
Information Roundup
Cover Show
ZTE Blade II Shows off Your Personal Charms
Fashion in Your Hands
Challenges and
Opportunities to Compete in
Open Market in Indonesia
ZTE Indonesia is committed to channel
building and collaborated with six local
distributors. What are the challenges of
entering the open market? How can ZTE
Indonesia make a breakthrough? And what
has already been done to achieve this goal?
February 2012
Product Snapshot
ZTE KIS: A Stylish Entry-Level Smartphone
ZTE Blade II Makes a Powerful Debut
ZTE Launches Tania Windows Phone in UK
Windows Phone: A Pioneer Project in France
ZTE France Holds Annual Party
“Smart Phones for Smart People”
ZTE’s Media Campaign in France
Designer’s Night
The Making of a Large Screen Phone
The Design Story of Atlas
The Hometown of Cherry Flowers
Tokyo in a Designer’s Eyes
Mobile World Editorial Board
Chairman: He Shiyou
Vice Chairmen: Jiang Hua
Members:Chen Jianjiang, Chen Min, Gao Feng,
Cui Li, He Shiyou, Huang Xinming, Hu Li, Jiang
Hua, Li Yingfeng, Li Yuehua, Liu Guoqiang, Lv
Qianhao, Ma Wenlong, Wang Lei, Xiong Hui, Xu
Weiqun, Zhang Yinzhong
Sponsor: ZTE Corporation
Edited by Shenzhen Editorial Office, Technology
Strategy Department
Editor-in-Chief: Jiang Hua
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Huang Xinming
Executive Editor: Liu Yang
Circulation Manager: Wang Pingping
Address: NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South,
Shenzhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
Tel: +86-755-26776663
Fax: +86-755-26775217
Website: www.zte.com.cn/magazine/English
Email: liu.yang2@zte.com.cn
Cooperation Partner: Mobile Information
Magazine Editorial Office
Publishing Date: February 29, 2012
Vol. 5 No. 1 (lssue 17)
February 2012
Las Vegas Convention Center
ZTE Sees
China, US Key
ZTE said it sees China
and the United States as key
drivers for its fast-growing
ZTE's booth
With the AIWI app, ZTE Skate can be turned into a motion sensor game
smartphone market as it
shifts away from low-end
ZTE Drives LTE Adoption at
CES 2012
ZTE participated in the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
feature phones in a bid to
boost profit margins.
ZTE, which has evolved
f ro m a s e l l e r o f b a c k end telecommunications
equipment into a well-known
consumer devices name in
held from January 10–13 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
emerging markets since it
CES kicks off 2012 for ZTE, a year in which the company will
was founded in 1985, aims
drive LTE adoption by launching a full series of LTE handset products,
to rely on top models such
including smartphones, hotspots, tablets and fixed station products.
as the Blade and Skate to
“In 2012, ZTE will put additional resources into developing LTE
build up its market share.
devices, which are very important as we increase market share across
“The United States and
the world,” said He Shiyou, executive vice president and head of the
China will be key engines
Terminal Handset Division, ZTE. “ZTE will also develop middle- to high-
driving our smartphone
end handsets and work with our partners worldwide to create flagship
sales,” Lv Qianhao, head
and series products that meet customers' demands.”
of handset strategy, told
ZTE’s smartphone portfolio will expand this year with new handsets
Reuters in an interview.
running the latest operating systems. In 2011, ZTE exceeded its 12
“If we say ZTE started
million unit smartphone sales target, which is a 400% increase year-on-
out as a contractor, like
year. That figure is expected to double in 2012 with significant growth
those building mass value-
and increased market share expected in Europe, North America, Brazil
for-money housing, then
and Japan.
we want to be a developer
At CES 2012, ZTE demonstrated the latest LTE products, including
of luxury high-end estates,”
Arthur, V6 and V8 LTE tablets, MF91 LTE hotspot, MF880 and MF821
s a i d L v. ( S o u r c e :
LTE data cards, LTE CPE MF28D, and Windows Phone Tania. ZTE also
Reuters, Jan. 17)
demonstrated the newest products of 2011, including 10 devices for
top-tier American carriers. (Source: ZTE Corporation, Jan. 11)
ZTE LTE tablets showcased at CES 2012
February 2012
ZTE Markets Two
New Handsets
with Free Mobile
Free Mobile has selected ZTE
Blade S and ZTE F160 to support
the launch of their subscription
ZTE Optik for Sprint Announced
Sprint has introduced its first tablet for under $100, ZTE Optik. This is a Sprint 3G tablet
featuring a 7-inch touchscreen display with WXGA 1280 × 800 resolution and pinch-to-zoom,
Android 3.2 Honeycomb, and dual cameras. ZTE Optik was made available on February 5th and
costs only $99.99 with a new two-year contract. It is also available without a service agreement for
$349.99, and business customers may qualify for
special pricing.
“Sprint is committed to delivering exceptional
value and feature-rich devices to our customers,”
Emmanuel Rousseau, mobile
said David Owens, vice president of product
handset director for ZTE France,
development, Sprint. “ZTE Optik has great features
said: “This new partnership was
for under $100. When this device is combined with
born out of a combination of the
our Tablet Connection plans, customers can easily
companies with relatively similar
keep their personal and professional lives organized,
strategies. Both Free Mobile and
stay connected with their social networks and
ZTE provide the general public
get things done while on the go.” (Source: ZTE
with leading-edge technologies by
Corporation, Feb. 3)
ZTE Optik
offering attractive solutions backed
by optimal quality”.
As successor to the Blade sold
in 2010, Blade S stands out for
its design as well as its improved
finishing and technical performance.
Blade S features Gingerbread
2.3.5, a higher definition 3.5-inch
screen, an 800 MHz processor and
a camera that has been upgraded
to 5 megapixels. The ZTE F160
is a 3G phone equipped with a
2.4-inch TFT screen, a 2 megapixel
camera, an MP3 reader and an
SD card reader. (Source: ZTE
Corporation, Jan. 25)
Verizon Wireless Intros the Verizon Jetpack
Verizon Wireless and ZTE announced at the CES 2012 the Verizon Jetpack ™ – EuFi890.
Developed by ZTE, the Jetpack is a Global Ready ™ 4G LTE
Mobile Hotspot. Harnessing the power of the Verizon Wireless 4G
LTE network, the Jetpack allows customers to share blazing fast
internet connectivity with up to 10 Wi-Fi-enabled devices.
The compact Jetpack comes equipped with an OLED screen
and interactive keypad to help manage connections and settings
and to display data usage alerts. Consumers and international
business travelers alike can enjoy Web access in more than 205
countries, including more than 125 with 3G speeds, on their Wi-Fienabled devices using the Jetpack to watch movies, listen to music
and conduct business. (Source: ZTE Corporation, Jan. 9)
ZTE Launches Light Tab 2 Globally
On December 21, ZTE kicked off the global launch of ZTE Light
Tab 2 in Hong Kong, Spain and Indonesia. ZTE Light Tab 2 is a sleek,
ultra-light, ultra-portable tablet PC that is fully compatible with 3G and
Wi-Fi and contains a 1.4 GHz processor faster than most single or
dual core products on the market.
The global rollout of the tablet will continue in Europe in France
and the U.K. and in Malaysia from early 2012.
The Light Tab 2 has a 1024 × 600 7-inch HD touchscreen that
provides crystal-clear images and supports Dolby™ surround sound
for superb audio visual experience. (Source; ZTE Corporation,
ZTE Blade S
ZTE F160
February 2012
Dec. 21, 2011)
WDS, ZTE Jointly Debut 3
ZTE Android Terminals
Wireless Device Supply Co. Ltd. (WDS), Thailand’s largest mobile phone distributor, and ZTE
announced on January 16 the joint release of three Android terminals in Thailand: ZTE Racer II, ZTE
Blade and ZTE V9+.
The three Android terminals were chosen for joint release because of their wide array of functions,
cost-effective price points and popularity in the United States and Europe.
ZTE, Vodacom
Jointly Launch
ZTE South Africa and
Vodacom, the largest Vodafone
operating company (OpCo) in
The ZTE Racer II is available for 3,990 Baht, a special price for AIS customers when they sign up
terms of device procurement, jointly
for an add-on 129 Baht package. The ZTE Blade has a 3.5-inch wide screen, runs Android 2.2 and
launched the Vodafone Smart Tab
costs only 5,790 Baht. The ZTE V9+ tablet also runs Andriod 2.2, has a 1GHz processor and costs
7 and 10 tablets at a specially held
10,900 Baht.
cocktail party on February 2.
“In 2012, the mobile phone market in Thailand expects to see sales of 17 million units, a 15
Vodacom representatives and
percent increase from last year,” said WDS Thailand managing director Thakolrat Kaewkan. “More Thai
distributors in South Africa attended
people are buying smartphones and tablets and now prefer mobile phones with diverse utilities such as
the party, which combined product
easy access to social networks and multimedia support. We expect the partnership with ZTE to be a
presentations with entertainment,
success because the company’s products provide these features.”
performances, and lucky draws.
“ZTE is pleased work with WDS to bring Thai customers affordable devices with unique functions,”
Smart Tab 7 (V71A) has a 7-inch
said Zhang Xiaoke, managing director of ZTE Thailand. “The country’s consumers have shown their
display, and Smart Tab 10 (V10A)
openness to terminal products and we are confident in our ability to be effective here.” (Source: ZTE
has a 10-inch display. These are
Corporation, Jan. 16)
well-priced Android 3. 2 tablets
customized by ZTE for Vodafone.
Vo d a c o m ’ s m a n a g i n g
executive for sales, Zunaid
Dinath, said that ZTE is a strategic
partner for both Vodafone and
its subsidiary, Vodacom, and
has made a great contribution to
product innovation, quality control,
and cost control. “Vodacom is
going to subsidize data plans
for users and make the tablets
Zhang Xiaoke, managing director of ZTE Thailand and WDS Thailand
managing director, Thakolrat Kaewkan, are interviewed by the media
the most affordable in South
Africa,” he said. (Source: ZTE
Corporation, Feb. 8)
Vodacom staff who won the lucky draw at the
product launch conference
ZTE and WDS sign the contract to kick off the cooperation in Thailand on smart terminals
February 2012
Enjoying S n
and Fashio
Data Card Family
ZTE’s data card family is big. ZTE has spared no effort in developing stylish data
ZTE MF669 a black shell made of
B has
rated with
l and deco
tic materia
oks like
Its profile lo
is slim
e data card
cookie. Th
It supports
21.6 MB/s
ds of up to
76 MB/s. It
of up to 5.
r up to 32G
card slot fo
tes 270
a MicoSD
The USB co
signal rece
ensure good
degrees to
cards and has recently added several new data card designs. Each data card has
its own unique style to meet the needs of different users, and CWID technology
is used in a number of ZTE data cards. CWID stands for continuous packet
connectivity (CPC), Web UI (user interface) and driver-free technology. It has been
developed by ZTE for data cards that access high-speed HSPA+ mobile networks.
Digital products are becoming thinner and
lighter. When similar data cards are struggling
to come down to 10 mm in width, ZTE MF670
87 mm
MB/s •Size
B/s, UL 5.76
PA+ DL 21.6M
A Chewing Gum
× 27.2 mm ×
12 mm
Blue and White
ZTE AC2787
Good Inside and Out
ZTE MF667 comes in pure white and looks
People often forget to bring their data card with
elegant with pinholes on the sides. The
has a stunning ultra-thin design and is a wafer-
them. ZTE’s AC2787 has a lanyard hole on the
large, semi-transparent indicator light at the
thin 6.8 mm. The chewing gum-like device also
side, so you can put it around your neck and take
end shows its working status. It supports
performs well, with a maximum 21.6 MB/s
it anywhere. At 8.64 mm, it is ultrathin. It is classic
a maximum 21.6 MB/s download speed
download speed. The pure white exterior with
blue and white color, similar to Chinese blue and
and 5.76 MB/s upload speed, and it is also
a metal belt in the junction reveals its elegant
white porcelain. AC2787 used RoHS-compliant
compatible with popular mobile operating
quality. The green indicator light at the rear also
lead-free material. It also supports diversity
systems. The device is good inside and out.
catches your eyes.
reception, which reduces fluctuation of signal levels.
•Standard CDMA2000 1 × EVDO Rev.A •Speed DL 3.1MB/s
DL 21.6MB/s, UL 5.76MB/s •Size 88mm×27.5mm×6.8mm
UL 1.8 MB/s •Size 80.94 mm × 24.9 mm × 8.64 mm •Weight 35g
February 2012
HSPA+ DL 21.6MB/s, UL 5.76 MB/s •Size 88.7 mm × 27.3 mm
× 10.5 mm
Extreme S
Small Keybom
Great Wis
mant (ZTE F
1 boasts
a transmis
sion spee
of 42 MB
/s and allo
ws you to
Internet fr
surf the
eely. An
Internet c
can be e
within 15
without th
e need to
install softw
a sliding co
are. It has
nnector, an
d the white
signal ind
icator loo
ks simple
and stylis
It also su
pports m
emory exp
up to 32G
ansion of
. Such a fa
st device
business p
is ideal for
•Speed D
42MB/s, U
L 5.76 MB/
76.7 mm ×
s •Size
29.3 mm ×
13.3 mm
Verizon Ada
cks a
oard and pa
Qwerty keyb
htweight de
to a slim, lig
lot of
outline gives
ce and sleek
The fro
tton is glossy
ok. Each bu
tton in
e round bu
e black larg
especially th
gives you an
ch is
the center
m thick, hi
only 12.7 m
The F450 is
pared with
when com
ing in
for global roam
0 countries.
more than 20
GE •Camer
•Weigh g
mm × 12.7 mm
109 mm × 61
ZTE Mim of the Kin
osa X
X is ZT
E’s flag
ship ph
ed featu
one and
The du
4.3 inch
l-core C
qHD dis
PU and
play en
a good
ce. The
latest A
ndroid O
X even
S 4.0 h
more p
as mad
1080p H
The pho
D video
e offers
ooting a
HD voic
nd playb
e. A rearack as
facing 8
well as
el camera
gives yo
he phon
e also m
ones to
akes use
voice qu
a divers
ality. Hig
e range
figure, an
d great fe
el make
•OS And
this ZTE’
roid 4.0 •
s flagship
core •Ca
mera 8 m
A+ •CP
U 1.2 GHz
egapixel (r
inch 960
110g •M
540 pixel
r) / 0.3-m
egapixel (f
ront) •
•Size 12
7 mm
mory 4 G
B inte
× 65 mm
× 9.9 mm •
rnal mem
ory, a mic
roSD card
slot (up to
Mimosa X
Perfect Sound
ZTE Chorus
The prominent "Muve Music" logo on the interface together
with the music note on the button under the screen shows
this is a music phone. It is preloaded with Cricket’s Muve
Music service, which enables users to enjoy unlimited
songs streamed over Cricket’s 3G network. The phone
supports SRS WOW HD technology for an immersive audio
experience. The phone also lets you customize your sound
preferences with SRS sound settings, and you can choose
from acoustic, blues, hip hop, pop or rock music styles. It
comes in an affordable price and is ideal for value-conscious
music enthusiasts.
•Standard CDMA2000 1x/EV-DO Rev.A •Display 3.2 inch WQVGA TFT
•Size 111 mm × 57 mm × 14.8 mm •Weight 105g •Maximum Card
Size 32GB
February 2012
ZTE V88 Value for M
ZTE Nova
For 3G
rs, choo
sing a p
for mone
roduct w
y in the c
ith high
3G hand
set mark
0E offers
et is an a
er hardw
It has a
are for a
slim bod
better p
y and h
large 4
GB built
d 1 GH
z CPU.
-in stora
ge offers
audio an
d video
space fo
ment as
Its body
well as a
has a m
etallic te
xture an
d the ph
with a sq
uare fram
one look
e around
d back c
the cam
over. The
for either
large 4-i
games o
nch scre
r social n
en is go
that V88
0E will b
g apps.
e the fav
It is belie
•OS And
orite of m
roid 2.3 •
any 3G b
rd GSM/G
ncy 1GH
z •Cam
ra 3 megap
(Front) •
ixel (Rea
4 inch 48
Size 120.5
0 pixel W
mm × 63
.6 mm ×
10.8 mm •
+ TP •
+ 512 MB
140g •M
emory 4
Nova 3.5
A Good Companion
ZTE Nova 3.5
A Social Networking
With a busy urban life, you really need a companion
ZTE Nova Messenger
candidate. The 3.5-inch capacitive touchscreen
The Nova Messenger has a metal body and a
phone is easy to hold. Equipped with Android, the
smartphone-like UI. The phone integrates Facebook
phone can be your secretary at work. It supports
and Twitter and also supports MP3, MP4, Wi-Fi,
Wi-Fi, GPS, digital compass and accelerometer, and
FM, JAVA, WAP 2.0 and MMS1.2. It has the same
makes daily life more convenient. Entertainment is at
keyboard layout as a computer and uses blue dots
your fingertips with a dual camera and collection of
to distinguish numeric keys. This gives a good visual
effect and better operational experience.
•OS Android 2.3 •Standard GSM/WCDMA/HSDPA •CPU
•Standard GSM/GPRS/EDGE •Camera 3.2 megapixel •Size
107 mm × 60 mm × 10.3 mm •Weight 95 g •Display 2.4-inch
megapixel (front) •Display 3.5-inch HVGA,262K •Size 112.4 mm ×
QVGA, 262K, TFT •Memory 1GB ROM+ 256MB RAM
59.9 mm × 11 mm •Memory 512 MB ROM+ 256MB RAM
February 2012
that takes care of your business, entertainment, and
communications needs. ZTE Nova 3.5 is the perfect
800 MHz •Camera 3.2 megapixel (rear)/0.3
Cover Fashion: SOMARTA from ARRTCO collection
Jewelry: mango
Fashion: Marc Jacobs
Blade II
Shows off Your Personal Charms
Photographer: Haizhen
Makeup: Eleven Zhou
Fashion Clothes Editor: David
rdinary life needs surprises,
And a heart perceiving surprises;
When touching the ultra-slim Blade II,
I feel sorry not to have met it earlier.
February 2012
Fashion: Chictopia
ith graceful skirt and red lips, I dress up for holidays,
The Blade II in my hand has a 1GHz CPU,
3G network and Wi-Fi support,
Which presents the world at high speeds.
Now, all glories come to my hands.
February 2012
Fashion : LERARIO BEATRIZ from ARRTCO collection
Hat: D 61
go to a theme party in my black dress and devil hat.
Putting jewellery aside, the 3.5-inch Blade II is my sparkling accessory.
A rear 5-megapixel,
Easily records my styles and charms;
Gingerbread Android OS v2.3,
Brings massive apps.
I am the almighty "devil".
February 2012
hallenges and
Opportunities to
Compete in Open
Market in Indonesia
By Liu Yang, Zhao Rujing and Natalia Sutanto
February 2012
he island nation of Indonesia
is the world’s fourth most
populous country, with
tourism an important part of its
economy. According to recent
research, mobile phone penetration
in Indonesia has surged in recent
years, driven by young users, and
there has been a decline in fixed-line
ownership. Many Indonesians are
now using mobile phones to access
the Internet. As the number of mobile
phones being used increases, the choice
of phones has become more varied,
and telecommunication companies
have increased their spending on
advertising. At Roxy Mall, Jakarta (a
popular place to buy mobile phones)
visitors are greeted with outdoor light
box ads from various mobile phone
Indonesia has five G S M a n d
three CDMA operators. ZTE CDMA
products have been available since
2004 through mobile operators. GSM
handsets are sold on the open market
through distributors. April 2011
marked the first time ZTE Indonesia
had entered the open market. ZTE
Indonesia is committed to channel
building and collaborated with
six local distributors. What are
the challenges of entering the open
market? How can ZTE Indonesia
make a breakthrough? And what
has already been done to achieve
this goal? Mobile World interviewed
Susanto Sosilo, device director at
ZTE Indonesia, Yao Qichao, head of
terminal division, ZTE Indonesia, and
Muljadi Handjojo, director of Mega
Mobile Indonesia (a distributor of
own-branded and ZTE products).
February 2012
An interview scene
“The Indonesian
Market is Big.”
Susanto Sosilo, device
director at ZTE Indonesia
to a SingTel store. But in Indonesia, if
A: Product availability and branding are
you want to buy a phone, you don’t go
important. Branding is not just about brand
to an operator; instead, you go to Roxy
awareness, it is also about brand engagement
Mall or Ambassador Mall. These are
and equity. We plan marketing communication
not shops but handphone centers that
and channel activation ourselves with some
have many phone stores.
support from distributors. Of course, the
The Indonesian market is big. Every
products have to be good and be competitively
month, shops sell 4.5 million phones (excluding
priced. Excluding camera, the specifications
dongles and tablets) at an average price of $90.
of ZTE Skate series are similar to those of the
This is roughly $400 million a month. The open
Samsung Galaxy S2, but Skate is half the
market (the traditional retail market) is around 80
to 85 percent of the handset business and is
worth $320 to $340 million.
Q: Please tell us about ZTE Indonesia
after-sales service?
The business to business model worked
A: Our after-sales service is part of our
between 2005 and 2009. Why did operators buy
competitive edge. If you want to compete in
phones at that time? They wanted to subsidize
the open market, solid after-sales service is a
customers through good prices and packages.
must. When you sell handsets to an operator,
In order to do that, they needed to reduce costs
the operator’s brand becomes the phone’s brand.
by purchasing cheaper phones. Since 2011, ZTE
If there is something wrong with the phone,
A: ZTE has been developing the Indonesian
has implemented a new strategy called “Light
customers will complain to the operator.
market since 2005. Actually, the Indonesian
Your Smart World.” ZTE switched from low-
ZTE Indonesia opened its first service center
handset market came into being in 1995, when
end feature phones to smartphones. For the first
in 2008. Now we have 150 service center
the first GSM operator was established. In 2011,
time, ZTE Indonesia decided to enter the open
networks, including 75 service networks and
ZTE was quite aggressive in the open market.
market. Retail requires good distribution, and we
75 service collection points, mostly located
The good thing about the operator market is that
have been working on establishing distribution
in Java. Although we are satisfied with the
you can sell handsets to an operator in bulk, but
channel since last year. Currently, we have 6
number of service centers, we still need to
your brand does not get exposure. For example,
or 7 distributors, including Mitra Komunikasi
expand our service coverage areas.
until 2009, Flexi, Esia and Mobile 8 (the three big
Nusantara, Mega Mobile Indonesia, Pro-Link, and
Q: What are your expectations for 2012?
CDMA operators in Indonesia) had their own
A: Again, the Indonesian market is big. We
Q: Could you tell us about ZTE mobile
phones in Indonesia?
logos on their phones, not ZTE’s. Indonesia
Q: IDC predicts a 68 percent growth in
want to double sales in 2012. We also want
is very different from Singapore and US. In
Indonesian smartphone market by 2012. What
ZTE to gain in popularity, and we want to build
US, maybe 90 percent is operator market. In
is ZTE Indonesia’s plan for smart terminals? How
a concept store. If you compete in the open
Singapore, if you want to buy a phone, you go
will ZTE enhance its competitive edge?
market, you need to have a concept store.
February 2012
in competitive packages. In the open market,
“ZTE is Back.”
Yao Qichao, head of terminal
division, ZTE Indonesia
we let end-users experience the quality of ZTE
phones and they create the demand.
Q: What has ZTE done to compete in
open market?
A: We have had to build ZTE’s reputation
among distributors as well as increase ZTE’s
Q: What are challenges in switching from
the operator market to the open market?
A: Since 2009, we have been planning to
Yao Qichao
of marketing campaigns that created a buzz
around the ZTE brand.
compete in the open market. It is challenging
In April 2011, we launched Light Tab. Prior
because the two markets are different. When
to the launch, we had teasers on Facebook
operators decide to buy handsets in large
and Twitter. In May, we ran promotions in malls
numbers, vendors engage in bidding. In the open
and handphone centers nationwide. In June,
market, we need to find a distribution partner to
we participated in the month-long Jakarta Fair,
sell our products, and it is up to the distributors
which was attended by more than 4 million
to decide how many mobile phones to buy. We
decide which series go to market and ways to
Let me tell you a story. At the Indonesia
promote the phones. Marketing for consumer
Cellular Show in November, there was a long
products is totally different from marketing for
queue at the booth of an operator that sold
industrial products.
our tablet for a special price on the weekend.
In the open market, we target end-users
People were lined up. On the first day, security
directly. It is only after the product creates a
had to stop people from entering the queue
buzz among end-users that distributors start
because it was getting too long. Two hours
noticing the demand. For example, when our
later, people were lining up again.
Dreamer smartphone was launched, customers
In August, we kicked off the “Androholic
also asked about Blade or Light Plus tablets.
campaign” to introduce ZTE’s Android devices.
Based on this, distributors asked us to make
We have now expanded the campaign to other
the tablets available next time. In the operator
cities in Java.
market, we “push” operators to sell our products
Light Tab booth
brand visibility. In 2011, we carried out a number
Through these activities, we hoped people
would get the idea that ZTE is re-entering the
mall in Jakarta
in a big shopping
Q: There is an anecdote that love is like
a Chinese phone without guarantee. How will
you counter the impact of ‘cloned’ phones from
A: In recent years, there has been a great
influx of Chinese ‘cloned’ phones into Indonesia.
Last year, we saw some new opportunities. We
launched smartphones, and provided more
choices for our mobile broadband products.
This year, we will launch Webbox, which will
distinguish our products from the cloned
phones. Building the distribution network and
planning the product lifecycle also pave the way
ZTE's Androholic campain launched in August 2011
for us to re-enter the market.
February 2012
ZTE's data cards displayed in Muljadi Handjojo's office
70 percent of the total mobile phone market.
Muljadi H
Q: What do you think of the collaboration
with ZTE?
Two salespeople for Mega Mobile Indonesia at Roxy Mall. Their T shirts
have the ZTE logo
the sense that it has many local brands. Nexian
is the first Indonesian local brand. In three years,
they have already sold more than 10 million
A: So far, so good. ZTE is a big brand in
handsets. Other countries might not have as
Indonesia. We need to invest in branding and
many local brands. In Indonesia, it is easy to
participate in exhibitions such as the Indonesia
register a brand. It takes only 3 months and
Cellular Show. We still need time to educate the
Rp 10 million for a store or dealer to establish a
“We Need a
Big Marketing
market that ZTE products have same quality
brand. But without advertising and promotion,
as Samsung. Indonesian users think Chinese
the brand can disappear easily. Nexian runs a
products are low-end because local brands
very aggressive marketing campaign; Their ad
from China (cloned phones) are cheap, and
is on TV almost every day. ZTE should advertise
that influences other made-in-China products.
because they now compete in the open market.
Interviewee: Muljadi Handjojo,
director of Mega Mobile
Indonesia, a distributor
of own-branded and ZTE
telecommunication products
We need a big bang, a serious marketing
I know ZTE is good brand. The challenge is
campaign to promote ZTE. If ZTE wants to be
how to transfer brand value to customer? Many
recognized, it must advertise on TV. In just one
still do not know that the brand is as good as
month, everybody will know ZTE. My job is to
Samsung, for example. So we need advertising
provide the products to dealers, and ZTE’s job is
because 10 salespeople cannot cover 200
to create a marketing campaign. We push and
million people. Pricing is number one for a
ZTE pulls. We push dealers to sell ZTE products,
distributor, and products are number one for
and ZTE pulls customer to buy ZTE products.
ZTE. In the market, brand comes first, followed
Q: Could you tell us about the Indonesian
handset market?
A: Indonesia has four segments: very lowend (entry-level), low-end, mid-level and high-
Q: What do you think ZTE should pay
attention to, design-wise?
end. In 2009, the price of an entry-level phone
A: For the Indonesian mid- and low-level
was Rp 300,000; the price of a low-end phone
handset markets, design comes second to
was Rp 600,000; the price of a mid-level phone
by price and products. A cheap product needs
no advertising, but if we want a higher profit
margin, we run marketing and advertising
campaigns. That is the scenario.
Targeting the right market is also important.
was Rp 1 million; and the price of a high-end
Qwerty phones used to be very popular,
If people have money, they buy Samsung, if not,
Rp 3 million. But within three years, these prices
but now that iPhone is available in the country,
they opt for local brand; Skate is safe, because
dropped almost 50 percent because of a
big screens and touchscreen phones are a hit.
no local brand has that kind of product.
large volume of cloned phones from China. In
Phones with good audio feature are also in high
Jakarta, high-end phones are in demand. But
I believe ZTE will grow in the future. The
most important thing is solid teamwork. We need
in areas such as Sumatera, Kalimantan, and
Q: What are the key factors for a
to work hard. Now, we must focus on Jakarta
Sulawesi, low-end products are still popular. In
manufacturer to succeed? Could you give ZTE
market and open a ZTE concept store soon.
Indonesia, most people still cannot afford high-
some advices?
We also need to collaborate with operators to
end products. The low-end market accounts for
February 2012
A: Indonesia is similar to Brazil and India in
get them to create good packages.
Fashion in
Your Hands
n the past, we looked for information about fashionable and luxury brands
on the official websites of these brands. But with the development of cell phone
The Chanel app allows you to read
technologies and mobile networks, we can now keep up to date with the latest
Chanel’s latest news, browse recent
fashions using custom mobile apps.
press conference videos and videos
of new products, and find the nearest
Luxury brands are often at the forefront of fashion, and many of these brands have
Chanel location. The app interface is
developed mobile apps. These allow them to promote themselves on a mobile phone platform
simple and clear. The simple black and
and determine their customers’ opinions. Mobile phones have replaced PCs as a platform for
white background is used to present this
us to know about fashion and luxury goods. Whether you are on the crowded subway or in
season's popular elements.
the streets, the world of fashion trends is at your fingertips.
Mercedes-Benz is a luxury car brand and
SLS AMG is the most expensive car model in
the Mercedes lineup. This app is specifically
designed for SLS AMG and allows users to view
any information about the model, including driving
experience, technical data, and picture gallery.
There is also a game where a user can drive
an SLS AMG virtually in order to experience its
overwhelming speed. Who does not want to own
such a car?
With the Dior app, you can find
the Cruise collection, "Mise en Dior"
The Tiffany & Co app keeps Tiffany’s
jewelry, and the Dior ready-to-wear
simple but luxurious style and uses the light
collection. Fashion shows such as the
green color. You can view Tiffany diamond
latest Spring/Summer 2012 Women's
rings and learn basic knowledge about rings.
Fashion Show are popular, and with a
Whether you are looking for an engagement
swipe of your finger, you can navigate
ring or a gift, the app will offer you the most
intimate suggestions, even the precise ring
through all this content.
In addition to luxury brands themselves, users can find many third-party apps for information about
these fashion power houses, either released by media, or developed by a third party platform. Through
these mobile phone information platforms, users can discover unique fashion tastes and sharpen their
fashion sense.
February 2012
ZTE KIS: A Stylish
By Tan Haiyan
Sales of cheaper smartphones are set to grow worldwide as 3G penetration increases.
Following the success of ZTE’s budget Android smartphone, Skate, ZTE plans to release
another budget phone called KIS. KIS is a stylish smartphone at an affordable price. It has an
elegant appearance; it has versatile functions and applications; and it is good value for money.
February 2012
A Good-looking Phone
with Decent Hardware
The metallic silver frame around the
display on the front is complemented by
the back cover with a frosted texture.
the Android Market. Angry Birds, Fruit
These give the handset a premium, stylish
Ninja, Facebook and Documents to Go
feel. KIS comes with a 3.5-inch screen
can be downloaded from Android Market.
and is 114.5 mm × 62.5 mm × 11.5
Anyone can download their own favorite
mm. KIS has inherited the successful
applications and make KIS what they want
skateboard-themed design of ZTE Skate.
it to be. Thanks to the decent hardware in
It has a slightly upturned chin that makes
KIS, these applications can run smoothly
the phone more ergonomic and gives it a
without any hiccups.
sophisticated and dynamic look. The KIS
KIS will be preinstalled with NFC
design is minimalist, with concise volume
function according to the needs of
control and on/off buttons.
operators. With this feature, users can
KIS has a 3.5-inch HVGA capacitive
easily share music, photos and business
touchscreen that is very responsive. It is
cards with friends who also have an NFC-
powered by a Qualcomm MSM7225A
enabled phone. This can be done with
800 MHz processor, which ensures that
just one slight touch rather than by using
applications can be operated smoothly. It
Internet or email.
has a 3.2 megapixel camera with a flash,
It is no exaggeration to call a mobile
256 MB RAM, and its 200 MB internal
phone with such rich features a “versatile
storage can be expanded to 32 GB with a
MicroSD card.
A Versatile Assistant
People have their own standards for
choosing a mobile phone, and different
mobile phones are favored by different
groups. KIS is a great entry-level
smartphone that comes with stylish looks
and is user friendly. KIS will be popular
among 3G beginners as well as young and
fashion conscious users.
KIS is an Android phone and has a
wide range of built-in applications to meet
daily needs. You can communicate with
others anytime, anywhere through Gmail
and Google Talk. The phone also has full
entertainment features. Watching video
is a breeze with the built-in YouTube app,
and you can listen to music with the inbuilt FM Radio. With GPS and compass,
KIS can help you find your way in strange
city or in more remote locations. The 3.2
megapixel camera allows you to record life’s
exciting moments. The interesting photo
applications available from the Android
market also make photographing more fun.
KIS has Android OS v2.3.5 with many
applications available for download from
The phone inherits the skateboard design, which is
both practical and stylish
The power button and camera have a
minimalist design
Android OS v2.3.5
guarantees abundant
February 2012
Makes a Powerful Debut
ZTE Blade II is the successor to ZTE Blade, which
sold remarkably well after it was launched in 2010.
Blade II continues the legend of the original Blade.
By Yan Juan
February 2012
Further Refinements
upgraded. Blade II is equipped with a faster
Blade II can be fitted with an optional
A very important reason for Blade’s
processor at 1 GHz and 512 MB RAM to
NFC function. After a carrier builds-in this
widespread market acceptance is its
run smoothly. It performs well with hardware-
feature, users can transfer pictures and
exterior. It has an ultrathin design and
consuming video playback, and even high-
music between NFC-enabled phones or
feels good in the hand. Blade II retains
quality games. The phone will not freeze,
use the phone for payment and access
the essence of the Blade series. It has a
drop frames, or exit the app.
3.5-inch screen, and dimensions of 115
As a mid-range product, Blade II has
mm × 58 mm × 10.9 mm. Blade II is thin
a 5 megapixel camera on the back and a
and looks even thinner with angled sides.
0.3 megapixel camera on the front for video
At the lower edge of the body, the sloping
calling. The phone has extensive camera
lends a sophisticated refinement to the
shooting features, whether during the day
or night, for animals or figures, scenery
The Blade series aims at the
fashionable crowd. To suit their needs,
or architecture, users can obtain the best
Blade II is a continuation of Blade
and has a stylish exterior, outstanding
features, and adequate hardware. It is
expected to be popular.
photography results.
Blade II also uses the battery cover's color
to create special visual effects. The phone
is available in deep coffee and white. The
white handset has the silver gray battery
cover, and the deep coffee handset has a
champagne battery cover.
Rich Functions
Blade II runs on Android 2.3. In Blade
II, Android is optimized to distinguish the
phone from other Android phones and
highlight the ZTE brand. ZTE’s Mifavor
interface is fresh, clean and easy to use,
which guarantees the openness of Android,
ensures consistency of ZTE mobile phones,
and enables consumers to use the phone
effortlessly. Although the Android Market
has hundreds of thousands of apps, Blade
II is pre-installed with Facebook, Twitter
and Youtube, which allow young people
The Mifaover UI is clear and user friendly
who love social media and entertainment
to find a way to kill time; Docs To Go allows
business users to handle Word, Excel,
and PDF documents at any time; Google
Maps makes strange cities familiar and
travel arrangements simple for travelers. If
these were not enough, users can find their
favored apps in the Android Market.
The hardware in Blade II has been
1.The three crystal buttons under
the screen are like slivers that do not
consume valuable space for the screen
2.The battery cover is a different color
3.A 5 megapixel camera with auto focus
February 2012
ZTE Launches Tania
Windows Phone in
By Wang Xiaolan
Nick Hedderman, Microsoft's head of consumer marketing for Windows Phone UK, speaks at the conference
On January 18, ZTE launched its
the event.
up,” said Chris Edwards, European marketing
and business development director for ZTE.
Tania Windows Phone 7.5 at Supperclub
Nick Hedderman, Microsoft's head of
in London. EMI Music/Virgin Records
consumer marketing for Windows Phone
“ZTE’s hardware, plus the Windows
UK’s Professor Green gave an exclusive
UK, gave a speech at the event to welcome
OS, at an affordable cost will enable us to
performance to journalists and ZTE fans at
the partnership with ZTE. Microsoft also
reach new users in the market,” said Nick
the launch.
sent five professional demo staff to help ZTE
This was the first time ZTE had organized
demonstrate the product to the journalists.
“We’re delighted to be working with
an event directly targeting consumers in the
Thirty retailers, including Phones 4 U,
Microsoft, and as a key partner, we will support
UK. More than 300 fans won tickets through
attended the event.
the forecasted growth in the industry on this
a competition on the ZTE UK Facebook
ZTE is a new name in the UK, but
exciting new platform and with both ZTE
page. Sixty journalists from UK trade,
partnering with an established player like
Tania and a future range of devices,” said Wu
consumer and lifestyle publications attended
Microsoft will “really help us open the market
Sa, director of mobile operations at ZTE UK.
February 2012
the headline sponsor of rapper Professor Green’s UK
tour, which ran from November to middle of December
2011 and included 18 gigs across the UK.
At the event, a video “Professor Green spotted
in London with ZTE Tania” was played, showing the
singer’s interactions with ZTE Tania. The video was
The ZTE tag wall signed by Professor Green himself
later uploaded to Facebook and YouTube so that more
people could find out about ZTE Tania and the ZTE
brand. In the background, ZTE's video sponsoring
Professor Green’s tour was played.
ZTE Tania running Windows Phone 7.5 OS
is available through various U.K. retailers with tariff
packages ranging from £10-£20 per month.
Fans pose in front of the ZTE Tania media board
Microsoft staff demonstrate ZTE Tania
“Last year, ZTE announced its plans to create a market presence, releasing ZTE-branded
Main Features of ZTE Tania:
Dimensions: 128.6 x 67.8 x 10.7 mm
4.3-inch WVGA display
5-megapixel camera
4GB storage, 512 MB RAM
1 GHz processor
1400 mAh battery
GPS & Wi-Fi
devices including ZTE Skate, Libra and Tureis. Our first own-brand handset to enter the
market in 2012 is ZTE Tania.”
ZTE has switched from making white label phones to launching several ownbranded Android smartphones in 2011. It aimed to attract the UK youth market by being
Windows Phone:
A Pioneer Project in France
By Marie Boisard
The European market has always been very competitive for manufacturers in the
mobile phone industry. In the race to excellence, exceptional products have emerged
in Europe, particularly in France.
Following on the heels of ZTE Blade, which was launched in France in October
2010, ZTE Tania is set to penetrate the French market in 2012, branded as a
Windows Phone. Developed for SFR and tailored to French customers by ZTE, the
Windows Phone was launched at the beginning of December 2011 to round off the
current SFR range of five Android smartphones offered by ZTE France.
This achievement is the result of tight collaboration between ZTE, Microsoft,
and SFR—ZTE’s long-term ODM partner. The Windows Phone brand has attracted
users to become familiar with the ZTE product, and Microsoft has even invested in a
communication campaign.
ZTE has taken advantage of this momentum to make the Windows Phone
available through various operators in other countries, such as the UK and Portugal,
under the ZTE Tania brand. This process shows that ZTE is evolving from being a
customized ODM for privileged customers to being an OEM.
Co-branded marketing between SFR and Microsoft for
the retail giant, Carrefour
February 2012
ZTE France Holds
Annual Party
By Marie Boisard
very year, ZTE France Terminal Department holds a party for journalists, partners, and customers . Last
year, the date for the party fell right in the middle of the department's communication campaign, so the
timing was perfect for a press conference to celebrate ZTE’s performance and brand development.
Celebration of ZTE’s Progress
2011 was another year of success for ZTE France. Revenue from
terminals grew 40% year on year, 8 new smartphones were launched,
and partnerships were formed with new customers. A communication
campaign was also run to position ZTE as a smart handset choice. We
decided to organize a big celebration to thank our partners and maintain
ZTE’s momentum.
The 23rd of November was strategically chosen because it was
right in the middle of our communication campaign.
Success that Exceeded Expectations
terminals, along with Fan Jiongyi, general manager of Europe Terminals,
presented ZTE’s figures, activities, and portfolio. Last year’s event was
very much focused on launching a single device, ZTE Blade. However,
this year was more about promoting the ZTE brand and demonstrating
ZTE’s know-how with Android phones, including the popular ZTE
Skate. The Windows Phone was also on display as well as ZTE’s
Immediately after the press conference, customers and
partners arrived at the Arc. Everybody was welcomed with a glass of
champagne and finger food served on silver trays. Lights flashed in
characteristic warm blue and pink colors. Screens showed product
The party attracted 400 people, including 50 journalists, 270
videos, ZTE logos, and live coverage of guests as they arrived and
business customers, and 80 ZTE employees. It was held at the
throughout the evening. Cameramen and photographers mingled in the
prestigious Arc nightclub, located at the top of the Champs Elysees and
crowd. Additional attractions included a personalized photocall in the
near the Arc de Triomphe. Like last year, the press conference was the
entrance and lotteries to win ZTE Skate phones.
first part of the evening, followed by a party that ran late into the night.
The press conference attracted more journalists and had more
impact than last year. Emmanuel Rousseau, ZTE France’s director of
February 2012
The quality of the location, catering, animations, and decor made
the event a great success. Feedback from customers exceeded our
expectations, and we can’t wait for the next event.
release that was led by Emmanuel
1.Announcements during the press
France, and Fan Jiongyi, gener
manager of Europe Terminals
by the
were lit up in blue and enhanced
2.The walls at the Arc nightclub
ZTE logo
e and Moet & Chandon champagne
3.A classy event with beautiful terrac
front of the Arc near the Champs
4.A long queue of partygoers in
won one of 30 ZTE Skates being
5.People wait to see if they have
out as prizes
ul ZTE wallpaper
6.A photocall animation with colorf
delicacies were offered throughout
7.Delightful catering. Chocolate
8.The lottery box and stylish roll-up
“Smart Phones for Smart People”
ZTE’s Media Campaign in France
In the last week of November 2011, ZTE France Terminal Department
competitive prices, for consumers who are price-orientated.
began its second important media campaign directed towards end users.
To determine the effectiveness of the campaign and to measure
The main purpose of the campaign was to reinforce the presence of ZTE
the brand perception, we conducted a post-test survey on the Internet,
on the national market and to strengthen ZTE’s brand image and credibility
including on our French website homepage. Overall, the feedback has been
as a mobile phone manufacturer. ZTE promoted its Skate flagship
very positive. All the respondents thought that it was a nice campaign with
smartphone as well as the Racer II, which are both available on the open
handsome models, a memorable slogan "Smart Phones for Smart people"
market (mainly through retail outlets). ZTE intends to establish itself as a
and it really caught their attention. After this successful campaign, we intend
true market agitator in terms of value for money. The media campaign
to invest even more in our marketing media plan in 2012. We want to run a
included 400 12 m billboards located throughout Parisian metro and
digital campaign to create a real buzz around the ZTE brand and to develope
suburban train stations. ZTE was also advertised in a free daily newspaper
incentives and training for our sales force. We will also focus on trade users
called 20 Minutes, which is distributed in the metro and other high-traffic
to increase the sales volume of our devices and to make vendors more
areas. The newspaper highlighted ZTE’s new slogan “Smart Phones
aware of our full range of devices.
for Smart People.” ZTE is perceived as a mobile phone manufacturer
that offers attractive smartphones at
ZTE EVP He Shiyou speaks at the award
February 2012
A tree that hangs cards introducing ZTE designers
e t
Debuts New Mobile Phone Design Concept
ales of ZTE Blade have reached 8 million across the globe, and ZTE Skate has been
launched in nearly 30 countries. The success of ZTE’s blockbuster phones has also made
design a new focus of attention. On December 15, 2011, ZTE held a “designer’s night” to
debut its new design concepts. ZTE also took the opportunity to award outstanding designers.
The New Design Philosophy
ZTE’s new philosophy is based on “caring,
creative, simple, and smart.” The “caring” aspect
highlights ZTE’s consideration of customer
needs. “Creative” is intended to emphasize
innovation and new designs, and “simple” refers
to the sleek, clean appearance of ZTE’s devices.
The “smart” refers to designing products in a
Mifavor, a user-friendly interface. The concept
Consumers are demanding in terms of handset
also extends to the materials used in ZTE’s
aesthetics and usability, so greater investment
products and packaging, which are simple and
needs to be made in design. ZTE has an
environmentally friendly. ZTE takes the emotional
engineer culture. However, with the development
needs of users into consideration and tries its
of handset industry, ZTE has put greater
best to improve UE.
emphasis on the strategy of driving R&D through
The philosophy is an upgrade of ZTE’s
design and has started to cultivate a designer
old design concept of “Presenting Flowers to a
culture. ZTE’s ID and UI design departments are
Lover,” which was from the Italian design master,
important in ZTE’s management structure, have
way that is intelligent and socially responsible.
Ettore Sottsass. It means that designers should
well-developed appraisal and encouragement
This design concept applies to the appearance
carry out their work like cultivating flowers for
mechanisms to help designers carry out their
of ZTE handsets and also to ZTE’s unique UI
a lover. With the new philosophy, there is still a
work smoothly.
"caring" focus on users. But ZTE adds another
“ZTE has always been focused on
three core principles, "creative,” “simple,” and
improving the design of its terminals; it is part
of what makes us competitive,” said ZTE EVP,
The Status of Design in ZTE
Mobile phones are a consumer product.
He Shiyou. “We will implement the new “caring,
creative, simple, smart” design philosophy and
drive R&D through design.”
Powerful Strength in Design
ZTE adopts a golden mean approach
to ensure that design is widely accepted.
In addition, ZTE has been cooperating with
overseas operators for years and can rapidly
satisfy operator needs with customized
ZTE has more than 13 years experience
designing mobile phones, and releases more
than 150 products annually. ZTE also has won
more than 15 internationally recognized design
awards. With a dedicated design team of over
400, the company now has four design centers
in mainland China and one in Germany.
February 2012
e t
NighZTE 2011 Gold Mark Awards
The phone allows children and seniors to
stay in touch with their families. It remained in the
SoftBank Top 10 list for several months in 2011.
Best Innovation Award
Award Winner: Mifavor UI design
TE’s “caring, creative, simple, smart” design concept has been followed
when designing many successful ZTE mobile phones. The designers of
these products were awarded at a special ZTE designer’s night.
Annual Best of Best Design
product design, has been thinking about how
Award Winner: Zhao Xinxin, designer
of ZTE Blade
source of inspiration, and the dynamic skateboard
to go beyond Apple's aesthetics. Life is the best
appeals to Gao Jiawei. From sleek skateboardlike body to the hidden proximity sensor and CDlike decorative plate on the camera, Gao Jiawei
has gone from bold innovation to continuous
improvements. With the global launch of ZTE
Skate, it has become the phone of choice for
ZTE EVP He Shiyou gives award to designer of ZTE
Blade Zhao Xinxin
ZTE Blade lived up to all expectations by
consumers in nearly 30 countries.
Best Social Care Design Award
winning the best design of 2011. More than eight
million customers worldwide have been won
over by its sharp, angular, minimalist design that
invokes speed. The camera is also shaped like
a blade. From the initial modeling in early 2009
to the final release, there have been 70 sets of
mockups. Zhao Xinxin joined ZTE in 2008 proved
his outstanding abilities in ID design early when
others were still familiarizing themselves with ZTE
projects, and he has received awards and honors
ever since.
Best Fashion Design Award
Award Winner:
Gao Jiawei,
designer of
ZTE Skate
Gao Jiawei, with six years of experience in
February 2012
Mifavor UI aims to become a mobile
interactive platform that is favored by users. The
Mifavor UI design team, including Ma Lian, An
Shunyu, Han Cong, Dong Feng, Xu Yuanyuan,
Zhou Huihong, Liu Wei, Liang Zhen, proposed a
UI that would give users a consistent experience
across ZTE products.
Mifavor UI can be summarized as intuitive
operation, personal customization, and great
pleasure. Intuitive operation allows users to
operate the phone effortlessly. To unlock, the
Award Winner:
Chen Cuifeng,
designer of
SoftBank 005Z
Mifavor UI team took into account the habit
of sliding the thumb up and down with onehand, designed a curved unlock trajectory.
Personal customization means that users can
2011 is a double harvest year for Chen
express themselves through the platform. The
Cuifeng. She not only became a mother, she
overall tone of interface is blue and black, and
also received the “The Best Social Care Award.”
the dynamic weather wallpaper is updated
She had been designing the phone before her
automatically to provide useful travel information.
baby was born, and some even joked that her
Every satisfactory moment in operating the phone
baby would be born with the ability to draw. In her
can be attributed to the countless efforts of the
work, she discussed with team members how
Mifavor UI design team.
to maximize design quality and limit costs. Chen
A good UI is like the eyes of a mobile
Cuifeng selflessly devoted herself to the design
phone; and it is an important factor for a user to
of SoftBank 005Z, a phone for children and the
decide to buy or not to buy within three seconds.
elderly. SoftBank 005Z is a cute and portable
Mifavor UI design team significantly improves
phone, and it has a large button in the center. In
user experience of ZTE smartphones through
an emergency, you can send your location to a
their unremitting effort, and it helps ZTE to win in
preset number with the mere touch of a button.
mobile phone competition in 2011.
D eThe Dream Night of Designers
By Yu Yue
When Zhao Xinxin, the ID designer of Blade,
creations in a loft with full-glass windows and
future, ZTE products will be user friendly and
accepted the glistening Gold Mark award from
walls covered with sketches. In reality, designers
easy to use. They will have care and warmth,
ZTE EVP, He Shiyou, he was caught in the light
spend entire afternoons bargaining over the
and you will find quality and efficiency as well as
of camera flash, and outside, a fluorescent blue
design with engineers without any results.
elegance and fashion,” said He Shiyou.
ZTE logo on the river boat intermingled with the
They travel to the painting workshop and wait
He Shiyou has also reiterated the
city lights that glittered on the Huangpu river.
for sample-checks. They sit alone in front of
strategy of driving R&D by design, and
Designers were the focus of attention for the
the computer on weekends to construct a 3D
allowing designers to reach their full potential.
model. They are part of the product assembly
Recognition of the importance of design may
Perhaps every designer dreams about the
line with colleagues from other departments, and
be the encouragement designers need most
moment when they can tell the story behind their
drawing sketches is their routine. Gradually, their
at this time. Carl Liu said, “You are really lucky
work in front of everyone. Designers dream about
dream may have to be left behind. Their picture
what has never existed before and hope to bring
about what a designer is begins to blur. Although
There is no need to overstate the charm
a product sketch into reality. Therefore, they are
they may mock their own life and profession,
and influence of this night. At least we, a group
somewhat idealistic.
they still hold passion and expectation for design.
of daydreamers, saw the shadow of our dreams
The well-know Chinese industrial designer,
It is a thousand times more distressing for them
and remembered the days when we worked for
Carl Liu, was an invited guest and began his
to hear criticism about their design than about
our dreams passionately. Our dreams, maybe,
speech with the comment, “Designers are
are not so far away.
people who are difficult to control.” Yes, design
For designers, the most daunting
means to step away from the rules, to express
prospect is not fatigue, boredom, or
individuality, and to think creatively. Designers may
low income but loss of the pleasure
sometimes look eccentric amidst an “engineer
of creation. According to Carl Liu,
culture.” Their hand-made iron man or graffiti on
“Designers should be given good
the roof surprises their fellow employees. How do
projects and enough affirmation.”
designers find their place and realize their dreams
“ZTE will stick to making
creative products. ZTE aims to be
There is always a big difference between
an enterprise with high taste and
dreams and reality. Designers don’t work on their
charming brands. I believe in the
February 2012
The Making of a LargeScreen Phone
The Design Story of Atlas
ID Design: Modern Simplicity
By Yu Yue
When the mockup is turned into a real product, project managers,
The assertion by architect Mies Van der Rohe that “less is more” sums
designers, and engineers need to negotiate and compromise with each
up the philosophy of concise and clean design. Design is not decoration but
other. ID designers relocate the touch keys to keep them away from the
simplification; scaling back means getting closer to the essence of things.
RF antenna; structural engineers find ways to make the whole width 1 mm
What is the essence of large-screen mobile phone? The primary need
narrower so that the phone is more refined. By the time a decent product
of users is to have a perfect experience of operating large screen through
has emerged, all the specialist engineers involved in the design process are
touch. The center of experience is the screen, which is like a flat surface
that contains constantly changing information and images from a variety of
sources. Therefore, highlighting the screen and making it neat and elegant is
our initial design philosophy.
Inspired by modernism, product design is becoming more and more
geometrical, minimal, linear, and rational. From plates and jars at home to
high-end villas, simple and neat geometrical surfaces are all around us. Our
products should integrate into living environments with a similar style.
The form needs to be concise; edges need to be clean and
straightforward; and chamfers need to be sturdy to make such a flat
surface. The back needs to be designed so that it is a comfortable curved
The Miracle of the CMF Team
When the handset begins to come into shape, designers start refining
After the first prototypes were produced, we were distressed that the
the details by improving the shape, size, ratio; narrowing the frame; and
evaporated coatings from our supplier were not really satisfactory. The
making the phone look thinner. Unnecessary features also need to be
coating “pooled” on the phone’s surface, the cold gray color turned out to
have a slightly purple tinge, and the coating was too duller than we wished.
February 2012
Looking at the shells of these prototypes, the
a way that creates a wonderful metallic effect
Good physical appearance is important, but
designers were a little dismayed.
almost indistinguishable from real metal. Spark
what is more crucial is whether the user interface
There were two options: abandon the
matt is applied to some versions of Atlas. At
is easy to use in daily life. Atlas uses ZTE’s unique
evaporation coating and switch to spray painting;
present, this technique is used exclusively for
Mifavor UI. It has novel unlock animation, beautiful
however, the effects would not be as good as
mobile phones but could be used for other digital
clock time fonts, and convenient function
the early-stage mockup. The other option was to
products. By uncovering new techniques that
settings. Commonly used functions such as
send engineers to the processing factory and ask
people have not been widely exposed to, the
Wi-Fi, brightness, and Bluetooth are added to
them to improve the product as much as they
CMF team is able to differentiate ZTE products
the notification window. The icons are carefully
from those of other manufacturers.
designed and allow for a smooth operating
At this critical point, the color, material and
finish (CMF) team stepped in.
The CMF team is a group of people who
have a good knowledge of design, process
technologies, and manufacturers, and they
For the battery cover, the CMF team found
a soft, smooth rubber painting technique that we
call "skin touch."
So to everyone’s relief, a product with great
textures was born.
coordinate all kinds of things.
They found a Japanese evaporation
technology manufacturer who brought a process
called "spark matt." Spark matt is an advanced
When I trialed the handset, I felt more deeply
that a good smartphone integrates the mutual
efforts of a few different teams.
The product designer is the dreamer, who
conceives ideas that never before existed. But
A Daydream Realized by a
the initial dream can only be materialized through
the joint cooperation of team members.
However exquisite the design and textures,
matt electroplating technique in which three-
a smartphone would eventually let users down if it
dimensional particles are applied at a certain
gave poor user experience. Designers borrowed
angle. The technique allows the front to have
the prototype of the Atlas phone, and after a trial
a smooth, flat surface, but reflects light in such
use, all their worries disappeared.
Atlas has been selected by operators in
China and abroad. Atlas is ZTE’s flagship
smartphone in 2012, it has promising market
February 2012
The Hometown of
Cherry Flowers
Tokyo in a Designer’s Eyes
By Xiao Zhihua
martphone use is gaining momentum in Japan,
and ZTE has launched its SoftBank 003Z, SoftBank
008Z and SoftBank 009Z smartphones there.
To better understand Japanese market trends and the
consumer’s needs, ZTE’s designers went to Japan last
November to seek the opinions of local users.
A New Form of City Development
Roppongi Hills at night
Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
Tokyo is a city where east meets west. It is a center for design
and fashion in Asia, and it has nurtured the design culture that
generally represents Japan. Despite all the signs of development and
urbanization, it has never neglected art and design.
When designing mobile phones, we can go beyond
functions to create a new selling point and not increase
cost. Only by creating products that appeal to people
emotionally can we lead the market.
Design has been blended into normal life, and you can feel this
strongly when you go to Roppongi, Omotesando, and Daiba.
Roppongi is often regarded as a work of art from the perspective
The Emphasis on Order
of city planning. Roppongi Hills and Tokyo Midtown are two of Tokyo’s
Tokyo, originally known as Edo, has over 600 years of history.
largest redevelopment projects. Roppongi Hills was opened in 2003
The ancient capital has been largely destroyed by earthquakes and
after 17 years of construction, and Tokyo Midtown was opened in
war during the 20th century. It has been rebuilt into a busy modern
2007. Roppongi Hills is a building complex that incorporates shops, a
metropolis by the Japanese people, who have great determination and
cinema complex, restaurants, a museum, residential areas and offices.
a strong sense of rule and order.
It is centered around the 53 story Mori Tower with an art museum at the
top. The rooftops and open spaces between buildings are covered by
green plants. Tokyo Midtown, like Roppongi Hills, is just a few blocks
away. Roppongi was transformed into a center of culture and art and is
a new model for city development.
February 2012
Garbage is sorted into different categories, and although there is a
lack of trash bins in Tokyo, the streets are always clean and tidy.
Riders on the metro are quiet, and never disturb others.
Tokyo has a high population density. However, it is not as crowded
as we imagine.
Garbage is treated carefully. Whether in outdoor dustbins or at
special stations, garbage is highly sorted and classified.
There are many examples of treasuring resources in Japan.
I remember once we were in a restaurant, and an old man sitting
beside us ordered noodles. He was given too many noodles, so he
moved some into a smaller bowl, handed it over to us and insisted we
eat them. We were embarrassed but at the same time touched by his
hospitality. Later we chatted with the old man and he told us he was too
old to eat so many noodles and he didn't want to waste food.
Garbage bins
Guide for garbage sorting
Mobile phones use resources, and this requires us
to make the design sustainable. We can use renewable
resources such as biomaterial to make a mobile phone.
Increasing the phone’s lifecycle is another way to save
Japanese people value public order and are known for their
calmness. They put strong emphasis on equilibrium, adaption, harmony
and equality.
Barrier-free Design
Respect is not only a fundamental right but also an attitude to life.
Tokyo is an international metropolis where people have numerous
ideas and desires. Some love it and some hate it, but Tokyo embraces
and respects every one.
The city has incorporated barrier-free designs in every place, for
example, braille on appliances, and handrails in washrooms, bathrooms,
corridors and passages. A blind person can hold the handrails to get to
the elevator and be guided by grooved tracks on the road. Tokyo metro
is designed for wheelchair and disabled access, and staff are always on
hand to help people get on and off the metro.
The society is moving towards becoming completely barrier-free.
Traditional Japanese wedding ceremony in Meiji Shrine
Design must pay attention to equilibrium, symmetry,
and balance. These aesthetics are not only applicable to the
Japanese market but also to other markets. Equilibrium is the
goal of our design.
Cherishing the Resources
As an island country, Japan is small and has few natural resources.
Therefore, people value resources to a great degree.
The control panel on a wash machine
handrails on a slope path
Anti-skid rings on a
User experience for mobile phones is particularly
important. Mobile phones should be safe and easy to use.
The physical appearance, interface, software and hardware
have to be more humanized. Our phones should have
barrier-free accessibility.
February 2012
February 2012