BUF FFALO O SHORES S GA AZETT TE Old dest Setttlementt in Sco ott Cou unty------Buffaalo, Iow wa Rural Peearl of the Month: “D “Deep roo ots are no ot reached ed by the frost.”. EMAIL ME TO BE ADDE ED TO THE D DISTRIBUTIION LIST! Ch hrisc2865@mssn.com Our paper caan be viewed online o at http:///echobluffranchh.com/BUFFALO__SHORES_GAZETTTE.htm Volum me 13, Iss sue 10 Decem mber 15 – January y 14 2014 / 20 015 BVFD No otes We spent 104 Man-ho ours respond ding to 28 em mergency callls in Novemb ber. We ressponded to 23 2 EM MS calls, 3 Vehicle V Accid dents and 2 Miscellaneou us callls for and allarm malfunc ction and a gas g odor. Th he members alsso spent 24 man-hours performing sta ation and veh hicle mainten nance with their t assigne ed duty crew. c No ow that we are well into o the holiday y season and d Chrristmas is jusst around th he corner. The T firemen at the e BVFD thou ught it would d be a good idea to once aga ain decorate e one of our Engines as a way to wissh all of our Citizens C a ve ery Merry Christmas. C We e will have itt out around d town on th hree differen nt th evvenings, Dece ember 20 , 22nd and 23rd. 2 We willl starrt around 6::00 pm and cover c the en ntire town and a if f you listen real close you y will probably hear a Chrristmas caroll or two tha at you may remember. r We W ho ope everyone e has a chan nce to see ou ur Christmass E Engine. If yo ou should miiss us the Officers O and Members of f the BVFD would w like to o take this op pportunity to wish each and every one o of you a Me erry Christm mas and a Ha appy and Saf fe New Yearr. Respectfully R submitted by: Te erry Adams, Fire F Chief Visit us u at www.BV VFDFIRE.COM M frree MO ONTHLY Bufffalo Comm munity Deve elopment C Committee – The B Buffalo Kid's S Summer Camp will be June e 15-19 and July J 20-24 4, 2015. The cost for the ccamp went up p and it will no ow cost $99, for Buffa falo children. Our Committtee will still pa ay $100 per Buffalo ch hild and we p plan to have some fundrais sing even nts to help de efray the costss. This would d make a grea at Chriistmas presen nt. We have scheduled a Buffalo Familly Night at the gym (in City Hall bu uilding) for Jan 9, 2015, 6:0 008:00 P PM. We would d like to plan tto play kickba all or volleyball or bas ketball, as we ell as if folks w want to bring board games s, card ds, or crafts. Everyone is welcome, chiildren must be e acco ompanied by p parents and e everyone musst sign a waiver prior to the activitie es. This will be a great op pportunity to get g everyone to ogether and h have some ind door fun. B Buffalo History 101 New ws from Septemb ber 18, 1883: “There w was a trial att Juustice Hoffbbauer's Courtt on S Saturday in w which Mr. Leevi M Moore was plaintiff and Mr. M McK Karg was defe fendant. Mr. Moore sold Mr. McKarg ga kickinng cow, afteer having tolld the latter sshe would kiick the hhat off his heead if she goot a good chaance. McKarrg retuurned the cow w refusing too pay for herr. Mr. M. waas indignnant at such boy's play, aand sought justice from the court w which decidded that the ccow should bbe paid for. T.J. T Halbbert for plainntiff and J.W W. Stewart foor defendant.” Me erry Christmas From the BU UFFALO H HISTORIC CAL SOCIIETY Meettings have ceased for the winter, but w will resume in March. Muse eum is open during the winter montths by appo ointment on nly. Call Ch hris at 38 81-8074 or 57 79-3588 if yo ou would lik ke to vis sit the muse eum. We W still ha ave excitting visito ors! On O Decemb ber 5, Al Wiiese visited d with donations of paperwork p sshowing the e annexatio on of some property west of o Utah. He e also had a an old Buffa alo Saving Bank book th hat was oncce owned b by one of his late relattives. He bought b seve eral of our h historical Po ostcards to send out fo or Christmas! C What a nea at idea! Th hank you All. On Dece ember 12, w we were vissited by Art Rose. H He brought a picture off a rocking chair tha at was once e owned by the Benjam min Clark fam mily. At the e time of the e picture below, ta aken in the 70s, this ch hair was 10 04 years old d. Art also donated an n old 1914 ma ap of Iowa, a and a bookk of turntable reccords called d “Togetherr we Sing”. This was obta ained from tthe Library by his late Grand dfather, who o lived in Bufffalo, name ed Bill Voyle es. He ran an antique e store for yyears at the house on the t NW corrner of 4th a and Dodge. After our visit at tthe museum m, Art and I toured the e town, w where he sh hared manyy of his childhood memories of Buffalo with me. I have h asked him to writte some of tthese mem mories down n fo or us so the ey can be fo orever presserved. BRIICK ORDER R FORM can n be acces ssed @ http://ech hobluffranch.c com/BUFFALO O_SHOrES_GA AZETTE.htm Or simply y send a notte/email, w with a check for $35; of o want engra aved (limite ed to 3 line es, 15 space es what you w Pan ncake Brea akfast Blue Grass Legio on Home 106 South S Juniatta Street Saturday, Janu uary 3,, 2015, 6:30 to 10::00 AM All A You Can Eat Pancakes**S Scrambled Eggs**Sausa E age Homem made Syrup***Potatoes Cinnamon n Rolls**Bisc cuits & Grav vy Ju uice**Milk**C Coffee Adu ults: $7 Child dren 4-12: $3.50 Under 4: FREE OPE EN TO THE PUBLIC P Americ can Legion Post 711 Blue Grass, Iowa each). ! If would llike your nam me in our pap per, donate o or loan some historical ite ems to our museum! WE ARE ON F FACEBOOK K! S! VISIT US People wwith goodd intentions make promises. Peoplee with goood charaacter keeep them. Being ho onest may y not get you a lott of friend ds, bu ut it will g get you th he right o ones. 2 “D Do what you y feel in your hearrt to be riight….for you y will be e criticize ed for it anyway.” Elleanor Roo osevelt 3 BUFFA ALO TRIVIA QUESTION Q OF F THE MONTH: What andd when was thee tragic accident occurringg in Buffalo, takking the life of a young girrl? ANSWE ER TO LAST MONTH’S TRIVIA QUEST TION Buffalo o Library New ws – DE ECEMBER 2014 Happy Holidayss from your B Buffalo Lib brary! Feeeling a little stressed s from m Christmas shop pping? Takee a break at the t Library. Come in, sinnk into one of our o comfy arrmchairs, andd browse thrrough a favorrite magazinee or book forr a peaceful hour h or so. C Call it Lib brary-Therapyy. And it’s frree! December Activvities: The preccise route of Beenjamin Clark’ss ferry, which became the gaateway to the west, w stretcheed between Anndalusia and Buuffalo, going beetween the riveer islands as yoou look southh across the rivver from the bloock betweeen Jefferson and a Hacker Streeets, essentiially directly accross the trackss from wheree Clark’s Landiing restaurant sits. s Standingg to greet the weary w immigrannts was a publicc house, built by b Clark in 18335-36. Several oother businessees geared to meet m the needs oof the pioneerss were located in the area ass well. Tueesday, Decem mber 16, 3:000 pm: LEGOs at the Library! L Stopp by and buiild. Lib brary Club, Wednesdays W aat 2:30 pm. An after-school program whhere kids aree invited to play games, ccomplete fun n activities an nd get creativve. https://site es.google.co om/site/ialeg gion post711 1/ Holiday Closing gs: Thee Library will be closed foor the Holidays on Weednesday & TThursday, December 24 and 25, and allso December 31 and January 11. Sto ory Hour and d Library Clubb will ressume on January 7. Lib brary Quote: “He sprang to his sleeigh, to his teeam gave a w whistle, And aw way they all fleew, like the ddown of a thisstle…” - ‘A Visit V from St.. Nicholas’, Cleement C. Moo ore Meerry Christmaas! Library Hours: Monday, Tuesdayy, Thursday: 22:00-7:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am-1:00 pm,, then 2:007:00 pm Satturday: 9:00 am a to Noon 3811-1797 - Cindy Mosier, Branch Asssociate CALL TOD DAY! 381-20 010 1 13609 110TTH Ave (Y48) “Bett tter Health h Through h Chiroprac ctic” N NOW OFFE ERING AC ACUPUNCT CTURE! Angie's Daycarre Ang gie Websterr Sta ate of Iowa Registered d Provider FOOD PA ANTRY 8034 8 119th St., Blue G Grass, IA (2 2 miles nortth of Buffalo o School) 563 3.505.6485 Open n every Tuessday from 9-12. 9 4 New Houurs! T-T-F-9--5, Sat- 8-noo on, Closed M & W C CALVARY L LUTHERAN N CHURCH H The Commu unity Dinnerr will be held d D December 188, 4 - 6:30. W We will be serrving Ham, ppotatoes, grav vy, canndy sweet pootatoes, greeen beans, salads & desserts. N NO charge, b but Donation ns are welcom me. Everyonee is encouragged to attend. We also have for sale 9 inch frozeen ppies: fresh appple, blueberry & pumpk kin $100.00. Call K Kathy if interested: 563 3812640. Great place for CH HRSTMAS gifts, Birthday ys, Wedding gs, Annivversary gifts,, Spoil yourseelf gifts….Fa ashion, shoess, purses,, jewelry, and much more! 1003 Park Avenue A Muscatinee, IA Hours H 9:00am – 6:00pm We w will be havin ng a Living N Nativity at Callvary Lutheran Church on n Sunday, D Dec 21 from 22-4 pm. Com me and see th the animals in n the Christm mas story and enjoyy some Chrisstmas cookiees! 563-506-8 8145 Chris tmas Eve serrvices will bee on Wednesday, Dec 24 4 at 3::30 pm and aat 9:00 pm. Calvaary Lutheran C Church, Buffaalo F For more information, pleaase contact Paastor Kristen mail.com at 381-33334 or pastorkrristenrod@gm Pleaase join us at C Calvary Lutheeran Church ffor worship on n Sundays at 9:00am! Herittage Churrch QC W West Blue Grass Com mmunity C Club Sundays 10 0:00am qcwestinfo@heritageqc.com Visit us on Facebook MOT THER’S CO OOKBOOK Hot H Crosss Buns 1 cup boiling water, 1 cup evaporaated milk ¼ cup shortening, 1 tsp salt, ½ cup sugar, 2 cakes of yeaast- dissolved d in ½ cup off lukewarrm water & 1 TBSP sugarr, 2 eggs 7-71/2 cups flour- makess 30 buns Baake about 20 minutes. Fill crosses with unccooked frostiing. Heleen Ernst Janu uary 14, 1936 (Recipes ffrom old Buffaloo women’s’ cookkbook, dated Junne 1921, which was w passed to me from my latte grandmother, Virginia Carsoon. See Jann/Feb 2013 editioon for more infoo) Evven though h I walk thro ough the vaalley of the shado ow of death h, I will fearr no evil, for you are with w mee; your rod and your sstaff, they co omfort me. (Psalm 23:4) 5 H HAPPY BIRT THDAY! Me erry Chrisstmas from m Echo Bluff Ran nch, BUFFALLO IA Come C join the fun att Statik! December 17 Christmass Party! Wednesdays 6:30 -8:30 Meets in Sttatik room aat BAC (Buffalo City C Hall Buillding) Ju unior High an nd High Schoool students (6th-12th grades)) It’ss a great place to t invite friends, worship, and leaarn how you can make differencee in the world. For more infoo, contact Kevinn Duane kevin.duaane@heritageqc..com Above: Gypsy, Festtus and Bea ar! We hav ve a break in n the weath her, but please rememb ber your petts. They arre your respo onsibility. Always A providee daily fresh UNFROZEN N water, ffood, shelterr and warm bedding g. Most imp portantly, sp pend TIME w with your petts. They are NOT disposa able. They are a part of th he family. Bring them m in the housse. Also, keeep the bird feeders filleed☺ We LOV VE our life on o this little Buffalo o farm☺ Thanks,, Chris and Steve S Thorntton BUFFALO B CO OMMUNITY C CENTER! RE ECEPTIONS,, BIRTHDAY Y PARTIES AN NNIVERSAR RIES, GRAD UATIONS FAMIL LY REUNION NS BINGO EVERY E MON NDAY DOORS S OPEN AT 44:00 BINGO STARTS AT T 6:00 ONNIE at 3811-3967 CALL CO OR 370-0194 -------------------------------------------- --------- Meeetings are the lasst Sunday of each month at 4:00 pm! www.ecchobluffranch h.com, or visit us on Facebo ook. SENIO OR MOMENT TS Merry Ch hristmas and Hap ppy New Year to A Al! I was win nner in the HON pla nt Ugliest Christmaas Sweater where I h have been working as a seasona l assembleer. I won a $25 Starb bucks Note: W We would lo ove to share some of your family and//or pets pictures. Please e submit them m with names and info o☺ SHELL STATION IC CE - 20 lbs $1.999, 10lbs $.99! FFriday Lunch Sp pecial- TACOS Huunting and Fisshing Licensess 2% Milkk $3.39 Carter’s s Café (Ne ext to Shell gas station) 1 1106 W. Front F St. Buffalo, IA (563)381-1555 Grea at food! Great G price es! Come in and try t our ta asty homemade e soups! Greaat place for faamily & friend ds! - Call for AUCCTION dates annd times carrd! CHRIST TMAS SPEC CIAL Ch hoice of donk key, mini-pa int mare or paint pony gelding, g with h saddle, blanket and d halter $500 0. I will deliver with hin 10 miles free on Christmas Day! D 563-34 49-8068 Your Seniorr Farmer on the Hill, Dan na Jo Smith 6 Sydnee C Collins Deccember 16th Katelyn M McKinley D December 17 Catherinee Spies Deceember 21st Nathan H Hansen Deccember 23rd Tom Spiees Decembeer 25th Rick Teell Decemberr 25 Kendra S Sue Smith D December 26 6th Ralph Staalder D December 26 6 Katherinaa Van Tuyl December 26 2 th Mercedess Mendez D December 27 7th th Bob Vick k December 28 Bertha Hu utchison Deecember 30tht Cindy Meeldrum Deccember 31st Jebediah Collins Jaanuary 1st Shane Rilley January y 1st Mary Kau uffman-January 5 Michael L Lamar Jaanuary 6 Steve Steb bbins Januaary 7th Faye Carrson January y 7th Evy Hutcchison January 9th John (Jacck) Carson JJanuary 12thh Judith Wh hite (Deierlin ng) January 12 Mike Deiierling Janu uary 12 Jane Gad dzick Januarry 15 Ethen Teel Janua ary 15th H Happy Annivversary Charles & JJeanie Buchan nan Decembe er 23 Martin & Liisa Buffington n December r 23 Earl & Judy Mead JJanuary 3 If you would d like to see yours or your loved ones’ o Birthday or A Anniversary in h here, please emaiil the info to Chrris at Chrisc28655@msn.com, or call c 381-80744 One Spaay at a Time Mobile, low w cost spaying and neute ering for catts, small dogss and puppies under 30 lbs. Space p provided byy: Blue Gra ass American Legion n and Trinity y Episco opal Church h, Muscatine Vaccina ations also o offered for an additionall fee Contacct Dr. Jeann ne Hedges at 563-650-5 5720 And visiit www.OneSpa ayataTime.com m Clerk’s Co orner BUCKAROO NEWS Tipton Tour of Lights Cityy hall closed December D 24th, 25th, 31st and d January 1st ATTENTIO ON: RESIDENT TIAL CUSTOM MERS NEED HEL LP WITH YOUR HEATING BILL? B The 20014-2015 Low--Income Homee Energy Assisttance Program m (LIHEAP P) has been esstablished to heelp qualifying loow-income Iow wa homeow wners and rentters pay for a portion p of their primary heating costs for f the winter heating h season. The assisstance is basedd on householdd income, houssehold size, typpe of fuel, annd type of houssing. If you aree not sure wherre to apply, pleease write to: LIHEAP Iowa Deppartment of Human Rights Capitol C Complex Des Moinnes, IA 503199 On De ecember 13thh, our 3rd Iow wa Cavalry re e-enactors unit u particiipated in the e Tipton Tour of Lights in TTipton, Iowa.. This wa as a very nic ce small tow wn event, in w which people e visit the e historical d downtown, d decorated fo or Christmas. The bu usinesses participate by offering trea ats and ciderr and alll around good cheer. The streets jin ngle with tea ams of horsse drawn ca arriages to to our the lights.. Our role involve ed dressing and acting o our part as a civil war un nit with co oncerns of g getting to the e next battle in Egypt Mississsippi, plans tto stay warm m, and where e we were going to get our ne ext meal, wh hich would b be our Christm mas dinner fo or the troopss. We were sset up in the perfec ct location, w which is now w an antique store called d Miss M Mollie’s. It is a beautiful h historic building, which was w once tthe local me eeting place e of the Gran nd Army of th he Repub blic (G.A.R.). Note the Ciivil War era m map in the backg ground of the e picture. M Miss Mollie’s o offered snacks and co ookie decorrating for ove er 200 guestss and their childre en. We were e very proud d to be a parrt of this even nt. INCOM ME MAXIMUMS S Househhold Three Month An nnual Size Gross Income Gross Income 1 $ 4,376 4 $ 17,505 2 $ 5,899 $ 23,595 3 $ 7,421 $ 29,685 4 $ 8,944 $ 35,775 5 $ 10,466 $ 41,865 6 $ 11,989 $ 47,955 For households with more m than six members, m add $1,523 per three months, or $6,0990 annually for each additionaal member. Thank yoou, City Clerk, Tanna Leonaard, and Depu uty Clerk, Rach hel Chase Sym mbolism of Christmas C The evergreeen fir tree is a sign of hopee throughout t thee winter season--hope in thhe promise thaat the rest of nature n too will awaken to neew life in the coming c springg. Through T Jesuss Christ we tooo have hope for everlasting liffe. Indeed, Jeesus Christ haas become b our tree of life--thee paradise tree. As such thee evergreen Christmas C treee remindss us that evenn though our earthly e seasonn must come to an endd, yet we will live through thhe grace of ouur Lord Jesuss. It reepresents thee immortality of o the resurreccted Christ. The lights in the Chrristmas tree also have a deeeper meaningg. Originaally the lights used u were canndles. The caandles too werre meant tto symbolize Christ, C specifiically his self-giving love annd gift off life to us. The candle provvides light andd warmth as itt consum mes its own suubstance, the wax. So, too,, did Jesus givve of his ow wn substance--his life--so that we might find divine light. And whhen we have foound divine ligght for ourselvves, we too are enaabled through the power of the Holy Spirrit to give of ourselves to otherss. After all, Christmas is thee feast of love, where w we share giftss with each otther as Christ shared the gift of life withh us. From m my Saddle,, Senor Este eban Succ cess witthout inttegrity iss failure.. 7 CALENDA AR OF EV VENTS SUND DAY 14 Dece ember MONDAY 15 BINGO Milestones-BAC C TUESDA AY 16 Food Pantry y 9-12 FREE CLOTH HES 9-12 RECYCLE 21 22 Milestones Bin ngo 28 29 4 5 BIN NGO Milestones CIT TY COUNCIL L MT TG 6PM 12 BINGO Milestones 11 ---------------- WEDNESDAY 17 THURSDA AY 18 Milesstones es Free clothe FREE E CLOTHES 9- 5-7 12 FR RIDAY SATURDA AY 19 M Milestones 2 20 26 Milesstones 2 27 CLC Dinner 23 24 FREE CLOTH HES 9-12 Milestones Food Pantry 9-12 FRE EE CLO OTHES 9-12 30 31 FREE CLOTH HES 9-12 estones Mile Food Pantry 9-12 FRE EE RECYCLE CLO OTHES 9-12 6 FREE CLOTHES 9- 7 12 Milestones Food Pantry 9-12 Free e Clothes 9-12 25 Merry Christmas! 1 January estones 2 Mile Happy New w Year 8 RECYCLE ALL BU UFFALO BUSINESS ADS WILL BE FREE! WE WA ANT TO PRO OMOTE THE BUSINESSE ES IN OUR TOWN A AND IN TUR RN PROMOTE E OUR TOWN N! WE WILL PLACE ADS IN PAP PER AS SPAC CE IS AVAILA ABLE. IF RT, WE WILL L ROTATE AD DS. WE WIL LL SPACE RUNS SHOR th BE AS F FAIR AS WE CAN. Pape er distribute ed on 15 off month. *ALSO, please acce ept our apology for any errors that may appear in this issue. ELEC CTED CONTACTS FOR THE T CITY OF F BUFFALO: 381-3839 9 mayor@bufffaloiowa.org COUNC CIL MEMBER RS: ART BA ARTLESON 21 10-5389 abartlleson@buffalo oiowa.org SALLY R RODRIGUEZ Z 210-3462 sro odriguez@bufffaloiowa.org DAVE S STICKROD 27 75-9271 dstick krod@buffalo oiowa.org JUDY H HAMMONS 38 81-1465 jham mmons@buffaloiowa.org OLIN M MEADOR 940--5901 omeado or@buffaloiow wa.org MAYOR: DOUG ANDER RSON SENIOR M MEALS SERVED D M-W-F AT NOON AT THE S SENIOR MEAL SITE S IN THE BAC CK. IF YOU NEEED DELIVERY Y, CALL 24 HOU URS AHEAD: PHONE N NUMBERS- 324 4-9085, 381-4594, Submisssions to the pa aper should be b sent to: chrisc2865@msn.com m Or call C Chris at 381-8074 Prov vide you ur emaiil to be added a to diistribution list! Standd up for what is right, r eveen if you standd alone…. 8 9 Mile estones 10 16 17 Free clothes 5-7 13 FREE CLO OTHES 9- 14 Milestones 15 M 12 Free e Clothes 9-12 Free clothes 5-7 Food Pantry 9-12 3 Milesttones
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