October 25, 2015


October 25, 2015
The Catholic Community of
St. Elizabeth
130 Florence Ave. • 662-624-4301 • email: stelizabethca8@bellsouth.net
Emergencies: 662-483-3289 • www.stelizabethclarksdale.com
Church Office: Tues-Fri: 9:30am-5pm
Immaculate Conception
510 Ritchie Ave. 662-624-4029
Fr. Scott Thomas, Pastor
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time•Oct 25, 2015
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sat. 5:30-5:45pm; Sun. 10:00-10:15am
Or by appointment
Ministers for NEXT Weekend—Oct. 31-Nov 1
Saturday 6:00pm St E
Procl.—Janet Groves, Scott Carraway
EM—Marie Andrews, Bill Youngblood,
Judy Youngblood
Alt. Serv.—James Chicorelli, Laura L. Chicorelli,
Michaela Wells
Ushers—Bill Youngblood, Joe Camponova,
Jimmie Walker Jr., James Walker
Sunday 8:30am IC
Procl.—Cozetta Joseph, Sr Kay Burton
EM—Lydia Williams, Sr Maureen Delaney
Alt. Serv.—Christopher Butler
Ushers—Golden Sharpe, Shannon Palmer
Sunday 10:30am St E
Procl.—Beverly Antici, Joe Radicioni
EM—Sue Craig, Roland Wilkinson,
Mary Lou Campbell
Alt. Serv.—William Walker, Luke Agostinelli,
Rutledge Agostinelli
Ushers—Woody Joseph, Van Camponovo,
David Borgognoni, Roland Wilkinson
Mass Schedule
Daily— See Inside Bulletin
Saturday 6pm Vigil (St Elizabeth)
Sunday 8:30am (IC)
10:30am (St Elizabeth)
3rd Sunday—Extraordinary Form
(Latin) Mass 2pm (St E)
4th Sunday—Spanish Mass 2pm (St E)
Meetings Oct 25-31
Sun.—24 wk. Scripture Study
(4pm, SES Library)
—Sunday School Trick or Treat
(6pm. McKenna Hall)
Tues.—St E Parish Council (6pm, Rectory)
Wed.—RCIA (7pm, McKenna Hall)
St. Elizabeth Catholic School
150 Florence Avenue
Pre-School - Grade 6
Mrs. Jeannie Roberts, Principal
MASSES: Oct. 27-Nov 1
8:30am (IC)
Jay Gilbert
Frank Soldevila
Dorothy Lee Morris
Louise Popdan
Evelyn and JD Nosef
Catholic Community
Catholic Community
Patricia and Gray Gilbert
Chris and Reine Overton
Joe and Dorothy Middleton
Norma Noe
The Family
Sunday, October 25
Carolyn Garrett
Francisco Negri
Monday, October 26
Tyler Hays
Tuesday, October 27
Joe Middleton
Joe Camponova
Weekend of October 17-18
St Elizabeth Offertory: $4,867.00
St E World Missions: $568.00
Thursday, October 29
Maria Fyfe
Caroline Malatesta
Glenn Adams
Saturday, October 31
Fred Zepponi
Ben Ferri
Keith Freeman
Gia Burleson
Anne Marie Pepper
IC Offertory: $430.00
St. Elizabeth’s Weekly Budget is $6,197.04. Thank you for your generosity!
Fr Scott Says: Have you ever gone to drink from the chalice during Mass and noticed a piece of a Sacred Host floating around? Well don’t worry. There’s a 95% chance that piece did not float in from
someone else’s mouth. Rather, it was placed there by the priest himself. During the Agnus Dei (Lamb
of God) the priest actually breaks off a piece of his Sacred Host and places it in his chalice, praying,
“May this mingling of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring eternal life to us who receive
it.” It used to be that fragments of the Pope’s Sacred Host would be sent out to each parish in Rome to
be placed in that priest’s chalice as a sign of unity with the Holy Father. And that practice has survived
to today in the form described above. So if you see a piece of the Sacred Host floating around in the
chalice, don’t freak out. Just remember we are united with all other Catholics throughout the world.
The Scripture Study group meets Sundays at 4 pm in the SES Library.
RCIA continues this Wednesday at 7pm in McKenna Hall. Please invite anyone you think might be
interested! For more information, contact Libby Antici.
Cemetery Blessings! Fr Scott will bless cemeteries on the evening of Sunday, Nov. 1 at the following
times: Memorial Gardens at 2pm, Oakridge at 2:30pm, and Friars Point at 3pm. If you would like Fr
Scott to bless any other cemeteries, please call to set up a time.
The St Elizabeth Parish Council will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 6pm in the Rectory.
Wednesday, October 28
John Mayo
The flowers in the St Elizabeth sanctuary this weekend are in memory of Clint Davis on the occasion of his
birthday, given with love by his dad, mom, brother, and
Please Pray for all who are sick.
Wayne Morris
Shirley Barbieri
Carrie Belvedresi
James Smith
Rosalyn Hull
Mickey Tuminello
Rosa Bates
Patsy Lamberson
Susan Berryhill
Stan Miekicki
Matthew Edmonson
Nancy O. McCulloch
Dorothy Morganti
Mary P. Cirilli
Patricia Stoop
True Redd
Glyn Downing
Frank Serio
Jeanette Reardon
Lillie Strohm
Lesa Parks
Tony Tavoleti
Brenda Johnson
Jean Rosatti
Anne Swentkowski
Maggie Monty
Allison Harris
Ramona Young
Geneva Correro
Emma Farris
Shan Parks
Sam Armstrong
Rita Harden
Jobe Maynor
Fats Dalton
Samuel Wilson
Margaret Burrif
Angelina Sudduth
Mickie Adams
Leonard Patterson
Logan Gates
Davey Lee Farris, Jr.
Johnny Young
Frances Borgognoni
Wayne Orr
Ruth Gordon
Scott Brown
John Hamilton
David Whitney
Susie Carr
The flowers on the Mary Altar and in front of Saint
Therese’s statue at St Elizabeth are in memory of Freida
Davis and Dorothy McAfee, given by Lida and Pat Davis, Sr.
Don’t forget our pro-life drive to help the Crisis Pregnancy Center and Fairland Treatment Center!
You can bring your goods to Sunday School, leave them in the Pro-life Playpen at St Elizabeth, or drop
them off at the parish office!
Trick or Treat for Canned Goods: Our youth will be trick or treating for canned goods this Sunday,
Oct 25. Please call Sarah Cauthen at 645-6260 to be added to the Trick or Treat route. The youth group
from St. George will be joining us this year. This food drive is one of our largest and usually stocks the
food pantry for the winter! Thank you for supporting this ministry to feed the poor of our community.
Youth News
A memorial celebration will be held for Sister Manette Durand on Wednesday, October 28th,
at 5:30 at Coahoma County Higher Ed Center. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the
Care Station in her memory. Also bring a dish to share.
Grades 6-12 this Sunday will be trick-or-treating for canned goods!! Meet at McKenna Hall at 6pm!!
Pizza will be served afterwards!
Parishioners of Immaculate Conception are encouraged to bring canned goods to the 8:30am Sunday
Mass throughout the month of November to benefit our Food Pantry.
Grades 1-5 will not meet for Sunday School this weekend.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Johnnie Marinelli. May God grant him eternal rest and consolation to his family.
October Service Project—Please send baby items any Sunday in October for our pro life drive to help
the Crisis Pregnancy Center and Fairland Treatment Center.