Business Solutions


Business Solutions
Performance through Innovation
Business Solutions
Computer-aided software
engineering tools for Web 2.0
AGILE software development
Web 2.0 desktop application
SOA with .NET/J2EE technology
For more information:
Designed to develop desktop applications, WebEdge offers an innovative alternative to
traditional technical frameworks, and a new generation of programming tools to
continuously take into account functional needs and increase productivity.
The WebEdge environment stands out among technical frameworks by allowing functional
managers to play an active part during the whole software development process, and by reducing
the duration and risks of development projects. WebEdge is a “functional framework” that
encourages both development productivity and developers’ reactivity regarding business needs
AGILE Software Development
WebEdge was designed to boost the productivity of development teams and better address
business oriented questions: WebEdge takes on most technical difficulties, and guarantees the
participation of functional decision-makers during the software development process.
External contractors
They occasionally work
on the perimeters
defined by the DoIT
They are involved in the
prototyping of the HCI
throughout the project
The DoIT carries out a
part of the Webedge
WebEdge is a computer-aided software engineering tool based on three principles, which allow
development teams to focus on functional issues and remain attentive to business end-users
throughout a project:
Iterative and incremental development
Rapid prototyping and direct switch from the mock-up to the application in production
Technical / functional split
Reduced dependence on .NET/J2EE technical architecture
Rule-driven declarative development
Based on business notions
An Identical Environment for
Developers and End-users
Business end-users and functional developers share
an identical desktop application. This common
environment simplifies their interaction and speeds
up iterative development.
CRM components
Database: Customer/prospect
files, contact information,
property information, contact
Contract/accident files
Recommendations and links
between people
Calendar management, meeting
Business follow-up
Business Solutions
A Service-Oriented Architecture
WebEdge is based on a Service-Oriented Architecture: the components of the application client
consume server services. The multi-layer execution architecture is built on standard .NET or J2EE
frameworks and contributes to the reduction of transformation costs.
On the server side,
the exclusive use of
standard programming languages
facilitates specific
developments and
their intergration
Requester: Modeling of requests
for targeting
Automated extraction of
commercial opportunities
Automation of call lists and
customer file display
Mailing management: Automated
sending, returns management
On the client side, the
presentation motor can use
different technologies such
CRM components
The parameters of the
HCI components are
saved and exchanged in
XML format
Application Servers
Synch / Asynch
“Sales”, individual or aggregated
key performance indicators
Business dashboards
Web services
SQL Server, Oracle, ...
Web 2.0 Desktop Application
“Mashup” Web-based portals created with WebEdge group unify functions and data within an
interactive Web 2.0 desktop application. They offer the advantages of a lightweight client while
providing the ergonomics of a heavyweight one. End-users can combine the public and private data
they use every day in one single environment:
Reporting/dashboards designed with internal systems
Application modules
External data sources (Web)
Tabs, thumbnails, drag & drop functions and "widgets" allow end-users to best configure
their environment according to their mission.
The goal is to boost end-users’ productivity
and enhance their experience through a rapid
adoption of the work environment by offering
a unified and consistent representation of
With the management
information system
With the CTI
Bi-directional synchronization
with the email system
External Systems
Technical and Functional Components
WebEdge provides a complete set of reusable components to accelerate software
development and simplify the use, maintenance and integration of your applications:
United States
11 East 44th Street
Suite 700
New York
NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 220 0660
Advanced reporting functions in the form of reports, dashboards and charts in Excel or Word
format or in an interactive “calendar” HTML module
Workflow motor
Sophisticated modules for the administration of end-users and access rights
1010, rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Suite 1512
Montreal (Quebec), H3A 2R7
Tel: +1 514 360 3477
Synchronization services with MS Exchange and Outlook: Emails, contacts, meetings, tasks
Simple interfacing technology and import/export functions with external systems
United Kingdom
Embedded online help
Auditing capabilities
44A Floral Street, Covent Garden
London, WC2E 9DA
Tel: +44 207 420 06 40
France (HQ)
WebEdge has supported several CRM projects within large financial institutions,
notably in the insurance industry. WebEdge has allowed for the rapid implementation
of an interactive and scalable CRM solution, which covers a large range of functions,
such as sales and marketing, and was integrated in an existing IT system.
eFront FZ LLC
Al Shatha Tower
Dubai, PO Box 502736
Tel: +971 4 437 0740
Other Available Solutions
2/4, rue Louis David
Paris, 75116
Tel: +33 1 49 96 40 60
FrontCRM to create customized front-office tools
Poincaré, a structured and powerful framework of calculations for mathematical models and data
FrontRTA to build and manage a Master Data Management solution
About eFront
Hong Kong
8/F Two Exchange Square,
8 Connaught Place
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2297 2856
eFront is a leading software provider of solutions dedicated to the financial industry with a
recognized expertise in Alternative Investments and Risk Management. eFront’s solutions serve
over 240 customers in more than 30 countries, including major companies in the Private Equity,
Real-Estate Investment, Banking and Insurance sectors. Founded in 1999, eFront has offices in New
York, Montreal, London, Paris (HQ), Dubai, Hong Kong, Bonn, and Jersey. eFront is a public
company listed on NYSE Euronext.
Copyright © 2011 eFront. All rights reserved
An der Marienkapelle 12
Bonn, D-53179
Tel: +49 228 323 04.0
Channel Islands
Olton House, 11/13 New Street
St Helier
Jersey, JE2 3RA
Tel: +44 153 461 09 69