Fall 2013
Fall 2013
Volume 1, Issue 3 Fall 2013 Emerging Leaders: The Cultivation of IREM's Future 2 ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: FA L L 2 01 3 TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 6 IREM® Tri-State News 7 A Message From the Region 2 RVP 8-9 Southern NJ Chapter No. 101 Update 10 Chapter No. 101’s Program Looks at Maximizing Opportunities for ARM® Members 11 Give Back and Kick Back! 12-13 New Jersey Chapter No. 1 Update 14 Chapter No. 1 Members Enjoy a Taste of the Grape 16-17 Chapter No. 1 Honors Members at Heritage Night Awards Ceremonies 18-19 Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3 Update 20-21 Delaware Valley and Southern New Jersey Chapters Tour Navy Yard 22-23 The Making of IREM® Leaders 24 Anatomy of a Leader 26 Legislative Report 28 Legislative Update 30-31 Vendors and FCF Report Progress 32-33 Inside IREM® 34 Extreme Weather Contributes to Mold Threat IREM® Chapters Office Rita Vogt, Editor Riverton Health and Professional Center 600 Main Street, Suite 7, Riverton, NJ 08077 Phone: (856) 662-9464 E-mail: rita.vogt@verizon.net 10 11 14 16 20 22 Have you recently moved? Be sure to give the chapter office your new contact information. You can reach us at: IREM 1 – (856) 303-0190 or irem1@comcast.net IREM 3 – (856) 786-9260 or admin@irem3.org IREM 101 – (856) 829-8939 or admin@irem101.org 2013 IREM Educational Offerings Sponsored By: NJ No. 1 § DelVal No. 3 § SNJ No. 101 September 27 ETH800: Ethics for the RE Manager RCP Management Co., Monroe, NJ October 22 SFH201: Managing Single Family Homes & Small Investment Properties Penn Treaty Park Place, Philadelphia, PA November 18-22 Asset Analysis Track ASM603 - November 18-19 ASM604 - November 20-21 ASM605 - November 22 Offices of RCP Management Co, Monroe, NJ 3 The APTS | 73 | January 2013 A D V E R T I S E R S IN D E X Acadia Windows & Doors.....................................30 allRisk.......................................................................31 Apartment Finder...................................................33 Cohen and Willwerth PC........................................ 4 Commercial Waterproofing Inc............................. 2 Corbett Exterminating...........................................15 Cowleys Termite and Pest Services......................34 Equipment Marketers.............................................. 5 Ehrlich, Petriello, Gudin & Plaza.........................27 FCM Consulting Group........................................11 M. Miller & Son......................................................29 Northern Waterproofing......................................... 6 On-Site.....................................................................29 Paul Rabinowitz Glass.............................................. 7 Pincus.......................................................................24 RestoreCore.............................................................27 Roto-Rooter............................................................35 ServPro of Freehold...............................................25 SEBCO Laundry Services......................................31 Star Building Services............................................28 Valcourt Building Services.................... Back Cover Western Pest Services............................................... 6 CALENDAR-AT-A-GLANCE New Jersey Chapter SEPTEMBER 26th Southern NJ Chapter No. 101 Election of 2014 Officers The Madison, Riverside, NJ 30th Del Val Chapter No. 3 Friends of IREM Golf Tournament /Election of 2014 Officers Commonwealth National Golf Club, Horsham, PA OCTOBER 15th-19th NOVEMBER 21st DECEMBER IREM® Fall Leadership Conference Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, AZ Del Val Chapter No. 3 Awards and 2014 Officer Installation Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Philadelphia, PA 3rd New Jersey Chapter No. 1 Holiday Dinner & Installation of 2014 Officers Bridgewater Manor, Bridgewater, NJ 4th Southern New Jersey Chapter No. 101 Holiday Dinner & Installation of 2014 Officers The Westin, Mt. Laurel, NJ 5 >> IREM TRI-STATE NEWS ® Congratulations! Jerry Neill, CPM®, Vice President for Del Val Chapter No. 3 has recently rejoined CB Richard Ellis in their Human Resources division. CONGRATS Jerry! BPG Properties Becomes EQUUS Capital Partners Equus Capital Partners, Ltd, formerly BPG Properties, Ltd., is one of the nation’s leading private equity real estate fund managers with more than $4.5 billion in assets under management across 11 value-add investment funds. The firm’s current portfolio consists of over 24 million square feet of office, retail student housing and industrial properties, as well as nearly 18,000 apartment units in more than 70 communities across the United States. There will be no other changes in the firm’s operations as a result of their new name. For more information please visit www.equuspartners.com. FCF Helps Those in Need ◆ ◆ Families in Crisis Foundation President Rita Vogt announced that an award in the amount of $5,000 was made to a family requiring assistance with paying mortgage and utility bills during a period of disablement. Due to an unfortunate accident which ◆ ◆ How to eliminate certain non-paying tenants. At Western Pest Services, we have the specialists, the programs and the experience to keep commercial and industrial properties pest free. Guaranteed. So give us a call at 1-877-840-0511 or visit www.westernpest.com. And evict those non-paying pests for good. Nationwide SERVICE Consider it Done.® 6 resulted in disabling the father of a family of four and which accrued thousands of dollars in medical bills preventing him from providing the basic needs to his family, FCF recently approved his application for assistance. This family’s need was brought to the attention of FCF by the families property supervisor. Vogt thanked the three local IREM® chapters and various fund raisers; because of their generosity, the Families in Crisis Foundation continues to help those affiliated with our industry during times of dire need. NJ Chapter President Sauer Accepts Appointment Larry Sauer, CPM® of Association Advisors has been appointed by IREM as a Member of the 2014 Membership and Credentialing Committee. This appointment is based on Larry’s expertise and express interest as well as IREM’s confidence that he will make a valuable contribution to shaping the direction of the Institute. Congratulations to Larry on this accomplishment and we wish him a successful year! Do You Have News You’d Like to Share with Us? Have you recently been promoted, opened a new office, received an industry award? The IREM® Tri-State Times wants to put you and your accomplishments in the news. Send any new items to editor Rita Vogt at rita.vogt@verizon.net. New A Message from Region 2 RVP Nicholas J. Harris, Jr. CPM® Partner, Vice President of Operations, Realty Performance Group Inc. Regional Facilities Management Services W ith the Fall Leadership Conference quickly approaching, I find myself looking forward to meeting up with friends and colleagues whom I have not seen in quite some time. I am also eagerly looking forward to the many opportunities that will be available for me to learn and take back to my Chapter with some helpful ideas that will hopefully make a better leader. Leadership is simply defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as: 1: the office or position of a leader 2: capacity to lead 3: the act or an instance of leading On the surface, the definition seems simple enough until you take into account the many different styles of leadership, some of which include: autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic/participative, task oriented and delegative. On top of understanding the definitions of each style, one must also consider what combination of qualities are needed to be a great leader such as: honesty, sense of humor, ability to delegate, communication skills, patience, confidence, vision, courage, ambition and many others. Suddenly the path to being a good leader starts to seem more complicated and then I refer back to a quote on leadership by Peter Drucker: “Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitation.” When I read that quote, I look back at the challenges life, my career and even my 20+ year involvement with IREM® have presented to me. I also think about how many times I have had to step out of my “comfort zone” to accomplish either the goals I had set for myself or the goals someone else had set for me and I realize that IREM® has been a tremendous leader to me, thereby exposing me to new experiences and allowing me to accomplish things I would not have thought possible! I am grateful to have been able to experience such a wonderfully rewarding journey! I invite each and every one of you to participate in the IREM® leadership programs through chapter involvement. I can assure you will find the experience filled with rewards both personally and professionally. n 7 Jo Ann McKay, IREM® Association Executive PO Box 41, Riverton, NJ 08077-0041 Phone: 856-829-8939 Fax: 856-786-3894 www.IREM101.org admin@IREM101.org Southern New Jersey No. 101 Message from the President Southern New Jersey Abounds with Leaders by Darrell Williams, CPM® I could not have been more proud of our ARM® Committee than on August 8th, when under the leadership of Mary French, ARM® they successfully presented, “Making the Most of Your ARM® Credential.” The community room at Clayton Mews was filled to capacity with members wanting to learn more about their credential and the next step to CPM® Candidacy. Mary French, of Ingerman Management and her team: Maureen Strong, ARM®, CPM Candidate, Ingerman, Michelle Storino, ARM®, Community Realty Management, Ann Kanz, ARM®, Morgan Properties and Artie Kimbrough, ARM®, Grace Team Realty put together an outstanding panel of professionals who shared their own unique experiences within IREM®. Thank you all for a job well done! Hats off to the chapter IYP Committee for their Give Back and Kick Back event at the Food Bank of South Jersey. Our volunteers helped prepare the stock for distribution to those in need. But it wasn’t all work as members and guests still managed to find time to have some fun together at P.J. Whelihan’s. I have been advised that another event is under consideration and ask you to keep an eye out for an an- nouncement in the near future. This quarter was a busy one. We participated in our annual Joint Dinner Meeting with DelVal Chapter No. 3 which was held at the Navy Yard in Philadelphia. Self-guided tours were available and Mark Seltzer, VP of Navy Yard Management and Development for PIDC, explained the development of the thriving business campus, disclosing that the Navy Yard is one of the region’s most important centers of employment. It has attracted more than $1 billion of investment into the campus’ restoration since the base closure in 1995. A great night! Please mark your calendars for September 26th, the Election of Officers, which will be held at The Madison, Riverside, NJ, a really great restaurant. If you have not been there before please make every effort to attend, you won’t be disappointed. And don’t forget the following: Ethics Course with NJ #1 on September 27th in Monroe, NJ, the CAI/ NJ Expo at Revel, Atlantic City on October 24th also with NJ #1 and our wrap-up event on December 4th, the Installation of 2014 Officers / 2013 Awards and Toy Drive at The Westin Hotel, Mt. Laurel, NJ. n Southern New Jersey Chapter No. 101 2013 Executive Officers President Darrell Williams, CPM® Interstate Realty Management Co., AMO® Vice President Patricia Baldt, CPM® Candidate Westgate Mgmt Co., Inc. Secretary / Treasurer Sandra Walden, CPM® Diocesan Housing Services Corp. 8 Vice President Maria Avery, CPM® Candidate Manhattan Mgmt. Co. Vice President Diane Wersler, CPM® Candidate Interstate Realty Management Co., AMO® ADVOCACY IREM® affects legislation that impacts you, your business and your clients. Be a part of something bigger than yourself. You can have a say in the development of our industry. You can make a difference. Visit: www.IREM.org/PublicPolicy. NEW! Shared Interest Communities Shared Interest Communities are a new online space where IREM® Members can meet, network and share resources and information with fellow members 24/7. For more information visit: www.IREM.org/ Chapters. Become a Mentor! Sign up to mentor a CPM Candidate for a great experience. A small time commitment amounts large rewards. Contact your chapter office for more information. Congratulations and Welcome to Our New... Associate Members: Craig R. Berberich, Craig Raymond Properties Dorothy Hester, Ingerman Hazel Lucas Mark S. Mueller, Glenmar Properties Jaydan Nguyen, Ingerman Karla Norlander, Ingerman Pat Paez, Ingerman Vincent James Schino Keri Stasi, Realty Solutions, LLC Juan Suzuki, Ingerman ARM® Members: Eth800: ETHICS FOR THE REAL ESTATE MANAGER Sponsored by IREM New Jersey Chapter No. 1 & Southern New Jersey Chapter No. 101 This course will cover the Code of Professional Ethics as it applies to real world situations, ethical duties to clients, tenants/residents, employers and colleagues, as well as ethical decision making vs unethical business practices, tactics for resolving ethical dilemmas, scenarios with ethical implications. Conflict of interest within fiduciary relationships and a detailed case study depicting enforcement of the IREM® Code, the role of IREM® Ethics and Discipline Committee and the review of actual ethics cases with implications will also be discussed. DATE: September 27, 2013 LOCATION: RCP Management Offices, Monroe, N.J. TUITION: Members $185/Non-members $220 Course qualifies for State of New Jersey CEUs Rose A. Holland, Interstate Realty Management Debra-Ann Rivera, Interstate Realty Management Register Online at: www.IREM.org/education SAVE THE DATE CPM Candidates: 2013 Awards Dinner & Installation of 2014 Officers Craig R. Berberich, Craig Raymond Properties Anthony Coniglio, Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ David Gorham, Realty Solutions, LLC December 4 The Westin, Mount Laurel current as of August 31, 2013 Don’t Forget to Tune In to IREM® Webinars IREM® webinars are presentations delivered via the Web and telephone covering timely industry issues and live demos of useful real estate management resources. What you get with webinars: • Free registration for IREM® Members • Quality IREM® Member presenters and other industry experts • Presentation materials (e.g., slides and recording) FINANCIAL REPORT Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Chapter Restricted Fund Checking Account Money Market Account Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS 7,421.55 19,148.23 17,270.11 43,839.89 43,839.89 43,839.89 Don’t miss this important chapter meeting where we will install the 2014 Officers and honor Past Presidents and 2013 Chapter Award Recipients. For more information or to register, visit www.irem101.org. IREM EDUCATION WORKS FOR YOU! 1. Gain a Career partner 2. Cover core competencies 3. Choose from convenient delivery options. 4. Learn from trained Faculty who are seasoned practitioners 5. Continue the discussions in virtual communities 6. Learn outside the classroom by making connections through local chapters. 7. Earn credentials that get you additional business and compensation. TRI-STATE TIMES TRIVIA Did you know that… • The Accredited Management Organization (AMO®) accreditation was created in 1945. • IREM® membership reached 1,000 members in 1950. • In 1986, the IREM® International Affiliate program was launched. • IREMFirst (www.iremfirst.org) is often referred to as the “Google” of real estate management. • IREM® launched the Student and Academic membership programs in 2005. 2013 Calendar of Events September 26 Election of 2014 Officers The Madison, Riverside, NJ September 27 Joint Ethics Course with NJ Chapter No. 1 Monroe, NJ October 24 CAI/NJ Expo - New Jersey Chapters (Table 20) Revel Resort & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ December 4 Installation of 2014 Officers / 2013 Awards Dinner The Westin, Mt. Laurel, NJ • In 2007, IREM® recognized its 20,000th recipient of the Certified Property Manager (CPM®) designation and its 15,000th recipient of the Accredited Residential Manager (ARM®) certification. Stay tuned for more Tri-State Times Trivia in the Winter issue! 9 Chapter No. 101’s Program Looks at Maximizing Opportunities for ARM ® Members I n August, SNJ101’s ARM® Committee sponsored a half day seminar entitled “Making the Most of Your ARM® Credential” which drew 32 attendees and sported a panel of five impressive speakers. The three hour seminar provided information on utilizing the ARM® accreditation to the fullest and for those interested in proceeding further to CPM® candidacy, the panelists shared their own experiences as well as what IREM® has available to assist in the process. Acting as Moderator, past RVP Rita Vogt kicked off the event by welcoming all attendees and recognizing the ARM® Committee’s great efforts in putting together an outstanding panel of industry professionals for this event. Speaker Pam Monroe, CPM®, Senior VP of Community Realty Management (CRM), listed the many IREM® programs designed to assist in career growth. Pam had the distinction to serve as International President of IREM® in 2009 and thus was able to share her many insights while speaking knowledgeably about how IREM® can contribute to a successful career in property management and provide guidance to an ARM in moving up in the organization. Pat Baldt, CPM® Candidate, SNJ101 Vice President, Regional Property Manager for Westgate Management spoke about her own path through IREM®. Admitting to temporarily “getting stuck” in her journey to achieve the CPM® designation, Pat nevertheless has accomplished much during her career and encouraged attendees to make a plan and stay on target. She provided a checklist for becoming a CPM® thoroughly explaining the courses and requirements. George Cowden, National Sales Manager for Multi-Housing Depot by ARI, third in the line-up shared his personal involvement with IREM®, the industry and its property managers. He expressed his admiration for the job they do and explained how and why he enjoys working in concert with them to provide the best environment for their residents. He encouraged all to take advantage of the many services offered by vendors which can benefit their residents often resulting in renewed leases. The next speaker, Larry Falkow, Founder of The APTS Magazine and Co-founder of the IREM® Tri-State Times, using his intimate knowl- Panelists for the presentation were: (L to R) Pam Monroe, Pat Baldt, George Cowden, Larry Falkow and Larry Corrin 10 edge of IREM® and its chapters provided a trip down memory lane with a power point presentation that laid out a visual road map to success for ARM® Members. Larry described the many mentors and role models More than 30 ARM® Members packed the available within community room at Clayton Mews, site of SNJ101 chapter and the half day program the IREM® association and advised that they be sought out as resources for new members. Larry Corrin, CPM® Emeritus and IREM® Faculty Member since 1979, wrapped up the afternoon by walking attendees through the IREM® website and noting the many vehicles in place to assist members. Larry talked about the IREM® Foundation and the availability of scholarships and grants that can ease the way to CPM® candidacy and shared stories of his many students and how they pursued accreditation. Each of the speakers contributed based on their unique knowledge of IREM® and their expertise in the property management industry. The theme of the day was “help is available….you are not alone in your journey.” The seminar was well received with great audience participation and a wealth of questions ably answered by panelists. It was noted that this was a tremendous opportunity for attendees to take advantage of a group of professionals with diversified backgrounds, who collectively had some 170 years of experience to share. Special thanks to the ARM® Committee; Mary French, ARM®, and Maureen Strong, ARM®, CPM Candidate of Ingerman Management, Michelle Storino, ARM®, of Community Realty Management, Ann Kanz, ARM®, of Morgan Properties and Artie Kimbrough, ARM®, of Grace Team Realty. Thank you to Community Realty Management for providing the facility and to Multi-Housing Depot for hosting the refreshments. n Attendees were inspired by the individual professional journeys shared by the panel Chapter 101 SNJ ARM Committee members Mary French and Maureen Strong along with Michelle Storino produced a distinguished panel and informative session Give Back and Kick Back! S outhern New Jersey Chapter’s IREM® Young Professionals committee lent a helping hand to providing meals for 490 elderly citizens residing in South Jersey. Twenty members came together over the summer to sort and package meals at the Food Bank of South Jersey. Members expressed how much they appreciated the opportunity to The warehouse at the Food Bank was completely stocked and waiting for distribution contribute to such a worthy organization. Afterwards, the IYP members and guests enjoyed a networking reception at a local establishment. Thank you to Corbett Exterminating for sponsoring the event and to allRisk Property Damage Experts for donating the door prize, which was won by Diane Wersler. n Chapter members and Friends took some time to The Food Bank of South Jersey helps hundreds of relax and network after a gratifying day on the job families across the region throughout the year FCM_IREMAD.pdf 11/9/2011 2:09:21 PM IYP Members and Friends help pack food items C M Y CM Former SNJ Chapter 101 President Maribeth Scheidig (center) with the volunteers who worked on the project. • Owner‘s Representative • Project Management MY CY • Capital Needs Assessments CMY K • Maintenance Management Solutions (732) 770-9498 • www.FCMCG.com • info@fcmcg.com 11 Gerri Aman, IREM® Association Executive PO Box 69, Riverton, NJ 08077-0069 Phone: 856-303-0190 Fax: 856-303-1899 www.IREM1.org IREM1@comcast.net New Jersey Chapter No. 1 Message from the President New Jersey Chapter: A Proven Leader by Lawrence N. Sauer, CPM®, CMCA, PCAM I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer. It continues to amaze me how it seems that shortly after it arrives suddenly it is over. Our chapter’s past practice has been to not schedule events during the summer months. This year we broke from that tradition and hosted two successful events. First, in what I hope will become an annual summer event, our Friends of IREM® held a Wine Tasting in July. It proved to be a wonderful networking event, attended by approximately 75 managers and friends, and was held at Four JG’s Vineyards in Colts Neck. Everyone that attended enjoyed the wine, food and venue, and had a great time overall. Thank you to Jim Rademacher and Lauren Vadenais for their work in organizing this event. Our second event, held in partnership with Chapters 3 and 101, was a Leadership Meeting, a bi-annual, invitation-only event where selected members were provided a forum to hear from chapter presidents and association executives while spending time discussing the critical work performed by the many committees. The afternoon was full of sharing of the career paths of current IREM leaders, stimulating conversation and networking between members of all three Chapters. At the conclusion, a cocktail reception as a reward on a long afternoon and a successful day. In September, the Annual Heritage Night Awards took place where we celebrated and honored our Past Presidents, 2013 Chapter Award Recipients and elected 2014 Chapter Officers. Congratulations to all, and best wishes and continued success to our 2014 Chapter Officers. I would also like to make special mention of this year’s Presidents Award winner, Joy Jagiello, CPM®. I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Joy for quite a few years. She is always the consummate professional and consistently eager to assist our chapter in any way possible. Joy has held many local and national positions within IREM® since becoming involved in 1986 and has decided to semi retire this coming year. I wish her and her husband Andy the best of health and happiness in the future! Along with a few of our Chapter members, I will be attending the upcoming Fall Leadership Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona in October. As always, I would like to extend my appreciation to all our volunteers that assist us in making Chapter #1 one of the premier chapters in IREM®. n BECOME AN ACCREDITED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION (AMO®) Acquire the much coveted AMO accreditation, long acknowledged as the seal of excellence in property management. The AMO® Code of Professional Ethics stipulates that expertise and diligence to clients and customers must be demonstrated by all employees of the Firm. Every AMO® Firm is required to be supervised by an Executive Certified Property Manager. For more information please log onto www.irem.org. New Jersey Chapter No. 1 2013 Executive Officers President Treasurer Vice President Secretary Lawrence N. Sauer, CPM® Association Advisors Michael Fried, CPM® Boston Properties 12 n Eileen Wirth, CPM® Octavia Hill Association, Inc. Mark Phillips, CPM® Phillips Asset Management Co., Inc. Get "LinkedIn" with fellow chapter members! The IREM® 1 chapter boasts nearly 300 followers. If you're not already linked to the chapter, sign up today to see what other members are discussing. The site also features an option for members to start discussions, post industry related events, general knowledge questions and praise for member activities. Congratulations and Welcome to Our New... IREM Executive Edge Come for three days. Learn for a lifetime. October 17-19, 2013 Westin Kierland Resort and Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona Associate Members: Mayra Amaral Cherie Carter-Hyppolite, RPM Management Danielle Collins, FNP Property Management Sherie Hinnant, Exit Platinum Realty Tim Hoffman, Hoffman Appraisers Tairie Hicks Sanders The Executive Edge is a three-day education and networking event for real estate management professionals. There’s no better opportunity this year to learn marketable new skills, make new contacts, gain new business opportunities, and make yourself irreplaceable to owners and employers. Three days in the beautiful Sonoran desert are all you need to give your career a turbo boost. Lead. Learn. Connect. Expectations are higher than ever for today’s real estate managers. You must be more than a property manager – you have to help owners reach their goals and successfully manage assets and navigate high finance. The Executive Edge is your solution. ARM® Members: Mary L. Grill, Access Property Management Mary Moser, Conifer Management CPM® Candidate Members: Mohamed Abdelsamad, Access Property Management Meshelle M Berrieum Vincent Lorenzo, Landmark Realty James Michael Richmond Friend of IREM Members: OUR EDUCATION WILL TRANSFORM YOU Laser-focused sessions will help you learn to do your job better. Right away. IREM leads the way in the real estate management industry, and there's no one better qualified to guide you. Among the plethora of incredible learning opportunities: Real Cutting-Edge Marketing Strategies That Allow YOU to Stand Out From the Crowd! Debbie Allen of Allen & Associates Consulting shows you how to refocus your brand and marketing plan to increase your income. Get a sample of what Debbie has in store by reading her articles. Creating Sustainable Organizations Mark Stapp of Arizona State University trains you to be both evolutionary and revolutionary. Discover problem solving models for innovation success and learn how to operate in a transformative global economy. Keynote speakers Anant Yardi, founder of Yardi Systems, and Steve Rizzo, the “Attitude Adjustor,” will leave you breathless with their dynamic presentations. Herrick, Feinstein, LLP Law Firm Jennifer Brick 210 Carnegie Center, Princeton, NJ 08543 Phone: (609) 452-3870 Fax: (609) 488-4810 jbrick@herrick.com www.herrick.com Visit www.irem.org/events/irem-executive-edge for more information. current as of August 31, 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Chapter Restricted Funds 4,819.98 TD Bank Checking Account 9,637.98 TD Bank Money Market Account 102,486.64 Total Checking/Savings 116,944.60 Total Assets 116,944.60 SAVE THE DATE Join us for the Annual Holiday Dinner, Installation of 2014 Officers and Annual Toy Drive at Bridgewater Manor in Bridgewater, NJ on December 3rd from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. Don’t forget to bring an unwrapped toy to benefit St. Rocco’s Family Residence of Newark! Visit www.irem1.org for more information! 2013 Calendar of Events September 27 Joint Ethics Course with Southern NJ Chapter No. 101 Monroe, NJ October 24 CAI/NJ Expo - New Jersey Chapters (Table 20) Revel Resort & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ November 6-7 MABFM ‘13 Show and Conference Garden State Exhibit Center, Somerset, NJ December 3 Holiday Dinner, Installation of 2014 Officers and Annual Toy Drive Bridgewater Manor, Bridgewater, NJ YOU, Inc. Your Brand – Your Business YOU, Inc. is a new Members-Only resource filled with tips on how to promote your credential and your IREM® membership to your owners, investors, tenants and colleagues, including: • Landing pages that promote the value of credentials to clients, tenants and residents that can be added to e-mail signatures and websites • Sell sheets for RFPs and presentations promoting expertise • Customizable letters to employers • Window clings and other promotional products for use at properties • Press releases and customizable ads • Tips and ideas for proper usage of credentials • And much, much more….. Visit: www.IREM.org/YOUinc for details! 13 Chapter No. 1 Members Enjoy a Taste of the Grape I t may have been one of the hottest days of the year but it was definitely one of the most enjoyable as well when Chapter No.1 held a rare summer networking event at Four JG’s Orchards and Vineyards. More than 75 members and guests headed to the winery in Colts Neck for a unique experience hosted by the chapter’s Friends. Despite the heat and humidity, attendees enjoyed a cool evening tasting varietals at the venue which was founded in 1999 and is located on a farm with barns and houses dating back as far as the early 1700s. Tours were provided by members of the family who own and operate Four JG’s to understand the process involved in wine-making and grape cultivation. Along with the many different offerings, a buffet of fruit and cheeses was provided along with a special commemorative IREM glass for everyone. Chapter President Larry Sauer welcomed each attendee personally and joined along with committee members in selling raffle tickets to benefit the IREM Foundation Scholarship Fund . Elisabeth Ooka from National Tenant Network was the very lucky winner of the 50/50 raffle. n Chapter President, Larry Sauer, CPM® and VP Michael Fried, CPM® with 50/50 winner Elisabeth Ooka, National Tenant Network Commemorative wine glasses were given to each attendee Bill Stillwell, CPM® Candidate of Stoltz Mgmt and Kate Costello, C & L Services Corp Shawna Ebanks and Melody Federico, ARM of Newbridge Services Inc. Many of the chapter members and guests were provided guided tours of the orchard and vineyard Elsa Pereira, PRC Group; Ray Venturino, City Fire Equip Co; Steve Dicker, P. Cooper Roofing; Patti Clemente, Servpro of Freehold Chapter VP Michael Fried, CPM®, Boston Properties; Chris Merkler, Down to Earth Landscaping Inc; Ken Adel, David Lernon Assoc Mike Amoroso, BRAVO! Bldg Services; Kerri Stimpson, Taylor Management; Lauren Vadenais, RestoreCore; George Demetriades, Pro Group/Paint Pro Kristie Braun, Assoc, Westlake Mews and Caesar Mistretta of HUB International Graceanne Welsh, Kipcon; Val Robitzski, CPM®, Access Property Mgmt; Tage Franks, Rezkom Enterprises; Rich Nelson, RCP Management 14 Experts in the Art of Pest Elimination Bed Bug Intensive Thermal Elimination Get rid of bed bugs in one treatment using heat. 95% reduced chemical usage. Less preparation! Includes 60 day guarantee and follow up visits. Cockroach Elimination Management Inspections & Treatments eliminate roaches using no liquid pesticides. Bed Bug Conventional Treatments • NESDCA Certified Canine Bed Bug Inspections Rodent Cleanouts & Proofing • Wood Destroying Insect Inspections & Treatments Vertebrate Animal Control • Bird Control • Resident and Management Education Serving: NJ NY CT PA DE MD VA DC MS CALL! (800) 888 – PEST (7378) Fax: (800) 889 – 5455 www.CORBETTEXTERMINATING.com 15 Chapter No. 1 Honors Members at Heritage Night Awards Ceremonies T he summer season was extended by at least one more night as Chapter No. 1 honored members during a beach-themed Heritage Night gala. More than 130 attendees enjoyed a spectacular cocktail reception followed by dinner and the program at The Palace in Somerset. Former chapter president Victor Murray partnered with chapter VP Michael Fried to serve as co-masters of ceremonies during the official election of 2014 officers and annual awards presentation. Presiding over the induction ceremonies of five ARM® Members and two CPM® Members were former chapter Presidents Mary Faith Nugiel and Eileen Wirth who is also a past Region 2 RVP. In addition, recognition was given to all former chapter presidents in attendance and the dozens of volunteers who provide their time and services to the greater good and continued growth of the chapter. VP Michael Fried, who will be president in 2014, offered sincere appreciation to Larry Sauer for his outstanding work during his two year term. Officers and Executive Committee members will be formally inducted on December 3rd at the chapter Holiday Dinner at Bridgewater Manor. n Receiving their CPM® certificates following ceremonies administered by former Chapter No. 1 Presidents Mary Faith Nugiel, CPM®, and Alfred Ojejinmi, CPM®, were Mike Lyberatos, Mack-Cali Realty and Julie Spinney, RCP Management Company 2013 New Jersey Chapter No. 1 Award Winners Accredited Management Organization Prism Property Services, LLC Certified Property Manager Daniel D Cronheim, CPM® Accredited Residential Manager Melody Federico, ARM® Friend of IREM® Rezkom Enterprises, Inc. President’s Key Award Joy Jagiello, CPM, ARM® 2013 Community Service Award Boston Properties Fatima Jones, ARM®, one of the recipients during the evening, was provided great encouragement by her family and team members from Community Realty Management Special guests included Robert D. Cronheim, CPM® Emeritus, one of the longest tenured members in IREM® history and former Region 2 RVP Alfred Ojejinmi Joy Jagiello, CPM®, receives the prestigious Presidents Award from Chapter VP and President-elect Michael Fried Boston Properties accepts the 2013 Community Service Award Longtime chapter member Dan Cronheim, CPM®, is the CPM® of the Year Award winner Melody Federico, ARM®, receives her Accredited Resident Manger of the Year award 16 Thank You to You Thank Youto toOu Ou OurThank Sponsors Dinner DinnerSpon Spon Dinner Sponsors Prism Properties was announced as the 2013 AMO®, Accredited Management Organization of the Year Thank ThankYou Youto toOur OurSponsors Sponsors Thank You to Our Sponsors Thank Yo Thank to OurtoSponsors Thank You Our Spon Dinner Sponsors Dinner Sponsors Thank You toYou Our Sponsors Thank You to Our Dinner Sponsors Thank You to Our Dinner Sponsors D Thank You toDinner Our Sponsors Dinner Sponsors Sponsors Thank You to Our Sponso Thank You to Our Sponsors Dinner Spon Thank You toDinner Our Spons Sponso Dinner Sponsors Dinner Sponsors ThankDinner You toSponsors Our Sponsors Thank You to O Dinner Sponsors Thank You to Our Sponsors Rezkom Enterprises received the Friend of IREM® of the Year Award Dinner Sponsors Dinner Sponsors Cocktail Hour SS Cocktail HourSp Dinner Cockt Cocktail Hour Sponsors Cocktail Hour Sponsors Cocktail Sponsors Cocktail Hour Sponsors CocktailHour Hour Sponsors Cocktail Hour Sponsors Thank You to Our Sponsors Cocktail Hour Sponsors CocktailHour HourSpo Sp Cocktail Hour Sponsors Dinner Sponsors CocktailCocktail Hour Sponsors Cocktail Hour Sponsors Cocktail Hour Sponsors Cocktail Hour Sponsors Cocktail Hou Cocktail Hour Sponsors New ARM® designees: Fatima M. Jones, CRM; Mary L. Grill, Access Prop Mgmt; Jacqueline Davis, Housing Auth of the City of Elizabeth; Mary Moser, Conifer Mgmt; and Jamal D. Ricks, Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth More than 130 members of Chapter No. 1 and their guests were in attendance at The Palace in Somerset for the fifth consecutive year for Heritage Night. It is the single largest event held exclusively for chapter members during the year Entertainment Entertainment Enter Entertainment Sponsor Entertainment Sponsor Entertainment Sponsor Cocktail Hour Sponsors Entertainment Sponsor Entertainment Sponsor Awards AwardsSpon Spon Awards Sponsors Aw Entertainment Sponsor Awards Sponsors Entertainment Sponsor Entertainment Sponsor Entertainment Sponsor Entertainment Sponsor Entertainment Entertainment Sponsor S Entertainment Entertainment SponsorSp Awards Sponsors Entertainme Awards Sponsors Awards Sponsors Entertainment Sponsor Awards Sponsors Awards Sponsors Awards Sponsors Awards Sponsors Awards Sponsors AwardsAwards Sponsors Awards Spons Sponsors Awards Sponso Decoration Sponso Decoration Sponsors General Ev Awards Sp Decoration Sponsors Decoration General Sponsors Event Sponsors Decoration Sponsors GG Awards Sponsors Decoration Sponsors General Event Sp Entertainment Sponsor Former Chapter No. 1 President Victor Murray, who served as co-master of ceremonies, with one of many raffle prizes presented throughout the evening Andy Diamond of Maxons Restorations Decoration Sponsors General Event Decoration Sponsors General Event Sponsors Decoration Sponsors GeneralSponsors EventSponsors Sponsors Decoration and Debbie PasquarielloDecoration of BHB Insurance General Even Sponsors General Event Sponsors Decoration Sponsors General Event Sponsors Services with Michael Amoroso from Decoration Sponsors General Ev Decoration Sponsors GeS Decoration Sponsors Bravo! Building Services Decoration Sponsors General Event Decoration Sponsors Gen Awards Sponsors Decoration Sponsors Decoration Sponsors General Event Sponsors Decoration Sponsors Cheryl Rhine of BHB Insurance Svcs accepts Team members from Conifer and the Housing her 50/50 prize from Chapter VP Michael Fried. Authority of the City of Elizabeth were on hand to Cheryl donated a portion of her winnings to a fund support their associates who received designations for rebuilding the shore after Super Storm Sandy General Sponsors General Event Event Sponsors 17 Jo Ann McKay, IREM® Association Executive PO Box 65, Riverton, NJ 08077-0065 Phone: 856-786-9260 Fax: 856-786-3894 www.IREM3.org admin@IREM3.org Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3 Message from the President Chapters Unite in Selecting Future Leaders by Michael J. Carr, CPM® I hope everybody had a fun filled and safe summer! As we head into the fall, we look forward to cool nights, lower humidity and yes, the kids going back to school! Our Joint meeting with Southern New Jersey No. 101 was held at the famous Navy Yard in South Philadelphia where we were given a tour of some of the renovated buildings that have been converted into offices for many corporations. Mark Seltzer, Vice President of Navy Yard Management and Development for PIDC, delivered an information packed presentation about the history, growth and the future of this 1,200 acre business campus located on the Delaware River. We had a great turnout and it was such a pleasure to unite for the evening with our partners from across the river. Our Executive Board met and participated in numerous conference calls throughout the summer to plan fall and year-end activities for the Chapter. I want to thank all Board Members for taking charge, developing and executing great ideas to deliver meaningful activities and meetings for the Chapter membership. The joint Leadership Orientation Luncheon held at Riverton Country Club in New Jersey on August 21st was well attended. This is a chapter succession meeting, by invitation only, to members from the three Chapters who have displayed an interest in learning about leadership opportunities. Sessions are designed so that facilitators at Committee tables share their experiences with invitees for purposes of providing a better understanding of how the chapter operates while taking a closer look at the key committees where they may better serve their chapter. Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3 2013 Executive Officers Vice President President Michael J. Carr, CPM® Wells Fargo Wealth Management Charlene Tucker, CPM® Interland Real Estate Corp. Vice President President-elect Ingo S. Kraus, CPM® Altman Management Co. Stephanie Burg-Brown, CPM® Philadelphia Realty Jerry Neill, CPM® CB Richard Ellis Co. Vice President Anne-Marie Niklaus, CPM® Madison Apartment Group Richard Skoczylas, CPM® Aimco CHECK OUT UPCOMING IREM WEBINARS Visit www.irem.org/webinars for details! 18 • September 30th -Chapter 3 Annual Friends Golf Outing and Election of 2014 Officers at Commonwealth Country Club. • October 22nd – Managing Single Family Homes co-sponsored with GPAR. • November 21st – Annual Awards and 2014 Office Installation Dinner, Sheraton Downtown Hotel, Phila., PA. Please mark your calendars and join the chapter meetings and activities. It is a great time to meet your Industry Partners and network. n FINANCIAL REPORT Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2013 Secretary/Treasurer Vice President Save these Dates: ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Chapter Restricted Fund 13,028.85 REALTORS Credit Union Savings 100.96 Checking Account 92,713.46 Money Market Account 66,378.35 Total Checking/Savings 154,840.67 Other Current Assets REALTORS Credit Union CD 30,752.13 Total Other Current Assets 30,752.13 Total Current Assets 185,592.80 TOTAL ASSETS 185,592.80 THE IREM® FOUNDATION AND YOU! The IREM® Foundation established in 1977 is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public foundation. Its mission is WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. The Foundation is committed to supporting the Institute’s goal of cultivating ethical, professionally educated property managers. It is through our various programs such as the Professional Recognition Awards, Professional Development Grant and Chapter Restricted Fund that we accomplish our mission. The IREM® Foundation offers financial assistance with your IREM® education through a variety of grants and Scholarships. Scholarships may be used to help with tuition, books and fees. Grants are designed to help with some of the costs associated with attending IREM® courses. GRANT & SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Donald M. Furbush, CPM Professional Development Grant Bette Fears, ARM® Professional Development Grant Paul H. Rittle, Sr. Professional Development Grant Diversity Outreach Professional Development Grant Each grant is designed to help with some of the cost associated with attending IREM® courses. SCHOLARSHIPS George M. Brooker, CPM® Diversity Collegiate Scholarship IREM® Foundation Collegiate Scholarship Both scholarships may be used to help with tuition, books and fees. For more information regarding IREM® Foundation grants and scholarships visit: www.irem.org/foundationscholarships. IREM® Career Center ARM® Members: Ivonnette Camacho, Altman Management Michael J. Redel, Altman Management Dawn Vance, Interstate Realty Management Co Haydee R. Ventura, Altman Management Julie A. White, Aimco Toni Williams, Venice Ashby Phase I CPM® Candidates: Stephen A Iacobucci JR Jean-Paul, Columbus Property Mgmt. & Development, Inc Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm Location: Penn Treaty Park Place 1341 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, PA Tuition: $179 IREM® & GPAR Members / $199 Non-members To register: www.IREM3.org Did You Celebrate IREM® Ethics Awareness Month? September is IREM® Ethics Awareness Month, what did you do to support this initiative? Cameron Kinsey, The Philly Apartment Co. Jeanette Solomone, Altman Mgmt. Company ACoM Member: For more info email ethics@irem.org. Congratulations and Welcome to Our New... Blair Bates, Blair E Bates - RE Consultant Amanda Boyce, Macada Properties Dollicia Laverne Cooper-Torres Matthew Harker, Rait Financial Trust Charmaine Kent, Presby’s Inspired Life Christos Lois Michael Samuels, Clarion/Samuels Associate Jacqueline Torres The best in-depth understanding of the intricacies of managing single family homes and small investment properties complete with risk analysis, ethics, financial tools, marketing and leasing. This full day course provides best practices and tips for growing your business while maximizing the value of the properties you manage. This course has been approved by the PA RE Commission for 7 hr CE 2012-2014. Being part of the IREM® community means commitment to ethics – specifically the IREM® Code of Professional Ethics. Ethics is a part of our rich legacy and has been a cornerstone since the very beginning. As IREM® celebrates its 80th anniversary this year, let’s make sure we communicate that adhering to the Code of Ethics is what makes IREM® members unique. Search for jobs, fill positions, and take the next step. IREM® members receive discounted job posting rates and job searches are FREE. The only full-service career center serving the real estate management industry exclusively. Visit: www.IREM.org/Volunteer for details. Associate Members: IREM ® Del Val #3 and GPAR Team Up to Present SFH201: Managing Single Family Homes & Small Investment Properties Sarah P. Barbour, Campus Apartments NEW AMO Company: ® Octavia Hill Association, Inc. Eileen Wirth, CPM® Philadelphia, PA Friend of IREM®: Schindler Elevator Corporation Elevators Mark Anderson 840 N. Lenola Road, Ste 4, Moorestown, NJ 08057 Phone: (856) 437-2348 Fax: (856) 437-2322 mark.anderson@us.schindler.com www.schindler.com current as of August 31, 2013 NEED COMP INFORMATION? You can find it in print books, e-books and customizable online labs, all available at: www.IREM.org/incomeexpense 2013 Calendar of Events Sept. 30 Friends of IREM® Golf Outing Commonwealth National Golf Club Horsham, PA Oct. 22 Single Family Homes Seminar, GPAR Philadelphia, PA Nov. 21 Installation of 2014 Officers / 2013 Awards Dinner Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel 2014 Calendar of Events Jan. 14 Annual Forecast Luncheon Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel 19 Delaware Valley & Southern New Jersey Chapters Tour Navy Yard E ven a storm could not deter the 127 Del Val and SNJ members and guests from attending the chapters annual Joint Dinner Meeting. Chapter Presidents Michael Carr and Darrell Williams welcomed attendees to the Navy Yard, a 1,200 acre campus which is home to more than 130 companies and 10,000 employees, housed in 6.5 million square feet of office, industrial/manufacturing and research and development space. Attendees were invited to take self-guided tours of the bustling property which is situated in South Philadelphia, just blocks away from the sports complex. The meeting began with the acknowledgement of all IREM® members by category followed by recognition of IREM® Leaders, which included past National IREM® Presidents Michael Simmons and Pam Monroe; past Chapter Presidents of New Jersey Chapter No. 1 Larry Corrin, Doug Hoffman, Eileen Wirth and current President Larry Sauer. The Delaware Valley Chapter past presidents in attendance were Ralph Magnatta, John Jacques and Jodi Goldstein. One of the evening’s highlights was the induction of four new ARM® Members for Southern New Jersey Chapter 101; Larry Cain of Westgate Management Co, Rose A. Holland of Interstate Realty Management, Talisha K. Miller of Community Realty Management and William Och of Diocesan Housing Services Corporation. There were also four new ARM® members for Delaware Valley Chapter 3; Ivonette Camacho, Michael Redel and Haydee Ventura, all of Altman Management Co., and Toni Williams of Community Realty Management. Guest speaker Mark Seltzer, Vice President of Navy Yard Management and Development with the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), explained the intricacies of the day to day redevelopment of the Navy Yard including the marketing, Speaker Mark Seltzer, Vice President of Navy transaction and Yard Management and Development for PIDC, explains the many challenges of such a large property manand diverse development agement activity. He shared that plans for the future include the Navy Yard supporting up to 20 million square feet of development. To offset the hot and stormy evening, attendees dined on culinary specialties provided by the upscale catering of Macaro’s based in Pennsauken, N.J. and quickly becoming a favorite of IREM® members. Closing announcements included upcoming events for the Delaware Valley chapter including the Annual Friends Golf Outing and Election of 2014 Del Val Officers scheduled for September 30th at The Commonwealth National Golf Club in Horsham, PA, along wih a reminder that SNJ101’s Election of Officers and chapter meeting would take place on September 26th at The Madison, Riverside, N.J. n Despite the heat, humidity and threat of thunderstorms, several members took self-guided tours which provided the opportunity to view the Navy Yard at their own pace The chapters welcomed special guest NJ Chapter No. 1 President Larry Sauer, CPM® (second from right) to enjoy the evening’s festivities Smiles all around from Sue D’Angiolillo, Apartment Finder; Keely Gladu and Wendy Schreiber, AFR; Jessica Steel, Acadia and Marka Shapiro, Martin Greenbaum Former IREM® National President Michael Simmons, CPM® of Community Realty Mgmt. greets past Region 2 RVP John Jacques of CSI International Del Val past president Jodi Goldstein, CPM® of Aimco and associate Mary Angela Maloney, of Chestnut Hill Village talk about the tour Aimco’s Wesley Miles and Patricia Baldt, CPM® Candidate, Westgate Management chat during the cocktail reception prior to dinner and the program 20 Lucky Steve Dicker of P. Cooper Roofing finds himself surrounded by Del Val’s Kendra Chavis, CPM Candidate and Mary French, ARM®, SNJ101, both of Ingerman Management Macaro’s Caterers of Pennsauken, NJ continues to provide IREM chapter members with a myriad of culinary delights A joint effort in welcoming all members, Friends and guests is made by Del Val President Michael Carr, CPM® of Wells Fargo Wealth Management and Southern New Jersey President Darrell Williams, CPM®, of Interstate Management Enjoying the event together are: Frank Rosala, Planned Companies, Kristen Lomas, CORT, Michael McGinley, Multi-Housing Depot by ARI and Amber Day, Trash Pro Past IREM® National President Pamela Monroe, CPM® of Community Realty Management enjoys the party atmosphere with longtime IREM supporter Pat Daly who recently joined Dynamic Lead Solutions Larry Sauer of Association Advisors, Charlene Tucker from Interland along with Michael Carr of Wells Fargo Wealth Management prepare to tour The amazing evolution of the Navy Yard and its economic impact upon the region was a captivating story for all members in the audience Newly inducted ARM® Members for Southern NJ Chapter are Larry Cain, Rose A. Holland, Talisha K. Miller and William Och. For Del Val Chapter: Ivonette Camacho, Michael Redel, Haydee Ventura and Toni Williams Mark Seltzer of Philadlephia Development Corporation (PIDC) talks about future development opportunities with Michael Carr, Dave Grace and Michael Simmons Multi-Housing Depot’s Lon Poland catches up with David Grace during dinner Longtime chapter Friend Dan Dvorak from Valcourt enjoying the reception with Doug Hoffman who was recently named Senior VP for Prop Management at St John Properties Former Region 2 RVP Eileen Wirth of Octavia Hill, Michael Clark from Complete Property Restoration and Pam Monroe of Community Realty Management 21 nce again New Jersey Chapter No.1, Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3 and Southern New Jersey Chapter No. 101 joined together to take a step forward in ensuring their chapters growth and prosperity under strong leadership. The idea and purpose of the Leadership Meeting has always been about succession, making sure that each chapter has committed professionals at the helm, individuals who can take the chapter to the next level while continuing to provide a clear path to sustained good management practices for their members. The “invitation only” Leadership Orientation meeting took place at Riverton Country Club in Cinnaminson, NJ, site of the same event held in 2011. The program included offerings from each of the chapters and began with registration and a buffet lunch. Michael Carr, CPM®, and outgoing President of Delaware Valley Chapter introduced an ice breaker by randomly selecting attendees to share their most exciting business and personal experiences this year. Many success stories were related enabling invitees to relax in an atmosphere of camaraderie. This was followed by each of the chapter’s current presidents and Presidents-elect speaking about their ascendancy to a leadership role. Both Michael Carr and Del Val President-elect Ingo Kraus explained that they were invited to participate in previous Leadership Orientations and how it impacted their careers going forward. Kraus stated emphatically that he has learned and experienced so much since participating at the chapter officer level. He credits the very first leadership meeting for his expanded involvement with IREM on a national level. In addition, Kraus stated that his appointment as Chair of the Income/Expense Analysis program was a result of the inspiration pro- vided at the initial meeting, a position that would have been exponentially more difficult to achieve without the leadership program. Darrel Williams, CPM®, who will be serving another year as president of Southern New Jersey Chapter shared how he was not at all involved in IREM® until he was “invited” to attend a Leadership Meeting two years ago. From there he said it was a fast track to chapter president and he commented on all of the help that has been available to him since accepting the position. Larry Sauer, CPM®, 2012-2013 President for New Jersey Chapter No. 1 and Michael Fried, CPM®, President-elect spoke about their commitment and dedication to their chapter and the effect it has had on their careers. The New Jersey chapter, the first to join the Institute, has maintained a high profile in the long list of IREM® chapters which has only been possible due to its outstanding leadership. Jo Ann McKay, IREM® Association Executive for Chapters #3 and #101, described her company’s responsibilities and how they dovetail with officer duties. She began providing administrative services to first Del Val #3 as far back as 25 years ago, and expanding to SNJ #101 chapter then adding NJ #1 as clients. In addition to the three IREM® chapters, her company provides service to two other property management associations. Jo Ann explained that she and her staff, which includes Chapter #1 IAE Gerri Aman and daughters Laura Spataro and Jenny Ferroni, do not actually do everything for the chapters, but only provide support. However if the truth were to be told, they come IREM No. 1 members included: Eileen Wirth, Michael Fried, Jason Konek of ABC Development Consulting, Association Exeutive Gerri Aman and Daniel Cronheim Chapter 101 SNJ Vice Presidents Maria Avery, Manhattan Management and Diane Wersler, Interstate enjoyed all the sessions Chapter 3 Del Val President-Elect Ingo Kraus shares his journey to the presidency as a result of a previous Leadership Orientation IYP Roundtable: Kristin Guinan from RestoreCore, Scott Leonard, CPM Candidate of The Streamwood Company and Past President Karen Thorp, CPM® from Interstate Maintenance Membership Roundtable: Maribeth Scheidig of Interstate Realty, Eileen Wirth from Octavia Hill, Eileen Conway, Edward Golding of Chapel Property Management and Jennie Banco from Capano Management Legislative Roundtable: Daniel Cronheim of Cronheim Management Services Inc., Charlene Tucker from Interland and Sandra Walden of Diocesan Housing Services Corp. 22 very close to doing it all, ask any chapter president! Handling not only the administrative and financial burdens of growing membership, all chapter events, constant communication with IREM® national, educational opportunities, etc., the chapter IREM® office located in Riverton, N.J. is a constant beehive of activity. Past Chapter #1 President Alfred Ojejinmi, CPM®, who was also a Region 2 Vice President, presented “The Role of a Volunteer,” and listed the benefits of becoming an IREM® leader. Alfred is a walking, talking example of an individual realizing his dreams through his IREM® membership. An encyclopedia of all things IREM®, Alfred pointed out to attending chapter “hopefuls” the many benefits that could be theirs simply by extending their talents to accept a leadership role within their chapters. Alfred agreed that benefits are not always tangible, but in time become more transparent as you realize your growth potential. He stated that “IREM® leaders are expected to have a passion for property management, be committed to providing selfless service, be a confidence builder and of course, a team player. If you find yourself asking why you were chosen to receive an invitation to this event, the answer is simple. Someone at the Board level saw something in you that they recognized, a trait or perhaps a quality that led them to determine you would be a good candidate to serve the chapter in a leadership role.” Alfred ended his presentation with a statement often heard throughout IREM®, “We need to remember we are not alone, help and resources abound, mentoring is available, and we should look to our chapter officers for assistance.” After a meeting break, attendees were invited to select a Committee Roundtable staffed with facilitators, a variety of past and current officers, where they could learn more about chapter committees. Every 20 minutes, attendees rotated to a different committee enabling them to learn more about each of the eight programs offered: Education, Membership/Candidate Guidance, Public Relations/Social Media, Legislation, Income/Expense analysis, Chapter Programs, IYP Programs and ARM® Committee. Along with the information provided by each, they received a survey asking them which of the committees piqued their interest. General agreement heard on the floor indicated this definitely was a worthwhile event to attend, and many questions were asked of, and capably answered by, the Roundtable facilitators. The formal portion of the meeting ended with a group photo and networking cocktail hour along with raffle prizes supplied by Friends of IREM® from each chapter. Thank you to the following prize donors from Chapter #1: Acadia Windows & Doors, Rezkom, Planned Communities, By Design Landscapes, and The APTS Magazine. From Chapter #3: P.Cooper Roofing, Interstate Building Maintenance, Unlimited Restoration Inc. (URI), and Pincus Elevator. From Chapter #101: Acadia Windows and Doors, Buyers Access, Apartment Finder, Multi-housing Depot by ARI, and Restore Core. n ARM Committee: Vee Ortiz and Rose Holland of Chapter programs were the topic with Michael Interstate Realty with Maureen Strong, Yvonne Fried of Boston Prop, Jodi Goldstein from Aimco, Diane Wersler of Interstate, Jeremy Devlin and Perry and Mary French from Ingerman Christine Murray of Madison Apt Group Income & Expense Roundtable: Wesley Miles of Aimco with Ingo Kraus from Altman Deb Durso of Apartment Finder with Kristen Guinan and Lauren Vadenais from RestoreCore, present Charlene Tucker with one of the many raffle prizes Chapter members relaxed following the program with a reception and presentation of a number of raffle prizes donated by Friends Attendees visited with members of at least three committees to gain a better understanding of how they function 23 ANATOMY of a LEADER L If we look at the characteristics of past and present IREM® leaders, we will note that they share certain common attributes. These individuals are selfless, always finding time to serve. They step forward to meet challenges head on and quickly adapt to changing business conditions while learning new ways to be competitive. They are adept at developing and implementing business plans utilizing hard data to promote good business results. They manage relationships with others with sensitivity and caring and engage emotionally and intellectually in lifetime value. They are great communicators and are inclusive, encouraging colleagues to become part of the team. They do not fear competition but rather recognize it as the path to creativity. These individuals lead even when in a formal position of authority and John Quincy Adams not are noteworthy roll models. eaders can be defined in many ways and with many words but John Quincy Adams said it best, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” The primary goal of any effective leader is to encourage followers to become leaders, and as Sam Rayburn so eloquently states, “You cannot be a leader and ask others to follow you unless you know how to follow too.” Contrary to popular belief, leaders are not necessarily born to the task; however they can and are made with regularity providing they have the desire. " If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. The dictionary describes a leader as one who plays a principal role, or provides direction and/or guidance, one who serves as a channel through which all information and ideas flow. In observing those individuals who might be summed up as today’s most effective leaders, we find that they are individuals who act ethically, encourage others, act to benefit others, reward others based on merit and make fair decisions. Outstanding leaders practice diversity by meeting the needs of colleagues representing other cultures. They collaborate with different groups and make it a point to learn about other cultures business practices. They act with ingenuity, helping others to adapt quickly to change, they solve real-world problems by thinking clearly and engaging others, they motivate others to meet specific goals and try to promote flexibility and innovations. " Simply put, ten key qualities necessary to become an effective and powerful leader are: honesty, ability to delegate, good communication skills, sense of humor, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, and intuition and most importantly the ability to inspire. Stephen Covey, leading author of many best selling books on management practices and leadership states, “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success, leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” n P I N C U S E L E VAT O R . C O M 901 S. Bolmar - Suite Q 24 West Chester, PA 19382 610.738.4350 mpincus@pincuselevator.com SAVE THE DATE IREM Tri-State Conference & Expo February 20 & 21, 2014 Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Atlantic City, NJ • Exceptional Education Sessions • Outstanding Vendor Expo Featuring Keynote Speaker, Janine Driver Reserve your room today for ONLY $119 Call 866-MYBORGATA, be sure to mention the IREM Tri-State Conference to receive the discounted rate. Reservation deadline is January 20, 2014. 25 Legislative Report Charlene Tucker, CPM® VP Legislation & Capitol Hill Coordinator, Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3 Member National Legislative & Public Policy Committee. President, Interland Real Estate Corporation, Exton, PA Broker of Record, KW Commercial, Exton, PA Philadelphia-Recap of Lead Paint Disclosure Law Released by Philadelphia Department of Public Health 2/19/13 As of December 21, 2012, the Philadelphia Lead Disclosure & Certification Law requires that landlords ensure that rental property in Philadelphia is certified as Lead Safe or Lead Free when the following three conditions are met: 1. The property was built before 1978 2. There is a change of occupancy 3. Any new occupant is aged 6 years or less Where these three conditions are met, the landlord must provide the tenant with a current certificate indicating that the property has passed a visual inspection for deteriorated paint and has been cleared by lead dust wipe samples or is free of any lead paint, before a lease is signed. Only a PA Licensed Inspector or Risk Assessor or EPA Certified Lead Dust Sampling Technician can provide a certification. U.S.-Lead Paint in Commercial Buildings Request for Information Exerpt from IREM’s Website Public Policy Page-Top Legislative News The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is exploring new regulations that would create rigorous lead abatement practices in commercial buildings, similar to those that exist for residential properties. These potential new rules would apply to a myriad of real estate industry practitioners. The EPA announced on December 31, 2012 that they will begin collecting information from property owners and managers, construction and real estate contractors, and other industry professionals. This information will assist the EPA in the rule-making process with regard to LBP and commercial buildings. The EPA would like to receive information on the manufacture, sale, and use of LBP post-1978; use of LBP in/on public and commercial properties; how often renovations were done on public and commercials properties and the practices used in such renovations; and estimates of the amount of dust created and possibly transported from the outside of the building to the inside. will completely replace all but a small portion of the school taxes over a two year phase-in period. The remaining small portion of the property tax, typically about 10% of the total tax bill for most school districts, will be used to service current long-term debt in your district and will be completely eliminated when all current debt is retired; no further debt or expenses funded by property taxes will be allowed. This Act completely eliminates the taxing ability of the local school boards. The only allowed tax will be an optional local EIT or personal income tax for major projects, and that will be subject to a no-exception taxpayer referendum. The Property Tax Independence Act is funded through an expansion of the sales tax base to include more goods and services that are not now taxed. The plan also increases the sales tax rate to 7%. The Act also moderately increases the state income tax from 3.07% to 4.34%. The proposed distribution to the schools is all districts will receive 100% funding sufficient to meet all financial obligations with a dollar-for-dollar replacement of the eliminated property tax. For the future, every district will receive identical percentage annual base funding increases that will be limited to the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), effectively tying annual school budget increases to the increases in available revenue and economic activity. Further details are available at www.legis.state.pa.us. Federal-Disparate Impact – Update By Jann Swanson July 2, 2013 in the Mortgage News Daily Two insurance industry trade groups, the American Insurance Association and the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, whose members sell homeowners insurance, have filed suit against the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) challenging HUD's final rule formalizing its use of disparate impact liability under the Fair Housing Act (FHA). Pennsylvania -The Property Tax Independence Act The doctrine of disparate impact is commonly used in labor law. It holds that employment practices may be considered discriminatory and thus illegal if they have a disproportionate "adverse impact" on members of a minority group. The practice, by definition is one that does not appear to be discriminatory on its face, but rather is discriminatory in its application of effect. The employer has only the so-called "business necessity" defense - that the practice or policy in question has a demonstrable relationship to the requirements of the job in question. Both the state House HB 76 and Senate SB 76, The Property Tax Independence Act, would permanently eliminate school district property taxes in Pennsylvania. Both have significant bipartisan support, and both are gaining momentum. The Property Tax Independence Act HUD's rule, adopted in February 2013, provides that if a practice has a discriminatory effect HUD or a private plaintiff can establish liability under FHA even if there is no discriminatory intent. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has also been using disparate impact tests in fair lending examinations and investigations and the suit could impact its authority as well. n It is expected the EPA will move forward with the process of creating formal rules and will be releasing a proposed rule no later than July 1, 2015. Final rules are to be completed by December 31, 2016. HB 76 & SB 76 – Exerpts from PCTA (Pa. Coalition of Taxpayer Associations) & PAA (Pa. Apartment Association) 26 LAW OFFICES EHRLICH,PETRIELLO, GUDIN & PLAZA A Professional Corporation The law offices of Ehrlich, Petriello, Gudin & Plaza is a full service firm headquartered in Newark, New Jersey. We have represented owners, managers and developers for over 40 years in all aspects of real estate matters including: • Landlord/Tenant NJAA party chair Heather Kamasa • holiday Land Development with niece Jordyn Kamasa and son Noah NJAA Education Coordinator Jaclyn Olszewski tugs on Santa's beard just to be sure it’s real • Tax Abatements & Appeals • Real Estate Litigation • Municipal Court Building/Housing Code Violations Representation • Partnership/Corporation/LLC Arrangements • Construction and Architect Contracts • Closings • Construction and Lien Claim Litigation • Tax Free Exchanges and Tax Planning • DCA Violation Representation Emily Martin from For Rent Media Solutions with Jenel Marraccini of Cohen and Willwerth and her husband Jason We invite you to call Bruce E. Gudin, Esq. at 973-643-0040 Ext.104 to discuss your next matter. Visit our website at www.epgp-law.com. LAW MoOFFICES Malloy from Screening Reports and EHRLICH,PETRIELLO, Frank Fico of On-Site.com with Mary GUDIN & Euvaline PLAZAEllington, Ingerman French and A Professional Corporation 60 Park Place Suite 1016 Newark, NJ 07102 973-643-0040 Sharone Batiste from ABL Sales, Ltd. takes time to create some beautiful designs for face painting The APTS | 91 | January 2013 555 Fifth Avenue 14 Floor New York, NY 10017 212-643-2503 Jack Linefsky from Value Co., Heidi Rooney; Matt Falkow, M. Greenbaum) Julie Troendle, Central; Adam Wojnar, Old City Renovators; and April Betau from Kamson Corporation 27 Legislative Update Scott Dalley, CPM®, PCAM, AMS, CMCA Sr. Vice President & Chief Operating Officer of Access Property Management, LLC, AMO®, AAMC N ationally, in early July, the Federal Reserve Board approved a final rule that requires banks to increase their capital positions. This is primarily a response to the large number of financial institutions that failed during the recent recession. The rule is primarily aimed at larger banks and contains specific language that minimizes the burden on smaller institutions. The Federal Reserve Board issued a summary of how the rule will impact smaller banks. The final rule will increase the minimum capital requirements for larger banks in both the quality and quantity. Implementation of the rule will be accomplished in two phases, with the larger banks in January 2014 and the smaller banks in January 2015. Special US Senate Race (NJ) In accordance with state law, Governor Christie appointed Jeffrey Chiesa as interim Senator to fulfill the late Senator Lautenberg’s seat. In the primary elections, Newark Mayor Corey Booker defeated Frank Pallone, Rush Holt and Shelia Oliver to with the nomination of the Democratic Party. On the Republican side, Steve Lonegan defeated Alieta Eck to gain his party’s nomination. A special election will be held on October 16, 2013 to determine who will fill the seat until the term expires in January 2015. Bills and Legislation Worth Watching in New Jersey These are a few of the 136 real estate related bills that IREM® is currently tracking in NJ. To access the database go to the IREM® website login and under the public policy section go to the state legislative database and then to New Jersey. The manager (of common interest communities) licensing bill is still pending a discussion and vote in the Senate Budget and Appropriations committee before it is able to get to the floor of the Senate for a full vote. With the gubernatorial race heating up, it’s unlikely to see any movement before November at the earliest. NJ S 1782 – Consumer Catastrophe Preparedness & Protection Act This bill would establish The New Jersey Consumer Catastrophe Preparedness and Protection Act and NJ Catastrophe Funding. (No movement since last reporting 5/13) NJ S 244 – Buildings with Structural Safety Concerns This bill was introduced in late January 2013 and would require the owner of a building advised of a structural concern during a private inspection to notify the local building code official and the Department of Community Affairs which provides for emergency inspections. (No movement since last reporting 5/13) NJ A 3795 – Small Business Loan Guarantee Program This bill was introduced earlier this month (February 2013) and would establish a small business loan guarantee program in the Economic Development Authority to support capital purchases and 28 operating expenses and would permit certain businesses in regional centers to qualify for certain Economic Development Authority loans. (No movement since last reporting 5/13) NJ A 2627 – Class 4A Commercial Property Fees Introduced in 2012, this bill would eliminate the 1% fee and the 1% tax on purchasers of Class 4A commercial property transferred for consideration of more than $1,000,000.00. (No movement since last reporting 5/13) NJ A 3497 Revises residential property mortgage foreclosure process; requires documentation of right to foreclose and consultation on foreclosure alternatives; provides expedited process for foreclosing abandoned properties. (No movement since last reporting 5/13) n Property Management Licensing Report Now Available An IREM® White Paper which includes: * Individual State Findings * Observed Deficiencies in Existing Laws * Suggested Property Management Licensing Language Learn more at www.irem.org Shine! Our uniformed, bonded cleaning specialists are trained to do the job right and to your specifications. We ensure the quality of their work through close supervision and inspections and detailed record keeping. We adapt quickly to changing client demands, including finding creative ways to reduce costs without sacrificing service. And we are a leader in the use of green products to help protect the environment. Contact us today to see how we can make you shine. Janitorial, Building & Maintenance Services 888-876-STAR • nbetoff@starbuildingservices.com IREM_newsletter ad_Layout 1 2/6/13 3:30 PM Page 1 The APTS | 36 | January 2013 Making insurance coMpanies live up to their claiMs. ® M. MILLER & SON Over 50 Years of Committed Service to the Policyholder FIRE | FLOOD | WINDSTORM | COLLAPSE COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL LICENSED PUBLIC ADJUSTERS | SINCE 1960 1211 Liberty Avenue Hillside, NJ 07205 Toll Free: 877.664.5537 www.mmillerson.com PROUD MEMBERS OF 29 VENDORS AND FCF REPORT PROGRESS The collaboration between Families in Crisis Foundation and a group of select vendors continues to make progress in rehabilitating the distressed home of a local family. The project began with an FCF Award of $10,000 targeted to replace the family’s non-functioning heating system. Our vendors joined in and are working hand in hand under the supervision of Project Manager Harry Bagot to replace or repair other areas of the home as needed. In many cases they are donating the material and equipment allowing the project team to accomplish much more than originally anticipated. In the summer issue of IREM® Tri-State Times we promised to give periodic updates on this wonderful project. We are happy to report that the following has been provided/completed: a new roof with gutters and downspouts, a 30 yard dumpster to remove all debris, necessary landscaping and tree trimming, new refrigerator, new clothes dryer, assorted furniture and an electrical survey. Still to come: the new heating system which may necessitate a new electrical service, replacement windows and doors, some new cabinetry, installation of new fixtures in bathrooms, paint and volunteers to complete. The recipient family is genuinely thrilled and overwhelmed at the generosity of our vendors and those involved with making this happen. A huge THANK YOU to the following: ACADIA Windows & Doors CIS Management Inc. American Furniture Rental CMQ Floor Covering Anthony Primolla Tree Trimming Lawn Connection Inc. AVCO Supply Inc. Multi-Housing Depot by ARI BP Environmental Services Inc. P. Cooper Roofing CALECO Realty Landscaping Central Wholesalers Warrell Construction A special THANK YOU to our project team: Harry Bagot, CPM®, Heather Kamasa and Jessica Steel of Acadia Windows & Doors. If you are interested in joining our project team or making a contribution of materials, equipment, labor, etc., please contact one of the following: Rita at rita.vogt@verizon.net, Heather at hkamasa@ acadiawindows.com or Harry at hbagot@gmail.com. Please visit our website: www.familiesincrisisfoundation.org Mark Your Calendars for an Evening of Fun’raising and a Wine Tasting Sponsored by Real Estate Managers for FAMILIES IN CRISIS FOUNDATION Your donation of $30 per person includes wine, beer and food. Come join us for a pre-holiday fun and networking event to benefit Families in Crisis! Wednesday, November 20th Location: AFR Furniture Rental 720 Hylton Road Pennsauken Twp., NJ 08110 Time: 6:00 PM Contact (732) 568-9793 for more information or to register! 30 One year after Hurricane Sandy… Seaside Heights community leaders & allRisk celebrate teamwork and being Stronger than the Storm! 31 “ INSIDE IREM® Diane Wersler, CPM® Candidate, District Property Manager, Interstate Realty Management (a member of The Michaels Organization) is responsible for 25 properties that include LIHTC, conventional and commercial units in Central and Northern New Jersey as well as a conventional property in New Hampshire. Diane serves as Vice President of Southern New Jersey Chapter No. 101. RaN’ae Bacon, ARM®, CPM® Candidate, Property Manager for Pennrose Management Company, New Brunswick, N.J. RaN’ae manages three tax credit properties located in New Brunswick and assists with various projects at different sites within the company. She currently is a member of the Executive Board of New Jersey Chapter No. 1 and in the past has served as the ARM® Membership chairperson. n When did you become a CPM® Candidate? n When did you become a CPM® Candidate? n What made you decide to achieve the CPM® designation? n What made you decide to seek the CPM® designation? I became a CPM® Candidate in 2003. I have been chasing this designation for many years and recognize the credibility it holds on a professional and personal level. Achievement of the CPM® designation will also allow me to move up within SNJ Chapter 101. n What other industry designations have you earned? Other designations include: Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) and Housing Credit Compliance Professional (HCCP). n What do you think is different about your company? Although we have grown exponentially over the past fifteen years, the company still values employees and residents in the same way as when we were a much smaller company. And by reason of its diversity The Michaels Organization allows me to expand my knowledge and experience through closely working with others in the organization. n Do you have a career role model? Susie Rasel is my role model in more ways than I can count. Although now retired, Susie was the most extraordinary leasing person I ever met. She kept an older asset fully rented when there was so much competition surrounding it. Susie has the most positive outlook on life and lives every day out loud. I studied her techniques and later implemented them in my own career. I want to be just like her when I grow up. n What part of your job do you like best? I love every aspect of my job, the interaction with staff and residents in multiple locations, the lease up of new properties, the sense of providing quality housing to families in need, even overcoming obstacles and meeting challenges, it makes every day different. n If not in the industry, what would be your second career choice? I have a passion for architecture and would like to have explored that path. n Who is the most impressive industry person you have met? Sandy Cipollone is a credentialed creative and seasoned professional who inspires through her accomplishments and motivates through her actions. Her involvement in task forces, charity events, IREM® and other industryrelated organizations is impressive; she balances all this while maintaining a high-profile position and a successful personal life. n What is your favorite IREM® event? After being an ARM® for 10 years, I became a CPM® Candidate in 2010. Over my years working in property management, I noted that CPM® Members more often held key positions within their organizations and managed a variety of property types. I realized that the education I would receive during the process of earning the designation would be important to my career development and for future opportunities. n What other industry designations have you earned? I currently hold a TaCC (Tax Credit Compliance Specialist) designation from Quadel, and of course am also an Accredited Residential Manager (ARM®). n What do you like best about your company? The company is constantly growing through development. I especially like that my company provides more housing opportunities for those in need and in areas that need it most. n Who is your career role model? There are a few people that come to mind. However, I am impressed by the career projectory of my former supervisor, Eileen Wirth, CPM®. Eileen started at an entry level position in a state agency and rose to the position of President and CEO of a housing provider company. She contributes a lot of her success to her IREM® involvement and education. n What part of your job do you like best? I love facing and overcoming the challenges of the job. And I like that no two days are the same in this business, you are never bored. n Who is the most impressive industry person you have met? Believe it or not, I was introduced to property management long before I could even work. My mother, Marcella Holmes, works in property management as well. Whoever you speak to about her within our industry, they all say what an exceptional, supportive and knowledgeable supervisor she is and I sincerely hope people will say that about me in time. n Who would you most like to meet in your lifetime? If I had the chance, I would love to have a conversation with Oprah Winfrey. She represents the epitome of what hard work, determination and focus can do even when you come from meager beginnings. n What is your favorite IREM® event? Hands down it would be the Tri-Sate Conference & Expo. This event is my favorite, as it is the largest and always has such great programs due to the hard work of all the committees that make it happen. It is also the best networking event and is always well attended. The annual IREM® Tri-Sate Conference & Expo is my very favorite of all IREM® events. The educational and networking possibilities are endless. I also like the Chapter’s holiday dinner because of the Toy Drive. It is both touching and inspiring to see the amount of donated toys and to know that we are helping someone less fortunate. n What are your favorite hobbies? n What are your favorite hobbies? I enjoy cooking for others. Food has been a passion of mine for many years as it brings people together. The prep, presentation and enjoyment of the food as well as the company complete the culinary experience. I also manage to find time to do some fundraising for various charities and serve on the Board for Families in Crisis Foundation. 32 I love to read, especially motivational books and murder mysteries. I also enjoy bike riding in New York along the Hudson River. Jeremy Devlin, CPM® Candidate, Regional Property Manager, Madison Apartment Group. Jeremy thinks of his responsibilities as recruiting, training and developing “top performers” for his company. That includes teaching values and ethics while managing occupancy, increasing net effective rents to work orders and vacant ready percentages. Jeremy currently serves as Education Chair for Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3. Thanks for Making aparTMenT finder YoUr ChoiCe n When did you become a CPM® Candidate? My candidacy began on March 16, 2011. n What made you decide to achieve the CPM® designation? You might say a former employer “suggested” it would be worth my while, but never really explained IREM® or the CPM® program to me. When I joined Madison in October 2011 and began working for Anne-Marie Niklaus, I was then given specific direction on the path to acquiring the CPM® designation. n Who is/was your career role model? My mother, Cindy Devlin who had an attitude of “whatever it takes” whether it related to her job or her family. She managed a successful career while raising three active and mischievous boys and made it a point to attend all school and sporting events, as well as seeing to it that we all graduated from college. n What do you think is special about your company? We push to create the industry standard as opposed to following in others footsteps. Madison takes a realistic approach to goal setting and planning and the company continues to evolve with the changing marketplace as it relates to the consumer. n What part of your job do you like best? The opportunity to learn and grow within a state of the art, industry leading company that values all employees, and provides encouragement to join and become active within many industry associations. n Who is the most impressive industry person you have met? It has to be Anne-Marie Niklaus. I admire her work ethic, drive and all that she has accomplished while maintaining a well balanced personal /social life. And best of all, she is an integral part of my development because I work alongside her everyday. n What is your favorite IREM® event ? The IREM® Fall Leadership Conference is amazing with top real estate professionals sharing valuable information about our ever-evolving industry, the motivational speakers, educational sessions, endless networking, etc. I am also looking forward to attending the Capitol Hill Visit, where there is an opportunity to meet with U.S. Congressional members and lobby on important issues. Hard to choose a favorite! in 3 naTional sUrveYs #1 MOST USED Marketing Source SatisFacts (April 2012) #1 CONSUMER PREFERRED Internet Listing Site J Turner Research (May/June 2012) #1 BEST INTERNET Listing Service Multi-Housing News (July 2012) n Who would you most like to have met during your lifetime? Abraham Lincoln, I believe he was one individual worthy of admiration, one who had America’s best interests at heart. Lincoln gave us plenty of qualities worth emulating: outstanding leadership, the ability to speak to those in all walks of life, captivating an audience, bringing together a torn nation, not afraid to stand with those less fortunate or get down in the trenches. And how about winning the Civil War? n What are your favorite hobbies? Contact Sue D’Angiolillo Publisher for Apartment Finder of New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Delaware at 732-893-1200 or sdangiolillo@ApartmentFinder.com I like to be active. I play football, kickball and softball. Serve on the Board of the Apartment Association of Central PA. Like to travel, read and work for local charitable events. And most recently, while certainly not a hobby but definitely my favorite thing to do, is planning a wedding with the most amazing woman in the world! 33 Extreme Weather Contributes to Mold Threat “Hidden Danger Can Affect Health” Dean Ragone allRisk Property Damage Expert “The region’s unfavorable weather patterns can add an extra danger that lurks hidden and often undetected in residences and commercial buildings,” says disaster expert Dean Ragone, a principal with Somerdale, N.J.-based allRisk. save money, and avoid potential health problems by controlling moisture and eliminating mold growth. A free “How to Deal with Mold” primer for homeowners or commercial property owners is available by sending an email request to info@allriskinc.com The prevalence of mold as a result of the East Coast’s record setting weather could pose a serious health risk to local residents and workers. “While the weather has turned slightly more moderate, summer doesn’t end until mid-September,” states Ragone. “We also shouldn’t forget that mold grows even in cooler weather in the right conditions.” Mold becomes particularly hazardous when it comes into contact with water and a food source. These conditions are significantly more likely to appear during hot weather and high humidity that are synonymous with our area, according to Ragone. Combined with the record breaking single-day and monthly rainfall totals which occurred June through August, these ‘perfect storm’ conditions created a spike in remediation projects as never seen before. The Centers for Disease Control reports that those who are sensitive to mold may experience adverse side effects, including nasal congestion, throat discomfort, breathing difficulty, or skin and eye irritation. In some cases, more serious effects, such as lung infections, have been reported. It usually takes experts in mold remediation to solve the problem. This often involves a certified environmental consultant who is capable of preparing a protocol for remediation. It’s all about awareness and education. Most people are aware that leaks and standing water are risks, but many do not understand the threat of humidity and the role of relative humidity in contributing to mold growth. One lesson learned from our clients, is that property managers and building engineers need to see their maintenance procedures in a whole new light, relative to mold prevention. It’s important to use knowledge of weather conditions when they schedule watergenerating activities. For example, if you cannot properly add dehumidification to painting projects, cleaning floors and extracting carpets on particularly hot days with high humidity, it would be wise to reschedule. Tenants play a big role too, and they should understand best practices to prevent mold, like reporting HVAC malfunctions, stained tiles and leaks immediately. It’s common to see storage bins pushed against exterior walls and under window sills, it’s also common to see that’s where moisture and condensation becomes trapped – not good. There are many reasons to encourage residents to up cycle, recycle and de-clutter...IAQ and preventing mold is top among them. The EPA warns that molds gradually destroy the things they grow on, however you can prevent damage to your home and businesses, 34 For more information visit TeamAllRisk.com or call 877.247.5252. n IREM Career Center Search for jobs, fill positions and take the next step. IREM Members receive discounted job posting rates, and job searches are FREE. The only full-service career center serving the real estate management industry exclusively. Visit www.iremjobs.org to start your search today! One Call… Problem Solved! Customized pest control programs for your community. PEST CONTROL EXPERTS Termites Mold Treatment & Prevention Nuisance Wildlife Bird Control (We service mid-atlantic states.) Pest Control Insulation Gutter Protection Holiday & Event Decorating 732-897-9553 Cowleys.com COWLEYS TERMITE & PEST SERVICES Fully Insured Lic#13VH05158900 Little Rascals Nuisance Wildlife Removal Service Bird Solutions by Cowleys MoldSolutions by Cowleys IREM® Tri-State Times The APTS Magazine PO Box 196 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 HIGHER JOB SAFETY. LOWER LIABILITY EXPOSURE. Valcourt waterproofs and restores everything from PEACE to OFbalconies MIND. without disturbing your residents. walkways When Valcourt begins your project, we’ll be looking at more than your building. Our long experience in restoration and repair has taught us how to be fully aware of our potential impact on your residents and tenants. We take all necessary measures to insulate them from any inconveniences or intrusions into their homes, without sacrificing the outstanding work for which Valcourt is known. Valcourt Bulding Services include: Building Facade Restoration EIFS Repair Concrete and Balcony Repair Masonry Repair Brick, Stone and Terra Protective Coatings and Cotta Repair Sealers Application Parking Garage Restoration Watch our Joint video to learn more about SafeSite. Expansion Pointing and Caulking valcourt.net/safesite Replacement Structural Concrete Repairs Waterproofing and Deck Coating Epoxy injection Historic Building Restoration Valcourt Building Services New Jersey Waterproofing Stan Wellinsky Phone: 908-965-3400 E-mail: swellinsky@valcourt.net Delaware Valley Waterproofing Dan Dvorak Phone: 856-234-7500 E-mail: ddvorak@valcourt.net It’s our pleasure to provide you with a no-obligation assessment and proposal. Contact Valcourt today for a full Waterproofing/ Restoration presentation. VALC-022b Tri-State IREM Ad_v4g1.indd 1 5/28/13 1:15 PM ONLY SAFESITE FROM VALCOURT GIVES YOU ALL THIS. SafeSite Advantage from Valcourt is our industry’s only comprehensive risk-management program. full information about how SafeSite can protect your properties like never before. SafeSite was developed to meet today’s advanced needs, and to bring you an unprecedented level of peace of mind. No other window cleaner has anything like SafeSite. And your property’s exterior maintenance demands nothing less. NEW JERSEY Dane Sprague (dsprague@valcourt.net) To ensure your property is fully protected, visit our website at safesiteadvantage.com, or call your local Valcourt office for 732-512-0005 DELAWARE VALLEY John Schiavello (jschiavello@valcourt.net) 856-234-7500
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