2012 Professional Ware-Wash, Laundry, Chemical & Cleaning Supplies Guide By Pratts Food Service... “Better Things Come From Pratts” Contact Us: Manitoba Food Service: Order Desk Phone (204) 949 - 2832 - Fax (204) 949 - 4700 - 101 Hutchings Street - Winnipeg, Manitoba - R2X 2V4 Manitoba Retail: Order Desk Phone (204) 949-2818 - Fax (204) 949-2828 - 101 Hutchings Street - Winnipeg, Manitoba - R2X 2V4 Dauphin, Manitoba Retail: Order Desk Phone (204) 622-7728 - Fax (204) 622-7737 - 2000 Main St. South - Dauphin, Manitoba - R7N 3H4 Saskatchewan Food Service: Order Desk Phone (306) 546-5444 - Fax (306) 546-5555 - 445 Winnipeg Street - Regina, Saskatchewan - S4R 8P2 Saskatchewan Retail: Order Desk Phone (306) 522-0101 - Fax (306) 522-8505 - 1616 Fourth Avenue - Regina, Saskatchewan - S4R 8G8 Alberta Food Service: Order Desk Phone (403) 476-7728 - Fax (403) 452-8031 - 291196 Wagon Wheel Rd. - Rocky View County, Alberta - T4A 0E2 Last Updated: July 2012 Table of Contents: Air Fresheners & Dispensers Brooms & Dust Pans Brushes & Scrubbers Chewing Gum Remover Floor Degreasing & All Purpose Cleaning Garbage Disposal Containers Glass Cleaning Gloves Hand Soaps, Sanitizers & Dispensers Laundry Laundry Product Dispensing Equipment Mats & Rugs Mops, Handles, Dusters, Signs & Buckets Oven, Grill & Fryer Cleaning Pg 19 Pg 21-22 Pg 19 Pg 19 Pg 15-16 Pg 21 Pg 15 Pg 17-18 Pg 18 Pg 19 Pg 11 Pg 23 Pg 16-17 Pg 13 Pot And Pan Cleaning Pg 14 Rational Care Products Pg 12 Restroom Supply Pg 20 Sanitizer & Bleach Cleaning Pg 14 Smoking Stations Pg 21 Vacuum Systems By Pratts Pg 22-23 Wipers, Scrims & Towels Pg 20 Zep Ware-Wash, Rinse Aid, Sanitizers & Extras For Automatic Dish & Glass Equipment Pg 3-4 Zep Ware-Wash & Drain Product Dispensing Equipment Pg 5 Zep Dish Washers & Glass Washers Pg 5-6 Zep Manual Wash, Cleaners & Degreasers Pg 6-8 Zep Cleaning & Sanitizing Product Dispensing Equipment Pg 9 Zep Laundry Pg 9-10 Ware-Washing... Made Simple! Pratts Food Service and Zep Superior Solutions have teamed up to bring you the best in value added Ware-Wash systems. Ware-Wash, Rinse Aids & Sanitizing Products in a variety of sizes. Food Service Grade and Food Safe Cleaners, Degreasers & Sanitizers. Preventative Maintenance Programs provided to qualified customers at no additional cost. Reliable, Effective Dispensing equipment provided on loan. Sale & Lease of Today’s Most Effective Ware-Washing Equipment. Free Factory Set-Up on Select Models. Pratts & Zep will provide you with the tools to get great cleaning results in your kitchen! Our quotes include all MSDS, Product Specification Reports & Spec Sheets. Ask for one today! Pratts Food Service System Specialists: Manitoba: Jim Collins Phone: 204-250-9123 email: Saskatchewan: Rory Fletcher Phone: 306-540-5863 email: Alberta: Blair Myers Phone: 403-862-5862 email: 2. Zep Ware-Wash, Rinse Aid, Sanitizers And Extra’s For Automatic Dish And Glass Washers 20L Pail Wash Item# #116616 Product Zep Heavy Hitter #F946 Pack/Size 1/20L #155606 Zep Heavy Hitter Hard Water #P236 1/20L #143941 Zep Kombat Hard Water #G238 1/20L A concentrated, non-foaming, free-rinsing, liquid compound that reduces the formation and accumulation of scum and scale in dishwashing machines. Superior cleaning action on china, plastic, glassware, tableware, pots and pans. Do not use on aluminum. A super-concentrated liquid machine dishwashing compound ideal for use in hard-water areas where no water softener is being used. Non-foaming with outstanding results on china, plastic, glassware, tableware, pots and pans. Do not use on aluminum. A super-concentrated liquid machine dishwashing compound ideal for use in hard-water areas where no water softener is being used. Non-foaming with outstanding results on china, plastic, glassware, tableware, pots and pans. Do not use on aluminum. 4L Pail Wash Item# #116558 #217117 #143958 Product Zep Heavy Hitter #F946 Zep Heavy Hitter Hard Water #P236 Zep Kombat Hard Water #G238 Powder Wash Item# #115923 Product Zep Freetime #Q154 Pack/Size 4/4L 4/4L 4/4L Pack/Size 1/11.3kg Designed for use in all automatic dish washers. Dissolves quickly and completely. Cuts and removes the toughest food and grease soils. Removes staining to china and plastic ware. 20L Pail Rinse/Drying Agent Item# #149260 Product Zep Clear Vue #F945 Pack/Size 1/20L #254813 Zep Super-Dri Hard Water #G439 1/20L #258327 Zep SSW Rinse Aid Low Temp #P230 1/20L A concentrated blend of non-foaming wetting agents formulated for fast spot-free drying of dishes. Allows water to sheet-off dishes, reducing drying time and preventing spotting. A ultra-concentrated liquid containing surface wetting agents, foam suppressants and non-fuming acids. Aids in keeping dishes and dishwasher machine film free. Allows water to sheet off dishes, reducing drying time and preventing water spotting. A concentrated blend of non-foaming wetting agents formulated for fast spot-free drying of dishes. Formulated with special drying agents that work at low temperatures. Creates less foam and better drying at low temperatures. 4L Pail Rinse/Drying Agent Item# #116525 Product Zep Clear Vue #F945 Pack/Size 4/4L 3. Zep Ware-Wash, Rinse Aid, Sanitizers And Extra’s For Automatic Dish And Glass Washers 20L Pail Sanitizer Item# #158915 Product Zep F 12167 #2429 Pack/Size 1/20L A liquid chlorine sanitizer and deodorant for use in all food handling establishments. Use in canneries, dairies, bakeries, seafood processing plants, wineries, bottling plants, meat poultry and egg processing plants, institutional kitchens, breweries, supermarkets, restaurants and commercial laundries. 4L Pail Sanitizer Item# #301333 Product Zep-I-Dine Disinfectant #1830 Pack/Size 4/4L #149278 Zep F 12167 #2429 4/4L Product Zep Dee-Lime #2341 Pack/Size 4/4L Product Chlorine Test Strips Quat Test Strips Pack/Size 1/200ea 1/10ea Descalent Item# #149245 Test Strips Item# #196667 #214551 A concentrated liquid cleaner and no-rinse sanitizer containing solubilized iodine, a mild mineral acid, surfactants and water. A concentrated liquid cleaner and no-rinse sanitizer containing solubilized iodine, a mild mineral acid, surfactants and water. Drain Maintenance Item# #116574 Product Zep Drain Guard Plus #F643 Pack/Size 4/4L #196899 Zep Drain Guard Plus #F643 1/20L 4. A biological liquid waster digester for drain lines and grease. Helps to prevent grease, oil, cellulose, protein and starch from accumulating and promotes the proper function of septic tanks, holding tanks and lagoons. Won’t raise or lower pH of effluent waters - won’t interfere with natural biodegration of wastes in system. EcoLogoM Certified. Ware-Wash And Drain Product Dispensing Equipment Knight Micro Pro 2 The Micro Pro II ware-wash systems provide the ultimate in versatility and convenience. The tilt front and cover makes setting and servicing the unit quick and easy. Having choices of probe/probeless operation, high and low range concentration settings, rinse delay, rinse limit, dry detergent, liquid detergent and sanitizer pumps makes the Micro Pro II the universal dispenser. Mount it on the wall or on top of the machine by rotating the pumps and adding the two suction cup feet provided. Knight Unitech 2 Warewash Unitech 2 simply the most innovative system to hit the Warewash market in years. It’s advanced electronics allow easy additions and modular configurations that will fulfill your facility’s needs while reducing unnecessary costs and installation time. Knight Pro Watch 510XT Pro-Watch is a microprocessor based chemical dispensing system for grease traps, drains and odour control. This easy-to-use system stores up to 20 dispensing events per day, programmable by day, minutes or seconds. With an addition of the Misting Kit, Pro-Watch becomes an advanced chemical spray system designed to spray deodorizing or sanitizing mist in a variety of applications such as trash compactors, roll-a-way garbage bins and other trash depositories. Dish Washers And Glass Washers Pratts Food Service sells all makes of dish and glass washers! Listed are our most popular models. High Temperature Pass Through: Champion MD 2000 Standard Features: ENERGY STAR® Qualified, NEW Exclusive In Field Convertible to 208 OR 240 volt, Single OR three phase, Corner OR straight through operation, NEW Exclusive Built-in booster configured for both 40° and 70° Rise, Rinse Sentry - ensures 180°F final rinse, Auto start - starts unit when doors are closed, 55 racks per hour, Single point connection, High efficiency 1 Hp pump, Self draining pump, Automatic tank fill, Detergent/chemical connections, Interchangeable upper and lower wash arms, Top mounted splash proof controls, Automatic drain valve High Temperature Pass Through: Electrolux WT65 M ITE # D MO PR ng hi r as she w e wa ta S ar W ish gy D er e En p Ty 65 od WT Ho Standard Features: Built-in booster heater sized to raise incoming 120F water to 180F minimum for sanitiz- ing rinse. No external booster is required. Constant temperature above 180F throughout the rinsing cycle thereby ensuring that NSF mandated temperatures are maintained. Unique temperature interlock guarantees required temperatures in both the wash and final rinse. Requires only 0.89 gallons of water per rack. Maximum capacity of 60 racks per hour. 60/70/120 seconds and infinite totally automatic cycle. Automatic Fill, Automatic start, Automatic cycle, Rinse cycle refreshes water and tank heat High Temperature Under Counter: Electrolux WT30 Features: Built-in booster heater sized to raise incoming 110 °F water to 180 °F for sanitizing rinse. No external booster heater required. Unique temperature interlock guarantees required sanitizing temperatures thereby ensuring that NSF mandated temperatures are maintained. “Wash Safe Control” LED light will supply visual control to operators that all items washed have been sanitized. “Green” light will be displayed on control panel at the end of the cycle indicating that all items have been sanitized. Requires only 0.89 gallon of water per rack. Maximum capacity of 30 racks per hour. Can be utilized as a dishwasher and glasswasher. 120 / 180 / 240 seconds automatic cycles. Automatic fill of wash tank to be recirculated each wash cycle. Automatic start on push button. Soft start of wash pump to protect delicate items. Built in detergent and rinse-aid dispensers. M# ITE ___ L# E OD M JE O PR E AM N CT __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ #_ ___ ___ __ ___ _ ___ _ p Ty___ o_d___ WT H_o__ 9 ( ___ _ g SIS # 19 (W __ hin ___ 504 200 4 as her AIA # _ 50 res w s tu re wa tar ea ter hea f a in boos umhfo W ish y S a M ilt-in inimS D u m er rg • B 80 °F mp pe ne t te t N 1 a stan Ty 5 E Con uring th pIe d • 6 o ens e tem u e WT Ho Uniq oth th • 5. in b h Sa s w Wa • “ at all th lay p dis s item eq • R a • M • 6 • Dish Washers And Glass Washers Pratts Food Service sells all makes of dish and glass washers! Listed are our most popular models. High Temperature Under Counter: Champion 351HT Standard Features: NEW! Rugged, all Canadian-made, overflow type undercounter dishwasher NEW! Robust, counter-balanced, double skin door, synonymous with Moyer Diebel quality NEW! Improved, clog-resistant filtering system, NEW! Stainless steel rinse-arms complete with removable end caps - Pumped drain, Easy to read angled gauges, All standard Peristaltic liquid detergent and rinse-aid dispensing pumps, top and side panels, 2kW tank heater, flexible fill and drain lines with water strainer and pressure regulating valve for trouble-free installation, Top mounted detergent and rinse-aid prime switches, ENERGY STAR® Qualified machine, Low 0.8 US gal. (0.66 water usage per rack, Energy efficient - 30 Amp. breaker only for 40°F/22°C rise, 120-second cycle time. 24 racks per hour capacity (NSF), Rinse sentry feature - Ensures proper 180°F/82°C final rinse temperature, Complete with one peg and one flat bottom rack (20” x 20”/508 mm x 508 mm) KLE-175 GT / KLE GT SERIES DISHMACHINES – BEST IN VALUE Performance is everything in a busy kitchen a customers depend on reliable dishmachines tha breakdown. Knight sets the standard for warewas nology with our high quality, attractively priced, low GT dishmachine line – which is unquestionably t value in the industry. The KLE-175 GT upright an 150 GT undercounter dishmachines are quality eng and manufactured with field proven parts and m As a result, your customers get uncompromised r and exceptional uptime performance, year after ye The GT Series offer reliable performance and a pricing structures that will satisfy your customers a you higher returns on your investment. T dishmachines deliver consistent, high pressure c power with a 1 HP high efficiency motor and ad recirculating pump with open impeller. Other valu features include: microprocessor control with fou time selections, chemical feed pumps with exclusiv life squeeze tubes, high performance upper an spray arms, #304 stainless steel construction, an That� s why world-leading chemical supplie restaurant equipment distributors chose Knigh dishmachines. Low Temperature Pass Through: Knight KLE 175GT Features: Straight-Through or Corner Configuration, Microprocessor Control with 72, 90, 120 or 360 Second Wash Cycles, Built-in Chemical Metering Pumps – Detergent, Sanitizer, Rinse, Automatic Start/Stop, Convenient Drain/Fill Switch, Active Wash Cycle LED Light, Water Connection Point for Water Driven Dispensing Systems, 14 Gauge #304 Stainless Steel Construction, Front or Side Accessible Scrap Trap, Open Impeller with Pause Cycle, Internal Pump Screen, Electronic Dispenser Power Terminal Low Temperature Under Counter: CMA L1X16 Features: Low Temperature under counter dishwasher, 30 racks / 120 covers per hour, Unique spray arm system, Built-in chemical pumps and deliming system, Convenient to Service “Works-in-a-drawer”, Pump purging system Glass Washer Carousel: Champion DF Advantages: Upper and lower wash and rinse arms ensure complete and proper cleaning action. Fresh, cool water sanitizes glasses in the final rinse so they’re ready for immediate use. The 3-pump dispensing system injects the right amount of rinse-aid or sanitizer each time Features: 3 Built-in dispensing pumps, Electric tank heater, Glass-activated on/off, Stainless steel wash and rinse chamber, Built-in controls, Upper and lower wash and rinse spray system, Polypropylene conveyor Glass Washer Conveyor: Champion SW Advantages: Injector system allows the use of separate sanitizer and rinse-aid. Precisely calibrated pumps inject the right amount of chemical each time. Upper and lower wash and rinse arms ensure complete and proper cleaning action. Fresh, cool water sanitizes glasses in the final rinse so they’re ready for immediate use. Features: 3 built-in chemical dispensing pumps, Electric tank heater, Built-in controls, Upper and lower wash and rinse spray system, Stainless steel wash and rinse chamber, Polypropylene conveyor, Right-to-left and left-to-right operation, Two splash curtains, Available as 4 ft. or 6 ft. models KLE-175 GT UPRIGHT KLE-175 GT / KLE-150 GT GT SERIES DISHMACHINES – BEST IN VALUE Performance is everything in a busy kitchen and your customers depend on reliable dishmachines that won�t breakdown. Knight sets the standard for warewash technology with our high quality, attractively priced, low energy GT dishmachine line – which is unquestionably the best value in the industry. The KLE-175 GT upright and KLE150 GT undercounter dishmachines are quality engineered and manufactured with field proven parts and materials. As a result, your customers get uncompromised reliability and exceptional uptime performance, year after year. The GT Series offer reliable performance and attractive pricing structures that will satisfy your customers and give you higher returns on your investment. The GT dishmachines deliver consistent, high pressure cleaning power with a 1 HP high efficiency motor and advanced recirculating pump with open impeller. Other value-added features include: microprocessor control with four cycle time selections, chemical feed pumps with exclusive longlife squeeze tubes, high performance upper and lower spray arms, #304 stainless steel construction, and more. That� s why world-leading chemical suppliers and restaurant equipment distributors chose Knight�s GT dishmachines. KLE-175 GT UPRIGHT The KLE-175 GT upright can clean up to 46 racks per hour and is perfect for restaurants and fast food operations. KLE-175 GT can be configured for straight-through or corner operation. This all-inclusive dishmachine even comes with a convenient water connection point and an electrical supply hook-up terminal for other kitchen chemical dispensers, saving you precious time and space. KLE-150 GT UNDERCOUNTER The KLE-150 GT undercounter delivers the cleaning power and performance of the KLE-175 GT in a smaller footprint. KLE-150 GT is perfect for space limited operations such as fast food restaurants, delis and bars. This compact dishmachine offers a 14” clearance that accommodates serving trays, platters and other kitchenware. For additional height, 12” leg extensions can be added. Zep Manual Wash, Cleaners And Degreasers Pot & Pan Item# #116533 Product Zep FS Pot and Pan Scrub #1587 Pack/Size 4/4L #252858 Zep FS Bakery Pan Cleaner #2370 1/20L 6. A neutral, fragrance-free, multi-purpose liquid designed for use to clean pots, pans, dishes, silverware, kitchen surfaces as well as manual and general-purpose cleaning. Contains only biodegradable detergents and emulsifiers. A heavy-duty, non-chlorinated, non-foaming, alkaline detergent recommended for pan and tray washing, pressure and foam cleaning and floor cleaning. Formulated especially for use on aluminum, zinc and galvanized metals. The KLE-175 GT upright can clean up to 46 racks p and is perfect for restaurants and fast food ope KLE-175 GT can be configured for straight-thro corner operation. This all-inclusive dishmachin comes with a convenient water connection point electrical supply hook-up terminal for other chemical dispensers, saving you precious time and KLE-150 GT UNDERCOUNTER The KLE-150 GT undercounter delivers the cleanin and performance of the KLE-175 GT in a smaller f KLE-150 GT is perfect for space limited operations fast food restaurants, delis and bars. This c dishmachine offers a 14” clearance that accomm serving trays, platters and other kitchenwa additional height, 12” leg extensions can be added Zep Manual Wash, Cleaners And Degreasers Pot & Pan Item# #143875 Product Zep Lemongrass Dish Detergent #P238 Pack/Size 1/20L Item# #144352 Product Zep Cutlery and Dish Pre Soak #G202 Pack/Size 1/20L #149252 Zep Cutlery and Dish Pre Soak #G202 4/4L #250035 Zep Stainaway #6587 1/11.3kg agents. Removes staining to cutlery, china and plastic ware. Pre Soak A high-concentrate, pleasantly scented, liquid dish detergent that provides excellent grease and food soil cutting ability while providing long-lasting suds. Hard-water tolerant. Use to clean pots, pans, dishes, silverware and kitchen surfaces. EcoLogoM Certified. A concentrated chlorinated liquid that quickly penetrates and removes coffee, tea, food stains and film build-up. Use on a wide range of cutlery and dishwares. Do not use on aluminum, soft metals and some plastic. A concentrated powder containing Hydrogen Peroxide releasing compounds and buffering Cleaners, Degreasers & Sanitizers Item# Product Pack/Size #143867 Zep Oven Brite #1048 12/1L #261297 Zep Oven Brite #1048 4/4L #143909 Zep Morado Super Cleaner #0856 1/20L #166801 Zep Ultra Pak Bathroom Brite #1219 4/4L #168690 Zep FS Formula 10184 #2417 (No Image) 1/20L #250076 Zep Ultra Pak Concentrated Glass Cleaner #1191 4/4L #261305 Zep Citrus Cleaner #0455 Cleaners A thick, clinging, translucent, light amber liquid. Formulated to penetrate, loosen and liquefy baked on food soils, carbon deposits, grease and grime from ovens, grills, hoods, griddles, racks, burners, rotisseries and drip pans. A concentrated, multi-purpose, economical water-based alkaline cleaner and degreaser. It is designed primarily for extra-heavy-duty industrial use. An ultra-concentrated acid based liquid cleaner descaler containing a blend of two acids. Use to clean all hard surfaces (Including glass) in the bathroom. Use through a foamer or sprayer, or in a mop and cleaning bucket. A heavy-duty, alkaline liquid cleaner especially formulated for cleaning floors, walls and equipment in food processing plants. It may also be used to effectively clean smokehouses and other stubborn areas. A highly-concentrated premium glass cleaner containing water softeners, anti-streak wetting agents and lightly scented odor counteractant. 4/4L A multi-use liquid cleaner and degreaser based on natural citrus and other non-petroleum solvents. Easy to use and has outstanding cleaning ability. 7. Zep Manual Wash, Cleaners And Degreasers Cleaners, Degreasers & Sanitizers Item# Product Pack/Size #267369 Zep FS Process Cleaner (X-4490) #2940 (No Image) 4/4L #116608 Zep Verdiza All In One Cleaner #1254 4/4L #118232 Zep FS Supermarket Sanitizer (Quat) #3249 4/4L #298570 Zep Pine-A-Bac #2319 4/4L Cleaners Sanitizer A concentrated, non-butyl, heavy-duty, alkaline cleaner and degreaser that is effective in cleaning woodwork, stainless steel, floors, walls, hoods, ovens, grills, machinery, glass and many other hard surfaces. May be used for either manual cleaning or through foam generating equipment. A concentrated liquid cleaner containing hydrogen peroxide as it’s main ingredient. Fortified with water soluble solvents and a synergistic surfactant system. Designed for virtually every cleaning job where light to medium soil conditions are present. An excellent deodorizer. A red, concentrated sanitizer containing a combination of two active quaternary ammonium compounds. Deodorizes quickly and effectively, killing most organisms that cause odours, without leaving a strong masking odour of its own. Requires no potable water to rinse when used at 1:500 parts water to sanitize food services. CFIA authorized. A general-purpose, pine-fortified, hard-surface cleaner, disinfectant and sanitizer that kills and controls common germs on tile floors, toilets, chairs, disinfectant, any similar bathroom, locker room surfaces. All Purpose Degreasers #225292 Zep Big Bully #2267 4/4L #158907 #116590 Zep Formula 50 #0859 Zep Formula 50 #0859 1/20L 4/4L A clear, colourless, slightly viscous liquid product formulated for removal of carbon deposits, grease and baked-on food from stoves, ovens, grills and hoods. Contains only biodegradable detergents and emulsifiers. Heavy duty, all purpose cleaner and degreaser. Consists of a blend of biodegradable, synthetic detergents augmented by alkaline builders and a water-soluble, grease-dissolving solvent. It is blue in color and has a mild, pleasant fragrance. The outstanding property of this product is its very fast action in different cleaning operations on a wide variety of surfaces. Non-flammable and non-corrosive. Truly a multi-purpose cleaner that is equally effective in cleaning woodwork, chrome, stainless steel, terrazzo, white sidewall tires, floors, walls, hoods, vents, grills, machinery, light fixtures and other areas. Bathroom Cleaners #201335 Zep Bio Bathroom #P831 4/4L #273433 Zep Superbowl #26309 12/1L #302729 Zep A/O Multi Mold Mildew Remover 4/4L Effective biological cleaner and deodorizer ideal for floors, walls, ceilings, counter tops, sinks, faucets, urinals and toilets. EcoLogo Certified. A fast-acting acid bowl and urinal cleaner that removes rust, scum, hard water deposit and stains from porcelain and ceramic bathroom surfaces. A concentrated liquid multi-purpose cleaner sanitizer used for a wide range of cleaning jobs including floor, bathroom, shower and grout cleaning. Removes mold and mildew stains. Provides safe disposal to the environment. Disposal pH is 5-7. Stainless Steel Cleaner #415943 Zep Stainless Steel Cleaner #0143 12/454gr A chemical blend of solvents and polishing agents especially designed for cleaning, polishing and protecting stainless steel, chrome and aluminum. Carpet Cleaner #166793 Zep Odorstroyer #1777 4/4L #193789 #193797 #496893 Spray Bottle 24oz Spray Trigger 9” 3 Quart Sanitizing Pail 1/each 1/each 1/each 8. A biologiocal carpet cleaner and deodorizer that eliminates most organic and foul odors through it’s live bacterial action. Effective on organic stains such as pet urine and blood by removing the source of malodors. EcoLogoM Certified. Cleaning And Sanitizing Product Dispensing Equipment KNIGHT KP1H The KP1H chemical proportioning system is a masterpiece of design, simplicity and engineering innovation. Designed to truly make a difference, this unique chemical mixing system provides several revolutionary features that benefit the end user. This unique design available only with Knight KP1H Systems, surpasses all magnet activated proportioners for simplicity and adaptability to all cleaning applications. Key Features: • Modular Components • Intuitive Design • One-Handed Fill • Easily Adapted to Any Application KNIGHT SINK MATE The Sink Mate Chemical Dispensing System is a heavy duty, water driven dispenser that automatically and consistently mixes the precise amount of detergent and sanitizer with water at the turn of a knob. The system’s field proven venturi can dispense your cleaning and sanitizing chemicals at 16 different mixing rates. At 4 gallons per minute, you can quickly and easily fill deep sinks and pre-soak pans. Sink Mate can be plumbed directly to the water supply or connected to the sink faucet with the Faucet Plus Sink Adapter Kit. • For 1 or 2 Products • Rugged Stainless Steel Chassis • Patent Pending Flex-Gap™ Back flow Prevention • Simple, Low Maintenance Design • 3 and 4 GPM Fill Rate • 16 Mixing Rates Per Valve (At 3 and 4 GPM) • One or Two Product Dispenser Zep Laundry Laundry Made Simple! Pratts Food Service and Zep Superior Solutions have teamed up to bring you the professional strength of Zep Laundry solutions. Laundry products that address your soil level, stains and water quality. Preventative Maintenance programs provided to qualified customers at no additional cost. Reliable Effective Dispensing Equipment provided on loan. Laundry Item# Product Pack/Size #250050 Zep SSL D-Terg #P009 1/20L #249979 Zep SSL Emulsifying Detergent #Q0054 1/20L Laundry Detergent A highly concentrated liquid laundry detergent formulated to be used along with an alkaline break in commercial laundry machines. Contains a synergistic blend of non ionic detergents, brighteners, and colour-coded dyes. A powerful liquid laundry detergent composed of surfactants, citrus, solvents, and brighteners. Should be used where heavy soils are a common occurrence. Excellent for cleaning industrial type soils from uniforms, rags and restaurant linens. 9. Zep Laundry Laundry Item# Product Pack/Size #176404 Zep SSL Laundry Complete #B219 (No Image) 1/20L #177014 Zep Laundry Plus #5811 (No Image) 1/12kg Laundry Detergent A super concentrated liquid detergent formulated with water softeners, detergent builders, wetting agents, emulsifiers and brightening agents. Designed for a single application in both front load and top load machines. A concentrated powder laundry detergent containing detergent builders, wetting agents, emulsifiers, water softeners, and optical brighteners. For use in all commercial washing machines. Spot & Stain Remover #176420 Zep Laundry Spotter #2241 4/4L #249995 Zep Oil And Grease Stain Remover #1561 12/909ml A ready to use liquid designed to remove a wide range of stains from laundry. Contains chelates, detergents, emulsifiers and water soluble solvents. A ready to use liquid designed to penetrate the fabric and solubilize oil and grease for easy removal in wash cycle. Formulated with solvents, natural d’limonene, detergent and emulsifiers. Laundry Break #271916 Zep SSL High Alk Break #Q052 1/20L #196873 Zep SSL Super Break #Q056 1/20L A concentrated blend of alkaline builders, water softening chelates, anti redeposition additives and brightening agents. Formulated for use with Zep SSL D-Terg. A concentrated blend of alkali builders, water softening chelates, anti-redispersion additives and brighteners. Designed for use as a laundry break. Formulated to offset problems associated with hard water conditions. Laundry Bleach #187229 Zep SSL Chlor Brite #Q053 1/20L #261024 Zep SSL Oxy Brite #Q055 1/20L A concentrated, chlorinated stain remover formulated for laundry operations. Ideal for food, human waste, and oxidized stains. Contains 12% available chlorine for economical use. A concentrated, phosphate-free, chlorine-free, liquid oxygen bleach formulated for commercial laundry applications. Laundry Neutralizers & Softeners #267443 Zep SSL Neutralizer #P007 1/20L #250043 Zep SSL Softener #Q058 1/20L #250068 Zep SSL Softener/Neutralizer #Q061 1/20L A concentrated, phosphate-free, chlorine-free, colour-safe, blend of odourless acids designed for neutralization of residual alkalinity in commercial laundry machines. A concentrated liquid blend of fabric softeners, brighteners containing a pleasant fragrance. Highly concentrated for commercial laundry applications. Added manually or through an automatic dispenser. A highly concentrated liquid formulated to neutralize any free alkali and soften laundry in one operation. Contains non residual acids, fabric softener blend, brighteners and a pleasant light scent. Laundry Powder #176396 10. Zep Activade #1512 (No Image) 1/18kg A concentrated powder containing alkaline builders, buffering compounds, chelates, non ionic surfactents and oxygen bleach. Formulated for use in all top load and front load laundry machines. Laundry Product Dispensing Equipment KNIGHT ON-PREMISE PLUS The On-Premise Plus with its operator friendly eight-formula remote control, provides unparalleled flexibility and economy. With a choice of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pump dispensers. Applications: For Top Load or On-Premise Laundry Machines in nursing homes, restaurants, motels, shirt laundries, hotels and other institutions. Key Features: • • • • • • • • • • • • Up To 6 Products Plug & Play Cable Connection 10 oz./300 ml. or Optional 20 oz./600 ml. pump Low Voltage Washer Interface Module 8 Formula Capability Hand Held Remote Simple Programming Protected Access Code Dual Volumes Per Formula Multi Voltage 115/230 VAC Optional Built-in Flush Manifold Drain Mode Pump Signaling Easy Access Case Design KNIGHT UNITECH 2 Key Features: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Unitech 2 pump laundry base unit includes single formula operation with signal, drain, or relay interface operating modes, and SIB A total of 8 more pumps can be added to either side of the base unit. 8/16/34 oz. (240/480/1000 ml)/min. Optional remote programmer and formula selector Secure pass code protection Programmable signal/pump assignment 20 Formula function w/remote control 8 Formula function w/o remote control Multiple language display menu: select English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, or Italian Meets CSA, CE, and as/nzs standards for electrical safety and moisture protection Programmable delay adjustable auto formula select, remote pump calibration, multiple chemical levels, and programmable system lockout Load Counter Flush mode function Plug-n-Play Pumps Intuitive User Interface and Digital Programming menu Swing-out Control Panel KNIGHT MULTI FLOW The Multi-Flow is a versatile laundry chemical dispenser that incorporates simplicity in programming and rugged reliability with advanced features you would expect only from Knight. Multi-Flow is a microprocessor based dispenser that feeds up to 8 chemical products to Commercial and On-Premise Laundry machines with proven reliability and accuracy. The Multi-Flow system comes with the easy-to-use remote control, peristaltic pumps (available with multiple flow rates), and optional high or low flow Flush Manifold . Key Features: • • • • • • • • • 16 Formula Capability Adjustable Automatic Formula Select Quick Disconnect Cable Connection Programmable Delay, Flush Mode Function, Bleach Defeat Remote Pump Calibration Multiple Chemical Levels Load Counter, Relay Mode Private Access Code Programmable System Lockout 11. Rational Care Products Rational Products Item# #398909 Product Rational Cleaner Tabs (100) Pack/Size 1/1’s #132894 Rational Care Tablets (100) 1/1’s #398891 Rational Rinse Tabs (50) 1/1’s #398883 Rational Cleaner 10L 1/1’s #396929 Rational Rinse Aid 10L 1/1’s Cleaning Tablets For Use In All Self Cooking Centres. Care Tabs For Use In Self Cooking Centres w/Care Control. (In Conjunction With #398909) Rinse Tabs For Use In Self Cooking Centres w/Care Control. (In Conjunction With #398909) Rinse Aid For Use In Rationale CPC & CM Series Combi-Ovens. Rinse Aid For Use In Rationale CPC & CM Series Combi-Ovens. Oven, Grill And Fryer Cleaning Oven, Grill And Fryer Cleaning Products Item# #492074 Product Avmor Hot Stuff Gel Pack/Size 4/946ml #415950 Avmor Hot Stuff Gel 2/4L #194597 Tiger Oven Cleaner Aerosol 10/510gr #474908 Keating Klenzer Stainless Steel Polish Powder #474916 Keating Sea Powder Fryer Cleaner 4/1’s #100228 Carbon Power Oven And Grill Cleaner 4/4L #507491 Grill Stone 12/each 12. Powerful gel oven, grill and fryer cleaner designed to quickly remove baked on carbon and fat. Clings to vertical surfaces. Powerful gel oven, grill and fryer cleaner designed to quickly remove baked on carbon and fat. Clings to vertical surfaces. TIGER is a blend of surface active agents combined with powerful alkaline emulsifiers to penetrate baked-on grease for fast and easy clean-ups. TIGER is user friendly, since it does not produce harsh odours or fumes. Lemon fragrance. 12/1’s Keating Klenzer is the finest dry stainless steel polish available. No other cleaner lasts longer and cleans better. Stainless steel owes its sheen to innumerable fine light-reflecting scratches. When these become filled with grease, soap, dust or other foreign matter, stainless steel loses its natural luster. Keating Klenzer cleans deep down in the surface grooves to lift out dulling dirt and restore the original sparkling gleaming finish. Sea Powder is Superior at Removing Carbonized Grease Build-Up When Used with Boiling Water Keating Sea Powder is easy to use and superior at removing carbonized grease build-up in fryer vessels – the leading cause in premature oil breakdown. If used weekly, your shortening will last one to two days longer, and your Keating fryer will be in perfect condition for years. Oven, Grill And Fryer Cleaning Oven, Grill And Fryer Cleaning Products Item# #299081 Product The Ultimate In Griddle Maintenance!!! 3M Scotch Brite Quick Clean Starter Kit Pack/Size Scotch-Brite Quick Clean Griddle System ™ 1/1’s Contains: 10pk Quick Clean Griddle Liquid 1 Squeegee 1 Multipurpose Pad Holder 10 Griddle Polishing Pad Step 1 Scrape griddle with a spatula to remove loose food debris. Step 2 Attach the pad to the pad holder. Step 3 Apply Scotch-Brite™ Quick Clean Griddle Liquid to griddle. a) If using No. 700 pre-portion packet, pour contents of one packet evenly over hot griddle – 300 - 350°F (149-177°C) b) If using No. 701 quart container, pour 1/10th bottle contents (3.2 oz/94 mL is the amount between graduated lines) evenly over hot griddle – 300-350°F (149-177°C). Step 4 Immediately spread liquid around the griddle using pad attached to the pad holder. Use moderate pressure to scour away burnt-on food. 1. Squirt - the Scotch-Brite TM Quick Clean Griddle Liquid loosens & lifts carbonized grease & food soil upon contact with a hot griddle making removal easy. There is less splattering & no irritating fumes or strong chemical odors. Contains only ingredients safe for use on food contact surfaces. squirt scour squeegee Quick Clean Griddle Liquid loosens & lifts carbonized grease & food soil 2. Scour - the Scotch-Brite upon contact with a hot griddle-making removal easy. There is less splattering & no irritating fumes or strong chemical odors. Contains only ingredients safe for use on food contact surfaces. 3. Squeegee-liquid residue is quickly & easily removed with our specially designed Scotch-Brite TM Squeegee. The flexible, heat-resistant rubber blade is attached to a long handle to safely move residue from the griddle surface to the grease trap. TM #174516 3M Scotch Brite Quick Clean Griddle Liquid (Individuals) 40/94ml A powerful griddle cleaning liquid that is safe for use on food contact surfaces. Loosens and lifts carbonized grease and food soil upon contact on a hot griddle for easy removal. No strong chemical odors or irritating fumes. Formulation does not contain caustic soda found in other griddle cleaning chemicals. #247023 3M Scotch Brite Quick Clean Griddle Liquid 4/32oz #247049 3M Oil Quality Test Strips 4/40’s #174557 3M Scotch Brite Griddle Polishing Pad #46 60/each #247015 3M Scotch Brite Heavy Duty Griddle Pad Holder #482 w/Pads 10/1’s Helps protect hands from grease, burns and provides better cleaning leverage. #247031 3M Scotch Brite Squeegee Blade #411 Replacement 6/1’s #215012 3M Scotch Brite #98 Light Duty Pad 3/20’s #299040 3M Scotch Brite Power Pad #2020 24/1’s Step 5 Using the squeegee, move liquid into grease trap. Step 6 For heavily soiled griddles, additional cleaning liquid may be necessary. If so, repeat steps 3, 4 and 5. Step 7 Turn off griddle, put damp cloth under pad holder, and wipe surface clean. Step 8 Season griddle with thin coating of liquid shortening after cleaning. Step 9 Clean tools after use. If griddle will immediately be used to cook eggs and/or pancakes, we recommend the following to prevent sticking: With griddle at 325°F (163°C), season griddle with cooking oil after cleaning. Spread oil across griddle with spatula. (Use 3 to 4 oz. of oil for a 30" x 3 ft. to 4 ft. griddle.) With a clean Scotch-Brite™ Pad attached to the pad holder, polish the entire griddle surface from front to back using overlapping passes. Wipe excess oil off griddle with dry grill cloth and begin cooking. Check your manufacturer’s warranty on your griddle before using. 3 Food Service Business 3M Canada Post Office Box 5757 London, Ontario N6A 4T1 **All ingredients are on the “generally recognized as safe” (G.R.A.S.) list as defined by the FDA. 3M and Scotch-Brite are trademarks of 3M.Used under license in Canada. 0404 AD19512 E A powerful griddle cleaning liquid that is safe for use on food contact surfaces.* Loosens and lifts carbonized grease and food soil upon contact on a hot griddle for easy removal. No strong chemical odors or irritating fumes. Formulation does not contain caustic soda found in other griddle cleaning chemicals. Easy to use, easy to read and eliminates guesswork. Helps keep fried food quality high. Helps save money by preventing the premature disposal of shortening. Works equally well in animal, vegetable or A/V blend shortenings. Aggressive cleaning pad that polishes the griddle surface while it cleans. Flexible, heat resistant blade replacement for use with the Scotch-Brite Squeegee. Soft, non-woven fibers and mild abrasive gently, but thoroughly, clean most surfaces. Applications: stainless steel, chrome, copper, porcelain and ceramic. Scours up to four times faster than conventional commercial scouring products. Up to eight times less abrasive than other medium/heavy-duty commercial scouring products to reduce scratching. Unique bow-tie shape. 13. Pot And Pan Cleaning Pot And Pan Cleaning Products Item# #482257 Product Avmor Yellow Stuff Pot And Pan Detergent Pack/Size 2/4L #226134 Dawn Power Dissolver 6/945ml #226159 #226142 Dawn Manual Pot And Pan Detergent Dawn Manual Pot And Pan Detergent 1/18.9L 3/3.78L #642595 Sunlight Liquid Detergent Institutional 2/6L #424663 Suma Optifill Pot And Pan Detergent 1/2.5L YELLOW STUFF dishwashing liquid is ideal for restaurant and institutional use. This product is used to clean plates, pots, cutlery, glassware, counters, walls, floors, doors, windows, mirrors, woodwork, venetian blinds, painted surfaces, treated leather and vinyl. YELLOW STUFF contains powerful grease cutters, yet is gentle on hands. • No phosphates • Fragrance Free • Organic ingredients in this product are readily biodegradable. Dawn Power Dissolver features revolutionary technology that penetrates the toughest greasy, burnt-on food soils on dishes, pots, and pans. Just spray on Dawn Power Dissolver and let the powerful foam work for 10-15 minutes (up to 30 minutes for especially tough grease). As you rinse, the grease or burnt-on food mess literally slides off, leaving you with a like-new clean on pots and pans. Not intended for use on copper pots, varnished or painted wood, appliance lettering, scratched nonstick surfaces, oven hoods, and dishwasher doors. Dawn Manual Pot and Pan Detergent is a dependable dishwashing liquid that fights grease, leaving you squeaky clean pots, pans and dishes. The long lasting suds can even help reduce sink changeover. Sunlight® manual Dish Liquid is designed for the institutional environment. Ideal for the greasiest dishes, glassware, cutlery or pots & pans. A maintenance-free manual warewashing program that delivers accurate dosing and dispensing without the need for equipment or permanent water connection. Perfectly Precise, Consistently Clean accurate dilution of both detergent and sanitizer. Sanitizer And Bleach Cleaning Sanitizer And Bleach Cleaning Products Item# #482240 Product Pack/Size Avmor Sani Stuff Concentrated No Rinse Sanitizer 2/4L #482299 Avmor Sani Stuff Ready To Use No Rinse Sanitizer6/946ml #620849 Goldex Sodium Hypoclorite 12% 6/3.6L #325209 Javex Ultra Liquid Bleach Regular 3/5.3L #279976 Stera Sheen Sanitizer Milk Solids Remover 1/4lb 14. Rinse-free sanitizer. Will kill germs on dishes, silverware, glasses, cooking utensils and countertops. Rinse-free, ready-to-use hard surface sanitizer. To be used on countertops and food contact surfaces. Stera Sheen Sanitizer and cleaner removes milk solids from you coffee machine. Use this cleaner if you have slipped behind in your regular maintenance on all machines with internal milk frothing and steam wands. Glass Cleaning Rationale Products Item# #800995 #108209 Product Windex Refill Windex Clean Aerosol Pack/Size 4/5L 10/510gr #482232 Avmor Blue Stuff Glass Cleaner 2/4L Accessory #193920 Window Squeegee 18” 1/1’s Avmor BLUE STUFF Glass and Surface Cleaner dissolves, suspends and removes soil from glass, plexiglas, windows, mirrors, windshields, walls, countertops, cabinets, partitions, light fixtures, stainless steel, chrome, plastic, vinyl, appliances, desks and other surfaces not harmed by water. Floor Degreasing And All Purpose Cleaning Floor Degreasing And All Purpose Cleaning Products Item# #482265 Product Avmor Orange Stuff Cleaner & Degreaser Pack/Size 2/4L #150102 Avmor Green Stuff 2/4L #100636 Biomor Asap Floor Degreaser 4/3.78L #439364 Betco Floor Stripper 1/18.9L #439372 Betco Floor Wax 1/18.9L #439356 Betco Floor Sealer 1/18.9L #236877 #226175 #226183 #811240 Comet Bathroom Cleaner Comet Cleaner With Bleach Comet Cleaner With Bleach Comet Institutional 3/3.78L 3/3.78L 8/945ml 24/400gr ORANGE STUFF is used to clean up protein based stains, dirt, ink, grease, oil and blood soils from floors, counter tops, tables, chairs, walls, vents and also on equipment and surfaces in food preparation areas. Not recommended for use on soft metals such as aluminium and galvanized steel. Avmor GREEN STUFF is a low pH organic salt formulation that will effectively dissolve and remove mineral deposits, soap scum and calcium stains. Its unique blend of biodegradable surfactants gives it superior cleaning and descaling proper ties that won’t harm surfaces or equipment. Ideal for soup stations, steam tables, coffee equipment, kettles, dishwashers, glass washers, floors, wall tiles, washrooms and showers. GREEN STUFF is an excellent brightener for stainless steel and aluminum surfaces. A great salt remover for winter abused floor surfaces. BIOMOR A.S.A.P. is a proprietary blend of surfactants and bio-cleaning agents. It provides technologically advanced biological cleaning by penetrating porous floor surfaces to remove organic matter. A.S.A.P. is to be used on hard surfaces, such as quarry tiles, ceramic, concrete floors as well as on resilient tiles. Extremely powerful and fast acting, quickly removes multiple coats of finish. Sure cure protective sealer, long lasting versatility. Betco max-cure technology, the fastest drying and curing floor finish in the world. These powerful versatile cleaners minimize rework, simplify training and help save time and money. Stop wasting your time and energy stocking several cleaners when one effective cleaner will do. 15. Floor Degreasing And All Purpose Cleaning Floor Degreasing And All Purpose Cleaning Products Item# #226167 Product Dawn Heavy Duty Degreaser Pack/Size 3/3.78L #368811 Dawn Heavy Duty Floor Cleaner 3/3.78L #848259 Fantastik Original Refill 4/3.8L #629881 Mr. Clean Institutional 2/5L #222406 Pine-Sol Liquid 3/4.25L #809095 #226191 #856252 Spic & Span Floor/Multi Purpose Professional Spic And Span 3 In 1 Ready To Use Spic And Span Powder Institutional 3/3.78L 8/945ml 12/765gr #357863 Floor Sweeping Compound - Green Heavy Duty 1/25kg #412957 Pratts Neutral Detergent - Green 4/4L For full-strength cleaning for tough, greasy soils that can be used on food contact surfaces, try the cleaning power of Dawn® Heavy Duty Degreaser. Your finished floor can say a lot about your business – make sure that message is positive with P&G’s Professional floor cleaners. Cleans, shines, deodorizes and disinfects for a complete clean. Wipes out tough grease and grime and kills food-related bacteria and odor causing germs. Effective on countertops, sinks, appliances, floors, ceilings, ceramic tile, stainless steel, chrome, bathrooms and more. Clean almost any surface in your home with Mr. Clean products. Use on floors, countertops, tile, sinks, garbage cans, etc. An effective cleaner, degreaser, and deodorizer that requires no rinsing. Spic And Span products can be used on all floor types (except untreated wood). Mops, Handles, Dusters, Signs And Buckets Mops, Handles, Dusters, Signs And Buckets Item# #239715 #193987 Product Marino Jawbreaker Mop Handle Marino Snap N Go Plastic Mop Handle Pack/Size 1/each 1/1’s #237826 #345793 #237834 #193995 #194001 #103119 #103101 #103093 #237925 Mop Head Wide Bland Large Blue Mop Head Wide Band Large Orange Mop Head Wide Band Medium Blue Mop Head Narrow Band Medium Green Mop Head Narrow Band Medium Orange Mop Head Looped End Wide Band X-Large Mop Head Looped End Wide Band Large Mop Head Looped End Narrow Band X-Large Mop Head Looped End Narrow Band Large 12/1’s 12/1’s 12/1’s 12/1’s 12/1’s 12/1’s 12/1’s 12/1’s 12/1’s #198804 #198812 Yacht Mop With Wood Handle 16oz Yacht Mop With Wood Handle 12oz 1/1’s 1/1’s 16. Mops, Handles, Dusters, Signs And Buckets Mops, Handles, Dusters, Signs And Buckets Item# #103127 #103135 Product Roller Sponge Mop Roller Sponge Mop Refill Pack/Size 6/1’s 12/1’s #239707 #239723 #198507 #397166 #145292 #145284 #198523 #198515 #345785 G Stat Dust Mop Blue 48” G Stat Dust Mop KD 36” G Stat Dust Mop Red 24” G Stat Dust Mop Frame Break Away 48”x5” Dust Mop Frame 60”x5” Dust Mop Frame 48”x5” Dust Mop Frame 24”x5” Dust Mop Fibreglass Handle 60” Wall Mop 9” 5/1’s 10/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s #345769 #345777 Flat Wall Mop Washer “Sticky” Flat Wall Mop Handle 1/1’s 1/1’s #193938 #194472 #300319 #103077 Floor Squeegee 18” 1/2’s Mop Bucket And Downpress Wringer 26-32 Quart 1/1’s Mop Bucket And Downpress Wringer 26-40m Quart1/1’s Mop Bucket 26 Quart With Telescopic Handle 1/1’s #377077 Sign - Wet Floor Yellow 1/1’s #221416 #221424 #193854 Duster Magnetic 52” Telescopic Handle Duster Magnetic Short Handle Duster Lambs Wool 24” 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s Gloves Gloves Item# Product Pack/Size #153288 #151605 #104950 #200998 #781906 Gloves Latex Large Powder Free Gloves Latex Medium Powder Free Gloves Latex Small Powder Free Gloves Latex X-Large Powdered Gloves Latex Large Powdered 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s Latex Gloves Nitrile Gloves #176032 #431593 Gloves Nitrile X-Large Powder Free Gloves Nitrile Large Powder Free Vinyl No Powder Gloves #277517 #201426 #156356 #209809 #151357 Touch Vinyl Gloves X-Large Powder Free Touch Vinyl Gloves Large Powder Free Touch Vinyl Gloves Medium Powder Free Touch Vinyl Gloves Small Powder Free Gloves Rubber All Purpose Large 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 12/1’s 17. Gloves Gloves Item# Product Pack/Size #139303 #139295 #139287 #139279 #279539 #279547 Touch Vinyl Gloves X-Large Touch Vinyl Gloves Large Touch Vinyl Gloves Medium Touch Vinyl Gloves Small Touch Poly Gloves Large Touch Poly Gloves Medium 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 10/100’s 4/500’s 4/500’s #151357 Gloves Rubber All Purpose Large 12/1’s #507194 Dishwashing Gloves 14” 1/Pair Vinyl Powdered Gloves Rubber Gloves Dishwashing Gloves Hand Soap, Sanitizers And Dispensers Hand Soap, Sanitizers And Dispensers Item# #311720 Product Zep Fuzion Body & Hair Shampoo Pack/Size 4/1200ml #311712 Zep Fuzion Foaming Anti-Bac Hand Soap 4/1200ml #311654 Zep Fuzion Foaming Eco Hand Soap 4/1200ml #311738 #311746 Zep Fuzion Dispenser Select Zep Fuzion Touchless Dispenser 1/each 1/each #345413 Zep Green Link Mango Foaming Hand Soap 4/4L #637025 Zep H.B.H. Viscous Hand Soap 4/4L #301358 Zep Head To Toe 4/4L #150128 Zep Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser 1/each #194555 #194548 #303958 #194530 Biomaxx Anti-Bacterial Hand Soap Bag In Box Blue Biomaxx Gentle Hand Soap Bag In Box Pink Biomaxx Waterless Hand Sanitizer Citrus Biomaxx Dispenser 12/800ml 12/800ml 12/800ml 12/each #318394 #318428 Moussant Instant Hand Sanitizer Moussant Hand Sanitizer Dispenser 6/1000ml 6/1’s #403196 Powdered Hand Soap Heavy Duty 1/20kg #218008 Bulk Hand Soap Dispenser 1/each 18. A liquid soap/shampoo whose effective yet gentle formula rinses away body and hair soils. It is formulated specifically for use in public showers and has a pH balance that makes it suitable for use in all water conditions. Helps reduce bacteria and the spread of germs. It is fortified with emollients for skin softening with a pleasant fresh scent. Produces a luxurious foam that is dye and fragrance free. It’s EcoLogo certification makes it a leader in green products. It not only effectively cleans hands but softens skin and protects the environment. An EcoLogoM Certified hand soap that provides superior cleaning while maintaining an optimum pH level to soothe hands. Fully biodegradable. A viscous liquid containing 6 synthetic detergents, emollients, pacifiers, preservatives and essential oil fragrances. A liquid soap formulated specifically for use in shower rooms for all over cleaning – head to toe. Glycerin-enriched for extra mildness. Join in for Healthy Hands Chewing Gum Remover Chewing Gum Remover Item# #194563 Product Zep Gum Free Gum Remover Aerosol Pack/Size 12/235gr Laundry Laundry Item# #856542 Product Bounce Outdoor Fresh Laundry Sheets Pack/Size 6/250’s #194605 Norchem Lemon Laundry Detergent 1/15kg This powdered LEMON LAUNDRY DETERGENT is ideal for all machine washable fabrics, and is highly effective in removing all types of stubborn stains. Tough plastic reusable pail. Air Fresheners & Dispensers Air Fresheners & Dispensers Item# #194019 #194027 #110098 #110106 #110122 Product Marino Automatic Aerosol Air Freshener Dispenser Metered Automatic Aerosol Air Freshener Refill Apple Automatic Aerosol Air Freshener Refill Citrus Automatic Aerosol Air Freshener Refill Rain Automatic Aerosol Air Freshener Refill Linen Pack/Size 1/1’s 12/177gr 12/177gr 12/177gr 12/177gr Save money with the C-Mist odor control system. With a quick touch of a button, program start and shut-off times and fragrance release intervals. The C-Mist odor control system is ideal for any environment - offices, meeting rooms, health clubs, hospitals, restrooms and classrooms. The C-Mist odor control system allows you the ability to determine the longevity of the refill by customizing the usage. Counter indicates number of sprays used. Program start and shut off times when not required. Program fragrance spray release intervals in increments up to 99 minutes. Lock prevents tampering. Once unlocked, front panel drops down for quick and easy replacement of aerosol cartridge. Modern, attractive styling made of strong ABS plastic. Comes with wall mounting screws. A choice of 5 natural fragrance aerosol refills to provide a fresh fragrant atmosphere. #214585 #214593 Konk Deodorizer Orange Burst Konk Deodorizer Floral Bouquet 12/200gr 12/200gr #194571 Ban-O Liquid Deodorant 4/3.6L 07907 07905 07902 World Class Fragrances that ELIMINATE THE ODORS rather than masking them like most other air deodorizers products. Ban-O eliminates unpleasant odors at the source. Ban-O is an excellent deodorant for use in washrooms, garbage cans, refuse disposal, bins, lockers, changing rooms and in places where offensive odors exist. Original fresh scent. Brushes And Scrubbers Brushes And Scrubbers Item# #148254 #193862 #418210 #193912 #194456 Product Scrub Pad King Size Steel Scrub Brush 6” White Plastic Scrub Brush Swivel 3.5”x8” Counter Brush Horsehair Wood Block 7” Scrub Brush Tile & Grout Nylon Pack/Size 12/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 19. Wipers, Scrims And Towels Wipers, Scrims And Towels Item# #155291 #155283 #155275 #220947 Product Pack/Size Cascades Busboy Foodservice Towels (1+ Days) 200/13”x24” Busboy® Foodservice Towels are the ideal replacement for linen rental or cloth dish towels. Towels are absorbent, reusable & can be used in any surface cleaning application. Cascades Busboy Guard Antimicrobial Foodservice Towels (5+Days) 150/12”x24” Busboy® Guard Antimicrobial Foodservice Towels are the ideal replacement for linen rental or cloth dish towels. Busboy Antimicrobial Towels are absorbent, reusable and can be used in virtually any surface cleaning application. They are protected with an antimicrobial treatment which inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria & molds for the life of the towel. Cascades Linen Replacement Food Service Towel (30+ Days) 14”x24” 72/14”x24” Busboy® Linen Replacement Foodservice Towels are heavy duty, stitch bonded nonwoven & ideal replacement for linen rentals, cloth dish towels or bar towels. These towels are durable, absorbent, reusable & can be used in virtually any surface cleaning application. Cascades Tuff Job 4 Ply Scrim Roll 9.75” 6/275’ Tuff-Job® Scrim Reinforced Towels provide the best wipe-dry performance and for all- purpose wiping jobs where extra durability is needed. #221408 #198879 Microfiber Cloth 38x40 Mira Clean Sponge 1/5’s 12/12’s #173104 #173112 Nanotech Micro Cloth Green Nanotech Micro Cloth Yellow 1/5’s 1/5’s #861021 #645499 A unique product made from melamine resin foam and is used for removing pen marks, scuffs, fingerprints, ground in dirt from table tops, wash basins, walls, floors & whiteboards. Microfibre and active silver – a golden hygienic result. Nano-silver particles are embedded in the endless microfibres (patent pending). • 99.93% bacteria or germs removal when wiping surfaces. (Certified by BMA). • No growth of bacteria or germs on cloths for more than 24h. • Enables you to omit tumble-drying as cloth can be stored in moist condition up to 24 hours without bacteria growth. Saves time and means significant reduction in cleaning start-up time. • No odour from cloth in use. • Keeps antibacterial properties also after several hundred washing cycles. • Colour coded to prevent cross contamination. Bulk Rags Recycled Cloth Bar Towel Terry Cotton 16”x19” 1/25lb 48/1’s Restroom Supply Restroom Supply Item# #193839 #199778 Product Feminine Napkin Disposal Garbage Can Liners Vending Tampax Bulk Pack/Size 500/1’s 500/1’s #164145 #164160 #164152 #193755 #193763 Avmor Wee Urinal Screen Hockey Avmor Wee Urinal Screen Football Avmor Wee Urinal Screen Soccer Urinal Screen With Puck Urinal Screen Scented 4/eaches 4/eaches 4/eaches 12/1’s 50/1’s #193771 #606673 Urinal Puck Fresh Scent Urinal Block Tubes 12/12’s 12/85gr #172825 #103051 #193979 Toilet Brush With Caddy Toilet Bowl Swab Acrylic Yarn Toilet Plunger Black With Handle 1/1’s 100/1’s 1/1’s 20. Silver is the secret - NanoTech micro is a microfibre cloth, but that’s not all. The secret lies in that nano particles of silver have been blended and embedded in the microfibre composition. Garbage Disposal Containers And Lids Garbage Disposal Containers And Lids Item# #295089 #295071 #295097 #198903 #295113 #295105 #198887 Product Marino Garbage Container White 44 Gallon (Use Lid 295063) Marino Garbage Container Grey 44 Gallon (Use Lid 295055) Marino Garbage Container White 32 Gallon (Use Lid 295048) Marino Garbage Container Grey 32 Gallon (Use Lid 198895) Marino Garbage Container White 20 Gallon (Use Lid 295030) Marino Garbage Container Grey 20 Gallon (Use Lid 295022) Marino Garbage Container Dolly Pack/Size 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s #377689 #377739 Rubbermaid Garbage Container 20 Gallon (Use Lid 377739) Rubbermaid Garbage Container Lid 1/1’s 1/1’s #103309 #103291 Slim Jim Container Grey (Use Lid 103325) Slim Jim Container Black (Use Lid 103291) 4/1’s 4/1’s #103283 #103275 Waste Basket Black Medium Waste Basket Black Small 12/1’s 12/1’s Smoking Stations Smoking Stations #204081 Smoking Station 9W3000 1/1’s #377606 Smoking Station 9W3200S Wall Mount 1/1’s Smoking Station 9W3300 1/1’s #377598 Smoking receptacle is made of smooth injection-molded plastic, rust-resistant. Durable metal ash containment, galvanized and powder-coated canister is easy to clean and requires no special tools. Upscale aesthetic blends with many architectural styles. Stainless steel snuff plate encourages smokers to snuff on metal and minimizes smoldering. Smoking Station, Wall Mount, Capacity 0.60 Gallons, Color Black, 6 4/5 In Domed Top, Base Dia 12 4/5 In, Height 18 In, Width 11 5/8 In, Opening Size 360 Degrees, Material Stainless Steel and Aluminum, Powder Coat Finish Smoking Station, Free Standing, Capacity 4.13 Gallons, Color Bronze, 6 4/5 In Domed Top, Base Dia 13 In, Height 39 7/16 In, Opening Size 3 x 1 3/4 In, Number of Openings 4, Material Stainless Steel and Aluminum, Powder Coat Finish Brooms & Dust Pans Brooms, Dust Pans And Vacuums Item# #193953 #193946 #193961 #103184 #198820 #345751 Product Broom Handle 60” 15/16” Thread Black Metal Broom Handle 60” Tapered Wood Broom Handle 54” 15/16” Thread Wood Push Broom Handle 60” Broom Corn 5 String Push Broom Heavy Duty Garage Pack/Size 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 21. Brooms & Dust Pans Brooms, Dust Pans And Vacuums Item# #198846 #345744 #198838 #103192 #193896 #237941 #345157 #193870 #346403 #193888 #103200 Product Push Broom Medium Duty Plastic Block 24” Push Broom Medium Duty Push Broom Wood Block 24” Coarse Push Broom Wood Food Service 18” Blue Fibre Angle Broom (Uses Handle 237941) Broom Handle 48” Broom Head Stiff Bristle Angle Dust Pan Heavy Duty Black Dust Pan Heavy Duty Blue Dust Pan Lobby Upright Close Lid Tool Bracket 5 Clip Pack/Size 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 1/1’s 12/1’s 1/1’s 4/1’s Vacuum Systems By Pratts Vacuum Systems By Pratts Item# #357574 Product Vacuum Sanitaire SC9180 Quiet Clean Upright Pack/Size 1/1’s #194514 Vacuum Sanitaire SC5845 Quiet Clean Upright 1/1’s #357566 Vacuum Sanitaire SC888 CRI Approved Upright 1/1’s Durable, versatile, easy-to-use and easy to maintain, This two-motor system with its convenient attachments make carpet, bare floor and above-the-floor cleaning effortless. CRI Seal of Approval - Meets LEED Requirements. Model SC9180 is ideal for: Healthcare, Education, Hotels, Food Service, Government Building Services This vacuum offers the ultimate in bagless filtration with its clean-air system and extra large dirt cup. CRI Seal of Approval certified and clog resistant tools on board for extra convenience. Meets LEED Requirements. Model SC5845 is ideal for: Healthcare, Education, Hotel, Government This unit’s easy maintenance features makes cleaning a breeze. Part of our flagship upright line, this upright is CRI Seal of Approval certified to provide a premium filtration level. CRI Seal of Approval. Model SC888 is ideal for: Hotels, Education, Food Service, Healthcare, Government, Building Services #357558 Vacuum Sanitaire SC412 Quite Clean Specialty #208009 Vacuum Sanitaire SC899 Shake Out Bag Upright 1/1’s 22. SC9180 SC5845 SC888 1/1’s Ideal for hard-to-reach places, the backpack vacuum is all about versatility. This CRI Seal of Approval certified model is well-equipped with a wide assortment of attachments for carpet and bare floor cleaning. CRI Seal of Approval - Meets LEED Requirements. Model SC412 is ideal for: Healthcare, Education, Hotel, Food Service, Government, Building Services This unit’s 16-inch cleaning path and easy maintenance features deliver a speedy clean. With a Quick Kleen fan chamber and its shake-out bag system, this vacuum is a top per former. Model SC899 is ideal for: Hotels, Education, Government, Building Services SC412 SC899 Vacuum Systems By Pratts Vacuum Systems By Pratts Item# Product #100727 Husky Sweeper 9 1/2” Continental 5325 Huskee PowerRotor Sweeper will clean hard floors and carpets. Pack/Size 1/1’s The self-cleaning flexible rubber blades beat the floor at a high frequency, creating friction and momentum that transports dirt, food, lint and other debris into the dust compartments. Sanitaire Accessories Item# #357756 Product Sanitaire SC9180 Hepa Filter Replacement Pack/Size 4/1’s #863597 Sanitaire Bags For SC412 10/1’s Mats And Rugs Mats And Rugs Item# #356857 Product Floor Mat Anti Fatigue Grease Proof Pack/Size 1/1’s #372524 Floor Mat Super Foam 3’x5’ 1/1’s #215087 Floor Mat Rubber 36”x60” Black 1/1’s #372508 Floor Mat Optimat 3’x4’ Red 1/1’s #325829 Floor Mat Entrance 36”x72” 1/1’s #203901 Bath Mat Safety Grip 22x14” Wet or dry work areas, dishwashing area, potwashing area, work benches, industrial workstations. Entrance matting helps keep building entrances accident free. 23.