to the January 2010 newsletter.
to the January 2010 newsletter.
January 2010 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT We are also excited to announce that our Chapter will turn the big 5-0 this year! It’s a major landmark for us! We will be celebrating Past Presidents throughout the year as well as have special activities to involve everyone in our celebration. We are honored to have so many Past Presidents still involved in our Chapter. Please be sure to read the list of all our Past Presidents in our newsletters and on our website at www.iremnc40. Polly Sennett, CPM Happy New Year! I hope everyone had happy holidays. 2009 was a rough year for many of us. All sectors of the real estate industry have been hit hard and we are all anxious to see some growth again. As we look forward to 2010, IREM Chapter 40 has become more important then ever to us as professionals. In times of recession we can increase our education through IREM's education classes, network with other real estate professionals, and push ourselves to succeed to new heights. Our membership continues to grow and we are excited to see many more Accredited Residential Managers among our membership. Last year we swore in 6 ARM’s. Our chapter will be looking for ways to serve our ARM’s as an important sector of the real estate market. Our chapter is also trying to evolve to meet the demands of the next generation by becoming more involved in social media. Be on the lookout for an IREM Chap- ter 40 Fanpage on Facebook. To this end, we will be having Jeff Elder, from the Charlotte Observer speak at our January luncheon about social media along with our “Coats for Kids” collection. Please don’t forget to check out all the resources IREM National has to offer at As members of IREM, we also have access to IREM First. IREM First has the tools and network to help you find the information you need. When the H1N1 virus first started making headlines, I went right to IREM First to see how other property managers were responding to it. IREM First gave me some good tips and tools for property management’s role. I’m looking forward to a great year and working with each of you! Please do not hesitate to contact me at 704-875-0100 or email me at Inside this issue: 2010 Calendar/ Anniversaries 2 2010 Dues/Education Offerings 3 Golf Tournament/Officers/Committees 4 Community Relations 5 Income Expense/IREM Foundation 6 IYP/Scholarships/FOI 7 Trade Show/ODIE 8 Past Presidents/New Members 9 November Meeting Recap 10-11 Gold Friends of IREM 12 January Luncheon Meeting Notice 13 Get Involved With IREM Chapter 40 ! Please let us know if you are interested in becoming involved with IREM. There are many volunteer opportunities such as: Committee Chair, Committee Co-Chair, Philanthropic Events, Social Events, and much, much more! 704-301-0621 January 2010 2010 Calendar of Events January 20: Chapter Meeting Luncheon, “Coats for Kids” February 11-12: FIN402 Education Course February 17: Board Meeting Visit for all your IREM needs: • • • • Pay 2010 Dues Register and Pay for Meetings and Events Find a Friend of IREM Find a Member Update your Profile And Much, Much More! Also visit IREM National at IREM Chapter 40 2010 Anniversaries 40 yr. 35 yr. 35 yr. 35 yr. 30 yr. 25 yr. 25 yr. 25 yr. 15 yr. 15 yr. 15 yr. 5 yr. 5 yr. 5 yr. 5 yr. 5 yr. Howard Bissell, CPM John Dwelle, CPM Cooper Fowler CPM Daryl Greenberg, CPM Robert Lawing, CPM Richard Byrd, CPM Alan Crusan, CPM Geraldine Fewster, CPM Paul O’Conner CPM Selma Inman, CPM Kathleen Falk, CPM Brandi Robertson, ARM Russ Harriger, CPM Lisa Nesbitt, CPM Trudy Dixon, CPM Polly Sennett, CPM March 10-11: ASM604 Education Course March 12: ASM605 Education Course March 17: Chapter Meeting Luncheon 2010 CALENDAR • • March 8-9: ASM603 Education Course TBD-March /April : NC RE Continuing Education TBD-April: Casino Night April 16: Ethics Education Course April 21: Board Meeting May 1-5 : IREM Leadership and Legislative Summit in DC May 19: Chapter Meeting Luncheon – Trade Show TBD-May/June: Habitat for Humanity June 7: Golf Tournament June 16: Board Meeting July 21: Chapter Meeting Luncheon, “School Tools” August 12-14 Southeast Regional Leadership Conference in Chicago August 18: Board Meeting September 15: Chapter Meeting Luncheon September 20-23: MPSAXM Education Course September 24: CPM001 and CPMEXM Education Courses October 13: Board Meeting October 19-23: Fall Business and Governance Conference in Orlando TBD-November: 50th Anniversary Gala December 1: Angel Tree Collection Day December 15: Board Meeting PAGE 2 January 2010 2010 MEMBERSHIP DUES Western North Carolina Chapter 40 2010 DUES Dues Meals Annual Total CPM® $185 $325 CPM® Candidates $195 ARM® $75 Students $50 Associates $25 ACoM® $75 $140 (includes 1 free meal when you prepay for the year) $140 (includes 1 free meal if you prepay for the year) $140 (includes 1 free meal if you prepay for the year) $140 (includes 1 free meal if you prepay for the year) $140 (includes 1 free meal if you prepay for the year) $140 (includes 1 free meal if you prepay for the year) $335 $215 $190 $165 $215 2010 EDUCATION Register today to reserve your seat in the classroom! Course Course Title Date FIN402 Investment Real Estate: Financial Tools February 11-12 ASM603 Investment Real Estate Financing and Valuation-Part I March 8-9 ASM604 Investment Real Estate Financing and Valuation-Part II March 10-11 ASM605 Investment Real Estate Financing and Valuation-Part III March 12 ETH800 Ethics for the Real Estate Manager MPSAXM Management Plan Skills Assessment September 20-23 CPM001 September 24 CPM Certification Exam Preparation Course CPMEXM CPM Certification Exam PAGE 3 April 16 September 24 January 2010 GOLF TOURNAMENT The 2010 IREM Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, June 7th at Firethorne Country Club. Warmer weather and the 17th Annual IREM Charity Golf Tournament will soon be upon us. Planning for this year’s event is underway with the registration brochures to be distributed in late January. There are many sponsorship opportunities available ranging from 19th Hole Party, Beverage Carts, Putting contest, Proximity Contests, and Tee Sponsorships. As in the past, all sponsorships are available on a first-come basis. Pricing will remain the same as last year. If you have any questions or wish to discuss an opportunity to participate prior to receiving the registration brochure, please contact Craig Garrison at 704-927-3007 or 2010 OFFICERS Polly Sennett - President Chris Mauth - Vice President/President Elect Tom Wallace - Secretary Trudy Dixon - Treasurer 2010 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Golf Tournament - Craig Garrison AMO Coordinator – Sabrina Scott ODIE Coordinator – Tom Wallace, Randy Robinson Candidate Guidance – Dena Deiger Community Relations – Cyndi Johnson Education – Amy Hazelwood Ethics – Steve Banner Financials – Trudy Dixon Friends of IREM – Chris Mauth Greeting Committee – Sherri Commander Income/Expense – Mary Wilken International Friend – Chip Crumpler IREM Foundation – Kim Weddington IYP – Jodi Stoltz Legislative – Bo Proctor, Dan Ward, Frank Bass Membership – Amanda Skinner Student/College Outreach – Beth Machen Surveys – Tom Wallace Programs – Polly Sennett, Margaret Railey Trade Show –Brenda Murray, Lauren Rubino 2009 Committee Chairs PAGE 4 January 2010 COMMUNITY RELATIONS . At IREM November’s luncheon, we collected 240 pounds of food for the 2nd Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina. These donations will feed a family of four 40 meals or 160 individual meals. Thank you IREM Members and Friends of IREM for your contributions and efforts to help end hunger in our community! IREM’S ANGELS Every year IREM supports Thompson Child & Family Focus. This year we were able to sponsor 6 girls living together in a cottage between the ages of 9 and 11 for the Holiday season. Thank you IREM members and Friends of IREM for making this Christmas special for these girls! Monica’s Story Thompson Early Childhood Services Monica is four. Thompson met her a year ago when she and her ten-month-old twin brothers arrived at the Thompson Child Development Center. Their mother, Regina, was herself born into a cycle of poverty, single parent, limited job skills, a neighborhood of domestic violence, prostitution and substance abuse. Regina needed help. Monica had been expelled from two other early childhood programs because of tantrums that verged on violence. Regina loved her children and wanted better for them. But how? She feared for the safety of the twins. She was overworked and had very limited funds. Then she joined the Thompson family. Monica was welcomed into at Thompson preschool classroom and gently nurtured. Teachers and supporting specialists observed her, praised her and provide the support she needed. She learned reasonable boundaries and expectations. Thompson specialists also worked with Regina to develop an Individual Education Plan for Monica that extended the nurturing school environment into their home. Regina worked with counselors to develop personal and parenting strategies. One year later, Regina is enrolled in a job training program. She glowingly speaks of her three bright children and says “things at home” are much better. Monica is a peaceful and happy preschooler who loves to paint and “read” to her brothers. There are so many children of promise like Monica who just need the right kind of help to make a lifetime of difference. January Coats for Kids Collection Bring a coat to the luncheon on January 20th! We will accept new coats, gently used coats, and monetary donations. These jackets will help children in our community stay warm this winter season. All coats will be distributed through The Crisis Assistance Ministry. Thank you in advance for your contributions! For more information please contact Cyndi Johnson at 704-875-0101 or PAGE 5 January 2010 INCOME/EXPENSE The income/expense data submittal is now available for 2009. The 2010 goals are: Goals 47 28 17 13 Office Apartment Retail Condo Please consider helping us to submit entries for the properties you manage. The process is fairly straightforward once you understand the requirements and you receive a free copy of the publication for the type of property that you submit once it is published, which is worth several $100. Please contact Mary Wilken at or 704-222-7649 or email IREM at or 800.837.0706 ext. 6025 IREM FOUNDATION “Chapter 40 Restricted Fund” Update To date we have $1,565 in the chapters restricted fund! Thanks to your continued participation to assist local chapter members with their IREM Educational needs. Please keep in mind when making IREM Foundation contributions on both the local and national level to designate that the funds go to the IREM Chapter 40 Restricted Fund. Contact Kim Weddington at 704-363-3462 or with questions. FINANCIALS (YTD 11/09) INCOME: EXPENSES: NET: ACTUAL $ 182,455 $ 192,863 $ -10,408 BUDGET $ 210,792 $ 205,797 $ 4,995 DIFFERENCE $ -28,336 $ -12,934 $ -15,402 Mission Statement—Western North Carolina Chapter #40 To instill superior professionalism and knowledge to the real estate industry through education and service. PAGE 6 January 2010 IREM YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Our mission of IYP is simple: “to promote growth for young professionals, IREM and the asset and property management field by providing educational and social networking mixers in a casual, progressive and fun environment.” Two events will be scheduled during the 1st and 3rd quarters as we try to grow our local chapter. Please be on the look out for information in the coming months and forward us your ideas for an IYP event. Please contact Jodi Stoltz with any questions at r 704-512-7364 or . SCHOLARSHIPS IREM Foundation Scholarship Programs Do you have an interest in pursuing an ARM or CPM designation but have limited financial support? IREM is here to help! In recognition of the importance of education to the enhancement of the industry, the IREM Foundation is a major provider of scholarships for the real estate management profession. The intent of the scholarship program is to reach out to and assist those who are interested in pursuing an education in real estate management. The IREM Foundation has scholarships available for students at all levels, from those currently in college to those wishing to achieve an IREM credential. The IREM Foundation's scholarship programs are designed to alleviate the financial burdens associated with higher education, permitting the recipients to devote more time both to pursuing their academic goals and advancing their leadership skills. The scholarship programs sponsored by the IREM Foundation are: • • • • • Paul H. Rittle Sr. Memorial Scholarship Donald M. Furbush Scholarship Minority Outreach Scholarship George M. Brooker Collegiate Scholarship for Minorities College Scholarships IREM Local Chapter Scholarship Program A chapter level scholarship has been set up for our local students of up to $1,000 per year per student, plus the Ethics course. Students must attend meetings and participate on a committee. Please contact Polly Sennett at 704-874-0100 or for details. FRIENDS OF IREM Special thanks to all our Friends of IREM for your support in 2009! As members of IREM, we are fortunate to have our Friends of IREM to contact for both technical expertise and cost estimates. The Friends of IREM want to do business with our members, but they also understand that the best way to earn it is to be a source of dependable and accurate information for IREM members. So don’t be afraid to contact them because you are worried that you might have to turn them down, instead ask a Friend of IREM for a proposal. That proposal might develop into a business relationship that benefits you, your company, and a Friend of IREM. We depend on our Friends of IREM for their support and they depend on your business. Give our Friends of IREM a chance to earn your business. For your convenience each category and company is listed. For more information about our Friends of IREM go to Please call on our valued Friends of IREM for all your contractor needs in 2010. New Friend of IREM: Critical Systems, Ellen Spellman 704-247-8700 or PAGE 7 January 2010 TRADE SHOW SAVE THE DATE! May 19th - for the Annual IREM Trade Show. This annual event replaces the bi-monthly meeting and allows property managers the opportunity to meet the Friends of IREM and find out more about the products and services offered in a booth style trade show atmosphere. This is a “must attend” event! Stay tuned for more details or call contact Brenda Murray at or 704-953-6520. OWNERS, DEVELOPERS, INVESTORS AND EMPLOYERS The ODIE Committee met on December 11, 2009 and began making plans for our 2010 efforts. ODIE (Owners, Developers, Investors and Employers) was created several years ago by IREM National to focus on the decision makers of organizations who may be hiring personnel where someone with an IREM certification would be a relevant fit for the position. Randy Robinson and Tom Wallace discussed an initial list of 10 areas of focus for the coming year in an effort to help us grow our membership. By looking internally at our databases, we will determine “ODIE’s” that we can call upon: 1. Randy contacted the Business Journal for a list of the top 25 management firms in the area 2. The UNCC program with Dustin Read will continue in 2010 with a possible connection for new Associate members 3. Analyze internal database of Property Managers within our local chapter 4. Determine which Property Managers our vendors and Friends of IREM are working with 5. Reactivate some type of a “refer a member” incentive program. 6. Look into the HOA's & POA's by speaking with property managers in that industry 7. Reach out to Industrial, Retail & Office decision makers and contact the Regional Manager level of multifamily organizations. 8. Coordinate with the candidate guidance committee for candidate guidance groups and companies they work for that may have other members. 9. Invite your boss to a meeting 10. Contact third party leasing companies that we work with to identify property managers that they are dealing with. As we build our database, the opportunities of firms to visit should become obvious. We can then network with our members to determine the persons we need to speak with. Tom Wallace, ODIE Committee 704-954-7213 or PAGE 8 January 2010 PAST PRESIDENTS Western North Carolina Chapter No. 40 - Past Presidents 2009 Kim Weddington 2008 Chip Crumpler 2007 Pat Wynne 2006 Randy Robinson 2005 Dena Langner Deiger 2004 Amanda Skinner 2003 Paul O’Conner 2002 Peggy Jewell 2001 Selma Inman 2000 W. Steven Banner 1999 Elizabeth Machen 1998 Yates Pharr 1997 Mary Wenning Wilken 1996 Michael Millwood 1995 Michael Millwood 1994 Thomas Wilson 1993 Kevin Finch 1992 Kevin Finch 1991 Michael Collins 1990 Ronald Paschal 1989 Nancy Freeman 1988 Curtis Beal 1987 Russ Marshall 1986 Jack Murray 1985 Robert Lawing 1984 Robert Lawing 1983 John Bagwell 1982 Mary Ediger 1981 David Whitlock 1980 David Douglas 1979 James Nicholson 1978 Janice Beasley 1977 John Divelle 1976 R. Alvin Waddell 1975 Paul Gibson 1974 Frank Headen 1973 Howard Bissell 1972 Thornwell Guthery 1971 Perrin Henderson 1970 Edgar Wohlford 1969 Neal Floyd 1968 Neal Floyd 1967 W. Preston Gray 1966 Mitchell Clark Jr. 1965 William Blalock 1964 Lovie Turner 1963 TR Lawing 1962 Harry Brown 1961 Stuart Elliott NEW MEMBERS Associate: Robert Jackson, Metrolina Capital Advisors LLC Candidate: Clyde Ackerman, Dwelle Property Management Jim Daniels, Charlotte Housing Authority Patty Hennessy, The Bissell Companies, Inc. Lee Jackson, Colonial Properties Trust Alanda Jackson Jim McAuliffe, NMKT Commercial Valerie James CPM: Shannon Bodnar, Charlotte Housing Authority Sherri Commander, Lincoln Harris George Connor, Charlotte Housing Authority Charles Ellis, Collett and Associates Amanda Faulkner, Glenwood Development ARM: Shaw Faison Kuester, Kuester Real Estate Services Alice Long, Charlotte Housing Authority Zenobia Cureton, Charlotte Housing Authority PAGE 9 Update your contact information at IREM Contact: Jackie Campbell 704-301-0621 445 Blairmore Drive Charlotte, NC 38211 January 2010 NOVEMBER LUNCHEON MEETING The IREM Western NC Chapter 40 held the annual officer installation and awards luncheon meeting on November 18, 2009. Mike Loggins of ICCS and Sean Halleran of AlliedBarton Security Services accept the 2009 Gold Friends of IREM Award. Kim Weddington installs new ARM’s Zenobia Cureton of Charlotte Housing Authority and Shaw Kuester of Kuester Real Estate Services Bo Proctor of Proctor Services, Inc. accepts the CPM of the Year Award. Brenda Murray of Dynamic Real Estate Services, LLC accepts the Committee of the Year Award for her role as Trade Show Chair. Other 2009 award winners not pictured are Stone Restoration Services for Silver Friend of IREM Award and Jackie Campbell, IREM IAE for Presidential Award. PAGE 10 January 2010 NOVEMBER LUNCHEON MEETING The IREM Western NC Chapter 40 held the annual officer installation and awards luncheon meeting on November 18, 2009. New CPM’s installed: Shannon Bodnar, George Connor, Sherri Commander, and Jodi Stoltz. Congratulations! 2010 IREM President, Polly Sennett of Spectrum Properties presents 2009 IREM President, Kim Weddington the Past President Award. Kim Weddington installs new ACoM Heather Johnson of Liberty Property Trust PAGE 11 Cyndi Johnson of Spectrum Properties accepts Candidate of the Year award from Kim Weddington January 2010 GOLD FRIENDS OF IREM AlliedBarton Security Services Sean E. Halleran 2801 Yorkmont Rd. Suite 350 Charlotte, NC 28208 704-569-1122 x207 704-569-1144 - Fax Security Services Gold Carolina Asphalt Pete Heynen 3533 Robinson Cir. Charlotte, NC 28206 704-372-0730 704-343-2838 - Fax Asphalt Installation/Maintenance Gold Carolina Site Concepts Sclater Heindl 11611 Reames Road Charlotte, NC 28269 704-532-3836 704-566-6142 - Fax Asphalt Installation/Maintenance Gold Environmental Diversified Services Scott Falin/Joe Whitten 1510 Cross Beam Dr. Charlotte, NC 28217 704-357-0000 704-357-0001 - Fax / Restoration Services Gold ICCS Mike A. Loggins 509 Blanhill Road Charlotte, NC 28217 704-522-7773 704-522-7731 - Fax Carpet Cleaning Gold Mecklenburg Paint Company Andy Fischer / Howard Etheredge PO Box 41186 Charlotte, NC 28241 704-588-3113 704-588-3127 - Fax / Painting Gold Mitec James Bogan / George Dolen 15720 John J. Delaney Dr..; Ste. 300 Charlotte, NC 28277 704-248-1468 704-944-3298 - Fax Fire Protection Gold The Budd Group, Inc. Paul Vucish 1000 Amble Dr. Charlotte, NC 28206 704-334-1494 704-334-1497 - Fax Landscaping Gold Pro Tec Finishes Larry J. Garland PO Box 765 Mt. Holly, NC 28120 704-812-4035 704-827-4957 - Fax Waterproofing/Exterior Restoration Gold The Ray Company Wes Wilkinson / Keith Patterson PO Box 35225 Charlotte, NC 28235 704-372-0100 704-372-5111 - Fax / Roofing Gold Radco Construction Services, Inc. Buddy Godwin/ Teresa Moore 162 Lumber Lane Charlotte, NC 28210 704-392-0850 704-392-1044 - Fax / tmoore@radcoconstruction Roofing Gold Thyssen Krupp Elevator Howard Weigel / Kristen Layton 2915 Whitehall Park Dr. Ste. 100 Charlotte, NC 28273 704-529-1000 704-504-3439 - Fax / Elevator Maintenance Gold Schindler Elevator Corp. Ray Falduti 900 Center Park Dr., Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 704-329-1471 704-329-1478 - Fax Elevator Maintenance Gold United Building Maintenance Drew Devine 101 S. Tryon Street, Suite 2610 Charlotte, NC 28280 704-940-7722 704-940-7723 - Fax Carpet Cleaning Gold Scottie’s Building Services Michelle Rath PO Box 821 Charlotte, NC 27502 704-529-5293 ext. 208 800-808-8976 - Fax Window Washing Gold PAGE 12 Stuart Dean Company Brent Mostert 1145 Hawthorne Ln. Charlotte, NC 28205 704-358-9591 704-358-9926 - Fax Metal Restoration Gold January 2010 CHAPTER LUNCHEON MEETING IREM INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CHAPTER 40 JANUARY LUNCHEON MEETING Jeff Elder "Why Social Media Matters" Elder studied social media at Stanford with Howard Rheingold, considered by many to be the grandfather of this area. Elder worked on case studies of Facebook and Twitter, met their CEOs, toured their campuses, and participated in experiments involving the two companies. Please bring your “Coats for Kids” donations to the meeting. We will accept new coats, gently used coats, and cash or check donations. Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 11:30—1:30 at Byron’s South End 101 W. Worthington Avenue Charlotte, NC 28203 704-333-9744 Reservations are required from everyone (even those who have prepaid for their lunches) ($28.00 in advance / $33.00 at the door) NAME: __________________________________________________________ COMPANY: _______________________________________________________ CPM _____ Candidate _______ Associate _____ FOI ______ Guest ______ Register and Mail Checks to: IREM Chapter 40, 445 Blairmore Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 Or Register Online at: No Phone Reservations Accepted - Reservations will not be accepted after Jan. 15h . PAGE 13
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