WA SUNG e-NEWS - Wa Sung Community Service Club
WA SUNG e-NEWS - Wa Sung Community Service Club
JUNE 2001 WA SUNG e-NEWS www.wasungserviceclub.org wasung2001@hotmai1.com T he Wa Sung Service Club is a non-profit organization providing Com m unity and Educational Services since 1953. (510) 869-2589 (print edition) was u ngwasungwasungwasungwasungwasungwasungwasungwasungwasungwasungwasungwasung PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Karen Dea The month of May is a proud time to celebrate and learn about the various cultures that involve 'Asian Pacific American Heritage Month'. As we discover the experiences of many Asian Pacific Americans ( comprised of over 2S ethnicity) you can constantly look at yourself to understand your own ongoing emerging identity and at the same time become aware of today's issues which can lead one to support or be involved in a specific area of community service. The 40th WS Merit Awards luncheon will be presenting $1,000 Merit awards to 13 graduating high school students. Assemblymember Wilma Chan will be our keynote speaker! Please support this event by joining us on June 3rd! Co-<:hairs Delbert Gee and Wilma Yee deserve kudos galore! Thank you Wayne Fong for the designing the the event flyer! As a member you deserve to be appreciated by Wa Sung! You won't know our full appreciation until you come out & enjoy the 'Wa Sung Membership Appreciation Picnic'. Chairperson Deborah Pan has the spill for you to read about this NO cost - yes, that means FREE event for you in the newsletter! Wa Sung Community Service Club- Did you notice something different? Check out the following article that explains in detail of the revised name. Enjoy the upcoming month of June. It's the beginning of more good weather and Pearl Ice tea!! JUNE 2001 GENERAL MEETING Date: Time: Place: Cost: Menu: Speaker: Topic: RSVP by: Call: Thursday, June 7,2001 6:30pm Dinb's Restaurant 3600 Castro Valley Rd, Castro Valley (510)537-1454 (Near Redwood Road. Do not park in the motel area behind restaurant parking lot. Your car will be towed away) $14.00 Members with RSVP on or before deadline date. $17.00 Non-members/ Guest! and without RSVP or deadline date. $12.50 Kids, under 12 years of age Choice of one of the following: (1) Roast Beef served with Bake Potato (2) Veal Scaloppini served with Spaghetti (3) Teriyaki Chicken served with Rice All entrees served with tossed green salad with Italian dressing, vegetable, rolls and butter. Coffee or tea. Chip Doyle Corporate Sales - Reinforcement Training "Incorporate Sales Techniques to Recruit NewWa Sung Members" Tuesday, June 5, 2001 with your ONE food selection. Ron Hing at (925) 462-5235. E-mail: :ronrh@juno.com before lOPM or e-mail: bhing@sftc.org before 5 PM, Tuesday, June 5th. 1 "Wa Sung Community Service Club" The following revised name,' Wa Sung Community Service Club' puts forth what we do community service- into our club's name. The word' Wa Sung' at times appears to be questionable in it's meaning. Some definitions have been: Asian Spirit, Chinese Community, Chinese coming over and many other definitions. Wa Sung's name carnes a lot of history and compassion even though the true definition is unclear. The members and community take the name (Wa Sung) as an assumed understanding of what it stands for based upon It's past and present history. At the same time, the word 'Wa Sung' can sound foreign to the general public. And with no clear definition, people at times forget about our club, it's purposes and successful achievements. The revised name, 'Wa Sung Community Service Club' does not relinquish any credibility nor deletion of the name, 'Wa Sung'. The 'Wa Sung Service Club', leaves one clueless in what kind of service this club represents. Could it be military service, medical service, or educational service? By adding our purpose- community service- as part of our dub's name, it will help the general public ( including new members, sponsors, club recognition, Greater East Bay communities, etc.) understand clearly what our club represents. As we introduce our affiliation with the Wa Sung Community Service Club' it clearly defines to the listener and audience that we are a community service organization. During the May Wa Sung Board meeting, the revised name change, 'Wa Sung Community Service Club' was voted unanimously to accept the change but was tabled until the June Board meeting. This would give time to announce the revised name change and to give the general membership a chance to express their opinion of the revised name. When all the feedback that has been received by June 13th, the Wa Sung Board will review the feedback and make their fi nal decision during the June 14th Board meeting. Please give your opinion of the revised name by sending an email to:wasung2001@hotmail.com· Additionally, this revised name change will be discussed at the upcoming June 7th Wa Sung General Meeting, Any questions, caIl Karen Dea at (925) 830-4693. LET'S "TAKE PART" Karen Dea Let's' Take Part' and volunteer for other community events /organizations/charlties. This provides us exposure to other organizations : networking, learning & enjoying their events. Additionally this allows us the opportunity to promote WS membership/interest and WS visibility! 2001 ' TAKE PART' Calendar -The San Francisco Court Appointed Special Advocate Program- June 5th 1 day training program- seeking volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children. Call (41 5) 398-8001 ext. lO4 -Family Bridges, Inc., 33rd Annual Fundraiser Dinner' New Dimensions' - June 16th, Oakland Marriot Hotel - participate in decorations or silent auction - Call (5lO) 839-2022 -American Cancer Society presents 'Colorectal Awareness' to the East Bay Asian community at OACC, 2-4pm- August 18th - Assist in handing out material to the attendees- Call Karen Dea at (925) 944-4070 QOakiand Chinatown Chamber of Commerce' Streetfest'- August 25-26- many areas to help out and be part of the street faIr - Call (510) 893-8979 - Uon's Blind Center of Oakland Lens Prescription Reading - TBA .Uon's Blind Center of Oakland Christmas Wrapping- October 2001 o Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk @ Golden Gate Park, SF-october 28th If you are interested in providing some hands-on volunteer time on any of the events , please send me an email at·kdea4197@aol.com·. Calendar is updated monthly! 2 "PAPER ANGELS" The San Leandro Chinese Christian Schools Drama Deparunent presents an adaptation of Genny Lim's' PAPER ANGELS'. A moving play interpreting the arrival to Angel Island. Performance is on May 27- Sunday at 4:00pm at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. Ticket Prices: Youth (under 17) $7.00 and Adults $9.00. More information, call 510-351-4957 x408 x3 CAI·FNDAR May 1-31 May 20 May 25 May 27 May 28 MAY 31 June 1 OF EVENTS Asian Pacific American Heritage Month SF Bay to Breakers Race MCC!AYSC and Oakland Police Ward Night "PAPER ANGElS" play @OACC, 4:00pm Memorial Day All MEMBERSHIP DUES are payable!!!!!! Oakland A's v; Baltimore Orioles@ Network Coliseum, 535pm " "PyroSpectacular Show" Merit Awards Luncheon - Oakland Lion's Center June 3 The San Francisco Court Appointed Special Advocate Program June 5 1 day training (415) 398-8001 ext. 104 Chef Delight Meeting @ Lucy's June 6 June General Meeting at Dino's, Castro Valley June 7 Therapy Pet Picnic @ Point Isabel, E1 Cerrito June 10 Membership Committee Meeting June 11 WS Board Meeting at Loretta Siu's house. EVERYONE WELCOMED. . June 14 Family Bridges Fundraiser Gala @ Oakland Marriott June 16 FATHER'S DAY June 17 Wa Sung Appreciation Picnic! Mildred Chinn Memorial Picnic @ June 23 Heather Farms, Walnut Creek Chefs Delight Meeting @ Lucy's June 27 Oakland A's v. Anaheim Angels@ Network Coliseum, 60Spm, July 3 "PyroSpectacular Show" Independence Day; Fourth of July Celebrations July 4 "Asian Community Night" Oakland A's V. NY Yankees, 705pm August 10 August 18 American Cancer Society-Colorectal Cancer Forum- Free @ OACC August 24 Oakland A's v. Detroit Tigers @ Network Coliseum, 70Spm, "PyroSpectacular Show" August 25-26 Oakland Chinatown "Streetfest 2001" September 3 Labor Day IBS lion's Blind Center of Oakland, Lens Prescription Reading October? lion's Blind Center of Oakland Christmas Wrap October 14 "A Chefs Delight" Event @ OACC October 28 Making Stride Against Breast Cancer Walk, Golden Gate Park December? Christmas Party EDUCATIONAL GRANTS CyndeeLim At this time we are taking a breather before tackling the next project. We are in the process of revising the grant process to be able to attract NEW Projects to fund. We will keep you all posted. 3 JUNE "COUPLE MEMBERS" OF THE MONTH Karen Dea At times it can be rare to see couples working together in community service. Perhaps due to different interests, time availability, responsibilities, work schedule, or just becuz! In Wa Sung there are couples who are very supportive in community service. They need to be thanked as they add up as a dynamic duo force in helping and supporting many of our events! At times they may split up to help on different Wa Sung events cuz of childcare or family/work obligations but they take turns volunteering for Wa Sung! Audrey Huie & Sum Woo- Co-chair for Easter Pancake Breakfast, on the committee for: 'A Chef's DeJight', 'Book Project 2001', WS Directory, Board member Ron & Barbara Hing- Social Chair, Co-chair for' A Chefs Delight' , on the committee for: Membership Growth & Retention, WS Directory, 'Book Project 2001', Board members Kathy & Gary Jeong- Co-chair for 'Book Projects 2001', on the committee for: Merit Awards, 'A Chefs Delight', WS Directory, Educational Grants Lucy & Andy Meyer - Co-chair for 'A Chefs Delight, on the committee for: Easter Pancake Breakfast, Board member Jeanne Chiang & Carlton Cooper- Vice President, Asst. to the Social Chair, co chair for upcoming Christmas Party, on the committee for: 'Book Project 2001', Easter Pancake Breakfast, Membership Growth & Retention, 'A Chefs Delight', Board member Cyndee & Tony Lim- Co-chair for 'Book Projects 2001', Co-chair for 'A Chefs Delight', on the committee for: Educational Grants, Board member Loretta Siu & Young Fong- Secretary, on the committee for: Easter Pancake Breakfast, WS Directory, 'A Chefs Delight', Membership Growth & Retention, Board member Richard Fong & Jim Carvalho - brand new members who showed up at 6am to help out at the Easter Pancake Breakfast! I know, I know, they are not related in NO way BUT they are a couple of great guys and I wanted to fit them in to be acknowledge!! MISSED A GREAT MAY MEETING! Ron Hing Wa Sung's May General Meeting was held at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. Our President Karen Dea swore in 3 new members: Teresa Chu, Tim Chu, and Steve Mendenhall. We now have 5 new members for the year 2001, and we need to improve if we are to reach our goal of 35 new members in the near future. The speaker for the evening was Dr. Benjamin Wong on the topics of "Economy, Investments and Estate Planning", which provided an opportunity for the audience to ask many questions on money matter. 4 WA SUNG MERIT AWARDS LUNCHEON - Tune 3, 2001 Doris Lum Thirteen high school seniors are deserving winners of the various Wa Sung Scholarships, Each scholarship is $1,000. We are honoring their high aChievement at the Merit Award Luncheon. Come and witness history. The Merit Award Luncheon is on Sunday, June 3, 2001 from 11:30AM to 3PM at the Oakland Lions Blind Center located at 3834 Opal Street, Oakland, near 40th St., area of MacArthur Blvd. Cost is $15 per person which includes a BBQ lunch catered by Stafford's Barbeque, the 1999 A Chef's Delight People's Choice Winner for Best Food. Please RSVP by Tuesday, May 29th by calling the Wa Sung Service Club voice mail at 510-869-2589. Guest Speaker will be Wilma Chan, State Assembly 16th District. 2001 WA SUNG MERIT AWARDS A Report to the Board of Directors of Wa Sung Service Club By Delbert Gee, Co-chair 2001 Wa Sung Merit Award Committee Nine Wa Sung Service Club members volunteered to read and judge fifty three applications for Merit Awards that were submitted pursuant to the rules of the Merit Award process. Each application was read by three judges. Each judge read approximately the same number of applications. Objective scoring was as follows. Grade point average (10-12 weighted) was given a maximum of ten points. Combined SAT scores were given a maximum of five points. Subjective scoring was as follows. Honors and advanced placement classes were given a maximum of five points. Honors awarded to the applicant were given a maximum of five points. Extracurricular activities, community service, and employment were given a maximum often points. To provide a competitive advantage to applicants who are related to Wa Sung members, three points were awarded to applicants who are related to Wa Sung members and one point was given if the applicant knew a Wa Sung member. A maximum of five points was awarded for applicants who have participated in Wa Sung activities. The required essay was given a maximum of ten points. Special financial needs were given a maximum of ten points. The letter of recommendation was used to highlight the aforementioned categories. A cumulative score from all three judges were calculated for each application. A difference of thirteen points or more between the highest and lowest score in an application resulted in the application being read by a fourth judge. In such cases, the highest three scores were then added to create a cumulative score for each applicant. The applications were then ranked in numerical order and because there are only twelve Merit Awards available, applicants with a cumulative score of 125 or less were eliminated, and applicants with a cumulative score of 131 or higher were awarded a total of nine Merit Awards. Applications with a cumulative score of between 126 to 128 were considered finalists and were read by a fourth judge. In such cases, the highest three scores on each application were cakulated. The highest three scores of this group of finalists were then given Merit Awards. The remaining finalists were then determined to be alternates. Each judge was also asked to award a special maximum score of ten points for each applicant's community service to determine the Wa Sung Community Service Award. If any judge awarded at least eight points for community service to any applicant, those applications were read by a second judge who selected the finalists. The applications for the finalists were then read by a third judge who selected the winner of the Community Service Award. 5 THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITIEE Harry W. Greer, Chairman Lets Give a Warm Welcome to New Member, STEVEN MENDENHALL Steve was our first ever E-Member, his membership was approved via E-Mail (confirmed of course at the May Board of Directors meeting). Steve is a funeral Director working at the Grant Miller Mortuary in Oakland and the Greer Family Mortuary in Alameda. Steve is married to Marylou Mendenhall and they live in El Sobrante. WA SUNG MEMBERSHIP AND PARTIGIPATION LEADERBOARD CRUISE POINTS UPDATE.(Unaudited thru April 25, 2001) Goal: 35 New Members Reward Prizes upon completion of Goal: $100.00 Savings Bond to person with highest point total. Drawing- Cruise for 2 RANK: NAME: POINTS: 1. Karen Dea 92 Points 2. Bill Sakakura 37.5 Points 3. Ron Hing 36 Points 4. Mary Chan 34 Points S. Audrey Huie 34 Points 6. Barbara Hing 34 Points (I expect jeanne Chiang to move close to the top of the leaderboard in the next report). Wa Sung is having a great year so lets invite our friends to join us. PANCAKE BREAKFAST 2001. FINAL REPORT by Bill Sakakura We were again blessed with a beautiful sunny day for our annual Pancake Breakfast. Almost 1,000 people attended the affair including government dignitaries: john Russo, Henry Chang, Danny Wan, Wilma Chan and jean Quan. We had great entertainment despite a great debacle by the City of Oakland from whom we rented a very expensive stage. The stage arrived on time but unfortunately their crew was not able to put it together because of mechanical problems. However, "the show must go on", so the entertainers dld their best on the cement ground and were very well received by the appreciative audience. Great thanks to Katherine Walrath and her Oakland High Lion Dancers, the tittle Stars Pre-School, Yukiko Sakakura and her Ballet et Cetera dancers, Cifu Tony Chen and instructor Danny Yen of the O-Mel Kung Fu Academy and their students, and Greg Sakakura and his sound system. One bright note to the stage malfunction is that the City will refund the stage rental cost, thus increasing the net profit for this activity.MCs Wayne and Deborah did their usual excellent job of retaining audience attention with their wit and their raffle prizes. The winners of the main raffle were; 1st Prize: Stephen and Diana Lee; 2nd Prize: Asian Health Services' and , 3rd Prize: The competition at the pancake eating contest was fast and furious and Howard Siu. messy with Councilman Danny Wan edging out jennie Ong for the championship. Kudos to Chairperson Audrey Huie for spearheading this successful affair with co-chairs Kingman Lowe and BiJl Sakakura. These "rookies" were fortunate to be guided by "old pros" Lucy Meyers and all the other hard working members of the committee who spent many hours in planning, scheduling, shopping, selling, transporting, soliciting, procuring, etc. Thanks to Mary Chan for selling the most tickets and to Walter Chinn for getting the most sponsors and volunteers. Thanks to member sponsors jim Carvalho of Albert Brown Mortuary, Lucy Meyer of Landmark Associates Investment Real Estate, and Karen Dea of D'Lightful Baskets. Thanks to Carlton Cooper of BTV Custom Coffee Services for donating and servicing the delicious coffees and teas. Thanks to all the youth volunteers from AYSC, Oakland High Key Club and Cal Chun's Swim Team. Thanks to all the Wa Sung members and their families who helped, especially the old-timers who never fail to show up on Easter morning. 6 Flyer (tear out and give to invitees to join us) WA SU NG MEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION PICNIC *Picnic will be in conjuction with The Mildred Chinn Memorial Picnic! Deborah Pan/ Picnic Co-Chair Hear ye, Hear ye, COME ONE, COME AlL, COME YOUNG & Come the Young at Heart! .YOU'VE ALL WORKED HARD ON ALL THE DIFFERENT PROJECTS, OR HAVE ATTENDED OR PARTICIPATED IN OUR FUNCTIONS NOW, IT IS TIME TO PARTY WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS, GRANDCHILDREN AND SmUNGS. BRING YOUR NEIGHBORS OR YOUR IN-LAWS. BRING YOUR CLIENT.oR YOUR COMPETITION. IT IS TIME TO PUT DOWN YOUR GUN AND HAVE FUN DAY! .JUNE 23rd, 2001, SATURDAY-HEATHER FARMS PARK, WALNUT CREEK (Off Ygnacio Valley Road, near John Muir Hospital) Meet at the picnic area next to the swimming pool and tennis courts. • FREE food, drinks, desserts games awards. FREE TO ALL WA SUNG COMMUNITY. • The standard time to come is between 10:00 a.m. and stay to 3:00 p.m.; but, who's looking at the watch? Come early and help with the set up and stay late for the gossip and shoot the breeze under the willow tree. • Bring your lawn chairs, basket/ volley balls, swimmIng suits and whatever games you like to play, we are going to have water balloons and horseshoe throwing. AND, THIS YEAR, we just might beat the young 'uns(AYSC) at volley ball again. • If you want to go to the swimming pool, they do have an entrance fee, remember to bring some money. • But, how can you go swimming when everybody is having lots of fun and eating the great Bar-B-Qued Ribs, we are having the famous vegetable burgers for the vegetarians, AND, my famous Artichoke Potato Salad (there will be regular potato salad, of course) and fruit salads, and any dessert that you would want to bring to share with the rest of the crowd. We are also procuring the famous Princess Bakery's special baked treats(not the Durian Cake last year which nobody liked except the few and the courageous.) But, there will be chicken pate pies, curry pies, jelly filled butterfly swirls, etc. Now, how can you resist that? • Where is the picnic! You might ask. Heather Farms Park in Walnut Creek, of course! Go 24 to 680 North exit "Ygnacio Valley Road", follow the road for a while and you will see signs saying Heather Farms Park on the left hand side. For the computer savvy go to yahoo.com or MapQuest.com, click on "maps" and then "driving directions", put in "1540 Marchbanks, Walnut Creek, CA" and you'll get detailed directions. . • And, anybody that needs a ride or can help transport somebody call mecell phone (510)388-0584 and I will arrange for it. • Remember that there is still the increase of membership contest going on. Call your friends and neighbors, grandchildren and in-laws, whoever brings a non member to the picniC will get one point. Remember to register your guests with Barbara Hing when you get there so that your friends may be counted. • AND, call me, Deborah Pan @(925) 939-8886 to leave a message as to how many of you are coming, so that we will have enough food for everyone. Don't want you to leave without feeling stuffed like a turkey don't-cha-know! 7 TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME! Peter Lee Come! Everyone is Invited. All Members, Family and to all your Friends' too. No limit. Seats on First Base line! Event: Oakland A's Baseball & PyroSpectacular Fireworks Show A's vs. Angels Whe n: *** July 3, 2001, Tuesday, 6:05 pm *** Where: Oakland Network Associates Coliseum, Section 311 Upper Reserved (First Base Side) Cost: $4.00 per ticket (no limit on number of tickets you may order) Special: Hot Dog, Chips and Sod a for only $3.75 per person I will collect your checks at the n ext General Meeting on June 7, 200 L Indicate number of tickets desired and make your checks payable to Peter Lee. If you are unable to attend the next General Meeting, please send your checks directly to me. All checks must be received by June 15, 2001. Peter Lee 696 Penny Lane Hayward, CA 94541-2271 Tel: 510-278-8626, Please call before 9pm!l!! Your tickets will be mailed directly to you and should arrive no later thanJune 26,2001. NOTE: P S: I have negotiated to have our group name in lights @ July 3, 2001 Oakland A's game .. .1ook for WA SUNG SERVICE CLUB on diamond vision starting in the third or fourth inning...we qualify as a large group and will be recognized as such by over fifty thousand folks who attend the game... thanks, We are expecting great weather and a noisy packed house as always ...Thanks for your cooperation and Go A's... FLYER (tear off to give to invitees to join us) FLASH BULLETIN.. 2nd Annual PyroSpectacular Day at the Ba llpark (Co-sponsored by Wa SunK Service Club ) Tuesday, July 3, 2001, 6:05pm: Oakland A's vs. Anaheim Angels Remember! First Come, First Served Basis! Bring your friends and family to the Network Associates Coliseum Upper Reserved Tickets @ $4.00 each (regularly $8.00) x $ Hot Dog, Chips, and Soda @ $3.25 each (regularly $6.00) x $ Total: $ Name: Daytime Phone: Address: CityIState/Zip: E-Mail Address: Enclosed is my check for game tickets and or Hot dog, chi ps and soda made payable to Peter Lee for $ Deadline for payment is June 15, 2001 For best seats, please mail early to: Peter Lee 696 Penny Lane Hayward, Ca 94541-2271 8 "A CHEF'S DEUGHT" 4 REPORT Respectfully submitted by Cynthia lim, co-chair of CD4 It is now official, Narsai David will be our MC for the event!!! We knew he could not refuse 5 beautiful and persistent females, Lucy Meyer, Kathy Jeong, Audrey Huie, Karen Dea, Barbara Hing and myself (thanks to Tony, Gary and Andy too) who kept bumping into him at the Berkeley Symphony Fund Raiser at the Holiday Inn in Emeryville. Now, we can really start to work to get out the ticket sales and advertisement. Good work to Kathy Jeong for securing his services. From this one venue event we were able to introduce our event and to make contact with many vendors who expressed interest for CD4. We are all going to follow up with these contacts. If anyone has a favorite restaurant or eatery or winery they would like us to consider for Chef's Delight, please submit the name, address and a contact person so that we can visit them and send a vendor pack. As the date gets closer we will be asking for everyone's help to get out the word. CALUNG ALL WA SUNG DOGS! (JUNE 10> jeanne Chiang If you like other dogs, people and going to new places, you might want to pester your human to bring you to the Therapy Pet Fun Day. You can join us Charlie, Tory and Penny Chiang - at Point Isabel Regional Park, at the west end of Central Avenue exit, in E1 Cerrito on Sunday, June 10th from 11AM to 2PM. On the menu will be international dogs grilled to your taste with all the trimmings, sides and dessert. There are lots of fun dog games like dunking for dogs, tic-tac-dog, and egg races. The egg races are our favorite event. If you can trip up your human with your leash, you can get them to drop their egg which you get to eat. It's a lot of fun, the park allows those of us who obey our humans to do without leashes. Further into the park is the bay in case you want to get your feet wet. If you'd like to come, convince your human to call jeanne Chiang at (510) 893-1212 by Friday, june 8 and let her know the number of dogs and humans coming. The cost is $7.50 per human. We get in free and get to eat all the food we can beg. "FAMILY PIGTURES" Reported by Loretta Siu BIGGGG TROUBLE !!!I!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT OPEN "NEW PICTURES OF FAMTI.Y" It is a virus that will erase your whole "e" drive. It will come to you in the form of an e-mail from a familiar person. I repeat a friend sent it to me, but called and warned me before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he can't even start his computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all. If you receive an email called "FAMIlY PICTURES" do not open it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files) from your computer. 9 CHECK US OUT! Great, . fantastic. Wonderful... DorisLum Hey Everyone! Take a look. www.wasungservicec1ub.org is our new website address. The web pages reflects our history, mission statement, monthly newsletter and pictures of all of you Wa Sung members enjoying the club events. Here are some praises received. Stephen Quock wrote: Great website! Peter Lee wrote: I received the May newsletter by way of the temporary web-site ... no problems with print-out either!! ... you've come a long way... Wayne Fong wrote: Web page looks good!!!! Great Job! Bill Sakakura wrote: Very impressive and informative! David Lam-Won wrote: the new Was Sung Web Page looked great! Sonni Kinsell wrote: What a wonderful website! So much information. I had never heard of Wa Sung, but I am impressed with the energy, enthusiasm and all the activities the club has. The Web site is very impressive ... Stan Huey wrote: Lee wrote: Good website and New Mother's recipes. WA SUNG SERVICE CLUB MAY 10. 2001 BOARD MEETING SUMMARY CHARITY GRANT APPLICATION AND PROCESS was presented by the committee: Harry Greer, Stan Huey, Wayne Fong, Rebecca Wong, Karen Dea. Emphasis to serve Community and Educational Services. The Application was approved by the Board and the Process will be discussed at the next Board (June) Meeting. BUDGET REVIEW: See treasurer or hand-out for details. MISSION STATEMENT: Statement of purpose. Board members were aSSigned to review statement. In the opinion of President Karen, she feels that the statement is accurate. Voted with the board and approved as is. COMMUNITY DIRECTORY: Approximately 20 more advertisers are to be collected. Most of the Directories were distributed. Possibly in year 2002, a commission incentive will be implemented for sales force. REPORT OF EASTER PANCAKE BREAKFAST EVENT: New co-chairs did A GREAT JOB. Good event. MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMmEE: Rosters are due out in June 2001. It was confirmed that Clarence Yee is a life Member. MERIT AWARD EVENT: June 3, 2001--Received S3 applications, Assemblywoman Wilma Chan to be the guest speaker. WA SUNG PICNIC: FREE TO WA SUNG MEMBERS & THEIR GUESTS --June 23 ,2001, Saturday at Heather Farms Park in Walnut Creek- It's" WS Membership Appreciation Day' Picnic. In conjunction with Mildred Chinn Memorial Picnic. "A CHEF DELIGHT'S": MC will be Narsai David WA SUNG TO CHEER OAKIAND A'S - July 3,2001, Tuesday, with 112 tickets and fireworks. Sign-up with Peter Lee TABLED: The Board has approved and tabled until the June Board Meeting the following revised name change: 'WA SUNG COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB' The Board would like to inform the membership of the revision and allow a month of membership response before concluding the final approval of the revised name. NEXT BOARD MEETING: June 14, 2001 at 630PM at Loretta Siu's house. Respectfully submitted Loretta Siu, Secretary THE $2.425. / PER MINUTE TELEPHONE CALL. Reported by Stan Huey THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT PROVIDED TO US BY AT&T. DON'T EVER DIAL AREA CODE 809 A MAJOR SCAM. Don't respond to emails, phone calls, or web pages which tell you to call an "809" Phone Number. This is a very important issue of Scam Busters because it alerts you to a scam that is spreading *extremely* quickly can easily cost you $24100 or more, and is difficult to avoid unless you are aware of it. We'd like to thank Verizon for bringing this stam to our attention. This scam has also been identified by the National Fraud Information Center and is costing victims a lot of money. There are lots of different permutations of this scam. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: You will receive a message on your answering machine or your pager, which asks you to call a number beginning with area code 809. The reason you're asked to call varies. It can be to receive information about a family member who has been ill, to tell you someone has been arrested, died, to let you know you have won a wonde~rful prize, etc. In each case, you are told to call the 809 number right away. Since there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly return these calls. If you call from the US, you will apparently be charged $2425 per-minute. Or, you'll get a long recorded message. The point is, they will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges. Unfortunately, when you get your phone bill, you'll often be charged more than $24100.00. WHY IT WORKS: The 809 area code is located in the British Virgin Islands (The Bahamas). The 809 area code can be used as a "pay-per-call" number, similar to 900 numbers in the US. Since 809 is not in the US, it is not covered by U.S. regulations of 900 numbers, which require that you be notified and warned of charges and rates involved when you call a "pay-per-call" number. There is also no requirement that the company provide a time period during which you may terminate the call without being charged. Further, whereas many U.S. homes that have 900 number blocking to avoid these kinds of charges, do not work in preventing calls to the 809 area code. We recommend that no matter how you get the message, if you are asked to call a number with an 809 area code, that you don't recognize just disregard the message. Be wary of email or calls asking you to caU an 809 area cod e number. It's important to prevent becoming a victim of this scam, since trying to fight the charges afterwards can become A real nightmare. That's because you did actually make the call. If you complain, both your local phone company and your long distance carrier will not want to get involved and will most likely tell you that they are simply providing the billing for the foreign company. You'll end up dealing with a foreign company that argues they have done nothing wrong. Please forward this entire message to your friends, family and colleagues to help them become aware of this scam. Sandi Van Handel AT&T Field Service Manager (920) 687-904 11 [ FATHER'S DAY CELEBRATION IS rUNE 17. 2001. Senora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington first had the idea of a 'father's day ' while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Sonora wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart., a Civil War veteran, who was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm i n eastern Washington state. After Sonora became an adult she realized the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless and loving man. Sonora's father was born in june, so she chose to hold the first Father's Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910. President Calvin Coolidge, in 1924, supported the idea of a national Father's Day. Then in 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a presiden tial proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of june as Father's Day. Father's Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure, whether stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all to be honored on Father's Day. SIMPLE BUT IMPRESSNE RECIPES L VEGETABLES WITH FISH FILLET (CHOW YEE PIN) 1 bunch of watercress 1 bunch of spinach 1/2 bunch ·of cilantro 112 Cup onion, sliced 1/2 Cup mushrooms, any type, sliced lIb. fish fillet (l/4-inch thick of rock cod or striped bass) SAUCE: 113 Cup chicken stock 112 tsp salt 1 tsp soy 1 tsp cornstarch in 1 tsp water, making a paste In sldllet, add oil and bring to sizzling point, add fish fillet and brown no longer than 30 seconds. Remove from pan and set aside. In same skillet, add oil and on high heat, add watercress, spinach, cilantro, onions and mushrooms. Toss and cook for 1 minute until all vegetables are well cooked. Add sauce of stock, salt, and soy. Cover for 3 minutes. Uncover and a d d fish fillet and cornstarch mixture. Br eak up fish fillet into slices. Toss well until sauce thickens. Serve immediately. L COLD HONEYDEW TAPIOCA PUDDING (MUT GWA SY MY TONG) 1 Cup smaIl dry pearl tapioca 2 Cups water 314 Cup sugar 2- 112 Cups pureed honeydew m elon 114 Cup diced h oneydew melon 1 Tbsp evaporated milk or table cream . Soak pearl tapioca in warm water for 20 minutes. Drain and set aside. BoU water and add sugar. Once sugar dissolves, add tapioca pearls and cook for 5 minutes or until translucent. Do not overcook or it will gel hard. Remove from heat and cool. Stir in honeydew puree and refrigerate until chilled. just before serving, stir in diced honeyd ew melon. Pour 1 Tbsp. cream atop each bowl. Serve cold. NOTE: Other melons and fruits can be substituted. 12 he .L.... GLUTINOUS RICE CHICKEN (NO MY GUY) 5 lb. chicken, deboned with skin intact 3 Cups glutinous rice (no my) 112 Cup dried Chinese black mushrooms (doong goo)( Shitake) 1/2 Cup lotus seeds (lin gee) 114 Cup diced Smithfield Virginia ham 1/4 Cup diced Chinese sausage (lop cheumg) 1/8 Cup dried shrimp (haa) 1 Tbs. gin 1 tsp. sugar 1/8 tsp . garlic powder 2 scallions, sliced 1 Tbsp. heavy soy sauce 1 tsp. light soy sauce 2 Cups peanut oil 1 tsp. salt Cornstarch Debone entire chicken except wings and drumsticks, making sure chicken is kept in natural form and skin intact. Presoak mushrooms, and chop flne, shrimp and separately, the glutinous rice. Wash rice and cook in 2 112 Cups boiling water for 6 minutes then drain. Combine soaked rice with all ingredients in a mixing bowl. When thoroughly blended, stuff into deboned chicken cavity and sewall openings. Place stuffed chicken in d eep pan. Pour enough boiling stock to cover it. Elevate into a steamer, cover and steam for 1 h ours. Carefully remove chicken and place in a flat pan. Gently press stuffed bird into a flat shape but be careful not to let the skin burst. Pat dry and dust lightly with cornstarch on both sides. Transfer chicken to deep pan and into steaming utensil for another 15 minutes. Remove bird to cool. Meanwhile, bring peanut oil to a boil in a deep fry utensil. Lower cooled chicken into hot oil and deep fry until brown on all sides, about 20 minutes. Drain on towel. Transfer chicken to serving platter. Without disturbing form, slice chicken straight through the stuffing and skin. Serve immediately. PS A turkey can be substituted and baked in a 350 degree oven until meat thermometer registers 180-185 degrees F. ADVERTISEMENTS ASIA PACIFIC GROUPS DEBORAH PAN LOAN OFFICER 1290 24TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123 BUS:415-731-3100EXT 111 FAX 415-731-5438 VOICEMAIL: 925-939-8886 CELLPHONE PAGER: 510-338-0584 EMAIL: d ebpan@home.com JEANNE M. CHIANG, ARCHITECf 499 Embarcadero, Bldg. 9-A O~d , Cruuornia94606 Phone (510) 893-1212 Fruc(510) 893-4516 FROM THE NEWS EDITOR So step out and be seen at these four Wa Sung events! Make a difference. 1. June 3 Wa Sung Merit Award Luncheon 2. June 10 Therapy Pet Fun Day 3. June 23 WS Member Appreciation Picnic/Mildred Chinn Memorial Picnic 4. July 3 Oakland A's v. Anaheim Angels, Wa Sung Night Thank you to all of this month's writers. See us on our new web page located at www.wasungservicec1ub.org Please submit any articles, interest, jokes, tidbits, recipes, noteworthy, to the editor by the 16th of the month. Internet copy is a MS WORD document emailed on the 20th of the month; print copy will be snail mailed the 24nd. Advertisers are welcomed. Any comments or suggestions or corrections, please contact the .. Newsletter editor: hunter4u@lycos~com Wa Sung email address:wasung2001@hotmail.com Wa Sung website: . www.wasungserviceclub.org WA SUNG SERVICE CLUB OFFICERS President: Karen Dea .Treasurer: Vanny Tom Secretary: Loretta Siu Advisor to the Board: Stanley Huey Director: (2000-2001) . Rarry Greer Peter Lee Director: (2001-2002) Chris Dear Wayne Fong Cyndee Lim Kingman Lowe 2001 Vice President: Social Director: Newsletter: Past President: Jeanne Chiang Ron Ring Doris Lum ~ Ron Ring Deborah Pan Bill Sakakura Barbara Ring Lucy Meyer Audrey Huie www.wasungserviceclub.org wasungZOO l@hotmail.com Wa Sung Service Club P.o. Box 1561 Oakland, .CA 94604 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED
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