April 2016 Newsletter


April 2016 Newsletter
nebraska chapter no. 12
VOL. 13, NO. 2 | 2016
President’s Report
I am always amazed at how great the spring time
can feel after a long cold winter. And as always, we
as property managers and our Industry Partners
are ramping up to work on some of the heaviest
and intense moments of the year as we gear up for
all of the exterior items we deferred throughout
the winter waiting for warm weather. To that point,
I am excited when all of you have a chance to come
out and support us at our events. The ARM® group
set up a wonderful event with Habitat for Humanity on April 15th as a way to give back to the community. We held a fun Industry Partner/AMO®
Appreciation Event to help express our gratitude,
and show our appreciation, for our Industry Partners and AMOs®. We value the continued support
of IREM®’s Industry Partners and AMOs®. The IREM®
Industry Partner/AMO® event was held on Thursday, April 21st, 2016 from 4-6 pm located at the
Upstream Brewing
Company, 17070
Wright Plz, Omaha,
NE 68130. Our golf
committee is well
under way in planning our annual
golf tournament.
All sponsors, donations and volunron price, CPM®
teers are happily
NP Dodge
accepted. Please
reach out to us and we will get you pointed in the
right direction if you are interested in assisting with
this wonderful event. I look forward to seeing more
and more of you in the coming months and accepting my challenge from the beginning of the year.
P.O. BOX 241283 | Omaha, NE 68124 | P: 402-592-4499 | F: 402-596-2191 | www.iremNE.org
January Meeting – Women’s Empowerment
Our January membership meeting was held on Thursday,
January 21, at Granite City. The topic was Women’s
Empowerment in the Workplace. We held a panel discussion with three guest speakers: Charlotte Neitzel with NP
Dodge Management Company, Kelly Robert with American National Bank and Susan Hanrahan with For Rent
Media Solutions.
Our panel fielded questions ranging from topics of emotions, work/life balance, salary negotiations and feelings of
equality in the workplace. All three speakers had been
Granite City
with their respective companies for a lengthy period of
time, so it was nice to hear how each had grown over the
course of their employment. It was also very refreshing to
hear that a lot of the advice they would give to women
looking to advance their careers would be universal and
relate to both males and females across the board.
This luncheon had a great membership turnout. We want
to thank our panel of guest speakers for sharing their
thoughts with us on this subject.
Panel Discussion
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If you have any items of interest or comments about the IREM® Nebraska Chapter No. 12 Newsletter, please contact Lauren Orsi at 402-393-2210.
Permission for reproduction and/or quotation of articles is granted, provided IREM® Nebraska Chapter No. 12 is properly credited. By-lined articles require the
permission of authors prior to reprinting.
This Newsletter is the official publication of IREM® Nebraska Chapter No. 12. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of IREM® Nebraska Chapter No.
12, nor does the Chapter assume responsibility for their accuracy.
©2013 Institute of Real Estate Management. All rights reserved. IREM® logo, IREM®, Certified Property Manager®, CPM®, the CPM key logo, Accredited Residential
Manager®, ARM®, the ARM torch logo, Accredited Management Organization®, AMO®, the AMO circle logo, Income/Expense Analysis®, Expense Analysis®, MPSA®, and
JPM® are registered marks of the Institute of Real Estate Management.
Page 2
February Meeting – Legislative Summit
Matt Schaefer
Mueller Robak, LLC
The February membership meeting
was held on Friday, February 12, at
Regency Lodge. This event was organized and presented by the Nebraska
Association of Commercial Property
Owners, Inc. (NACPO). NACPO is very
successful in representing our industry
in legislation with regards to the commercial segment. In attendance were
members from three different organizations, all which maintain membership with NACPO: Apartment Association of Greater Omaha & Lincoln
(AAGOL), Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) and the
Institute of Real Estate Management,
Nebraska Chapter 12 (IREM).
Regency Lodge
William Mueller
Mueller Roback LLC
We were pleased to have Senator Brett
Lindstrom from Omaha District 18 as a
guest speaker. Senator Lindstrom has
a background as a financial advisor
and is a former Nebraska Husker quarterback. He serves on several committees, Banking, Commerce & Finance,
Natural Resources and Retirement
Systems. He spoke to us on the
unicameral agenda and several bills
currently in the legislature, some of
which he has introduced.
Our next speakers were William Mueller and Matt Schaefer from Mueller
Robak, LLC, a firm that specializes in
lobbying and government relations in
Nebraska. They presented the bills
Senator Brett Lindstrom
Omaha District 18
affecting our industry, our position
and their current status. They are often
looking for those of us in the industry
that can testify on specific bills that we
may have experience with.
For a listing of all the bills, go to
click on Bills and Laws. You can also
search by bill number, introducer or
key words.
We would like to thank all of our speakers for a very informative presentation.
We especially thank NACPO for organizing this event and for all the work
they do making our voices heard.
Please visit the IREM® website for more
information on Public Policy.
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Page 3
March Meeting – Grow Omaha
Our March membership meeting was held on Thursday,
March 24, at Crave. Our guest speaker of the afternoon was
Jeff Beals from NP Dodge Management Company. He also
hosts a weekly radio program called Grow Omaha along
with Trenton Magid. Grow Omaha focuses on; you guessed
it, the growth and development of Omaha.
Although ConAgra decided to move its headquarters out of
Omaha, Jeff is still confident that we will be able to absorb
that loss. Site Selection Magazine had named Omaha #1 for
most corporate expansion growth with companies such as
Green Plains Energy, HDR and Kiewitt University. Additional
development is coming from UNMC and Strat Comm as well.
Growth also continues in the Capital District with the addition of apartments, office space and a hotel. Aksarben
Village has begun construction on a new dorm for UNO,
parking garage and a Hilton Garden Inn. Some new stores
slated to open around the metro are Duluth Trading Company, Boot Barn and the Container Store just to name a few.
New public transportation is set to make its debut in the Fall
of 2018: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). According to the Omaha
Metro website, the BRT is an innovative, high-capacity, lower
cost public transit solution. It is being developed for Dodge
Street along an eight mile corridor connecting downtown
and the Westroads Mall.
For more details, visit:
Jeff concluded saying that we need to get more people in
Omaha. We’ve had a very steady 1.1% increase each year for
the last 5 years, but a 2.5% growth would be ideal to catapult
us to the next level in an effort to attract more development
to the city.
You can catch the Grow Omaha radio program Saturdays at
9am on 1110 KFAB. Thanks Jeff for such an enthusiastic
We also installed a new CPM® at this meeting. Congratulations to Adria Ediger from World Group on your new designation!
Grow Omaha Radio Program
Adria Ediger - CPM Installation
The Crave
Jeff Beals - NP Dodge
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Please Update Your
Membership Information!
Thank You to our Industry
Partners of IREM®
Please take a moment to log on to www.irem.org to
update your membership information with IREM®
National. Our Chapter uses the contact information
provided to IREM® National frequently and it is
important that it is accurate.
Our Chapter depends on your support each year. We
wouldn’t be able to provide the opportunities for our
members that we do without the support of our Industry
Partners of IREM®. Thank you again – we enjoy our relationships and look forward to another year with your support.
Log on to myIREM, and verify or update the contact
information listed for you under Mailing/Directory
Info. If you are unable to log on to myIREM you can
always use the “Contact Us” link shown on the IREM®
website home page.
Thank you.
IREM® Nebraska Chapter No. 12
Help Wanted Ads
IREM® Nebraska Chapter 12 posts ads for companies with
job openings on our website at iremne.org in the career
center. Please check the website frequently.
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Page 5
2016 IREM Capitol Hill Visit Day - April 12-13
The IREM Government Affairs Department is pleased to
announce the 19th annual IREM Capitol Hill Visit Day
held in conjunction with the IREM Leadership and
Legislative Summit. This exciting event gives IREM
Members an opportunity to meet with U.S. Congressional members and lobby on vital industry issues.
To give you an idea of the value of this event, when
surveyed, each year 88-97% of members said they
would attend the Capitol Hill day again, and at least
98% of respondents indicated they would recommend
the Hill visits to other IREM Members and commercial
real estate professionals.
What Policy Issues Will we be Taking to Capitol Hill?
With the upcoming Presidential election around the corner certain tax laws that heavily impact real estate managers could be up in the air. We believe educating your Members of Congress about carried interest taxes and
1031 like-kind exchanges are vital in maintaining this fair tax treatment. In addition IREM Members will be lobbying on HR 3700, the “Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act,” which was passed by the U.S. House of
Representatives UNANIMOUSLY in February and now awaits movement in the U.S. Senate. And lastly the Marketplace Fairness Act is gaining momentum in Washington and it would create a more fair system of taxing the
online marketplace.
2016 IREM Capitol Hill Issues:
• Tax Education: Carried Interest and 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges
• Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act, HR 3700
• Marketplace Fairness
Passed Legislation
Recently, Legislative Bill 221 was signed by the Governor. A brief description of this is bill is as follows:
A Bill for an act relating to landlords and tenants; to amend sections 25-21,220, 69-2303, 76-1414, 76-1431,
76-1431, 76-1441, and 76-1446, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska; to change provisions relating to forcible
entry and detainer and the Uniform Residential Landlord Tenant Act; to provide for disposition of personal property upon the death of a tenant; to harmonize provisions; and to repeal the original sections.
To read the full bill, go to www.nebraskalegislature.gov.
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April is Fair Housing Month by Mindy Wallis
IREM strongly believes in equal opportunity in housing and
supports the right of all people to freely choose where they
will live without the constraint of prejudice or discrimination.
We believe that equal opportunity in housing can best be
achieved through continued leadership, observance of law,
education and mutual cooperation of the real estate industry
and the public through a free and open housing market.
(Read the complete policy statement.)
Because of our commitment to education, we offer a variety
of resources to help you remain informed and up-to-date on
Fair Housing laws and enforcement.
The Fair Housing and Beyond course focuses on current
trends in fair housing, and now covers companion animals,
social media, and hoarding, in addition to the continuing
problems of parking accommodations and discrimination
against federally protected classes. An online version of the
course is available 24/7 on the IREM website. The following
IREM Chapters are sponsoring classroom offerings this
• Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4 (April 5)
• Rochester-Western New York Chapter No. 58 (April 22)
Interested in hosting a fair housing session at your business?
Private offerings can be arranged in multiple ways—you can:
• License our course material and use your own in-house
trainer to deliver it
• Contract with IREM to deliver the course in-house, and
we provide the instructor
• Work with IREM to have your employees take the course
online (For example, some companies use our online
course to on-board new employees)
• License our online course to use on your company’s
learning management system (LMS)
Pricing varies with the option chosen. Direct your inquiries to
custom course@irem.org
Download the free webinar The Supreme Court’s Disparate
Impact Decision: What Does This Mean for My Property? and
discover how this recent ruling impacts the operation of your
properties. Attorney Caroline Elmendorf, Compliance Officer
at The Bozzuto Group, explains the decision and how you can
improve compliance and reduce the risk of costly litigation.
Hoarding is one of the most challenging issues for property
managers to deal with when it comes to fair housing compliance. The JPM article, “Hoarding Disorder: The Ten Ton Problem and the Elephant in the Room”, explains the common
mistakes and misconceptions about hoarding as it relates to
fair housing. This checklist provides a list of tips for working
with a resident with a hoarding disorder.
Remain informed about the latest fair housing trends and
IREM resources by subscribing to our weekly Real Estate
Management News e-newsletter.
About the Author
Mindy Wallis is a Senior eLearning
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Page 7
Here’s what’s happening with IREM
Asset Analysis Track:
Industry Forecast Breakfast
ASM603: October 3, 2016 Location: TBD
ASM604: October 5, 2016 Location: TBD
ASM605: October 7, 2016 Location: TBD
December 8, 2016
DC Centre - 11830 Stonegate Drive, Omaha, NE 68164
Membership Meetings & Lunch & Learns
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
May 19, 2016
Property Tour TBA
June 23, 2016
Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse - 305 N 170th St, Omaha, NE 68118
IREM Nebraska 12 Conferences
Regional Meeting – Columbia, MO
May 9-10
Fall Leadership – San Diego, CA
October 18, 2016 – October 22, 2016
IREM Nebraska 12 Special Olympics Golf Outing
September 22, 2016
Dudley’s Pizza & Tavern - 2110 S 67th St, Omaha, NE 68106
August 18, 2016
Tiburon Golf Course -10302 S. 168th St., Omaha, NE 68136
November 17, 2016
Lo Sole Mio Ristorante - 3001 S 32nd Ave, Omaha, NE 68105
IREM Executive Board Meetings
Past Presidents Lunch
October 13, 2016
Happy Hollow Club - 1701 S 105th St, Omaha, NE 68124
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Omaha Board of Realtors - 11830 Nicholas St., Omaha, NE 68154
May 24, 2016
June 28, 2016
July 26, 2016
August 23, 2016
September 27, 2016
October 25, 2016
November 22, 2016
To learn more about IREM visit our website at www.iremne.org
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