from May 28·Aug 28 $500 619·435·0896 Matt Tennis player, excellent IOrn1l'T high sch<xli and ur college player 520. per hour 858,274:5549 . Guy looking for a room next se· mester. Has motorcvcle,non·smoker. Anything else goe~. Gur 583·8708 .,,-..--- '-:r -. , ..-.--...--.. 'modem, furnished, non smoker, non drinker. pi/spa. $450 + 1/2 util.619·218·7873 ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex . Party on Friday 4-20 after Greek Week Talent Show. Invite Only,BYOB No Bottles. House for rent Roll right out of bed to SDSU. 6bd house wnarge backyard, fireplace, ample off street parking acrosS from campus. Clean &; Fresh paint, Rent it Now! Call 504-8200 . ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex , 'ht!W!' "'1 .1111-, FLY 4STANDBY...FLY 4 CHEAP Hawaii $1390/w, Europe $2490/ w 4standby.cQm or 800·397·1098 =HUGE Master Bedroom!¢::: Female roommate wanted to live in the Penthouse Apartments. SS701mo. InCludes bedroom withprivate bath, free shuttle service, close to SDSU! C~lI Lindsey @ 1619)252-6879 Newly remodeled Salon in Hillcrest SUNRISE POINT rooms avail. 10 nlln drive 5500-550/mo (619) 501·8228 AJiiMiW3W ji i ,411] Fr"t~miti""SororitiH·Club,·SludenIGroups urn Sl.OCQ-S:!.OOJ with the easy Campusfundrais· Free Haircut ~r.com thn.>e hour fund raising c\'cnt, No ;.tl~ req. Fundraising d,ltl'S oUe filling quickly, so with color service or 25% off any service for students •. 1st visit only. Make appt. with Ada Please mention this Ad. 3741 ParkBlvd (619) 296,8021 call today! Contact Campusfundraiser,com, 888·923,3238 or www campusfundrjljscr com Looking 'to buy PSF A graduation tickets (Sun 801m) 858-513-3619 ••••••••••• •• Thank you for returning my leopard wallet with everything in it! 4/10. Sweet person! You have restored my . faith in people! God BI.ess! expires 5/18/01 •• •••••••• • • • SDSU dance Audition April 27, 28. 4 more info. call619·276·5092. , WANTED/NEEDED:'Graduation Commencement Tickets I am short! 5!. tickets. If you have extra I'll pay you for them Contact Suki 760·533·0328 or 760·633·1846 , 'diUM'!,·ij;f! in stores 'AXQ is having a COB party Monday, April 23 @ 4pm. RSVP @ 265·9026, ask for Sarah! 1\Jesdati April 24 Telemarketer wanted: $7.00 hr + bonus working for Real Estate In· vestment Company: 858·490·6540 Sports Internship: Help,with ticket sales,promotions,and community relations for a Professional Soccer Team. Full Time/ April·August. Fax resume/salary requirements: 619· 692·8144. Position closes: April 23. No phone calls pleaS!'! £~~'~o.J~~ DAILY HOROSCOPE Today's Birthday (April 19). II at drst you don't sutteed,' try, try again. This espedally pertains to travel, higher education and true love. The flnt setback Is educational, but by the end of April, you should have fopnd the infor. mation you need. Slick 10 your budgel in May, Ignoring templadons to splurge. Afler a debl is paid in June, go oul and celebrate. Where do you want to live, how, and with whom? Choose wildy In July. Reeommlt to a goal in Augusl, and to yopr mate in October. The other WIly around wurk.~, t09. Break out ofthe ordinary In December. Friends Implre you 10 February to do good . deeds for others. That's what you'U value most hlgbly' wh~n you add up your wins IUId 10000es in March. To get the advantage, cbeck the day'S raUna: 10 Is the f:8S.. iest day, 0 the most cballenglaa. . Aries (March 11-ApriI19) - Today is a 6 - Problems surface, but that's good. You want them out where you can ste them. Don't believe everything you read. Check for e,rron. Encourage • distant trieod to proceed with c:autloo. . frldav, "'rlI20, 1:30am Gemini (May 2l-June 21) - Today is a 6 -:: Whatever can go wrong most likely .nJL'J.bIDp '"!n't be where you len tMm, or get to where1hey 8houW be goina. A frinKI will come to youi' rescue just In Ihe nick of time. . 'This is one of those days when you'll find out who your real rriends are. Be oue, too. EI Calon Superior coun East Counh ' 250lMainSt o CIJOn. C192020 DUI-DRUGS Minor in Possession Assault & Battery Domestic Violence Date Rape Cancer (June 22·July 11) - Today Is a 6 - Your favorite brat will be In a bellet mood after the big Job Is complet. ed. Unfortunately, allis not going smoothly. Don't cringe; It's not your fault. Remind the Impallent one to chili out. • Leo (July 23-Aug. 12) - Today Is a 7 - You've got lofty dreams, and you want them all to come true right now. That's not going to happen. It II were that easy, where would the challenge be? The challenge Is what makes Ihem dreams. • Thursday, April 19d' , Virgo (Aug. 2J.Sept. 12) .,..1Oday Is a 6 - This is anoth· er Of those acrambled days. Everybody Is hurrying olT in dilrerent directJons.They're worried, but are they effi· dent? Are they getting anythlng'done? You can figure Ihal oul. If you steer them straight, you'D be the hero. By Linda C. Black' Taurus (April 20-May 20) - Today is a 5 - Keep your cards dose to the vesl for a little while longer. Keep your muney In your pockel, 100.• It's not quite time to make yuur move. Meanwhile, gather information. Listen hrough keyboles. You'll get an earful. A civilized society does not throw its most troubled children at age 14 into prison for life, but tries to rehabili1ale them by a fair, juSt juvenile justice system. This is a call to action to challenge the tragic treatment of our young people . throughout this nationblack-brown-red-yellow- Aztec Tan has specials for .aU Greeks! 1 WK for $15 &; 1 mo for $32. SO &; 10% off lotions. 619-287-8977 Roommate to share condo 2bd/ 2b.l 5 min from SDSU, wid, cable --'-~.-.---.-'--:----- The \Jaily Aztec advertising depart· menUs flOW accepting applic,ltions. .. for account executive positions. Gain advertising skills. rEsume ex· perience and make money. ;\ppli· cations can be picked up in the b;lsement of the Business .'\dminis· tration (BA) building @ The Daily Aztec window. SendForCash.Com , Earn cash daily by sending e-mails frllm . your home computer. www.sendforcash.com REWARDINGfFUN - SUMMER www.DAYCAMPIOBS.COM. Stage Manager/Stage Hands Wanted for the Del Mar Fair. Pay rate $12·$13/hr call ,____ . Henry 8~~:~~?:11_6,1.~xt. ::!~~ __ .. _,_ 19, 2001 Libra (Sept. 23·Oct 22) - Today is a 7 - There's more· wo~k and less fun, unless you can make the work fun. . CiYativity Is required, and that's. plus. What you , already know doesn't work, which is a minus. That rowdy partner ot yours could have the alL~wer. That can either be a plus or depending on you. mmus, Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -1OdaylS a 6 - today, you're the one who olTers ~omfort. Isn't. It strange how Ihat bappem?One daY you take, the I,\est ~y you get _ chance to pay back. Provide something -loved Oile. .'. needs - at no charge. . . . . t ' . Saglttari$ (Nov, 12·Dec. %1>' _1Oday II a 6 - You'..., IJt'lIID& Into the tough part. TIlls Is wben you .-1ly apPfedate aU that hOmework and planning you've done. Y~. have done the homework" ~n~bavenltyou~ .~ Capricorn (Dec. 21·Jan. 19) - Today Is a 6 - Workrelated hassles have you Jumping. There'U be all sorts of surprises. and maybe even some breakage_ Iryou pay attention, you can prevent disaster. Conditions are changl~ tor the better, bul !t will take a little w~ Aquarius (Jan. 2o.Feb. 1..8) -.1Qday Isa 7 -QAte.J'OU.' aet the ftoudal sItUIt10a 'U'aI&hteued out, e~;; will go smoothly_ With luck, you'll enter Inlo this stilte bliss over the weekend. Meanwhile, keep smiling, and keep dialing, sIocells crucIaIln'heIpIng save (U' chIIdIen. Jokl us! For more Info: Expungemen~s www~ 619-702-3848 .-_1 222 Ash Street #12 San Diego. CA 92101 or PIsces (Feb. 19·March 20) ~ Today Is a 7 - You may be slightly tweaked by a couple or Irrilations. You might even reel pushed to ml\ke a change. Maybe that's not a bad Idea. It's Important that you are treated with respect. InsISt upon It. II you aren't getting It .where you are, why are you there? ,and-white. PROP 21 is under chatIenge,and we need as many people to attend this rally ' .. . Sign up by next Friday 'at 5pm at the ARC Administration Desk .For more Information contact Brent at 619.594.3471 THE DAILY AzTEc THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2001 15 a DERRY' . I Stylistically, King's work is very mainWhat kind? Derry, establishing a clearer link to the events of ,the present, or cut the work into a stream with little or no experimentation in Think "Close 'Encounters of the Third CIIIiIIII- .. . ..' novelette comprised of only the contempo: form - a simple third person narration with Kind" meets "Independence Day" and "E.T." . ingly irr~levant· murder, for there is no rary storyline involving the invasion. a few jumps in the linear flow of time. precedent for Duddits' being vengeful, and, . Halves of two separate workS do not However, the content is always ground . If King had written "ltT.," when the no need for this mindset in the resolution of 'make a whole, no matter how pretty the that has never been covered, a strange stew cherub-like Drew Barrymore gave little, that comes from King alone. . brown E.T. the flower, he would have the n~v~. . ".. cover, or'how big the author's name. One reads King for the experience. WIth Dreamcatcher, King either needAs a writer, King is a man of· golden rubbed himself with it and eaten her face ed to go long and allow the reader tf? fully moments; as a storyteller, all his moments .Dreamcatcher," in light of its flaws, is an then phoned home. experience the character's youth years in are golden. . experience. Yeah, it's like that. The moon. always inspired • aSS10n. Now it's inspired 1rlh-conlrof INTRODUCING NEW NCE-A~MONTH LUNELLE: M BIRTH CONTROL .IN SYNC WITH THE MOON AND YOU. The moon is a source' of beauty and emotion. For centuries, our monthly cycle has mirrored the moon's. Now, for the first time, there's birth control that's monthly, not daily: new Lunelle, An injectable that's 99% effective without the daily hassle. Lunelle is a combo of hormones that works continuouslyall month .Iong .. Given on tirT:le each month by y,?ur doctor, prescription Lunelle gives you birth control that's 99% effective. That means you get monthly pregnancy protection without the daily hassle-without the daily worry-of taking the Pill. And if you want to get pregnan,t? Most women get back to ovulating about two to three months after receiving theirlast injection. Lunelle doesn't protect against HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted -disease's. Hormonal birth control isn't for everyone. Pregnant women or women with blood clots, chest pain,' certain cancers, unexplained vaginal bleeding, or a history of liver disease, stroke, or heart attacks shouldn't take . Lune//e. Serious risks that can be life threatening fnclude blood clots, stroke, and heart attack. And hey, no smoking! It increases these risks. especially if you'r~ over,35 and smoke 15 or more cigarettes a day. During the first few months of biking Lune//e, most women have. a change in their periods, which may include no bleeding, irregular bleeding, or spotting.·This change may continue with use in up toone third of women. In ,studies, while some women lost weight on Lune//e, the average change was an increase of 4 pounds in the first year. But you should know, some women gained 10 or more pounds in the first year. So ask your healthcare professioni,ll about new Lunelle. Why worry about taking a daily Pill when there's monthly Lune//e?Birth control inspired by the moon . ...,:~ Lun,lIe. In sync with the moon and you. For more info:www.lunelle.com or 1 877 282·9273 Lunelle™ monthly contraceptive injection medroxyprogesterone acetate & estradiol cypionateinjectable suspension See the next page for importaftt product Information. @2001 Pharmacia &UpJohn, a division of Pharmacla UXOO09805 3/01 DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO LATE NIGHT HAPPY HOUR! 10:00 P.M. TO 1:00 A.M. SDAYNIGHT best priced. in town! ~rll19bh oommon*sense ..... , LUNEllE'" MonIhIy ConIrIceptIvIIlnjection e Over age 35 iild smoke 1501 more cigaret1es live! tumors ca'l rupture and cause fatal intelnal 01 deaII1 is always lower tmn IMI associaIed wi!h jef OIlighler, en! !here may be no bleeding,!ewer 2. WbUtllmlt letlllng youI menstrual bleOOing. medroxyprogesttnJne acelatt and 8IIr.IdIo1 per day bleeding. In addition. apossible but not definite pregnancy 101 any age groop, alIhouglJ ~ Ihe days 01 bleeding, or more days 01 bleeding 11m " you are brm leeding, coosutt your heaI1h Even if you do not haw any rT81StIUal bleed- . qplonata~nj8Clabl. suspension Tell yru tmlth care prQ\'JQ!r il you ~ ever 1m association 1m been lound with hom1onaI contra· age 0140, Ihe risk Increases 10 32 deaths per oMlaI you haw previously1!lqJefierald. Such care provider before Slarting hormonal conIracep. ing, you should still relLm ora a month 101 urll rill MO-....IyCO== In......onl ", ......... "' ....." ' - _",,",,,,,,,,,, .. , ... , ..., '00.", .... """" •. ~.....,'" ........, ... "'............ ' " ;...,~ll.MllF.... ~... IOU' ,..ca'l18:OOlllll1d asale! rrehod 0I!Jir1h a fe.v women who developed Ihese very rare ca'l- pregnanty'aI that age. However, 101 oral hormonal problems. It an altered bleeding paIIern persists or C_ive Injocllon. Some oIlIle drugs in hofConIracepIive Inja:tlon all honnonal contrace ) Is cers 'NeIe lound 10 have used hormonal coolia- controcepIive users who smoke en! are ~!he !he bleeding is SINere. disruss rt with your tmlth rronal conIrilcepIives are passed on 10 !he child in ." is impof1anl \hal you receive ea:h 01 youi next ~ed 10 prevent pregnancy. ceplives lor long periods, However, liver cancelS age 0135, !he estimated number 01 deaths care provider. TlBe is also a small risk thai breast milk. Afe.v advefse e!feds on !he child inj8:1ions aI!he r~h! tifl1l. I! you cannot receive It dOlI not protect against HIV Infection are extrerrely rare. The chana! 01 OOveloping live! exceeds !hose lor other rretI10ds 01 bir1h control (painlul) CIan1JS may be associaIed wi!h bleeding. trave been repMed, inch~ing yellowing 01 !he yru injection on 11Ire, conIad 'fOOl tmJ!h care (AIDS) and other sexually InInsmllled carm Irom using hormonal ~ives is Ihus It a woman is CNer!he age 0140 and smokes. 2. Weight dlange skin (jaundice) and breast enlargement. In add!provider to receive an earlier Injoction. diseases, , lives ca'l be safely. But ale some even rarer.. her estimated risk 01 death is lour times higher Weighl gain is a common side ellect in women tion.liormonai cootraceplives may docrease the What Happens III Mill an hiJtctlon or Walt ThiSsumriiirv con~insiffipQriaiitiiiiOrmation - women lItlo are at high riskol'developlng certain 4. Cancer 01 the reproductfve organsand . (117/100,~ women) Uian !he estimated risk using LUNELlE'" Monthly Contraceptive amount and Qualily 01 your milk. To insure !he Longer than 33 Days IIeIwttn Injecllons? about LUNElLE IV Monthly Contraceptive selious diseases IMI ca'l be lil~tl1Icatening or b!tasb associated wllh pregnancy (2811oo,(XX) women) Injection The average ~ \veigh! gain is 4 best Quantily and Quality 01 your breast milk. you • You could become ~I il you miss your InjOClion II is nol meant 10 take !he place 01 dis- may cause lef1llOrary or permanent disabilily. Tell· There is, at present, no confinood evidence lhat In thai age group. pounds in !he lirst year 01 use ..Some women gain should wail until 6 weeks aftef childbir1h betOIe injection or wail longer than 33 days betMien cussions with your doctor and it ca'lnot replace your health care provider if you have oral hormonal cootJnptives i~ !he risk 01 An ~ Committee 0I1he FDA discussed !his rrore than 10 10 20 IJ(mls in Ihe lirst year. • you SIart using LUNEllE'" MOOhIy Con~ injoctions. The more Wys you wailllle greater your doctor's advice. Only your doctOl ca'l assess e Breast nodules, libr~ic di~ 01 !he cancer 01 !he reprodoctive organs In human stud· Issue In 1989 and ~ thallhe benefitS Women have gained as much as 49 pounds or Injection. I! P,OSSIble, do not use hormonal contra- Ihe risk thai you could become pregnant IIle benefits and lisks 10 decide if LUNEllE'" brm, an abnormal breast x-ray or rnamrno- Ies. Studies 10, date 01 women laking !he pill ~ 01 oral contr;aplive use by healthy, non-smoking lost as much as 48 pounds in one)'tlar 01 use. cepIives IItlIIe brm feeding. e Ask yru heaI1h care provider 10 rOCOlm81d Monthly' Contrnptive Injection is light 101 you gr.rn strong lamily history 01 breast carm reported conHiding Ilndlngs on IItleIher pIli use women ~ 40 ym 01 age may ooweigh !he Clinical tlialS showed wide variabilily in individual Breast leeding provides only partial prOloc1lon another type 01 birth control (Stdl as condoms Talk 10 your doctOl 01 p/1aITlaist. (J{ other pl~ e Di~es .' increases IIle risk 01 developing carm 01 !he possible risks. However, women 01 all ages are v.eight ch.1Y,!e VtiIh an increasif1\l percentage 01 !rom ta:oming ~relJnant and this partial prrm:or a spermicide) lot you to use. scribing heaItIx:are professional, ~ you do not • Elevated cholesterol OIlriglytelides . breast. Most aflhe studies on brm career and cautioned to use IIle 1aM!Sl dose oral COIIIlnp- LUNELlE'" MonIhIy ~ Injoction lJSeIS • lion docreases SI11Iifocantly ~ you breast Ieed 101 • Talk VtiIh your ~ care provider 10 find OUI undelstaOO iilY 01 this inlormalion 01 il you want e High blood pressure pIli use have lound no overaIt IWease In Ihe risk tlWlhat Is e!Ie;tive, and are strongly iKMsed not eJqX!Iiercing v.eqrt chii10e In excesS 01 10 CIld loooer perlods of tim!. You should use anoIher \\tien you should receM! your ~ Injoclion 01 to know more aboutLUNEllE'" MOOhty e Migraine or other headaches 01 epilepsy 01 ~ng brm carm, altIloIqlsome stud- 10 smoke. 20 pooods With CiJnIirmf~. .rneIhod 01 ~ IItliIe breast feeding CIld ,LUNElLE'" MOOhIy Corheptive Injoction. ConIr.K;eptive Inj8:1lon. e Mental depression Ies have reported iillncreased risk at developing 3. ConIIct lenses . . consider stKting hormonal corta:eptives only e Your heaI1h care provider may do a lest to M WtW' IS LlIIIU£'" MOIOII.Y COtIJBA. e Gallbladder. heart or kidney disease breast CiiIceI in cenain gr~ of women. Hyou wear conti:! lenses CIld notice a change In atIer you IiMl wear1ed your child ~1efeIy. sure you are not preonanI before giving you CEPJNE BEIIOH1 e History of Sca'lIy or IJreIlUIar menstrual periods Some studies haw found iil increase in !he inci.. . vision 01 iil inability 10 wear your lenses, conti:! 3. LaIIarIIory lilts your next injocticil of LUNEllE'" Monthly LIJN£U.E'" Monthly Contraceptive Injection is a' e Smoke, especially il35 years 01 older ~ of carair 01 !he ceMx In women v.tlo use Iyru doctor irm1edialely ~ any 01 Ihese your doctOl 01 heaI1h care provider. . "you are scl8iJled 10{ iilY IaIlormy tests, tell C~ Inja:tlon. type 01 hormonal bir1h control !hat is giver! as an WomeI1 wi!h any 01 ~ coodrtions sJ.lou~ be !Jial hormonal ~ives. HoweveI.!his find- ~ eHocls ucur IItlIIe you are IakiI1Q 4. Auld 181M1Gn. yDIJ doctor you are ~ng a hoImonaI oonIracep. Pngnay Due III fallin wIIIIl.UNEUF" injoction (a sholl in YOUI ann, !high, or buttock ctmed often by lheir heaIIh care provider II they Ing may be relaed to 1a:I?JS other 11m !he use 01 LUNEUE'" MOOhIy ~ In(OCllon. Hon'roa ~ may I3JSe 10m! (IIuid tIve. Certain blood tests may be aIIocIed by hof- MonIIIIy ConInIcIpIIIe IniICtIOn ~nk; choose hoImonaI COI1IJa:epIives e Sharp cOOs! pam, cougfJlng 01 blood, 01 sudden ............}...... -'''''liM"'1Ile fi....... 01................ monaI---. The .loodenceo,1lailureWl!h~ . U'nu.u; ICI •"'" MonIhIy ora a -"'. "IUI'U' to -",".~"pr ... "",,,,,,ns I jectl 10 use LUNELlE'" Monthly ConIriI:epIlW oral StudleshaveloundlMlworrrenlltloused shortnessolbrealh{indicatingann<:<ibleclol ,.... "":" mv ...... ·.... ';r",,:::::::,::," 4 0 ~IN..... ....".._....~ . holTTlOnes IItllch have eHocts simi 10 Ihe natural n o n . . , In ......le hormonal coo'~lives (n..v...Provera in Ihe lung) I""" II"!f lalSeyQll bIood (XesSU!e.1I you ........ ..., • ~ """ .....~ . Conlr.K:e(Jlive Injocllon resulting In pregnancy Is hormones. estrogen and progesterone, produaxl Also, be sure 10 Inlorm your doctor or health. care l'=""ive In.....ion) ~ i~~II e Pain in Ihe GlIf fm3inga ~ dd in Ihe 10., IIU1d.rOOlntion. cootact your doctor or heal!h care Certain drugs may InteOO With hormonal conI!a- tess tmn 1percent (I.e., 001 pregnanty per 100 in your bo<tf. Similar combinations of hormones provider" you smoke 01 are on any mediCallons. ;;;~"'Z:.I~ing"'"c;mr 0I11le ........ rN?I't e Crushing cOOs! pain or heaviness in Ihe prOl'lder, reptives 10 rmIre Ihem tess eIIective In prevemng women per year) II gi'len wery monIh as dirtmd. are Iw1d in SOfl1l oral cortmpIives also koo.m WHAT ME THE RISKSASSOCImJ) WITH uterus,';';oc Ho¥.Ilvef, ~":Jer 35 ~ (indiQiing a possible heart aHa;k) 5. DIMnldl ~ . pregnarcf O! caJSe a~ in bJer:dingS;' . nyou !hlnk!hat you may be pregrliId. be sure 10 as "bIrth control pills' 011110 pill." Yh1en you IMINO IIOftMOfW, COHJJW:EPJJVES1 01 age IItlose first exposure to Depo-Provera e Sudden st'Iefe hea!b:;he 01 vornrting, !fIZZiness Other side eHocls frliI't Indude breast pain orler!- Such drugs Indude amihogiutelhlllllde, In, call your heaI1h care pt'OVIder. • receive your inje::lions Dncrl a roonIh as pre1. RI* at developing blood cluII, htart CnnIroNonI.A In....;on was within Ihe """"ous 4 OIlainting, disturbances 01 vision or ~' IBness. are. cta'o1 ~ ~ IWi&I, tmB:m. drugs used lor epllejlsy Stdl as bivbilur.des lor WbalIII Want III Become ~ scribed, LUNEllE'" Monthly C~ve lIIIcb.and IIroUI ~,........... ,...., 1""" fleI\'OUSOOSS depression mood cI'iar9lS cI'iar9lS ~ phenrov\JiIaI) carbanlareplne and Inje::llon IS as elloctrve as bir1h control PIlls. Yh1en Blood clots and blockaQe 01 blood vessels are Ihe 105 \1BS mayhawasli!Jl!t~ increasOO risk 01 ~,or nootness in an ann 01 in sexuat ooSIre, dillinesS, loss 01 scalp hair, rash, phenytoin (Dilantin Is orie brcnf 01 th~ drug). Youow;1I needlosIqJ~=~d given imlIdlng 10 100 prescrIbed sctedule, most serIOUS Side e!feds oIlaJung hormonal coo- OOveloping breast carm similar to IMI seen With (indiciiing a POSS~~L.~) .. en! Vdginal i~ons. Hany 01 these side eHocls pheoylbutazone ~idin is one lxafld), herIlII LllNELlE'" Ma'lhly .k1jImn Most LUNELLE'" Monthly ConIicoiIXlve Inje::llon IS traceplrves In particular blood clots can oo:u in oral eon!ooljjrves. e Sudderl partial or ...... ""'"' loss 01 VlSIOIl heaIIh care provider prodLds coot!in ng 51 John's Wort (Ilunoriro m v.mm txVn 10 IJ(Xim tWS iIIJlIfl {CIld could elledive in preveoting pl~ dUling Ihe C)tIe Ihe legs arKl ca'l travel to !he lungs en! ca'l cause Waren v.tlo use hormonal coomptives and =ing a (lOSSI{'nd: clot in ~Ie~ . perforatum), iildlpossibty cef1ain antlii~~ become~) ibU MIl 10 ttvee rrmIIs em in lItlich it is given. Clinical studies have shaM! sudden b10ckiIYJ 0I1he vessel carrying blood 10 haw a strong lamily history 01 breast c;mr or e lJI1lS I. I~ (lOSSI . 13m may need to use an additional ~ion tter tlsIll~ . . thai \\tien women rmve LUNELlE'" Monthly the lungs. Rarely, cIoIs OCIlJr in Ihe blood vessels v.tlo ~~Id be dnodulyles, o'lr~~bylhemanmrdod ~~~~ rv~~:~~ rrehOO \\tien you IaIw drugs lItlich can rNke ~ ~ some~~, ConIicoiIXivelnjoctionimlldingto!herecom- ollheeyeandmaycausebllndness,doubIe gr.m.IlUU ase 0 Um>J Ir ors. III "' '~1. ptllodlllllluse hom1onaI~tessellectiveDruolllter- "'... you ..... USlng, ...".... . . ,~""" rrended scheOOfe, Ihe lailure rale 01 !his JI't'Ihod vision, or irr(lilired vision. 5. ~ In bone mlneraldtnslly e ~~ in IIle abdominal IrIcIpIIws btIDI8 or dIIIng arty PI8QIIIIICY adion studies haw not been condr.x:ted with diIYJ l~ MOOhIy ConIriDlptive Injoction, 01 bir1h conIrol is less 11m 1% per year. Hyou take hormonal eon!ooljjives Stdl ~ Use. oIlnjoctable hormonal COIlIrnptrves coo: area (i~ a)XlSSibly ~ liver I1Jm( You may notlllllrlStruall! regularly atIer you LUNEllE'" MOOhIy ConIriI:epIive Injoction. f!SjQJ1y Hyou 1m IfrelJJlar IllIlIlsIruaII.)ties LUNElLE'" Monthly C~\1llnjoction and taimng Ihe progesterore-type ~ lound In 0Y<rian ~ 01 Wside Ihe tEus) , receive iil injoclion 01 lUNEllE'" Monthly 5. SUuaIIy IrIIISmIllld dIstaa before you str1ed USIng 00rm0naJ ~ need eloctive SUlQeIY. need 10 slay in ~ fOl a LUNEllE'" Monthly C~ Injocllon may • DiI1icuity in SIeep~Q~ Iadl 01 ener ConIriI:epIive lnj8:1ion.1I you have received your ThIs (Illalall bormonIl conIIacep- TlBe does not ~ \0 be iilY Intrease 111 bir1h Clgarellt smoldng Increll8S the risk 01 prolonged illness. or haw recenlly had a baby, be assoclatOO~!h adocrease In !he amount 01 laIigue, or change In mood (po5sibly indicalfng Inj8:1ions regularly and miss one IllIlIlsIruai peri- IIva Is Intended 10 prMni pregnancy. deleds In reMJom babies \\tien~~~crus serious cardIovascular slda an_110m you may be alnsk 01 OOveloplng blood ~loIs. You mineral stored In your bones. thiS could Increase severe deplession) • ad, be sure 10 inlorm your heal!h care provider, It dOlI not pnIIIIct against InInsm1ss1on 01 honnonal conlnlcapUva usa, This risk should consult your doctor about stOPPing hof- yournS!i 01 OOveloplng bone lraclures. The rale 01 • JaJndice 01 a yellowing olllle skin 01 eo,1lballs The risk 01 unexpected pregnancy lor women HlV (AiDSI and ClI"tuesually IrInImIlled Incream wllb age and wllb heavy smok· monal conIriK:eplives throo to lour weeks before bone minerai loss IS greaIest.1n !he early ym.ol ~ied lreQLelllIy by level, latigue, loss' rOC2iving Injoctable contr;nplives as scteduled is dlltaa lUCIIa clllamydll, genital herSUfgely and not laking hormonal conIra:1lpIives use 01 !hIS type 0I~. txrt aftef thai, II 01 <weide din-cololed urine, OII~-<:oIored very low. Hyou have not received your injoctions fill genital WIItI gononbea hepIUtIs B log (15 O~~OI8 cigarllles per day) and Is 101 MIl WIlBks aftef surgery or !bing bed rest. You begins to resenille Ihe nonrnI rate 01 age-relaled tx1MlI nxMmm (indit3ing ~ liver as scheduled and missed a rrenstrual period, or H and'syphllls.· .' , ~ .. hmo "'res aOr3R:mD'B oorialpre quilt ma....d In women OVIIr 35 yam 01 should also not take hormonal contJa:eptrves . bone rmneraJ loss. prOOlerns) you missed two COIISeCliive IllIlIlsIruaI periods, 6. Weight change •.,......, VI Ull"'" soon after delivery 01 ababy. is advisable to VIall l88CIIons . el'8sisiJt!Bn. JllS, 01 blmng ii 1M sm you may be Check with you! tmlth care LUNELlE'" Monthly Injoction -----' lor alleast loul weeks after defrvery berole USIng SiMlre allergIC readlons have been reported In e Unuswlly Im.y Vdginal bleeding providef Irrvmliaely 10 determine IItleIher you (3JSe weighl gain 01 IllIlfC tmn 10 pounds may :::,..... ~tlIll".='==."""'Y'o Sorre WOfllI)Il should not use hormonal contra· honnonal coo~rves soch ~ LUNElLE'· some women USIng Injedable hormonal contla- WHAT ARE JltE POSS!8lf SIDE EffECJS are pregnant. Do not contiJlle Ihe inje::lions Uf1!il . ::":Ihis~"'" all .... ~ ':'::::'.:: ~';:::""en. replrves. For exiil~Je, you should not IaIw Monthly ContrcapllvelnjoctlOll. (See also !he ceplrves coot!inong Ihe progesterore-type hofDFLIJJIEIilI" MOKJHlVCOHJBACEP- you are sure you are not pregrMt. txrt use anothel .""¥ .... ..UII' ........ '" " ... LUNfllE'· Montl1ly Contr;aplMllnj6:1lon II you SOCIlon on Breast feeding 111 WHAT PRECAll-. rnone lound In lUNEllE"'MonIhly Conlraceptrve mE 1!UECJJ0H1 rrehod 0I~. ConIr.r.epti Injocl DTHER INFORMATION are pregoanl or IhlOk you may be pregnant. You liONS SHOULD Sf FOllOWED DURING lHE Injoction. Allergic readions omming in women lV1glnal bltedlng TlBe is no anIusive evidence IlIlI oral horrrmlI only be eft8jjvel you . I'll . ~on Your health care prll'liOOl will take a medical should also nor. use LUNElLE'" Monthly USE OF LUNElLE MONTHLY CONT. RACEPTIVE USing LUNELlE'" Monthly ControceptlWln(OCtlon Most . LUNELLP" MonIhly ~ use isassocia!ed wi!h an iwease in IIle pr~ I receIV8 your In ons and lii11ily history before flfescribing hoImonaI Contr;aplive In(OCtion.1 you have any oflhe lot- INJECTION?) . !)ave. been mainly skin readions, and not respira· cont'=~~'on experience aftefaIion 01 birth deIocts, \\iBl1aken IrWYeItentIy OOing 0iII1y R r r t ' conIrilcepIives. You should receive yearly physicat IOWIOQ coodllions: Horroonat contrnptlves may also Increase !he tory In natuce SeriOUS allergIC reactions require ,....,.. r-I . PIeIJWCf NeveIIhetess hormonal contr.K:eptives e Wi!h' the r 5 ~ examinalions by your heaIIh care provider. Be sure e Ahistory 01 heart attn or strolle .. 1 = to OOvelop strokes (stoppage or rupture ernergeocy medicallrealment =~=~~=leedi% ~I should ~ be used wiilg pregr.ny ~ ~r;~1he SIart 01 your 10 inlwn you! heaI1h care provider il!here is a e Blood dots mllfllegs (tl1IontJophIebiM), of bI vessels In Ihe brain) en! angina pectOlIS ESJI!IA1EIl fIISI( OF IlfAlH fBOM A~ 01 slight staining between rmJsIrual periods 10 WIIh Depo-Pr~ Con~ive Injection, !here e Hyou are presetlly using anoIher type 01 bir1h Ianlily history 01 illY 01 !he coodrtions listed prevlI~ (pulmonary embolism), 01 eyes. and heart aItadr.s (blockage 01 blood vessels In !he CONJBOl MEDIII! OR PIIEGIIMCY Irequeol prolonged ilIXVor unpredidable bleed- have been reports 01 an increased nsk 01 tow birth contr I youI health ovider'lI decide ously in this leaflet. Be SUfe 10 keep all 3IlIlQinte Ahistory 01 blood clots In !he deep veins 01 heart) My 01 these coodilions ca'l cause death or All ~ 01 birf!1 control and p!egnarx:y are ing.ln any' given injOCtion inlerval,~roximaleIY weight arlI! ~ Inlarlt. deaII1 or oIher heal!h 1M ~ tifl1llor ... ~e~ LUNE'li£." rrenIs WI!h your healih care providlr, ~ thiS your legs disablilly. associated Wl!h a risk 01 OOveloplng certain diS- 50% I 'LUNELLP" IhI rnoQleroo 10 Inlants conceived close 10 !he Inre of M"'1y CnnI"":;;; I' . Thl ' I Is a tlfl1l1o determine II !here are early sigos 01 e Chestpaln (anginapectOlis) ~mcatlY increases the possibilily oIdeve1' eases thallTUlllead lodisallili'" 01 death An esti0 \YQIf'Ie!l using . on y ....; .u... __ ........ ~~"'" on., ~~....,...ve njOOlon. s WlUhe p side e!feds of hormonal conlrlM:e(iive use "you ·'~"""""'br I . It' , heart "VI" . . I ConIriI:epIivelnjIDlonexperler1C8witMrawa1 n,....,on.,.,.,.,..,.•• """'pr""'u ....... areuncom- rmlreSUfeyouhawr:on!iooedcontraceplive u..... inI~"" about .............., ' el<nOWl) 01............... east carm or CiiIceI 0 OPing dots 01 suflellng aItadr.s CIld male 01 the 1UlW.0I deaths associaIedWith dl- bleeding !hat begins 20-25 days atIer Ihe injoc- m(J{1. Childten ~ in Ihe womb to one 01 !he CO\'!fage. _ . more UlII",on ''';''" .... ~ !he Imlf1\l 0I11le Wrus. ceMX ill Vdglna strokes FUllherJlll)(e, smokif1\I and !he use 01 hor- lerent rretI10ds 01 birth control en! pregn.ny 1m lion Wrlhiawal bleeding lasts more 1tBl7 days hornmes lound mlUNEllE'" Monthly e n haw recenJy been preIJBlI OIls! a tive3, ask your heaIIh care provider 01 (lIlanJOOst e ~Iained vaginal bleeding (ootll adrag-' IllIXIiII amiI:epIives. arecilv iraease IIle chims been calculaed. . in 42% 01 waren !bing Ihe first rnoctl 01 use ~ 1nj8:11on (MP~), en! IoIlowed 10 discuss with hiBIth care ovider IIle lor a JllI)(e locffiicaIleallel catled IIle Prescribing flOSIS IS rmal by your doctOl) 01 de\reqling and dyiriQ 01 tmrt dl~, partlCU- The lisk 01 dISh kom iilY birth rmrol rmIlod IS and in 29% 01 women ii the end 01 one year 01 iKlolescem!, sOOMld no evidence 01 iilY ~ best ium lor L~MQnthIy InIormiIon Ita you may wish to mil. e Yell~ng 0I11le vdlites 0I1Ile eyes 01 oI,lIle Iarfy II you are CNer 35 Years 01 age tess ItBlIlle fisk 01 childbirth, ~ 101 oral hof- use In any giver! injoction IPerIaI woxlmiely eIIIm on Ihei heaf1h IndOOing!heir jtr;sicat, ~joction Ax only: . sIIiI1 (jilrIdice) Wlrv pr~ 2. Gallbladder dIauu monaI contracepIive users over the age of 35 v.tlo 15% of waren may haw no tJIeedinQ ii all en! rnnal, SUIWaI 01 social deveI~ 1IaI"..,.· MiiluIadIJed by: • :V~ the pill 01. other "Hormonal conIra:1lpIive users probably haw a mU CIld oral honnonaI contracepIive lJSeIS 10% may eJIperiera bteediBJ 01 S(dIYJ a VillI- nyou Ihjnk you may ha'~ become ~ Vttlile .l.lH1J.f'" Inj8:lion ~ & UpjoM CaQlanv ~ risk 11m non-users 01 taving gallbladder (MIl the age 0140 IMfl M!hey 00 rn mU. FOI OUS times in the c,tle. ~ bIeQro using LlHllf'" ~ ~ ~ rra.at be ' Iy, IMrV 2S 10 llliM CIld KaIan\llDO Mt.mll, lISA • Uvtr bmlf ( - or l3m'ous) rlisease. YIlJIIIIaged 15 to 39. the risk 01 dtBh iIIIS ~ oausciJilg the IllS lew maGls 0Il.lNU.E'" _)'Ill IaIlcare jrovider ~ soon ~possiie. •no 1iB~33'- *~r tlsIl~ C8-2-S' , • Ktoln«suspdedjD1liRY. I.U....... 8lIw11prep1tY(7-26dd1sper 1oo,(XX) Morthtt~~useClldmayper- YouftUld8:kwll)'lll/mllan!Wovider ...,. '.-. . _ - ",'...,..'lUNfllP'_, ~u I'lb =" d'd' =: rrodud :u!0:=~,:I:on.:.. h. 6. Allergic ~ ~ Con~ ~~o.ell'~~~h~ a:; J; . · n.._ = =-~~~ tnr.nClSllS,~~QJlCUO ==lQon.:).~ _l1.CdirQlRJ.lslhwmm. I&WS *" si:ltwliirdUldtD8i1"'~ontllidol IiWrisb~)'IlI..mndWImna?Jrnd»YluIlllSl8~lowllll'fbt_ b _ _ ~. VlQlWl J: Mo=catrwive ::"1iIwIr.==:m~~ L!.umet~iIiIb ~lldrQ~"_tfm.n~ sa ~ ..._ ' .....