NR/CTPA N EWSLETTER N EWSLETTER OF THE N ATIONAL R ADIO C ONTROL T RUCK P ULLING A SSOCIATION . C OVERING TRUCK AND TRACTOR PULLING , TUFF TRUCK , AND MONSTER TRUCK RACING 142nd Edition May June 2012 I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : F ROM THE J OE Z ONE From the Joe Zone……… Gentlemen: As you look over the 2012 Worlds entry forms you will see a new price rate for early entry. The first 5 entries are $15 a piece. Any entry after that is $10 per entry in addition to that….we will be giving every driver a FREE EVENT T SHIRT. That is right a free T!. Additional T shirts will be the normal 1$10 a piece. The directors have been trying to come up with a better entry program and we think we have found something ...discounted entries and a t shirt to boot. We sincerely hope this new program will strengthen numbers at this year’s event. Everybody knows that the following weekend is iHobby and we would hope if you have to pick between the 2 events you will pick the association’s 2012 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS. IF you still have some bread left please try and make The iHobby pull in Cleveland Ohio’s IX center. The entry there will be $10 per vehicle we will be handing out SPRINGS sized awards at this event and we need an entry fee to do that. Thursday and Friday have been typically demonstration runs with only electric vehicles running. The salesmen are there to make deals and were distracted and drowned out with the nitros and chainsaws and they have been banned for those two days. The event will be Saturday and Sunday like a regular pull. The hours of competition have typically been from around 11:00 until 5:00 so we plan on 2 rounds on day 1 one and the rest on day 2. The call here goes out to all chainsaw and nitro pullers we plan to make a lot of noise those days and THAT IS HOW YOU DO IT! The fuel classes always draw a crowd. We will have a better idea on all of this with the credentials and parking in few weeks. Ex NR/CTPA director and real monster truck driver Bari Mussiwwir has found the room deals for iHobby they are near the back of this issue you can either stay with someone or in one of these rooms or find a campgrounds I guess...anyways thanks Bari. There are also several events running up to the fall schedule -J OE K ILIAN The STPA will be really busy all summer with a couple events in July and August. The Ashland antique tractor pull in Ashland Ohio and the granddaddy of them all that Bowling Green Championships in August. My club has an event in Murrey NY at the tractor pull grounds there it is combined with a full scale pull on July 28. Do not forget the Pullers of Central NY will be having the 11th Annual Grand Nationals.; They will be at the Crank It Up Antique Tractor Show September 15 2012 at the Oswego County Fairgrounds in Sandy Creek NY. One more if you want to drive about 30 miles east of Toronto Canada to the Orono Fair on September 8th . They will also have a pull with free admission to the fair and a full sized Canadian tractor pull after that….Do not miss the pooteen there it is French fries with gravy and cheese curds melted on top. I know, I sounded gross to me too until you start eating this stuff it is outstanding. I am getting hungry just writing about it. .It is also time to start thinking of sponsorships for classes for the WORLDS...if you want to contact Chris Bercaw he handles that. Anyways...see ya when I do Joe J OE K ILIAN 1 WORLDS ENTY FROM 5 6 H ELEN S INGLETON 3 M ARK D AME- 2 WOOD E D F INCHUM 9 I H OBBY ENTRY FORM 4 A FFLILIATED C LUBS 15 R ULE CHANGES BALLOT 11 WORLDS SPONSORS 7 J ASON G ROUT O FFICERS / B OARD M EMBERS 7 ,8 & 9 2 2 National Radio Controlled Truck Pulling Association MONSTER TRUCK DIRECTORS PULLING DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE BOARD Pulling Director President: Joe Kilian, 716-627-4321 Tim Ludyka, 705-799-0465 Assistant Pulling Director Jarred Jones, 859-421-9920 Ed Finchum, 937-322-7805 Tim Ludyka, 705-799-0465 Derrick Pero, 585-395-0013 Mark Damewood GEARING UP Gearing Up Vice Pres: Dave Engle, 315-6765692 Secretary: Sue Ann Berry 330-4658745 Monster Truck Director Scott Taylor, 814-535-5720 Assistant Monster Truck Director Mike Eckenrode, 814-674-2637 Event director: Andy Linkenhoker, Brian Davin 585-455-0786 413-668-8844 Vince Jaron 847.529.3134 Treasurer: Helen Singleton, 814-671-1488 Adam Vilinsky Executive Director: caw, Chris Ber- 419-782-8020 POSITION #6 vacant M ARK D AMEWOOD Mark Damewood Looking back at this year’s Spring Fund Raiser it was definitely a memorable one. I’m sure everyone’s seen the videos of Jake Haulman’s Super Stock Tractor winning the Friday nights drag racing competition. Let me tell you it was a site to behold, watching in person, a tractor barrel roll after the finish line. I know because I was in the lane next to him with my 2WD Pro Mod finishing 2nd. After some late night wrenching Jake also took the Super Stock tractor class with the same tractor. I’m pretty sure Jake has a little something up his sleeve, so all you drag racing guys better come prepared for the Worlds. The STPA will be pulling at the 2nd annual DeLynn Kale Memorial pull in Richwood Ohio on July 7th. This is a great pull with great full scale action. We will also be pulling at the Ashland Co. Yesteryear Machinery Show in Ashland, Ohio on July 14th & 15th this is another great show and in the past it has been graced by The Joe Show so it has to be one of the highlights of the year. Have a safe and wonderful summer. Helen Singleton ….Tres. Report BEGINNING BALANCE AS OF April 3, 2012: $5,682.39 EXPENSE: Office Supply ………………. Insurance …………………… 79.58 1,093.34 Postage ……………………… 12.00 Trophies ……………………. 1,182.75 Misc. (cord,tape,cable ties,tarp) Ramada Inn ………………… 157.80 2,320.83 Labor ……………………….. 390.00 R/C Driver Ad ……………… 500.00 Tx to PayPal (refund) ……… Total Expense: 150.00 $5,886.30 INCOME: Tx from PayPal …………….. Registration,sponsors,raffle, … Total Income: BALANCE AS OF June 28, 2012: $1,000.00 3,497.00 $4,497.00 $4,293.09 PayPal Balance: ……………………………………………..72.47 Respectfully yours, Helen Singleton, Treas. 06/28/2012 4 Mark the quantity of vehicles you are entering per class along with the channels you will use. Write in exhibition classes. Carpet Pulling 2WD Truck Pro Stock Tractor Bar Tire Sportsman 2WD Open I 2WD Open II Big Rig 4WD Pro Modified 4WD Box Stock Ch. Exhibition Classes Qty. Ch. Qty. 4WD nitro truck $10 per entry Garden Tractor trophies for classes with enough entries as per NR/CTPA rules entries must be received by 2WD Box Stock September 14th to be counted for Pro Stock Tractor trophies. Dirt Pulling Digger Bar Tire Sportsman Ch. Qty. 2WD Pro Modified Electric Register for pulling only here 2WD Open I Send to: Big Rig Andrew Linkenhoker 4WD Modified Driveshaft 4WD Scratch Built 95 Ely Road 4WD Box Stock Monson, MA 01057 Light SS Tractor 2WD Pro Modified Nitro 12# SS Tractor 12# 2wd Truck 2WD Nitro Gas Insane 2wd Unlimited Mark the quantity of vehicles you are entering per class along with the channels you will use. Write in exhibition classes. Carpet Pulling 2WD Truck Pro Stock Tractor Bar Tire Sportsman 2WD Open I 2WD Open II Big Rig 4WD Pro Modified 4WD Box Stock Dirt Pulling Digger Garden Tractor 2WD Box Stock Ch. Ch. Qty. Qty. Racing Ch. Qty. Drag Racing Novice ($10 Entry Fee) 2WD Tough Truck 4WD Tough Truck 4WD Independent Suspension 4WD Modified Sport Modified 4WD Pro Modified 4WD Driveshaft 4WD Box Stock 4WD Super Stock Retro Pro Stock Tractor Bar Tire Sportsman 2WD Pro Mod Electric 2WD Open 1 Big Rig 4WD Modified Driveshaft 4WD Scratch Built 4WD Box Stock Light SS Tractor 2WD Pro Modified Nitro WE NEED YOU TO ENTER BUT THE ELIMINATION RACING CLASSES ARE FREE Elimination racing Ch. Qty. Straight axle Independent Suspension Novice Exhibition racing classes 12# SS Tractor 12# 4WD Truck 2WD 15# Nitro Exhibition Pulling Classes 4WD nitro truck Insane 2wd Unlimited Gas Ch. Qty. 6 2012 NR/CTPA World Championships Official Registration Form Complete both sides of this registration in its entirety. Acceptable payments are check (payable to NR/CTPA), cash, and PayPal (send to If you have any questions pertaining to the registration process please contact Andy Linkenhoker at 413.668.8844 or email Entry Fees 1)Until September 7, 2012 entry fee is $15.00. per entry for 1st 5 entries after that $10 per for the rest of your entries If early entry a free t shirt for every driver entered Payment must be included….extra shirts $10 apiece 2) From September 8, 2012 until October 3, 2012 registration is $20.00 per entry. Email and phone in entries are accepted during this time with or without payment. 3) From October 3, 2011 to door registration the cost to enter at the door is $25.00. No exceptions. 4) Novice entry fee is $10.00 whether early or at the door. Send entries and payments to: Andrew Linkenhoker 95 Ely Road Monson, MA 01057 Participant Information Name Address City State Country Zip Code Names of drivers and their shirt sizes: (for free shirts) ———————————————— _______________________________ ————————————————- ———————————————— ————————————————- ———————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— 7 RADIO CONTROL Bonehead R/C There have been 170 companies contacted so far: 6/24 /12 . When your gonna buy try these guys first! 25 and climbing! 8 2012 Spring Nationals Racing Results 18. Caden Mealy Novice: Sport Modified: 1. Trevor Perl 1. Doug Harvey 2. Caden Mealy 2. Scott Taylor 3. Nina Perl 3. Jamie Grund 4. Caden Mealy 4. Scott Taylor Adult Eliminations: 5. Trevor Perl 5. Jamie Grund 1. Doug Harvey 8. Kendall Mealy 20. Morris Aschkenas 2. Doug Harvey 6. Nina Perl 7. AJ Likenholder 19. Morris Aschkenas 4WD Pro Modified: 3. Ben Prenevost 1. Phil Grande 2. Scott Taylor Youth Freestyle: 2.2 Driveshaft: 3. Phil Grande 1. Nina Perl 1. Morris Aschkenas 4. Jamie Grund 2. Trevor Perl 2. Doug Harvey 5. Scott Taylor 3. Kendall Mealy 6. Scott Taylor 4WD Independent Suspension: Adult Freestyle: 1. Ben Prenevost 1. Adam Vilinsky 4WD Modified Monster Truck: 2. Brian Davin 1. Ben Prenevost 3. Phil Grande 2. Doug Harvey Retro: 3. Ben Prenevost 4. Ben Prenevost 1. Jamie Grund 5. Doug Harvey 2. Phil Grande 6. Morris Aschkenas 3. Jamie Grund 7. Phil Grande 4. Jamie Grund 8. Doug Harvey 5. Jamie Grund 9. Phil Grande 6. Phil Grande 10. Doug Harvey 7. Jamie Grund 11. Scott Taylor 12. Scott Taylor 4WD Driveshaft: 13. Scott Taylor 1. Scott Taylor 14. Jamie Grund 2. Derrick Pero 15. Jamie Grund 3. Adam Vilinsky 16. Jamie Grund 4. Scott Taylor 17. Darren Mealy 2. Doug Harvey SPRING NATIONALS 2012 PULLING RESULTS 9 5. Colton Beattie 10 James Doyle 1. Adam Vilinsky 6. Riley Beattie 11 Hannah Brooks 2. Vince Jarron 7. Nick Richards 12 Scott Brooks 3. Joe Kilian 8. Scott Brooks 13 Dusty Carlisle 4. Sue Carlisle 9. Trevor Perl LT SS Weight 23 lbs 5. Brian Davin 10 Jamie Macey 1. Jarred Jones GARDEN TRACTOR 12 # 11 Sue Ann Berry 2. Bob Perl 12 Joe Kilian 3. Randy Berry 13 Randy Berry 4. Chris Bercaw 14 Chris Bercaw 5. Mark Damewood 15 Chris Bercaw 6. Richard Triftshouser 16 Bob Perl 7. Jake Haulman 17 Rick Heestand 8. Patrick Wing 18 Sue Ann Berry 9. Morris Aschkenas 19 Joe Kilian 2WD PRO MOD N 30 # 9. Chris Bercaw 4WDMOD DRVSHFT 20# 1. Mark Damewood 10. Brian Davin 1. Derrick Pero 2. Jake Haulman 11. Sue Carlisle 2. Jake Haulman 3. Jerry Rosengren Jr. 12. Morris Aschkenas 3. Jarred Jones 4. Randy Berry DIESEL 4. Jeff Burris 5. Richard Triftshouser 5. Mark Damewood 6. Jake Haulman 6. Jeff Burris 7. Trevor Perl 7. Brad Pitt 4WD MOD N 20 # DIGGER 3# 1. Mark Damewood 2. Jarred Jones 3. Bob Perl 4. Brad Pitt 5. Joe Kilian 6. Brad Pitt 7. Rick Heestand 8. Jake Haulman Weight 10 # 1. Jake Haulman 2. Patrick Wing DIRT BIG RIG 25 # 8. Patrick Wing 1. Jarred Jones 2. Patrick Wing 3. Rick Heestand 4. Jeff Burris 5. Randy Berry 6. Joe Kilian PRO STOCK TRACTOR 1. Jake Haulman 2. Jake Haulman 3. Brian Davin 4. Mark Damewood 25 # 1. Ed Finchum 4WD SCRATCHBUILT 20# 2. Jarred Jones 1. Rick Heestand 3. Nina Perl 2. Brad Pitt 4. Jake Haulman 3. Mark Damewood 5. Trevor Perl 4. Mark Damewood 6. Bobby Carlisle 5. Randy Berry 7. Richard Triftshouser 6. Chris Bercaw 8. Mark Damewood 7. Chris Bercaw 9. Chris Bercaw 8. Nina Perl 10 Elijah Etzkorn 9. Patrick Wing 10 B T SPORTSMAN 30 # 1, CW Hesler 2, Michael Ashby 3, Joe Kilian 4, Michael Ashby 5. Dusty Carlisle 2WD UNLIMITED 75 # 1. Mason Grady 2. Jake Haulman 2WD NITRO 50 # 1. Jake 2. Richard Haulman Triftshouser 3. Mark Damewood 4. Joe Kilian OPEN 1 60 # CARPET PULLING SPORTSMAN 125 lbs 4WD PRO MOD 60 lbs 1. Joe Kilian 1. Jerry Rosengren Sr. 2. Jerry Rosengren Jr. 2WD TRUCK 60 lbs 3. Patrick Wing 1. Joe Kilian 4. Randy Berry 2. Jerry Rosengren Sr. 5. Tim Dixon 3. Tim Dixon 6. Tim Dixon PRO STK TRACTOR 100 # 1. Jerry Rosengren Sr. 2. Jerry Rosengren Jr. 7. Glen Singleton 8. Sue Ann Berry OPEN 1 265 lbs (A&B) 3. Patrick Wing 1. Jerry Rosengren Sr. 4. Patrick Wing OPEN 2 500 lbs (A,B&C) 5. Glen Singleton 5. Helen Singleton 1. Jerry Rosengren Jr. 1. Joe Kilian 2. Brad Pitt 3. Joe Kilian FOR SALE : CONTACT CAROL QUEEN 2. Joe Kilian 2 Dual Motor Modifieds - $800 w/o electronics each/$1050 w electronics 3 18 Wheelers - $400 w/o elec each/$575 w elec 2 four wheel open I -$600 w/o / $800 w elec 2 four wheel open II - $800 w/o / $1000 w elec garden tractor - $350 w/o / $475 w elec mini rod - $350 w/o / $475 w elec two wheel open I - $500 w/o / $675 w elec Monster trucks - $400 w/o / $550 w elec Stadium trucks - $350 clod busters - $350 3. Joe Kilian If you do not like prices make offer, prices negotiable INSANE 60 # 1. Joe Kilian 2. Joe Kilian 3. Jake Haulman 4. Jamie Macey GAS 75 # 1. Andrew Linkenhoker 4. Mason Grady 5. Rick Heestand 6. Andrew Linkenhoker Thanks Carol 2012 RULE CHANGES & ELECTION BALLOT 11 If 2 members live in a household send 2 ballots back to If only one is a member send one copy back to: NR/CTPA 2649 Ferndale Ave Hamburg, NY 14075 RETURN BY: AUGURST 1st FOR VICE PRESIDENT: Jarrod Jones Mark Damewood PULLING DIRECTORS Up for Election: (pick 3) Tim Ludyka Mark Damewood Derrick Pero Brad Pitt Adam Vilinsky is running unopposed for racing director so he is appointed to a vacant position Proposal: to remove 2WD from 2WD unlimited 2WD (allowing 4WD vehicles in class) YES NO Proposal to allow up to 3 axles in Unlimited class (if 2WD is removed) (creating a Big Rig type vehicle) YES NO Proposal to allow 4WD Nitro trucks as a class (these are the T Max conversion trucks) YES NO Proposal to allow 8S Lipos into the Open 2 Class and brushless motors YES NO Proposal to allow more tires into 4WDPro Mod carpet class (example :Duratrax Mini monster tires almost the same size and others like them when they are found) YES NO Proposal to allow 4WD Pro Mod tires to be sharpened (carpet) YES NO 12 3rd annual Mile High R/C pulling Championship Recap A reprint from RCMT: The 2012 Southwestern R/c Mile High Pulling Championships saw some good competition and some domination in a couple classes. The event was held at May Farms in Byers Colorado and saw 40 truck and tractors in 6 different classes. In the Super stock 4wd class What the Cat Dragged in, out of Tenn., dominated the field. Won both sessions' and took home the Championship hardware. In Session 1 of the Modified 4wd class we saw five trucks take it out the back door reaching that 30 foot mark. Within those five truck tow were able to duplicate that mark once again. But it was Runnin with the Devil being called the winner because Armageddon could not make the call for the seconded pull off. In Session 2 Peace Keeper won the round with a distance of 28 and a half feet. But the championship would have to come down to a pull off because two trucks were tied after the two session event. In the Championship pull off Peace Keeper was the one to win and take the championship. In the modified tractor class we sow the same action as we did in the 4wd class. Four of the five tractors in that class made the pull off with Skeeter time winning the session. In session two on two tractors pulled it the 30’ to have a pull off, and this time around in was a new tractor called insufficient funds that won the session. But there would be a pull off to determine the winner of the class. That came down to Mission Impossible and Skeeter time, with Skeeter time taking the over all championship. In the 2wd mod class the first session saw 7 of the 9 trucks in that class pull it the full distance. Session was won by Spoiler, who also won the seconded session and the championships with a dominating performance. But that was not the only one to dominate a class. Les Boyles Outlaw showed he had more than enough power in the truck from Tenn.. Every time that truck hooked to the sled it took it out the back door. This is the first time in SWR/CTTPA and 5280 history that a truck was able to do this. Needless to say Outlaw was on bad *** truck to win the Super Modified 2wd class. The Pro Stock tractor class saw German Six Shooter win the championship again and in the Super Stock tractor class Six Shooter won the championship. For the full list of results check out our Facebook Page at SWR/CTTPA and 5280 R/C Pulling Club would like to thank all of our Sponsors and supporters for helping to make this event a great event. Next Big event will be the October Feat pull. For info contact SWR/CTTPA at swr/ Jason Grout President SWRCTTPA/Termyte Chassis Puller Ed Finchum SUMMER IS A GOOD TIME FOR PULLING 13 June 2012 Central Ohio Update A big thanks to everybody that helped make the Springs a great time. I got there too late for the Friday night drag racing, but saw it on the Joe show and I think it looked like a lot of fun. Hope we can continue and maybe expand that cause it was just plain COOL. Congrats to all the winners on the pulling and racing side. On the local front the STPA just wrapped up an event at the Hooters in Hilliard OH on the West side of Columbus on June 9. The track was set up right on the parking lot just in front of the place. We had “more attractive” sled return folks than usual, plus some great food, T shirts, and trophies! And the trophy presentation was, well… all I can say is you had to be there. Thanks Dave Corbett for setting this one up. Hope we can do it again next year. The STPA’s next event will be on July 7 at the Richwood OH fairgrounds in association with the Delynn Kale Memorial pull (full scale OSTPA event). From there, the STPA will pull at Ashland, OH at the Yesteryear Machinery show July 14 and 15. Then it is on to Brandenburg, Ky where our Kentucky friends put on a great pull (1/10th and Full scale). Don’t forget to put Bowling Green, OH on your To Do list Aug 17 and 18 if you want to be part of the biggest, and in my opinion, best outdoor pulling event in the country - THE National Tractor Pulling Championships. Join us if you can. Lots of pulling events coming up so get your stuff ready and hit the road. Ed Finchum THANK YOU BARI MUSIWWIR for finding some rooms for iHobby weekend! Hey guys we have a list of hotels for you. We have picked a host hotel for the event and reserved a block of rooms. Here is the info… Best Western Hotel 16501 Snow Road Brook Park, Ohio 44142 216.267.9364 $69.99 a night +tax. The hotel is within minutes of the Ihobby event. There is a family restaurant next door which we tried out as well. Good news food was great! Here is there website There are also several stores and restaurants in the area as well. There is a small pool and hot tub here as well as a continental breakfast. Being this is the host hotel we also able to use the breakfast room as our satellite registration area Friday. We will provide a time for registration, the closer we get to the event. One more note is there is a free shuttle to the convention center. When you call to reserve your room be sure to mention that you are with the High Voltage Rc event. Here is a link to the hotel website… The Hotels listed below are across the street from the restaurant and Best Western Hotel Howard Johnson 16644 Snow Road Brook Park, Ohio 44142 216.676.5200 Older rooms $49 + tax New rooms $63 + tax This is a very basic hotel. We were told some of the older rooms are not in too good of shape, so if you choose to stay here it would be best to request a newer remodeled room. Holiday Inn Express 16330 Snow Road Brook Park, Ohio 44142 216.433.0004 Regular rooms $99 plus tax. Nice hotel but they have very little availability for the Ihobby weekend. Ihobby has also listed some hotels as well on their website. Here’s the link.... Affiliate Club Name Contact Name Contact Address Email Telephone A FFILIATED C LUBS 15 #1 County Line R/C Pullers Darren Mealy #12 Borderline Pullers Joe Kilian #25 ABC R/C Racing and Pulling Dick Mathiesen 244 W Main St. Waukesha, WI 53186 262.542.1245 #51 R/C Pullers of CNY Dave Engle P.O. Box 82 Baldwinsville, NY 13027 315.676.5692 #53 Monsters & Sled Brad Pitt Dragons Pulling Team 16708 S Morel St. Lockport, IL 60441 518.588.1075 #72 Ontario Scale Pulling Association 53 Sarah Cres. Onemee, Ont. Canada, K0L-2W0 705.799.0465 #77 Tweaked Racing Team Tim Powers 1965 Old Logan Rd. Lancaster, OH 43130 740.687.4569 #80 Keystone R/C Pulling John Neiman & Monster Trucks RD#3 Box 324 Blairsville, PA 15717 724.459.8674 #86 STPA Jake Haulman Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana 937.484.8205 #90 Downriver R/C Club Bobby 22789 Northline Rd. Taylor, MI 48180 #92 Windy City R/C Dan Jones 404 W Collins Casper, WY 82601 307.232.1313 #93 5280 Pulling Club Jason Riddle Denver, CO 303.412.3114 #94 Rebel Street Pullers Scott Planting Ohio & Indiana 219.285.2536 #95 Illinois Monster Truck Jason Renard Series Illinois #96 Central MN R/C Pulling Club Josh Baumgartner 62062 245th Street Litchfield, MN 55355 #97 R/C Motorsports Group Derrick Pero Brockport NY NEOTTPA Rick Heestand #100 Tim Ludyka 814-337-5481 2649 Ferndale Ave. Hamburg, NY 14075 734.287.7405 217-224-5764 320.674.7119 NE Ohio 585.395.0013 Event Name Date(s) Location Contact Events Ashland antique tractors July 14-15 Ashland OH Jake Haulman 937-484-8205 Dirt pulling Can Ams July 28 Murrey tractor pull grounds Joe Kilian 716-627-4321 Monster truck racing tractor pulling on a dirt track Bowling Green August 17-19 Bowling green OH Jake Haulman 937-484-8205 Dirt pulling County Line Second Sat every Mo. Big Dog R/C Darren Mealy 814-337-5481 Dirt Pulling, Carpet Pulling & MT Racing WORLDS OCT 5-7 Holiday City, OH Joe Kilian 716-627-4321 Carpet & Dirt Pulling Monster Truck Racing NATIONAL RADIO CONTROL TRUCK PULLING ASSOCIATION NR/CTPA 2649 Ferndale Ave Hamburg, NY 14075 Phone: 716-627-4321 E-mail: NRCT PA.O RG ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The 24th Annual 2012 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS OCTOBER 5-7, 2012 Holiday City, OH Please check our website for the latest happenings
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