
po. Bo."· 1561
Oak!alld. C /-1 94604
Wa Sung 2000 - Wish List of Activities
• Attend Feb Genera l illeeting. • Bring a raffle pr ize.
President Ron Hing and VP Wilrna Vee
have been wor,king hard to develop the
Wa Sung Wish List of Activities for the
new Millennium. 8elmv is a list of tenta­
tive WS Activities:
• Attena the WS Inauguration.
• Renew your membersh ip.
• Sign up for a committee. • Celebrate Cilinese New Year l!!!!
Inside this issue: Wa Sung Wish List
President's Message
General Meeting
Membership Renewal
Membership News
1. Inaugu ration
2. Pancake Breakfast:
3. Membership Program
4. Merit Awards
5. Educatio nal Grants
6. Golf and Bowling Tournaments
7. Oa kland Chinatown Streetfest:
8. Chef's Delight
9. Special Travel Tour
10. Christmas Party
11. Ch ristmas Toy Drive
12. Chinese Lunar Year Celebration
13. Wa Sung's Cookbook
14. Mild red Chinn Memorial Picnic Ron Hing and Wilma Vee are search ing
for candidates for chairing each of these
You are cordially invited to
27 Feb 2000
Silver Dragon RestaLll"anl
835 Web ster treet
Oakland Chinatown
What's in a name
Editor' s Notes
by Ron Hing &Wilma Vee
S2 0 per person
RSVP to Vanny Tom
(5 10) 52 :1-M87
activities an d me mbel' who want to pa r­
tiCipate in tile cOJllmittee. If you are in­
terested in participating in on e or mo re
of these act iv ities, please contact Presi­
dent ROil Hing or Vice Presid ent Wil ma
Only witl1 your cOlllmitm ent and partici­
pation can we be a successful orga niza­
tion . Please contact Ron or Wilma to­
Page 2
Wa Sung Service Club
President's Message The DI'agon is coming . . ..
Get ready for the year of tile Dragon.
Chinese New Year will arrive on Feb­
ruary 5,200 0. The Dragon is a sign
of good luck. It is also the sign that
represents the greatest celestial
power. The Dragon symbolizes life,
growth, and brings blessings of lon­
gevity, riches, virtue and harmony.
The Wa Sung Directory should we ll
be on its way to tile printers at this
tinle. I wish to thank all of tile peo­
ple who help put the directory to­
gether, the salespeople, article writ­
ers, and the peop le who did the
street directory. Thank you.
" The D f YlOO 17
S]IJIlboli:::f J life.
growth. ond
blillgJ /;leJJill!!,J
q( 10 IIge liZ'!)', ridle.'!. virtlf(: alld
by Ron Hing
Cileng an d Deborah Pan with the fi­
nal pllases of putting the directory to
Anotller project is also on the early
calendar of Wa Sung. The Inaugura­
tion of Officers will be on Satu rday,
Febru ary 26.2000 at His Lordships
in Berkeley. It should be a good time
inaugural for all. The in augu ration
committee will give more info rma­
I wish everyone the Ilappiest of sea­
sons and continued joy. prosper1ity
and good health in the yea I' of 2000!
Special thanks to Stan Hu ey for com­
ing forward and helping Severine
Member of the Month
Each month, Ron Hing. Wa Sung President,
will select a mem ber or several mem bers
to be recogn ized fo r herjll is conUi butions
to Wa Sung and the community. th e mem ­
bers of tile month will receive recognition
at the Wa Sung Genera,l Meeting. Tilis year
the Board plans to award' th e Membe l' of
the !vlonth with a special award.
''T '"am!)' i l' a
perfed role
model qfa
dedjtoted and
hard lJJorkillg
member. "
"My nom inees for February member of the
month are Vanny Tom . For her out­
standing efforts as the Silent auction coor­
din ator of A Chef's Del ight. 1999 ernlst­
mas Party, and as Wa Sung's Treasurer."
Va nn, is currently serving her second year
as club Treasurer . She has been a mem­
ber since 1997 and she has been a core
member of the Wa Sung Se rvice Club.
Volume l,lssue 2
Page 3
By Jeanne Chiang
General Meeting - Jeanne's Joint
What was all that fuss about the year 2000 when it's really 4698 and the
Year of the DI-agon? How Much?
So come and celebrate Chinese New
Year with Wa Sung at the Silver
Dragon. This year will also be the
Year for Life Members. At most of
the meetings this year, Life Members
will only pay $ 5.00.
Now th e I-est of you who are still
working on your life memberships,
you also can pay only $5 for this din­
Call W ho?
ner if you bring a new raffle prize for the Pancake Breakfast with a mini­
mum va lue of $15, or if you pay for RSVP by:
at least one book of tickets at th e meeting. (Th is is a one ti me offer!!!) •I
Silver Dragon
835 Webster Street , Oakland Chinatown 6:30 PM on Thursday, February 3, 2000 $1 0 for members with RSVP
$15 for guests and members wlo RSVP
$ 5 for Life and Honorary members or
if you bring a raffle prize or buy at least one
book of tickets
(and another Happy New Year, too)
Jeann e Chiang @ (510) 893-1212 or email Tu esd ay, Februa ry 1: 2000 ---------- ----------- -­
February 2000 General Meeting
3 Feb - Thu sday at 6 :30 p.lD.
i ver Dragon
835 Webster treet
$10 for RSVP members / $15 without RSVP
$5 if purchase 1 book of Pancake Tickets
RSVP BY 1 FEB . Jeanne 893-1212
.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- -- - ­
Wa Sung Service Club
Page 4
by Ron Lee
Membership Renewal n Please renew your mem­ renell! j'otl t"
Wa Sung
You will find an envelope
attached to the newslet­
ter. Please enclose your
check and a stamp on the
bership today. Make your
check payable to tile Wa
Sung Service Club. Re­
newal fees are $35 for
primary member and
$17.50 for spouses,
Hmv is your membership
fee spent?
17.50/ 01" membet:. ~f
Please note that I am col­
lecting the membership
renewal checks because
I updating the member­
sllip list and t,·acking paid
membersh ips.
The membership fee is
one of three income
sources for the WS A
fund. The A fund finances
the operations of the WS
club. Tilis fund includes:
225 ·
0>1< 1.",<1.
I....... 9-IW7 GIOI~ 79· 1 '3JO
December 21 , 1990
general meeting, special
dinner, newsletters,
insurance, taxes, welfare
and administrat'ion.
For more details, please
see Jan Newsletter: A
Treasury Note. Please
renew today. Thank you
for your support.
1999 Santa Visit
DlfiiJlg IT}' Sa1lta J z:,itYfo
LillfOlll Sc/700/. Leigb Reagan
dOllated a 2 1/2 foot Cboto/ate
SCINta ClattJ'Olll Se/Jool/or
all the tbLirireJ? to eJ!j~J',
Wah Sung S ~ O"~!anizati"n
Oaldand Chi natown
Lucy & Vann y
Dear Lucy & Vanny:
On behalf of the students and teachers at Lincolu Schoo J would like to thank both of
you and the members of
Wah Sun!! Servic~ Organizat ion for the wonderful to
giveaway session at OUT school on Thursday and Tuesday [ know that all of you had to
sacrifice time away from your busy work day to provide those holiday trea ts for the
children, We greally ap preciate your gcslUr~ of kindnes"
I thin
at all of us ....;11 agree that there is nothing more plc<:ious than to see tho se
innocent faces and looks of urp ri sc: when the chi ldren receive gifts and treats from Santa
Claus and his assistant El ves
In closing. 1 share with you the lyric so appropriatel swed in the Mel Torme's
CIII:is.t~ " , iild so I'm offeri ng you this simple: phrase FOT kids fro m one to
ninely- two. Although U' ! been SClid many ti!IJes ... many ways '. Merry Chri!llJTl3sI o
yo u , ~ Thank you ,
Sincere ly yours,
~ w()'
Leonard Wong Principal (Acting) Lu~)' A[~}'er,
Leigh Reagan - Public
RelatiollJ/or theLakevieu' Club. Leoflard
Iro/~. A ctillg
PriIJdpal qfL"lltOl" SdJoo/
Volume l,lssue 2
Page 5
Wa Sung Inauguration
Jrl ~
~ l
~ n~ lsirlng you a'
Happy and ProspemtlS
New e t
Dear Wa Sung Members and Fam ily, Year of the Dragon
You are cordially invited to the Wa Sung Service Club Inauguration President: Ron Hing Vice President: Wil ma Yee Treasurer: Va nny Tom Secretary: Ki ngman Lowe Newsletter Editor: Ron Lee Socia l Director: Jeanne Chiang Past President: Ron Hing/Arnold Mew Advisor to the Board:Stan Huey Si lver Dragon Restaurant 835 Webster Street 27. Feb.2000 SUNDAY 5:30 p.m. $20 per person RSVP to Vanny Tom (510 ) 637"2597 Program
Past Presi dents 1999 Board of Directors & Officers 2000 Board of Directors & Officers 2000 Member of t he Year Presentat ion to American cancer Society Page 6
Wa Sung Service Club
Membership - 411
Wa Sung member
Theresa Gee is embal'king
on a new ca reer, She has
been tt'aining for the past
yea r to be a tra nslator for
patient care at Kaiser Per­
manente in San FI'an­
cisco. In her new ro l'e,
she will be using hel' Can­
tonese, Mandarin, Englis fl
and at least 2 other dia­
lects to help immigrant
patients as they intel'act
with the velY comp'lex US
health system! As
Theresa said, "1 didn't
know there were so nlany
pa rts of the body! And I
have to know them ill 5
different lianguages or d ia­
lects!". Congr'atu l ations,
Theresa, on your new ad­
My partner from a Chef's
Delight 1999, Karen Dea,
has decided to focus her
effOt"ts with her family and
her career', Thus Karen
has resigned from the WS
Board, Kal'en's insight,
positive attitude. and
strong management skills
contributed to the success
of A Chef's Delight and
many other WS activities.
We wi ll miss Karen on the
board, but she has com­
mitted to support the club,
K athy Jeong wishes to
thank t he mem bers of the
Wa SLlflg Service Club fOt"
their condolences and for
the beautiful f lowers,
President Ron Hing has
appointed Jeff WOllg to re­
sume Karen 's 2000 term.
Jeff's profeSSion is an ar­
chitect and he operates
his b usiness in Oakland
fOt" 15 years, He has
been a WS member fOt" 12
years, Jeff has served on
the Parks & Recreation
Co mmission for 13 years
and on the Board of Dil'ec­
tor for Children 's Fali ry­
land. Jeff attended his
first WS Board of Dil'ector
meeting and provide key
ililsights fOt" t~le Board
members, Welcome to the
Community News
Tuesday Febl-uary 29t h, 2 000
6:0 0 - 8:00 pm
Location: in Chinatow n - Oakland. Call for
detail s (510) 567-8280,
This free course show you how to detect
and remedy lead hazat'ds in the home to
preven t I,ead pOisoning. Taught by expert
staff f rom the Alameda County Lead Poi­
soning Prevention Program. the course of­
fers simple solutions fOI property owners to
safely repaint an d remodel their homes.
Sign up in ad vance and receive a bucket
f ull of free lead-safe pai nti ng prep supp lies.
Rese r've YO Ul- space nowl
Call t he Al amed a County Lea d Poisoning
Prevention Pl"Ogram at U:d O) 567-8 280.
Cantonese speaker's pleas e ca ll
(510 )567-8251.
PI-esldent Bi ll Clinto n has re cent ly named
Oak land p.sian Students Edu cat ional Ser­
vices (OASES ), a communi ty service organi­
zation, with his Daily Point of Light Award,
He is honori,ng OASES volunteers fOI- t i;1 eir
work in after-school programs for childl-en
from low-income .A.sian-immigrant families,
During each school year, about 400 OASES
volunteers help youths at both t l,l e Oi\SES
Centel- and Lincoln Elementary Schoo l in
Oakland Chinatown by par1icipating in a
myr'iad of after-scho ol progra ms In educa­
tion ano' en m:tlment:. Raym on d Chong,
OASES Board Pr'esident, said , ''We are very
pl'Oud of tile Da ily Point of Light Award . Ou r
volunteers ilave pui thousands of hours to
help the stu d'ents of Oakland public
schools, They are posii ive role models for
youths liVing In Oakland."
Volume l.Issue 2
Page 7
What's in a Name? - feedback from our members
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
"Do you know what Wa Sung means? if not, have someone explain
it to you. that's where you need to start. It sounds like your lack of
knowledge of Wa Sung history that caused your inability to commu­
nicate the objectives of Wa Sung to the outside community. The
name Is really important, it defines the club' s objective. OUI- objec­
tive in the past was to help the Chinese community in the East Bay,
mainly Oakland Chinatown. The name does describe the function
of our organization_ Change the name? Th e masons are no longer
brick layers, but, you don't see them change their name. The
Lion 's club, don't deal ,in lions and Rotary? what is a Rotary? Your
answers wil! come from own home, ask your parents and grand
parents what Wa Sung means in Chinese." -CC
"What is in a name--We are the Wa Sung
Service Club and so it is in a sense an in­
dicator that the purpose of this orga niza­
tion is to provide service. I would rather
not lose the Wa Sung denotion--perhaps
we can revise the c'lub's name and ex­
pand on it... I will think about it some
more." - A.C.
Dear Editor:
Being third gelleration in membership and joining Wa Sung in 1989, I have the utmost respect in the clu b's
name, the 'Wa Sung Service Club'. During the past years while working on a variety of f undraiser events for Na
Sung, I have expel-ience then and now while talking and working with oth er organ izations and people, th at the
name Wa Sung does not strike a cord of identity. In particulal- wil en I approach corporations, busi nesses and
individuals for sponsorsllip for Wa Sung events, the common questions are, 'Wa who, say that again, what is
the name of yo ur organization,' , what do they do " 'how do you spe ll it' , 'wha t does it mean' ? I wa s toid some years ago that the name Wa Sung meant ,'Chinese co mi ng ovel- or together' , but I have heard other different definitions along the way. In reference to January's newsletter editorial idea's, I agree that the club Sllould be rename so that it wi ll ex­
hib it a clearer a nd more defined na me of our club's pu rpose and at tl1e same ti me give the com munity a cl ue of what we represent. Truthfully, the name Wa Sung actua lly prevents us from gain ing new suppo rt and ident ity within and outside af the commu nity and individu als that we outreach towa rd becau se the comp lexity and clue­
less na me does not carry any knowledge or weight to the new comers. Tilis non-recognition of name repeats itself and at times tllis hUlts the cl ub's voluntee rs who endure t ime spent efforts and volunteerism time that goes unnoticed and in return does not pro mote and mai nta in the club's lon g historical symbol of a hardworking community sel-vice organization. Some new name recommendations are as follows and I have kept in focus of maintai ning an d respecting Wa Sung's scope and mission statement: 1.) Oakland Chinese Co mmunity Services Organ ~zation (OCCSO) 2. ) West Coast Asian Services Un ity Group (WASU NG) 3.) Pacific Asian Co mmunity Services (PACS) 4 .) Asi an Commu nity Services Club (ACSC) Sincerely, Ka ren Dea Ir a . /I'Z~ Jmit'i' }./th
}). o. Box I i e l
( ak!.tmd C '1 9-!-r;O-l-
Wa Sung Service Club Newsletter
Published monthl y by the Wa Sung Service Club
News letter Editor: Ron Lee
Fax: (510 )-923-4117
Email : ron_lee@cc .chiron .com
Wa Sung Service Club Officers:
Vice President:
Newsletter Editor:
Social Director:
Past President:
Adviso r to th e Board:
Ron Hing
Wilma Vee
Vanny Tom
I\ingm an Lowe
Ron Lee
Jeanne Ch ia ng
Ron Hing/ Arn old Mew
Stan Huey
Directors (:1999-2000)
D rectors (2000-2001 ) :
Lucy Meyer
Audrey Hui e
Chri s Dear
Seve rli e Ci-,eng
Jeff Wong
Ray Chong
Harry Greer
Pete r Lee
Bil l Sakakura
Jai1':: Wong
Debol'a h Pa n
Editorts Notes
Happy Chinese New Year... Welcome to
the year of the Dragon. May you have a
year fu JI of health and happiness.
I received both positive and negative responses
from the first editori al : "What in a name". In gen­
eral the pro I'esponses are from the new genera­
tion of members and the con responses al'e from
the older members, What should we do. Perhaps
we should form a committee and a survey among
the mem bership . Compile the study and establis h
a d iscussion for one of th e genera l meetings.
Perhaps we need to examine t he basics. Th e first
question shou ld be : Wha t does Wa Sung mean
and What does Wa Sung mean to you?
' ~\Ia}"k)'o!1.r
mtendarfor Wa SU11g 2000 I11augural 27.Feb.2000 A t S'itfJcr Drago/l ,. by Ron lee
I recal l my f irst Wa Sung meeting at Spenger's. No one
explained the literal meaning of Wa Su ng. Later I not iced
that Wa Sung's acti vities were strongly associat ed wit ll
food events, Since my gra ndparents are gone. i asked
my mother the meaning and she does not know. I asked
several Wa Sung members and they do not know. Per­
haps there is a communications gap between the older
and newer generation of WS members. Th us I ca ll upon
the older members to clarify this matter.
A t one viewpoint. you can say that it is the responsibility
of the new members to find out a II of the information and
tra ditions of t his club. But one of th e purposes of the
cl ub is to "fostering understanding among al l peo ple of
ou r commu nity". Let's sta rt with the mem bership.
Please forward your opinion to me via email ron_lee@cc, or fax (510) 92 3-4 117 Attn Ron Lee.