Grade 1 Book Order – September 2014
Grade 1 Book Order – September 2014
VA N C O U V E R H E B R E W A C A D E M Y 1545 West 62nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2E8 Tel: (604) 266-1245 Fax: (604) 264-0648 Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Administration Head of School Rabbi Don Pacht BTL, MTL, M.Ed Principal Judaic Studies Rabbi Eleazar Durden B. A., M. A., M. Ed. Principal General Studies Ms. Alaina Smith B. A., B. Ed., M. Ed. Board of Governors Mrs. Marie Doduck Mrs. Ruth Erlichman Dr. David Freedman Ms. Hodie Kahn Mr. Abe Sacks Ms. Anita Shafran Board of Directors August 2014 Dear Parents: Re: School Supplies – Preschool 3 and 4 The Preschool Teachers will be purchasing school supplies for your child for the 2014-2015 school year. Throughout the year, the teachers may require some extra specialized items and you will be notified when these are needed. The cost per student for school supplies will be $60.00. As well, there is an activity fee of $30.00 per student (for special projects and field trips) and a PTA fee of $40.00 per student (or $120.00 family maximum). Please complete and return the form below and remit the full amount by cheque or cash. Only one cheque is necessary to pay for the three items listed above. No post-dated cheques please. All payments should be made by the first day of school. Thank you. Sincerely, Co-President Mr. Meyer Mattuck Rabbi Don Pacht Head of School Co-President Mr. David Emanuel _________________________________________________________________ Vice President Mrs. Tammy Horvath PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS FORM to the school office by the first day of school in September 2014. (Late orders may not receive school supplies on time) Secretary Mr. Glenn Bullard FAMILY NAME: ______________________ Treasurer Mr. Adam Saunders Directors Mr. Terry Barnett Mr. Rami Belson Mrs. Adela Heffes Mrs. Rachael Lewinski Mrs. Elizabeth Nider Mrs. Bassie Tauby Mr. Daniel Wolfson Price: Supply Fee $60.00 Activity Fee (field trips, special projects) $30.00 PTA Fee ($40 per child or $120 family maximum) $40.00 Total Vancouver Hebrew Academy PreSchool 3 and 4 Getting Ready for Preschool Dear Parents, As you prepare for the exciting new preschool year, we would like to share our vision for success for your preschooler. The first few weeks of preschool we will be working towards independent self-care, which is a foundation for all early learning experiences. With this in mind, we would encourage you to practice these skills at home in preparation for preschool. This includes putting on and taking off shoes, and opening and closing lunch boxes and food containers. This will ease the daily routine and transitions for your child in preschool. Within the first week of school, please bring the following items to school: • • • • • A complete, labeled set of clothes in a labeled zip-lock bag A set of either velcro close or slip on in-door shoes (no crocks please) Two rolls of nickels for Tzedaka Smock or Dad’s old shirt for messy art Muddy Buddy – for Vancouver rainy, outdoor play Due to limited storage space we will be asking parents to send in Kleenex and wipes as needed. Mahla Shapiro and Dana Whelan VA N C O U V E R H E B R E W A C A D E M Y 1545 West 62nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2E8 Tel: (604) 266-1245 Fax: (604) 264-0648 Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Administration Head of School Rabbi Don Pacht BTL, MTL, M.Ed Principal Judaic Studies Rabbi Eleazar Durden B. A., M. A., M. Ed. Principal General Studies Ms. Alaina Smith B. A., B. Ed., M. Ed. Board of Governors Mrs. Marie Doduck Mrs. Ruth Erlichman Dr. David Freedman Ms. Hodie Kahn Mr. Abe Sacks Ms. Anita Shafran Board of Directors Co-President Mr. Meyer Mattuck Co-President Mr. David Emanuel Vice President Mrs. Tammy Horvath Secretary Mr. Glenn Bullard Treasurer Mr. Adam Saunders Directors Mr. Terry Barnett Mr. Rami Belson Mrs. Adela Heffes Mrs. Rachael Lewinski Mrs. Elizabeth Nider Mrs. Bassie Tauby Mr. Daniel Wolfson August 2014 Dear Kindergarten and Grade 1 Parents: Re: School Supplies 2014-2015 Welcome to everyone! For those of you who are returning to VHA, you may already be familiar with our classroom routines. For the new students, we have a few items to communicate about supplies and books. Students are always excited about the newness of the beginning of the school year and being prepared is always so important! A school list for your child is attached. In addition to our book list, there is a set supply fee of $40.00 for Kindergarten and Grade 1, which covers all classroom supplies for the school year. The classroom teachers will purchase the supplies for the students. Please send a cheque for $40.00 made out to VHA on the first day of school in an envelope with your child’s name. Our classrooms are set up around various centres of activity. We have found that communal supplies are the most effective system for teaching individual and group responsibility as well as for allowing us to orient the class to using the materials properly. Purchasing the supplies in this way is also the most economical method. The supply fee does not include the school agenda or books. Please consult the order form accompanying this letter. You may send your book order and the book fees to the school office during the month of August, when we will be processing all of the orders in preparation for the first day of classes. We ask that you kindly send the following additional supplies from home on the first day of school: • 3 boxes of facial tissue • 9 rolls of nickels (for tzedaka), • 1 complete change of clothing (kept in the classroom to be used as needed). Please replace as needed. Please label all clothing and bag. • 1 pair of indoor shoes with Velcro closures. Students are also required to have runners for gym. These runners can be used as the student’s indoor shoes. • 1 cloth bag to be used for projects • 1 refillable water bottle (labeled and kept in cubby) • 1 waterproof long sleeve smock for painting (recommended to purchase from the DeSerres store) Please contact us with any questions you have and we would be happy to help. Yours truly, Rabbi Don Pacht Head of School Kindergarten Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ $12.00 $5.00 $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price Kindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten School Supplies $40.00 Kindergarten Activity Fee (field trips, special projects) $30.00 Kindergarten PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 Kindergarten (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 Please Print Title Student Agenda Photocopied Math Workbook Artscroll Chinuch Siddur Price (This is purchased in Kindergarten and will be used through Grade 4). Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item. Grade 1 Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ Please Print Title Artscroll Chinuch Siddur Price $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price K-4 (Returning students have received this volume last year). Safa Yafa Workbook Av B’Chochma Workbook $17.00 $17.00 1 1 Chumash Menukad-Chorev Bereishit $19.00 1-4 Student Agenda Photocopied Math Workbooks $12.00 $10.00 1 1 School Supplies $40.00 1 Activity Fee (Field trips, special projects) $30.00 1 PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 1 (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 (Purchased in Grade 1 and used through Grade 4). Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item. VA N C O U V E R H E B R E W A C A D E M Y 1545 West 62nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2E8 Tel: (604) 266-1245 Fax: (604) 264-0648 Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Administration Head of School Rabbi Don Pacht BTL, MTL, M.Ed Principal Judaic Studies Rabbi Eleazar Durden B. A., M. A., M. Ed. August 2014 Dear Parents, Principal General Studies Ms. Alaina Smith B. A., B. Ed., M. Ed. Board of Governors Mrs. Marie Doduck Mrs. Ruth Erlichman Dr. David Freedman Ms. Hodie Kahn Mr. Abe Sacks Ms. Anita Shafran Board of Directors Co-President Mr. Meyer Mattuck Co-President Mr. David Emanuel Vice President Mrs. Tammy Horvath Secretary Mr. Glenn Bullard Treasurer Mr. Adam Saunders Directors Mr. Terry Barnett Mr. Rami Belson Mrs. Adela Heffes Mrs. Rachael Lewinski Mrs. Elizabeth Nider Mrs. Bassie Tauby Mr. Daniel Wolfson Re: School Supplies 2014-2015 Grade 2 Students – Supply Fee of $35.00 To help establish the clear guidelines and routines that are so vital in the first years of formal schooling, our primary teachers are asking parents to provide funds for school supplies and they will purchase the necessary items. We are doing this for several reasons. This request for specific items facilitates teachers moving students with ease from one subject area to another. As well, teachers will be able to purchase items, such as scissors for the entire class, and have them remain in the class for use on a regular basis, rather than individual students having left the necessary supplies at home. Please send the supply fee of $35.00 by cheque to the VHA office on the first day of school and mark the envelope with your child’s name. Any child whose family has not brought money for supplies will not be able to use the class supplies. Please note that this fee does not include the school agenda or books. An order form for these items is attached. (Cheques for book orders may be mailed into the school during the month of August along with the book order). Please also send with your child on the first day of school a pair of indoor (gym) runners and 3 boxes of Kleenex. Yours truly, Rabbi Don Pacht Head of School Grade 2 Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ Please Print Title Artscroll Chinuch Siddur Price $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price K-4 (Your child may have this from a previous year). $25.00 $20.00 $18.00 2 2 1-4 Student Agenda Math Workbook $12.00 $20.00 2 2 School Supplies $35.00 2 Activity Fee (Field trips/special projects) $30.00 2 PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 2 (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 Yesodot Halashon Alef Lehavin Ulehaskil Program Chumash Menukad-Chorev Bereishit (Returning students have already received this volume). Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item. VA N C O U V E R H E B R E W A C A D E M Y 1545 West 62nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2E8 Tel: (604) 266-1245 Fax: (604) 264-0648 Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Administration Head of School Rabbi Don Pacht BTL, MTL, M.Ed Principal Judaic Studies Rabbi Eleazar Durden B. A., M. A., M. Ed. August 2014 Dear Parents, Re: School Supplies 2014-2015 Principal General Studies Ms. Alaina Smith B. A., B. Ed., M. Ed. Board of Governors Mrs. Marie Doduck Mrs. Ruth Erlichman Dr. David Freedman Ms. Hodie Kahn Mr. Abe Sacks Ms. Anita Shafran Board of Directors Co-President Mr. Meyer Mattuck Co-President Mr. David Emanuel Vice President Mrs. Tammy Horvath Secretary Mr. Glenn Bullard Treasurer Mr. Adam Saunders Directors Mr. Terry Barnett Mr. Rami Belson Mrs. Adela Heffes Mrs. Rachael Lewinski Mrs. Elizabeth Nider Mrs. Bassie Tauby Mr. Daniel Wolfson Grade 3 Students – Supply Fee of $35.00 To help establish the clear guidelines and routines that are so vital in the first years of formal schooling, our primary teachers are asking parents to provide funds for school supplies and they will purchase the necessary items. We are doing this for several reasons. This request for specific items facilitates teachers moving students with ease from one subject area to another. As well, teachers will be able to purchase items, such as scissors for the entire class, and have them remain in the class for use on a regular basis, rather than individual students having left the necessary supplies at home. Please send the supply fee of $35.00 by cheque to the VHA office by the first day of school in September, and mark the envelope with your child’s name. Any child whose family has not brought money for supplies will not be able to use the class supplies. Please note that this fee does not include the school agenda or books. An order form for these items is attached. (Cheques for book orders may be mailed into the school during the month of August along with the book order). Please also send with your child on the first day of school: • 3 boxes of Kleenex (In January we may send you an email to ask you to send in 2 more boxes of Kleenex). • a pair of indoor (gym) runners and gym strip • an art smock, preferably plastic, to be used during art classes. Yours truly, Rabbi Don Pacht Head of School Grade 3 Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ Please Print Title Artscroll Chinuch Siddur Price $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price K-4 (Your child may have this from a previous year). $25.00 $20.00 $18.00 3 3 1-4 Student Agenda Math Workbook $12.00 $20.00 3 3 Supplies Fee $35.00 3 Activity Fee (Field trips/special projects) $30.00 3 PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 3 (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 Yesodot Halashon Beit Lehavin Ulehaskil Program Chumash Menukad-Chorev Bereishit (Returning students have already received this volume in a previous year). Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item. School Supplies List for Grade 4 for September 2014 Please purchase supplies exactly as written, including brand and colour where indicated. All supplies should be brought to school on the first day of class. Please be aware that if supplies are lost or broken or used up, they may need to be replaced during the year. Books for class must be ordered through the school and paid for on the first day of school in September. (Cheques for book orders may be mailed into the school during the month of August along with the book order). Please check with the school office if you have not received the book order list for your child. 1 pencil box 4- 32-page Hilroy holed,lined exercise books 4 white erasers 1 - 30 cm ruler 1 calculator 6 boxes of facial tissue 6 highlighter pens (different colours) 1 pkg. pencil crayons (24) – please sharpen 1 container style pencil sharpener 2 black Sharpie markers – fine point 15 duotangs 1 pair of running shoes for gym 1 pair of indoor shoes these can be the same Jump Drive 2 pkg. 3-holed lined paper wide ruled with margins (200 sheets) 1 (one inch) three ring binder 1 pkg. of dividers (8 sections) 8 red ballpoint marking pens 2 pocket folders (same colour) 1 -9”x 11”(approx. size) whiteboard (completely white –no lines or calendars) 8 whiteboard markers (good quality) whiteboard eraser 300 index cards (3” by 5”) 1 box to hold 3” x 5” index cards 12 mechanical pencils (with 4 packages of lead refills) 3 dozen HB pencils 1 box Crayola fine point markers 1 pair Scissors –sharp point 4 large glue sticks Grade 4 Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ Please Print Title Artscroll Chinuch Siddur Price $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price K-4 (Your child may have this from a previous year). Lashon Hatorah Volume Daled Yesodot Halashon Gimmel Chumash Menukad – Chorev Bereishis (Returning students have already received this volume in previous years). Raven Math Book Student Agenda $17.00 $25.00 $18.00 4 4 1-4 $25.00 $12.00 4 4 Activity Fee (Field trips/special projects) $30.00 4 PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 4 (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item. School Supplies List for Grade 5 for September 2014 Please purchase supplies exactly as written, including brand and colour where indicated. All supplies should be brought to school on the first day of class. Please be aware that if supplies are lost or broken or used up, they may need to be replaced during the year. Books for class must be ordered through the school and paid for on the first day of school in September. (Cheques for book orders may be mailed into the school during the month of August along with the book order). Please check with the school office if you have not received the book order list for your child. 2 pkgs. of 3 holed lined paper (wide ruled with margins, 200 sheets each) 1 pkg. 50 sheets (1 cm x 1 cm) graph paper 8 Hilroy, 32 page, 3 hole, lined exercise books (absolutely no coil bound books) 6 blue or black pens 2 red pens 12 No. 2 pencils 5 mechanical pencils (.7mm lead please) 3 pkgs. mechanical pencil refills (.7mm lead please) 1 pkg. of markers (12 markers in pkg.) 1 set of watercolour paints 1 pkg. of 24 pencil crayons 1 container style pencil sharpener (for use with pencil crayons) 3 duotangs (red, yellow, dark blue) 2 twin pocket folders 1 report duotang with clear cover jump/flash drive (attached to a laniard) 3 large white erasers 1 roll of scotch tape 1 pair of scissors 1 30cm clear plastic ruler 3 large glue sticks 1 calculator 4 highlighters (pink, yellow, blue, green) 4 boxes of Kleenex (3 boxes in September and 1 box in January) 2 plastic pencil boxes 1 small (approx. 9” x 11”) magnetic whiteboard 2 finepoint whiteboard markers (black) whiteboard eraser 1 medium point black permanent marker 2 fine point black permanent markers 1 - 2 inch 3 ring binder 1 package of 8 dividers 1 set of white index cards (3” by 5”) 1 pair of gym/indoor shoes. Gym shoes must be runners. gym strip (optional) Please label all supplies. Grade 5 Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ Please Print Title Artscroll Siddur (with English) Price $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price 5 (Your child may have this from a previous year). Lashon Hatorah Volume 1 Yesodot Halashon Daled $18.00 $25.00 5 5 Raven Mathbook Student Agenda Hebrew English Dictionary $25.00 $12.00 $11.00 5 5 5 Activity Fee (Field trips/activities, special projects) $25.00 5 PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 5 (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item. School Supplies List for Grade 6/7 Girls September 2014 Please purchase supplies exactly as written, including brand and colour where indicated. All supplies should be brought to school on the first day of class. Please be aware that if supplies are lost or broken or used up, they may need to be replaced during the year. Books for class must be ordered through the school and paid for on the first day of school in September. (Cheques for book orders may be mailed into the school during the month of August along with the book order). Please check with the school office if you have not received the book order list for your child. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Check mark indicates that Grade 7 students may already have these items. 1 – 2.5 or 3 inch binder (Not Zippered) and 8 dividers 1 composition notebook (unless student already has this at school) 1 box for the index cards (3” by 5”) 1 geometry set (Must Be Good Quality) 1 calculator 1 clear project folder to submit assignments 8 Hilroys: 32 page, 3 holed, lined exercise books (absolutely no coil bound books) 1 graph paper notebook (Hilroy) or 1 package graph paper(7 mm squares) 9 duotangs (different colours) (Not Pocket Folders) 2 packages lined index cards (3” by 5”) gym strip (optional) 1 pair of indoor shoes – MUST BE RUNNERS (please replace as necessary) 2 pkgs. 3-holed lined paper – wide ruled with margins (200 sheets each). (Used in General and Judaic Studies). jump/flash drive (IMPORTANT – THIS IS MANDATORY) 6 boxes of Kleenex smock or old shirt for painting 1 plastic accordion file (with pockets) for homework 1 pencil case 2 extra fine point black sharpie markers 2 fine point black regular sharpie markers 3 pkg. of blue or black pens 8 red pens 12 mechanical pencils (.7 mm lead please) 6 highlighters (pink, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange) 4 pkgs. mechanical pencil refills (.7 mm lead please) 1 pkg. of markers (fine line) 1 pkg. of 24 pencil crayons 1 dozen HB pencils 1 container style pencil sharpener (for use with pencil crayons) 3 large white erasers 1 roll of scotch tape 1 pair of scissors 1 30 cm clear plastic ruler 3 large glue sticks ALL SUPPLIES SHOULD BE LABELED Grade 6/7 Girls Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ Please Print Title Artscroll Siddur Price $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price 6-7 (Your child may have this from a previous year). 6-7 Mikraot Gedolot Sefer Bamidbar (Class set has been provided by VHA). $18.00 $25.00 $25.00 $12.00 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 Activity Fee (Field trips/activities, special projects) $30.00 6-7 PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 6-7 (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 Lashon Hatorah Volume II Yesodot Halashon Heh Math Workbook Student Agenda Note: No translations allowed in class Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item. School Supplies List for Grade 6/7 Boys September 2014 Please purchase supplies exactly as written, including brand and colour where indicated. All supplies should be brought to school on the first day of class. Please be aware that if supplies are lost or broken or used up, they may need to be replaced during the year. Books for class must be ordered through the school and paid for on the first day of school in September. (Cheques for book orders may be mailed into the school during the month of August along with the book order). Please check with the school office if you have not received the book order list for your child. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Check mark indicates that Grade 7 students may already have these items. 1 – 2 inch binder (Not Zippered) and 8 dividers 1 composition notebook (unless student already has this at school) 1 box for the index cards (3” by 5”) 1 geometry set (Must Be Good Quality) 1 calculator 1 clear project folder to submit assignments 8 Hilroys: 32 page, 3 holed, lined exercise books (absolutely no coil bound books) 1 graph paper notebook (Hilroy) or 1 package graph paper(7 mm squares) 7 duotangs (2 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 black, 1 your choice) (Not Pocket Folders) 2 packages lined index cards (3” by 5”) gym strip (optional) 1 pair of indoor shoes – MUST BE RUNNERS (please replace as necessary) 2 pkgs. 3-holed lined paper – wide ruled with margins (200 sheets each). (Used in General and Judaic Studies). jump/flash drive (IMPORTANT – THIS IS MANDATORY) 6 boxes of Kleenex smock or old shirt for painting 1 plastic accordion file (with pockets) for homework 1 pencil case 2 extra fine point black sharpie markers 2 fine point black regular sharpie markers 3 pkg. of blue or black pens 8 red pens 12 mechanical pencils (.7 mm lead please) 6 highlighters (pink, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange) 4 pkgs. mechanical pencil refills (.7 mm lead please) 1 pkg. of markers (fine line) 1 pkg. of 24 pencil crayons 1 dozen HB pencils 1 container style pencil sharpener (for use with pencil crayons) 3 large white erasers 1 roll of scotch tape 1 pair of scissors 1 30 cm clear plastic ruler 3 large glue sticks ALL SUPPLIES SHOULD BE LABELED Grade 6/7 Boys Book Order – September 2014 Books on the supplies list are mandatory and must be purchased for class. They can be ordered from any bookstore or through the school, so you may find a lower price. The student agendas are of a particular type and must be ordered through the school. Orders must be placed and paid for by the first day of school in September. Family Name: _____________________________________ Please Print Title Artscroll Siddur (with English) Price $22.00 _________________ Phone No. Ext. Qu GRADE ant. Price 6-7 (Your child may have this from a previous year). $18.00 no charge $25.00 $18.00 6-7 6-7 Math Workbook Student Agenda $25.00 $12.00 6-7 6-7 Activity Fee (Field trips/activities, special projects) $30.00 6-7 PTA Fee ($40.00 per child or $120.00 family maximum) $40.00 6-7 (RECOMMENDED 1 per family) Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach $70.00 Lashon Hatorah Volume II Gemarah – Makkos (provided by VHA) Yesodot Halashon Heh Chumash Menukad –Chorev Bamidbar 6-7 6-7 (Returning Grade 7 students should have this volume). Total: An English Translation of the Torah text that your child is studying, preferably with Rashi, is highly recommended for at-home study, review and homework. Artsroll, Mesorah and other companies print reliable, readable books. Though they are expensive, they will last your family throughout the years, be”H. A less expensive, though less thorough home aid would be the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach. This is a translation of the entire Bible with occasional comments, though without the full Rashi. This book can be ordered through the school for $70.00. Please indicate above if you wish the school to order this item.