Diapositiva 1 - Infoagro.Net
Diapositiva 1 - Infoagro.Net
VII Annual Videoconference on Advances of Agri-Biotechnology 2012: year of science, egos, cancer and rats Pedro J. Rocha S. Biologist, Ph.D. Coordinator Area of Biotechnology and Biosafety (AB&B) Program of Innovation for Productivity and Competitiveness (PIPC) IICA Head Quarters-Costa Rica, 21st February 2013 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bio-products production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 2 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bio-products production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 3 Purposes Sustainable productive systems (social, economics, environmental) Political decision Implemented policies Capacity building Support to institutionalism: Policies & Institutions Biotechnology: much more than transgenesis IICA is not for or against a specific technology “Omics”: Genomics, Proteómica, Metabolómica Transgenesis Radioactivity Fermentation In vitro culture Bioinformatics Molecular markers Bio-reactor Farmer choice Biosafety: Expression of countries sovereignty on biotechnology (transgenesis) Communication of biotech Activities Biotechnology: complement and foundation of the various forms of agriculture Pillars IICA on biotechnology Clean technologies Nuclear technology Transgenic technology Acepted transgenic clean No Acepted conventional Conventional technologies Hybridization organic Traditional-knowledge based Technological innovation Scientific validated knowledge and available technologies Other disciplines: Biological sciences: Results Engineering Law Molecular and cell biology Genetics Economics Biochemistry Statistics Plant Physiology Informatics Communication Microbiology Modified from: Rocha, 2011. ComunIICA 8(January-July):23-31 Ecology Scientific and technical basis Agricultural Biotechnology Biofertilización (compost) Fermentation Cryoconservation Bioreactors Biofuels Haploid generation In vitro culture Cloning / Micropropagating Biocontrol (productos naturales) Regeneration Transgenesis Induction of somaclonal variation Biologica l control Metabolomics Biological cleaning Proteomics Transcriptomics Hybridization -Plant breedingGenomics “Omics” Mutation induction Radioisotopes & Radiation Sterile Insect Technique Type I: isoenzymes, RFLP, Type II: Based in PCR (RAPD, AFLP, SSR) Molecular Markers Type III. Based in sequencing (SNP, SSCP) Rocha, 2011. ComunIICA 8(January-July):23-31 Bioinformatics Activities and results IICA 2012 in Biotechnology and Biosafety Capacity building • Courses on low level presence (LLP): Buenos Aires & Rosario (15 countries). Ecuador • Training for regulators (Ecuador, Honduras, El Salvador). • Technical support for the start of the Master of Biotechnology (National University of Asuncion, Paraguay). Embrapa, Brazil • Actions for technological updating and monitoring. 6 IICA, Costa Rica Activities and results IICA 2012 in Biotechnology and Biosafety Communication of biotechnology Paraguay • Lectures, seminars, forums and interviews. • Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Venezuela. • Technical support to LAC-Biosafety • Publication of materials. LAC-Biosafety, Colombia http://www.iica.int/Esp/Programas/ Innovacion/Publicaciones_TeI/b299 2e.pdf Costa Rica English version soon 7 Conveme, Venezuela Activities and results IICA 2012 in Biotechnology and Biosafety Supporting Institutionalism in LAC Countries • Policy implementation – IICA acts with formal invitation from National Authorities of countries. – Technical support to execution of UNEP-GEF projects (Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador). – Designing of the “Strategy for education and communication of biotechnology for Costa Rica”. Ecuador 8 Costa Rica Activities and results IICA 2012 in Biotechnology and Biosafety Supporting Institutionalism in LAC Countries • Strengthening institutions – Technical visits (Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, USA, Venezuela) – Preparing countries for participation in VI COPMOP (Hyderabad, India). – Generation of novel institutionalism: Initiative for Central America for Biotechnology & Biosafety (ICABB). – Helping interaction between NABI and G5-CAS – Permanent dialog with CAC and CAS INTA-Nicaragua IDEA-Venezuela CAC USA 9 Promecafe Contact IICA´s Biotechnology Network • Mailing list – Internal: iicabiotecnologia@iica.int – External: red.biotecnologia@iica.int • Institutional Web – http://www.iica.int – http://www.infoagro.net 10 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bio-products production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 11 Advances in Genomics: Sequencing Sequencing system Method Read length (bp) Accuracy Reads per run Time per run Cost per 1 million bases (in US$) Advantages Disadvantages Pacific Bio Ionic torrent Illumina Single-molecule real-time sequencing (Pacific Bio) Ion semiconductor (Ion Torrent sequencing) Pyrosequencing (454) 2900 200 87% (read length mode), 99% (accuracy mode) 35–75 thousand 454 GS FLX Hi Seq 2000 SOLiDv4 Sanger Sequencing by synthesis (Illumina) Sequencing by ligation (SOLiD sequencing) Chain termination (Sanger sequencing) 700 50 to 250 50+35 or 50+50 400 to 900 98% 99.9% 98% 99.9% 99.9% up to 5 million 1 million up to 3 billion 1.2 to 1.4 billion N/A 1 to 2 weeks 20 min. to 3 hours 30 min. to 2 hours 2 hours 24 hours 1 to 10 days, depending upon sequencer and specified read length 2 1 10 0.05 to 0.15 0.13 2400 Low cost per base Long individual reads. Useful for many applications Slower than other methods More expensive and impractical for larger sequencing projects Longest read length. Fast. Detects 4mC, 5mC, 6mA Less expensive equipment Fast Long read size. Fast Potential for high sequence yield, depending upon sequencer model and desired application Low yield at high accuracy Equipment can be very expensive Homopolymer errors Runs are expensive Homopolymer errors Equipment can be very expensive Source: Liu, L. et al. 2012. Comparison of Next-Generation Sequencing Systems. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. Vol. 2012, Article ID 251364, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/251364 12 Advances in Genomics To 8th February 2013 Number Total of genomes 21 571 Sequenced genomes 4 129 Archea 181 Bacteria 3 765 Eukaryots 183 On going projects 17 402 Metagenomes 369 Total Genome Transcrip tome Resequencing No cultivated Archea 453 430 16 5 81 Bacteria 19 065 18 607 14 213 830 Eukaryots 3 140 1 729 776 487 4 Source: http://www.genomesonline.org y http://www.phytozome.net 13 Single Cell Genomics • Potential application in diagnostics of pest and diseases – Detection is more precise, faster and cheaper. Source: Yilmaz S & Singh AK. 2012. Single cell genome sequencing. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 23:437-443. 14 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bio-products production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 15 Bio-products Production • Use of fermentation and composting techniques, essential for organic- and ecological- and conventionalagriculture. – Methodologies used by a large number of farmers in the world. • There is heterogeneity in their use and results. • Improper management involves harmful effects on human, animal and environment or low productivity. • Seufert, V; Ramankutty N; Foley JA. 2012. Comparing the yields of organic and conventional agriculture. Nature 485:229–232. • Smith-Spangler, C; et al. 2012. Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives? Ann. Intern. Med. 157:348-366. – Opportunity to incorporate scientific research and strengthen extension. 16 Bio-products Production • Business opportunities for biotechnology companies and laboratories. – Quality assurance (traceability, efficiency, stability). – Opens possibility for utilization of biodiversity for commercial purposes. Biotechnology Bioprospection Lab. research Scaling Field Research Product development In silico and “paper” research Commercialization Registration & Certification 17 Bio-products Production • Increasing trend to put bio-products to market. – First biofungicide (Fungifree AB) to prevent anthracnose in mango and improve productivity. • Developed by Institute of Biotechnology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM and researchers of the Center for Food Research and Development, Unit Culiacán). • Twelve years of research. • To market in 2013 (Agro&Biotecnia). – Mango, avocado, papaya – Brazil, Ecuador y EE.UU. • http://www.portalfruticola.com/2013/02/08/nace-el-primer-biofungicidaquemejorara-la-productividad-del-mango-mexicano/?pais=argentina Source: Inforganica 2013-05 18 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bio-products production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 19 Million hectares Advances in Transgenesis: Global area of GM crops 20 Source: James, C. 2012. Executive summary. Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops:2012. Brief 44. Advances in Transgenesis 21 Source: James, C. 2012. Executive summary. Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops:2012. Brief 44. GM Crops 2012 • 170 M ha • Annual growth rate of 6% • 28 countries planted GM crops – 20 developing countries • Sudan (Bt cotton) and Cuba (hybrid Bt maize) planted GM crops for first time. – Cuba grew 3,000 ha in a “regulated commercialization” – The initiative is part of an ecologically sustainable pesticide-free program featuring biotech maize hybrids and mycorrhizal additives. – The Bt maize was developed by the Havana-based Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB). • Europe situation: – Germany and Sweden could not plant the biotech potato, Amflora because it ceased to be marketed – Poland discontinued planting Bt maize because of regulation inconsistencies between the EU and Poland – Spain, Portugal, Czechia, Slovakia and Romania planted 129 071 ha of Bt maize, 22 GM Crops 2012 • • • • 17.3 M farmers, 90% small scale 52% of GM crops in 2012 were grown in developing countries Growth rate of GM crops was 11%in developing countries Between 1996-2011 cumulative economic benefits were US$49.6 billion in developing countries (vs. US$48.6 billion by industrial countries). – For 2011 alone US$10.1 billion for developing countries (US$9.6 billion for developed countries) • Economic gains at the farm level of ~US$98.2 billion globally (period 1996 to 2011) – 51% due to reduced production costs (less ploughing, fewer pesticide sprays and less labor) – 49% due to substantial yield gains of 328 million tons. • • • • Stacked traits occupied 25% of the global 170 M ha Conserving biodiversity, biotech crops are a land saving technology Reducing agriculture’s environmental footprint Helping mitigate climate change and reducing greenhouse gases 23 Advances in Transgenesis in Brazil Sources: Céleres. 2013. Os beneficios econômicos da biotecnologia agrícola no Brasil: 1996/97 – 2011/12. 7p. 24 Resistencia a herbicidas Summary of traits introduced into GM crops Tolerancia a Insectos Tolerancia a enfermedades (causadas por virus) 2,4-D Dicamba Glifosato Glufosinato Isoxaflutol Oxinil (v.g. bromoxinil) Sulfonilurea Coleópteros Lepidópteros Múltiples insectos Bean Golden Mosaic virus (BGMV) Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV) Plum pox virus (PPV) Potato Virus Y (PVY) Cucumber Mosaic Cucumovirus (CMV) Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Potyvirus (ZYMV) Watermelon Mosaic Potyvirus 2 (WMV2) Tolerancia a Sequía estrés abiótico Based in several sources: BCH, ISAAA Producción de fitasa Esterilidad masculina Senecencia/madurez retardada Ablandamiento retardado Flores con color modificado Calidad de Modificación de ácidos grasos y aceites producto Modificación de almidón /carbohidratos Modificación de aminoácidos Modificación de alfa amilasa (termoestabilidad) Síntesis de nopalina Reducción de nicotina Tolerancia inmune a alergenos Marcadores de selección con antibióticos Selección de Metabolismo de manosa eventos Marcadores visuales para selección 25 Summary of genetically modified plants Based in several sources: BCH, ISAAA Álamo Populus sp. Alfalfa Medicago sativa Algodón Gossypium hirsutum Arroz Oryza sativa Calabaza Cucurbita pepo Césped Agrostis stolonifera Chicoria Cichorium intybus Ciruela Prunus domestica Clavel Dianthus caryophyllus Colza argentina Brassica napus Colza polaca Brassica rapa Fríjol Phaseolus vulgaris Lino Linum usitatissumum Maiz Zea mays Melón Cucumis melo Papa Solanum tuberosum Papaya Carica papaya Petunia Petunia hybrida Pimentón Capsicum annuum Remolacha Beta vulgaris Rosa Rosa hybrida Soja Glycine max Tabaco Nicotiana tabacum Tomate Lycopersicon esculentum Trigo Triticum aestivum 26 Plant Transgenesis Evolution Especies Vegetales Genéticamente Modificadas (GM) Características introducidas Álamo Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Calabaza Césped Chicoria Ciruela Clavel Colza Colza argentina polaca Fríjol Lino Populus Medicago Gossypium Oryza Cucurbita Agrostis Cichorium Prunus Dianthus Brassica Brassica Phaseolus Linum sp. sativa hirsutum sativa pepo stolonifera intybus domestica caryophyllus napus rapa vulgaris usitatissumum Resistencia a herbicidas Tolerancia a Insectos Tolerancia a enfermedades (causadas por virus) 2,4-D Dicamba Glifosato Glufosinato Isoxaflutol Oxinil (v.g. bromoxinil) Sulfonilurea Coleópteros Lepidópteros Múltiples insectos Bean Golden Mosaic virus (BGMV) Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV) Plum pox virus (PPV) Potato Virus Y (PVY) Cucumber Mosaic Cucumovirus (CMV) Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Potyvirus (ZYMV) Watermelon Mosaic Potyvirus 2 (WMV2) Zea mays Melón Papa Papaya Petunia Pimentón Remolacha Rosa C C C C C C C C C C X C C C C C Soja Tabaco Tomate C C C C C C C X C C C C X C C C C C C C C C C X X C X C X X X X X C C C C X C X X X C C X C C C C C C X X C C X X X C X X C C C C C Trigo Cucumis Solanum Carica Petunia Capsicum Rosa Glycine Nicotiana Lycopersicon Triticum Beta vulgaris melo tuberosum papaya hybrida annuum hybrida max tabacum esculentum aestivum C Tolerancia a Sequía estrés abiótico Producción de fitasa Esterilidad masculina Senecencia/madurez retardada Ablandamiento retardado Flores con color modificado Calidad de Modificación de ácidos grasos y aceites producto Modificación de almidón /carbohidratos Modificación de aminoácidos Modificación de alfa amilasa (termoestabilidad) Síntesis de nopalina Reducción de nicotina Tolerancia inmune a alergenos Marcadores de selección con antibióticos Selección de Metabolismo de manosa eventos Marcadores visuales para selección Maiz X C C C C C C X C C C = Commercial events X = Experimental evento s Taken from: Rocha (2013) en preparation, based in several sources: BCH, ISAAA 27 Transgenics www.medicinajoven.com chamanismognostico.webs.com www.taringa.net tusaludpuravida.blogspot.com 28 Transgenics, misperception www.ecotumismo.org www.taringa.net poster.4teachers.org alumnossecundariaqm.blogspot.com comunidadecologicape nalolen.bligoo.com www.gastronomiaycia.com www.taringa.net 29 www.ecotumismo.org transgenicounaamenaza.blogspot.com Transgenics, misperception www.ecotumismo.org www.taringa.net poster.4teachers.org alumnossecundariaqm.blogspot.com comunidadecologicape nalolen.bligoo.com www.gastronomiaycia.com www.taringa.net 30 www.ecotumismo.org transgenicounaamenaza.blogspot.com Irresponsible messages musulmanesdecostarica.blogspot.com www.lagarbancitaecologica.org www.elciudadano.cl identidadandaluza.wordpress.com www.redes.org.uy 31 Irresponsible messages musulmanesdecostarica.blogspot.com www.lagarbancitaecologica.org www.elciudadano.cl identidadandaluza.wordpress.com www.redes.org.uy 32 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bio-products production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 33 GM maize, egos, cancer and rats 19th September 2012 34 GM maize, ego, cancer and rats Foto: Nature (11 Oct. 2012). Vol 490:158 35 GM maize, ego, cancer and rats Foto: Nature (11 Oct. 2012). Vol 490:158 36 Experiments´ description • He wanted to test the effect of GM maize on the (potential) occurrence of cancer in rats. Glyphosate Treatments 50ng/l 400 mg/kg 2,25g/l Diet Conventional (0% GM maize) Mix with 11% GM maize NK603 2 years Mix with 22% GM maize NK603 Mix with 33% GM maize NK603 M F M F M F Sex • Analysis: – Microscopy and pathology observations – Multivariate analysis 37 Experiments´ description Inaccurate, vague So, how was the weed control? Which was the third one? 38 Experiments´ description This type of rats prematurely develop spontaneous tumors (weeks 13 to 26, Prejean JD; et al. 1973. Spontaneous tumors in Spregue-Dawley rats and Swiss mice. Cancer Research 33:2768-2773.) 39 What if normal rats were used or at least they do not develop cancer early? Lefterov EA. 2011. A rat in а street of Sofia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Street-rat.jpg 40 Experiments´ description This type of rats prematurely develop spontaneous tumors (weeks 13 to 26, Prejean JD; et al. 1973. Spontaneous tumors in Spregue-Dawley rats and Swiss mice. Cancer Research 33:2768-2773.) So, rats were maintained with glyphosate solutions for two years? 41 Glyphosate Experiment LD50 (mg/kg) Glyphosate without surfactants in rats 4873 Glyphosate without surfactants in mice 1568 Intraperitoneal injection in rats 235 Intraperitoneal injection in mice 130 Location Reference Bababunmi et al., 1978 Olorunsogo & Bababunmi, 1980 Half Life Reference Soil < 60 days (9 weeks) U.S. EPA, 1979 Sandy soil 119 to 133 days (17 to 19 weeks) Ghassemi et al., 1982 Silty loam soils 21 days (3 weeks) Foliage and fallen leaves 10,4 to 26,6 days Exposed soil 40,2 days Soil with litter 29,2 days Newton et al. (1984) Source: National Toxicology Program (NTI). 1992. NTP Technical Report on Toxicity Studies of Glyphosate (CAS No. 1071-83-6) Administered in Dosed Feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. PC. Chan & JF Mahler. Toxicity Reports 42 Series No. 16, NIH Publication 92-3135. Herbicide LD50 in mg/kg (classification) LC50 in ppm (classification) Half life (in days) Atrazine 3080 (Mod.) (Slightly) Long life ND 2,4-D y 2,4-DP 375 (Mod.) 100 (Slightly) 28 Dicamba 1707 (Mod.) 35 (Slightly.) 14 Fluazifop 4096 (Mod.) 5,4 (Mod.) 21 Glyphosate 4873 (Slightly) 86 (Slightly) 60 Hexazinon 1690 (Mod.) 274 (no) 30 Imazapyr 5000 (Slightly) 100 (Slightly) 27 Metsulfron 5000 (Slightly) 150 (no) 42 Picloram 8200 (Slightly) (Slightly) 63 Sethoxydim 2676 (Mod.) (Slightly) 11 Sulfometuron 5000 (Slightly) 12,5 (Slightly) 10 Triclopyr 713 (Mod.) 117 (no) 46 Paraquat 120 (Ext.) LD50 Reference: Nicotine 9 (Extremely), caffeine 192 (Extremely), bleach 192 (Extremely.), ammonia 350 (Moderate), kitchen salt 3000 (Moderate) Based on: McNabb K. 1996. Forestry herbicide facts. ANR-0629. 18p. En http://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/A/ANR-0629/ 43 Fishel, F; et al. 2005. Herbicides: How toxic are they? Univ. Florida PI-133. En http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdffiles/PI/PI17000.pdf Glyphosate • Herbicide (weed killer) systemic post-emergence. – – – – – It is absorbed by the soil, not easily washed. Its mobility in soil is affected by soil type, pH level and phosphates. High absorption in clay and organic matter rich soils when compared to sandy soils. Susceptible to degradation by bacterial metabolism (Sprankle et al., 1975) It does not bioaccumulate in living cells (Ghassemi et al., 1982) due to its high solubility in water. • Median lethal dose of glyphosate: 4873 mg / kg (slightly toxic) – Toxicity is measured in mammals and fish – The median lethal dose (LD50) is the amount of chemical required to kill 50% of a population of test animals (rats). – It is expressed in mg of chemical per kg of animal weight in test. – The lethal concentration (LC50) is the amount of product dissolved in water which is lethal to 50% of a population of fish. • Physiological effects previously described – Santillo DJ; et al. 1989. Response of small mammals and habitat to glyphosate application on clearcuts. Journal of Wildlife Management 53(1): 164-172); Conicet, 2009. Evaluación de la información científica vinculada al glifosato en su incidencia sobre la salud humana y el ambiente. 132p. • There are other more toxic herbicides. However, it is still a poison, not water! Source: National Toxicology Program (NTI). 1992. NTP Technical Report on Toxicity Studies of Glyphosate (CAS No. 1071-83-6) Administered in 44 Dosed Feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. PC. Chan & JF Mahler. Toxicity Reports Series No. 16, NIH Publication 92-3135. Descripción del Experimento A classic test to compare mortality rates between various treatments is the Chi-square test. 45 Results 46 Results What these shocking pictures bring to the results of that “scientific” paper? Are these pictures relevant for the paper? 47 Results How to explain that more die in the control that in the diet at 33%? 48 Results How to explain that more die in the control that in the diet at 33%? The trends are almost the same, how to differentiate GM effect from the effect of herbicide? And how to isolate the natural susceptibility of rats to tumors? 49 Results How to explain that more die in the control that in the diet at 33%? The trends are almost the same, how to differentiate GM effect from the effect of herbicide? How to explain that groups with 22% and 33% of GM maize die 3 times less than the controls? And how to isolate the natural susceptibility of rats to tumors? 50 Results How to explain that more die in the control that in the diet at 33%? The trends are almost the same, how to differentiate GM effect from the effect of herbicide? How to explain that groups with 22% and 33% of GM maize die 3 times less than the controls? Y ¿cómo aislar la susceptibilidad natural de las ratas a los tumores? 51 Seralini et al. (2012) Conclusions 1 2 3 4 Seralini et al. 2012. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Rounduptolerant genetically modified maize. Food and Chemical Toxicology 50:4221-4231. 52 Seralini et al. (2012) Conclusions 1 2 3 4 Seralini et al. 2012. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Rounduptolerant genetically modified maize. Food and Chemical Toxicology 50:4221-4231. 53 Data do not support conclusions • He wanted to test the effect of GM maize on the (potential) occurrence of cancer in rats. Glyphosate Treatments 50ng/l 400 mg/kg 2,25g/l Diet Conventional (0% GM maize) Mix with 11% GM maize NK603 2 years Mix with 22% GM maize NK603 Mix with 33% GM maize NK603 • Analysis: M – Microscopy and pathology observations – Multivariate analysis F M F M F Sex BUT: • Dawley Sprague rats (susceptible to cancer) were used – Bacause “this strain … is preferentially used by some agencies such the National Toxicology Program” – but this strain is used for testing anti-cancerigens not to test potential carcinogens. • “water” used was a diluted solution of glyphosate, because “glyphosate is contaminating regular tap water!” • Two year period for a tumor growing rat observation is unethical, tumors are presented from week 26 and information about it is available since 1973. • Experiment has just one repetition because is a “long term experiment!” 54 Seralini et al. (2012) paper MUST be revoked and removed from scientific literature • Scientific community dismisses the experimental design, execution, findings and publication. • Evaluation system of the journal is questioned. • Scientific community has asked the publisher to withdraw the paper. • Access to full information on the experiment was required. • Such experiments must be repeated by other groups. 55 Seralini et al. (2012) paper MUST be revoked and removed from scientific literature • Technical oppositions were presented by scientists around the world and the journal gave Seralini the opportunity to respond to the questions. 56 57 Seralini et al. (2012) study is not valid because it does not pass statistical tests 58 Seralini´s reply and supporters Accepting this postulate is to disqualify more than 150 years of scientific demonstrations and facts "If it takes longer to read an article, its quality increases" FALSE Statistics validates itself, does not depend on who evaluates a paper 59 Independent study shows that Daweley Sprague rats were not the best choice for that experiment 60 Seralini et al. (2012) paper MUST be revoked and removed from scientific literature 61 Seralini et al. (2012) paper MUST be revoked and removed from scientific literature 62 Seralini et al. (2012) paper MUST be revoked and removed from scientific literature 63 Seralini et al. (2012) paper MUST be revoked and removed from scientific literature • El artículo de Seralini et al. (2012) debe ser revocado y retirado por las serias limitaciones en el diseño de los experimentos y por la manera poco transparente de presentar los resultados. 64 GM maize, ego, cancer and rats Foto: Nature (11 Oct. 2012). Vol 490:158 65 GM maize, ego, cancer and rats 2003 2004 2006 Foto: Nature (11 Oct. 2012). Vol 490:158 Fuente: Amazon.com 66 Consequences Positive • Greater control and rigorous in the peer review systems of scientific journals. • Proper (but late) response of the international scientific community. Negative • Fear was generated. • Negative public perception towards science. • On the quality of the magazine and French science. • Economic Implications (imports closure [Russia], altering market dynamics). • Threatens the world's food security. • Unfounded, puts into question the decisions of acceptance of GM corn made up yto now by the world's biosafety committees. • If quantifying, how much did cost and will cost the hasty and unsubstantiated conclusions of Seralini´s paper? 67 Life is not perfect, but you can always make your own choices 68 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bio-products production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 69 Advances in Transgenesis • Advances in genetic modification of plants against nematodes (Atkinson et al. 2012, Curr. Opin. Biotech. 23:251-256). • GM plants that use phosphite as phosphorus source (López-Arredondo DL; Herrera-Estrella L. 2013, Nature biotech. 30(9):889-893). • Production and field trials of cassava (Manihot esculenta) GM for low amylose production in Indonesia (Koehorst-van Putten HJJ; et al. 2012. Transgenic Res 21:39–50). • GM banana (rice genes) resistant to black zigatoka (Kova´cs G; et al. 2013. Transgenic Res 22:117– 130) • First example of GM potatoes modified with three resistance genes against Phytophthora infestans (Zhu S; et al. 2012. Transgenic Res 21:89–99). • Approved Elelyso production (taliglucerasa alpha) in bioreactors of GM carrot cells (Fox J. 2012. Nature biotech. 30(6):472) • GM silkworms to produce spider protein (Teule F; et al. 2012. PNAS USA 109:923-928). • Transgene Promoters DataBase (TGP, http://wwwmgs.bionet.nsc.ru/mgs/dbases/tgp/home.html) • GM cloned cow expressing omega-3 fatty acids (Wu X. 2012 Transgenic Res. 21(3): 537-543). 70 Advances in Transgenesis: GM Plants and nematodes control Taken from: Atkinson HJ; Lilley CJ; Urwin PE. 2012. Strategies for transgenic nematode control in developed and developing world crops. Curr. Opin. Biotech. 23:251–256. 71 Advances in Transgenesis: GM plants to use phosphite as P source and weed control Taken from: López-Arredondo DL; Herrera-Estrella L. 2013, Engineering phosphorous metabolism in plants to produce a dual fertilization and weed control system. Nature Biotech. 30(9):889-893. 72 Advances in Transgenesis: GM cassava with lowamylose starch Taken from: Koehorst-van Putten et al. 2012, Field testing and exploitation of genetically modified cassava with low-amylose or amylose-free starch in Indonesia. Transgenic Res. 21:39-50. 73 Advances in Transgenesis: GM Banana resistant to Black Zigatoka Leaf disk bioassay with Mycosphaerella fijiensis on 9-month old greenhouse ´Gross Michel´ banana plants transformed with one of two rice chitinase genes. Taken from: Kova´cs G; et al. 2013. Expression of a rice chitinase gene in transgenic banana (¨Gross Michel¨, AAA genome group) confers resistance to black streak disease. Transgenic Res 22:117–130. 74 Advances in Molecular farming • Elelyso is a recombinant form of human glucocerebrosidase (taliglucerasa alpha). • It is produced in a call ProCellEx technology platform that enables cultivation of the plant cells (carrot) to produce complex recombinant proteins similar to those produced by human cells. • Elelyso is injectable and replaces the human enzyme for treating Gaucher's disease. – It prevents lipid accumulation in organs and tissues and the liver and pancreas damage. • Protalix BioTherapeutics-ProCellEx. 75 Advances in Transgenesis: GM Silkworm for spider silk fibers Taken from: Chung, H; Yong Kim T; Yup Lee S. 2012. Recent advances in production of recombinant spider silk proteins. Curr. Opin. Biotech. 23:957-964. Teule F; Miao YG, Sohn BH, Kim YS, Hull JJ, Fraser MJ Jr; Lewis RV, Jarvis DL. 2012. Silkworms transformed with chimeric silkworm/spider silk genes spin composite silk fibers with improved mechanical properties. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109:923-928. 76 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bioproducts production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 77 Biosafety • The wide range of measures, policies and procedures that deal with preserving the biological integrity, minimizing the potential negative effects or risks that could eventually represent biotechnology on the environment or human health (SCBD, 2003). Technical (Biological & Environmental) BIOSAFETY Economical Political (Social) 78 Advances in Biosafety for LAC Company Forms Documents Fares CTNBio Research Evaluations Risk analysis Open consultation Experts Files Implementation Concepts Minister YES Approval resolution 79 Research in Biosafety of GMOs Ricroch AE. 2013. Assessment of GE food safety using omics techniques and long-term animal feeding studies. New Biotechnology. Vol. 29(Supplement):S25 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nbt2012.12.001 80 Research in Biosafety of GMOs • Are additional tests necessary to ensure the safety of GMO products? Methodology • Use of the latest technology ("omics") to analyze animals fed conventional and GM crops. • 16 generations of animals were studied. Results • Genetic modification has less impact on the expression of genes of plants compared with the conventional improvement. • Environmental factors (location of the lot, time of sampling or agricultural practice) have more impact than transgenesis itself. • Neither “omic” study profile showed the need for new concerns about GM varieties or on longterm studies on multigenerational animal. Conclusions • No need for long-term studies on a case unless a reasonable doubt that result from feeding trials at 90 days. • It is not necessary to carry out additional mandatory toxicological studies on the current commercialized GM events. Ricroch AE. 2013. Assessment of GE food safety using omics techniques and long-term animal feeding studies. New Biotechnology. Vol. 29(Supplement):S25 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nbt2012.12.001 81 Omics interaction in Agriculture Bioinformatics Chen, N. et al. 2012. Metabolic network reconstruction: advances in in silico interpretation of analytical information. Current opinion in biotech. 23(1): 77-82. 82 Research in Biosafety of GMOs • Are additional tests necessary to ensure the safety of GMO products? Methodology • Use of the latest technology ("omics") to analyze animals fed conventional and GM crops. • 16 generations of animals were studied. Results • Genetic modification has less impact on the expression of genes of plants compared with the conventional improvement. • Environmental factors (location of the lot, time of sampling or agricultural practice) have more impact than transgenesis itself. • Neither “omic” study profile showed the need for new concerns about GM varieties or on longterm studies on multigenerational animal. Conclusions • No need for long-term studies on a case unless a reasonable doubt that result from feeding trials at 90 days. • It is not necessary to carry out additional mandatory toxicological studies on the current commercialized GM events. Ricroch AE. 2013. Assessment of GE food safety using omics techniques and long-term animal feeding studies. New Biotechnology. Vol. 29(Supplement):S25 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nbt2012.12.001 83 Important information in Biosafety • VI COP-MOP (The sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (HyderabadIndia) – 1,200 delegates (Government, civil society and industry) • USA Elections – Proposition 37, on labeling of GMO products (California) was rejected 6th November 2012. • Decisions on approval of GM maize in Mexico • Submission of applications for authorization of GM maize planting for seed production and export in Costa Rica. • Rule of Law 29,811 on GM moratorium in Peru (13th November 2012). • Presidential Repositioning GM crops in Ecuador. Election Votes Donations (U$D) Yes 6 088 714 9,2 million No 6 442 371 46 million http://votersedge.org/california/ballotmeasures/2012/november/prop-37/funding (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4kn41nIvss) • Presidential Support position CONBIO in Paraguay. 84 youtube.com Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bioproducts production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 85 Final Considerations About biotechnology • Biotechnology (broadly sense) develops rapidly and is becoming a key tool for different types of agriculture. • The vast majority of the tools of biotechnology can be considered useful clean technologies in agriculture. • At present and in terms of information gathering and analysis, the most powerful biotechnologies are genomics and bioinformatics. • In terms of impact and adoption, the predominant biotechnology is transgenesis. • In terms of use of small producers, biotechnologies that allow the production of bio-products (fermentation, composting, etc.) are the most used. 86 Final Considerations About transgenics • Since 1996, messages questioning the safety of GMOs have been generated. – The Internet is full of unscientific views regarding the impact of GMOs on monarch butterflies, bees, beetles, cows, rats and humans. • In response to such questions, scientific research has shown that none of the GM crops currently on the market have harmful effects on the health of humans, animals or the environment. • The “opinions" on GMOs have led to misinformation and worse to create fear and terror. – Unfortunately, the messages based on validated results of experimental science have not had the same circulation. • Is scientists' apathy to debate with dogmatic people partly allowing that the irresponsibility has wings and take flight? No! 87 Final Considerations About Science • Science in its search for truth has based its rigor in the scientific method. • New technologies and biotechnologies in particular must meet all the tenets of the scientific method. – E.g. Reproducibility and genomic sequencing experiments. • No analysis systems can accept unsubstantiated tests • It is the responsibility of the scientific community to draw attention to those results presented as technical but who do not meet the quality, impartiality and rigor that characterize science. 88 Content • Biotechnology and biosafety for IICA – Position – Activities and relevant results 2012 • Advances in: – Genomics (sequencing), “omics” and bioinformatics – Bioproducts production – Transgenesis • Egos, cancer and rats – Biosafety • Final Comments 89 IICA Sede Central http://www.iica.int AB&B Pedro J. Rocha, Ph.D. E-mail: Pedro.Rocha@iica.int 90