EMAS AT THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY AUSTRIA ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT 2015 OUR COMMIT MENT TO THE ENVIRON MENT As employees of the Umweltbundesamt* we contribute daily with our work to the improvement of the environmental situation and to the conservation of our natural resources for our livelihoods. We thus contribute to the sustainable development of society. * Environment Agency Austria Environmental Statement 2015 | 3 © Foto Wilke © Umweltbundesamt/Andi Bruckner examine the environmental effects of our •We activities on a regular basis and we comply with the applicable environmental legislation. continually reduce the negative environmental •We impacts of our activities and improve our environmental performance. and preventive environmental •Comprehensive protection forms part of our mission statement and of our corporate objectives. the environmental management system, •EMAS, enables us to implement our environmental objectives in a structured and target-oriented manner. The Umweltbundesamt has a high socio-political importance and is the relevant organisation of experts for environmental solutions in Austria. National and international clients benefit from our knowhow. Our work contributes to the improvement of the environmental performance of our clients. All players (in politics, administration, business and economy, the media, science, civil society institutions) acknowledge the results of our work. They actively ask for them and they follow our recommendations. protection and health care are incorporated •Employee in our environmental management system. publish our environmental statement on a •We regular basis and thus communicate our objectives, measures and services in the framework of our corporate environmental management system. Vienna, 3rd april 2014 Georg Rebernig Managing Director Karl Kienzl Deputy Managing Director SUPPORT ING THE ENVIRON MENT AND SOCIETY In 2015 the Umweltbundesamt is celebrating its 30th anniversary. In its 30-year history the Umweltbundesamt has been playing a decisive role in environmental protection and monitoring in Austria and Europe and is one of the largest employers in the environmental sector in Austria today. Environmental Statement 2015 | 4 © BBB3 – Fotolia.com With thirty years of experience, we are a leading environmental consulting institution with national and international clients. Along with businesses and companies, our clients and partners include scientific and environmental policy decision makers in Austria, the EU and beyond. At the Umweltbundesamt, we stand for reliability, transparency and independence. We carry out evaluations, we set standards, we develop methods and recommendations, and we provide the basis for decision-making. Our solutions are sustainable and create added ecological and economic value for our clients. We are Austria‘s largest expert organisation covering all environmental issues. As an independent partner, we build bridges between the economy, science and politics at national and international level. With more than 450 experts in 55 disciplines, we are a leading provider of environmental solutions. DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH WE SPEAK MANY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES This know-how gives our experts access to our clients in Europe and beyond. 55 DISCIPLINES UNDER ONE ROOF Interdisciplinary work is part of our daily routine (extract from our wide range of specialist fields) ph arm sci aceu en ces tical en vi en ronm gin e ee ntal rin g ph ysi cs Environmental Statement 2015 | 5 inf or sci mati en on ce so c io l ma p r oj na e c t ge me n tox t e en nerg ma viron y an na me d ge nt me al nt ad busi mi ne nis ss tra tio n jou sp pla atia nn l ing che mi str eco log y r na l i sm i co log y po sci litica en l ce alt e e rna sounerg tive r ce y s og bio log y y ve t me erina dic ry ine a en gricu gin ltu e r w eri al eco ater ng & no my ge og r ap hy y Environmental Statement 2015 | 6 ENVIRON MENTAL SOLU TIONS © alphaspirit – Fotolia.com To do business successfully, integrated strategies are needed. Here we can assist companies with our expertise which covers a wide range of specialist areas (55 disciplines) - from natural science and technology to the humanities and the economic, legal and social sciences. With this expertise, we can develop solutions in an interdisciplinary overall framework. We are partners in more than 200 national and international networks, bodies and working groups and we advise renowned international organisations. Out network enables us to identify future trends at an early stage. This knowledge advantage forms part of our consulting services. We offer advice to our clients on forward-thinking approaches to meet the challenges of climate change and mitigation, on how to identify risks and use opportunities. Other key areas of our consulting activities are resource efficiency and zero emissions. We develop strategies and measures, we calculate scenarios and deliver quality-assured data. The Umweltbundesamt is a limited liability company which is 100% owned by the Republic of Austria, represented by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. LOCA TIONS TOTAL OFFICE FLOORSPACE: 13,309 m2 corridors, stairs, WC: 2,936 m2 „Our offices and laboratories are based in central locations and are easily accessible by public transport. The buildings of the Umweltbundesamt are well served by the cycle routes of Vienna.“ offices: 5,167 m2 Reinhard Kober EMAS Officer other floorspace areas: 2,117 m2 storage/archives: 1,922 m2 The address of the Umweltbundesamt’s headquarters is Spittelauer Lände 5, which is situated in the 9th district of Vienna. Three other sites of the Umweltbundesamt are located in the 9th and in the 20th district. In all these buildings, the offices are rented by the Umweltbundesamt. The analytical laboratories are located in Spittelauer Lände 5 Environmental Statement 2015 | 7 laboratories: 1,167 m2 (organic and inorganic analysis), Ingen Housz Gasse 3 (fuel laboratory and GMO laboratory) and Grundlgasse 5 (dioxin laboratory). All our analytical facilities are quality assured and officially certified as accredited testing laboratories. SMART PEOPLE FOR SMART IDEAS „EMAS offers businesses and companies and their employees more legal security through legal compliance. Proactive compliance with environmental and occupational safety regulations is verified by the environmental auditor.“ Martin Sautner Data Protection Officer and legal expert Environmental Statement 2015 | 8 © Umweltbundesamt/B. Gröger The EMAS team (from left to right): Andreas Berthold, Monika Brom, Reinhard Kober, Anneliese Ritter, Stefan Seyfert Our EMAS team is assisted by: 13 Fire Wardens 3 Fire Safety Officers 4 Safety Experts and 1 Hazardous Materials Officer 6 Safety Representatives 42 First-aiders The main tasks of the EMAS team include the collection and documentation of environmental data as well as the preparation of the greenhouse gas balance for the Umweltbundesamt. All data, along with the company’s environmental management objectives as well as the corresponding measures and performance, are published in an environmental statement every year. Colleagues within the company are informed about the activities of the EMAS team during employee training sessions and through EMAS tips on the intranet. The EMAS team implements the measures outlined in the environment programme and develops them further consistently. An EMAS suggestion scheme encourages em ployees to contribute their ideas for improving the company’s environmental performance. New measures are included, after consultation with the Managing Directors, in the environmental management systems and put into practice. The legal register, which ensures the management system’s conformity with legal requirements, and a standardised filing system for official notices are updated and maintained on an ongoing basis. Environmental impacts and the environmental management system are reviewed as part of the internal audits every year. The management system is evaluated by the Managing Directors once a year. EM PLOYEE BENEFITS FLEXIBILITY Our employees use teleworking and remote working. Flexible working models and part-time work schemes for parents make it easier for parents to go back to work after parental leave. Employee satisfaction, along with the fact that a large number of our employees use part-time work schemes for parents show how successful these offers are. In 2014, 11 male and 41 female employees were using the part-time work scheme for parents. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Since 2009, an Equal Opportunities Officer and a Deputy Officer have been acting as a first contact point for the prevention of workplace bullying, disputes and discrimination. A workplace representative for disabled employees ensures that barriers are removed and necessary general adjustments are made. Employed persons „Environmental policy implementation only works if it is part of our employees’ daily routine. This is why new colleagues are informed about EMAS as soon as they start working with us. On our intranet they can find detailed information and useful tips.“ Environmental Statement 2015 | 9 2012 2013 2014 Staff members 477 479 486 Part-time 91 107 112 Part-time work scheme for parents 46 44 52 Statutory leave incl. parental leave 33 34 22 388.7 388.6 397 Full-time equivalent Monika Brom EMAS-Team A HEALTHY WORK ENVIRONMENT Our Occupational Health Physician performs vaccinations, eye tests, no smoking initiatives and health checks which are all free of charge. She offers advice on ergonomics (personal workplace check), diet and physical activity and, if required, helps with stress prevention, the prevention of occupational diseases and work-related illnesses. Our employees’ physical well-being is also taken care of on a daily basis in a nearby canteen which was awarded the Austrian Ecolabel in 2012. After work our employees are offered Feldenkrais or Shiatsu sessions at reduced rates. Joint activities such as participation in the Umweltbundes amt’s running challenge or “cycle to work” initiative have proved to be immensely popular. As of: 31.12.2014 OCCUP ATIONAL SAFETY Environmental Statement 2015 | 10 © SVLuma – Fotolia.com „The Safety Experts, along with the Occupational Health Physician, give advice on matters of safety at work and on workplace design. They also evaluate and develop accident prevention measures.“ Stefan Seyfert Safety Expert At the Umweltbundesamt there are four Safety Experts. They advise our employees on matters of occupational safety and workplace design. Together with the Environmental Management Officer and the Safety Representative they provide training sessions for employees in the workplace. In 2014 seven workplace accidents were reported. year, an evacuation exercise is organised together with the fire brigade. Under expert guidance, potential safety hazards are pointed out and practical exercises performed to give a lively demonstration of what needs to be done in an emergency. The 132 fire extinguishers at the Umweltbundesamt are maintained on a regular basis. FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION The safety precautions which are to be observed when handling gas cylinders and for their storage are reviewed on a regular basis. Specialty gases, acids and solvents are needed for certain analyses. They are stored on site in the smallest possible quantities. Escape routes and orientation plans, up-to-date fire control plans and well documented fire safety inspections minimise potential hazards as well as negative environmental impacts. Once a EMERGENCY MEASURES At the Umweltbundesamt Austria there are 42 first aiders regularly attending training sessions. 41 first-aid kits and three defibrillators are available. 10 YEARS OF EMAS AT THE UMWELT BUNDES AMT „Environmental management systems are the key to exemplary conduct – both in economic and administrative matters. The main advantage of EMAS is as the employees become involved they bring EMAS to life.“ Anneliese Ritter Environmental Management Officer Environmental Statement 2015 | 11 © Umweltbundesamt/B. Gröger from left to right: Andreas Tschulik (BMLFUW), Anneliese Ritter, Georg Rebernig, Monika Mörth (BMLFUW), Karl Kienzl As Austria’s leading environmental consultant, the Umweltbundesamt takes its responsibility for the environment and society seriously. In 2014 we were celebrating 10 years of the Umweltbundesamt’s EMAS registration. ers and the print company. Our internal printing system reduces paper usage and toner consumption. At events and meetings which take place at our premises we offer our guests only organic snacks and drinks. The milestones of the past ten years were: switching to certified green electricity, establishing a car sharing scheme and purchasing a natural gas vehicle for business travel. Our employees were offered a fuel savings and driver safety training programme. For business trips less than 750 kilometres in length a rule has been established - namely that preference should be given to the train. For EMAS applicants the Umweltbundesamt which, as a long-standing registered EMAS organisation, has been entrusted with the management of the EMAS register acts as single contact point. After a positive assessment of the environmental statement by the environmental auditor who applies his/her signature, applicants apply to the Umweltbundesamt (as the National Competent Body for Registration) for EMAS registration. Since the introduction of EMAS at the Umweltbundes amt, preference has been given to suppliers with eco-labels or certified environmental management systems, ranging from our electricity suppliers to the office clean- In 2014 the annual EMAS conference was organised by the Umweltbundesamt. At this conference, organisations and managers are awarded the EMAS award. DATA MANAGE MENT TOOL Environmental Statement 2015 | 12 © wrangler – Fotolia.com Since 2013 a new data management tool has been available to facilitate documentation of the Umweltbundesamt’s environmental performance. The system calculates the indicators needed for the environmental statement and provides graphical representations. The emission fac„As a central data storage mechanism, the data management tool simplifies the preparation of the environmental statement, while also being user-friendly and easy to handle. Data from the different departments are now collected in a central database.“ Andreas Berthold deputy Environmental Management Officer tors used for compiling the Umweltbundesamt’s greenhouse gas balance are updated every year. A uniform approach to data inputs facilitates data evaluation and ensures coherence ENVIRON MENTAL STATE MENT DATA Environmental Statement 2015 | 13 RELE VANT ENVIRON MENTAL ASPECTS Environmental Statement 2015 | 14 © Urbanhearts – Fotolia.com CALCULATION OF THE RELEVANCE FACTOR The EMAS team assesses the relevance of environmental aspects on a scale of 0-9 (9 denoting a high relevance). For this purpose two factors are multiplied: the impact of a particular environmental aspect (0-3 points, i.e. from “not relevant” to “high”) and the possibility of influencing this aspect through appropriate measures. In cases of incidents or emergencies, the probability of occurrence Significance of environmental aspect (in points) is assessed instead of the possibility of influence. Measures which have been implemented successfully have a positive influence, reducing the level of relevance of the environmental aspects. The result shows where there is a need, or scope, for action, so that specific measures can be taken to improve the Umweltbundesamt’s environmental performance. Possibility of influencing environmental aspects Probability of an occurrence of incidents or emergencies 0 none possibility of influencing, 0% occurrence impossible 1 low possibility of influencing, bis 10% low possibility of influencing (very low accident rate as a result of serious misconduct or technical weaknesses or deficiencies) 2 medium possibility of influencing, 10–30% medium possibility of influencing (low accident rate as a result of serious misconduct or technical weaknesses or deficiencies) 3 high possibility of influencing, mehr als 30% high possibility of influencing (higher accident rate as a result of human error or severe technical deficiencies) RELEVANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS* Relevance 0 Remarks/measures Assessment of suppliers on the basis of ecological criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Indirect environmental aspects Procurement Within the scope of the Umweltbundesamt‘s activities Information Within the scope of the Umweltbundesamt’s activities Consulting Incidents or emergencies Full fire protection system (fire extinguisher, fire and smoke alarm, telemetry and safety (TUS) connection at the Spittelauer Lände 5 office; fire protection systems in various forms at the other locations Highly relevant data on the premises (chemicals register, REACH ...) IT security certificates, firewall ... Regular checks of gas supply pipework; instructions, exhaust extraction Full fire protection system (fire extinguisher, fire and smoke alarm, telemetry and safety (TUS) connection at the Spittelauer Lände 5 office; fire protection systems in various forms at the other locations Low risk in the office area; training sessions and inspections in the laboratory area; personal protective equipment (PPE); field sampling (satellite phone, PPE) Fire Sabotage (safety equipment) Gas leak Explosion Accidents at work EMS* framework conditions Provided by legal register; continuous updates required; possibility of implementing a maintenance tool Conformity with legal requirements Direct environmental aspects Implementation of print management system; basis for further measures * selection of environmental aspects with a relevance factor of 3 or higher Air travel accounts for most of the emissions; transport mode choice targets; switch to certified green electricity Most business trips are made by air; managing choice of transport mode Environmental Statement 2015 | 15 Paper Greenhouse gas emissions Business travel * Environmental Management System EXTRACT FROM THE ENVIRON MENT PRO GRAMME Environmental Statement 2015 | 16 In the Environment Programme the Umweltbundesamt defines, on the basis of the relevant environmental aspects identified, the targets and measures designed to lead to an improved environmental performance. The Programme is assessed as part of the annual audit and management review process and extended if necessary. © doris oberfrank-list – Fotolia.com EXTRACT FROM THE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME Area/Aim Assessment Environmental Aspect/Relevance 0 Measure Responsibility Status/Date Aspects Organise an environment day for employees every two years Anneliese Ritter new/ongoing Training and internal communication Present EMAS every year at the ME3JF meeting, inform new employees about EMAS and safety at work during their half-day induction session Stefan Seyfert Anneliese Ritter new/ongoing Training and internal communication Introduce lift- or elevator-free days Anneliese Ritter new 31.07.2015 Purchase rechargeable batteries and chargers Andreas Berthold new/ongoing Waste Evaluate the main causes of electricity consumption (SPL 5 and BGL server rooms), analyse them and derive measures Reinhard Kober tool running, data available, relevant measures are being developed; postponed until 21.12.2015 Energy Offer training in use of communication tools (Skype, Communicator, telephone and video conference calls) IT Department new 31.07.2015 Emissions EMS FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS Employees are informed about EMAS at the Umweltbundesamt Employees are informed about EMAS and safety at work DIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Reduce emissions Reduce the use of primary batteries Save electricity Reduce emissions Emissions INDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Reduce emissions, offer eco-friendly mobility solutions to employees, image Introduce job tickets Elisabeth Mayerhofer Reinhard Kober new/ 31.07.2015 Mobility Reduce emissions, offer eco-friendly mobility solutions to employees, image Purchase 2 electric bikes and 2 folding bikes Reinhard Kober new 31.07.2015 Mobility Present the Umweltbundesamt‘s information and consulting activities in the Environment Programme Evaluation together with the Communications Department Andreas Berthold Angelika Gasser in progress; postponed until 31.7.2015 due to the limited resources available Gradual increase in the number of EMAS suppliers Anneliese Ritter Bernhard Schiestl ongoing Procurement Evaluate print management documentation, identify the largest consumers of paper as a basis for further measures Andreas Berthold in progress; data are not yet of sufficient quality, postponed until 31.07.2015 Procurement Derive measures from an assessment of stress and mental health in the workplace Ralph Löwy Reinhard Kober in progress; evaluation completed; measures partly defined; postponed until 31.7.2015 Adapt hardware request form (laptop plus display and keyboard for initial setup) Stefan Seyfert new 31.07.2015 Occupational safety Set up a risk management scheme Cristina Trimbacher in progress; postponed until 31.12.2015 due to the limited resources available Fire, sabotage, gas leak, explosion Increase the number of EMAS suppliers Evaluate the use of paper use Activities of the Umweltbundesamt Austria OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Prevent psychological disorders Ergonomic design of the workplace for permanent laptop users Health INCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES Carry out risk analysis Environmental Statement 2015 | 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ENVIRON MENTAL INDICA TORS Environmental Statement 2015 | 18 © Umweltbundesamt ENERGY For our space heating requirements we use district heat or natural gas in all our buildings. For our premises in Spittelauer Lände 5 and Ingen Housz-Gasse 3 we use an energy contracting model. The use of green certified electricity (UZ 46*) has a positive effect on the greenhouse gas balance. WATER Freshwater consumption depends mainly on the amount of water needed in the laboratories and on the type of analysis. The pH value of wastewater is adjusted using a neutra lisation device before the wastewater enters the urban sewage system. Wastewater from the garage passes through an oil separator and is disposed of by an authorised collector. MATERIAL INPUT & WASTE SEPARATION Paper demand is measured using a follow-me print system. The aim is to achieve considerable reductions in the future. Waste is disposed of correctly and handed over to authorised waste collectors. GREENHOUSE GAS BALANCE In the annual greenhouse gas balance the conversion of energy sources is considered as well as their production, extraction and transport. For business travels the Umweltbundesamt uses a car sharing scheme and has a small fleet with two passenger cars, five light commercial vehicles and one natural gas vehicle. For business trips within Vienna two electric bikes and two folding bikes have been acquired. * certified according to eco label 46 CORE INDICATORS Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013 to 2014 Hazardous waste kg 6,477 6,226 5,553 – 11 % Hazardous waste/FTE* kg 17 16 14 – 11 % Total waste kg 94,905 101,984 107,319 5% Total waste/FTE kg 245 263 270 2% Code No. 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013 to 2014 Acids and acid mixtures inorganic 52102 1.12 0.89 0.85 Solvents, non-halogenated 55370 0.88 0.93 Solvents, halogenated 55220 0.23 Laboratory waste, chemical residues 59305 Residual waste CORE INDICATORS Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013 to 2014 Total water consumption m3 3.654 4.416 4.726 7.02 % Total water consumption/FTE m3 9 11 11.9 4.57 % WATER Monitoring station 1 Monitoring station 2 Ordinance on Limit Values for Sewage Systems 1989 pH value on site 8.7 8.5 6.5–10.5 – 3.85 % Zinc, calculated as Zn (mg/l) 0.18 0.24 3.00 0.91 – 1.94 % Low volatile lipophilic substances (mg/l) 28 11 100.00 0.40 0.31 – 21.91 % Sum of hydrocarbons (mg/l) 0.32 0.50 20.00 0.56 0.48 0.93 93.75 % 91101 29.06 29.33 29.40 0.25 % MOBILITY Waste paper 18718 24.81 31.99 38.04 18.92 % Coloured glass 31469 9.76 9.85 9.87 Clear glass 31468 9.43 9.51 Organic waste 91104 8.98 Plastic materials 57118, 57119 Scrap metal WASTE BREAKDOWN (in t) WASTEWATER INDICATORS 11.12.2014 Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013 to 2014 Car km 178,462 178,645 156,512 – 12.39 % 0.20 % Rail pkm 376,946 468,133 422,642 – 9.72 % 9.53 0.20 % Air pkm 1,855,802 2,038,034 1,634,089 – 19.82 % 9.06 9.08 0.24 % 2.36 2.38 2.39 0.32 % ACCIDENTS 2012 2013 2014 35315, 35105 1.85 1.87 1.87 0.09 % Accidents at work 0 4 7 Electronic waste 35202 1.80 2.26 1.06 – 53.10 % Commuting accidents 1 0 2 Visual display units 35212 0.47 0.23 0.25 9.15 % Near misses 1 0 0 * full-time equivalent Environmental Statement 2015 | 19 Environmental Statement 2015 | 20 MATERIAL EFFICIENCY (Data calculations are based on the volumes purchased in the respective year) FUEL Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013 to 2014 Gasoline litre 197 218 208 kg 1,149 1,288 Diesel litre 10,649 Diesel residues, fuel laboratory litre Total fuel quantities Liter CNG CHEMICALS, SPECIALTY GASES Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013 to 2014 – 4.30 % Solvents, non-halogenated litre 1,536 2,079 1,961 – 5.70 % 1,054 – 18.17 % Solvents, halogenated litre 190 280 265 – 5.36 % 10,781 10,413 – 3.42 % Acids litre 144 136 131 – 4.04 % 453 306 395 29.08 % Argon m3 2,777 3,275 2,340 – 28.56 % 11.299 11,305 11,016 – 2.55 % Liquid nitrogen litre 500 850 606 – 28.71 % Helium m3 382 498 410 – 17.70 % Oxygen m3 382 329 270 – 17.93 % PAPER Printer paper kg 5,500 10,500 6,000 – 42.86 % Nitrogen m3 4,176 3,424 3,064 – 10.51 % Printer paper/FTE* kg 14.2 27.1 15.1 – 44.18 % Synthetic air m3 996 1.664 550 – 66.96 % Toilet paper kg 2,150 1,569 3,359 114.08 % Hydrogen m3 95 117 50 – 57.11 % Toilet paper/FTE kg 5.5 4.0 8.5 109.41 % Cooling agents kg 17 56 3 – 94.64 % A3 Paper sheet 0 50,000 50,000 0.00 % Other gases m3 0 0 10 — A3 Paper/FTE sheet 0 128.9 125.9 – 2.27 % A4 Paper sheet 1,100,000 2,000,000 1,100,000 – 45.00 % Papier A4/VBÄ sheet 2,835.1 5,154.6 2,770.8 – 46.25 % ENERGY EFFICIENCY Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013 to 2014 District heating MWh 1,031 1,099 1,374 25.03 % Gas consumption MWh 93 73 40 – 45.31 % Green certified (UZ46) electricity consumption MWh 1,188 1,048 1,135 8.28 % Non-certified (UZ46) electricity consumption MWh 123 119 152 28.03 % Total energy consumption MWh 2,437 2,342 2,701 15.30 % Total energy consumption/FTE MWh 6.3 6 7 12.60 % EDV-COMPUTER ACCESSORIES, OFFICE SUPPLIES PC and laptops item 123 200 80 – 60.00 % Monitors and flat screens item 65 75 120 60.00 % Ink cartridges incl. push buttons item 53 76 23 – 69.74 % Toner and fax machine toner item 71 62 84 35.48 % ENERGY EFFICIENCY * full-time equivalent EMISSION CALCULA TIONS CALCULATION METHOD GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Emissions (CO2 equivalent) in t To calculate aviation emissions, the Environment Agency Austria uses an RFI of 2.7. RFI stands for radiactive forcing index. It is the measurement unit for climate relevant impacts of aviation at higher altitudes (from approx. 9 km a.s.l.) arising from physical and chemical interactions with the atmosphere. 2012 Scope 11 Scope 22 2013 Scope 33 Scope 11 Scope 22 2014* Scope 33 Scope 11 Scope 22 Electricity 49 46 55 District heating 191 204 255 Scope 33 Gas 19 5 15 4 8 2 Mobility 34 1,077 35 1,064 32 788 Paper 3 Cooling agents 35 Sum 89 4 123 241 1,086 173 3 7 250 1,073 47 310 Total 1,415 1,496 1,151 AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS 2012 2013 2014* Emissions (CO2 equivalent) in kg 794 NOx SO2 PM NOx SO2 PM NOx SO2 PM Electricity 153.76 24.28 8.56 133.21 23.36 8.32 153.19 27.45 9.47 District heating 703.94 114.66 28.35 749.68 122.11 30.20 937.94 152.77 37.78 25.19 1.32 0.96 20.00 1.04 0.76 10.46 0.55 0.40 1,897.10 1,244.27 151.40 1,871.29 1,226.71 152,08 1,244.31 1,011.80 107.27 Paper 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.10 0.11 0.03 0.08 0.09 Scope 3: upstream emissions from third party inputs Cooling agents 0.05 0.19 1.82 0.17 0.64 5.99 0.01 0.03 0.32 * Emission factors from 2013 were used for the 2014 calculations Sum 2,780.06 1,384.78 191.16 2,774.38 2,774.38 197.46 2,345.94 1,192.67 155.32 Gas Mobility 1 Scope 1: all direct emissions arising during continuous operation 2 3 Environmental Statement 2015 | 21 Scope 2: energy suppliers’ emissions CERTIFICATES Environmental Statement 2015 | 22 CONTACT © Umweltbundesamt/B. Gröger Umweltbundesamt GmbH Spittelauer Lände 5 1090 Vienna/Austria Tel.: +43 (0) 1 31304 Fax: +43 (0) 1 31304/5400 office@umweltbundesamt.at www.umweltbundesamt.at Environmental Statement 2015 | 23 For questions about the Environmental Management System anneliese.ritter@umweltbundesamt.at For questions about the Umweltbundesamt sabine.enzinger@umweltbundesamt.at Umweltbundesamt GmbH | Spittelauer Lände 5 | 1090 Vienna/Austria | www.umweltbundesamt.at Graphics & Type setting: Manuela Kaitna | Text: Petra Kestler, Sabine Enzinger | Portrait-Photography EMAS-Team: Bernhard Gröger Published 05/2015 REG.NO. AT-000484