EMAS Sept-Oct issue.indd


EMAS Sept-Oct issue.indd
EMAS Acquires AKER Marine Contractors
Christening of LEwek Crusader
Safe and Effective Operations
Installation of EMAS’s first
internal turret for POVO FPSO project
With so many EMAS offices working around the clock,
the world has never seemed so small. Let’s
take a look at what happened from
June to August.
• Lewek Harrier has been awarded a
long term contract with Reliance Industries Limited – the second largest
energy and production company in
India – due to its consistent and incident-free performance. At the request
of the client, EMAS will be upgrading
the vessel’s Dynamic Positioning (DP)
system from DP1 to DP2.
• Plans are being made for the arrival
of a new 460K hydraulic workover
unit, which will be offered for potential
contracts in Thailand. This is the Energy Services Division’s third hydraulic
workover unit to date.
• Lewek Explorer 750, a 750 HP heli
portable rig, has started drilling in the
Democratic Republic of Congo.
• Lewek Snipe, Lewek Aries and Lewek
Scarlet have completed their charters
with Shell Development and commenced a 48 day charter with MEO
Australia. Upon completion of this
charter, the vessels will continue working with Total E&P Australia to the end
of Q2 2011.
• EMAS has announced plans to add
four high-end multi-purpose PSVs to
its fleet. The new charters are for six
offshore support vessels with an average period of over two years.
• Letters of intent and/or letters of
award have been secured for contracts to charter five anchor, handling, towing and supply (AHTS)
vessels and one PSV. These will be
chartered to oil majors, national as
well as independent oil companies,
for operations in Asia and Australia.
nEwS in BriEf
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• EMAS has signed a contract with Norwaybased Aker Solutions to acquire the company’s SURF (Subsea Umbilicals, Risers & Flowlines) and floater installation unit, Aker Marine
Contractors (AMC). This will propel EMAS and
AMC to jointly become one of the world’s top
five SURF contractors.
• EMAS has purchased a 650,000 square feet
fabrication facility in Houston which will allow
the company to expand engineering and fabrication activities in the Americas and Europe.
This move complements EMAS’s acquisition
of Aker Marine Contractors, an established
SURF and floater installation company that
also has a center in Houston supporting operations in the Gulf of Mexico.
• Following the acquisition of Aker Marine Contractors, members of the EMAS management
visited the Houston office to get to know Aker
Marine personnel.
Port Harcourt
Ho Chi Minh City
Kuala Lumpur
• LMC has been awarded a T&I (Transportation
& Installation) Engineering contract for BP
Clair Ridge topsides. Clair Ridge will be the
largest new platform in the North Sea for at
least 10 years.
Negara Brunei Darussalam
• The Premier Oil Vietnam Offshore (POVO)
project has reached a new milestone with the
successful completion of the turret’s first rotation test. EMAS’s second FPSO, which is
currently under conversion, will be deployed
in the project.
nEwS in BriEf
nEwS in BriEf
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Above: BoA Sub c and BoA deep c working in the gulf of Mexico. the two AMc
vessels are multifunctional dp3 vessels, capable of subsea installation work.
town hALL SESSion
crEAting A gLoBAL
town hALL SESSion
houSton, uSA
the acquisition will:
EMAS announced its transformational acquisition of Aker Marine contractors (AMc)
on 22 october, a transaction that will propel the group to the top ranks of the subsea sector. the news was also sent out to the global media, creating awareness of
EMAS’s entry onto the world stage as a significant international offshore oil and gas
When breaking the news at the Town Hall session
in Singapore, EMAS’s Managing Director, Mr Lionel
Lee, thanked everyone who had helped the company
grow through the years. “AMc’s expertise and
strong track record in Surf and floater
work will transform EMAS into a global
subsea player and compete with the
world’s top 3 for Epic Surf. Enlarging
our business in Surf and subsea construction has always been one of our
strategic focus. with AMc within our
fold of offerings, we now have a credible
arsenal of capability to take on clients in
any water depth, anywhere in the world.
in addition, our clients and operating
markets are highly complementary. AMc
is strong in the north Sea, Latin America,
gulf of Mexico and Africa, while we are
strong in Asia pac. together we will
match best-in-class assets with industry leading engineering skill sets to deliver competitive and complete solutions
for the market.”
This transaction required detailed due diligence and
heavy negotiations during a six month period before
the announcement, and was a globally coordinated
effort that saw senior management, corporate fi-
Elevate EMAS to a top-tier Epic/Surf
subsea player
Enhance EMAS’s world-class subsea
installation/construction capabilities
Extend EMAS’s footprint globally
into gulf of Mexico, north Sea, Latin
America and Africa
fulfil EMAS’s next Lap growth strategy to be a global integrated offshore
service provider
complete EMAS’s subsea offering via
product partnership with Aker Solutions
capitalize on strong underlying fundamentals of the subsea industry
create a global business with subsea
assets in excess of uS$1 billion
Main picture, left: EMAS’s Managing director
Mr Lionel Lee announces the acquisition at
the Singapore headquarters
facing page: Mr Lionel Lee and AMc staff
after the norway town hall session
town hALL SESSion
oSLo, norwAY
nance, finance, HR, technical and legal teams working across three time zones and two legal systems. Jason
Goh, Senior Corporate Finance Manager of EMAS, was one of those who helped to coordinate the transaction . “the
deal was the outcome of countless sleepless nights in discussions with
Aker Solutions (the parent company of AMc),” he said. “the team pulled through
with determination, as well as with the anticipation, that this is the deal that will
change the face of EMAS. we are one of the few non-government linked homegrown companies that have the potential of going global through this international
acquisition — one of the larger of such transactions in Singapore this year. EMAS
will be on the world map from now on, and it is something that every EMAS member can be proud of.”
following the meeting with EMAS employees,
Managing director Mr Lionel Lee met AMc
staff in houston and oslo to introduce EMAS
to the AMc team. in both town hall meetings,
the news was warmly received and there was
great enthusiasm to become part of the global
EMAS family, exploiting new opportunities and
synergies together.
The acquisition of AMC will be completed after shareholders’ approval this December. AMC will then become
a part of the EMAS global family, which will stretch from the Americas to Europe, West Africa to Australasia.
nEwS in BriEf
nEwS in BriEf
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EMAS hoLdS itS third SEnior officErS’ SEMinAr
in october, EMAS saw the delivery of a state-of-the-art subsea construction
vessel, Lewek crusader. this move is in line with EMAS’s expansion into the
deepwater sector and accompanied by the recent acquisition of Aker Marine
capable of operating in the harshest environments and deepest waters in which
subsea exploration can take place, Lewek crusader is one of the few vessels in
the world that can handle complex heavy lift and well intervention operations in
up to 3500m water depth. its dynamic positioning (dp) 3 system gives it an edge
in manoeuvrability and versatility in well intervention environments.
To Lionel Lee, Managing Director of EMAS, the
delivery of Lewek Crusader signifies a commitment towards the company’s next phase of
“Lewek crusader is part of a
newbuild programme in our investment in subsea construction assets.
it is also an affirmation of the group’s
commitment to putting together the
building blocks — not just of assets, but people — that will drive the
group’s next wave of earnings.” EMAS is
further expecting the delivery of Lewek Constellation, a DP3 ice-class deepwater subsea multilay vessel with heavy-lift capabilities in excess of
3,000 metric tonnes.
through similar subsea construction
assets, EMAS is set to tap further opportunities in the subsea segment.
EMAS held its third Senior officers’ Seminar from 30 September to 1 october. the seminars are aimed at promoting
management, leadership, responsibility and accountability, facilitating understanding of EMAS’s mission and plans,
fostering open dialogue, redressing negative safety trends and reinforcing positive ones. throughout the two-day seminar, suggestions for vessel safety improvement were collated, hSE statistics and the hSE plan for 2011 were discussed,
and the seminar was honoured for the first time by one of EMAS’s clients, a representative from Brunei Shell petroleum
One of the initiatives raised was the e-colours personality test proposed by Captain Vincent Stephen, Fleet Safety Manager of EMAS.
This is aimed at inculcating self-awareness as well as recognition of
different personality types. Members who are aware of another’s personality type will be able to intervene more effectively when an unsafe
act is observed. Ideas were also solicited from Masters and Chief Engineers regarding the improvement of vessel design to make operations
Main picture: Lewek crusader
right, top: reverend daniel tan from
wesley Methodist church blesses the
right, second from top: (from left to
right) Managing director Mr Lionel
Lee, EMAS chairman Mr Lee Kian Soo,
and Lady Sponsor Ms jeanette wong
right, third from top: the christening
ceremony is followed by a vessel tour
right, bottom: the celebratory dinner
after the christening
The trip to the newly completed EMAS Academy was also much appreciated by participants. Equipped with a full mission simulator and
two aft bridge simulators, EMAS Academy is the training arm of HSE
which ensures operational safety. As Vincent Stephen commented,
is the first time EMAS has extended invitations to clients to
participate in the seminar. we plan to make this a consistent
feature so that we can not only showcase what we are doing,
but also gather feedback from our clients.” BSP showed appreciation for the seminar, saying, “the academy shows the company’s
great commitment towards vessel and crewing safety. Excellent interactive seminar – keep it up!”
Above: participants of the seminar
“the EMAS Academy trains our people, increases competency, and imparts to them our vision of incident-free
operations. it provides the training that includes all the
safety aspects that lie at the heart of our company.” He
added, “with regards to the Senior officers’ Seminar, this
nEwS in BriEf
nEwS in BriEf
fEAturE ArticLE
in keeping with EMAS’s belief in hands-on management, senior management
from the EMAS Marine Services division visited Lewek Emerald, Lewek Stork,
Lewek Swift and Sarah gold from july to october. the visits were conducted as
part of regular inspections to review vessel operations and working methods in
accordance with EMAS and charterer policies.
During the inspections, Captain Kumar, CEO of
Marine Services and Mr Loo Hin Loy, General
Manager (Fleet Management), took the opportunity to highlight the Environmental Management
Program (EMP) to vessel crew and regional staff.
The EMP was the brainchild of EMAS’s Fleet
Safety Manager, Captain Vincent Stephen, and
has been launched as a fleet-wide campaign to
reduce the consumption of natural resources.
The recent Management Inspection Visits are
also a reflection of EMAS’s focus on customer
satisfaction. The crew of the Lewek Emerald,
Lewek Stork, Lewek Swift and Sarah Gold have
fEAturE ArticLE
in profiLE
cAptAin vincEnt StEphEn
been supporting two Shell subsidiaries: Sarawak
Shell Berhad (SSB) and Sabah Shell Petroleum
Company (SSPC) for seven years. The two companies enjoy a long and sturdy relationship due
in part to a close identification with Shell’s emphasis on safety as a key priority. We look forward to working with them on future projects.
top: gM Loo hin Loy inspects
safety and emergency response
Captain Vincent Stephen is the EMAS
Fleet Safety Manager, Company Security Officer (CSO) and Designated Person
Ashore (DPA). As DPA, he acts as a direct link between offshore staff and top
management. He was recently invited
to Singapore’s Disaster Management
Response & Recovery conference as a
panellist in the discussion “All-Hazards
Approach in Business Continuity and
Crisis Management” (pictured above
with microphone).
Captain Vincent Stephen’s views on
joB SAtiSfAction
EMAS is honoured to have been awarded top Safety performer by one of
its key clients, Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB) and Sabah Shell petroleum
company (SSpc), distinguishing it from 10 other marine logistics providers
contracted under SSB and SSpc operations. this is an affirmation of EMAS’
continuous efforts to promote and maintain an incident-free culture. As of
30 September, the company achieved 2040 goal Zero days under SSB and
SSpc, a record that EMAS will continue to strive to maintain.
EMAS has been supporting SSB and SSPC operations for the past 7 years, collaborating with
them in high profile projects such as the Pisangan Field, Petai Field, Kikeh Field, Serai Field,
Cili Padi Field and Kinabalu Field development.
Recently, Lewek Emerald carried out two important jobs for Shell, towing Rig West Alliance
to Singapore and carrying out extensive urgent
supply and back load at Silangan Field, Philippines.
“The trill of this vocation is the ongoing
challenge it provides in understanding
human behavior. We all have our own peculiarities; it is difficult to predict how we
will react under changing conditions.”
“Accidents and its consequences such
as pain, agony, lost of loved ones, mental trauma of those left behind without
any physical or financial support makes
me passionate to ensure sound safety
practices are always deployed prior to,
during and after a task is completed.”
Below: captain Adarash Kumar, cEo of EMAS
Marine Services division, receives the award
from captain tiong heng Kwong, head of
Marine Services of SSB and SSpc.
in September, EMAS reached an engineering and construction milestone in the conversion of its second
floating production, Storage and offloading (fpSo) vessel. A 12m diameter internal turret weighing
more than 550 mt was lifted and installed onto the fpSo. this turret is unique for being the first internal turret design used in the EMAS fleet as well as the first internal turret design by EMAS’s subsidiary,
London Marine consultants (LMc).
BuSinESS continuitY And
criSiS MAnAgEMEnt
“Business continuity management is
about creating resilient businesses;
companies that are flexible and which
can quickly identify and respond to challenges and threats. To be the best in
your industry; to be the smartest in your
sector; to be a leader, you need effective business continuity management.
Not because it means you will survive
into the distant future; but because it will
make you a better business today.”
LMC is a well known turret design company with an impressive track record of external turret systems designed and deployed in FPSOs all around the world. This latest engineering
achievement highlights LMC’s capabilities to provide a full
range of mooring system designs for offshore clients and also
indicates EMAS’ ability to execute FPSO conversions, capable of operating in deep-sea conditions. Strategically, this
means EMAS has strengthened its mooring design capability
to become a even more competitive world-class FPSO player.
The internal turret is designed to withstand the harshest
environmental conditions in offshore Vietnam, catering to a
maximum design wave height of 16.4m and mooring load
of 1250mt. Yang Lei, Turret Construction Manager of EMAS,
shaft diameter required for multiple risers. this will allow the vessel to withstand
large forces created by heavy sea states.”
Currently, FPSO conversion is going smoothly in Keppel Benoi shipyard. A first rotation test has been completed and 50% of the process modules have been
installed. Upon completion in mid 2011, the FPSO will
operate in Chim Sao oilfield in offshore Vietnam.
right: turret shaft and upper bearing
support being lifted into the fpSo
“the advantage of the internal turret
design is that it utilizes the breadth of the existing ship structure to accommodate the large
worK hArd, pLAY hArd
celebrations, football, friends and a movie event
nEwS in BriEf
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EMAS spiced up an ordinary Friday evening in September
with food, friends, and Angelina Jolie’s pouty lips. The event,
which was part of EMAS’s welfare and recreational activities programme, was jointly organized by the Fun Squad and
Staff Recreation Committee (SRC). Yummy finger food was
consumed, the movie “Salt” was aired, and EMAS staff and
cadets spent a wonderful evening bonding together.
nEwS in BriEf
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BESt wiShES to
The EMAS Energy Services division (EEST) recently played — and won — their
first football game in Sattahip, Thailand. After working hard at matches every
weekend from 19 September to 10 October, they beat the oilfield catering
company Amarit 2-0.
We can expect the team to participate in annual matches from this year on.
Congratulations to the EEST football team — EMAS’s first football team!
top row, from left to right
Monamorn naruemandeja, Yongyutt jantanookul, Arkom Buppawanna, thongdee
phowee, Ekawit Maneeprasat, Suttiban hongsamart, chucheep Klaitom, Amnaj
chaibunkaew, chagapan pinnakbud, noi Bangthet, nattawut dej-udom, prachern
Second row, from left to right
Kajornsak jantawee, Yongyut promchai, umnaj Seelakhan, wisoot Keryram, weerapan Anan, pisit phanthongkham, Sittisak Sungsuwan
photo of thE Month
Chan Eng Yew
Chia Lee Yuen
Gan Woei Kiat Elvin
Gatdula Faustino Jr Morales
Johan Bin Saini
Lee Wan Cheng Mcihelle
Lim Chee Aik
Lim Chu Zee
Lim Hwee Hoon Joanne
Lin XiaoPing, Janice
Loo Hin Loy
Mary Ann Hino-O Diomampo
Mary Tjhin
Matthew Stuart King
Norasidah Binte Selamat
Rajeswary Shanmughanathan
Roni Firhan
Sofi Widyawati Johari
Tan Cheng Cheng
Tan Yew Beng David
William Gavino Inglis
Yeo Lay Hoon
Zora Hamdan Doad
Poh Wei Jian Wayne
Varadaraj Kalavathy
Koh Yuet Ming Jessica
Ng Lei Har Jocelyn
Goh Guo Feng
Wang Ying
Goh Aik Song
The Staff Recreation Committee (SRC) was formed in 2007 to address staff welfare needs by providing recreational activities. Throughout the years, they have organized friendly sporting events,
EMAS’s annual Dinner & Dance, bi-monthly birthday celebrations, movie outings, and even a Staff
Incentive Trip (SIT) to Shanghai. Such events allow EMAS members to interact with each other in a
relaxed environment, facilitating friendships between departments and outside the workplace.
Since 2007, EMAS has grown by leap and bounds, and the purpose of the SRC – to bond all staff
members together – is more important than ever.
Do you have ideas to share so as to improve the welfare of fellow colleagues?
Do you have the zeal to bring these ideas into life?
Would you like to join the SRC? Email us at src@emasoffshore.com!
Adeline Yeoh
Alicia ho
Brenda ong
irene Ang
jason Khew
hui Li Eng
joseph goh
joreen wong
chia Shengzhi
Src Alumni
Hafsah Binte Mohd
Lee Kian Soo (KS Lee)
Tayamora Marivic Volante
Ong Ka Wai Barbara
Pohla Duke Patrick
Yap Siew Leng Cheryl
Lee Thean Yong
Yeoh Teck Beng
Inriani Putri Binte Zamzuri
Wong Ren Kai Jason
Yeo Keng Nien
HANKS Kenneth Gay
Lee Chye Tek Lionel
Smith Matthew Robert
Ike Valentine Chukwuma
Lin JiaLiang Lionel
Chong Shing Lung Anthony
Nelson Timothy John Cathcart (Tim Nelson)
Suhana Binte Ahmad
Malik Bin Samat
Poongavanam Kathiresan
Zumahdi Oktoria
Wisan Wataniyakun
Chew Kim Yong Edward
Muhammad Fahmi Bin Abdul
Noraini Binte Sawal
Yang Lei
Lee Cheh Hsien
Khoo Li Ying
Khoo Li Ying
Sumithra Devi Subramanian
Khoo Li Ying
Special thanks to
Asle Bjornstad, Bob Davidson, Captain Vincent
Stephen, Darren McCormick, Dale Alberda,
Diana Yeo, Elizabeth Wu, Jason HW Goh, Jon
Dunstan, Kannan Krishnan, Lin Xiaoping, Loo
Hin Loy, Murty Avasarala, Patricia Lam, Robert
Sneddon, Robin Kirkpatrick, Saravanan Sadaperam, Shawn SP Teo, Siva Ruban and Thanh
Nguyen Thi Kim!
jason chan
Lionel Lin jia
inriani putri
joreen wong
Yeo Lay hoon
Max Lur
jasmine tan
winson See
EMAS’s Photo of the Month column is devoted to interesting pictures taken by our
onshore and offshore staff. Want your photographs published? Send samples to
newsletter@emasoffshore.com. Photos must be high resolution and in .jpg format. Please
include a photo caption (no more than 100 words) and your name.
writE to uS
Do you have an article or opinion you would like to share?
Email us at newsletter@emasoffshore.com!